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Science and Elementary

For Rwandan Schools

Teacher's Guide

Revised Edition 2019

©2019 Rwanda Education Board (REB)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise without the prior permission of Rwanda Education Board (REB).
Any unauthorized use of this book is prohibited and liable to legal action.

© 2019 Rwanda Education Board
All rights reserved.
This document is the property of Rwanda Education Board.

Introduction............................................................................................... vii
Content Map............................................................................................. xv
Record Keeping........................................................................................ xxxi
Unit 1: CARPENTRY TOOLS.............................................................. 1
1.1: Identification of Carpentry Tools............................................................................ 10
1.2: Usage and Maintenance of some Carpentry Tools............................................ 11
1.3: Dangers of Carpentry Tools and Security Measures......................................... 13
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 1 ............................................................ 16

Unit 2: MASONRY TOOLS................................................................ 20

2.1: Identification of Masonry Tools................................................................................ 22
2.2: Usage and Maintenance of some Masonry Tools............................................... 23
2.3: Dangers of Masonry Tools........................................................................................ 24
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 2 ............................................................ 27

Unit 3: OBJECTS PRODUCTION...................................................... 30

3.1: Making toys using sorghum straws and sticks.................................................... 32
3.2: Making Utility Objects Using Wood ...................................................................... 34
3.3: Making Learning Materials Using Manila Paper................................................. 36
3.4: Maintenance of Utility and Learning Objects...................................................... 37
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 3............................................................ 39

UNIT 4: COMPUTER MY FRIEND.................................................... 41

4.1: Data and Memory...................................................................................................... 44
4.2: Internal Storage Devices........................................................................................... 45
4.3: External Storage Devices.......................................................................................... 47
4.4: Sharing a Document................................................................................................... 49
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 4 ........................................................... 52

UNIT 5: WRITING SKILLS................................................................. 55

5.1: Create Tables................................................................................................................ 57
5.2: Insert Pictures and Images........................................................................................ 60
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 5 ........................................................... 65

UNIT 6: COMPUTER RESEARCH..................................................... 67
6.1: Browse and the Use of E-mail.................................................................................. 69
6.2: Browse Activity............................................................................................................ 73
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 6 ............................................................ 78

UNIT 7: PROGRAMMING FOR CHILDREN.................................... 81

7.1: Drawing Regular Shapes........................................................................................... 85
7.2: Arithmetic Operations............................................................................................... 88
7.3: Create Dialogue and Cartoons.............................................................................. 92
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 7 ........................................................... 97

UNIT 8: WATER.................................................................................. 99
8.1: Importance of Water.................................................................................................103
8.2: Sources of Water.........................................................................................................104
8.3: Properties of Water....................................................................................................105
8.4: Rain Water its dangers and prevention of its dangers......................................106
8.5: Water Pollutants, Dangers and their Prevention................................................108
8.6: Water Purification Methods.....................................................................................110
8.7: Water Storage.............................................................................................................111
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 8............................................................ 113

UNIT 9: SOIL....................................................................................... 116

9.1: Preparation of Soil for Cultivation ........................................................................119
9.2: Fertilisation of Soil for Cultivation .........................................................................120
9.3: Importance of Fertilisers and Rules for Applying Them ...................................121
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 9 ........................................................... 124

UNIT 10: ANIMALS........................................................................... 126

10.1: Conditions for a Good Chicken House.................................................................129
10.2: Types of Breeds............................................................................................................130
10.3: Chicken Reproduction................................................................................................132
10.4: Proper Feeding of Chicken........................................................................................133
10.5: Chicken Diseases and Parasites and their Prevention.......................................134
10.6: Importance of Chicken Farming..............................................................................135
10.7: Chicken Farming Process..........................................................................................136
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 10 ......................................................... 139

UNIT 11: PLANTS AND ENVIRONMENT..................................... 141
11.1: Identification of Importance of Plants ..................................................................143
11.2: Common Importance of Trees on Environment..................................................144
11.3: Effects of Afforestation and Deforestation on the Environment ....................146
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 11 ......................................................... 148

UNIT 12: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM........................................................ 152

12.1: Parts and Functions of the Digestive System.......................................................154
12.2: Stages of Digestion.....................................................................................................156
12.3: Hygiene of Digestion..................................................................................................157
12.4: Components of a Balanced Diet.............................................................................158
12.5: Nutrition Deficiency Diseases and their Prevention..........................................159
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 12 ......................................................... 162

UNIT 12: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM............................................... 164

13.1: Human Reproductive System ..................................................................................167
13.2: Hygiene of the Male and Female Reproductive Organs ..................................168
13.3: Sexual Characteristics at Puberty..........................................................................169
13.4: Safe Responsible Behaviour .....................................................................................171
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 13 ......................................................... 173

UNIT 14: LIGHT.................................................................................. 176

14.1: Light Propagation........................................................................................................178
14.2: Medium of Light Transmission..................................................................................179
14.3: Laws of Propagation...................................................................................................180
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 14 ......................................................... 183

UNIT 15: ELECTRICITY..................................................................... 185

15.1: Importance of Electricity...........................................................................................187
15.2: Production of Electricity............................................................................................188
15.3: Common Materials and Tools Used in Electricity...............................................189
15.4: Controlling Electric Circuit and the Dangers of Electricity ............................191
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 15 ......................................................... 194

UNIT 16: MATERIALS....................................................................... 196
16.1: Classification of Materials.........................................................................................198
16.2: Use and maintenance of Common Metals ..........................................................199
16.3: Density...........................................................................................................................201
16.4: Relative Density............................................................................................................202
Possible Answers for Revision Activity 16 ......................................................... 204

References............................................................................................ 207

Teaching Elementary Science to P5 children is critical for establishing a foundation
for further success in science and for coping with the demands of the 21st century.
Furthermore, technology in education constitutes added value not only in developed
countries but also in developing countries such as Rwanda. In this case, the love and
interest in science and technology begins in primary school where young children
tend to be more curious and motivated to learn. Science and technology inclusion in
Primary Schools plays a vital role in all aspects of our daily lives, at work, at school
and at home. Most importantly, it cultivates a positive attitude towards science and
provides Pupil’s with opportunities to experience the excitement of working as a
The ambition to develop a skill-based society and to match the growing
competition in the regional and global jobs market has necessitated the shift
to a competence-based curriculum. This aims at addressing the issues of lack of
appropriate skills in Rwandan education system.
Learners will now get the opportunity to apply what they have learned in real life
situations and to make a difference in their own lives. They will be helped to obtain
all these by a teacher whose role is to ensure the success of the curriculum delivery.
The major focus of the primary school curriculum:
• Basic education must provide a solid foundation upon which literacy, numeracy,
language social and life skills are built.
• Emphasis on skills like problem-solving and interpersonal communication.
In addition to these, strive to develop specific skills in basic literacy and numeracy,
language skills and financial literacy.
• A strong focus on Science, English, ICT and Entrepreneurship. These are
fundamental areas that lay a foundation for economic development.

Science and Elementary Technology (SET & ICT) Rationale

This integrated subject is offered at primary level. The subject provides a very good
foundation for the study of science subjects in the post-primary setting.
Most importantly, it cultivates a positive attitude to science and gives learners
opportunities to experience the excitement of working as a scientist. Learners will
also experience the values of integrating ICT in their learning as they interact with
the computer in the classroom.
It provides opportunities for them to use integrated concepts, skills and processes to
carry out investigations, exploration and research to explain the situations around

Subject Objectives
Science and Elementary Technology and ICT helps learners to:
• Develop an interest in science as a body of knowledge and methods of thinking,
inquiring and working with others.
• Develop a concern for what is happening in our surrounding and the importance
of science in relation to this.
• Help children realize the importance of technology for society and the need for
scientific knowledge to understand the present technological age.
• Develop positive attitudes, practical skills and basic scientific concepts.

Key features of Primary Five Teacher’s Guide

This Primary Five Science Teacher’s Guide is prepared for Primary Five teachers.
It strongly emphasizes learning outcomes, subject competencies, language
competencies, life skills and values and cross cutting issues. The learning outcomes
must be aligned to the aims and objectives of teaching primary education and
eventually to the national goals of Education.
This Teacher’s Guide has been designed to guide the teacher so as to bring out value
and relevance of learning all around other than just the SET lessons.
This Teacher’s Guide must be used together with the Pupil’s Book to help the teacher
in implementing the various teaching methods and relevant content.
Methods and approaches should be more of practical and based on the experiences
of the learners. Effectively use methods that allow learners to explore, discover, try
various procedures, collaborate and solve problems practically.
The Science teacher is expected to carry out formative assessments from time to
time to check whether learners understand the concepts and procedures correctly.
As a Science teacher, understand that some learners in your class are exceptional
and it is your duty to arrange activities provided based on learner ability.
The Teacher’s Guide for Primary Five has provided the expected answers for most
of the Activities, Practise Activities and Revision Activities.

How to Use this Teacher’s Guide Effectively

The Teacher’s Guide addresses the teacher. The teacher as the only sole user of the
Teacher’s Guide has to compare the Pupil’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide before
lesson planning or teaching is done.
The requirements given are; content, learning outcome, life skills, values,
competencies, suggested Learning/teaching methods, suggested Learning/teaching
materials, suggested teaching/learning Activities, suggested teaching/learning steps
and the expected answers.
The suggested teaching steps have been stipulated for each respective lesson in the
Pupil’s Book and pages referred to for proper guidance.

The teacher’s work will also be more of a facilitation role after introducing lesson
During the teaching/learning process you are expected to use the most effective
learner centered methods and techniques such as exploration, pairing, and group
Use various relevant sources of information to enrich your content approach and
to help you prepare the correct content on the topic. It is crucial that you regularly
relate Science to real life situations and experiences.
Note: All schools in Rwanda do not have the same learning environment. You are
advised to freely use examples, which provide the learners with opportunity to
acquire same knowledge, concepts, skills, values and competencies as those in other
The methods used should be able to arouse interest in the learners and they must
see how Science is used in solving problems.
The teaching methods should encourage learners’ active participation.
Allow the learners to get actively involved in the learning process. Let them explore,
ask questions, role-play, dramatize, discuss and discover to help learners be
independent. The teacher’s role is to guide the learners when they are doing the

Approaches to the Teaching/Learning Methods

All learner-centered methods are applicable but they should be within the abilities
of individual learners. Individualised Educational Programme (IEP) are crucial. Use
analysis method for learners who are visually impaired or who are both deaf and
blind. Sign language is vital for the hearing impaired and deaf learners.
The use of drama and role-play encourages learners participation at all ability levels
and supports skills of speaking and listening.

Teaching/Learning Materials
Teaching/Learning materials are also called Instructional Materials.
Teaching/Learning materials aid teaching and learning. They should be prepared
before the teaching and learning process.
Encourage learners to get involved practically in the collection or making of these
materials. This helps them to understand Science; they must actively construct and
develop their own knowledge of Science.
Instructional materials can be categorised into:
• Visual aids
• Audio aids
• Audio-visual aids

Some materials are real or concrete. Others are models and others are semi-
Instructional materials should always be relevant and at the level of the learners.
Importance of instructional materials
The following are some of the reasons why instructional materials are important in
• Motivates learners’ and makes them interested.
• Makes learning more interactive and interesting.
• Involves many senses in the learning process.
• Makes learning more concrete and enjoyable.
• Brings distant ideas into the classroom for examples through videos.
• Textbooks/written materials provide detailed information through the use of
the written word.
• Non-textbook materials support active learning. They encourage learners to
use all their senses.
• Audiotapes and recordings provide information through the spoken word.
• Real objects and models (touch/kinesthetic) coordinate visual representation
with touch to present information.

Instructional materials for learners with special needs

(a) Modifications for learners with hearing difficulties or deaf learners
• Learner will be seated closer to the teacher so as to hear instructions or read
• Learner will be provided with written instructions to read about the discussions
and demonstrations.
• Those who cannot hear well can also use pictures, real objects and other
materials used by the rest of the ordinary class.
• Use of amplification devices like hearing aids can play an important part in their
education. The school or learners’ parents can provide these aids.
(b) Modifications for learners with limited vision or blind learners
• These learners should be allowed to observe samples of science projects with
their hands and for extended periods of time. They also require low vision
• They need to be provided with safe practical tools and one-on-one guidance
during a demonstration of projects and practical activities. The project or
practical may also be slightly adjusted to accommodate the learners’ limitations
or for safety reasons.
• Learner should be given ample time to exit classroom before large crowds
gather outside the classroom.
• Those who are totally blind need their learning and teaching materials to be
done in Braille. They may also require specially adopted learning aid like white
canes, talking computers, calculators, clocks and watches.
(c) Modifications for learners with mild brain injury
• Learners should be provided with duplicate instructions for home and school.
Learners will not need to remember to carry home materials to review.
• Learners will be given ample time to exist classroom with a pre-determined aid
or peer before the official end of a class.
• The teacher should provide for parents e-mail of phone message communication
concerning the progress and needs of their learner.
• Learners may be given special seat assignments in order to enable participation
in class appropriately. Specific peers may be better equipped to articulate
projects visually for these learners.
• These learners also require real objects, pictures made in different shapes and
decorated with different attractive colours. However these materials should be
pitched to their mental abilities.
(d) Modifications for learners with physical disabilities
• The physically handicapped or those with motor impairment can use materials
that are used by the rest of the ordinary class and can be assisted.
• Learners will be given ample time to exist classroom with a pre-determined aid
or peer before the official end of a class.
• Assistive aids such as crutches or wheelchairs should be provided to learners
who are totally immobile.

Developing instructional materials

This involves creating or making instructional materials for use in a teaching/
learning situation. The materials should be functional, attractive and appealing to
the learners.
You are encouraged to improvise where no instructional materials are available to
demonstrate a particular learning activity.
Encourage learners to make their own instructional materials and carry them to

Learners should be encouraged to come up with their own relevant activities.
You should vary your activities and encourage practical activities most of the time.
Design activities that enable you develop both the subject and language competencies.
Practical work like participating in fieldwork, discussing in groups, answering oral
and written questions and learner centred activities are mostly preferred in the

instruction of Science. The activities you use will also enable you develop the different
skills like the life skills and values and the Science process skills.
Several exercises or assignment have been provided for the learners on each topic.
You can also develop your own activities, exercises and projects provided they are
relevant to the topic/Unit. All activities in the Pupil’s Book are linked to the topic
area, competence and content.

Learning organisation during activities

Distribute learners into small discussion groups. You can reshuffle members of
the groups any other time depending on how they work with each other. Always
assess progress of learners in these groups and be gender sensitive. When assigning
groups, use similar number of gender e.g. 2 boys - 2 girls or 3 boys – 2 girls and vise
versa. Never use 1 girl – 3 boys or 1 boy- 3 girls as outweighed learners may be
Allow learners to choose their pair-share partners for you to know their interactivity
and cooperation members.

Safety: precautions during field work or project work or class

• During fieldwork, project work or class activities you should engage all learners
in learning activities irrespective of their gender.
• Learners should also be cautioned on the use of sharp objects like scissors,
knives, razor blades. Care should be taken if contact with unfamiliar animals
during practical activities.
• Give learners clear instructions before they begin any practical work.
• You should give clear guidance on real safety rules during project work.
• Learners should also take care of the instructional materials so that they can
be used later.
• You also caution learners against taking the liquids or food substances that have
already been used during the planned activities.

Assessment Guidelines
Characteristics of a good assessment tool
• It should support learning or complement learning.
• Set tasks should be valid (at the learners level) and reliable (adequately test all
the competencies set out in the area of study).
• Be fit for its purpose for instance, placement of learners, diagnosis of learners
weaknesses, supporting learning.

(a) Formative assessment
It is assessment for learning. It is part of every day’s teaching and learning.
The teacher collects evidence about progress of pupil’s learning by:
• Observing their activities
• Listening to their discussions and presentations
• Giving them effective oral questions (interrogations)
• Giving them assignments or practical tasks (both class and carry home) allow
for both group and individual assessment.
• Reviewing tasks given to learners and provide feedback.
Topic : Carpentry Tools
Sub-topic : (a) Identification of carpentry tools
(b) Usage and Maintenance of carpentry tools
(c) Dangers of carpentry tools and how to avoid them.
How to assess the subtopic: Usage and maintenance of carpentry tools.
Allow learners to visit a nearby workshop. Let them use and maintain available
carpentry tools.
• When Pupil’s are using the tools;
• Observe how they handle the tools; do they use the tools carefully and
• Are they able to apply laid down safety measures while handling the tools?
• Are they able to ask for assistance when unable to use a tool?
• Ask them oral questions concerning current use and other possible uses of the
Record the progress of each learner. Indicate if they are able to meet the set out
competences: Learners should be able to:
• Use and maintain carpentry tools (Skills)
• Explain the use and maintenance of carpentry tools.
(b) Summative assessment
This form of assessment gives Pupil’s, parents and teachers valuable information
about a Pupil’s overall performance at a specific point of learning. It can take place
after completion of a topic, weekly at the end of the term, year or study period.
Summative assessment should take in consideration the following.
All the set objectives for a certain study area or unit.
Make use of several short assessments.

Take into account formative assessments that have been previously set in that study
Example : Summative test of the Topic: Carpentry tools
Write down all the expected learning objectives in the three subtopics of the unit.
Set assessment tasks according to the objectives stated.
For example
On the subtopic; Identification of carpentry tool
Give them real tools and/or pictures of the tools for them to say or write down
their names. Here you can employ oral questions or written gap filling questions
accompanied by pictures.
On the sub-topic: Usage and Maintenance of carpentry tool and dangers of
carpentry tools and how to avoid them.
Give learners short practical’s on usage and maintenance of tools. Observe if they
can use the tools effectively and carefully to avoid dangers of carpentry tools.
Allow them to carry out maintenance Practises on the tools as well. You can also
interrogate individual learners to test their communication skills. Observe their
activities and award marks.
Provide essay questions to test on ways of protecting themselves from dangers of
carpentry tools that they did not use.
Give them structured questions and multiple-choice questions to test all the three
Summative tests should be given to each individual learner since they serve as
conclusive and placement tests.
Assessment of learners with special needs
This is done in two ways.
• Assessment of progress in a given task.
Involves finding out if learners are grasping what is being taught in a given task.
It may also involve comparing their pace of learning a particular concept to that
of other learners.
• Functional assessment.
Involves finding out the efficiency of the remaining senses. Learners with severe
learning needs should be given functional assessment.

A Content Map
A content map is a summarised collection of related topics and sub-topics. It gives a guide on what and how each unit and
its sub-topics can be handled.

Unit Unit 1: Carpentry Tools Unit 2: Masonry tools

Number of Lessons 8 6
Introduction • Identifying different carpentry tools. • Identifying different types of masonry tools.
• Proper use of carpentry tools. • Proper usage and maintenance of masonry
• Maintenance of various carpentry tools. tools.
• Dangers of carpentry tools. • Dangers of masonry tools.
Classroom • Whole class orientation, group work and then • Whole class orientation group work then
Organisation individual work individual work.
Learning/Teaching • Workbench, wood saw, T-square, claw • Masonry tools such as spirit level, trowel,
Materials hammer, mallet, plane, wood chisel, axe, screw T-square, plumb line, shovel, jointer, metre
driver, brace, clamp, rule, bow saw, spirit level ruler, brick hammer, masonry chisel, steel
and auger. float.
• Charts and pictures showing masonry tools.
• Paper and pen.
Activities • Observation • Class visit to a construction site to observe,
• Visit a carpentry work shop use and maintain masonry tools.
• Observe tools in use and take notes • Taking notes during the visit.
• Group discussions on how various tools can be • Group discussion to group masonry tools
used and their maintenance practises. according to their uses.
• Questionnaires for learners on how various
carpentry tools can be used and the safety

precautions to be observed.
Competencies • Team work • Team work.

Practised • Practical work • Practical work
• Taking responsibility • Assuming responsibility
• Critical thinking • Critical thinking.
Vocabulary • Names of various carpentry tools. • Names of various masonry tools.
Acquisition • Terminologies associated with use and • Terminologies associated with use and
maintenance of carpentry tool. maintenance of masonry tools.
Study Skills • Observation • Demonstration
• Demonstration • Observation
• Manipulation • Manipulation
Revision • Practical Activities and unit Revision Activity • Practise Activities and Revision Activity
Assessment • A formative assessment on the ability to work • Formative assessments on a learners’ ability to
as a team and the ability to identify commonly identify, correctly use and maintain masonry
used carpentry tools. tools.
• Formative assessment to evaluate correct
usage and maintenance of carpentry tools.
• Summative assessment to review all that was
Learning • Understanding the importance of carpentry • Understanding the importance of farm tools.
Outcomes tools. • Correctly use and maintain masonry tools.
• To be able to use and maintain carpentry tools • Practise safe use of farm tools.
• Practise safe use of carpentry tools.
Unit Unit 3: Objects Production Unit 4: Computer my Friend
Number of Lessons 14 9
Introduction • Making toys and utility and learning tools. • Meaning of data, memory and their roles
• Safely use and play with various utility and • Internal and external storage
learning tools. • RAM, ROM and their roles
• Maintain utility and learning objects. • Saving documents in storage devices
• Sharing documents
Classroom • Whole class orientation, group work then • Whole class orientation, pair and share then
Organisation individual work individual work
Learning/Teaching • Clay, straws, sticks strings thread hammer, • School or public computer access
Materials short nail, paper, glue, wood drill, wood, • Access to XO laptops
manila paper. • Internet access
• Pair of scissors. • Notebooks
• Pen
• Chalk
• Board/Smart board
Activities • Class demonstrations on how to make • Teacher’s explanation to the learners about
various learning and utility tools. meaning of data, memory and their roles
• Teacher to conduct class supervision as the • Teacher’s explanation of RAM and ROM to
Pupil’s carry out activities of making specific the learners with the roles they play
utility and learning objects. • Teacher’s demonstration to the learners on
• Each learner to be given a project of making a how to save and open saved documents
specific learning object. • Teacher’s demonstration to the learners on
how share documents

Competencies • Team work • Defining and explaining data, memory and
Practised • Practical work understanding its role.
• Creativity • Defining and explaining ROM and RAM and
• Taking responsibility understanding their roles.
• Practicing saving and opening saved
• Practicing sharing documents with colleagues.
Vocabulary • Names of locally available materials used in • Common terms used in data, memory, storage
Acquisition making toys and learning materials and sharing.
Study Skills • Manipulation • Group demonstration
• Discussion • Observation
• Demonstration • Experimentation and Exploration
• Question and Answer
Revision • Practise Activities and Revision Activity • Practise Activities and Unit Revision Activity
Assessment • Direct observations as the learners’ work • Formative assessment through activities that
making utility objects. test learners’ ability to explain terminologies,
• Giving project work and awarding marks for roles and procedures.
the objects made by individual learners.
Learning • Knowing the locally available materials used in • Proper explanation of terminologies
Outcomes making various utility objects • Proper use of procedures
• Be able to make objects for playing, learning
and general utility
Unit Unit 5: Writing Skills Unit 6: Computer Research
Number of Lessons 5 8
Introduction • Creating tables, columns and rows. • Purpose of browse activity and e-mail.
• Inserting pictures and images. • Procedure for opening, creating and sending e-mail.
• Resizing and positioning image or • How to read inbox messages.
picture. • Navigation techniques on browse.
• Providing text relating to imported • Accessing the dictionary, textbooks, storybooks and
images. the world map.
• Sharing browse content.
Classroom • Whole class orientation, pair and share • Group work, pair and share then individual work.
Organisation then individual work.
Learning/Teaching • School or public computer access • School or public computer access
Materials • Access to XO laptops • Access to XO laptops
• Board/Smart board • Board/Smart board
• Internet access • Notebooks • Internet access • Notebooks
• Pen • Chalk • Pen • Chalk
Activities • Teacher’s demonstration on how to • Teacher’s explanation of browse activity and e-mail.
create tables, columns and rows. • Teacher’s demonstration on how to open, create
• Teacher’s demonstration on how to and send e-mails.
insert pictures and images. • Demonstration on how to read inbox messages
• Teacher’s demonstration on how to • Demonstration on how to navigate within browse
resize and position images and pictures. activity window.
• Teacher’s demonstration on how to • Demonstration on how to access the dictionary,
import images. textbooks, storybooks and the world map.

• Demonstration on how to share browse activity

Competencies • Practicing how to create tables, columns • Correct explanation of browse activity terms.
Practised and rows. • Ability to open, create and send e-mails.
• Inserting pictures and images. • Practise effective navigation skills.
• Resizing and positioning images and • Ability to access the dictionary, textbooks,
pictures. storybooks and the world map.
• Practise sharing browse activity content.
Vocabulary • Terms associated with write activities. • Terms associated with computer research.
Study Skills • Group demonstration • Group demonstration
• Observation • Observation
• Experimentation and Exploration • Experimentation and Exploration
• Question and Answer • Question and Answer
Revision • Practise Activities and Unit Revision • Practise Activities
Activity. • Unit Revision Activity
• Project Based Activities
Assessment • Formative assessment through activities • Formative assessment through activities that test
that test learners’ ability to insert tables, learners’ ability to use browse for opening e-mail
columns, rows, images and resize images account, reading inbox messages and effective
or pictures. navigation techniques.
Learning • Effectively insert tables, columns, rows • Proper explanation of browse activity terminology.
Outcomes and images. • Work in pairs to open new e-mail account.
• Ability to resize images and pictures. • Ability to read inbox messages.
• Practical knowledge on how to navigate effectively.
Unit Unit 7: Programming for Children Unit 8: Water
Number of Lessons 20 16
Introduction • Using Turtle Art commands to draw shapes. • Importance of water and sources of
• Using the number palette to complete arithmetic water.
operations. • Identifying water pollutants, water
• Create dialogues and cartoons using spriting and purification methods and water storage.
paint options.
• Command, speeches and organization of scripts.
Classroom • Group work, pair and share then individual work. • Whole class orientation, group work and
Organisation then individual work.
Learning/Teaching • Internet access • Sugar on a stick • Water • Charts • Books
Materials • Notebooks • Pen • Small gravel, clean sand, coarse sand,
• Chalk • Board/Smart board charcoal, clean cotton tissue, paper filter,
• School or public computer access beaker and plastic bottle.
• XO laptop
Activities • Demonstration on how to draw shapes using • Field visits for learners to observe water
Turtle Art commands. sources
• Demonstration on how to use Forward, Left/Right • Taking notes during the visit
and repeat commands. • Group discussion
• Demonstration on how to use the number palette. • Learners to set an experience on
• Demonstration on how to create dialogues and purification of water.
cartoons. • Field visit to outline methods of protecting
• Demonstration on how to use command, speeches the environment from rain water.
and organization of scripts.

Competencies • Team work • Communication • Investigating/research

Practised • Problem solving • Critical thinking • Recording findings and preparing finding
• Exploration and manipulation for presentation.
• Observation and recording • Presentation of findings.
Vocabulary • Terms associated with Turtle Art Activity and • Importance of water.
Acquisition Scratch Activity. • Properties of water.
• Components of water cycle.
• Water pollution terminologies.
Study Skills • Demonstration • Communicating ideas through discussion.
• Observation • Analysing data and drawing conclusion.
• Experimentation and Exploration • Individual pupil work.
Revision • Practise Activities • Practise Activities and Unit Revision
• Unit Revision Activity Activity.
• Project Based Activities
Assessment • Direct observation of learners to ascertain if they • Let learners have peer assessment where
can effectively apply programming skills. they record into their books.
• Continuous Practise Activities that test what • Practical procedures and conclusions
learners have learnt in this unit. for investigating steps for making simple
water cycle and steps of purifying water.
• Learners to exchange their notes and
marks on each other’s work.
Learning • Understand how to use Turtle Art to draw • Understand what a simple water cycle is.
Outcomes Geometric shapes. • Understanding the purification process of
• Apply their knowledge on the use of Scratch water and make water filter.
Activities to create programs.
Unit Unit 9: Soil Unit 10: Animals

Number of 14 12
Introduction • Preparing soil for cultivation. • Conditions of a good chicken house.
• Preparation of organic and inorganic • Production of chickens.
fertilisers. • Importance of chickens.
• Proper use of fertilisers. • Importance of chicken farming.
Classroom • Whole class orientation, group work then • Whole class orientation, group work and then
Organisation individual work. individual work.
Learning/ • Hand hoe, plant materials, farmyard manure, • Chicken • Chicken house
Teaching organic fertilisers, inorganic fertilisers rake, • Chicken feeds • Charts
Materials seeds. • Books
• Chicken management
Activities • Class discussion on various methods of land • Visit a nearby chicken farm.
preparation. • Take notes during the visit on requirements for
• Observations of various photographs and starting a chicken farm and how to manage
charts showing various activities in the farm. chickens.
• Groups discussions on various types of • Group presentation in class concerning chicken
fertilisers. farming and its importance to the farmer.
• Identifying various types of fertilisers.
• Making different types of organic fertilisers.
• Teachers assess the activities as the Pupil’s

Competencies • Data collection • Team work • Team work • Communication skills

Practised • Observation • Practical work • Data analysis • Data collection methods
• Presentation of findings
Vocabulary • Names of various types of farming activities. • Chicken farming terminologies
Acquisition • Name of different types of fertilisers. • Chicken diseases
• Terminologies associated with various farm
tools and implements.
Study Skills • Field trip • Group discussion • Taking notes • Group discussion
• Observation • Exploration • Choosing the right questions to get data
• Group work • Question and answer required
Revision • Practise Activity and Revision Activity • Practise activities and unit Revision Activities.
Assessment • Observations as the Pupil’s work using • A formative assessment of proper data
various farm tools to carry out farm activities collecting and recording procedure.
• Practical and hands on activity as Pupil’s • Assessing the ability to present logical and
prepare plots for cultivating vegetables in correct information both verbally and in written
school compound. form.
• Ability to care for chickens.
• Identify chicken diseases.
• Feed chickens.
• Project on poultry farming.
Learning • Differentiate between organic and inorganic • Practical knowledge on how to rear chicken.
Outcomes fertilisers. • Understanding the importance of taking care of
• Being able to outline the various activities as the chickens.
the are carried out in the farm. • Appreciating the benefits of chicken farming to
the farmer and the country.
Unit Unit 11: Plants and Environment Unit 12: Digestion
Number of Lessons 10 10
Introduction • Identify the different types of crops. • Functions of the digestive system.
• To be able to organise crops according to • Structure, function, and stages of digestion.
their uses. • Components and elements of a balanced diet.
• Observe and identifying different uses of
• Identifying the causes and effects of
Classroom • Whole class organization. • Whole class orientations, group work and then
Organisation • Group work. individual work.
• Individual work.
Learning/Teaching • Different types of crops such as tubers, • Wall charts showing the parts of a digestive
Materials cereals, legumes and vegetables. system.
• Charts showing different crops. • Different types of foods e.g. beans, maize,
• Different types of trees. bananas, milk, fruits and vegetables.
Activities • Identifying different types of plants. • Learners to observe charts showing digestive
• Identifying importance of trees in general systems.
on environment. • Learners discuss in groups the digestion process.
• Visit to see plants within the locality. • Learners practise preparing a balanced diet.
• Taking notes during the visit.
• Group discussion aiming to identify ways of
conserving trees.
• Planting trees within the school compound.

Competencies • Teamwork • Data collection • Research and problem solving

Practised • Sharing with others. • Co-operation • Lifelong learning
• Presentation of findings. • Presentation of findings • Critical thinking
Vocabulary • Names of different types of plants. • Names of parts of the digestive system.
Acquisition • Local names of different types of trees. • Names of the stages of digestion.
• Terminologies related to forestry. • Elements of a balanced diet.
• Nutritional deficiency diseases.
Study Skills • Field trip • Note making. • Communicating
• Observation • Class presentations. • Choosing the right ideas through discussion
• Taking notes.
• Practical activities concerning hygiene of
Revision • Practical Activities and Unit Revision • Practical Activities and Unit Revision Activities.
Assessment • Formative assessment on learners’ ability • Teachers to supervise learners’ discussion.
to identify importance of plants to the • Observe and listen to their presentation and
environment. award each learner marks.
• Assess learners’ ability to protect and care • Written examination to test understanding of
for trees and other plants. learners, after having discussed digestion process.
• Practise hygiene of digestion.
Learning • To be able to identify uses of different • Understanding the digestion process.
Outcomes crops. • Knowing and appreciating the parts of digestive
• Discuss and explain uses of trees. system.
• Define terms related to forestry. • Practical knowledge on how to identify
• Demonstrate how to care for the trees. nutritional deficiency diseases and how to
prevent them.
Unit Unit 13: Reproductive Systems Unit 14: Light
Number of Lessons 20 7
Introduction • To practise the hygiene of external organs. • Light propagation
• Identifying the external parts of male and female. • Medium for light transmission
• Secondary sexual characteristics in boys and girls.
• Practising responsible sexual behaviour.
Classroom • Whole class orientation. • Whole class orientation, groups, work,
Organisation • Group discussions. pairing the individual work.
• Class presentations.
Learning/Teaching • Charts showing different parts of male and female • Cardboards • Torches
Materials reproductive organs. • Water • Pencils
• Newsletters and magazines on responsible sexual • Plane mirror • Papers
behaviour. • Charts
Activities • Observing the charts and identifying the various • Learners Practise activities that helps them
parts of the male and female reproductive organs. investigate on how light travels through
• Group discussion on how to maintain hygiene of different media.
the reproductive organs. • Teacher to conduct class supervision when
• Class presentations learners are carrying out on experiments
• Brainstorming ways of practising responsible about reflection and refraction.
sexual behaviour.
• Group discussion on the physical changes during
• Group discussion on why it is important to feel
comfortable when touching your own sexual

Competencies • Logical reasoning • Team work

Practised • Presentation of findings • Research and problem solving
• Team work • Presentation of findings
• Appreciating other people • Critical thinking
Vocabulary • Names of external male and female reproductive • Terminologies associated with light
Acquisition organs. propagation, light transmission, and laws
of light propagation.
Study Skills • Observation • Demonstration • Brainstorming • Class demonstrations
• Exploration activity. • Manipulation • Taking notes
• Presentation of ideas in class • Presentations of findings
• Application of learnt concepts
Revision • Practical Activity and Unit Revision Activity. • Practical Activities
• Unit Revision Activities
Assessment • Learners write reports on given topics. The • Let learners have peer assessment where
teacher to read and award marks. they record in their books.
• Learners make presentations on various topics. • Practical procedures and conclusions for
• Affirmative assessment on the ability to work as a investigating how light travels through
team. different media and experience of
• Practise responsible behaviour. reflection and refraction.
Learning • To explain the importance of the human • Team work
Outcomes reproductive organs. • Understanding how light travels through
• Should be able to explain how to Practise hygiene different media.
of the sexual organs. • Practical knowledge of reflection and
• List the sexual characteristics in boys and girls refraction.
during puberty. • Appreciating the benefits of refraction.
Unit Unit 15: Electricity Unit 16: Materials
Number of Lessons 9 10
Introduction • List reasons why electricity is important. • Classification of materials
• Identifying ways in which electricity is produced. • Physical properties of metals
• Making a simple circuit. • Calculation of density
• Materials and common tools used in electricity. • Real active density
Classroom • Whole class orientation. • Whole class orientation, groups and then
Organisation • Group discussion. individual work
• Individual work.
• Field trip
Learning/Teaching • Bicycle dynamo • Solar panel • Bells, nails, piece of iron sheet, bricks, hoe,
Materials • Screw driver • Bulbs saucepan, wood, stones, water, cooking
• Switches • Dry cells oil, paraffin, juice, milk, salty water, unclean
• Wires • Flat iron water.
Activities • Field trip to locations where electricity is • Practical activities in groups involving
produced. discovering the density.
• Taking notes during the visit. • Practical activities to investigate the density
• Questionnaires for learners to guide them on of different liquid materials.
what to ask during the visit. • Practical activities to investigate behaviour
• Teacher to conduct supervision as Pupil’s make of different objects in water and relative
simple circuits. density.
• Guide learners on the ways of making circuits.
• Group activity to produce electricity from a
bicycle dynamo and solar panels.

• Observing charts and identifying dangers of

Competencies • Data collection • Team work • Communication
Practised • Team work • Manipulation • Investigating
• Presentation of findings • Recording findings and presentations of
• Practising to make circuits. findings.
Vocabulary • Names of various sources of electricity. • Common terms associated with properties
Acquisition • Terminologies related to electricity. of metals and density.
• Words related to dangers of electricity.
Study Skills • Class demonstration • Group discussions. • Group demonstrations
• Field trip • Note taking • Observations
• Class presentations • Group activity • Investigation
• Recording findings
• Presentation of ideas
Revision • Practical Activities and Unit Revision Activity • Practical activities and unit Revision
Assessment • Direct observation as Pupil’s work as they • Direct observations of learners to discover
produce electricity through various ways. the density of different materials, and
• Continuous practise exercises. behaviours of different objects in water and
• Giving project work to groups and awarding relative density.
marks as they work. • Continuous Practise exercises that tests
what learners have learnt in the unit.
Learning • Understanding how electricity is produced. • Practical approach on how to calculate
Outcomes • Construct a simple electric circuit. relative density.
• Manage an electric circuit and explain its • Classification of materials on metals and
importance. non-metals.
Record Keeping
Record keeping involves gathering facts and evidence from assessment instruments
and using them to judge the learners’ performance by assigning an indicator against
the set criteria or standard.
All scores from all assessment procedures should be carefully recorded and stored
in a portfolio because they will contribute to the final assessment of the learners.
When assessing you will record learners’ achievements either in the individual
progress record or the class progress record.
The frequency of a particular behaviour or a particular Competence may be
recorded for the duration of a lesson, or for a set time period within a lesson or
within the learning unit.
The teacher may need to record the learners’ exact response in order redirect
future instructions. The teacher may also find it helpful to record written notes
describing events or incidents that occur about the learners’ behaviour.
Encourage learners to also keep their own records to check on their own progress.
You can make a temporary Record Table to record each learners’ progress especially
during oral assessment, in group discussions or project presentations.
The sample record table shown below can be used to record learners’
progress in one lesson.
Learner’s Competencies: Skills Attitudes
name Basic Generic and Values
Literacy – Creativity Handling of Cooperation
Ability to materials
Learner 1 1 3 1 2
Learner 2 3 2 2 1
Learner 3 1 1 1 1
Learner 4 2 3 3 2

1 2 3
Very good Average Poor

As the learners continue with their activities or discussions, go round observing

them and recording in the table.
The record table is vital because it helps the teacher to know his or her weak
learners and give them level appropriate work or assist them. The teacher is also
able to find out the common areas of weakness in learners.
Reporting to parents
The new direction of learning in the curriculum means that it is necessary to think
again about how to share learners’ progress with parents.
The most helpful reporting is to share what learners are doing well and where they
need to improve. A simple scale is use of the RAG table whose colours show: meeting
expectations very well, meeting expectations, and not meeting expectations.
These can be presented in a table as shown below.

Identifying common Giving uses Creativity and
carpentry tools of specific Innovation
Learner 1

Learner 2

Learner 3

Topic Area: Tools and Objects Production

Number of periods: 8
Key Unit Competence
By the end of this unit the learner should be able to use and maintain carpentry

Background Information
In P4, you learnt about agricultural tools. Carpentry tools are used by carpenters to
make furniture. In our homes we have different pieces of furniture. Carpentry tools
need to be used and maintained property as they are source of livelihood to many.
Carpentry is also a source of revenue to our country. The teacher should encourage
learners to use and maintain common carpentry tools.

Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding
• Identify the common carpentry tools used
• Explain the use of carpentry tools
• Explain the dangers of carpentry tools and their safety measures
• Draw and name different carpentry tools according to their uses
• Group carpentry according to their uses
• Store and look after carpentry tools appropriately
Attitude and values
• The learner to show concern on the importance of carpentry tools.
• Show concern to replacing worn out parts of tools.
• Show familiarity in using carpentry tools.
Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Identifying • Identifying carpentry tools.
Common carpentry tools • Observing various carpentry tools.
carpentry tools

Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
2 Grouping Grouping carpentry tools according to
Common carpentry tools their use.
carpentry tools.
3 Usage of Using carpentry tools for removing nails
Use and Carpentry tools. cutting wood, holding work pieces.
maintenance of
carpentry tools.
4 Maintenance of • Caring and maintaining carpentry
Use and carpentry tools. tools by oiling sharpening. Cleaning
maintenance of proper use and storage.
carpentry tools • Proper storage of tools.
5 Dangers of • Identifying dangerous carpentry tools.
Dangers of carpentry tools. • Identifying ways in which carpentry
carpentry tools. tools can be misused.
6 Measures against • Identifying and avoiding dangers
Dangers of dangers of caused by use of carpentry tools.
carpentry tools. carpentry tools. • Learn safe use of carpentry tools.
7 Revision Activity 1 Answers theory questions in the Revision
Evaluation Activity 1.
8 Revision Activity 1 Answers practical questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 1.

Cross Cutting Issues

1. Financial Education
The teacher needs to educate the learners on proper use and maintenance of tools.
A lot of money is spent on buying these tools. They should therefore be handled
carefully to avoid losing them or breaking. The cost of buying, maintaining and
replacing tools is very high . Carpentry as is a source of livelihood to many people
and this enables them to generate wealth for themselves and the country.
2. Inclusive Education
Learners of both genders, Pupil’s with disabilities and those with different learning
abilities should be taken care of during learning activities.
• Let learners with poor eyesight sit closer to the board. Allow those with poor
vision to feel the tools with their hands.
• Encourage all learners to interact freely with disabled colleagues.

(a) Handling the fast learners
• Allocate them more duties and responsibilities. They can identify more
carpentry tools than others.
• Allow them to practise more after finishing a theoretical task. Let them
maintain and use tools.
• Assign them more application questions for them to show down and think.
Examples include:
(a) Which one of the following maintenance Practises are for the safety of the
(b) Write down three maintenance Practises carried out in all tools.
(b) Handling slow learners
• Pair groups them with fast learners.
• Encourage them to participate fully in the group activity and discussions.
• Allow them a chance to use and manipulate tools.
• Provide a friendly environment to them to ask and answer questions.
• Organise remedial classes to enable them have more personalised learning.
• Give them enough time to handle given tasks and responsibilities including
projects and assignments.
3. Environment and sustainability
Tools can be used in conservation of our environment facing helps to protect
trees and crops from animals. Learners should be encouraged to conserve and
maintain environment.
4. Standardization culture
The learners should be able to appreciate quality. Always go for high quality
tools. Furniture made from these tools should be of good quality. Quality goods
should last long.
5. Gender education
Learners of both genders should be given equal chance in the class. A boy or a girl
can be a group leader. The teacher should go for ability

Notes to the teacher

Tools help to make work easier. It would be impossible to work without tools.
Carpentry tools are very important as they help during making of furniture. The
learners should value tools in relation to their cost. Make the lessons interesting by
exposing learners to real tools. Allows them to manipulate and observe them in use.
Remind them that safety and proper use of tools should be observed at all times .
using tools for a different purpose may cause injuries or damage to the tool.

Sample Competence-based Lesson Plan

Name of the School: Nyakabanda Primary School Teacher’s Name: Marie Muhoza
Term Date Subject Class Unit No Lesson No Duration Class size

I 22/01/2017 Science and Elementary Technology P5 1 1 out of 8 40 min 40

Type of special education needs to be • Partial hearing impairment 3
catered for in this lesson and number of • Low vision 1
learners in each category

Unit title Carpentry tools

Key unit competence By the end of this lesson, each learner should be able to use and maintain carpentry
Title of the lesson Identification of carpentry tools.
Instructional objectives Using charts, pictures and real carpentry tools, the learner should be able to name
and draw at least 10 carpentry tools correctly.
Plan for this lesson Inside the classroom:
location(in or outside the All learners should be seated in a semicircle (where possible).
Arrangement for learners with special needs
• Low vision: Assign them sitting positions at the front where they can see easily.
• Partial hearing impairment: The learners should sit at the front near where they
can see the learning materials, hear the teacher and lip read..
• Arrangement for learners without disabilities: To be seated in semi-circle clusters.
This encourages cooperative learning at both group and class level.
Learning materials for all • Real carpentry tools, pictures and charts.
learners • Books showing carpentry tools.
• Notebooks, pencils and pens.
References Science and Elementary Technology Pupil’s Book page 2, Teacher’s Guide page 10 and
any other relevant carpentry books.

Timing of Description of teaching and learning activity Generic competencies and cross-
each step The teacher to display charts, pictures and real tools for cutting issues to be addressed and
learners to observe, draw and identify carpentry tools. short explanation
Teacher activities Learner activities

Introduction • Ask learners in pairs to • A few learners describe briefly (a) Generic Competencies
7 min describe briefly what what carpentry tools are. (i) Co-operation and Teamwork
carpentry tools are. Possible answer: Learners assist each other and co-
Are hand held tools that a carpenter operate to describe what carpentry
uses to do his or her work. tools are and to identify and describe
introductory carpentry tools.
• Ask learners to • Observe introductory pictures on
observe figures (a) to carpentry tools in groups. (ii) Life Long Skills
(g) on page 2 of the • Discuss and answer questions Learners will relate carpentry tools to
Pupil’s Book. Allow orally. carpentry products.
them to discuss the Possible answers: (iii) Critical Thinking
pictures in groups. Learners will predict what they are
(a) A brace
going to learn. They will also be able
(b) A chisel to talk about tools using their correct
(c) A desk names.
(d) A tape measure

(e) A carpenter and a boy working.
Timing of Teacher activities Learner activities Generic competencies and cross-

each step cutting issues to be addressed and
short explanation
(f) A chair (iv) Communication
(g) A man/carpenter cutting wood You will ask learners questions
using a saw. and they will answer you. They will
• Ask learners from • Predict what they are going to discuss in pairs or groups (talk to
different groups to learn in the unit. each other). All these activities entail
describe what they are communication.
going to learn in the (b) Crosscutting Issues
unit. (i) Peace and Values Education
• Show a few tools to • Identify carpentry tools As learners communicate, share ideas
the learners for them brought in class and give their and provide answers they learn to
to observe. names. work in peace.
• Let the learners (ii) Gender Education
mention names of tools All learners will participate in
shown. discussions regardless of their gender.
• Listen to learners’ The teacher will give equal chances to
responses. both boys and girls to participate in
• Complements learners’ class activities.
responses or corrects
Timing of Teacher activities Learner activities Generic competencies and cross-
each step cutting issues to be addressed and
short explanation
Development • Ask the learners to • Draw all carpentry tools; Activity (a) Generic Competencies
of the lesson draw all carpentry 1.1 (Pupil’s Book page 3) in their (i) Research and Problem Solving
25 min tools in Activity 1.1 notebooks. Learners research from books and
(Pupil’s Book pages 3 in Examples of tools drawn: Internet to discover the identity of tools
their notebooks). (12 that they do not know.
(ii) Co-operation and Teamwork
Learners co-operate in searching for
information concerning carpentry tools
they do not know.
(b) (iii) Communication Skills
Learners talk and share information in
order to identify tools.
(b) Crosscutting Issues
(d) (i) Peace and Values Education
As learners communicate, share ideas
and provide answers, they learn to
work in peace.
(e) (f)

Timing of Teacher activities Learner activities Generic competencies and cross-

each step cutting issues to be addressed and
short explanation
• Ask learners in pairs to • In pairs, learners discuss and give (ii) Gender Education
discuss and identify the names of carpentry tools shown in All learners will participate in
tools drawn. (5 min). Activity 1.1. discussions regardless of their gender.
(For names of tools • Possible answers: The teacher will give equal chances to
(g) - (s), refer from (a) Claw hammer both boys and girls to participate in
Teacher’s Guide page 11; (b) Workbench class activities.
Teacher’s Notes) (c) Mallet (iii) Financial Education
(d) Plane Learners identify carpentry tools and
(e) Axe attach value to their usage. They also
appreciate that carpentry tools are
(f) Wood chisel
bought hence need to be taken care of.
• Allow them to hold • Hold and identify displayed
some of the tools. Ask carpentry tools with the help of the
them to identify all the teacher.
carpentry tools you
have displayed in class
(if any). (5 min)
• Respond to learners’ • Asking and answering questions on
questions concerning carpentry tools.
identification of
carpentry tools. (3 min)
Timing of Description of teaching and learning activity Generic competencies and cross-
each step cutting issues to be addressed and
Teacher activities Learner activities short explanation
Conclusion, • Give assessment • Write answers in their notebooks. (a) Generic Competencies
summary questions to individual (i) Critical Thinking
and learners on identification Learners recall responses they had
assessment of carpentry tools. given earlier in order to respond to
• Possible questions: • Possible answers:
8 min individual assessment questions.
1. Name 10 carpentry 1. Wood saw, T-square, plane, axe,
wood chisel, screw driver, bow (ii) Problem Solving
tools. Learners provide answers to given
saw, brace, mallet etc.
2. assessment questions.
2. (a) hammer
(b) driving nails in wood and (b) Crosscutting Issues
removing nails from wood. (i) Gender Education
This is a it is All learners will be given equal chances
(b) to respond to questions.
used for
3. Name 2 cutting 3. Hand saw, bow saw, table saw, (ii) Inclusive Education
tools used in axe. Assessment questions should be suited
carpentry. for all levels of learners (both slow and
4. Draw a brace, hand 4. Learners’ drawings. fast).
saw, wood chisel,
mallet and spirit
• Mark learners’ work.

1.1: Identification of carpentry tools
Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 2. • Other relevant Textbooks
• XO Laptop • Internet

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Identify and name carpentry tools

Observe and identify carpentry tools.
Attitudes and Values
Show concern to the importance of carpentry tools
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Question and answer • Discussion • Observation
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real tools • Charts
• Flask cards • XO laptops
Learning Activity
Observe and identify carpentry tools.

Lesson Preparation
• Find out from learners the carpentry tools available in learners’ homes before
the lesson.
• Collect commodity available carpentry tools and take them to the classroom
• Identify cutting tools such as an axe, hand saw, bow saw and table saw.
• Familiarise yourself with tools such as jointer, spokes shave and spirit level.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to mention the carpentry tools they have in their homes.
(ii) Ask learners to observe the pictures in the introduction of their Pupil’s Book
page 2.
(iii) Allow them to discuss and describe the pictures. From their description let them
predict what they are going to learn in the unit.

(iv) Display available tools for the learners to observe and identify.
(v) Observe charts and flash cards with pictures of tools that are not available in
(vi) Let them name tools displayed.
(vii) Ask learners to observe tools in Activity 1.1. Allow them to draw and identify all
the carpentry tools.
(viii) Let learners research more about carpentry tools in their XO laptops.
• Listen to learners’ discussion as they discuss introductory pictures as well as
predict what they are going to learn in the unit.
• Mark learners’ pictures.
• Assess their ability to identify tools displayed and those in Activity 1.1.
• Use the information gathered to prepare remedial lessons for learners who
have difficulties in identifying tools.
• Give further Practise to fast learners let them identify other carpentry tools not
highlighted in table 1.1.
Teachers Notes
• Research from carpentry books to identify various types of saws and planes.
• Have adequate pictures to cover all required tools.
• The carpentry tools in Activity 1.1 are as follows:
(a) Hammer (b) Workbench (c) Mallet (d) Plane
(e) Axe (f) Wood chisel (g) Brace (h) Screw driver
(i) Spirit level (j) Bow saw (k) Jointer (l) Metre ruler
(m) Hand saw (n) T-square (o) Table saw (p) Auger bit
(q) Spokes shave (r) Tape measure (s) Shaper

1.2: Usage and Maintenance of some Carpentry Tools

Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 4 • Relevant Textbooks • XO Laptop
• Internet • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Explain use and maintenance of carpentry tools.

• Use carpentry tools correctly.
• Maintain carpentry tools.
Attitudes and Values
• Show concern to replacing the worn out parts of carpentry tools.
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Question and answer • Demonstration
• Observation • Discussion
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real tools • Charts
• Flash cards • XO laptops
Learning Activity
Use and maintenance of carpentry tools.

Lesson Preparation
Visit a local workshop. Organise with the carpenter to help you teach learners on
how to use and maintain carpentry tools.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Take learners to a nearby carpentry workshop.
(ii) Ask learners to name the various carpentry tools available in the workshop.
(iii) Let the carpenter demonstrate to learners how each tool is used and maintained.
Let him/her also point out safety measures to be taken when using them.
(iv) Allow learners to use and maintain the tools as outlined in the Pupil’s Book
pages 4 – 10.
(v) Let the learners take short notes on use and maintenance of the tools.
(vi) Display flash cards and charts showing tools being maintained.
Assess learners’ ability to use and maintain carpentry tools. Use the information
gathered to prepare remedial lessons for weak learners and give further Practise to
fast learners.

Teachers Notes
• Some of the maintenance Practises are as follows:
(a) Sharpening (b) Oiling (c) Proper usage
• Proper storage
• All tools should be properly used and stored to avoid damage, accidents or

• Metallic parts needs oiling to prevent rusting.

1.3: Dangers of Carpentry Tools and Security Measures

Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 11.
• Other Relevant Textbooks in Carpentry
• Internet

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners should be to:

Knowledge and understanding

Outline dangers of carpentry tools and precautions they should take.

Take precautions when using carpentry tools.

Attitudes and values

Show familiarity in using carpentry tools.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion • Demonstration
• Observation • Question and answer
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts
• Pictures in Pupil’s books
Learning Activity
Find out through questions and answers the dangers and safety measures when
using carpentry tools.

Lessons Preparation
• Obtain charts showing dangers when using carpentry tools
• Learners find out from their parents the dangers of using carpentry tools.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Display charts showing dangers of some carpentry tools. Let leaners also read
content in their textbooks page 11.

(ii) Lead learners into discussion on the dangers of all carpentry tools for example
ask them:
(a) Have you ever seen a person who has been injured by a carpentry tool?
(b) Which tool was it?
(c) What could have led to the injury?
(iii) Ask learners to describe ways by which they avoid being injured while using
carpentry tools.
(iv) Allow them to discuss most dangerous carpentry tools and how to avoid them.
(v) Let learners write other dangers posed by use of carpentry tools.
• Ask learners questions to know if they can describe dangers of carpentry tools
and ways of avoiding them. Give remedial questions to weak learners.
• Listen to learners as they make presentations on the dangers of carpentry tools.
Pay attention to ways by which they avoid being injured while using carpentry
(a) Remedial Activity
These are given to learners who have difficulties in naming carpentry tools. Using
carpentry tools and identifying dangers of carpentry tools.
To assist these learners
(a) Give them multiple choice questions on identification of tools.
(b) Allow them to carefully use and maintain carpentry tools longer than other
learners. In addition give them matching questions e.g. match a tool to its uses.
Example of questions
(i) Observe pictures on page 2 and 3 and draw (a) bow saw (b) hand saw
(c) axe.
(ii) Demonstrate how to use the following tools:
(a) T-square (b) Wood saw (c) Spirit level
(iii) Match the following tools with their possible dangers
Tool Danger
(a) Chisel (i) Can chop off your hand or fingers.
(b) Clamp (ii) Can bore into your hand.
(c) Shaper (iii) Can trap your fingers or hand.

(b) Consolidated Activities
Give multiple choice questions and structured questions on identification, safe use
and maintenance of carpentry tools.
These questions should include safety measures during use of tools, dangers of most
dangerous carpentry tools and how to avoid these dangers.
Example of questions
(i) Identify 4 cutting and 2 drilling carpentry tools.
(ii) Write down the maintenance Practises of the following tools:
(a) Plane (b) Axe (c) screw driver
(iii) Explain the dangers of the following carpentry tools:
(a) Table saw (b) clamp/jointer
(c) Chisel (d) Shaper
(iv) Outline 2 safety measures that one can apply to prevent dangers on carpentry
(c) Extension Activity
Give questions that will give learners more practise. These questions should be
additional to what the learners are currently doing.
During identification of tools let fast learners propose possible uses of tools as well:
Tool Uses

(i) _____________
(ii) _____________

Name ________
During use of tools, allow fast learners to use other tools other than those mentioned
e.g. use of mallet, wood chisel.
Give questions requiring learners to identify several ways of maintaining tools as
well as avoiding dangers of the tools.
Example of questions
(i) Group carpentry tools as: (a) Cutting tools (b) Smoothening tools
(c) Griping tools (d) Boring/drilling tools
(ii) A girl wanted to make a chair. Suggest at least 3 carpentry tools she must have.
(iii) Identify the uses of tools in (b) above.

Answers to Practise Activity 1.1
1. (a) Screw driver (b) T-square (c) Hand saw
2. (a) Jack plane (b) Claw hammer (c)
Brace (d)
Bow saw
3. • Sharpen blunt cutting edges.
• Replace broken handles.
• Clean the blade after use.
4. To prevent rusting.
5. A T-square

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 1

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 13
1. Blade
2. • Wood saw. • Axe. • Bow saw. • Table saw

A. Tools B. Uses
(a) Saw Driving screws into wood
(b) Plane Cutting wood
(c) Metre Holding pieces of wood together
(d) Clamp Measuring the length of wood
(e) Screw driver Smoothing wood

4. Observe learners’ activities. Ensure they hold the tools correctly. They use the
tools correctly. They use the tools for the right purpose and avoid getting hurt/
injured while using the tools.
5. (a) (ii) (b) (i)
(c) • Sharpen the cutting edge.
• Fix a lose or broken handle.
• Clean the saw after use and store it safely.
6. (a) Spirit level
(b) It is used to check if the surface is vertical or horizontal.
(c) Clean it with a damp piece of cloth to remove dirt. Avoid dropping it as it
can break easily.
7. (a) A jack plane is used to smoothen wood.
(b) A sand paper, scrub plane or smoothing plane.

(c) • Clean the parts to remove dust.
• Apply oil on the lower metallic surface to prevent rusting.
• Sharpen the smoothing edge.
8. (a) A wood bench – This is a strong table on which a carpenter works.
(b) Smoothing wood, cutting wood, making joints.
(c) • The workbench should be firm and strong to avoid shaking.
• Remove tools not in use from the workbench.
• Wipe the workbench regularly. Use a brush to clean the workbench but
not your bare hands.
9. (a) • Circular blade • Wooden frame
• Electric motor
(b) • It can cut parts of the body such as fingers or hands.
• It can throw back pieces of wood that hit the user.
(c) • Observe maximum caution while using a bench saw.
• Place a narrow piece of metal around the cutting blade.
• Always wear protective gear such as helmet, goggles and gloves.
• The piece of wood being cut should be held firmly and securely.
10. (a) A table saw is made up of circular saw moved by electric motor. A hand saw
has a wide blade and handle that the user moves it along wood.
(b) A bow saw is made up of a frame and a narrow cutting blade. A wood saw
has a wide blade and handle.
11. (a) They include a workbench shaper, clamp/jointer, table saw, spokeshave,
plane, auger bit.
(and another appropriate answer).
(b) Tools Maintenance Practises
Shaper • Sharpening, oiling, fastening loose parts
Clamp • Remove dirt, oil movable parts
Table saw • Sharpening and oiling the blade
Workbench • Fasten loose nuts at the handle
• Remove all tools not in use and wipe it
Spokeshave • Sharpening and proper storage

(c) General safety measures to observe when using carpentry tools:

• Tools should be used for their right purpose.
• Repair all broken parts.
• Avoid placing tools where they cannot be seen. Put the tools in the tool
rack after use.
• Avoid running in the workshop.
• Always wear the necessary protective clothing when working
(other appropriate answers)

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

(i) (a) (b) (c)

(ii) Observe learners’ activities, award marks for correct demonstration.

(iii) a – (ii)
b – (iii)
c – (i)

(b) Consolidation Activity

(i) • Cutting tools – Bow saw, hand saw, axe, table saw, shaper
• Drilling tools – Chisel, brace
(a) Plane (b) Axe (c) Screw driver
• Oil metallic parts. • Sharpen blunt cutting • Replace broken or
• Sharpen the blade. edges. worn out handles.
• Replace broken • Replace broken
blades. handles.
• Replace broken • Clean the blade after
handles. use.

(iii) (a) Table saw

• The rotating blade can slice off the users hand or fingers.
• The table saw might throw back pieces of wood and hit the user (kickback).
(b) Clamp / Jointer
• The user can accidentally press his/her fingers or arms.
• Loosely cramped parts can break and fall or drop out on user’s hands
or legs.

(c) Chisel
• The sharp cutting edge of the chisel can bore into your hands if carelessly
• The mallet can injure your art or finders while hitting the chisel head if
carelessly handled.
(d) Sharper
• The blades of the sharper can cause serious injuries to the user’s arm if
carelessly handled.
(iv) • Do not put your arm or fingers close to the cutting blade of tools.
• Always wear appropriate protective clothing where necessary before using
tools e.g. helmets, goggles, gloves etc.

(c) Extension Activity

Tool Uses
(i) • Drive in Nails
• Remove nails from wood.

Name: Claw Hammer

• Assess how the learners are using the tools and award marks accordingly.
Examples of questions
(i) (a) Cutting tools: Bow saw, table saw, wood saw, axe
(b) Smoothening tools: Plane
(c) Griping tools: clamp / jointer
(d) Boring/drilling tools: Chisel, brace
(ii) Carpentry tools used to make a chair: Place, hammer, hand saw, T-square,
(iii) Used for smoothening wood so as to give smooth and shiny surface.

Topic Area: Tools and Objects Production

Number of periods: 6
Key Unit Competence
By the end of this unit the learner should be able to use and maintain masonry tools.

Background Information
• Masonry tools are tools used in the construction of farm structures and building.
• These tools needs to be taken care of to last longer.
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding
• Identify the common used masonry tools.
• Explain the uses of masonry tools.
• Describe the dangers of masonry tools and how to prevent them.
• Maintain masonry tools.
• Handle properly various masonry tools.
Attitude and values
• Show the an understanding of the importance of masonry work.
• Show the need to replacing the worn out parts of masonry tools.
• Show familiarly in using the masonry tools.
Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Identifying • Identifying masonry tools
Common common masonry • Observing various masonry tools.
masonry tools tools • Grouping masonry tools according to
their use.
2 Maintenance of Using masonry tools.
Use of masonry tools
masonry tools

Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
3 Usage of masonry • Caring and maintaining masonry tools.
Maintenance of tools. • Proper storage of masonry tools.
masonry tools
4 • Dangers of • Identifying dangerous masonry tools.
Dangers of masonry tools. • Identifying ways in which masonry
Masonry tools • Measures tools can be misused.
against dangers • Avoiding dangers posed by use of
of masonry masonry tools.
5 Revision Activity 2 Answers theory questions in the
Evaluation Revision Activity 2.
6 Revision Activity 2 Answers practical questions in the
Evaluation Revision Activity 2.

Cross Cutting Issues

1. Financial Education
Learners to acquire knowledge on the maintenance of masonry tools. The teacher
should enlighten the learners that there is need to take care of the masonry tools
because they are expensive.
Looking after tools means you can save money which can be spent on other things.
2. Inclusive Education
Learners of all abilities should be involved in various learning activities.
The learners with disabilities should be included in group activities.
Learners with physical challenges should be assigned the activities that they can

Notes to the teacher

Masonry tools are of great importance to society.
When teaching about masonry tools, let learners talk about when they used masonry
tools or saw them being used, or read about them.
Learners should value the tools in relation to their use and cost.
Make the lesson interesting by exposing learners to real tools showing them
photographs of the tools using by using some of the tools and carrying out
maintenance Practises of some tools.

2.1: Identification of Masonry Tools
Number of periods: 1
• Pupil’s Book page 16. • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

Identify the commonly used masonry tools.

Draw masonry tools.
Attitudes and Values
Appreciate the need to have the masonry tools.
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Question and answer • Manipulation
• Observation • Discussion
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Masonry tools such as spirit level, trowel, plumb line, float, metre ruler, tape
measure, jointer, among others.
• Charts showing masonry tools, pictures in books, flash cards and boards.
Learning Activity
Identify common masonry tools.

Lesson Preparation
1. Ask learners to find out names of various tools that a mason uses.
2. Collect the required learning resources and taking take them to class.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to observe introduction pictures.
(ii) Allow them to talk about the pictures in order for them to predict what they are
going to learn in the unit.
(iii) Display masonry tools such as spirit level, trowel, plumb line, float, tape measure,
metre ruler, T-square, and shovel. Ask the learners to write the names of the
tools they know in their notebooks. If you do not have real tools, show them
charts and books with pictures of masonry tools.

(iv) Let learners copy and fill names of tools in Activity 2.1.
(v) Let the learners exchange their books to see each others responses.
(vi) Allow them to present in groups in order for them to identify all the tools
displayed and those in their textbook page 17.
(vii) Ask the learners to draw three tools they have seen or used.
• Listen to learners as they name tools.
• Evaluate if they know the correct names of tools.
• Mark the tools drawn.
Masonry tools to be identified in activity 2.1.
(a) Spirit level (b) Trowel (c) Plumbline
(d) Metre ruler (e) Tape measure (f) Jointer
(g) Wheel barrow (h) T-square (i) Shovel
(j) Masonry hammer (k) Brick frame (l) Chisel
(m) Steel float (n) Hoe (o) Mortar mixer

2.2: Usage and Maintenance of some Masonry Tools

Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 18 • Internet • Magazines
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to use and maintain masonry tools

• Proper handling of masonry tools.
• Proper maintenance of masonry tools.

Attitudes and Values

• Co-operation • Responsibility • Curiosity
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Field visit • Question and answers
• Observation • Manipulating
• Group discussion

Learning/Teaching Materials
• A construction site • Paper
• Pen • Textbook

Learning Activity
• A visit to a construction site to observe the use and maintenance of masonry
Lessons Preparation
1. Help learners to prepare materials for recording information.
2. Obtain permission from the school and construction site you are to visit.
3. Visit the construction site to ensure they have necessary tools.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Organise the learners into manageable groups and visit a nearby construction
(ii) Let learners observe how various masonry tools are being used.
(iii) Let learners use and maintain some of the masonry tools. Remind them to be
careful in order to avoid dangers of masonry tools.
(iv) When you go back to school, ask learners to discuss write a report about:
(a) The tools they saw.
(b) How the tools were being used.
(c) How the tools were being maintained.

• Observe how learners handle tools. Ensure they take caution while using the
• Award marks for their ability to use tools safely and correctly.

2.3: Dangers of Masonry Tools

Number of periods: 1
• Pupil’s Book page 22 • Internet • Magazines
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to handle masonry tools
properly in order to prevent their dangers.

Apply techniques of maintaining masonry tools.

Attitudes and Values

• Co-operation • Responsibility • Concern • Care
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Dramatisation • Demonstration • Observation • Discussion

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real masonry tools such as a wheelbarrow, spirit level, metre ruler.
• Pupil’s Book.

Learning Activity
• Use and care of masonry tools.
Lesson Preparation
Ask learners to research safety measures whilst using masonry tools.
Learning and teaching steps
(i) Ask learners to describe how they used masonry tools when they visited the
construction site. Let the learners tell you if they have ever misused tools and
got injured.
(ii) Guide the learners into a discussion on dangers of masonry tools by asking
questions. For example:
– Have you ever hurt yourself while using a masonry tool?
– Have you ever hurt another person while using a masonry tool?
– Have you ever damaged a masonry tool by using it in the wrong way?
(iii) Ask the learners to suggest and demonstrate several ways of using tools safely.
Encourage all the learners to participate.
Listen to the Pupil’s presentations and assess whether:
– They can use masonry tools safely.
– They can describe dangers of masonry tools and how to prevent them.
(a) Remedial Activity
• Design activities that help learners associate or match pictures of tools with
their correct names.
• Allow learners to use masonry tools for a longer period ask them to say the
uses aloud.

• Let learners practise safe use of the tools. Allow them to mention possible
dangers of masonry tools and how to avoid them.
Example of questions
(i) Match the tools shown below to their correct names.
Tool Name

(i) Float


(ii) Metre ruler


(iii) T-square

(iv) Spirit level

(ii) Describe briefly how the following tools are used:

(a) Tape measure (b) Trowel (c) Plumb line (d) T-square
(iii) You can get _______ if you use masonry tools carelessly. (injured, healthy)
(iv) We can prevent dangers of masonry tools by
(a) __________ (b) ___________ (c) ___________
(b) Consolidation Activity
• Give activities that help learners to identify commonly used masonry tools.
Allow them to draw and name at least 10 tools.
• Ask learners to use all recommended masonry tools. Allocate them normal
time let them discuss in groups after using the tools for them to create their
own notes.
Tool Uses

• Let learners highlight dangers of masonry tools and ways of avoiding them.
Example of questions
(i) Learners to sit in their working groups and draw 4 masonry tools that you have
(ii) What will happen if we don’t clean and oil metallic frames of a brick frame?
(iii) Describe briefly how to maintain a jointer.
(iv) Outline dangers of masonry tools:
(v) What will happen if we don’t store masonry tools properly?
(c) Extension Activity
• Allow learners to draw, name and give possible uses of identified tools. Let them
give uses and maintenance of other not covered.
Example of questions
(i) A farmer wants to build a poultry house. Which tools is he/she likely to use?
(ii) Write a short comprehension describing dangers of masonry tools and how to
prevent them.

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 2

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 23
1. (a) Trowel (b) Claw hammer (c) Plumb line
(d) Spirit level (e) Metre ruler (f) T-square
2. (a) It is used for mixing, scooping and applying mortar.
(b) (i) Steel float is used for plastering walls and floors.
(ii) Wooden float is used for spreading concrete over floors and walls.
(c) It is used to measure the heights of locations that are far apart on a surface.
(d) It is used to determine whether walls of a building under construction are
3. (a) Wheelbarrow
(b) and (c) Observe learners activities. Award marks for proper use and
maintenance of tools.
4. (a) Tighten the belts and pulleys
• Oil the metallic parts
• Clean it after use and store in a dry place.
(b) Clean after use. Dry it using a rag. Store in a dry place.
5. Observe learners activities and award marks appropriately.

6. • Some masonry tools can hurt if handled carelessly.
• If not stored properly, one can trip on them and fall.
• They can pierce the skin if stepped on.
• Some tools can bruise when you rub against them.
7. They are important because they make construction of farm structures and
buildings easier. For example, wheelbarrows help to carry sand, gravel and
stones instead of carrying them by hands. Mortar mixers help in mixing cement,
sand and gravel.
8 (a) It is used to mix cement, sand, gravel and water to form concrete.
(b) (i) Trowel
(ii) Used for mixing, scooping and applying mortar.
(c) Tightening belts and pulleys, oiling the moving parts and cleaning after use.
9. (a) • Trowel • Wheelbarrow • Shovel
(b) Mortar mixer
10. (a) Replace worn out parts and store the hammer in a dry and safe place after
(b) It will rot due to presence of moisture.
11. (a) It is used to determine whether walls of a building under construction are
(b) Tape measure
(c) Used to measure the heights of locations that are far apart on a surface.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

(i) Matching
(a) – (iii) (b) – (iv)
(c) – (i) (d) – (ii)
(ii) (a) Tape measure – used for measuring distances, both vertically ad
(b) Trowel – Used for mixing, scooping and applying mortar.
(c) Plumb line – to determine whether walls of buildings under construction
are vertical.
(d) T-square – Used for measuring the right angle.
(iii) Injured
(iv) (a) Using the tools carefully.

(b) Storing the tools in a tool rack.
(c) Using the right tool for the right work.

(b) Consolidation Activity


Metre ruler

Plumb line
(ii) It will rust.
(iii) Ensure the nuts of a jointer are tight.
Clean, dry and store in a dry place.
(iv) • They can bruise you • Can cut you
• You can trip on them and fall • Can pierce the skin.
(v) One can trip on them and fall.
(c) Extension Activities
(i) • Wheelbarrow • Tape measure • Plumb line • Spirit level
(ii) They can cut we should handle them carefully. Masonry tools can bruise. We
should avoid rubbing against them. They can pierce the skin. We should avoid
stepping on them. If not stored properly we can trip on them and fall.

Topic Area: Tools and Objects Production

Number of periods: 14
Key Unit Competence
By the end of this unit the learners should know how to make and maintain simple
utility objects, toys and learning materials.

Background Information
Making objects promotes creativity and critical thinking. Creativity is an important
aspect in promoting innovations. Objects creatively made can be sold for use in
homes or schools. Object making can therefore be a source of livelihood for citizens.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and understanding
• Identify the most common local material used in making utility objects.
• Explain the techniques used in making each type of object based on the
• Explain the maintenance of toys, utility objects and learning, objects
2. Skills
• Make toys, utility objects and learning materials using sorghum straws,
sticks, wood and paper.
• Display dexterity for safety of utility objects and learning materials.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Be aware of learning from mistakes.
• Appreciate well-made play, utility and learning materials.
• Keep toys, utility and learning objects safely.
Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Introduction to • Identify the toys they have at home
Introduction to objects production or in school.
objects production • Identify the materials that can be
used to make toys.

Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
2 Making a toy house Collecting sticks and straws.
Making a toy house using sorghum straws
and sticks.
2 Making a toy house Making a toy house with straws and
Making a toy house using sorghum straws sticks.
and sticks.
4 Making a toy bicycle Collect the necessary materials such
Making a toy bicycle using sticks. as sticks and strings.
5 Making a toy bicycle Making a toy bicycle in sticks and
Making a toy bicycle using stings. strings.
6 Making a spoon in Identify and collect suitable type of
Making a wooden wood. wood for this purpose.
7 Making a spoon in Making the wooden spoon by shaping
Making a wooden wood. it, scooping the extra parts of wood to
spoon the desired shape.
8 Making a spoon in Smoothening the wooden spoon using
Making a wooden wood. sand paper.
9 Making a hoe handle Identify a suitable type of wood for this
Making a wooden hoe in wood. purpose.
10 Making a hoe handle Making a wooden hoe handle from
Making a wooden hoe in wood. wood.
11 Making rhombus using • Identifying the suitable materials
Making learning manila paper. required to make learning materials.
materials • Making rhombus.
12 Making parallelogram Making parallelogram.
Making learning using manila paper.
Making trapezium Making trapezium.
using manila paper.
13 Revision Activity 3 Answering theory questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 3

14 Revision Activity 3 Answering practical questions in
Evaluation Revision Activity 3

Cross-cutting issues
(i) Environment and Sustainability
Our environment provides us with many things: air we breathe in, water, food
and even shelter and clothing. The materials needed to make toys, utility objects
and learning objects are obtained from the environment. It’s therefore important
to emphasize the importance of conserving our environment by planting more
trees and avoiding pollution.
(ii) Financial Education
Encourage the learners to develop an interest in making utility objects, toys and
learning materials. Relate common trades they come across involving selling
utility materials, the need for making them so as to earn a livelihood.
(iii) Peace Education and Values
Resources are becoming scarce as the population increases. It is therefore
important to share what we have. Through sharing resources, there is peace
and harmony. Learners should also cultivate oneness as they work in groups.
(iv) Inclusive Education
The teacher needs to encourage learning to participate in making objects.
Remind learners that disability is not inability. They need to be given a chance
to do what they can. All learners are equal and given a chance disabled children
can be the best in many aspects.
(v) Standardization Culture
The learners should learn to appreciate quality. High quality goods last longer
and eventually save money.
Notes to the teacher
Guidelines on the Project Work
• Guide the learners to collect and assemble the materials they require for the
• Set the timelines within which the projects should be completed.
• Give clear and precise instructions on how the objects have to be made.
• Evaluate the project by asking individuals learners to briefly describe how she or
he did the project. Award learners marks for the projects.
• Encourage weak learners pairing them with high achievers.
• Encourage them to redo the work for further Practise at own free time.
• Encourage learners to understand the importance of practical skills they are
gaining by carrying out these projects. Encourage them to talk about points not
mentioned in class.
3.1: Making toys using sorghum straws and sticks
Number of periods: 4

• Pupil’s Book page 27, XO laptop and Relevant art and craft books.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to make a toy house and toy
bicycle using sticks and straws.

• Select the materials in the locality to make toys.
• Make a toy house and toy bicycle using sticks and straws.

Attitudes and Values

• Be ware of learning from their mistakes.
• Appreciate well made play and utility objects.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Group discussion • Practical activities
• Guided discovery • Demonstration

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Straws and sticks, Pictures showing a house and a toy bicycle made using straws
and sticks, Charts.

Learning Activities
(a) Making a toy house using sticks and straws.
(b) Making a toy bicycle using straws and sticks
Lesson Preparation
• Ask learner to collect straws, sticks and strings and bring them to school.
• Collect charts and pictures showing how to make toy houses and bicycles in
sticks and straws.
• Select a suitable place for carrying out these activities.

(a) Making a Toy House Using straws and sticks

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to make a toy house.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Introduce the unit by asking learners to describe briefly the pictures on page 27
let them also predict what they are going to learn in the unit.
(ii) Allow learners to discuss briefly in pairs what toys are.
(iii) Display charts and pictures showing how to make a toy house.
(iv) Also display steps outlined in Pupil’s Book page 27.
(v) Following steps in (ii) above, demonstrate to learners how to make a toy house.
(vi) Go around assisting learners who are experiencing difficulties.
(vii) Give learners time for them to finish their work.
(viii) Award marks for work done.
(b) Making a Toy Bicycle
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to make a toy bicycle

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Show learners pictures of toy bicycles made in straws and sticks.
(ii) Demonstrate how to make a toy bicycle as outlined in Pupil’s Book page 28.
(iii) Let learners practise making a toy bicycle.
(iv) Observe learners as they work. Assist learners with difficulties.
(v) Give them time to finish making the toy bicycles.
1. Assess learners’ ability to make toys and creativity of making both the toy
bicycle and toy house using sticks.
2. Award learners marks basing on the outcome of their work.

3.2: Making Utility Objects Using Wood

Number of periods: 5
• Pupil’s Book page 29.
• Other relevant textbooks.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to make a wooden spoon and
a hoe handle.

Making a wooden spoon and a hoe handle.

Attitudes and Values
• Appreciate well made utility objects.
• Show curiosity and willingness to make a wooden spoon and hoe handle.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Practical Activities • Demonstration
• Exploration • Observation

Learning/Teaching Materials
• A suitable piece of wood • A machete • Spokes shave
• A chisel • Saw • Sand paper

Learning Activities
(a) Making a spoon in wood.
(b) Making a hoe handle in wood.
Lesson Preparation
• Ask learners to read instructions given in the Pupil’s Book pages 29-30.
• Let the learners bring the outlined materials and tools.
• Select appropriate site for practical activity.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(a) Making a wooden spoon
(i) Display pictures showing different wooden spoons. You can also display real
wooden spoons.
(ii) Ask learners to read through steps of making a wooden spoon as outlined in
Pupil’s Book page 29.
(iii) Demonstrate to learners how to make a wooden spoon using collected
(iv) Allow learners to make wooden spoons individually. Go round checking their
(b) Making a hoe handle
(i) Ask one learner to draw a hoe handle on the board.
(ii) Ask learners to describe how hoe handles are made in their homes.
(iii) Take them through the steps of making a hoe handle as outline in Pupil’s Book
page 30.
(iv) Allow learners to make hoe handle following these steps.
(v) Observe and assist learners when making the hoe handle.
(vi) Give precautions of handling cutting or sharp tools.

1. Observe learners’ ability to make good spoons and hoe handle from wood.
2. Award marks and record their progress using RAG table.

3.3: Making Learning Materials Using Manila Paper

Number of periods: 2
Pupil’s Book page 30.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to make parallelogram, rhombus
and trapezium using manila paper.

• Selecting the correct materials for the activity.
• Making learning materials using manila paper.

Attitudes and Values

• Show care and responsibility by taking care of learning materials.
• Show interest and willingness to make learning materials.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Practical activities • Question and answer
• Exploration • Demonstration

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Colored manila papers • Pair of scissors and razor blade
• Ruler • Compass
• Protractor • Glue/cellotape
• Crayons • Paint and brush

Learning Activity
Making shapes using manila paper.

Lesson Preparation
1. Collect manila paper and scissors.
2. Learners to read the content in the Pupil’s Book pages 31 – 33.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to draw a rhombus, a parallelogram and a trapezium in their

(ii) Demonstrate to the learners how to draw rhombus, parallelogram.
(iii) Ask learners to draw these shapes on manila papers.
(iv) Let them follow the procedures outlined in Pupil’s Book pages 30 – 32. If colored
manila paper is not readily available use ordinary paper.
(v) Caution learners on dangers of using sharp objects.
(vi) Go round inspecting the learners work.
(vii) Let learners paint or colour the shapes using crayons or paint to make them
1. Assess learners knowledge on common shapes. Take note of how they use
sharp objects, co-operation and communication skills.
2. Award them marks on ability to perform tasks in each outlined step.
3. Record their progress in the RAG table.

3.4: Maintenance of Utility and Learning Objects

Number of periods: 3
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 33, Teacher’s Guide.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
Knowledge and skills
State ways to keep the various objects produced safely.

Keeping toys safely.
Attitudes and Values
Understand the need to keep utility and learning objects safely.
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Demonstration • Practical activity

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Bags • Shelves
• Made objects • Clipboards • Cartons
Learning Activity
Storing toys, utility objects learning materials safely.
Lesson Preparation
• Ask the learners to write down ways of keeping objects safely at home.

• Collect the appropriate storage materials such as cartons and bags.
• Collect all required learning materials.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Group learners into manageable groups.
(ii) Ask learners to discuss various ways materials are kept at home.
(iii) Let learners practise various ways of maintaining objects they have
made in storage places available.
(iv) Ask learners to discuss other ways of maintaining utility and
learning objects.
(v) Ask the learners to write in their notebooks reasons for maintaining
toys and other objects made.

Observe learners keenly as they store the made objects.
Award marks for correct storage of objects.

(a) Remedial Activity

• Allow learners to select suitable materials for making toys.
• Give them an activity to make simple toys, utility objects or learning materials
at their own pace e.g. toy bicycle, hoe handle and rhombus.
• Assign them more faster grasping peers to collaborate in Activities. For theory,
give simple multiple choice questions.
Examples of Questions
(i) _______ and ______ are made from wood.
(Cooking stick and spade), (Cooking stick and hoe handle)
(ii) Make a simple wooden spoon from wood.
(b) Consolidation Activity
• Ask learners to make a toy house in sticks and straws. Let them use other
• Allow them to make hoe handles of various size on their own.
• Let them make rhombus and trapeziums using waste papers and manila papers.
• Allow them to store made objects appropriately.
Examples of Questions
(i) Make a wooden spoon.
(ii) Store made objects in racks and sacks.
(iii) Name 3 other places where made objects can be stored.

(c) Extension Activity
• Ask the learners to make toy bicycle with rotating wheels. Let them use coloured
straws and sticks.
• Ask learners to make wooden spoons of various shapes. Let them make
attractive patterns on their handles.
• Ask learner to make various shapes and colour them using crayons or paint.
Examples of Questions
Make a wooden spoon. Colour the spoon using locally made paint (from plant leaves
or flowers).

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 3

Reference: Pupil’s Book page 34 – 35
Number of periods: 2
1. Observe learners activities. Award marks for creativity, good quality work and
ability to finish the given task on time.
2. (a) • Observe learners as they make basic wooden hoe handles.
• Award marks for creativity and safe use of cutting tools.
• Supervise learners activities to minimise injuries and cheating.
3. (a) • Observe learners as they make, colour and store the trapezium made.
• Award marks for well made trapeziums, creatively coloured trapeziums
and correct storage.
(b) • Machete • Saw • Spokeshave • Sandpaper
4. • A wooden spoon should be washed, dried and hung on the rack.
• A wooden hoe handle should be kept in the store.
• Learning materials such as trapezium, rhombus and parallelogram should
be mounted on manila paper and placed on a soft board.

5. (a) (b) (c)

Rhombus Trapezium Parallelogram

6. (a) • Hammer • Saw
(b) • She used the saw to cut the wood.
• She used the hammer to drive nails in wood.
7. (a) • wood • Sticks • Strings or wires
(b) From the local environment

8. (a) Should be careful when using a machete to avoid causing injuries.
(b) Should be careful when using a hammer.
(c) Sticks should be handled carefully to avoid poking to the eyes.
9. The toy house can be covered using packing paper, grass and leaves. She can
also keep her toy house on a rack or in a box.
10. (a) Used for cooking.
(b) Fitted to the hoe for digging
(c) Serving food.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

(i) Cooking stick and hoe handle.
(ii) For this question assess whether the cooking stick is correctly made and award
marks accordingly.

(b) Consolidation Activity

For question (i) and (ii) observe whether the wooden spoon is correctly made and
stored/displayed appropriately. Award marks accordingly.

(c) Extension Activity

Observe whether the wooden spoon has been correctly made and painted then
award the appropriate marks.

Topic Area: ICT

Number of periods: 9
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the this unit, the learner should be able to use data storage devices
and sharing data.

Background Information
The computer system is made up of hardware components that work together for the
computer to complete tasks. When computer hardware are joined together we can
connect different devices and use them for communication and file sharing. Learners
need to be taught the basic hardware components such as computer memory, hard
drive and their roles in ensuring the effective performance of a computer system.

Learning Objectives:
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Explain the concept of data and memory.
• Describe and define data, memory and storage.
• Explain the concept of data sharing.
2. Skills
• Differentiate and use the different types of storage and memory devices.
• Practise typing, saving and opening a document from the internal storage.
• Practise inserting and removing a flash disk/memory stick from the
• Copy a document from a flash disk to a Journal/computer and vice versa.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Appreciate the use and flexibility of external storage in a computer.
• Be excited about how data can be kept on storage media.
• Communicate with others in sharing files and documents.
• Appreciate the importance of saving on storage devices.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
I Meaning of data • Finding the meaning of data and memory
Data and from the dictionary.
Memory • Practise restarting the computer and
understanding meaning of data and
2 • Meaning of • Discussing the roles of memory.
Data and memory • Exercises of typing a text into a computer
Memory • Roles of memory and Practise saving the text in different
3 Hard disk Discussing the roles of internal storage.
of data and
4 Internal storage: Practise saving in internal storage and
Examples ROM and RAM typing the file name for the document.
of data and
5 External Storage • Practise how to open the Journal.
Examples • Memory card • Practise copying files to external storage
of data and • Flash disk devices from the Journal.
memories • External hard disk • Practise copying files from SD-card to
flash disk.
6 Send an invitation • Create a collaborative project.
Sharing a • Practise sending invitations to friends.
7 Share with the Open the shared activity to view available
Sharing a neighbourhood comments from friends.
8 Revision Activity 4 Answer theory questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 4.
9 Revision Activity 4 Answer practical questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 4.

Cross-cutting Issues
(a) Financial Education
Learners should understand that devices used in ICT are expensive to purchase
and repair. Let them get used to a habit of taking care of them. Write down
computer best Practises that learners should follow when using the devices
especially computers both at school and at home.
(b) Standardisation Culture
Introduce this concept to learners by relating different storage devices and their
basic roles. For instance, make learners understand that computer hardware
can work in the same way if given similar commands (software).
(c) Inclusive Education
Make learners understand that they are all equal regardless of their physical
appearance. Let physically disabled learners participate in class activities too.
Cultivate the values of care and concern among learners so that they can assist
their disabled peers. Learning how to use the keyboard and touchpad will help
learners integrate ICT skills in other subjects.
(d) Peace Education
Allow learners to choose their pairing friends. Also encourage them to settle
their personal differences on their own. Supervise them as they share learning
resources both outside and inside the classroom.
Copying data from one device to another will allow learners to share information
resources through sharing, information resources will easily be available and
hence improve on the use of storage devices.
Notes to the teacher
This unit requires the teacher and the learners to interact with the XO laptop and
Sugar activities. You should let learners know the hardware components of the XO
laptop before starting the lesson.
Ensure that learners observe the computer best Practises at all times when using
XO laptops and other computers in general. Since learners will interact more with
the activities in sugar interface, give them a chance to explore and discover many
of its features.
In case you do not have an XO laptop remember to obtain at least one ordinary
laptop or one desktop computer in your school. You can then load Sugar onto your
ordinary computer. Sugar on a stick is available for downloading from internet.
The Sugar on a Stick (soas) can run on a Windows operating system. You can
download the Sugar software from the internet and burn it to a CD. (Call on the
services of an IT specialist). You can also download Sugar and save it on a USB stick.
These saved applications can be run on many computers including ordinary laptops,
personal computers and IMacs.

4.1: Data and Memory
Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 37, Teacher’s Guide, Internet and XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
• Explain the concept of data and memory
• Give examples of data and memory
• Explain the roles of memory

• Practise on how to save data into memory.
• Identify and differentiate between internal and external storage devices.
• Differentiate different storage devices.
• Identify storage devices and memory.

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciate the use of storage devices.
• Understand the flexibility of external storage devices.
• Show concern for the importance of storage devices.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Observation
• Collaboration • Practical activities
• Question and answer technique

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Board
• Projector • XO laptops
• Desktop computers or laptops
• CDs or flash disks with sugar software
Learning Activities
(i) Research the meaning of data and memory.
(ii) Typing text using the XO Write Activity.

Lesson Preparation
1. The teacher should avail chats and images showing examples of data, memory
and storage devices.
2. Ensure learners have enough XO laptops and the projector is setup early
enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Instruct learners to open their Pupil’s Book page 37.
(ii) Allow them time to look at the illustrations on that page.
(iii) Let them write what they have seen in their notebooks.
(iv) Instruct them to exchange their exercise notebooks to see what they have
(v) Introduce the topic by explaining to learners that data and memory function in
the same way as the human brain functions.
(vi) Engage learners by questioning about specific things such as:
(a) Who has ever heard of data?
(b) What is memory?
(vii) Provide examples of data and memory types for the learners to be familiar with.
(viii) Demonstrate how memory works using XO laptop Journal.
(ix) Ask learners to discuss in pairs why memory is important in a computer.
(x) Instruct learners to open any activity such as Write Activity. This will take some
time to open.
(xi) Explain to learners that the computer is loading the requested activity into
computer memory. That is why it has to take few seconds.
• Assess learners’ ability to give an explanation of data and memory to fellow
• Assess learners’ ability to explain clearly the role of memory.
Teacher’s Notes
Wherever possible, try to have pictures or examples of data and memory types. Use
Pupil’s Book page 37 as reference if you don’t have additional pictures.
Emphasize on the importance of learning how data and memory works in a computer.
Elaborate explanations and demonstration on how memory works. This will create
interest among the learners.

4.2: Examples of data and memories

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 38, Teacher’s Guide and XO laptop.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
• Identify types of internal storage.
• Differentiate internal memory.
• Understand the functionality of internal memory.

• Practise saving and opening a document from internal storage.
• Explanation of the functions of internal storage.

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciate the way internal storage save data and information.
• Show an understanding of the link between RAM and the hard disk.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Observation
• Collaboration • Practical

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Desktop computers
• XO laptops • Charts and pictures showing RAM and ROM
Learning Activities
(i) Learners to identify internal storage devices (RAM, ROM and Hard disk)
(ii) Instruct learners to start Write activity then type the title for the activity.
(iii) Let learners open the Journal and check the saved activities.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Display pictures showing RAM, ROM and Hard disk on the board.
(ii) Ask learners to identify these images.
(iii) Explain the meaning of ROM and RAM to the learners.
(iv) Allow learners to discuss the roles of memory in pairs.
(v) Engage learners by questioning on specific things such as:
(a) How does RAM helps in saving sugar activities?
(b) What is the Journal?
(vi) Provide examples of scenarios where RAM is used for the learners to be familiar
(vii) Demonstrate how to save activities in the Journal.
(a) Start Write Activity from the Home View (the Write icon looks like a piece
of paper and a pencil). Type something in the work area.

(b) On the tool bar in the activity text box, type your file name.
(c) This saves the document using the specified name.
(viii) Ask learners to complete Activity 4.2, 4.5 and 4.6 on Pupil’s Book. Go round
checking to ensure they do the right thing.
• Allow learners give an explanation of how internal storage work together to
save data.
• Ensure learners can distinguish between memory and the hard drive.
• Ensure learners copy all notes and complete all assignments.
Teacher’s Notes
Since RAM is a working memory it is always important to save your activities in a
permanent storage which is inbuilt in this case the Journal. The XO laptop saves our
data automatically into the Journal. Always remember to assign a file name to any
document you are working on for easy retrieval when needed. Wherever possible,
try to have real examples of ROM, RAM and the Hard disk. If not use pictures and
videos downloaded from the internet. Also use Pupil’s Book as reference if you don’t
have additional pictures.
Emphasize on the importance of learning how data is held in memory transferred to
the hard disk for permanent storage. Give explanations and demonstration on how
RAM and the Hard disk work together. This will create interest among the learners.

External Storage Devices

Number of periods: 1
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 42, Teacher’s Guide and XO laptop.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
• Identify types of external storage devices.
• Differentiate between different external storage device.
• Understand the functionality of external memory.

• Practise saving and opening a document from external storage.
• Practise explaining the functions of external storage.

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciate the use of external storage.

• Understand the link between the Journal and external storage.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Observation
• Collaboration • Practical activities

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Desktop computers
• XO laptops • External Hard disk
• Flash disks • Micro SD cards
Learning Activities
• Create a document.
• Save the created document from the Journal to an external device.
• Instruct learners to open the Journal then copy any saved activity to external
• Navigate to the external storage and confirm if the saved file is available.
• Eject the external storage device using the right procedure.

Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats, images and external storage devices showing how to save to
external storage to class.
• Ensure learners have enough computers and the projector is set early enough
to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Display charts showing memory card, flash disk, DVD and external hard disk
on the chalk board, chart or on a projector screen.
(ii) Ask learners to identify these external storage devices.
(iii) Engage learners by questioning on specific things such as:
(a) How do external storage devices look like.
(b) What is their importance?
(iv) Provide different examples of storage devices for the learners to observe and
hold. Allow learners to refer to their Pupil’s Book pages 42 – 43.
(v) Demonstrate how to save files on external storage devices.
(a) Start Write Activity from the Home View (The Write icon looks like a piece
of paper and a pencil). Type something in the work area.
(b) On the tool bar in the activity text box, type your file name.
(c) This saves the document using the specified name.
(d) Click on the Journal icon (it looks like a folder) to open it.

(e) Point on a file you wish to save in an external drive then copy to the device
to save.
(vi) Instruct learners to complete Activity 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 on Pupil’s Book. Go round
checking guiding them as they complete the activity.
• Assess learners’ ability to give an explanation of external storage devices.
• Let learners give examples of scenarios where external storage is used.
• Check learners notes and assignment.
Teacher’s Notes
The term external storage simply means an off-site storage that is not inside the
computer. Different forms of external storage exist in the market today with vast
storage capacity ranging from gigabytes to multi-terabytes of storage space. If
possible, display example of external storage devices to the learners. If not available
use pictures and videos downloaded from the internet. Also use Pupil’s Book as
reference if you don’t have additional pictures.
Emphasise on the importance of learning how to use external storage devices.
Advantages of external storage includes portability and data sharing.

4.3: Sharing a Document

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 44, Teacher’s Guide, XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
• Send an invitation to a friend
• Share projects with the neighbourhood

• Practise sending invitations to friends.
• This will enhance collaboration.
• Practise sharing projects with the neighbourhood to enhance critical thinking.

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciate how sending invitations helps in collaboration.
• Understand the values of sharing files and projects.
• Acknowledge the shared activity by giving positive comments.

Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Observation
• Collaboration • Practical activities
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Desktop computers
• XO laptops • Hard Disk • Wi-fi
Learning Activities
• Saving and opening documents.
• Sharing a document by sending an invitation.
• Sharing a document with the neighbourhood.

Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats and images showing examples of data, memory and storage devices
• Ensure learners have enough computers and the projector is setup early enough
to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Start the lesson by writing the topic “sharing a document” on the chalk board.
(ii) Challenge learners to explain how they normally share their personal effects.
(iii) Engage learners through questioning on specific things such as:
(a) What do you need in order to collaborate effectively?
(b) What are the steps you take when sending an invite?
(c) What do you see when you access the neighbourhood View of XO laptop?
(d) Allow learners time to read instruction showing how to send invitation and
accessing the neighbourhood view.
(iv) Apart from using the XO laptop provide examples of scenarios on how file
sharing can be done.
(v) Demonstrate on how to share activities with the neighbourhood. Then let
learners practise sharing of documents individually.
(vi) Ask learners to complete activity 4.10 and 4.11 in their Pupil’s Book. Go round
checking and encouraging learners to follow the procedure.
Assess learners’ ability to share documents by sending invitations and by sharing
with the neighbourhood.

Teacher’s Notes
Always encourage learners to share files and projects among themselves. This
will expose them to higher order thinking when another person comments on a

shared project. Through sharing, learners will learn different skills on how to share
information resources with the rest of the world.

(a) Remedial Activity

Give learners oral questions on definition of RAM and ROM and the roles they play
in processing data. Design questions where learners can fill in the blank spaces.
Present for learners to identify memory types and mention their roles.
Give learners various real materials for them to discuss in groups about the types
memory, roles of memory and how to share documents.
Give matching questions. Learners will be required to match memory type to their
respective roles or match storage device to the correct description.
Example of Questions
1. Which type of memory is data saved temporarily (RAM, ROM)?
2. DVD stand for ____________.
3. Match the following types of memory to the correct description.
Memory type Description
RAM (a) It is non-volatile
ROM (b) Data is saved permanently
(c) It is volatile
(d) Data is saved temporarily

(b) Consolidation Activity

Provide learners with questions where they will be required to explain the meaning
of memory, internal storage, external storage and their roles.
Give learners structured questions on the roles of computer memory, internal
storage and external storage.
Example of Questions
Organise learners in groups and let them discuss and answer these questions
practically on their XO laptops.
1. Explain briefly the meaning of collaboration.
2. In your own words explain the roles of the following types of memory:
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
3. Start write activity
(a) Create a birthday message.
(b) Navigate to the Journal and copy this file to a flash disk.
(c) When you copy the original file remains in the Journal.

(i) Why do you think the original file remained in the Journal?
(ii) Explain the role of memory.

(c) Extension Activity

Let learners write brief notes on the following topics: roles of computer memory,
internal storage, external storage and sharing a document.
Ask learners to relate how computer memory works with storage devices in ensuring
effective data management.
Give learners activities to store data in storage devices, send invitations and share
with the neighborhood.
Example of Questions
1. Write short notes on the following:
a) Types of computer memory
b) Types of internal storage devices
c) Types of external storage devices
d) Roles of memory and storage devices
2. Give a description of storage devices shown in the table below.
Storage devices Description
Hard drive
External hard drive
Micro SD-Card

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 4

Reference: Pupil’s Book page 46

Number of periods: 2
1. (a) (i) External hard disk (ii) Internal hard disk
(iii) ROM chip (iv) Memory card
(b) • Internal memories - (ii) and (iii)
• External memories - (i) and (iv)
(c) RAM - It is a temporary memory. It loses data when power goes off
ROM - It is a permanent memory. It does not loose data when power
goes off suddenly.
2. RAM is the same as hard disk
3. The ROM loads the operating system

4. Navigate to the tool bar
5. Examples of data:
• Numeric values such as 1,2,3 etc.
• Letters of alphabets such as A, B, C, D etc
• Symbols such as #, @, / etc.
6. It loads stored programs.
7. It stores a large amount of data.
8. Functions of ROM:
(a) Starting the computer
(b) Loading the operating system
(c) Saving data permanently
9. RAM
• Since RAM is a working memory, open programs are held temporarily.
• RAM is volatile
10. How to save in a flash disk: (a, b, c)
• Observe how learners insert the flash disk in the USB port.
• Award marks for correct copying of information from the Journal to the
flash disk.
11. How to share:
• Check learners composition.
• Assess their ability to share documents with the neighbourhood.
• Go to the Neighborhood then click a friend’s XO icon to send an invite
• Once you have invited your friend, tell him or her to click the Write icon
in the Frame of his or her XO laptop.
• Click on Join option from the dropdown menu that appears.
(Appropriate answers)

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. Random Access Memory (RAM).
2. Digital Versatile Disk.
3. RAM – • It is volatile. • Data is saved temporarily.
ROM – • It is non-volatile. • Data is saved permanently.

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. Collaboration is sharing what you have with others. You can collaborate by

sending or sharing with neighbourhood.
2. (a) RAM holds instructions and data needed to complete tasks temporarily.
(b) ROM holds instructions and data needed to start the computer.
3. Supervise how learners create simple table and copy the same table file to
flash disk.
(i) The original file remained in the Journal because it is a permanent storage.
(ii) Memory is used to save data and instructions either permanently or semi-

(c) Extension Activity

1. (a) Their are two types of computer memory namely RAM and ROM. ROM
stands for Read Only Memory. This type of memory only allows reading of
its content. It is also a permanent storage or non-volatile. ROM contains
data that is used when starting computer, checking the RAM and loading
other computer programs. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is
temporary memory. Most computers do not store what you have worked
on automatically. When power goes off suddenly, what you have been
working on disappears. This is said to be volatile.
(b) Internal storage is any storage type found inside the computer system. This
will include ROM, RAM and the hard disk.
(c) External storage refers to devices that are not permanently fixed on or in
a computer. This devices are used to store information permanently. These
devices include memory cards, flash disks, CDs, DVDs and external hard
d) Computer memory is important for storing information. Memory holds
instructions and data needed to complete task. The Journal is the internal
storage of the XO laptop. These are storage/memory found inside the
computer. They include ROM, RAM and hard disk. The external storage
devices are found outside the computer. They include memory cards, flash
disks, CDs, DVDs and external hard drives.
2. Hard drive – A permanent storage device found inside the computer such as
the Journal.
External hard drive – A permanent storage device that is used externally. It is
also portable.
Micro-SD card – It is also called memory card. It is an electronic devices used
for storing digital information.

Topic Area: ICT

Number of periods: 8
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the this unit, the learner should be able to perform Write Activity.

Background Information
The Write Activity is designed to be used for creating documents. It opens with
a simple interface that allows you to quickly start writing a story, poem, or essay.
You can also insert images, create tables, and change the look of the document.
In P4, we used the Write Activity to format and edit information we entered into the
computer. In P5, we will use the Write Activity to teach learners how to insert tables
and pictures in their document as well as deleting the tables and inserting pictures
and comments.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and understanding
• Distinguish between columns and rows
• Identify how to extend the length of a column and the height of row
• Identify how to increase/decrease the number of rows or columns
• State how to import/insert, resize and position a photo in the Write
2. Skills
• Practise creating tables by labelling rows and columns.
• Practise inserting data into a tables.
• Edit the table by adding or deleting columns and rows in the table.
• Insert pictures/pictures and perform editing.
Attitudes and Values
• Appreciate the way tables keep data.
• Care for the number of rows and columns that make up the table.
• Appreciate the use of pictures and images in Write Activity.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Insert table, • Finding the meaning of rows, columns, and
Create tables columns, rows. cell from the dictionary.
• Individual activity on creating tables.
2 Delete column, Individual activity on deleting columns and
Create tables row, table. rows.
3 • Add columns • Practise using table tools such as delete,
Create tables and rows. insert, format etc.
• Enter text in • Practise entering text in a table.
table. • Practise resizing rows and columns.
4 Insert pictures and • Practise inserting pictures in a text.
Insert pictures images. • Practise inserting images from external
and images devices such as flash disk and Micro SD
5 Resize and Practise resizing images.
Insert pictures position pictures
and images and images.
6 Adding comments Practise adding comments to images.
Insert pictures on images
and images
7 Revision Activity 5 Answering theory questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 5.
8 Revision Activity 5 Answering practical questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 5.

Cross-cutting issues
(i) Financial education
Learners should understand that devices used in ICT are expensive to purchase
and repair. Let them cultivate a habit of taking care of them as they learn how
to work with tables. Write down computer best Practises that learners should
follow when handling their devices.
(ii) Standardization culture
The Write Activity uses almost the same features found in any other word
processor application. The teacher should clarify this by giving other examples
of word processors available on the market.

(iii) Inclusive education
Make learners understand that they are all equal regardless of their physical
appearance. Let physically disabled learners be involved in creating tables.
Cultivate the values of care and concern among learners so that they can assist
their disabled peers in manipulating tables.
(iv) Peace education
Allow learners to choose their pairing friends when giving group activities. Also
encourage them to settle their personal differences on their own. Supervise
them as they share their XO laptops and other learning materials.
Notes to the Teacher
This unit requires the teacher and the learners to interact with Write activity.
Encourage learners to explore more on how to use the table tool bar. Ensure
learners observe the computer best Practises at all times when using XO laptops
and other computers in general.
In case the XO laptop is not available remember to obtain at least one ordinary
laptop or desktop computer in your school and use sugar on a stick.
A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. You can create tables in
Write Activity.

5.1: Insert tables

Number of periods: 3
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 50, Teacher’s Guide and XO laptop.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
Distinguish between rows and columns.

• Insert a table in Write Activity
• Create a table by labelling rows and columns.
• Insert data in cells.
• Adjust rows and columns.
• Delete rows and column.

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciate the way tables keep data.
• Care for the number of rows and columns that make up a table.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Observation • Discussion
• Collaboration • Practical • Pair and share

Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptop • Desktops • Laptops
• Sugar on a disk • Projector

(a) Creating tables (Columns and Rows)

Learning Activities
(i) Drawing tables in the Write Activity.
(ii) Typing text in tables.
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats and images showing examples of different table templates.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar on a disk and the projector
is setup early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Give a brief overview of the topic relating it with Computer My Friend.
(ii) Display charts showing different table templates for learners to be familiar with
(iii) Engage learners through questioning:
(a) What are rows and columns in a table?
(b) What kind of information can be inserted in a table?
(iv) Demonstrate how to insert a table in the Write Activity
(v) Demonstrate how to type text in a cell.
(vi) Ask learners to complete Activity 5.1 found in their Pupil's Book. Go round
checking to ensure the right procedure is used.
• Allow learners to Practise on effective use of table tool bar in creating a table.
• Practise exercise on entering text in table cells.
• Counter check their laptops or desktops to evaluate their progress.

Inserting Columns and Rows

Learning Activity
Using the table tool to insert columns and rows.
Teaching Steps
(i) Start the lesson with a recap of previous lesson.

(ii) Ask learners to start Write Activity and access the table tools. Let them insert
a table with two columns and two rows.
(iii) Engage learners in the lesson by them to practise inserting more rows and
columns in the table they had created earlier.
(iv) Demonstrate how to insert columns and rows in an existing table.
(v) Ask learners to complete exercise 5.2 found in their Pupil's Book. Go round
checking to ensure they are doing the correct thing.
• Assess learners’ ability to insert columns and rows in an existing table.
• Practise exercises on inserting columns and rows.
Resizing Rows and Columns
Learning Activity
Adjusting columns and rows.
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats and images showing examples of different table templates.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk and the projector is
setup early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Start with a recap of previous lesson. Explain to the learners that in this lesson
they will learn how to resize rows and columns.
(ii) Engage learners through questioning:
(a) What do you do if a typed word does not fit in a cell?
(b) What does resize mean?
(c) How do we resize columns and rows?
(iii) Demonstrate how to resize columns and rows.
(iv) Allow learners to practise resizing rows and columns in their tables.
• Assess learners’ ability to resize rows and columns.
• Give them activities that will enable them practise resizing of columns and rows.
Teacher’s Notes
To resize columns and rows, you must be comfortable using the touch pad or mouse.
Point to the margin of the column or row to be resized. You will see a double pointed
arrow. Hold down the left button of your touch pad as you drag the mouse.

Ensure learners use the right procedure to resize columns and rows. Keep on
demonstrating how they can resize to ensure a pleasant presentation of text in a

Deleting Columns and Rows

Learning Activities
Deleting columns and rows from tables.
Teaching Steps
(i) Engage learners through questioning:
(a) What does delete mean?
(b) How do you delete a column?
(ii) Demonstrate on how to delete columns and rows.
(iii) Let learners practise how to delete rows and columns.
(iv) Demonstrate how to delete a table. Allow learners to practise inserting and
deleting tables.
• Give learners exercises on the effective use of table tool to delete columns and
• Check their laptops or desktops to evaluate their progress on deleting column
and rows.
Teacher’s Notes
To delete select row or column then on the table tools menu choose the right option
to delete. You can also place the cursor in the row or column you want to delete
then select appropriate command to delete. Ensure learners use the right procedure
to delete columns and rows. Keep on demonstrating on how they can delete multiple
columns or rows to save time.

5.2: Insert pictures and images

Number of periods: 3
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 54, Teacher’s Guide and XO laptop.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
• Discover how to insert pictures and images.
• Learn how to resize pictures and images.
• Learn how to type comments on images.
• Delete unwanted images.

• Insert pictures and images from internal and external storage.
• Manipulate pictures and images by resizing.
• Effectively move and delete pictures and images.
Attitudes and Values
• Appreciate the use of pictures and images in the Write Activity.
• Show concern and care when resizing pictures and images.
Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Demonstration
• Collaboration • Practical
• Pair and share
Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptop • Desktops • Laptops
• Sugar on a disk • Projector

(a) Insert pictures and images

Learning Activities
(i) Taking photographs using the XO laptop.
(ii) Drawing pictures in the Paint Activity.
Lesson Preparation
Avail chats showing steps to follow when inserting pictures/ images. Ask learner to
read content from the Pupil’s Book page 54.

Teaching Steps
(i) Use guided discovery to help learners know how images are inserted in Write
Activity. Observe closely to see how they try to discover on their own.
(ii) Encourage learners to speak about the task and compare what they have done
with others.

(iii) Now demonstrate how images/pictures are inserted in Write Activity. Give
them time to observe closely and follow the procedure to insert images/ pictures.
(iv) Ask learners to complete Activity 5.4 in their Pupil's Book.
(v) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(v) Allow learners to explore and insert pictures from storage devices.
(vi) Help learners understand the concepts by asking them questions on the tasks
Assess learners’ ability to insert pictures and images.
Teacher’s Notes
It is important for the learner to have pictures or images saved in the Journal or
other external storage devices, they can insert these images/pictures in the document
they are working on. This can be useful when they want to explain the topic they
are writing about using a an image or picture. Pictures and images generally add
interest to documents making them more appealing.

(b) Resize and position an image and picture and

providing text to inserted image
Learning Activities
(i) Learners to practise in pairs then individually on how to resize pictures and
(ii) Practise on inserting comments on a picture.
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing steps to follow when resizing pictures/ images. Allow them
to refer from the Pupil’s Book page 54.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is set early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learner to resize images and pictures the same way they resized rows and
columns. Observe closely to see how they carry out the task.
(ii) Encourage learners to speak about the task and compare what they have done
with others.
(iii) Now demonstrate how images/ pictures are resized in Write Activity. Give them
time to observe closely and follow the procedure to resize images/pictures.
Allow them to refer from Pupil’s Book page 54.
(iv) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(v) Allow learners to explore and insert pictures from storage devices.

(vi) Help learners understand the concepts by asking them questions on the tasks
(vii) Ask them to type simple comments around the inserted pictures and images.
(viii) Go round helping learners with difficulties to do this task.
• Assess learner's ability to resize images.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
It is important for the leaner to know that if they have pictures saved in the Journal
or storage device, they can insert them into the document they are working on
and resize to desired size. This can be useful when they want to place a picture at
a certain point in the document. Pictures and images generally beautify documents
making them more appealing.

(a) Remedial Activity

Give learners oral questions on table features such as rows, columns, resize and cell.
Provide true or false questions to test their levels of understanding on tables.
Give them simple questions on how to insert tables, insert rows and columns and
insert pictures and images.
Design matching questions to test learners’ understanding. Give them time to discuss
in their groups.
Example of questions
Read the following statements. Indicate if True / False.
1. A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. True / False
2. A column is a set of data values appearing vertically in a table. True / False
3. The intersection of rows and columns form a cell. True / False
4. Match the following table features to the correct description.
Table feature Description
(a) Column (a) Defined by horizontal lines
(b) Row (b) Where rows and columns intersect
(c) Resize (c) Defined by vertical lines
(d) Cell (d) Adjust row heights and column width
(b) Consolidation Activity
Give learners structured questions on how to create a table, insert rows, columns,
resize and delete.
Provide questions where learners can pair and explain different table features to one

Organise learners in groups and let them discuss and answer these questions
practically on their XO laptops.
Example of questions
1. Start Write Activity.
(a) Insert a table with 5 columns and 5 rows.
(b) Delete 1 column such that the table remains with 4 columns.
(c) Delete 1 row such that the table remains with 4 rows.
(d) Insert 2 columns and 2 rows in your table.
2. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in tables:
(a) Column (b) Row
(c) Cell (d) Resize
(c) Extension Activity
Ask learners write short notes on the importance of tables in the Write Activity.
Give them additional practise work on manipulation of tables and inserting pictures
and images.
Give learners activities to describe different table features.
Example of questions
1. Using Write Activity, write short notes on how to create a table.
2. Start write activity.
(a) Use table tools to create your performance record table.
(b) Insert a column showing the subjects that you do.
(c) Insert two rows that will contain your target minimum and maximum scores
in all subjects.
3. Create a table with 6 rows and 5 columns perform the following activities.
(a) Resize row 3 (b) Resize column 2
(c) Delete column 4 (d) Delete row 2
(e) Delete the whole table

Answers to Practise Activities 5

Practise Activity 5.1
For questions (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) supervise learners. Observe how they
create a table, how they insert new rows, text, delete row, delete column and how
they resize rows and columns.
Award marks for correct steps and finishing required tasks on time.
Practise Activity 5.2
(i) Go round checking if learners have collected the right information.

(ii) Observe and supervise to ensure learners create a table and inserted the
required words.
(iii) Observe how learners share and collaborate with the rest of the class.
(iv) Check every step they use in creating their newsletter.

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 5

Reference: Pupil’s book page 56
Number of periods: 2
1. Sheets
2. (a) Table tool
(b) The pictures of the tortoise has been resized.
3. Select
4. Create table
5. Observe learners activities. Award them marks for ability to draw shapes in
Paint Activity and the ability to insert the shape in a Write Activity.
6. (a) Observe if learner is able to type in the table.
(b) The typed word is erased.
(c) The word erased in (b) above reappears.
7. The table tool
8. To activate the cell and enable the cursor to be active for typing.
9. (a), (b) and (c) Observe and award learners for ability to carry out stated tasks.
10. Assess ability of learner to do required task.
11. Observe learners activities and award marks for execution of tasks correctly.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. (a) True
2. (a) True
3. (a) True
4. (a) Column – Defined by vertical lines.
(b) Row – Defined by horizontal lines.
(c) Resize – Adjust row heights and column width.
(d) Cell – Where rows and columns intersect.

(b) Consolidation Activity
1. (a) Observe how learners insert a table with 5 columns and 5 rows.
(b) Supervise to ensure learners use the right procedure to delete column.
(c) Supervise to ensure learners use the right procedure to delete 1 row.
2. (a) Column is defined by the vertical lines.
(b) Row is defined by the horizontal lines.
(c) Resize is to adjust row heights and column width.
(d) Cell is where rows and columns intersect.

(c) Extension Activity

1. • Start Write Activity then click the table drop-down arrow to assess table
• Click the table tool to insert a table. The table grid is displayed where you
can choose the number of columns and rows using the mouse pointer.
2. Supervise and observe how learners created their performance record using
table tools.
Award marks based on right steps being followed and completing in time.
3. Observe how learners resize rows, columns and delete rows, columns and table.
Award marks if the right steps are followed for this activity.

Topic Area: ICT

Number of periods: 8
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the this unit, the learner should be able to explore and use the
Browse Activity and the use of e-mails (Sugar Interface).

Background Information
Computers were designed to process data, save data in storage devices and
communicate via networked links called the internet. The internet has made
research a reality hence people can investigate online to find out more information
about something. We can use the Browse Activity in our XO laptops to search
for useful information. This information can be used for both entertainment and

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Explain the role of using e-mails in real life.
• State all the steps involved in creating e-mails.
• State the process of Login and Logout.
• State the process of writing and sending an e-mail.
• State the process of taking screen shots.
2. Skills
• Create an e-mail account.
• Be able to write, send and read e-mails.
• Manipulate, navigate Browse to access the information needed.
• Find and locate a world map and share the content in other activities.
• Analyse how to access the inbox e-mails.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Feel happy to have an e-mail account.
• Show respect when sending and receiving e-mails to or from different contacts.
• Appreciate the risk and importance of e-mail security.
• Appreciate the content found using the Browse Activity.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Creating an e-mail Individual Practical exercise on creating
Browse and account. e-mails.
use of E-mails
2 Creating an e-mail Individual Practical exercise on Login and
Browse and account login and Logout.
use of E-mails logout.
3 Read, write and Exercises on Writing, sending and reading
Browse and send e-mail. e-mails.
use of E-mails
4 Read, write and Write an e-mail to wish your friend
Browse and send e-mail. happy birthday.
use of E-mails
5 • Navigating using • Group/pairs/ individual exercises
Browse Browse Activity. on navigating and using the Browse
Activity • Accessing the Activity.
World map. • Find a map of Africa, Science notes
about plants and a storybook on
6 Accessing • Finding a world map and locating the
Browse dictionary, East African countries on the map by
Activity Textbooks and zooming and taking screenshots.
Storybooks. • Practise writing and commenting on the
7 Revision Activity 6 Answering theory questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 6.
8 Revision Activity 6 Practise exercises on creating and using
Evaluation e-mail.

Cross-cutting Issues
(a) Financial Education
Encourage learners to make good use of e-mail and Browse Activity. Inform
them of the economic rewards linked to e-mail and browsing in future when
they will be transacting their businesses.
By learning how to use e-mail and Browse Activity they will be doing all their
business online hence the physical office will not be of great importance.

(b) Inclusive Education
Make learners understand that they are all equal regardless of their physical
appearance. Let physically disabled learners be involved in creating their e-mail
accounts and browsing web pages. Cultivate the values of care and concern
among learners so that they can assist their disabled peers in using e-mail tables.
(c) Peace Education
Allow learners to choose their pairing friends when giving practical activities.
Remember to shift members of groups from time to time to cultivate a spirit of
sharing and accommodation among learners. Always encourage them to settle
their personal differences on their own. Supervise them as they share their XO
(d) Standardisation Culture
The Browse Activity uses almost the same features found in any other browser
applications such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera
Notes to the Teacher
This unit requires the teacher and the learners to interact with the Browser Activity.
Encourage learners to explore more on how to use Browse to access e-mails and
do research. Ensure learners observe the computer best Practises at all times when
using Browse Activity. Encourage learners to stay safe online by not exposing their
personal details to strangers and unknown websites.
In case the XO laptop is not available remember to obtain at least one ordinary
laptop or desktop computer in your school and use sugar on a stick.

6.1: Browse and the use of e-mails

Number of periods: 4
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 58, Teacher’s Guide and XO laptop.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson:
Knowledge and understanding
• Explain the role of using e-mails in real life.
• State steps involved in creating, writing and sending e-mails.

Create, write, send and read e-mails.

Values and Attitudes

• Feel happy to have an e-mail account.
• Show respect when sending and receiving e-mails.
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Demonstration
• Practical • Pair and Share
Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptops • Desktop computers • Laptops
• Sugar on a disk • Projectors • Internet • Charts
Learning Activities
(a) Create an e-mail account. (b) Login and Logout.
(c) To write and send an e-mail. (d) Read inbox e-mails.
(a) Creating an e-mail account
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing steps to follow when creating e-mail accounts. Allow
learners to refer from the Pupil’s Book page 59.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops.
• Always ensure the projector is setup early enough to avoid interrupting the
Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Ask learners to have a look at the illustrations in their Pupil’s Book page 59.
Allow them time to describe these illustrations.
(ii) Start the lesson by writing words concerning e-mail account on the board. Ask
learners to try and define e-mail terminologies.
(iii) Guide learners through the process of creating an e-mail account as outlined in
the Pupil’s Book page 59.
(iv) Now demonstrate how e-mail account is created. Give them time to observe
closely and follow the procedure to create their own e-mail accounts.
(v) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(vi) Help learners understand the concepts by asking them questions on the tasks
being done. Be keen to observe that Pupil’s follow and apply the right procedure.
Assess learners’ progress in creating e-mail accounts. Use the assessment to plan
for suitable learning/teaching methods.

Teacher’s Notes
Every e-mail application comes with a message tab that contains the commonly
used commands, which enable you to compose and send messages. This tab
contains commands such as compose, send, sent items, spam, reply, forward
attachment and so on.

A real e-mail application lets you create, send, receive and organise e-mail messages.
It will also allow you to send and receive e-mail from any other Webmail account.

(b) Login in and Logout

Learning Activities
1. Using Webmail account to Login.
2. Using Webmail account to Logout.
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing login and logout screens. Allow learners to refer from the
Pupil’s Book page 60.
Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Let learners know that in this lesson they will learn how to login and logout of
their new e-mail accounts.
(ii) Start the lesson by asking learners to define the following terms:
(a) What is to Login?
(b) How can someone Logout of e-mail account?
(c) Ask learners to tell the difference when login from a closed web activity and
when the web activity is open.
(iii) Guide learners on how to login and logout of their e-mail accounts as outlined
in the Pupil’s Book page 60.
(iv) Go round ensuring each learner is using the right procedure.
(v) Help learners understand the concepts by asking them questions on the tasks
being done.
• Assess learners’ ability to login and logout of their e-mail accounts.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
To login also means to signin.
To logout also means to signout.
Depending on the kind of e-mail account that you and your learners are using, you
might be required to find out how yahoo mail and gmail accounts operate when you
login from a web browser.
(i) Type in the e-mail provider e.g Yahoo mail.
(ii) Choose yahoo login
(iii) Then click on signin.

When you type the address of an e-mail account in the address bar it takes you to
the home page of that website. From the home page you can access the sign in form
where you are required to type a user name and password then click on the signin

(c) Write and send an e-mail

Learning Activities
• Exercises on writing, sending and reading e-mails.
• Compose and send e-mail to wish your friend happy birthday.
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing how to create, attach documents and send e-mail. Allow
learners to refer from the Pupil’s Book page 60.
Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to discuss reasons for sending or receiving letters.
(ii) Let them know that e-mails are just like letters, only that they are send or
received online (electronically).
Write some terms associated with e-mails on the board for learners to define.
(iii) Allow them time to refer on the available charts showing how to compose, send
forward and reply to e-mail messages.
(iv) Guide learners on how to compose new e-mail, reply to mail, attach files and
send e-mail messages as outlined in the Pupil’s Book page 60.
(v) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing. Let learners write and
send e-mails to each others e-mail accounts.
(vi) Ask learners to complete Activity 6.4. To write and send an e-mail available in
their Pupil’s book. (Page 60)
(vii) Help learners understand the concepts by assisting them to carry out tasks
being done.
• Give practise exercises to assess learners’ ability to compose and send e-mail.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
• Give additional work to learners with extra ability. Design remedial interventions
for low achievers.
• Ask fast learners to assist those who miss out on some steps.
Teacher’s Notes
When you click on compose tab it will display a Window where you can start
typing text. Remember to type the subject for your e-mail and the recipients’ e-mail
address before clicking on the send button. Tell learners that they can send an e-mail
with the same message to several recipients at the same time.

(d) Read inbox e-mails
Learning Activities
Opening and reading inbox e-mails.

Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing e-mail inbox. Ask learners to read content in Pupil’s Book
page 60.
Teaching Steps
(i) Start the lesson by writing a few terms used in managing inbox messages on the
board for learners to define. Ask learners to explain the meaning of this terms.
(a) Sent message (b) Marked as important (c) Inbox messages.
Allow learners time to discuss in pairs.
(ii) Guide learners on how to open and read e-mail messages as outlined in the
Pupil’s Book page 60.
(iii) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(iv) Help learners understand the concepts by encouraging them to practise more.
(v) Ask learners to complete Activity 6.5; Reading inbox e-mails.
• Assess learners’ ability to open and read e-mails.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
Inbox is the main folder where your newly delivered e-mail messages are kept. The
Inbox is normally opened automatically when you login to read your e-mail. Apart
from the inbox, there are other folders such as spam folder where unwanted mail
are kept, trash folder where deleted messages are temporarily kept and others. You
can also create your own folder to keep your personal e-mail such as Homework.

6.2: Browse Activity

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 61.

Learning Objectives
Knowledge and understanding
• Explain the process of accessing the dictionary, worldmap and storybooks from
the Browse Activity.
• Outline the process of taking a screenshot.

• Find/access (a) a world map (b) Dictionary (c) Textbooks and storybooks.
• Take screenshots.
• Share a snapshot and bookmarks with friends.

Values and attitudes

Appreciate the content found using the Browse Activity.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Demonstration
• Practical • Pair and Share • Collaboration
Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptops • Desktop computers
• Sugar on a disk • Projector • Internet

(a) Access world map

Learning Activities
• Navigating and using the Browse Activity.
• Accessing the map of Africa, Science notes and a storybook on animals.
• Accessing maps and making screenshots.
Lesson Preparation
Avail chats showing steps on how to start Browse Activity. Allow learners to refer
to their Pupil’s Book page 62.

Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Start the lesson by asking learners a few questions on Browse Activity.
(ii) Display images and illustrations showing how to navigate the Browse Activity.
(iii) Guide learners on how to navigate and use the Browse Activity as indicated in
the Pupil’s Book page 62.
(iv) Ask learners to complete Activity 6.8; Navigating using Browse Activity.
(v) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(vi) Help learners understand the concepts to use the Browse Activity to locate the
world map.
• Assess learners’ progress in using Browse Activity to access the World map.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
To browse web pages you need to search or type the exact web address in the

address bar to view its contents. Once you have access to the home page of that
website you can use the available hyperlinks or buttons to navigate the web. If you
want to search for a specific topic let’s say world map you need to open a search
engine website such as Google, Wikipedia and so on.

(b) Access the Dictionary

Learning Activities
Accessing the dictionary and searching for various words found in the dictionary.
Lesson Preparation
Avail chats showing steps on how to start Browse Activity and accessing the
dictionary. Allow learners to refer to their Pupil’s Book page 62.

Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Ask learners a few questions about the dictionary.
(a) What is an online dictionary?
(b) What other examples of online dictionaries do you know?
(ii) Demonstrate to learners how to navigate and access the dictionary as indicated
in the Pupil’s Book page 62.
(iii) If possible avail images and illustrations showing steps for accessing the dictionary.
(iv) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the correct thing.
(v) Help learners understand the concepts by giving them words to search for from
the dictionary.
• Assess learners’ progress in using Browse Activity to access the dictionary.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
Different dictionaries are available in the internet, examples are Wordpress and
Oxford dictionaries. To search for any dictionary of your choice you need to start by
opening a search engine such as Google then on the search box type the preferred
search word. Search words should be short and to the point.

(c) Access Textbooks and Storybooks

Learning Activities
Practise exercises on using the search engine to access textbooks and storybooks

Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing steps on how to search and access textbooks, storybooks
and world maps. Allow learners to refer in their Pupil’s Book page 62.

Teaching Steps
(i) Start the lesson by asking learners a few questions about textbooks, storybooks.
(a) What is an online textbook?
(b) Who has ever read an online textbook or storybook?
(ii) Guide learners on how to navigate and access online textbooks and storybooks
as indicated in the Pupil’s Book page 62.
(iii) Go round ensuring learners are doing the correct thing. Allow them to read
some of the browsed stories.
(iv) Give them more practise activities.
• Assess learners’ progress in using Browse Activity to access online textbooks
and storybooks.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.

(d) Share content from Browse

Learning Activities
• Share visited websites using bookmark.
• Writing and commenting on the screenshots.
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing steps on how to use bookmarks. Allow learners to refer to
their Pupil’s Book page 63
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk and internet
connectivity is available.
• Always ensure laptops are charged and projector is setup early enough to avoid
interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to explain briefly how they shared stories and other materials in
the Write Activity. Ask them to explain how you will share the visited websites
with someone else?
(ii) Display illustrations showing steps for sharing content from Browse.
(iii) Allow learners time to refer from the available charts. Demonstrate how to
share content as indicated in the Pupil’s Book page 63.
(iv) Go round ensuring each learner are sharing the browsed information.
(v) Help learners understand the concepts by asking them questions on the tasks
being done. Be keen to observe that Pupil’s follow and apply the right procedure.

• Assess learners’ progress in using bookmarks to share with friends.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
A bookmark is a powerful tool available on Browser window. You can use it to share
website links saved in bookmarks with other people.
Help learners locate the share button from the private icon. It looks like a white
circle with a little black dot in it (at the top left side of the screen). In the private icon
learners can select My Neighbourhood icon. This icon looks like a white circle with
a ring of little black dots in it. By doing this, learners can allow friends to view and
share their bookmarks.

(a) Remedial Activity

Give learners ‘fill in blank’ questions on e-mail terminologies.
Design activities involving matching e-mail terminologies to their respective
Present pictures and, images showing e-mail account. Structure oral questions to
help learners identify parts of e-mail account such as: Sign in, Search box, Compose,
Inbox, and Sign out.
Example questions
1. A place where web addresses are typed is _______. (address box, address bar).
2. An e-mail is ___________. (an electronic message, a written message)
3. Display the image of e-mail account and ask learners to identify features of
e-mail account such as search box, compose, inbox and logout.
4. Match the following e-mail and search engine terminologies to their correct
Terminology Description
(a) Browser (a) Takes you to a new page within the website
(b) Home Page (b) To fill in personal details
(c) Address bar (c) Where search terms are entered
(d) Sign up (d) The first page of a website
(e) Hyper-link (e) Application for accessing web-pages
(f) Search box (f) Where web addresses are entered

(b) Consolidation Activity

Give learners structured questions on how to login, compose and sign out of e-mail
Organise learners in groups and let them discuss the meaning of e-mail terminologies.
Example questions

1. Create an e-mail account and compose a new e-mail message.
2. Explain steps you will follow to read incoming messages.
3. In your groups, discuss the following e-mail terminologies.
(a) Browser (e) Sign up
(b) Home page (f) Sign in
(c) Address bar (g) Hyper-Link
(d) Webmail account (h) Form
(c) Extension Activity
Let learners write short notes on how to sign in, sign up, and read e-mail messages.
Instruct learners to write an essay on environmental management using write
activity then attach the file and send to a friend via e-mail.
Example questions
1. Write short notes on the following topics:
(a) Sing up (b) Sing in
(c) Reading new messages (d) Replying messages
2. Ask learners to access 2 online storybooks, bookmark them and share the
3. Start Browse Activity.
(a) On the address bar type
(b) Locate the search box then type world map.
(c) Write short notes about what you discover on this map.

Answers to Practice Activity 6.1

Reference: Pupil’s book 63
2. Storybooks for kids.
3. (a) Children English Storybooks.
(b) Free kids Books online.
(c) Tell your Story Today.

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 6

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 64.
1. (a) It is used for research.
(b) (i) • K – Search box. • J – Bookmarks.

(ii) Click on one bookmark. Hover your pointer on the private icon on
top of your screen. Click on my neighbourhood icon and allow your
friends to view your bookmarks.
(c) • Wikipedea • • MSN • Bing • Yahoo search.
2. • Observe learners work. Award marks for ability to access the worldmap.
• Ability to zoom the map accessed.
• Ability to take and share a screenshot with friends.
3. A - Messages that is sent electronically.
4. B - Signup
5. (i) Is where you type the recipients e-mail address.
(ii) Helps you type the title of your message.
(iii) The button that allow you to attach files.
(iv) A place where you can type your e-mail message.
6. D- School
7. Assess ability of learners to recall procedure of creating an e-mail and typing
the information. Steps:
(a) Type on the address bar.
(b) Click on Create to open the sign up form.
(c) Fill in the form to create an account.
8. Read learners e-mail messages to know if correct content has been written.
Observe if they can send e-mails.
9. • Sign into your account.
• On the screen menu click compose followed by new mail.
• Type text in the available text area.
10. (a) The person receiving the e-mail.
(b), (c) and (d) – Observe learners activities and award marks appropriately.
11. (a) Yes
(b) (i) It is a file that has been added to an e-mail.
(ii) Pictures, documents

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. Address bar
2. An electronic message
3. Point at different features of e-mail account and let learners give answers.
4. (a) Browser – Application for accessing web pages.

(b) Home page – The first page of a website.
(c) Address bar – Where web addresses are typed.
(d) Sign up – To fill in personal details.
(e) Hyper-link – Takes you to a new page with the website.
(f) Search box – Where search terms are entered.

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. Observe learners closely as they create e-mail accounts and compose new
e-mail messages. Award them marks basing on their speed and use of the
right steps.
2. Login to your e-mail account using your username and password. Locate the
inbox button and click on it. The new messages appear in bold.
3. (a) Application used to access web pages.
(b) The first page of a website.
(c) The bar where web addresses are entered.
(d) E-mail account created using e-mail provider website such as yahoo, gmail,
hotmail etc.
(e) Filling a form for e-mail account.
(f) Opening your e-mail account to read mail.
(g) A link that takes you to a new page within the website.
(h) A place where you enter personal details.

(c) Extension Activity

1. (a) When signing up for a new e-mail account, you will access a form where
your details will be captured. Once a sign up form opens, you start filling in
your personal details. Click submit when you finish entering your correct
(b) For you to sign in to your e-mail account you need to type your username
and password then click login button.
(c) Sign in the click the inbox button to access the new e-mail messages.
(d) To reply to a message, click the compose button then type your message.
Remember to type the e-mail address for the recipient plus the subject of
your message.
2,3 Observe the learner’s work and award them marks.

Topic Area: ICT

Number of periods: 20
Key Unit Competence
By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to perform arithmetic operations,
draw geometric shapes using Turtle Art Activity and create dialogue and cartoons
using Scratch Activity.

Background Information
Turtle Art allows students to use mathematical reasoning, problem solving, counting,
measurement, geometry and computer programming to create beautiful images.
This activity uses a turtle that accepts instructions for movement.
With visual programming blocks, you can snap together programs by combining
them in ways to create anything you can imagine.
In P4, we used Turtle Art to draw rectangles, squares and circles. In P5 We shall
draw more shapes as well as carry out arithmetic calculations using the Turtle Art
We also learnt about instruction blocks in Scratch Activity where learners can create
stories, games, and animations to share with others. Scratch is a visual programming
language that will teach you how to program while having fun.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and understanding
• Explain how Turtle Art can be used to draw geometric shapes.
• Identify and associate different Turtle instructions in order to perform
calculations (arithmetic operations).
• Match a sprite with the meaning of the topic.
• Associate different commands to make a dialogue/ cartoon.
2. Skills
• Observe and correctly Practise with the Turtle Art instructions.
• Choosing the correct instructions needed to produce a geometric shape.
• Ability to construct and produce different geometric shapes using Turtle Art
• Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using Turtle Art
• Practise and manage correctly the components of scratch window.
• Create a dialogue matching the sprite Design cartoon.
• Create a dialogue by combining background and sound accordingly.
• Select the sprite and associate it with the background.

Attitudes and Values

• Conceptualise ICT contribution in the real life.
• Express the desire to draw more colourful drawings using Turtle Art commands.
• Appreciate the way of expressing ideas through projects.
• Be confident about the process of creating dialogues and cartoons.
• Be proud to arrange commands and produce animations.
Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Drawing regular Group discussion on how to draw
Drawing polygons: hexagon, regular polygons using Turtle Art
geometric Shapes pentagon etc. instructions.

2 Drawing regular Practise drawing regular polygons by

Drawing polygons, hexagon, sequencing blocks correctly.
geometric Shapes pentagon etc.

3 Drawing a Group discussion on how to draw a

Drawing parallelogram. parallelogram.
geometric Shapes
4 Drawing a Drawing parallelogram using Turtle
Drawing parallelogram. Art instructions.
geometric Shapes
5 Drawing a Group discussion on how to draw a
Drawing rhombus. rhombus.
geometric Shapes
6 Drawing a Drawing rhombus using Turtle Art
Drawing rhombus. instructions.
geometric Shapes
7 Drawing a Group discussion on how to draw a
Drawing trapezium. trapezium.
geometric Shapes

8 Drawing a Drawing trapezium using Turtle Art
Drawing trapezium. instructions.
geometric Shapes
9 Addition Individual or group work to perform
Arithmetic addition using Turtle arithmetic
Operations operations.
10 Subtraction Individual or group work to perform
Arithmetic subtraction using Turtle arithmetic
Operations operations.
11 Multiplication Individual or group work to perform
Arithmetic multiplication using Turtle arithmetic
Operations operations.
12 Division Individual or group work to perform
Arithmetic division using Turtle arithmetic
Operations operations.
13 Spriting: paint, In pairs or individually work on
Create Dialogues import, camera exercises to create dialogues using
and Cartoons sprite according to a given topics.
14 Spriting: paint, In pairs or individually work on
Create Dialogues import, camera exercises to create dialogues using
and Cartoons sprite according to a given topics.
15 Commands and Commands in order to create a script.
Commands and speeches
16 Organization Commands in order to create a script.
Commands and
17 Background setting Practise creating and changing the
Working with (paint) backgrounds by drawing and painting.
18 Background setting Practise creating and changing the
Working with (import, camera) backgrounds by importing and taking
backgrounds pictures.
18 Sound settings Inserting sound in a project.
Working with (record, import)

19 Revision Activity 7 Answering questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 7.
20 Projects and Practise on projects and other practical
Evaluation Activities activities.

Cross-cutting Issues
(i) Financial education
Encourage learners to make good use of Turtle Art. Inform learners of economic
rewards in the future when they advance in education. When they enroll for
architectural courses in colleges and university learners will already have
practical knowledge needed to further their training.
(ii) Standardization culture
Encourage learners to develop positive attitude and appreciate the production
of quality shapes and interesting programs. Encourage both boys and girls to
keep on practising and sharing their activities with others. This will help them
develop a culture of self reliance and sharing as both boys and girls have the
same rights and abilities in the 21st century World.
(iii) Inclusive education
Encourage learners to embrace Turtle Art and Sprite Activities. Try to discover
the artistic talent that is usually inherent in many disabled children. Encourage
learners with programming talents in using Turtle Art or scratch to keep on
practising. Give them challenging projects that will keep them more focused
to discover and explore programming activities. Encourage all learners to
participate in class activities such as drawing geometrical shapes and using
various blocks to create interesting programs.
Remind the learners that disability is not inability. Allow all learners including
those with special needs to do what they can. Encourage them to do their best.
(iv) Peace education
Allow learners to choose their pairing friends when giving practical activities.
Remember to shift members of groups from time to time to cultivate a spirit of
sharing and accommodation among learners. Always encourage them to settle
their personal differences on their own. Supervise them as they share their
programming activities using XO laptops.
Notes to the Teacher
This unit requires both teachers and the learners to interact with Turtle Art and
Scratch Activities. Encourage learners to explore how to use Turtle Art and Sprite
to create complex shapes and programs during their free time. Ensure learners
observe the computer best Practises at all times when using programming activities.
In case the XO laptop is not available remember to obtain at least one ordinary
laptop or desktop computer in your school and use sugar on a stick.

7.1: Drawing geometric Shapes
Number of periods: 8
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 67, Teacher’s Guide and XO laptop.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
• Explain how Turtle Art can be used to draw geometric shapes.
• Identify different Turtle instructions in order to draw geometric shapes.

• Select and correctly associate Turtle Art instructions.
• Construct geometric shapes using Turtle Art instructions.

Attitude and values

Express desire to draw colourful shapes using Turtle Art commands.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Demonstration • Discussion
• Practical • Pair and Share • Group work
Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptops • Desktops • Laptops
• Sugar on a disk • Projector • Internet
Learning Activities
Drawing: (a) Polygons (b) Rhombus (c) Parallelogram (d) Trapezium
(a) Regular Polygons
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing geometrical shapes. Allow learners to refer from the Pupil’s
Book page 67.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is setup early enough to avoid interrupting the
Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Ask learners to observe pictures on page 67 and discuss what they are going to
learn in the unit.
(ii) Let learners attempt Activity 7.1. Mark their books and correct them where

(iii) Show learners how to obtain the correct number of polygon sides through
5 sided polygon = 360 = 75° This means that a 5 sided polygon will have
angles of 75°. 5

(iv) Allow learners to practise drawing polygons of different sizes (6, 7, 8, 9...) in
their exercise notebooks.
(v) Instruct learners to draw a hexagon using Turtle Art instructions.
(vi) Encourage learners on how to speak about the task they are doing and compare
their drawings with their peers.
(vii) Guide learners through the process of creating a polygon as outlined in the
Pupil’s Book pages 68.
(viii) Let them practise drawing different type of polygons using Turtle commands.
Give them enough time to do the activities/tasks.
(ix) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing. Assist learners with
(x) Help learners understand the concepts by asking them questions on the tasks
being done.
• Assess learners’ ability to draw polygons using Turtle instructions.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
A polygon has five or more equal sides and angles. Polygons include pentagons (5
equal sides), hexagons (six equal sides) and so on.
You obtain the angle of the polygon you want to draw by dividing 360 by number of
sides you wish to have.
To draw a polygons in Turtle Art, you use the Forward Command and Left/
Right commands. You can also use the Repeat command.

(b) Drawing a Rhombus

Lesson Preparation
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is setup early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Let learners know that in this lesson they will draw rhombuses using Turtle Art
instruction blocks.
(ii) Ask learners to explain what a rhombus is. Listen as they present their different
(iii) Explain to them what a rhombus is in reference to Pupil’s Book page 70.
(iv) Instruct learners how to draw a rhombus as they did in the previous lesson. Let
them refer to the available charts showing different geometrical shapes.
(v) Encourage learners to speak about the task they are doing and compare their
drawing with friends.
(vi) Now demonstrate how a rhombus is drawn using Turtle Art commands. Give
them time to observe closely and follow the procedure to draw their own
(vii) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(viii) Help learners understand the concepts by asking them questions on the tasks
being done.
• Assess learners’ progress in drawing geometrical shapes.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
To draw shapes in Turtle Art use instruction blocks found in Turtle Art palette.
A rhombus is a slanted square with 4 equal straight sides. Opposite angles of a
rhombus are equal.

(c) Drawing a Trapezium

Learning Activities
• Individual assignment on calculating area and perimeters of the regular shapes.
• Group discussion on calculating areas and perimeters of the regular shapes.
• Practise drawing a trapezium.
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing various trapezium shapes.
• Ask learners to refer to Pupil’s Book page 70 – 71.
Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Let learners know that in this lesson they will draw trapezium using Turtle Art
instruction blocks.
(ii) Ask learners to explain what a trapezium is. Listen to them as they give their
(iii) Instruct learners to draw a trapezium. Let them refer from the available charts
showing different trapeziums.
(iv) Encourage learners to speak about the task they are doing and compare their
drawing with friends.
(v) Guide learners through the process of drawing a trapezium as outlined in the
Pupil’s Book page 70 – 71.

(vi) Now demonstrate how a trapezium is drawn using Turtle Art instructions.
Give them time to observe closely and follow the procedure to draw their own
(vii) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(viii) Ask learners to draw various trapeziums by varying the forward and left/right
• Assess learners’ curiosity to draw different types of trapeziums.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
• Give additional work to fast learners. Ask fast learners to assist those who miss
out on some steps.

Teacher’s Note
When drawing a trapezium of any kind in Turtle Art activity it is important to note
the following:
• Angles on a straight line add up to 180 for example a + c + 48 = 180
• Vertically opposite angles are equal for example a = d, b = c
• Corresponding angles are equal for example c = f
• Co-interior angles add up to 180 for example d + f = 180
• Alternate angles are equal for example b = f

7.2: Arithmetic Operations

Number of periods: 4
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 71

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Demonstration • Practical
• Pair and Share • Group work
Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptops • Desktop computers • Mathematics text books
• Sugar on a disk • Projector • Notebooks
Learning Activities
(a) Carrying out addition. (b) Carrying out subtraction.
(c) Carrying out multiplication. (d) Carrying out division.

(a) Addition
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing the use of arithmetical operations. Allow learners to refer
from the Pupil’s Book page 72.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk
• Always ensure the projector is set early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Write the topic “Arithmetic Operations” on the board.
(ii) Display charts showing worked examples of different arithmetic operations for
learners to familiarize with.
(iii) Ask learners to work out arithmetic operations involving addition of numbers in
their notebooks.
(iv) Guide learners through the procedure of using Turtle Art addition operations
as outlined in the Pupil’s Book page 72. You can use examples from their
mathematics Pupil’s Book.
(v) Go round checking if learners are doing the correct thing. Assist slow learner by
giving them personalised instructions. Assign additional work to fast learners.
• Assess the ability to learners to perform addition using Turtle Art instructions.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
Assist learners through guided discovery to know that Turtle Art has a Number
palette containing operators that are useful in carrying out mathematical
calculations. Allow them to explore how to access the Number Palette and how to
use the addition operator. Provide sums involving addition of 2 numbers, 3 numbers
and so on.

(b) Subtraction
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing the number palette. Allow learners to refer from the Pupil’s
Book page 72.
• Ensure learners have working XO laptops.
• Always ensure the projector is set early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners questions on what they learnt about addition and what they know
about subtraction.
(ii) Allow learners to explain the meaning of subtraction as used in arithmetic.
Assign them subtraction sums.
(iii) Guide learners on how to use the Turtle subtraction operation as outlined in
Pupil’s Book page 72.
(iv) Give them simple questions for practise. Obtain the questions from existing
mathematics books.
(v) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(vi) Help learners understand the concepts by assigning them more varied questions.
• Assess learners’ ability and ease of using subtraction operation.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
Subtraction is a mathematical operation that represents the operation of removing
things from a collection. It is signified by the minus sign (−). For example, removing
2 oranges from a basket of 6 oranges (6 − 2 oranges). This means 6 oranges with
2 taken away, which gives a total of 4 oranges.

(c) Multiplication
Lesson Preparation
• Ensure learners have notebooks and pens.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is setup early enough to avoid interrupting the
Teaching Steps
(i) Write 2 questions involving multiplication on the board. Ask learners to attempt
them in their books. For example:

(ii) Allow learners to discover how multiplication operation is carried out using
Turtle Art instructions.
(iv) Let one learner demonstrate how to use Turtle multiplication operation. Give
learners time to observe closely and follow the procedure to complete their
(v) Assign learners individual work on multiplication. Go round ensuring each
learner is doing the right thing.
(vi) Help learners understand the concepts by observing their tasks and helping
them accordingly.
• Assess learners’ ability and enthusiasm of using multiplication operations.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
The basic idea of multiplication is repeated addition.
For example: 6 × 3 = 6+ 6 + 6 = 18
The symbol used for multiplication is ‘×’. For example, 3 × 6 = 18. This is read as
three times six is equal to eighteen or simply, three times six is eighteen.
Note: Knowledge of multiplication is very important. Learners’ confidence and
ability to learn mathematics will depend largely on their knowledge of multiplication. 
So, they should aim practising a lot on multiplication.

(d) Division
Lesson Preparation
• Avail chats showing the number palette. Allow learners to refer to the Pupil’s
Book page 73.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is set early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Give learners object for them to share among themselves. Explain that sharing
of things can be equated to division.
(ii) Explain to the learners the meaning of division as used in arithmetic operation.
Allow learners to refer from available charts showing the number palette.
(iii) Guide learners on how to use division operation as outlined in the Pupil’s Book
page 73.
(iv) Demonstrate how they can use division operation. Give them time to observe
closely and follow the procedure to complete their calculations.
(v) Give them Practical questions on division to work in pairs. Go round ensuring
each learner is doing the right thing.

(vi) Help learners understand the concepts by giving them more.
(vii) Be keen to observe the following:
• Pupil’s follow and apply the right procedure.
• That slow and shy learners complete given task.

• Assess learners’ progress in using division operations.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
Before a learner is ready to calculate complex division sum, he/she has to know:
• Multiplication tables (fairly well).
• Basic division concept, based on multiplication tables (for example, 24 ÷ 6 = 4
or 56 ÷ 8 = 7).
• Basic division with remainders (for example, 55 ÷ 7 = 7 rem 6 or 23 ÷ 5 = 4 rem 3).

7.3: Create Dialogue and Cartoons

Number of lessons: 6
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 75.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
• Match a sprite with the meaning of the topic.
• Associate different commands to create a dialogue.

• Manage correctly components of the scratch window.
• Create a dialogue matching the sprite.
• Combine sound and background accordingly to create a dialogue.
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Explanation • Demonstration
• Practical • Pair and Share • Group work
Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptop • Desktops • Laptops
• Sugar on a disk • Projector • Internet
Learning Activities
(a) Spriting (b) Commands and speeches
(c) Organisation (d) Backgrounds and sounds
(a) Spriting (Paint, Import, Camera)
Lesson Preparation
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is setup early enough to avoid interrupting the
Teaching Steps
(i) Introduce the lesson by asking learners to access the Scratch Activity.
(ii) Ask learners to write a short dialogue for a particular theme e.g. student and
teacher, parent and child etc. and identify its four major parts. Let learners do
this in pairs.
(iii) Demonstrate to learners using an example how to create a dialogue in sprite.
(iv) Assist learners to do individual work by practising what is written in Pupil’s book
page 75 - 77.
(vi) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(vii) Help learners understand the concepts by giving them more practical activities.
• Assess learners progress in creating dialogues and cartoons.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and
work collaboratively which are essential skills for life in the 21st century.

(b) Commands and speeches

Lesson Preparation
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is setup early enough to avoid interrupting the
Teaching Steps
(i) Introduce the lesson by asking learners to access the scratch activity and
individually write down all the commands.
(ii) Ask them to discuss in groups the importance of each command block.
(iii) Let learners drag selected commands from each command block into the script
(iv) Allow them to play with the commands.
(v) Go round ensuring each learner is doing the right thing.
(vi) Help learners understand the concepts by attending to their individual needs.

• Assess learners progress in creating commands and speeches using blocks.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
To create dialogues and speeches, you have to create a script that your sprites will
act. A script is made up of a collection of command blocks. It is important for the
learners to know how each command block works. This will help them choose the
right commands to use in their respective projects.

(c) Organization
Lesson Preparation
• Ask learners to create hand written scripts.
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is set early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to tell short stories and to act dialogues in class. Let them write
short scripts of the stories in their notebooks.
(ii) Let them choose correct commands from the different command blocks and
drag them to the script pane.
(iii) Allow them to work in pairs then individually on story of their choice.
(iv) Ask learners to practise organising several command blocks individually in order
to create other dialogue.
(v) Go round checking their work.
• Assess learners abilities to organise command blocks.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
Teacher’s Notes
A script is created by grouping commands that convey certain information together.

(d) Background setting(Paint, Import, Camera and

Lesson Preparation
• Ensure learners have enough XO laptops or sugar in a disk.
• Always ensure the projector is set early enough to avoid interrupting the lesson.
Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to click on the stage icon and see what happens.

(ii) Allow them to explore the various backgrounds available.
(iii) Ask them to observe how the sprites they have appear in different backgrounds.
(iv) Guide them on how to set backgrounds depending on the scripts created as
outlined in the Pupil’s Book pages 80 – 81.
(v) Give individual work to test their understanding. Assign them Practise Activity
7.3 as class work. Let them do this activity in pairs.
(vi) Revise with them Practise Activity 7.3 questions in order to help them understand
how to work with sound setting in their dialogues and cartoons.
• Assess learners abilities to setup stage background using paint, camera and
import options.
• Use the assessment to plan for suitable learning/teaching methods.
(a) Remedial Activity
Give learners true or false questions to test if they are familiar with Turtle Art and
Scratch Activity terminologies.
Present images and pictures showing sprite, stage and different Turtle Arithmetic
instructions, Turtle Art blocks for drawing regular shapes then ask learners to
identify these illustrations.
Formulate activities on how to use different instruction blocks and let learners
Practise individually or in pairs.
Example of questions
1. We draw shapes in Turtle Art using instruction blocks found in Turtle Art pallet.
(a) True (b) False
2. You can draw shapes by sequencing instruction blocks correctly. True / False
3. Create dialogue sprite will act. True / False
4. Use the following instruction blocks to draw a six sided polygon.
(a) Forward 200 (b) Left 60 (c) Repeat 6 times
(b) Consolidation Activity
Allow learners to access different regular shapes from the internet. Ask them to
practise drawing some of these shapes in pairs.
Provide learners with 8 or more questions testing application of arithmetic operations.
Assign them individual tasks.
Example of questions
1. When you use the repeat command you should also use the Start command.
Explain why it is necessary?
2. Explain the following words as used in sprite activity:
(a) Spriting (b) Paint Option
(c) Import Option (d) Camera
3. (a) Organise learners into pairs. Let them Practise drawing rhombus using the
Turtle Art command blocks.
(b) Ask them to use the Turtle Arithmetic commands to calculate the perimeter
of the rhombus.
(c) Extension Activity
Design activities where learners will write short notes on the following topics:
drawing regular shapes; create dialogue and cartoons; commands and speeches.
Ask learners to complete individual activities on drawing complex regular shapes
using Turtle Art. Let them Practise creating dialogue and cartoons using scratch
1. Use write activity to type short notes on the following topics:
(a) Drawing regular polygon shapes (b) Parallelogram
(c) Rhombus (d) Trapezium
(e) Drawing a 6 sided polygon in Turtle Art (f) Arithmetic operations
(g) Background setting
2. Draw three different regular shapes using Turtle Art.
(a) Calculate the perimeter of these shapes.
(b) Calculate the Area of these shapes.

Answers to Practice Activities 7

Reference: Pupil’s book page 74

Practice Activity 7.2

1. Observe low learner start Turtle Art Activity and navigate to Arithmetic
(a) Supervise the whole session to ensure learners substraction operator to get
the right answer (i.e. 88 km – 50 km = 38 km).
(b) Supervise to ensure learners use multiplication and division operators to
calculate the number of kilometres covered each day
10 days = 50 km
1 day = ?
1 × 50 km
= 5 km
10 days
2. Observe how learners use arithmetic operation to multiply × height to get the
area of a parallelogram.
base = 10
height = 6 cm = Area of parallelogram = 10 × 6 = 60 cm

Practice Activity 7.3
Reference: Pupil’s book page 81
1. Bedroom photograph
2. Go round checking how learners use the XO camera to take images of various
3. Observe if learners follow the right steps to change Sprite to that of a bee.
4. Go round observing how learners discover on how sound setting is done using
set and import options.
5. Counter check and mark learners notebooks for the correct descriptions.
6. (a) Counter check learners notebook for the correct answers.
(b) Go round checking if learners have inserted the flower-bed background.
(c) Ensure learners have shared their work. Award marks accordingly.

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 7

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 82
1. Move one step forward
2. (a) Palette (b) Main Area
3. (a) Turtle (b) Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
4. Observe learners activities. Award marks for use of correct command blocks
and correct drawings.
5. (a) The stage
(b) Folders
6. Importing
7. A script is a collection or stack of blocks that interlock with one another.
8. (a) A background is a setting where the sprite acts from?
(b) Loice used paint option (location).
(c) Evaluate learners work to see if it is identical to what is given.
9. (a), (b) and (c) - Check learners individual work. Award marks for correct
activity done.
10. • Click the upload sprite from file icon.
• The storage folders window pops up.
• Click the picture folder or any other folder containing your image.
• Select the image you want.
• Click insert.
11. • Sound Editor - provides options for editing sound files.
• Edit tab displays options to undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, delete, and select
• Effects - tab displays options such as fade in, fade out, louder, softer,
silence and reverse.

• Play sound - will run the selected sound file.
• Stop all sound option will stop all running sound files.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. (a) True
2. (a) True
3. (a) True
4. Observe and follow learners closely as they use instructions blocks to draw a
six sided polygon. At the end of the period counter check and give marks based
on the shapes drawn.
5. Observe learner closely as they use given pixels to draw a trapezium. At the
end of this period counter check and give marks based on the shape drawn.
(b) Consolidation Activity
1. The repeat command helps you to avoid writing the same commands several
times. On the other hand Start Command will help you run your Turtle Art
2. (a) Spriting is the act of creating or modifying objects that act for use in
dialogues and cartoons.
(b) The Paint option gives you a background with tools that allow you to draw
and paint sprite of your own choice.
(c) This option allows you to choose different sprite from the existing one.
3. Supervise the whole session to ensure learners use and follow the right procedure.
Award marks based on effective use of command blocks and pixel values.
(c) Extension Activity
1. (a) To draw regular shapes:
• Use the forward command and left / right command.
• You can also use repeat command to repeat same actions.
(b) Arithmetic deals with counting and calculations of numerical data. Turtle
Art has a number palette that contains operators useful in carrying out
mathematical calculations. When you click on this pallete, several operations
are displayed. These include: addition, substraction, multiplication and
(c) Dialogue and cartoons can be created as scratch projects in Scratch
Activity. These projects can then be shared among Scratch Activity users
we use the following to create dialogue and cartoons: Sprite, paint options,
import option and the camera.
Topic Area: Our Environment


Number of periods: 16
Key Unit Competence:
The learner should be able to purify water for drinking and explain the dangers of
polluted water.

Background Information
Water is a very important substance. It is the main component of the earth as it
covers about 71% of the earths surface. Water is important for survival of plants and
animals. The amount of water on earth is constant. It circulates through the water
cycle continuously.
Safe unpolluted water is essential for humans, plants, animals and other life forms.
Polluted water harms many living organisms. It is therefore important to keep our
water sources clean.

Learning Objectives
(a) Knowledge and Understanding
• Explain the importance of water.
• List various sources of water.
• Identify properties of water.
• Explain the components of the water cycle.
• Explain the effects of rain water.
• Identify the dangers of rain water and how to prevent them.
• Explain methods of protecting the environment from rain water.
• State sources of water pollution Explain dangers of polluted water
• Identify and differentiate between different methods of water purification.
• Explain different water storage techniques.
(b) Skills
• Make a simple water filter.
• Produce drinking water through filtration, chemical treatment and boiling
• Plant trees and make ditches as methods of protecting the environment
from rain water.

Attitudes and Values
• Develop a positive attitude to the environment and protection of water sources
from pollutants.
• Appreciate the importance of water hygiene as a way to prevent diseases
associated with diarrhoea.
• Appreciate the need for good habits to keep and conserve clean water.
• Practise ways to avoid water pollutants.
• Develop a positive attitude towards avoiding stagnant water as a way to control
water borne diseases.
• Show concern about the protection of the environment.

Summary Table of Lessons

Lesson Content Learner’s Activities

1 Identification of importance Identifies the importance of
Importance of of water as human food, in water at home and in school.
water sanitation, in farming and in
2 Identification of importance Identifies the importance
Importance of of water in farming and in of water in the farm and in
water industries. industries.

3 Sources of water: Groups water sources into man-

Sources and • Natural sources made and natural sources of
properties of • Man-made sources water.
4 Properties of water. Identifies properties of water.
Sources and
properties of
5 Water cycle Carries out an experiment to
Rain water discover a simple water cycle.

6 Effects of rain water(positive • Visits places near school or

Rain water and negative effects). home to identify the effects of
rain water.
• Discusses the effects of rain

7 Protecting the environment • Outlines the methods of
Methods of from rainwater by: protecting the environment
protecting the • Planting trees from rain water.
environment • Making terraces • Plant trees.
from rain
8 Protecting the environment • Outlines the methods of
Methods of from rainwater by: protecting the environment
protecting the • Making ditches from rain water.
environment • Cultivating anti-erosive • Makes ditches to protect the
from rain plants. environment from rain water.
9 Identification of water Recognise water pollutants in
Water pollutants. nearby water sources and in
pollutants other places.

10 Identification of water Recognise water pollutants in

Water pollutants. nearby water sources and in
pollutants other places.

11 Identification of dangers of • Identifies dangers of water

Dangers water pollution. pollution and ways of
of water preventing water pollution.
pollution • Practises measures to prevent
water pollution.
12 Purifying water using • Identifies water purification
Water chemicals, filtering, boiling. methods.
purification • Purifies water by : boiling,
methods putting in chemicals and
13 Making a water filter using Makes a water filter using
Making a locally available materials. locally available materials.
water filter
14 • Storing water for general • Identifies ways of storing
Water purposes. water for general use and for
storage • Storing water in clean drinking.
portable bottles for • Carries portable water for
drinking. drinking.

15 Revision Activity 8 Answers theory questions in
Evaluation Revision Activity 8.

16 Project • Plants trees and anti-erosive

Evaluation plants and also makes ditches.
• Stores portable water for

Cross-cutting issues
(a) Financial Education
Learners should understand that water is an important resource. Therefore
endeavour to develop a sense of conserving water as they use it. Let them use
water sparingly and reuse water when possible e.g. water is used for rinsing
clothes, to mop the floor and turn off all taps when they are not in use.
(b) Standardisation culture
Learners should always use clean water for general purposes like cleaning,
washing and bathing. Learners should also drink clean boiled or chemically
treated water. Portable water for drinking should be put in clean containers.
Learners should be able to identify polluted water and avoid using it.
(c) Inclusive Education
Identification of water sources, water pollutants and ways of controlling water
pollution involve field visits. During such visits, assist disabled to move about.
Other learners can carry them or help them move. The school can also provide
wheel chairs to aid movement if possible.
Allow learners to interact with their disabled peers normally. Always ensure
that learning activities and all class discussions make learners know that disabled
people are important members of the society.
(d) Environment and Sustainability
Guide learners to develop values such as care and concern for the environment.
This can be achieved if they are able to observe the effects of water pollution
and empathise with the situation that human beings, plants and animals are put
in because of water pollution. Let them be able to conserve and protect water
sources knowing that life can only be sustained if there is clean water.
Ensure that learners understand the impact of deforestation on the water cycle.
Let them learn to plant trees both as a way of ensuring continuity of the water
cycle as well as a way of preventing the effects of rain water.
(e) Peace and Values Education
Allow learners to share experiment materials such as pans and sources of heat
in a peaceful manner. Let them know that many conflicts arise due to inability
to share resources like water, animal pastures et.c. By learning to share, they

can avoid conflicts and live in harmony. Encourage them to hold values like
tolerance, care and concern, love and empathy as they interact with each other.
Notes to the teacher
Teach this unit with practical and field work as much as possible. Develop values of
care and concern for the soil and good agricultural practises by exposing learners
to affected areas. Discuss freely the effects of soil erosion. Give room for positive
discussions and feedback from learners.

8.1: Importance of Water

Number of periods: 2

• Pupil’s Book page 86 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Explain the importance of water.

Recognising the importance of water.

Attitudes and Values

• Interpersonal relationship. • Responsibility.
• Care for water.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Group discussion • Question and answer
• Observation • Manipulation

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts/photographs • Pictures showing uses of water
• Water, mops, pieces of cloth • Laptop, books in the library
Learning Activity
Group discussions to identify the importance of water.

Lesson preparation
Ask learners to write down three daily uses of water.

Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Ask learner to observe introductory pictures in Pupil’s Book page 85.
Let them discuss in pairs to identify the pictures as well as predict what they are
going to learn in the unit.
(ii) Display chart showing uses of water. You can also let them observe pictures in
Pupil’s Book page 86.
(iii) Ask learners to identify uses of water in their homes and at school.
(iv) Let them identify uses of water shown in Activity 8.1.
(v) Allow learners to wipe windows, desks and tables using water. Let them clean
the classroom and wash their hands after cleaning.
(vi) Explain to them uses of water highlighted in Pupil’s Book pages 86 – 89.
(vii) Let the learners copy in their notebooks Practise Activity 8.1 in the Pupil’s Book
page 86 and fill in correctly.
• Assess their knowledge of the uses of water at home and in school and their
• Allow learners to give other uses of water not mentioned in the Pupil’s Book.

8.2: Sources of Water

Number of periods: 1

• Pupil’s Book page 90 • Internet • XO laptop
• Relevant textbooks • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

List various sources of water.

Recognise sources of water.

Attitude and Values

• Cooperation. • Effective communication.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Brainstorming • Discussions
• Field visit • Observation

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Pictures
• Laptop • Library books • Water sources

Learning Activities
• Visit water sources near the school.
• Group discussions to identify sources of water in their district.

Lesson Preparation
• Ensure learners have pens and notebooks.
• Ensure all learning and teaching materials are available.
• Prior visit to identify water sources in your district.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Take learners for a field visit to observe sources of water.
(ii) Let them record their findings in their notebooks.
(iii) Ask the learners to present their findings to other members of their class.
(iv) Assign learners to discussion groups. Let them observe charts and pictures in
their books.
(v) Allow learners to discuss natural and man-made sources of water in their
(vi) Ask them to use the XO laptops or books in the library to identify natural and
man-made sources of water that are not in their district.
(vii) Assign them Activity 8.3 and 8.4 as homework.
Listen to learner discussion. Assess if they can identify water sources in the district
as well as distinguish between natural and man-made water sources.

8.3: Properties of Water

Number of periods: 1

• Pupil’s Book page 92.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

Identify properties of water.

Investigate properties of water through experimentation.

Attitudes and Values

• Working with others.
• Effective communication.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Experimentation
• Question and answer • Note taking

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Chart • Water in a container • A transparent glass
• Lids • Salt

Learning Activity
• Investigation to discover the properties of water.

Lesson Preparation
Ask learners to collect the materials needed and come with them to class.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to get into their discussion groups.
(ii) Ask them to investigate properties of water as outlined in Activity 8.5 in Pupil’s
Book page 92.
(iii) Let the learners discuss the properties they have investigated in their groups.
(iv) Write them on the board.
(v) Explain to them the properties identified and other relevant properties.
Go round checking their participation and communication skills and record them.

Notes to the teacher

• Boiling point of water varies depending on its surrounding pressure. Water has
a higher boiling point at higher atmospheric pressure and a lower boiling point
at low atmospheric pressure.
• At higher atmospheric pressure (sea level) boiling point is 100ºC. At low
atmospheric pressure (high attitude areas) boiling point is about 93ºC.

8.4: Rain Water its dangers and prevention of its dangers

Number of periods: 4

• Pupil’s Book page 93 • Internet
• XO laptop • Relevant textbooks

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
• Explain the stages of the water cycle.
• Explain the effects of rain water.
• Identify the dangers of rain water and how to prevent them.

• Creative thinking.
• Effective communication.

Attitudes and Values

• Working in groups.
• Self esteem.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Question and answer
• Discussion • Story telling

Learning/Teaching Materials
Charts, Charcoal stove/burner (source of heat), pan, water, Pictures in book, XO

Lesson preparation
• Ensure all learning and teaching materials are available.

Learning Activities
• Investigation to discover a simple water cycle.
• Outlining effects of rain water on the environment.
• Protecting the environment from rain water.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) In their learning groups let them perform the experiment in Activity 8.6 in Pupil’s
Book page 93
(ii) Let them discuss the process of condensation, evaporation and precipitation in
their investigation. They can also use their XO laptop to research.
(iii) In pairs, ask the learners to read the story about effects of rain water on the
environment in Pupil’s Book page 93.

(iv) Let them answer questions in their notebooks as class work. Go round marking
their work.
(v) Collect sweet potato vines, tree seedlings, hoes, machetes and tape measure.
(vi) In their working groups, ask them to make terraces, others to plant sweet
potato vines and others to plant tree seedlings.
(vii) Ask them to take care while using the tools as they can hurt themselves.
(viii) Ask them to clean the tools after use.
(ix) Let them take care of their plots in turns, water the trees and vines and protect
them from animals.
(x) Ask them to make short notes on ways of preventing dangers of rainwater.
Check the learners participation and record in a rag-table.

Notes to the teacher

(a) Evaporation
It happens when the sun rays heat up water bodies. Some of the water heats up to
become vapour. The vapour then rises into the atmosphere.
(b) Transpiration
It occurs when sun rays heat plant leaves. The leaves loose water in vapour form to
the environment. Transpiration occurs through the stomata of plant leaves.
(c) Condensation
Water vapour that rises into the atmosphere cools to form liquid water. The water
droplets combines with other particles into the atmosphere to form rain clouds.
(d) Precipitation
When rain clouds are very heavy with too much water, the water is let to fall on
the earth surface as precipitation. Precipitation refers to all forms of water that falls
onto the earths surface.

8.5: Water Pollutants, dangers and their prevention

Number of periods: 3

• Pupil’s Book page 98 • Internet
• XO laptop • Relevant textbooks

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to state sources of water pollution
and explain dangers of polluted water.

• Observation • Preventing water pollution
• Presentation • Effective Communication

Attitude and Values

• Self awareness. • Working with others.
• Taking care of water. • Appreciating the use of water.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Brain storming • Field visits
• Group discussion • Water source
• Observation • Note taking

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Cut-outs
• Pictures / charts • Water source
• Pictures in Pupil’s book • Pens and books

Learning Activity
Visiting various sources of water to identify water pollutants, dangers of water
pollution and ways of preventing them.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Visit a polluted water source for learners to observe and identify water pollutants
and their dangers.
(ii) Ask learners to make a report of their observations.
(iii) Allow them to make presentations in class.
(iv) Display charts and pictures showing water pollutants.
(v) Ask learners to look at the charts and pictures and then discuss them.
(vi) In group discussions, let learners make notes on what they have observed. Let
one of them present to their classmates.
1. Mark learners work to assess the effectiveness of the field visit as a learning
2. Assess their ability to articulate ideas to highlight the dangers and prevention
of water pollution.

8.6: Water Purification Methods and making a water filter
Number of periods: 2

• Pupil’s Book page 102 • Internet
• Magazines • XO laptop
• Relevant textbooks

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to identify and differentiate
between different methods of water purification.

• Creative thinking. • Effective communication.
• Observation. • Make a simple water filter.

Attitude and Values

• Develop curiosity about water purification.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Experimentation • Group discussions
• Observation • Note taking

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Source of heat
• Pan/pot with a lid • Water (from river/dam)
• Sieve/white piece of cloth • Small containers
• Materials for making water filters on Pupil’s Book page 103.

Learning Activities
• Identify the water purification methods.
• Experiment on water purification.

Lesson Preparation
Make sure all learning and teaching materials are available.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Let the learners sit in their working groups.
(ii) Let them discuss and identify different water purification methods.
(iii) Note them down and exchange with other groups.
(iv) Allow the group leader to read their points.

(v) Write their ideas on the board for everybody to read.
(vi) Guide them on how to carry out an experiment on water purification Pupil’s
Book page 102. Let them answer the questions after the experiment.
(vii) Allow them to make a water filter as outlined on page 103 as their class work.
• Mark the learners work in class to assess their mastery of the content
• Assess how they are making a water filter in class.

8.6: Water Storage

Number of periods: 1
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 104, Teacher’s Guide and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explain different water storage

• Bring portable drinking water to school.
• Apply different ways of storing water.

Attitude and Values

• Appreciate the importance of storing water.
• Care for the water.

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Pictures • Drawings in Pupil’s Book
• A chart • Real objects e.g. pots, jerry cans, tank, bottles

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion • Question and answer • Group work

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask the learners what they use at home to store water.
(ii) Write them on the board. Display the chart.
(iii) Display the real objects in their groups, let them discuss others storage
containers that are not on the board.
(iv) Let them observe pictures and drawing in Pupil’s Book page 105 and name ways
in which they can ensure they always have safe drinking water.
(v) Allow the group leader to present to the other Pupil’s.

(vi) Encourage them to boil water and carry it in small portable bottles in order for
them to always have safe drinking water.
(vii) Let them role-play the games in Activity 8.13 at their own free time. Supervise
Mark their work to assess what they have learnt.

(a) Remedial Activity

• Give learners oral questions for oral responses on importance of water.
• Give learners activities involving matching uses of water, sources of water and
ways of purifying water to their pictures.
• Present pictures to learners that enable learners to mention the various uses of
water, water pollutants and water purification methods.
• Provide gap filling questions for them to give short answers.
Example of Questions
1. Substances that cause harm to the living things in our environment are know as
2. _________ is the loss of water through the stomata in plant leaves.
(b) Consolidation Activity
• Give learners structured questions, engage them in group discussion on effects
and prevention of water pollution. Group leaders to present their findings.
• Give learners matching activities, gap filling questions as well as simple structured
• Engage learners in role play in discussing the effects to water pollution.
• Give leaners multiple choice questions e.g.
Example of Questions
Which among the following is the BEST method of purifying water?
(a) Chlorination (b) Filtering
(c) Adding salt (d) Boiling

(c) Extension Activity

• Let learners to write short essay or report on the importance of water in their
local homes, how water sources are polluted and how to prevent pollution of
• Allow learners research about other water pollutants and prevention.
• Learners to make water filters and rearrange the materials to come up with the
most suitable filters.

• Learners to participate in an activity in their local area involved in controlling
water pollution e.g. removal of solid waste along river banks.

Answers to Practise Activity 8

Practise Activity 8.1

1. (a) A
(b) In diagram A, the water is used sparingly. That is just enough water is used
to wash the utensils without wastage. In B a lot of water is going to waste
from the running tap. Not all of it is utilised in washing utensils.
2. (a), (c) and (d) – Recreation
(b) and (e) – Transportation

Practise Activity 8.2

1. It has both good and bad effects (refer to 1 above).
2. (i) • Provides water for home use.
• Provides water for plants to grow.
• Makes animal food to grow.
(ii) floods, traffic congestion, inability to do some activities.
3. Observe learners working see whether they can locate the map of Rwanda and
indicate Rwamagana, Gicumbi and Karongi on it.

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 8

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 105 – 106
1. Sanitation: refers to the cleanliness of the body and the surroundings.
2. (a) Farming (b) Sanitation
(c) Cleaning tools (d) Mixing chemicals
3. (a) crops-herbicides
(b) animals-pesticides
4. Irrigation is watering of crops.
5. • It is colorless • It has no smell
• It is tasteless • It is a good solvent
• It has a boiling point of 100 degrees
• It has a melting of 0 degrees
6. • Causes floods and landslides.
• Causes soil erosion.
• Causes water borne diseases when there is too much rain.
• Destroys the infrastructure.
• Disrupts peoples activities.
7. (a) The water is polluted by waste from factories being dumped into the
water source.
(b) By avoiding draining industrial waste and domestic sewage into water
8. • Polluted water may contain germs and parasites that affect people and
• Dissolves chemicals may poison human beings and animals.
• When polluted water is used in farming it pollutes the soil making it unfit
for farming.
• Water with excess fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides make the land dry.
• Polluted water kills soil microorganisms.
• When oil or solid waste covers the water surface it prevents sunlight
reaching water plants.
• Water animals such as fish die due lack of adequate oxygen when oil
floats on water.
9. • Practise proper hygiene.
• Avoiding bathing, watering animals and washing clothes in the water
• Practise farming methods that reduce soil erosion.
• Avoid draining of industrial waste and domestic sewage into water sources.
• Solid wastes should be disposed properly.
• Clear accidental oil spills as soon as they happen.
• Use of controlled amount of farm chemicals such as fertilisers, pesticides
and herbicides
10. (a) (i) boiling
(ii) filtration
(b) Boiling and chlorination because:
• In boiling the high temperature kills micro-organisms in the water.
• In chlorination the chemicals kill the micro-organisms in the water.
11. (a) use filtration method to remove observable waste.
(b) Make the water safe for drinking by boiling.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension

(a) Remedial Activity

1. Pollutants
2. Transpiration

(b) Consolidation Activity

(b) Boiling

Topic Area: Our Environment


Number of periods: 14
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the unit the learners should be able to prepare soil for cultivation and
use fertilisers.

Background Information
Agriculture plays a very important part in the development of our country. It is
therefore necessary to ensure that sustainable agricultural methods are employed.
Learners need to appreciate the fact that agriculture is a major source of income to
the people and the country.

Learning Objectives:
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Identify the steps of soil preparation for cultivation.
• Explain the importance of fertilisers.
• Identify rules of applying fertilisers.
• Identify types of fertilisers.
2. Skills
• Prepare soil for cultivation.
• Select fertilisers.
• Prepare organic fertilisers.
• Proper use of fertilisers.
3. Attitude and Values
• Develop positive attitude towards the use and care of fertilisers
• Respect the sequence of steps of preparation of soil for cultivation.
• Appreciate the importance of fertilisers in our environment.
• Show concern for dangers of the misuse of fertilisers and its effects on
crops production.
• It is therefore important to prepare land properly and use manure and
fertilisers to promote high yields.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Land clearing Preparing plots for cultivation
Preparation of soil for by clearing the bush.
2 • Ploughing Preparing plots for cultivation
Preparation of soil for by ploughing.
3 Primary cultivation Preparing plots for cultivation by
Preparation of soil for practising primary cultivation.
4 Secondary Preparing plots by practising
Preparation of soil for cultivation secondary cultivation.
5 Levelling Preparing plots for cultivation
Preparation of soil for by levelling soil.
6 Organic fertilisers • Categorising organic
Fertilisation of soil for fertilisers.
7 Organic fertilisers • Preparing compost manure.
Fertilisation of soil for
8 Inorganic fertilisers Identifying straight and
Fertilisation of soil for compound fertilisers.
9 Inorganic fertilisers Classifying straight and
Fertilisation of soil for compound fertilisers.
10 Rules of applying Apply fertilisers following
Importance of fertilisers fertilisers specific rules.
11 Use of organic and Investigate the effects of specific
Importance of fertilisers inorganic fertilisers. types of fertiliser on plant
12 Use of organic and Investigate the effects of specific
Importance of fertilisers inorganic fertilisers. types of fertiliser on plant

13 Revision Activity 9 Answering theory questions in
Evaluation Revision Activity 9
14 Revision Activity 9 Answering practical questions in
Evaluation Revision Activity 9

Cross-cutting Issues
(a) Environmental and Sustainability
Soil is a major component of the environment. Animals and plants depend
on soil either directly or indirectly. Land preparation methods should be
environmentally friendly. Use of organic fertilisers is encouraged as they do
not pollute the environment. Controlled use of chemical fertilisers should be
observed to protect our environment. It is important to observe rules and
regulations towards the application of chemical fertilisers.
(b) Peace and Value Education
Land is a natural resource. As the population increases, land becomes a source
of many conflicts.
Learners need to be taught the importance of sharing this national resource for
sustainable peace.
Respect for personal property should be encouraged.
(c) Gender Education
The teacher should avoid stereotypes and bias when handling this topic. Both
genders should be encouraged to participate in the activities of the lesson.
(d) Inclusive Education
Learners with special needs need to be assigned duties for inclusivity. They
should be fully incorporated in the lesson and allowed time to carry out duties.
The teacher needs to be patient with them.
Notes to the Teacher
The teacher should teach this topic as practically use of possible. Develop values
of care and concern about our environment. Discuss the fertilisers freely. Let the
learners appreciate use of fertilisers as a way of increasing food production. Give
room for positive discussion and feedback from the learners.
Fertilisers are used to enrich soil. They contain minerals. There are two main
categories of fertilisers. These are chemical fertilisers and natural fertilisers. Natural
fertilisers include farmyard manure, green manure and compost manure. Chemical
fertiliser are bought in shops. They are used during planting or for top dressing.
Chemical fertilisers are grouped majorly as compound or straight fertilisers. Straight
fertilisers contain many types of nutrients. Example include: CAN; Ca(NO3)2
NH4NO3. 10H2O and DAP; (NH4)2 HPO4.
Single fertilisers contain one major type of nutrient. Example include: SSP; Ca(H2PO4)2
and Urea; CO (NH2)2 .
9.1: Preparation of Soil for Cultivation
Number of periods: 5
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 108 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Identify steps of soil preparation for cultivation.
• Distinguish between primary cultivation and secondary cultivation.
• Explain levelling of soil.

• Prepare soil for cultivation. • Land clearing.
• Ploughing the soil. • Primary cultivation and secondary cultivation.
• Levelling the soil.

Attitudes and Values

• Respect the sequence of steps for the preparation of soil.
• Develop positive attitudes towards good land preparation methods.
• Appreciate well prepared land for cultivation.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion • Demonstration
• Practical activity • Questions and answers

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Pictures • Pupil’s books
• Seeds • Charts
• Tools such as machetes, hoes, rakes

Learning Activities
• Preparation of soil for cultivation.
• Lesson preparation.
• Gather all relevant tools and materials.
• Identify a suitable site for land preparation.
• Read the content in Pupil’s Book page 108.

Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to observe the introductory pictures, briefly describe each picture
and predict what they are going to learn in the unit.
(ii) Organise learners into groups of 5. Assign the learners plots of land.
(iii) Let learners start preparing the soil for cultivation by following the steps outlined
in Activity 9.1 on page 108.
(iv) Explain to the learners each step after they have finished carrying out.
(v) Display charts and pictures in class. Let the learners discuss the steps of land
preparation shown.
Assess the learners’ ability to:
• Identify all the activities involved in land preparation.
• Practise the land preparation activities before planting maize seed in their plots.

9.2: Fertilisation of Soil for Cultivation

Number of periods: 4
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 111 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end if this lesson, the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Identify organic and chemicals fertilisers.

• Select fertilisers
• Prepare organic fertilisers

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciate the importance of fertilisers in our environment
• Show concern in the proper use of fertilisers.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Practical activity • Group discussion
• Observation • Brainstorming

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Organic fertilisers • Chemical fertilisers
• Plot of prepared land • Charts

Learning Activity
• Identifying different types of fertilisers.
• Preparing organic manures.

Lesson Preparation
• Obtain different types of fertilisers: organic and inorganic.
• Read the content in the Pupil’s Book.
• Collect materials for preparing organic manure.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Assign learners into groups of 6 Pupil’s.
(ii) Allow learners collect various for making organic fertilisers and obtain some
inorganic fertilisers from shop as outlined in Activity 9.2 in learners book.
(iii) Allow learners to classify the materials obtained into natural and artificial
(iv) Ask learners to prepare compost manure following the steps outlined into
Activity 9.3 page 113.
(v) Display charts of the activities in the classroom and the learners discuss them.
(vi) Discuss the various types of organic manure and how to prepare them.
(vii) Guide the learners in a discussion on chemical fertilisers and their contents.
(viii) Let the learners discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using fertilisers.
(ix) Allow the learners to use the fertilisers on plots of land.
• Assess the learners’ ability to correctly make compost manure.
• Assess learners’ ability to correctly group fertilisers as organic and inorganic.
• Award marks for correct presentation and positive attempt.

9.3: Importance of Fertilisers and Rules for Applying

Number of periods: 3
Reference: Relevant agriculture books, Pupil’s Book page 115, Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

Explain importance of fertilisers and the rules for applying them.

• Proper use of fertilisers.
• Investigate the specific effects of a specific type of fertiliser.

Attitudes and Values

• Show concern for the dangers of the bad use of fertilisers and its effect on crop
production and plant health.
Learning /Teaching Methods
• Brainstorming • Group discussion
• Practical activity • Discussion
• Demonstration • Observation
• Questions and answers

Learning /Teaching Materials

• Fertilisers • Charts • Plants • Pictures

Learning Activity
• Investigating the importance of fertilisers.
Lesson Preparation
• Learner to read content in Pupil’s Book page 115.
• Obtain the different types of fertilisers.
• Research different types of fertilisers and rules of applying them.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Allow learners to choose specific types of fertiliser.
(ii) Let the learners read rules of applying fertilisers as outlined in Activity 9.4 on
Pupil’s Book page 116.
(iii) Allow them to apply these fertilisers to plots where they planted maize.
(iv) Supervise them when applying the fertilisers.
(v) Put learners in groups of 5. Ask them to group the fertilisers into organic and
chemical ones.
(vi) Ask them to discuss the difference between natural and chemical fertilisers.
Help them to understand better by participating in their discussion.
(vii) Ask learners to make a report on the proper application of fertilisers and make
their presentation in the classroom.
Assess the learners’ ability to
(i) Apply the correct amount of fertiliser using protective clothing.
(ii) Group fertilisers as natural and chemical.

(a) Remedial Activity
• Learners to list down, in order, steps of land preparation and describe their
• Learners to Practise all land preparation activities in their school farm as the
teacher observes and gives guidance.
• Oral questions to be used during the activities for oral responses.
• Give learners structured questions on fertilisers.
Example of questions
1. Fertilisers are MAINLY grouped into _______ and _______.
2. Four examples of organic fertilisers are ___, ____, ____ and ___.

(b) Consolidation Activity

• These activities should help learners recapture content on land preparation
procedures, prepare natural fertilisers and rules of applying fertilisers.
• Let learners classify a list of chemical fertilisers into straight and compound
fertilisers in a table for example:
Example of questions
1. Group fertilisers that you know as required in the table below.
Chemical fertilisers
Straight Compound
1. Urea 1. Diammunium
2. __________ phosphate
3. __________ 2. __________
4. __________ 3. __________
• Give leaners multiple choice questions that help learns remember the taught
content example.
2. Fertiliser that contain two or more major nutrients are known as ________.
(a) straight fertiliser (b) compound fertiliser
(c) manure (d) nitrogenous fertiliser

(c) Extension Activity

• Allow learners to research and write down the groups of straight fertilisers
with their examples e.g. Nitrogenous fertilisers e.g. Urea, ammonium sulphate
nitrate etc.
• Allow learners to stick labels on container and write on them important
information that should be there e.g. composition of the fertiliser, rules of

• Learners to write short essay on how to apply manure and fertiliser in the farm
and even on land preparation process.

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 9

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 118
1. (a) (c)
(b) (a)
(c) (b)
2. • Land clearing
• Ploughing/primary cultivation.
• Secondary cultivation
• Levelling
3. Secondary cultivation helps to break down huge lumps of soil into fine particles.
It helps to increase the germination rate of seeds.
4. (a) • Organic fertilisers are made from animal and plant waste or remains.
They are natural fertilisers.
• Inorganic fertilisers are made from chemicals in factories. They are
artificial fertilisers.
(b) Organic or natural fertilisers. They improve the physical properties of soils
such as drainage, capillarity and water retention. It introduces decomposers
to the soil.
5. (a) Straight
(b) Compound
6. Wood ash adds nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus into the manure.
7. Plants that are almost flowering are cut and chopped into small pieces.
These pieces are then ploughed into the soil and left to rot or decompose.
8. (a) Heap method is used when the weather is wet. It prevents dampening of the
(b) Pit method is used when the weather is dry. It prevents manure from excess
9. (a) Farmyard manure
(b) Compost manure
(c) • They take a long time to be ready for use.
• They may contain weed seeds and micro-organisms.

10. (a) (i) Rake (ii) Machete (iii) Hoe
(b) (i) (ii)
(ii) (i)
(iii) (iii)
11. Observe learners project. Following guidelines on proper plant care, award
learners marks at the end of the project.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. (a) Natural (organic) and Artificial (inorganic)
(b) Organic mulches, farmyard manure, green manure and compost manure.

(b) Consolidation Activity

Chemical fertilisers
Straight Compound
1. Urea 1. Diammunium phosphate
2. Single supper phosphate 2. Calcium ammonium nitrate
3. Sulphate of potash 3. Monoammonium phosphate
4. Ammonium sulphate nitrate. 4. NPK: Nitrogen Phosphorous potassium

Topic Area: Our Environment


Number of periods: 12
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explain and carry out effective
chicken farming.

Background Information
Poultry farming is part of modern farming. Keeping chicken is a source of income
for many farmers. Chicken farming requires a small amount of space and is easy to
manage. Farmers should be encouraged to keep chickens since there is a growing
demand for meat and eggs. Meat and eggs are sources of protein.

Learning Objectives:
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Identify the conditions of a good chicken house.
• Explain the different types of chicken breeds.
• Identify steps of chicken production.
• Explain how to feed chickens properly.
• Identify the most common diseases in chickens and say how they can be
• Explain the importance of practising chicken farming.
• Explain the poultry farming process.
2. Skills
• To prepare a small scale farming project.
• Apply techniques of poultry farming.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Show interest in poultry farming.
• Appreciate the socio-economic value of poultry farming.
• Desire to own a chicken farm as a way to increase meat and egg
production as well as solving economic problems.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Identify features of a good • Recognise features of a
Conditions of chicken house. good chicken house.
a good chicken Construct a good chicken • Field visit to observe and
house. house. identify good features of a
chicken house.
2 Types of chicken breeds: • Identify the three types of
Types of Egg laying breeds, The meat chicken breeds.
breeds type of chicken, The dual • Grouping chicken according
purpose type of chickens to their breeds.
3 Process involved in Research in books, internet
Reproduction reproduction of chicken: laying or charts on chicken
of chickens eggs and incubation. reproduction.
4 Process involved in Discussing chicken
Reproduction reproduction of chicken: reproduction.
of chickens natural brooding and artificial
5 Proper feeding of chicken: Discuss good feeding and
Feeding of commercial and local chicken hygiene practises for chicken.
chicken feeds.
6 Identify chicken diseases: Discuss diseases in chickens.
Chicken parasitic diseases, infectious Identifying chicken diseases.
diseases diseases.
7 Ways of preventing chicken Discuss ways of preventing
Prevention diseases: Cleaning the chicken diseases.
of chicken coop, disinfecting the coop,
diseases quarantine, vaccinating chicken
8 Importance of keeping chicken: Discuss economic importance
Importance of economical. of keeping chickens.
chicken farming
9 Importance of keeping chicken: • Discuss economic
Importance of agricultural, nutritional importance of keeping
chicken farming chickens.
• Discuss nutritional and
agricultural importance of
keeping chicken.

10 Start a chicken keeping project • Manage a small poultry
Chicken in school. farm at school.
11 Revision Activity 10 • Answer theory questions in
Evaluation Revision Activity 10.
12 Revision Activity 10 • Manage chickens.
Cross-cutting Issues
(i) Financial Education
• Learners should understand that Agriculture is the backbone of Rwanda’s
economy. Tell them that by learning how to keep animals like chicken and
rabbits they obtain practical knowledge in farming. When we sell chicken or
their products we can earn income. There are many farmers in Rwanda who
earn a living by keeping chickens.
• The following are general benefits of keeping chickens:
(a) Chicken are kept for meat, eggs, manure or feathers.
(b) Chicken meat is high protein.
(c) Chicken droppings are a source of manure.
(ii) Inclusive Education
Learners should appreciate their differences. They should not discriminate against
their colleagues with special needs. Involve all learners in classroom activities
regardless of their physical limitations. If some learners need assistance, e.g. by
being carried around or being led, assign special needs activities that they are able
to do in order for them to feel they are part of the class, allowing them to develop
lifelong skills.
(iii) Peace and Values Education
Allow learners to choose their pairing partners. Supervise them as they perform
various activities. Let them share learning resources on their own both outside and
inside the class. Teach them the importance of caring for animals like chickens by
themselves. They should not let them roam around. When animals are not cared for
they can destroy neighbours crops and lead to disputes.
(iv) Environment and Sustainability
Chickens play an important role in the food chain. For instance, they feed on some
crop weeds and pests. Learners should also understand that for a farmer to obtain
maximum profits and for the environmental components to balance, there is a need
to keep the right number of chickens. Many chickens that are not well cared for
destroy crops and lead to losses.
(v) Gender Education
There is a need to ensure that all learners feel that they are equal. Allow girls to
handle chickens and manage them just as boys do. Let them be involved in activities
like giving vaccines and feeding chickens. Do not assign them roles of only cleaning
the chicken coop. Ensure that you visit poultry farms where women are involved in
order for them to appreciate that animal keeping is also a woman’s activity.
Chicken are prone to diseases and parasite attacks. Therefore they need a clean

Notes for the Teacher

For effective coverage of this unit the teacher has to involve the learners in research,
field visits, observations and group discussions.
Allow learners to interact in groups as this maintains peace and co-operation.
For a field visit, you need to make the trip in advance in order to assess the relevance
of the visit to the lesson.
Prepare the learners on do’s and don’ts during the visit.
Let the learners also prepare questionnaires that they will use during the visit. For
(a) Which things do you need to consider before starting a poultry farm?
(b) What are the conditions necessary for a good chicken house?
(c) How is brooding done?
(d) How are chickens reared?
(e) What types of chicken feeds are there?
(f) What is the importance of rearing chickens?
Strive to develop the following in learners:
• Communication skills
• Data collection method
• Presentation of findings

10.1: Conditions for a Good Chicken House

Number of periods: 1

• Pupil’s Book page 121 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
Identify the conditions necessary for a good chicken house.
Make a good chicken house.
Attitudes and Values
• Working in groups • Creative thinking
• Interpersonal relationship
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Discussion
• Question and answer • Drawing • Guided discovery
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Real objects for example, a chicken house
• Pictures in books • Pictures
Learning Activities
• Group discussions aimed at discovering the features of a good chicken house.
• Field visits to different chicken farms.
• Resource person(s).

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to observe introductory pictures on page 120. Allow them to
discuss in pairs about the identity of the pictures. Let them explain briefly what
they will learn in the unit.
(ii) Ask learners to attempt questions 2 in Activity 10.1 individually in their books.
(iii) Allow learners to compare their responses in Activity 10.1 in groups of 4.
(iv) Let learners make presentations in class. Give them probing questions to
allow them discover conditions of a good chicken house. Correct them where
Assess learners’ ability to identify features of a good chicken house.

10.2: Types of Breeds

Number of periods: 1
• Pupil’s Book page 121 • Internet

• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Explain the types of chicken breeds.
• Identify the qualities of a good chick to rear.

• Identify a good breed to rear. • Manipulation.

Attitudes and Values

• Responsibility
• Curiosity know more about chicken breeds.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Questions and answer • Observation
• Group discussion • Note taking • Field visit

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Pictures • Real animals (chicken)
• Photographs • XO laptop

Learning Activity
Identifying types of chicken breeds.

Lesson Preparation
• Ensure learners have pens and notebooks.
• Ensure all learning and teaching materials are available.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Take learners to a poultry farm near the school. Allow them to observe the
chicken houses type of chicken breeds kept and how chicken are cared for.
(ii) Let learners write short notes basing on questionnaires you provided them
(iii) Display pictures and charts showing different chicken breeds.
(iv) Let learners observe the features of the chickens. Ask them to discuss briefly
about the pictures.
(v) Allow them to browse on their XO laptop to see various breeds of chicken as
(vi) Discuss with them content in Pupil’s Book page 122. Ask them to write short
notes in their notebooks.

Check learners’ confidence and communication abilities as they talk about chicken

10.3: Chicken Reproduction

Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 123 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to identify the steps of chicken

• Critical thinking
• Responding to questions.
• Apply basic techniques to chicken reproducing.

Attitudes and Values

• Show interest in reproducing chicken.
• Desire to reproduce chicken.
• Working with others.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Question and answers • Storytelling

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Pictures • XO laptops • Photographs • Charts

Learning Activities
Identify different types of chicken breeds.

Lesson Preparation
• Make sure that all teaching and learning materials are available.
• Ask learners to research in the library or using their XO internet ‘Chicken

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to read the story in Activity 10.3 Pupil’s Book page 123 in pairs.
(ii) Ask them to discuss and answer questions in the story as well.
(iii) Discuss with them how reproduction in chicken takes place as outlined in Pupil’s
Book pages 123 - 125.
(vi) Ask them to research from their XO laptops about reproduction in chicken. Let
them write short notes on the subtopic and present their findings in class.
Listen to the learners as they read the story to gauge their literacy skills.
Listen to learners presentations to find out if they understand chickens reproduction.

10.4: Proper Feeding of Chicken

Number of periods: 1
• Pupil’s Book page 125 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Explain how to feed chicken properly.
• Identify the different types of chicken feeds.
Feeding chicken

Attitudes and Values

Develop curiosity towards keeping of poultry and other domestic animals.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Discussion • Brainstorming

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real object (feeds) • Charts
• Photographs • XO laptops • Chicken

Learning Activity
Practising good feeding and hygiene for chicken.

Lesson Preparation
Make sure all teaching and learning materials are available.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Assign learners into groups, display charts and pictures and let them discuss the
practise of good feeding and hygiene in chickens.
(ii) Ask learners to research chicken feeding using XO laptop.
(iii) Take them to a nearby poultry farm. Let them observe the different breeds of
chicken and feeds given to them.
(iv) Let them feed the chicken (if possible).
(v) Let them write short notes about chicken feeding.
(vi) When learners go back to school, ask them to discuss in groups poultry feeding
and hygiene.
(vii) Let them present their findings to the rest of the class.
Assess the learners understanding of chicken feeds.

10.5: Chicken Diseases and Parasites and their Prevention

Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 127 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Identify the signs and symptoms of an unhealthy chicken.
• Identify ways of preventing chicken diseases.
• Give the importance of keeping chickens healthy.
• Vaccinating chickens. • Preventing chicken parasites.

Attitudes and Values

• Self awareness. • Show concern for chicken health.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Discussion
• Question and answers • Note taking

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real object (chicken) • Charts and pictures • XO laptops

Learning Activity
Chicken diseases and ways of preventing them.

Lesson Preparation
Ask learners to research in the library or using their XO laptops internet “Common
chicken diseases”.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Assign learners in discussion groups.
(ii) Allow learners to discuss their findings on “common chicken disease”.
(iii) Display the chart and photographs. Using relevant probing questions explain to
them common chicken diseases.
(iv) Ask them to write short notes in their notebooks.
(v) discuss as a class general measures taken to prevent diseases in the poultry
farm you had visited earlier.
(v) Allow learners to tell how they prevent chicken diseases in their homes.
Listen to learners contributions and answer to gauge if they have understood
intended content.

10.6: Importance of Chicken Farming

Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 129 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Explain the importance of practising chicken farming.
• Start and implement a small scale poultry farm.
• Keep chickens.
• Recognize the importance of keeping chickens.

Attitudes and Values

• Desire to keep chickens.
• Develop an awareness on the value of keeping chickens.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Group discussions
• Question and answers • Field visits

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real objects (chicken) • Charts
• Photographs • CDS and projectors

Learning Activity
Group discussion on the importance of chicken farming.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to revisit Activity 10.3 and read paragraph 5. Allow them to talk
about benefits of chicken in their homes.
(ii) Display various photographs or CDs or projectors or charts showing chicken
and their products.
(iii) Let learners discuss in pairs and write short notes about what they have
(iv) Ask learners to read the importance of keeping chicken they have written.
(v) Write down the importance of chicken farming on the board.
(vi) Ask them to write a brief report on the importance of chicken farming in their
district based on their visit to a poultry farm earlier on.
(vii) Mark their reports and let learners present some of the reports to the class.
Assess their ability to present ideas logically highlighting the importance of keeping

10.7: Chicken Farming Process

Number of periods: 1
• Pupil’s Book page 130 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Identify different ways of rearing chickens.

Managing a small chicken farming project.

Attitudes and Values

• Care for chicken.
• Appreciate the importance of rearing chickens.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Guided discovery • Discussion

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Pictures • Books on chicken farming

Learning Activity
Practise rearing of chickens.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Learners to identify various ways of rearing chickens in their locality.
(ii) Guide them to identify the common methods of rearing chickens. Display charts
for them to observe pictures showing methods of rearing chicken.
(iii) Let them refer to the Pupil’s book page 131 to identify various ways of rearing
chickens. Discuss the pictures and content in the Pupil’s Book.
(iv) Let them set up a project of managing a chicken farm in the school
Assess their ability to recognise various chicken rearing methods.

Class Project: Starting a small scale poultry farm

(i) Construct a poultry house using locally available materials.

(ii) Put in water containers and feeding troughs.
(iii) Provide both locally available and commercial chicken feeds.
(iv) Bring chicken into the poultry house.
(v) Ensure you clean the poultry house daily. Give the chicken clean water and
feeds to prevent chicken diseases.
(vi) Let every learner be involved by assigning them duties. This will help to promote
responsibility and peace.
(a) Remedial Activity
• Learners to visit a chicken farm in their local area and list down: types of chicken
houses, breeds of chicken and identify their products (Pupil’s can be guided using

• Give learners structured questions and gap filling questions on content learnt
e.g. (1) Chicken reared for meat production are known as b_ _ i _ _ s
• Give learners matching questions on the animal with their products, e.g.
(2) Match the given chicken breed with correct products.

Chicken Product
(a) Broiler (a) Eggs and meat
(b) Layers (b) Meat only
(c) Dual purpose (c) Eggs only
• Ask learners oral questions for oral answers on breeds of chicken their
reproduction and importance of chicken farming.

(b) Consolidation Activity

• From knowledge gathered from the farm visit, the Pupil’s to be in manageable
groups and establish a chicken in school. Let them build a good chicken house
and take care of the chicken in groups.
• Give learners structured questions an gap filling questions to be used in checking
retention of content taught.
Example of questions
1. Name the 3 main types of chicken breeds.
2. Why is it important to clean a chicken coop regularly?

(c) Extension Activity

• Learners to research and identify the specific breeds of chicken commonly
reared in the local area. They are to identify the other breeds reared in other
• Leaners to write an essay or report on the local chicken diseases and parasites
as well as preventive measures practised by the local farmers.
Example of questions
1. Identify 3 commercial feeds given to layers.
2. Describe briefly how you can keep chickens healthy?

Answers to Practise Activity 10.1

1. (a) Lack of calcium in their diet.
(b) Give them a diet consisting of good quality layer feed and crushed egg shell
or oyster shell.
2. (a) Cannibalism in chickens is whereby chicken are kept close confinement and
they peck one another.

(b) • Allow the chicken in an enclosed outside run to keep them busy and
allow them to peck greens, ground and insects.
• Provide large handful of fresh greens in their houses.

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 10

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 133.
1. Keeping of chickens for meat, eggs or both.
2. • Should have adequate lighting.
• Should be built where there is good drainage.
• The open side of the chicken house should face away from the direction of
the wind.
• Should be built where is no disturbance from people and animals.
• Should have adequate space and good ventilation.
• Should be built in a way that it will be easily cleaned.
• Should be well built to avoid the leaks.
• The lower walls should be well constructed to avoid predators.
3. (a) Egg laying/layers (b) Meat type/broilers (c) Dual purpose
4. (a) Incubation: This is when a hen sits on her egg for 21 days in order for them
to hatch
(b) Cannibalism: Is where domestic hens reared for eggs production eat all or
parts of another hen.
(c) Quarantine: This is separating a sick bird from the flock so that it does not
spread the disease.
5. • Sheds some belly feathers and becomes warmer.
• Stays in the nest longer than usual.
• Does not lay many eggs.
• Makes a croaking noise.
• May be aggressive.
6. Coccidiosis and ascarids.
7. To control the spread of infections.
8 (a) • Source of food • Source of employment • Droppings from chicken can be
used as manure in the farm • Chicken bones and egg shells make feeds for
other animals • Chicken feed on insects that destroy crops
(b) (i) Feathers
(ii) Used to fill pillows and duvets

9. • Free range system • Deep litter system
• Fold system • Battery system
10. (a) • they require less space to keep
• chickens grow quickly
• chicken feeds can be found easily
(b) • Difficulty in finding balanced chicken feeds.
• Difficulty in controlling chicken.
11. (a) Construct a chicken house for them, give them balanced feeds and water.
Vaccinate them.
(b) -Keeping them in a good chicken house.
-Chasing away predators.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. Broilers
a b
b c
c a

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. Layers
Dual purpose
2. To prevent chicken from being infected by pests and diseases.

(c) Extension Activity

1. Layers mash
Oyster shell
2. You can keep chicken healthy by feeding them properly, keeping their house
clean, disinfecting the feeding and watering equipment and adding preventive
drugs to chicken feeds or drinking water.

Topic Area: Our Environment


Number of periods:10
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explain the importance of
plants and the effects that deforestation has on the environment.

Background Information
Plants are part of our environment. They play a pivotal role in making our
environment healthy and habitable. They provide food, shade and give us oxygen.
Trees also attract rain and this ensures a constant food supply for animals.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Discuss and explain the uses of different crops.
• Name different types of crops.
• Discuss and explain the uses of trees.
• Define and discuss the causes and effects of deforestation.
• Demonstrate ways of taking care of trees.
2. Life skills
• Recognise the types of crops.
• Organise the types of crops according to their uses.
• Observe different uses of trees.
• Describe the causes and effects of deforestation.
• Analyse different ways of look after trees.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Show a desire to protect trees.
• Show concern on how to fight against causes and effects of deforestation.
• Agree to protect and care for existing trees.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Human food (food Group discussion to identify
Identification of crops). the importance of plants.
importance of plants.
2 • Animal feeding. Group discussion to identify
Identification of • Medicine plants. the importance of plants.
importance of plants.
3 • Cash crops. Group discussion to identify
Identification of • Protection of the importance of plants.
importance of plants. environment.
4 • Improves weather • Investigate importance of
Common importance of conditions. trees in the locality
trees on environment. • Control soil erosion. • Write down importance of
5 • Recycle air through Discussion on importance of
Common importance of photosynthesis. trees.
trees on environment. • Shelter for wild life
and birds.
6 Importance of Discuss importance of
Effects of afforestation on afforestation. afforestation.
the environment.
7 Causes of Discuss the causes and effects
Effects of deforestation defforestation. of deforestation.
on the environment.
8 Effects of Write a report about effects
Effects of deforestation defforestation. and causes of deforestation.
on the environment.
9 Revision Exercise 10. Answer theory questions in
Evaluation Revision Activity 10.
10 Revision Exercise 10. Writing and presenting
Evaluation reports.

Cross-cutting Issues
(a) Environment and Sustainability
• The rate at which trees are being cut down is higher than the rate they are
being replaced.

• Demand for fuel and wood products is high. It is therefore important to replace
the trees cut down. This will ensure that the environment is not destroyed.
(b) Peace and Value Education
• A forest is a resource. It plays big role in promoting harmony and peace. We
need to share this resource for sustainable peace and development.
(c) Gender Education
• It is the responsibility of all to conserve the environment. Pupil’s of both genders
should be sensitized on the importance of plants in our environment. The teacher
should promote this during teaching.
(d) Inclusive Education
• The teacher should encourage friendly relationships between learners with
special needs and normal learners.
• Pair the normal and special needs children to carry out activities together, this
will help them to feel loved and part of the class.

Notes to the Teacher

Trees help in controlling soil erosion and holding the soil particles together. Trees
act as wind breakers and therefore reduce the speed of wind. They also help in
cleaning air by absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and releasing oxygen.
Agro-forestry is a Practise where crops are grown together with trees; the trees
should not be too close to allow crop to receive enough sunlight.

11.1: Identification of Importance of Plants

Number of periods: 3
• Pupil’s Book page 135 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop • Magazines

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the leaner’s should be able to:
• Explain uses of different crops.
• Name different types of crops.

• Recognise the type of crops.
• Group the types of crops according to their uses.

Attitudes and Values

Show sustainable desire to protect and care for the plants.
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Different types of crops • Charts • Pictures • Herbal medicines

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion • Observation • Question and answer
• Brainstorming

Learning Activities
Identifying the importance of plants.

Lesson Preparation
• Read the content in Pupil’s Book page 135.
• Ask the learners to bring different types of plants.
• Obtain relevant charts and pictures before the lesson.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Let learners observe and briefly describe the introductory pictures. Let them
predict what they will learn in this unit.
(ii) Take learners to a nature walk around the school locality. Ask them to identify
cash crops that are grown.
(iii) Let them also identify food crops and medicinal plants.
(iv) When back in class, ask learners to name different types of plants they know.
(v) Write their answers on the board.
(vi) Display charts with various plant parts. Display some examples of herbal
(vii) Lead a discussion on various uses of plants.
(viii) Allow learners to write crops used as cash crop, human food, animal feed and
for medicinal purpose.
(ix) Lead the learners into a discussion on other importance of plants.
(x) Organise crops according to their uses.
Assess the ability of a learner:
• To recognise various types of crops.
• To explain uses of different types of plants.

11.2: Common Importance of Trees on Environment

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 142 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to
Knowledge and understanding
Explain the uses of trees.
• Observe different uses of trees.
• Investigate different uses of trees.
Attitudes and Values
Show a desire to protect trees.

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Pictures.
• Charts.
• Trees in the school compound.
• Products made from wood.
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Nature walk. • Discussion.
• Question and answer. • Observation.
Learning Activity
Investigating the importance of trees for the environment.

Lesson Preparation
• Read the content in Pupil’s Book page 142.
• Obtain the necessary charts and pictures.
• Identify some tress in the school compound and assess their relevance to the
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learner to answer questions (a) and (b) in Activity 11.4 on page 140.
(ii) Allow learners to discuss the importance of trees for the environment based on
their responses to question (c).
(iii) Ask them to list some different types of trees. Help them to discover how trees
are useful to the environment.
(iv) Display some objects made from trees.
(v) Let the learners discuss the type of trees found in their homes and their uses in
their groups: ornamental, fruit trees, agro-forestry, timber trees and fuel trees.
(vi) Ask them to write down the uses discussed. Mark their work.

Assess ability of learners to discuss and explain various uses of trees.

11.3: Effects of Afforestation and Deforestation on

the Environment
Number of periods: 3
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 145 and Internet and other relevant textbooks.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Define and discuss the causes and effects of deforestation
• Demonstrate ways of taking care of trees.
• Describe the causes and effects of deforestation.
• Analyse different ways of maintaining trees.
Attitudes and Values
• Show concern on how to fight against causes and effects of deforestation.
• Agree to protect and care for the existing trees.
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Photographs • XO laptop
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Group discussion • Question and answer
• Science walk • Class activity
Learning Activity
Discuss the effects of afforestation and deforestation on the environment.

Lesson Preparation
• Visit a forested area and a deforested area.
• Get some magazines, pamphlets and photographs showing deforestation and
forest conservation.
• Obtain relevant charts.
• You can invite a resource person for the lesson.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Allow learners to visit a planted forest near their school.

(ii) Ask learners to observe the soil around the forest and the animals living in the
(iii) Let the learners feel the air around the forest.
(iv) Allow learners to visit a place without trees. Ask them to compare the
environment of this place and the environment of the forest.
(v) Lead the learners to plant trees around the school.
(vi) After all these activities, ask the learners to discuss and write short notes on:
(a) Importance of afforestation.
(b) Causes of deforestation.
(c) Effects of deforestation.
(d) Prevention of deforestation.
(vii) Research and write more about effects of deforestation and ways of maintaining
• Assess learners’ ability to observe and record importance of afforestation,
causes of deforestation and effects of deforestation.
• Assess the ability of preventing deforestation by taking care of the trees they
Teacher’s Notes
Guidance on conducting a debate:
1. Ask learners to divide themselves into two equal groups.
2. Let them choose three people to head the debate: Chairperson and two
3. Let one group support the idea that “Conserving forests is better than planting
a new forest.”
4. Let the other group disagree by supporting the idea that “ Planting a new
forest is better than conserving an existing one”
5. Let them debate in turns. Ask their secretaries note down the points on either
6. Discuss the points raised on both sides in your class.
7. From the discussion, ask learners to write down short notes on why we need
to prevent deforestation.
(a) Remedial Activity
• Give matching for learners to identify importance of trees and other plants in
the environment.
• Allow learners to verbally say uses of trees and plants that they know.

• Provide gap filling questions and multiple choice questions to enable learners
identify effects of deforestation and afforestation to the environment.
Example of Questions
1. Planting trees where there were no trees is known as ________.
2. Which among the following is an effect of defforestation?
(a) Heavy rainfall (b) Dry river beds
(c) Increased reproduction in wildlife (d) fertile soil.

(b) Consolidation Activity

• Let leaners discuss and make presentation in class on importance of trees and
the environment.
• Give learners structured and open ended questions based on the content
• Allow learners to debate about importance of afforestation.
• Give learners questions involving classifying plants and outlining their importance.
• Give learners “fill in gap” questions on effects of deforestation.
Example of Questions
1. Identify any 4 uses of plants.
2. Describe briefly any 3 importance of trees on the environment.

(c) Extension Activity

• Ask learners to list down major plants grown in their district.
• Let learners classify them (cash crops and food crops, medicinal) and state their
• Ask learners to research on medicinal plants in Rwanda and cash crops grown
in Rwanda.
• Learners to write a short essay on effects of deforestation and the need to
conserve trees.
Example of Questions
1. Name any 3 plants that are fed to cows in your area?
2. Write a brief report on causes of deforestation, effects of deforestation and
ways of preventing deforestation.

Answers to Practise Activities 11

Practise Activity 11.1

Crop Product
1. (a) (b)

2. (b) (d)
3. (c) (e)
4. (d) (a)
5. (e) (c)

Practise Activity 11.2

1. Look and assess the examples of medicinal plants given by the learners and add
other information if necessary.
3. Medicinal plants What it cures
3. Garlic – Cure and prevent diabetes, asthma and common cold.
4. Sunflower – Oil used as a lubricant to treat constipation and external
wounds for healing.
5. Tumeric – Prevent cancer, prevent heart attack, relief pain, for
proper eye vision.
6. Clove oil – Cures athletes foot, ringworm, diarrhoea and relief pain.
7. Straw berry – Leaves are used to treat rashes, diarrhoea, liver diseases
and kidney stones.
8. Water lily – Dried roots and leaves are used to treat lung, intestinal
and skin diseases.

Practise Activity 11.3

1. (a) (c)
2. (b) (d)
3. (c) (a)
4. (d) (b)

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 11

Reference: Pupil’s Book page 149
1. (a) Ginger
• Neem powder
(Any other appropriate answer)
2. • Sunflower
• Groundnuts
• Coconut
3. Coffee, tea, cotton, cashew nuts (Appropriate answers depending on the district)
4. • Control soil erosion.
• Recycle air through the process of photosynthesis.

• Shelter for wildlife and birds.
(Any other appropriate answer)
5. Trees use carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis. They release oxygen
which is required by animals and human beings.
6. (a) Afforestation – This is planting trees where they did not exist.
(b) Deforestation – This is cutting down trees.
(c) Ornamental plants – trees that beautify a place.
7. (a) Planting trees together with crops.
(b) The trees should have deep roots, should allow light to the crops, should
survive regular pruning and should add nutrients to the soil.
(c) This Practise ensures production of food, animal feeds and also provide
trees for fuel, construction and other uses.
8. (a) By planting trees. Trees act as wind breaks and help to reduce the bad
effects of wind.
(b) • Increased soil erosion
• Destruction of shelter for wildlife
• Formation of deserts
9. (a) Food crops are crops/plants grown for consumption (to be eaten).
(b) Food crops grown can vary examples include:
• Maize • Rice • Beans • Cassava
• Irish Potatoes • Millet • Bananas • Sweet potatoes
10. Importance of
(a) Trees to domestic animals include:
• Shade • Sheds or shelters are made from trees
• Cleaning the air • Some are sources of food to animals
(b) Wild animals
• Source of food • Shelter • Hiding place
11. • Dig a hole to the desired depth.
• Mix manure and with soil dug up from the hole.
• Plant your tree seedling to the same depth it was in the nursery seedbed.
• Compact the soil around the seedling.
• Apply some mulch then water it.
• Put a fence around it to protect if from animals (leave the top open to let
sunlight in).

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension

(a) Remedial Activity

1. Afforestation
2. (b) Dry river beds

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. (i) Improves weather conditions of a place.
(ii) Control soil erosion.
(iii) Recycle air through photosynthesis
(iv) Shelter for wildlife and birds.
2. • Trees beautify a place.
• They can be used as firewood.
• They provide fruits.

(c) Extension Activity

• Grass • Corn (maize) plant
• (Any other relevant answer)
Causes of deforestation
• Creation of agricultural land.
• Creation of homes for settlement.
• Construction and expansion of roads, towns and cities.
• Commercial use of trees such as for making paper, making timber and making
Effects of deforestation
• Climates
• Destruction of animal habitats.
• Increased soil erosion.
• Extinction of some plants.
Preventing deforestation
• Recycling of waste paper.
• When you cut a tree replace it.
• Government to regulate harvesting of trees.
• Using existing trees properly.
(Any other relevant answer)

Topic Area: Human Body

Number of periods: 10

Key Unit Competence:

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explain different stages of
digestion and prepare a balanced diet.

Background Information
The human body is made up of many systems. A system is a group of glands and
organs that work together to perform one function. Examples of systems in our
bodies include the breathing system, the digestive system, the reproductive system.

Learning Objectives:
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Identify major parts of the digestive system and explain their functions.
• Explain the stages of digestion.
• Keep the digestive system healthy.
• Identify components and elements of a balanced diet.
• State nutritional deficiency diseases and discuss how to prevent them.
2. Skills
• Recognize parts of the digestive system and their function
• Discuss stages of digestion
• Apply knowledge to Practise of digestive system
• Prepare a balanced diet
• Recognise nutritional deficiency diseases.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Appreciate the importance of eating a balanced diet in order to keep the
digestive system healthy.
• Develop the habit of chewing food properly as a way to take care of the
digestive system.
• Develop the habit of preparing and eating a balanced diet to prevent
nutritional deficiency diseases.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 • Parts of the digestive • Draw a picture of the digestive
Parts and system: digestive glands system
function of and alimentary canal. • Label parts of the digestive
digestion • Functions of the digestive system.
2 • Ingestion • Discuss the digestion process
Stages of • Digestion • Name the stages of digestion.
3 • Absorption Explain how to facilitate own
Stages of • Egestion digestion.
4 Practises that help to • Practise proper hygiene of the
Hygiene of maintain the hygiene of the digestive system.
digestion digestive system. • Maintain the hygiene of the
digestive system.
5 Identifying components of • Collect various groups of food.
Components a balanced diet, • Identify components of a balanced
of a balanced diet.
6 Preparing a balanced diet. • Prepare a balanced diet.
Components • Eat a balanced diet.
of a balanced
7 • Kwashiorkor • Recognise nutritional deficiency
Nutritional • Marasmus diseases.
Deficiency • Goitre • Observe and identify pictures of
Diseases people suffering from nutritional
deficiency diseases.
8 • Rickets Prevent nutritional deficiency
Nutritional • Anaemia diseases.
Deficiency • Prevention of nutritional
Diseases deficiency diseases.
9 Revision Activity 12 Answer theory questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 12

10 Revision Activity 12 • Prepare a balanced diet.
Evaluation • Practise proper hygiene of the
digestive system.

Cross-cutting Issues
(i) Financial Education
Let learners understand that the food we eat is bought or grown and it is
expensive. Therefore they should not waste food. They should also practise
proper hygiene of the digestive system in order to prevent diseases and disorders
of the digestive system. It is better to eat a healthy balanced diet than to eat
unhealthy food and end up in hospital. When someone goes to the hospital he
or she will be charged money. In addition to this productive hours of working
are lost when someone becomes ill.
(ii) Inclusive Education
Learners should be made aware of the need to have a balanced diet so as to
avoid diseases such as rickets, marasmus etc. Rickets can lead to deformities
while marasmus and Kwashiorkor can cause mental retardation. Encourage
them to appreciate and assist their peers who might be physically disabled.
(iii) Peace and Values Education
Allow learners to talk about their experiences of food in groups. Let them
discuss the food diversities in Rwanda. Let them also prepare food in groups of
their own choice. As they carry out these chores let them divide the roles of
acquiring the foods and preparing the foods by themselves. All these will ensure
their peaceful coexistence,
(iv) Gender Education
Give the learner tasks of preparing food and collecting food equally to all
learners regardless of their sex. Let boys collect materials for cooking and cook
as well. Boys and girls should be assigned equal tasks.

12.1: Parts and Functions of the Digestive System

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 153, Internet, XO laptop and relevant textbooks.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

Identify major parts of the digestive system and explain their functions.

• Drawing the digestive system.
• Naming the major parts of the digestive system.

Attitudes and Values

Appreciate the need to have a digestive system.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Group activity
• Observation
• Drawing

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Chart pictures
• Drawing in Pupil’s Book
• Real objects (learners in class)
• Blackboard

Learning Activity
Identify parts of the digestive system and their functions.

Lesson Preparation
Collect required learning resources and take them to class.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to discuss in pairs the pictures in Pupil’s Book page 153.
(ii) Probe them to give correct description as well as predict what they are going
to learn in the unit.
(ii) Ask learners to sit in pairs. Let each learner ask their partner to describe the
movement of food from the mouth to the anus.
(iii) Let them touch their body to demonstrate movement of food along the digestive
(iv) Display the wall chart of the digestive system.
(v) Ask them to draw it in their notebooks and name the parts they know.
• Listen to the learners as they describe the movement of food.
• Evaluate if they know food moves from the mouth to the anus.
• Mark the digestive system they have drawn.

12.2: Stages of Digestion
Number of periods: 1
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 154, Internet, XO laptop and relevant textbooks.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

Explain the stages of digestion.

• Identifying stages of digestion.
• Observation.

Attitudes and Values

• Curiosity • Co-operation • Self-esteem

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Discussion
• Question and answer • Group work

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Real objects (Pupil’s in class)
• Picture in books • Blackboard

Learning Activity
Observing the digestive system and discussing on the digestion process

Lesson Preparation
Ensure all learning resources are available

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask the learners to look at the digestive system that they have drawn in their
(ii) Guide them on how to label the parts that they have not labelled.
(iii) Ask the learners to sit in their working groups and discuss the digestion process.
(iv) Let each one of them describe how they can help their own digestion.
(v) Summarize by explaining the digestion process.
Check learners confidence and communication abilities.

12.3: Hygiene of Digestion
Number of periods: 1
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 156-157, Internet, XO laptop and relevant textbooks.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to keep their digestive system

• Keep the digestive system healthy
• Research
• Designing posters

Attitudes and Values

• Care for the digestive system.
• Be cautious while eating different types of food.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Discussion
• Research • Question and answers

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Pictures • XO browser
• Library books • Manila paper • Pens

Learning Activity
Keep the digestive system healthy.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to collect materials needed for the lesson.
(ii) They also have to use their browser or books in the library to research ways of
keeping the digestive system healthy.
(iii) Allow the learners to discuss in their groups how to keep the digestive system
(iv) Let them write notes in their notebooks.
(v) Share with other members of the class.
(vi) Assign them groups to design posters that encourage healthy digestive system.
(vii) Let them hang the posters at the back of their class.

• Appraise those who have designed good posters.
• Award them marks.

12.4: Components of a Balanced Diet

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 159, Internet, XO laptop and relevant textbooks.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
• Identify the components and elements of a balanced diet.
• Prepare a balanced diet.
• Manipulation.
• Creative thinking.
• Recognise benefits of a balanced diet.

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciating the need to eat a balanced diet.
• Desire to eat a balanced diet.
• Co-operation.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Questions and answers • Discussion
• Observation • Manipulation

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real objects e.g. beans, maize, fruits, potatoes, water,
• Charts • Pupil’s books
• Pictures • Pens • Notebooks

Learning Activity
• Collecting various groups of food and identifying them.
• Preparing a balanced diet.

Lesson Preparation
Ask learners to collect different types of food over the weekend and bring them to

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Assign them working groups. Let them present all the foods they have collected
on the table.
(ii) Ask them to list in their notebooks the types of foods they have collected.
(iii) Tell them to draw the table on Pupil’s Book page 158 in their notebooks. Allow
them to place each food in Activity 12.5 in its correct group.
(iv) Discuss the various components of a balanced diet as outlined on pages 159 -
(v) Go round ensuring that learners have grouped various foods in their correct
groups to make a balanced diet.
(vi) Ask them to place the food that they brought to class into their correct food
(vi) Using the table they have made to guide them on how to prepare a balanced
(vii) Warn them to be careful while using fire as it can burn them.
(viii) Let them practise good food hygiene when serving and eating their food.
• Assess the learning participation and record it in the rag table by observing the
way they group the food correctly and preparing a balanced diet.
• Let them read the story in Pupil’s Book page 162 and answer questions as class

12.5: Nutrition Deficiency Diseases and their Prevention

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 163, Internet, XO laptop and relevant textbooks.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• State nutritional deficiency diseases.
• Say how to prevent nutritional deficiency diseases.
• Prevent nutritional deficiency diseases.

• Observation • Manipulation • Problem solving

Attitudes and Values

• Effective communication.

• Self awareness.
• Working with others.
• Show concern for their health.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Discussion
• Questions and answers • Note making

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Pictures
• Photographs • Drawings in Pupil’s books • XO laptop

Learning Activity
Observing and discussing about children suffering from deficiency diseases.

Learning Preparation
Ask the learners to research in the library or using their XO internet about “common
nutritional diseases”

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to sit in their working groups.
(ii) Allow learners to discuss pictures, photographs and charts displayed.
(iii) Let them make comments on general signs and symptoms of deficiency diseases
then presenting to the other members of the class.
(iv) Explain to them the various nutritional diseases ad their prevention.
(v) Allow them to write in their notebooks ways to prevent each deficiency diseases
(vi) Let them give their notes for marking.
Mark their books and award them marks.

(a) Remedial Activity

• Ask learners to draw and label parts of the digestive system.
• Learners to say aloud the parts of the digestive system pointed by the teacher
using a model/chart. Learner to briefly describe their functions.
• Learners to identify examples of types of food and the deficiency diseases
demonstrated in pictures/charts or real items.
• Use multiple choice questions and filling in gap questions to check on the
mastering of content taught.

Examples of Questions
1. The following types of food are important in preventing anaemia EXCEPT
(a) Liver (b) Milk (c) Spinach (d) Kidney.
2. Digestion starts in the _________ and ends in the anus. (stomach, mouth)
3. Fruits and vegetables are _________. (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins)

(b) Consolidation Activity

• Allow learners to discuss in groups the parts and functions of the digestive
system using a model. The group leader to present their findings.
• Give learners groups of food substances and let them classify them in groups of
proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins.
• Learners to discuss in groups on hygiene of digestion.
• Oral questions and structured questions to be used to recap the content taught.
Examples of Questions
1. Draw digestive system and name the parts.
2. Give two examples of food rich in proteins.
3. Describe briefly how you can prevent kwashiorkor.
(c) Extension Activity
• Ask learners to draw and label major parts of the digestive system.
• Allow learners to describe the digestion process briefly using short sentences.
• Give learners a list of foods for them to classify into their correct food groups.
• Ask learners to write short essays on causes of deficiency diseases and possible
ways of preventing them.
Examples of Questions
1. Describe briefly how digestion takes place in the ileum.
2. Name three types of mineral nutrients.
3. Write down three signs of a person suffering from anaemia.

Answers to Practise Activities 12.1

1. Dehydration
2. Digestion, absorption of food.
3. Constipation

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 12
Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 166
1 (a) Digestion – this is the process by which food is broken down into smaller
(b) Absorption – is the uptake of digested food into the body.
(c) Ingestion – when food enters the body through the mouth.
(d) Egestion – this is the removal of the undigested food materials from the body.
2. Draw parts of the digestive system.
(See Pupil’s Book page 153)
3. Mark learners sentences based on correct use of grammar, factual information etc. for
• The alimentary canal is a long tube.
• The gall bladder produces bile.
• Teeth chew food well.
• Food passes through the gullet.
4. • Gastric glands
• Salivary glands
5. • Eat well cooked food.
• Always eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
• Drink well boiled or treated water.
• Avoid eating of raw or uncooked food.
• Wash all foods eaten raw thoroughly with clean water.
• Limit eating fatty and sugary foods.
6. (a) Vitamins
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Proteins
7. (a) Kwashiorkor
(b) iron
8. (a) Rickets
(b) • Feed the children with food rich in vitamin D and phosphorus.
• Expose babies to morning and evening sunlight.
(c) Sea fish, crabs, taking iodized salt in food.
9. Meal Foods
Breakfast Milk Orange Arrowroots
Lunch fish Spinach Green grams
Dinner Beans Mangoes Rice

Mark any other relevant answer.
10. • She/he can prepare simple meals when left alone at home.
• He/she knows how to prepare balanced meals.
• It encourages a child to try out new foods.
(Any other relevant answer)
11. Supervise learners activities. Award marks for safe handling of fire, proper
preparation of food and observation of good hygiene Practises during serving
of food.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. Milk
2. Mouth
3. Constipation

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. Figure digestive system
2. • Fish
• Beans and any other relevant answer.
3. (i) Children should be breast fed up to 2 or 3 years.
(ii) Weaning foods should constitute a balanced diet with lots of proteins.
(iii) Children should be provided with food rick in proteins

(c) Extension Activity

1. • As food leaves the stomach, it enters the upper part of the ileum know as
the duodenum. Bile and pancreatic juices mix with food here.
• Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Pancreatic juice
is produced by the pancreas. it helps in further digestion of food.
• Digested food is absorbed in the ileum and taken to the blood stream.
2. • Calcium
• Iron
• Phosphorous and any other relevant answer.
3. • Pale skin
• Loss of appetite and general body weakness.
• Short of breath and dizziness.

Topic Area: The Human Body

Number of periods: 20
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the unit the learners should be able to keep their bodies clean and be
able to recognise the sexual characteristics of male and females. They should know
how to behave responsibly.

Background Information
Sex education is considered to be sensitive topic, the teacher needs to research
properly in order to teach this topic effectively. It is very important to understand
that some Pupil’s are in puberty, they may have many changes occurring in their
bodies. These changes can affect their behaviour. The teacher should know how to
handle them well.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Explain the functions of the human reproductive system.
• Identify the organs of the human reproductive system.
• Explain the function of human genital organs.
• Explain how to practise hygiene of the genital organs.
• Identify sexual characteristics and changes that occur at puberty
• Identify responsible sexual behaviour.
2. Skills
• Practise adequately hygiene of the external organs.
• Recognise sexual characteristics and practise the principles of responsible
3. Attitudes and Values
• Show concern to care for genital organs in order to prevent diseases.
• Appreciate the importance of talking about questions related to genital
• Be aware of his /her sexual characteristics and changes at puberty and
know how to practise responsible sexual behaviour.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 • Identify functions of • Identify parts of the human
Human reproductive human reproductive reproductive system.
system. system. • Identify the uses of reproduction.
• Male reproductive • Discuss the external parts of the
(external) organs. male reproductive organs.
2 Female reproductive Discuss the external parts of the
Human reproductive (external) organs. female reproductive organs.
3 Hygiene of the female • Describe how to clean the
Hygiene of the genital organs. reproductive organs.
female genital organs
4 Hygiene of the female • Explain the importance of
Hygiene of the genital organs. maintaining proper hygiene of
female genital organs the sexual organs.
5 Hygiene of the male • Describe how to clean the
Hygiene of the male genital organs. reproductive organs.
genital organs
6 Hygiene of the male • Explain the importance of
Hygiene of the male genital organs. maintaining proper hygiene of
genital organs the sexual organs.
7 Secondary sexual Identify physical changes that take
Sexual characteristics changes in girls. place in girls during puberty.
at puberty
8 Secondary sexual Discuss physical changes that take
Sexual characteristics changes in girls. place in girls during puberty.
at puberty
9 Secondary sexual Identify physical changes that take
Sexual characteristics changes in boys place in boys during puberty.
at puberty
10 Secondary sexual Discuss physical changes that take
Sexual characteristics changes in boys place in boys during puberty.
at puberty
11 Puberty characteristics • Discuss why it is important to
Puberty in girls. feel comfortable touching your
own genitals.

12 Puberty characteristics • Discuss puberty characteristics
Puberty in girls. in girls.
13 Puberty characteristics • Discuss why it is important to
Puberty in boys. feel comfortable touching your
own genitals.
14 Puberty characteristics • Discuss puberty characteristics
Puberty in boys. in boys.
15 Identify safe Identifying safe responsible
Safe responsible responsible behaviour. behaviour and unsafe behaviour.
16 Practising safe Discussing and practising safe
Safe responsible responsible behaviour. responsible behaviour.
17 Love and infatuation. • Discuss difference between love
Safe responsible and infatuation.
18 Love and infatuation. • Dramatisation of love and
Safe responsible infatuation game.
19 Revision Activity 13 Answers questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 13.
20 Revision Activity 13 • Practise responsible sexual
Evaluation behaviour.
• Make informed decisions.

Cross-cutting Issues
(i) Gender Education
The learners should be able to appreciate the opposite gender. Advise them
how to cope with changes that take place in their bodies. The teacher should
inculcate positive values to the learners. The learners should see these changes
(ii) Comprehensive sexuality education
HIV/AIDS is spreading fast especially among adolescents and the youth. They
should practise responsible sexual behaviour cases and teenage pregnancies are
also common.
Emphasize that abstinence is the most effective way of avoiding infections and
early pregnancies. The learners should show positive behaviour change.
(iii) Inclusive Education
People of all status, able bodied and disabled are affected by physical changes.
The disabled learners should also be made to understand that they too will
undergo similar changes. Should be engaged in positive discussions.
(iv) Peace and values education
When the learners understand that the changes in them are the same for
everyone, they will not make fun of each other. This helps to promote positive
coexistence among them. This should bring harmony and friendly relationships.
Notes to the teacher
The most common way through which HIV/AIDS is spread in through sexual
intercourse. The learners should be counselled not to indulge in sex before marriage.
HIV destroys the body’s immunity making the person weak and unproductive.
The teacher should remind learners that relationships between boys and girls can
be platonic. It should not necessarily be sexual. The teacher should also remind the
learners to appreciate and help people with HIV/AIDS to avoid stigma.

13.1: Human Reproductive System

Number of periods: 4
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 169 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to give the functions of the male
and female reproductive systems.

The learners should be able to recognise the male and female reproductive system.

Attitudes and Values

Show concern to care for the genital organs.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Questions and answers • Discussion
• Observation • Group discussion

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts, Picture in Pupil’s books, Internet, Relevant textbooks, Models

Learning Activities
Human reproductive system.

Lesson Preparation
• Read the content in the learners books and other relevant texts by the teacher
before the lesson.
• Obtain the relevant charts, models and pictures.

Teaching/Learning Steps
(i) Ask learners to observe introductory pictures in Pupil’s Book page 168. Let
them discuss in pairs and predict what is to be learnt in the unit.
(ii) Let the learners to name some parts of their bodies. Encourage them to name
reproductive parts well.
(iii) Ask learners to give the functions of some body parts.
(iv) Lead the learners in the discussion of the male and female reproductive system.
(iv) Display charts and pictures of male and female reproductive organs. Let learners
observe and identify the external parts of the reproductive systems.
Assess learners’ ability to:
• Explain the functions of the human reproductive system.
• Draw and label external parts of the male and female reproductive system.
• Explain the functions of the male and female genital organs.

13.2: Hygiene of the Female and Male Genital

Number of periods: 4
Reference: Pupil’s Book pages 170 - 171 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to explain how to maintain the
hygiene of male and female reproductive organs.

• Practise cleaning and hygiene of external organs.

Attitude and Values

• Show concern to care for the genital organs.

Attitudes and Values

The learner to develop care and appreciation of the genital organs.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Brainstorming • Questions and answers
• Discussions • Practical activity

Learning/Teaching Materials

• Charts • Picture
• Models • No computers

Learning Activity
Hygiene of the female and male reproductive organs.
Lesson Preparation
Obtain the necessary materials for this lesson before the lesson.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Group the learners according to their gender (in groups of 5).
(ii) Provide learners with sanitary pads, underwear, soap and water.
(iii) Let learners of one gender discuss how they Practise hygiene of their genital
(iv) Ask learners to practise sticking pads on the underwear.
(v) Demonstrate how underwear should be washed and stored.
(vi) Let all learners practise washing and keeping the underwear properly.
(vii) Let learners explain how the opposite gender Practises hygiene of their genitals.
(viii) Allow learners to discuss how the materials provided (sanitary pads, soap,
underwear) relate to their hygiene and that of their opposite gender.
(ix) Let them write short notes in their notebooks.
• Assess learners’ ability to clean their underwear using soap and water.
• Assess learners’ ability to explain how to Practise hygiene of genital organs.

13.3: Sexual Characteristics at Puberty

Number of periods: 3
Reference: Pupil’s Book pages 171 - 172 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to identify sexual characteristics
at puberty.

Recognize sexual characteristics at puberty as a way to Practise principles of
responsible sexual behaviour.

Attitudes and Values

• Appreciate the importance of talking about changes at puberty.
• Show concern to care for genital organs.

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Pictures
• Illustrations • Models

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Group activity • Class activity
• Discussion • Questions and answers

Learning Activity
• Sexual characteristics at puberty.
• Lesson preparation.
• Read the content in the learners book before the lesson.
• Familiarise yourself with sexual changes at puberty.

Lesson Preparation
• Read the content in Pupil’s Book page 171.
• Obtain the necessary pictures and charts for the lesson.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Let learners discuss Activity 13.3 in groups. Assess their work.
(ii) Let learners to observe pictures on secondary sexual changes in boys and girls
in the Pupil’s’ Book page 172 – 174. Ask leaners to do Activities 13.4 and 13.5
individually go round marking their responses.
(iii) Ask learners to describe the secondary sexual changes observed in boys and
girls from the pictures.
(iv) Let learners describe characteristics that are specific to boys and girls.
(v) Ask learners to read aloud the short stories in Pupil’s’ Book pages 173, 175 on
secondary changes in both boys and girls.
(vi) Put learners in groups of 5 and let them discuss and identify the sexual
characteristics taking place in boys and girls during puberty.
(vii) Provide additional information that learners have not discussed.
Find out if the Pupil’s can write down the changes that occur during puberty. Write
them in a table as shown below.
Changes in boys Changes in girls

13.5: Safe Responsible Behaviour
Number of periods: 4
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 177 and XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lessons, the learners should be able to explain responsible sexual

Practise the principles of responsible sexual behaviour.
Attitude and Values
Be aware of responsible sexual behaviour.
Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion. • Demonstration.
• Practical activity. • Role play.
Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts.
 • Pictures. • Internet. • Magazines.
Learning Activity
Responsible and safe behaviour

Lesson Preparation
• Read the content in the Pupil’s Book page 177 before the lesson.
• Guide the learners to find out some safe and responsible sexual behaviour for
the lesson.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Introduce the lessons through probing questions on acceptable behaviour in the
society and risky behaviour.
(ii) Let learners to read the story in Activity 13.7 page 177. Allow them to discuss
the story. Let them answer the questions given individually, then present their
answers in groups.
(iii) Built on the responses from the story to enlighten learners about responsible
(iv) Discuss content in pages 178 - 179 as a class. Get learners involved in the
discussions. Allow presentation of educative case studies.
(v) Ask learners to make short notes on the sub-topic. Mark learners notes.

• Observe behaviour change in daily life.
• Make class presentations on responsible behaviour.
Teachers note
Guidelines on Activity 13.8.
Before learners display their choices give them time to interact with the content.
Love Infatuation
(ii), (iii), (vi) (i), (iv), (v) and (vii)

(a) Remedial Activity

• Using charts with unlabelled pictures ask learners to identify by saying aloud
the parts of the male and female reproductive system.
• Provide pictures that are partially labelled for learners to complete.
Example of Questions
1. External parts of males: P _ n _ _
2. External parts of females: Mo_ _ P_b_ _
• Give ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ questions to help learners understand hygiene of male and
female genital organs.
• Provide pictures/pictures of male and female for learners to observe and identify
changes during puberty.
• Allow learners to read customised short stories on responsible behaviour.
• Give learners leading questions for them to answer orally e.g.
3. The urethra allows ______ and _______ to pass through it.

(b) Consolidation Activity

• Give pictures for male and female reproductive systems for learners to label the
major parts.
• Give tables to be filled in by the individual learners after discussion in groups.
Example of Questions
Hygiene of female genitals Hygiene of male genitals
1. ______________ 1. ______________
2. ______________ 2. ______________
3. ______________ 3. ______________
4. ______________ 4. ______________
5. ______________ 5. ______________
• Provide charts for learners to identify parts of the male and female anatomy
that are similar.
Female organ Male organ
Clitoris Penis
Ovary Testis
_________ _________

(c) Extension Activity

Discuss and identify other safe responsible behaviour with your parents at home and
list to them down.

Answers to Practise Activities 13.3

1. B. They are playing in the field while A are playing on the road.
2. • Premarital sex
• Fighting
• Truancy
• Tobacco smoking
(Any other relevant answer)
3. • Self discipline
• Well organised
• Responsible
• Has respect
(Any other relevant answer).

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 13

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book pages 180 - 181
1. Reproduction is the process of giving rise to young ones.
2. (a) Penis (b) Scrotum
(c) Labia majora (d) Labia minora
3. a) Females
• Bathing regularly with soap and water.
• Change into clean clothes after bathing.

• Wipe the genitals with tissue paper after urinating.
b) Males
• Bathing regularly with soap and water.
• Change into clean clothes after bathing.
• Visit the hospital in case of abnormal discharge or rashes.
• (Mark any other relevant answers).
4. • Fighting
• Stealing
• Use of drugs
• Irresponsible sexual behaviour
5. Irresponsible sexual behaviour can lead to:
• Rejection by family members
• Unwanted pregnancies
• School dropouts
• Contracting sexually transmitted diseases
6. Social and emotional changes occur at puberty. Some
• Social changes are brought about by societal structure or outlook for
example social changes, searching for identity, seeking for independence
and influence by friends.
• Are brought about by hormonal changes.
7. (a) Avoid risky behaviour.
(b) Suffer from guilt, they can be caught and be punished, embarrassment.
(c) A good friend. He gives good advice.
8. (a) Appearance of public hair, genitals develop, sometimes pimples appear.
Boys Girls
• Broadening of shoulders. • Enlargement of breasts.
• Breaking of voice. • Menstruation.
• Wet dreams. • Widening of hips.

9. (a) Puberty is a stage where a boy or a girl becomes sexually mature and is
able to reproduce.
(b) It prepares boys and girls physically and sexually for reproduction.
10. (a) Maintain proper hygiene, Wash clothes regularly, Shave/trim hair under the

(b) We can choose good friends by:
• Observing their behaviour.
• Chasing friends who promote positive values.
• Avoiding manipulative people.
• Choose supportive people.
• (any relevant answers)
11. • Politely declining the advance to avoid hurting him/her.
• Tell your classmate that it is wrong to write love letters.
• Seek guidance and counselling from trusted friend.
• Report to a responsible adult if he or she persists.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. Penis
2. Mons pubis
• Sperms and urine

(b) Consolidation Activity

Hygiene of female genitals Hygiene of male genitals
1. Bath regularly. • Bath regularly.
2. Change into clean underwear. • Wear clean underwear.
3. Wipe genitals. • Shake penis gently after
4. Do not insert objects into urinating.
vagina. • Uncircumcised boys clean the
5. Visit the doctor incase of area under foreskin.
abnormal discharge. • Seek medial attention incase
of abnormal discharge.
Female organ Male organ
Vaginal opening urethra opening

Topic Area: Energy


Number of periods: 7
Key Unit Competence
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to demonstrate the existence of
light, explore its properties and transmission according to its intensity.

Background Information
Light is a form of energy that enables us to see various objects. The main source of
light on earth is the sun. We have other sources of light e.g. fire, lamp, torch, candle.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Discuss and explain propagation of light.
• Demonstrate the transmission of light.
• Design an experiment to show reflection and refraction of light.
2. Skills
• Observe light propagation.
• Perform experiments to show transmission of light.
• Practise the properties of light using water and a plane mirror.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Pay attention to propagation of light.
• Classify materials according to light intensity.
• Visit different areas to find reflection and refraction in nature.
Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 How light moves • Investigating how light travels.
Light from one place to • Observing how light travels in a
propagation another. straight line.
2 • Transparent • Investigate how light travels in
Medium medium different media.
of light • Translucent • Demonstrate light transmission.
transmission medium • Classify materials according to how
• Opaque medium much light passes through them.

3 Reflection of light Experiment how reflection and
Laws of light refraction of light occurs
4 Refraction of light Find out application of reflection and
Laws of light refraction in real life.
5 Answer questions in Revision Activity 14.
Evaluation Revision Activity 14
6 Revision Activity 14 Investigate properties of light using
Evaluation water and plane mirrors .

Cross-cutting Issues
(i) Financial Education
Light is important in our life. Without light there is no life. We should appreciate
that God has given the sun as our main source of light. However, sun alone
cannot provide light especially at night. We need light at night. The teacher
should let learners know that we need money to install electricity. We can use,
other sources of light like lamps, torches and candles. Caution the learners to
take care and conserve light as it is expensive.
(ii) Inclusive Education
All learners despite their disabilities should be involved in various learning
activities. Learners with disabilities should be assigned those duties they can
handle in their groups.
(iii) Gender Education
Girls and boys should be distributed equally in class groups. When sharing
duties in groups, share them equally between boys and girls.
Notes to the teacher
How to deal with learners with physical disabilities
Handling Fast Learners
• Give them more work in addition to normal class tasks.
• For revision activities assign them more application questions for them to think.
Handling slow learners
• Give them work in pairs or groups where there are fast learners. Encourage
them to participate actively in those groups.
Handling mentally challenged learners
• Pupil’s with learning difficulties should be provided with real objects and pictures
made in different shapes and decorated with attractive colours.

• These materials should be pitched to their ability levels.
• Learners who cannot see can be provided with tactile materials done in Braille
and real materials.
• Create a learning atmosphere that helps and interacts with the disabled learners.

14.1: Light Propagation

Number of periods: 2

• Pupil’s Book page 183 • Internet • Relevant textbooks

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Discuss and explain propagation of light.

• Investigate how light travels.
• Manipulation.
• Creative thinking.
• Effective communication.

Attitudes and Values

• Responsibility
• Confidence
• Working in groups

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation
• Discussion
• Question and answer

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Source of light e.g. candle / torch
• Card board • Board
• Notebooks • Pens

Learning Activities
Investigating how light travels

Lesson Preparation
Assemble all the learning materials and come with them to class.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Put the learners in groups. Tell them to look at introductory pictures on Pupil’s
Book page 183. Let them describe the pictures as well as predict what they are
going to learn in this unit.
(ii) Display the materials to be used on the table.
(iii) Demonstrate to them on how to perform the experiment on how light travels.
(v) Let them write their observations and conclusion in their books.
(vi) Allow them to compare results and present their findings in class.
• Go round observing learners as they carry out the activity. Assess them to
know if they have understood the content.

14.2: Medium of Light Transmission

Number of periods: 2

• Pupil’s Book page 184 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Explain transmission of light through various media.

Demonstrate the transmission of light through different media.

Attitudes and Values

• Self awareness.
• Working with others.
• Effective communication.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Manipulation
• Question and answer • Discussion

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real objects e.g. papers (oiled and clear), torch, notebooks
• Charts
• Pictures in Pupil’s books
• Board

Learning Activity
To investigate how light travels through different type of media.
Lesson Preparation
Collect required learning resources and take them to class.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Assign them into working groups.
(ii) Display the charts and let them discuss how light travels through different
(iii) Display learning materials to be used on the table.
(iv) Allow them to carry out Activity 14.2 in Pupil’s Book pages 184.
(v) Let the group secretary record the observations made.
(vi) Let them share with the rest of the class about the findings and discussion.
(vii) Allow them to compare their observations with those written in the Pupil’s Book
page 184. Explain to them how light travels through various media.
(viii) Give them Activity 14.1 as homework.
Assess if learners can investigate and explain how light travels through different

14.3: Laws of Propagation

Number of periods: 2

• Pupil’s Book page 186 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

Explain the meaning of reflection and refraction of light.

Design experiments to show reflection and refraction of light.

Attitudes and Values

• Working with others.
• Effective communication.
• Appreciate the benefits of light.

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Mirror, source of light, wall, pencil, ruler, water in a glass
• Charts
• Pictures in Pupil’s books
• Board
• XO laptop.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Group discussions
• Brainstorming • Experimentation
• Demonstration

Learning Activities
• To demonstrate reflection of light.
• To demonstrate refraction of light.

Lesson Preparation
• Make sure all teaching and learning materials are available.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to get into their working groups.
(ii) Ask the learners to carry out the experiment on reflection of light following the
steps outlined on Pupil’s Book page 186. Let them record their observations in
their notebooks.
(iii) Tell them to do the experiment on refraction as outlined in Activity 14.4. Pupil’s
Book page 188.
(iv) Let them record their observation in their exercise notebooks.
(v) Let them search from XO laptop on how reflection and refraction of light takes
place. Allow them to discuss their findings.
(vi) Allow them to share their findings with other groups to see what they have

Assess learners presentations to find out if they have understood the concept.
(a) Remedial Activity
• Ask learners oral questions for oral answers as they carry out experiments on
• Give learners multiple choice questions to help learners recap what they have
learnt through out the topic. e.g.
Which among the following is a natural way of lighting the house?
(a) using skylights (b) Electricity
(c) Using hurricane lamps (d) Using candles
• Give learners gap filling questions on light e.g.
Light from a torch travels in ______ direction.
• Give pictures or examples of sources of light for them to identify.
Example of Questions
1. Light cannot pass through ________ objects. (transparent, opaque)
2. Light helps us to __________. (walk, see)
3. _________ is bouncing back of light rays. (refraction, reflection)

(b) Consolidation Activity

• Give learners tables and questionnaires for them to fill in as they perform
• Give learners structured questions and matching items in order for them to
understand concept on light propagation, light transmission and laws of
• Learners to discuss in groups and write down some of the importance of light
in our lives.
Example of Questions
1. Define the word propagation.
2. Light is reflected back when light falls on a __________ surface.
3. Draw the two types of rays.

(c) Extension Activity

• Ask learners to research and describe briefly the concepts of light propagation,
light transmission and laws of light.
• Ask learners to collect an assortment of various items and classify them as
transparent, translucent or opaque materials.
• Ask learners to research and write down application of refraction and reflection
of light in our daily life.

• Ask learners to briefly write down in order the steps followed in setting various
experiments on light propagation.
Example of Questions
1. List down three transparent materials.
2. name the three medium of light transmission.
3. Why do swimming pools look raised?

Answers to Practise Activity 14.1

1. • Comes in various colours and patterns.
• Enhances privacy and security.
• Prevents splintering of glass.
• Prevent damage to the skin by the sun
2. • oiled paper
• some plastics
• ice
• tissue paper

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 14

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 189 - 190
1. Beam
2. Transparent Translucent Opaque
Drinking glass Frosted glass Stone
Polythene paper Oiled window pane wood
3. (a) Reflection – is the bouncing back of light when it falls on a surface.
(b) Refraction – is the bending of the light ray when it travels from one medium
to another different medium.
4. • Regular reflection
• Irregular reflection
5. Observe the following: The learner should put the ruler in water and observe it
from above. The learner should report that the ruler appears bent.
Refraction occurs because light travels at different speeds in different media.
6. flat shiny surfaces.
7. (a) Regular reflection.
(b) (i) Incident rays (ii) Reflected rays

8. • The floor of swimming pools appearing raised.
• Formation of a rainbow.
• Riverbeds appearing shallow.
9. (a) In setup 1, James could see the candle.
In setup 2, Rose could not see the candle.
(b) Light travels in a straight line.
10. (a) Reflection
(b) For observation around corners/barriers.
11. (a) Used in making windows, drinking glasses and windscreens.
(b) Making of frosted glass of bathrooms.
(c) • Making of doors that one cannot see through.
• Making walls and roofs.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. Opaque 2. See 3. Reflection

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. To move, spread or travel
2. Smooth shiny
Incident rays
Reflected rays


(c) Extension Activity

1. Clear water, air, glass window.
2. Transparent, translucent, opaque.
3. Because of the refraction of light at the surface of water.

Topic Area: Energy


Number of periods: 9
Key Unit Competence
By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to construct, manage an electric
circuit and explain its importance.

Background Information
Electricity is a form of energy that is used in operating machines, lighting and cooking
among many other things. Electricity can be generated from wind, water, diesel
and petrol, bicycle dynamo etc. Electricity generated from water is called hydro-
electricity. It is transmitted through electric cables to the consumers.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Explain the importance of producing electricity.
• Identify sources of electricity.
• Identify components of an electric circuit.
• List common tools and materials used in electricity.
• Explain the methods of controlling dangers of electricity.
• Explain dangers of an electric circuit.
2. Skills
• Construct a simple electric circuit.
• Differentiate the components of an electric circuit.
• Manage an electric circuit.
3. Attitudes and Values
• Show concern for the production of electricity.
• Show responsibility for their own safety.
• Justify change along with technological advancement to defend the use of
standard electrical components and other electronic equipment.

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Uses of electricity in Discuss importance of electricity.
Importance of daily life.
2 Production of Explore the production of electricity
Production of electricity from from bicycle dynamo.
electricity bicycle dynamo.
3 Production of Explore the production of electricity
Production of electricity from solar from solar panel.
electricity panel.
4 • Common tools used • Identify and name common tools
Common tools in electricity. used in electricity.
and materials • Common materials • Identify and name common
used in electricity used electricity. materials used in electricity.
5 Constructing simple • Collecting materials for
Simple circuit circuit. constructing an electric circuit.
• Construct an electric circuit.
6 Controlling an Manage an electric circuit.
Simple circuit electric circuit.
7 Explain danger of Explain methods of controlling the
Dangers of electricity. dangers of electricity.
8 Revision Activity 15 Answer theory questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 15.
9 Revision Activity 15 Answer practical questions on
Evaluation Revision Activities 15.

Cross-cutting Issues
(i) Environment and Sustainability
Producing electricity using petrol or diesel generators pollutes the air. Alternative
ways such as use of solar panels, wind turbines or water turbines do not pollute
the environment these are clean sources of energy.
(ii) Standardization Culture
Electrical appliances used in our homes should be of high quality. Low or poor
quality appliances can result in fires at home or in hospitals. Good quality
appliances last a long time and are safe to use.

(iii) Gender Education
Girls and boys should be fully engaged in the practical activities of this topic.
Girls should be given equal opportunities to boys. Encourage free interaction
between boys and girls.
(iv) Inclusive Education
Work towards building self esteem in disabled children. Allocate them duties
and encourage them to do it to perfection.
Appreciate ideas, coming from disabled children.
(v) Peace and Value Education
Fair distribution of resources brings about sustainable peace. The supply of
electricity to homes should be done fairly and equitably. This helps to foster
peace and national cohesion.
Notes to the Teacher
An electric current is a flow of electronic charge through a conductor. If the conductor
is a metal wire in an electric circuit, than the electronic charge is a flow. A circuit
may include components such as a lamp (bulb), a switch and source of electricity.
When the bulb lights, the electric energy is changed to heat and light by the bulb.
The teacher should allow learners to Practise making different types of circuits.
Solar panels converts light energy from the sun to electricity.

15.1: Importance of Electricity

Number of periods: 1
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 192 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson the learners should be able to:
• Outline the importance of electricity.
• Explain the production of electricity.

Identify the importance of electricity.

Investigate importance of electricity.

Attitudes and Values

The learners should appreciate and show concern for the production of electricity.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion • Demonstration
• Practical activity • Field trip
• Question and answer

Learning/Teaching Materials
• XO laptop • Bulbs
• Radios • Torch • Charts

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to look at introductory pictures in Pupil’s Book page 191. Allow
them to discuss and predict what they are going to learn in the unit.
(ii) Ask one learner to switch on lights in class. Let other learners put dry cells in a
torch and light it. Let another learner connect an XO laptop on electricity and
switch it on.
(iii) Ask learners in class to discuss the events in (ii) above.
(iv) Display charts showing uses of electricity. Let them discuss the uses in pairs.
Allow them to make short notes.
(v) Assign the activity 15.1 as class work.
(vi) Go round checking their notes and responses to Activity 15.1.
Assign learners’ ability to identify and explain the importance of electricity in daily

15.2: Production of Electricity

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book 193, XO laptop and other relevant text books.

Learning Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Describe how electricity is produced.

Produce electricity using a bicycle dynamo and solar panel.

Attitudes and Values

Show concern to the production electricity.

Learning and Teaching Materials
• Dry cells • Battery
• Bicycle dynamo • Simple solar panels

Learning Activities
• Producing electricity from bicycle dynamo.
• Field visit to electricity producing plant.

Lesson Preparation
• Acquire the required materials such a solar panel, bulbs, dry cells, battery and
• Obtain the charts and pictures.
• Research on the internet about production of electricity.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Visit an electricity producing plant.
(ii) Allow learners to ask questions from power plant experts on how electricity is
produced. Encourage them to make sketches of the process as well.
(iii) Let learners do Activity 15.3 on page 194 and Activity 15.4 on page 196 in class.
(iv) Supervise their activities and help them where necessary.
(iv) Guide learners to produce electricity using a simple dynamo and simple solar
panel as outlined on pages 194 and 195 respectively.
(v) Allow learners to discuss various ways of producing electricity in their groups.
(vi) Ask learners to make short notes on ways of producing electricity.
Assess the learners’ ability to:
• Explain ways of producing electricity.
• Produce electricity using solar panels and simple dynamos

15.3: Common Materials and Tools Used in Electricity

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book 197 and Internet.

Learning Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to

Knowledge and understanding

List common materials and tools used in electricity.

Use common tools and materials used in electricity.

Attitudes and Values

Show concern for the materials and tools used in electricity.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion • Group activity
• Observation • Demonstration • Questions and answers

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Common materials used in electricity.
• Common tools used in electricity.
• Charts and pictures of common electricity tools and materials.

Learning Activity
To investigate how light travels through different type of media.
Lesson Preparation
• Read the content in the Pupil’s Book.
• Obtain the necessary materials and tools.
• Research from the internet the uses of these tools and materials.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to study tools in Activity 15.5 and 15.6 on page 197 – 198.
(ii) Ask them to answer questions in the activities individually in their notebooks.
(iii) Display some tools and materials that are available for learners to identify
(iv) Let them identify common tools used in electricity and their uses. Let them also
identify common materials used in electricity and their uses.
(v) Explain to them tools and materials that they do not know.
(vi) Give them exercises to identify common materials and tools used in electricity.
Assess the learners’ ability to:
• Identify common materials and tools used in electricity.
• Explain uses of some common tools and materials used in electricity.
Answers to Activity 15.6 and 15.7
Common Tools Used in Electricity
(a) Fish tape (b) Tape measure (c) Circuit tester (d) Ladder
(e) Hammer (f) Wire stripper (g) Electric drill (h) Electrician level
(i) Screw driver (j) Flash light (k) Hack saw

(l) Cutting pliers / side snipes
Common materials Used in Electricity
(a) Fuse (b) Plug (c) Cable (d) Conductor
(e) Conductor (f)
Switch (g) Dry cell (h)
(i) Bulb (j) Plug (k) Adaptor

15.4: Controlling Electric Circuit and the Dangers of

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 199 and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding

• Explain methods of controlling electric circuit.
• Explain the dangers of electric circuit.

• Construct a simple an electric circuit.
• Manage an electric circuit.

Attitudes and Values

Justify change along with technological advancement to defend use of standard
electrical components.

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Screw driver • Fuse • Tester
• Bulb • Wires • Charts
• Photographs • Switches

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Observation • Group activity
• Question and answer • Experimentation
• Demonstration

Learning Activities
Controlling electric circuit and changes of electricity.

Lesson Preparation
• Read the content in the pupil’s book.
• Visit some electrical installations and observe the warning signs on them.
• Find out the meaning of each of these warning signs.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to attempt practise Activity 15.2 in their notebooks. Mark their
(ii) Ask them to construct a simple electric circuit as shown in Activity 15.7 page
198. Ask them to record their observations.
(iii) Guide learners to manipulate the circuit they made in Activity 15.8 on page 200
by connecting and disconnecting the switch. Ask them to write their observations
as well.
(v) Ask learners to read the poem on dangers of electricity in Activity 15.9 page
200 in pairs.
(vi) Let them answer questions individually in their books.
(vii) Show learners video clips or pictures showing dangers of electricity. Allow them
to discuss.
(viii) Ask learners to make a simple electric circuit as project work.
• Assess learners’ ability to recognise and draw the warning signs and give the
meaning of each sign.
• Write down the safety precautions when using electricity.

(a) Remedial Activity

• Give learners oral questions on some of the uses of electricity.
• Give learners pictures and photographs showing uses of electricity. Ask learners
to say the correct answers.
• Give learners multiple choice questions, Yes and No question items and simple
incomplete sentences for them to fill in. These are to help them recapture the
content covered.
Examples of Questions
1. The following are importance of electricity EXCEPT.
(a) Lighting houses (b) To power electrical gadgets
(c) Communication (d) Used in gas cookers.
2. Solar panels convert _______ energy from the sun to electricity. (heat, light)
3. The path through which electricity flows is know as ________. (electric circuit,
electric current)

(b) Consolidation Activity
• Give learners pictures showing uses of electricity, sources of electricity, tools
used and materials used in electricity. Give learners pictures showing dangers of
electricity as well. Let learners fill in short descriptions concerning the pictures.
• Give learners structured questions, open ended questions and short essay
questions to test content taught.
• Give learners practise on constructing simple electric circuit and manage the
• Give learners table to fill in individually.
Examples of Questions
Material Function
1. Wire ________________
2. Bulb ________________
3. Dry cell ________________
4. Fuse ________________

(c) Extension Activity

• Let learners draw pictures showing application/uses of electricity with short
descriptions of the picture.
• Give learners short essay questions on sources and dangers of electricity.
• Ask learners to write short notes on possible uses of tools and materials used
in electricity.
• Learners to draw and label parts of a simple electric circuit.
• Let learners make simple electric circuits.
Examples of Questions
1. How does a car battery produce electricity?
2. Draw a simple circuit and label the components.
3. What is a fuse? What is its importance in an electric circuit?

Answers to Practise Activities 15

Practise Activity 15.1

1. This is electric energy derived from water falls or fast running water.
2. They are connecting and fixing electric power lines to the poles.
3. (i) Nyabarongo Hydro-Electric Power Station

(ii) Rukarara Hydro-Electric Power Station
(iii) Rusuma Hydro-Electric Power Station
(And any other relevant answer.)

Practise Activity 15.2


Dry cell

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 15

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 202
1. False
2. It will not give light. The circuit is incomplete.
3. • Dry cells
• Solar panel
• Car battery
• Diesel or petrol generator (Any other appropriate answer)
4. Solar panel produces electricity by changing light energy from the sun to
5. (Evaluate learners’ work to know if they can draw an electric circuit with two batteries
and one bulb correctly)
6. • Copper wires
• Aluminium wires
• Silver wires (Any other appropriate answer)
7. • Do not use electrical appliances with damaged parts.
• Do not operate electrical appliances with wet hands.
• Do not overload circuits. (Any other appropriate answer)
8. Dry cells, wires, bulb, bulb holder
9. Add more dry cells
10. (a) The dry cell got used up and lost chemical energy.

(b) Put a switch to the circuit and control the flow of electricity in the electric
11. (a) Radio, refrigerator, television, electric iron
(Any other appropriate answer)
(b) It can cause electric shock or fire.
(c) • Avoid using it.
• Take it for repair.

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension


(a) Remedial Activity

1. (d) Used in gas cookers
2. Light energy
3. Electric circuit

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. Conduct electric current in the circuit.
2. Converts electric current to light energy.
3. Is the source of electric power.
4. It breaks the circuit.
(c) Extension Activities
1. It has chemicals that are able to store current electricity. This electric power is
able to flow in electric circuits in form of electric currents to the electric devices.

Dry cell

3. A fuse is an electric device that breaks the circuit.

• The fuse breaks the flow of current to the electric device in order to protect
it from damage. This happens especially if there is high electric flowing in
the circuit.

Topic Area: Materials and States of Matter


Number of periods: 10
Key Unit Competence
The learner should be able to classify materials according to their properties in
metals and non-metals and calculate their density.

Background Information
Material refers to substance or a mixture of substances that constitute a thing. They
may be man-made or artificial. Examples of natural materials and metals, wood,
soil etc.

Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and Understanding
• Identify common metals.
• Classify materials according to their properties.
• Differentiate metals according to their properties.
• State the use of metals.
• Name examples of objects made from metal.
• Explain how to calculate the density and the relative density of an object.
• Differentiate density of regular objects from irregular objects.
• Justify the applications of relative density in daily life
2. Skills
• Apply knowledge to describe metals.
• Use metals safely.
• Recognize the properties of metals.
• Maintain metals safely.
• Apply knowledge to calculate the density and relative density of an
3. Attitudes and Values
• Develop positive attitude to use different metals.
• Pay attention to different metals around them.
• Show concern of mass and volume surrounding objects to use the more

Summary Table of Lessons
Lesson Content Learner’s Activities
1 Classification of Observing, identifying and grouping
Classification of materials as metals different materials according to their
materials and non-metals. properties.

2 Physical properties of Identify properties of metals.

Physical metals.
properties of
3 • Uses of metals such • Investigating uses of different
Uses of as iron, copper, metals.
common metals aluminum etc. • Naming objects made of metals.
• Identifying uses of different metals.
4 • Different ways of • Maintain metals observe how metals
Maintenance of maintaining metals. are maintained.
metals • Discover density.
• Measuring mass of different objects.
5 • Calculating density • Experiment to compare the
Density of objects from the mass with the volume of different
relationship: materials.
Density = Mass
6 • Calculating density • Calculate the ratio between the
Density of objects from the mass and volume.
relationship: • Compare different values of
Density = Mass densities.
7 Relative densities of Measure the density of different liquids
Relative density liquids. using a hydrometer.
8 Application of relative • Compare different values of
Application of density. densities of measured objects with
relative density the density of water.
• Observe and compare behaviour of
different objects in water.
9 Revision Activity 16 Answer theory questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 16.

10 Revision Activity 16 Answer practical questions in Revision
Evaluation Activity 16.

Cross-cutting Issues
(i) Financial Education
Materials are necessary and help us in many ways. The teacher educates the
learner about taking care of them. This is because they are a source of income
to many of us, struggle to acquire them.
(ii) Inclusive Education
All learners should actively participate in group activities regardless of their
(iii) Environment and Sustainability
Let learners be aware that many waste materials pollute the environment.
Therefore, materials that are worn out and those not in use should be disposed
of appropriately to avoid polluting the environment.

16.1: Classification of Materials

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 205, relevant textbooks and Internet.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Identify common metals and materials

Group materials as metals or non-metals.

Attitudes and Values

• Develop concern towards using different metals.
• Care for metals.
• Curiosity to know more about metals.

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Discussion in groups • Demonstration
• Practical activity • Question and answer

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real objects e.g bell, thread, nail, spoon, plastic pens, books, glass, sauce pan etc.

• Charts • Wooden handle or rug
• Drawing in Pupil’s books • Source of heat

Learning Activity
Group various objects according to their properties.
Lesson Preparation
Collect all the items needed for the lesson and bring them to class.
Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to look at introductory pictures in Pupil’s Book page 204. Let them
discuss the identity of each picture and predict what they are going to learn in
the unit.
(ii) Display charts and learning materials on the table.
(iii) Let each group draw the table in Activity 16.1 (Pupil’s Book page 205) in their
(iv) Guide the learners to group the materials as metals or non-metals.
(v) In their groups let them discuss reasons for grouping of materials as either
metal or non-metal.
(vi) Ask learners to name materials made of metals.
(vii) Instruct them to carry out Activity 16.2 on page 207 in groups of four. Supervise
their activities to prevent accidents.
(viii) Let them discuss the property of metals investigated and other properties as
(ix) Let one of them present their work to the rest of the class.
Mark learners work to assess their understanding of the content.

16.2: Use and maintenance of Common Metals

Number of periods: 2
• Pupil’s Book page 208 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Name examples of objects made from metals.

• Identify what metals common objects are made of.

• Identify objects made from metals.
• Maintain metals.

Attitudes and Values

• Effective communication
• Co-operation
• Responsibility.

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real objects e.g. spoons, coins, sauce pans, necklaces etc.
• Pens
• Notebooks
• Charts
• XO laptops

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Question and answers
• Observation
• Group discussion

Learning Activities
• Observe and feel materials made from metals
• Classify objects according to metals they are made of.

Lesson Preparation
• Ensure all the learning materials are available in class.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to place metallic materials on a large surface.
(ii) Allow them to touch the materials as outlined in Activity 16.3 Pupil’s Book page
(iii) Ask them to say what metal each material is made of.
(iv) Ask them to discuss ways of maintaining metals.
(iv) Explain to them uses of metals and type of metals used to make objects.
Assess learners’ ability to recognise metals that common materials are made of.

16.4: Density
Number of periods: 2

• Pupil’s Book page 210 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Explain how to calculate density.
• Differentiate density of regular objects from irregular objects.

Determine density of objects experimentally.
Calculate density.
Attitudes and Values
• Co-operation • Curiosity • Confidence

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Question and answers • Observation
• Discussion • Manipulation • Recording

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Real materials • Board • Textbooks
Learning Activities
• Experiment to discover density.
• Experiment on measuring density of different materials.

Lesson Preparation
Ensure all learning materials are available.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to sit in their working groups. Tell them to discuss and define the
term density.
(ii) Assign them 2 Practise questions on calculating density.
(iii) Distribute all materials needed for the lesson in their groups.
(iv) Let them follow the steps in pupil book page 211 – 212 to carry out the

(v) Ask them to use the values recorded to calculate density.

• Observe learners as they do experiments to know if they have understood the
• Use the information gathered to prepare remedial classes for underachieving

16.5: Relative Density

Number of periods: 2

• Pupil’s Book page 213 • Internet
• Relevant textbooks • XO laptop

Learning Objective
By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

• Explain how to calculate relative density of an object.
• Justify the applications of relative density in daily life.
• Calculating relative density

Apply relative density in life.

Attitudes and Values

• Responsibility
• Curiosity to know more about relative density.
• Co-operation
• Working in groups

Learning/Teaching Methods
• Question and answers • Observation
• Discussion • Manipulation • Recording

Learning/Teaching Materials
• Charts • Real objects
• Pictures in Pupil’s Book • Board • Pen and books

Learning Activities
Experiment on behaviour of different objects in water and relative density.

Lesson Preparation
Ensure all learning resources are available in class.

Learning/Teaching Steps
(i) Ask learners to explain what relative density is. Give them time to research
using their XO Browse Activity.
(ii) Show them pictures of a hydrometre. Explain to them that a denstometre is
used to measure density.
(iii) Distribute the materials for Activity 16.7 in their groups.
(iv) Let them follow the steps on Pupil’s Book page 215 to carry out their experiment
on floating and sinking.
(v) Allow them to discuss the behaviour of different objects in water (floating and
sinking) and relative density.
(vi) Ask them to record their findings in their notebooks.
(vii) Let them present their work for marking.
Analyse the results and tailor your teaching towards addressing strengths and
weaknesses of individual learners.

(a) Remedial Activity

• Let learners collect various materials and classify them as metal and non-
metallic materials.
• Learners to investigate and say aloud the properties of metals.
• Give simple multiple choice questions to test use and maintenance of metals.
• Give and demonstrate simple calculation on density.
Example of questions
1. Natural materials are classified into two (a) _________ (b) _________.
2. _________ is the mass of an object divided by the volume. (weight, density)
3. Objects that have a lower density than water ________ on water. (sink, float)
(b) Consolidation Activity
• Let learners carry out simple practicals and fill their findings in a table.
• Let learners sit in groups and identify the properties of metals.
• Give learners structured questions and open ended questions for learners to
answer correctly.

Example of questions
1. List down five common metals.
2. How do you calculate density?
3. What is the use of gold and silver.
(c) Extension Activity
• Learners to research and write down reasons for classifying materials into their
metallic or non-metallic.
• Learners to research and write down other properties of metals.
• Learners to make a brief summary on properties of metals and their maintenance.
• Using charts, give relatively complete calculations involving density.
Example of questions
1. Define galvanisation.
2. Describe briefly reasons for grouping materials as non-metals and metals.
3. Calculate the density of wood that has a mass of 500 kg and volume of 20m3.

Answers to Practise Activities 16.1

1. (i) In building and construction
(ii) In electronics like TV, mobiles and fridges.
(iii) In farming we require metal tools.
(iv) Making locks, lockers and cupboards.
(Any other relevant answer.)
2. Copper
3. Iron
Tin (Any other relevant answer.)

Possible Answers for Revision Activity 16

Number of periods: 2
Reference: Pupil’s Book page 216
1. Metals and Non-metals
2. • They are poor conductors of both heat and electricity.
• Most of them have a dull appearance.
• They are soft and break easily.

3. (a) Spoon Steel / Iron
(b) Rwandan 100 franc coin Copper
(c) Electric wire Copper
(d) Iron sheets Iron
(e) Diamond necklace Diamond
4. • Conductivity of heat
• Their heaviness
• Their sonorousness
• Their malleability
• Their appearance.
5. • Collect water in a measuring cylinder or marked container.
• Note the initial levels off water in the cylinder. Record it as initial volume of
• Tie a piece of thread around the ring.
• Lower the ring gently into the measuring cylinder.
• Note the final levels of water. Record it as a final volume of water.
• Find the volume of ring as follows:
Volume of metal = final volume of water – Initial volume of water
mass 1000
6. (a) density = (b) = 20 kg/m3
volume 50

7. Mass = volume × Density

= 12 × 10 = 120 g
8. 85 – 63 = 22 cm3
9. (a) It is used to measure mass of different materials.
(b) kilograms
10. (a) Objects with higher density than water sink and objects with lower density
(b) • In making ships Ship have lower density than the water.
• In building parts of aeroplanes.
• Making of swimming and diving equipment.
11. (a) Galvanising is applying a protective zinc coating to iron.
(b) • Painting the iron sheets to prevent corrosion.
• Can apply a protective zinc coating to iron sheets to protect them from

Answers to Remedial, Consolidation and Extension

(a) Remedial Activity

1. (a) Metals (b)
2. Density
3. Float

(b) Consolidation Activity

1. Iron, copper, silver, gold, tin alluminium
2. When you divide the mas of that substance by its volume
3. making jewelry

(c) Extension Activity

1. Process of applying protective zinc coating to iron.
2. They are poor conductors of heat and electricity, they are soft, break easily
and most have dull appearance.
500 kg
3. = 25 kg/m3
20 m3

1. Arthur Cheney et al Thinking Through Science: Book 1 Teacher’s Guide: John
2. Exploring Science: Longman/Pearson
3. Nyaosi et al Spotlight Uganda Science Teacher’s Guide 5: Spotlight Publishers (EA)
4. Guidance on Assessment in Primary School: Northern
Ireland Curriculum Primary, 2007
5. REB OLPC Training Guide
7. REB Curriculum Framework document: Pre-Primary to Upper Secondary, 2015


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