Articulo 3
Articulo 3
Articulo 3
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Melinda A. Zeder
Over the past 11,000 years humans have brought a wide variety of animals
under domestication. Domestic animals belong to all Linnaean animal classes—
mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and even, arguably, bacteria.
Raised for food, secondary products, labor, and companionship, domestic animals
have become intricately woven into human economy, society, and religion. Animal
domestication is an on-going process, as humans, with increasingly sophisticated
technology for breeding and rearing animals in captivity, continue to bring more
and more species under their control. Understanding the process of animal
domestication and its reciprocal impacts on humans and animal domesticates
requires a multidisciplinary approach. This paper brings together recent research
in archaeology, genetics, and animal sciences in a discussion of the process of
domestication, its impact on animal domesticates, and the various pathways
humans and their animal partners have followed into domestication.
been gained from research grounded in archaeology, genetics, and animal scienc
This paper brings together information on animal domestication generated by
work in these varied fields to explore the universals of animal domestication an
to trace the three primary pathways that animals and their human partners ha
followed, and continue to follow, into domestic partnerships.
based on domesticates may not have the same nutritional value as that based
wild resources, and although the lifestyle of farmers and herders may not, by som
measures, compare all that well with that of hunter-gatherers, domesticates h
provided humans with resources that they could more predictably and secur
control, move, and redistribute—an advantage that fueled a virtual populatio
explosion of agro-pastoralists and their spread to all corners of the globe.
Although domestication shares many features with mutualistic relationship
in nature, there are, nevertheless, critical differences that distinguish domesticat
from any symbiosis found in nature. Mutualisms in nature involve essentiall
symmetrical, codependent relationships driven by selection operating
mutation-induced changes (behavioral, morphological, or physiological) in bot
partners (Schultz et al. 2005). Humans, on the other hand, have the capacity
spontaneously modify their behavioral repertoires, to invent new behaviors th
better suit certain goals and abandon old ones. Most importantly, humans do n
have to rely on sexual reproduction to pass on effective behaviors to the nex
generation. Instead humans are able to transmit adaptive new behaviors throug
social learning to their direct descendants, as well as to others in their immedi
social group and beyond (Boyd and Richerson 1985; Richerson and Boyd 2005
This capacity for the invention and transmission of learned behavior shifts
balance of power in the symbiosis between humans and emergent domesticat
affording humans the upper hand in the relationship as they choose amo
individuals in the target plant or animal population that best suit their needs
try out new ways to manipulate the behavior and life history of those individu
in ways that enhance the benefits humans are able to reap from these mana
plant and animal resources.
There is, then, an important element of intentionality that is a centr
distinguishing characteristic of human-mediated domestication (Zeder 2009a,
2009b). Humans could not have foreseen the adaptive responses target pla
or animals would make to their manipulations, nor were they, at least initia
working toward developing a domestic crop plant or livestock animal throug
their efforts. But they were able to evaluate how well their efforts at breedin
nurturing, and selectively harvesting certain individuals within the target pla
or animal population met their immediate needs; they could, on the basis of th
evaluation, continue, modify, or invent new ways of manipulating responsiv
individuals in order to further these goals. This essentially Lamarkian aspect
human cultural evolution is the reason why mutualistic relationships betwee
humans and domesticates are fundamentallydifferent from non-human symbio
relationships. The human capacity for inventing and transmitting new behavio
vastly accelerates the process and transforms the domesticate and the domes
relationship far beyond any mutualism in the natural world.
Following this line of argument, a recognition of both the biological and t
cultural components of the process might define domestication as: a sustaine
multigenerational, mutualistic relationship in which humans assume som
significant level of control over the reproduction and care of a plant/animal
order to secure a more predictable supply of a resource of interest and by wh
in which the process takes place, and even accidental happenstance that brin
potential domesticates together with receptive human populations at particu
times and places. As a result, the pathways various plant and animal spe
followed into domestication are highly variable. The selective forces and the r
and course of the domestication of the same species of plant or animal unde
certain cultural and environmental circumstances, for example, may have be
very different from those that drove the independent domestication of anoth
population of the same species under different circumstances. Similarly, the
same social and economic pressures may set the stage for the domestication
a wide array of diverse species of plants and animals within a single cultural a
environmental context.
Behavioral Preadaptations
Certain behavioral characteristics make certain animal taxa, and cer
individuals within taxa, better candidates for domestication than others (F
(Hale 1969; Price 1984,2002; Zeder 2012a). Grouped into five general categ
these behaviors include attributes that determine (1) social structure—es
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Figure2.Rduction brainsze difrentgoupsfdomesticanmls.Shownastheprcntageof
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and cage-reared mink, domesticated in the past 100 years, show a 20% reducti
in brain size compared with wild mink (Kruska 1996). Silver foxes, selectivel
bred for tameness over the past 40 years, have experienced a significant reduc
in cranial height and width, and by inference in brain size (Trut 1999).
remarkable experiments in domestication of foxes further buttress the hypoth
that brain-size reduction is an early response to the strong selective pressure
tameness and lowered reactivity that is a core, essentially universal, feature
animal domestication.
Not all parts of the brain are equally affected by brain-size reduction, however.
There is, in fact, a considerable amount of difference in the degree of reduction
seen in different parts of the brain that control different functions among different
animal domesticates (Kruska 1988, 1996; Plogmann and Kruska 1990). In pigs,
for example, areas of the brain that control olfactory and auditory functions are less
reduced than visual structures or motor functions (Plogmann and Kruska 1990);
the same holds true in sheep (Kruska 1988). In rats and mink, on the other hand,
areas of the brain that control motor functions show a greater degree of reduction
than areas of the brain that control visual or olfactory functions (Kruska 1988,
1996). The reduction in the size of parts of the brain that control motor functions
in cage-reared mink is nearly 10% greater (at 20%) than in mink raised in open
air enclosures (at 11%) (Kruska 1988, 1996; Price 2002:87)—an indication of
the targeted impact of the selection pressures introduced under domestication.
Some areas of the brain may experience an increase in size under domestication,
as evidenced by the increase in parts of the brain devoted to memory and learning
seen among racing and homing pigeons (Rehkamper et al. 2008).
But the most profoundly affected portion of the brain in domestic mammals is
the complex structures that belong to the limbic system, which in domestic pigs,
dogs, and sheep show a greater than 40% reduction in size compared with their wild
progenitors (Kruska 1988). Composed of the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, the
pituitary gland, and the amygdala, this portion of the brain regulates endocrine
function and the autonomic nervous system, which, in turn, influences behaviors
like aggression, wariness, and responses to environmentally induced stress. The
dramatic reduction in the size of this portion of the brain in domesticates can be
directly linked to an increase in the thresholds for the display of behaviors such
as aggression, fear, and flight that result in the overall reduction in reactivity—a
cornerstone attribute of domestic animals (Kruska 1988:221; Price 2002:89).
Although some researchers characterize these changes as a "decline of
environmental appreciation" (Hemmer 1990) or even more negatively as
"regressive evolution" (Rohrs 1985:547), the higher stress threshold of domestic
animals is actually a highly adaptive feature (Price 2002:89). Low-threshold
stress responses are advantageous in free-ranging animals that need to be alert to
sudden changes in their environment that might signal imminent danger. But they
are highly maladaptive in a domesticate in which a heightened stress response
to humans and other external stimuli can lead to lower reproductive success,
decline in health, or even death (Price 2002). The dampening of these responses
in domestic animals living in a human-mitigated, controlled environment enables
Pleiotropic Effects
A number of traits commonly seen in domestic animals are thought t
linked in some way to the intense selection for tameness and redu
animals undergoing domestication (Price 2002). These linked attr
changes in the timing of development—usually expressed as a re
rate of development in which the animal passes through fewe
stages than its ancestor so that as an adult it resembles a juvenil
ancestor (Goodwin et al. 1997). Pedomorphosis in development
result in a neotonization of morphology (often expressed in the ju
skull morphology), in an early onset of sexual maturity (clearly an
a domesticate), or in the retention of more juvenile behaviors in t
(again making the animal a more attractive and tractable domest
Other common morphological attributes in animal domesticat
tied to the initial selection for reduced wariness. These features in
which may be an artifact of neotonization that essentially freezes
ears in a more juvenile stage (Trut 1999). Piebald or spotted coat
another of the traits commonly seen in domesticates that may be the
linkage in the biochemical pathways of melanins, involved in coa
and neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, that help shape behavio
(Hemmer 1990; Keeler et al. 1968).
Rather than each of these traits arising from site mutations in
this entire "pleotropic cascade" of linked traits may arise from th
of gene expression during development caused by mutations
regulatory genes (Jensen 2006). Under such a scenario, mutations
regulatory genes can have a major impact on a network of linked
in major phenotypic changes without incurring large allelic differe
mechanism is increasingly thought to control at least some of th
plants to domestication (Piperno 2011).
Feralization—Domestication in Reverse
The lasting impact of these behavioral and linked morphological and physiological
attributes on domestic animals can be clearly seen in feral domesticates that
have reverted to a free-living state. Although feral animals may regain some
morphological attributes of wild animals (e.g., feral pigs on the Galapagos
seem to have the longer legs and snouts of wild pigs; Kruska and Rohrs 1974),
domestication-induced changes in brain size and function in domesticated animals
may well be permanent. Feral dogs, cats, goats, donkeys, pigs, and ferrets that
have lived outside of an association with humans for generations show little or
no sign of regaining the brain mass of their wild progenitors (Birks and Kitchener
1999; Kruska and Rohrs 1974). Even the brains of dingos, which have lived apart
from humans for thousands of years, are the same size as that of a domestic dog
for cat domestication (Driscoll et al. 2007). The presence of the rem
of morphologically wild cats among the diverse array of small carnivo
assemblages from the first sedentary settlements in the Near East (Rosenb
al. 1998; Starkovich and Stiner 2009; Yeshurun et al. 2009) suggests th
were among a group of commensal animals that took advantage of th
opportunities afforded by these early settlements. The placement of a ca
human burial on the island of Cyprus dating to 8,500 years ago suggests
domestic cats were among the managed animals and crop plants brought t
island by Neolithic migrants from the Near East (Vigne et al. 2004,2011). U
dogs, which quickly display morphological features linked to selection for r
aggression and wariness, cats were very slow to display any archaeolo
detectable markers of domestication—an indication, perhaps, of the diffe
pathway these aloof and far less social animals took into domestication an
different kind of partnership with humans that they maintain to this day.
Domesticated fowl also likely followed a commensal pathway int
domestication. These birds include chickens, likely domesticated thr
process of hybridization between several varieties of wild jungle fowl in Sou
Asia (Eriksson et al. 2008; Kanginakudru et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2006); Mu
ducks, posited to play a role in controlling insect populations in Centr
South American settlements (Angulo 1998); and possibly turkeys, independe
domesticated in both Mexico and the U.S. Southwest (Munro 2011; Speller
2009). In each case, the new food sources found in human settlements ma
been the lure that brought less wary individuals into initial contact with huma
is also likely that most early rodent domesticates followed a similar pathw
domestication. This is especially the case with the guinea pig, first domesti
in the highland Andes around 7,000 years ago (Spotorno et al. 2006).
Another possible commensal domesticate is the pig. Archaeological evid
from the Near East suggests that pigs began their relationship with hum
opportunistic scavengers feeding on human refuse in the initial year-
settlements in the more forested parts of the central Fertile Crescent (Ervnyc
2001; Redding 2005). As with dogs, the leading edge indicator of pig domesti
is a gradual reduction in molar length, thought to result from the neoteni
of skull morphology (Flannery 1983). Similarly, the early manifestation of
changes in skull morphology in pigs may also be the result of an extended "g
to-know-you" self-selection phase of a commensal pathway into domestic
Genetic evidence, however, points to multiple independent domestication ev
across the broad range of this widespread animal (Larson et al. 2005, 2007
certainly possible—perhaps even likely—that pigs and humans followed dif
pathways into domestication in these different instances of pig domesticati
on the supply of the animal, humans began to experiment with hunting strateg
designed to increase prey availability. Over time and with responsive species (i.e
those with the behaviors that make them suitable candidates for domestication
listed in Figure 1), these game-management strategies developed into herd
management strategies that included the sustained multigenerational control over
the animals' movement, feeding, and reproduction characteristic of the domestic
These conditions seem to have been in place in the central and eastern Fertile
Crescent at the end of the Younger Dryas climatic downturn and the beginning of
the Early Holocene (Zeder 2011). During this period of climate amelioration and
stabilization, beginning about 11,700 years ago, people in this region established
year-round settlements supported by broad-spectrum subsistence economies
composed of an array of plant and animal resources drawn from a wide range of
different ecozones (Zeder 2012b). Shifting prey profiles for animals such as sheep
and pigs (which may have wandered between a commensal and a prey pathway
in their initial domestication) have been attributed to localized pressure on wild
populations in territories surrounding these sedentary encampments (Redding
2005; Zeder 2011, 2012b). We see signs that these prey profiles developed over
time into management profiles typical of those employed by modern herders (i.e.,
culling of young males and delayed slaughter of females until after their peak
reproductive years; Zeder 2001, 2005, 2006c, 2008) so that by 10,500 years ago
there is good evidence that the relationship between humans and sheep, goats, and
pigs was well along the way to full domestication (Peters et al. 2005; Zeder 2011).
Shifts in prey profiles of wild cattle indicative of initial management seem to
occur somewhat later—ca. 10,000 years ago—in a region to the west and south of
the Taurus/Zagros arc that gave rise to caprine and swine domestication (Helmer
et al. 2005).
Since this process unfolded within the natural habitat of free-living progenitor
species, with likely frequent introgression between free-living and managed animals
and restocking of managed herds from wild ones, there is no archaeologically
detectable morphological change in these initial managed animals. Documentation
of this process, then, is best achieved through the construction of high-resolution
sex-specific mortality profiles—a technique that is only now beginning to be more
widely used by archaeozoologists working in the region (Helmer 2008; Helmer et
al. 2005; Monchot et al. 2005; Zeder 2005,2006c).
Genetic analysis by Naderi et al. (2008) has identified all six lineages of
domestic goat among populations of modern bezoar goats (the progenitor species
for domestic goats) from eastern Turkey to central Iran. Rather than being an
artifact of modern introgression between wild and domestic herds, the presence of
these domestic haplotypes among wild goat populations is instead argued to be an
artifact of quite ancient human-mitigated reproductive isolation and translocation
that dates back to a period of early human management of wild populations. The
authors present further evidence for the movement of two of the major domestic
goat lineages out of this natural habitat incubator zone of initial domestication
somewhere in southeastern Anatolia—a finding that fits well with recent
archaeological data for early sheep and goat management in this region (Helm
2008; Peters et al. 2005; Zeder 2011). These results suggest, then, that althou
a prolonged period of human management of goats within their natural hab
had no archaeologically detectable morphological impact on these animals
nevertheless left a clear genetic imprint that can still be detected in the essenti
feralized descendants of these six founder lineages of domestic goats. Rather th
being the result of six independent "domestication events," the domestication
all of these lineages was more likely part of the same cultural process in wh
culturally related people in the rugged and highly dissected Taurus/Zagros reg
brought different wild populations under domestication. Genetic analysis als
points to the domestication of multiple lineages of sheep (Bruford and Townse
2006; Hiendleder et al. 2002; Pedrosa et al. 2005), pigs (Larson et al. 2005), and
cattle (Bradley and Magee 2006), which, following the example of goats, may
also have been brought into domestication within the same cultural context.
Domestication-induced morphological changes in these animals are n
archaeologically detectable until the animals leave the habitat where th
domestication journey began, cutting off the possibility for introgression a
restocking with free-living animals and exposing these managed animals
a range of new selective forces (i.e., genetic drift and pressures of their new
environments; Zeder 2011). In bovids, for example, the distinctive changes in
horn size and form once thought to be markers of domestication only begin
manifest themselves once managed animals leave the natural habitat where the
were initially brought under human control (Bokonyi 1977; Hole et al. 19
Reed 1983; Zeuner 1955). These changes likely arose from some combinat
of factors: (1) the relaxation of selective pressures for large horns that allow
for the expression of random mutations previously selected against in free-livi
animals, (2) selection against the high energetic costs of growing and carryi
large heavy horns no longer needed in mate competition, and (3) deliber
directed selection for more tractable males with smaller horns and less-aggress
natures. These same factors may also be responsible for a shift in the size of
domesticated animals. This is not, however, manifested as an overall reduction
body size in both male and female animals (another characteristic once thought
indicator of initial domestication; Meadow 1989; Uerpman 1978, 1979). Instea
the impact of domestication in bovid body size is targeted on males, primarily
the height of males, resulting in a reduction in the degree of sexual dimorphism
domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs, most strongly expres
in the length of long bones (Zeder 2008).
In addition to livestock species domesticated in the Near East, it is likely
that a wide range of other common livestock species followed prey pathway
into domestication. These include humped cattle and water buffalo in South A
(Fuller 2006, 2011; Kumar et al. 2007), the yak in Tibet (Guo et al. 2006; Olsen
1990), and possibly other rather obscure cattle species such as the mithan in So
Asia and Bali cattle in Indonesia (Clutton-Brock 1981). The increasingly w
resolved archaeological and genetic data for the domestication of South Ameri
camelids (llama and alpaca) certainly suggest a prey pathway into domesticat
The three different pathways into animal domestication identified here clearly
vary in how they are initiated, the direction they take, and the length of time
it takes to traverse them (Figure 3). Animals following a commensal pathway
into domestication began this journey on their own as the animal seeks out
new opportunities in an anthropogenic niche.The strength of the attraction of an
animal to this new niche was likely shaped by an assessment of the trade-offs
between exploiting these new opportunities and remaining aloof from humans.
The strength of the species' avoidance responses to humans was certainly
another factor that shaped this pathway, as was the degree to which humans
would tolerate the presence of the animal and the benefits they saw in forging
a closer relationship with them. Some animals entering into domestication
through this route, such as the cat, have arguably never reached the pathway's
final destination.
Whereas animals traveling the commensal pathway began the journey
on their own initiative, animals entering the domestic partnership through the
prey pathway were less willing fellow travelers. As with the commensal route,
however, progress down the prey pathway was also likely quite slow as generalized
hunting strategies evolved into game management strategies aimed at promoting
availability and sustainability of hunting before morphing into selective harvest
of managed animals and then to deliberate breeding of target animals for specific
resources. Not all animals embarking on this path reached its conclusion. Gazelle
may be one such example. While future livestock species such as sheep, goats,
pigs, and cattle were primary prey species in the central and eastern parts of the
Fertile Crescent, in the western part of this region people were intensively hunting
gazelle, the primary ungulate in the southern and northern Levant. And although
there is evidence that human hunting pressure may have had an impact on the
demographic structure of populations of these fleet-footed animals (Munro 2009),
and possibly some indications of tentative steps toward management (Cope 1991;
Davis 1983; Henry 1989; but see Sapir-Hen et al. 2009), gazelle have very well
A second broad area for future research focuses on whether animals that
followed these different pathways into domestication have different capacities for
feralization. Here one might ask:
1. Are the domestic animals that followed a commensal path more successful
as feral animals because they can revert to the behaviors that brought them
into the relationship in the first place?
2. How do feral commensals vary from commensal species that never traveled
further down the pathway into domestic relationships with humans?
Looking forward, one might ask whether thinking about the processes of
animal domestication in this way has anything to offer about on-going efforts at
breed improvement or at bringing new species under domestication.
I am very honored to have been chosen as the Fall 2010 Journal of Anthropological
Research Distinguished Lecturer and wish to thank everyone involved in planning my
trip to Albuquerque, especially JAR Business Manager Ann Braswell, who handled the
logistics. 1 am especially grateful to JAR Editor Lawrence Straus for his patience given the
long delay in my submission of this manuscript.
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