Evo Manual Complete2020

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Kennzeichnungstechnik /

Coding & Marking Technology

Operations manual


KBA-Metronic GmbH · Benzstr. 11 · D-97209 Veitshöchheim

Tel. +49 (0)931/9085-0 · Fax +49 (0)931/9085-100
i n f o @ k b a - m e t r o n i c . c o m · w w w. k b a - m e t r o n i c . c o m
alphaJET evo


1 Notes about the Operating Manual ........................................................................7

1.1 Fonts, Signs and Symbols ............................................................................................ 9
1.1.1 Fonts.............................................................................................................9
1.1.2 Signs Indicating the Significance of a Text Passage.................................... 9
1.1.3 Symbols......................................................................................................10

2 Product Description ..............................................................................................11

2.1 Notes on the Product ..................................................................................................12
2.1.1 Different versions........................................................................................12
2.1.2 General View ..............................................................................................12
2.1.3 Intended Use ..............................................................................................16
2.1.4 Work Stations .............................................................................................18
2.1.5 Danger Zones.............................................................................................18
2.1.6 EC Declaration of Conformity .....................................................................19
2.1.7 Product Identification ..................................................................................19
2.2 Technical Data............................................................................................................22
2.2.1 Characteristics............................................................................................22
2.2.2 Print Head...................................................................................................24
2.2.3 List of printing speeds.................................................................................25
2.2.4 Description of the print modes.................................................................... 27
2.2.5 Optimizing the print modes......................................................................... 27
2.3 Interfaces ....................................................................................................................28
2.3.1 Remote socket............................................................................................30
2.3.2 Product sensor / encoder socket ................................................................ 31
2.3.3 Optional signal inputs / signal outputs ........................................................ 34
2.3.4 Alarm output ............................................................................................... 36
2.3.5 Serial interface............................................................................................ 37
2.4 Equipment...................................................................................................................38
2.4.1 Standard Accessories Supplied.................................................................. 38
2.4.2 Special Accessories ...................................................................................39
2.4.3 Spare parts .................................................................................................40

3 Safety Regulations ................................................................................................41

3.1 Representation ...........................................................................................................42
3.1.1 Format of a Safety Instruction ....................................................................42
3.1.2 Explanation.................................................................................................43
3.1.3 Hazard Levels (Signal Words)....................................................................43
3.1.4 Symbols......................................................................................................44
3.2 Product Safety ............................................................................................................45
3.2.1 Intended Use ..............................................................................................45
3.3 Danger Zones .............................................................................................................46
3.3.1 Work Stations .............................................................................................46
3.4 Organizational and Personnel Matters ....................................................................... 47
3.4.1 Operator’s Duty of Care..............................................................................47
3.4.2 Requirements to be met by the Personnel ................................................. 47

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alphaJET evo

3.5 Product Specific Hazards ........................................................................................... 49

3.6 Additional Hazards ..................................................................................................... 52

4 Components and Function .................................................................................. 53

4.1 Operating Principle..................................................................................................... 54
4.1.1 Inks............................................................................................................. 54
4.1.2 Pigmented Inks .......................................................................................... 54
4.1.3 Magnetic stirrer .......................................................................................... 54
4.1.4 Ink Service function (wake-up start)........................................................... 54
4.2 Operation.................................................................................................................... 55
4.2.1 Menu structure ........................................................................................... 55
4.2.2 Description of the menu window ................................................................ 56
4.2.3 Info window ................................................................................................ 59
4.2.4 Product counter.......................................................................................... 60
4.2.5 Ink system .................................................................................................. 61
4.2.6 System ....................................................................................................... 72
4.2.7 Versions ..................................................................................................... 74
4.2.8 Info ............................................................................................................. 75
4.2.9 User rights.................................................................................................. 77
4.2.10 File Manager .............................................................................................. 80
4.2.11 Load label................................................................................................... 82
4.2.12 Label editor ................................................................................................ 83
4.2.13 Configuration............................................................................................ 114
4.2.14 PrintControl basic settings ....................................................................... 123
4.2.15 PrintControl options.................................................................................. 125
4.3 Specific features of the operation............................................................................. 128
4.4 Safety and Monitoring Devices................................................................................. 129

5 Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes............................................................. 131

5.1 Operational Control and Display Elements .............................................................. 132
5.1.1 Main switch .............................................................................................. 132
5.1.2 RUN/STOP - key and status LED ............................................................ 133
5.1.3 Touchscreen operator terminal ................................................................ 134
5.1.4 How to use the editor ............................................................................... 135

6 Commissioning................................................................................................... 137
6.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 138
6.1.1 Safety Regulations ................................................................................... 138
6.1.2 Requirements to be met by the Executing Personnel .............................. 138
6.2 Installation ................................................................................................................ 139
6.2.1 Requirements........................................................................................... 139
6.2.2 Transport protection ................................................................................. 140
6.3 Mounting................................................................................................................... 141
6.3.1 Installation on a Production Line .............................................................. 141
6.3.2 Power Supply, Operating Media .............................................................. 145
6.3.3 Connection of external signals ................................................................. 145
6.4 Starting Up ............................................................................................................... 146
6.4.1 Measures Before Putting Into Operation for the First Time...................... 146

alphaJET evo

6.4.2 Restore readiness for printing .................................................................. 147

6.4.3 Installation on a production line ................................................................ 147
6.4.4 Configuration and standardization............................................................ 148
6.4.5 Configuring the label................................................................................. 151

7 Operation .............................................................................................................153
7.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................154
7.1.1 Touchscreen.............................................................................................154
7.2 Operating the machine / daily use ............................................................................ 155
7.2.1 Checks Before Power On .........................................................................155
7.2.2 Starting .....................................................................................................156
7.2.3 SERVICE Start ......................................................................................... 157
7.2.4 Power Down .............................................................................................157
7.2.5 Text selection ...........................................................................................158
7.2.6 Label.........................................................................................................158
7.2.7 Display of print parameters....................................................................... 158
7.2.8 Refilling operating materials .....................................................................158
7.3 Faults ........................................................................................................................159

8 Maintenance.........................................................................................................161
8.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................162
8.1.1 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................162
8.2 Maintenance Schedule ............................................................................................. 163
8.3 SERVICE Start .........................................................................................................164
8.4 Refilling operating materials ..................................................................................... 165
8.5 Cleaning the Print Head............................................................................................166
8.5.1 Cleaning the Gutter ..................................................................................167
8.5.2 Cleaning the nozzle seal .......................................................................... 168
8.5.3 Replacing the plastic bottle....................................................................... 168
8.6 Ink replacement ........................................................................................................169
8.6.1 Emptying the System (Draining the Ink) ................................................... 170
8.6.2 Filling the system......................................................................................171
8.7 Replacing components of the ink system ................................................................. 172
8.7.1 Emptying the ink circuit............................................................................. 172
8.7.2 Filling the ink circuit ..................................................................................173
8.7.3 Changing filters in the ink system.............................................................174

9 Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage ........................................................177

9.1 Taking Out of Service ...............................................................................................178
9.1.1 Shutting Down for a Prolonged Period of Time ........................................ 178
9.1.2 Shutting Down ..........................................................................................180
9.1.3 Cleaning ...................................................................................................181
9.2 Putting Back Into Operation...................................................................................... 183
9.2.1 Putting into operation after storage .......................................................... 183

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alphaJET evo

10 Packaging and Transport................................................................................... 185

10.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 186
10.1.1 Requirements to the Personnel................................................................ 186
10.2 Transport ................................................................................................................. 186

11 Disposal............................................................................................................... 187
11.1 Disposal ................................................................................................................. 188

List of Figures ........................................................................................................... 189

Sales & Service ......................................................................................................... 191

alphaJET evo Notes about the Operating Manual

1 Notes about the Operating Manual

1.1 Fonts, Signs and Symbols ............................................................................................ 9
1.1.1 Fonts.............................................................................................................9
1.1.2 Signs Indicating the Significance of a Text Passage.................................... 9
1.1.3 Symbols......................................................................................................10

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 7

Notes about the Operating Manual alphaJET evo

You have purchased a unit which reflects the latest state of technology. All production processes are
subjected to a strict quality control. If you make exclusive use of original KBA-Metronic GmbH acces-
sories, we will ensure quality and operational reliability of the unit.
This operating manual provides you with information on the position and function of all operating, in-
stallation, and maintenance elements, which are necessary to ensure safe and trouble-free operation.
In addition, this operating manual may also be used as assistance for trouble-shooting in the case of
operational errors and – in the case of minor faults – for corrective action.
You should read this operating manual carefully. Please pay particular attention to the chapter on
Safety Regulations!

Where to keep this operating manual

The user of the unit must have access to the operating manual at any time. Keep a copy of this oper-
ating manual ready at hand within the immediate vicinity of the unit.

The legal warranty regulations binding in Germany at the time of conclusion of the contract are appli-
cable to the unit as well as to accessories purchased from KBA-Metronic GmbH or via KBA-Metronic
GmbH marketing organizations.

The unit is subject to design modifications serving technical progress.
This operating manual is also regularly subjected to revisions. Modifications, technical innovations, as
well as the correction of spelling mistakes will be taken into consideration in one of the following edi-

Any copyright for this manual and the translations made thereof is held by KBA-Metronic GmbH.
No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, or duplicated by any electronic means without the
prior written permission of KBA-Metronic GmbH.

alphaJET evo Notes about the Operating Manual

1.1 Fonts, Signs and Symbols

The fonts, signs and symbols used in this document are to be interpreted as follows:

1.1.1 Fonts
“Text” (normal type): Descriptive, informative text
"Text" (bold type): Emphasizing important text passages; sub-headings
"Text" (bold / italic type): Reference to chapter [......]

1.1.2 Signs Indicating the Significance of a Text Passage

Listing: This sign identifies passages of text which are related in content and logic to a higher-
order statement. A listing may also be part of an order to take action.
Order to take action: This sign identifies passages of text which contain orders to the user of the
machine to take an appropriate action. Any such order contains at least one request to take – or
refrain from – a specific action in connection with operating the machine. If a particular operating
procedure comprises several orders to take action, these must be followed in the order specified.
Result of an order to take action: This sign identifies passages of text which describe the result
of one or more orders to take action (operational steps).

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Notes about the Operating Manual alphaJET evo

1.1.3 Symbols
This symbol warns of a specific danger.
The warning notice indicates the specific source of danger.
This warning notice explains how to behave in order to minimize the potential danger
caused by the source of danger, e.g. wearing protective clothing.
The warning notice explains what to do in case of an accident.

This symbol warns of a prohibited action.
The notice states the specific action you have to refrain from.

Required action!
This symbol indicates a required action.
The notice states the specific action you have to take.

Important information
This symbol calls your attention to important information.
This symbol may also appear in connection with one of the signs indicating danger, a
prohibited action or a required action.

Read the operating manual

This symbol calls your attention to instructions in the operating manual which must
be exactly adhered to.

If you notice one of the above symbols, you have to pay particular attention and take special care.
Always read the explanatory information next to the symbols.
Merely noticing the symbols is not enough.

alphaJET evo Product Description

2 Product Description
2.1 Notes on the Product ..................................................................................................12
2.1.1 Different versions........................................................................................12
2.1.2 General View ..............................................................................................12
2.1.3 Intended Use ..............................................................................................16
2.1.4 Work Stations .............................................................................................18
2.1.5 Danger Zones.............................................................................................18
2.1.6 EC Declaration of Conformity .....................................................................19
2.1.7 Product Identification ..................................................................................19
2.2 Technical Data............................................................................................................22
2.2.1 Characteristics............................................................................................22
2.2.2 Print Head...................................................................................................24
2.2.3 List of printing speeds.................................................................................25
2.2.4 Description of the print modes.................................................................... 27
2.2.5 Optimizing the print modes......................................................................... 27
2.3 Interfaces ....................................................................................................................28
2.3.1 Remote socket............................................................................................30
2.3.2 Product sensor / encoder socket ................................................................ 31
2.3.3 Optional signal inputs / signal outputs ........................................................ 34
2.3.4 Alarm output ............................................................................................... 36
2.3.5 Serial interface............................................................................................ 37
2.4 Equipment...................................................................................................................38
2.4.1 Standard Accessories Supplied.................................................................. 38
2.4.2 Special Accessories ...................................................................................39
2.4.3 Spare parts .................................................................................................40

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Product Description alphaJET evo

2.1 Notes on the Product

2.1.1 Different versions

light 1 head 17 pixels 3 lines; 5x5

standard 1 head 32 pixels 5 lines; 5x5

professional 1 head 48 pixels 8 lines; 5x5

2.1.2 General View

1 2
Figure 1: Housing without/with operator terminal

1 Housing without operator terminal

2 Housing with operator terminal

alphaJET evo Product Description

Ink system

Figure 2: View of the ink system

1 Prefilter 8 Main filter

2 Air filter 9 Floor filter
3 Press-pump 10 Valve block 2
4 Damping unit 11 Valve block 1
5 Press-pump pre- 12 Mixing tank with solve-
filter nt recovery
6 Housing fan 13 Ink bottle, 1 liter
7 Reflow filter 14 Solvent bottle, 1 liter

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Product Description alphaJET evo

Print head

Figure 3: View of print head closed / opened

A Head lid
1 Upper high-voltage plate
2 Detection pin
3 Loading electrode
4 Nozzle
5 Nozzle closure
6 Lower high-voltage electrode
7 Gutter

alphaJET evo Product Description


Figure 4: Connections

A Mains power supply 6 Operator terminal connection

B Compressed air connection 7 Remote connection
(6/4 mm, optional) (not with alphaJET evo light)
1 Main switch 8 Alarm output
2 USB connection 9 Product sensor / encoder
3 Serial COM1 10 Product sensor / encoder
4 Serial COM2 11 I/O connection (16-pole)
5 RJ-45 network connection 12 Traffic light
(not with alphaJET evo light) (status indicator - optional):

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Product Description alphaJET evo

2.1.3 Intended Use

Appropriate Usage
The inkJET has been designed and built with due consideration for the pertinent standards and di-
rectives, a risk analysis and further technical specifications. The inkJET is only allowed to be used in
the way described in this manual.
The machine complies with the state of the art.
In principle, the parameters listed in the chapter technical data are valid.
The inkJET is a freely programmable ink-jet printer for industrial applications, which can be used
to mark products in contact-free mode.
The machine's uses range from simple applications such as the printing of dates to complex appli-
cations in which the inkJET machine is networked, e.g. with a PC, a barcode reader, an image
detection system and an x/y-axis system.
Application examples:
Production data such as date, time, and shift ID, etc.
Consecutive numbering
"Best before" date
Batch numbers
Barcodes: EAN, 2/5i, Code 39, etc.
Data matrix codes
Printing TrueType Fonts
Printing on many different materials is possible, e.g. on foils, glass, metal, plastic and paper etc.
Designed to be installed in any position, the optimized print head produces a printed image in
constant high quality, even on irregular or structured surfaces.
External accessories and auxiliary or secondary units etc. are governed solely by the purposes listed
in the corresponding separate items of documentation.

To use the equipment as intended you must also

read and understand this operating manual,
observe all the information and particularly the safety information,
carry out the inspection and maintenance jobs in the stipulated time intervals.

alphaJET evo Product Description

Non-Appropriate Usage
The machine and its external accessories and auxiliary or secondary units etc. are not intended for
any uses other than those which are listed in this operating manual or in the separate items of docu-
Any use deviating from the intended purpose or going beyond the specifications contained in the op-
erating manual or in the separate items of documentation is considered to be a case of misuse and
therefore not in keeping with the intended purpose.
It should be noted in particular that …
The inkJET and its operating materials are not suitable for use on living organisms or explosive
The inks and solvents supplied for the inkJET are intended solely and exclusively for use on the
inkJET printer and not for coating, coloring or cleaning living organisms or explosive objects.
The user (owner of the machine and its operating, maintenance and servicing personnel) fails to use
the machine as intended if, for example, he …
uses operating materials, consumables and spare parts other than those which are approved for
the machine and its accessories, auxiliary or secondary units, etc.,
modifies in any way, overrides or puts out of operation any items of equipment on the machine
and its external accessories and auxiliary or secondary units, etc. which are designed is to ensure
their proper operation, unrestricted use and active and passive safety.

This list mentions only a few examples of inappropriate use and does not claim to be complete in any

Legal Consequences of Non-Intended Use

If the machine is not used as intended, the manufacturer, i.e. KBA-Metronic GmbH, does not war-
rant safe use of the machine.
Exclusion of liability: Liability for injury to persons and damage to property resulting either directly
or indirectly from failure to use the machine as intended rests solely with the user (owner of the
machine and its operating, maintenance and servicing personnel).
Exclusion of warranty: If the machine is not used as intended, all warranty claims will be null and

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Product Description alphaJET evo

2.1.4 Work Stations

Only authorized persons are permitted to stay within the working space around the
If all safety regulations are always complied with, there will be no danger to the oper-
ating personnel when handling the machine.

Do not obstruct working spaces!

Do not reduce the working space around the machine, e.g. by depositing material or
other objects there.
You will endanger yourself and others if you fail to keep the working space clear.

Keep the working space clean!

Immediately remove any soilings, e.g. liquids having flown on the floor.
You will endanger yourself and others if you fail to keep the working space clean.

2.1.5 Danger Zones

If all safety regulations are observed, there is no immediate danger to the operating personnel when
handling the machine.
See Safety Regulations.

alphaJET evo Product Description

2.1.6 EC Declaration of Conformity

In accordance with EC Machine Directive 98/37/EG, Appendix II A of EC Electromagnetic Compatibil-
ity Directive 2006/108/EG and the EC Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EG.

The manufacturer

KBA-Metronic GmbH
Benzstraße 11
D - 97209 Veitshöchheim

declares, herewith, that the product described below:

Product name: alphaJET D evo

Device number: MID010-xxxxxx

complies with the following EC Directives:

EC Machine Directive 98/37/EG, Appendix II A

Harmonised standards used:
EN ISO 12100-1:2003: “Safety of Machines – Part 1”
EN ISO 12100-2:2003: “Safety of Machines – Part 2”
EN 60204-1: “Inspecting the electrical components of machines“

EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2006/108/EG

Harmonised standards used:
EN 61000-6-2:2006: “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV) Basic industry standards – Interfer-
ence resistance for industrial sectors“
EN 61000-6-4:2007: “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV) Basic industry standards – Emitted in-
terference for industrial sectors“

EC Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EG

Veitshöchheim, 10th August 2010

O. Volland G. Stuis
Manager Manager

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Product Description alphaJET evo

2.1.7 Product Identification

Position of the Type Label
The type label is to be found on the top of the machine below the operating terminal. It contains the
following information.

Figure 5: Position of the type label

1 Type label

alphaJET evo Product Description

Type Label

Figure 6: Type label

1 Identification number = Serial number

2 free
3 Nominal power input (alternating current) in volts (V)
4 Power input frequency in Hertz (Hz)
5 Material number
6 Year of manufacture
7 Maximum power consumption in amps (A)
8 Protection class
9 Design of the device

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Product Description alphaJET evo

2.2 Technical Data

2.2.1 Characteristics

Figure 7: Dimensions - combination housing

Control unit:
Dimensions: Height: Width: Depth:
(without terminal) 510 [mm]
(with terminal) 700 [mm] 320 [mm] 320 [mm]
(with terminal and status indicator) 1000 [mm]
Swivel range: door at the front / rear 320 [mm]
Housing: Stainless steel, protection class IP 65
(without terminal) ca. 26 [kg]
(with terminal) ca. 31 [kg]
(with terminal and status indicator) ca. 32 [kg]

Operator terminal
Dimensions: Height Width Depth
232 [mm] 300 [mm] 66 [mm]
Weight: 2.5 [kg]
Material: Stainless steel
Dimensions of the supply tube Length approx. 4 [m], diameter 15 [mm]

alphaJET evo Product Description

Electrical data
Supply voltage (AC) 86 to 264 [V] (± 10%)
Power frequency 50 / 60 [Hz]
Current consumption evo Max. 0.5 [A] / 230 [V] Max. 1.0 [A] / 110 [V]
Power cable (length) 2.5 [m]

Climatic data
Permissible ambient temperature: +5°C to +45°C
Permissible rel. humidity: Max. 90% relative air humidity, non-condensing

Sound Emission
Noise level < 60 dB (A)

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Product Description alphaJET evo

2.2.2 Print Head

Figure 8: Print head

Height 145 [mm]

Width 40 [mm]
Depth 40 [mm]
Space requirement of the head lid's approx. 100 [mm]
swivel range
Weight approx. 2 [kg]
(with 4 m supply tube)
Print head position In principle freely selectable: print head position; a head
position with a downward ink jet outlet should be pre-
The only obligatory requirement: The ink jet outlet ("slit")
must be perpendicular to the printing direction
(movement of material direction).
Print head quick-change mount Yes
Distance from print head to object 1 - 25 [mm]
Smallest bend radius 250 [mm]
Diameter 15 [mm]
Length Standard equipment: 4 [m]

alphaJET evo Product Description

2.2.3 List of printing speeds

The following printing speeds are possible for a machine with a 55 µm nozzle:

Character width Character width Character width 1.5

2.5 mm (M7x5 + 1 2.0 mm (M7x5 + 1 mm (M7x5 + 1 empty
empty space) empty space) space)
Mode Pixels Vmax Vmax Vmax Vmax Vmax Vmax Max. fre-
(m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) quency
PM15 5 (M5) 6.66 400 5.30 320 4.00 240 16000

PM15 7 (M7) 5.00 300 4.00 240 3.00 180 12000

PM15 15 (2xM7) 2.00 120 1.33 79.8 1.00 60 4000

PM24 5 (M5) 4.00 240 3.20 192 2.40 144 9600

PM24 7 (M7) 2.86 205.5 2.29 137.1 1.71 102.9 6857

PM24 15 (2xM7) 1.34 80.3 1.07 64 0.80 48 3200

PM24 23 (3xM7) 0.85 51 0.68 40.8 0.51 30.6 2043

PM48 15 (2xM7) 0.89 53.3 0.71 42.6 0.53 32 2133

PM48 23 (3xM7) 0.58 34.8 0.46 27.8 0.35 20.9 1391

PM48 31 (4xM7) 0.43 25.8 0.34 20.6 0.26 15.5 1032

PM48 39 (5xM7) 0.34 20.4 0.27 16.3 0.20 12.2 814

PM48 47 (6xM7) 0.27 16 0.21 12.8 0.16 9.6 640

These values relate to the "Quality" optimization setting.

When the "Normal" or "Fast" optimization settings are selected, higher speeds can be achieved, de-
pending on the label.

Example: The two-line label , printed with a M7x5 matrix in the PM15 print mode,

and with the same font width, can be printed around 22% faster with the "Normal" optimization
setting or approx. 32% faster with the "Fast" optimization setting.

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Product Description alphaJET evo

The following printing speeds are possible for a machine with a 70 µm nozzle:

Character width Character width Character width 1.5

2.5 mm (M7x5 + 1 2.0 mm (M7x5 + 1 mm (M7x5 + 1 empty
empty space) empty space) space)
Mode Pixels Vmax Vmax Vmax Vmax Vmax Vmax Max. fre-
(m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) (m/sec) quency
PM15 5 (M5) 4.65 279.2 3.72 223.3 2.79 167.5 11167

PM15 7 (M7) 3.49 209.4 2.79 167.5 2.09 125.6 8375

PM15 15 (2xM7) 1.16 69.8 0.93 55.8 0.70 41.9 2792

PM24 5 (M5) 2.79 167.5 2.23 134.0 1.68 100.5 6700

PM24 7 (M7) 1.99 119.7 1.60 95.7 1.20 71.8 4786

PM24 15 (2xM7) 0.93 55.5 0.74 44.7 0.56 33.5 2233

PM24 23 (3xM7) 0.61 36.4 0.49 29.1 0.36 21.9 1457

PM48 15 (2xM7) 0.62 37.2 0.50 29.8 0.37 22.3 1489

PM48 23 (3xM7) 0.40 24.3 0.32 19.4 0.24 14.6 971

PM48 31 (4xM7) 0.30 18.0 0.24 14.4 0.18 10.8 720

PM48 39 (5xM7) 0.24 14.2 0.19 11.4 0.14 8.5 568

PM48 47 (6xM7) 0.19 11.2 0.15 8.9 0.11 6.7 447

These values relate to the "Quality" optimization setting.

When the "Normal" or "Fast" optimization settings are selected, higher speeds can be achieved, de-
pending on the label.

Example: The two-line label , printed with a M7x5 matrix in the PM15 print mode,

and with the same font width, can be printed around 22% faster with the "Normal" optimization
setting or approx. 32% faster with the "Fast" optimization setting.

alphaJET evo Product Description

2.2.4 Description of the print modes

For machines with 55µm or 70µm nozzles.

PM15 Optimum speed print mode to a maximum print height of 15 pixels.
PM24 Standard print mode to a maximum print height of 24 pixels.
PM48 Quality optimized print mode to a maximum print height of 48 pixels.
Larger distance between print head and product possible.

2.2.5 Optimizing the print modes

Independently of the print mode selected, the printing speed can be influenced using the optimization
Grade The automatic ink economy mode has been switched off. Best possible typeface
Standard The automatic ink economy mode has been switched on. Higher printing speeds
possible at a reduced print quality.
Fast The automatic ink economy mode has been switched on. Maximum printing speeds
possible at a reduced print quality.

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Product Description alphaJET evo

2.3 Interfaces
Power switches and connections near the printer

Figure 9: Power switches and connections near the printer

Pos. Designation Description

A Mains power sup- Main power supply with fixed cable.
B Compressed air In very dusty environments, the contamination caused by particulate
connection (op- matter near the inkjet can be reduced by using compressed air on the
tional) print head (max. 0.5 bar, 6/4mm diameter).
The compressed air supply must be infinitely variable between 0 bar
and 0.5 bar, e.g. with an upstream compressed air control valve.
Compressed air quality: free of oil, water and grease.
1 Main switch If necessary, this switch can be used to interrupt the primary power
In general, however, the main switch is always switched on. It may
only be activated after proper completion of the switch-off procedure.
UPS – uninterruptible power supply (optional with the alphaJET evo
The UPS is loaded during operation.
When the main switch is switched off, the UPS is also turned off
6 Operator terminal The printer can be controlled via
connection The operator terminal
A PC (not with the alphaJET evo light)
another printer (not with the alphaJET evo light)
7 Remote connec- With this connection mode, it is possible to switch the machine on
tion and off from an external position (not with the alphaJET evo light)
12 Traffic light (status Optional connection of a "traffic light" status indicator to display the
indicator - op- machine status e.g. malfunction, warning, ready, resources

alphaJET evo Product Description

External Connectors to the Production Line

Figure 10: External connectors to the production line

Pos. Designation Description

2 USB connection USB 1.1, only for storage media (e.g. USB stick)

3, 4 Serial interface The serial interfaces (RS232) can be used to connect several
machines to a PC (P2P)
5 RJ-45 network connec- Description of the Ethernet standard: 100 BASE-T
(not with the alphaJET evo light)
8 Alarm output The machine provides the changeover contact of a relay via
the alarm output. The relay can be used as opener or closer.
9, 10 Product sensor and en- It is possible to feed in the product sensor and the encoder
coder socket either separately or jointly through one connector. If you want
to distribute the same signals to several machines, you are
able to feed in the signals through one connector and pick
them up at the other connector to supply these signals to the
next machine.
Note: Take the maximum loading capacity of the sensors into
account (see manufacturer's data)
11 I/O connection 16-pole
Inputs and outputs The machine provides eight inputs and four outputs, which
can be activated in various ways, depending on the print pro-
gram in question.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 29

Product Description alphaJET evo

2.3.1 Remote socket

Socket with assignment

1 -IN
2 +IN

Technical data
Input voltage (+IN -IN): 24 V ± 20%
Polarity safeguard: 6 - 9 mA

Time diagram
The following control sequences for the REMOTE signal are required for remote control of the ma-

Figure 11: Time diagram: remote socket

1 Start in print-ready mode

2 Start in service mode
3 Shutdown

alphaJET evo Product Description

2.3.2 Product sensor / encoder socket

Pin assignment of a product sensor / encoder socket

1 GND (software switchover, ex-
2 ternal/internal)

3 Encoder channel A
4 VCC (software switchover, ex-
5 ternal/internal)

6 Product sensor input

7 Encoder channel B
Housing Line shield

The machine is provided with two parallel sockets for the connection of product sensors and en-
It makes no difference to which of the two sockets the product sensor or the encoder is connected.
Thus, it is also possible to forward the signals from one machine to the next (pay attention to the
driver output of the sensors).

To ensure trouble-free operation of the machine, it is vital to use shielded cables for
the encoder / product sensor to prevent interference signals from developing.
If it is not possible to use shielded cables for the product sensor, the ground connector
used must be connected to the connector housing.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 31

Product Description alphaJET evo

Product sensor
The product sensor supplies the signal with the printer to initiate printing. Product sensors with either
NPN switching characteristics (active at 0 V) or PNP switching characteristics (active at 24 V) may be
connected to the machine. Using software, the input on the printer can be switched to the respective
switching characteristic: PNP or NPN.
It is thus no longer necessary to have a diode at a push-pull output stage.
Both DC-coupled and DC-decoupled operation is possible for the product sensor input. This can also
be switched using software.
In the DC-coupled operating mode, the task of supplying the sensor is assumed by the machine. In
the DC-decoupled operating mode, the product sensor and the input stage of the machine are sup-
plied with line voltage by an external system. This may be required if, for example, the product sensor
signal originates from a PLC (programmable logic controller) or if several machines "share" the prod-
uct sensor (packaging machine + AJD, several AJDs).

DC-coupled mode:
The signal output of the connected sensor must be able to power a load current of min. 20 mA
The printer must be set at the correct mode of operation.

Technical data
VCC (+UB Internal - GND Internal) 24 V ± 5%
ILmax: 100 mA
Switching threshold of positive edge: 15 V
Switching threshold of negative edge: 5V
Tein of the product sensor signal: 0.3 ms

DC-decoupled mode:
In this mode of operation, there is no DC-coupling between the machine and the connected pe-
ripheral equipment.
The VCC and GND external must be connected to the external supply voltage.
The printer must be set at the correct mode of operation.

Supplementary technical data

VCC (+UB external - GND external) max.: 29 V
VCC (+UB external - GND external) min.: 20 V
Imin of product sensor signal: 4 mA
Imax of product sensor signal: 20 mA

For the DC-coupled or DC-decoupled modes, the correct setting must be chosen in the
software, as otherwise the machine may be damaged.

alphaJET evo Product Description

To achieve a uniform typeface, the machine must be informed of the speed at which the product
moves past the print head. To do this, an encoder is connected, for instance to a conveyor belt:
Single or double-channeled encoders can be connected. As a rule, the machine only requires a sin-
gle-channel encoder for speed detection. The use of a double-channel encoder allows an automatic
detection of print speed recognition.
The use of a single channel encoder requires the use of the track A connection pin. Track B is
then inactive.
Track B can then be used as an external direction input. Even if no encoder is connected, track B
can be used for direction recognition.

DC-coupled mode of operation

The signal output of the connected sensor must be able to power a load current of min. 20 mA
The printer must be set at the correct mode of operation.

Technical data
VCC (+UB Internal - GND Internal) 24 V ± 5%
ILmax: 100 mA
Imin Track A, B: 6 mA
Switching threshold A, B: 16.5 V
Fmax Track A, B: 100 kHz

DC-decoupled mode:
In this mode of operation, there is no DC-coupling between the machine and the connected pe-
ripheral equipment.
The VCC and GND external must be connected to the external supply voltage.
The printer must be set at the correct mode of operation.

Supplementary technical data

VCC (+UB external - GND external) max.: 29 V
VCC (+UB external - GND external) min.: 20 V
Imin Track A, B: 5 mA
Imax Track A, B: 10 mA

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 33

Product Description alphaJET evo

2.3.3 Optional signal inputs / signal outputs

The optional inputs and outputs can be used for extended communication with the machine on the
machine level. The assignment of the signals depends on the print program selected.
Here it is again possible to choose the DC-coupled connection to the "outside world" or to choose
to have inputs and outputs electrically decoupled from the machine. In the latter case, it must be
ensured that the inputs can be configured independently of the outputs.

To ensure trouble-free operation of the machine, it is vital to use shielded cables to
prevent interference signals from developing.
If it is not possible to use shielded cables, the ground connector used must be con-
nected to the connector housing.

The signal for the inputs may be supplied by outputs with NPN switching characteristics (active at
0 V) or with PNP switching characteristics (active at 24 V).
The machine's outputs are provided with PNP characteristics.

Pin assignment of the IO socket

Device socket Pin Designation
12 INPUT_2
13 INPUT_3
14 INPUT_4
15 INPUT_5
16 INPUT_6
Housing Line shield

alphaJET evo Product Description

DC-coupled mode:
The VCC outputs are supplied by the printer.
The printer must be set at the correct mode of operation.

Technical data
VCC (+UB Internal - GND Internal) 24 V ± 5%
Ua of an output: 24 V - 10%
Il max of an output: 20 mA
Il max of all outputs: 400 mA
Imin of an input: 4 mA
Imax of an input: 20 mA
Imax of an input: 100 mA
Switching threshold of an input, positive edge: 15 V
Switching threshold of an input, negative edge: 5V

DC-decoupled mode:
In this mode of operation, there is no DC-coupling between the machine and the connected pe-
ripheral equipment.
The VCC and GND external must be connected to the external supply voltage.
The printer must be set at the correct mode of operation.

Supplementary technical data

VCC (+UB external - GND external) max.: 29 V
VCC (+UB external - GND external) min.: 20 V
Imin of an input: 4 mA
Imax of an input: 20 mA

Warning - Damage to the machine or components!

The total power of all the components supplied by the printer must not exceed 10W!

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 35

Product Description alphaJET evo

2.3.4 Alarm output

The device provides the changeover contact of a relay via the alarm output. The relay can be used as
opener or closer (see pin assignment).

Device socket Pin Designation

1 NO (closer)
2 C (middle contact)
3 NC (opener)
4 PE

Technical Data
Load current: 1A
Switching voltage: 230 V

alphaJET evo Product Description

2.3.5 Serial interface

The serial interface is used for the data connection between an inkJET
and an inkJET and between an inkJET and a PC or other controllers.
The connecting cable (serial cable) used for this purpose has to be a so-
called null modem cable.

Structure of a null modem cable for connecting an inkJET to an inkJET and an inkJET to a PC:

Figure 12: Null modem

The device has two RS232 interfaces. About the user interface the parameters of the device are
The RS232 interfaces support the interface protocol G-PRINT.
The interfaces exclusively support Peer-to-Peer (P2P) connections.
It is not possible to loop through from a device to the next.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 37

Product Description alphaJET evo

2.4 Equipment
2.4.1 Standard Accessories Supplied

Accessory set 1037.9958

Designation Qty Unit Order No.

Plastic bottle (capacity: 250 ml) 1 pcs 1011.6720
Pipette tip for plastic bottle 1 pcs 1008.6314
Cleaning tissues (in a box; contents: 200 tissues) 1 pcs 1011.6739
Gutter locking closure 1 pcs 1038.0457
Tube closure 2 Stk. 1038.1098
Draining tube 1 pcs 1038.0280
7-pin coupler plug 2 pcs 1007.3715

alphaJET evo Product Description

2.4.2 Special Accessories

Maintenance accessories for

Designation Qty Unit Order No.

Cleaning bowl 1 pcs 1008.6310
Plastic bottle (capacity:: 250 ml) 1 pcs 1011.6720
Pipette tip for plastic bottle 1 pcs 1008.6314
Gutter locking closure 1 pcs 1038.0457
Tube closure 1 Stk. 1038.1098
Reduran hand washing paste (in a tube; contents: 100 ml) 1 pcs 1011.6728
Hand cleaning agent (in a tube; contents: 250 ml) 1 pcs 1011.6724
Hand lotion (in a bottle; contents: 250 ml) 1 pcs 1011.6725
Latex gloves (in a box; contents: 100 tissues) 1 pcs 1011.6735
Cleaning tissues (in a box; contents: 200 tissues) 1 pcs 1011.6739
Cleaning device 1 pcs 1038.0573

Additional accessories

Designation Qty Unit Order No.

Quick-change mount for print head 1 pcs 1037.8208
Splash guard for quick-change mount 1 pcs 1038.0590
Encoder 5000 1 pcs 1011.3595
Encoder 1000 1 pcs 1011.3597
Initiator 1 pcs 1007.1872
Air pressure control unit 1 pcs 1010.2269
Light barrier with optical conductor (made by Balluf) 1 pcs 1011.5233
Light barrier with optical conductor (made by Omron) 1 pcs 1011.5235
Light barrier for fitting to quick-change mount (made by Omron) 1 pcs 1011.5238
Light barrier type Reflextaster (made by Sick) 1 pcs 1011.5219
Antistatic brush (bristles made of carbon fiber, available by the 1 m 1009.2125
Antistatic brush (bristles made of plaited stainless steel wire, 1 m 1009.2122
available by the meter)
Antistatic brush (bristles made of carbon fiber; length: 330 mm) 1 pcs 1011.6682
inc. 10 m power cable
Signal tower for assembly to the alphaJET housing 1 pcs 1037.9971
Signal tower for external assembly 1 pcs 1038.0567

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 39

Product Description alphaJET evo

Inks and solvents

See the annex Overview of ink data.
An up-to-date overview of the inks and solvents approved for your inkJET can be found in the Inter-
net in the customer section of the KBA-Metronic homepage (http://www.kba-metronic.com).
To be able to download the overview of ink data from the customer section you need an individual,
password-protected access authorization. Please contact your KBA-Metronic sales and service part-
ner in this connection.

2.4.3 Spare parts

Designation Qty Unit Order No.

Muffler complete with pressure pump 1 pcs 1037.8095
Diaphragm pump (suction pump) 1 pcs 1000.9878
Solenoid valve 1 pcs 1008.6505
Main filter 1 pcs 1037.1235
Air filter 1 pcs 1037.1258
Prefilter 1 pcs 1037.8131
Reflow filter 1 pcs 1037.9091
Bottle connection with filter (ink bottle) 1 pcs 1037.8332
Bottle connection with filter (solvent bottle) 1 pcs 1037.8331
Floor filter 1 pcs 1037.8132
Lithium button cell, 3V (baseboard) 1 pcs 1007.0314

alphaJET evo Safety Regulations

3 Safety Regulations
3.1 Representation ...........................................................................................................42
3.1.1 Format of a Safety Instruction ....................................................................42
3.1.2 Explanation.................................................................................................43
3.1.3 Hazard Levels (Signal Words)....................................................................43
3.1.4 Symbols......................................................................................................44
3.2 Product Safety ............................................................................................................45
3.2.1 Intended Use ..............................................................................................45
3.3 Danger Zones .............................................................................................................46
3.3.1 Work Stations .............................................................................................46
3.4 Organizational and Personnel Matters ....................................................................... 47
3.4.1 Operator’s Duty of Care..............................................................................47
3.4.2 Requirements to be met by the Personnel ................................................. 47
3.5 Product Specific Hazards ........................................................................................... 49
3.6 Additional Hazards......................................................................................................52

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 41

Safety Regulations alphaJET evo

3.1 Representation
3.1.1 Format of a Safety Instruction
(1) WARNING (2) Danger! Rotating gearwheels!
(3) Rotating gearwheels may cause serious injuries, in particu-
lar of extremities.
There is a particular danger to hands and fingers.
(4) Do not touch the gearwheels! Keep away from gearwheels!
Avoid any unintentional start of the machine!
Employ only specifically trained and skilled personnel who is
familiar with the applicable safety instructions for carrying
out maintenance, repair and servicing work.
(5) Press the E-STOP emergency button .
Render first aid. Alert first-air provider and emergency phy-
Cool the parts affected! Stop bleedings!
Figure 13: Format of a safety instruction – example

alphaJET evo Safety Regulations

3.1.2 Explanation
Safety instructions of the DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION hazard levels comprise five elements.
1 Hazard level A signal word (danger, warning, caution, note, important) classified
according to ANSI Z535.5 indicates the hazard level (also see Sec-
tion Hazard Levels (Signal Words)).

2 Type and source of the The user is informed of the particular hazard.
hazardous situation

3 Possible result(s) of the The user is informed of potential consequences which will probably
hazardous situation affect himself personally if he fails to behave properly.

4 Measures to avoid or The user is informed of how he should behave in order to avoid or
minimize the hazardous minimize the potential danger caused by a source of danger, i.e. by
situation wearing protective suits.

5 Behavior in the event of You should follow the order below:

an accident or a damage
What should you do in the event of an accident or damage?
What should you avoid in the event of an accident or damage?
Which first-aid measures should you take in the event of an
What should you do after the accident or damage has occurred,
before you are allowed to restart the machine?
Optional: Which environmental measures should you take?

3.1.3 Hazard Levels (Signal Words)

One signal word and only one is assigned to each hazard level (see Format of a Safety Instruction).
The signal word communicates the immanent potential hazard and the degree of probability for a
hazard to occur. The signal word is classified according to ANSI Z535.4.

Hazard level Meaning

(signal word)

DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which will inevitably result in death or
serious injury.

WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could result in death, serious or
moderate injury.

CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which may result in minor personal in-
jury or serious damage to the machine.

NOTE Indicates a situation which may result in damage to the machine or any other ob-
ject in its environment. Applies, in particular, to environmental instructions.

IMPORTANT Indicates instructions to the user and other useful information.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 43

Safety Regulations alphaJET evo

3.1.4 Symbols
General information

Danger! Warning! Caution!

This symbol warns of a specific danger.
This symbol indicates a specific source of danger.
The safety instruction informs you how to protect yourself from the hazard or how to
minimize the potential risk caused by the hazardous situation.
This warning specifies what you should do in the event of an accident.

This symbol warns of a prohibited action.
This symbol indicates a specific action you have to refrain from.

This symbol indicates a required action.
This symbol indicates a specific action you have to take.

Important information
This symbol calls your attention to important information.
This symbol may also appear in connection with one of the signs indicating danger,
prohibited or required actions.

“Read instruction handbook” symbol

The “read instruction handbook” symbol prompts you to exactly adhere to the associ-
ated information.

WARNING Damage to the machine or components!

Non-observance can lead to malfunctions and damage to the machine or compo-

alphaJET evo Safety Regulations

3.2 Product Safety

The machine complies with the state of the art and the recognized rules of safety engineering. Any
potential hazards existing in connection with the specific design and construction of the machine
are reduced to an acceptable degree. This requires, however, that all safety regulations, and par-
ticularly those applying to the particular unit, are complied with.
The type and scope of these product-specific safety regulations are based on a risk analysis.
It is the operator’s duty to make sure that the unit is put into operation only when it is in technically
perfect condition.

3.2.1 Intended Use

It should be noted in particular that …
The inkJET and its operating materials are not suitable for use on living organisms or explosive
The inks and solvents supplied for the inkJET are intended solely and exclusively for use on the
inkJET printer and not for coating, coloring or cleaning living organisms or explosive objects.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 45

Safety Regulations alphaJET evo

3.3 Danger Zones

3.3.1 Work Stations
Only authorized persons are permitted to stay within the working space around the
If all safety regulations are always complied with, there will be no danger to the oper-
ating personnel when handling the machine.

Do not obstruct working spaces!

Do not reduce the working space around the machine, e.g. by depositing material or
other objects there.
You will endanger yourself and others if you fail to keep the working space clear.

Keep the working space clean!

Immediately remove any soilings, e.g. liquids having flown on the floor.
You will endanger yourself and others if you fail to keep the working space clean.

alphaJET evo Safety Regulations

3.4 Organizational and Personnel Matters

3.4.1 Operator’s Duty of Care
The machine has been designed and built with the pertinent applicable technical standards, a risk
analysis and numerous further technical specifications taken into consideration. The machine meets
the state of the art and ensures a maximum of operational reliability.
In practice, this operational liability can only be reached if all necessary measures are taken. It is the
machine operator’s duty of care to plan these measures and to verify whether they are realized.
The operator must ensure that . . .
the recognized rules for occupational safety are observed and complied with,
the machine is only used as intended,
the machine is only operated when being in an unobjectionable and operable state,
the safety devices are checked for proper functioning at regular intervals,
all necessary personal safety equipment (e.g. protective clothing) required by the operating, main-
tenance and repair personnel is available and used,
this operating manual is always complete and legible and, in that state, available at the place of
use of the machine,
only qualified and authorized personnel operates, maintains and repairs the machine,
this personnel is instructed in occupational safety and environmental protection at regular intervals
and as required by law,
this personnel is familiar with the contents of the operating manual, especially with the safety in-
structions contained therein,
all safety instructions and warnings attached to the machine are always legible, are never covered
and never removed,
no changes or modifications to the machine are made.

3.4.2 Requirements to be met by the Personnel

The machine may only be operated by persons who are appropriately trained, instructed and au-
thorized to do so.
All persons working on or at the machine must have thoroughly read this operating manual before
starting work.
Operators must confirm by their personal signature that they have understood the operating man-
Personnel, who are to be trained, may only work on the machine if supervised by a person who is
familiar with the machine. Both trainer and trainee should receive a written confirmation certifying
that the training course has been completed successfully.
Recognized rules for occupational safety must be complied with.
Operating persons are obliged to inform their superiors immediately of any malfunctions of and
damage to the machine.
All authorities and powers must be defined clearly.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 47

Safety Regulations alphaJET evo

Basic safety measures during normal operation

The machine may only be operated by specifically trained and authorized persons who
are familiar with this operating manual, understand it and carry out their work accord-
Before turning the machine on, check and verify whether . . .
all doors and covers are mounted and operable
(the danger zones at the machine are safely covered),
only authorized persons stay within the working space of the machine,
the machine is inspected for visible damage before each start of production,
the superior is immediately notified of any defects and exceptional observations,
the machine is only operated when in a technically perfect state.

Basic safety measures for maintenance and servicing work

Please observe the maintenance and repair instructions for the various single compo-
nents in this operating manual!
Before authorized personnel start their maintenance and repair work,
the power supply must be turned off by means of the main switch,
the compressed-air supply must be depressurized.


Only qualified and specialized electricians who are familiar with the electrical systems of
the machine are authorized to maintain and repair its electrical equipment.
These qualified and specialized electricians also must …
check the electrical equipment at regular intervals,
tighten loose connections,
exchange damaged wirings and cables immediately.

alphaJET evo Safety Regulations

3.5 Product Specific Hazards

DANGER Dangerous electric voltage!
Contact with live parts will cause serious external and internal injuries.
Always turn off the main switch before starting work!
All brown marked lines are live even if the main switch is turned off.
Only trained electricians may carry out work on the electric equipment of
the machine and the transformers.
Immediately de-energize the system.
Protect the system against being turned on again.
Move the injured person(s) out of the hazardous area.
Render first aid. Alert first-aid provider. Always alert an emergency phy-

DANGER Risk of fire due to inflammable substances!

The ignition of inflammable liquids and vapors can cause life-threatening
Do not smoke in the area where the inkJET is installed!
Never operate the inkJET near ignition sources such as naked flames,
great heat or spark-generating equipment.
Always keep the print head of the inkJET away from vessels containing
inflammable liquids, in particular when the machine is switched on.
Operation of the inkJET is allowed only in well ventilated rooms.
Never store large amounts of operating materials near the place where
the machine is installed.
Only store as much ink and/or solvent within the area of the workplace
as is required for one workday.
Ensure that rooms where inks are stored are provided with an adequate
ventilation system.
Appropriate measures must be taken to protect the machine from static
discharges which might occur in the proximity of the operating materials
or the print head.
In an emergency:
Sound the fire alarm!
Call the fire brigade!
Move injured person(s) out of the danger zone.
Fight the fire with suitable means.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 49

Safety Regulations alphaJET evo

DANGER Risk due to poisonous substances!

Direct and indirect contact with paint, ink and solvent can cause seri-
ous, life-endangering harm to your health.
Do not swallow any paint, ink or solvent!
Avoid inhaling paint, ink and solvent vapors!
Avoid skin contact with paint, ink and solvent!
Always wear eye protection when working on the print head!
Consult a doctor immediately if you swallow any paint, ink or solvent!
Consult a doctor without delay if you vomit, feel unwell or develop a
headache after inhaling paint, ink or solvent vapors!
If any paint, ink or solvent gets into your eyes, first rinse out with clear
water. Then consult a doctor.
Use water and/or a suitable cleaning agent to wash off any paint, ink
or solvent that gets onto your skin.
Solvent that is intended for cleaning the unit should never be used to
remove any paint, ink or solvent that gets onto your skin.

WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!

Never allow ink or solvent to come in contact with the rear parts of the
print head (behind the ink chamber near the valves) or the rear of the print
head housing (printed circuit-boards and electronic parts).
Never dip the print head in solvent!

WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!

Never close the print head above a cleaning receptacle filled with solvent!
The head lid must remain open!
Reason: Closing the head lid automatically switches the high voltage back on
again and can result in the ignition of any gases inside the print head.

CAUTION Damage to the machine or components!

Operate the inkJET permanently in STAND By mode when using pig-
mented ink!
After a mains power failure or after switching off the inkJET with the main
switch you must initiate the Automatic Ink Service function.
This is done by actuating a SERVICE start and then switching off the inkJET.

alphaJET evo Safety Regulations

CAUTION Potential damage to the inkJET in connection with automatic power on

Before intervening in the ink system you should first switch off the inkJET
with the power switch.
Reason: In STAND BY mode the inkJET is switched on automatically at
regular intervals in order to start the Ink Service function.

WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!

Do not carry out any unsupervised test runs when the high voltage supply
is activated.

The operating materials used on the inkJET contain ingredients listed in the German Decree on
Hazardous Materials (“Gefahrstoffverordnung“).

When such operating materials are used, the following protective measures and instructions must be
Operation of the inkJET is allowed only in well ventilated rooms.
Always disconnect the power plug from the mains when working on live modules.
Install a CO2 fire extinguisher within a well accessible radius of 10 meters of the inkJET .
Never operate the inkJET near ignition sources such as naked flames, great heat or spark-
generating objects.
Never store large amounts of operating materials near the place where the machine is installed.
Only store as much ink and/or solvent within the area of the workplace as is required for one
workday. Ensure that rooms where inks and solvents are stored are provided with an adequate
ventilation system.
Do not smoke in the area where the inkJET is installed!
Measures must be taken to provide protection from static discharges which might occur in the
proximity of the operating materials or the print head.
Always keep the print head away from vessels containing inflammable liquids, in particular when
the machine is switched on.
Avoid printing inks and solvents getting into the body through skin contact, swallowing or inhaling
solvent vapors.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 51

Safety Regulations alphaJET evo

3.6 Additional Hazards

Only original METRONIC inks, cleaning agents, cleaning tissues and rinsing fluids may be used. If
other operating materials are used, we accept no liability for any direct or indirect damage to the ma-
chine or its environment.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4 Components and Function

4.1 Operating Principle .....................................................................................................54
4.1.1 Inks .............................................................................................................54
4.1.2 Pigmented Inks...........................................................................................54
4.1.3 Magnetic stirrer...........................................................................................54
4.1.4 Ink Service function (wake-up start) ...........................................................54
4.2 Operation ....................................................................................................................55
4.2.1 Menu structure............................................................................................55
4.2.2 Description of the menu window................................................................. 56
4.2.3 Info window.................................................................................................59
4.2.4 Product counter .......................................................................................... 60
4.2.5 Ink system ..................................................................................................61
4.2.6 System........................................................................................................72
4.2.7 Versions......................................................................................................74
4.2.8 Info..............................................................................................................75
4.2.9 User rights ..................................................................................................77
4.2.10 File Manager...............................................................................................80
4.2.11 Load label ...................................................................................................82
4.2.12 Label editor................................................................................................. 83
4.2.13 Configuration ............................................................................................114
4.2.14 PrintControl basic settings........................................................................123
4.2.15 PrintControl options .................................................................................. 125
4.3 Specific features of the operation ............................................................................. 128
4.4 Safety and Monitoring Devices .................................................................................129

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4.1 Operating Principle

The machine works on the basis of the continuous jet principle.

4.1.1 Inks
The inkJET is operated with quick drying inks that have very good adhesive properties.

4.1.2 Pigmented Inks

If your machine is operated with pigmented inks, there are a number of special features to be ob-
The following additional items have been incorporated in the machine because of the risk of ink pig-
ments collecting in time at the bottom of the ink bottle.

4.1.3 Magnetic stirrer

The ink reservoir is equipped with a magnetic stirrer, which stirs the ink at regular intervals.

4.1.4 Ink Service function (wake-up start)

In STAND BY mode the machine is automatically switched on briefly at regular intervals in order to
operate the stirrer and the pressure pump.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2 Operation
The machine is operated by a touchscreen display. The graphic user interface is simple in its design
and very clearly arranged.

4.2.1 Menu structure

Productcounter Load Printlabel

Inksystem Label-Editor
Service New Object
Setup Data Object
Phasing Text Dialog
Expert New static Text Element

System Dynamic Text – Number Format

Licenses Dynamic Text – Date / Time Format
Operating hours counter Date / Time Configuration
Communication settings Dynamic Text – Shift Format
Versions Barcode Dialog

Info menu DataMatrix Dialog

Datafield Object
Text Dialog
Barcode Dialog
DataMatrix Dialog

Usermanagement Vector Object

New Line Object
Modify Rights Rectangle Object
Ellipse Object
Logo Object

File Management Configuration

Create new folder Save Configuration
Rename file Load Configuration
Copy file Installation

PrintControl Basic Settings

Print Control Options

Figure 14: Menu structure

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4.2.2 Description of the menu window

Figure 15: Start window menu

1 Machine type
2 File name and file path of the label currently loaded
3 Print preview
(only displayed if the set in the user management)
Label currently loaded
Grayed out areas are not printed
4 Current product counter reading
5 Product counter
Set product counter
6 Info: Display of
User name Printer status
Printer name MemState: Memory state

alphaJET evo Components and Function

7 Ink system
Make ink system settings

8 System settings
Make machine system settings
Interfaces, e.g. Ethernet, serial, remote;
System language, time and date
9 Info machine status
Request machine status

10 User management
Create new user
Change or delete existing user
Log in as another user
11 File Manager
Copy, delete and rename files

12 Print stop
Press once -> print stop after printing the current label
Press twice -> immediate print stop -> machine goes to "Not Ready" status
-> Ready for printing again after pressing the print release button
13 Ready for printing
The machine status changes from "not ready for printing" to "ready for print-
In the "ready for printing" machine status, the currently loaded print job is
14 PrintControl basic settings
Settings, e.g. for start of printing, distance, print marks, OPS (OverPrintSup-
pressor), flight time, relay type, message table
15 Name of the current PrintControl settings
16 Configuration
Create, save and load devices and print configuration
17 Name of the configuration currently loaded
18 Label editor
Create new label, edit existing label
19 Load label
Load existing label

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20 "Ready" signal lamp

The machine is ready to print

21 "Service" signal lamp

The machine reports that service activity is needed

22 "Error" signal lamp

The machine reports an error

23 "Consumables" signal lamp

Points out that the level of consumables is low
Fill up the consumables quickly
24 Information messages
The info window is opened
Red symbol: New, still unread messages are available
Gray symbol: messages already read are listed
25 tt.mm.yyyy Current system date
hh:mm Current system time

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2.3 Info window

Figure 16 : Info menu window

1 A new message has been received

2 No new messages available

Existing messages are displayed

3 Delete list
All entries are deleted from the list

4 Update
The error list is reloaded

5 Leave window

6 Scroll list

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4.2.4 Product counter

Figure 17 : Product counter menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Input field: Set product counter

Set the counter at the desired number of items

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2.5 Ink system

Figure 18 : Ink system menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Service
Functions for commissioning, maintenance, service, deactivation and transport
of the machine.
3 Setup
Functions for specifically setting the machine

4 Phasing
Functions for modulation setting
Display of control values
5 Diagnosis
Solely for service technicians

6 Take over settings and exit window

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7 Display field: Pressure [mbar]

The ink pressure is set at the factory.
55µ nozzle: 3000 mbar ± 30 mbar
70µ nozzle: 2500 mbar ± 30 mbar
8 Display field: HV [V]
Voltage at the deflecting electrode in the head. The deflection voltage affects the
font size.
9 Display field: Temp. [°C]
Ink temperature in the ink system.
10 Display field: Head temp. [°C]
Temperature of the ink chamber in the print head in °C.
11 Display field: Ink flow
The value will fall if the ink jet does not hit the gutter any more (or only some-
If the minimum value is not reached, the ink jet will be switched off automatically
to avoid contamination of the environment by escaping ink. An error message will
be displayed.
12 Display field: Visco
Viscosity of the ink.
Requirements: Ink type is set correctly (see Ink system>Setup)
Regular value: 0
Tolerance range: values between -25 and +25 are possible,
Warning: at values from -30 and +30,
Deactivation: at values from -125 and +125.
13 Display field: Fill time [s]
Filling time of the viscometer in seconds.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

14 Display field: Ink sensor

Shows whether the ink sensor in the mixing tank is currently covered in ink.
The maximum ink level is shown if the cross is permanently displayed.
15 Display field: Visco top
Shows whether the top ink sensor in the viscometer is covered or not. Within one
filling cycle of the viscometer, first the Visco bottom, then the Visco top parameter
is shown (fill time calculation).
16 Display field: Visco bottom
Shows whether the bottom ink sensor in the viscometer is covered or not.

17 Display field: Solvent empty

This message shows that the solvent bottle is almost empty. A warning message
will be generated as soon as this is the case.
18 Display field: Add ink
The printer supplies ink from the ink bottle and adds it to the mixing tank.
19 Display field: Add solvent
The printer supplies solvent from the solvent bottle and adds it to the mixing tank.
20 Display field: Head open
This field indicates whether the print head lid is open.
: Head lid closed / ⌧: Head lid open
As long as the head is open, the SERVICE signal lamp on the touchscreen will
light up and possibly that on the "traffic light" (status indicator) as well.

21 Push button: Press-pump

This function switches the pressure pump of the print head on and off.
: Pressure pump off / : Pressure pump on
Flashes until the stipulated pressure has been reached (see ink system >
22 Push button: Suction pump
This function switches the suction pump of the print head on and off.
: Suction pump off / : Suction pump on
Flashes during after-running until the pump switches off independently.
23 Push button: Ink
Use this function to activate and deactivate the ink jet in the print head.
: Ink off / : Ink on
The pressure pump and suction pump will be switched on if they had not been
switched on before
Flashes until the ink jet is safely switched on.

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24 Push button: Ready for print

Makes the head ready for printing.
: not ready for printing / : ready for printing
Requirements: The head lid on the print head is closed.
The pressure pump, suction pump and ink will be switched on if they had not
been switched on before
Flashes until the head has been made ready for printing.
25 Push button: Bleed
: Bleed off / : Bleed on
Removes any air left in the ink system, ink system and supply tube.
Following an ink or filter change or a repair to the ink system, this command must
be activated for approx. 10 minutes.
26 Push button: Purge
: Purge off / : Purge on
Manual cleaning of the nozzle in the print head.
Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
Hold the print head with opened print head lid vertically open.
Drip solvent onto the opening of the nozzle seal.
Switch on the "Purge" function.
After approx. 5 seconds, switch off the "Purge" function.
Clean the nozzle seal with a cleaning cloth soaked in solvent.
27 Push button: Stability test
: Stability test off / : Stability test on
If you activate this function, the bleed valve of the print head will be periodically
switched on and off. This causes a change in pressure. The ink jet must also hit
the gutter under these conditions.
Open the print head lid.
Switch on the "Stability test" function.
Check the stability of the ink jet at the gutter.
Switch off the "Stability test" function.
28 Push button: Nozzle cleaning
: Nozzle cleaning off / : Nozzle cleaning on
If you activate this function, the nozzle is cleaned, i.e. ink deposits will be re-
moved by switching the ink jet on and off periodically.
Open the print head lid.
Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
Clamp an absorbent paper cloth in front of the nozzle seal.
Hold the print head upright.
Switch on the "Nozzle cleaning" function.
After approx. 15 seconds, switch off the "Nozzle cleaning" function.
Remove the paper cloth and clean the nozzle seal with solvent.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Ink system service

Figure 19 : Ink system > service menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Push button: Add ink

Add ink to the mixing tank.
: Add ink off / : Add ink on
Ink is added to the mixing tank automatically during normal operation.
Ink can also be added manually to the mixing tank for service purposes by press-
ing the button.
4 Push button: Add solvent
Add solvent to the mixing tank.
: Add solvent off / : Add solvent on
Solvent is added to the mixing tank automatically during normal operation.
Solvent can also be added manually to the mixing tank for service purposes by
pressing the button.

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5 Push button: Filling for the first time

Fill the empty ink system.
: First fill off / : First fill on
This may take up to 30 minutes.
6 Push button: Empty system
Empty the ink system.
: Empty system off / : Empty system on
The ink is pumped out of the system. Use this function if the system must be pre-
pared for transport or during ink replacement, for instance.
7 Push button: Reflow sensor off
: Reflow sensor on / : Reflow sensor off
Using this button, you can prevent the automatic shutoff of the ink jet by the reflow
This setting is not saved when the machine is switched off.
The reflow sensor will be active again after switching the machine off and then on
8 Push button: Thicken ink
: Thicken ink off / : Thicken ink on

9 Push button: Wash system

: System was off / : System wash on

10 Push button: Open nozzle seal

: Nozzle seal closed / : Nozzle seal opened
Flashes until the selected "open/closed" state has been reached.
11 Push button: Empty ink circuit
: Empty ink circuit off / : Empty ink circuit on
Empties the ink circuit inc. print head into the mixing tank.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Ink system setup

Figure 20 : Ink system > setup menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Update
Current changes are taken over
The window is not exited
3 Take over settings and exit window

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4 Select list: Nozzle size [µm]

The nozzle size must be set according to the nozzle used, since this value is used
to adjust the ink pressure, the modulation frequency and the print algorithms.
5 Display field: Modulation frequency [Hz]:
Display of the modulation frequency specified by the system.
6 Display field: Pressure [mbar]
Display of the ink pressure specified by the system.
7 Input field: Pressure offset [mbar]
An offset value between –300 mbar and +300 mbar can be set here to balance
out the height difference between print head and controller.
A height difference of one meter corresponds to approx. 80 mbar pressure differ-
ence (print head above the controller: + 80 mbar, below: - 80 mbar).
Factory setting: 0 mbar.
8 Input field: Suction pump [%]
The set value of the suction pump must be high enough to ensure a sufficient
suction capacity at the gutter.
9 Input field: HVMin [V]
This value determines the minimum high voltage, which is set at HV value 0.
This value must be high enough to prevent the ink drops from adhering to the
10 Input field: HVMax [V]
This value determines the maximum high voltage, which is set at HV value 100.
This value must not be so high that ink drops remain adhering to the upper high-
voltage plate.
The maximum high voltage of 6500 V must not be exceeded, either.
11 Input field: Ink type
The ink type to be set depends on the ink used. You can find the ink type in the
summary of ink data, enclosed.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

12 Input field: Reflow level

Setting of the limit for monitoring of the ink jet.
The ink jet is switched off automatically as soon as the ink flow displayed in the
"Ink system" menu falls below the set value for the reflow level.
13 Input field: Peltier offset
Setting of the solvent recovery output.
The solvent recovery output can be adapted to the operating conditions.
Factory setting: value 0,
Increased output: values 1 to 10,
Reduced output: values -1 to -10,
14 Input field: Head temperature [°C]
Setting the temperature of the print head heater
The print head temperature can be adapted to the environmental conditions, de-
pending on the application concerned. In principle, the print head temperature
should be higher than the ambient temperature.
Factory setting: 27 °C
15 Input field: Visco Offset
This value can be used to adjust the viscosity control of the ink so that the ink
becomes thicker (value -1..-100) or thinner (value +1...+100).

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Ink system phasing

Figure 21 : Ink system > phasing menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Expert
Solely for service technicians

3 Take over settings and exit window

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4 Display field: Modulation voltage [V]

Requirements: Continuous phasing is switched on.
This value largely determines the shape of the drops separated from the ink jet.
For the setting process, the ink must turn on (not print-ready) and the print head
must be closed. The machine should have reached its operating temperature.
Begin with a modulation value of 5. Now increase it step by step (with the plus
key) and at the same time, observe the circular display. The circle segments visi-
ble there change their position (anti-clockwise).
Increase the modulation until the circle segments no longer change their position.
This is the so-called reversal point.
In practice, it can be recommended to set the modulation voltage a little below the
reversal point, in order to safely prevent any possible over-modulation.
If you observe the ink jet through the inspection window in the print head, the ink
jet should break up into drops of equal size. The little flags on the drops must
point upwards (to the nozzle).
The modulation is too high if these point downwards.
If no additional droplets form, so-called satellite droplets, the modulation volt-
age is too low.
5 Display field: Current phase
The phase position automatically defined by the machine
Depends on the modulation voltage set

6 Display field: Phasing count

Counts the number of phase tests conducted since the machine started.

7 Continuous phasing
Activate continuous manual phasing
: Continuous phasing off / : Continuous phasing on
When you quit the dialog, continuous phasing will be disabled automatically.

8 Input field: Forced phasing [sec]

The period of time from the last successful phasing to the next forced phasing

9 Reduce modulation voltage

10 Increase modulation voltage

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4.2.6 System

Figure 22 : System menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Licenses
Displays the licenses granted for the machine
Licenses are granted by a hardware dongle
3 Operating hours counter
Display of the operating hours or total operating hours (life counter)
Resets the operating hours counter.
4 Comm
Communication settings (USB, Ethernet, and serial interfaces)

5 Versions
Displays the versions of the machine components

6 Update
Take over settings

7 Take over settings and exit window

alphaJET evo Components and Function

8 Input field: Connection to printer

Displays the selected IP from the list of available printers
Manual input of the IP address of the printer to be connected
9 Input field: Port
Input of the communication channel used
Preset value: 3000
10 Select list: Available printers

11 Input field: Time

Input of the desired time
Takes over the input by updating
12 Input field: Date
Input of the desired date
Takes over the input by updating
13 Update
Takes over the time and/or date input

14 Select list: Language

Select the desired language
Takes over the selection by updating
15 Update
Takes over the language selection

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4.2.7 Versions

Figure 23 : Versions menu window

1 Leave window

2 GUI_VER Version of the interface

3 METCOMPDLL_VER Version of the interface components

4 PRINTSERVER_VER Version of the print processing

5 PRINTCONTROL_VER Version of the print control

6 PLATFORM_VER Version of the basic firmware


8 CONTROLLER_VER Version of the mainboard controller

9 CPLD_VER Version of the CPLD

10 MAINBOARD Version of the mainboard

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2.8 Info

Figure 24 : Info menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

2 Leave window

3 Display field: PS
The state of the product sensor is displayed,
: Sensor not recognized / ⌧: Sensor recognized
4 Display field: NEXT
The direction of product movement is displayed.
: Backward / ⌧: NEXT
5 Display field: Print progress [%]
The current state of the print output is displayed.
6 Display field: Print frequency [Hz]
This value indicates the current frequency of the printer output in Hz. You can
use this field to ensure that the maximum possible print frequency is not ex-

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7 Display field: Speed [m/min]

This field shows the calculated product speed. The current speed in m/min can
be used to check the encoder.
8 Display field: Capacity used [%]
This value provides information on the current capacity used, indicated as a per-
centage of the maximum print capacity.
9 Display field: Pixels
This field displays the number of pixels of the current print label. For instance, this
value can be used to define the amount of ink consumed.
10 Display field: Key data for determining the system's capacity utilization
Values are shown in red if the capacity is too high.
Time between print
Shows the interval between the end of printing and the next start of printing.
Time between busy
Shows the interval between the end of calculating the next label and the start of
printing it.
11 Display field: Input 0 - 7
: Input not used / ⌧: Input used
12 Display field: Output 0 – 3
: Output not set by machine / ⌧: Output set by machine
13 Display field: Alarm relay
: Alarm relay does not switch / ⌧: Alarm relay switches

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2.9 User rights

Figure 25: User rights menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Create new user

Create user name and password
Assign user rights
3 Change created users
Change user name and password
Change user rights
4 Delete created users

5 Update
Current changes are taken over
The window is not exited
6 Take over settings and exit window

7 Select list: User name

Selection of the user created

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User rights > new

Figure 26: User rights > new menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over selection and exit the window

3 Input field: User name

Input of the desired user name
4 Input field: Password
Input of the desired password
5 Select list: Available user rights
Selection of the available user rights
6 Select list: User rights assigned
Display of the user rights assigned
7 Add

8 Remove

alphaJET evo Components and Function

User rights > Change user rights

Figure 27: User rights > Change user rights menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over selection and exit the window

3 Input field: User name

Entering the user name
4 Input field: Password
Input of the password
5 Select list: Available user rights
Selection of the available user rights
6 Select list: User rights assigned
Display of the user rights assigned
7 Add

8 Remove

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4.2.10 File Manager

Figure 28: File manager menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 New folder
Create new folder

3 Rename file
Change the existing file names of the selected file

4 Simple selection
A file can be selected for copying or deleting

5 Multiple selection
Several files can be selected for copying or deleting

6 Copy file(s)
Copy selected file(s)

7 Delete file(s)
Delete selected file(s)

alphaJET evo Components and Function

8 Take over settings and exit window

9 Scroll up / scroll down

10 Directory hierarchy
Change downward, i.e. into a lower-order folder, or to a lower-order file
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected
11 Directory hierarchy
Change upward, i.e. into a higher-order folder
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected

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4.2.11 Load label

Figure 29: Load existing label menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted
"Load text" is aborted
2 Take over selection and exit the window
The selected text is loaded

3 Scroll up / scroll down

Select the desired text.

4 Directory hierarchy
Change downward, i.e. into a lower-order folder, or to a lower-order file
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected
5 Directory hierarchy
Change upward, i.e. into a higher-order folder
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2.12 Label editor

Figure 30: Label editor menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 New
Create new label

3 Open
Load label in the editor

4 Save
Saves the label that was edited last

5 Leave window

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6 Editor display
WYSIWYG preview of the label
(WYSIWYG - "what you see is what you get")
7 Scroll to the left or to the right in the editor display

8 Scroll upwards or downwards in the editor display

9 Zoom in the editor display

10 Create new object

11 Edit
Edit selected object
12 Delete
Delete selected object
13 Alter line thickness
Reduce or increase the line thickness
The set line thickness is displayed
14 Empty strokes
Horizontal spreading of the characters
15 Character spacing
Reduce/increase the spacing between the characters
16 Shift the selected object to the left or to the right
The x/y position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box
17 Shift the selected object up or down
The x/y position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box

18 Font
Selection of the font and type height
Choose the type options: bold, italic, and underlined

alphaJET evo Components and Function

19 Inverting / reversing the typeface

Invert selected object
20 Change size
Increase or decrease the size of the selected object
21 Rotate object
Rotate the selected object to the left or to the right in 90° steps
22 Mirror object
Vertically mirror (invert) the selected object
23 Display field: Object-info
Information on type of object: Text, code, matrix, line, rectangle, ellipse, or
Information on the number of objects in the editor display
Data field yes/no
Information on position and size in pixels
24 Select object
Select the object in the editor display by pressing the button
Select the object in the editor display by pressing on the touchscreen

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Label editor / open label

Figure 31: Open label menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over selection and exit the window

Scroll up / scroll down

4 Directory hierarchy
Change downward, i.e. into a lower-order folder, or to a lower-order file
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected
5 Directory hierarchy
Change upward, i.e. into a higher-order folder
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / save label

Figure 32: Save label menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 New folder
Create new folder

3 Rename file
Change the existing file names of the selected file

4 Simple selection
A file can be selected for copying or deleting

5 Multiple selection
Several files can be selected for copying or deleting

6 Copy file(s)
Copy selected file(s)

7 Delete file(s)
Delete selected file(s)

8 Take over settings and exit window

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Scroll up / scroll down

10 Directory hierarchy
Change downward, i.e. into a lower-order folder, or to a lower-order file
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected
11 Directory hierarchy
Change upward, i.e. into a higher-order folder
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object

Figure 33: New object menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

Data object
2 Create new text-object
The object may contain static and dynamic elements (numbers, date, time, or
Object may not contain any data fields
3 Create barcode-object
The object may contain static and dynamic elements (numbers, date, time, or
Object may not contain any data fields
4 Create data matrix code object
The object may contain static and dynamic elements (numbers, date, time, or
Object may not contain any data fields

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Data field object

5 Create new data field-object
Filled from outside via interface (via field index)
6 Create barcode-data field
Filled from outside via interface (via field index)
7 Create data matrix data field
Filled from outside via interface (via field index)
Vector object
8 Create new line object

9 Create rectangle object

10 Create new ellipse object

Logo object
11 Load new logo object
Format Monochrome bitmap or MLG (AJC Logo)

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object / text dialog

Figure 34: Text dialog menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Preview
Preview of the text object created
The text object may consist of several elements, e.g. out of a static text ele-
ment + a time element + a counter element + a shift element
4 Select element
Select the previous element in the preview
The element type of the selected element is displayed
5 Select element
Select the following element in the preview
The element type of the selected element is displayed

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6 Edit selected element

Edit the element selected in the preview
7 Delete selected element
Delete the element selected in the preview
8 Create static text element
Fix-text is printed as created
9 Dynamic numerical element
Numerical elements are dynamically changed during printing
10 Dynamic date/time element
Date/time elements are dynamically changed during printing
11 Dynamic shift element
Shift elements are dynamically changed during printing

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object / text dialog / number format

Figure 35: Number format menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Input field: Start

Value at which the counter begins to count
The start value must always be smaller than the end value
4 Input field: End
Value at which the counter stops
5 Input field: Repeat
Value states the number of repeats to be printed at the identical count
E.g.: 2 repeats, print output = 1,1 ; 2,2 ; 3,3 ; 4,4 ; 5,5.....

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6 Input field: Step width

The value states the number of product sensor signals that it takes until the
next count is printed.
E.g.: Step width 5, print out = 1 (5 signals); 2 (5 signals); 3 (5 signals); 4 (5
signals); 5 (5 signals) ...
7 Input field: Digits
Max. number of digits printed (see also select list: format)
8 Auto stop
Counter stops when the set end value has been reached.
: Autostop off / : Autostop on
9 Alpha-Code
Number is coded by characters e.g. A-Z, a-z
: Alpha-Code off / : Alpha-Code on
10 Select list: Format
Leading zeros/blanks:
There are always at least as many digits printed as are stated at "Digits". Dig-
its that are not needed are filled with zeroes or space characters.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object / text dialog / date/time format

Figure 36: Date/time format menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Configuration
Configuration of expiry date, minute clock, and leading zeroes

3 Take over settings and exit window

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 95

Components and Function alphaJET evo

4 Input field: Date/time format

The desired date/time format can be set by "Adding" different format variables
several times.
E.g.: Current time: h:min:sec corresponds to the list selection
%h I Hours in 24 h format (00 – 23)
%m I minutes as decimal number (00 – 59)
%s I seconds as decimal number (00 – 59)
A format variable always consists of 2 characters. The first character is al-
ways "%", second character: see select list.
Separators, e.g. the colon, and all other characters, are entered manually via
the keyboard.
The input can be corrected via the keyboard functions.
5 Preview
Preview of the selected format
E.g.: Current time: 14:23:57
6 Select list: Date/time format
List of the available format variables
7 Add
Takes over the format variables selected into the "Date/time format" field

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object / text dialog / date/time format / date/time configuration

Figure 37: Date/time configuration menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

Expiry date
3 Input field: Days
Starting from the current date
4 Input field: Months
Starting from the current date
5 Input field: Years
Starting from the current date
E.g.: Input days 1, months 1, years 1
Expiry date = current date + 1 day + 1 month + 1 year

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Components and Function alphaJET evo

6 Input field: Minute clock (1-30)

Value states the step width in which the time object is updated.
E.g.: step width 5, updating every 5 minutes, e.g. 10:00; 10:05; 10:10 ...
7 Remove leading zeroes
The leading zeroes in the date/time format are removed
E.g.: Time 09:05, print output = 9:5
: Remove leading zeroes off / : Remove leading zeroes on

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object / text dialog / shift format

Figure 38: Shift format menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Shift 1–4
One shift runs from start time shift 1 to start time shift 2, for instance.
Activate shift objects
: Shift X off / : Shift X on
4 Input field: Start time [hh]
E.g.: start time 9:00, input = 09 [hh] 00 [mm]
5 Input field: Start time [mm]
E.g.: start time 9:00, input = 09 [hh] 00 [mm]
6 Input field: Text
For example: "shift identification"

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 99

Components and Function alphaJET evo

Label editor / new object / barcode dialog

Figure 39: Bar code dialog menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Select list: Barcode format

All available barcodes are displayed
4 Calculate checksum
Depending on the barcode, this function is
mandatory, optional or not available
: Calculate checksum off / : Calculate checksum on
5 Quiet zone - A
Indicates the left-hand distance between barcode or Barcode/clear text and
neighboring object in the print label. Details in pixels.
6 Quiet zone - B
Indicates the right-hand distance between barcode or Barcode/clear text and
neighboring object in the print label. Details in pixels.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

7 Module height
Indicates the height of the barcode without clear text. Details in pixels.
8 Clear text position
Selection of the clear text position in the barcode label

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 101

Components and Function alphaJET evo

Label editor / new object / data matrix dialog

Figure 40: Data matrix dialog menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Select list: Data matrix format

The size is determined automatically in "Auto" format
and depends on the data to be encrypted

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object / line object

Figure 41: Label editor / line object menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Open
Load label in the editor

3 Save
Saves the label that was edited last

4 Leave window

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 103

Components and Function alphaJET evo

5 Editor display
WYSIWYG preview of the label
(WYSIWYG - "what you see is what you get")
6 Scroll to the left or to the right in the editor display

7 Scroll upwards or downwards in the editor display

8 Zoom in the editor display

9 Create new object

10 Edit
Edit the object selected in the editor display
11 Delete
Delete the object selected in the editor display
12 Alter line thickness
Reduce or increase the line thickness of the selected object
The set line thickness is displayed
13 Move object
Move the x/y position of the selected object with the arrow keys in the hori-
zontal direction and in the vertical direction to starting point.
The x/y position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box
14 Change object size
Move the x2/y2 position of the selected object with the arrow keys in the hori-
zontal direction and in the vertical direction relative to the starting point.
The size of the selected object is changed.
The x2/y2 position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box
15 Invert
Invert selected object

alphaJET evo Components and Function

16 Display field: Object-info
Information on type of object: Text, code, matrix, line, rectangle, ellipse, or
Information on the number of objects in the editor display
Data field yes/no
Information on position and size
17 Select object
Select the object in the editor display by pressing the button
Select the object in the editor display by pressing on the touchscreen

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 105

Components and Function alphaJET evo

Label editor / new object / rectangle object

Figure 42: Label editor / rectangle object menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Open
Load label in the editor

3 Save
Saves the label that was edited last

4 Leave window

alphaJET evo Components and Function

5 Editor display
WYSIWYG preview of the label
(WYSIWYG - "what you see is what you get")
6 Scroll to the left or to the right in the editor display

7 Scroll upwards or downwards in the editor display

8 Zoom in the editor display

9 Create new object

10 Edit
Edit the object selected in the editor display
11 Delete
Delete the object selected in the editor display
12 Alter line thickness
Reduce or increase the line thickness of the selected object
The set line thickness is displayed
13 Move object
Move the x/y position of the selected object with the arrow keys in the hori-
zontal direction and in the vertical direction to starting point.
The x/y position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box
14 Change object size
Move the x2/y2 position of the selected object with the arrow keys in the hori-
zontal direction and in the vertical direction relative to the starting point.
The size of the selected object is changed.
The x2/y2 position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box
15 Invert
Invert selected object
16 Fill
Fill selected object

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Components and Function alphaJET evo

17 Display field: Object-info
Information on type of object: Text, code, matrix, line, rectangle, ellipse, or
Information on the number of objects in the editor display
Data field yes/no
Information on position and size
18 Select object
Select the object in the editor display by pressing the button
Select the object in the editor display by pressing on the touchscreen

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / new object / ellipse object

Figure 43: Label editor / ellipse object menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Open
Load label in the editor.

3 Save
Saves the label that was edited last

4 Leave window

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 109

Components and Function alphaJET evo

5 Editor display
WYSIWYG preview of the label
(WYSIWYG - "what you see is what you get")
6 Scroll to the left or to the right in the editor display

7 Scroll upwards or downwards in the editor display

8 Zoom in the editor display

9 Create new object

10 Edit
Edit the object selected in the editor display
11 Delete
Delete the object selected in the editor display
12 Alter line thickness
Reduce or increase the line thickness of the selected object
The set line thickness is displayed
13 Move object
Move the x/y position of the selected object with the arrow keys in the hori-
zontal direction and in the vertical direction to starting point.
The x/y position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box
14 Change object size
Move the x2/y2 position of the selected object with the arrow keys in the hori-
zontal direction and in the vertical direction relative to the starting point.
The size of the selected object is changed.
The x2/y2 position of the selected object can be read off from the Object-info
display box
15 Invert
Invert selected object
16 Fill
Fill selected object

alphaJET evo Components and Function

17 Display field: Object-info
Information on type of object: Text, code, matrix, line, rectangle, ellipse, or
Information on the number of objects in the editor display
Data field yes/no
Information on position and size
18 Select object
Select the object in the editor display by pressing the button
Select the object in the editor display by pressing on the touchscreen

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 111

Components and Function alphaJET evo

Label editor / new object / logo object

Figure 44: Load logo menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Scroll up / scroll down

4 Directory hierarchy
Change downward, i.e. into a lower-order folder, or to a lower-order file
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected
5 Directory hierarchy
Change upward, i.e. into a higher-order folder
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Label editor / font dialog

Figure 45: Font dialog menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Preview
Shoes the currently selected settings

4 Select list: font

List of the available fonts
5 Select list: Height
List of the available type heights
6 Push button: Font format bold
Selected font becomes bold
7 Push button: Font format italic
Selected font becomes italic
8 Push button: Font format underlined
Selected font becomes underlined

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 113

Components and Function alphaJET evo

4.2.13 Configuration

Figure 46: Configuration menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Save configuration

3 Load configuration

4 Installation
You are returned to the installation area. Settings are made here, e.g. for
standardization, head offset, and product sensor.
5 Basic
You are returned to the basic area. Settings are made here, e.g. for external
or internal power supply of the connection options, type of encoder, or product
sensor switching characteristics.
6 Update

7 Take over settings and exit window

alphaJET evo Components and Function

8 Input field: Print length [mm]

9 Display field: Resolution [µm/stroke]

Stroke distance
10 Input field: Density [Strokes]
Stroke multiplication of the entire label
11 Select list: Optimization
Gradation within the selected print mode into
Fast: Faster printing possible
Normal: Standard mode
Quality. Better, higher value printout possible
12 Select list: Print height [1%...100%]
Setting the print height = vertical spreading of the stroke
13 Select list: Pixel height [pixels]
Specified maximum possible number of pixels in the stroke
14 Select list: Printing orientation
adjusted upside down mirrored backward

15 Select list: Print mode

Refer to Product Description / Technical Data / Description of the Printing

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 115

Components and Function alphaJET evo

Save configuration

Figure 47: Save configuration menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 New folder
Create new folder

3 Rename file
Change the existing file names of the selected element

4 Simple selection
A file can be selected for editing

5 Multiple selection
Several files can be selected for editing

6 Copy file
Copy selected file

7 Delete file
Delete selected file

8 Take over settings and exit window

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Scroll up / scroll down

10 Directory hierarchy
Change downward, i.e. into a lower-order folder, or to a lower-order file
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected
11 Directory hierarchy
Change upward, i.e. into a higher-order folder
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 117

Components and Function alphaJET evo

Load configuration

Figure 48: Load configuration menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Take over settings and exit window

3 Scroll up / scroll down

4 Directory hierarchy
Change downward, i.e. into a lower-order folder, or to a lower-order file
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected
5 Directory hierarchy
Change upward, i.e. into a higher-order folder
This is only displayed if a directory has been selected

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Configuration > Installation

Figure 49: Configuration > Installation menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Update

3 Take over settings and exit window

Select type of standardization

4 Type of standardization,
If the values for distance and cycles / distance are unknown.

5 Type of standardization,
If the values for distance and cycles / distance are known.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 119

Components and Function alphaJET evo

6 Input field: Head offset forwards [mm]

Start of printing delayed by entering an offset value in mm, if printing is trig-
gered in product forward flow direction.
E.g. Enter a value of 100, if the distance between product sensor and print
head is 100 mm.
7 Input field: Head offset backwards [mm]
Start of printing delayed by entering an offset value in mm, if printing is trig-
gered in product backward flow direction.
8 Push button: PS inverted
It is necessary to invert the logic level if the product sensor indicates incorrect
switching behavior during continuous printing or repetition.

: deactivated : activated

PS edge
9 Product sensor signal with rising edge
(Printing triggered by logical product sensor edge)

10 Product sensor signal with falling edge

(Printing triggered by logical product sensor edge)

11 Product sensor signal with rising or falling edge

(Printing triggered by logical product sensor edge)

alphaJET evo Components and Function

Configuration > Basic

Figure 50: Configuration > Basic menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Update

3 Take over settings and exit window

Display box for checking the product flow direction
X only appears, if the product flow direction is set at FORWARDS.
5 Encoder select list
The suffix "-INV" inverts the direction stated in the "Forwards" information
window. This makes it possible to detect every direction detected by the en-
coder as forwards.

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Components and Function alphaJET evo

6 Product sensor
Display box for checking the product sensor signal
X only appears, if the product sensor supplies a signal.
7 Product sensor switching characteristics
Selection of the existing switching characteristics of the product sensor

8 Push button: ENC/PS external volt-

: Clock generator and product sensor
: Clock generator and product sensor are supplied externally with voltage
are supplied internally with voltage
Periphery must supply itself with volt-
Peripherals that provide signals are age
supplied with voltage by the alphaJET
9 Push button: Inputs active low
: Control inputs if signal at : Control inputs if signal at
> 18V < 3V
10 Push button: Outputs external volt-
: Outputs are supplied externally with
: Outputs are supplied internally with voltage
Periphery must supply itself with volt-
Peripherals that provide signals are age
supplied with voltage by the alphaJET
11 Push button: Inputs external voltage

: Inputs are supplied internally with : Inputs are supplied externally with
voltage voltage
Peripherals that provide signals are Periphery must supply itself with volt-
supplied with voltage by the alphaJET age

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2.14 PrintControl basic settings

Figure 51: PrintControl basic settings menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Option
Opportunities for setting ...
OPS (OverPrintSuppressor)
WSM (distance measurement)
Alarm relay
3 Update

4 Take over settings and exit window

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 123

Components and Function alphaJET evo

5 Select list: Print start

Continuous: The print output is continuously repeated (scattered printing).
A product sensor is not required. The spacing between the prints is dependent
on the distance.
Product sensor: Print output with each product sensor signal.
Repetition: Continuous printing will take place as long as the product sensor is
The spacing between the prints is dependent on the distance.
Start key: Print output each time the "Ready for printing" button is pressed in
the Start window.
6 Input field: Distance [mm]
Input only possible when Continuous printing print start and Repetition selected.
Distance between the print images (End -> Start)
Print start direction
7 Forwards
Product sensor signal only with defined FORWARDS product flow direction
8 Backwards
Product sensor signal only with defined BACKWARDS product flow direction
9 Both
Product sensor signal with defined BACKWARDS and FORWARDS product
flow direction

10 Input field: Ignore print marks

Delayed triggering of printing by ignoring the defined number of product sen-
sor signals
For instance, an entered value = 3 means that three product sensor signals
are ignored and that printing is triggered on the fourth signal.

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.2.15 PrintControl options

*) available with alphaJET evo standard and evo professional

Figure 52: PrintControl options menu window

1 Cancel and exit window

Changes are not adopted

2 Text list
The order in which saved label texts are printed can be defined in playlists.
*) only available with the alphaJET evo professional
3 Extensions
Customer-specific application cases
*) only available with the alphaJET evo professional
4 Update

5 Take over settings and exit window

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 125

Components and Function alphaJET evo

OPS (OverPrintSuppressor)
The over print suppressor function stops the printer output as soon as the belt conveyor moves
backward and releases continuation of printing only if the same position is passed in forward direc-
tion again. This prevents errors in the printed image due to backward movements.
6 never -> function deactivated

7 Printing -> function only active during print output

8 Always -> function always activated (i.e. overprint errors in the distance
measurement are also compensated)!
9 Push button: Text list
: Message table function off : Message table function on
10 Push button: Extensions on
: Extensions function off : Extensions function on

Alarm relay configuration *) only available with the alphaJET evo professional
11 Push button: Switch on when
: activated
: deactivated
12 Push button: Switch on with SER-
: activated
: deactivated
13 Push button: Switch on with ERROR
: deactivated : activated
14 Push button: Switch on when EMPTY
: deactivated : activated
15 Relay type: closer

16 Relay type: opener

17 Select list: Measurement of

Start to start: Distance from the start of printing to the start of printing. Ensure
that this distance is greater than the length of the label!
End to start: Distance between the print images.
Selection only necessary with Continuous printing and Repetition. See PrintCon-
trol basic settings menu

alphaJET evo Components and Function

18 Input field: Flight time [0.1 ms]

This time is used to compensate the flight time. This function can be used to
compensate for the resulting offset of the start of printing at high speed.
The guide value for this field is 50 (which corrects to a flight time of 5 ms). In-
crease this value until you cannot identify any greater offset of the print image at
maximum speed than at low speed.
The flight-time-compensation function is executed by reducing the Print position,
i.e. the offset between the product sensor and the printer output at a higher
speed. For that reason, the value of the Print position must be high enough when
setting the flight time compensation.
In case of regular accelerations (e.g. belt conveyor supplied with pulses), the se-
lected Print position value should not be too high. Otherwise, the change in
speed would lead to errors in the resulting print position (Please see the Configu-
ration window)

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Components and Function alphaJET evo

4.3 Specific features of the operation

If several machines are interconnected via the standard serial network interfaces, each machine
can be operated from each terminal of the network group.
*) not possible with the alphaJET evo light

alphaJET evo Components and Function

4.4 Safety and Monitoring Devices

"Traffic light" (status indicator) on the machine

Figure 53: Safety and monitoring devices, status indicator

1 "Traffic light" (status indicator) on the

2 "Consumables" signal lamp
3 "Ready" signal lamp
4 "Service" signal lamp
5 "Error" signal lamp

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 129

Components and Function alphaJET evo

Operator terminal

Figure 54: Safety and monitoring devices, operator terminal

1 Information messages
2 "Consumables" signal lamp
3 "Error" signal lamp
4 "Service" signal lamp
5 "Ready" signal lamp

alphaJET evo Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes

5 Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes

5.1 Operational Control and Display Elements............................................................... 132
5.1.1 Main switch...............................................................................................132
5.1.2 RUN/STOP - key and status LED............................................................. 133
5.1.3 Touchscreen operator terminal.................................................................134
5.1.4 How to use the editor................................................................................ 135

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 131

Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes alphaJET evo

5.1 Operational Control and Display Elements

5.1.1 Main switch

Figure 55: Operating element main switch

1 Main switch

Switch on machine at the main switch.

The power supply for the machine is switched on. The machine is in stand-by mode.

alphaJET evo Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes

5.1.2 RUN/STOP - key and status LED

Figure 56: Operating element RUN/STOP - key and status LED

Briefly press the run/stop key (1) to switch on -> ... normal start to operational readiness
Press the run/stop key (1) to switch on until the power LED lights up -> ... service start
Briefly press the run/stop key (1) to switch on -> ... machine switches off and remains in stand-by

Status LED

LED Indication Meaning

2 STAND Flashes The supply voltage is activated.
BY The machine is in stand-by mode.
3 Power Flashes slowly Starting procedure:
(green) The machine changes to operating mode.
Flashes quickly Shutdown phase:
The machine changes to stand by mode.
Shines with a The machine is in operation.
steady light
4 Empty Shines with a The ink or solvent bottle is empty.
steady light Change the ink or solvent bottle.
5 READY Shines with a The machine is ready for operation.
steady light The text selected will be printed when printing is next trig-
gered by the product sensor.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 133

Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes alphaJET evo

5.1.3 Touchscreen operator terminal

Figure 57: Touchscreen operator terminal

Do not use any pointed or acute objects, such as a screwdriver or a knife, to operate the touch-
Always touch only one pushbutton or switch at a time, preferably with the index finger of your left
or right hand, until the pushbutton or switch display shows the "pressed" state.
To trigger a certain operator command, always touch the respective pushbutton or switch only
Exception: you are explicitly prompted to touch a pushbutton or switch repeatedly or to touch and
hold it.
The pressure you exert on the touchscreen should rather be weak than strong. Exerting too much
pressure may damage the touchscreen.
Keep the touchscreen clean: Prevent ink, dirt, grease, or liquids from coming into contact with the

Before cleaning the touchscreen, switch the machine off.
Clean the touchscreen by gently wiping its surface with a soft cloth, slightly moistened with touch-
screen cleaning liquid.
Do not use any cleaning liquids that are etching or contain solvents or abrasive cleaners.

alphaJET evo Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes

5.1.4 How to use the editor

Figure 58: How to use the editor

esc Closes the keyboard

^ € % & ! ? / \ ( ) = ß * + # , . - ; : _
° $ § @ " ´ ` ‘ { } [ ] ~ I µ < >
The INS key is used to toggle from paste mode to overtype mode and vice

Move the cursor one position to the left or to the right

Press the Backspace key to delete characters on the left side of the cursor.
Press the DEL key to delete characters on the right-hand side of the cursor.
All other characters in the line will be moved backward.
Press the button to end the input and to adopt the values

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 135

Controls, Indicators, Operating Modes alphaJET evo

alphaJET evo Commissioning

6 Commissioning
6.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................138
6.1.1 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................138
6.1.2 Requirements to be met by the Executing Personnel .............................. 138
6.2 Installation.................................................................................................................139
6.2.1 Requirements ...........................................................................................139
6.2.2 Transport protection .................................................................................140
6.3 Mounting ...................................................................................................................141
6.3.1 Installation on a Production Line .............................................................. 141
6.3.2 Power Supply, Operating Media............................................................... 145
6.3.3 Connection of external signals ................................................................. 145
6.4 Starting Up................................................................................................................146
6.4.1 Measures Before Putting Into Operation for the First Time ...................... 146
6.4.2 Restore readiness for printing .................................................................. 147
6.4.3 Installation on a production line ................................................................ 147
6.4.4 Configuration and standardization............................................................ 148
6.4.5 Configuring the label................................................................................. 151

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 137

Commissioning alphaJET evo

6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Safety Regulations
Only trained professionals may load and transport the machine.
Use only suitable (carrying capacity!) and reliable devices and equipment (lift trucks, fork
lift trucks, cranes, sling rope, etc.) for unloading.
Check the load for tight seat and balanced weight before each step, especially before
lifting it.

Electric supply to the machine may only be established by trained electricians.

Any electric supply connections must be established properly and with all safety
regulations taken into consideration.
Only trained electricians may carry out work on the electric equipment of the ma-

6.1.2 Requirements to be met by the Executing Personnel

Only KBA-Metronic GmbH-authorized and qualified persons, paying due attention to the safety in-
structions, are allowed to install the machine.

alphaJET evo Commissioning

6.2 Installation
6.2.1 Requirements
It is vital that the following points are observed in order to prevent damage to the machine or life-
threatening injuries to persons when installing the machine.
The inkJET must be examined for transit damage before commencing installation work.
Operation of the inkJET is only allowed in well ventilated rooms.
The inkJET must be set up and installed in an upright and horizontal position such that it is not
exposed to any vibrations and shocks.
If at all possible, set up and install the inkJET at working height.
The max. height difference between the ink system and print head = 4m = length of the supply
To ensure an unobstructed flow of air to and from the machine: Make sure there is sufficient space
around the ventilation openings of the inkJET.
Activate all safety devices and emergency stop circuits before you put the machine into operation
for the first time.
All equipment connections – cables, hoses and wiring – must be laid so that they cannot cause
personnel to trip.
The control cabinet must be set up or suspended in a position where it is protected from heat,
damp and dust as much as possible.
Care must be taken that the cabinet door can be fully opened in order to ensure easy replenish-
ment of consumables.
The stipulated bend radii must be strictly observed when laying cables, hoses and wiring.
Improperly laid lines (for example with too small a bend radius) can cause smouldering and cable
Always roll up the supply tube to the print head completely and keep to the prescribed bend ra-
dius. Too small a bend radius will adversely affect the function of the automatic nozzle seal.
Leaking lubricants, solvents and preservatives can cause burns if they come into direct contact
with the skin.
Observe all instructions (safety data sheets) issued for the consumables, inks and solvents used.
Place the inkJET on a surface that is electrically non-conductive.
Maintain a free space of at least 10 cm around the ventilation openings of the inkJET.
To comply with VDE 0100 (German Electric Standard) , the inkJET must be connected to the ex-
ternal power supply via a grounding-type receptacle.
The supply voltage available at the place of installation must be identical to that specified on the
type plate.

1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 139

Commissioning alphaJET evo

6.2.2 Transport protection

Removing the gutter locking closure

Figure 59: Removing the transport locking devices

1 Gutter locking closure

The print head of the inkJET is provided with a locking closure to prevent ink from flowing out during
transport. It must be removed before you commission the machine:
Open the head lid.
Remove the locking closure from the gutter.

Keep the transport locking closure in a safe place for as long as the machine re-
mains in use.

alphaJET evo Commissioning

6.3 Mounting
6.3.1 Installation on a Production Line
Installing the Print Head

Figure 60: Installing the print head

1 Side view of print head

2 Rear view of the print head showing position of the mounting holes
3 Print head alignment to movement of material direction

In general, printing is possible irrespective of the position of the print head. However, printing from
above should be preferred to printing from below.
The ink jet outlet slit must always be perpendicular to the movement of material direction.
The distance between the print head and the product is generally between 1 mm and 25 mm,
depending on the nozzle size. Larger distances lead to a reduction in typeface quality.
Select the place where you wish to install the print head so that the head lid is easily accessible. If
this is not possible, we recommend that you use the quick-change mount (available as an acces-
sory part) and, for higher operational reliability, the KBA-METRONIC print head mount.
The print head should be mounted no more than one meter below the level of the control unit
housing. Preferably, it should be mounted at the same level or higher.
Lay the supply tube between the print head and the control unit housing so that it is not suscepti-
ble to vibrations or other mechanical influences.
Always roll up the supply tube completely and keep to the prescribed bend radius when laying it.
Too small a bend radius will adversely affect the function of the automatic nozzle seal.

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Do not bend to a radius of less than 250 mm under any circumstances.

If the point of installation is exposed to a great deal of dust or splash water, the machine’s operational
reliability can be improved by using a splash guard (available as a special accessory).

Quick-Change Mount
Using the quick-change mount, the printer head can be removed quickly and easily from its working
position for service purposes. If several base plates are used, you can switch the print head between
the print and service positions without difficulty.

Figure 61: Quick-change mount

1 Base plate for fitting to the machine and in service position

2 Slide-in rail for fitting to the print head
3 Print head with slide-in rail
4 Direction for sliding the print head onto the base plate of the quick-change mount

alphaJET evo Commissioning

Equipotential Bonding

Figure 62: Equipotential bonding

A large difference in electric potential between the print head and the print material or print material
carrier can impair both the quality and the operational reliability of the printing operation.
To combat the risk of a large difference in electric potential arising between the print head and the
print material or print material carrier, you can arrange for a KBA-METRONIC-authorized service tech-
nician to install a special equipotential bonding conductor, which is available as an optional accessory
at extra charge.
To enable the equipotential bonding conductor to be fitted quickly and reliably to the print head (1)
when requested, a female thread size M5 (2) is incorporated in the top of the print head as standard.
The print head is delivered with a plug (1009.5278) inserted in the female thread to protect it from
damage and soiling.
Fitting instructions for the service technician:
Remove the plug from the threaded hole provided for connecting the equipotential bonding con-
ductor to the print head.
Use a thread cutter to recut the threaded hole (2) of the equipotential bonding connection in order
to remove the low-conductive anodized coating.
Alternatively or in addition to recutting the thread: Place a toothed or serrated washer size M5 un-
der the ring for connecting the equipotential bonding conductor.
Note: To ensure equipotential bonding, the toothed or serrated washer has to penetrate the ano-
dized coating at the points of contact with the equipotential bonding connection.
Fasten the equipotential bonding conductor with a threaded screw size M5 to the print head.
Connect the other end of the equipotential bonding conductor to the print material carrier, e.g. the
material transport unit.
The equipotential bonding conductor is now fitted.

Equipotential bonding between the print head and the print material or print material
carrier can also be provided by connecting both to the same potential, e.g. ground.

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Commissioning alphaJET evo

Electrostatic Charges

Figure 63: Electrostatic charges

Electrostatic charges between the object to be printed and the print head adversely affect both the
print image and the operational reliability of the inkJET due to ink deposits on and in the print
Electronic components can be damaged by electrostatic events or processes.
Be sure therefore to install adequate down conductors for electrostatic charges, e.g. using carbon
fiber brushes (available as special accessories).

alphaJET evo Commissioning

6.3.2 Power Supply, Operating Media

Warning – Danger to life and limb from electric voltage!
Always disconnect the power plug when working on the electrical part of the ma-
Only specialized personnel are allowed to open the back of the machine.

Permitted range of power supply 80V – 230V to connect the device.

6.3.3 Connection of external signals

Product sensor If you wish to print on exact positions on the product, you must connect
a light barrier or a proximity switch to the external input Product sensor
/ Encoder.
Scattered printing does not require a product sensor.
Encoder Unless the product is conveyed past the print head at an absolutely con-
stant speed, an encoder is required, which detects the speed of the
product and controls the printer output accordingly.
Alarm If necessary, you can connect a signal light to the alarm output, or you
can connect the output to the conveyor system such that it is automati-
cally stopped in case of an error.
Inputs/outputs Similarly, you can connect the optional inputs and outputs to the con-
veyor system in order, for example, to change the print labels via an
external device or to reset the product counter.
The functionality of the inputs/outputs depends on the print program se-

As accessories to the machine, KBA-Metronic GmbH offers a variety of product sen-

sors, encoders, and the like, which are delivered with the appropriate connectors.

The socket pin assignments can be found in the Section Signal Inputs and Outputs should you wish
to connect a different type of peripheral unit or a PLC etc. to the external inputs or outputs.

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Commissioning alphaJET evo

6.4 Starting Up
6.4.1 Measures Before Putting Into Operation for the First Time
Filling the system (first fill)

Figure 64: Filling the System (First Fill)

Place the ink bottle (1 liter) in the bottle holder and connect.
Place the solvent bottle (1 liter) in the bottle holder and connect.
Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
Start the machine in SERVICE mode.
In the Ink system / service menu, press the First Fill button.
The filling operation starts automatically and stops after approx. 20 minutes.

Filling the print head

After filling the system, the print head and the lines to it must be bled.
The machine is in SERVICE mode.
Switch on the "Bleed" function in the ink system menu.
After approx. 10 minutes, switch off the "Bleed" function.

alphaJET evo Commissioning

6.4.2 Restore readiness for printing

Connect the print head and display on the machine. To do this ...
Join the connecting cables to the connections on the top of the machine.
(see Product description / interfaces)

Switch on machine. To do so...

Establish a mains connection.
Switch on the machine at the main switch.
The yellow stand-by LED flashes.

Fill the system, to do so….

See Measures before putting into operation for the first time
If you put your newly delivered machine into operation for the first time yourself, you must perform
a First Fill.

Restore readiness for printing. To do this:

Open the print head lid
Hold the print head as vertical as possible or secure it, as a small amount of ink can escape
when starting the ink jet, until the ink jet hits the gutter in a controlled way.
For this, use the cleaning device offered optionally, order No. 1038.0573.
The machine runs in service mode.
Restore readiness for printing. To do this press the "ready for printing" button in the ink system
The pressure pump, the suction pump and the ink are switched on.
Check the ink jet at the print head. The ink jet must hit the gutter in a controlled way.
Close the print head lid
The Ready LED on the machine will light up.
Readiness for printing is restored.

6.4.3 Installation on a production line

Installation description based on an example of a production line with speed signal from an encoder
and print signal from a product sensor.

Connect the encoder, to do this...

Join the connecting cable to the connection on the top of the machine.
(see Product description / interfaces)
Connect the product sensor, to do so ...
Join the connecting cable to the connection on the top of the machine.
(see Product description / interfaces)

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6.4.4 Configuration and standardization

In order to set the interaction of the alphaJET with the external signals from the production line, set-
tings must be made in the following menus ...
Configuration > Configuration basic
Configuration > Configuration installation
PrintControl basic settings

Basic configuration setting

Step 1: Should the encoder and the product sensor be supplied with voltage internally (i.e. from the
alphaJET) or externally?

Push button: ENC/PS external voltage

: Clock generator and product sensor : Clock generator and product sensor
are supplied internally with voltage are supplied externally with voltage
Peripherals that provide signals are sup- Periphery must supply itself with voltage
plied with voltage by the alphaJET
Step 2: What type of encoder is installed? (Single-phase, two-phase)
Note the technical data on the encoder.

Encoder select list

The suffix "-INV" inverts the direction stated in the "Forwards" information window.
This makes it possible to detect every direction detected by the encoder as for-

alphaJET evo Commissioning

Step 3: Which direction of the conveyor belt should be defined? (forwards, backwards)

Display box for checking the product flow direction
X only appears, if the product flow direction is set at FORWARDS.
Step 4: Which switching characteristics does the installed product sensor have? (PNP, NPN)
Note the technical data on the product sensor.

Product sensor switching characteristics

Selection of the existing switching characteristics of the product sensor

Step 5: Does the product sensor provide a signal?

Product sensor
Display box for checking the product sensor signal
X only appears, if the product sensor supplies a signal.

Step 6: Which print start setting should be made?

Select list: Print start

In our example:
Product sensor: Print output with each product sensor signal.
Step 7: Which product flow direction should be defined as print start direction?
In our example:
Product sensor signal only with defined FORWARDS product flow direction

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Step 8: Which type of standardization should be selected?

Type of standardization,
If the values for distance and cycles / distance are unknown.
Print the factory default sample label.
The measurable length of the result of the test print run is between 50 and 100
Measure the length of the test print run exactly and enter the value [in mm].
If the measured length of the test print run is not between 50 and 100 mm, length
of the result of the test print run does not correspond to a measurable result.
Alter the value of the divisor until the measurable result is between 50 and 100
Press the "Next" key.
Measure the length of the test print run exactly and enter the value [in mm].
The alphaJET printer is now standardized to the encoder used.

Type of standardization,
If the values for distance and cycles / distance are known.
Enter the known values.
The alphaJET printer is now standardized to the encoder used.

alphaJET evo Commissioning

6.4.5 Configuring the label

With the alphaJET evo, labels and the configuration of the labels can be saved separately.
The same configuration can be employed with labels with different contents but the identical printed
Similarly, it is possible to assign different printed images to the same label through changing the con-

A two-line sample label is saved and loaded at the factory. (See the print preview in the start win-
This text is configured for optimal print speed and legibility.
The set parameters are displayed in the "Configuration" menu.

After creating and saving a new label, an individual configuration for this label must be created and

How is a new label created? See the Label editor menu.

How is a new configuration created? See the Configuration menu.

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alphaJET evo Operation

7 Operation
7.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................154
7.1.1 Touchscreen.............................................................................................154
7.2 Operating the machine / daily use ............................................................................ 155
7.2.1 Checks Before Power On .........................................................................155
7.2.2 Starting .....................................................................................................156
7.2.3 SERVICE Start ......................................................................................... 157
7.2.4 Power Down .............................................................................................157
7.2.5 Text selection ...........................................................................................158
7.2.6 Label.........................................................................................................158
7.2.7 Display of print parameters....................................................................... 158
7.2.8 Refilling operating materials .....................................................................158
7.3 Faults ........................................................................................................................159

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Operation alphaJET evo

7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Touchscreen

Figure 65: Operation of the touchscreen

Do not use any pointed or acute objects, such as a screwdriver or a knife, to operate the touch-
Always touch only one pushbutton or switch at a time, preferably with the index finger of your left
or right hand, until the pushbutton or switch display shows the "pressed" state.
To trigger a certain operator command, always touch the respective pushbutton or switch only
Exception: you are explicitly prompted to touch a pushbutton or switch repeatedly or to touch and
hold it.
The pressure you exert on the touchscreen should rather be weak than strong. Exerting too much
pressure may damage the touchscreen.
Keep the touchscreen clean: Prevent ink, dirt, grease, or liquids from coming into contact with the

Before cleaning the touchscreen, switch the machine off.
Clean the touchscreen by gently wiping its surface with a soft cloth, slightly moistened with touch-
screen cleaning liquid.
Do not use any cleaning liquids that are etching or contain solvents or abrasive cleaners.

alphaJET evo Operation

7.2 Operating the machine / daily use

7.2.1 Checks Before Power On
Familiarize yourself sufficiently with …
what to do in an emergency,
the machine’s safety devices,
the machine’s operating and control elements,
the machine’s features,
how the machine works,
and the machine’s immediate surroundings.

Whenever you switch the machine on:

Check the high-voltage and ground electrodes for dirt accumulation and clean them if necessary.
See Maintenance / cleaning print head
Check the nozzle seal for contamination such as dried ink residues, and clean if necessary.
See Maintenance / cleaning print head

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Operation alphaJET evo

7.2.2 Starting

Figure 66: Switching on / switching off

1 RUN/STOP key

If the STAND BY LED is flashing, it indicates that the machine is connected to the external power
supply and that the main switch is turned on.

To switch the machine on, press the RUN/STOP key briefly.

The POWER LED flashes
It is permanently lit if the system is completely run up - end of the starting process.
The steps listed below are performed automatically – and repeated several times in the event of an
error – until the machine is ready for printing.
Step 1: The control unit and ink system are started and perform a self-test.
Step 2: The pumps and ink jet are activated.
Step 3: The high voltage supply is activated (precondition: the print head is closed)
Step 4: Indication of readiness for printing The PRINT READY LED lights up.

alphaJET evo Operation

7.2.3 SERVICE Start

To start the machine in SERVICE mode, press and hold the RUN/STOP key until the POWER
LED lights up (approx. 5 to 10 seconds).
This switches the machine on, without the pumps, ink jet or high voltage supply being activated

7.2.4 Power Down

Switching the machine off
To initiate the automatic shutdown cycle when the inkJET is running (POWER LED is shining with
a steady light), press the RUN/STOP key.
The POWER LED begins to flash (rapidly).
The following shutdown functions are performed automatically:
Printer output is stopped.
The ink system and the pressure pumps are deactivated.
The nozzles are automatically sealed.
The ink pipe system is cleaned.
Automatic shutdown: The POWER LED goes out and the STAND BY LED begins to flash.
The shutdown cycle takes approx. 1 second if the ink jet was on when the RUN/STOP key is
If the ink jet was on when the RUN/STOP key was pressed, the shutdown cycle can take as long
as five minutes.

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Operation alphaJET evo

7.2.5 Text selection

Select and load the saved label.
See "Load label" menu

7.2.6 Label
Load the relevant configuration to the label text loaded.
See "Configuration / Load configuration" menu

7.2.7 Display of print parameters

Request machine status
See "Info machine status" menu

7.2.8 Refilling operating materials

When the blue Empty status indicator lights up (LED on the control unit, display shown in the display
unit, optional status indicator), the machine is signaling a lack of ink or solvent. In addition, a window
will appear on the display, announcing "Ink empty" or "Solvent empty".
Press the INFO Messages key to inquire whether solvent or ink needs to be refilled. You can also
check the bottles visually.
Only replace ink and solvent bottles with the same kind of bottle.

Pigmented inks
Shake the refill bottle thoroughly before inserting it!

alphaJET evo Operation

7.3 Faults
Problem Check, test / remedy
The inkJET does not start Is the supply voltage connected?
after you press the Is the power plug switched on (where applicable)?
Is the power fuse OK?
The inkJET does not print Is the product sensor working properly?
(PRINT READY LED If an encoder is being used:
shines with a steady light)
Is the printing direction set correctly?
Is the encoder rotating?
Is the plug of the encoder connected?
Print image is poor Check the print head for dirt accumulation.
Check the stability of the ink jet by means of the stability test.
Spray effects around the The character width and/or the line height are set such that individ-
print image ual drops converge.
Under unfavorable conditions (e.g. a material which is non-
absorbing, smooth or inclined to static charging) this can cause a
"spray" effect.
Increase the line height and/or the character width.
The print image is cut off at Is the print head dirty in the area of the gutter or the upper deflec-
the lower or upper edge tion plate?
Is the ink viscosity OK?
Check the solvent reservoir.
The character width fluctu- If an encoder is being used:
ates during the printing The encoder is emitting too many pulses.
Check that the encoder is installed correctly.
If no encoder is being used:
For system-related reasons, the character width changes when the
production speed changes and with it the printing speed. This can-
not be prevented without an encoder.
The high voltage plates are There are electrostatic discharges between the print head and the
often heavily soiled object to be printed (e.g. a plastic tube).
Provide for the reliable diversion of electrostatic discharges.
The print head is being operated upside down at a small distance
from the product.
Clean the print head more often.

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Operation alphaJET evo

alphaJET evo Maintenance

8 Maintenance
8.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................162
8.1.1 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................162
8.2 Maintenance Schedule ............................................................................................. 163
8.3 SERVICE Start .........................................................................................................164
8.4 Refilling operating materials ..................................................................................... 165
8.5 Cleaning the Print Head............................................................................................166
8.5.1 Cleaning the Gutter ..................................................................................167
8.5.2 Cleaning the nozzle seal .......................................................................... 168
8.5.3 Replacing the plastic bottle....................................................................... 168
8.6 Ink replacement ........................................................................................................169
8.6.1 Emptying the System (Draining the Ink) ................................................... 170
8.6.2 Filling the system......................................................................................171
8.7 Replacing components of the ink system ................................................................. 172
8.7.1 Emptying the ink circuit............................................................................. 172
8.7.2 Filling the ink circuit ..................................................................................173
8.7.3 Changing filters in the ink system.............................................................174

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Maintenance alphaJET evo

8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Safety Regulations
WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!
Never allow ink or solvent to come in contact with the rear parts of the
print head (behind the ink chamber near the valves) or the rear of the print
head housing (printed circuit-boards and electronic parts).
Never dip the print head in solvent!

WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!

Never close the print head above a cleaning receptacle filled with solvent!
The head lid must remain open!
Reason: Closing the head lid automatically switches the high voltage back on
again and can result in the ignition of any gases inside the print head.

WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!

Do not carry out any unsupervised test runs when the high voltage supply
is activated.

The operating materials used on the inkJET contain ingredients listed in the German Decree on
Hazardous Materials (“Gefahrstoffverordnung“).

When such operating materials are used, the following protective measures and instructions must be
Operation of the inkJET is allowed only in well ventilated rooms.
Always disconnect the power plug from the mains when working on live modules.
Install a CO2 fire extinguisher within a well accessible radius of 10 meters of the inkJET .
Never operate the inkJET near ignition sources such as naked flames, great heat or spark-
generating objects.
Never store large amounts of operating materials near the place where the machine is installed.
Only store as much ink and/or solvent within the area of the workplace as is required for one
workday. Ensure that rooms where inks and solvents are stored are provided with an adequate
ventilation system.
Do not smoke in the area where the inkJET is installed!
Measures must be taken to provide protection from static discharges which might occur in the
proximity of the operating materials or the print head.
Always keep the print head away from vessels containing inflammable liquids, in particular when
the machine is switched on.
Avoid printing inks and solvents getting into the body through skin contact, swallowing or inhaling
solvent vapors.

alphaJET evo Maintenance

8.2 Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance measure Maintenance measure
Check Change, replace

Clean Drain

S Adjust Refill

Grease, lubricate Authorized persons

OP Operating personnel
SP Skilled personnel

Every 6 months
Once a month
Once a week

Once a year

As required
Each day
Module / Component

Check the level in the ink bottle. OP

Check the level in the solvent bottle. OP

Clean the print head. OP

Clean the machine. OP

Check the filter fleece (on the bottom of the combi-

nation housing) and clean or replace it if necessary.

Replace the main filter, the ink return filter and the 1)
Replace the air filter (recovery). SP

1) Replace at least every six months or – depending on what occurs first – after:
1500 operating hours (when using pigmented inks).
2000 operating hours (when using non-pigmented inks).
Dependent on the used ink, the environmental conditions, the operating conditions and the application

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Maintenance alphaJET evo

8.3 SERVICE Start

To be able to perform maintenance work on the inkJET you can start the machine manually in SER-
VICE mode.
To start the machine in SERVICE mode, press and hold the RUN/STOP key until the POWER
LED lights up (approx. 5 to 10 seconds).
This switches the machine on, without the pumps, ink jet or high voltage supply also being started.
After the system has started, you can call up the commands listed in the Ink system > Service menu
one by one, without the machine automatically entering print mode.

alphaJET evo Maintenance

8.4 Refilling operating materials

When the yellow Consumables status indicator lights up with the print head closed, this is a signal
that the machine does not have enough ink or solvent.
Press the INFO key to inquire whether solvent or ink needs to be refilled.
You can also check the ink or solvent bottles visually.

Pigmented inks
Shake the refill bottle thoroughly before filling!

Replace the ink bottle

Figure 67: Replace ink bottle menu message

When the machine signals that there is too little ink, the ink bottle must be exchanged for a re-
placement bottle of the same type.
Confirm ink bottle replacement.

Replace the solvent bottle

Figure 68: Replace solvent bottle message

When the machine signals that there is too little solvent, the solvent bottle must be exchanged for
a replacement bottle of the same type.
Confirm ink bottle replacement.

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8.5 Cleaning the Print Head

WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!
Never allow ink or solvent to come in contact with the rear parts of the
print head (behind the ink chamber near the valves) or the rear of the print
head housing (printed circuit-boards and electronic parts).
Never dip the print head in solvent!

WARNING Damage to the machine or individual components!

Never close the print head above a cleaning receptacle filled with solvent!
The head lid must remain open!
Reason: Closing the head lid automatically switches the high voltage back on
again and can result in the ignition of any gases inside the print head.

Figure 69: Cleaning the print head

1 Upper high-voltage plate

2 Detection pin
3 Loading electrode
4 Nozzle locking closure
5 Lower high-voltage electrode
6 Gutter

alphaJET evo Maintenance

For technical reasons, the print head is sensitive to dirt. It must therefore be regularly checked to
make sure all its major working parts are kept clean.
Spray effects can lead to soiling of the print head.
These deposits should be removed at regular maintenance intervals (at least once a week) before
malfunctions can occur (SERVICE LED lights up).
Only use a lint-free paper cloth dampened with solvent for cleaning purposes.
Only use the solvent prescribed for the ink in question.
With the machine switched off, open the head lid and clean the following components: upper high-
voltage plate (1), detection pin (2), loading electrode (3), nozzle seal (4), lower high-voltage electr-
ode (5), and gutter (6).
The print head must be dried (or allowed to dry) thoroughly after it has been cleaned.

8.5.1 Cleaning the Gutter

Figure 70: Cleaning the gutter

1 Gutter
2 Plastic bottle

Switch off the unit. After switching off, the suction pump will run for approx. 2 – 3 more minutes.
During this time, rinse the gutter with solvent for approx. 10 seconds.
Hold the open print head over a vessel with the ink jet outlet pointing downward.
After cleaning the print head, dry it with absorbent paper.

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8.5.2 Cleaning the nozzle seal

For a reliable start of the jet, the nozzle seal must be free of dried ink residues.
If this is not the case, the nozzle seal must be cleaned.

Figure 71: Cleaning the nozzle seal

1 Nozzle seal
2 Plastic bottle

Hold the open print head over a vessel with the ink jet outlet pointing downward.
Rinse the nozzle seal and rotating lever with solvent until the dried ink residues have dissolved.
During the cleaning procedure, open and close the nozzle seal several times using the "Open noz-
zle seal" key (see Ink system / service menu).
Alternatively, the nozzle seal can also be opened and closed manually with the rotating lever.
After cleaning the print head, dry it with absorbent paper.

8.5.3 Replacing the plastic bottle

Replace the plastic bottle after one year at the latest.

When solvents are used, the material of the plastic bottle is subjected to a chemical aging
process that weakens the structure of the bottle.

alphaJET evo Maintenance

8.6 Ink replacement

Ink is subjected to chemical aging processes due to environmental influences.
Under normal operating conditions, ink must be completely replaced every six months
at the latest.
After the ink system has been drained, replace the filter.

1) KBA-Metronic recommends…
Replace at no later than every six months or – depending on which occurs first – after:
1500 operating hours (when using pigmented inks).
2000 operating hours (when using non-pigmented inks).
(Dependent on the ink used, the environmental and operating conditions and the particular

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8.6.1 Emptying the System (Draining the Ink)

Figure 72: Emptying the system (draining the ink)

Switch off the machine.

Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
After waiting for about 5 minutes, remove the return pipes (1) from the mixing tank.
Connect one end of the extension hose (supplied loose) to the return hose.
Insert the open end of the extension hose into an empty, solvent-resistant bottle (with a capacity of
at least 1 liter).
Start the machine in SERVICE mode.
In the Ink system / service menu, press the "Empty system" button.
The "Empty system" function is monitored by the machine and terminated automatically as soon
as the system is empty.
After the operation has finished, remove the extension hose from the return hose.
Connect the return hose to the mixing tank connection.
Remove the gutter locking closure.

alphaJET evo Maintenance

8.6.2 Filling the system

Figure 73: Filling the System

Place the ink bottle (1 liter) in the bottle holder and connect.
Place the solvent bottle (1 liter) in the bottle holder and connect.
Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
Start the machine in SERVICE mode.
In the Ink system / service menu, press the First Fill button.
The filling operation starts automatically and stops after approx. 20 minutes.

Filling the print head

After filling the system, the print head and the lines to it must be bled.
The machine is in SERVICE mode.
Switch on the "Bleed" function in the ink system menu.
After approx. 10 minutes, switch off the "Bleed" function.

After refilling has been completed, the error message "Ink empty" may appear for a
certain time, even though the bottle is now full enough.
Acknowledge the error message.

Remove the gutter locking closure before putting the print head back into operation.
Keep the gutter locking closure in a safe place for future use (transport).

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8.7 Replacing components of the ink system

In order to replace the components of the ink system (e.g primary filter, return filter, prefilter) in a sim-
ple and clean way, the ink circuit can be emptied. The ink from the ink circuit and the print head cycle
is emptied into the mixing tank.

8.7.1 Emptying the ink circuit

Figure 74: Empty ink circuit

Switch off the machine.

Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
Start the machine in SERVICE mode.
Loosen the connection hose between the mixing tank and air filter (1) at the air filter inlet.
Loosen the connection hose between the mixing tank and pressure pump (2) at the prefilter inlet.

A small amount of ink may escape when loosening the connections.

In the Ink system / service menu, press the "Empty ink circuit" button.
Stop the function after approx. 15 minutes. Almost all of the ink will be in the mixing tank.
Plug in the connection hose between the mixing tank and pressure pump (2) at the prefilter inlet.
Plug in the connection hose between the mixing tank and air filter (1) at the air filter inlet.

alphaJET evo Maintenance

8.7.2 Filling the ink circuit

The machine is in service mode.
In the Ink system menu, press the "Pressure pump" button.
The pressure pump is activated.
Once the required pressure has been reached, press the "Bleed" button in the Ink system menu.
The "Bleed" function is active. The print head and the lines to it are bled.
After approx. 10 minutes, switch off the "Bleed" function.
In the Ink system menu, press the "Bleed" button again.

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Maintenance alphaJET evo

8.7.3 Changing filters in the ink system

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves!

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves at all work on the ink system!

Warning - Damage to the machine or individual components!

No dust or dirt must be allowed to get into the ink system while the filters are being

Figure 75: Changing filters in the ink system

1 Main filter
2 Ink return filter
3 Prefilter
4 Ink filter
5 Solvent filter

alphaJET evo Maintenance

Main filter (1)

Empty ink circuit.
Switch off the machine.
Loosen the union nuts of the two screw couplings.
Disconnect the filter from the connection tubes.
Loosing the connections it is possible that a small quantity of ink runs out.
Use absorbent paper to pick up the ink residues.
Plug the new filter onto the ends of the tubes, paying attention to the flow direction.
Tighten the union nuts of the screw couplings.
The main filter has now been replaced.
Start the machine in SERVICE mode.
Fill the ink circuit.

Ink return filter (2)

Switch off the device.
Remove the hose from the filter inlet.
Pull the return filter off the valve block.
Loosing the connections it is possible that a small quantity of ink runs out.
Use absorbent paper to pick up the ink residues.
Plug the new filter onto the ends of valve block, paying attention to the flow direction.
Insert the hose at the filter inlet.
The return filter has now been replaced.

Prefilter (3)
Switch off the device.
Remove the hose from the filter inlet.
Remove the hose from the filter outlet.
Loosing the connections it is possible that a small quantity of ink runs out.
Use absorbent paper to pick up the ink residues.
Insert the hose at the filter outlet, paying attention to the flow direction.
Insert the hose at the filter inlet.
The prefilter has now been replaced.

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Maintenance alphaJET evo

Ink filter (4)

Switch off the device.
Remove the hose from the filter outlet.
Loosing the connections it is possible that a small quantity of ink runs out.
Use absorbent paper to pick up the ink residues.
Replace the old bottle cap, inclusive of ink filter, by a new cap.
Fastening hose connection to the bottle cap.
The ink filter has now been replaced.

Solvent filter (5)

Switch off the device.
Remove the hose from the filter outlet.
Loosing the connections it is possible that a small quantity of ink runs out.
Use absorbent paper to pick up the ink residues.
Replace the old bottle cap, inclusive of solvent filter, by a new cap.
Fastening hose connection to the bottle cap.
The solvent filter has now been replaced.

alphaJET evo Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage

9 Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage

9.1 Taking Out of Service ...............................................................................................178
9.1.1 Shutting Down for a Prolonged Period of Time ........................................ 178
9.1.2 Shutting Down ..........................................................................................180
9.1.3 Cleaning ...................................................................................................181
9.2 Putting Back Into Operation...................................................................................... 183
9.2.1 Putting into operation after storage .......................................................... 183

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Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage alphaJET evo

9.1 Taking Out of Service

9.1.1 Shutting Down for a Prolonged Period of Time
Non-pigmented ink:

Switching off the machine for more than four days and up to a maximum of four months:
Thoroughly rinse the gutter (with the plastic bottle) until the solvent sent through the gutter has
reached the outlet of the suction pump.
Close the gutter using the closure supplied with the machine.

Switching off the machine for more than four months:

Recommendation: We recommend that the entire ink system be filled with solvent.
Empty the system using the Empty system function, see Ink replacement / Empty system.
Connect the solvent bottle to the ink bottle adapter.
Fill the system and print head; see Measures before putting into operation for the first time.
Store the machine in a cool, dry place.

To put back into operation:

Remove (drain) the solvent from the entire ink system. To this end:
Empty the system using the Empty system function, see Ink replacement / Empty system.
Connect the ink bottle to the ink bottle adapter.
Fill the system and print head; see Measures before putting into operation for the first time.

Replacing the plastic bottle

Replace the plastic bottle after one year at the latest.

When solvents are used, the material of the plastic bottle is subjected to a chemical aging
process that weakens the structure of the bottle.

alphaJET evo Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage

Pigmented inks:

Connected to the grid: Switching off the machine for more than four days and up to a maxi-
mum of two months:
Important: The machine must remain connected to the grid!
Start machine.
Thoroughly rinse the gutter (with the plastic bottle) until the solvent sent through the gutter has
reached the outlet of the suction pump.
Close the gutter using the closure supplied with the machine.
Switch off the machine
The ink maintenance mode is automatically active in stand-by mode.
In ink maintenance mode, the stirrer and the pressure pump are switched on regularly.

Important: After an interruption in the power supply in ink maintenance mode, the machine must be
switched off and restarted to activate the ink maintenance mode again.

Not connected to the grid: Switch off the machine for up to a maximum of two weeks at a stor-
age temperature of not more than 25°C:
Important: Use only when the machine is not connected to the grid!
Start machine.
Thoroughly rinse the gutter (with the plastic bottle) until the solvent sent through the gutter has
reached the outlet of the suction pump.
Close the gutter using the closure supplied with the machine.
Switch off the machine
The machine can be separated from the grid.
Store the machine in a cool, dry place.

If you intend to switch off the machine for more than two months:
Recommendation: We recommend that the entire ink system be filled with solvent.
Empty the system using the Empty system function, see Ink replacement / Empty system.
Connect the solvent bottle to the ink bottle adapter.
Fill the system and print head; see Measures before putting into operation for the first time.
Store the machine in a cool, dry place.

To put back into operation:

Remove (drain) the solvent from the entire ink system. To this end:
Empty the system using the Empty system function, see Ink replacement / Empty system.
Connect the ink bottle to the ink bottle adapter.
Fill the system and print head; see Measures before putting into operation for the first time.

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Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage alphaJET evo

9.1.2 Shutting Down

Emptying the System (Draining the Ink)

Figure 76: Emptying the system (draining the ink)

Switch off the machine.

Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
After waiting for about 5 minutes, remove the return pipes (1) from the mixing tank.
Connect one end of the extension hose (supplied loose) to the return hose.
Insert the open end of the extension hose into an empty, solvent-resistant bottle (with a capacity of
at least 1 liter).
Start the machine in SERVICE mode.
In the Ink system / service menu, press the "Empty system" button.
The "Empty system" function is monitored by the machine and terminated automatically as soon
as the system is empty.
After the operation has finished, remove the extension hose from the return hose.
Connect the return hose to the mixing tank connection.
Remove the gutter locking closure.

alphaJET evo Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage

9.1.3 Cleaning
Cleaning the Gutter

Figure 77: Cleaning the gutter

1 Gutter
2 Plastic bottle

Switch off the unit. After switching off, the suction pump will run for approx. 2 – 3 more minutes.
During this time, rinse the gutter with solvent for approx. 10 seconds.
Hold the open print head over a vessel with the ink jet outlet pointing downward.
After cleaning the print head, dry it with absorbent paper.

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Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage alphaJET evo

Cleaning the nozzle seal

For a reliable start of the jet, the nozzle seal must be free of dried ink residues.
If this is not the case, the nozzle seal must be cleaned.

Figure 78: Cleaning the nozzle seal

1 Nozzle seal
2 Plastic bottle

Hold the open print head over a vessel with the ink jet outlet pointing downward.
Rinse the nozzle seal and rotating lever with solvent until the dried ink residues have dissolved.
During the cleaning procedure, open and close the nozzle seal several times using the "Open noz-
zle seal" key (see Ink system / service menu).
Alternatively, the nozzle seal can also be opened and closed manually with the rotating lever.
After cleaning the print head, dry it with absorbent paper.

alphaJET evo Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage

9.2 Putting Back Into Operation

9.2.1 Putting into operation after storage
Filling the system

Figure 79: Filling the System

Place the ink bottle (1 liter) in the bottle holder and connect.
Place the solvent bottle (1 liter) in the bottle holder and connect.
Close the gutter with the gutter locking closure.
Start the machine in SERVICE mode.
In the Ink system / service menu, press the First Fill button.
The filling operation starts automatically and stops after approx. 20 minutes.

Filling the print head

After filling the system, the print head and the lines to it must be bled.
The machine is in SERVICE mode.
Switch on the "Bleed" function in the ink system menu.
After approx. 10 minutes, switch off the "Bleed" function.

After refilling has been completed, the error message "Ink empty" may appear for a
certain time, even though the bottle is now full enough.
Acknowledge the error message.

Remove the gutter locking closure before putting the print head back into operation.
Keep the gutter locking closure in a safe place for future use (transport).

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Taking Out of Service, Placing in Storage alphaJET evo

alphaJET evo Packaging and Transport

10 Packaging and Transport

10.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................186
10.1.1 Requirements to the Personnel ................................................................ 186
10.2 Transport .................................................................................................................186

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Packaging and Transport alphaJET evo

10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Requirements to the Personnel

Only authorized and qualified persons, paying due attention to the safety instructions,
are allowed to transport inkJET machines.

10.2 Transport
Note the information on the supplementary sheet “Transport Protection”.
To avoid contamination of the environment and the machine with ink and solvent during transport, the
ink and solvent bottles have been taken out of the machine by KBA-Metronic GmbH before shipment.
Warning - Damage to the machine or individual components!
The inkJET must always be transported in an upright position!

Preparations for Transport

Take the ink bottle from the device.
Close the ink bottle with the screw cap supplied.
Plug the enclosed stopper on the suction tube.
Take the solvent bottle from the device.
Close the solvent bottle with the screw cap supplied.
Plug the enclosed stopper on the suction tube.
Fit the locking closure to the gutter.

If the machine is transported by a forwarding agent, the ink system must also be emptied. This means
that the First Fill function has to be activated when the inkJET is started again.

alphaJET evo Disposal

11 Disposal
11.1 Disposal .................................................................................................................188

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Disposal alphaJET evo

11.1 Disposal
The operating materials used on the machine (inks, solvents) are classified as special waste and
have to be disposed of in compliance with statutory regulations and local directives.
The directives in force concerning waste prevention and the proper recycling and disposal of
waste must be observed in connection with all work carried out on and with the machine.

Do not dispose of with the domestic waste!

Batteries or accumulators
Operating materials
Empty ink and solvent bottles
Replacement parts contaminated with operating materials, e.g. filters
Cleaning cloths soaked in operating materials

alphaJET evo

List of Figures
Figure 1: Housing without/with operator terminal ..................................................................................................12
Figure 2: View of the ink system............................................................................................................................13
Figure 3: View of print head closed / opened ........................................................................................................14
Figure 4: Connections............................................................................................................................................15
Figure 5: Position of the type label ........................................................................................................................20
Figure 6: Type label ...............................................................................................................................................21
Figure 7: Dimensions - combination housing ........................................................................................................22
Figure 8: Print head ...............................................................................................................................................24
Figure 9: Power switches and connections near the printer..................................................................................28
Figure 10: External connectors to the production line ...........................................................................................29
Figure 11: Time diagram: remote socket...............................................................................................................30
Figure 12: Null modem ..........................................................................................................................................37
Figure 13: Format of a safety instruction – example .............................................................................................42
Figure 14: Menu structure .....................................................................................................................................55
Figure 15: Start window menu...............................................................................................................................56
Figure 16 : Info menu window ...............................................................................................................................59
Figure 17 : Product counter menu window ............................................................................................................60
Figure 18 : Ink system menu window ....................................................................................................................61
Figure 19 : Ink system > service menu window.....................................................................................................65
Figure 20 : Ink system > setup menu window .......................................................................................................67
Figure 21 : Ink system > phasing menu window ...................................................................................................70
Figure 22 : System menu window .........................................................................................................................72
Figure 23 : Versions menu window .......................................................................................................................74
Figure 24 : Info menu window ...............................................................................................................................75
Figure 25: User rights menu window .....................................................................................................................77
Figure 26: User rights > new menu window ..........................................................................................................78
Figure 27: User rights > Change user rights menu window ..................................................................................79
Figure 28: File manager menu window .................................................................................................................80
Figure 29: Load existing label menu window ........................................................................................................82
Figure 30: Label editor menu window ...................................................................................................................83
Figure 31: Open label menu window .....................................................................................................................86
Figure 32: Save label menu window......................................................................................................................87
Figure 33: New object menu window.....................................................................................................................89
Figure 34: Text dialog menu window.....................................................................................................................91
Figure 35: Number format menu window ..............................................................................................................93
Figure 36: Date/time format menu window............................................................................................................95
Figure 37: Date/time configuration menu window .................................................................................................97
Figure 38: Shift format menu window ....................................................................................................................99
Figure 39: Bar code dialog menu window ...........................................................................................................100
Figure 40: Data matrix dialog menu window .......................................................................................................102
Figure 41: Label editor / line object menu window ..............................................................................................103
Figure 42: Label editor / rectangle object menu window .....................................................................................106
Figure 43: Label editor / ellipse object menu window..........................................................................................109
Figure 44: Load logo menu window.....................................................................................................................112
Figure 45: Font dialog menu window...................................................................................................................113
Figure 46: Configuration menu window ...............................................................................................................114
Figure 47: Save configuration menu window ......................................................................................................116
Figure 48: Load configuration menu window.......................................................................................................118
Figure 49: Configuration > Installation menu window .........................................................................................119
Figure 50: Configuration > Basic menu window ..................................................................................................121
Figure 51: PrintControl basic settings menu window ..........................................................................................123
Figure 52: PrintControl options menu window.....................................................................................................125
Figure 53: Safety and monitoring devices, status indicator.................................................................................129
Figure 54: Safety and monitoring devices, operator terminal..............................................................................130
Figure 55: Operating element main switch ..........................................................................................................132
Figure 56: Operating element RUN/STOP - key and status LED .......................................................................133
Figure 57: Touchscreen operator terminal ..........................................................................................................134
Figure 58: How to use the editor .........................................................................................................................135
Figure 59: Removing the transport locking devices ............................................................................................140

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alphaJET evo

Figure 60: Installing the print head ..................................................................................................................... 141

Figure 61: Quick-change mount ......................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 62: Equipotential bonding ........................................................................................................................ 143
Figure 63: Electrostatic charges ......................................................................................................................... 144
Figure 64: Filling the System (First Fill) .............................................................................................................. 146
Figure 65: Operation of the touchscreen ............................................................................................................ 154
Figure 66: Switching on / switching off ............................................................................................................... 156
Figure 67: Replace ink bottle menu message .................................................................................................... 165
Figure 68: Replace solvent bottle message ....................................................................................................... 165
Figure 69: Cleaning the print head ..................................................................................................................... 166
Figure 70: Cleaning the gutter ............................................................................................................................ 167
Figure 71: Cleaning the nozzle seal ................................................................................................................... 168
Figure 72: Emptying the system (draining the ink) ............................................................................................. 170
Figure 73: Filling the System .............................................................................................................................. 171
Figure 74: Empty ink circuit ................................................................................................................................ 172
Figure 75: Changing filters in the ink system...................................................................................................... 174
Figure 76: Emptying the system (draining the ink) ............................................................................................. 180
Figure 77: Cleaning the gutter ............................................................................................................................ 181
Figure 78: Cleaning the nozzle seal ................................................................................................................... 182
Figure 79: Filling the System .............................................................................................................................. 183

alphaJET evo

Sales & Service

With advice and deed the employees of the fine-meshed sales and service network of KBA-Metronic
GmbH suit you aside worldwide.
You will find names, addresses and phone numbers of the contact persons in your proximity on the


1038.0235-EN 3.0.4 13.09.2010 191


KBA-Metronic GmbH · Benzstr. 11 · D-97209 Veitshöchheim

Tel. +49 (0)931/9085-0 · Fax +49 (0)931/9085-100
i n f o @ k b a - m e t r o n i c . c o m · w w w. k b a - m e t r o n i c . c o m

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