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Author manuscript
Science. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 December 30.
Author Manuscript

Published in final edited form as:

Science. 2014 July 25; 345(6195): 385–386. doi:10.1126/science.1258295.

Astrocytes eyeball axonal mitochondria:

Retinal neurons transfer mitochondria to astrocytes for rapid turnover to meet energy

Thomas C. Burdett and Marc R. Freeman

Department of Neurobiology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Massachusetts
Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605, USA
Author Manuscript

Sustaining a healthy population of mitochondria in a neuron requires a balance of de novo

biogenesis of new mitochondria or mitochondrial components and removal of damaged
mitochondrial membrane, proteins, and DNA (1, 2). Recent evidence suggests that
mitochondria must be actively transported between the cell body and axon (2). A new study
by Davis et al. (3) offers a surprising alternative: Axons expel mitochondria to neighboring
astrocytes for degradation. This unexpected finding might reshape how we think of
mitochondrial disposal in the nervous system.

Axons enable long-distance communication in the nervous system by propagating signals to

distant synapses at extraordinary lengths from the neuronal cell body. Axons within the
spinal tract of the blue whale (perhaps the longest in nature) are estimated to exceed 30 m in
length, and the longest human axons extend an average of 1 m from the base of the spine to
the toes. By comparison, a neuronal cell body is less than 100 μm in diameter (4). Thus, long
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axons can represent the majority of a neuron’s volume and pose a major logistical challenge
to ship nutrients, organelles, and other biomaterials essential for maintaining axon integrity,
synaptic connectivity, and neuronal function (2, 4).

The active transport of organelles and vesicles, as well as the maintenance of membrane
potential along the length of the axon, are energetically demanding tasks that require a
constant supply of adenosine triphosphate from axonal mitochondria (5). As such,
mitochondria must be both properly distributed and functioning efficiently to maintain
neuronal energy homeostasis and neural activity (2, 6).

Most newly formed mitochondria are transported from the cell body down the length of the
axon and often fuse with resident mitochondria along the way (2). Mitochondrial fusion and
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fission together constitute an important quality-control mechanism that is believed to help

adjust mitochondrial length and vitality, replenish supplies of biomolecules, and dilute out
defective mitochondrial components (1). Such maintenance is essential not only for proper
bioenergetic function, but also to prevent the release of reactive oxygen species or molecules
that trigger programmed cell death (apoptosis) from partially depolarized mitochondria (7,

Ultimately, aged mitochondria are believed to become damaged irreparably, at which point
cells discard them or fission off sections to be degraded through an autophagy-based process
(mitophagy). Autophagosomes form around mitochondria, which then fuse with lysosomes,
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delivering digestive enzymes and accomplishing their degradation (1, 9). Neuronal
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autophagosomes likely mature by fusing with endosomes and lysosomes during retrograde
transport from the axon to the cell body (10). How or where mitophagy is induced in the
axon, or precisely how many mitochondria are eliminated by autophagy versus alternate
mechanisms (axonal or otherwise), is not clear (11).

A study of retinal ganglion cells at the optic nerve head in a mouse revealed that membrane-
bound vesicles that were shed from their axons were internalized by surrounding astrocytes
(12). Davis et al. further analyzed this shedding event. Using scanning electron microscopy
and cell-specific labeling, they identified mitochondria as one of the major constituents of
the shed axonal evulsions. A clear continuum of events was observed whereby mitochondria
clustered in axons near sites of astrocyte membranes, evulsions from axons were filled with
mitochondria, and shed evulsions were internalized by astrocytes. The authors further
determined that the mitochondria-rich evulsions were degraded in astrocytes, as the
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organelles co-localized with lysosomal markers and were surrounded by astrocyte


To trace the fate of these mitochondria-rich evulsions in astrocytes, Davis et al. targeted a
red/green, acid-resistant/acid-sensitive fluorescent protein to neuronal mitochondria. In
healthy mitochondria, red and green signals colocalize, whereas the green fluorescence is
eliminated in an acidic lysosomal environment. The authors confirmed that mitochondria
undergoing lysosomal degradation were not in axons but in surrounding glia (astrocytes).
They also detected degraded neuronal mitochondrial DNA in astrocytes. The study provides
compelling evidence that retinal ganglion cells can transfer mitochondria to astrocytes for
destruction rather than sending the organelles down the axon to the cell body for recycling.
In addition, Davis et al. show that a majority of axonal mitochondria in the optic nerve head
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undergo degradation in surrounding astrocytes. This process therefore represents a major

route for mitochondrial disposal from these neurons.

Retinal ganglion cells are particularly energy-hungry cells and may demand a level of
mitochondrial turnover that exceeds axonal transport capacity. Their axons project through a
variety of target regions in the brain, are unmyelinated in the retina but myelinated for the
remainder of their length, and experience stressors such as light, varying intraocular
pressure, and poor oxygen supply (13). Such an environment could stand in contrast to the
more protected regions of the brain and nerve tracts, and so this may be a specialization of
these neurons. However, one could also imagine low levels of transcellular mitochondrial
degradation being dismissed as artifactual in these tissues or going wholly unnoticed
because they are only readily identified by electron microscopy or with a fluorescent marker.
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Indeed, this phenomenon appears to be more widely used in the nervous system, as Davis et
al. report the identification of similar mitochondria-rich protrusions in the superficial layers
of the cerebral cortex of young mice.

Davis et al. have named this process of transcellular degradation of mitochondria

“transmitophagy.” But although cell-autonomous mitophagy is an autophagic event, it
remains to be determined whether axonal mitochondria transferred to astrocytes are
degraded by an autophagic process or a phagocytic event; both would result in the

Science. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 December 30.

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association of transferred material with lysosomal compartments. Key next steps include
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determining whether these particles are enclosed in a double membrane-bound vesicle,

implying autophagy, or a single membrane-bound phagosome-like vesicle. Equally
important is exploring whether this process is regulated by autophagic, phagocytic, or other
signaling pathways.

The process of transmitophagy not only goes against dogma—cells don’t necessarily
autonomously destroy all of their own mitochondria—but it raises many intriguing questions
about the biology of mitochondria, axons, and astrocytes. For instance, how do mitochondria
tag themselves for disposal, cluster at the appropriate axonal site, and load themselves into
these evulsions? It is also not clear whether this transcellular degradation process is specific
for mitochondria, or is used to dispose of other axonal organelles. How astrocytes
discriminate between axonal evulsions and healthy axonal material, and ultimately drive
uptake and disposal of the correct target is also a curiosity. What drives the formation of
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evulsions, loading, and pinching off is also an open question. The finding also raises the
question of whether signals are sent from the axon to the astrocyte to ensure uptake.

Even if transmitophagy is rare in healthy neuronal populations, it will be necessary to

determine whether each neuron has the intrinsic capability to use this mechanism to dispose
of unwanted mitochondria, if we wish to understand neuronal physiology, and whether it is
up-regulated in response to stress or disease. Interestingly, Davis et al. noted an increase of
transmitophagy in retinal ganglion cells after exposure to rotenone, an inhibitor of
mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I. Autophagosomes containing mitochondria
reportedly accumulate in neurodegenerative disease models (9, 14). In these situations,
transmitophagy may compensate for interruptions in axonal transport by intracellular
aggregates or disruption of microtubule networks. Going forward, it will be exciting to
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explore a possible increase of transmitophagy as a neuroprotective target.

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2. Sheng ZH. J Cell Biol. 2014; 204:1087. [PubMed: 24687278]
3. Davis CH, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014; 111:9633. [PubMed: 24979790]
4. Smith DH. Prog Neurobiol. 2009; 89:231. [PubMed: 19664679]
5. Morrison BM, Lee Y, Rothstein JD. Trends Cell Biol. 2013; 23:644. [PubMed: 23988427]
6. Sajic M, et al. PLOS Biol. 2013; 11:e1001754. [PubMed: 24391474]
7. Court FA, Coleman MP. Trends Neurosci. 2012; 35:364. [PubMed: 22578891]
8. Weaver D, et al. Mol Cell. 2014; 54:870. [PubMed: 24813948]
9. Maday S, Holzbaur ELF. Autophagy. 2012; 8:858. [PubMed: 22617438]
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10. Maday S, et al. J Cell Biol. 2012; 196:407. [PubMed: 22331844]

11. Ashrafi G, Schwarz TL. Cell Death Differ. 2013; 20:31. [PubMed: 22743996]
12. Nguyen JV, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011; 108:1176. [PubMed: 21199938]
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14. Wang QJ, et al. J Neurosci. 2006; 26:8057. [PubMed: 16885219]

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Eye on mitochondria
Retinal ganglion cells in the optic nerve head of the mouse are enwrapped by astrocytes and
rapidly turn over mitochondria to meet high metabolic demands.
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Science. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 December 30.

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Mitochondria cluster in the axon of a retinal ganglion cell in the optic nerve head. This
forms an evulsion that is internalized by a nearby astrocyte. Mitochondria are then degraded
in lysosomes.
Author Manuscript

Science. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 December 30.

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