Objectives: Health 9 Module 2: Community and Environmental Health Problems October 3-14, 2022
Objectives: Health 9 Module 2: Community and Environmental Health Problems October 3-14, 2022
Objectives: Health 9 Module 2: Community and Environmental Health Problems October 3-14, 2022
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
What words did you find? Use those words to create a meaningful paragraph or statement to
awaken humanity to the problems of the environment. Write your answer on the answer sheet.
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Module 2 Health 9 Page 2 of 6
Mother Earth has given you a piece of paper with a code written. You are curious about it! She said:
"It is the gift of rhyme that I can share with you." You need to break the code to reveal these wise
words. Here is the only clue that I can give you: Z=A, M=N. Write your answer on the answer sheet.
Natural Resources and Biodiversity explain why the Philippines is a rich country—putting our home into
the rare list of nations with a hotspot and mega diversity area for over 6000 plant species and
numerous animal species inhabited this area. However, despite—or perhaps because of — their
richness and massive importance to the environment and humans, the forests face continuing
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Module 2 Health 9 Page 3 of 6
destruction and possible extinction. This lesson will make you aware of the most pressing problems of
the environment today and their effects on people's health.
FLASH FLOOD is a sudden flood of great volume, usually caused by heavy rain. Illegal logging is
another factor contributing to the staggering death toll in the Iligan and Cagayan de Oro cities
during Sendong 2011. Many victims were swept away by huge logs that rolled down denuded
mountains facing the two cities.
ILLEGAL MINING is defined as the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from
the earth from a lode, vein, seam, or reef, which forms the mineralized package of economic interest
to the miner in the absence of land rights, mining license, exploration, or mineral transportation
permit or of any document that could legitimate the on-going operations.
The Philippines is one of the most highly mineralized countries in the world, with a mineral wealth
estimated at US$ 840 billion, of which most of the mineral reserves are still untapped.
SOIL EROSION happens when soil and rock are moved from one place to another by wind, water,
and gravity.
Causes of Soil Erosion:
Building of Roads
CORAL REEF DEGRADATION is a significant problem throughout the world. It has been acknowledged
that 27% of the world’s reefs have been affected. Gardener (2003) pointed out that:
11% has been completely lost
16% has been damaged
POLLUTION means any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water, air,
and/or land resources
AIR POLLUTION means any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the
atmospheric air
WATER POLLUTION means any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological
properties of a body of water resulting in the impairment of its purity or quality.
NOISE POLLUTION is the excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress, fatigue, irritability, tension,
headaches, and high blood pressure.
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Module 2 Health 9 Page 4 of 6
Chemicals in pesticides chiefly cause SOIL POLLUTION, such as poisons used to kill agricultural pests
like insects and herbicides which are used to get rid of weeds.
Soil pollution results from:
•unhealthy methods of soil management.
•harmful irrigation methods.
The following are pertinent laws adhering to environmental safety and health protection:
P.D. 389 (P.D. 705) – The Forestry Reform Code
- codifies, updates, and raises forestry laws in the country. It emphasizes the sustainable utilization of
forest resources.
P.D. 704 – Preservation of optimum productivity of fishery resources through conservation and
P.D. 1219 – Providing for the protection of coral ecosystems.
P.D. 1067 – Water Code of the Philippines
- adopts adequate measures to conserve and regulate water use in commercial, industrial, and
residential areas. It also provides other policy guidelines on water quality and management of water
P.D. 463 – Amended the Mining Act of 1936. All mining leaseholders must comply with Pollution
Control Laws and regulations and provide penalties for noncompliance.
P.D. 1251 – Imposes fines on tailings and mine wastes. The fund is used to pay for the damages to
land, crops, forest products, aquatic resources, and infrastructures caused by pollution from mining
P.D. 984 – The Pollution Control Law
P.D. 825 – Prohibits the improper disposal of garbage
P.D. 856 – Sanitation Code
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Module 2 Health 9 Page 5 of 6
- places the responsibility on the local government units for solid waste management in their
production area.
R.A. 8749 – Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999- provides for a comprehensive air pollution control policy.
Jiminez et al. UPSCALE MAPEH. Brilliant Creations Publishing. Inc., 2017
Miranda, et al. MAPEH for Today’s Learner. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2018
Lacia, et.al. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action, Rex Book Store Inc., 2018
Philippine Education Assistance Committee Learning Module
DepEd's Most Essential Learning Competencies
DepEd's Learners Material for P.E. and Health
DepEd's Teachers Manual for P.E. and Health
Tan, Galvez, et al. (2009).The Health Curriculum in Philippine Basic Education. Vol. 2: A Resource Book
for Teachers. Quezon City: UNACOM, Social and Human Sciences Committee
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Module 2 Health 9 Page 6 of 6
Module 2: Community and Environmental Health Problems
October 3-14, 2022
What words did you find? Use those words to create a meaningful paragraph or statement to
awaken humanity to the problems of the environment.
1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
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