Amputaciones de La Ext Inferior
Amputaciones de La Ext Inferior
Amputaciones de La Ext Inferior
Lower limb amputations are the most common of all ampu- Younger patients with traumatic amputations or amputa-
tations. Despite advances in revascularization techniques, tions required for tumor treatment are more successful with
the most common indication for lower extremity amputation prosthetic use than are patients with amputations of dysvascu-
remains a dysvascular limb, including that caused by diabe- lar limbs; dialysis patients are even less successful with pros-
tes mellitus and peripheral vascular disease. Peripheral vas- theses. In dysvascular limbs, the level of amputation is critical
cular disease from all causes affects over 8 million Americans. because of poor wound healing. The most distal level should
The rate of lower extremity amputation in this population is be chosen where the wound will have the best chance of heal-
around 4 per 1000. Amputation of the contralateral limb is ing. This decision process can be augmented using clinical
necessary within 5 years in 30% to 50% of patients who have tools such as transcutaneous oxygen tension, determining the
an amputation of a dysvascular lower limb. Twenty percent of nutritional status of patients (albumin level of >3 g/dL, lym-
below-knee amputations are converted to above-knee ampu- phocyte count of >1500/mL) and preoperative medical frailty.
tations. Over 50% of nontraumatic amputations occur from Amputation should not be viewed as a failed limb sal-
diabetes-related pathology. In the diabetic population, first- vage or reconstruction. The amputation must be viewed as
year mortality rates after amputation are reported to be as high an opportunity to reestablish or enhance a patient’s func-
as 40%, while overall mortality rates range from 60% to 70%. tional level and facilitate a return to near-normal locomotion.
The number of amputations for causes other than diabe- Transtibial amputation after failed attempted limb preserva-
tes and vascular disease, such as tumors and infection, has tion can still be successful in improving pain, decreasing nar-
decreased in the United States because of surgical and medi- cotic use, and improving function. This is especially true in
cal advances. In war-torn countries, improvised explosive the young, highly active trauma population. Meticulous sur-
devices and land mines continue to be frequent causes of gical attention is necessary to provide an optimal base of sup-
traumatic amputations. Also, a high rate of combat-related port because the residual limb functions as a “sensorimotor
lower extremity amputations remains in the military popula- end organ” with tolerance requirements at the stump-pros-
tion. Current level I and II studies are underway to investigate thesis interface to meet the dynamic weight-bearing chal-
optimal lower extremity amputation techniques in this highly lenges of ambulation. Anesthesia pain specialty teams often
active population. are helpful in the management of postoperative pain.
We advocate a multidisciplinary approach to the medi- Developments in the prosthetic field range from early-stage
cal management of lower extremity amputations. Diabetic fitting techniques (computer-assisted stump contour scanning)
patients and those with vascular insufficiency who have had to the use of advanced prosthetic components (lighter materi-
lower extremity amputation demonstrate high rates of 30-day als, silicone gel liners, computer-assisted knee units, suspension
mortality, stump complications, and hospital readmissions. device alternatives, and ankle-foot accommodative and energy
Associated coronary artery disease and end-stage renal dis- storage systems). Osseointegrated prosthetic components have
ease are predictors for perioperative medical complications been investigated over the past several decades in transfemoral
and hospital readmissions. and transtibial amputees. Potential advantages include improved
The level of amputation is always a difficult decision and quality of life and body image, increased proximal joint range
has a major effect on a patient’s quality of life. Morbidity is of motion, greater prosthetic comfort, better osseoperception,
more frequent after transfemoral amputations than after trans- and improved walking ability. Minor complications include
tibial amputations. Energy expenditure is an important con- frequent superficial infections and stump irritation, and rare
sideration in choosing the level of amputation. The increased major complications include deep infection, osteomyelitis, peri-
energy consumption of bipedal locomotion for transtibial implant fracture, and failure of osseointegration. Tillander et al.
amputees ranges from 40% to 50%, compared with 90% to reported a 20% cumulative risk of developing osteomyelitis.
100% in transfemoral amputees. Patients with transfemoral
amputations are less likely to use a prosthesis successfully and
consistently than are patients with more distal amputations. FOOT AND ANKLE AMPUTATIONS
Higher-level amputations, even in children, are associated Amputations around the foot and ankle are discussed in
with a decline in physical function and quality of life. Chapter 15.
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Descargado para Roberto Eljadue ([email protected]) en University of Cartagena de por Elsevier en mayo 09, 2021. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
mark the periosteum with a cut to establish a point for a level just proximal to the level of intended bone section.
future measurement. Exert gentle traction on the nerve and divide it proximally
mally as in the anterior incision (see Fig 16.2A). gin 1.9 cm proximal to the level of the bone section and
Deepen the posterior incision down through the deep fas-
n cut obliquely distalward to cross this level 0.5 cm anterior
cia, but do not separate the skin or deep fascia from the to the medullary cavity.
underlying muscle. Section the tibia transversely and section the fibula 1.2 cm
Reflect as a single layer with the anterior flap the deep fascia
n proximally.
and periosteum over the anteromedial surface of the tibia. Grasp their distal segments with a bone-holding forceps
Amputation 4 cm
8 cm
Skin flap
A 4 cm
FIGURE 16.2 Amputation through middle third of leg for nonischemic limbs. A, Fashioning
of equal anterior and posterior skin flaps, each one half anteroposterior diameter of leg at level of
bone section. B, Fashioning of posterior myofascial flap. C, Suture of myofascial flap to periosteum
anteriorly. SEE TECHNIQUE 16.1.
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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
0.6 cm distal to the level of bone section so that they sected tibia; with a burr, create notches in the fibula and
retract flush with the end of the bone. This exposes the tibia for placement of the cut fibular autograft strut (Fig.
posterior tibial and peroneal vessels and the tibial nerve 16.3C,D).
lying on the gastrocnemius-soleus muscle group. Doubly Drill holes to accommodate heavy suture passage: two in
ligate and divide the vessels and section the nerve so that the medial tibia, two in the medial fibular autograft, two
its cut end retracts well proximal to the end of the bone. in the lateral fibular autograft, and two in the distal fibula
With a large amputation knife, bevel the gastrocnemius-
n (screw fixation may alternatively be used; Fig. 16.3E).
soleus muscle mass so that it forms a myofascial flap long Secure the autograft strut with heavy suture and sew the
enough to reach across the end of the tibia to the anterior tibial periosteal sleeve around the strut distally. Autogenous
fascia (Fig. 16.2B). bone graft may augment the distal bone bridge if necessary.
Smoothly round the ends of the tibia and fibula with a
n Release the tourniquet and achieve hemostasis.
rasp and irrigate the wound to remove all bone dust. Mobilize the peroneal musculature distally to cover the
of the bones and suture it to the deep fascia and the periosteum and close the subcutaneous tissues. Use non-
periosteum anteriorly (Fig. 16.2C). absorbable stitches in a mattress fashion to close the skin.
Place a plastic suction drainage tube deep to the muscle
flap and fascia and bring it out laterally through the skin
10 to 12 cm proximal to the end of the stump.
Fashion the skin flaps as necessary for smooth closure
without tension and suture them together with inter- REHABILITATION IN NONISCHEMIC LIMBS
rupted nonabsorbable sutures. Rehabilitation after transtibial amputation in a nonisch-
emic limb is fairly aggressive unless the patient is immu-
nocompromised, there are skin graft issues, or there are
concomitant injuries or medical conditions that preclude
early initiation of physical therapy. An immediate post-
operative rigid dressing helps control edema, limits knee
TECHNIQUE 16.2 flexion contracture, and protects the limb from external
(MODIFIED ERTL; TAYLOR AND POKA) A prosthetist can be helpful with such casting and can
Place the patient supine on a radiolucent bed; a tourni-
n apply a jig that allows attachment and alignment for early
quet is used for hemostasis. pylon use. Weight bearing is limited initially, with bilateral
Make an anterior incision at the level of the intended tibial
n upper extremity support from parallel bars, a walker, or
resection and a posterior flap incision. The posterior flap crutches. The dressing is changed every 5 to 7 days for skin
should measure 1 cm more than the diameter of the leg care. Within 3 to 4 weeks, the rigid dressing can be changed to
at the level of bone division (Fig. 16.3A). a removable temporary prosthesis if there are no skin compli-
Sharply incise the anterior compartment fascia, transect
n cations. The patient is shown the proper use of elastic wrap-
the musculature of the anterior compartment, and ligate ping or a stump shrinker to control edema and help contour
the anterior neurovascular bundle. the residual limb when not wearing the prosthesis. The phys-
Identify the saphenous nerve, transect it proximally under
n iatrist and therapist can assist in monitoring progress through
tension, and allow it to retract. the various transitions of temporary prosthetics to the per-
Identify the tibial resection site and elevate an osteoperi-
n manent design, which may take several months. Endoskeletal
osteal sleeve proximal to the intended transection level designs have been more frequently used because modifi-
both anteriorly and posteriorly before making the tibial cations are simpler. Formal inpatient rehabilitation is brief,
cut (Fig. 16.3B). with most prosthetic training done on an outpatient basis.
Measure the medial-to-lateral distance between the tibia
n A program geared toward returning the patient to his or her
and fibula at the area of transection and transect the previous occupation, hobbies, and educational pursuits can
peroneal muscle and fibula at this distance distal to the be structured with the help of a social worker, occupational
transected tibia. therapist, and vocational counselor.
Transect the peroneal musculature and ligate the lateral
Descargado para Roberto Eljadue ([email protected]) en University of Cartagena de por Elsevier en mayo 09, 2021. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
FIGURE 16.3 Modified Ertl technique. A, Skin incision marked to create long posterior flap.
B, Elevation of osteoperiosteal flap from the tibia. C, Provisional notch created in distal tibia and
fibula for fibular strut. D, Fibular strut placed into the tibial and fibular notches. E, Fibular strut
secured via sutures through bone tunnels. (A, B, and E, From: Taylor BC, Poka A: Osteomyoplastic
transtibial amputation: the Ertl technique, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 24:259, 2016. C and D, From Taylor BC,
Poka A: Osteomyoplastic transtibial amputation: technique and tips, J Orthop Surg Res 6:13, 2011.) SEE
as described by Persson, skew flaps, and long medial flaps to concerns of blood flow restriction. However, recent data
are being used. All techniques stress the need for preserving demonstrate that the Ertl procedure may be safe in these
intact the vascular connections between skin and muscle by high-risk patients.
avoiding dissection along tissue planes and by constructing Traditionally, tourniquets have not been used in the
myocutaneous flaps. Also, amputations performed in isch- amputation of dysvascular limbs to avoid damage to more
emic limbs are customarily at a higher level (e.g., 10 to 12.5 proximal diseased arteries. However, recent studies (includ-
cm distal to the joint line) than amputations in nonischemic ing randomized controlled trials) demonstrate decreased
limbs. Tension myodesis and osteomyoplasty, which may blood loss, decreased postoperative transfusion rates, and no
be of value in young, vigorous patients, historically have increased risk of vascular or wound complications with the
been contraindicated in patients with ischemic limbs due use of a tourniquet.
Descargado para Roberto Eljadue ([email protected]) en University of Cartagena de por Elsevier en mayo 09, 2021. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
higher, section the fibula. Dissect the soft tissues from the pos-
TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTATION USING terior aspect of the tibia and fibula distally to the level of the
LONG POSTERIOR SKIN FLAP posterior transverse skin division and separate and remove the
leg, ligating and dividing the nerves and vessels (Fig. 16.4B).
TECHNIQUE 16.3 Carefully round the tibia and form a short bevel on its
8.8 to 12.5 cm level
Skin flap
amputation level
0.9 to 1.3 cm
A 12.5 to 15 cm
FIGURE 16.4 Transtibial amputation in ischemic limbs. A, Fashioning of short anterior and
long posterior skin flaps. B, Separation and removal of distal leg. Muscle mass is tailored to form
flaps. C, Suture of flap to deep fascia and periosteum anteriorly. (Redrawn from Burgess EM, Zettl
JH: Amputations below the knee, Artif Limbs 13:1, 1969.) SEE TECHNIQUE 16.3.
Descargado para Roberto Eljadue ([email protected]) en University of Cartagena de por Elsevier en mayo 09, 2021. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
and accompanying medical conditions. Initial postoperative skin incisions allow greater use of this amputation level in
efforts are centered on skin healing. After transtibial amputa- patients with ischemia. In nonambulatory patients, addi-
tion, a soft dressing can be applied but a rigid dressing is pre- tional extremity length provides adequate sitting support
ferred and can be used regardless of whether early ambulation and balance. Knee flexion contractures and associated distal
is prescribed. If immediate or prompt prosthetic ambulation ulcers common with transtibial amputations also are avoided.
is not to be pursued, the stump can be dressed in a simple,
well-padded cast that extends proximally to midthigh and is
applied in such a manner as to avoid proximal constriction of
the limb. Good suspension of the cast is essential to prevent it
from slipping distally and impairing stump circulation. This KNEE DISARTICULATION
may require compressive contouring of the cast in the supra-
condylar area and a waist band, suspension strap, or both. The TECHNIQUE 16.4
cast should be removed in 5 to 7 days; and if wound healing is
satisfactory, a new rigid dressing or prosthetic cast is applied. (BATCH, SPITTLER, AND MCFADDIN)
If immediate or prompt prosthetic ambulation is pursued, a Measuring from the inferior pole of the patella, fashion
properly constructed prosthetic cast is best applied by a quali- a long, broad anterior flap about equal in length to the
fied prosthetist. Success of rehabilitation depends on multiple diameter of the knee (Fig. 16.5A).
variables, including cognitive status, premorbid functional Measuring from the level of the popliteal crease, fashion
level, condition of the upper extremities and contralateral a short posterior flap equal in length to one half of the
lower limb, and coexisting medical and neurologic condi- diameter of the knee. Place the lateral ends of the flaps
tions. Early rehabilitation efforts may be geared toward inde- at the level of the tibial condyles.
pendence in a wheelchair, stump care education, skin care Deepen the anterior incision through the deep fascia to
techniques to avoid decubitus ulcers, care of the contralateral the bone and dissect the anterior flap from the tibia and
intact lower limb, and preprosthetic general conditioning. adjacent muscle. Include in the flap the insertion of the
Weight bearing on the residual limb is usually delayed until patellar tendon and the pes anserinus (Fig. 16.5B).
skin healing has progressed. If a more aggressive approach is Expose the knee joint by dissecting the capsule from the
taken toward prosthetic training, more frequent rigid dress- anterior and lateral margins of the tibia; divide the cruci-
ing changes are recommended and possibly the use of clear ate ligaments, and dissect the posterior capsule from the
sockets to allow monitoring of the skin. Some patients may tibia (Fig. 16.5C).
require further medical evaluation and clearance (e.g., chemi- Identify the tibial nerve, gently pull it distally, and divide it
cally induced cardiac stress test or echocardiogram or vas- proximally so that it retracts well proximal to the level of
cular studies of the contralateral limb) to evaluate tolerance amputation (Fig. 16.5D).
for prosthetic training. A pain management specialist may be Identify, doubly ligate, and divide the popliteal vessels.
needed to help treat postoperative phantom limb pain. Many Free the biceps tendon from the fibula, complete the am-
patients receive inpatient rehabilitation training with subse- putation posteriorly, and remove the leg.
quent therapy on an outpatient basis or in an extended-care Do not excise the patella or attempt to fuse it to the
facility or home health setting. Proposed rehabilitation goals femoral condyles. Do not disturb the articular cartilage of
also dictate which prosthetic components would be approved the femoral condyles and patella. Perform a synovectomy
by insurance carriers. only if specifically indicated.
Suture the patellar tendon to the cruciate ligaments and
stump. Newer socket designs and prosthetic knee mechanisms Close the deep fascia and subcutaneous tissues with
that provide swing phase control have improved function in absorbable sutures and the skin edges with interrupted
patients with knee disarticulation. Although the benefit of its nonabsorbable sutures.
use in children and young adults has been proven, its use in If sufficient skin for a loose closure is unavailable, resect the
the elderly and especially in patients with ischemia has been posterior part of the femoral condyles rather than risk loss
limited in the United States. Knee disarticulations are more of the skin flaps. The wound usually heals quickly, how-
commonly used in cases of trauma. Based on published data, ever, and a permanent prosthesis usually can be fitted in 6
it remains unclear if knee disarticulation provides additional to 8 weeks because shrinkage of the stump is not a factor.
functional benefit and improved complication rates com- If the wound fails to heal primarily, there is no reason for
pared to transfemoral amputation. apprehension or reamputation because it usually granu-
Potential advantages of knee disarticulation include (1) lates and heals satisfactorily without additional surgery.
preservation of the large end-bearing surfaces of the distal
femur covered by skin and other soft tissues that are natu-
rally suited for weight bearing, (2) creation of a long lever arm
controlled by strong muscles, and (3) stability of the prosthe- KNEE DISARTICULATION
sis. Techniques have been described for reducing the bulk of Mazet and Hennessy recommended a method that fea-
bone at the end of the stump to allow more cosmetic pros- tures resection of the protruding medial, lateral, and
thetic fitting while still retaining the weight-bearing, suspen- posterior surfaces of the femoral condyles for creating
sion, and rotational control features of the stump. Modified a knee disarticulation stump for which a more cosmeti-
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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Skin flap
10 cm incision
5 cm
Right leg
(medial view) Infrapatellar
fat pad
Anterior cruciate
Lateral head of
Tibial nerve
FIGURE 16.5 Disarticulation of knee joint. A, Skin incision. B, Anterior flap elevated, including
insertion of patellar tendon and pes anserinus. C, Cruciate ligaments and posterior capsule divided.
D, Tibial nerve divided high. E, Patellar tendon sutured to cruciate ligaments. SEE TECHNIQUE 16.4.
Descargado para Roberto Eljadue ([email protected]) en University of Cartagena de por Elsevier en mayo 09, 2021. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Lines of Line of
condylar condylar
remodeling remodeling
Skin Skin
incision incision
FIGURE 16.6 Mazet and Hennessy disarticulation of knee. A, Anterior view. B, Lateral view.
SEE TECHNIQUE 16.5. (Redrawn from Mazet R Jr, Hennessy CA: Knee disarticulation: a new technique and
a new knee-joint mechanism, J Bone Joint Surg 48A:126, 1966.)
cally acceptable prosthesis can be constructed. With this to the midpoint of the distal articular surface posteriorly
technique, tolerances within the socket are greater, more (the condyle is wider posteriorly). Discard the medial half
adduction of the stump is permitted in the alignment of of the condyle.
the prosthesis, and the decreased bulk of the stump per- Resect the lateral part of the lateral femoral condyle in
mits greater ease in the application and removal of the a similar manner, starting at the junction of the medial
prosthesis. The debulked stump requires smaller skin two thirds and lateral one third of the distal articular
flaps, which may be beneficial for wound healing in dys- surface.
vascular limbs. These patients may use a suction type Direct attention to the posterior aspect of both condyles.
prosthesis, which is less cumbersome to apply than a tra- Resect the posterior projecting bone by a vertical oste-
ditional above-knee amputation prosthesis and does not otomy in the frontal plane, starting at the point where
require removal for toileting needs. the condyles begin to curve sharply superiorly and pos-
TECHNIQUE 16.5 Smoothly round all bony prominences with a rasp, but
(Fig. 16.6). condylar notch under slight tension. Insert drains at each
Reflect the skin and deep fascia well proximal to the fem-
n end of the wound, and close the deep fascia and the skin
oral condyles. in separate layers.
Divide the patellar tendon midway between the patella
and the tibial tuberosity.
Flex the knee and section the collateral and cruciate liga-
Increase flexion of the knee to 90 degrees, identify and
ligate the popliteal vessels, and isolate and divide the tibial
Detach the hamstring muscles from their insertions and
remove the leg.
Dissect the patella from its tendon and discard it.
n With the patient prone on the operating table, outline a lat-
Remodel the femoral condyles in the following manner.
eral flap that is one half the anteroposterior diameter of the
Drive a wide osteotome vertically in a proximal direction
knee in length and a medial flap that is 2 to 3 cm longer to
through the medial femoral condyle to emerge at the
allow adequate coverage of the large medial femoral condyle
level of the adductor tubercle. Start this cut along a line
(Fig. 16.7). By constructing shorter medial and lateral flaps,
that extends from the medial articular margin anteriorly
Descargado para Roberto Eljadue ([email protected]) en University of Cartagena de por Elsevier en mayo 09, 2021. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
level Skin flap
FIGURE 16.9 Amputation through middle third of thigh. A, Incision and bone level. B, Myofas-
cial flap fashioned from quadriceps muscle and fascia. C, Adductor and hamstring muscles attached
to end of femur through holes drilled in bone. SEE TECHNIQUE 16.7.
Descargado para Roberto Eljadue ([email protected]) en University of Cartagena de por Elsevier en mayo 09, 2021. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.