Book FrictionStir Welding
Book FrictionStir Welding
Book FrictionStir Welding
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ii) Author: Prof. (Dr.) Bharat Raj Singh, India
This handbook is written according to the latest requirement of advance
techniques being adopted in 21st Century developments e.g., consider what
Luciano De Crescendo wrote "We are all angles with only one wing; we can
only fly while embracing each other."
The main objective of this book is to provide detailed information on the
subject from the view point of research scholar. It will be very useful for
postgraduate students, pursuing PhDs and research scholars. A Handbook on
Friction Stir Welding has been written with focus on the researchers and
entrepreneur as a whole for the ultimate benefits leading to the development
of the welding area.
In this book the subject matter has been presented in a very systematic and
logical manner. This handbook will satisfy both average and brilliant
students, and research scholars. It has been found that no complete and
elaborate text is available on the advanced welding subject and the
compilation of all relevant matter has been done in the form of Handbook on
Friction Stir Welding.
An honest and in depth attempt has been made to place the topics in
sequential and easy manner and to strive on appropriate balance between
breadth and depth of coverage of various topics.
In this Handbook following chapters are covered:
Friction Stir Welding is a new process, but has been used in production
applications since 1995 in Europe. The first applications involved welding of
extrusions to form paneling for marine applications.
In 1997 the Institute of Materials Research of the German Aerospace
Center, DLR, was the first non-industrial research institute in Germany
working in the field of friction stir welding of aluminium alloys and one of
the first TWI licensees in Germany. The FSW is performed on a very stiff,
numerically controlled bedplate milling machine. The process is checked by
online temperature, displacement and force measurement. Besides
manufacturing of FSW specimens and components with optimised process
parameters, DLR also offers the complete characterisation of the weld seam
or joints such as: Microstructure, Tensile strength (local strain of different
weld regions), Fatigue strength, Fracture mechanical investigations, damage
tolerance, Corrosion properties, Residual stresses, Non destructive testing
Dedication i
Preface iii-iv
Acknowledgement v
An Overview vii-ix
List of Tables xix-xx
List of Figures xxi-xxviii
Table 6.1
Welding Parameters 118
The friction stir welding (FSW) process was invented in 1991 by The
Welding Institute (TWI) at Cambridge, in United Kingdom. It was further
developed and was got patented by The Welding Institute. The first built and
commercially available friction stir welding machines were produced by
ESAB1 Welding and Cutting Products at their equipment manufacturing plant
in Laxa, Sweden. The development of this process was a significant change
from the conventional rotary motion and linear reciprocating friction welding
processes. It provided a great deal of flexibility within the friction welding
process group.
In 1993, NASA challenged Lockheed Martin Laboratories in Baltimore,
Maryland, to develop a high-strength, low-density, lighter-weight
replacement for aluminum alloy Al 2219–used on the original Space Shuttle
External Tank. Lockheed Martin, Reynolds Aluminum and the labs at
Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, were successful in
developing a new alloy known as Aluminum Lithium (Al-Li 2195), which
reduced the weight of the External Tank by 7,500 pounds (3,402 kilograms).
Today, the External Tank project uses the new alloy to build the Shuttle’s
Super Lightweight Tanks.
Since 1995 in Europe, Friction Stir Welding has been used in production
applications. The first applications involved welding of extrusions to form
ESAB a world leader in welding products and advanced cutting systems.
A Handbook on Friction Stir Welding 3
paneling for marine applications. Since then, the process has been
commercialized in many other applications, including rail car, automotive,
aerospace, heavy truck, medical applications, etc. Today, the process is being
transitioned into fabrication of complex assemblies, yielding significant
quality and cost improvements. As the process is maturing, designers are
taking advantage of the process, by designing the product specifically for the
FSW process.
In 1997 the Institute of Materials Research of the German Aerospace
Center (DLR), was the first non-industrial research institute in Germany
working in the field of friction stir welding of aluminium alloys and one of
the first TWI licensees in Germany. The FSW is performed on a very stiff,
numerically controlled bedplate milling machine. The process is checked by
online temperature, displacement and force measurement. Besides
manufacturing of FSW specimens and components with optimised process
parameters, German Aerospace Center also offers the complete
characterisation of the weld seam or joints such as: Microstructure, Tensile
strength (local strain of different weld regions), Fatigue strength, Fracture
mechanical investigations, damage tolerance, Corrosion properties, Residual
stresses, Non destructive testing (ultrasonic).
The Friction Stir Welding is apparently quite new welding process as
shown in Fig. 1.1 and is a good process for particularly welding aluminum
parts. The conventional rotary friction welding process requires at least one of
the parts being joined to be rotated and has the practical limitation of joining
regular shaped components, preferably circular in cross-section and limited in
their length. Short tubes or round bars of the same diameter are a good
The linear reciprocating process also requires movement of the parts being
joined. This process uses a straight-line back and forth motion between the
two parts to generate the friction. Regularity of the parts being joined is not
as necessary with this process; however, movement of the part during welding
is essential.
The obvious limitation of both these processes is the joint design and
component geometry restriction. At least one of the parts being joined must
have an axis of symmetry and be capable of being rotated or moved about that
Friction stir welding (FSW) is capable of fabricating either butt or lap
joints, in a wide range of materials thickness and lengths. During FSW, heat
is generated by rubbing a non-consumable tool on the substrate intended for
joining and by the deformation produced by passing a tool through the
material being joined. The rotating tool creates volumetric heating, so as the
tool is progressed, a continuous joint is created. FSW, like other types of
friction welds, is largely solid state in nature. As a result, friction stir welds
are not susceptible to solidification related defects that may hinder other
fusion welding processes. The FSW process is shown in Fig 1.2. The parts
A Handbook on Friction Stir Welding 5
intended for joining are usually arranged in a butt configuration. The rotating
tool is then brought into contact with the work pieces. The tool has two basic
components: the probe, which protrudes from the lower surface of the tool,
and the shoulder, which is relatively large diameter. The length of the probe is
typically designed to match closely the thickness of the work pieces. Welding
is initiated by first plunging the rotating probe into the work pieces until the
shoulder is in close contact with the component top surface. Friction heat is
generated as the rotating shoulder rubs on the top surface under an applied
force. Once sufficient heat is generated and conducted into the work piece,
the rotating tool is propelled forward. Material is softened by the heating
action of the shoulder, and transported by the probe across the bondline,
facilitating the joint.
While addressing the short history of welding aluminum, some of the terms
and definitions used here are being clarified as under:
Historians say the earliest examples of joining metals took place in Europe
and the Middle East during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. The Middle Ages
and Renaissance brought advances in forge welding, and the industry
continued to grow in the following centuries. The discovery of the electric arc
in 1800 by Sir Humphry Davy led to many more advances in welding,
including the invention of metal and carbon electrodes later in the 19th
century. The inventions of resistance welding, thermite welding and oxyfuel
welding all brought more possibilities to the industry, and in the 1920s,
alternating current welding became popular.
World War-I led to a surge in the use of welding processes, as various
countries began manufacturing more and more metal goods. Throughout the
following decades, the industry continued to advance as the introduction of
new fuels and shielding gases continued to expand the applications and
practicality of welding. Continued innovation and technological
breakthroughs have helped the industry continue to evolve to what is now a
thriving global industry.
Welding is a technique used for joining metallic parts usually through the
application of heat. This technique was discovered during efforts to
manipulate iron into useful shapes. Welded blades were developed in the first
millennium ad, the most famous being those produced by Arab armourers at
Damascus, Syria. The process of carburization of iron to produce hard steel
A Handbook on Friction Stir Welding 15
was known at this time, but the resultant steel was very brittle. The welding
technique which involved interlayering relatively soft and tough iron with
high-carbon material, followed by hammer forging produced a strong, tough
In modern times the improvement in iron-making techniques, especially
the introduction of cast iron, restricted welding to the blacksmith and the
jeweler. Other joining techniques, such as fastening by bolts or rivets, were
widely applied to new products, from bridges and railway engines to kitchen
Modern fusion welding processes are an outgrowth of the need to obtain a
continuous joint on large steel plates. Rivetting had been shown to have
disadvantages, especially for an enclosed container such as a boiler. Various
types of welding processes such as: Gas welding, arc welding, and resistance
welding all appeared at the end of the 19th century. The first real attempt to
adopt welding processes on a wide scale was made during World War I. By
1916 the oxyacetylene process was well developed, and the welding
techniques employed then are still used. The main improvements since then
have been in equipment and safety. Arc welding, using a consumable
electrode, was also introduced in this period, but the bare wires initially used
produced brittle welds. A solution was found by wrapping the bare wire with
asbestos and an entwined aluminum wire. The modern electrode, introduced
in 1907, consists of a bare wire with a complex coating of minerals and
metals. Arc welding was not universally used until World War II, when the
urgent need for rapid means of construction for shipping, power plants,
transportation, and structures spurred the necessary development work.
Resistance welding, invented in 1877 by Elihu Thomson, was accepted
long before arc welding for spot and seam joining of sheet. Butt welding for
chain making and joining bars and rods was developed during the 1920s. In
It is described in several ways such as: A mix of metals that joins at least two
separate parts, such welds can be produced by applying heat, or pressure, or
both heat and pressure, and they may or may not use an additional filler
metal. The term weldability is defined as a measure of how easy it is to make
a weld with a particular material without cracks.
Aluminium alloys are designated in two categories. First category falls under
wrought aluminium alloys (e.g., 1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx,
8xxx and 9xxx) other category falls under cast aluminium alloys (e.g., 1xx.x,
2xx.x, 3xx.x, 4xx.x, 5xx.x, 6xx.x, 7xx.x, 8xx.x and 9xx.x). The list of
principle alloys given in following Table 3.1 and Table 3.2.
It is known that aluminium alloys are welded with special type of welding
processes. Some of the important welding processes, other than Friction Stir
In gas tungsten arc welding process the heat generated by an arc, which is
maintained between the workpiece and non-consumable tungsten, electrode is
used to fuse the joint area. The arc is sustained in an inert gas, which serves to
protect the weld pool and the electrode from atmospheric contamination as
shown in Figure 3.2.
Shielded metal arc welding has for many years been one of the most common
techniques applied to the fabrication of steels. The process uses an arc as the
heat source but shielding is provided by gases generated by the decomposition
of the electrode coating material and by the slag produced by the melting of
mineral constituents of the coating. In addition to heating and melting the
parent material the arc also melts the core of the electrode and thereby
provides filler material for the joint. The electrode coating may also be used
as source of alloying elements and additional filler material. The flux and
electrode chemistry may be formulated to deposit wear- and corrosion-
resistant layers for surface protection as shown in Fig. 3.3 and Fig. 3.4.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.4: Shielded Metal Arc welding (a) Schematic Diagram, and (b) Diagram
Showing Polarity
The plasma arc is usually operated with a DC, drooping characteristic power
source. Because its unique operating features are results of the special torch
arrangement and separate plasma and shielding gas flows, a plasma control
console can be added on to a normal tungsten inert gas (TIG) power source.
Figure 3.6: Plasma Arc for Keyhole Effect Showing Current, Voltage and Temperature
The normal combination of gases is argon for the plasma gas, with argon plus
2 to 5% hydrogen for the shielding gas. Helium can be used for plasma gas
but because it is hotter this reduces the current rating of the nozzle. Helium's
lower mass can also make the keyhole mode more difficult.
3.4.1 Applications
i). Micro-plasma welding: Micro-plasma was traditionally used for welding
thin sheets (down to 0.1 mm thickness), and wire and mesh sections. The
needle-like stiff arc minimises arc wander and distortion. Although alike the
TIG arc is widely used as shown in Fig. 3.7, the newer transistorised tungsten
inert gas (TIG) power sources can produce a very stable arc at low current
ii). Medium current welding: When used in the melt mode this is a substitute
to normal TIG.
When one thinks of welding, MIG welding is probably what comes to mind.
MIG stands for metal inert gas. It’s also referred to GMAW or gas metal arc
welding. It consists of a spool of wire that is fed, along with an inert gas,
The ease of MIG welding allows for quicker and longer welds. The only
thing that really limits how long a weld can be is the duty cycle of the
machine and the endurance of the welder either human or robot.
3.5.2 Advantages
i) Constant voltage power supply: Unlike TIG, MIG welding uses a
constant voltage power supply. This means that the current can vary
with the arc length. The shorter the arc, the hotter it is, which melts the
wire faster but since the feed is constant it forces the arc to lengthen.
This is true for the opposite as well, longer arcs will eventually
shorten. The whole point is to keep the arc at a very specific length so
that the weld is more uniform (see Fig. 3.9).
3.5.3 Applications
Because of its simplicity MIG welding is used in almost every industry.
Almost anything you can think of from cars and trucks, to farm equipment
and pipelines, uses MIG welding. It’s also incredibly easy to automate,
making it perfect for repetitive, assembly line jobs.
The turn by the manufacturers to automate the welding processes has also
caused to the expansion in using high technology like the use of laser and
computer to improve the product quality through more accurate control of
welding processes. The laser may be used as an alternative heat source for
fusion welding. The focused power density of the laser can reach 1010 or
1012 Wm-2 and welding is often carried out using the keyhole technique as
shown in Fig. 3.11.
Like mentioned above there are many types of Laser Beam Welding (LBW)
but the most popular types in the industry are:
3.6.3 Advantages
The diagram shown in Fig. 3.15, shows the classic triode gun and column
assembly. The triode gun design consists of the cathode (Filament), Bias cup
Both the conductance and keyhole welding modes share physical features
such as narrow welds and minimal heat affected zone .The basic difference is
that a keyhole weld is a full penetration weld whereas a conductance weld
usually carries a molten puddle and penetrates by virtue of conduction of
thermal energy.
Friction Stir Welding features have led to the application of leaders for micro
joining of electronic components, but the process is also being applied to the
fabrication of automotive components and precision machine tool parts in
heavy section steel.
Figure 4.3: (a) Working Arrangement and (b) Heat Transfer in Tool and Workpiece in
Friction Stir Welding (One-half of the tool model is shown due to symmetry)
Figure 4.4: Schematic Drawing for Working Processes: (a). Start of joining, (b). Insert
joining tool, (c). Joining and (d). Pull away joining tool (end)
The rotating tool provides a continual hot working action that moves material
around a pin at temperatures well below the melting point of the materials to
be processed, plasticizing metal within a narrow zone, while transporting
metal from the leading face of the pin to its trailing edge.
There are two tool speeds to be considered in friction-stir welding; how fast
the tool rotates and how quickly it traverses the interface. These two
parameters have considerable importance and must be chosen with care to
ensure a successful and efficient welding cycle. The relationship between the
welding speeds and the heat input during welding is complex but, in general,
it can be said that increasing the rotation speed or decreasing the traverse
speed will result in a hotter weld as shown in Figs. 4.6a and 4.6b. In order to
produce a successful weld it is necessary that the material surrounding the
(a) (b)
At the other end of the scale excessively high heat input may be
detrimental to the final properties of the weld. Theoretically, this could even
result in defects due to the liquation of low-melting-point phases (similar to
liquation cracking in fusion welds). These competing demands lead onto the
concept of a processing window: the range of processing parameters that will
produce a good quality weld. Within this window the resulting weld will have
a sufficiently high heat input to ensure adequate material plasticity but not so
high that the weld properties are excessively reduced.
The plunge depth is defined as the depth of the lowest point of the shoulder
below the surface of the welded plate and has been found to be a critical
parameter for ensuring weld quality. Plunging the shoulder below the plate
surface increases the pressure below the tool and helps ensure adequate
forging of the material at the rear of the tool. Tilting the tool by 2-4 degrees,
such that the rear of the tool is lower than the front, has been found to assist
this forging process. The plunge depth needs to be correctly set, both to
ensure the necessary downward pressure is achieved and to ensure that the
tool fully penetrates the weld. Given the high loads required the welding
machine may deflect and so reduce the plunge depth compared to the nominal
setting, which may result in flaws in the weld. On the other hand an excessive
plunge depth may result in the pin rubbing on the backing plate surface or a
significant under match of the weld thickness compared to the base material.
Variable load welders have been developed to automatically compensate for
changes in the tool displacement while The Welding Institute (TWI) has
demonstrated a roller system that maintains the tool position above the weld
During friction stir welding, there are different parameters effects on the
process and on the forces on the pin as shown in Fig. 4.7. These parameters
o Material Alloy
o Grain Direction
o Rotation Velocity of Shoulder and Pin (rpm)
The welding cycle can be split into several stages during which the heat flow
and thermal profile will be different:
Heat generation during friction-stir welding arises from two main sources:
friction at the surface of the tool and the deformation of the material around
the tool. The heat generation is often assumed to occur predominantly under
the shoulder, due to its greater surface area, and to be equal to the power
required to overcome the contact forces between the tool and the workpiece.
The contact condition under the shoulder can be described by sliding friction,
using a friction coefficient and interfacial pressure P, or sticking friction,
based on the interfacial shear strength and tor; at an appropriate temperature
and strain rate. Mathematical approximations for the total heat generated by
the tool shoulder Qtotal have been developed using both sliding and sticking
friction models:
where is the angular velocity of the tool, Rshoulder is the radius of the tool
shoulder and Rpin that of the pin. Several other equations have been proposed
to account for factors such as the pin but the general approach remains the
A major difficulty in applying these equations is determining suitable
values for the friction coefficient or the interfacial shear stress. The conditions
under the tool are both extreme and very difficult to measure. To date, these
parameters have been used as "fitting parameters" where the model works
back from measured thermal data to obtain a reasonable simulated thermal
field. While this approach is useful for creating process models to predict, for
example, residual stresses it is less useful for providing insights into the
process itself.
The concept involved a pair of tools applied on opposite sides of the work
piece slightly displaced in the direction of travel. The contra-rotating
simultaneous double-sided operation with combined weld passes has certain
advantages such as a reduction in reactive torque and a more symmetrical
weld and heat input through the thickness as shown in Fig. 4.9. The probes
need not touch together but should be positioned sufficiently close that the
Figure 4.9: Simultaneous Double Side Stir Techniques with Contra-Rotating Probes
Figure 4.13: Twin-StirTM Variants-Staggered to Ensure the Edges of the Weld Regions
Partially Overlap
In traditional or fusion welding the material get joint in molten state and
resolidify, and in FSW, the joint is made in solid state; it never gets in molten
stage as shown in Fig. 4.14a and 4.14b. Instead, the joint is created under
conditions of severe plastic deformation.
(a) (b)
FSW gives you the ability to manipulate the properties of the metal and tailor
them for different applications. And it might be possible to optimize tensile
strength, fracture toughness, or fatigue resistance based on the particular
Figure 4.15: Micro-Structure of (a) Traditional Fusion Weld and (b) Friction Stir Weld
The precipitation structures of in MIG weld and in a FSW are compared with
50µm, and it is found that FSW is much superior to MIG weld as seen in Fig.
4.9.1 Advantages
Good mechanical properties in the as welded condition
we could weld metal without melting it, maintaining its original
properties despite the joining process
we could weld together metals those previously could not be joined
we could eliminate the rivets in airframe structures and make better use
of metal products in all forms by simplifying the manufacturing
process, lowering its cost, and reducing component inventory by
eliminating parts
Improved safety due to the absence of toxic fumes or the spatter of
molten material.
No consumables - conventional steel tools can weld over 1000m of
aluminum and no filler or gas shield is required for aluminum.
Easily automated on simple milling machines - lower setup costs and
less training.
Can operate in all positions (horizontal, vertical, etc), as there is no
weld pool.
4.9.2 Disadvantages
Exit hole left when tool is withdrawn.
Large down forces required with heavy-duty clamping necessary to
hold the plates together.
Less flexible than manual and arc processes (difficulties with thickness
variations and non-linear welds).
Often slower traverse rate than some fusion welding techniques
although this may be offset if fewer welding passes are required.
Critical tolerances.
High investment.
Tools consist of a shoulder and a pin which can be integral with the shoulder
or as a separate insert possibly of a different material as shown in Fig. 5.1.
The design of the shoulder and of the pin is very important for the quality of
the weld. The pin of the tool generates the heat and stirs the material being
welded but the shoulder also plays an important part by providing additional
frictional treatment as well as preventing the plasticized material from
escaping from the weld region. The plasticized material is extruded from the
leading to the trailing side of the tool but is trapped by the shoulder which
moves along the weld to produce a smooth surface finish. Clearly, different
materials and different thicknesses will require different profile probes and
welds can be produced from just one side or by welding half the thickness
then turning over to complete the other side.
As shown the pin is cylindrical. The pin diameter is usually taken to be equal
to the thickness of the plates to be welded. This satisfies the requirement that
the head pin is small enough to penetrate the two plates. The length of the tool
pin must be slightly less (by a fraction of a mm) than the thickness of the
plates, so the pin penetrates the surface from one side only and at the same
time forces the material to flow around it. The geometry of tool pin for FSW
tools is shown in Fig. 5.2.
The tool shoulder is also cylindrical in shape as shown in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4.
Due to the heat dissipation from the friction between the shoulder and the
surface of the plates (in addition to the pin action), the material undergoes
plastic deformation and the two plates are joined together. The tool shoulder
length is irrelevant, but it must be long enough to allow its fixation in the
Figure 5.7: Details of Prototype A-Skew™ Probe (a) Side view (b) Front view, showing
tip profile and (c) Swept region encompassed by skew action
Source: T. DebRoy et al., Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2011, 16(4), pp325-342.
A Handbook on Friction Stir Welding 95
worn out and tool had obtained a smooth shape. Polycrystalline cubic boron
nitride (pcBN) tools Owing to high strength and hardness at elevated
temperatures along with high temperature stability pcBN is a preferred
tool material for FSW of hard alloys such as steels and Ti alloys.
Furthermore, the low coefficient of friction for pcBN results in smooth weld
surface. However, due to high temperatures and pressures required in the
manufacturing of pcBN, the tool costs are very high. Owing to its low
fracture toughness, pcBN also has a tendency to fail during the initial plunge
stage. Maximum weld depths with pcBN tools are currently limited to 10 mm
for welding of steels and Ti alloys.
Boron nitride has two crystal structures, the hexagonal and cubic varieties.
The hexagonal form has a layered structure and hence is more suited as a
lubricant. The cubic (zinc blended structure) form is usually prepared by
subjecting the hexagonal version to high temperatures and pressures,
similar to what is followed in producing diamond from graphite. The
cubic form is second in hardness only to diamond and has greater
thermal and chemical stability than carbon. The phase is also chemically inert
to iron, reportedly even up to 1573 K. Like diamond, pcBN has a high
thermal conductivity which helps avoid the development of hot spots on tools.
A high thermal conductivity also helps in the design of liquid cooled tools.
The best properties are obtained with single phase cubic boron nitride
(cBN), produced without using any binder. Such a material can be
prepared by sintering commercially pure hexagonal boron nitride at high
pressures (6–8 GPa) and temperatures (1773–2673 K). The fracture
toughness for pcBN with a grain size in the range 2–12 mm is found
to be y7 MPa m1/2 at ambient temperature. Mixtures of cBN with
binders exhibit a ductile to brittle transition temperature in the range
1323–1423 K depending on the fraction of the nitride relative to the other
Figure 5.8: Ellingham diagram for some of metals used in FSW tools
Figure 5.9 shows that for the welding of AA 6061, the sliding torque
continuously increases with shoulder diameter because of the larger
tool/workpiece interfacial area. However, the sticking torque increases,
reaches a maximum and then decreases. This shows two important factors
that affect the sticking torque. First, with increase in temperature, the
flow stress‘t’ decreases and at the same time the area increases with
shoulder diameter. The product of these two opposing factors leads to a
maximum in the sticking torque versus shoulder diameter plot which
indicates the maximum grip of the shoulder on the plasticised material.
Any further increase in the shoulder diameter results in decreased grip of
the tool on the material, higher total torque and higher power
requirement. For these reasons Arora et al., suggested that the optimum
shoulder diameter should correspond to the maximum sticking torque for a
given set of welding parameters and workpiece material.
Figure 5.10: Commonly used tool pin geometries- (a) cylindrical threaded;(b)
three flat threaded; ( c) triangular; (d) trivex; (e) threaded conical; (f )
schematic of a triflute
Figure 5.10 shows the shapes of some of the commonly used tool pins. A
triangular or ‘trifluted’ tool pin increases the material flow compared with a
cylindrical pin. The axial force on the workpiece material and the flow of
material near the tool are affected by the orientation of threads on the pin
surface. Fujii et al. achieved defect free welds in softer alloys such as AA
1050 using a columnar tool pin without any thread. They suggested that a
triangular prism shaped tool pin would be suitable for harder alloys such as
AA 5083. Zhao et al., used columnar and tapered pins, both with and
without threads, and observed that the tapered pin profile with screw
The effects of travel and rotational speeds on the forces experienced by FSW
tool are compiled in Table 5.1. The legend +/- in a cell signifies that increase
in the column parameter results in an increase/decrease in the corresponding
row parameter, and (~) signifies weak or no effect. The power requirement,
calculated as angular velocity times the total torque on the tool, increases
significantly with increasing rotational speed. The effect of travel speed is
significant only at high rotational speed, where the increase in travel
speed requires increased power.
Sorensen and Stahl measured the longitudinal forces on the tool
for varying pin lengths at constant pin diameter and vice versa. The
For pin lengths smaller than 5.6 mm, the total longitudinal force on
the tool pin varied as the quadratic power of the pin length, and the pin
force increased linearly along its length with distance from the tool shoulder.
However, no specific influence of pin diameter on longitudinal pin forces.
The rotation and translation of tool through the workpiece result in its
wear. The FSW tool may also deform plastically due to a reduction in yield
strength at elevated temperatures in an environment of high loads. Therefore,
FSW tools for welding of high strength materials such as steels are often
liquid cooled. When the stresses are higher than the load bearing ability of
the tool, failure may occur.
Not many detailed studies have been done on the tool wear in FSW but
diffusion and abrasion are the expected wear mechanisms. Reaction
of the tool material with its environment, including both the workpiece and
the surrounding gases, is also expected to contribute to the tool wear.
Ellingham diagrams for oxide formation, shown in Fig. 5.8, indicate the
relative propensity of oxidation of several pure metals from a
thermodynamic point of view and similar diagrams may be constructed for
nitride formation. Furthermore, there is a need to identify the possibility of
interaction of the tool material with the workpiece by diffusion and
chemical reaction in model tests and actual FSW processes.
Depending on the results, a particular tool material may be a good
choice for one workpiece material but not for another of similar physical
proper- ties. Some such studies for wear in cutting operations have been
done for the interaction of pcBN with steels. Wear through abrasion
is particularly significant in the presence of a harder second phase such as in
AMCs. Figure 5.10 shows severe initial wear of a threaded 01 AISI
oil-hardened steel tool during FSW of Al6061+20 vol.-%Al2O3 AMC.
However, it has been reported that the wear rates decrease considerably
While the energy cost for the FSW of aluminium alloys is significantly lower
than that for the fusion welding processes, the process is not cost
effective for the FSW of hard alloys. Tools made of pcBN are often
used for the welding of hard materials. However, pcBN is expensive
due to high temperatures and pressures required in its manufacture.
Santella et al. did an approximate cost benefit analysis for FSSW with a
pcBN tool versus resistance spot welding (RSW) of DP 780 steel. The
equipment and utility costs for FSSW were assumed to be 90 and 30%
respectively of the costs in RSW; however, they did not report the dollar
amounts of these costs. They further assumed that a typical RSW tool tip lasts
5000 welds and costs $0.65 per tip. Considering the costs involved with
equipment, utility and the tool, they estimated that in order for the FSSW
to be cost competitive with respect to RSW, each FSSW tool, costing
approximately $100, needs to make 26 000 spot welds. Since the cost of each
pcBN tool was significantly greater than $100 and typical tool life was
between 500 and 1000 welds, they suggested lowering tool costs as an
important need. Feng et al., produced over 100 friction stir spot welds
on dual phase steel (ultimate tensile strength 600 MPa) and martenstic
steel (ultimate tensile strength 1310 MPa) without noticeable
degradation of the pcBN tool. Several FSSW tools have been developed with
Si3N4, TiB2 and pcBN. The costs of Si3N4 and TiB2 tools were less than
25% of the cost of pcBN tools. Machine loads for Si3N4 tools were
approximately 75% of that for pcBN tools and the two tools resulted in
similar joint strengths. Tools of W–Re or W–La alloys are relatively
less expensive than that of pcBN tool but suffer considerably more wear
Cost effective and long life tools are available for the FSW of
aluminium and other soft alloys. They are needed but not currently
available for the commercial application of FSW to high strength materials.
Tool material properties such as strength, fracture toughness, hardness,
thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient affect the weld
quality, tool wear and performance. Reactivity of tool material with oxygen
from the atmosphere and with the workpiece is also an important
consideration. pcBN and W based alloys are important candidate materials
for the FSW of high strength materials. High strength, hardness and high
temperature stability of pcBN allow much smaller wear compared with other
tools. Low fracture toughness and high cost of pcBN are issues that need
attention. W based alloys, although not as hard and wear resistant, are
more affordable options and have been used to weld steels and Ti alloys in a
limited scale. There is also an interest in Si3N4 as a prospective tool material
because it had produced welds comparable with pcBN tools at a much lower
cost. Further developments in FSW tool materials are required to address
the problem of high tool cost with low tool life during welding of
harder alloys.
Heat generation rate and plastic flow in the workpiece are affected by the
shape and size of the tool shoulder and pin. Although the tool design affects
weld proper- ties, defects and the forces on the tool, they are currently
designed empirically by trial and error. Work on the systematic design of
tools using scientific principles is just beginning. Examples of recent studies
From the above table it is observed that yield strength as well as ultimate
tensile strength is higher at the welding speed of 6m/min as compared to the
welding speed of 1m/min.
The development microstructure of an Al-4Mg-1Zr alloy with enhanced
superplastic properties for automotive applications
Source: Stavros Katsas et al., TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2005
120 Author: Prof. (Dr.) Bharat Raj Singh, India
6.2.1 Experimental
The microstructure in both the FSW and parent metal was characterised prior
to and post rolling using light, scanning, orientation mapping (EBSD) and
transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The superplastic performance was
assessed by hot uniaxial tensile testing using conditions determined in
previous work.
Figure 6.1: (a) Bright field TEM micrograph of the as extruded Al-4Mg-0.75Zr (section
parallel to the extrusion direction); (b) EBSD map of the as extruded Al-4Mg-0.75Zr (all
sections) with {111} pole Figure; (c) Bright field micrograph of the Al3Zr fan-shaped
arrangements in the extruded Al-4Mg- .75Zr; and (d) Bright field micrograph, showing
Al3Zr coarsening and needle-shaped precipitates at grain boundaries after 100hrs at
After extrusion two blanks from each alloy were friction stir welded
producing a sample of approximately 40mm width x 10mm thick. The
Figure 6.2: (a) Low and (b) Higher magnification bright field micrograph of the as
extruded and FSW’ed Al-4Mg-0.75Zr, showing also the Al3Zr distribution.
Figure 6 .3:(a) Superplastic ductility tests performed at the optimum SPF conditions
(500oC-10-2s-1 ) for parent metal and FSW from cold rolled Al-4Mg-0.75Zr and cold
and hot rolled Al-5Mg-1Zr, ( b) Comparison of the superplastic performance in
transition from the parent metal to the FSW for the cold rolled Al-4Mg-0.75Zr.
It is also interesting to note that the hot rolled Al-5Mg-1Zr weld exhibits
better ductility than the cold rolled. According to the above energy
requirement assumptions, it is probable that the hot rolled material would
exhibit better SPF properties under different conditions but lack of material
did not allow further testing. It should be noted that direct comparison
between the ductilities quoted from Ma et al., and Fig. 6.3 is not possible as
these were achieved with significantly different geometry specimens.
To explain the results of Fig. 6.3, orientation mapping and TEM as well as x-
ray diffraction analysis were performed. Samples from rolled parent metal
and weld for all three conditions described in Fig. 6.3a were examined after
simulating the thermal cycle of the SPF test (20 minutes at 500oC + water
Examination of the microstructure of the Al-4Mg-0.75Zr alloy after rolling
and annealing at the forming temperature, revealed significant grain growth in
the weld area (elongation 28%) while in the parent metal the
microstructure remained stable (elongation 400%) as seen in Fig. 6.3a.
Figure 6.4: a) Bright field micrograph and b) corresponding EBSD map with {111} pole
figure of the parent metal (Al-4Mg-0.75Zr) after rolling and annealing for 15min at
500oC, c) Bright field micrograph of the interface of the parent metal and the weld and d)
Bright field micrograph and e) corresponding EBSD map with {111} pole figure of the
weld (Al-4Mg-0.75Zr) after rolling and annealing for 15min at 500oC.
Figure 6.5: a) Distribution and average size of cubic Al3Zr measured using quantitative
TEM in the Al-4Mg-0.75Zr alloy and b) Comparison of average cubic Al3Zr as calculated
from the two methods (Quantitative TEM – Fig.5a and XRD analysis) in the Al-4Mg-
0.75Zr alloy.
Fig. 6.1b supports this claim but it also shows significant recrystallisation has
occurred in the extrusion. When this material was rolled, the resulting
microstructure consisted of elongated grains and a cellular substructure denser
In the light of the somewhat surprising obtained after cold rolling the FSW
material, limited tests were performed on hot rolled Al-5Mg-1Zr. In Figs. 6.6a
and 6.6c, grains and their corresponding SADPs are shown from the parent
metal of cold rolled Al-4Mg-0.75Zr and hot rolled Al-5Mg-1Zr. In both
alloys a cellular substructure was preserved after annealing by the fine Al3Zr
even though a small number of tetragonal particles were present. Figs 6.6b
and 6.6d demonstrate that passing from parent metal to weld, the volume
fraction of tetragonal particles increased. The main difference between the
cold rolled Al-4Mg-0.75Zr weld and the hot rolled Al-5Mg-1Zr weld was that
in the former all the grains have grown with a resulting average size of
~30µm, while in the latter the majority of the microstructure was fine apart
Source: A. S. Vagh et al., IJESET, 2012, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 51-58.
134 Author: Prof. (Dr.) Bharat Raj Singh, India
state nature. Due to the absence of melting of the metal, the Friction Stir
Welding (FSW) process is observed to offer several advantages over fusion
welding. Earlier Threadgill identified four different micro structural zones
observed in a FSW weld such as: (i) Base Metal (BM) (ii) Heat Affected
Zone (HAZ) (iii) Thermo mechanically Affected Zone (TMAZ) and (iv)
Nugget Zone (NZ).
Hakan Aydın et al., have found as welded joint yield strength and tensile
strength of Friction Stir Welded 2024-T4 Alluminum alloy 279 MPa and 389
MPa respectively against 351 MPa and 492 MPa that of unwelded metal.
However, yield and tensile strength of the 2024-T6 (190 oC – 10 h) joint are
found 24% and 11% greater, respectively, than those of the as-welded joint.
Elangovan K. et al., made experiments to know influence of tool pin profile
and welding speed on the formation of friction stir processing (FSP) zone in
The study revealed that out of Straight cylindrical, taper cylindrical,
threaded cylindrical, square, triangular tool pin profile; square tool pin profile
gives the highest tensile strength and yield strength value in FSP zone at 0.76
mm/s welding speed. Bussu G., et al., have illustrated transverse tensile
strength of the welded joint as a function of sheet thickness and FSW process
parameters. For 4 mm thick 2024-T3 Al sheet, the tensile strength ranges has
been obtained in between 408 to 432 MPa against the parent-metal strength of
497 MPa. T. Hashimoto et al., evaluated tensile properties of friction stir
welded 2024-T6 Al alloy and illustrated a post-friction stir weld tensile
strength of 440 MPa. N. Rajamanickam et al., observed the variation of
tensile properties of AA 2014 at various tool traverse speeds and tool
rotational speeds. From the experimental results, it was found that the
ultimate tensile strength increases with increase in weld speed in the test
range. It was also observed that decreasing the parameter of tool rotation
The Design of three newly developed tools which were used in the present
work is illustrated in Fig. 6.7. It should be noted that, in each design shape
and size is same and having shoulder under surface is diamond knurled
concave surface. The shoulder diameter is 25 mm. The shoulder area in
contact with work piece surface is same in all three cases. However, the main
important design parameter which differentiates among these tools is the
shape of the pin.
Figure 6.7: Tool Design I, II, III and drawing of FSW tools
For obtaining tensile test specimen Friction stir welded plates were sliced
(Fig. 6.8) in traverse direction using a power hacksaw. Tensile test specimens
were prepared as per ASTM E8M-04 using CNC Milling machine (Figs. 6.9
and 6.10). Two tensile specimens were prepared for each combination of
process parameters. Then average values of these two tests have been
reported. Tensile tests have been carried out on 400 kN, electro-mechanical
controlled Universal Testing Machine. The specimen is loaded at the rate of
1.5 kN/min as per ASTM specifications.
Figure 6.11: Main effect plots for tensile strength and % elongation
A main effect plot for nugget hardness is shown in Fig. 6.12. Notable
variation in BHN hardness can be seen with change in tool design. Mean
BHN value for Tool design I (with cylindrical probe) is the highest (162.62
BHN) among three. On the other hand for Tool design II (with stepped
The main effect plot for BHN with respect to tool rotation speed is very
interesting to note. There is not significant variation in BHN with change in
tool rotation speed from level 1 (113.70 BHN, 1000 rpm) to level 2 (107.50
BHN, 1400 rpm). However, at level 3 (2000 rpm) there is drastic increment of
more than 10% (133.99 BHN). The difference in nugget hardness between
the fast and slow welds can be attributed to higher peak temperature in
The shipbuilding and marine industries are two of the first industry sectors
that have adopted the process for commercial applications as shown in
Fig. 7.1. The process is suitable for the following applications:
Figure 7.1: (a) FSW Application in Ships and (b) Over 12 miles of FSW used to Fabricate
the Littoral Combat Ship and Commissioned in September of 2006.
Friction Stir Welding is the most recent upgrade to the Space Shuttle‘s
gigantic External Tank, the largest element of the Space Shuttle and the only
element not reusable. The new welding technique being marketed to industry
utilizes frictional heating combined with forging pressure to produce high-
strength bonds virtually free of defects. In 1993, NASA challenged Lockheed
Martin Laboratories in Baltimore, Md., to develop a high strength, low-
density, lighter-weight replacement for aluminum alloy Al 2219 used on the
original Space Shuttle External Tank. Lockheed Martin, Reynolds Aluminum
and the labs at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., were
As nuclear plants around the world grow older there are increasing incidences
of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) problems. In PWRs such cracking is well
known and often associated with reactor pressure vessel parts (eg: primary
water SCC at reactor nozzle locations).
(a) (b)
Figure 7.3: FSW Application in Nuclear Plants (a) Stainless Steel Water Storage Tanks
and (b) Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) problems
However SCC also occurs in the secondary circuit and auxiliary parts of the
plant which are also safety-critical. This repair development is aimed at
Friction stir processing (FSP) and subsequent rolling can dramatically reduce
grain size conferring excellent super-plastic behavior in certain aluminium
alloys. FSP of thick plate followed by rolling to sheet could potentially be
used as a method to improve performance of established super-plastic alloys
or to induce super-plastic behavior in alloys not normally associated with this
phenomenon (see Fig. 7.6).
Work has been carried out in Imperial College towards the development of an
alloy (Al-4Mg-1Zr) with enhanced super-plastic properties for automotive
applications. The alloy is produced with a simple process (particulate casting-
hot extrusion-cold rolling) and the resulting sheet exhibits elongations >600%
at a strain rate of 10-2s-1. However, recognizing that sheet derived from
an extrusion by rolling is likely to be narrower than that required for the
forming of a commercial car panel, alternative routes are being investigated.
Recently, it was demonstrated that if the extruded (Al-4Mg-1Zr) alloy was
friction stir processed, excellent super-plastic performance resulted with
Figure 7.7: FSW Super-Plastic application for the Forming of Commercial Car panel
Since 1997 roof panels were made from aluminium extrusions at hydro
marine aluminium with a bespoke 25m long FSW machine, e.g. for DSB class
SA-SD trains of Alstom LHB Curved side and roof panels for the Victoria
Line trains of London Underground, side panels for Bombardier's Electrostar
trains at Sapa Group and side panels for Alstom's British Rail Class 390
Pendolino trains are made at Sapa Group Japanese commuter and express A-
trains, and British Rail Class 395 trains are friction stir welded by Hitachi,
while Kawasaki applies friction stir spot welding to roof panels and
Sumitomo Light Metal produces Shinkansen floor panels(see Fig. 7.9).
Figure 7.9: Hitachi's A-Train British Rail Class 395 -High-Strength Low-Distortion Body
Welded by Friction Stir from Longitudinal Aluminium Extrusions
A 2: For ten years or so, FSW has been used for a variety of products of
Hitachi Group as shown in Fig. 8.2. As for materials, aluminum alloys (in
which defects are easily generated by fusion welding) and copper alloys
(which are difficult to weld) are two examples. The diagram schematically
shows an example of a "hog-backed member" in which the joining line
A 3: As mentioned in A 1, the key difference is that FSW does not melt the
materials being joined. And since no melting occurs, there is no solidification
shrinkage when the joined sections solidify. In addition, the maximum
temperature during joining is lower than that during fusion welding, so the
drop in temperature down to room temperature after joining is smaller too.
Consequently, the eventual shape deformation is also less. And since no light
is radiated as bright flashes, no sparks fly, and no smoke is emitted, FSW is
considerably more environmentally friendly than conventional "fusion"
welding as seen in Fig. 8.3.
Chewing gum does not stretch before it is chewed, but after it has been
chewed for a while, it easily stretches and elongates, Mishra says. In the same
way, metals treated with this process gain new properties.
In collaboration with Boeing, UMR has a patent pending on this process;
known has friction-stir superplasticity (FSS). This process is a variation of
friction-stir welding (FSW), which is a new joining method for aluminum
alloys, Mishra says.
The UMR Center for Friction Stir Processing is investigating several other
variations of friction-stir welding, including friction-stir channeling, which
builds channels for heat exchange in a solid plate; friction-stir microforming,
which makes miniature components that are equal to, or better than existing
components; friction-stir surfacing, which enables the surface to be modified
for different properties; friction-stir casting modification, which reduces
defects by embedding stronger regions into the cast component; and friction-
stir powder processing, which makes the metal's composition more consistent
with fewer flaws. All of these processes are based on the friction-stir welding
principle but altered slightly to obtain a different end result for the
Mishra hopes manufacturers find these techniques not only less harmful to the
environment, but also more cost effective, resulting in stronger materials.
Friction stir welding is now a proven process for joining high-carbon steels.
This process does not involve temperatures high enough to melt these
materials and cause unwanted metallurgical changes. Introduced in the early
1990s, friction stir welding found acceptance as a fast, high-quality method to
join aluminum and other non-ferrous metals that are difficult to weld with
traditional arc welding. A new generation of friction stir welding equipment
brings the advantages of this process to a much broader base of applications.
Unlike previous systems that required a substantial investment in a custom-
engineered machine, the new system from ESAB Welding and Cutting
Products (Florence, South Carolina) is based on a modular design. Given the
name Legio by its developers, the new series of friction stir welding machines
is built from standard modules designed to accommodate most applications.
172 Author: Prof. (Dr.) Bharat Raj Singh, India
In fact, friction stir welding of high-nickel or other high-strength alloys solves
some of the most difficult problems in joining these materials. According to
the company, the process does so economically, bypassing the problems
usually associated with arc welding of these materials.
Figure 8.4: Stainless Steel Plate size 3/8 inch (10mm) Permanently Joined with Friction
Stir Welding in one Pass
Until recently, friction stir welding has been associated with “soft” or non-
ferrous materials such as aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc and lead alloys.
All of these materials become plasticized enough for friction stir welding at
much lower temperatures. However, the use of friction stir welding on carbon
steels has been restricted because few tool materials could withstand the high
temperatures and high pressures required to weld harder alloys. Recently, the
use of tool bodies composed of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN)
with tips made of polycrystalline diamond (PCD) has overcome this
At first glance, the typical Legio system might be mistaken for a small
milling machine or a drill press (Fig. 8.5).
Figure 8.6: Friction at the Shoulder of the Tool Creates Heat to Soften the Material
without Melting and the Profiled pin Buries Itself in the Softened Material, Stirring it as it
Moves Forward.
Another cost advantage of friction stir welding is that a shielding gas is not
needed. During arc welding, shielding gas displaces air near the molten
materials so that they do not oxidize during fusion of the joint. The type of
gas (argon, helium, or carbon dioxide) or gas mixture can vary by application,
but typical costs can be as high as $20 per hour, per torch. Friction stir
welding avoids this cost.
This point raises another attraction to friction stir welding – it can very
likely be performed by existing shop personnel. Because the conventional
Legio friction stir welding machines are available in five basic with one or
two heads. They can be configured in seven size ranges to a maximum of 10
meters in length. Other applications and sizes can be accommodated with the
company’s customized platform of friction stir weld machines in the Super
Stir series.
The contractor team building this section recently completed the industry’s
longest friction-stir titanium alloy welds and aims to complete the ship hull
section this summer. Friction stir welds more than 17 feet long joined the
titanium alloy plates for the section’s deck.
“This fast, effective friction stir weld technique is now an affordable
manufacturing process that takes advantage of titanium’s properties,” said
Kelly Cooper, the program officer managing the project for ONR’s Sea
Warfare and Weapons Department.
Friction stir welding joins metals using the heat of friction produced by a
spinning pin tool pressed down on both pieces of metal at their common joint.
Friction heating produced by the high-speed rotation causes both metal pieces
to heat up to a “plastic” condition, but not to melt. As the tool passes down
the common joint line, the heated, plasticized metal from both pieces is
kneaded together in the rotating tool’s wake, forming the weld between them
8.5 Todd May, Space Launch System Program Manager at the Marshall
Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala says:
May 21, 2012
NASA's next heavy-lift launch vehicle, the Space Launch System, is moving
further in development faster thanks to proven advanced technologies like
friction stir welding.
"NASA is leveraging key technologies like friction stir welding from the
Space Shuttle Program to design and manufacture the Space Launch
System(SLS)". NASA's advancements in friction stir welding techniques used
to manufacture the external tanks give SLS a head start in development while
reducing program cost, increasing reliability and creating hardware with
superior mechanical properties. This technology directly supports SLS'
program tenets of safety, reliability and sustainability."
The Space Shuttle Program implemented the new weld technique in its
manufacturing process of the external tank in 2001. The first friction stir
welded tank flew in 2009. Since then, NASA has developed multiple tools
and advanced processes to enhance its welding capabilities on aerospace
"NASA's strategy to affordably achieve a 2017 first flight for its new
launch vehicle depends a great deal on the ability to leverage existing
technologies and expertise, while taking advantage of the new science and
innovations necessary to achieve extended flights of discovery," said Jim
Chilton, Boeing Exploration Launch Systems vice president. "Friction stir
welding technology meets all of those challenges."