Security Threats in The E-Commerce Environment
Security Threats in The E-Commerce Environment
Security Threats in The E-Commerce Environment
Customers view: can a party to an action with me later deny taking the action? Merchants view: can a customer deny ordering products?
Customers view: can someone other than the intended recipient read my message? Merchants view: are messages or confidential data accessible to anyone other than those authorized to view them?
Customers view: can I get access to the site? Merchants view: is the site operational?
Security Threats
Malicious Code Hacking and Cybervandalism Credit card fraud Spoofing Denial of service attacks Sniffing Insider Jobs
Malicious Code
Also termed as Malware Includes viruses, worms, Trojan horses and bad applets Virus spreads from file to file Worms designed to spread from computer to computer Trojan horse
itself is not a virus Helps other malicious codes into the computer
Hackers hide their true identity or misrepresent themselves. Spoofing can also involve redirecting a web link to an address different from the intended one. It doesnt damage files or network servers but threatens the integrity of a site.
For example if hackers redirect customers to a fake web site that looks almost exactly like the true site, they can then collect and process orders, effectively stealing business from the true sites. The intent can be to disrupt rather than steal- hackers can alter orders inflating them or canging products ordred.
A sniffer is a type of eavesdropping program that monitors information traveling over a network. Sniffers enables hackers to steal proprietary information from anywhere on a network, including email messages, company files, and confidential reports. When used legitimately, can help identify potential network trouble-spots.
Insider job
Largest financial threat to business institutions come not from robberies, but from embezzlement by insiders. The same is true for e-Commerce. Some of the largest disruption of services, destruction to sites, and diversion of customer credit data and personal information have come from insiders once trusted employees.
Insider job
Example Jose worked as a computer security specialist for, which shared office space and a computer network with Five Partners Asset Management, one of its investors. Jose altered the start-up commands on the Five Partners network to automatically send the password file from the system to an email account he controlled each time the Five Partners system was rebooted.
Insider job
After failed, Jose installed a sniffer program that intercepted and recorded electronic traffic on the Five Partners network including unencrypted apsword. Jose was later caught when he used the sniffer program to snare a password into the network of another company and then erased that companys database.
Is the process of transforming plain text or data into cipher text that cannot be read by anyone outside of the sender and the receiver. The purpose is to
Secure stored information Secure information transmission
Can provide
Message integrity provides assurance that the message has not been altered Nonrepudiation prevents the users from denying he or she sent the message Authentication provides verification of the identity of the person sending the message Confidentiality gives assurance that the message was not read by others
The transformation is achieved by a key or cipher A key (cipher) is any method of transforming a text to cipher text. Substitution cipher
Every occurrence of a giver letter is replaced systematically by another letter.
HELLO to JGNNQ using letter plus two method
Transposition cipher
The ordering of letters in each word is changed in some systematic way
C = E(k,M)
M = D(k,C)
Private key is kept secret and the public key is disseminated Both the keys are used to encrypt and decrypt. Based on irreversible mathematical functions The keys are sufficiently long:128-, 256- and 512bit
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Internet Internet
Recipient 6. Senders public key Hash 10101101110001 128 bit Authenticated Cipher 7. Recipients private key
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Digital Envelopes
1. Here, the large document is encrypted using a symmetric key. 2. The symmetric key-which the recipient will require to decrypt the document- is itself encrypted, using the recipients public key (key within key or digital envelope). 3. The encrypted report and the digital envelope are sent across the web. 4. The recipient first uses his/her private key to decrypt the symmetric key. 5. Then the recipient uses the symmetric key to decrypt the report.
Digital Envelopes
Use secret key encryption to encrypt the long message M Use public key encryption to encrypt the short key k Receiver uses public key decryption with d and obtains k Receiver uses secret key decryption with k and obtains M Faster than encrypting M using public key encryption Security requirement: Should be hard to obtain d from e or to discover k or M
F(e, k) k E(k,M) M C k Receiver k=F(d, k) M=D(k, C)
Internet Internet
Certificate received
Exchange certificate Client certificate Digital envelope Client generated Session key
Merchant certificate
Client generates session key and Uses session public key to create Digital envelop. Sends to server. Server decrypts using private key.
Protecting Networks
Firewalls Firewalls are software applications that act as filters between the companys private network and the Internet. They prevent the remote machines from attaching to your internal network. firewall monitors all incoming and outgoing communications. There are two major methods firewalls use to validate traffic:
Packet filters Application gateways
Protecting Networks
Packet filters Packet filters examine data packets to determine whether they are destined for a prohibited port, or originate from a prohibited IP address. The filter specifically looks at the source and the destination information, as well as the port and packet type, when determining whether the information may be transmitted.
Protecting Networks
Application gateways Firewall filters communications based on the applications being requested, rather than the source or destination of the message. Such firewalls also process requests at the application level. By providing a central filtering point, application gateways provide greater security than packet filters, but can compromise system performance.
Protecting Networks
Proxy Servers These are software servers that handle all communications originating from or being sent to the Internet, acting as a spokesperson or bodyguard for the organization. Proxies act primarily to limit access of internal clients to external Internet servers. Proxy servers are sometimes called as dual home systems because they have two network interfaces.
To internal machines, a proxy server is known as gateway To external machines, it is known as mail server
Security Plan
Risk Assessment
What information is at risk?
Customer information? Proprietary designs? Business activities? Secret processes? Other internal information?
For each type of information asset, try to estimate the rupee value to the firm if this information were compromised and then multiply that amount by the probability of the loss occurring. Once done, prioritize by their value to the firm.
Security Plan
Security Policy
Set of statements prioritizing the information risks, identifying acceptable risk targets, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these targets. One has to start with the information asset of the highest priority Total and complete security may require extraordinary financial resources
Security Plan
Implementation plan The action steps you will take to achieve the security plan goals. You must determine how you will translate the level of acceptable risk into a set of tools, technologies, policies and procedures. Security organization Educates and trains users, keeps management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and maintain the tools chosen to implement security. The security organization typically administers access controls, authentication procedures (digital signatures, certificates of authority, public key infrastructure) and authorization policies (level of access to information assets to different levels of users).
Security Plan
Security audit Involves routine review of access logs (identifying how outsiders are using the site as well as how indsiders are accessing the sites assets) A report must be generated that establishes the routine and non-routine access to the systems and identifies unusual patterns of activities.
Primary federal statute used to combat computer crime Imposes fine and imprisonment for individuals who access, intercept, or disclose private email communication of others National Infrastructure Makes DoS attacks illegal. Protection Act (1996) Creates NIPC in the FBI Cyberspace Electronic Security Reduces export restrictions Act (CESA: 2000) (security supports)
PURCHASER P.O. delivery Accounting Department Order confirmation Mail office Bill Delivery Mail office
Product delivery
Electronic Electronic Purchase Purchase orderform orderform
report report
Accounting Shipping
PURCHASER Department orders for an item to the purchasing department. Purchasing department prepares the purchase order and sends it to the vendor via its mail office under copies to accounts and shipping departments. Computers are involved every where but they are used for their own limited purposes. VENDOR Vendor receives the P.O. from its mail office, route it to the sales. Sales department will take action through shipping and deliver the goods to the receiving department of the purchaser. The copies of the order confirmation, bill will be delivered to the mail office of the purchaser.
EDI differs from electronic mail in that it transmits an actual structured transaction (fields like transaction date/amount, senders name, recipients name etc.) in contrast to an unstructured text messages such as a letter. EDI can also curb inventory costs by minimizing the amount of time, components are in inventory. Organizations can take the benefit from EDI when they integrate the data supplied by EDI with applications such as accounts payable, inventory control, shipping and production plannning.
EDI is the controlled transfer of data between business and organizations via established security standards. EDI is not a choice. It is inevitable way, the business will be done. Todays banking and finance operations have a long been dependent on EDI and EFT to ensure that money and securities are transferred to the company or individual that requested the action.
Four key issues for EDI to work properly: Transaction standardization
Transaction formats and data must be standardized
Transaction software
Special software to be developed to convert incoming and outgoing messages into a form suitable to other companies.
Legal restrictions
To comply with legal requirements, certain transactions require writing or the original document in hard copy form
EDI Model
Buyer 1
EDI Service
Buyer 2
2 SSL provides SSL provides secure connection secure connection through internet through internet to merchant to merchant server server
Monthly statement issued with Debit of purchase CONSUMERS CARD ISSUING BANK
SET Transactions
MERCHANT 3 Merchant software forward Encrypted message CLEARINGHOUSE
2 4 Merchant and consumer computers verify Clearinghouse verifies each others identity. SET-encrypted and account and balance with authenticated order and payment issuing bank information sent to merchant server
Monthly statement issued with Debit of purchase CONSUMERS CARD ISSUING BANK
Digital Wallets
A digital wallet seeks to emulate the functionality of an analog wallet. The most important functions of a digital wallet are to
Authenticate the consumer through the use of digital certificate or other encryption methods Store and transfer value and Secure the payment process from the consumer to the merchant
Digital Wallets
Convenient for the consumer and lowers the transaction costs because order entry can be expedited. With a digital wallet, you o no longer need to fill out forms to purchase online. You just click on your digital wallet and the software fills out the billing and shipping information. Merchants benefits from digital wallets through lower transaction costs, expanded marketing and branding opportunities, easier consumer retention and conversion of visitors into buyers and reduction in fraud.
Digital wallets
Client-based wallets
Server-based wallets
Digital Wallets
Digital Wallets