Reader Writing 5H Def.

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Reader: Writing an Essay 5H

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This period we will work on B1+ writing skills in the form of an essay. You will have to hand
in a number of writing assignments before you are allowed to participate in the final writing
exam (PTA5.3.7, 100m, TW3, Computer Test, 20%). This reader (also found online in
itslearning) explains what is expected of you, how you can meet all set requirements, how
you will be graded, and you will be able to find all preparatory writing assignments
here. Moreover, all these assignments will have to be handed in through itslearning. The
basic idea of becoming better at writing is to practise often, using some kind of input (a
video/article/discussion/etc.) and turning it into a writing product (output). 

Good luck with your preparations.


Lesson 1 - Course Goals & Basic Structure

Okay, so you need to write an essay, but what about this essay? What is an essay? What
should it look like? These are all very relevant questions. To answer them, let's start by
looking at the core-curriculum standard that relates to this course, taken from

Domein D: Schrijfvaardigheid

Subdomein D1: Taalvaardigheden (+ subdomein D2 strategische vaardigheden)

5. De kandidaat kan:

 adequaat reageren in schriftelijke contacten met doeltaalgebruikers

 informatie vragen en verstrekken
 verworven informatie adequaat presenteren met het oog op doel en publiek,
en daarbij zaken of personen beschrijven en uitdrukking geven  aan gevoelens en
standpunten verwoorden

As you know, last year you already wrote a formal letter, in which you asked for information,
reacted to an advert, and expressed your feelings on a position. In this course we will focus
on the highlighted parts, which does not necessarily make things easier; for instance, what is
'adequately'? In this case, it means you can use the genre (type of writing with its own rules
and conventions, just like novel, text-message, e-mail, etc.) called 'essay' to convey your
formal position on something.

An essay is:

o a formal piece of structured writing

o usually written to convince or inform someone
o it has a basic recipe you need to know well: introduction (1x), body (2x),
conclusion (1x)

each of these three parts has its own recipe:

 introduction: hook - background - thesis statement

 body: topic sentence, rest of the paragraph
 conclusion: paraphrased restatement of thesis statement, summary of
body, personal opinion

people usually organise their ideas before they start writing, by means of a mind map
and/or an outline

Each of the underlined aspects represent course goals and will be dealt with in the coming
lessons, so at the end you will understand them perfectly. For now, we will start with an
activity about the structure of essays.

Assignment 1:

1A - In a few minutes you will watch the video in its learning, on essay structure. Before you
start, look up the following terms at, and write down your own Dutch
definition for each of these:

 thesis statement - 
 topic sentence - 
 paraphrase - 

1B – Video in its learning or use:

While watching the video, write down the essay plan/road map that is presented by
this teacher, but do it in Dutch. Try to understand and translate all terms mentioned. If you
fail to do so, indicate precisely which terms are difficult to understand. If necessary, rewind
parts that you do not understand. When finished, discuss your findings and questions with a
peer to see if your answers are correct.

Sample Essay on Cats

The essay below demonstrates the principles of writing a basic essay. The different parts of
the essay have been labeled. The thesis statement is in bold, the topic sentences are in
italics, and each main point is underlined. When you write your own essay, of course, you
will not need to mark these parts of the essay. They are marked here just so that you can
more easily identify them.

Assignment 2

2A - Read the essay together with a peer, and discuss the terms thesis statement and topic
sentence. How do the topic sentences link to the thesis statement and vice versa? How does
the rest of a paragraph link to the topic sentence?

Cats are perfect pets

"A dog is man's best friend." That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs
are not the only animal friend whose companionship people enjoy. For many people,
a cat is their best friend. Despite what dog lovers may believe, cats make excellent
house pets as they are good companions, they are civilized members of the
household, and they are easy to care for.

First of all, people enjoy the companionship of cats. Many cats are affectionate. They
will snuggle up and ask to be petted, or scratched under the chin. Who can resist a
purring cat? If they are not feeling affectionate, cats are generally quite playful. They
love to chase balls and feathers, or just about anything dangling from a string. They
especially enjoy playing when their owners are participating in the game. Contrary to
popular opinion, cats can be trained. Using rewards and punishments, just like with a
dog, a cat can be trained to avoid unwanted behavior or perform tricks. Cats will
even fetch!

Furthermore, cats are civilized members of the household. Unlike dogs, cats do not
bark or make other loud noises. Most cats don't even meow very often. They
generally lead a quiet existence. Cats also do not often have "accidents." Mother cats
train their kittens to use the litter box, and most cats will use it without fail from that
time on. Even stray cats usually understand the concept when shown the box and will
use it regularly. Cats do have claws, and owners must make provision for this. A tall
scratching post in a favorite cat area of the house will often keep the cat content to
leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, cats can be declawed.

Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as housepets is their ease of care.
Cats do not have to be walked. They get plenty of exercise in the house as they play,
and they do their business in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick, painless
procedure. Cats also take care of their own grooming. Bathing a cat is almost never
necessary because under ordinary circumstances cats clean themselves. Cats are
more particular about personal cleanliness than people are. In addition, cats can be
left home alone for a few hours without fear. Unlike some pets, most cats will not
destroy the furnishings when left alone. They are content to go about their usual
activities until their owners return.

All in all, cats are low maintenance, civilized companions. People who have small
living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of
cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat
because they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal housepet.

You should now know something about the basic structure of essays, that they start with an
introduction ending in a thesis statement, that they have body paragraphs (2 in our case)
beginning with topic sentences, and that they end with a conclusion, starting with a
rephrased thesis statement, then a summary, and finally, your opinion or a call to action.
You also need to use a title for your essay.

Lesson 2 - Organising your Ideas - Mind Map & Outline

When writing an essay, usually, you start with a general idea of what it is going to be about:
the topic. However, what comes next? In this lesson you will learn two techniques to help
you organise your thoughts. Also, you will learn more about writing good thesis statements
and topic sentences. We will begin with a basic introduction on mind-maps in the video in its
learning or use the following link:

A mind-map is a tool that allows you to put your thoughts to paper in an organised way. The
example above shows how the main idea in the centre (your health) can be affected by the
sub-arguments (sleep, exercise, preventing stress and your diet). In an essay, your main idea
(topic) is worked into the thesis statement, and the subarguments are worked out into topic
sentences (first sentences of paragraphs). The thoughts beyond that, in the outer branches,
go into the body of your paragraphs. After having created the mind-map, the best way to
continue is to write an outline. An outline is a shortened version of your essay consisting
only of the 4 core sentences, namely:

o thesis statement
o topic sentence 1
o topic sentence 2
o clear own opinion

Only once this process is done, you start writing the actual essay. Should you skip the mind-
map and/or outlining process, it is likely that your writing will not become structured - mind
you, structured writing is much easier to understand than non-structured writing, and that is
why it is a required skill for tertiary education (HBO).

Assignment 3

3A - The next video explains how to write a thesis statement. What are the four things you
need to do to write a killer thesis statement? Write them down and put them in your file.

3B - This video explains how to write topic sentences. Take notes while watching. Write
down in Dutch what you learnt. Use:

Usually, topic sentences (ts1/2/3) and thesis statement (ThS) link to each other, or the parts
in them do. Here is an example on the topic of the death penalty in the US.

o ThS: The US death penalty should be abolished, because it does not work.
o ts1:   First of all, since the introduction of capital punishment in the US, crime rates
have increased, instead of decreased.
o ts2:   Secondly, a death sentence is too final and does not allow for any mistakes, even
though mistakes in court are regularly made.
o ts3:   Thirdly, executions are inhumane, because they are too painful.

As you can see, the topic (in italics, death penalty) can be seen in all topic sentences as well,
but is paraphrased. The main point (underlined, it does not work ) is also put in all topic
sentences, but it is changed to a sub-argument. We will only use 2 topic sentences or body

paragraphs in our essay, but this example shows that you could easily think of 3 topic
sentences, or arguments in favour of a statement.

 Assignment 4

4A - turn the mind-map given above into an outline for a four-paragraph essay on health.

4B - on a topic of your choice (non-personal domain), create a mind-map and outline for an

4C - on the topic of "writing a structured essay," create a mind-map and outline.

4D - compare your own mind-maps and outlines with a peer, and discuss the
main differences. Put the exercises (4A-D) in your file.

Next lesson, bring a laptop!

Lesson 3 - Writing Your First Essay

Assignment 5
Use the outline you made in exercise 4A, B or C and turn it into a 4-paragraph essay.

 You have 50 minutes to do so.

 Write between 220-260 words.
 Hand it in in its learning
 Next week, it will be corrected/peer-reviewed by your peers in class.

  Lesson 4 - Peer Reviewing &
Formal Language

Formal Language

This lesson you will learn something about formal language in essays, and about the
structure of sentences. You will look at a peer-written essay and check it for formal language
errors. Both are named in the grading rubric for the exam. First go to this website:
formal-and-informal-language and carefully study the differences between formal and
informal language.

Assignment 6: 
6A - team up with a peer and exchange your first essay. First check whether the structure of
the essay is in order, if not, indicate how. Be critical! 

6B - next, see if you can spot any mistakes regarding formal/informal language, and highlight
them (do not correct them (yet)). The idea is that the essay writer will correct his own
mistakes. If you have any questions, feel free to use Google, or ask your teacher. You should
be able to find at least 5 errors (recurring errors do not count as separate).

Sentence Structure and Punctuation

In the following section you will learn something about different sentence types. In the
rubric, you are graded on your use of "complex sentences". Before you watch the following
video, you need to know/understand the following terms - translations are given - study the
terms for a minute, then continue to assignment 7. 

 main clause (hoofdzin)

 sub clause / dependent clause (bijzin)
 finite verb (persoonsvorm)
 predicate (gezegde)

Assignment 7:
7A - watch the video, and while watching, write down in Dutch what the sentence types are,
with an example for each. Use:

To make it easier, compound sentences are always joined by these words: "and, but, or, nor,
neither, as well as". In other words, if you want to write more complex sentences (to get
more points), you can combine simple sentences, but you have to do so without the words
"and, but, nor, or, neither, as well as".  You also get a comma! Here is an example.

 sentence 1: I love you.

 sentence 2: You are beautiful.
 sentence 1 & 2 combined to make complex: I love you, because you are beautiful.
 sentence 1 & 2 combined to make compound: I love you, and you are beautiful.

A few concrete rules (to study for the exam):

1. When you combine two simple sentences (containing a subject and a finite verb),
use a comma and a conjunction
2. Do not combine more than two simple sentences - this will make the structure of
the sentence more difficult to control - the more clauses, the more difficult it will be
to write a grammatically correct sentence. Instead, end the sentence after two

Assignment 8:

8A - Look at your peer's essay again, and count how many complex sentences (s)he has
written per paragraph. The basic rule is that you only get 1 simple sentence per paragraph.
Indicate these, if they are present.

8B - Now exchange the essays, and start correcting the errors/tips you have been provided
with. Add the corrected version of your essay to your file.

Lesson 5: Extra assignment: practise writing

Oefenessay 5H Title: ______________________

_________________________________It should be forbidden for people to eat meat.

Firstly, eating meat should no longer be permitted for the sake of the animals. ______

Secondly, people should no longer be allowed to eat meat as they can easily survive
without it. _______________________________________________________________

Finally, the meat production should stop entirely, since it is very environmentally unfriendly.

To conclude, people should stop eating meat altogether, because ________________

Hokje 1: Bedenk een goede anekdote of goede achtergrondinformatie. Zorg ervoor dat
de Thesis Statement een logisch vervolg hierop is! Let op: geen mening of
argumenten in de inleiding!

Hokje 2: Argument 1. Werk deze uit d.m.v. uitleg en/of voorbeelden.

Hokje 3: Argument 2.

Hokje 4 Argument 3.

Hokje 5: Conclusie. Deze begint met de Thesis statement (rephrase) en wordt

aangevuld met de drie argumenten. Probeer deze zo kort mogelijk te
formuleren en net anders geformuleerd t.o.v. alinea’s 2, 3 en 4. Na deze
beknopte samenvatting sluit je af met een pakkende slotzin waarin je mening
duidelijk wordt: I think/I believe/in my opinion!

Titel: Deze bedenk je pas wanneer je hele essay af is. Je titel mag geen hele
zin of de TS zijn! Let op hoofdletters in je titel bij betekenisvolle woorden.

Let op:

 Zoals je ziet komt de TS terug in de eerste zin van elke body paragraph en de
conclusie, maar is deze steeds anders verwoord. Dit moet je ook doen in de toets!

 Maak gebruik van voegwoorden (Also, furthermore, however, nevertheless, yet,
moreover, for example/instance, despite, etc.) Gebruik nooit de woorden ‘and’, ‘so’
en ‘but’ aan het begin van een zin! Deze woorden kunnen alleen in het midden van
een zin staan!
 Gebruik geen contractions (samentrekkingen) zoals ‘don’t, shouldn’t, I’m, can’t’,
maar schrijf alle woorden uit, dus ‘do not, should not, I am, cannot.’
 Maak gebruik van je woordenboek! Niet alleen om woorden te vertalen, maar ook
om voorbeeldzinnen te vinden. Hieruit leer je namelijk hoe dit woord grammaticaal
gebruikt moet worden. Voorbeeld: je zoekt op ‘feliciteren’ in je woordenboek Ne-En.
Hierin staat niet alleen de vertaling ‘congratulate’, maar ook de grammaticale regel
dat je het voorzetsel ‘on’ moet gebruiken, en niet ‘with’: She congratulated him on
his new job.
 Gebruik ca. 55 - 65 woorden per alinea!

Lesson 6 - Responding to an Essay with an Essay

Today you will write a joint-essay, responding to an essay you read.


Assignment 9:
9A - Read the sample essay below. It is about the beneficial use of phones in school. You are
going to write an essay about phones and their negative aspects in school. While reading,
take notes on ideas you might have, and put them in a mind-map.

9B - Next, turn the mind-map into an outline together with your peer. You only need two
topic sentences.

9C - Now divide the work. One of you will write the introduction and first body paragraph,
while the other will write the second body paragraph and the conclusion. The length is
between 220 and 260 words. Finish the essay this lesson and hand in your file.

Sample Essay 2

Who does not have a cell phone these days? The amazing thing about cell phones is that
they are no longer just used for calling or texting. They have become an indispensable multi-
tool wonder. Today’s cell phone is cutting-edge technology at your fingertips. With this in
mind, should students be permitted to use cell phones in school? They should not just be
permitted to use them, students should be required to use cell phones . Cell phones don’t
just allow students to stay connected with family and friends, they are also an excellent
learning resource, and they encourage the responsible use of technology.

To begin with, cell phones make it possible for students to stay in touch with family and
friends. A student can call home and ask a family member to bring them a forgotten
assignment or lunch money or to come pick them up if they are sick. What is more, cell
phones allow parents to keep track of their children’s whereabouts before, during, and after
school. Of course, there is always the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent
because of a dangerous situation. Thus, having a cell phone is like having a guardian angel.

Students can also connect with friends, but not just because it is a fun thing to do; my
teacher asks us to text or email our friends when they are absent to let them know what is
going on in class and to inform them of any homework. When used responsibly, a cell phone
can be an excellent communication tool.

Furthermore, cell phones – especially smart phones - are a fabulous learning resource.
Students can use tools such as the calculator, the map finder, and the calendar. I have used
my cell phone in Math and Geography and to keep track of my homework. My science
teacher lets us use our smart phones to do research when we are doing group work or
working on a project. For example, when we were studying ecology we did research on local
jobs having to do with protecting the environment. Besides, there are lots of great learning
websites – including essay-writing websites – we can use to supplement the learning in class.
Cell phones are a quick and easy way to incorporate technology in the classroom.

Finally, cell phones encourage the responsible use of technology. Students can learn when
and how to use their cell phones to enhance their learning. They will become more
independent in their work and more motivated to learn.  Students like being allowed to
make choices, and they understand consequences. If a student is texting when he/she
should be paying attention to the teacher, the teacher should take the cell phone
temporarily away. No problem. Before a test, all cell phones should be placed on the
teacher’s desk. Again, no problem. By allowing the use of cell phones, students will feel like
they are being treated like responsible young adults, and they will appreciate that. If
teachers are patient, understanding, and consistent, students will surely become responsible
users of technology.

In conclusion, people who oppose the use of cell phones in school do it because of the
disruptions and distractions cell phones can cause. However, we must accept that we live in
a world of technology and that cell phones are an important and very useful part of that
world. We miss out if we fail to take advantage of the educational power of the cell phone.
All in all, cell phones improve communication, provide learning resources, and encourage
appropriate use of technology. Teachers and administrators must find ways to incorporate
this excellent multi-tool in our schools. As you have learned from this essay, it is really not
that difficult. Let us make the most of the day and age we are living in!


Optional Extra Practice Assignment 10: Homework Assignment

Use the assignment below to write a 4-paragraph essay. Length 220-260 words. Upload it in
its learning. People participating will provide peer feedback.

Lesson 7 - Vocabulary & Linking Words

This lesson you will learn about a handy vocabulary strategy and about the role of linking
words. These will be graded during the final exam, so you will have to anticipate on how to
deal with them.

In the rubric, there is a special column for vocabulary. The target language box states the
Laat gevarieerde/uitgebreide woordenschat zien. Woorden worden in de juiste context
gebruikt. Af en toe gebruik van niet-alledaagse woorden (moeilijke woorden)

You might think that a good strategy is to consult the dictionary (which you can use during
the test) many times. However, as we know from experience, students have difficulties using
new vocabulary in the right context. Simply said, if you have never read the word before, do
not use it, because it is likely that you will use it incorrectly. A question you might ask
yourself, then, is when to use the dictionary then. The answer: only to look up the spelling of
words, or related words (you need a noun and you know the verb "acknowledge," so you
find "acknowledgement. In any case, over-use of the dictionary is what often leads to low
scores in this area. If you want to learn more about vocabulary use, watch the video and take notes (optional).

 Linking Words

These have a very special place in the exam curriculum. By now, you should be very familiar
with the list of exam idiom. We expect you to use a number of linking words in each
paragraph. A safe number is to have at least two. One to start the paragraph (first of all,
secondly, thirdly), and one about halfway in the paragraph (e.g. conversely, additionally,
etc.). Take a look at this instruction video to get some more ideas:

Assignment 11:
11 - Look at some of your previous essays, and count how many transitional devices you
have used. Correct any errors (especially with regard to "and", "but", "so" at the start of a
sentence). Upload the corrected versions to your file.

Assignment 12:
Execute the following essay assignment and upload it here. Length: 220-260 words. Bring a
printed version to class for peer-feedback.


Optional - Lesson 8 - More Essays

In this lesson you will write another essay. Try to use some of the words in this box.

Assignment 13:
Use at least 7 of the words in the coloured box above this assignment while executing the essay
assignment below. Start with a mind-map and an outline. Hand in the final version in its
learning. Bring a printed copy to class for peer-reviewing purposes.

Assignment 14:
Peer-review one of your neighbour's essays, using the rubric. If you have any questions, try to
ask them in class. Add the peer-reviewed essays to your file, including the filled-out rubric.


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