Chapter 1

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Tagudin, Ilocos Sur

Chapter I


Background of the Study

The world’s population is predicted to increase each year by 70-80

million in third world and developing countries, and shows an increase from
6.1 billion to 7.9 billion in 2025. The human population of the Philippines up
to this day is 111 million. The increase economy of many third world and
developing countries improve the demand for animal products, especially meat
as a source of protein and chicken continues to be the least expensive meat in
most of these countries. In fact, hardly there will be any community without
either domestic or exotic chickens.

The broiler industry is therefore ideally suited to meet this expected

increased demand for animal protein with improved efficiency of production.
Broilers, which is the most common poultry species can be utilized for its meat
in just a span of 5 to 6 weeks compared to other poultry species. Broilers have
high dietary protein requirements, so identification of the optimum protein
concentration in broiler diets, for either maximizing broiler performance or
profit, requires more knowledge about birds' requirements for protein and
amino acids and their effects on the birds' growth performance and
development. It also requires knowledge about the protein sources available
that can be used in poultry diets. 

Efforts are being made to make for an increase to its productivity by

engaging in not only the utilization of crops but also animal husbandry to
provide food for man.

Since 1973, poultry raising has been a highly specialized business in the
country. The establishment and the proliferation of poultry breeding farms


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added a new dimension to the industry (Gapuz, 2012). While there is an

increasing demand for livestock products, many countries are still experiencing
inadequate source of animal feed materials to raise healthy livestock and

Broiler chicken production is one of the top priorities in animal

enterprises in the Philippines today. Due to its increasing demand, the
industrial adaptation in this particular agricultural sector has given
importance because of its economic result. Since chicken producers have
drawn interest in lesser production cost but good quality of their products,
they focus on selecting good breeds and feeds of high quality and nutritional
value but in local conditions. Moreover, feeding makes up the major cost of
poultry production. It plays an essential factor in raising chickens. Thus,
nutrition is reflected in bird’s growth performance and their products
(Fanatico, 2008). The use of alternative domestic feeds, and supplements has
become the focus of researches. Some studies use medicinal herbs, grass,
spices, beans, nuts and tree crops as an alternative in synthesized inputs.
However, few studies were conducted using agricultural wastes.

In this study, four plant materials were processed to make an Alternative

Organic Feeds and were utilized to test its effectiveness in providing a quality
growth performance to broilers.

One of the plant materials that were used in the study is ipil- ipil
(Leucaena leucocephala) leaves. Lowry (2014) emphasized that ipil – ipil
(Leucaena leucocephala) was known as a high potential fodder for several
centuries. Its nutritional value is comparable or superior to alfalfa (Medicago
sativa) with high ß-carotene content. The leaves of ipil – ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) are most commonly used to feed chicken and pigs and processed


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as a pellet for freshwater fish. The dry matter digestibility (DMD) of ipil –
ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) was fifty-seven point seven percent (57.7%) and
crude protein based on the dry matter was twenty-nine point five percent
(29.5%). Several reports showed that ipil – ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) could
be a substitute for the imported protein supplements fed to chickens.

Analysis of ipil – ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) from various localities in

Western Nigeria shows that young leaves, pods and seeds contain more crude
protein but lower crude fibre and ether extract than mature ones. The mineral
composition of the dry matter of mature leaves is two-point eight percent
(2.8%) calcium, zero-point twenty-six percent (0.26%) phosphorus, zero-point
thirty-seven percent (0.37%) magnesium, one point seventy-eight potassium,
zero-point twenty-one sodium and zero-point twelve percent iron.

For the corn (Zea mays) cob, Jansen (2012) emphasized that they are
excellent carriers for vitamins and antibiotics in animal feeds. Corn (Zea mays)

cob is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B and Vitamin C. It is important in

cell repair and, boosting immunity whereas, B vitamins are important in energy
metabolism control.

Another plant material that was utilized in the study is coconut (Cocus
nucifera) meat. Gerpacio (2009) suggested that one way of alleviating the
situation is to feed the fresh nuts to farm animals for conversion into high-
priced animal products like meat and eggs which are saleable in the market. It
is common knowledge that coconut residue either as meal, flour or presscake
("sapal") is used as feed ingredient, but its large-scale incorporation in non-
ruminant's diet is limited due to its low digestibility.

Castillo (2009) analyzed the proximate composition of (Cocus nucifera)

meat to be ninety percent (90%) dry matter, six-point one percent (6.1%) crude


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protein, five percent ether extract (5%), thirty-four point seven percent (34.7%)
crude fiber, one-point five percent (1.5%) ash and twenty-four point three
percent (24.3%)nitrogen-free extract.

As for the water hyacinth, Raynes (2011) emphasized that this plant
species has perhaps been the subject of intensive study than any other aquatic
plants because it is the number one aquatic pest-species due to its vegetative
reproductive and high growth rate. Water hyacinths spread rapidly, clogging
drainage ditches, shading out other aquatic vegetation and eutrophication.

He added, a nutrient analysis of water hyacinths grown in sewage

wastewaters was conducted. Crude protein averaged thirty-two point nine
percent (32.9%) dry weight in the leaves, where it was most concentrated. The
amino acid content of water hyacinth leaves was found to compare favorably
with that of soybean and cottonseed meal. The vitamin and mineral content of
dried water hyacinths met or exceeded the FAO recommended daily allowance,
in many cases. It is concluded that in favorable climatic zones, water hyacinths
grown in enriched mediums, such as sewage lagoons, could potentially serve as
a substantial dietary supplement or nutrient source.

This study was conceptualized to create an Alternative Organic Feeds

made from natural materials that will provide the maximum growth performance
and nutrition to broilers without harming the people that will consume them
once they will be processed in meat production at the same time reducing the
agricultural wastes and plant-pest species in our environment. This implied,
Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens (Gallus
gallus domesticus) Fed with Alternative Organic Feeds.


Tagudin, Ilocos Sur

Statement of the Objectives

This study was to test “Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of

Broiler Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) Fed with Alternative Organic
Feeds.” with its varying levels.

Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. Formulate a sustainable Alternative Organic feeds for Broilers;

2. Determine the Proximate analysis of the Alternative Organic Feeds;
3. Identify the effectiveness of the Alternative Organic Feeds (AOF) in terms
a. weight gain;
b. feed consumption and efficiency;
c. carcass fat content; and
d. survival rate
4. Determine the significant difference between and among the treatments
in terms of:
a. weight gain; and
b. feed consumption and efficiency; and
5. Determine the Return of Investment of the AOF for Broilers

Importance of the Study

The study is important to the following sectors:

Environment. We will achieve a cleaner environment since the plant

materials that will be used are mostly left unused and some are a part of
agricultural wastes and aquatic pest-species.


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Livestock sector. The findings of this study will help and support the
Livestock and Poultry programs such as increase livestock production, improve
livestock productivity and increase the income of livestock farmers.

Poultry Raising. The findings of this study will help poultry raisers to
have an alternative choice use of organic feeds which is much cheaper
compared to the commercialized feeds.

Researcher. The researcher will be able to achieve a broader

understanding of the importance and benefits of ipil-ipil leaves, coconut meat,
corn cob and water hyacinth as an Alternative Organic Feeds used in poultry

Future Researchers. The results and procedures used will be utilized for
further experimentations related to the discovery of other potential benefits of
the ipil-ipil leaves, coconut meat, corn cob and water hyacinth that gives
practical values.

Time and Place of the Study

This study was designed to test “Growth Performance and Carcass

Characteristics of Broiler Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) Fed with
Alternative Organic Feeds”. The study was conducted in a BAI accredited
broiler facility on January 6, 2022 until February 15, 2022 at Becques,
Tagudin, Ilocos Sur where the instruments as well as plant materials were
readily available. The Proximate analysis of the AOF was conducted last
February 24, 2022 at the Laboratory of Department of Agriculture located at
Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. As for the Total Fat Analysis, it was conducted at
the Department of Science and Technology located at Don Mariano Marcos
Memorial State University (DMMMSU), City of San Fernando, La Union on
February 28, 2022.


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Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and understanding, the following terms used in
the study are either defined operationally and conceptually.

Alternative Organic Feeds (AOF). It refers to an organic feed made

from ipil-ipil leaves, coconut meat, corn cob and water hyacinth.

Coconut meat. It is the grated and squeezed coconut fruit which

has prebiotic properties aiding in broilers’ good digestion of food.

Corn cob. It refers to the part of a corn where the pulps are taken
that has a component which will aid the broilers in boosting their immunity
and energy metabolism control.

Ipil-ipil leaves. It is a plant that is used as a feed additive due to its

anthelminthic property.

Water hyacinth. It is an aquatic plant-pest species which has a

good source of amino acid which will help the broilers.

Proximate Analysis. It is a method or procedure used to determine the

beneficial contents of the alternative feeds that will help broilers achieve their
maximum health and growth.

Growth Performance. It refers to the ability of the broilers to show

efficiency in meat production.


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Weight gain. It is the total amount of weight added to the initial

weight of each of the broilers.

Feed consumption. It refers to the amount of feeds to be given to

the broilers.

Feed Efficiency. It refers to the amount of feed required to

produce a kilogram gain in weight and was determined by dividing the
total feed consumed by the total gain in weight of the broilers at the end
of the feeding period.

Total Fat Analysis. It refers to the method to determine the sum of

saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats contained in the
different samples

Carcass Fat content. It refers to the amount of fat contained in

the samples.

Survival rate. It is the total amount of broilers that will survive during
the research.

Broiler. It refers to a type of chicken raised up to 45 days for meat


Return of Investment. It refers to the ration that shows the amount of

profit from the research project.

Review of Related Literature

The following readings are rich sources of information in the

conceptualization of the study.


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The poultry industry is the most dynamic sector within the global meat
business during the last decade, with the greatest growth reflected in the food
global demand increase. It is expected that, in the next years, the meat
industry will increase production driven by global population growth, especially
in developing countries. Chickens and turkeys are the most common sources of
poultry meat, but there is also commercially available meat from ducks, geese,
pigeons, quails, pheasants, ostriches and emus. Consumer preference also has
been changing in many developed countries, characterized by greater demand
for low-calorie foods and changes in lifestyle, which reduces the consumer time
spent on food preparation. By this approach, the chicken meat highlights and
the largest producer countries are United States, China, Brazil and European
Union, being Brazil and United States are also the main exporter countries.
These two countries together provide two-thirds of global trade (FAO, 2010;
FAO, 2012; USDA, 2012).

Feedstuff is an aspect of high economic importance in the rearing of

commercial poultry not only because it is primarily responsible for the growth
response of birds, but mainly because it represents the largest cost in the
production cycle (Avila et al., 2012). For instance, the broilers' energy
requirements are responsible for seventy percent (70%) of the cost of the ration
(Skinner et al., 2012) and, besides, the processing method and the grain type
interfere differently on the economic viability and animal performance. The
advantages of using processed feed have been well documented, although they
represent a high cost for manufacturing. Under natural conditions, birds have
to deal with different types of feed, which have different energy and protein
levels. Despite domestication and selection for fast growth, broiler chickens did
not lose their ability to discriminate different types of diets (Emmans &


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Kyriazakis, 2011). It has been suggested that the birds associate the feed
physical characteristics with nutritional content, which indicates that the
contact perception contributes to the identification of the feed.

Physical feed form is considered to have a very significant impact on

broiler growth and feed intake (Dozier et al., 2012). Feed form and feed particle
size of cereals require a significant amount of attention when producing broiler
feed. Today, commercial feed mills are producing different forms of broiler feed
for birds at different ages (Jahan et al., 2016). While feed processing to change
feed form increases the cost of feed it can be balanced out by improved
performance. Many researchers report that broilers fed pelleted diets have
higher BW and improved feed conversion than those fed mash feed (McKinney
and Teeter, 2012, Amerah et al., 2014, Chewning et al., 2016), and today
pelleting has become a common processing method widely employed by the
feed manufacturers to improve farm animal performance. Compared with
mash, pellets enhance bird performance by decreasing feed wastage, alleviating
selective feeding, destroying pathogens, improving palatability and increasing
nutrient digestibility. With regards to feed particle size, one traditional view
was that a smaller particle size would be associated with a larger surface area
of the grain, possibly resulting in higher digestibility in poultry due to a greater
interaction with digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract (Preston et al.,
2011). In more recent years, however, it is thought that a large particle size
aided by some structural components is beneficial to gizzard functions and gut
development (Hetland et al., 2012, Svihus et al., 2014, Choct, 2019).

Alternative Organic Feeds (AOF)



Tagudin, Ilocos Sur

Feed has been a major cost in modern broiler production, accounting

about 70% of the total production cost (Sugiharto, 2019). The increase in feed
price may therefore imply in the increase in total production cost and thus
decrease the profit margin of broiler industry. Attempt has recently been taken
to reduce the cost of feed, including the incorporation of agro-industrial by-
products in broiler diets as an energy source (Sugiharto et al 2018; Sugiharto
2019; Sugiharto and Rajitkar 2019). However, some limitations may exist when
using the agro-industrial by-products as the ingredients in broiler rations. The
high and low contents of fibre and protein in the by-products may limit the
digestibility and thus inclusion level of such by-products (Sugiharto et al
2018). In addition to the agro-industrial by-products, the application of leaf
meal as the ingredient in broiler feeds has also been conducted (Abdulsalam et
al 2015; Aroche et al 2018; Mustafa 2019). Compared to agro-industrial by-
products, the content of crude protein in leaf meal is much higher (Tesfaye et al
2013; Sugiharto et al 2018a). This may be beneficial in reducing the proportion
of the conventional-expensive protein-rich feed ingredients in broiler rations.

It has been known that some particular foliages contain a number of

bioactive compounds that are beneficial for the health of chickens (Rama Rao
et al 2019). These compounds include vitamins, phenolic acids, flavonoids,
isothiocyanates, tannins as well as saponins (Vergara-Jimenez et al 2017). In
this regard, the use of leaf meal in rations may not only reduce the cost of
feeds, but also elicit the health-promoting effect on broiler chickens. Apart from
their benefits, the use of leaf meals in broiler diets may be limited by their high
content of crude fibre (Santoso and Sartini 2001; Ubua et al 2019). In general,
broiler chickens showed low tolerance to dietary fibre, and therefore feeding
diets containing high levels of leaf meal may impose in compromised nutrient
digestibility and thus alleviated growth performance of broilers (Buragohain
2016). To deal with the latter problem, dietary supplementation of enzymes


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(fibre-degrading enzymes) (Fasuyi and Akindahunsi 2009; Oloruntola et al

2016) and fermentation has been conducted to particularly degrade the fibre
and hence increase the incorporation levels of leaf meal (Mandey et al 2015;
Santoso et al 2015). The present review provided a comprehensive view
concerning the recent advances in the application of leaf meal in broiler

Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leaves

The utilization of the plant materials (Leucaena leucocephala), was
recognized when the College of Agriculture of the University of the Philippines
at Los Banos, Laguna Province, published its findings on the possibilities of
ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala), leaf meal for poultry feed. Molina (1952) found
that ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala), leaf meal possesses a potent effect in
promoting animal growth without endangering health.

Cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, and pigs are common sources of animal
proteins. The high cost of producing these animals has been a setback for the
livestock industry. Broiler production is becoming more popular, prompting
academic researchers to investigate new sources of high-quality plant proteins
in the broiler diet. With the scarcity of healthy animal protein and the high
expense of commercial feed, forage, when converted to meat, may play an
essential role in improving the quality of human meals, particularly in
developing countries. (Cheeke, 2013).

Ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala), which is common in many regions, is

one of these alternative plant protein sources that is locally available and can
assure production sustainability. In addition to its huge potential in
afforestation and agroforestry, it has been shown to be beneficial as animal
feed, fuel, ground cover, fertilizer, and wind breaker (Kang and Lawson, 2015).
Many ruminant species consume trees, leaves, and bushes naturally, and they


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have long been used as sources of feed for domesticated livestock throughout
Asia, Africa, and the Pacific (Skerman and Riveros, 2014; Nas, 2018).

Ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leaves could be incorporated into the

diet of broilers. Ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala, being a legume, is rich in
proteins and other nutrients. Jones (2019) showed that ipil- ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) leaves have been fed to livestock with some degree of success.
Equally too, Glasby, (2015) report that the use of ipil- ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) leaves at high dietary levels from forty percent (40%) upward has
been limited by the toxic amino acid named mimosine present in its leaves,
stems and seeds. Otesile and Akapokodje (2007) indicate that in spite of the
nutritive potential of ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala), its use by cattle as feed
may result in certain undesirable effects. Ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala)
leaves levels should not exceed thirty percent (30%) for ruminants, twenty
percent (20%) for rabbits, and seventy-five percent (75%) for poultry on a dry
matter basis (Barry, 2007). The anti-nutritional factor present therein, i.e.
mimosine, has limited the percentage that can be included in the diet.
However, some animals have built resistance with microorganisms that can
degrade the mimosine and its product (Palmer,, 2006). Therefore, the
purpose of this study is to examine the nutritional worth of including ipil- ipil
(Leucaena leucocephala) leaf meal as a plant protein source in the diet of

The crude protein and ash contents of ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala)
leaf meal are within the range reported by Vohra, et. al. (2012). The nutrient
composition is also similar to that recorded by Carew, et. al. (2010). The
nutrient composition values also portray ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) to be
on the high side when compared to banana leaf meal, cassava leaf meal, and
wild sunflower. It also compares favourably well with conventional feedstuffs


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such as wheat bran, dried brewers grain, maize offal and palm kernel cake. The
broilers fed ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leaf meal up to ten percent (10%)
level had the best performance, with the highest feed intake, lowest feed
conversion ratio and highest body weight gain. The significantly lower feed
intake at fifteen percent (15%) level of ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) could be
the result of the decrease in palatability and increased fibre content as the level
of ipil- ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) increased. The average feed intake
correlates with the body weight gain that increased up to ten percent (10%)
level and is similar to the growth response under the control before it declined
with further increase in the inclusion level. This could be attributed to
reduction in metabolised energy value as observed in the feeding of wild
sunflower (Odunsi and Akinola, 2006). The final weight which increased up to
ten percent (10%) level of Leucaena and which was similar to the final weight in
the control diet also correlates with the decreased dry matter intake. This may
have resulted from antinutritional factors implicated in the ipil- ipil (Leucaena
leucocephala) leaves (Bindon and Lamond, 2006).

Coconut (Cocus nucifera) meat

Sundu et al. (2011) stated that the low quality protein of coconut (Cocus
nucifera) meat, coupled with high fibre content, leads to limited use of this
agricultural by-product in the poultry diet. Attempts to maximize the amount
of coconut (Cocus nucifera) meat included in the broiler feed have been made
through amino acids supplementation, enzyme addition and pelleting coconut
(Cocus nucifera) meat. Among these feed technologies and manipulation,
pelleting coconut (Cocus nucifera) meat appears to be more powerful in
promoting the growth of broiler chickens. The reasons for the improvement of
broiler growth due to pelleting coconut meal have not been established yet. The
mechanisms of improved growth of birds might be through increased feed
intake, less energy spent and increased bulk density. Coconut (Cocus nucifera)


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meat contains a high concentration of mannose – based polysaccharides or

mannan. This substance has long been believed to have prebiotic properties
due to its capability to bind certain species of pathogenic bacteria in the
digestive tract of birds. Surprisingly, mannose-based polysaccharides from
coconut behave like yeast mannan. A number of current studies indicated that
mannose-based polysaccharides improved body weight gain and feed
digestibility. The growth of birds was negatively impacted when the birds were
challenged against pathogenic bacteria of E. coli. Wet droppings and diarrhea
incidences were not found in E. coli-challenged birds when the diets were
supplemented with coconut mannan. In conclusions, coconut meal can be
used as a feed ingredient for poultry unless the coconut (Cocus nucifera) meat
was pelleted or enzymatically treated. Mannose based polysaccharide from
coconut was effective to promote growth and acted as prebiotic.

The use of pelleting technology in cocot (cocus nucifera) meat has been
reported for more than 6 decades since Patten et al. (2008) published a report
on the use of pelleted diets. The efficacy of this technology to improve the
feeding value of the diets has been well documented. This improvement
becomes evident when the poultry was feed by a low bulk density diet. The
improved broiler performance due to pelleting the diets might be through a
number of mechanisms, namely: increased feed intake, increased feed
digestibility and less energy spent. Pelleting coconut (Cocus nucifera) meat can
be a way to improve its quality as this agricultural byproduct is bulky. Sundu
et al. (2011] pioneered a study of inclusion pelleted coconut (Cocus nucifera)
meat in broiler diet. They found that the growth performance of broiler
chickens increased to the same level of the growth of broiler chickens fed the
corn-soy diet. These findings could be an indication that the main problem of
using coconut (Cocus nucifera) meat in poultry diet might be related to its


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physical properties rather than chemical contents. Interestingly, when the

pelleted coconut (Cocus nucifera) meat was reground and offered to broiler
chickens, there was an acceptable growth performance of the chickens.

Corn (Zea mays) Cob

Corn (Zea mays) cob is commonly regarded as a waste product in
agricultural processing because of its high cellulosic nature. In Africa, it is
usually abandoned on farm lands after the corn pocessing, or used as a source
of cooking fuel in rural areas where it generates a lot of smoke, thus
constituting a source of environmental pollution (Lohlum et al., 2014).
Locally, corn (Zea mays) cob posesses an environmental challenge, as it
is usually disposed of improperly, littering the environment and blocking
drainages in urban areas after consumption. In the rural areas, it is used as a
source of firewood fuel for cooking thereby producing smoke which results in
poor air quality and respiratory illness caused by carcinogenic haze. This is
most prominent in women and children who are usually around the cooking
fire as reported by Ezzati and Kammen (2012); Desai, (2014); Shrestha, (2015).
Unfortunately, the production and end use of such biomass as fuel is done
under suboptimal conditions, contributing enormously to the greenhouse gas
burden, which is of consequential effects to us all, and the future of the earth
as our habitat.

The major factors militating against the utilization of corn (Zea mays) cob
in poultry nutrition are its cellulosic nature, high fibre content, low protein as

well as lipid and mineral value (Chen, 2010). Corn (Zea mays) cob consists of
cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin (Chen, 2010). Cellulose is a polymer of
glucose molecules linked by beta 1,4 bonds. Cellulose is difficult to hydrolyze
due to two main reasons. First of all, cellulose is insoluble in water and forms
crystals. Secondly, cellulose of practical interest is rarely pure, but coexists


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with lignin and hemicellulose in well-defined anatomical structures. Also,

lignin forms a physical seal around cellulose, which makes it very resistant to
efficient degradation by acid hydrolysis (Chen, 2010). Lignin also reduces the
accessibility of cellulose to cellulase enzymes. Poultry animals cannot use
cellulose as an energy source because they lack cellulase: the enzyme that
hydrolyses the beta 1,4 linkages.

Inspite of the odds, utilization of agricultural wastes should be

encouraged since recycling of wastes can minimize environmental pollution
and enhance the income of farmers by creating new products from wastes,
such as animal feed.

The composition of corn (Zea mays) cob is affected by stage of maturity,

cultivar, climate, soils and production methods (Szyszkowska et al., 2007).
Mature cobs have higher NDF, ADF, DM and lower CP and starch than less
mature cobs. Szyszkowska et al. (2007) reported that DM content in cobs was
positively correlated with the content of starch, and negatively with the content
of NDF and ADF fractions. The cultivars tested in the afore-mentioned study
did not differ in ADF, NDF, and starch content in corn (Zea mays) cob. The
mineral composition depended on the cultivar, effective temperature sum and

the farm type. Corn (Zea mays) cob separate into nutritionally distinct,
different sized particles comprising of a hard or woody fraction and a soft
fraction consisting of glumes, core, grain clippings and fine dust when
ground. Božović et al. (2004) reported that 1-mm-sized corn (Zea mays) cob
had higher CP and ether extract and lower cellulose, hemicellulose, ADF and
NDF than 3 and 2 mm particle sized corn (Zea mays) cob.

Water Hyacinth (Eeichhornia crassipes)

(Keller and Lodge 2009) stated that water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
is popular for both water gardeners and aquarists because it is one of only a


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few floating aquatic plants. However, it is also considered invasive aquatic weed
plants in tropical and subtropical regions, and many attempts have been made
to eradicate or control these plants. A feeding trial was conducted to explore
the potential of water hyacinth meal (WHM) on growth performance, economic
viability, and cell-mediated immunity of broiler chickens in a 42-day feeding
trial. Sixty-one-day-old broiler chickens were randomly allotted to 4 treatment
groups: (T1) zero percent (0%) WHM, (T2) two-point five (2.5%) WHM, (T3) five
percent (5.0%) WHM and (T4) seven-point five percent (7.5%) WHM, replicated
thrice with five birds each replication arranged in a Completely Randomized
Design (CRD) experimental set-up. Results revealed no significant difference
(P>0.05) on the bi-weekly body weight gain (BWG), average daily gain (ADG),
and feed conversion ratio. Numerically, Treatment 2 showed the highest final
body weight (1545.33± 36.37 g/bird), while the control showed the lowest value
(1076.00±109.23g/bird). A significant effect (P<0.05) was observed on the
voluntary feed intake (VFI), and cell-mediated immunity of broiler chicken fed
diets containing WHM. Moreover, the highest gross return results in T2 leads
to the highest overall return input cost per chicken, and experimental birds
without WHM had the lowest income generated. In conclusion, a noxious water
weed could be incorporated into the diet with no adverse effect on broiler
production performance.

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is popular for both water

gardeners and aquarists because it is one of a few floating aquatic plants
(Keller and Lodge 2009). However, some treated it as the world's worst aquatic
weed plant (Indulekha et al., 2019), proliferating in most tropical countries
(Adeyemi and Osubor, 2016). It was estimated that ten plants could produce
600,000 seeds during an eight-month growing season and completely covered
0.4 hectare of a natural freshwater surface (Vymazal 2008). With this, certain


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approaches have been tried to control and eradicate the weed in collaborated
efforts. Unfortunately, the plants invasive behavior and fast expansion rate
brought them unsuccessful (Anteneh et al., 2014). However, another method
was considered to maximize its potential. An alternate option is to utilize water
hyacinth for various purposes, such as animal feed (Jafari, 2010). A careful
biochemistry and physiology analysis of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
recommends its potential as a raw material in some industries. These plants
are utilized for animal consumption because of its availability and nutrient
value (Simpson and Sanderson 2012). Its proximate analysis revealed that
water hyacinth is constituted of 50% protein and 33% carbohydrates, while the
remaining nutrients are made up of fat, ash, and fiber (Adeyemi and Osubor
2016). Moreover, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) leaf protein concentrate
(WHPLC) may be used as food supplements due to the high protein content and
sufficient content of xanthophylls, carotenes, unsaturated fats, starch, and
essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron (Kateregga and
Sterner 2007). Seventeen out of twenty (7 out of 20) amino acids were detected
in the water weed without asparagine, glutamine, and tryptophan (Adeyemi
and Osubor 2016). Several studies reported different amounts of crude protein
in water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): thirty-two point nine percent (32.9%)
(Wolverton and Mcdonald 2008), twenty-three point eighty-two percent
(23.82%) (Alkassar and Al-Shukri, 2010), fifteen-point swenty seven percent
(15.27%) (Okoye et al., 2011), and eighteen-point seven percent (18.7%)
(Monsod, 2018). The various results might be caused by the difference in the
potential biotic and abiotic factors present in the water where they grow.
Evidence from the study of Adeyemi and Osubor (2016) stated that levels of all
heavy metals were found to be within the safe limit, which disclosed the water
hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) to be acutely nontoxic. However, literature was
inadequate in terms of profound details and further studies with the extraction


Tagudin, Ilocos Sur

of these water weeds in edible form. Hence, to utilize the abundant water weeds
in the community, this study was conducted to evaluate the growth
performance, economic viability, and the cell mediated immunity of broiler
chickens fed with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) meal.

A study predominantly on the comparative, characterization and

nutritional assay of the stem and leaf of water hyacinth extracts through
phytochemical screening, elemental and proximate analysis to elucidate the
potential applications. From the results, the ethanol extract of the leaves (EL)
revealed the presence of phenol, steroids and saponin owing to the affinity of
the solvent for hydrophilicity, while the hexane extract of the leaves (HL) shows
the presence of flavonoids and steroids. Also the ethanolic extract of the stems
(ES) shows the presence of phenol, steroids and saponin for the same reason,
while the hexane extract of stems (HS) shows the presence of flavonoids and
steroids. The proximate analysis of the leaf reveals appreciable percentages of
protein, fibre and moisture content while that of stem shows higher
percentages for carbohydrates and crude lipids. The leaf and stem show equal
percentages for the ash content. The Elemental analysis shows that heavy
metal concentrations of the leaf and stem are within threshold limits. This
evident research substantiates the potential application of water hyacinth for
human and livestock consumption. The presence of secondary metabolites for
pharmacological and therapeutic utilization such as anticancer, antimicrobial,
antioxidant, antidandruff, antiproliferative activities and provides a potential
source of animal feed due to the higher percentage of carbohydrates, crude
protein and crude fibre (Gabriel, 2018).

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