Haciendo Negocios Peru

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A p rto n o

Una opor'lu
n la tiltima ddcada el Perd se ha trinsformdo Ac tba de

called Peru
vG, ie last decade, Peru has been transformed. It has lur com pleted eighty eight consecutive m onths of economic growth, a m ajor achievem for a country in a ent region 'A berc econom and political change is frequent. ic This, period of sustainedgrowth is no fluke. It is the result of an unprecedented openness to trade, a more diversified array o l exports and export markets, but above all good fiscal rnanagetnent and clear rules for investors, which earned the country an investm grade rating from two internaent tional agencies, ra status it shares in the region with Brazil, vrccsicoand Chile. Peru has become the region's most attractive economy. In a year when the financial crisis has begun to hurt almost every econom Peru continues to enjoy som of the best y, e growth forecasts in the world. The opportunities are multifold aed best of all this is no longer just a flash in the pan boom. Free trade agreements signed with the United States, Canada and Thailand will soon be joined with trade deals with the European Union, China, India, Russia, South Africa, and South Korea, among others. ",41qny challenges still remain. The level of poverty is ee otable and educational standards urgently need to be impro: A. But these issues could not he tackled if the country was, not in the current strong position in which it finds itself. Nor could the deficit of infrastructure, which restricts the competitiveness of local firms, be tackled. The state at last has resolved to reduce this breach by prom oting the participation of local and foreign private investors. The best example has been the modernization of the country's ports and airport and the construction of highway infrastructure, including the construction of transcontinental highways that will unite us with Brazil and the Asia Pacific region. Against this background, the opportunity to be the host for APEC 2008 represents, without doubt, an unbeatable showcase for Peru and a brilliant opportunity for the leaders and businessmen of the 21 economies that make up the Asia Pacific bloc to see with their own eyes the delicacies this country has to offer. W elcome to Peru!. n

E cumplir 88 noses consecutivoc de crecimiento econoiiiico,

to coal representa todo on hito para on pais que it t egra ur'a regi611 donde los camhios politicos y econ6micos son frecuentes. Dicho crecimiento no es gratuito. Es resultado de una apertura coniercial sin precedentes, una oferta exportadora cada vez mas diversificada en cuanto a productos y niercados de destino, pero sobre todo de on buen mane o fiscal y reglas clams para invertir, to que le valid conseguir este ado el grado de inversi6n parte de dos caliticadoras internacionales, estates que solo ostentan en la region Brasil. Mexico y Chile. Asi, el Perti se ha convertido en la economia niLis seductora de la region. En un pals donde las proyecciones de crecimiento son de las mejores a nivel global en no ano donde la crisis financiera empieza a golpear a Codas ]as economies. Las oportunidades llueven y to anejor de todo es que ya no se trata solo de on boom o de also temporal. A los tratados de lihre comercial (TLC) to<grados con Estados Unidos. Canadd y Tailandia se sumarin, dentro de pogo, aeuerdos comerciales con la Uni6n Europea, China. India, Rusia, Suddfrica v Corca del Sur, entre

por por

otros passes.
Ain quedan muehos desafios. Las toss de pob.eza siguen siendo inaceptables y el nivel de la educacidn debe mejorar de manera urgente. Pero son eosas que no se podrian enfrentar sin las condiciones actuales que reinan en el Dais. Como tampoco so habria podido enfrentar el ddfcit do infraesructura que restringe la competitividad do las empresas locales. EJ Estado por fin se ha abocado a reducir la hrecha on se sentido, prornoviencio la participacion del empresariado local y extranjero. El mejorejemplo de ello son la modernizacion de sus puertos y aeropuerto y el desarrollo de la infraestructura vial, la cual tiene eomo punta de lanza In puesta on mareha de las carreteras interoceanicas que nos unirin con Brasil y el Asia-Pacifico El hecho de ser sede de In cita del APEC 200$ representa, sin dada, una vitrina inmejorable pare los peruanos y una oportunidad insuperable pare Clue Jos lideres y empresarios de las 21 economies que confornnan el bloque Asia-Pacifico vean por sus propios ojos ]as delicias que ofrece este pais. iBienvenidos!. a

G O A P R / c; i i L BL EU i

to doing
Gufa para hacer
.a "1

business in

H wPr ? o eu procedures

T easy is it to open and operate a com pany in vv Peru? It takes ten bureaucratic

Q u '

tan facil es abrir y operar una empresa en el Peru? Hay que hacer 10 tramites que toman

and 65 days. That is the answer to one of dozens of questions that investors ask them selves when they com to do e business in Peru. Depending on the conditions this country offers in terms of simplicity, speed, transparency and security to operate, the meri who control money from all over the planet will decide it they place their chips on the part of the roulette table called Peru. AmericaEconomia Peru, in collaboration with the Peruvian firm
M uniz, Ram irez, Perez-Taim & Luna Victoria Abogados, offer an

below tips to bear in mind when dong business in Peru.

65 dias. Esta es la respuesta de unas decenas de preguntas que los inversionistas Be hacen a la hora antes de poner al Peru en el mapa para hacer negocios. Dependiendo de las condiciones que este pals les ofrezca en cuanto a simplificacion, rapidez, transparencia y seguridad para operar, los senores dinero de diversos lugares del planeta decidiran si apuestan sus fichas en este tablero llamado Peru. Ante ello, AmericaEconomia Peru, en colaboracion con la firma peruana Muniz, Ramirez, Perez-Taiman & Luna- Victoria tips a Abogados ofrece, a continuacion, un panorama sobre tener en cuenta para hacer negocios en. el-Perri.

14 GLOBAL PERU/ `L_ .U 2tr: it

Haciendo negocios en el Peru

Doing Business Peru/


Forei I ti iamiento de la inversion extranjera en el Peru se en-

gn investment in Peru is largely covered by the Foreign Investment Promotion Law (Decree Law No 662). Under this law, the Peruvian state recognizes foreign investment as vital element for economic development and provides guarantees and assurances to foreign investments in all areas of economic activity. The legal north seeks to remove all kinds of obstacles and guarantee equal rights and obligations to foreign and local investors. It also create a framework of legal stability which allows the application of the laws standing at the time that legal stability agreement is signed. This norm establishes that all investors are protected by guarantees of non-discrim ination betw een investors and companies according to their nationality, sector or type of economic activity, geographic lo,:. tions, prices, tariffs, non custom duties, form of corporation, or legal status. It also establishes the right to non-discrimination against state capital, the right to private property, the freedom for business, the freedom to internal and foreign trade and to agree freely how to distribute profits and dividends they generate and use the most favorable exchange rate in the currency market. Peruvian legislation allows investors to signed legal stability agreements with the state which granted in an exclusive manner regardless of the standing legal regime at the time the agreement is signed. This means those who protected by legal stability agreements will be able to continue to apply the same legislation in force w hen the agreem w signed and w not be affected ent as ill modifications made later to the legislation, including when legislation is eliminated. These agreements are signed for ten year period and granted to investors and companies receiving investment in which they participate the rights to a stable tax regime, a stable regime exchange regime, stability into the right to expatriate profits, dividends, capitals and other incomes they may receive. The legal stability agreements grant foreign investors and companies other advantage that are not available in other countries such as the rights to use the m favorable exchange rate ost in the currency market, the same rights and duties as local investors and companies without exceptions apart from those outlined in Peru's political constitution.

E cuIntra tegulado principalmcnte en la Lev de Promotion

a de inversion Fxtranjera (D. leg N" 662). rNlediantc esta icy. el F:stado peruano reconoce a In inversion extranjera Como elemento vital para el desarrollo economico y otorga garantias y seguridades alas inver.siones extranjeras en todos los sectores de In actividad econ6mica. A travels de esta norma legal se busca remover todo tipo de ohst2iculos y garantizar In igualdad de derechos y obligaciones a los inversionistas extranjeros respecto de los nacionales. Ademds, se otorga on regimen de e tabilidud juridica que perntite la aplicacion de las norma, le-ales vigentes al tienipo de la suscripci6n del respectivo convenio de estahilbind juridica. La rcferida normativa establece que todo inversionista se encuentra amparado por las garantias a In no discrimination entre inversionistas y empresas por razones de nacionalidad, actor o tipo de actividad economica, ubicacion geog*rzlfica de las empresas, precios, tarifas, derechos no arancelariox. form de constitution em a presarial. condition de persona natural o juridica. Asimismo, se contempla cl derecho a la no discrimination on funcion a in titularidad estatal del capital, derecho a In propicdad prisada, libertad de empresa. lihertad de eomercio interno y exterior, a acordar libremente la distribuci6n del iritegro de his utilidades o dividendos que gencren y a utilizar el tipo de cambio m(ts favorable del mercado cambiario. Respecto del regimen de estabilidadjuridica, la legislation peruana permite la celebration de Convenios de Estabilidad Juridica entre el inversionista y el Estado que otorgan en forma exceptional, ultra-actividad al regimen legal que regia al m ento de suscribirse el convenio. La ultra-actividad om implica que quiencs se encuentren amparados por convenios de estabilidad juridica se les segruira aplicando la misma legislaci6n que regia al momento de la suscripci6n de dicho convenio, no resultando afectado por las modificaciones clue sc introduzcan en tab legislaciOn, incluida In derogatoria de los dispositivos legales. Estos convenios se pueden celehrar por on plazo de diet. anos v otorga a los inversionistas o empresas receptoras de inversion en Clue estos participan derechos comp estabiliclad del regimen tributario, estabilidad (lei regimen de libre disponibilidad de divisas y estabilidad (lei derecho de libre remesa de utilidades, dividendos, capitales y otros ingresos que perciba. Los convenios de estabilidad juridica otorgan al inversionista y empresas extranjeras otras ventajas que en otros pai,es no se clan cones utilizar el tipo de eam hio rncis favorable que se encuentra en el nrercado caml)iario. los mismos derechos y obligaciongs que lox inversionistas empresas nacionales. sin maie:xcepciones que la previstas on la Constitution Politica del Peru. a

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Laub Quijanl.dfi a

Av. Prescott 240, San Isidro, Lima 27. www.lq.com.pe [email protected] (51 1) 628 1502 / 628 1503 / 628 1504 Consulting in Mining, Energy (power, gas, oil) and Environmental and Clean Development Mechanisms. We make available to our clients the solid knowledge and qualifications our team in the mining and energy sector. Our professionals have over 10 years of practice, developed in both the public competent agencies (Ministry of Energy and Mining, Ministry of Economy and Finance) and as directors and managers of local and multinational companies and international finance entities. of

Vi s 10 n To be recognized as the referent energy and mining consulting firm in Peru.

Areas of expertise Mission

T cooperate w our clients in the o ith accomplishment of their objectives, whether such objectives are the implementation of mining and energy investment projects, the settlement of disputes on regulatory issues or the successful completion of complex transactions. Our aim is to prevent our clients from bearing unnecessary costs by identifying potential conflicts at an early stage or during the stage of implementation of projects, focusing on having ideas translate into feasible projects based on strong business strategies. The proposal of Laub & Quijandria, based on a structure of experts in the legal, technical, economic-financial and environmental areas, allows it to provide distinctive support in the search for comprehensive solutions in our areas of expertise.

* Legal-Regulatory Consulting * Technical Consulting * Strategic Economic Financial Consulting < Environmental and Clean Development Mechanisms , (CDM) Consulting Jaime Quijandria Salmon:

About u

Former Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank. Former Executive Director ofThe World Bank Former Minister ofEnergy and Mines; Former Minister of Economy and Finance.

Laub & Quijandria was formed in early 2007, as a result of the com together of a group of ing professionals specializing in the mining, energy (power, gas and oil) and economic-financial sectors, trained in both the public and private sectors, who founded the firm with a view to establishing the first organization specializing in technical, economic and legal advisory and co su n lting focused prim , arily on the aforementioned sectors.

Anthony Laub Benavides:

Master in Energy Law and Regulation from The University of Dundee, United Kingdom Former Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mines Former Director General of Legal Advisory of the Ministry of Energy and Mines Former aide to the Vice Minister of Energy

Haciendo negocios en el Peru


Doing Business Peru/


hor costs in Peru amount to 50 centimes for each Nuevo Sol Lpaid in wages. These include basically two additional salaries paid in Jul); and in December each year, an additional salary paid half in May and half in November each year (to compensate for se.r. ice time), contributions to pension funds, public health insurance and other smaller insurance. Each year, employers with more than 20 employees must distribute a share in the pre-profit net income of between 5% and 109c. This share in the profits is distributed equitably among the days worked and wages received by each worker. Managers and employees of trust have relative stability (followimg an arbitrary sacking and after the test period, they have the right to receive compensation the equivalent to 1.5 salaries for each year (A Service, up to a maximum of 12). Other workers have absolute stability (following an arbitrary sacking and after the test period, they can opt between being rehired or receiving compensation). Temporary workers have different right. Contracts can last up a maximum of five years. Employees have the right to thirty days of holidays a year, which can be broken down into periods of no less than seven clays. UP to fifteen days may be sold to the employer in exchange for additional pay. Employees can work up to eight hours a clay or forty eight hours a week with at least one day of rest a week. Accumulative or atypical schemes are allowed where employees work consecutive days in exchange for several days of conrsecutive rest. Overtime is calculated daily, with overtime rate of 25% for each of first two hours and 359c from the third hour onwards. Foreigners can be hired under temporary contract for up to three years which can then be renewed successively. Their wages cannot exceed 309c of the company's global payroll and they cannot represent more than 203 of the total workforce. Exemptions to both limits can be requested. Subcontracting is allowed for all kinds of employment. The provider and the client company have social responsibility for the subcont acted employees. There is no limit to the number of workers that can be contracted through temporary employment companies to cover activities auxiliary to the client company's core business. No more than 20% of the total number of workers involved in the client company's core business can come from temporary labor and must he restricted to occasional and support roles. E cuaoto a los costa, lah n orales en el P eru_ por cada Wawa sol de renwneraci6n hay 50 cdntim de costa, os Iaborales. Estos com prenden basicam entc dos rem uncraclones adicionales (gratificaciones) pagadas una en Julio y otra en diciembre de cada an(), una remuneracibn adicional (con,pensaci6n por tiempo de servicios) pagada en mayo y noviembrc de cada ano, a raz6n de la m itad en cada oportunidad, his aportes al fordo de pensioner y al seguro en salad pool ca y afros segwros mcnores. Al ado, cl empleador cicbe distribuir con sus trahajadores (si tim afar de e 20 trahajadores en n6m ina) una participaci6n de sit renta neta antes de im puestos que oscila entre ei 5 (/ y 1 09x. Esta partiripaei6n en las utilidades Sc ' distribuye e(Juitativam ente entre los dias lahorados y los sueldos percibidos por cada trahajador. Sohre la estabilidad laboral. los trahajadores do dirccci6n y confianza tienen estabilidacl relativa (ante Lin despido arbitrario y superado el periodo de prueba, tienen derecho a una indem nizaci6n por despido equivalents a 1,5 remuncraciones por cada ano de servicios, con el tope de 1 2 renuuneraciones). El resto de trabajadores time estabilidad absoluta (ante no despido arbitrario y superado el periodo de prueha, pueden optar entre la reposicidn o el pa o de la indemnizaci6n). La contrataei6n temporal admite nueve modalidades y una duraci6n maxima de cinco anos. Las vacaciones son cie 30 dias a111ales. pudiendo fraccionarse en periodos no menores a siete W consecutivos as y venderse at empleador hasty 1 5 dias a cambio de una remuneraci6n adicional. La jornada maxima de trabajo es de ocho horns diarias o 48 semanales, con por lo menos an dia de descanso semanal. permitienclo.se los regimenes acumulativos 0 atipicos que; implican varios dias consecutivos de t-ahajo a cambio de varios dias consecutivos de descanso. El sobretiempo se computa diariamente con amt sohretasa de 25% por cada una de las dos primeras horns extras y 350 desde la tercera en adelante. Los extranjeros son contratados temporalmente por Lill mnaximo cie trey anos, renovables sucesivamente. Sus remurieraciones no pueden superar el 30% de la n6mina global de is empresa y no pueden supe.rar cl,20% del total de trahajadores. Pero. puede solicitarse exoneraciones a ambas limitaciones. L subcontrataci6n sc da en todo tipo cle labor, con a responsabilidad solidaria enure el prove-edor y la empresa cliente. La contrataci6n a travels de em presas cie trabajo temporal puede darse para cubrir lahores compiementarias al core husiness de la empresa cliente sin limits alguno en el ntimero cie trabajadores. En cambio para cubrir lahores del core business de la empresa cliente. el limite es el 20% del total de trahajadores de esta y restringida a tareas ocasionales y de suplencia. m


GLOBAL PERU / k'E:..; ;1.

Doing Business Peru/

Haciendo negocios en el Peru


The limited company is the most common type of associative vehicle for undertaking business activities in Peru through one of the followima loans: a) regular limited company (S.A): has a board, a shareholders' council and mana(,ement. b) closed limited company: unlike other public companies, this company does not need a board of direelor5_ maintainin.- in its place mana-cuicnt and a shareholders' council. c) open limited company (S.A.A.): it has a board of directors, a shareholders' council and management and has at least 750 shareholders or more than 35% of its social capital is in hands of 175 or more shareholders, without considering shareholders whose shares, considered individually, represent no more than 2 out of 1.000 of the company's capital or exceed 5% of its social capital. Requisites to form a limited company: names and identification information (passport for individuals or data on companies) of shareholders that will form the limited company. Non-resident companies must name an authorized representative to form the company in peril. - The exact name of the company to be constituted to carry out legal reserve on public registers. Amount of social capital to constitute company. This is no minimum except for some extraordinary sectors. - Name of CEO and other managers and powers conferred on them. - Social aim, which can he wide and general allowing the company to undertake various activities.
Procedures to formcom pany

t sociedad an6nima es el vehiculo socictario ntas utilizado L para el desarrollo de actividades empresariales en el Perd a (raves de cualquicra de sus S i uient eS modalidades: g a. Sociedad an6nima regular (S.A.): Cuenta con on Directorio, una Junta General de Accionistas v una Gerencia. b. Socicdad an6nima cerrada. (S.A.C.): Contempla -a difei-ca uci recto de ias. ,ucicdacles an6nimas- la posihi Iidad do prescindir del Directorio como 6rgano social. manteniendose In figurt do la Junta General de Accionistas y la Gerencia. c. Sociedad an6nima abierta. (S.A.A.): Contempla un Directorio, una Junta General de Accionistas y una Gerencia y se prevd part sociedades con un tninimo de 750 accionistas o mass del 35( de su capital social en manes de 1 75 accionistas o m sin considerar a accionistas cuyas acciones, a,;, individualmente consideradas, no alcance el 2 por mil del capital o excedan el 5,-'( del capital social. Requisites para constituir una sociedad an6nima: Nombres y dates de identificaci6n (pasaporte de la persona natural o dates de las empresas) de Los accionistas que constituirin la sociedad an6nima. En el caso de empresas no doiniciliadas se nomhra on representante autorizado para constituirla en el Perd. - Nombre exacto de la sociedad a ser constituida para efectuar la reserva legal del nombre ante los Reuistros Pitblicos. - Monto del capital social que se destinara para ]a constituci6n. No existe on monto nmininu . salvo casos sectoriales extraordinarios. Designaci6n del Gerente General y demas gerentes y las facultades que se decidira asignarles. Objeto social, el coal podea ser amplio y general permitiendo ,a la sociedad la realizaci6n de diversas actividades. YA

* Draw up draft of social constitution (once the statute has been defined)
and present draft to public notary of lim a

* Make bank deposit for the amount of the social capital with the peruvian
financial entity designated for this purpose. *C onvert the draft constitution into a public docum and corresponding ent paym and present it to the public registry of lim ent a *R equest for unique taxpayer registration (rue), w hich is the com pany's

Elaboracion de la minuta de Constitucion Social (una vez definido el estatuto). Ingreso de la minuta a one Notaria Publica de Lima. Realizacion del deposito bancario per at monto del capital social en la entidad financiera peruana designada para tales efectos. Elevacion a Escritura Publica de la minuta de constitucidn de la sociedad su correspondiente suscripcion. Si se hubiese constituido la empresa accionistas no domiciliados, antes de procederse a la suscripcion escritura publica tendria que culminarse of procedimiento de otorgamiento de poder consular antes sedalado. Ingreso a Registros Publicos de Lima. Solicitud del Registro Unico de Contribuyentes (RUC), que es el documento de identidad tributaria de la sociedad.
A utorizacion de Im presion de Facturas para que puedan efectuarse las

y con de la

tax identification document.

* A th rizatio to p t in o u o n rin v ices, so th co p y can carry o t co e m an u m

mercial transactions. * Legalization of book of shareholders and board of directors (if this exists) and the matrix of the company's shares. * An operating license must be obtained under the name of the new company.

The whole process, apart from time needed to obtain a municipal operating license and sector-specific authorizations, should not exceed fifteen days.

operaciones comerciales per la sociedad. Legalizacion del libro de accionistas y directorio (de ser este ultimo el case) y de matricula de acciones correspondientes a la sociedad. Una vez definido el local en el cual la sociedad desarrollara sus actividades se procederia a la obtencion de la Licencia de Funcionamiento respectiva a nombre be la nueva sociedad. PLAZOS Los plazos de constitucion de one sociedad en Peru son generalmente breves, no debiendo exceder todo el proceso, con excepcion de la obtencion Licencia municipal de funcionamiento y obtencion de autorizaciones especiales sectoriales, de quince dins.




Haciendo negoclos en el Peru





1. REGULATION OF DEFIN ITE IM PORTS -Any good crut he im ported into c:.ccption of tho,c cxprc,"Iv prohibited b a Icg n . y al orm 000LL ynalif icd as rstrictcd require anthorizati on From the
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Av. Victor Andres BelaOnde 280 Piso 3 San Isidro; Lima Peru Tel.: (511) 616 1200 I Fax: (511) 616 1201

Doing Business Peru/

Haciendo negocios en
following unlc,adin _. I here an two ntCCL.,nistn, v' hick the im ponor C use t) hcgin im an port procedure before the date iI.c L elds arc clue to anise in Peru so that they ni:n he Ira ll' IC IICel d irectly from the customs area to the intportur's
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i al pnrtacitO d c it a:om lt eh pafnada D ocuntento do I'ransportc- I'actura


s, ne t sdcanno ic i nc ) l l e t s

d ocument- a Commercial inyuice, the certificate of origin, the transport insurutec polio or letter from the im porter indicatiit that the :,ands are not insured. 2. REGULATION OF DEFINITIVE EXPORTS Any goods can he exported except those "hose export is expressly prohihited by a legal norm or those whose export is restricted h\ I:lss. In this latter Case. official authorization from the relevant authority is reiuimd to effect their export. This is [he case. for example. of goods that are considered part of Peru's cultural heritage, hush as archaculogleal remains. EXPORT PROCEDURE: The export of goods is subject to m inintunl requisites shish are osc rs ee ll by the national tax adlniIII st atihn authority Sunat. hh he able to negill the procedure, cyporters 11 1(5[ present a simplified statement (syhe) the FOB yahle is less than L SSA(lOO) or a Complete Customs Statement (when the seine is higher than I'SS''.000o The sim plified statement Caul he presented directly to the customs authority by the exporter. The goods for export m be loaded for ust
export w ithin a nta.yinlunl period of tell days C nnted froth O th d o tic p s isio a e ate f ro nl
C x

l. C crtilicado (IC C ornett, Piiliia do SC uro por el O traosporte do la n1CWI,I cfa o .de ser Cl Casa, Carta del intportador indicando Clue la RK rcancia ill) se Cneuenu J. rise urada. Asimisoto sc doom iltcltur otri?s doruntcntos Clue Se requicran scgurl disposiciones especfficas.


C t 'y.;cl m rc: tcfa pucde ser uxportada. satyo aduellas iLne haran sift callf.codas feealntcnte canto de exportaci6n prohibida o de expurtaciun reslrin,tida, cn curt cash se reyuerira de Aquila autorizaci6n M ehl pilra yue Sc pueda cleaner la salida al exterior. Tate tiltinto cast sc da. por ejentpio. cuando los hienes a exporter constituven el patrintonio culIc al he la uaeion coot) los lest Is atilucolooicos. 'hrdamite de ICxportacidn: In, c.xportacioli du hienes, cstii pCrinlcndencia .Aacional de _Administraciun'hrihut;ia I Sunatj. \si. Para polies ini i.u tin [simile do cxporiacion, Ins interesudos deherin presenter Una Deelaracion Sintplilieada feuaoo el hulas 1=O13 no supers lox USS ?MIN)") una Dcclaraci6n Unica de Aduanas (cuando cl salor sea mayor a US's ?.OOQ).
L D a eclalaciiin Sim plilicada pochi scr presentada directasujcta a requisites ntfnim yue scroll supers isados pot la ts
S o-

Oc ne


cl c.xportador. La Illocancfa debt' enibarcarse en tin

p rt sta m n o te e t.

th P is

C -

A ntatiinto lai)
dc opa o s Blo i h l z . e et n


IU dins contal)s desde la nunteraciun dc K

liod has passe!. the exporter then has a maximum period of fifeen clays ;runt the date of the last shipment to re_>ularize the export syith the rclcyan[ authorities. It is important to note that goods for export In rcauhject to pinssical inspection hr, customs officials. The export statement mum he accompanied by a transport staten;ent..1 conuncrcial ins oicc and otherdocunnents that are required according to the norms specific to the type or classification of _o)ds being exported, like, for example. special authorisations in the case of restricted export goods.

D eclaracidn dc l:xpurtaciiin he caracterpr)ei, T onal. fcnniuado

5 dins conlputados a partir he la lecha del ultimo embaryue part! tecularizar la Cxportaeion. Es importante senalal fuc la mereancfa a ser e.xportada. esta sueta stun rectliiCol ffsico minima por parse de Aduanas. ienlo ?_a declaraciun dc cxpurtacion fiche it acolllpanada he no (lecunlcnto ('e tran>ptrte. facture contcrcial, V outs Line se rcyuieran sc ThLil disposici tees espcciliclu, chat) por ejenlplo. _ autori/teiones 1 1 0,1 Cl cos) do Irieiuobenes de exportaci6n resu ingida. m

22 G O A M L B L

Hacienda negocios en el Peru EL REGIMEN TRIBUTARIO EN EL PERU

MAIN TAXES 1. Tax on grofits
1.1 R ate. Tax rate O corporate profits is n dividends and profits distributed to-indiv uals and no id nresident le eal enti tie a s b c to s re u je t

Doing Business Perfl/'cw



301/ while

i._ Impuesto a_ a Renta

I .I .Tasa. La ta a del impuesto a In renta corporativo es 307x, ntientras que la distribucidn de dividendos y utilidades a personas naturales y a personas jurfdicas no domiciliadas esta suieta a una ietenci0n dC 4,1 En cuanto alas ntilidades de lax sucursales, estas trihutan con In tasa del 4 , 1 C /c a la presentacidn de la Declaraci6n Anual. 1.2 B . ase im ponib L renta ncta obtenida por lax le. a empresas. indcpendientem ente del lugar donde se obtena. incluidas la ganancias de capital y cualquier ingreso provenientc de operaeiones cam terceros. Se permite la dedueci6n de los gastos v costos relacionados c on la obtenci6n do la renta. con aluna.s limitaciones. 1..3. D eclaraciones ypago. L D a eclaraci6n A nual debe scr presentada dentro de los tres prim eros m eses del ado siguientc al que corresponde Cl Im puesto. M etuualm ente se realizan pag os a enem sobre la base de los ineresos a

a toy, of 4. 1 Y. The profits of subsidiaries arc taxed at a rate of 4. I L when they present their annual statement.

1. 2_T axable
Base The net profit obtained by the companies, independently of the place it was obtained, including, capital gains and any income


n to . e s


N necesita esperar m para o as com enzar negocios en Peru

Tiempos de contratos flexibles Oficinas moviles Salas de reuniones Profesionalismo Personal capacitado

Ne u strop rso a e e su o L e n s e e d . e n l s l y . o sta o sp r.an o

En Plaza Business Center le ofrecemos todas las herramientas que su negocio necesita, apostando por eltrato personalizado y adaptandonos para cubrir todas sus necesidades empresariales.
(51) 1 7150880


D oing
H ie d ac n o

Business Pere / n o s en eg cio

c i

P eff

operations with third parties. They are allowed to deduct costs tm expensive related to obtaining the profits, with d some limitations. 1.3 Statem ents a nd p aym nt T annual statem e he ent must be presented during the first three months of the follou.ng year to which the tax corresponds. Monthly payment must be based on net income.

2- 1. V asa ,-. La tasa del Im puesto G eneral a Its V cntas

(IGV) es ] 97c. Existen hienes y servicios exoncrados v/o inare,,'tos. Las exportacionas do bienes y do ciertos ,,crvicios ceLai sujctas al page de ICY. 2.2. T ransaccionesG ravables_ Y enta de hienes en el pars Ill ;fasten use de servicios en Cl pars, contratos do collstruccit>n. la primera vcnta de bic'.nes inmueh!cs realiiada For el constructor y la inaportaci61) de bienes. 2.3. Base im pg_nibl_e__ El precio o valor del Inonto ingado por los bienes o servicios. 2.4s=---Credit0 fiscal. E M pagado scihre Its C l V oinpras do hiencs y servicios relacionadas Coll ti-all."acciolles gravadas constituwc. erectile part la dctcrtninacibn de este itapuesto. no


2.1 Rat e: The General Sales lax is charged at a rate of 1 9!ir Some goods and services are exempt. Exported goods and some services are not subject to IGV. 2.2 Taxable transactions. G oods sold in the country, sere ice: - prov ided in the county, consuuction contracts, the first sale of property by the builder and imported goods. 2.3 Taxable base. The price or value of the am ount paid for the `goods or services, which must correspond to its nlarhet value. 2,,4-i'l'ex credit IGV paid on goods and services related] it ith taxed transaction constitute a credit for determining this tax.


(lrava Cl valor de los activos netos at 31 de dicictnbrc del alio anterior con la tasa do 0,5/, y sirse com crddito o contra el Impuesto a la Renta. Lixiste on u-amo inafecto de S/, I .000.000.


2.5 Statements andpay rent. IGV must be calculated

and paid monthly. M
Taee_ ;


previous year at the rate

value of


net a- rats on D e c nn?Ter f let of the


Grava la yenta de bienes stmtuarios y combustibles.

and serves as crsciit against the T on P ts. T e first I m ax reL Y illion S oles are

riot Selective tax on consumption. Taxes luxury goods and fuels Tax on Pin- moiat Transfers. Applies to debts and payments to open accounts in the Naticn,,l ripancial System as welt as to otter specifle operations- The rate is 007
in tellectu p p al ro erty in P eru


Se aplica sobre los ddhitos y aereditaciones en cuentas abie rtas en of Sistema hinanciero National, ast como sobre otras operaciones especificas. La tasa es 0,0717c.

Legal sarse-mrork

P agreem t o th p tectio o in aris en n e ro n f tellectual p p ro er-;

Decision 456 of the Council of the Cartagena agreement. common regime on Indu.,T Property. ial -L ey;:.latare D ecree 823 L on Industrial P aw roperty

Decision 351 on the Council of the Cartagena agreement, Common regime on the rights of the author and related rights Legislative decree 722, lass o
Cm o petent authority iN E O I - N a d In DC P ,-'. stitu for th D se o C :'petition an P tectio o R te e efen f o d ro n f r tellectsal P p ro erty D istinctive M arks: TL D e isdn ,tree M arks O ffice (D ) is T entity charges w m SD he ith atters related w the ith


Impuesto a la Rents Corporativo (inciuye ganancias de capital): Impuesto sobre los Dividendcs y Udtidades de les Sucursales:
R tercion d fm u s so e e p esto bre:

30 4,1%

the rights of the au+hor

R egattas: -A sistencia T ecnica:

30`i5 1510 0 0 30% 30

a 30%

Servicios Tecnicos:
O servicios: tros

registration of brands, commercfai names, commercial slogans and denominations

of origin in Peru.

Ownership over brands fs obtained once it has been registered. 'Pyre period of brand protection in Peru is ten years, indefinitely renewable for equal perods. The registers are conceded for products or services, following the Nice Ctasemsc;._'"ma. Accrrciing to this classification, brands are divided !lac product brands
C isss i to3 ) an serv e b n s 'c sse 3 4 ). 4 d ic s ra d la s 5 5 T e p cess for reg h ro sterin bran s tak fo m nths if no claim are presen . T g d e ur o s ted he

P'.azo para at arrastre de perdidas tributarias a ejercicios posteriores: Cua?ro anos, o indefinido contra at 50', de !a rents note.
R eelas sob P re recio d T sferen s e ran cia:

Si / Lineamientes tel OCDE como fuente de interpretation legal

i R eestru ct.u acienes ex erad de fm u s: on as p esto

rsgistretien nr0ce_s takes around time months if claims are presented. The owner of ar;! nd can take legal action against ?hose infringe their rights. They can also take Leal acnon nhen there is an imminent danger that the holders rights could be breached. Pa?ent ; en inventions, useful models and designs: 4Vh,ea resenteng a request to register a patent, the parry must include the complete tent of t; description of the element to be registered In the case of designs, a series ct drrtwirigs including side. front, top and bottom vte.v, showing the form and ccnSguratron of the item. The camo!ete procedure to obtain a patent take two years. However, if the material under consideration. is complex and third parties present claims, this period could
last o or t:ao years m n" ore

Fusiones, Escisiones y otras forreas de reorganizacion

1G (Im V puesto G eneral alas V entas) 199b D erech s d lm o o e p rtacio T w d 0 , 9 y 1 ', n: a s e '0 "', 7 Im puesto sobre los A ctives N etos: p en a d u v er cim e n ale, d activo d S 1 0 .0 0 e s e /. '0 0 0 Im puesto a ]as T ransferencias F inancieras (IT ) F Im puesto S electivo at C onsum e


Entre 0' y 250',

Im u p esto a !as E ajen n d In u les (A ala) 3 n acio es e m eb lcab % Im puesto P redial: Escala acum ulativa de 0,20, 0,6?5 y 16

The holder of a patent or a design can take legal action against those infringe their rights, They can also take legal action when 'here is an imminent danger that the
ea S eri's n h co ld b b g ts u e reache d.

Impuesto Vehicular: I '5 Tasas por ]a prestacicn de ser.^cios publicos Segun ei costo del see: icio Contribucidn a la Seguridad Social 9'', de remuneracfones





INFORMES 1, Ext: 4013 T: 0800-50001, Opcin: w,,vw.ibm.com/expressadvantage/pe [email protected]

Tecnologia ainnovational Servicio del Peru

H acienda nego

Doing Business Peru/


en e Peru


h is arecin cn onIPprotection t Decision -I$(i, Council of the Cartagena agreement. I .egislrttive: Decree $23 Law on Industrial Property Decision 35 1. Council of the Cartagena agreement. Legislative decree 821 law on the rights of the author COMPETENT AUTHORITY: INDECOPI National Institute for the Defense of Competition and IP Protection.

- Coosenio tie Paris print Ia Proteccion do InPropiedad Industrial. - Dccisibn 486 de la Junta del A cuerdo de Cartagena, Regimen Comdn sobre in Propiedad Industrial. Decreto I egisletiso $23, Ley the Propiedad Industrial. Decision 351 do in lama del Acuerdo do Cartagena, Wyk men Con-On sobre Derecho de Autor v Derechos Concsos. - Decreto Legi

o $22. Lev del Derecho de Auto].

The Distinctive ivlarks Office (DSD) is the entity charges with matters related with the registration of brands, commercial names. commercial slogans and denominations of orig in in Peru. Ownership over brands is obtained once it has been registered. The period of brand protection in Peru is ten years, indefinitely renewable for equal periods. The registers are conceded for products or services, following the Nice Classification. According to this classification, brands are divided into product brands (classes I to 34) and services brands (classes 35-45). The process for registering brands take four months if no claims are presented. The owner of a brand can take legal action against those infringe their rights. They can also take legal action when there is an imminent danger that the holder's rights could be breached.

Instituto Nacron.al de Defense de la Conrpetencia y do la Proteccion de ]a Propiedad intelectu:o (hnde.copi).

La Direceion do Sig>.no Distintivos (DSD) es la entid. d a cargo de material relacionadas con Ins registros de marcas, nombres cornerei ocs, lemas comerciales y denominaciones origen en of Peru. El periodo de proteccion de marcas on el Peru es de II) ahos. renovable por pertodos iguales indefinidamente. Los regisu-os se conceder pare productos o servicios segun la Clasificacion de Niza. De ecuerdo a esta clasificacidn. las m arcas se disiden on r areas de productos (clases I a la 34) y mat ens de set%icios (closes 35 a la 45). El proceso de rc Bistro de marcas demora cuatro tueses si no se nrescrtan oposiciones. Los procedimientos con oposieiones tiencn una duration aproximada de nucve tueses.



Al m omento do prescntar una solicittud tie registro do patente, cl solicitante dehera incluir el texto complete the la descripciun del eleutento a registrar. t o of caso Cie solicitudes diseno, se debcrd presentar un conjunto tie dibujos mostrando la forma y con]iguracmon del articulo. El titular de una patente o un diseno puede interponer accion porinfraccidn contra quien infrinja sus derechos. Procede tambien accio h por infrtccibn cuando existe peligro inminente the quo los dcrechos del titular puedan ser vulnerados.



W hen presenting a request to register a patent. the party must include the complete text of the description of the element to be registered. The complete procedure to obtain a patent take two years. AUTHORS' RIGHTS: Artistic and literary works are protected in Peru. Protection is afforded to any work of ingenuity whatever- its category, form of expression, merits or endAuthors rights and their protection begin at the very moment of creation of the work. Requests to register works are represented to INDECOPI's Office of Authors' Rights which will examine if it meets the requirements on form and a m inimum of originality to he included. a

Las obras literarias y artisticas pt.reden ser protegidas en Peru. La proieccion recac sobre todas las obras the ingenio, cualquiera sea su ec nero, forma the expresion, merito o finalidad. El registro no es constitutivo.p lino declarative,. Cie los derechos. El derecho the autor y su proteccion n rcen desde el momento de la creation misma do In ohra. Las solicitudes the registro de ohras se presentan ante la Direcci6n Derechos do Autor de INDECOPI (DDA), la gaol examinara si ctunpien con los requisites do forma y on minimo de originals lad para serotorgada. 9 el


2 6 GLOBAL PERU / 2'

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