HCPCS 2022

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()aapc HCPCS Level II Expert Service/Supply Codes for Caregivers & Suppliers 2022 This page intentionally left blank Introduction This Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Level Il code book goes beyond the basics fo help you to code accurately and efficiently in addition to including a eustomized Alphabetic Index an Tabular List fr services, supplies, durable ‘medical equipment, and drugs which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) developed, we include the folowing features: Features We've crafted a select set of bonus features based on requests f/0m coders in the eld as well as the recommendations of our core group of veteran coding educators. Features that youl benefit from page after page include: HCPCS Level Il Coding Procedures guide from CMS to help you to better understand HCPCS Level Il codes ‘Comprehensive is of newievisedideleted codes for 2022 CPT® crosswalk codes for select HCPCS Level II G codes: Deleted codes crosswalk for 2022 £0 stick-on tabs to mark specific sections of the book ‘Symbols showing which codes have restrictons based on age or sex ofthe patient + Medicare coverage and reimbursement alerts [APC status inaicators and ASC payment indicators + HCPCS Level! modifiers with lay descriptions and coding tips Updated and enhanced illustrations of body systems at the front ofthe book so you don't have to search the code book for ‘hese large color images of body systems + Highlighted coding instructional and informational notes help you recognize important code usage guidance for specific sections + Intuitive color-coded symbols and alerts identity new and revised codes and critical coding and reimbursement issues quickly + Symbols in Index showing each new code + Auser-tiendly page design, including dictionary-style headers, color bleed tabs, and legend keys ‘Adgitionally, our dedicated team drew on their years of experience using cade books to develop this Book's user friendly symbols, highlighting, colar coding, and tab, all designed 1 help you find the information you seed quickly, Let Us Know What You Think (Our goal for this code book is to Suppor those involved in the business side of healthcare, helping them to do their jobs and do them well, We'd appreciate your feedback, including your suggestions for what youll need in @ HCPCS Level ll resource, so we ‘can be sure our code books serve your needs, CPT is areytered ademark ofthe Aeron Medal Aesceton A ight reseed 3 Symbols and Conventions Citations to AHA’s Coding Clinic® for HCPCS Level Il 7 AHA's Coding Cliic®, a quarterly newsletter, Is the official Publication for coding guidelines and advice as designated by the four Cooperating Parties (American Hospital Association, ‘American Health Information Management Association, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and National Center for Health Statistics) and the Editorial Advisory Board, We've marked codes with related Coding Clinic articles with a Citation that includes the year and quarter ofthe issue. Symbols and Conventions Used in the Code Book Includ 2022 HCPCS Level Code Updates . New code A Revised Code "2022 New Index Entries Symbols and Alerts Related to Medicare or Cartier Coverage and Reimbursement When relevant, youl see the folowing symbols and alerts to the left of a code or beside or under the Cade descriptor: Cartier judgment ‘Special coverage instructions apply Not payable by Medicare Non-covered by Medicare Non-covered by Medicare statute ‘A2-23= ASC Payment Indicator A-Y= APC Status Incicator ASC= ASC Approved Procedure Service not separately priced by Part 8 Other cartier priced Reasonable charge Price established using national RVUS Price subject to national imitation ammount Price established by carriers Statute references BETOS code and descriptor References to Pub 100 (nan-dental codes) — Alert appears Under the code descriptor. Modifier Alerts Showing Applicable Modifiers for a HCPCS Level Il Code DME Modifier - Alert appears under the cade descriptor Symbols for Age and Sex Codes When relevant, youl see the following symbols to the right of a code descriptor. We based symbol use on Medicare's Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) % Female code symbol Male code symbol @ Age Symbols and Alerts Related to Services, Supplies, or Equipment When relevant, you'l see the folowing symbols to the right of cade descriptors: [ia Paid under the DME fee schedule A —_Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) code [MIPS data inthis code book i from the latest update from (CMS at the time this Book went to print. Refer to the CMS website for the latest updates on MIPS reporting Instructions for Using This Code Book Understand Code Structure to Choose the Most Specific Code HCPCS Level Il codes are made up of five alphanumeric character, stating with a letter that represents a category of similar codes, followed by four numbers. ‘The Tabular List arranges codes in alphanumeric order, stating with codes beginning withthe letter A. Code descriptors identify a category of ike items or services ‘and typically do not identity specific products or branditrade Code Services, Supplies, Equipment, and Drugs With Confidence Following This Approach > The first step in choosing the proper HCPCS Level I! code is reading the medical documentation to identily the service, supply, equipment, or drug thatthe provider documents and confirms, + Be sure to check online or hard copy references, such as medical dictionaries and anatomy resources, to look up unfamiliar terms, > Next, decide which main term you wil search in the Index based on the patients specific case. You can look under the name ofthe service (magnetic resonance ‘angiography, EMG), supply (dialysis drain bag, file), equipment (bathtub, cane), drug (hydrocortisone, ipratropium bromie), the body site involved (hip, knee), or the type of service (laboratory tests, oncology), > Once you find the term in the index, note the recommended code. Start with the main term and review any available subterms, Cross-reference all ‘codes listed, whether itis one code, a series of codes. separated by commas, or a code range separated by a hyphen. Pay attention to the Index “see” convention that directs you to look elsewhere in the Index to find the code or the “see also" convention that directs you to look in an additonal piace to find the code, Tum to that code in the Tabular List, and read the full code descriptor for correct code assignment Before making your final code decision, review the surrounding codes to be sure there isn'ta more ‘appropriate code availabe. Pay attention fo the “see” ‘convention inthe Tabular List that directs you to look. elsewhere to find the code or the “see also" convention that directs you to look in an adsitional place to find the. code. > Finally, take a moment to confirm that your code choice ‘complies with the philosophy of ethical coding. Never ‘report a HCPCS Level Il code simply because it wl ‘support reimbursement from a payer. Report only those ‘codes the documentation supports, > When searching the Table of Drugs and Biologicals, search for the name ofthe drug, then the unit and route to find the drug code to cross-reference tothe “Tabular List Noto: When searching the Table of Drugs and Biologicals, search forthe name ofthe drug, then the Unit and route to find the drug code to cross-reference: to the Tabular List HCPCS Level II Coding Procedures HEALTHCARE COMMON PROCEDURE CODING SYSTEM (HCPCS) LEVEL Il CODING PROCEDURES ‘This information provides a description of the procedures the CConters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) follows in processing HCPCS code applications and making coding decisions, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Pease submit an inquiry to the HCPCS maibox at [email protected]. ‘A, HCPCS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Each year inthe United States (U.S.), health care insurers process over five bilion claims for payment. For Medicare ‘and other health insurance programs to ensure that these Claims are processed in an orderiy and consistent manner, standardized coding systems are essential. The HCPCS. Level Il Code Set is one ofthe standard, national medical code sets specified by the Heath Insurance Portabilly and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for this purpose. The HCPCS is divided into two principal subsystems, referred to 2s Level | ‘and Level Il of the HCPCS. Level | ofthe HCPCS is comprised ‘of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®), & numeric coding system maintained by the American Medical Association (AMA), ‘The CPT® isa uniform coding system consisting of descriptive terms and codes that are used primary to identify medical services and procedures furnished by physicians and other healthcare professionals. These health care professionals use the CPT® to identify services and procedures for which they bill public or private health insurance programs. The CPT® codes are republished and updated annually by the AMA. HEPCS Level is a standardized coding system that is used primariy to identify drugs, biologicals and non-drug and non- biological items, supplies, and services not included in the CPT® code set jurisdiction, such as ambulance services and {durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) when used outside a physician’ office. Because Medicare and other insurers cover a variety of services, supplies, and equipment that are not identified by CPT® codes, the HCPCS Level ll codes were established for submiting claims for these items. HCPCS Level Il codes are also referred to as alpha-numeric codes because they consist of a single «alphabetical letter followed by four numeric digits, while CPT® ‘codes primarly are identified using live numeric digits. A. HISTORY The development and use of Level Il of the HCPCS began Inthe 1980s. Concurrent to the use of Leva I codes, there ‘were also Level Il codes. HCPCS Level Il were developed and used by Medicaid State agencies, Medicare contractors, and private insurers in their specific programs or local area Of jurisdiction. For purposes of Medicare, Level Il codes wore algo referred to as lacal codes. Local codes were established when an insurer preferred that suppliers use @ local code to Identity a service, for which there is no Level | or Level Il code, rather than use a “miscellaneous or not otherwise classified code.” HIPAA required the Secretary to adopt standards for coding systems that are used for reporting health care transactions. Thus, regulations were published in the Federal Register on ‘August 17, 2000 (65 FR 0312), to implement standardized ‘coding systems under HIPAA. These regulations provided for the elimination of Level Il acal codes by October 2002, at hich time, the Level | and Level Il code sets could be used. ‘The elimination of local codes was postponed, as a result of section 832(a) of BIPA, which continued the use of local codes, through December 31, 2003. ‘The regulation that was published on August 17, 2000 (48 CFR 162.1002), o implement the HIPAA requirement for standardized coding systems established the HCPCS Level I! codes as the standardized coding system for describing and identifying health care equipment and supplies in health care transactions that are not within the CPT® code set jurisdiction. ‘The HCPCS Level Il coding system was selected as the standardized coding system because ofits wide acceptance ‘among both public and private insurers B. AUTHORITY ‘The Secretary ofthe Department of Health and Human Services has delegated authority under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to the AMA and CMS to maintain and distrbute HCPCS Level | and Level I codes, respectively. C. HCPCS LEVEL Il CODES ‘The HCPCS Level Il coding system is a comprehensive, standardized system that classifies similar products that are ‘medical in nature into categories forthe purpose of efficent claims processing. For each alpha-numeric HCPCS code, there is descriptive terminology that identifies a category of like items, These codes are used primarily for bling purposes. For example, suppliers use HCPCS Level Il codes to identity items on claim forms that are being billed to a private or public health insurer. Curent, there are national HCPCS Codes representing almost 8,000 separate categories of like Items or services that encompass products from diferent manufacturers. When submiting claims, suppliers are raquired {0 use one of these codes to identify the items they are biling. HCPCS is a system for identifying items and certain services, Itis not a methodology or system for making coverage or payment determinations, and the existence of a code does ‘ot, of itself, determine coverage or non-coverage for an item or service, While these codes are used for bling purposes, decisions regarding the addition, deletion, or revision of HCPCS codes are made independent of the process for making determinations regarding coverage and payment. ‘With regard to the Medicare program, if specific Medicare ‘coverage or payment indicators or values have not been established for any new HCPCS codes, this may be because a national Medicare coverage determination andior fee schedule ‘amounts have not yet been established for these items. This is neither an indleator of Medicare coverage or non-coveraga. In these cases, unti national Medicare coverage and payment {Quidelines have been established for these codes, the Medicare coverage and payment determinations for these Items may be made based on the discretion of the Medicare ‘contractors processing claims for these items, D. TYPES OF HCPCS LEVEL II CODES ‘Thore are several types of HCPCS Level II codes depending ‘on the purpose for the codes and the entity with responsibilty for establishing and maintaining them, PP is aregiteredtademark tthe American Medel Assocation lighters HCPCS Level Coding Procedures HCPCS National Codes National HCPCS Love! Il codes are maintained by CMS. CMS is responsible for making decisions about additions, revisions, ‘and deletions tothe national alpha-numeric codes. These ‘odes are for the use of all private and pubic health insurers. There is a CMS HCPCS Workgroup, which is an internal ‘workgroup comprised of federal government employees ‘who represent the major components of CMS, a8 well as cther pertinent Federal agentes, including the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense, HCPCS Levelt! applications are reviewed by the CMS HCPCS. Workgroup at regularly scheduled meetings to determine whether coding requests warrant a change to the national ‘codes. This workgroup informs CMS' decisions. “The application and instructions for requesting that CMS ad, revise, or discontinue a Level I code is detailed on CMS° HCPCS Level il website at ttp:/iwww.cms.goviMedicare! CodingiMedhepesgeninfolindex.himl. CMS also may issve ‘cndes based on the needs ofits programs or other federal ‘programs, and those programs are not required to submit an pplication for a code to be issued. Dental Codes Dental codes, or D codes, are a separate category of national codes, The Current Dental Terminology (CDT) is published, copyrighted, and licensed by the American Dental Association (ADA). The CDT lists codes for biling for dental procedures ‘and supplies. While the CDT codes are considered HCPCS Level I codes, decisions regarding the revision, deletion, oF ‘addition of CDT codes are made by the ADA, not CMS. Miscellaneous Codes "National codes also include “miscellaneousinot otherwise classified" codes, These codes are used when a supplier is submitting a bil for an tem or service and there is no existing national code that adequately describes the item or service being billed, The importance of miscellaneous codes is that they allow suppliers to begin billing immediately for a service or item as soon as itis alowed to be marketed by the Food and rug Administration (FDA), even though there is no distinct ‘code that describes the service or item. A miscellaneous code may be assigned by iasurers for use during the period of ime a request for a new code is being considered under the HCPCS review process. The use of miscellaneous codes also helps avoid the inefficiency and administrative burden of assigning distinct codes for toms or services that are rarely furnished or for which few claims are expected to be filed. Because of miscellaneous codes, the absence of a specific ‘code for a distinct category of products does not affect the abilly ofa supplier to submit claims to private or pubic In those cases in which a supplier or manufacturer has been advised to use a miscellaneous code because there is no ‘existing code that describes @ given product, and the supplier ‘or manufacturer believes that a new code is needed, the supplier or manufacturer may submit @ request to modify the HCPCS in accordance with the established process, The standard process for requesting a revision to the HCPCS Level I codes is explained later in this document Other Notable Codes +The C codes (pass-through) were established to permit implementation of section 201 of the Balanced Budget Refinement Ack of 1999, HCPCS C-codes are ulized to report drugs, biologicals. magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and devices used for CMS' Medicare Hospital Outpationt Prospective Payment System (HOPPS). HCPCS. C codes are repcrted far device categories, now technology procedures, and drugs, biologicals, and radiopharmaceuticals that do not have other HCPCS code assignments. Non-OPPS hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals (CAHS), Indian Health Service (IHS) hospitals, and hospitals located in American Samoa, Guam, Nothern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands, as well as Maryland waiver hospitals, may report these codes at their discretion. For information about the HOPPS pass-through process, please visitthe HOPPS website: htips:/! ‘wunw.cms goviMedicare/Medicare-Fee-40r Service Payment/HospitalOutpationtPPSiindex +The G codes are used to dently professional health care procedures and services that would otherwise be coded in GPT?-4 (the current version of CPT® codes) but for which there are no CPT®-4 codes. CMS does not have an application process for G codes, as they are established internally by CMS to support Medicare claims processing needs. As G codes are part of the ational HCPCS Level II code set, they may also be Used by non-Medicare insurers. ‘+ The G codes and C codes are considered HCPCS. Love! Il codes and as such, these codes, and changes to them, are included in CMS" HCPCS Level 11 Updates published by CMS, The code application procedures described in this document are not for Use to apply for changes to HCPCS C codes and G codes, ‘+ The Q codes ate established to identify drugs, ‘iclogicals, and medical equipment or services not identied by national HCPCS Level Il codes, but for which codes are needed for Mecicare claims processing ‘© The K codes are established for use by the Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs) when current national ‘codes do not include the codes needed Io implement ‘8 DME MAC medical review policy, For example, ‘codes other than the current, existing ational ‘codes may be needed by the DME MACS to identity Certain prosuct categories and supplies necessary for establishing appropriate regional medical review coverage polices. Code Modifiers HCPCS code modifiers are established internally by CMS to facilitate accurate Medicare claims processing, Modifiers are assigned for use when the information provided by a HCPCS. ‘cade descriptor needs to be supplemented to identity specific ‘ircustances that may apply to an item or service. For ‘example, the UE modifiers used when the item identified by a HCPCS code is "used equipment" and the NU modifier is Used for new equipment." The HCPCS Level i odifiers are cither alpha-numeric or two letters. HCPCS code modifiers are published as part of the HCPCS code set at htipsivwmu coms govIMedicare!Coding/HCPCSReleaseCodeSets/Alpha- Numeric: HCPCS. The mocifiers appear at the beginning of the fle, before alpna-numeric codes, HCPCS Code Assignment Following Medicare National Coverage Determination (NCD) ‘Puravant.to section 1862(1(3)(C)iv) ofthe Soclal Security Act (added by section 731(3) of the Medicare Mogemization Act), Pr-saregiterednadernkof the American Medal sxcoton Alig ese, Speer HCPCS Level ll Coding Procedures (CMS identifies an appropriate existing code category andior into the next coding cycle. Examples of circumstances under establishes a new code category to describe the item that is | which application consideration may be extended to the the subject of @ National Coverage Determination (NCD}. next coding eycle may include but are not limited to coding ‘considerations that require In-depth cnical or other research Effective July 1, 2004, CMS' procedures are as follows: 4. Assignment of an existing code: When CMS ‘determines that an item is already identified by an ‘existing HCPCS code category, but was previously ‘pot covered, CMS wil assign the item tothe existing ‘cade catagory and ensure that the coverage indicator assigned to the code category accurately reflects, Medicare policy regarding coverage forthe item. Section 731 of the MMA does not require that @ new code category or a product specific code be ‘created for an item simply because a new coverage {determination was made, without regard to codes availabe in the existing code set. 2. Assignment of a New Code: When CMS determines that a new code category is appropriate, CMS. will make every effort to establish, publish, and Implement the new code atthe time the final coverage determination is made. 3, Assignment of a Miscellaneous Code: Under certain Circumstances, the assignment ofan item to a ‘miscellaneous code msy be necessary. Anumiber of miscellaneous codes already exist under various ‘and complicated claims adjudication scenarios, “Thore are three types of cading revisions to the HCPCS that can be requested 1 ‘That a new code be added, This could include requests to spit an existing code category into its ‘components or into subcategories; ‘That the language used to describe an existing code be changed: When there is an existing code, a request can be made when a stakeholder believes that the descriptor for the code needs to be revised to provide a better {description of the category of products represented by the code, ‘That an existing code be discontinued. \When an existing code becomes obsolete or is duplicative of another code, a request can be made to discontinue the code. This could include requests to combine existing codes, Until further notice, all Level Il HCPCS applications must be submitted electronically via our secure mailbox. Paper applications sent to CMS will not be processed, Please ‘electronically submit all HCPCS code requests to our new headings throughout the HCPCS Level I! code set. When a new code is appropriate, but the change cannot be implemented and incorporated into ling {and claims processing systems atthe time the final NCD decision memorandum is released, an Unclassified code may be assigned in the interim, until ‘a new code can be Implemented, in order to ensure that claims can be processed for the item. The timing Gf implementation of new codes relative to the date of the coverage determination depends on a variety of factors, some of which are not within the contol of the Code set maintainers. One such exaraple is when the timing of the coverage determination is such that the publication deadline for the next update is missed. E, REQUESTING A REVISION TO THE HCPCS LEVEL II CODES ‘Anyone may submit a request for modifying the HCPCS Level |W national code tet. CMS' HCPCS Level II Code application Instructions can be found on CMS' HCPCS website at https waw.cms.gov/Medicare!Coding/MedHCPCSGenInfolindex. As part ofthe application, the applicant should also submit any descriptive material, including the manufacturer's product literature and information thatthe applicant thinks would be helpful in furthering CMS’ understanding ofthe medical ‘features of the lem for which a coding revision is requested. ‘Applications that are received and determined by CMS to ’be complete by the deadine will be considered for inclusion in that cycle. Applications received after the deadline will be declined and the applicant should resubmit to a subsequent ‘coding cycle. Applications received by the deadline that are determined to be incomplete will also be decined and the applicant should submit a completed application in & subsequent coding cycle. CMS wil make every effort to complete the review within the applicable coding cycie for all timely and complete code applications. However, it should be Understood that on the rare occasion a particularly complex or ‘multi-faceted decision requires additional evaluation beyond the timeframe of the coding cycle, CMS maintains the flexibility at its discretion to continue consideration ofthat application mailbox, using the following instructions: cos ot a need 1 ‘+ Create @ POF document, both Microsoft Word and Libre Office will save documents 38 POF files ‘+ Files containing proprietary or personally identifiable information must be converted to a Secure ZIP fle with a passphrase with AES 256 encryption ‘+ InPkZip, set the securty options to AES 256 passphrase. 7Zip can also be used to encrypt the zip les using AES 256 passphrase ‘+ Enter the passphrase in the dialogue box to encrypt the files ‘Attachments must be less than 20MB. Split size will create mult part zip les which can be sent in ‘sparate messages. ‘Send the passphrase in a separate email from the zip files to the email address below + Applications should be emailed to : HCPCS_Level ‘[email protected] ‘+ The HCPCS Level Il e-mail box (above) may also bo used to notify CMS of problems with electronic application submissions. CMS will be availabe to respond during normal business hours ‘+ CMS will e-mail confirmation of applications received. 1g HCPCS Coding Applications apples the following criteria to determine when there is ‘demonstrated need for a new or modified code or the to remove a code: When an existing code adequately describes the item in a coding request, no new or modified code is established. An existing code adequately describes, an item in a coding request when the existing code descrites items withthe folowing: Grr regis trader the Ameren Mea Asocition AIMS reserve. HCPCS Level Il Coding Procedures ‘+ Functions similar tothe ite inthe coding request. > No significant therapeutic distinctions from the item inthe coding request. 2. When an existing code describes items that provide almost the same functionality with only minor distinctions from the item in the coding request, the item in the coding request may be grouped with that Code and the code descriptor modified to reflect the sstinations, 3. Acode is not established for an item that fs used oniy in the inpatient setting or for an item that is not diagnostic or therapeutic in nalure. 4. Anew or modified code is not established for an item that is regulated by the FDA, unless the FDA allows the item to be marketed. Documentation of FDA, -appcaval is required to be submitted with the coding request application, 5. Applications for non-drug items that are not regulated by the FDA and also not yet availabe inthe U.S. ‘market will be considered incomplete and will net be processed. 6 The determination to remove a code is based on ‘CMS’ consideration of whether a code is obsolete (or example, tems no longer are used, ather more specific codes have been added) or duplicative {and no longer useful (for example, new codes are established that better describe items identified by ‘existing codes). In developing its decisions, CMS uses the criteria mentioned above. Cost or pricing is nota factor. HCPCS Coding Cycles, Timelines, Deadlines, and Decisions Beginning in 2020, CMS implemented shorter and more frequent coding cycles fo further advance its initiative to unleash innovation, DMEPOS and Other Non-dug, Non-biological Coding Cycles: no less frequently than bi-annually 2021 Coding Cycle 1 for applications for DMEPOS and other rhon-= 190 mai ondtons complicating pregrancyllver ta sro | Entodes vner fe palont i ing a | ‘conditions complicating pregnancy/detivery late [68703 Episodes whore hepatitis taking antbotcs (abl 1 nthe 20 Gays prior to the episode date, or Pregnancy, prior uerine surgery, or partpation in Ce es |__| efical taf] __ — STmeyasd oe Gein Gas ct Tana (69367 | Atleast wo orders fr high-sk medications from the || G871® Br 's coounenied as sing ed or | same cru cass_ _ Secured medical eason (69368 |Atiast wo order forhghvisk medzations fom the | Gg774/ pare weorene edaspesie pregnancy atany Same rug 85 not ordered {ime dung he mesure prs iceate]| Dane eacanel co Ing core ope RISO avec ers reorient Specmen opr decurentsGassiicaton no spece_| | 69779 Pans who ae bessteedng a any te dng he stole type flowing isle guidance or assed 2 urement pe __| nace-os wth an explanation {68760 | Patents who have aclagnosis af abdomyalysis at {63619 | Documentation of medica reasons) for not ining | | _, 2 me during the measurement period | cosa e942 the histological type or nscl-nos classification with ‘an explanation (e.g, specimen insulfcient or non siagnost, specimen does not contain cancer, o other documented mecical reasons) Primary non-small cel lung cancer lung bopsy ‘and cylology specimen report does not document Céassification into specific histoogic type or histologic. type does not follw rasle guidance ors classified as Ascle-nes but without nn explanation Primary ung carcinoma resection report documents | ptcatogory, pn category and for non-small cel ung cancer, histologic type (e., squamous cel carcinoma, ‘adenocarcinoma and not nce-nos) Primary lung carcinoma resection repart does not ‘document pt category, pn category and for non-smal Cel lung cancer, histologic type (e.,, squamous cell ‘carcinoma, adenocarcinoma) £68781 | Documentation of medical eason{s) or not curently being a statin therapy user or receiving an order (prescription) for statin therapy (@-., patints with Statin-assodiated muscle symptoms oan ala to statin medication therapy. pallens who ae receiving | paliatwe or hospice cae, pation with active liver {isease or hepatic disease o nsuiienc, and __ patients with end stage renal isease fer) (69782 | Histor of or active agnosis of fami hypercholesteroimia (69622 | Patents who had an endometrial ablation procedure curing the 12 months prior to the index dato exclusive ofthe index dat) (69823 | Endometrial samping o hysteroscopy wth biopsy ‘and results documented during the 12 months prcr tothe index date (exclusive ofthe index dat) ofthe cendometial ablation Pathology report includes the pt category, thickness, ‘Ulceration and mitotic rate, peripheral and deep margin, satus and presence or absence of microsateltsis for Invasive tumors (69624 | Endometrial sampling or hysteroscopy with biopsy and results not documented during the 12 months prior to the index date (exclusive of the index date) ofthe endometrial ablation ‘G9429 Documentation of medical reason(s) for not including plcategory, thickness, ulceration and mitotic rate, peripheral and deep margin status and presence or Absence of microsatelitsis fr invasive tumors (0.0. negative skin biopsies, insufficient ussue, or othor ‘documented medica reasons) Pathology report does not include the pt categery, cast thickness, ulceration and mitotic rte, peripheral and deep margin stalus and presence or absence of microsatelitoss for invasive tumors Final reports for et, cta, mri or mra of the chest or neck with follow-up imaging recommended {6986 | Receipt and analysis of remot, eynchronous apes for dermatologe andor ophtnekologc ovauatin fr two only a edare approved cn el loss than 10 mintoe ‘9869 | Receipt and analysis of ete, synchronous images for dematologe anor ophibalologe evauaton, or vse only na hedeare approve om od 1020 mines C9870 Rect aed analysis ofr, asynchronous images fordematolge andor optalmelogevlutn, or Ue ony na medicare approved onmi model. more than 20 mites New/Revised/Deleted Codes for 2022 REVISED CODES G9906 - M0243 Code Code Descriptor | (ode Code Descriptor [e806 | Pant ened as tobacco wer reavedobazo || | G9927 | Dacureniation of yt reasons fr nol pressing ne ||| sescce rte aa eS Coe Se nee see paca i ‘encounter or within the previous 12 months (e.g. Injection. ferric pyrophosphate citrate solution (trferc) Somoeoe ee erenn S48 | neon apo tnt) | — ot —«N"_E, {8008 | Paint denied as tobacco user didnot receive Te tobacco cessation intervention onthe date ofthe | 22sR7 Infection, ortavancs ‘encounter or within the previous 12 months (counseling | | _ 47324 | Hyaluronan or derivative, hyslgan, supert or visco-3 tndorpharmacatherapy) reason not ven 2" | frinroarisuar injection, perdoce {8008 | Docurenaton of medica reason) for not roading | {M8243 | Inravenousinfon or subeaneous nce, tebecno stautoniereton on he dts of fa Corina an mderina inclaes fson or encounter erwin ne evs 12 monte eed ‘ject, and post admnstaton mento tbe tbecco user ng: Iled Me expectancy, eer rege woeet) | 220% Od $3009 491373G/03S1NTY/M: 19 DELETED CODES [[6ode_[ tae Desert [ode ‘Code Descriptor '94387 | Iran supply sleeve, each {62065 | Comprehensive care management fora sing eens | eciTEoamRT RS EOE ESTRSANTT fighsk decase sovices, © principal care ection romps, non-yophiteed (6.9. had), mo) management, at least 30 minutes of clinical staff time 69068 | Copper cx 64, dota, iagnost,1 miicure directed by a physician or her qualified neath caro C60 | incon, nian alton in 05 me aoe | hiclon tas o 2a CaO | clon woinen, tong 807 | clon immune bain acon) 500mg (€9073 | Brexucabtagene autoleucel, up to 200 milion autologous ant-cd19 car positive viable t cel, including leukapheresis and dose preparation procedures, per therapeutic dose (69074 | Injection, lumasran, 0.5 mg 9075 | coors Injection, casimersen, 10 mg Lisocabtagane maralouee, up to 110 milion ‘autologous anti-cd19 car-positve viable toa, including leukapheresis and dose preparation procedures, per therapeutic dose (69077 | Injection, cabotegravir and ripivrine, 2mg/3mg (69078 | Injection, tilacietb, mg 69079 | Injection, evinagumab-dgnb, 5 ma {69080 | Injection, melphalan ufenamide hydrochloride, 1 mg (©9081 Idecabtagene vicleucel, upto 460 millon autologous ant-boma car-pastive viable t cll, ncluging leukaphoresis and dose preparation procedures, per therapeutic dose (©9082 Injection, dostarimab-gxly, 100 mg_ ‘c9083 cote Injaction, amivantamab-vmjy, 10 m9 Mometasone furcate sinus implant, 10 micrograms {sioway oe Prothrombin complex concentrate (human), koent 3, Der iu. of factor x activity Destruction of intracsseous basivertsbral ner, frst two vertebral bodies, including imaging guidance (og fluoroscopy), lumbarisacrum Destruction of intraoseaous basivertebral nerve, each _aciitonal vertebral bady, including imaging guidance (@3,,uoroscopy),lumbar/sacrum (ist separately in ‘adalon to code Tor primary procedure) Pulmonary rehabiltation, including exercise (inctudes ‘monitering), one hour, per session, up to two sessions | perday _ — {62064 | Comprehensive care management services fora single high-isk disease, ©, principal care management, at least 30 minutes of physician or other qualified heath ‘care professional time per calendar month withthe following elements: one cpmplex chronic condition lasting atleast 3 months, which isthe focus of the ‘care plan the condition is of sufficient severity to place patent at risk of hosptalization or have been the ‘cause of a recent hospitalization, the condition requires development orrevsion of tisease-spectic cae plan, the condition requires frequent adjustments Inthe ‘medication regimen, andlor the management ofthe Condition is unusually complex due to comorbiios cat32 co7s2 9753, 60426 professional, per calendar month with the following felements: one complex chronic condition lasting atleast 3 months, which isthe focus of the care flan, the condition is of sufficient severity to place patient at risk of hospitalization or have been cause (of a recent hospitalization, the condition requis ‘development oF revision of disease-specific care plan, the condition requires frequent adjustments In the mecication regimen, and/or the management ‘ofthe condition is unusually complex due to comarbiaities ‘Bm not dacumented, documentation the patient isnot eligible for bmi calculation Spirometry test results demonstrate fev >= 60% feviive >= 70%, predicted or patent does not have copd symptoms (68926 | spirometry test not performed or documented, reason hot given [Emi is documented as being outside of normal Parameters, follow-up plan is not documented, _documentation the patient isnot eligible 69267 | Documentation of patent with one or more ‘complications or mortality within 30 days (69268 Documentation of patient with one or more “complications within 80 days {68269 | Documentation of patent without one or more _complcations and without mortality within 30 days (G0925 co938 {63270 | Documentation of patient without one or mere ‘complications within 90 days (69348 | scan ofthe paranasal sinuses ordered atthe time of lagnosis for documented reasons {69349 | Ct scan ofthe paranasal sinuses ordered atthe time of diagnosis or received within 28 days after date of diagnosis (69350 | Ct scan ofthe paranasal sinuses not ordored at the time of diagnosis or racalved within 28 days after date of diagnosis 169389 | Documentation in the patient record of a discussion between the physiciancnician and the patient that includes al of the folowing: treatment choices appropriate to genotype, risks and benef, evidence of effeciveness, and patent preferences toward the outcome ofthe treatment [04G8 | oocuntaton cdr pate esa) ok Gezueag beaten opto: meal mre per iota candale or ones us arancad pip or matt ea vary ang ove Sinancn oa curenty ecing eves earn ‘occa na eather (assed wrooge reper oroporing pv oer ocurerad Indica sore: pete see part ural or Cin fperisate ne aun o oer palo 20 New/Revised/Deleted Codes for 2022 Code Descriptor ‘69401 | No documentation inthe patient cord ofa discussion Zenon he phyetsano oer uate eotnare professional and the patent et cds a the felowna,eament crocesapproprate to gency re and Benes, evidence of eecveness nd pallet preferences word treatment C9448 Patents who were bon inthe years 1845 a T088 C9449 History of recon blood transfusions prior 1082 {68450 | History orien rug use {69561 | Patios prescbed opts frogs than sx weeks 169562 | Patents who had folow-up evaluation conducted at leat every thre months cureg oi eropy Paints who did ot have a olow-upevluabon onduted atleast every tee mont crn okt (terapy 77 | Patents prescribed pats forge than si wks os pesrbed op = S578 | Documentation of sfned opi Westen agreement | atest once uring oot therapy 'G9579__No documentation of signed an opioid treatment breement atest ones dung ope therapy ‘GOERS | Patents prescted opiates for longer than ox Wook {69584 | Paton evaluated fr ik of misuse of opiates by ting oti vad instrument oll kt app) or paint itrowod at esi once dune | ened mespy | 69888 | Patent not evaluate or ak of misuse of pias by Coing be vadoedinstument eg opkad vk too, |_| ape) opal ot mtriewed at east once dung pi therapy ~~ (60834 | Heath elied quay fe assosed wih tool rng ‘ties to vis and quality of ite score remained te tame ortmpeed | 68635 | Hearted quality of fe not assess wih olor documented reasons) (69. patent has o sgntve or neropeychitie mpormeni at mpas hor ay {compli te rt aurvey, patent has he diy to read andlor wie inorder to complete Sehgal questionnaire) [ea636 | Heattrelated quality offered assessed win tot | Chrng at eat bo re qual ofe sore docned {68639 | Major ampuaton or open sugcal bypass nk reqired | with 48 hur of ho indx ondovaszlr ower ttre revascertzaion procedo- ‘c05e3 DELETED CODES G9401 - 04236 [ode Code Bescritor > {9640 | Documentation of planned hybrid or lage procedre [68661 | Major amputation or open sual bypass ques | witha 48 hours of he index endovascular ower __| errant revescuatzaton procedure {2647 | Patents in whom nv score could note oblaned at 80 day tolowep {9665 | Paven ghost fasting or crete laboratory tet neti reresureent peed or wo yers port? the begining ofthe messuremont pred e701 moi [ 69783 | Documentation of patients with diatetes who have a | most recent fasting or desc aboratny test eS 70 moll and are not taking stn erapy .J0683 | Injection, cofiderocol, 5 mg "12805 | injection, pegflgrastim, 6 ma ‘57303 | Contraceptive supply, hormone containing vaginal rig, each '"47338 | Hyaluronan or dervatve, visco-3, or intra-ricular injection, per dose "37401 | Mometasone furoate sinus implant, 10 micrograms | 28315 Injection, omidepsin, 1m | "11010 | Indweting intraurethral drainage device with vale, | pallent inserted, replacement oly, each | [11011 | Activation device for intrauretral drainage device with valve, replacement ony, each 11012 | Charger and bave station for intraurettral activation ovice, replacement cnly _ Intravenous infusion, bamlanivimab-900, indudes “infusion and post administration moritaring 1022 | Pationts who were in hospice at any time dunn the performance period [0239 Int | m1025 | Patents who were in hospice at ary tme during the performance period |'m1026 | Patients who were in hospice at any time during the performance period 'M1031 | Patients with no clinial indications for imaging of the head _ (20239 | Injection, bamlanivimab-om, 700 mg (24228 | Bionexipatch, per square centimeter | [104236 | Carepatch por square centimeter a a 5 i) 3 3 8 8 iy 2 This page intentionally left blank Deleted Codes Crosswalk Deleted Code | Crosswalk Code Deleted Code | Crosswalk Code 'A4387 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for 169269 | CMS doos not provide crosswalk codes for this deieted ode this deleted cose. 9065 | CMS does not provide cosswalk codes for] || G8270 CMS does not provide crotewakeodes for this deleted code. . this deleted code, co06s—As602 ~ {68348 | CMS doesnot provide crosswalk codes for | C9063 | 9037 |__| Ti “C9070 Oo 69349 _| CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for | a om ||| this deleted code. £9071 —— ||" e350 | CMs does not provide crosswalk codes for | 9072/1584 _ this deleted code, —e907s 2053 | @9309 | CMs dots not provide crosswalk codes for ¢8074 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for | ___ this deleted code. tis deieted code. 169400 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for 62075 | CMS does not provide Gosswaik codes or || _ ti daetd cove, this deleted code. | Ga4ot | CMs does not provide crosswalk codes for 69076 | CMS doos not provide crosswalk codes for | this deleted code. errs tisetnted soe [aaa | cms does not provide crosswalk codes for 69077 | CMS doos not provide crosswalk codes for || this deleted code, te deleted cose. e449 | CMS doesnot provide coswak codes for ©9078 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for __ this deleted code. ___ this deleted code. | || 850 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for | 69079 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for ___ this deleted code, this deleted code. | 69561 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for | | €8080 | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for | ___| this detetea code. ____| this deleted code. ||| 9562 CMS does not provide erosawalk codes fr | amet ca0ss _ this deleted code c90e2 | Jea72 | G9563. | CMS does not provide crosswalk codes for | co0es sot ae tar : i a os MS does not provide crosswalk codes for Left ventricle ™ Gircumflex artery Left coronary artery Abex Anterior interventricular artery ToBody™ 834 to Body Purana Aner, Pulnonary Artery / Totungs Spero ena Cara —— Pulmonary ns Pulmonary es a som Aron nena Vale (sed). Let ene ht Venice Infor Cva—~ Seninarves pa ystole (Pumping) (open) 26 Anatomical Illustrations Electrical Conducting System of the Heart Left atrium: Electrical impulse spreads from sinus node throughout left and right atria causing the atria to contract and expelling its volume of blood Into the ventricles ta am ca Sino atrial node (SA) _= Left bundle branch, Right atrium WS Left ventricle 7 Electrical impulse spreads from bundle branches throughout left and right ventricles which causes Bundle of his x the ventricles to contract, forcing them to expel their volume of blood ut into the general circulation Right bundle branch ~ Right ventricle — The Pathway of Blood Flow Through the Heart 1 fiat Aorta (to body) 4 i Left pulmonary {0 / Aortic, artery (to lftlung) : Superior vena cava valve ag (from upper body) No __ Left pulmonary Right pulmonary veins (from left lung) artery (to right lung) ~ © ; ® Left atrium Left AV valve Left ventricl Right pulmonary veins “re (from right lung) Right atrium Right AV valve ~ 4 Inferior vena cava (fromlowerbody) Pulmonary 4 Right ventricle 7 Anatomical Iilustrations Digestive System Anatomy Mouth Palate— Uvula—_—Z Tongue Teeth— Pharynx Salivary glands - Esophagus Sublingual ——— Submandibular ~ Parotid ———— Liver comach Gallbladder — pommel) Common bile duct _—} Pancreatic duct ‘Small intestine Large intestine Duodenum — Transverse colon Jejunum — « an _— Ascending colon ——Cecum Descending colon Sigmoid colon Rectum Tile Dac usin ua Autor Marna Rl Lay of Hat rch, Sauce an work cen: ube domain. UR ik pennies Mebigesin sper aga snd Digestive System — Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas Right and left J hepatic ducts Liver Gallbladder. - Cystic duct Common hepatic duct _— Bile duct = Bece 7 Pancreat — Pancreatic duct Minor duodenal papilla ~ Tail of pancreas ~ \ ody of pancteas Pom Head of pancreas Major duodenal papilla a 28 Digestive System — Mouth Anatomy contrat = superior ip entral incisor — sor Superior labial Lateralincisor — —————— Frenulum Canine —_— Palatine raphe Premolars i Mote Hard palate —— Palatoglossal arch Soft palate - ~ Palatopharyngeal arch Tonsil ————— Tongue ~ — Uvula Lingual frenulum — 7 ~ Oropharynx Sublingual papilla — Vestibule ~ — ingivae (us Inferior abial Inferioctip ——— frenulum Digestive System — Tongue Anatomy Median lossoepiglttic fold Epiglotis Palatopharyngeal arch Palatine tonsil Lingual tonsil — Palatoglossal arch Terminal sulcus Vallate papillae Fungiform papillae Midline groove — of tongue Filform papillae 29 n a i : Anatomical Illustrations Digestive System — Stomach Anatomy Lower esophageal, sphincter Esophagus [~ Longitudinal layer Cardia /- ———— fundus Circular Muscularis | “jue Brody ofstomach Oblique Serosa layer — Pyloric sphincter i Lesser curvature — Mucosa Duodenum Greater curvature Duodenal bulbs Pylorus Gastric rugae igestive System — Small Intes' Intestinal vill Intestinal vill ‘Mucosa ‘Submucosa Muscularis 30 Anatomical Illustrations Digestive System — Large Intestine Anatomy Transverse colon Left splenic Right hepatic eae flexure Descending colon ‘Ascending colon \ Teniae coli Haustra coli cecum Sigmoid flexure ‘Appendix Sigmoid colon Rectum Digestive System — Rectum Anatomy Rectum l Revareren maria Internal hemorrhoid tissue — Internal anal sphincter External anal sphincter — External hemorrhoid tissue —__~ 1 ‘Anus 31 a assis FA EB iS B H ly | F| Fy ry 5 e EE E E Anatomical Illustrations Ear Anatomy Middle Outer ear ear Inner ear | | Temporal muscle Semicircular i stapes Vestibular Incas. | Mais Cochlea nerve Antihelix. ~ Concha - ~ Cochlear nerve Earlobe ~~ . ! \ Eardrum \ Cartilage Ear canal Temporal Tympanic bone cavity Ear Anatomy - Cochlea (Inner Ear) Bony cochlear wall Scala vestibuli Cochlear duct Tectorial membrane Basilar membrane Scala tympani Cochlear branch of N Vill oc lcentePermiaio: Ths e's eense und ‘ie: cochejpn, Author: Opes Source enor oer FP a neeaSH 0% sive Conenoreeieuren mations hea, URL Unk gsr oni 32 Anatomical Illustrations Endocrine System Anatomy and Hormones Hypothalamus TRH, CRH, GHRH Dopamine ‘Somatostatin Vasopressin Pineal gland Melatonin Pituitary gland GH,TSH, ACTH FSH, MSH, LH Prolactin, Oxytocin Vasopressin ‘Thyroid and Parathyroid 13,T4,Calcitonin PTH Thymus Thymopeietin Liver IGE, THPO Stomach Gastrin, Ghrelin ‘Adrenal Histamine ‘Androgens Somatostatin Glucocorticoids Neuropeptide Y Adrenaline Noradrenaline Pancreas Insulin, Glucagon Somatostatin Kidney Calcitriol, Renin Erythropoietin ‘Ovary, Placenta Estrogens Progesterone Testes ‘Androgens Estradiol, Inhibin Uterus Prolactin, Relaxin 33 Sonera oo ate ‘aii Anatomical Illustrations Eye Anatomy _— Sclera Ciliary body _——— Retina is ~~ Macula Anterior chamber vitreous Pupil Artery comes — Optic nerve Lens — Rectus medialis ra serrata Eye Musculature Superior oblique (downward and outward movement) Supetior rectus (upward movement) Lateral rectus Medial rectus (outward movement) (inward movement) | Inferior rectus (downward movement) Inferior oblique (upward and outward movement) Anatomical Illustrations Female Reproductive System Anatomy Female Reproductive System — Uterus and Adnexa Anatomy _—*Fundus of uterus 35 Anatomical Mustrations Female Reproductive System — Breast Anatomy Pectoralis muscles Fatty tissue Lobule Duct Areola Nipple Dilated section of duct to hold milk Chest wall / Rib cage Female Reproductive System — Perineum Anatomy Mons pubis | Prepuce ; Clitoris Labium majus Urethral orifice Labium minus Vaginal orifice —- Perineal raphe Anus 36 Anatomical illustrations Integumentary System Anatomy Sweat pore Hair shaft Meissner's corpuscle Sweat gland Stratum comeum (horny cell layer) ee (oil) gland .7— Reticular layer — trarfotide | AMY pacrian pose at) Opening of sweat duct Epldermis [~~~ : plexus Papillary dermis « | Reticular dermis. t £ ‘Meissner's Arrector pili muscle &] copuscle i Sweat duct Sebaceous gland | 2Ere ‘Beep \h i 35 | arteriovenous i g8 plexus 3S | subcuaneoustat i 7 Hair follicle i Dermal nerve fibres Eccrine sweat duct Eccrine sweat gland Ecerine sweat gland Pacinian corpuscle | We: stinienorg Aton: Vash Source: on nl UtesePembsn Ths fs ceseSurce he Crete Comons Abt: Shie Ale 20Unpr E Matalin yfleonmoncaancsaoioaicsan tet | 37 Re Anatomical Illustrations Lymphatic System Anatomy Palatine tonsil Cervical lymph nodes Right jugular trunk Left jugular trunk Right lymphatic duct Left subclavian trunk Right subclavian trunk Right subclavian vein Left subclavian vein Axillary lymph nodes Right lumba 7 Left mbar trunk Intestinal trunk Lymphatic System — Lymph Nodes of the Head and Neck 2. Preauricular 2.Superficial parotid 3.Deep parotid 4.Posterior auricular 5.Mastoid 6.Submental 7.Submandibular 8 8.Occipital 9.Superticial anterior cervical 10. Superficial posterior cervical 11. Superior deep cervical 12. Inferior deep cervical 13, Supraclavicular ‘Trapezius muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle 38 Anatomical Iilustrations Lymphatic System — Humoral Immunity Antigen Antigen Lymphocyte Lymphatic System — Lymph Node Anatomy Vein Artery ferent Iymphatic vessel Afferent Gates lymph node S| Iymphatic vessel Paracortical region Interim cerebral sinus Nn Capsule Trabeculae Lymphatic nodules Intermediate cortical sinus 39 Anatomic IMustrations Male Reproductive System Anatomy Sacrum bone a Ureter Coccyx bone ‘Abdominal muscle Bladder Public symphysis _- Seminal vesicle Prostate Corpus cavernosum Bjaculatory duct Corpus spongiosum — Rectum Urethra ———j Kad ‘opening ‘Anus Foreskin Bulbourethral gland Penis glans Navicular fossa Vas deferens, Scrotum Testicle Epididymis Male Reproductive System — Testicle Spermatic cord Ductus deferens Head (caput epididymidis) Efferent ductule Tunica vaginails: Parietal layer Cavity Visceral layer Rete testis Body (corpus epididymidis) Seminiferous tubule Testis Tail (caudz epididymidis) Anatomical Illustrations Male Reproductive System — Penis Anatomy ‘Superficial dorsal vein NN Deep dorsal vein _- Dorsal nerve of the penis Dorsal penile artery Dartos fascia Corpus cavernosum — — Buck's fascia Tunica albuginea Circumflex vein Corpus spongiosum ——— Cavernosal artery Urethra Muscular System Anatomy Zygomaticus Pectoralis major Fronta Sternocleidomastoid ius Trapezius Deltoid ‘Thoraco-lumbar fascia Biceps Palmaris longus Flexor carpi radials, Brachioradialis Flexor digitorum superficial Gluteus medius Tensor faciae atae Rectus femoris Pectineus, Sartorius. ‘Adductor longus a Anatomical illustrations Muscular System — Face Muscles Frontalis Procerus Temporalis Orbicularis ocult Levator labii superioris Masseter Zygomaticus minor Nasalis Zygomaticus major Risorlus Platysma Depressor labit inferioris Orbicularis ors Mentalis Depressor angull cris Muscular System — Neck, Chest, Thorax Muscles Stemocleidomastoid Trapezius Deltoid Supraspinatus tendon Pectoralis major Subscapularis Biceps brachii Teres minor Coracobrachialis Pectoralis minor Latissimus dorsi Serratus anterior Ribs ——~ Anterior layer of rectus sheath Extensor abdominal oblique a2 Anatomical Illustrations Muscular System — Shoulder (Rotator Cuff) Muscles oma Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis Anterior view Posterior view Muscular System — Forearm Muscles (Right Arm, Posterior Compartment) Superficial Deep Triceps brachii Triceps brachii Brachioradialis — Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radials longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Supinator ‘Anconeus Extensorcarpi —_anconeus radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Flexor carp ulnaris Flexor carpi tlnaris Extensor ‘Abductor Abductor pollicis longus carpi ulnars pollicis longus Extensor Extensor pollicis brevis Extensor pollicis brevis i digit minimi Extensor pols longus Extensor pollcislongus i Extensor ‘Tendons of extensor carpi Extensor indicis digitorum ea dials longus and brevis Extensor ——i retinaculum, 43 “cone ene zime rn one Anatomical iIlustrations Muscular System — Muscles of the Hand (right hand, dorsal view) ‘Tendon sheath of extensor digitorum Tendons of extensor digitorum (cut) Extensor retinaculum Tendon of extensor pollicis longus Abductor digiti minimi Tendon of extensordigit Dorsal interossei Muscular System — Muscles of the Hand (right hand, palmar view) Deep Flexor retinaculum (cut) Opponens pollicis Opponens digiti minimi ‘Tendon of flexor pollicis longus Palmar interossei ‘Tendons of flexor digitorum superticalis ‘Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus Anatomical Illustrations Muscular System — Leg Muscle: lligpsoas Pectineus ‘Adductor longus ‘Adductor magnus Gluteus maximus Sartorius Biceps femoris Vastus lateralis, Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Plantaris Gracilis Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis Gastrocnemius Peroneus longus Gastrocnemius — Extensor digitorum longus Soleus Flexor digitorum longus Tibialis anterior Peroneus longus Peroneus brevis Muscular System — Knee and Leg Quadriceps Gluteus medius femoris muscle Femur Quadriceps Gluteus maximus lliac crest (hip bone) \ femoris tendon Sartorius %, Suprapatellar bursa Tensor fasciae Prepatelar bursa latae Rectus femoris Patella iotibal tract articular cen ee band (TB) riage iceps femor cortlags membrane ead Meniscus Patella ligament Short Rea eee Joint Superficial vastus lateral capsule infapatellar bursa f Deep infapatellar —_Semimembranosus ~ bursa ~ (Bedi: P. Tibia Fibula stella 4s Anatomical Illustrations Muscular System — Foot Muscles Lumbricals. Tendon of flexor hallucis longus Tendon of flexor digitorum longus Quadratus plantae Superior extensor retinaculum Fibula Inferior extensor retinaculum, Achilles tendon Extensor digitorum longus tendon Superior peroneal retinaculum Inferior peroneal retinaculum Peroneus brevis tendon V metatarsal bone Vdistal bone Extensor digitorum brevis Peroneus tertius tendon. Anatomical Illustrations Musculoskeletal System — Shoulder Joint Structure lavicle ‘Acromion Omelet Naeeradcok Bursa ———_ Deltoid muscle Labrum a Rotator cuff Humerus aoe c Biceps muscle a Nervous System Anatomy Brachial plexus ~ Cerebellum —— Spinalcord Musculocutaneous nerve ~ Intercostal nerve Radial nerve ——————— — Lumbar plexus Subcostal nerve Median nerve — Sacral plexus liohypogastric nerve — —Femoralnerve | — Pudendal nerve Uinar nerve — F ~Sciaticnerve | Common peroneal nerve —————— ~ Saphenous nerve Deep peroneal nerve —— : Superficial peroneal nerve — Tibial nerve =| 47 a Anatomical Illustrations Nervous System — Brain Anatomy Frontal lobe al lobe premotorcortex Motor cortex / Wernicke's area Prefrontal area — Occipital lobe Broca’s area Brain stem \ Temporal lobe Cerebellum Nervous System — Median Section of the Brain Central sulcus Precentral gyrus Postcentral gyrus 7 limbic lobe Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Corpus callosum iis Parieto-occipital sulcus Occipital lobe fy Prenlgera ia Thalamus Hypothalamus Corpora quadtigemina ~ Aqueduct of the midbrain Fourth ventricle Cerebellum Optic chiasm. Temporal lobe Mamillary body——/ ‘Medulla oblongata Anatomical lustrations Nervous System — Cranial Nerves Olfactory nerve fibers () _ Optic nerve () Oculomotor nerve (i) Trochlear nerve (WV) Trigeminal nerve (V) ‘Abducens nerve (Vi) Pons Facial nerve (VII) Vestibulocochlear nerve (Vil) Medulla Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) Vagus nerve (X) Accessory nerve (Xl) Hypoglossal nerve (Xi Nervous System — Nerve Anatomy Spinal nerve £ —— Epineurium Blood vessels ——™~ g Perineurium 5 Unmyelinated nerve fiber Myelinated nerve fiber Endoneurium~ Cross section & ermal Anatomical illustrations Nervous System — Parasympathetic System Anatomy 4 Constricts pupils Stimulates flow Constricts bronchi Slows heartbeat Stimulates peristalsis and secretion Stimulates bile release Pelvic splanchnic nerves Contracts bladder Nervous System — Sympathetic System Anatomy Dilates pupils Inhibits salivation Relaxes bronchi Accelerates heartbeat n Inhibits peristalsis, and secretion Stimulates glucose m2 production and release Secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline \e cee Stimulates orgasm 50 Anatomical Iilustrations Respiratory System Anatomy Connective tissue Capillary beds Alveolar sacs Sphenoid sinus Nasal vestibule ‘Mucous gland—} Epiglottis Vocal fold ‘Mucosal lining: Pulmonary artery) Alveoli Thyroid cartiage * Atrium Cricoid cartilage Pulmonary vein Trachea Superior lobe Lingular division bronchus \~ Carina of trachea — “intermediate bronchus ‘Main bronchi (right and left) Superior lobe ———— Lobar bronchus: Right superior Horizontal fissure Right middle. Oblique fissure —] Loar bronchus: Right inferior Middle lobe Left superior Left inferior Inferior lobe Oblique fissure Cardiac notch Diaphragm — Lingula of lung Inferior lobe Respiratory System — Larynx Anatomy — Hyoid bone ‘Median thyrohyoid — Thyrohyoid ligament membrane — Thyroid cartilage Median cricothyroid. ———————— ligament Cricoid cartilage Trachea 31 ili hua’ abs vi Ra aici ete la shay Anatomical Hlustrations Respiratory System — Lung Anatomy Larynx Trachea (windpipe) Right superior lobe Left superior lobe Bronchial tree Bronchi Right middle lobe Pleura Right inferior lobe _— Left inferior lobe Diaphragm — Respiratory System Function Cross section of a bronchus co, co} oo, Bronchiole and Gas exchange alveoli within alveoli Anatomical Iilustrations Respiratory System — Nose Anatomy Frontal sinus Middle turbinate Superior turbinate, Ps ‘Sphenoid sinus oon “+ | Adenoid pad Nasal cavity ee Nasal vestibule Hard palate Respiratory System — Sinus Anatomy Frontal sinus OS Lo Sphenoid sinus Ethmoid sinus VV axiany sinus Respiratory System — Throat Anatomy Genioglossus muscle a Hyoid bone Mandible Thyroid cartilage Trachea Middle turbinate J ie Superior turbinate Soft palate —— Tonsil —— Lingual tonsil "—~ Epiglottis "Vocal cords —— Esophagus 53

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