1 s2.0 S004896972106887X Main
1 s2.0 S004896972106887X Main
1 s2.0 S004896972106887X Main
Article history: In recent years, the Cerrado biome in Brazil (Brazilian savannah) has faced severe environmental problems due to
Received 3 August 2021 abrupt changes in land use/cover (LUC), causing increased soil loss, sediment yield and water turbidity. Thus, this
Received in revised form 9 November 2021 study aimed to evaluate the impacts of soil loss and sediment delivery ratio (SDR) over the last 30 years to simulate
Accepted 15 November 2021
future scenarios of soil losses from 2050 to 2100 and to investigate an episode of sediment delivery that occurred in
Available online 20 November 2021
the Rio da Prata Basin (RPB) in 2018. In this study, the following were used: an estimation of soil losses for 1986,
Editor: Fernando A.L. Pacheco 1999, 2007 and 2016 using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), an estimation of SDR, sediment export
and sediment deposition using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model, an asso-
Keywords: ciation of RUSLE factor C to LUC data for 2050 and 2100 based on the CA-Markov hybrid model, and an estimation of
Soil erosion future soil erosion scenarios for 2050 and 2100. The results show that over the last 30 years (1986–2016), there has
Sediment delivery ratio been a reduction in the areas of highly intense and severe degrees. Future soil erosion scenarios (2050–2100) showed
InVEST model a 13.84% increase in areas of soil loss >10 Mg ha−1 year−1. The results highlighted the importance of assessing the
RUSLE impacts of LUC changes on soil erosion and the export of sediments to agricultural watersheds in the RPB, one of
CA-Markov model
the best ecotourism destinations in Brazil. In addition, the increase in soil loss in the region intensified sediment
Cerrado biome
yield events and increased water turbidity. Furthermore, riparian vegetation, although preserved, was not able to pro-
tect the watercourse, showing that it is essential to adopt the best management practices in the agricultural production
areas of the basin, especially where ramps are extensive or the slope is greater than 2%, to reduce the runoff velocity
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.A.G. Santos).
0048-9697/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
and control the movement of sediments on the surface towards the drainage canals. The results of this study are useful
for drawing up a soil and water conservation plan for the sustainable production of agriculture and maintenance of
ecosystem services in the region.
1. Introduction Berndt, 1972), and the European Soil Erosion Model – EUROSEM
(Morgan et al., 1998) can be highlighted. Among them, RUSLE has been
Soil erosion is considered the greatest global threat to environmental widely used as a robust tool to estimate water erosion rates (Panagos and
land degradation because it intensely affects the soil physical structure Katsoyiannis, 2019).
and productive capacity and is simultaneously driven by multiple factors The changes in LUC have a direct effect on hydrological processes, sed-
(FAO, 2019; Jin et al., 2021). Concern about the impacts that erosion causes iment yield at a basin scale (Gashaw et al., 2018; Anand et al., 2018; Zhou
on the environment has been increasing worldwide. However, studies ad- et al., 2019; Aneseyee et al., 2020; Luetzenburg et al., 2020; Woznicki et al.,
dressing land use/cover (LUC) changes, sediment yield and water turbidity 2020). However, there are studies on the impacts of intense modification of
are still scarce, especially for the Brazilian Cerrado biome (Cunha et al., LUC on runoff and soil erosion in the Cerrado biome in Brazil (Falcão et al.,
2020). The Cerrado biome in Brazil has a history of environmental issues 2020). In this study, we analyze in more depth the impacts of changes in the
with changes in the LUC due to the advance of agriculture (Cunha et al., LUC on soil erosion, and this was divided into three steps. The first step was
2021) and high climate variability (Cunha et al., 2017; Anache et al., to use environmental modeling techniques to detect current and future
2018; Falcão et al., 2020) that increase soil loss, sediment yield and nutrient changes in LUC. The second step was to estimate recent and future soil
loading (Fu et al., 2000; Harisuseno, 2020; Kavianpour et al., 2020). loss and the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) using the RUSLE for the study
Studies indicate that soil erosion is highest in croplands and unforested area. The third step was to analyze the sediment deposition in the RPB in
basins, pointing to the importance of soil cover (Nacinovic et al., 2014; J.A. 2018.
Oliveira et al., 2015; P.T.S. Oliveira et al., 2015; Teng et al., 2018; Rutebuka The changes in LUC have a direct effect on hydrological processes and
et al., 2019; Panagos et al., 2019; Pijl et al., 2020; Santos et al., 2021). How- sediment yield at a basin scale (Aneseyee et al., 2020; Luetzenburg et al.,
ever, the soil erosion assessment in the Rio da Prata Basin (RPB) is a diffi- 2020; Zhou et al., 2019; Gashaw et al., 2018; Anand et al., 2018). However,
cult task because RPB is a complex basin with several activities there are very few studies on the impacts of intense modification of LUC on
(e.g., pasture, agriculture, and ecotourism) with different purposes and ef- runoff and soil erosion in the Cerrado biome in Brazil (Falcão et al., 2020).
fects on the environment. Hence, this paper was designed to contribute to- Studies on LUC changes, sediment yield and water turbidity are also scarce,
wards a better understanding of relationships between LUC changes, soil especially for Brazilian Cerrado basins (Cunha et al., 2020; Cunha et al.,
loss, water turbidity and future soil erosion based on various models and in- 2021).
dicators for the RPB. It is the first study to assess current and future soil ero- In recent decades, pasture and crop succession (soybean and corn) have
sion in RPB, which is one of the best ecotourism destinations in Brazil, using replaced areas previously occupied by forests. The problem of LUC changes
the CA-Markov and InVEST models. In addition, it is worth highlighting associated with the rainy season in RPB has caused rapid turbidity of its wa-
that it is also the only study that investigated sediment deposition that oc- ters by sediments from agricultural areas. Thus, studies on water turbidity
curred in 2018 in such an area. Thus, predicting the current and future im- and current and future impacts of soil erosion on one of the best ecotourism
pacts of LUC changes on soil erosion is very important to understand how destinations in Brazil, such as the Rio da Prata, is an important study that
anthropogenic actions influence soil loss and sediment yield in the RPB in needs to be carried out. As one of the consequences, river water turbidity
the Cerrado biome, Brazil. In addition, it is important to encourage the in- can be highlighted, pointed out by the owners of ecotourism projects in
stallation of meteorological stations and suspended sediment measurement the region, who report that the waters of the RPB are taking longer to
campaigns in the region. Therefore, assessing potential LUC change impacts clear than in previous years (it used to be three to four days and now it is
on erosion is fundamental for better understanding, planning and manage- about one week) (Cunha et al., 2021). This change in water turbidity has
ment of water resources under climate variability in the Cerrado biome so kept away tourists who would like to visit attractions, mainly due to the
that it can continuously provide water resources and ecological services water transparency of the rivers in the Serra da Bodoquena area. Therefore,
(de Oliveira et al., 2019). According to Oo et al. (2020), understanding cli- studying the soil erosion and water turbidity in the region is very important
mate change is necessary for the security of hydrological conditions in river for fauna and flora conservation and tourism activities. Recently,
basins, and it is very important to study the climate change impacts on run- multitemporal LUC maps associated with soil erosion models have been
off by analyzing the different climate scenarios. Precipitation impacts can used to analyze delivery ratios, sediment deposition, and sediment and
be analyzed using a variety of methods, for instance, drought indices water retention in ecosystem services (Ureta et al., 2021; Aneseyee et al.,
(Harisuseno, 2020; Brasil Neto et al., 2020; Brasil Neto et al., 2021), rainfall 2020; Zhou et al., 2019; Woznicki et al., 2020).
erosivity (Da Silva et al., 2020), and spatial variation (Brito et al., 2021). Thus, it is important to map and quantify current and future soil erosion
Furthermore, techniques used to simulate LUC changes have been used to assess the impacts of LUC changes on the soil degradation process (Teng
to estimate future LUC using a multi-year transfer matrix (Kamusoko et al., et al., 2018; Gomes et al., 2019). Soil erosion quantification can provide a
2009), such as cellular automata (CA). Several studies have been developed consistent basis for managers and policymakers to formulate effective plan-
on LUC predictions in different regions. In recent years, the CA model has ning and soil and water conservation for the sustainable development of the
been extensively used to map urban growth patterns and predict future RPB. Hence, the objectives of this study were (i) to assess the impacts of soil
changes in LUC, and several studies have coupled the use of the CA- erosion and sediment delivery ratio in 1986, 1999, 2007 and 2016, (ii) to
Markov hybrid model with soil erosion models (Hou et al., 2019; Cunha estimate future scenarios of soil erosion in 2050 and 2100, and (iii) investi-
et al., 2021) due to its perceptiveness, flexibility, and ability to integrate gate an episode of sediment delivery and water turbidity in the Rio da Prata
spatiotemporal dimensions of LUC changes (Matlhodi et al., 2021; Hishe that occurred on November 17, 2018.
et al., 2020; Mansour et al., 2020; Hou et al., 2019).
Examples of several models to study environmental problems caused by 2. Materials and methods
soil erosion can be found in Batista et al. (2019). Among the most used
models, the Universal Soil Loss Equation – USLE (Wischmeier and Smith, 2.1. Study area
1978), the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation – RUSLE (Renard et al.,
1997), the Water Erosion Prediction Project – WEPP (Nearing et al., The RPB is located between latitudes 21°16′12″S and 21°39′36″S and
1989), the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation – MUSLE (Williams and longitudes 56°12′36″W and 56°46′48″W (Fig. 1). The RPB has an area of
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
Fig. 1. (a) Location of the RPB in Mato Grosso do Sul State in Brazil, (b) location of the RPB, Cerrado, Pantanal and Atlantic Forest biomes, and grid cells of the Tropical Rain-
fall Measuring Mission (TRMM), and (c) digital elevation model (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – SRTM) of the RPB.
1392 km2 and, based on the Köppen classification, has a tropical savannah approximately 213,000 tourists in 2016, an increase of 4.17% compared
climate (Aw) with rainy summers and dry winters. The rainfall in this re- with 2015.
gion ranges between 1750 and 2000 mm/year with a mean temperature
of 22 °C (Zavattini, 2009). 2.2. Modeling LUC change
The RPB is inserted within the macro-units of the Paraná sedimentary
basin and the upper Paraguay River basin (Brasil, 1982). The RPB has pre- The CA-Markov hybrid model was used in the TerrSet software
dominantly a smooth undulating relief (hills), and the minimum and max- (Eastman, 2012), and the LUC scenarios of 2050 and 2100 were simulated
imum altitudes are 200 m and 610 m, respectively. It should be mentioned to assess the effects of agricultural activities in the study area. The CA-
that the highest slopes (greater than 45%) can be found in the Serra da Markov hybrid model was used due to its advantages in predicting future
Bodoquena National Park. conditions of cultivated land and has been extensively utilized to simulate
The RPB is located between the Pantanal Plain and the Bodoquena Pla- LUC changes (Oliveira et al., 2018; Palmate et al., 2017). In this paper,
teau, and this basin is unusual because it has atypical physiographic charac- LUC maps for 1986, 1999, 2007 and 2016 (scale 1:150,000) were used,
teristics (Cunha et al., 2020). This region has a significant heterogeneity of which were prepared by Cunha et al. (2020). Then, the Markovian transi-
phyto-physiognomies and has the richest flora among the world's savannas, tion estimator on the 1999 and 2007 maps was applied to simulate LUC
with a high level of endemism (Parente et al., 2021). Although it is in the changes in 2016 using the transition probability matrix for a LUC class.
domain of the Cerrado biome (Brazilian savannah), it suffers the effect of These dates were chosen due to the representativeness of the LUC changes.
the inland Atlantic Forest (Pott and Pott, 2003). It is worth noting that eco- To model the LUC changes, a transition probability adequacy map with 14
tourism activities started in the region in the mid-1980s (Barbosa and natural and socioeconomic factors (banhado to agriculture, pasture to agri-
Zamboni, 2000). RPB is part of the Bodoquena-Pantanal Geopark and, ac- culture, banhado to plowed land, pasture to plowed land, riparian forest to
cording to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- pasture, cerrado to pasture, wet grasslands to pasture, fire hotspots, soils,
zation (UNESCO), it is recognized as an important area with a fragile slope, roads, drainage networks, artificial drainage canals, and farm bound-
ecosystem and of great tourist interest. Ecotourism ventures located along aries) was added. These transitions were defined based on the authors' knowl-
the RPB depend exclusively on great biodiversity, as well as water transpar- edge of the study area. To evaluate the exactness of the predicted LUC, the
ency and quality (Cunha et al., 2020). The relevance of tourism activities 2016 LUC map was used as a reference, and to calibrate the model, a total
for this region can be analyzed by the influence of the amount of money of 30 tests was used. This quantity was determined based on the combina-
in the tourism sector, which influences the local economy, generating a rev- tions between the explanatory variables and the weights used. More informa-
enue of US $ 56 million (Bonito, 2017). According to MTE (2019), the tour- tion about the CA-Markov hybrid model calibration and validation are
ism sector was responsible for more than half of the formal jobs generated described in Cunha et al. (2021). In this study, the 2016 LUC map was used
in 2016 in the municipality of Bonito. In addition, this region received to simulate the future LUC scenario for 2050 and 2100.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
2.3. InVEST model: determination of soil erosion and sediment export in one pixel. Then, for example, the degree of soil degradation in a basin can
be evaluated. This sediment load was calculated based on Eq. (7).
The Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST
3.9.0) model (Sharp et al., 2020) was used to map and quantify soil loss in E0i ¼ RUSLEi ð1−SDRiÞ ð7Þ
the RPB. In this study, we calculated the soil erosion and sediment export
using the SDR module in the InVEST. This module is based on the concept where E′i is the amount of sediment deposited in the landscape, and RUSLE is
of hydrological connectivity and has been widely used in recent years the annual amount of soil loss (Mg ha−1 year−1).
(Shrestha et al., 2021; Guerra et al., 2020; Woznicki et al., 2020; Zhou A unique characteristic of the InVEST model is its capacity to analyze
et al., 2019). This model enables the characterization of the hydrological soil loss and sediment export from each land use type and quantify the
connectivity of the basin and overcomes the limitations of conventional amount of sediment joined to the water bodies, including streams and res-
soil erosion models (Sharp et al., 2020), and is widely applied due to the ervoirs. To simulate the soil loss in the InVEST model, RUSLE factors, DEM,
small amount of input data, as it only uses the digital elevation model maximum SDR, vector data (basin and sub-basins boundaries), and the bio-
(DEM) of the study area. Furthermore, this model can easily be adapted physical parameter table are needed. InVEST takes a comprehensive ap-
to a specific context and for readily available data, either global or local proach, which calculates and maps the soil loss, and the delivery and
(Aneseyee et al., 2020), and the hydrological connectivity results are con- sediment export rates in the basin's outlet. In addition, it also provides the
sidered satisfactory (Vigiak et al., 2012). amount of sediment that does not reach the watercourse, which is depos-
The SDR calculates the soil erosion and sediment export, integrating the ited in the landscape. In this study, each dataset was prepared according
amount of annual soil losses with the connectivity index (CI). The SDR is to the data format requirements for model application. All the data were
calculated through Eq. (1) (Vigiak et al., 2012). projected to UTM projection, datum SIRGAS2000 zone 21 S. The input
data (i.e., digital elevation model (raster), rainfall erosivity index (raster),
SDRmax soil erodibility (raster), land-use/land-cover (raster), watershed, biophysi-
SDRi ¼ ð1Þ
CI0 −CIi cal table for 2016, 2050 and 2100 (csv), and biophysical tables for 1986,
1 þ exp
Kb 1999 and 2007 (csv)) are available at doi.org/10.17632/skfg3w7wdm.1.
where SDRmax is the maximum theoretical SDR, CI0 and Kb are calibration 2.4. RUSLE model
parameters that determine the shape of the relationship between the CI and
the SDR (Sharp et al., 2020). In this study, the default values of SDR = 0.8, RUSLE was applied to calculate the geographical distribution of soil loss
CI0 = 0.5, and Kb = 2 were adopted (Hamel et al., 2017; Hamel et al., (Eq. (8)), based on five factors shown in Fig. 2d. In this study, six degrees of
2015; Vigiak et al., 2012), and the threshold flow accumulation was set erosion were defined based on some values of soil loss tolerance for soils
to 1000. found in Brazil: slight (0–2 Mg ha−1 year−1), light (2–5 Mg ha−1 year−1),
In the InVEST model, the CI is calculated by Eqs. (2)–(4) and their re- moderate (5–10 Mg ha−1 year−1), intense (10–20 Mg ha−1 year−1), ex-
sults determine the degree of hydrological connection in the basin (from tremely intense (20–50 Mg ha−1 year−1) and severe (>50 Mg ha−1 year−1).
a pixel to the stream). Thus, the proportion of soil losses that actually
reaches the river is obtained based on its area of upward contribution and A ¼ R K LS C P ð8Þ
flow path to the stream (Borselli et al., 2008).
in which A is soil loss calculated per area (Mg ha−1 year−1), R is rainfall
erosivity factor (Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1), K is soil erodibility factor
IC ¼ log10 ð2Þ (Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1), LS is the topographic factor, C is LUC and the
management factor, and P is the conservation practice factor.
Dup ¼ CS ð3Þ
2.4.1. Erosivity factor (R)
di In Brazil, particularly in the Midwest and North regions, there is an uneven
Ddn ¼ ∑i ð4Þ spatial distribution of rainfall stations and a historical data time series short-
Ci Si
age. This distribution impairs the calculation of the erosivity index using ob-
where Dup is the upslope component, where C is the average C factor of the served rainfall data, as reported by Oliveira et al. (2012) and Trindade et al.
upslope contributing area, S is the average slope gradient of the upslope (2016). Due to this problem for the RPB, rainfall estimate data from the Trop-
contributing area (m/m) and Ac is the upslope contributing area (m2), Ddn ical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) (Huffman et al., 2007) were used. In
is the downslope component, di is the average length of the flow path in this study, rainfall data related to 20 grids from the TRMM satellite algorithm
the downslope direction, from the ith pixel to the stream (m), and Ci and 3B42, version 7 with a spatial resolution of 0.25° × 0.25° (Fig. 1b) for the 22-
Si are the C factor and the slope gradient of the ith pixel, respectively. The year period (01/01/1998 to 01/01/2019) were used. The TRMM data were
upslope and downslope contributing areas are delineated from a multiple- chosen because they showed a good correlation with the observed data and
flow direction algorithm (Tarboton, 1997). proved to be a reliable source of rainfall data for regions of the Cerrado
The sediment export Ei (Mg ha−1 year−1) in a given pixel i is calculated biome and other Brazilian regions with the absence of rain gauges, as reported
using Eq. (5), representing the amount of sediment eroded from that pixel. by Oliveira et al. (2012), Melo et al. (2015), Santos et al. (2017, 2018, 2019a,
2019b) and Brasil Neto et al. (2020, 2021). The erosivity factor (R) was calcu-
Ei ¼ RUSLE i SDRi ð5Þ lated based on Eq. (9), developed by Oliveira et al. (2012), who estimated the
average values of this factor for the Mato Grosso do Sul State.
The total sediment export E (Mg ha−1 year−1) in the basin is given by
Eq. (6): R ¼ 80:305ðMFIÞ0:8966 ð9Þ
E¼ Ei ð6Þ where MFI is the modified Fournier index, which is given as:
MFI ¼ i
In the SDR module, the deposition of sediment downslope, the amount of i¼1
sediments that did not reach the watercourse and was deposited somewhere
in the landscape, was estimated. Knowing the spatial distribution of the de- where p is the mean monthly rainfall (mm), and Pt is the mean annual rainfall
posited sediments allows us to track the net change (gain or loss) of sediments (mm).
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
Fig. 2. (a) Partial view of the LUC classes, (b) LUC map (2016) and soil collection points, (c) details of sample collection in the field and soil analysis, (d) map of the five factors used
in RUSLE and annual soil loss for 2016. Photo: Artificial drainage (Geographer Cristiano Rodrigues), banhado and riparian forest (Instituto Homem Pantaneiro- IHP) and seasonal
forest (Bruna Andrade).
In this study, the spatial distribution of the R factor was developed in the The total organic carbon (TOC) in soil was estimated by the oxidation of or-
ArcGIS 10.2 software using the ordinary kriging method with the Gaussian ganic matter using a potassium dichromate, as used by Yeomans and
model. The Gaussian model was chosen because it presented the best statis- Bremner (1988). Finally, based on the values of the soil physical (texture,
tical result compared to the circular, spherical, and exponential models structure and permeability) and chemical (organic matter) characteristics,
(Table 1). Other studies also obtained a better performance using the ordi- the K factor was calculated (Table 2) by the nomogram analytical method
nary kriging method with the Gaussian model for interpolation of (Wischmeier et al., 1971) using expression (Eq. (11)):
erosivity (e.g., Moges et al., 2020; Panagos et al., 2017). The R factor was
used to estimate the current and future soil losses. K ¼ 2:1M 1:14 10−4 ð12−OMÞ þ 3:25ðe−2Þ þ 2:5ðp−3Þ =100 0:1317
−1 −1 −1
2.4.2. Soil erodibility factor (K) where K is the soil erodibility factor (Mg h ha MJ mm ), M is the soil
The soil map used in this study (scale 1:100,000) was prepared based on grain size parameter [(% silt + % very fine sand) × (100 − % clay)], OM is
a soil survey carried out by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
and is available at http://mapoteca.cnps.embrapa.br. In this study, field-
Table 2
work on soil collection was carried out in 2016, 2018 and 2019, when 66 Soil classes and K factor value.
samples were collected in the depth range of 0–20 cm at 22 points in the
Brazilian soil classification FAO K factor in
basin (Fig. 2b). The grain size analysis of the soil samples (Fig. 2c) was per- classification Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1
formed using the pipette method according to methodological procedures
Dystrophic red latosols Ferralsols 0.0297
described in the soil analysis method manual (Embrapa, 2017). Table 2
Dystrophic haplic plinthosols Plinthosols 0.0525
shows the soil types and K factor values for each soil existing in the basin. Orthic rendzina chernozems Chernozems 0.0290
Dystrophic red nitisols Nitisols 0.0196
Orthic argiluvic chernozems Chernozems 0.0565
Table 1 Dystrophic red acrisols Acrisols 0.0447
Statistical indices of the models evaluated for interpolation of erosivity. Haplic cambisols Tb dystrophic Cambisols 0.0219
Statistic index Transitive theoretical mathematical models Eutrophic red nitisols Nitisols 0.0196
Haplic gleysols carbonate Gleysols 0.0388
Circular Spherical Exponential Gaussian Haplic gleysols Tb eutrophica Gleysols 0.0561
Mean 0.84 1.06 1.48 2.95 Haplic gleysols Tb eutrophicb Gleysols 0.0388
Root mean square error 40.36 40.75 48.61 43.55 a
Gleysols located on the banks and springs of the tributaries of the Rio da Prata.
Average standard error 100.70 102.97 126.80 18.18 b
Gleysols on the banhado.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
Table 3
Values of C and P factors for LUC classes in the RPB.
LUC classes C factor Reference P factor Reference
⁎ The value 0.5 was set for areas with terraces and 1.0 for areas without terraces.
the organic matter (%), e is the soil structure index (dimensionless), and p is The P factor is the relationship between the soil losses of land cultivated
the soil permeability index (dimensionless). with a conservationist practice and the loss when planting in the direction
of the slope (downhill) (Wischmeier and Smith, 1978). The most common
2.4.3. Topographic factor (LS) conservation practices for annual crops are contour planting, strip planting
The LS factor was applied to each pixel of the DEM extracted from the and terracing (Bertoni and Lombardi Neto, 1985). The P factor values were
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) images, with a grid with 1 arc assigned only for 2007 and 2016 due to the availability of Google Earth im-
sec (~30 m). The LS factor is calculated in the InVEST model using the ages, which began to be published in 2002. For 2050 and 2100, the values
method developed by Desmet and Govers (1996) (Sharp et al., 2020). of factor P extracted as a basis for 2016 were used. In this study, the values
of the C and P factors were used for the LUC classes of the RPB (Fig. 2a and
2.4.4. LUC and management and conservation practice factors Table 3) due to the greater certainty of these values, as these factors were
In this study, LUC maps for 1986, 1999, 2007, and 2016 made by satel- based on studies carried out in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biomes
lite images (Landsat 5 and 8) and the object-based image analysis (OBIA) in field experiments and showed excellent results (Bertol et al., 2001,
were used. For future LUC scenarios for 2050 and 2100, the maps generated Martins et al., 2010; Galdino, 2012; J.A. Oliveira et al., 2015; P.T.S.
by using the CA-Markov hybrid model were used. High spatial resolution Oliveira et al., 2015; Cunha et al., 2017). In addition, the use of the C
images from Google Earth (Maxar Technologies/CNES-Airbus) and the vi- factor estimates using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
sual image interpretation technique were used to identify pasture and agri- (NDVI), for example, can lead to uncertainties in the values obtained
cultural areas that use terraces as conservation practices. for the images used.
Fig. 3. Estimation of soil losses, SDR, and sediment export from the RPB for (a) 1986, (b) 1999, (c) 2007, and (d) 2016.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
Fig. 4. Soil loss rate, LUC area percentage and sediment export from 1986 to 2016.
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The SDR values (Fig. 4) for the basin in 1986, 1999, 2007, and 2016 corroborates with estimates for the region by previous studies
were 0.377, 0.374, 0.372, and 0.350, respectively. During this period, the (e.g., Oliveira et al., 2012; Almagro et al., 2017). The lowest values were ob-
results showed an irregularity in the spatial distribution of the SDR values. served in the northeast of the basin, while the highest values occurred in the
In 1986, the highest SDR values occurred mainly in the hill areas close to southeastern and northwestern Bodoquena Plateau (Fig. 5a).
the Rio Verde drainage canals (main tributary of the Rio da Prata) in the
southeastern portion of the basin, while the lowest values were in the south- 3.2.2. Erodibility factor (K)
western and northeastern regions in the flat relief areas. In 2016, the The values of the K factor (Fig. 5c) ranged from 0.0196 to
highest values occupied the southwestern and northwestern regions of 0.0565 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1, with an average value of 0.0340 Mg h ha−1
the study area. Between 1986 and 2016, high SDR values showed an in- MJ−1 mm−1. The highest values of erodibility occur in orthic Chernozems
crease in agricultural areas (crop agriculture and plowed land) and a reduc- (0.0565 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1) and haplic Gleysols1 (0.0561 Mg h ha−1
tion in pasture and barren land. In plowed land, the SDR ranged from 0.351 MJ−1 mm−1), dystrophic haplic Plintosols (0.0525 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1)
in 1986 to 0.372 in 2016, while in crop agriculture, it was from 0.271 to and dystrophic Red Acrisols 0.0447 (Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1).
0.303. In contrast, the SDR for pasture and barren land decreased from The orthic Chernozems located in the central-north region vary from
0.305 to 0.255 and 0.377 to 0.306, respectively. The increase in SDR values shallow to deep, with a silty-frank texture, moderately to well-drained
for agricultural areas and the reduction in pasture and barren land, and and with a chernozenic horizon rich in organic matter. They have excellent
changes in spatial distribution are due to the intense dynamics of changes agricultural potential due to their natural fertility due to the great litholog-
in LUC that occurred in the RPB (Fig. 4). Cunha et al. (2020) found that ical variability (limestones, dolomites, clay, and carbonate rocks) of the
the changes that occurred over the three decades in the basin were due to Cuiabá group (Brazil, 1982). However, attention should be paid to their
the advance of agriculture and livestock. Initially, with extensive livestock use, as these soils have a textural gradient between the horizons due to
farming that predominated in the region before the 1980s, and more re- the clayey process, vertical migration of clay particles from the surface ho-
cently, due to the expansion of crop succession (maize/soybean), and the rizons to the subsurface horizons, forming the textural B horizons or with
conversion of some pasture areas to agricultural land (Cunha et al., 2021). clayey characteristics. However, attention should be paid to their use, as
The results show a decrease in soil loss of approximately 60.02% in the these soils have a textural gradient between the horizons due to the vertical
analyzed period. In addition, total sediment exports decreased significantly migration process of clay particles from the surface horizons to the subsur-
by 69.86%, from 1 million tonnes to 321,000 t in the last 30 years. The max- face horizons, forming textural B horizons or with clayey characteristics
imum sediment export rate was 486.18 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 1986, reducing (Dos Santos et al., 2018). As a result, less structure and stability on the sur-
to 146.65 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 2016 (Fig. 4). During this period, following face horizons due to the lower clay contents, even presenting high levels of
the trend, the average sediment export decreased considerably from 0.63 other binding agents such as organic matter (Šimanský & Jonczak, 2016).
to 0.19 Mg ha−1 year−1, a reduction of 69.84%. The reduction in sediment The haplic Gleysols (Fig. 5c) occur in the northeastern and southeastern
exports was mainly caused by the transition from the higher SDR values to portions of the basin, more specifically on the banks and springs of the trib-
areas of flat relief, associated with soils with a low erosion index, in addi- utaries of the Rio da Prata. These soils are generally poorly drained and
tion, the occurrence of pastures with good vegetation cover, and the adop- have low permeability. In addition, they have a high propensity to erosion
tion of terraces (identified since 2002) on a large part of these pastures and due to factors, such as mineralogical composition rich in felsic minerals
agricultural lands minimized soil losses, consequently reducing the amount (Aquidauana Formation), high sand content, and low organic matter con-
of sediment exports to the Rio da Prata. tent (Cunha et al., 2017; Brasil, 1982). These characteristics hinder the for-
mation of more stable structures, making these soils more susceptible to
3.2. RUSLE factors erosive processes. In addition, due to their occurrence in river plains, they
are subject to periodic flooding.
3.2.1. Erosivity factor (R) The lowest erodibility values (<0.029 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1) were
Fig. 5a shows that the annual average of the R factor was of found for soils located in the Bodoquena Plateau region. Red Nitisols
8596.36 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1. This value obtained in this study (0.0196 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1) and Rendzina Chernozems
Rate (Mg ha−1 year−1)
Soil loss
Sediment export
LUC apportionment (%)
Fig. 5. Spatial distribution: (a) erosivity factor, (b) topographic factors, and (c) soil classes and K factor.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
(0.029 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1) are soils that have a high content of or- course of the Rio da Prata, and to the southeast, in the region drained by
ganic matter and have a clay texture and silty clay, respectively. These the Rio Verde, considered the main tributary of the Rio da Prata.
soils are shallow and poorly developed with calcium or carbonate A hori-
zons, with a silty clay texture. In addition, they present a chernozemic A ho- 3.2.4. C and P factors
rizon rich in organic matter and high levels of nutrients, being, therefore, It was identified that over three decades, the highest values of the C fac-
considered one of the most fertile soils in the world, which resulted from tor occurred in greater proportions in 1986. The areas of barren land are lo-
the decomposition of limestones from the Bocaina Formation (IUSS cated mainly to the southeast of the basin, close to the head of the Rio
Working Group WRB, 2015). However, they are highly fragile because Verde, whereas plowed land areas are found in the southwest, midwest,
they occupy dissected relief surfaces in the Bodoquena Plateau. and northwest regions of the basin. These areas are characterized by the
Red Nitisols are mineral, clayey, deep, well-drained soils, marked total absence of vegetation cover that favors soil loss due to water erosion.
waxy due to the migration processes of clays and block structures, The lowest values of the C factor were found in the areas of native vegeta-
which provides less susceptibility to water erosion (Demattê and Da tion (wet grasslands, banhado, riparian forest and cerrado) of the Cerrado
Silva Terra, 2014; Dos Santos et al., 2018). Soils with textures between Biome located on the banks of drainage canals, around springs and areas
clay loam and clay, such as Red Nitisols (dystrophic and eutrophic) of forest remnants. These areas have a higher degree of soil protection
and Red Latosol, presented high percentages of water-stable aggregates due to the constant presence of natural vegetation cover that reduces soil
in the soil macro-aggregates class, geometric mean diameter, and loss and sediment transport to the drainage canals (Cunha et al., 2017).
weighted average diameter (WAD) indices.
3.3. Sediment deposition and turbidity of the waters of the Rio da Prata in 2018
3.2.3. LS factor
The results obtained show that the LS factor varied from 0.01 to 12.02 The results obtained show that the CI and sediment deposition values
(Fig. 5b), with an average value of 0.52. The LS factor directly affects the showed a reduction between 1986 and 2016. The CI decreased from
estimate of soil loss, as it comes from factors that organize runoff and the 0.271 to 0.219, while the average sediment deposition decreased from
development of erosion processes (Cunha et al., 2017). When analyzing 5.33 to 2.22 Mg ha−1 year−1. Fig. 6 shows the spatial distribution of the
the spatial distribution of the LS factor and the slope, it is observed that CI and sediment deposition in the area where the Rio da Prata turbidity oc-
higher values of the LS factor occur in the Bodoquena Plateau. This geomor- curred in 2018. The spatial distributions of the CI and sediment deposition
phological unit comprises a set of reliefs arranged in the North-South direc- were analyzed (Fig. 6) to identify the factors that influenced the sediment
tion that have very dissected surfaces with convex tops with slopes greater delivery in the main channel of Rio da Prata in 2018. High CI values were
than 45%. Two areas with values higher than the average found for the observed within the area where sediment loading occurred, mainly deter-
study area were also identified, i.e., to the north, close to the medium mined by the long ramp length (L factor), indicative of topographically
Fig. 6. Spatial distribution of the conversion of pasture into agricultural area without adopting terracing promoted soil erosion that caused the turbidity of the waters of the
Rio da Prata in November 2018. Ecotourism ventures: (1) Recanto Ecológico Rio da Prata, (2) Jardim EcoPark, (3) Balneário do Assis, Balneário Santuário do Prata, and
(5) Lagoa Misteriosa. Photos: Recanto Ecológico do Rio da Prata and Luciano Candisani.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
Table 4
Classes of soil loss by the degree of erosion for 1986, 1999, 2007, and 2016.
Classes Soil erosion (Mg ha−1 year−1) 1986 1999 2007 2016
Slight <2 82.34 0.44 0.46 85.16 0.45 0.46 90.11 0.37 0.43 84.59 0.38 0.44
Light 2–5 7.71 3.06 0.82 7.87 3.05 0.81 5.78 3.05 0.82 7.19 3.15 0.84
Moderate 5–10 2.59 7.01 1.43 2.40 6.95 1.42 1.88 6.99 1.42 3.52 7.12 1.44
Intense 10–20 2.06 14.42 2.88 1.66 14.36 2.88 1.05 13.89 2.78 2.45 13.92 2.78
Extremely Intense 20–50 2.43 32.01 8.44 1.61 31.35 8.35 0.67 31.49 8.57 1.45 31.00 8.53
Severe >50 2.87 145.41 115.61 1.30 123.35 94.43 0.51 121.97 96.33 0.80 106.31 74.29
prone to erosion. Higher CI values indicate that the source of erosion is and 2016, there was a considerable increase of 88.57% for the areas of ex-
more likely to reach the watercourse (Sharp et al., 2020). In addition, it tremely intense and severe degree. Colman et al. (2018) assessed soil ero-
was found that the SDR was affected by the change in the surrounding sion for the Córrego Guariroba basin in the Cerrado biome and found the
LUC (pasture to agriculture), which contributed to greater spatial connec- levels of erosion, intense, extremely intense, and severe in areas with high
tivity with the CI; therefore, the conversion of LUC also had an impact on topographic factors with exposed soil and pasture. In general, between
sediment export to the river. 1986 and 2016, there was a reduction in classified areas with extremely in-
tense (40.57%) and severe (72.20%) soil losses.
3.4. Recent soil losses by the degree of erosion
3.5. Future soil losses by the degree of erosion
The analysis of the erosion level of these areas throughout the basin
aims to serve as an instrument to guide public managers in decision- Table 5 shows the future soil losses for 2050 and 2100. The results ob-
making and implement measures for the conservation, recovery and sus- tained for the future soil erosion scenarios for that period showed a
tainable LUC and water in the RPB. According to FAO (2015), an acceptable 13.84% growth in the areas of soil loss >10 Mg ha−1 year−1. When com-
level of erosive potential helps maintain ecosystem services in the future paring soil losses 2016 and 2100, it can be observed an increase in area
and ensure the maintenance of biodiversity (FAO, 2019). Table 4 shows in the moderate (34.41%), intense (36.41%) and extremely intense
the identification of priority areas for soil and water conservation consider- (23.96%) classes, followed by a reduction in the severe class (3.14%).
ing the values of soil losses for 1986, 1999, 2007, and 2016.
The results show that soil losses in the basin between 1986 and 2016 oc- 3.6. Recent soil loss and sediment exports by LUC classes
curred mainly in the slight and light classes, occupying an area of approxi-
mately 92% of the study area. It can be highlighted that despite the The type of LUC (Table 6) that presented the lowest value of soil losses
predominance of losses <5 Mg ha−1 year−1, the basin presents severe prob- (0.22 Mg ha−1 year−1) and sediment exports (0.01 Mg ha−1 year−1) was
lems of soil erosion, mainly due to anthropic interventions in the region of the banhado in 2007. It was observed that between 1986 and 2016, the av-
the headwaters of Rio Verde (Fig. 7b and c) and banhado, as observed in erage rate of soil losses in this class varied just 8.69%, while the average ex-
field visits in different locations of the basin. The results showed that losses port value of sediments did not change. The banhado plays a fundamental
classified as extremely intense and severe occurred with greater intensity in environmental role in the region because this marshy class consists of po-
1986 (5.30% of the basin area). Concerning the 1986–2016 period, soil rous, cavernous limestone tufts with spongy features (Xaraiés Formation),
losses >20 Mg ha−1 year−1 showed the lowest territorial extension of occu- which is a result of the partial dissolution of the carbonate parts (Brazil,
pation (1.19%) in 2007. However, the results showed that between 2007 1982). These characteristics are responsible for water storage and sediment
Fig. 7. Spatialization of soil loss and development of erosive processes: (a) wetland, (b) margins and (c) springs of the tributary streams of Rio Verde. In the same order are the
high-resolution images from Google Earth dated 2017, 2018 and 2019 and observation of erosion processes in situ in 2016, 2017 and 2014.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
Table 5
Classes of soil loss by the degree of erosion for 2050 and 2100, and relative change between 2016 and 2100.
Classes Soil erosion (Mg ha−1 year−1) 2050 2100 Relative change
Slight <2 81.84 0.40 0.45 80.82 0.40 0.45 −5242.32 −4.46
Light 2–5 8.16 3.18 0.85 8.54 3.19 0.85 1869.84 18.70
Moderate 5–10 4.43 7.15 1.43 4.74 7.15 1.43 1686.15 34.41
Intense 10–20 3.11 13.91 2.77 3.34 13.91 2.77 1239.66 36.41
Extremely Intense 20–50 1.69 30.65 8.44 1.79 30.58 8.42 481.50 23.96
Severe >50 0.77 101.71 70.39 0.77 99.15 67.60 −34.83 −3.14
filtration, in addition to ensuring transparency, water quality and adding adopted to mitigate and control these erosive processes to preserve this
scenic value in the context of the karst landscape (Boggiani et al., 2011; ecosystem. Between 1986 and 2016, the average soil loss in the pasture
Scremin-Dias et al., 2018; Cunha et al., 2020). However, tufts are fragile was 0.72 Mg ha−1 year−1 and 0.04 Mg ha−1 year−1 of sediment export.
and easily eroded river carbonate deposits. Tufts are formations that de- Cunha et al. (2017) and Colman et al. (2018) found higher values
pend on their waters' physical-chemical and biological conditions, and (6.37 Mg ha−1 year−1 and <20 Mg ha−1 year−1) for pasture areas located
any change in the pattern can cause irreversible damage to the tufts and, in the Cerrado biome. Our results are consistent with those observed by
consequently, affect ecotourism activities (Boggiani et al., 2011). Aneseyee et al. (2020) that showed minimum values (~0.01 Mg ha−1
The banhado is characterized by a flat relief and soils with good agricul- year−1) of sediment export in pasture areas.
tural aptitude that favored the development of agriculture in this region The results showed that the pasture had average soil losses of
(Cunha et al., 2020). However, a matter of concern is the presence of ap- <2 Mg ha−1 year−1 (slight); however, the results indicate that the moder-
proximately 124 km of artificial drainage canals built in the 1980s, aiming ate (Fig. 7c) and extreme (Fig. 7b) soil losses occurred in the southeastern
to drain excess water and incorporate these areas in agricultural produc- and extreme southeastern parts of the basin, in degraded pasture areas
tion. If there is soil disturbance in the wetland areas, the artificial drainage around the springs and stream banks. The development of these erosive
canals can intensify the soil load to the rivers. It is worth highlighting that in processes (Fig. 7c) in the Permanent Preservation Areas is indicative of
flat areas with slopes less than 2%, the fastest paths to the water are towards the negative impact of the conversion of riparian vegetation to pasture,
the drains (Wohlrab et al., 1992), which tend to increase the peak of runoff, mainly in the drainage headwaters. Other factors such as convex hills
as the waters collected in these ditches are conducted more quickly with slopes <20% associated with soils with high erodibility (Acrisols or
(Acreman and Holden, 2013; Lennartz et al., 2011). Gleysols) contributed to the high rates of soil erosion in this region.
Although this banhado region, without anthropic interference, is charac-
terized by good vegetation cover with typical species of veredas flora (Pott 3.7. Future soil loss scenarios
et al., 2019), a slight steep relief, causing low erosive potential and an an-
nual rate of sediment export with values minimum, it was observed that In 2100, the crop agriculture and plowed land classes (Table 7) showed
these drainage canals favored concentrated runoff, enabling the develop- average losses of 1.86 and 10.43 Mg ha−1 year−1, respectively. Regarding
ment of erosive processes on the margins of some drains (Fig. 7a), which 2016, the crop agriculture class showed a 5.78% growth in the average ero-
has possibly contributed to carrying sediments into these canals. In addi- sion rate. On the other hand, plowed land had a reduction of approximately
tion, it was found that due to the connection of these drains with the 4.22% in the average annual erosion rate. Recently, Cunha et al. (2021)
main channel of the Rio da Prata, the turbidity of its waters may occur in showed that crop agriculture and plowed land areas can increase by up to
the rainiest months (October to March), temporarily compromising activi- 49% between 2033 and 2100. Therefore, the result of this study reveals
ties by decreasing the transparency of the waters, precisely in the period the necessity from the decision-makers concerning the expansion of agricul-
of the greatest concentration of tourists. tural activity to ensure soil and water conservation and, consequently, the
Based on this scenario, it is essential to close or isolate these artificial ca- maintenance of the economic sector in the region.
nals, as they affect the ecological integrity not only of the wetlands, but of The results show that the conservation and preservation of the RPB's
the entire RPB. Thus, to reduce the amount of suspended sediment and ecosystems are essential for the water resources, fauna, flora, maintenance
for the maintenance of this wetland, a conservation unit needs to be cre- of local ecotourism activities and, consequently, the economic viability of
ated. This theme is complex for public managers, environmental agencies, the municipalities of Bonito and Jardim. Therefore, cooperation between
and rural producers with different interests (agronomic, ecological, eco- government sectors and social initiative areas is crucial to create integrated
nomic, and social). However, effective conservation measures must be planning and management actions aimed at soil and water conservation in
Table 6
Average values of soil losses and sediment exports by LUC classes for 1986, 1999, 2007 and 2016.
LUC classes 1986 1999 2007 2016
Pasture 40.09 1.06 0.06 43.58 0.90 0.04 50.19 0.46 0.02 40.39 0.46 0.02
Crop agriculture 3.59 3.36 0.21 2.10 2.29 0.14 3.58 1.33 0.08 0.56 1.73 0.10
Plowed land 4.28 27.19 2.46 3.80 20.01 1.76 3.27 10.62 0.92 9.87 10.89 1.08
Banhado 15.58 0.23 0.01 13.70 0.23 0.01 10.02 0.22 0.01 9.63 0.25 0.01
Riparian forest 9.99 1.40 0.07 6.56 0.82 0.02 8.33 0.76 0.01 8.54 0.76 0.01
Cerrado 6.33 1.45 0.06 6.57 1.15 0.05 5.94 0.93 0.04 5.72 1.01 0.04
Seasonal semideciduous forest 8.55 2.21 0.07 8.30 2.33 0.06 8.02 2.30 0.06 8.57 2.35 0.07
Wet grasslands 9.47 1.46 0.06 12.57 1.08 0.06 9.32 1.01 0.05 14.96 0.95 0.04
Barren land 1.96 75.18 9.27 2.61 55.30 5.06 1.09 53.58 4.67 1.46 48.01 3.90
ALUC is the LUC class area; MSL is the mean soil loss; MSE is the average of the exported sediment.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
Table 7
Soil loss by LUC classes for 2050 and 2100 and relative change in 2100 compared to 2016.
LUC classes Soil loss by LUC
Pasture 37.57 0.45 3.52 36.59 0.44 3.27 0.44 −9.40 −4.35
Crop agriculture 1.05 1.44 2.77 1.22 1.83 5.50 1.83 117.49 5.78
Plowed land 13.16 10.55 16.41 14.29 10.43 15.65 10.43 44.71 −4.22
Banhado 5.82 0.26 1.31 3.79 0.26 1.16 0.26 −60.65 4.00
Riparian forest 10.31 0.66 4.05 10.82 0.64 3.51 0.64 26.67 −15.79
Cerrado 5.00 1.04 4.35 4.79 0.96 3.85 0.96 −16.19 −4.95
Seasonal semideciduous forest 9.29 2.14 4.95 10.44 2.01 4.80 2.01 21.83 −14.47
Wet grasslands 16.23 0.86 4.01 16.36 0.84 3.60 0.84 9.39 −11.58
Barren land 1.24 47.26 65.77 1.22 46.64 64.64 46.64 −16.70 −2.85
this planning unit. The development of guidelines to control the advance of practices tend to have a greater contribution to the formation and stabiliza-
agriculture and the preservation of forest areas is the way to balance envi- tion processes of aggregates, reducing the deformation and degradation of
ronmental conservation and regional economic development. structures, in addition to increasing the accumulation of carbon in tropical
soils, and may even exceed carbon levels of areas of natural vegetation due
4. Discussion to the high density of roots and the release of organic exudates to the soil,
which stimulate microbial activity and soil fauna (Gelaw et al., 2015;
4.1. RUSLE factors Salton et al., 2014). However, it is worth noting that the more conservation-
ist systems do not replace the dynamics of storage and carbon emission of
The R factor variation over the RPB revealed that the average annual native vegetation. Among the soils with intermediate values of erodibility,
rainfall exhibits erratic variation in the study area. Although the magnitude the Haplic Gleysols (0.0388 Mg h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1) located in the central-
of the R factor is lower in the northeastern portion, the extent of erosion is west region (Fig. 5c), more precisely, on the banks of the Rio da Prata, can
very severe in those regions. The high precipitation values result from oro- be highlighted. These soils are characterized by the clayey texture and high
graphic effects in the Serra da Bodoquena, where the elevation is higher organic matter content in the surface horizon resulting from limestone de-
than 450 m (Brazil, 1982). According to Zavattini (2009), these precipita- posited from the Xaraiés Formation (Brazil, 1982).
tion values are caused by the combination of dynamic factors of lower at- The study revealed that in the RPB, native forest vegetation (riparian
mosphere added to geomorphological factors combined with the intense forest, cerrado, seasonal semideciduous forest) plays an essential role in
seasonal and annual participation of the continental tropical air mass. Phys- soil protection because they act as a natural barrier against the direct im-
ical soil structure is often measured by the stability of soil aggregates, in pacts of raindrops on the soil, reducing the runoff velocity, increasing infil-
which the structure is one of the main factors influencing the edaphic soil tration capacity, and retaining water in the soil. The P factor is associated
conditions, such as fertility, aeration, infiltration and water retention, as with agricultural conservation practices that should be used to reduce soil
well as reducing the susceptibility to erosion (Six et al., 2000; Zhao et al., losses. This factor acts in increasing the surface roughness, reducing runoff,
2017). Soil stability is influenced by the management practices adopted, and increasing water infiltration into the soil (Yang et al., 2018). In the
such as intense soil overturning and accumulation of residual crop cover; RPB, these practices are characterized by the presence of agricultural ter-
however, the practices are not entirely responsible for the disruption or races located in some pasture and crop agriculture areas in the central por-
structuring of the soil (Zhao et al., 2017). tion of the basin.
It is worth highlighting that factors such as clay content and TOC, con-
sequently the levels of soil organic matter (SOM), are fundamental to in- 4.2. Current and future soil loss
crease stability and decrease soil erosion ratio (Tisdall and Oades, 1982;
Six et al., 2004). The high values of the stability indices can be related to As can be noted, the most significant soil losses in this period occurred
the presence of iron oxides. Iron and aluminium oxides associated with ka- in regions with a predominance of areas occupied by plowed land, in the
olinitic clays act as the main cementing agents in tropical soils, providing northwest portion of the basin where the soil remained without vegetation
high stability to soil aggregates (Oades, 1989; Zhao et al., 2017). Firstly, cover for an extended period in the year and in the seasonal semideciduous
micro-aggregates (<0.25 mm) are formed by the interaction between or- forest that is influenced by mountainous relief (high LS factor). In addition,
ganic molecules, polyvalent cations (Ca3, Mg2+ and Al3+) and mineral par- the highest degrees of erosion also occurred in the southeastern portion of
ticles of the clay fraction, mainly kaolinite and Fe oxides, in oxidic soils such the basin, where the relief is mainly made up of hills with a predominance
as ferralsols and nitisols (Edwards and Bremner, 1967; Stoops et al., 2018). of LUC pasture and barren land.
Subsequently, meso-aggregates and macro-aggregates (>0.25 mm) are The results show a predominance of soil loss <5 Mg ha−1 year−1 due to
formed by the mechanical union of micro-aggregates during the process the LS, K, and C factors. The LS factor is influenced by the relief, which is
of root growth, hyphae of rhizospheric fungi and movement of soil fauna, dominated by smooth wavy shapes with an average slope of 4.04%. Deep
providing greater stability and less susceptibility to erosive processes, as and well-developed soils (Red Latosols, Chernozems, Nitisols) occur in ap-
verified in the results of the K factor for nitisols and ferralsols (Tisdall and proximately 58% of the basin with a low tendency to develop erosive pro-
Oades, 1982; Six et al., 2004). cesses. We observed that these losses occurred in banhado, riparian forest,
In addition to the high clay content, the SOM content was another crit- cerrado and wet grasslands classes, i.e., in areas where the vegetation
ical property in the aggregation and structuring of the Rendzina Cherno- cover consists of native vegetation. These coverings provide greater resis-
zems in the RPB. SOM contributed to the formation of stable aggregates tance to runoff, reducing soil erosion rates by water. These results corrobo-
with a higher percentage of macro-aggregates and the GWD and WAD indi- rate those presented by Colman et al. (2019), Cunha et al. (2017), J.A.
ces greater than 2 mm (Six et al., 2004). Red Nitisols and Ferralsols, under Oliveira et al. (2015), and P.T.S. Oliveira et al. (2015) in basins within
pasture use, also showed positive results in the SOM relationship and aggre- the Cerrado biome, where the lowest soil losses were also obtained in
gate stability. Well-managed grasses and crops that adopt conservationist areas of native vegetation.
E.R. Cunha et al. Science of the Total Environment 818 (2022) 151811
4.3. Sediment exports by LUC classes central region of the Spanish Pyrenees, previously covered by forest, were
occupied by annual crops. In another study, Zhou et al. (2019) found that
The investigation revealed that the results obtained in this study corrob- the growth of agricultural land increased the export of sediments in the
orate with Newson (1980), who pointed out that surface drainage systems Qiantang River basin in China. Hamel et al. (2017) observed that the SDR
can cause considerable erosion at the edges of the drains, especially those values have a strong correlation with erosivity, which can be explained
built in the open where high sediment losses are relatively common by the role of erosivity in the connectivity of river basins, and consequently,
(Holden et al., 2004). Gramlich et al. (2018) carried out a meta-analysis a greater sediment delivery. As in the present study, Vigiak et al. (2016)
of published data on the effects of artificial drains and emphasized that also found empirical evidence of this relationship in the Latrobe River
this drainage system causes several impacts on ecosystems, such as basin, Australia. Based on these facts, it can be stated that the water erosion
(i) alteration of the water balance, (ii) imbalance in nutrient cycling, (iii) re- that occurred in the cultivation area influenced the quality of the waters of
duction in the transport of plant protection products, and (iv) threat to hab- the Rio da Prata and caused a direct impact on the physical, chemical, and bi-
itats of several animal and plant species. The lack of investigative studies on ological degradation of the soil under cultivation, decreasing its productive
soil losses in humid areas drained by artificial canals has hindered more in- capacity (Burnette and Agouridis, 2014). Considering these facts, we believe
depth discussion on the topic. In addition, the lack of an MDE with a better the developed RUSLE-based soil erosion has captured the effect of extensive
spatial resolution (Pijl et al., 2020) and the non-calibration of the RUSLE agricultural activities on soil erosion dynamics of the RPB and can be adopted
model to estimate erosion rates for areas of flat relief are also limiting fac- by policymakers for decision-making with the utmost reliability.
tors. According to Nacinovic et al. (2014), this increased soil resistance to The results of increased soil loss led to water turbidity events, which
erosion under pasture is due to the fasciculate roots, which promote a bring environmental problems to the waters of the Rio da Prata. At the
more significant soil aggregation. end of 2018, the turbidity of the waters of the Rio da Prata was highlighted
Another survey conducted in the Qiantang River basin found average in the media throughout Brazil (G1, 2018; Campo Grande News, 2018).
values below 1.94 Mg ha−1 year−1 for pastures. The physical-chemical at- This episode was due to the occurrence of rainfall on 17 November 2018
tributes of the soils and the occurrence of well-managed pastures in most of in the region and caused an intense runoff in a cultivated area (in an initial
the study area (except for the southeastern region) provided the low value stage) with soybeans [Glycine max. (L) Merryl] that reached the main chan-
of soil loss and sediment export. Well-managed pastures promote high nel of Rio da Prata (Fig. 4). Cunha et al. (2020) found that since the 1980s,
ground cover, favor the stabilization of the structure and the formation of the area that gave rise to the torrent responsible for carrying sediments to
larger and more stable aggregates, increase the infiltration of water in the the Rio da Prata was covered by pasture (Cunha et al., 2020) with the pres-
soil and, consequently, reduce soil loss through the erosion process ence of terraces (identified since 2002). However, after analyzing Landsat
(Panachuki et al., 2006; De Almeida et al., 2018). 8/OLI satellite images for the region, it was found that in August 2017, a
Recently, Cunha et al. (2021) identified that from 1986 to 2016, the de- transition from this pasture area to agriculture began without conservation-
crease in native vegetation areas in the RPB occurred mainly due to the con- ist practices. It was also observed from the high-resolution images available
version to pasture, between 1986 and 2007, with the replacement of on Google Earth (Fig. 6) that the agricultural area where the erosion oc-
21.19 km2 of the riparian forest by cultivated pasture. The results show curred is located at approximately 2 km from the main channel of the Rio
the effectiveness of riparian forests in protecting water resources. Accord- da Prata, and that stretch of the river where the deposition of sediments oc-
ing to Liu et al. (2008), this protection is directly influenced by the width curred presents a strip of riparian vegetation that varies from 350 to
of the vegetative strip. In addition, the physiographic characteristics of 1000 m. Thus, it can be stated that the riparian vegetation, although pre-
the basin (slope, position in the landscape, and size of the water body) served, did not promote the watercourse's protection. Therefore, it is essen-
also act as influencing agents of the functionality of the riparian forest tial to adopt good agricultural practices associated with soil and water
(Guidotti et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2004). Rodrigues et al. (2018) pointed conservation practices.
out that agricultural areas intensively used can deteriorate water quality After this episode, the Secretariat for the Environment, Economic Devel-
in tropical basins. Taniwaki et al. (2017) found that water quality presents opment, Production and Family Agriculture (SEMAGRO) created Decree
better conditions (lower nitrate concentrations and temperature) in springs No. 15,197 (March 21, 2019), which aims at the need for the adoption of
where native vegetation is preserved. soil and water conservation practices by rural producers to carry out
Thus, some economically viable measures can be applied to control ero- works of mechanization of soils (e.g., plowing, harrowing, and subsoiling)
sion processes in these areas of degraded pasture (Crouzeilles et al., 2017; with a view to renew or recover pastures and to implement permanent or
Cunha et al., 2017; Falcão et al., 2020) and avoid water quality degradation temporary crops and other soil movement activities. Although the govern-
in the RPB, such as (i) reforestation of the banks and springs of the tribu- ment of Mato Grosso do Sul State has adopted some effective measures
taries with native tree species, (ii) fallow and isolation of these areas to for soil and water conservation in the region, it is essential to create agricul-
allow the natural regeneration of vegetation, and (iii) prevent the advance tural extension activities to teach farmers the importance of maintaining
of pastures and annual crops in the areas adjacent to the springs and banks these structures in controlling soil erosion in these agricultural areas.
of the streams. For measures to preserve the water quality of the Rio da Prata, it is es-
sential to adopt the best management practices in the agricultural produc-
4.4. Sediment deposition and turbidity of the waters tion areas of the basin, especially where the ramps are extensive or the
slope is greater than 2%, to reduce the runoff velocity and control the move-
The study revealed that the west portion of basin showed the higher ment of sediments on the surface towards the drainage canals (Chen et al.,
values of soil loss and consequently are more vulnerable to erosion. As no 2017). Li et al. (2020) pointed out that concentrated flow is the main factor
government authority of the RPB is actively involved in the measurement in soil erosion on agricultural land, especially on steep cultivated lands with
of soil erosion caused due to agricultural activity, it is quite difficult to val- a high gradient. To minimize the damage caused by water erosion, it is im-
idate the RUSLE simulated soil erosion estimates with the actual soil ero- portant to adopt conservationist soil management systems that can contrib-
sion values. However, the input parameters of the RUSLE are well ute to the sustainability of agricultural production, such as the no-tillage
determined using remote sensing products and Geographical Information system with crop rotation, livestock farming integration, forest livestock
Systems techniques, as described in the methodology section of this farming, forest consortium of annual crops with pastures, and maintenance
study. Furthermore, a previous study by Cunha et al. (2021) successfully of rural roads. When implementing these management systems, priority
quantified LUC dynamics and soil erosion in the same basin using the must be given to the adoption of conservationist practices that promote ad-
RUSLE model. equate soil coverage and segmentation of the land ramp length to assist in
A study such as the one performed by Alatorre et al. (2012) reported an the control of soil and water losses (Camera et al., 2018; Nunes et al.,
increase of 84% in the SDR when the areas in the Arnas River basin, a 2018; Rutebuka et al., 2019).
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