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The Mediation of Mutagenicity and Clastogenicity of Heavy
Metals by Physicochemical Factors

Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, Department of Biology, New York Uni~~ersity, 1009 Main
Building. Washington Square, Nebt, York. Nen* York 10003
Received January 24, 1984

Heavy metals are an important class of environmental hazards. and as the use of heavy
metals in industry continues to increase, larger segments of the biota. including human
beings, will be exposed to increasing levels of these toxicants. As many heavy metals are
mutagenic and clastogenic, they cause teratogenic and/or carcinogenic effects. Studies with
microbes and representatives of the aquatic biota have shown that the toxicity of heavy
metals is mediated by the physicochemical characteristics of natural environments. A few
studies have also indicated that such abiotic factors (e.g.. pH. chelating agents. inorganic
anionic and cationic composition) mediate the mutagenicity and clastogenicity of heavy
metals. These studies indicate that the physicochemical characteristics of natural environ-
ments may also potentiate or attenuate the mutagenicity and clastogenicity of heavy metals
to the indigenous biota. Furthermore, studies with laboratory animals have shown that the
acute and chronic toxicity, including the teratogenicity and carcinogenicity, of heavy metals
is mediated by physicochemical factors. A similar dependence of the mutagenicity and
clastogenicity of heavy metals by the physicochemical characteristics unique to specific
body fluids and tissues may explain the association of specific heavy metal-induced tumors
with specific tissues. There is an apparent need to develop genotoxicity tests that incor-
porate into their procedures the mediating influence of physicochemical factors (PH. for
example), as the use of only standardized procedures may hinder the detection of heavy
metal, as well as of organic, genotoxins whose mutagenicity or clastogenicity is altered by
conditions other than those used in the standardized assay. thereby producing false negative
results. 0 198 Academic Press. Inc.

Heavy metals are ubiquitous in the biosphere, where they occur as part of the
natural background of chemicals to which human beings and the biota are ex-
posed. However, industrial uses of metals and other industrial and domestic pro-
cesses (e.g., burning of fossil fuels, incineration of wastes, automobile exhausts,
smelting processes, and the use of sewage sludge as landfill material and fertilizer)
have introduced substantial amounts of potentially toxic heavy metals into the
atmosphere and into aquatic and terrestrial environments, thereby contaminating
food chains important to human beings. Consequently, such anthropogenic emis-
sions have elevated the body burden of heavy metals. For example, an increase
in the total body burden of cadmium (Cd) by a factor of five and in the kidneys
(i.e., the “critical organ”) by a factor of fifty has been noted since the first part
of this century (Drasch, 1983). Furthermore, as some metals adversely affect the

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genome, there is concern about the potential detrimental genetic effects of in-
creased exposure to such genotoxic agents: (1) an increase in the mutation rate
or in the incidence of chromosomal aberrations in germ cells caused by exposure
to heavy metals may hinder reproductive success (e.g., by inducing spontaneous
abortion) and/or increase the frequency of genetic disease in future generations,
and (2) mutations or chromosomal aberrations in somatic cells caused by heavy
metal exposure may lead to an increased incidence of cancer in the present gen-
eration (Hoffmann, 1982).
There is a growing recognition that heavy metals are an important class of
environmental and occupational genotoxins. There are several reviews of metal-
induced carcinogenesis (e.g., Sunderman, 1978, 1979; Flessel, 1979; Furst, 1981;
Jennette, 1981; Nordberg and Andersen, 1981; Vainio and Sorsa, 1981), and some
papers have evaluated the mutagenicity, clastogenicity, teratogenicity, and/or car-
cinogenicity of heavy metals, including Cd (Degraeve, 1981), chromium (Cr)
(Leonard and Lauwerys, 1980; Levis and Bianchi, 1982), mercury (Hg) (Leonard
et al., 1983), nickel (Ni) (Leonard et al., 1981), and lead (Pb) (Gerber et al., 1980).
Based on current evidence, at least ten metals can be considered carcinogenic,
with some compounds of arsenic (As), beryllium (Be), Cd, Cr, and Ni being
implicated as human carcinogens and some compounds of Be, Cd, cobalt (Co),
Cr, iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), Ni, titanium (Ti), and zinc (Zn) being implicated
in causing cancer in laboratory animals (Flessel, 1979; Sunderman, 1979; Man-
cuso, 1980; Wagoner et al., 1980). The genotoxic effects of some heavy metals
have been demonstrated: lesions in DNA (e.g., strand breaks and cross-links),
gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations, transformation of mammalian cells,
increases in the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (Kazantzis and Lilly,
1979; Heck and Costa, 1982; Christie and Costa, 1983; Tsapakos and Wetterhahn,
1983), and adverse effects on spindle formation, which has the potential to induce
aneuploidy (Onfelt and Ramel, 1979).
Several studies have indicated that environmental and occupational exposure
to heavy metals is a genetic hazard to human beings and the general biota. For
example, certain types of cancer appear to be more frequent among workers in
Ni refineries (lung, nasal sinus, larynx, and kidney carcinomas), Cd refineries
(lung carcinomas), and Cr refineries and among chrome platers and chromate
pigment workers (lung carcinomas) than in the population as a whole (Sunderman,
1979). An increased frequency of spontaneous abortions was noted in families of
workers occupationally exposed to Cr (Levis and Bianchi, 1982), and an increased
incidence of chromosomal aberrations occurred in individuals occupationally ex-
posed to Cd (deKnudt and Leonard, 1975), Cr (Sarto et al., 1982), Ni (Leonard
et al., 1981), and Pb (deKnudt et al., 1973, 1977).
Fish from a river in northern Illinois, which was polluted with As, Hg, Pb, toluene.
crude oil, gasoline, benzanthracene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phosphates, sul-
fates, and coliform bacteria, exhibited an increased frequency of tumors when
compared with comparable species from nonpolluted Canadian waters (Brown et
al., 1973). Water samples from the Rhine River in Europe, which is heavily con-
taminated with organic pollutants, including polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
(Alink et al., 1980), and with heavy metals (Dissanayake et al., 1983), exhibited
mutagenic properties (van Kreijl et al., 1980). An increased incidence of sister-
chromatid exchanges and other chromosomal aberrations occurred in the gills
and testes of Umbra pygmaea maintained in Rhine River water (Prein et al.,
1978; Alink et al., 1980; Hooftman and Vink, 1981). Chromosomal aberrations
were induced in the gills of BoleophthaEmus dussumieri maintained in water
amended with W+ or phenyl Hg+ (Krishnaja and Rege, 1982). An increased
frequency of pollen abortion and mutations occurred in Zea rnays and Trades-
cantia? respectively, grown on soils in the vicinity of a Pb smelting plant emitting
large quantities of Cd, copper (Cu), Pb, and Zn (Lower et al., 1978).
Studies on the toxicity of heavy metals that have used microbes (Table l),
representatives of the aquatic biota (Table 2), or laboratory animals (Table 3) have
clearly demonstrated that the toxicity is influenced by environmental factors,
such as pH, the inorganic anionic and cationic composition, and the type and
concentration of chelating agents. However, there have been few comparable
studies on the effects of environmental factors on the genotoxicity of heavy
metals, even though studies with organic pollutants have indicated that some
environmental factors, pH in particular (Singh and Kaul, 1978), mediate muta-
genicity and clastogenicity. For example, the mutagenicity of N-nitrosodieth-
ylamine. N-nitrosodi-rz-butylamine, and N-nitrosomorpholine was greatest at pH
5.2, intermediate at pH 6.2, and least at pH 7.2 (Negishi and Hayatsu, 1980); the
mutagenicity of N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine was greater at pH 6 than
at pH 7 or 8 (Adelberg et al., 1965); the mutagenicity of diethylnitrosamine was
greater at pH 5.6 than at pH 7.4 (Leonardo and Peak, 1982); decreasing the pH
from 8 to 6 increased the mutagenicity of ethyl nitrosourea (deKok et al., 1983);
and, conversely, increasing the pH from 5 to 9 increased the mutagenicity of the
fungicide, captan (N-(trichloromethylthio)-4-cyclohexene-l,2-dicarboximide)
(Bridges et al., 1972). The pH also affects the mutagenicity of some inorganic
compounds, including nitrite (Vielmetter and Schuster, 1960) and sodium azide
(deFlora and Boido, 1980).
The paper will discuss the potential of abiotic environmental factors to mediate
the genotoxicity of heavy metals. Few studies have investigated this question,
and those that have have indicated an interaction between abiotic factors (e.g.,
pH, inorganic anions and cations, organics) and heavy metal genotoxicity. It has
been suggested that the lack of consistency in microbial mutagenicity and tissue
culture clastogenicity assays for detecting the genotoxicity of heavy metals may
be due to the complexation of the heavy metals by the constituents of the assay
media, resulting in detoxification of the metals (McCann et al., 1975). Assays for
mutagenicity and clastogenicity that are so standardized that they employ essen-
tially only one set of environmental conditions might underestimate the potential
genotoxicity of chemicals whose adverse effect may be manifested only under
environmental conditions different from those used in the assays. Consequently,
the need to develop genotoxicity testing procedures for heavy metals that rec-
ognize and incorporate the mediating influence of physicochemical environmental
factors will also be discussed.
Heavy metals appear to function differently from other mutagens and carcin-
ogens, although this may only be apparent because so little is known about the

factor Comments and references

PH Increasing the pH from acidic to alkaline levels reduced the toxicity of

Ni to bacteria, an actinomycete, a yeast, and lilamentous fungi (Babich
and Stotzky, 1982a, 1983a and d).
Increasing the pH from acidic to alkaline levels potentiated the toxicity
of Zn to filamentous fungi (Babich and Stotzky. 1983a) and a lilamen-
tous alga (Hargreaves and Whitton, 1976) but reduced that to a uni-
cellular alga (Rai er al., 1981).
Increasing the pH from acidic to alkaline levels reduced the toxicity of
Cd to a cyanobacterium (Singh and Pandey. 1981) but increased that
to bacteria and fungi (Babich and Stotzky, 1977a; Korkeala and Pek-
kanen, 1978); the effect of pH on the toxicity of Cd to filamentous
fungi was dependent on the composition of the assay medium (Babich
and Stotzky, 1983a).
Inorganic cations Mg reduced the toxicity of Ni to bacteria, a yeast (Abelson and Aldous,
1950), and filamentous fungi (Babich and Stotzky. 198lb, 1982d. 1983~)
and of Cd to a bacterium (Abelson and Aldous, 1950). a lilamentous
fungus (Laborey and Lavollay, 1977), and a tilamentous alga (Say and
Whitton, 1977).
Ca reduced the toxicity of Cd to an alga (Gipps and Coller, 1982) and of
Zn to a cyanobacterium (Shehata and Whitton, 1982) and algae
(Harding and Whitton. 1977; Rai et al., 1981).
Inorganic anions Increasing the chlorinity reduced the toxicity of Cd to tilamentous fungi
(Babich and Stotzky, 1982~) and of Hg to bacteria and coliphages (Ba-
bich and Stotzky. 1979b).
S’- reduced the toxicity of Cu to a rumen microbiota (Forsberg, 1978)
and of Ni to marine filamentous fungi (Babich and Stotzky, 1983e).
Salinity Increasing the salinity decreased the toxicity of Cd to a marine alga
(Wong et al., 1979) and of Ni to marine filamentous fungi (Babich and
Stotzky, 1983~).
Water hardness Increasing the hardness reduced the toxicity of Ni and Cd to filamentous
fungi (Babich and Stotzky, 198la, b), and of Zn to an alga (Wong, 1980)
and a paramecium (Chapman and Dunlop, 1981).
Chelating agents EDTA reduced the toxicity of Ni to an alga (Spencer and Nichols, 1983)
and an actinomycete (Babich and Stotzky, 1983e). of Cd to a cyano-
bacterium (Singh and Pandey, 1981), and of Cu to a bacterium (Love-
less and Painter, 1968) and algae (Sunda and Guillard, 1976).
Pyridinedicarboxylic acid reduced the toxicity of Ni to a bacterium, an
actinomycete, a yeast, and a filamentous fungus (Babich and Stotzky,
NTA reduced the toxicity of Ni to algae (Spencer and Nichols, 1983), an
actinomycete, and filamentous fungi (Babich and Stotzky, 1983e) and
of Zn to a cyanobacterium (Greene ef al., 1978) and algae (Allen et a[.,
1980; Canterford and Canterford. 1980).
Succinic acid reduced the toxicity of Pb to filamentous fungi (Babich and
Stotzky, 1978a).
Citric acid reduced the toxicity of Ni to an actinomycete (Babich and
Stotzky. 1983e).
Undefined organics Proteose peptone reduced the toxicity of Cd to a protozoan (Houba and
Remacle, 1982).
TABLE I-Continued

factor Comments and references
Yeast extract reduced the toxicity of Ni to a bacterium and a yeast (Ba-
bich and Stotzky. 1983e) and of Pb to tilamentous fungi (Babich and
Stotzky. 1979al.
Humic acids reduced the toxicity of Ni (Babich and Stotzky. 1982dl and
Pb (Babich and Stotzky, 1979a) to filamentous fungi and of Cd to an
alga (Gjessing, 1981).
Clay minerals Montmorillonite > attapulgite > kaolinite reduced the toxicity of Ni (Ba-
bich and Stotzky, 1982b. d, 1983b) and Pb (Babich and Stotzky. 1979a)
to filamentous fungi, with the extent of reduction being correlated with
the cation exchange capacity of the clays.
Montmorillonite and. to a lesser extent, kaolinite protected bacteria and
fungi against the toxicity of Cd (Babich and Stotzky. 1977b, c).
Hydrous metal oxides Fe(OH), reduced the toxicity of Cu to an alga (Steemann Nielsen and
Kamp-Nielsen, 1970).
A&O, . nHzO and MnOz * nH,O reduced the toxicity of Ni to a marine
filamentous fungus (Babich and Stotzky, 1983e).
Temperature Increasing the temperature increased the toxicity of Cd to a protozoan
(Szeto and Nyberg. 1979) and a chemolithotrophic bacterium (Kova-
lenko and Karavaiko, 1981) and of Hg to an alga (Huisman et al., 1980).
Increasing the temperature decreased the toxicity of Ni to a filamentous
fungus (Babich and Stotzky. 1982d).
Hydrostatic pressure Increasing the hydrostatic pressure increased the toxicity of Ni to an
unidentified marine bacterium capable of oxidizing Mn?’ (Arcuri and
Ehrlich, 1977).

mechanisms of action of the metals. Unlike the vast majority of organic mutagens
and carcinogens, metals do not require metabolic activation to be genotoxic. and
the ion (e.g., Cd’+) or the ion complex (e.g., CrOi-) appears to be the ultimate
form of the mutagen and carcinogen. Three important aspects of the mutagenic
or carcinogenic activity of heavy metals have not been fully clarified: (1) how the
metal ion or complex penetrates cell membranes; (2) how metals combine, once
inside the cell, with nucleic acids and, hence, alter the genetic information; and
(3) why a divalent heavy metal cation, such as Cd2+, is genotoxic, whereas other
divalent cations, such as calcium (Ca’+) or magnesium (Mg2+), are not genotoxic
(Furst, 1981). However, it has been suggested that because genotoxic metals (such
as Cd2+, Hg2+, and Pb2+) can form covalent bonds whereas essential cations
(such as Ca2+ and Mg2+) form ionic bonds, the genotoxic heavy metal ions form
more stable complexes with cellular components than do essential ions and, thus,
prevent normal cation-mediated functions (Christie and Costa, 1983).
Heavy metals have a strong affinity for cell surfaces. For example, Cd’+, Pb’+ ,
and Zn’+ sorbed strongly to the surfaces of amphibian kidney cells (Kiremidjian
and Stotzky, 1975), to macrophages and lymphocytes of guinea pig (Kiremidjian-
Schumacher et al., 1981a, b), to normal human lymphoid and Burkitt lymphoma
cells (Kiremidjian-Schumacher and Stotzky, 1976), and to bacteria and yeasts
(Collins and Stotzky, 1982). Although heavy metals differed in their affinities for
surface ionogenic groups of different cells, all reduced the surface charge of these


factor Comments and references

PH Increasing the pH from 4.1 to 5.1 increased the toxicity of Cd and Cu to

the duckweed, Lemnu paucicostata (Nasu et al.. 1983).
Increasing the pH from 6 to approximately 8.4 reduced the toxicity of Cr6+
to the water flea, Duphnia magna (Muller. 1980).
Increasing the pH from 5.5 to 7.7 increased the toxicity ofV to the rainbow
trout, Salmo gairdneri (Stendahl and Sprague, 1982).
Inorganic cations Ca reduced the toxicity of Cd to the freshwater shrimp, Gammarus pulex
(Wright and Frain, 1981), and to the brook trout, Salvelinus fiontindis
(Carroll et nl., 1979).
Ca reduced the toxicity of Zn to the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas
(Judy and Davies, 1979).
Zn reduced the toxicity of Cd to D. magna (Attar and Maly, 1982).
Inorganic anions Increasing the level of phosphate reduced the uptake and accumulation of
Pb by the freshwater amphipod, Hyallela azteca (Freedman et al., 1980).
Pyrophosphate reduced the uptake of Cd by D. magna (Poldoski, 1979).
Hardness Cu was 4 to 6 times more toxic to G. pulex in soft than in hard water
(Stephenson, 1983).
Cd was more toxic to eggs of the freshwater fish, Olyzias latipes, in soft
than in hard water (Michibata, 1981).
Increasing the total alkalinity or the hardness reduced the toxicity of Cd
(Chakoumakos et al., 1979) and Cr6+ (Muller, 1980) to D. magna.
Salinity Increasing the salinity from 16.5 to 33.0°/oo reduced the toxicity of Cu to
embryos of the Pacific oyster, Crnssostrea gigas (Coglianese, 1982).
Increasing the salinity from 1 to 35O/ooreduced the toxicity of Cd and Cr6+
to juveniles of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus (Frank and Robertson.
Chelating agents EDTA reduced the absorption of Cu and Cd by L. paucicostata (Nasu et
al., 1983).
EDTA. citrate, oxalate, and glycine reduced the toxicity of Cu to embryos
of C. gigas (Knezovich et al., 1981).
EDTA, NTA. and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid reduced the uptake
and accumulation of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn by the carp, Cyprinus carpio
(Muramoto, 1980, 1981).
Uptake of Cd by the American oyster, Crussostrea virginica, was reduced
by EDTA and NTA (Hung, 1982).
Ethylenebis[N,N’-(2,6-dicarboxy)]piperidine, EDTA, and NTA decreased
the uptake of Cd by D. magna (Poldoski, 1979).
NTA and glycine reduced the uptake of Cu by larvae of the midge, Chi-
ronomus tentans (Dodge and Theis, 1979).
Undefined organics Humic acid reduced the uptake of Cu by C. tentans (Dodge and Theis,
1979), D. magna (Poldoski, 1979), and embryos of C. gigas (Knezovich
et al., 1981).
Particulates Uptake of Cd by the clam, Protothaca staminea, was reduced in the pres-
ence of sediment (Hardy et al., 1981).
Colloidal organic particulates decreased the uptake of Cd by the freshwater
crustacean, Simocephalus serrulatus (Giesy et al., 1977).
Temperature Increasing the temperature from 5 to 30°C reduced the toxicity of Cti+ to
the goldfish, Carassius auratus, and, to a lesser extent, to the golden
TABLE 2-Continued

factor Comments and references
shiner. Notenzigorzus ctysoleucus, but did not affect the toxicity to the
bluegill, Leponzis macrochirus, the channel catfish, Ictuhrus puncfnf~~.
or S. g&&z& (Smith and Heath, 1979).
Fingerlings of the perch. Percafluviatilis, accumulated more Cd at I5 than
at 5°C (Edgren and Notter. 1980).
Increasing the temperature from 5 to 20°C increased the uptake and ac-
cumulation of Cd by C. virginica (Hung, 1982).

cells (Kiremidjian and Stotzky, 1975; Kiremidjian-Schumacher and Stotzky. 1976;

Kiremidjian-Schumacher et al., 1981a), affected immune reactions between an-
tigens and sensitized cells (Kiremidjian-Schumacher et al., 1981b), and reduced
the production of lymphokines and the ability of macrophages to destroy tumor
cells (Nelson et al., 1982).
Heavy metals can modify nucleic acids either by interacting directly with them
or affecting their synthesis. Heavy metal ions interact with nucleic acids strands
to influence their base pairing, as studies with synthetic polyribonucleotides have
shown that Cd2+ and Mn”, but not Zn2+, caused mispairing of nucleic acid
bases (Murray and Flessel, 1976). Using synthetic polyribonucleotide templates,
the fidelity of DNA replication by DNA polymerases from avian myeloblastosis
virus was decreased by Cd2+, Co2+, Cr6+, Cu+ , Cu?+ , Mn2+, Ni’+ , and Pb’+
(Sirover and Loeb, 1976, 1977) and that by DNA polymerase I from Escherichia
coli was decreased by Cd2+, Co2+, Hg’+, Mn*+, and Nil+ (Miyaki et al., 1977).
It has been stated that “in studying fidelity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymer-
ases, one is studying mutagenesis in vitro” (Zakour et al., 1981) Heavy metals
also inhibited RNA transcription, with the sequence of inhibition being Pb2+ >
Zn’+ > Cu2+ > Be2+ > Cd2+ > N?+ > Co?+ > Mn’+ (Niyogi et al., 1981).
Because of their interference with spindle formation, heavy metals have the
potential of inducing aneuploidy. Heavy metals interact strongly with the sulfhy-
dry1 groups involved in the polymerization of tubulin. thereby hindering the de-
velopment of microtubules and the formation of the spindle apparatus. Tin(Sn)
(i.e., trimethyltin chloride, tributyltin chloride), Hg (i.e., HgCI,, phenylmercuric
chloride, methylmercuric chloride, methylmercuric dicyandiamide), and Pb (i.e.,
Pb(NO,),, triethyllead chloride, trimethyllead chloride) interfered with spindle
formation and induced c-mitoses in the root tips of Alliurn cepa (Onfelt and
Ramel, 1979). Exposure of human lymphocytes to methylmercuric chloride, but
not to HgCl,, induced aneuploidy and caused c-mitoses and disturbed metaphases
(Kirsch-Volders et al., 1983).
In vitro exposures of mammalian cells to heavy metals have resulted in a variety
of chromosomal and chromatid aberrations, including gaps and breaks, and an
increased frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (Table 4). In addition, the
transformation of cells in tissue culture by heavy metals has also been noted:
Cd2+ increased transformation in human diploid cells (strain L-58) infected with


factor Comments and references
Zinc Zn protected against Cd-induced: (a) necrosis of mouse and rat testes (Par-
izek, 1957; Gunn et al.. 1961. 1968a, b); (b) formation of interstitial cell
tumors in mouse and rat testes (Gunn et al., 1963, 1964); (c) formation of
pleomorphic sarcomas in rats at the subcutaneous site of Cd injection
(Gunn et al., 1964); (d) placental necrosis and fetal death in mice (Chi-
quoine, 1965); (e) teratogenesis in hamsters (Ferm and Carpenter, 1967,
1968) and chicks (Narbaitz et al., 1983); (f) anemia in quail (Fox ef al.,
1971); (gf growth depression and gizzard abnormalities in chicks (Hill et
al., 1963); and (h) development of lesions on sensory ganglia of rats (Gab-
biani ef al., 1976).
Copper Cu protected against Cd-induced mortality in chicks (Hill ef al.. 1963) and
anemia in quail (Fox et al., 1971).
Lead Pb and Cd, both teratogens, interacted synergistically in their teratogenicity
to hamsters (Ferm, 1971).
Mercury Hg and Cd, both teratogens, interacted additively in their teratogenicity to
hamsters (Gale, 1973) but antagonistically in their teratogenicity to mice
(Layton and Ferm, 1980).
Iron Fe3+ protected against Cd-induced fetal growth retardation in mice (Web-
ster, 1979). mortality and growth depression in chicks (Hill et al., 1963),
and anemia in quail (Fox er al.. 1971).
Selenium Se protected against Cd-induced: (a) necrosis of mouse (Gunn et al.. 1968a,
b) and rat (Mason ef al., 1964) testes: (b) necrosis of the placenta of rats
(Parizek et al.. 1968): (c) teratogenicity in hamsters (Holmberg and Ferm,
1969); and (d) depression of blood hemoglobin and increase in heart size
of rats (Meyer et al., 1982).
Se blocked the Cd-induced inhibition of hepatic microsomal biotransfor-
mation of drugs, i.e., aniline and ethylmorphine (Early and Schnell, 1981).
Arsenic As and Cd, both teratogens, interacted additively in their teratogenicity to
hamsters (Holmberg and Ferm, 1969).
Cysteine Cysteine protected against Cd-induced anemia in quail (Fox et al., 1971) and
necrosis of mouse testes but potentiated the toxicity of lethal amounts of
Cd to mice (Gunn er al., 1966, 1968a. b).
Glutathione Glutathione protected against Cd-induced necrosis of mouse testes (Gunn
ef al., 1966) and lesions of sensory ganglia of rats (Gabbiani et al., 1976).
Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid protected against Cd-induced growth retardation in chicks
(Hill, 1979) and anemia and growth retardation in quail (Fox ef al., 1971).
Chelating agents EDTA protected rats from Cd-induced hypertension (Yunice and Perry, 1961)
and lethal doses of Cd (Cantilena and Klassen, 1981).
2,3-Dimercaptopropanol protected against Cd-induced necrosis of mouse
testes (Gunn et al., 1968a) but had no effect on the mortality of mice
(Gunn et al., 1968a) or rats (Cantilena and Klassen, 1981) exposed to lethal
doses of Cd.
NTA protected pregnant rats from Cd toxicity but had little (Nolen et al.,
1972) or no (Scharpf et al., 1972) effect on reducing Cd teratogenicity.
D,L-Penicillamine, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, and meso-dimercap-
tosuccinic acid reduced the toxicity to rats of lethal levels of Cd (Cantilena
and Klassen, 1981).
0 Cadmium was selected as the representative metal, as it is the most studied heavy metal, and
therefore there is more information about its toxicity as mediated by physicochemical factors than
for other metals.

Cell line Comments and references

Human lymphocytes Chromosomal aberrations were not induced by Pb acetate (Schmid et al.,
Chromosomal aberrations were not induced by CdCl?. Co(NO,l,, and
HgClz (Paton and Allison, 1972).
Chromosome-breaking ability of several Cr-containing compounds fol-
lowed the sequence: K2Cr20, > K$rO, > Cr(CH,COO), > Cr(NO,),,
CrCl, (Nakamuro et al., 19781.
CdCl?, Pb acetate, and ZnClz did not affect the incidence of chromatid or
chromosomal gaps or of aneuploid cells; dicentric chromosomes oc-
curred only with ZnClz (deKnudt and Deminatti, 1978).
NiSO, increased the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges and chro-
matid aberrations, including gaps and breaks (Larramendy et al., 1981).
Cd acetate, but not Pb or Zn acetate, induced chromatid aberrations, in-
cluding breaks. gaps, and acentric fragments (Gasiorek and Bauchinger,
K&r20,, but not CrCl,. induced a dose-dependent increase in the fre-
quency of sister-chromatid exchanges; K,Cr20, and, to a much lesser
extent. CrCl, induced chromosomal aberrations (Stella er a/., 1982).
K2Cr20, increased the incidence of chromosome and chromatid aberra-
tions and the incidence of sister-chromatid exchanges (Imreh and Rad-
ulescu. 1982).
Methyl Hg, but not HgC&,. increased the incidence of c-mitoses, disturbed
metaphases, and chromosomal aberrations and induced aneuploidy
(Kirsch-Volders ei ul., 1983).
Syrian hamster K2Crz0, and CrO,. but not CrC&, CrCI,, or Cr,(SO,),, induced chromatid
embryo cells gaps. breaks, and exchanges (Tsuda and Kato, 1977).
NiSO, increased the incidence of sister-chromatid exchanges and chro-
matid aberrations, including gaps and breaks (Larramendy et al.. 1981).
Chinese hamster K,Cr,O, and NazCrzO, induced chromosomal aberrations, including chro-
ovary cells matid gaps, breaks, and interchanges, and increased the frequency of
sister-chromatid exchanges (Majone and Levis, 1979).
Chinese hamster CdSO, induced c-mitoses and chromosomal aberrations, particularly gaps
tibroblast cells (Rohr and Bauchinger. 1976).
K,Cr20,, but not CrCl, or Cr(NO&, increased the incidence of sister-
chromatid exchanges-(Venier et cd., 1982).
Chinese hamster K2Cr10, induced chromatid breaks and exchanges and isochromatid dele-
lung cells tions (Newbold et al.. 1979).
Cu(NO,l, increased the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (Sideris
and Petraki, 1982).
K,CrO,, Na&rO,, Na2.Cr20,. and, to a much lesser extent, CrCI, and
Cr,O, increased the Incidence of sister-chromatid exchanges (Elias et
al., 1983).
Don Chinese CrCl,, CrO,, K,Cr,O,. K,CrO,, NiSO,, and NiC&, but not Cr,(SO,),.
hamster cells FeSO,, FeCl,, Cd(NO,),, CdCl?. Cd acetate, SnC&. HgCl?. Hglz, or Hg
acetate, increased the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (Ohno
et ul., 1982).
FM3A cells from a K,CrO,, K2Cr207. and CrO, induced large numbers of chromosomal aber-
mouse mammary rations, mcluding breaks and exchanges, whereas Cr2(S0,), induced
carcinoma only a few chromosomal aberrations; KMnO, and, to a lesser extent,
MnClz induced chromosomal aberrations: K,Ni(CN), and, to a lesser
extent, NiS induced chromosomal aberrations, whereas NiClz and Ni
acetate induced little increase in chromosomal aberrations; no chro-
mosomal aberrations occurred with CdCl? or HgCl: (Umeda and Nish-
imura. 1979).

the oncogenic mammalian leucosis virus (Zasukhina et al., 1977), and Cd*+, Cr6+,
and, to a lesser extent, Co*+, Cu*+, Hg2+, Mn*+, Ni*+, Pb*+, and Zn*+ enhanced
the transformation of Syrian hamster embryo cells after the inoculation of the
simian adenovirus, SA7 (Cast0 et al., 1976, 1979).
Several mammalian systems have been developed as in vitro assays of the
mutagenicity of heavy metals. Mutagenicity is most commonly detected by al-
terations in the expression of genes specifying enzymes that control the incor-
poration of an added toxic base analog: a positive mutagenic effect is indicated
by the loss of the marker enzyme, enabling cultured tester cells to grow and form
colonies in the presence of the toxic antimetabolite. Commonly used enzyme
markers include hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT), the
loss of which imparts resistance to 6-thioguanine or 8-azaguanine, and thymidine
kinase (TK), which incorporates such thymidine analogs as 5bromodeoxyuridine
or trifluorothymidine (Heck and Costa, 1982). Cd*+ and Ni*+ induced trifluoro-
thymidine-resistant mutant cells in an assay using L5178Y/TK mouse lymphoma
cells (Amacher and Paillet, 1980). Cr6+, but not Cr3+, Cd*+, Hg2+, Mn*+, or
Ni*+, induced 8-azaguanine-resistant mutant cells in FM3A cells derived from a
mouse mammary carcinoma (Nishimura and Umeda, 1978) and in Chinese ham-
ster cells as soluble K2Cr,07 or ZnCrO, but not as insoluble PbCrO, (Newbold
ef al., 1979). Mn*+ was highly mutagenic in the induction of g-azaguanine-resis-
tant mutants in Chinese hamster cells, whereas Ni*+ and Co*+ were only weakly
mutagenic (Miyaki et al., 1979). Cd*+, Cr6+, Mn*+, and, to a lesser extent, Hg*+
and Pb*+ induced forward mutation at the TK locus in L5 178Y mouse lymphoma
cells (Oberly et al., 1982).
Perhaps the most information about the mutagenicity of heavy metals has been
obtained with microbial assays (Table 5), with the majority of studies using either
the Salmonella typhimurium or the Escherichia coli reverse mutation system.
The S. typhimurium assay utilizes mutant strains auxotrophic for histidine (his-)
that have either a normal or an error-prone DNA repair capability, and therefore,
both base-pair substitutions and frameshifts can be detected. Exposure to mu-
tagenic agents induces reversion to histidine prototrophy, and clonies of such
revertants develop on histidine-free media. The addition of a microsomal fraction
is needed to activate many organic mutagens (Ames, 1971). The E. coli reverse-
mutation system uses a strain (usually, strain WP2) that requires tryptophan for
growth and reverts to tryptophan nondependence after exposure to mutagens
(Green and Muriel, 1977). Another system, the Bacillus subtilis ret-assay, has
been used to study the ability of heavy metals to damage DNA by measuring the
inhibition of growth of DNA repair-deficient bacteria (Nishioka, 1975).
Although mutagenicity assays, in particular the Salmonella reverse-mutation
assay, are routinely used to predict the potential carcinogenicity of chemicals,
the results obtained with heavy metals are inconsistent. For example, Cd (De-
graeve, 1981), Cr (Leonard and Lauwerys, 1980), Ni (Leonard et al., 1981), and
Pb (Gerber et al., 1980) are carcinogens, yet only Cr is consistently detected as
being mutagenic, and then only as Cr 6+ (Table 5). Several reasons have been
suggested for the inconsistency of microbial mutagenicity assays for detecting
heavy metal genotoxicity. For example, it was suggested that (1) the bacterial
strains in current use are able to correct errors in DNA synthesis by mismatch
repair and, thus, are genetically incapable of yielding a positive mutagenic re-
sponse to heavy metals: (2) carcinogenic heavy metals may be comutagens rather
than mutagens; (3) the bacteriocidal effects of heavy metals may obscure their
mutagenicity, especially if the results of these experiments are expressed as the
number of mutants/plate without considering survival levels; and (4) there may
be no correlation between the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of heavy metals
(Rossman, 1981). Nevertheless, the reverse-mutation assay with Corynebacte-
rium sp. was sensitive to NI ‘2+ (Pikalek and Necasek, 1983) and that with S.
typhimurizcm (Petrilli and deFlora, 1977) and E. coli (Green et al., 1976) was
sensitive to Cr6+, and the B. subtilis ret-assay was sensitive to Cd?+, Co?+, Cr6+,
Hg+, Hg*+. and organic Hg (Kanematsu et al., 1980).
Another explanation for the inconsistency of microbial mutagenicity assays, as
well as of mammalian cell cultures assays for clastogenicity, is that the compo-
nents of the assay media detoxify the heavy metals (McCann et al., 1975). The
assay media contain (1) phosphates which can precipitate heavy metals, (2) or-
ganic chelators which may reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals. and (3)
essential cations, such as Ca*+ and Mg?+, which can compete with the added
heavy metals for sites on cell surfaces. This explanation seems most plausible,
as Cr6+, the only metal consistently detected as being mutagenic, occurs as an
anionic complex (either as CrO$- or Cr,O:-) whose bioavailability is not as
affected by phosphate, organic chelators, or cations in the assay media. Similarly,
studies with several heavy metals using FM3A ceils from a mouse mammary
carcinoma showed that the greatest clastogenic effects occurred with anionic
complexes of heavy metals (i.e., Cr#, CrOi-, Ni(CN)i-, MnOi-) rather than
with their cationic forms (i.e., Cr3+, Ni’ +, Mn2+) (Umeda and Nishimura, 1979).
Furthermore, heavy metals exhibited differential affinities for the organics com-
monly incorporated into microbiological and other assay media: the sequence for
the affinity of Hg was casamino acids > proteose peptone > yeast extract >
Bacto tryptone > Bacto peptone; for Cu it was casamino acids > yeast extract
> Bacto tryptone > proteose peptone > Bacto peptone; for Pb it was casamino
acids > yeast extract > Bacto tryptone > Bacto peptone > proteose peptone;
and for Cd it was casamino acids > proteose peptone > Bacto tryptone > yeast
extract, with no binding to Bacto peptone (Ramamoorthy and Kushner, 1975).
As the extent of binding of heavy metals to organics affects the toxicity of the
metals (see Tables 1 to 3), the differential affinities of the heavy metals for specific
organics and the different kinds of organics that are incorporated into media of
different assay systems may also explain the inconsistent results obtained in mu-
tagenicity and clastogenicity assays of heavy metals.
The influence of the composition of the assay media on the toxicity and mu-
tagenicity of heavy metals is best illustrated with Cr, as Cr3+ and Cr6+ exhibit
differential toxicities (Babich et al., 1982a, b; Venier et al., 1983) and mutage-
nicities (deFlora, 1978; Petrilli and deFlora, 1978a, b; Venier et al., 1982) in
microorganisms and in mammalian cells. Cr3+ is the most stable oxidation state

Biologic system Results References

E. coli B/r/Sd-4 Mn2+ and Cu?+, but not Hg?+, induced mutation from streptomycin Demerec and Hanson, 1951;
dependence to streptomycin independence Demerec et al., 1951
B. subtilis Trp Cu2+ was mutagenic; inhibited transformability Weed, 1963
transformation assay
E. co/i K-12 (A) induct test Cu’+ was ineffective as an inducer of phage production by lysogenic Heinemann and Howard. 1964
E. coli
Coliphage T4 Mn?+ induced mutation at the rlI locus Orgel and Orgel, 1965
E. coli K-39 (A) induct test Methyl Hg+ and methoxyethyl Hg+ were ineffective inducers of Fiskesjo. 1971
phage production by lysogenic E. coli i;
S. cerevisiae Mn’+ induced antibiotic-resistant mutation in mitochondrial DNA Putrament et al., 1973, 1975a, b, 1977 *z
E. coli WP2 Tip reversion Cr6+ was mutagenic; Cr3+, Cd’+, Hg2+, and Zn2+ were not Venitt and Levy, 1974
Platymonas subcordijormis Pb?+ was not mutagenic Hessler, 1975 5
morphotype assay 5
B. subtilis ret-assay Cr6+, organic Hg, Cd*+, and Mn2+ were mutagenic; Cr3+, Co2+ Nishioka, 1975 ”v)
Cu+, Cu2+, Fez+, Fe3+, Ni2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ were not b
B. subtilis ret-assay; S. Organic Hg- and Ni- containing fungicides were not mutagenic Shirasu et al., 1976
typhimurium His- and E.
coli Tip reversion
Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mitotic ade- gene conversion induced by CI-6+ Bonatti et al., 1976
S. typhimurium His- Fe2+ induced mutation; mutagenicity enhanced by the addition of Brusick et al., 1976
reversion assay microsomal fraction
E. coli WP2 Trp- reversion CI-6+, but not Ni2+, was mutagenic Green et al., 1976
fluctuation assay
S. typhimurium His- Zn*+ , but not Cd’+, was highly mutagenic in the presence of a Kalinina and Polukhina, 1977
reversion assay mouse liver microsomal fraction
S. typhimurium His- C1-6+ was mutagenic, but mutagenicity was not enhanced by addition Petrilli and deFlora, 1977
reversion assay of microsomal fraction; Cr3+ was nonmutagenic, either with or
without microsomal fraction
E. coli WP2 alkaline Cr6+ degraded bacterial DNA in vivo Nishioka and Yagi, 1978
sucrose gradient
sedimentation assay
S. typhimurium His- Cr6+, but not Cr3+. was mutagenic Lofroth and Ames. 1978
reversion assay
S. typhimurium His- and Cr6+ was mutagenic Tindall et al., 1978
E. co/i WP2 Tip
reversion assays
E. coli HS30R Arg- Cr6+ was highly, but Cr3+ was slightly, mutagenic Nakamuro et al., 1978
reversion assay; B.
subtilis ret-assay
Plectonema boryanrtm Mn?+ induced phage-resistant, but not streptomycin-resistant, Singh and Kashyap, 1978 3
S. typhimurium His Addition of a complete microsomal fraction decreased the Lofroth. 1978; Gruber and Jennette.
reversion assay mutagenicity of CI-6’ ; mutagenicity was not affected by addition of 1978 ?
a microsomal fraction lacking NADPH 8
S. typhimurium His- Numerous @+-containing compounds were mutagenic, with deFlora, 1978: Petrilli and deFlora,
reversion assay mutagenicity decreasing upon addition of a complete microsomal 1978a; deFlora et al., 1982
fraction, reducing agents (ascorbic acid. sodium sulfite), or reduced
metabolites (DPNH, TPNH, reduced glutathione); addition of an
oxidizing agent (KMnO,) prevented reversal of mutagenicity by the
complete microsomal fraction
S. typhimrcrium His Numerous Cr3+-containing compounds were nonmutagenic, in the Petrilli and deFlora, 1978b
reversion assay absence or presence of a mixed microsomal fraction; addition of an
oxidizing agent (KMnO,) induced mutagenicity
E. coli Pol A- survival test: PbCrO, was not mutagenic Nestmann et (I/.. 1979
E. coli WP2 Trp-
reversion assay; E. coli
K-12 Gal+ forward
mutation assay
S. typhimurium His- PbCrO, was mutagenic, with mutagenicity being due to the Crh+, and Nestmann et rrl.. 1979
reversion assay; E. coli not to the Pb’+, component
WP2 reversion fluctuation
assay; S. cerevisiae D5
mitotic recombination assay
S. typhimurium His- Pb” was not mutagenic Simmon, 1979: Rosenkranz and
reversion assay; Poirer. 1979
E. coli Pol A- assay
B. subtilis ret-assay Mutagenicity of Cr6’ was not enhanced by Hg?’ Matsui, 1980
S. typhimurium His- Gastric juice decreased the mutagenicity of Cr6+ deFlora and Boido, 1980
reversion assay
TABLE 5-Continued K

Biologic system Results References

S. cerevisiae D4 Cd”’ induced ade- and trp- gene conversions Eger and Doko, 1980
B. subtilis ret-assay Cd?+, Co*+, Cr6’, Hg+, Hg?+, and organic Hg were mutagenic; Kanematsu et ul., 1980
Cu+, Cu*+, Cr3+, Ni?+, Pb’+, and Zn?+ were not
E. coli WP2 Trp Her- Cr6+ was mutagenic Kanematsu et al., 1980
reversion assay
S. typhimurium His- cis-[Cr(bipyridine)?oxylate]I . 4H?O, cis-[Cr(bipyridine)zCIJCI . Warren et ~1.. 1981
reversion assay; E. co/i 2Hz0, [Cr(urea)6]C13 . 3Hz0, and cis-[Cr(l,lO-
K-12 differential repair phenanthroline)&]Cl . 2.5H20 were mutagenic in both assays;
assay nine other Cr3+-chelates were nonmutagenic in either assay: and
six others were mutagenic in only one of the assays
S. typhimurium His- spot Cr6+ was mutagenic; Co*+, Cu2+. Cd?+, Cr3+, Mn?+, and Ni?+ were Tso and Fung, 1981
test reversion assay not
B. subtilis and S. The chelators, EDTA, salicylate. and Tiron, reduced the mutagenicity Gentile et al., 1981
typhimurium ret-assays of CP+ ; citrate and salicylate increased the mutagenicity of Cr3 +
S. typhimurium His- trans-[Co(4-picoline),C121Cl, trans-[Co(3-picoline),C12]Cl, cis-[Co( I, IO- Schultz et al., 1982
reversion assay; E. coli phenanthroline)2C121Cl, and cis-[Co(l.IO-phenanthroline)zoxylate]Cl
K-12 differential repair were mutagenic; nine other Co r + -chelates were not mutagenic in
assay both assays
E. coli Pol A- assay Cd2+ and Cuz+ were mutagenic Babich and Stotzky, 1982e
S. cerevisiae D7 Mn2+ and Cr6+ induced mitotic gene conversion at the trp- locus Singh, 1983
and reverse mutation at the ilv- locus
S. typhimurium His- Cr6+, but not Cr3+, was mutagenic Venier et al., 1983
reversion assay
Corynebacterium sp. 887 N?+ was mutagenic; Cd’+ and Co?+ were not Pikalek and Necasek, 1983
Horn- reversion assay
S. typhimurium His- Cu2+ alone or ascorbic acid alone was not mutagenic, but a Norkus et al., 1983
reversion assay combination of Cu?+ and ascorbic acid was mutagenic, and its
mutagenicity could be blocked by EDTA
S. typhimurium His- Cr3+, as chromatin B and chromatin MS-both tannin agents-was Bronzetti et ul., 1983
reversion assay mutagenic only after metabolic activation
S. typhimurium His- 12 @+-containing compounds were, but one Cr”- and three Cr3+- Petrilli and deFlora, 1983
reversion assay containing compounds were not, mutagenic
S. typhimurium His- Crb+ mutagenicity was decreased by rat liver microsomal fraction Bennicelli e/ al., 1983
reversion assay and, to a lesser extent, by human lung microsomal fraction

of Cr, and it has a tendency to form complexes with organic ligands, such as
proteins and nucleic acids. Because of this strong binding tendency, Cr3+ does
not easily penetrate cells and is frequently bound to extracellular constituents
(Gentile et af., 1981). For example, when entering the blood stream, Cr3+ binds
strongly to plasma proteins, whereas Cr6+ concentrates inside erythrocytes (Gray
and Sterling, 19.50). Cr6+, as an anionic complex, crosses cell membranes by
passive or facilitated transport, utilizing the phosphate (PO:-)- or sulfate (SO:-)-
transport system. After Cr6+ enters the cell, it may be reduced to Cr3+, which
can bind to DNA and exert a genotoxic effect (National Academy of Science,
1974; Tsapakos and Wetterhahn, 1983). When Crh+ was preincubated with mi-
crosomal fractions from rat (deFlora, 1978; Gruber and Jennette, 1978) or rainbow
trout (deFlora et al., 1982) liver or with human erythrocyte lysates (Petrilli and
deFlora, 1978a), its mutagenicity in the Saltmxzefla reversion assay was elimi-
nated, apparently as a result of the reduction of Crhf to Cr3+, as incubation of
Cr6+ with a microsomal fraction from rat liver lacking NADPH did not eliminate
the mutagenicity of Cr 6+ (Lofroth, 1978). Furthermore, the addition of reducing
agents (ascorbic acid, sodium sulfite) or reduced metabolites (reduced gluta-
thione, DPNH, or TPNH) prevented mutagenesis by Cr6+, whereas the addition
of an oxidizing agent (KMnO,) inhibited the reversal of mutagenicity by micro-
somal fractions from rat liver and by human erythrocyte lysates (Petrilli and
deFlora, 1978a). Cr3 + was not mutagenic, and additions of microsomal fractions
from rat liver, lung, or muscle, rat muscle mitochondria (with or without ATP),
oxidized glutathione, or human serum, plasma, or erythrocyte lysates did not
induce mutagenicity. However, the addition of KMnO,, which oxidized Cr”+ to
Cr’+, induced mutagenicity (Petrilli and deFlora, 1978b).


There is essentially no information about the influence of abiotic factors on
heavy metal mutagenicity and clastogenicity, although studies of the toxicity of
various heavy metals, using microbes (Table I), representative aquatic plants and
animals (Table 2), or laboratory animals (Table 3). have clearly demonstrated the
mediating influence of such physicochemical factors. The rigid standardization of
mutagenicity and clastogenicity assays, which presumably is needed to ensure
repeatability of experiments and duplicability of data between laboratories, has
apparently hindered the elucidation of the potential mediating influence of abiotic
factors on heavy metal genotoxicity. For example, the finding that pH influenced
the mutagenicity of diethylnitrosamine and some polycyclic hydrocarbons and
aromatic amines prompted the investigators to state: “Since strong mutagenicity
is not always obtained at pH 7.4 (the value at which most microbial assays are
normally performed), pH may be an important variable to consider in determining
the mutagenic potential of suspected carcinogens. The range of mutagens tested
in which pH effects have been observed suggests that this variable may be of
general significance in microbial assays” (Leonardo and Peak, 1982).
Little is known about the influence of pH on metal-induced mutagenesis. The
mutagenicity of Mn2+ towards extranuclear (i.e., mitochondrial) DNA in Sac-

charomyces cerevisiae was pH dependent, as increasing the pH from 6 to 6.7

reduced the number of cytoplasmic petite (rho-) mutants and from 6 to 6.5 re-
duced the number of erythromycin-resistant mutants (Putrament et al., 1975a).
However, pH did not influence the mutagenicity of Cr6+ to S. typhimurium, as
no differences in the extent of revertants to histidine prototrophy were noted
after preincubation of CI-6+ at pH 7.4 or at pH 1.3 (deFlora and Boido, 1980).
Although little is known about the mediating influence of pH on heavy metal
mutagenicity, several studies have shown that pH influences the toxicity of heavy
metals to microbes (Table 1). However, the mechanisms whereby pH affects
heavy metal toxicity have not been clearly defined, as pH affects several aspects
of the interactions between cells and heavy metals. (1) pH affects the metabolic
state of the target cells, and differences in a specific biotic response to a heavy
metal at different pH values may reflect the altered physiology of the cells at
different pH values. (2) pH affects the adsorption and subsequent uptake of heavy
metals by cells, with metal uptake usually increasing as the pH is increased. For
example, increasing the pH of the medium from 3 to 7 increased the uptake of
Cd by living and heat-killed cells of Chlorella regularis (Sakaguchi et al., 1979)
and from 4.5 to 6.8 increased the uptake of Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, and Ni by Klebsiella
pneumoniae (Rudd et al., 1983). (3) pH affects the chemical speciation of some
heavy metals, e.g., at pH 7, Ni occurs as Nr ‘2+, Cd as Cd2+, Pb as PbOH+, Zn
as a mixture of Zn2+ and Zn(OH),, and Hg as Hg(OH),, and different inorganic
speciation forms of the same heavy metal have different toxicities (Babich and
Stotzky, 1977a, 1980a). (4) pH affects the extent of binding of heavy metals with
inorganic and organic ligands, and free and complexed heavy metals have dif-
ferent toxicities (Babich and Stotzky, 1983a).
The standardization of microbial assays for mutagenicity has limited the appli-
cability of these assays to evaluating the potential carcinogenicity and terato-
genicity of heavy metals in natural environments in which pH varies greatly. The
pH of most soils ranges between 5 and 7, but acid mineral soils may have a pH
of 4 and peat soils may be as low as pH 3, whereas the pH of calcareous soils
may be 8 and above (Lyon and Buckman, 1943). The pH range of lakes that have
some degree of flow through the basin is generally from 6 to 9. However, in
limestone regions, the dissolved carbonates (CO:-) and the Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions
may raise the pH to above 9, whereas in lakes in regions of lowlands and bogs,
the pH ranges from 4 to 6. The pH of seawater at the surface is very stable,
usually ranging from 8.1 to 8.3 (Reid, 1961).
The human body is composed of several microenvironments, each with its own
unique physicochemical properties, including pH. The pH of gastric juice varies
from 1.0 to 3.5, of urine from 4.5 to 7.8, of saliva from 6.0 to 7.0, of thyme in
the small intestine from 7.0 to 8.0, of blood from 7.2 to 7.4, of secretions from
the large intestine from 7.5 to 8.0, and the pH of bile is 8.0 (Guyton, 1971; Strand,
1983). Preincubation of Cr6+ in human gastric juice decreased its mutagenicity
as assayed with S. typhimurium: preincubation of Cr6+ in gastric juice at pH 1.3,
in heated gastric juice at pH 1.3, and in gastric juice adjusted to pH 7.4 resulted
in 318 + 28, 342 + 31, and 454 2 34 revertants to histidine prototrophy, re-
spectively, whereas preincubation in phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.4 and in

sodium chloride adjusted to pH 1.3 resulted in 890 ? 42 and 823 * 37 revertants,

respectively. There is apparently a thermoresistant factor in human gastric juice
that inactivates Cr6+, possibly by reducing it to Cr3+, and whose inactivating
ability is greater at pH 1.3 than at pH 7.4 (deFlora and Boido, 1980). Chromates
have been associated primarily with respiratory cancer in human beings (Enter-
line, 1974), and the inactivation of chromates by human gastric juice may explain
the lack of an association between chromates and stomach cancer (deFlora and
Boido, 1980). Another beneficial result of the reduction of Cr6+ to Cr3+ is that
Cr3+ is only poorly absorbed from the intestines (Donaldson and Barreras, 1%6).
The mutagenicity of heavy metals is influenced by complexing organics, as is
their toxicity (Babich and Stotzky, 1980a, 1983a, b; Jakobsen and Eik-nes, 1982;
Stotzky and Babich, 1980, 1983, 1984; Sugawara er al., 1983). The mutagenicity
of Cr6+ was decreased, as assayed with the B. subtilis ret-assay, by increasing
concentrations of the chelating agents, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA),
salicylate, or Tiron (disodium-1,2-dihydroxybenzene-3,5disulfonate). However,
as Cr6+ was assayed as the anionic complex, Cr,O:-, and as chelating agents
interact only with cations, the protective effect of these chelators on the muta-
genicity of Cr,O:- could not have resulted from a direct interaction between the
chelator and the anionic complex of Cr. The chelators apparently reduced Cr6+
to Cr’+, which, as a cation, was then chelated. However, salicyiate and citrate,
both acting as chelators, induced a small mutagenic response with Cr3+, which
usually is not mutagenic, in the B. subtilis ret-assay. Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA),
EDTA, Tiron, pyrophosphate, and acetate did not induce the mutagenicity of
Cr3+ (Gentile et al., 1981).
Seventeen Cr3 + -containing compounds were tested for their DNA-damaging
capabilities using an E. co/i differential repair assay and for their mutagenic-
ity using the S. typhimurium reversion assay. CrCI,, K3[Cr(oxylate),],
[Cr(NH3),H,0Cl]C1z, [Cr(NH3),oxylatelN03. [Cr(NH3)4Cl,lCl, [Cr(NH3)5CllC12,
K,[Cr(CN),], cis-[Cr(ethylenediamine)+&]Cl, and [Cr(NH3),H,0)]C13 were neg-
ative in both assays; cis-[Cr( 1, 10-phenanthroline)zCIZ]C1, cis-[Cr(bipyridine), oxy-
late]I, cis-[Cr(bipyridine)2ClZ]C1, and [Cr(urea),]Cl, were active in both assays;
and [Cr(ethylenediamine)31(SCN),, [Cr(ethylenediamine),]C13, [Cr( 1,2-propanedia-
mine),]Cl,, and trans-[Cr(ethylenediamine)&SCN),]SCN were less active in the
differential repair assay and negative in the mutation assay (Warren et al., 1981).
In a subsequent study, fifteen Co3 + -containing compounds were testing for their
mutagenicity and DNA-damaging properties. truns-[Co(4-picoline),C12]Cl, cis-
[Cot 1, IO-phenanthroline),oxylate]Cl, and cis-[Co( 1, IO-phenanthroline),C1,]Cl
were active in both assays; (+)-[Co(ethylenediamine)$1,, (+)-[Co(eth-
ylenediamine)3]13, ( - )-[Co(ethylenediamine),ll,, [cO(NH3),]c13, and [Co( 1 ,%-pro-
panediamine),]Cl, were active only in the DNA-repair assay; [Co(ethylene-
diamine),oxylate]Cl, (-) - [Co(ethylenediamine],oxylate]Cl, cis - [Co(ethylenedia-
mine),Cl,]Cl, truns-[Co(ethylenediamine),Clz]Cl, [runs-[Co(pyridine),CIZ]Cl,
and cis-[Co(2,2’-bipyridine)&lZ]C1 were only slightly active in the DNA-repair
assay and were not active as mutagens. truns-[Co(3-picoline),C12]Cl was the only
complex that was active in the Salmonella mutagenicity assay, but it was inactive
in the E. coli differential repair assay (Schultz et al., 1982).

The genotoxicity of heavy metals is apparently not necessarily decreased by

their interaction with organics. Heavy metals probably exist in biological systems
predominantly as metal-organic complexes, as a result of their interactions with
numerous organic molecules that possess moieties capable of chelation (e.g.,
carboxyl and amino groups) and binding (e.g., sulfhydryl groups). Chelation may
facilitate the transport of heavy metals to or from vulnerable target sites or hinder
those intracellular interactions that ultimately lead to cancer. The “carcinogenic
heavy metals” have the ability-via chelation or mixed (ternary) complex for-
mation-to interact with DNA and other nuclear constituents and to alter cellular
properties, such as membrane integrity. Some important factors controlling the
formation and activity of metal chelates in biological systems include: (1) intrinsic
stability of the chelate-metal complex, (2) chelate-metal ratios, (3) stability of
the chelate-metal complex as a function of pH, (4) competition from other metals
and ligands, both endogenous and exogenous, (5) overall charge and lipophilicity,
and (6) rates of chelate formation and hydrolysis of heavy metals (e.g., Cr un-
dergoes a series of reactions with water to form complex anionic species, such
as Cr,O:-). Furthermore, heavy metal ions in biological systems usually combine
simultaneously with two different ligands (i.e., ternary complexes). For example,
Cu2+ is bound simultaneously to two different amino acids in serum, with the
most usual mixed complex being Cu-histidine-cysteine (Martell, 1981; Schubert,
1981). The chemical properties of such ternary speciation complexes may have
a marked effect on the ability of a heavy metal ion to interact with target mole-
cules and cause a genotoxic or carcinogenic effect.
In natural environments, heavy metals are also complexed with organics, both
soluble (e.g., chelators) and particulate. For example, the humic acids present in
soils (Stevenson, 1972) and those occurring in freshwater (Wilson, 1978) and
marine (Rashid, 1971) sediments and in the aqueous phase of aquatic environ-
ments are capable of complexing variable amounts of metals. Chelated heavy
metals are usually less toxic than the free forms of the same heavy metals (see
Table 1 to 3; Cantilena and Klassen, 1981, 1982a, b; Babich and Stotzky, 1983e;
Planas-Bohne and Lehmann, 1983). However, no research has yet evaluated the
influence of organics occurring in natural environments on the genotoxicity of
heavy metals. Although the studies of Gentile et al. (1981), Warren ef al. (1981),
and Schultz et al. (1982) mentioned above indicate that, in general, chelation
reduces the mutagenicity of heavy metals, some exceptions were noted (e.g.,
citrate activated the mutagenicity of Cr3+). The organics present in tissue culture
and microbial assay media bind heavy metals (Ramamoorthy and Kushner, 1975),
thereby also reducing the reliability of standardized microbial mutagenicity and
tissue culture clastogenicity assays for detecting the mutagenesis and clasto-
genesis of heavy metals (McCann et al., 1975).
Inorganic cations and anions mediate the toxicity of heavy metals (Tables 1 to
3), and thus, they have the potential of affecting the genotoxicity of heavy metals.
It has been suggested (McCann er al., 1975) that the inorganic composition of
microbiological and tissue culture assay media is another factor that reduces the
reliability of standardized microbial mutagenicity and tissue culture clastogenicity
assays for detecting the genotoxicity of heavy metals. The cations normally

present in the assay media (e.g., Ca*+ and Mg*+) may reduce the genotoxicity
of heavy metals, as competition for sites on cell surfaces between essential cations
and the cationic speciation form(s) of heavy metals affects the extent of uptake
of the heavy metals by the cells. For example, the uptake of Cd*+ and Ni*+ by
E. co/i was reduced by Mg*+ (Abelson and Aldous, 1950). Essential inorganic
anions in the media also mediate the bioavailability of heavy metals. PO:- and
CO:- interact with the cationic form of heavy metals to form insoluble precipi-
tates, which are unavailable for uptake by the biota. For example, the cytotoxicity
of Pb to fungi was reduced in the presence of PO:- and CO:-, presumably due
to the formation of insoluble Pb3(P0,), and PbCO, (Babich and Stotzky, 1979a).
Furthermore, essential inorganic anions in the media may also compete with those
heavy metals that occur as anionic complex ions for sites on cell surfaces: e.g.,
SOi- reduced the uptake of CrOz- by human leukocytes (Jennette, 1981).
The effects of essential inorganic cations and anions on the genotoxicity of
heavy metals are not unique to microbiological and tissue culture assay media,
but they are applicable also to natural environments and to the various fluids and
tissues of the human body. The soil solution is essentially a weak electrolyte
composed of a variety of inorganic cations and anions of different valences
(Stotzky, 1972). Studies with terrestrial plants have noted that increasing the
concentration of potassium (K+), Ca*+, or Zn*+ decreased the uptake of Cd*+
(see Babich and Stotzky, 1978a). In fresh waters, CO:- and SOi- are the dom-
inant anions and Mg*+ and Ca* + the dominant cations, comprising 48 and 15%,
respectively, of the total cations in soft waters and 53 and 34%, respectively, in
hard waters (Reid, 1961). The toxicity of heavy metals is dependent on the hard-
ness of fresh water, with toxicity decreasing as hardness is increased (Table 1 and
2). The relation between water hardness and the genotoxicity of heavy metals in
aquatic environments has not been studied.
Seawater is a strong electrolyte solution (essentially a 3.5% salt solution), con-
sisting of 19.39 g/kg chloride (Cl-), 10.77 g/kg sodium (Na+). 2.71 g/kg SO:-,
1.30 g/kg Mg2+, 0.409 g/kg Ca*+, 0.388 g/kg Kf. and 0.23 g/kg CO:- (Tait and
desanto, 1972). The ameliorating effects of seawater on Ni toxicity to marine
fungi was related to the high concentration of Mg*+, which apparently competi-
tively inhibited uptake of Ni*+ by the fungi (Babich and Stotzky, 1983e). Cll,
the dominant inorganic ion in seawater, affects the speciation of some heavy
metals: e.g., in seawater, Hg occurs as a mixture of HgCl 7 and HgCli- and Cd
as a mixture of CdCl+, CdCl,, and CdCl; (Hahne and Kroontje, 1973). Although
there appear to be no studies on the comparative mutagenicities of Hg and Cd in
aquatic environments having different chlorinity (i.e., salinity), toxicity studies
have shown that Hg and Cd are less toxic in marine than in fresh waters, with
the differences in toxicity being correlated with the speciation forms of the heavy
metals; i.e., mixtures of HgClj and HgCli- and of CdCl+, CdCl,, and CdClj
were less toxic than the divalent cationic forms of Hg and Cd (Babich and Stotzky,
1979b, 1982~). In contrast, the clastogenicity of heavy metals appears to be
greater in the anionic than in the cationic form. For example, in FM3A cells
derived from a mouse mammary carcinoma, MnO, produced a greater number

of chromosomal aberrations than did Mn 2+; Ni(CN)i- induced a significant in-

crease, but Ni2+ only slightly increased the number of chromosomal aberrations;
and CrOi- and Cr,O:- induced large numbers of chromosomal aberrations, in-
cluding breaks and exchanges, whereas Cr3 + only produced a minor increase in
these aberrations (Umeda and Nishimura, 1979). However, the lower clastoge-
nicity of the cationic forms of the heavy metals may have resulted, as already
noted with microbial mutagenicity assays (McCann et al., 1975), from complex-
ation with organics, precipitation by PO:-, or competition by essential cations
in the tissue culture media.
The inorganic composition of various human tissues and fluids may affect the
speciation of heavy metals and, therefore, may influence their genotoxicity. For
example, the high Cl concentration in gastric juice, as a result of the secretion
of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells, may result in the formation of metal-
Cl complexes. The inorganic ionic composition of the various body fluids and
tissues may have a differential effect on the potential genotoxicity of some heavy
metals. The concentrations of Na+, K+, CaZf, Mg2+, Cl-, HCO;, and PO:-
in plasma are 142, 4, 5, 2, 102, 26, and 2 meg/l, respectively: in interstitial fluid,
they are 145, 4, 4, 1, 116, 29, and 2 meq/l, respectively (Ruth and Patton, 1966);
whereas in urine, they are 128, 60, 5, 115, 134, 14, and 50 meq/l, respectively
(Guyton, 1971). In biological fluids and tissues, these ions may compete with
heavy metals for complexation with organics. For example, although the forma-
tion constant of the Hg-EDTA complex is high (& = 1028), EDTA is an ineffective
chelator of Hg in plasma, as a result of the competition of H+ and Ca2+ for EDTA
and of hydroxyl ions (OH-) and serum albumin for Hg2+ (Schubert, 1981).
The inorganic mineral content in the organism also appears to affect the ge-
notoxicity of heavy metals. For example, Zn protected against Cd-induced for-
mation of (1) interstitial cell tumors in mouse and rat testes (Gunn et al., 1963,
1964), (2) pleomorphic sarcomas in rats at the subcutaneous site of Cd adminis-
tration (Gunn et al., 1964), and (3) teratogenicity in chicks (Narbaitz et al., 1983)
and hamsters (Ferm and Carpenter, 1968; Ferm, 1971). Selenium (Se) protected
against Cd-induced teratogenicity in hamsters (Holmberg and Ferm, 1969).
An important factor that determines the genotoxicity of some heavy metals is
their valence, which may be influenced by the physicochemical characteristics
of the assay media (Babich et al., 1982b), of various biological fluids and tissues
(deFlora, 1978; Petrilli and deFlora, 1978a; deFlora and Boido, 1980; deFlora et
al., 1982), and of natural environments (Cranston and Murray, 1978; Babich and
Stotzky, 1980b). For example, the mediation of heavy metal-induced mutagenicity
in in vitro assays by the physicochemical characteristics that exist in the fluids
and tissues of the human body and its relevance to in vivo carcinogenicity is best
illustrated with Cr. Cr6+ is mutagenic in vitro, but its in vitro metabolic conversion
to Cr3+ eliminates its mutagenicity. Preincubation of Cr6+ in human gastric juice
or saliva presumably reduces it to Cr3+, which may explain the lack of an asso-
ciation between exposures to chromates and stomach cancer in human beings.
These reductive processes and the poor absorption of Cr3+ by the intestine appear
to be beneficial detoxification mechanisms for swallowed Cr6+. The in vitro mu-

tagenicity of Cr6+ was also decreased in the presence of lysates of human eryth-
rocytes but not in the presence of human serum or plasma. Inasmuch as Cr6+
entering the blood stream is concentrated in erythrocytes, its reduction to Cr3+
within these cells results in detoxification during transport via the blood to other
tissues and probably explains the lack of carcinogenicity of Cr compounds at a
distance from their site of administration into laboratory animals. Conversely, the
microsomal fraction from rat lung had an extremely poor inactivating effect on
the in vitro mutagenicity of Cr6+, which correlated with the selective localization
of chromate-induced tumors in the lungs of individuals exposed to Cr in the
workplace. A comparison of microsomal fractions prepared from different tissues
of Aroclor-treated rats showed the following sequence in their ability to reduce
Cr6+ to Cr3+: liver > suprarenal glands > kidney > testis > stomach > lung,
with the spleen, bladder, colon, and striated muscle showing no ability to reduce
Cr6+ to Cr3+ and, thereby, to decrease its in vitro mutagenicity. The lack of
reduction in the in vitro mutagenicity of Cr6+ by microsomal fractions from
striated muscle may explain the development of tumors at the usual site of ap-
plication of Cr6+ m . experimental animals (Petrilli and deFlora, 1978a. b, 1982.
1983; deFlora and Boido, 1980).
The oxidation-reduction potential (Et,) of the environment also can influence
the valence of some heavy metals. For example, in the oxygenated part of the
fjord of Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Cr occurred as Cr6+, whereas in the
anoxic zone, it occurred as Cr 3+ (Cranston and Murray, 1978). Studies of the
speciation of.Cr in the Columbia River and estuary, in the Washington/Oregon
area, showed that CrOi- accounted for >90% of the dissolved Cr, with Cr3+
accounting for only about 3% of the dissolved Cr. Cr (valence undefined) also
occurred bound to particulates, with such bound Cr accounting for about 35% of
the total Cr in river samples and up to 69% in samples of estuarine waters (Cran-
ston and Murray, 1980). As chromosomal aberrations were induced in fish main-
tained in Cr6+-amended waters (Krishnaja and Rege, 1982). the effect of Eh on
the genotoxicity of Cr to the biota in aquatic environments polluted with heavy
metals requires further study. In soils, Cr occurs as Cr3+ or Cr6+ (Bartlett and
James, 1979), with interconversions between the two valences being dependent
on the E,, and the binding of the metals to organic matter (James and Bartlett,
1983a) and other soil colloids (James and Bartlett, 1983b).
In addition to being exposed to natural background levels of heavy metals,
considerable additional exposure of human beings may also occur from both
occupational and environmental pollution. Emissions from automobiles, from the
combustion of coal and oil, and from mining and other industrial activities contain
complex mixtures of heavy metals and some incompletely combusted organ&.
Interactions between these compounds occur and increase the risk of adverse
health effects. However, knowledge about these types of interactions and their
health effects is limited, although there is some information on the effects of
interactions between heavy metals in carcinogenesis. As already noted, Zn an-
tagonized the development of Cd-induced interstitial cell tumors in mouse and
rat testes and the development of pleomorphic sarcomas in rats at the subcuta-
neous site of Cd injection (Gunn et al., 1963, 1964). The carcinogenic effect of

Ni was antagonized by Mn, whereas a synergistic interaction occurred between

Ni and organic carcinogens (e.g., benzo(a)pyrene) (Nordberg and Andersen,
1981). Whereas Zn protected against Cd-induced teratogenesis in hamsters (Ferm
and Carpenter, 1967, 1968) and chicks (Narbaitz et al., 1983), Pb interacted syn-
ergistically with Cd in their teratogenicity to hamsters (Ferm, 1961).
Similarly, not much is known about the effects of interactions between multiple
heavy metals and between heavy metals and other pollutants in inducing muta-
genesis and clastogenesis. Hg 2+ did not enhance the DNA-damaging effect of
Cr6+ in the B. subtilis ret-assay (Matsui, 1980). As assayed with S. typhimurium
and E. coli, Cr6+ enhanced the mutagenicity of 9-aminoacridine and sodium azide
but not of ethyl methanesulfonate (LaVelle, 1983), and Co2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+,
and Zn2+ enhanced the mutagenic effect of cis-.5,6-dihydro-6-hydroperoxy-5-hy-
droxythymine on transforming DNA of Hemophilus influenza (Thomas et al.,
1976). Although Cd2+ did not, whereas dimethyl nitrosamine (DMN) did, exhibit
mutagenicity in the micronucleus test using the ddY strain of mice, synergism of
mutagenicity occurred when Cd2+ and DMN were applied together (Watanabe et
al., 1982). Selinite (SeO:-) antagonized the ability of Hg2+ and methyl Hg+ to
induce sister-chromatid exchanges in human whole-blood cultures (Morimoto et
al., 1982). Cu2+, Fe3+, and Mn2+ enhanced the unscheduled DNA synthesis
induced by isoniazid and other hydrazines in cultured human fibroblasts (Whiting
et al., 1979). Benzo(u)pyrene did not affect Cr6+ -induced mutagenicity in S. ty-
phimurium, but the mutagenicity of Cr6+ was decreased by condensates from
cigarette smoke (Petrilli and deFlora, 1982). Cu2+ increased the induction of
sister-chromatid exchanges by sodium bisullite (NaHSO,) and ascorbic acid in
Chinese hamster cells (Macrae and Stich, 1979), increased the cytotoxic and
chromosome-damaging effects of ascorbic acid on human and rat cells cultured
in vitro (Stich et al., 1979), activated the mutagenic and cytotoxic effects of
ascrobic acid on S. typhimurium (Norkus et al., 1983), and activated the frag-
mentation by ascorbic acid of parental DNA in melanoma cells (Lonn and Lonn,
It is obvious from this review that to assay adequately the potential mutage-
nicity and clastogenicity and, thus, to predict accurately the potential carcino-
genicity and teratogenicity of heavy metals, it is essential that in addition to using
a battery of assays, the physicochemical characteristics of the assay media be
varied to reflect the abiotic properties of different environments in the biosphere
and the various microenvironments (i.e., tissues and fluids) of the human body.
The potential carcinogenicity and teratogenicity of heavy metals evaluated only
with standardized mutagenicity or clastogenicity assays may yield false negative
results simply because the conditions of the assays were inadequate to reflect
those in the “real world.”
It has been estimated that 70,000 chemicals are in use and that 700 to 3000 new
chemicals will be introduced each year in the United States. The task of thor-
oughly testing all these chemicals for their potential adverse environmental and
human health effects is enormous (Hoffmann, 1982)-but obviously essential.
With the adoption of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA), the
Congress of the United States mandated the regulation, by the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA), of the manufacture, processing, distribution,
commercial use, labeling, and disposal of chemicals on the basis of “unreasonable
risk” of injury to the health of human beings and to aquatic and terrestrial en-
vironments. Section 5 of TSCA requires manufacturers to submit to EPA a pre-
manufacture notice which specifies physicochemical testing and environmental
and health data before the manufacture of any “new chemical substance” or the
manufacture or processing of any existing chemical for a “significant new use.”
Congress was not specific about the types of data on environmental and health
effects that manufacturers must include in their premanufacture notice. However,
as guidance to manufacturers and to assure sufficient information for risk as-
sessments of these “new chemical substances,” EPA suggested “mutagenicity
data (screening tests),” which included studies of “gene (point) mutation,” with
the S. typhimurium reverse-mutation assay being preferred, and of “chromosome
aberrations,” with an in vitro mammalian cytotoxicity test being preferred (EPA,
These screening tests were recommended by EPA to provide information on
the genotoxicity of potential pollutants to human beings and to the biota in gen-
eral. However, the use of only standardized assay procedures greatly reduces the
reliability of these assays as accurate indicators and predictors of the potential
carcinogenicity and teratogenicity of chemicals, as the limited conditions used in
the assays may mask or inactivate the mutagenicity and clastogenicity of the
chemicals being evaluated. For example, the need of incorporating the mediating
influence of pH in genotoxicity screening assays (Leonardo and Peak, 1982), as
well as in toxicity testing (Stern and Walker, 1978; Babich and Stotzky, 1983a),
for environmental pollutants has been recognized.
The relatively few studies on the effects of physicochemical factors on the in
vitro mutagenicity of heavy metals have indicated that pH (Putrament et al.,
1975a), chelating agents (Gentile et al., 1981; Warren et al., 1981; Schultz et al.,
1982), and the valence (Nishioka, 1975) and speciation form of the heavy metals
(deFlora, 1978; Petrilli and deFlora, 1978a; deFlora and Boida, 1980; deFlora et
al., 1982) mediate their mutagenicity. Furthermore, the speciation form of heavy
metals influences their in vitro clastogenicity (Umeda and Nishimura, 1979), and
their in vivo carcinogenicity (Gunn et al., 1963, 1964) and teratogenicity (Ferm
and Carpenter, 1968; Ferm, 1971; Narbaitz et al., 1983) is influenced by the
inorganic mineral content of the test organism. These few studies, coupled with
numerous studies showing that the toxicity of heavy metals is mediated by the
various physicochemical factors of natural environments (Tables 1 and 2) and of
the human body (Table 3; Petrilli and deFlora, 1982, 1983), clearly suggest the
need to evaluate further the influence of such abiotic factors on heavy metal-
induced in vitro mutagenicity and clastogenicity and in vivo carcinogenicity and
The mutagenicity and clastogenicity of heavy metals determined only with
standardized assays may yield false negative results only because the conditions
of the assay did not reflect the actual conditions in the in vivo biologic system or
in the natural environment. Just as the in vifro and in vivo toxicities of heavy
metals to microbes and to the macrobiota are influenced by such abiotic factors

(see Babich and Stotzky, 1978, 1980a, b, 1983a, b; Stotzky and Babich, 1980,
1985a, 1985b), the mutagenicity and clastogenicity of heavy metals are undoubt-
edly also mediated by such physicochemical environmental variables.

This review was supported, in part, by Grant 808329 from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the Agency.

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