Lab Report 02 PH Group 01

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Environmental Chemistry (ENE-213)

Course Instructor: Dr. Sofia Baig

Lab Report-02

Measurement of pH of Sample Solutions

Submitted To: Engr. Muhammad Irfan

Submitted By: Group-01

Arafat Abdullah Rehman
Faras Ahmad Shahbaz
Muhammad Momin
Haniya Zainab Siddique

National University of Sciences &Technology (NUST)

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (SCEE)
Institute of Environmental Sciences & Engineering (IESE)

Table of Contents

Objective: ............................................................................................................. 3
Theory .................................................................................................................. 3
Principle: .............................................................................................................. 3
Environmental Significance ............................................................................... 3
Apparatus and Chemicals .................................................................................. 4
Procedure:............................................................................................................ 4
Precautions .......................................................................................................... 4
Readings and Calculations ................................................................................. 4
Conclusion: .......................................................................................................... 5
References ............................................................................................................ 5

Measurement of pH of a water sample


 Understanding of basic concepts associated with pH and its measurement.

 How to properly measure the pH of a sample solution.
 Introduction to pH meter.


pH is a quantitative unit that describes the degree of acidity or basicity of a substance.

It is formally defined as the negative logarithm of concentration of effectiveHydrogen
ions {pH = -log[H+]} present. It is measured between a range of 0 – 14, where pH=0
represents highly acidic solution and pH=14 represents highly basic sample. A
substance or sample which is neutral in nature has a pH = 7. The pH of a sample is
affected by the temperature i.e., pH decreases with increasing temperature.pH is an
important factor in water quality tests and its recommended range is between
6.5 – 8.5 for safe drinking water.


 A glass probe or pH electrode is used which a combination of two half cells called
Reference Half Cell and Sensing Half Cell. Reference cell provides a reference as
it has a constant potential that is independent of the sample solution being
measured and its temperature. The Sensing cell is a thin semi- permeable
membrane that is sensitive to pH.
 The pH meter measures the electric potential generated by the sample using the
glass probe and compares this against the potential graph formed by the buffer
standards i.e., pH = 4, 7 and 10. This electric potential is then extrapolated into a
pH reading through the potential graph.
 The potential graph formed using the standards contains pH scale along x-axisand
electric potential along y-axis.

Environmental Significance:

 Chemicals reactions in nature are highly affected by their pH levels.

 Highly important in measuring safe water conditions.
 pH also affects the treatment processes of fresh and wastewater.
 pH levels can also control biological activity, availability of nutrients and alsoalter
behavior of chemicals etc.
 Favorable pH condition is necessary while dewatering of sludge and oxidationof
cyanides etc.

Apparatus and Chemicals:

 pH Meter
 pH glass electrode
 Sample solutions
 Buffer Standards for calibration
 Beaker
 Wash Bottle


 Turn on the pH meter using the power button.

 Pick up the pH electrode and remove its cap.
 Now calibrate the pH meter using different buffer solution of pH = 4,7 and 10.
 Wash the electrode with wash bottle before dipping in different buffer solutionsand
 Dip the electrode into the sample solution.
 Record the reading displayed by the meter.
 Wash the electrode with wash bottle and continue measuring.


 Students must wear lab coats and gloves while visiting the lab for practical.
 Ensure that the pH meter is properly calibrated.
 Ensure the at pH electrode’ sensing cell is properly submerged into sample
solution and that no air bubbles are present around the electrode.
 Ensure that the electrode is properly washed with wash bottle before measuring
different samples.
 Properly place the equipment in appropriate places at the end of the lab.

Readings and Calculations:

Sample No. pH

Tape Water 7.10

Distilled Water 6.65

The purpose of this lab was to familiarize the students with basic concepts related to
the pH of a substance or solution, the basic lab setup to measure the pH of a sample
and the workings and principles related to the measurement of pH.In our case, the pH
of Tape Water obtained from lab was recorded to be 7.10 which was in the neutral
range. Whereas the pH of Distilled Water was 6.65 instead of being 7 because it
absorbed carbon dioxide from the air making it slightly acidic. Inaccuracies in the
measurements can arise if the precautions are not properly followed.



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