Stages of The Data Life Cycle
Stages of The Data Life Cycle
Stages of The Data Life Cycle
Here's a question for you. When you think about a life cycle, what's the first thing that comes to
mind? Now I'm not a mind reader, but I know whatever you're thinking is right. There's actually
no wrong answer because everything has a life cycle. One of the most well-known examples of
a life cycle is a butterfly. Butterflies begin as eggs, hatch into caterpillars and then become a
chrysalis. That's where the real magic happens. Data has a life cycle of its own too. In this
video, we're going to talk about each of the stages in that life cycle to help you understand the
individual phases data goes through. The life cycle of data is plan, capture, manage, analyze,
archive and destroy.
Let's start with the first phase, planning. This actually happens well before starting an
analysis project. During planning, a business decides what kind of data it needs, how it will be
managed throughout its life cycle, who will be responsible for it, and the optimal outcomes. For
example, let's say an electricity provider wanted to gain insights into how to save people energy.
In the planning phase, they might decide to capture information on how much electricity its
customers use each year, what types of buildings are being powered, and what types of devices
are being powered inside of them. The electricity company would also decide which team
members will be responsible for collecting, storing, and sharing that data. All of this happens
during planning, and it helps set up the rest of the project.
The next phase is when you capture data. This is where data is collected from a variety
of different sources and brought into the organization. With so much data being created every
day, the ways to collect it are truly endless. One common method is getting data from outside
resources. For example, if you were doing data analysis on weather patterns, you'd probably
get data from a publicly available dataset like the National Climatic Data Center. Another way to
get data is from a company's own documents and files, which are usually stored inside a
database. While we've mentioned databases before, we haven't gone into too much detail about
what they are.
A database is a collection of data stored in a computer system. In the case of our
electricity provider, the business would probably measure data usage among its customers
within a database that it owns. As a quick note, when you maintain a database of customer
information, ensuring data integrity, credibility, and privacy are all important concerns. You'll
learn a lot more about that later on.
Now that we've captured our data, we'll move on to the next phase of the data life cycle,
manage. Here we're talking about how we care for our data, how and where it's stored, the tools
used to keep it safe and secure, and the actions taken to make sure that it's maintained
properly. This phase is very important to data cleansing, which we'll cover later on.
Next, it's time to analyze your data. This is where data analysts really shine. In this
phase, the data is used to solve problems, make great decisions, and support business goals.
For example, one of our electricity company's goals might be to find ways to help customers
save energy.
Moving along the data life cycle now evolves to the archive phase. Archiving means
storing data in a place where it's still available, but may not be used again. During analysis,
analysts handle huge amounts of data. Can you imagine if we had to sort through all of the
available data that's out there, even if it was no longer useful and relevant to our work? It makes
way more sense to archive it than to keep it around.
And finally, the last step of the data life cycle, the destroy phase. Yes, it sounds sad, but
when you destroy data, it won't hurt a bit. So let's get back to our electricity provider example.
They would have data stored on multiple hard drives. To destroy it, the company would use a
secure data erasure software. If there were any paper files, they would be shredded too. This is
important for protecting a company's private information, as well as private data about its
customers. And there you have it, the data life cycle. And now that you understand the different
phases data goes through during its life cycle, you can better understand how to approach the
data analysis process, which we'll talk about soon.
Six phases of data analysis
Now that you understand all the phases of the data life cycle, it's time to move on to the
phases of data analysis. They sound similar, but are two different things. Data analysis
isn't a life cycle. It's the process of analyzing data. Coming up, we'll look at each step of
the data analysis process and how it will relate to your work as a data analyst. Even this
program is designed to follow these steps. Understanding these connections will help
guide your own analysis and your work in this program. You've already learned that this
program is modeled after the stages of the data analysis process. This program is split
into courses, six of which are based upon the steps of data analysis: ask, prepare,
process, analyze, share, and act.
Let's start with the first step in data analysis, the ask phase. In this phase, we do two
things. We define the problem to be solved and we make sure that we fully understand
stakeholder expectations. Stakeholders hold a stake in the project. They are people
who have invested time and resources into a project and are interested in the outcome.
Let's break that down. First, defining a problem means you look at the current state and
identify how it's different from the ideal state. Usually there's an obstacle we need to get
rid of or something wrong that needs to be fixed. For instance, a sports arena might
want to reduce the time fans spend waiting in the ticket line. The obstacle is figuring out
how to get the customers to their seats more quickly. Another important part of the ask
phase is understanding stakeholder expectations. The first step here is to determine
who the stakeholders are. That may include your manager, an executive sponsor, or
your sales partners. There can be lots of stakeholders. But what they all have in
common is that they help make decisions, influence actions and strategies, and have
specific goals they want to meet. They also care about the project and that's why it's so
important to understand their expectations. For instance, if your manager assigns you a
data analysis project related to business risk, it would be smart to confirm whether they
want to include all types of risks that could affect the company, or just risks related to
weather such as hurricanes and tornadoes. Communicating with your stakeholders is
key in making sure you stay engaged and on track throughout the project. So as a data
analyst, developing strong communication strategies is very important. This part of the
ask phase helps you keep focused on the problem itself, not just its symptoms. As you
learned earlier, the five whys are extremely helpful here. In an upcoming course, you'll
learn how to ask effective questions and define the problem by working with
stakeholders. You'll also cover strategies that can help you share what you discover in a
way that keeps people interested.
After that, we'll move on to the prepare step of the data analysis process. This is
where data analysts collect and store data they'll use for the upcoming analysis
process. You'll learn more about the different types of data and how to identify which
kinds of data are most useful for solving a particular problem. You'll also discover why
it's so important that your data and results are objective and unbiased. In other words,
any decisions made from your analysis should always be based on facts and be fair and
Next is the process step. Here, data analysts find and eliminate any errors and
inaccuracies that can get in the way of results. This usually means cleaning data,
transforming it into a more useful format, combining two or more datasets to make
information more complete and removing outliers, which are any data points that could
skew the information. After that, you'll learn how to check the data you prepare to make
sure it's complete and correct. This phase is all about getting the details right. So you'll
also fix typos, inconsistencies, or missing and inaccurate data. To top it off, you'll gain
strategies for verifying and sharing your data cleansing with stakeholders.
Then it's time to analyze. Analyzing the data you've collected involves using tools
to transform and organize that information so that you can draw useful conclusions,
make predictions, and drive informed decision-making. There are lots of powerful tools
data analysts use in their work and in this course you'll learn about two of them,
spreadsheets and structured query language, or SQL, which is often pronounced
The next course is based on the share phase. Here you'll learn how data
analysts interpret results and share them with others to help stakeholders make
effective data-driven decisions. In the share phase, visualization is a data analyst's best
friend. So this course will highlight why visualization is essential to getting others to
understand what your data is telling you. With the right visuals, facts and figures
become so much easier to see and complex concepts become easier to understand.
We'll explore different kinds of visuals and some great data visualization tools. You'll
also practice your own presentation skills by creating compelling slideshows and
learning how to be fully prepared to answer questions. Then we'll take a break from the
data analysis process to show you all of the really cool things you can do with the
programming language R. You don't need to be familiar with R or programming
languages in general. Just know that R is a popular tool for data manipulation,
calculation, and visualization.
For our final data analysis phase, we have act. This is the exciting moment when
the business takes all of the insights you, the data analyst, have provided and puts them
to work in order to solve the original business problem and will be acting on what you've
learned throughout this program. This is when you prepare for your job search and have
the chance to complete a case study project. It's a great opportunity for you to bring
together everything you've worked on throughout this course. Plus adding a case study
to your portfolio helps you stand out from the other candidates when you interview for
your first data analyst job. Now you know the different steps of the data analysis
process and how our course reflects it. You have everything you need to understand
how this course works and my fellow Googlers and I will be here to guide you every
step of the way
1. Ask: Ask effective questions, Define the problem, Use structure thinking,
Communicate with others 2. Process: Create and transform data, Maintain data
integrity, Test data, Clean data, Verify and report on cleaning results 3. Share:
Understand visualization, Create effective visuals, Bring data to life, Use data
storytelling, Communicate to help others understand results 4. Prepare: Understand
how data is generated and collected, Identify and use different data formats, types, and
structures, Make sure data is unbiased and credible, Organize and protect data 5.
Analyze: Use tools to format and transform data, Sort and filter data, Identify patterns
and draw conclusions, Make predictions and recommendations, Make data-driven
decisions 6. Act: Apply your insights, Solve problems, Make decisions, Create
something new
Learn about the process through the program:
1. Learn more about the Ask phase of the process in the Ask Questions to Make Data-
Driven Decisions course.
2. Learn more about the Prepare phase of the process in the Prepare Data for Exploration
3. Learn more about the Process phase of the process in the Process Data from Dirty to
Clean course.
4. Learn more about the Analyze phase of the process in the Analyze Data to Answer
Questions and Data Analysis with R Programming courses.
5. Learn more about the Share phase of the process in the Share Data Through the Art of
Visualization and Data Analysis with R Programming courses.
6. Learn more about the Act phase of the process in the Google Data Analytics Capstone:
Complete a Case Study course.
Note: The course links are for you to preview and not complete the courses at this time.
You may mark this activity as complete after you understand how the courses align to
the data analysis process.
Example of the data process
Regardless of what type of data analysis you're conducting, the process is generally the
same. The example that I'll walk through is that of our employee engagement survey,
but you could imagine that this process applies to just about any data analysis that
you're going to conduct as an analyst. The first thing you want to do is ask. You want to
ask all of the right questions at the beginning of the engagement so that you better
understand what your leaders and stakeholders need from this analysis. The types of
questions that I generally ask are around, what is the problem that we're trying to solve?
What is the purpose of this analysis? What are we hoping to learn from it? After you've
asked all the right questions and you've wrapped your arms around the scope of the
analysis you need to conduct, the next step is to prepare. We need to be thinking about
what type of data we need to answer those key questions. This could be anything from
quantitative data or qualitative data. It could be cross-sectional or points in time versus
longitudinal over a long period of time. We need to be thinking about the type of data we
need in order to answer the questions that we've set out to answer based on what we
learned when we asked the right questions. We also need to be thinking about how
we're going to collect that data or if we need to collect that data. It may be the case that
we need to collect this data brand-new. So we need to think about what type of data
we're going to be collecting and how. For our employee engagement survey, we do that
via survey of both quantitative and qualitative questions. But it may actually be the case
that for many analyses, the data that you're looking for already exist. Then it's a
question of working with those data owners to make sure that you are able to leverage
that data and use it responsibly. After you've done all the hard work to collect your data,
now you need to process that data. It begins with cleaning. This to me is the most fun
part of the data analytics process. We can think of it as the initial introduction or the
handshake, hello, to your data. This is where you get a chance to understand its
structure, its quirks, its nuances, and you really get a chance to understand deeply what
type of data you're going to be working with and understanding what potential that data
has to answer all of your questions. This is such an important part, too, where we're
running through all of our quality assurance checks. For example, do we have all of the
data that we anticipated we would have? Are we missing data at random or is it missing
in a systematic way such that maybe something went wrong with our data collection
effort? If needed, did we code all of our data the right way? Are there any outliers that
we need to treat differently? This is the part where we spend a lot of time really digging
deeply into the structure and nuance of the data to make sure that you're able to
analyze it appropriately and responsibly. After cleaning our data and running all of our
quality assurance checks, now is the point where we analyze our data, making sure to
do so in as objective and unbiased a way as possible. To do this, the first thing we do is
run through a series of analyses that we've already planned ahead of time based on the
questions that we know we want to answer from the very, very beginning of the process.
One thing that's probably the hardest about this particular process, the hardest thing
about analyzing data, is that we as analysts are trained to look for patterns. Over time
as we become better and better at our jobs, what we'll often find is that we can start to
intuit what we might see in the data. We might have a sneaking suspicion as to what the
data are going to tell us. This is the point where we have to take a step back and let the
data speak for itself. As data analysts, we are storytellers, but we also have to keep in
mind that it is not our story to tell. That story belongs to the data, and it is our job as
analysts to amplify and tell that story in as unbiased and objective a way as possible.
The next step is to share all of the data and insights that you've generated from your
analyses. Now typically for employee engagement survey, we start by sharing the high-
level findings with our executive team. We want them to have a landscape view of how
the organization is feeling, and we want to make sure that there aren't any surprises as
they dig deeper and deeper into the data to understand how teams are feeling and how
individual employees are feeling. All of this work from asking the right questions to
collecting your data, to analyzing and sharing, doesn't mean much of anything if we
aren't taking action on what we've just learned. This to me is the most critical part,
especially of our employee engagement survey. I like to say that the survey is actually
the easy part, and acting on the results is really where the real work begins. This is
where we use all of those data-driven insights to decide what types of interventions we
want to introduce, not only at the organizational level, but also at the team level as well.
We might find, for example, that the organization is working on a series of interventions
to help improve part of the employee experience, whereas individual teams have
additional roles, responsibilities to play, to either bolster some of those efforts or to
introduce new ones to better meet their team where their strengths and opportunity
areas are. The data analysis process is rigorous, but it is lengthy. I can completely
appreciate that we as data analysts, get so excited about just diving right into the data
and doing what we do best. The challenge is that if we don't work through the process in
its entirety, if we try to skip steps, we're not going to be able to elicit the insights that
we're looking for. I absolutely love my job. I have such a deep appreciation for data and
what it can do and what type of insight we can derive from it.
Learning Log: Organize your data in a table
By now, you have started to think about data in your daily life and how you use this data
to make decisions. Earlier in this course, you completed a learning log where you
recorded some data from your daily life. Next, you will consider how to organize this
data. In this activity, you’ll write an entry in your learning log to track your thinking and
reflections about how to organize data. By the time you complete your entry, you will
understand how to create and format a table to store the data that you collect. Tables
are one of the most common ways data is organized for analysis. This foundational skill
will help you more easily analyze data, and will serve as a go-to tool in your data
analyst’s toolkit.
To get started, consider the data you have collected in your learning log entries so far in
this course. Now, take a moment and prepare to organize this data. One of the simplest
ways to add structure to your data is to put it in a table.
To record your data in a table, you need to understand how a table is structured:
I'm looking forward to introducing you to some of the tools data analyst use each and
every day. There are tons of options out there. But the most common ones you'll see
analyst use are spreadsheets, query languages and visualization tools. And this video is
going to give you a quick look at how these tools are being used by data analysts every
day. Believe it or not, I was several years into my accounting and finance career before
I saw all of these tools working together. At that point I was very experienced with
spreadsheets, and had worked in large data sets with some of the traditional database
programs. I had the foundational skill set to use query languages, and I had dabbled in
visualizations, but I had never brought them all together. Then I got hired here at
Google. And it was so eye-opening to come into a place like this with an abundance of
information everywhere you look. As an analyst at Google, the true power of these tools
became so much clearer to me. I became more focused on really maximizing everything
these tools could do, streamlining my reporting and just making my work simpler. All of
the sudden, I had a lot more time and space to dedicate to identifying new problems to
solve and driving decision-making. Without a doubt, once you've learned the power of
these tools, you will be well on your way to becoming the best data analyst you can
possibly be. All right, I hope that story has you even more motivated for this course.
Let's get started with spreadsheets. Again, there are lots of different spreadsheet
solutions, but two popular options are Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. To put it
simply, a spreadsheet is a digital worksheet. It stores, organizes, and sorts data. This is
important because the usefulness of your data depends on how well it's structured.
When you put your data into a spreadsheet, you can see patterns, group information
and easily find the information you need. Spreadsheets also have some really useful
features called formulas and functions. A formula is a set of instructions that performs a
specific calculation using the data in a spreadsheet. Formulas can do basic things like
add, subtract, multiply and divide, but they don't stop there. You can also use formulas
to find the average of a number set. Look up a particular value, return the sum of a set
of values that meets a particular rule, and so much more. A function is a preset
command that automatically performs a specific process or task using the data in a
spreadsheet. That sounds pretty technical, I know, so let's break it down. Just think of a
function as a simpler, more efficient way of doing something that would normally take a
lot of time. In other words, functions can help make you more efficient. Those are the
spreadsheet basics for now. Later on, you'll see them in action and start working with
spreadsheets yourself. The next data analysis tool is called query language. A query
language is a computer programming language that allows you to retrieve and
manipulate data from a database. You'll learn something called structured query
language, more commonly known as SQL. SQL is a language that lets data analysts
communicate with a database. A database is a collection of data stored in a computer
system. SQL is the most widely used structured query language for a couple of reasons.
It's easy to understand and works very well with all kinds of databases. With SQL, data
analysts can access the data they need by making a query. Although query means
question, I like to think of it as more of a request. So, you're requesting that the
database do something for you. You can ask it to do a lot of different things such as
insert, delete, select or update data. Okay, that's a top-level look at SQL. In a later
video, we'll explore it further and use SQL to do some really cool things with data.
Lastly, let's talk about data visualization. You've learned that data visualization is the
graphical representation of information. Some examples include graphs, maps, and
tables. Most people process visuals more easily than words alone. That's why
visualizations are so important. They help data analysts communicate their insights to
others, in an effective and compelling way. When you think about the data analysis
process, after data is prepared, processed and analyzed, the insights are visualized so
it can be understood and shared. This makes it easier for stakeholders to draw
conclusions, make decisions, and come up with strategies. Some popular visualization
tools are Tableau and Looker. Data analysts like using Tableau because it helps them
create visuals that are very easy to understand. This means that even non-technical
users can get the information they need. Looker is also popular with data analysts
because it gives them an easy way to create visuals based on the results of a query.
With Looker, you can give stakeholders a complete picture of your work by showing
them visualization data and the actual data related to it. All visualization tools have great
features that are useful in different situations. Soon you will learn how to decide which
tool to use for a particular job. And that's everything you need to know about the data
life cycle and the data analysis process. You'll get a chance to test out what you know,
so you can feel confident moving forward in this course. Feel free to take some time to
re-familiarize yourself with the concepts and when you're ready, give it your best shot. If
you're ever unsure of an answer, you can always go back and review the videos and
readings. Then you'll be ready to move on to the next set of videos, where we'll continue
exploring the data analytics tools you've already covered. And you'll get some really
fascinating insights into exactly how they work. Before long, you'll have the knowledge
and confidence to start using them yourself. Stay tuned
Key data analyst tools
As you are learning, the most common programs and solutions used by data analysts include
spreadsheets, query languages, and visualization tools. In this reading, you will learn more about
each one. You will cover when to use them, and why they are so important in data analytics.
Data analysts rely on spreadsheets to collect and organize data. Two popular spreadsheet
applications you will probably use a lot in your future role as a data analyst are Microsoft Excel and
Google Sheets.
Query languages
These tools
- Looker communicates directly with a database, allowing you to connect your data right to the
A career as a data analyst also involves using programming languages, like R and Python, which
are used a lot for statistical analysis, visualization, and other data analysis.
Key takeaway
You have a lot of tools as a data analyst. This is a first glance at the possibilities, and you will
explore many of these tools in-depth throughout this program.
Depending on which phase of the data analysis process you’re in, you will need to use different
tools. For example, if you are focusing on creating complex and eye-catching visualizations,
then the visualization tools we discussed earlier are the best choice. But if you are focusing on
organizing, cleaning, and analyzing data, then you will probably be choosing between
spreadsheets and databases using queries. Spreadsheets and databases both offer ways to
store, manage, and use data. The basic content for both tools are sets of values. Yet, there are
some key differences, too:
Spreadsheets Databases
Data stores - accessed using a query language
Software applications
(e.g. SQL)
Structure data in a row and column
Structure data using rules and relationships
Spreadsheets Databases
Organize information in cells Organize information in complex collections
Provide access to a limited amount
Provide access to huge amounts of data
of data
Manual data entry Strict and consistent data entry
Generally one user at a time Multiple users
Controlled by the user Controlled by a database management system
You don’t have to choose one or the other because each serves its own purpose. Generally,
data analysts work with a combination of the two, as both tools are very useful in data analytics.
For example, you can store data in a database, then export it to a spreadsheet for analysis. Or,
if you are collecting information in a spreadsheet, and it becomes too much for that particular
platform, you can import it into a database. And, later in this course, you will learn about
programming languages like R that give you even greater control of your data, its analysis, and
the visualizations you create.
As you continue learning about these important tools, you will gain the knowledge to choose the
right tool for any data job.
Now that you have been introduced to working with data, you can pause for a moment and think
about what you are learning. In this self-reflection, you will consider your thoughts about the
data analysis process and data life cycle, then respond to brief questions.
This self-reflection will help you develop insights into your own learning and prepare you to
apply your knowledge of the phases of data analysis to your data analysis toolbox. As you
answer questions—and come up with questions of your own—you will consider concepts,
practices, and principles to help refine your understanding and reinforce your learning. You’ve
done the hard work, so make sure to get the most out of it: This reflection will help your
knowledge stick!
Review the phases of data
So far you’ve learned about the data analysis process and the data life cycle. They include the
following steps:
What is the relationship between the data life cycle and the data analysis process? How
are the two processes similar? How are they different?
What is the relationship between the Ask phase of the data analysis process and the
Plan phase of the data life cycle? How are they similar? How are they different?
Great work reinforcing your learning with a thoughtful self-reflection! A good reflection
on this topic would consider the phases that data goes through in its life cycle and how
this impacts the data analysis process.
While the data analysis process will drive your projects and help you reach your
business goals, you must understand the life cycle of your data in order to use that
process. To analyze your data well, you need to have a thorough understanding of it.
Similarly, you can collect all the data you want, but the data is only useful to you if you
have a plan for analyzing it.
The Plan and Ask phases both involve planning and asking questions, but they tackle
different subjects. The Ask phase in the data analysis process focuses on big-picture
strategic thinking about business goals. However, the Plan phase focuses on the
fundamentals of the project, such as what data you have access to, what data you
need, and where you’re going to get it.
Question 1
Based on what you have learned in this course, spreadsheets are digital worksheets
that enable data analysts to do which of the following tasks? Select all that apply.
1 / 1 point
Store data
Spreadsheets enable data analysts to store, organize, sort, and filter data. This helps
them see patterns, group information, and easily find the information they need.
Spreadsheets enable data analysts to store, organize, sort, and filter data. This helps
them see patterns, group information, and easily find the information they need.
Organize data in columns and rows
Spreadsheets enable data analysts to store, organize, sort, and filter data. This helps
them see patterns, group information, and easily find the information they need.
Question 2
Fill in the blank: A set of instructions that performs a specific calculation using
spreadsheet data is called _____.
1 / 1 point
a program
a report
an operation
a formula
A set of instructions that performs a specific calculation using spreadsheet data is called
a formula.
Question 3
A database is a collection of data stored in a computer system.
1 / 1 point
A database is a collection of data stored in a computer system.
Question 4
In data analytics, SQL is an acronym meaning _____ query language.
1 / 1 point
SQL stands for structured query language. It enables data analysts to communicate
with a database.
Question 5
What is the term for the graphical representation of data?
1 / 1 point
Data visualization
Data collection
Data summary
Data language
Data visualization is the graphical representation of data.
Congratulations! You passed!
Grade received 93.75%
Latest Submission Grade 93.75%
To pass 80% or higher
Go to next item
Question 1
Fill in the blank: A business decides what kind of data it needs, how the data will be managed, and who will
be responsible for it during the _____ stage of the data life cycle.
1 / 1 point
Question 2
In the destroy phase of the data lifecycle, a data analyst might shred paper files.
1 / 1 point
Question 3
Fill in the blank: Using a formula to perform calculations, creating a report from their data, and using
spreadsheets to aggregate data would all be actions carried out in the ________ stage of the data lifecycle.
1 / 1 point
Question 4
The data life cycle deals with the stages that data goes through during its useful life; data analysis involves
following a process to analyze data.
1 / 1 point
Question 5
Fill in the blank: In the act phase of the data analysis process, a company may need to _____ the insights of
the data analysis team.
1 / 1 point
Question 6
Fill in the blank: A function is a predefined operation, whereas a formula is _____.
1 / 1 point
a computer programming language
a predefined statement
a particular value
a set of instructions used to perform a specified calculation
Question 7
Fill in the blank: To request, retrieve, and update information in a database, data analysts use a _____.
1 / 1 point
Question 8
Fill in the blank: Structured query language (SQL) enables data analysts to _____ information from a
database. Select all that apply.
0.5 / 1 point