Green Maeketing
Green Maeketing
Green Maeketing
A Research Report
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Table of Contents
1. What is Green Marketing?.................................................................................................2
2. Green Marketing is Meaningful, Authentic or Gimmick...................................................2
3. Positive Aspects of Green Marketing................................................................................3
4. Negative Aspects of Green Marketing...............................................................................3
5. Recommendations..............................................................................................................4
6. References..........................................................................................................................5
Green marketing refers to the practice of developing and advertising products based on
their real or perceived environmental sustainability. As never before in this socio-economic
context, every brand has an ever-increasing need to communicate sustainability and direct
its actions under a banner of “green,” thus communicating its values through concrete
choices, creating solutions that look at the global welfare and, through concrete actions to
reduce expenses, showing an eco-sustainable image and enhancing green marketing
strategies (Polonsky & Rosenberger, 2001).
In the economic context, green marketing refers to all activities that contribute to the
development, marketing, and promotion of products and services capable of generating a
lower environmental impact compared to the alternatives offered on the market. Green
marketing, in fact, has the long-term objective of changing lifestyles and upgrading
consumption, making the ecological alternative perceived as normal and acceptable and,
consequently, the offer of green products and services as attractive and preferable
(Amoako, Dzogbenuku, & Doe, 2022).
Green marketing is the process of developing products and services and promoting them to
satisfy the customers who prefer products of good quality, performance and convenience at
affordable cost, which at the same time does not have any harmful impact on the
environment. Companies all over the world are striving to reduce the impact of products
and services on the climate and other environmental parameters. Various studies indicate
that most of the consumers are becoming more concerned about environment-friendly
products. Most of them feel that environment-friendly products are safe to use. As a result,
green marketing has emerged, which aims at marketing of environment friendly products
and services. This has become the new mantra for marketers to satisfy the needs of
consumers and earn better profits. In this paper as a marketing coordinator in radio station,
presents a theoretical framework about green marketing, environmental justice, and
industrial ecology towards General Manager of radio station. The research suggests for
greater awareness of environmental justice in practicing green marketing in radio station
and arouses the interest of customers towards Eco-friendly products and their readiness to
bear the costs associated with it.
For most companies, sustainability has become a business imperative, rather than a matter
of choice. Environmental and social issues are high on the strategic agenda of many
organizations. This reasearch focusses on the environmental dimension of sustainability. As
a marketing coordinator of radio station there are new strategies are required to stay
competitive in the marketplace and to achieve business sustainability. Quality of life of the
future generations depends on the efforts of current generations to protect the
environment. Professional purchasers are expected to buy green environmentally friendly
products to contribute to a sustainable world and also to gain a green competitive
Many industries have included green products to complete their product range or as an
alternative to other ‘non-green’ products. Compared to other products, the business of
green products is steadily increasing in the consumer market around the globe. As a
marketing coordinator I found that many companies have adopted a green marketing
strategy as ‘a set of marketing tools and elements, which allows firms to serve the target
market without harming the natural environment. Green marketing is an example of an
environmental management practice, aimed at reducing or preventing negative impacts on
the environment and ideally oriented towards delivering the (green) product (or service) at
the right price, place and time, regardless of the market (i.e B2R, B2C, B2B).
2. Such companies are more attractive to potential employees who seek to become
part of anenvironmentally responsible company.
Many organizations want to adopt green marketing practices because of the number of
benefits it brings to marketers, customers and the environment but there is still some
hesitancy among firms. This is basically because it’s a new concept and it comes along with
some challenges for the businesses. This section provides an overview of some of the
2. There is an immense need to educate consumers and make them aware of the
environmental threats. It will take a lot of time for green movements to reach the
masses in general because green marketing is still a new concept.
3. There are consumers who only want to satisfy their needs and are
indifferent to their environmental impact. This makes them unwilling to pay any
extra for green products.
5. There is a need for long-term planning because initially, the profits may be very low
since renewable and recyclable products and green technologies are more
expensive. It can besuccessful only in the long run so there is a need to plan for
long term rather than short term.The environment should be viewed as a major
long-term investment opportunity and should look at the long-term benefits of this
new green movement. This requires a lot of patience.
5. Recommendations
Green marketing helps raise awareness about environmental issues and encourages
consumers to make more sustainable choices. By promoting eco-friendly products
and practices, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and
appeal to consumers who are increasingly seeking out environmentally responsible
products and services
Companies that are seen as environmentally responsible can benefit from increased
customer loyalty and a positive brand reputation. By embracing sustainable practices
and promoting them through marketing campaigns, companies can help to drive
positive change and contribute to a more sustainable future
6. References