DNA Damage Induced by Exposure To Pesticides In.12
DNA Damage Induced by Exposure To Pesticides In.12
DNA Damage Induced by Exposure To Pesticides In.12
DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1497_17
Stela Benitez Leite1, Deidamia Mercedes Franco de Diana2, Jaime Alfredo Segovia Abreu2,
Domingo Santiago Avalos3, Marta Almada Denis4, Cristina Coronel Ovelar4, María José Samaniego Royg2,
Boris Alexei Thielmann Arbo2 & Ramón Corvalan4
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Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences of Catholic University ‘Nuestra Señora de la
Asunción’ ,2Toxicological Genetics Laboratory of Faculty of Health Sciences of Catholic University ‘Nuestra
Señora de la Asunción’, 3Educational and Research Area of the General Directorate of Primary Health Care,
Ministry of Public Health & Social Welfare & 4Servicio Paz y Justicia Paraguay, Asuncion, Paraguay
Background & objectives: Chronic exposure to pesticides can damage DNA and lead to cancer, diabetes,
respiratory diseases and neurodegenerative and neurodevelopment disorders. The objective of this study
was to determine the frequency of DNA damage through the comet assay and micronucleus (MN) test in
two groups of children, under 10 yr of age living in rural Paraguay and in relation to pesticide exposure.
Methods: Two groups of 5 to 10 yr old children were formed; the exposed group (group A, n=43), born
and currently living in a community dedicated to family agriculture and surrounded by transgenic
soybean crops, and the control group (group B, n=41), born and living in a community dedicated to
family agriculture with biological control of pests. For each child, 2000 cells were studied for the MN test
and 200 cells for the comet assay.
Results: The comparison between exposed and control children revealed significant differences in
biomarkers studied for the measurement of genetic damage (cell death and DNA damage). The median
of MN was higher in the exposed group (6 vs. 1) (P<0.001). Binucleated cells (2.9 vs. 0.5, P<0.001); broken
eggs (5.5 vs. 1.0, P<0.001); karyorrhexis (6.7 vs. 0.5, P<0.001); kariolysis (14.0 vs. 1.0, P<0.001); pyknosis
(7.4 vs. 1.2, P<0.001) and condensed chromatin (25.5 vs. 7.0, P<0.001) were significantly higher in the
exposed group. The values of tail length (59.1 vs 37.2 µm); tail moment (TM) (32.8 vs. 14.4 µm); TM
olive (15.5 vs. 6); % DNA tail (45.2 vs. 27.6) and % DNA head (54.8 vs. 72.4), were significantly different
between the two groups.
Interpretations & conclusions: In children exposed to pesticides, a greater genotoxic and cytotoxic effect
was observed compared to non-exposed children. Our findings suggest that monitoring of genetic toxicity
in population exposed to pesticides and agrochemicals should be done.
Key words Biomonitoring - buccal micronucleus cytome assay - children - comet assay - DNA - pesticides
© 2019 Indian Journal of Medical Research, published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow for Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research
Paraguay is currently the world’s fourth largest was, therefore, to determine the frequency of DNA
exporter and soy producer1. The area covered by this damage (evaluated through the comet assay and MN
crop covers 80 per cent of agricultural land. Between test in exfoliated cells of the buccal mucosa) and the
August 2015 and July 2016, Paraguay officially alteration of plasma cholinesterase and its relation to
imported almost 38,000 tons of pesticides; 64 per pesticide exposures in two groups of children under
cent of the substances were herbicides, preferably 10 yr of age living in rural areas.
for the monoculture of transgenics2. The application
Material & Methods
of agrochemicals is carried out in a context of low
and ineffective environmental regulation3. Pesticides This study was carried out at the Toxicological
produce adverse effects on the environment and Genetics Laboratory of Faculty of Health Sciences of
health. There is evidence of the relationship between Catholic University “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”
exposure to pesticides and increased risk of cancers, between January 2016 to June 2017, after the protocol
neurodegenerative disorders and neurodevelopment approval by the Ethics Committee of the Catholic
and respiratory diseases and diabetes4. The importance University, Asuncion, Paraguay. Two groups of healthy
of early detection of genetic damage is that it allows children of 5-10 yr of age, of both sexes were formed.
taking the necessary measures to reduce or suppress Group A (n=43) was considered as exposed and group
the exposure to the deleterious agent when it is still B (n=41) was considered as not exposed. The exposed
reversible and thereby prevent and reduce the risk population (group A) of healthy children comprised
of developing neoplasia and other pathological those who were born in the place, and have been
alterations5. living on a permanent basis on that location for more
Micronucleus (MN) is a biomarker that is widely than five years, of both sexes from 5 to 10 yr of age.
used in biomonitoring studies to determine the They were potentially exposed (chronic exposure) to
genetic risk associated with pesticide exposure. The excessive and indiscriminate use11 of agrochemicals
oral MN assay is a cytogenetic method to measure used in intensive fumigation practices of monocultures
genetic damage, cell proliferation, differentiation and living less than 1 km away from the fumigated fields of
death in exfoliated oral cells6,7. The comet assay is a the San Juan Colony in the Department of Canindeyú
sensitive technique to evaluate DNA damage of a (Paraguay). This community was isolated, exposed
variety of damaged cells caused by different physical to the practices of aerial and terrestrial fumigation of
and chemical agents. It is widely used in human pesticides, and was surrounded by transgenic soybean
biomonitoring to measure DNA damage as a marker crops. Fumigation with pesticides took place every
of exposure to genotoxic agents or to investigate 15 days during 150 days when the soybean crops
genoprotective effects8. mature (September-January); in the rainy season, the
fumigation cycle for the transgenic soybeans was
Among the exposed populations, children duplicated and further proceeded during the year due
constitute a group that has particular exposure to the existence of transgenic corn and transgenic
characteristics and special vulnerability to sunflower. The community had 450 families or less,
environmental toxics. Children may also differ from mostly living on family agriculture for self consumption
adults in levels of detoxification, in processes of and as a means of income.
DNA repair and cell proliferation. The most obvious
difference between children and adults is the reduced Unexposed population (group B) included children
impact of traditional confounding factors such as of both sexes, 5-10 yr of age, born in agricultural areas
cigarette smoking and occupational exposure5,9. that perform biological pest control of the Sargent
Baez County, of the First District of the Cordillera
The San Juan colony, located in the district
Department. Most of the adult population were
of Francisco Alvarez Caballero, Department of
sugar cane producers, members of the Manduvirá
Canindeyú, Paraguay, was officially authorized by
Cooperative (Cooperativa Manduvira)12. Families in
the Rural Welfare Institute in 199710. At present,
the San Juan Colony as well as those of the Sargent
there are about 450 families dedicated to family
Baez County lived in rural areas.
agriculture. Surrounded by large areas of soybean,
mostly transgenic, the population is exposed to aerial Exclusion criteria: Children without the consent of the
and terrestrial spraying, without any protection or parents or guardians, all those children who refused to
precaution towards people3. The objective of this study take part in the study or those with physical disabilities,
pubertal onset, chronic pathologies and congenital plasma cholinesterase, simple urine and serial faeces.
malformations and with a history of X-ray exposure Anaemia was considered when Hb was below 11.5 g/
in the past six months were excluded. Based on the dl15 and hypoproteinaemia below 6 g/dl16.
suggestions given by Preston and Hoffman13 the simple
Genotoxicity biomarkers: The bioassays employed
size was calculated. For the present study, 43 cases and were carried out by the Laboratory of Genetic
41 controls were selected. The invitation to participate Toxicology of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the
in the study was extended through communication Catholic University Our Holy Mother of Asuncion.
with established community leaders. Subsequently,
only with those individuals who read, understood Buccal micronucleus cytome (BMNcyt) assay: After
and accepted the terms of the informed consent form performing a mouthwash with water, the inner surface
and additionally were not excluded by the exclusion of the cheek of the individuals was scraped with a sterile
criteria, were studied. For the study of cell damage wooden tongue blade, pre-moistened in physiological
and MNs, the unit of analysis was constituted by oral serum. The sample was fixed on slide with 80 per cent
mucosa cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes for the methanol for 1 h and then allowed to dry at room
comet assay. temperature. The samples were stained according to
Measurements and instrument used to compile data: the Feulgen technique17, for which the hydrolysis was
A questionnaire structured in six sections (risk factors, done by immersing the sheets in 1N HCl at 60°C for
sociodemographic characteristics, anthropometric 10 min. To cut off the hydrolysis, the samples were
measurements, clinical profile, laboratory and washed in cold distilled water, and then placed in the
biomarker study) with closed questions, was developed Schiff reagent (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) for 60 min.
and validated. The quality control was done through For analysis, 2000 cells per individual were taken
a ‘test-retest’ in a subsample of ten individuals, with according to the Tolbert technique18. The frequency
similar characteristics to the target population, that of MNs and other nuclear abnormalities such as
were administered through interviews. In those karyorrhexis (KR), broken egg (BE), karyolysis (KL),
questions that presented difficulties of understanding, pyknosis (PIk) and binucleated (BN) cells, were
a deeper investigation was carried out to facilitate the determined based on the considerations of Bolognesi
analysis process and the corresponding adjustment of et al6. The cells were evaluated with light-field
the items, thus ensuring an optimum version that was Olympus microscopes, model CX21, from Japan, with
applied to the study sample. a magnification of 1000×.
To find about chronic exposure as a measure of the Comet assay: Evaluation of DNA damage was done by
effect, the MN test and the comet assay were utilized. the comet assay19,20. Forty microlitre of peripheral blood
On the exposed population, the collection of genetic was collected from the third finger of each participant
material was done at a time when the fumigation with in Eppendorf tubes, containing 1.5 ml of cell culture
pesticides was being carried out on a non-intensive medium (RPMI, Roswell Park Memorial Institute), 20
basis. Acute intoxication from organic phosphates mM EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and 10
and carbamates was determined through plasma per cent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), for correct assay.
cholinesterase on both populations of interest. Initial sample (120 μl) was mixed with 240 μl of 0.7
per cent low melting point (LMP) agarose. These were
Sample collection plated on gelled sheets with one per cent normal melting
point agarose, and coated with a third layer of LMP
Urine and blood (5 ml) samples taken in agarose. The gelled sheets were maintained at 4°C for 6
the morning (haemogram, proteinaemia, plasma to 8 h immersed in a lysis solution (lysis buffer, Triton
cholinesterase, renal, hepatic and thyroid profile) were X-100 and DMSO), for membrane lysis. The plates were
collected in January 2016 from group A children. placed in an alkaline-buffered electrophoresis cuvette
Material for the comet assay and MN test was collected at pH 12.5 for 20 min to allow the decomposition of
in August 2016. From group B children, urine and DNA and exposure of damaged alkali sites. After this,
blood samples were collected in September 2016, for electrophoresis was performed for 20 min at 25 V and
comet assay and MN test. The nutritional status was 300 mA and, the sheets were washed in a 0.4 M Trizma
determined by anthropometry: weight and height14; base at pH 7.5 neutralization buffer to remove excess
proteinaemia, blood analysis, renal, hepatic, thyroid, alkali and the detergents. Ethidium bromide (80 μl of
10 μg/ml) was used for staining; 20 min later, deionized Table. Demographic profile, nutritional status, eosinophilia
water was used to remove excess dye. The slides were and cholinesterase in the exposed and not exposed population
examined under epifluorescence microscope (ZEISS Variables Exposed Not
AXIOS A1, Germany) with an increase of 200×, using (n=43) exposed
a 590 nm filter. (n=41)
Age, mean±SD (yr) 7.6±1.8 8.0±1.8
Two hundred comets per participant were analyzed
using the Comet Imager software v2.2 (MetaSystems, Group, n (%)
Germany). Cell damage was determine using the 5‑6 13 (30.2) 10 (24.4)
following parameters into account: Tail length (TL): 7‑8 14 (32.6) 13 (31.7)
Total length of the comet, from the nuclear centre to 9‑10 16 (37.2) 18 (43.9)
the end of the tail. Tail moment (TM): Migration length Sex, n (%)
of the DNA outside the nucleus forming the tail of the Male 27 (62.7) 19 (46.3)
comet. Olive TM (OTM): Tail size of the comet plus
Female 16 (37.2) 22 (53.7)
the total DNA fraction from the centre of the head to
Nutritional status, n (%)
the tail end. Head DNA: the percentage of DNA in the
head of the comet. Tail DNA: the percentage of DNA Suitable stature 40 (93.0) 33 (80.5)
in the tail of the comet that indicates the amount of Risk low stature 3 (7.0) 8 (19.5)
fragmented DNA that migrated on electrophoresis. Low stature - -
Proteinaemia, g/dl (mean±SD) 7.2±0.5*** 7.5±1.1
Statistical analysis: For data analysis related to
demographic characteristics, nutritional status and Eosinophilia, % median (rank) 8.0±3.1*** 3.5 (2.5)
anaemia, frequency measures, central tendency and Hb, g/dl (mean±SD) 12.5±0.5 12.5±0.6
dispersion, were used depending on the nature of the Cholinesterase, U/l (mean±SD) 9182±1830 9493±1623
samples. Significance of the differences between groups ***
P<0.001 compared to not exposed group; Hb, haemoglobin
was analysed using the Student’s t test and Chi-square
test. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used for
the evaluation of data related to DNA damage.
The demographic characteristics are presented in
the Table. The children in the two groups had similar
age, haemoglobin level and nutritional status. They
all had normal hepatic, renal and thyroid function.
There was a significant difference in eosinophil count
between the two groups. No child presented with
chronic malnutrition (height/age); proteinaemia values
were whitin the normal range in both the studied
groups. One child (exposed group) was excluded from
the study because of chronic renal failure, detected at
the time of the study.
The results of the buccal MN cytome assay showed
highly significant differences when comparing the
exposed population with the unexposed population, as
shown in Fig. 1. The frequency of MN was higher in
the exposed group (6 vs 1) (P<0.001). Similar trends
are observed with BN cells (2.9 vs 0.5, P<0.001);
BE (5.5 vs 1.0, P<0.001), karyorrhexis (6.7 vs 0.5,
P<0.001); karyolysis (14.0 vs 1.0, P<0.001); pyknosis
Fig. 1. Anomaly rate in oral cells per 1000 cells of exposed (E)
(7.4 vs 1.2, P<0.001); and condensed chromatin (25.5 (n=43) and not exposed (NE) (n=41). P25, 25th percentile; P75,
vs 7.0, P<0.001). 75th percentile.
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For correspondence: Dr Stela Benitez Leite, Alférez Juan Manuel Iturbe 451 c/Acuña de Figueroa, Asuncion, Paraguay
e-mail: [email protected]