Optimal Path Planning For Drones Based On Swarm Intelligence Algorithm
Optimal Path Planning For Drones Based On Swarm Intelligence Algorithm
Optimal Path Planning For Drones Based On Swarm Intelligence Algorithm
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-06998-9 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)
Received: 12 June 2021 / Accepted: 30 January 2022 / Published online: 29 April 2022
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2022
Recently, Drones and UAV research were becoming one of the interest topics for academia and industry, where it has been
extensively addressed in the literature back the few years. Path planning of drones in an area with complex terrain or
unknown environment and restricted by some obstacles is one of the most problems facing the operation of drones. The
problem of path planning is not only limited to searching for an appropriate path from the starting point to the destination
but also related to how to choose an ideal path among all available paths and provide a mechanism for collision avoidance.
By considering how to construct the best path, several related issues need to be taken into account, that relate to safety,
obstacle avoidance, response speed to overtake obstacles, etc. Swarm optimization algorithms have been used to provide
intelligent modeling for drone path planning and enable to build the best path for each drone. This is done according to the
planning and coordination dimensions among the swarm members. In this paper, we have discussed the features and
characteristics of different swarm optimization algorithms such as ant colony optimization (ACO), fruit fly optimization
algorithm (FOA), artificial bee colony (ABC), and particle swarm optimization (PSO). In addition, the paper provides a
comprehensive summary related to the most important studies on drone path planning algorithms. We focused on analyzing
the impact of the swarm algorithm and its performance in drone path planning. For that, the paper presented one of the
most used algorithms and its models employed to improve the trajectory of drones that rely on swarm intelligence and its
impact on the optimal path cost of drones. The results of performance analysis for the ACO algorithm in a 3D and 2D-
dimensional environment are illustrated and discussed, and then the performance evaluation of the ACO is compared to the
enhanced ACO algorithm. The proposed algorithm achieves fast convergence, accelerating the process of path planning.
Keywords UAV Swarm intelligence Ant colony optimization Path planning Drones Artificial bee colony
Particle swarm optimization
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Red
& S. Abdel-Khalek Sea University, Port Sudan, Sudan
[email protected] 6
Department of Electronics Engineering, College of
Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computers Engineering, Sudan University of Science and Technology
and Information Technology, Taif University, (SUST), Khartoum, Sudan
P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia 7
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz
Deanship of Scientific Research, King Abdulaziz University, University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of
Science, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Sohag
University, Sohag 82524, Egypt
10134 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10135
obstacle. The proposed method is based on the use of the authors clarified that this method will improve the com-
Glow Worm Swarming Optimization (GSO) algorithm in munication latency.
the process of building a 3D path planning for operating the A study in [18] provides a unique method that helps to
drone in an environment with moving obstacles. The pro- improve the UAV’s path planning to solve the problems of
posed algorithm helps to achieve fast convergence, accel- slow convergence speed and poor search efficiency by
erating the process of path planning. The algorithm using the ACO algorithm. The proposed algorithm is based
improves the accuracy and convergence rate better than on several stages linked to the mechanism of establishing
heuristic optimization algorithms. and correcting the UAV path in addition to the smooth path
In the study presented by [14], the authors propose a planning that the drone follows during flight. Moreover, the
heuristic evolutionary algorithm with three cost functions, ACO algorithm works to avoid collisions with obstacles
to resolve an issue where battery life is short during flight during UAVs operations. The results of the analysis
missions. These functions are related to the path costs of showed that the proposed algorithm is effective and gives
length, security, and smoothness. The proposed algorithm an optimal solution to the path planning based on avoiding
is designed and evaluated in several path processes, like collision, in addition to achieving smoothness in the UAV
exchange, intersection, transition, and agility. The pro- flights. Authors in [19] presented a particle swarm opti-
posed solution enables adjustment and setting weights to mization mechanism that improves the velocity and opti-
convert multi-objective to single-objective optimization. In mization of the automatic trajectory mapping by using a 3D
[15] authors review the concept of using the A*BC algo- path planning to form UAVs. The mechanism initiates the
rithm for path planning to overcome the security problems particle distribution by using the chaos-based logistic map.
during UAVs operations. The study aimed to enhance the So the constant acceleration parameters are set, in addition
A* algorithm processes by using an artificial bee colony to the maximum speed to carry out the process of adapting
algorithm. The combination between ABC and A* algo- the linear variable parameters during the optimization
rithms enables the UAV to reach the desired goal for the process. Through simulations of the proposed method, it
drone flight in record time with the ability to avoid was found that PSO will rapidly and optimally enhance the
obstacles while flying. Through the analysis, the authors trajectory planning.
found that the A*BC algorithm enhances the ability of the Authors in [20] introduce a new approach based on an
drone to carry out the process of planning the best path improved A-star algorithm for real-time stealth drone’s
effectively with the adoption of avoiding obstacles in trajectory planning to enhance the quick breakout which
addition to achieving aviation safety goals. aims to devise a path permeation strategy. The A-star
A study presented in [16] uses three main approaches algorithm addresses the problem of re-planning of drones
known as an artificial potential field (APF), optimal success to stealth in a 3D dynamic environment. The proposed
rate strategy, and chaos strategy to solve the low conver- algorithm helps to enhance the stealth mechanism of the
gence rate and insufficient robustness problems in path drones and detect radar during the breakout process at low
planning methods. PDF enables to accelerate the conver- altitudes. In addition, the authors adopted the proposed
gence of processes, while the optimal success rate strategy algorithm in a real combat environment with various threat
improves the adaptive algorithm weights. The chaos scenarios. Through the analysis, it was found that the
strategy enables to avoid running into the optimum local combination of the path planning algorithm with the pre-
level. The authors improved the combined methods to diction technology enables stealthy UAVs to deal with
dramatically increase the APF success rate in finding threats and completely re-plan the path according to the
suitable planning paths and reducing convergence time. threat scenarios.
Through the results obtained from the analysis, it was In [21] the study demonstrated the possibility of using
found that the improved algorithm enhances the path the gray wolf enhancer algorithm to perform collaborative,
planning process for drones. Authors in [17] proposed a multi-drone path planning, taking into account the potential
method for UAV group modeling and management. The threats from air defenses while flying in restricted areas.
study provided an improved swarm intelligence algorithm The goal of using the proposed algorithm is to try to reduce
to calculate the movement of the whole swarm as well as the cost of potential threats associated with several con-
the movement of members within the swarm during flight. straints during the flight of the drone. The authors worked
Where the study relied on the analysis of previous work in on refining the gray wolf algorithm to optimize the ini-
which drones are used individually. The authors identified tialization process of the population and update individual
two levels of the proposed algorithm based on central positions to avoid suspected threats. In [22] the study
control over the UAV groups, in addition to the modeling presented a method for improving the performance of the
of individual UAV behavior when working as a group PSO algorithm to aid in planning the optimal path of the
interacting with each other, where through the analysis, the UAVs. In this study, the researchers worked on analyzing
10136 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
the input parameters of the PSO algorithm for drone tra- concept. In addition, the paper also will analyze the per-
jectory planning based on the use of complex and varied formance of the most used swarm intelligent algorithm in
terrain maps. Through the analysis, the researchers found path planning, which is known as ant colony optimization
that the improved algorithm gives an optimum acceleration (ACO).
factor when planning the UAV’s paths. Authors in [23] use
the ferrying UAVs Based on a Generic Algorithm (GA) to
carry out search and rescue operations with high speed and 3 Drones architecture and operations
efficiency. In the given study, the researchers presented a background
new mechanism for the comparison and balance between
the UAV’s energy and the path length obtained from the Intelligent orientation drones enter into many applications,
planning process. The researchers also model path planning especially those that need a quick time response such as for
based on the ability to balance the UAV’s power versus the control and monitoring. Drones need to be characterized by
path length, which determines the operating parameters of the possibilities of free-flying and diversity performing
the UAVs in several factors related to energy consumption tasks and the ability to adopt advanced mechanisms to
in flight. make them have an independent behavior to avoid obsta-
The study presented in [24] provides an adaptive PSO cles and to achieve flight stability according to a method-
algorithm to solve the problem of UAV’s path planning ology that determines the coordinates of the path and
related to inertial weight and learning factors in the process movement. Path identification mechanisms work alongside
of iterative research in a 3D environment. The researchers smart decision-making methods to identify and assess
analyzed both the drone’s self-restriction conditions and conditions surrounding the drones in flight, in addition to
the fitness degree related to the design of the adaptive identifying the critical areas that require immediate inter-
particle swarm improvement algorithm based on the path vention, and coordinating an appropriate response [27].
planning diagram. The results of the simulation analysis Therefore, the intelligent management mechanisms in the
showed that the enhanced algorithm has a high impact to drones enable to evaluate the dynamic and complex
enable the UAVS to perform the optimal path planning emergency data to assess the flight position and then
process. determine the flight path according to the trajectory
In [25] authors present an algorithm that optimizes planning.
swarms of spherical vector-based particles that aids better When designing a drone system, it is important to define
trajectory planning in a potentially threatening environ- decision-making systems and plan flight paths to enable
ment. The algorithm is based on adjusting the cost function autonomy. The decision-making systems are based on
for both optimal and safety constraints in path planning. By putting in place several measures and playing side by side
analyzing the used algorithm, it was found that it is pos- with path planning methods to avoid any obstacles through
sible to obtain an optimal path that achieves less functional the information obtained by sensors to provide information
cost during the search in the UAV flight area by adopting on the actual conditions of the environment during flight
the calculations of the drone position, velocity, and rotation [28]. The system architecture in Fig. 2 shows a drone
angle during rising and fall operations. Authors in [26] system that allows for fully independent decision-making
review path planning for UAVs in a 3D-dimensional and advanced operations with intelligent route planning
complex operation area by using a biogeography-based avoiding any suspected incident.
optimization algorithm (BOA). The study uses BOA to find The architecture consists of different units that work on
an optimal solution to the UAV’s path planning problem. distributing, exchanging, and processing operations data,
The improved path planning by BOA generates the shortest and then evaluating the procedures for accomplishing the
path and gives the lowest process time consumption. flight mission according to the path plan mechanisms [29].
Table 1 summaries the related work studies with a The camera and other sensors located in the drones support
description of the method used and the extracted benefit of the units of path control and decisions making by infor-
the studies. mation obtained during flight, such as the distances from
Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) based on swarm the ground and obstacles. The representation of drone
optimization provides a successful method for solving operations related to image quality limitations and
problems related to path planning. Because of the impor- inspection services are considered as the most important
tance of path planning for drone deployment, this motivates task assessments related to the composition of the drone
us to study the most important AI algorithms that are used camera, which determines its efficiency and the practical
in planning the path of the drone’s applications. The paper and application aspects in which it can be used.
will provide a comprehensive analysis of different path In Fig. 2, the high-level control section contains two
planning algorithms based on the swarm intelligence parts, they are path planning and control formation of the
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10137
Table 1 Summary of swarm intelligence methods for drones path planning approaches
Algorithms approach Feature Advantage Citations
Particle swarm Diversity of multiple optimizations for drones paths Improve the distinguish process for different Cai et al.
optimization and planning issue paths, and plan for efficient multiple paths [12]
sequential niche
Glow-worm swarm A method for collision-free UAVs path in a 3D Faster convergence and speeds up the path- Goel
optimization (GSO) environment planning task improves convergence rate et al.
and accuracy [13]
heuristic evolutionary To solve the problem of short battery life in flying Easy conversion from multi-objective Fu et al.
algorithm missions optimization into a single-objective [14]
A*BC algorithm solve the security problems in UAV flight An effective mechanism to avoid obstacles Depeng
and ensure better path planning et al.
artificial potential field Overcome the low convergence rate and insufficient Great robustness for the path planning Lin et al.
(APF), robustness in drones path planning process [16]
General swarms Centralize the control of UAVs groups, and model Improves communication latency James
optimization distributed behavior of individual UAVs et al.
Ant colony optimization Solve the problem of slow convergence speed and High feasibility and effectiveness solutions Li et al.
low searching efficiency for optimal path and collision avoidance [18]
In UAVs trajectory planning
Particle swarm Automatic path planner 3D path planning algorithm Enhance the trajectory planning Shao
optimization for UAV formation et al.
Improved A- Star Real-time path planning based on the re-planning Efficient threats detection performance in the Zhang
algorithm issue for stealth UAV in a 3D complex dynamic flight environment et al.
environment [86]
Grey wolf optimizer multi-UAV cooperative path planning for air defense Effective in generating paths for multi-UAV Xu et al.
algorithm forces cooperative path planning under threats [21]
Enhanced particle swarm UAV path planning using various complex terrain Improves the acceleration coefficient for Kok
optimization maps with adequate repetitions optimum for UAV path planning et al.
Genetic algorithm (GA) Energy-balanced path planning for UAVs to measure Minimum planned path length and ferrying Wang
the balance between the planned path length and UAVs’ energy-factor variance et al.
the initial energy [23]
Adaptive particle swarm Path planning problem of fixed-wing UAV in three- Higher global search ability and accuracy Chen
optimization dimensional environment space et al.
Spherical vector-based UAV path planning in complicated environments Optimal path with minimum searching Phung
particle swarm subjected to multiple threats function cost for UAVs space configuration et al.
optimization [25]
Biogeography-based Trajectory planning for an unmanned aerial vehicle Improved trajectory algorithm generates the Xue
optimization in a three-dimensional complex workspace shortest trajectory and gives lowest the et al.
time consumption [26]
successful operation calculated from the task evaluation complexity of the flight area. The path for the desired
and drone tracks on the reference path. In the path-planning drone’s motion requires more updating to maintain differ-
module, the successive planned path depends on the ent aspects such as maneuverability and obstacle avoidance
intelligence degree of the optimization algorithm used for [28–30]. However, the path-planning problem can be
selecting the best trajectory plan that kept minimum path simplified to create reference paths for drone flights and
cost with obstacles collision avoidance. Path planning speed up the convergence of the optimization process of
processing depends on the environment data collected by the drone system.
the drones themselves and is greatly influenced by the
10138 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
After a successful path planning process, the high-level to avoid collision with potential obstacles during flight.
control unit is responsible to configure the planned path Otherwise, the drones must have intelligent decisions to
with the mission allocation and formation system for avoid collisions. The path planning concept is related to
controlling the flight process and determining the reference motion and trajectory planning, in addition to navigation.
path to carry out the process of evaluating the path that is In motion planning, drones consider the constraints such as
followed by the drones. Accordingly, the dynamic move- flight path, and ensure that calculations of path length and
ment of the drones is controlled by what is known as the minimum angle of rotation are taken into account when
low-level control section, which is related to the drone performing path optimization [32]. The trajectory mapping
controllers. serves as the motion planning, attaching the route planning
that contains the speed, time, and kinematics of the drones.
Both motion and trajectory planning relies on navigation to
4 Drones path planning and environments help avoid collision and localization and allow the drone to
be monitored during its journey [33].
Drone Path planning is an important issue encountered in Path planning for the drone is done according to the
operating a drone to move from an initial point to a target requirements of the application environment structure,
[31]. The drone path must be determined in such a way as whether it is 2-D (two-dimensional) or 3-D (three-
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10139
dimensional), as the path planning based on a 3-D envi- according to a prior geographic map, but cannot give
ronment can find obstacles and objects, which are used in optimal route planning and the possibility of effective
monitoring the drone and following its navigation, espe- drone control when there are unexpected obstacles during
cially in the complex work environment [34]. According to the flight [39]. The local route is planned by analyzing the
the state and nature of the environment in which the drones information obtained from the surrounding operating
are applied and deployed, a path-planning algorithm is environment to calculate an optimal path. Local environ-
chosen that aims to reduce the computational cost and time ment information helps to estimate drone flight states when
to plan the optimal path [35]. The path generated by this planning a path to avoid a potential collision with object
algorithm should be optimized as it consumes minimal movements in a dynamic environment [40]. Therefore,
energy, takes less time, and reduces the impact of the local path planning algorithms must acquire a degree of
drone’s collision with impeders, and between drones intelligence to adapt to the dynamic of the application
themselves [36]. environment and take advantage of environmental infor-
Path planning methods provide effective strategies that mation such as size, shape, and site structure.
analyze the data collected by the drone according to Traditional path planning such as Dijkstra algorithm
resource constraints such as energy, time, or distance enables the finding of the shortest path global graphs. The
budgets [37]. To calculate the optimal path (v), the maxi- Bellman–Ford algorithm can also be used to find the path
mum gain is achieved in the measurements according to the depending on the flexible iteration process concerning the
following equation. choice of initial estimates and updates [41]. The shortest
infoðmeasureðvÞÞ path can be extracted by estimating the shortest walk from
v ¼ arg max ; costðvÞ b ð1Þ a given initial point to the next point subject to the con-
straint that the walk contains at most walk links and goes
where the measure (v) gives the finite set of measurements through the initial point only once [41],42]. These algo-
along trajectory v in the 3-D space above the environment. rithms enable to obtain the shortest path from the digraph
Info represents the information objective quantifying the and build a path from the origin to the target in the original
utility of the acquired measurements. costðvÞ provides the probability map.
corresponding cost, which cannot exceed a predefined Besides the shortest path selection, an efficient drone’s
budget that is denoted by b [38]. operation requires that the planned path must be optimized
When carrying out the drone’s path planning process, depending on the application [43]. The drones are usually
some performance indicators must be taken into account, controlled from the ground base station and make the
such as the minimum cost of work, the shortest flight time, drones follow flight path waypoints which are corre-
the shortest flight route, and verification of the environment sponded to a path point in the search map (see Fig. 4). We
information used to calculate the optimal path [32]. Based assumed that flight path X is represented as a list of n
on these requirements, path planning methods can be waypoints, and the map coordinates are Cij ¼ ðxij ; yij ; zij Þ,
divided into two types, global and local path planning (see the Euclidean distance between two points can be found as
Fig. 3). Global path planning works to find the path
10140 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
vector Cij Cijþ1 . The cost of path length plc can be found the swarm update the search state according to the detected
by the following equation [44]. channel information when they sensed a value higher than
the threshold, and otherwise, agents continue to explore
plc ¼ vectorCij Cijþ1 ð2Þ behavior until they reach their target.
j¼1 The swarm intelligence approaches enable to find opti-
mal direction to move by collaborating with the neighbors
Moreover, collision avoidance must also be considered in swarm environment. The collaboration with surrounding
in path planning methods to ensure safe drone operations agents in swarm enables to detect of search data values
by guiding the drone through possible threats that may be concerning the threshold and hence, agents who detect the
caused by obstacles in the operating environment [25, 44]. data values become a member of the search team to
The optimal path planning can be calculated based on autonomously emerging the different other cooperating
considering to set all threats and measures the diameter of agents’ teams [47]. Many intelligent swarm algorithms
the drones and the danger distance to the collision zone. based on swarm optimization have been studied exten-
The danger distance can be measured from the radio sively for search and path planning. In the following sec-
between the ten meters in a static environment with a good tion, the most important algorithms that are used in the
GPS signal and the hundred meters for moving objects in drone’s path planning are theoretically and mathematically
an environment with a weak GPS signal for positioning. presented and evaluated [48].
A. Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
5 Intelligent path planning algorithms Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the swarm
intelligence approaches, acts as an optimization scheme,
Due to the complex drone flight procedures related to tra- and is based on social behavior. PSO performs population-
jectory planning and safe flight operations, the drones must based stochastic optimization processes with randomiza-
be able to smartly fly free in every operation environment tion according to interactions between population members
and avoid any probable threats or collation to obstacles. [49]. PSO is an effective technology that uses the concept
One of the most recently used techniques for search plan- of swarm intelligence, which can address complex prob-
ning is swarmed intelligence, which describes the behavior lems with high quality and fast calculation time. However,
of self-organized and decentralized particles acting and PSO can provide weak performance when considering
cooperating in their nature. Algorithms based on swarm optimization, which appears in its’ speed, calculation cost,
intelligence are enabled to provide a smart search strategy and global convergence [50]. Despite the aforementioned
by the concept of swarm agents cooperation [45]. The disadvantages, it offers better advantages over traditional
agents explore the work averment by collaborating with the algorithms for path planning. It provides a fast and easy
surrounding neighbors. Swarm agents are following search mechanism to improve path planning due to its
strategies of exploration behavior and smart search plan- acceptable convergence [50, 51]. Table 2 shows the com-
ning. The exploration behavior is based on collection data parison of the general features between the PSO and tra-
in the environment and compares the data with a predefined ditional algorithms.
threshold, while agents sense the neighbor’s data in the The strategy of PSO depends on initiating a population of
environment by using different kinds of communication random solutions, where each point in random solutions is
schemes according to the swarm kind [46]. The agents in treated as a particle that can move from one region to another
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10141
using a specific mechanism [52]. The algorithm evaluates Fig. 5) [54]. The performance of PSO is significantly
each random solution and extracts its cost to obtain the best affected by the particle’s speed, which can be expressed as a
local and global points in each waypoint associated with the speed for each particle by Eq. (3).
solutions of the population [53]. Through the evaluation, the
solution points are arranged so that the local best point is SGþ1 G G G
i;k ¼ wSi;k þ Q1 rp pbest;k xi;k þ Q2 rg gbest;k xG
considered the best location for the current generation, and ð3Þ
the global best point expresses the absolute best location (see
where S represents the particle speed, Q1 and Q2 are the
10142 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
acceleration coefficients, and rg , rp are random numbers ACO algorithms based on the updating pheromones impact
between (0 and 1). W denoted for inertial weight and x for concerning the ACOs function optimization.
current location, where i and k represent the particle In general, the differences between the algorithms in
numbers from the population, and waypoint, respectively. Fig. 6 lie in the effect of the number of ants and the number
The term gbest represents the global best point, and pbest is of rounds calculated with different quantities of ants within
for local best point. The position of d (dimensional com- a limited number of iterations. The figure shows the dif-
ponent) of the ith the particle can be calculated as follows ference between the three algorithms, which determine the
accuracy of each of them according to how the ants and
xGþ1 G Gþ1
i;k ¼ xi;k þ Si;k ð4Þ
their number interact with the calculated solutions. The
In Eqs. (3) and (4), the parameters must be set to enable optimization can be deduced and the correct data obtained
updates to the local and global best points until the ter- from the optimization mechanism is related.
mination condition is met and calculates the cost of each Generally, the three algorithms work similarly by fol-
new solution. When using this algorithm, it is possible to lowing the same structure; however, the main difference is
reach the termination state at the maximum limit to cal- the workings of pheromones. The updating and maintain-
culate solutions and calculate a cost that is closer to the ing of pheromones in each iteration will result in different
optimal solution [56]. About planning the path and solutions according to the governed next search probabil-
movement in multi-dimensional directions, it finds that the ities by the number of pheromones and its distance
traditional algorithms face some limitations such as long- according to Eq. 5. The process of each iteration updating
time computations, and are likely to converge to a local depends on the q. The pheromone values are multiplied by
minimum. However, the PSO enables the finding of a this factor. The factor multiplication ensures to obtain of
globally optimal solution and is less likely to converge to a new paths for the best solution.
local minimum. C. Artificial bee colony (ABC)
B. Ant colony optimization (ACO) Swarm intelligence based on bee behavior, is a new
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is another type of algo- algorithm that enables optimization of the search mecha-
rithm that relies on swarm intelligence that solves the path nism depending on the nature of the bee agent’s interaction
optimization problem [57]. This algorithm relies on simu- in the colony [62]. The ABC algorithm is based on three
lating the behavior of real ants in their colony to manage artificial bee colony; they are as follows: worker bees,
the processes of creating and arranging paths. According to spectator bees, and scout bees [63]. The path is planned
the study of the ant’s interaction with each other, the from the bee colony site to the food site by finding the best
algorithm uses the same interaction behavior that the ants solution to follow the path. The path selection is according
adopt to determine paths between the starting points to the to the tasks assigned to the bees during the algorithm’s
destination by depositing a chemical substance known as process. The scout bee searches to find new food sources
the pheromone [58]. [64]. Worker bees locate food and store the location of
ACO enables to delivery of fast and efficient solutions their memories, while the spectator bees will receive
with distributed computation and collective interaction of a information on the source and location of food from the
population of agents. Through previous studies, ACO has worker bee. According to the mentioned bee’s operations,
provided solutions to several optimization problems in the ABC algorithm processes can be described as shown in
backward applications such as vehicle paths, path planning Fig. 7. The initial process occurred by the scout bees and
for moving robots, as well as optimal path planning for controls the parameters of xi vector of the population of
drone systems [59]. There are several types of ants’ food source [65]. Each xi can be calculated as follows.
behavior-based algorithms, such as ant system algorithm, xi ¼ li þ rand(0; 1Þðui li Þ ð5Þ
ant colony algorithm for the iteration best, in addition to
ant colony system for the global best [60]. The difference where li and ui represent the lower and upper xi bound
between these ant colony algorithms is due to the pher- parameters, respectively. The spectator bees set the new
omone updating procedures. For example, in the ant colony food source, which is increased to have more nectar around
algorithm for the best iteration, the ant that gets the best the neighborhood of the source food population xi . The
result in each iteration of the pheromone updating proce- newly founded neighborhood of the source is evaluated and
dure is used. While in an ant colony of the best globally, can be calculated by the following equation [66].
the pheromone updating procedure may be left to the ant at vi ¼ xi þ Uðxi xj Þ ð6Þ
the best performance during previous total iterations [61].
Figure 6 shows the performance comparison of different where U is a random number chosen between (-a, a), i and
j represent the current and next points (city), respectively.
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10143
xj represents the randomly selected food source. The new compared with PSO, which can achieve acceptable con-
food source fitness is measured depending on the objective vergence speed and search for better solutions for drone
function value of the solution fi ðxi Þ. The spectator bees path planning. Although the DE and PSO address the
choose the food source depending on the probability values optimization problems and give an acceptable performance
calculations based on the fitness value as in Eq. (9). in accuracy, robustness, and convergence time, ABC gives
8 the highest performance when applied for multiple drone
< 1
; if fi ðxi Þ 0 path planning.
fiti ðxi Þ ¼ 1 þ f i ðx i Þ ð7Þ
1 þ absðfi ðxi ÞÞ; if fi ðxi Þ 0 D. Firefly algorithm (FA)
fiti ðxi Þ Firefly algorithm is a new mechanism for improving swarm
pi PSN ð8Þ intelligence, as it relies on research methods based on the
i¼1 fiti ðxi Þ
social behavior of fireflies [69]. The Firefly algorithm
The ABC algorithm is characterized by ease of imple- simulates the social behavior of flying fireflies, which are,
mentation and high flexibility since it requires fewer con- communicating, and searching to find mates by using
trol parameters compared with other search techniques. bioluminescence with varied flashing patterns. Fireflies’
The ABC algorithm has been used in many applications algorithm improves some fireflies’ flashing properties, so
such as engineering design, image processing, and network the improvement process depends on fireflies being
management, in addition to contributing to solving attracted to each other, regardless of their gender, the firefly
numerical optimization problems [15]. Moreover, it can brightness, and the objective function based on the firefly
provide an efficient unmanned aerial vehicle operation to brightness [70, 71].
avoid obstacles. The algorithm relies on an indication that flashing fire-
For drone path planning applications, ABC helps drones flies of lower brightness are stimulated and move toward
to safely fly toward the target point by improving obstacles the brightest. So that the attractiveness is proportional to
avoidance mechanisms. ABC algorithm enables to re-for- the brightness, which decreases relatively with the increase
mulate paths to avoid obstacles in flight, as it improves the in the distance between the fireflies [72]. The flowchart in
effectiveness and efficiency of drone path planning [84]. Fig. 9 shows the process of fireflies and position updating
The performance of ABC is shown in Fig. 8, where the according to the attraction toward the brightest firefly. The
best, median, and average cost values of the artificial bee attractiveness of the fireflies can be calculated by Eq. (11).
colony (ABC) are being compared to the particle swarm
b ¼ bo exp ðcdijm Þ; m1 ð9Þ
optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution (DE) algo-
rithms. The Figure shows the performance of the ABC where bo represents the attractiveness of fireflies when the
against the PSO and DE in the drone path planning opti- distance dij = 0, and c is the coefficient of light absorption.
mization applications [96]. The ABC achieves small costs dij is the distance between two fireflies i and j.
10144 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
Equation (11) shows that it is a nonlinear equation, which xki ðt þ 1Þ ¼ xki ðtÞ þ bo expðcdij2 Þððxkj ðtÞ xki ðtÞÞÞ þ ak ki
may lead to rich characteristics in the context of algorith-
mic behaviors [73]. Since the degree of attractiveness is
depending on the distance between the fireflies, the where a is a scaling factor controlling the step sizes of the
movement of one firefly toward the brighter is affected by random walks that can be expressed by ki which is a ran-
this distance, which can be calculated by Eq. (10) [73], dom number vector that can be generated by uniform dis-
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tribution with time ‘k’ According to the equations, for any
u D 2
dij ¼ t xki xkj ð10Þ two fireflies xi and xj, if the brightness of xj is greater than
k¼1 xi, then xi will be attracted by xj, and the position of firefly
xi will be updated [73]. That means each firefly is attracted
where dij is the distance between xi and xj, and D is the to other fireflies brighter. This algorithm enables the opti-
dimension xki represents the current value of ith firefly at mization method to be easier and leads to slow
kth dimension, and the same for the next value xkj . The convergence.
attraction of the fireflies toward each other can be calcu- Firefly algorithm provides a solution to several different
lated by the following equation. improvement problems through its unique technology
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10145
Fig. 8 Performance comparison between ABC, DE, and PSO for drones path planning
based on the nature of the firefly interacting with each where a is denoted for step size usually equal to 1. levy(b)
other. The FA algorithm can be integrated into the fuzzy is representing the parameter of levy flights to provide
controller to optimize different drone parameters such as random walk, where random steps can be calculated by the
obstacle distance, and mutual distance between the motion
levy distributed equation equal to t1b ð0\b\2Þ. The
of the drone. The use of the FA algorithm enables opti-
cuckoo bird algorithm achieves a higher global conver-
mization of the drone fuzzy controller parameters.
gence and efficiency when using Levi’s trips compared to
E. Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) the algorithms that use standard Gaussian operations [83].
Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) is an algorithm inspired A few numbers of studies have been conducted to use the
by the behavior of cuckoo birds. This algorithm theory is cuckoo search algorithm for drone trajectory planning since
based on basic rules that cuckoo birds take to place only using it within a longer period reduces the chances of obtaining
one egg in each stage, hence cuckoos randomly select the an optimal solution. The cuckoo search algorithm enables to
nest to place the eggs. In addition, that, cuckoos carried analysis and study of the problem of path planning for drones
forward only the high-quality eggs and nests [74]. This and works much better by combining it with the genetic algo-
algorithm works according to the behavior of the cuckoo rithm [77]. Hybrid cuckoo search and genetic algorithms will
when searching for a nest so that it represents a possible provide a fast and high success rate performance spectrum
solution egg, and it updates the solution by updating the when the control and threat points are many.
nest position continuously [75].
The cuckoo search mechanism relies on Levi’s flight to
simulate the pattern of birds in nature as illustrated in 6 Optimal path planning-based ACO
Fig. 10. The host bird can choose whether to throw the egg algorithm
away or abandon the nest and build a new nest completely
by using probability factor pa [ [0,1]. The cuckoo search Path planning is a key part of a drone’s assignment planning
algorithm uses the parameter pa to control local search and system. It is aiming at generating optimal or appropriate opti-
global exploration [8177]. Due to the concept of the mal flight paths, to safely finish the task when breaking through
cuckoo bird’s behavior, the new solution x (t ? 1) of n the enemy threats area. Based on the different task require-
cuckoos can be found for global exploration by Eq. (12), ments and battlefield environment, several different planning
methods have been put forward, such as optimized control,
xn ðt þ 1Þ ¼ xn ðtÞ þ a levyðbÞ ð12Þ Singular perturbation method, and artificial potential field
method [78]. In this paper, we presented some famous intelli-
gent optimization technology-based swarm planning methods.
10146 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
ACO is one of the most efficient swarm intelligent methods that environment of the area of the drone flight in addition to its
enable to optimization of the path planning for the drone’s impact on changes and other weather factors. In this study,
operations. In this section, we evaluate the performance of we consider using an ant colony optimization algorithm to
ACO for drone path planning and extract its impact in different plot the flight path of the drone, while ignoring the various
scenarios. weather factors and the ability of the drone to maneuver.
The algorithm was analyzed based on the path planning
6.1 ACO performance test correction problem [79].
According to the ant colony behaviors, the ACO algo-
In general, the process of path planning for large flight rithm enables a selection of the best path depending on the
distances is linked to several restrictions depending on the probability of edge selection by following the procedure of
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10147
flowchart as shown in Fig. 11. We consider an ant that on the use of theories related to the nature of ants they are,
would like to choose the path in a given network node, ant pheromone updating, and evaporation [67]. The pher-
will start to move from one node to another and deposit omones are updated according to Eq. (14) as follows.
pheromone [80]. The first ant chooses randomly the loca- Xm
tion of the direct path, and updates the current path by sij ¼ ð1 qÞsij þ Dskij ð14Þ
depositing the pheromone, and hence the evaporated path is k¼1
considered the worst choice, and the path with a high where (1 - q) represents the pheromone evaporation rate
pheromone concentration is the best one [81]. By consid- and q is a pheromone persistence coefficient and Dskij is the
ering k to denote the ant, start and next node represented by
number of deposited pheromones. Equation 6 ensures
i and j, respectively. Ant will choose to go to the next node
continuously best path updates, which promotes strong
based on the probability given to be Eq. (13).
paths and neglects weak paths [83].
ðskij Þa ðgkij Þb The ACO algorithm is analyzed based on planning the
pkij ¼ P ; if j 2 Nik ; otherwise best flight path from the starting point to the endpoint of the
R k ðsk Þa ðgk Þb ð13Þ
j Ni ij ij
drone flight, so that the drone path is corrected during the
pkij ¼ 0 flight, taking into account the selection of the shortest flight
path. The algorithm of the ACO will also be analyzed after
where pkij is the probability of edge selection, ðskij Þa and
improving so that the drone can avoid obstacles during the
ðgkij Þb represent the pheromone level, and desirability of flight by measuring a new parameter into account of the
edge, respectively. The parameters a and b are used to traditional ACO by assuming that the drone can measure
control the impact of ðskij Þa and ðgkij Þb . If consider setting the distance from the obstacles during flight and adjust the
a = 0, the probability will depend on heuristic values. By flight path quickly and accurately at the lowest cost. We
considering to set b = 0, the probability will have calcu- compare the ACO and the proposed enhancement in terms
lated depending on the pheromone value [82]. of optimal path costs. The simulation will take two analysis
Due to the ant moving in the path according to the scenarios by considering the evaluation of the ACO algo-
concentration of pheromone value, the algorithm will work rithm in 2D and 3D flight environments. The simulation
10148 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10149
10150 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
methods will show that the convergence speed and global 7 Conclusions
optimality are improved significantly [85].
Drones represent an important role in the emergence of a
wide range of surveillance and research applications.
However, the application of the drone in different
Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155 10151
Fig. 15 2D simulation for drone path planning using improved path distance algorithm
environments represents a major challenge in planning comprehensive analysis of several algorithms that rely on
tasks and a safe path to obtain data efficiently, especially in swarm intelligence for drone path planning, which works to
complex environments. This paper provided a solve many problems related to the possibility of learning
10152 Neural Computing and Applications (2022) 34:10133–10155
Fig. 17 Convergence curves of optimal paths for ACO and proposed improvement
and focus on the limitations of the working environment In the future study, machine-learning techniques will be
for drones. The performance of some algorithms used in used to optimize the process of analyzing the relative
planning the drone’s trajectory has also been analyzed and positions of the detected objects and obstacles to determine
simulated on various forms of the environment, such as the the optimal collision-free paths.
two-dimensional and the three-dimensional environment.
In this paper, the performance of the ACO algorithm to
Funding This paper was funded by the Deanship of Scientific
solve the drone’s path planning problem in a two-dimen-
Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under Grant No.
sional and three-dimensional environment space was ana- (D-78-305-1442). The authors, therefore, gratefully acknowledge
lyzed assuming the presence of obstacles on the flight area. DSR technical and financial support.
The ACO was also optimized by adopting measurements of
Data availability The data used to support the findings of this study
the distance between the drone and obstacles during flight
are available from the corresponding author upon request.
to update the route planning during flight and then per-
forming a simulation to compare the ACO algorithm and
the proposed method in a two-dimensional environment Declarations
where it was found that the improvement gives high effi-
ciency in optimizing the path planning with acceptance Conflicts of interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of
interest to report regarding the present study.
convergence and cost.
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