Tender-15962-02!07!2022 - High Court of Tripura
Tender-15962-02!07!2022 - High Court of Tripura
Tender-15962-02!07!2022 - High Court of Tripura
(Tender Notice No. : THC/C-AMC/Computer & Accessories/2022)
The bidders may visit the official website of the High Court of Tripura to
download the Tender document and submit their bid in the prescribed format to
the office of the undersigned in time.
(S. Chakraborty)
Registrar (Admn., P & M)
Phone :(0381)2413669/2415799
Email : [email protected]
(Tender Notice No. : THC/AMC-1/Computer & Accessories/2022)
Fresh Sealed Quotations are invited from the reputed and experienced Service
provider/firms/Supplier/Contractor for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract
(AMC) of Computers/AIO PC, Apple MacBook & Laptops with operating system, Display
Board(TV), Printer and Scanner for minimum one year as per the terms & conditions
mentioned below:
1. The date for the schedule of key events of this tender is given as under: -
2. Period of Contract: The contract is valid for one year from the date of signing of
final Agreement of Contract. This may be renewed after completion of one year
subject to satisfaction of the authority i.e. High Court of Tripura.
3. Tender Fees: The interested eligible bidder has to submit the tender fees of
₹500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only in the form of a Demand Draft drawn on a
Nationalized Bank favour of the Registrar (Admn. P & M), High Court of Tripura
payable at Agartala at the time of submission of bids. The tender fees will be non-
refundable. The date of the Demand Draft submitted for the same should not be
earlier than the date of issue of this NIT.
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4. Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit:
4.1. The bidder has to submit an interest free Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit
(EMD) of ₹3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) in the form of a Demand
Draft drawn on a Nationalized Bank in favour of the Registrar (Admn., P & M),
High Court of Tripura payable at Agartala at the time of submission of bids. The
date of the Demand Draft submitted for the same should not be earlier than the
date of issue of this NIT.
4.2. The Bid Security Cost shall remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the
date of opening of the Technical Bids.
b) If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the High
Court Tripura during the period of bid validity.
4.4. Unsuccessful bidder’s EMD shall be refunded back as promptly as possible, but
not later than thirty (30) days after the expiry of the period of bid validity.
4.5. The Bid Security of the successful bidder shall be returned only after the
submission of their acceptance against the issued award of contract within the
stipulated time period and furnishing of the performance security.
5. Period of validity of Bid: The offer submitted by the bidder shall be valid for a
period of 90 days from the date of opening of the Technical Bid. A quotation valid
for a shorter period may be rejected as non-responsive. In exceptional
circumstances, High Court of Tripura may solicit the bidder's consent for an
extension of the validity period. The request and the responses thereto shall be
made in writing/email. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid
security. A Bidder granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify
its bid.
6. Bid Price: The Bidders would have to quote the prices in Indian Rupees only for the
total scope of work. No itemized bidding is allowed. Prices quoted must be firm
and final and shall remain constant throughout the period of the contract and shall
not be subject to any upward modifications, whatsoever. The Bidders are advised
not to indicate any separate discount. Discount, if any, should be merged with the
quoted prices. Discount of any type, indicated separately, will not be taken into
account for evaluation purpose. The Price quoted should be inclusive of GST and all
other applicable Taxes/Duties.
7. PRE-BID QUERIES: No pre-bid session shall be held with respect to this NIT.
However, bidders may send their queries regarding this NIT in the official email-
[email protected] up to 18.07.2022 by having subject line as ‘NIT
No.F.6(28)-HC/2022/15963–69 dated 2nd July, 2022 Query in connection with
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8.1. Technical Bids of only those bidders will be opened whose Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD) /Bid Security and Tender Fees is received by the High Court
Tripura before the last date & time of submission indicated above.
8.2. Each document comprising Technical Bid as mentioned in the NIT must be
submitted with signature at all pages. The submitted documents must prove
bidder’s eligibility as specified in the NIT.
8.3. The Bidder will be disqualified in technical bid in case of absence of any one
of the required documents fulfilling eligibility criteria as mentioned in the
8.4. Financial bid of only those bidders will be opened who qualifies in Technical
8.5. Financial bid in the same format as mentioned in the tender must be
submitted with signature at all pages to be produced by the bidder.
8.6. Arithmetic Error, if any, in the price breakup will be rectified on the following
a) If there is discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, which
is obtained by multiplying the unit price with quantity, the unit price
shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected.
8.7. The L1 bidder will be arrived at on the basis of the grand total. Ranking
of the Bidders will be ascertained according to the total amount of price
quoted for all the items. Bidder who has quoted the lowest rate in grand total
will be ranked first and so on.
9. Replacement of Parts: Maintenance cost of the Laptop, Desktop Computers or any
other items like adaptor, Battery of Laptops or CMOS Battery of AIOs/PCs
(Hardware and Software including Operating System if any; WINDOWS, UBUNTU
for Desktops & Laptop) & replacement of spare parts of any items, if any should be
inclusive in the AMC. All other consumable items except cartridge /Tonner of
Printers should be included under AMC.
10. Replacement of Non-repairable Items: If the AMC Vendor unable to repair any
item(s) which comes under AMC, the AMC Vendor should replace it by new one
with same technical specification or higher specification.
11. Quality of Spares: The AMC provider shall provide new and original spare parts
(OEM spare Parts), or higher on assemblies and subassemblies in place of such
items, which develop defects/suffer breakdown during the period of AMC.
12. Preventive Maintenance: Periodical preventive maintenance will be made once in
every month by the firm and it is mandatory.
13. Additional Charges: The AMC cost should be inclusive of all (traveling cost of
service engineer, transportation cost etc.), if any. No charge for rendering service
will be borne by the High Court.
14. Statutory Levies: The AMC cost includes all statutory levies, if any, charged by
State or Central Govt. for rendering this type of service.
15. Working Hours: The maintenance work shall normally be done during office
working hours, however, in case of emergency maintenance may be done beyond
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office hours and even on holidays. In such case, prior arrangement through proper
communication should be worked out by the servicing agencies.
16. The Bidder is required to quote for the complete scope of work. Partial quotes are
liable to be rejected.
17. Reporting Authority: The Service Engineer will be allowed to handle the
respective equipments only with the permission of the officer in-charge.
18. All AMC service providing companies having more than five years service record for
providing AMC services of Servers, Network, Computers, Printers and related
peripherals at Central Ministries/Departments, Central/State Government Bodies,
Statutory bodies, Public sector organizations and fulfilling the conditions
prescribed at Clause No. 54.1. are eligible for bidding.
19. Response Time: Normal response time for repair is 24-hours from the actual time
of reporting the problem to the Vendor of AMC, failure of which will strictly be
followed as per the Response Time Table given below:
Period Penalty
Above 24 Hours & below 48 hours Warning but no penalty.
Response Above 48 Hours & below 96 hours A penalty of 1% of the contract
Time amount per system.
Above 96 hours A penalty of 2% of the contract
amount per system.
20. Court of Law: Disagreement if any, arising out of the contract shall be settled by
either party in a court of law under the jurisdiction of the High Court of Tripura.
21. Payment Term: Payment of said AMC will be made on quarterly basis (25% of
AMC value) after completion of the each quarter subject to satisfactory
performance of the AMC firm, to be certified by technical wing of the High Court of
22. Final Authority: The final authority regarding payments, any dispute in AMC, etc.
will be settled by the Head of the Organization who is offering the AMC i.e. High
Court of Tripura.
23. High Court's Right To Accept Any Bid And To Reject Any Or All Bids: The High
Court reserves the right to accept any bid (including the L1), and to annul the
Tender process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to
inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the High Court Tripura's
24. Letter Of Intent / Notification Of Award: The Award of Contract shall be issued to
the successful Bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially
responsive and has been determined as the lowest evaluated bid, provided further
that the bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
25. SIGNING OF CONTRACT: Within 15 days of the receipt of notification of award
from the High Court Tripura, the successful Bidder shall sign a Contract with the
High Court on a Non-Judicial stamp paper incorporating the terms & conditions.
The Stamp duty for the said contract will be paid by the bidder.
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26.1. Within 15 days after the receipt of notification of award of the Contract
from the High Court of Tripura, the successful bidder shall furnish Performance
Guarantee to the High Court, which shall be equal to 3% of the total value of the
Contract and shall be in the form of a Guarantee Bond from a Nationalized /
Scheduled Bank. The validity of the Performance guarantee submitted should be
for a period of two months beyond the expiry of contract tenure.
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solving day-to-day problems and shall also be capable of installing the relevant
software and configuration of any repairable item(s). He (they) shall be well versed
with equipment/maintenance/ repair. He (they) shall also be equipped with all
maintenance kits comprising tool box, multi-meter, tools (both hardware and
software) etc. for analyze and troubleshoot any repairable item(s) and any other
tools required for carrying out such services.
34. The Bidder/ REs shall always keep minimum 03(three) units of each spares, such as
CPUs, Monitors, Keyboards, Mouse, other Spare Parts (RAM, BIOS Cell, Adopter,
Teflon Sheet etc.), Mother Board, Keyboard, SMPS, Display, other cables etc of
Laptop in the premises with High Court of Tripura, as standby so as to put these in
systems whenever required systems/ peripherals can be repaired urgently. Any
cost incurred towards transportation of the faulty/ repaired as well as standby
equipment shall be borne by the bidder and for this purpose no extra charge will be
paid by the high Court of Tripura.
35. In case any shifting and re-installation/re-fixation of any article under AMC as and
when required shall be carried out by the service provider without any additional
36. The Bidder shall carefully examine and understand all the forms, instructions,
terms & conditions etc. of the tender document to ensure that they have
understood all conditions of the tender document. Failure to furnish the
information required as per the tender document or submission of Bids not
substantively responsive to the tender document shall be summarily rejected.
37. Bidders are required to submit authorization letter to the signatory of the Bid by
the competent authority of the Bidder, to participate in this Bid.
38. The average financial turnover during the last three consecutive Financial Years
(i.e. FY 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21) should be at least ₹ 5 Lakhs per year for
similar works.
39. RE should have their own vehicle and mobile with them for emergency contact on
Sunday/ Holidays. Mobile numbers are to be submitted in advance before deputing
any REs for duty at High Court of Tripura.
40. The Bidder shall not subcontract the maintenance job to any other outside agency.
41. Preference may be given to the Bidder having ISO 9001:2000 or latest certification.
42. Any faulty part so replaced by the bidder/ REs needs to be submitted back to
the Computer Section, High Court of Tripura, Bidder should be fully responsible
for any damage to the man & machine that occurs due to faulty workmanship of the
bidder/ REs of the bidder during the period of the contract.
43. TDS will be deducted at source from the contract price payable to contractor for
performing the service under the contract.
44. Performance of the contract: In case the services of the bidder are found not
satisfactory at any time during the period of the contract, Registrar General, High
Court Tripura reserves the right to terminate the contract along with forfeiture of
the performance security and for any fraudulent activity (committed during the
bidding process by any bidder and after signing contract by the successful bidder) the
firm may also be BLACKLISTED.
45. Tenderer will not be entitled to claim any compensation of what so ever nature if
the termination/ cancellation of CAMC is imposed by High Court of Tripura for any
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46. The bidder shall provide services for minimum one month beyond the date of
expiry of the contract without any extra cost so that all the equipment under
maintenance contract is handed over to the next contractor.
47. Any equipment not made available in working condition on the last working day of
the contract period shall be rectified/ repaired by the bidder within the next ten
working days failing which the bidder/vendor need to supply the new IT hardware
against the faulty hardware or the purchase cost thereof shall be deducted from the
last/ final CAMC payment.
48. In case an equipment/ item/ part is being taken out for repairs/ servicing to
company’s premises/ service centre, the service provider shall provide standby
equipment/ item/ part and will take prior permission of High Court before taking
the equipment/ item/ part out. The equipment/ item/ part being taken to the
workshop for repair would be at service provider own risk and expenses.
49. Call Reports should be prepared/ submitted after attending each call. Also, the
service provider shall submit monthly reports to the High Court, stating the
complete list of call reported/ resolved and status of the all AMC Items.
50. The Tenderer/Bidder must have its own office or must have a service agent
stationed at Agartala. The Tenderer is required to furnish certificate in this behalf
and, if any, Service Agent is stationed at Agartala, then a certificate to that effect
51. The Bids have to be submitted sealed in Two Bid System, in the proforma
prescribed for the “Technical Bid” and the “Financial Bid”. Bids not submitted in
the prescribed proforma or Bids which are incomplete are liable to be summarily
52. Financial Bid must be in Indian Rupees Only.
53. Superscripting CAMC Proposal Envelop: The Bidders shall submit their Bids in
three separate sealed envelopes in the following format:
a) COVER A containing TENDER FEES & EMD should be sealed in a separate
envelope subscribing “Tender Fees & EMD”;
b) COVER B containing TECHNICAL BID should be sealed in a separate
envelope subscribing “Technical Bid”.
c) COVER C containing FINANCIAL BID should be sealed in a separate envelope
subscribing “Financial Bid”.
All the above mentioned three envelops together should be enclosed and submitted
in a properly sealed separate envelope mentioning the name of the NIT as
“Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of the IT Equipments ,
2022–23” alongwith the Tender Ref. No. If any Bidder deviates from
submitting its Bid in this prescribed format, the Bid shall be summarily
rejected and shall not be taken into consideration for evaluation.
54. Submission of Documents:
54.1. The following documents are to be submitted by the Bidders in the
envelope ‘COVER-B’ alongwith the Technical Bid:
(i) Bidder’s Profile & Technical Bid Proforma as per Annexure-I;
(ii) Duly attested copies of the pre-qualification documents to establish
eligibility criteria as under:
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(iii) Documents in proof of GST Registration and PAN No.;
(iv) Last three years Income-tax Clearance Certificate;
(v) Audited Balance sheets of last three years;
(vi) Undertaking that the Bidder has not been blacklisted by any High
Court of the Country/Central/ State Government/ Public Sector
Undertaking/ Autonomous Bodies under Central and State
Governments in India as per Annexure-II;
(vii) Proof of office address in Agartala, Tripura.
54.2. The following documents are to be submitted in the envelope ‘COVER-C’
alongwith the Technical Bid:
55. Last Date of Submission of the Bid: Sealed Envelope containing Quotation in the
above-mentioned format should be submitted by the Bidder to the Office of the High
Court of Tripura strictly within 4:00 PM on or before 25.07.2022. The envelope
containing the quotation must be dropped in the Receive Section (Ground Floor) of
the Establishment Section of High Court of Tripura during the working hours of the
office on all working days. Quotation received from any Bidder after the stipulated
date and time, for reasons whatsoever shall not be taken into consideration for Bid
Evaluation and will be summarily rejected.
The High Court of Tripura may, at its discretion, extend the last
date/ time for submission of bids by amending the Tender Document, in which case
all rights and obligations of the High Court Tripura and Bidders previously subject
to the last date/time will thereafter be subject to the last date/time as extended.
56. Opening of the NIT Proposal: The Quotations received only within the stipulated
date and time shall be opened in the Chamber of the Registrar (Admn, P &M) on
27.07.2022 at 4:00 PM in presence of the Bidders/duly authorized representative
of the Bidders who may desire to be present. On completion of evaluation of the
Technical Bids, the list of the technically qualified bidders along with the date and
time of opening of Financial Bids shall be notified by the High Court in its official
websites and also communicated to the technically qualified bidders via email in
The date of opening of the Bids may, however, be changed, if required, at
the discretion of the Authority with notice to the Bidders;
57. The date of opening of the quotations may, however, be changed if required at the
discretion of the Authority with intimation to the Bidders.
58. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT: The High Court of Tripura, without prejudice to
any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the
Contractor, may terminate this Contract in whole or in part.
(i) if the Contractor fails to deliver maintenance services within the period(s)
specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the High
(ii) if the Contractor fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.
59. Force Majeure: The right of the Contractor to proceed with the work shall not be
terminated because of any delay in the completion of the work due to
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unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the
Contractor, including but not limited to acts of God, war or revolutions or civil
commotions, fires, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargos. If a
Force Majeure situation arises, the Contractor shall promptly notify the High Court
of Tripura in writing/email of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless
otherwise directed by the High Court in writing/email, the Contractor shall
continue to perform its obligations under the contract as far as reasonably
practical, and shall seek, all reasonable alternative means for performance not
prevented by the Force Majeure event.
60. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES: The High Court of Tripura and the Contractor shall
make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiations, any
disagreement or disputes, arising between them under or in connection with the
Contract. Any claim, dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this
agreement and which cannot be settled by mutual consultations, shall be referred
to sole Arbitration or an Arbitrator to be appointed by mutual consultations. The
award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding between the parties as per the
terms and conditions of the Agreement to be executed on award of contract. The
Arbitration proceeding shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996 and shall be conducted in Agartala. All disputes under this contract shall be
subject to the jurisdiction of High Court of Tripura.
61. List of the Hardware with model/specification and actual price of the equipments
are mentioned in Annexure-V. After Award of Contract, the selected bidder will
verify the status of the hardware and accordingly codify with Asset Code for CAMC.
During verification if any of the hardware equipment is found non-functional that
may be excluded from the item list of the AMC and thus the total AMC value will be
reduced accordingly.
(S. Chakraborty)
Registrar(Admn. P&M)
1. Dy. Registrar (Vig.)-Cum- CPC, High Court of Tripura;
2. System Analyst, High Court of Tripura, Agartala with a request to upload the Notice
Inviting Tender in the web site of the High Court of Tripura, Agartala;
3. Superintendent, Store Section;
4. Superintendent, Accounts Section;
5. NOTICE BOARD, High Court of Tripura, Agartala and
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(Tender Notice No. : THC/AMC-1/Computer & Accessories/2022)
I/We ________ ____________ ____ certify that I/We __________ _______ have
read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender document and that I/We
______ __________________ do hereby unconditionally accept all the terms and conditions
set out in the tender document. The information furnished in this Bid are true and correct
to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
Authorized Signatory
Place: (Name & designation)
With Seal
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(Tender Notice No. : THC/AMC-1/Computer & Accessories/2022)
Contact number(s)
5. Whether the Bidder has any office
or branch in Agartala, Tripura. If so,
give details with complete address,
Contact person & contact
Page 11 of 22
Sl. No. Description Information to be furnished by Bidder
7. Details of single/ two largest
order(s) for similar nature of works
completed/ executed during the
preceding three financial years (i.e.
FY 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20)
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Sl. No. Description Information to be furnished by Bidder
13. Whether the Bidder has ever been
black listed and if yes, give details.
*Note : One resident service/ maintenance engineer shall be deputed by the service
provider onsite to handle day to day complaints/ services. Onsite/ remote
services/ support & if required through specialized engineers are also being
provided by the service provider as and when required.
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Bidder should submit the declaration being authenticated by any Judicial Magistrate 1st Class/ Notary Public.
(Department reserves the right to verify the same by its own means)
The Registrar (Admn., P & M)
High Court of Tripura,
Capital Complex,
Agartala, Tripura (W) – 799010.
We, the undersigned, hereby declare that, we are not involved in any litigation with
any client which will impact execution of this project. We are not under a declaration of
ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices. We are not blacklisted with any of the High
Court, Central/State Government or Public Sector Undertakings in India. We further declare
and certify that the software & proposed licenses used in the project are not procured from
any blacklisted agencies done by any High Court/Government of Tripura/any other
Government Departments.
Signature : -
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3.1. The Bank hereby guarantees to the High Court that the …............. (name of the service
provider) is capable of executing the contract to the satisfaction of the High Court. In the
event of non satisfactory performance of the contract, the Bank shall indemnify and keep
the High Court indemnified to the extent of 10% of the total Work Order value i.e. Rs.
................. (Rupees ................. only) valid for a period of not less than 14 months, commencing
from the date of start of AMC as well as 2 months thereafter against any loss or damage
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that may be caused to or suffered by the High Court on account of such non satisfactory
performance of the contract and the decision of the High Court in this regard will be final
and conclusive.
3.2. In consideration of the aforesaid clause 3.1 and at the request of the second party, we the
Bank hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee that the second party shall
perform in an orderly manner its contractual obligations in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the contract and in the event of the second party's failure to do so,
the Bank shall unconditionally pay to the High Court, on demand, any amount up to the
value mentioned in clause 3.1, without any reference to the second party and without
questioning the claim.
3.3. In the event of non-satisfactory performance of the contract, the decision of the High Court
in this regard shall be final and conclusive and binding on the Bank without demur. The
Bank shall pay forthwith the amount demanded by the High Court not withstanding any
dispute, if any, between the High Court and the second party.
3.4. The Bank further agrees that the guarantee herein shall remain in force during the period
mentioned in Clause 3.1 above and also any extended period provided by the High Court
beyond the aforesaid period.
3.5. This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution, amalgamation,
absorption or reconstitution of the second party or the Bank.
3.6. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee at the instance of the second party for
any reason whatsoever.
3.7. The Bank further agrees that in order to give full effect to the Bank guarantee, the High
Court shall be entitled to act as if the Bank were its principal debtors in respect of its claim
against the second party and the Bank hereby expressly waives all its rights of surety ship
and other rights, if any, which are in any way inconsistent with this Guarantee.
Notwithstanding anything herein above, liability of the Bank under this guarantee is restricted
to Rs. .......... (Rupees ............................. only) and it will remain in force up to the period specified in
Clause 3.1 unless a suit to enforce any claim under the Guarantee is decreed against the Bank
before the period specified in Clause 3.1.
Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Designation : Designation :
Organization : Organization :
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Sl. No.
Description of defective
items along with serial
Attended Date/Time
Repaired Date/Time
Signature of officer/staff
COMPLAINT LOCATION: ____________________________________________
(Tender Notice No. : THC/AMC-1/Computer & Accessories/2022)
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(Tender Notice No. : THC/AMC-1/Computer & Accessories/2022)
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Company Date of PER UNIT
Name Purchase COST
15 TV SONY 04.03.2015 SONY KD-48W600B 6 रु 87,900 रु 5,27,400
16 PROJECTOR EPSON 29.01.2014 EPSON EB-1880 2 रु 54,000 रु 1,08,000
17 SCREEN SCREEN 29.01.2014 5'X7' MOTORIZED SCREEN 2 रु 29,000 रु 58,000
18 Printer SAMSUNG 19.01.2016 LASERJET ML-2161 15 रु 5,723 रु 85,838
19 Printer HP 19.04.2018 LASERJET P1020 PLUS 4 रु 9,237 रु 36,949
20 Printer HP 04.09.2018 HP LASERJET MFP M126nw 1 रु 13,597 रु 13,597
21 Printer HP 04.09.2018 HP LASERJET P1108 3 रु 8,074 रु 24,221
22 Printer HP 09.07.2019 HP LASERJET P1108 3 रु 8,305 रु 24,915
23 Printer Epson 24.04.2018 Epson Color Printer L380 1 रु 10,424 रु 10,424
24 Printer HP 19.04.2018 HP DESKJET GT 5811 1 रु 11,017 रु 11,017
25 Printer HP 23.05.2018 HP COLOUR LJ PRO MFP180N 1 रु 37,344 रु 37,344
26 Printer HP 19.04.2018 HP LJ Pro M 203 DW 1 रु 13,136 रु 13,136
27 Printer HP 29.01.2019 HP LJ Pro M 203 DN 1 रु 14,407 रु 14,407
28 Printer HP 05.02.2014 HP LASERJET 1606DN 10 रु 8,541 रु 85,405
29 Printer ZEBRA 31.07.2018 STICKER PRINTER ZEBRA GC420 1 रु 15,000 रु 15,000
30 Printer HP 21.03.2011 LASERJET P1020 PLUS 2 रु 6,730 रु 13,460
31 Printer HP 21.03.2011 LASERJET P1020 PLUS 1 रु 6,730 रु 6,730
32 Scanner HP 19.01.2016 FLATBED SCANNER 8270 1 रु 52,290 रु 52,290
33 Scanner HP 21.03.2011 SCANNERJET SJ-G2410 1 रु 4,037 रु 4,037
TOTAL: रु 1,10,35,594
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(Tender Notice No. : THC/AMC-1/Computer & Accessories/2022)
Rates quoted for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of the following Items
(To be filled by Bidder)
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Unit AMC Tax Unit
Brand Item wise
SL Category Model Price (viz. Price Qty
(without tax) GST) with tax
13 Laptop HP HP Probook 4540s 66
CISCO Router 2801-HSEC/K9 1
CISCO WS-C2960 layer2 switch 8
CISCO WS-C2960 layer2 switch 2
CISCO WS-C2960G layer2 switch 2
CISCO WS-C3750G layer3 switch 1
1000-SX SFP Transceiver 22
15 TV SONY SONY KD-48W600B 6
18 Printer SAMSUNG LASERJET ML-2161 15
19 Printer HP LASERJET P1020 PLUS 4
20 Printer HP HP LASERJET MFP M126nw 1
21 Printer HP HP LASERJET P1108 3
22 Printer HP HP LASERJET P1108 3
23 Printer Epson Epson Color Printer L380 1
24 Printer HP HP DESKJET GT 5811 1
25 Printer HP HP COLOUR LJ PRO MFP180N 1
26 Printer HP HP LJ Pro M 203 DW 1
27 Printer HP HP LJ Pro M 203 DN 1
28 Printer HP HP LASERJET 1606DN 10
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Unit AMC Tax Unit
Brand Item wise
SL Category Model Price (viz. Price Qty
(without tax) GST) with tax
30 Printer HP LASERJET P1020 PLUS 2
31 Printer HP LASERJET P1020 PLUS 1
32 Scanner HP FLATBED SCANNER 8270 1
33 Scanner HP SCANNERJET SJ-G2410 1
Total CAMC Cost (in INR) :
Total CAMC Cost (in word):
*Total quantity of items/ services may be increased or decreased by the High Court of Tripura.
Authorized Signatory
Place: (Name & designation with seal)
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