IAPSM's Textbook of Community Medicine: Article
IAPSM's Textbook of Community Medicine: Article
IAPSM's Textbook of Community Medicine: Article
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Beyond Hospital Boundary: A Novel Game-Changer Tool of Kayakalp for Community Participation in Sanitation, Hygiene, and Infection-control View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Vijay K. Barwal on 20 August 2019.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20193644
Book Review
A great effort by the editor-in-chief, Dr. A. M. Kadri, a A few recent updates are missing like new WHO
well-known academician and teacher as well as the childhood Pneumonia guidelines 2014, WHO Rabies
secretary general of IAPSM for more than three years, to updates 2018 and additions/changes in national
compile the work of over 200 authors who are subject immunization schedule only up to February 2017. In the
experts and teachers of Community Medicine from all chapter of “Water and Health”, topics like methods of
over India. This book exhibits expertise of the subject water purification, chlorination of water for drinking
from every nook and corner of India. It is nicely framed purpose etc., could have been elaborated a bit further for
and the font size, print, tables, diagrams are reader conceptual understanding as these are very vital
friendly and pleasing to the eyes. components of public health in context of new urbanized
and industrialized India. Similarly, “Use of information
It contains 51 chapters under five sections with gradual technology in community health care” chapter misses the
transition from Basics to Core sciences to managing elaborative mentioning of various portals of GOI based
community health in India. The first chapter itself- “Story on real time data such as new RCH portal, Health and
of the upstream” is a fantastic way to introduce the wellness, IHIP and DVDMS could have been added for
subject to the beginners. Many of us who are still in sensitization of all budding medical officers. We are sure
confusion of how to explain our specialty to a layman can the next edition will take care of these aspects.
now easily do it citing this excellent example. Basics of
epidemiology chapter has many lucid examples like Despite all these, this publication from IAPSM is an all-
calculation of various rates of epidemiological in-one book as far as UG students are concerned. For
measurements for easy comprehension. Similarly, chapter postgraduates a very comprehensive one for a quick
on research methodology is nicely written, concise in revision before the exams. It is also handy for the faculty
nature yet does not miss any details. One of the exclusive before any lecture or presentation. It has the potential to
features is, modeling of sample questionnaires, consent be the leader amongst peers and replace established
forms with examples of research questions simulating books of the subject. We believe this book will enlighten
real life examples on how to proceed methodically in the path of knowledge transformation of reader from,
pursuing scientific research. Case scenarios at the start of “knows, knows how, shows how and to does” effectively.
some chapters, are a unique concept to introduce the
objective of the subject. The notes in between the Vijay Kumar Barwal1, Gopal Ashish Sharma2*
chapters are good for reinforcing the important points.
Newer topics like “Achievements in Community Assistant Professor, Department of Community
Medicine” highlights what the specialty has done to the Medicine, Indira Gandhi Medical College, 2District
wellbeing and progress of the community and instills a Program Officer, CMO Office, Shimla,
sense of inclusiveness in the minds of any reader which is Himachal Pradesh, India
vital for sustainment of Community Medicine fraternity
in today’s competitive medical world. *Correspondence:
Dr. Gopal Ashish Sharma,
E-mail: [email protected]
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | September 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 9 Page 1