Healthy Lifestyle Management Plan: Part B (20%) : Reflecting On My Overall Progress

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The author struggled to wake up consistently at 8am and maintain a regular gym schedule due to an inconsistent work schedule that left them fatigued. They were successful in scheduling focused time for schoolwork by eliminating distractions like their phone.

The author's inconsistent work schedule and fatigue prevented daily schoolwork. They also found it difficult to avoid procrastinating and getting distracted from schoolwork tasks.

To overcome barriers, the author would do schoolwork on off days at coffee shops to schedule longer blocks of focused time. On work days, they would rest to have energy for off days. They also implemented a strategy of just doing one or two questions at a time to avoid procrastinating.

Healthy Lifestyle Management Plan: Part B (20%)

Reflecting on My Overall Progress 

1. Discuss and explain your success in implementing your action
steps and achieving your goal (referring to Part A of the
Healthy Management Plan). (5 marks)
When it came to successfully completing my action steps, I faltered, I was not able to
complete all the steps however I was able to achieve my goal. I struggled a lot with
waking up at 8am everyday consistently because my daily schedule was not consistent
in terms of when my day started. On Mondays, I finished work at 11:30pm and on
Tuesday and Wednesday, I had work at 6 am. This prevented me from not only waking
up at 8am but left me sleep deprived through the week. Thus, I woke when I felt like I’ve
had enough sleep which could be anywhere from 9am to 11am. My gym schedule was
also inconsistent with me going once or twice for the duration of this 4-week plan. The
reason being is as mentioned before, my inconsistent work schedule left me extremely
fatigued and the little energy I did have, I judged was better spent doing something else.
I was successful in scheduling blocks of time to complete my goal of deep focus when
working on school work by eliminating distractions. I did this by keep a clutter free work
space with silence and I had my phone in my backpack out of sight, so I did not get
distracted by it. I also successfully completed unnecessary phone scrolling and web
surfing by being more mindful of what my intentions were when I performed these
actions. I would ask myself; how did this benefit me? How can I better use my time?
Was there something else I could be doing right now? These questions helped me
wasting time online.

2. Identify barriers that you encountered along the way that

made it difficult to stay focused on your goal. How did you
overcome these barriers? (5 marks)
I wanted to successfully schedule blocks of time daily to focus on schoolwork, while
eliminating cellphone usage during this time to focus on my work. This was difficult to
do as fatigue with work and the inconsistent work schedule I had prevented me from
doing schoolwork daily. To stay focused on my goal, I would do my work outside my
home on my off days and thus schedule longer blocks of time to go to a coffee shop and
work. The days that I did have work, I would treat as off days to relax and rest so I would
have energy for my off days. This was a deviation from the initial goal however one that
ended up working. Another barrier that made it difficult to stay focused on my goal was
the need to distract myself while trying to do schoolwork. I would find any reason to
procrastinate by shifting focus to other tasks such as working out or cleaning my room.
In order to overcome this barrier, I had to implement a study strategy where I just did
one task of the greater task. So, if I had to work on an assignment, I would do two
questions out of the ten and when I had the ball rolling, I would naturally finish the
assignment or put it in pause and work on it the next day. Even if I didn’t finish that
assignment that day, these steps helped me overcome the barrier of procrastinating and
distracting myself from the school work at hand.

3. On a scale of 1-5 (1=very weak; 5=very strong), how much

effort do you feel you put into working on your target
behaviour? Explain. (2 marks)
I think on a 1-5 scale, I put a 3 into working on my target behavior because I did not
accomplish all my action steps, I set on completing. There were certain action steps I
was proactive with achieving such as limiting unnecessary time online and spending
blocks of time to focus on schoolwork, undistracted. However, steps such as waking up
8am everyday or even visiting the gym 3 times a week were a complete failure. I was not
able to make much progress with them throughout the four-week period, only being
able to perform such steps haphazardly.

4. Based on what you’ve learned through this process, what

would you change next time that would make you more
successful? (5 marks)
I think I would make goals more smaller and attainable, as well as specific. Instead of
making blanket statements like going to the gym 3 times a week, I should start with
maybe doing 10 pushups in a day, and then going to the gym once, next week. I should
have also made my intention more specific such as doing a 5x5 bench press, 5x5 squat,
5x5 bicep curl when I go to the gym instead of just saying I am going to the gym. This
works for schoolwork too. I should have been more specific with my intention such as
initially spending half an hour actively reading material and bumping it by half an hour
every week instead of just saying I am going to be more focused and eliminate
distractions despite the fact I feel like I achieved my step. I think by being more specific
and starting off smaller, it doesn’t set me up for failure and makes the process more
tangible and helps me accomplish little goals which will improve moral and in turn make
my end goal more attainable.

Reflecting on the Results of my Longevity Test Re-take

5. After retaking the Blue Zones Longevity Test, compare your score
from your first test with the re-take results. Have your scores
changed?  Explain why your scores have or have not
changed. Include a screen shot/photo of both bar graphs for each
test. (5 marks)

6. Do you think that the goal you set out to achieve (SMART goal)
had an impact on your Longevity Test Re-take results? Reflect and
explain. (3 marks)

Next Steps

7. What’s the next step for you in your healthy lifestyle journey? (5

See Rubric.

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