Children: The Respiratory Management of The Extreme Preterm in The Delivery Room
Children: The Respiratory Management of The Extreme Preterm in The Delivery Room
Children: The Respiratory Management of The Extreme Preterm in The Delivery Room
The Respiratory Management of the Extreme Preterm in the
Delivery Room
Raquel Escrig-Fernández 1, * , Gonzalo Zeballos-Sarrato 2 , María Gormaz-Moreno 1 , Alejandro Avila-Alvarez 3 ,
Juan Diego Toledo-Parreño 1 and Máximo Vento 1
1 Department of Neonatology, Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, 106 Fernando Abril Martorell Avenue,
46026 Valencia, Spain
2 Department of Neonatology, Hospital Gregorio Marañón, 28009 Madrid, Spain
3 Division of Neonatology, Pediatric Department, Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña (CHUAC),
Sergas, 15006 A Coruña, Spain
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: The fetal-to-neonatal transition poses an extraordinary challenge for extremely low birth
weight (ELBW) infants, and postnatal stabilization in the delivery room (DR) remains challenging.
The initiation of air respiration and the establishment of a functional residual capacity are essential
and often require ventilatory support and oxygen supplementation. In recent years, there has been
a tendency towards the soft-landing strategy and, subsequently, non-invasive positive pressure
ventilation has been generally recommended by international guidelines as the first option for
stabilizing ELBW in the delivery room. On the other hand, supplementation with oxygen is another
cornerstone of the postnatal stabilization of ELBW infants. To date, the conundrum concerning
the optimal initial inspired fraction of oxygen, target saturations in the first golden minutes, and
oxygen titration to achieve desired stability saturation and heart rate values has not yet been solved.
Moreover, the retardation of cord clamping together with the initiation of ventilation with the patent
cord (physiologic-based cord clamping) have added additional complexity to this puzzle. In the
Citation: Escrig-Fernández, R.;
present review, we critically address these relevant topics related to fetal-to-neonatal transitional
Zeballos-Sarrato, G.; Gormaz- respiratory physiology, ventilatory stabilization, and oxygenation of ELBW infants in the delivery
Moreno, M.; Avila-Alvarez, A.; room based on current evidence and the most recent guidelines for newborn stabilization.
Toledo-Parreño, J.D.; Vento, M. The
Respiratory Management of the Keywords: prematurity; fetal-to-neonatal transition; non-invasive ventilation; oxygenation;
Extreme Preterm in the Delivery micropreemie
Room. Children 2023, 10, 351.
ovale. Thus, in several minutes, the newborn infant switches from a serial to a parallel type
of circulation that will persist throughout their entire life [1].
In term newborns, birth asphyxia is the most common condition needing resusci-
tation [6]. The main intervention under these circumstances will be to provide positive
pressure ventilation to restore an effective gas exchange and to supply oxygen and glucose
to the central nervous system and myocardium, both of which are essential for the infant’s
survival [7]. However, preterm infants who represent approximately 10% of all deliveries
worldwide are especially predisposed to difficulties in establishing a regular and effective
pattern of respiration immediately after birth. The immaturity of the respiratory drive
and lung cytoarchitecture, the lack of surfactant production, the excessive elasticity of the
thoracic cage, and the debility of the respiratory musculature often hamper the initiation of
the first inspiratory movements, the establishment of an effective clearance of lung fluid,
and the establishment of a functional residual capacity (FRC). All these circumstances
frequently lead preterm infants, especially very preterm infants, to respiratory insufficiency.
Consequently, a substantial proportion of preterm infants will need respiratory support in
the first minutes after birth including oxygen supplementation to satisfactorily undergo
postnatal stabilization [8].
Only a decade ago, preterm babies needing respiratory support in the first minutes
after birth were directly intubated and ventilated [9]. However, the concept of “the first
golden minutes” was put forward, aiming to achieve postnatal stabilization by employing
the least aggressive approach in babies who were mostly spontaneously breathing and cry-
ing and just needed some support to overcome the difficulties inherent to their immaturity.
This concept was primarily targeted toward ventilation upon stabilization in the delivery
room (DR) [10].
In recent years, delaying cord clamping has become a standard of care in term and
preterm infants [11,12]. Evolving pulse oximeter saturation and heart rate (HR) in the first
10 min after birth in healthy term babies with delayed cord clamping significantly differs
from Dawson’s nomogram, which constitutes the reference range for the management of
oxygen in the DR [13,14]. Initiating ventilation with a patent cord has implied physiological
advantages in the experimental setting [15]. This new approach to positive pressure
ventilation in the DR is being explored by different research groups [16–20]; however,
results are not yet available, therefore caution in the application of this new modality of
ventilation should guide our steps and be restricted to randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
Positive pressure ventilation (PPV) in the DR is of paramount importance for the resus-
citation of term and the stabilization of preterm infants immediately after birth. The present
review article provides a critical update to the recently published experience of ventilation
in the DR of extreme preterm defined as newborn infants born at <28 weeks gestation.
Figure 1.1. In
In fetal
andrespiratory airways
respiratory areare
airways filled withwith
filled fluidfluid
(panel (A)).(A)).
(panel Immediately after
birth, intense respiratory efforts generating intense pressures extrude lung fluid to
after birth, intense respiratory efforts generating intense pressures extrude lung fluid to the inter- the interstitium,
and closure
stitium, of the glottis
and closure and surfactant
of the glottis distribution
and surfactant in theinsurface
distribution of the
the surface alveoli
of the contributes
alveoli contributesto
to establishing a functional
a functional residual
efforts once
once the
the FRC
has been established require less positive positive inspiratory pressures (PIP) and and positive-end
positive-end expiratory
pressures (PEEP)
pressures (PEEP) to to maintain
maintain anan adequate
adequate gas
gas exchange
exchange (panel
(panel (C)).
applied as respiratory support to premature newborn infants to prevent lung edema and/or
atelectasis and alveolar collapse [26].
During fetal life, the larynx offers resistance to the efflux of lung liquid and, in contrast
to postnatal life, when apnea occurs in the fetus, the glottis remains closed in an attempt to
prevent the loss of intrapulmonary fluid that is essential for fetal lung growth [27]. Recent
imaging studies in a rabbit model have shown that the onset of spontaneous breathing may
be the key step for this reflex to change and, therefore, for the glottis to remain open. Hence,
when ventilation fails in an apneic newborn infant, an airway obstruction secondary to a
persistence of the fetal glottis reflex may be the cause. In this situation, the focus should
be shifted toward stimulating breathing and avoiding the cause of apnea by standard
maneuvers such as cutaneous stimulation or rubbing the back [27].
Figure 2. Fetal-to-neonatal
2. Fetal-to-neonatal transition
transition implies
implies a drastic
a drastic change
change to oxygen
to the the oxygen provided
provided to the
to the tissue
causing physiologic
physiologic oxidative
oxidative stress.
stress. However,
However, under
under pathological
pathological circumstances,ananexcess
circumstances, excessofofoxy-
gen can
subsequent pathologic
pathologicoxidative stress
oxidative andand
stress tissue damage
tissue withwith
damage longlong
and/or short-term
short-term consequences.
consequences. In In contrast,
contrast, low
low oxygenationcan
oxygenation cancause
suchasas intra-peri-ventricular
intra-peri-ventricular hemorrhage
hemorrhage (IPVH)
(IPVH) and/or
and/or death.
3.2. What Initial FiO2 Is Best for Very Preterm Infants in the First Minutes after Birth?
Current guidelines review
In a systematic recommend preductal oxygen
and meta-analysis, saturation
Saugstad (SpO
et cols. [33]2) showed
monitoring thatwith
the use
a pulse oximeter
of room air asand keeping with
compared SpO2 100%withinoxygen
recommended ranges after birth
for the resuscitation titrating FiOterm
of asphyxiated 2
Table 1. Clinical studies comparing higher or lower initial FiO2 for the stabilization of preterm infants
in the delivery room.
Oei et al. [51], in a randomized controlled non-blinded trial, the TORPIDO trial, com-
pared mortality and clinical outcomes of preterm infants <32 weeks GA initially stabilized
with room air or 100% oxygen. Unexpectedly, in a post-hoc analysis, the room-air group
showed a significantly increased relative risk of death (RR 3.9; CI 1.1–13.4) in the sub-
Children 2023, 10, 351 7 of 21
group of newborns <28 weeks GA. The investigators acknowledged that the trial had been
interrupted before achieving the number of patients calculated to achieve the statistical
power. Moreover, the study had not been powered for this specific secondary outcome.
Notwithstanding, they cautioned against the use of room air in newborns <28 weeks [51].
Lui K et al. [52], employing the Cochrane methodology, aimed to determine whether
using a lower (FiO2 < 0.4) or higher (FiO2 ≥ 0.4) initial oxygen concentration titrated to
targeted SpO2 improved short- and long-term mortality and/or morbidity. The study
included randomized controlled trials but also cluster- and quasi-randomized trials. A
total of 10 trials with 914 infants were included. The results did not show any differences
in mortality compared to discharge or secondary outcomes such as bronchopulmonary
dysplasia (BPD), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), IPVH, periventricular leukomalacia
(PVL), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), or persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Moreover,
no differences in neurodevelopmental disability were assessed at 2 years. However, the
quality of the evidence was defined as low due to the high risk of bias and imprecision. The
authors concluded that there is uncertainty as to whether using higher or lower initial FiO2
in preterm <32 weeks GA targeted to SpO2 in the first 10 min after birth has a significant
effect on mortality or major morbidities or long-term neurodevelopmental disability at
2 years of age [52].
In 2019, Welsford et al. [53] carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis com-
paring the clinical outcomes of 5697 preterm infants <35 weeks GA stabilized with an
initial lower oxygen concentration (≤50%) vs. a higher oxygen concentration (>50%). No
differences were found in short-term mortality, neurodevelopment at two years, or other
morbidities such as IVH, BPD, ROP, or NEC among others [53]. It was concluded that there
is no benefit or risk in initiating resuscitation with lower or higher FiO2 [53].
Table 2. Follow-up of clinical studies of preterm infants stabilized with higher vs. lower initial FiO2
in the delivery room.
Study Design [Initial FiO2 ] Objectives Outcomes
Evaluation Test
Outcome at
GA ≤ 32 weeks
24 months
Boronat [56] Pulseoximetry 0.3–0.6 Bayley III No differences
Target SPO2
age (PMA)
n = 206
Retrospective Severe NDI in
cohort Outcome at survivors was
Soraisham [54] 0.21–1.0 Bayley III
GA ≤ 28 weeks 18–21 months PMA significantly higher in
n = 1509 the 100% oxygen group
cohort Outcome at
Kapadia [55] 0.21–1.0 Bayley III No differences
GA ≤ 28 weeks 22–26 months PMA
n = 199
No differences
Death or NDI at SpO2 < 80% were more
Thamrin [57] GA < 32 weeks 0.21–1.0 Bayley III
24 months PMA likely to die or to
n = 215
have NDI
Abbreviations: RCT: Randomized controlled trial; SPO2 : Oxygen saturation; GA: Gestational age; PMA: Postmen-
strual age; NDI: Neurodevelopmental impairment.
cohort Outcome at 22–26
Kapadia [55] 0.21–1.0 Bayley III No differences
GA ≤ 28 weeks months PMA
Children 2023, 10, 351 n = 199 9 of 21
No differences
Death or NDI at 24 SpO2 < 80% were
Thamrin [57] GA < 32 weeks 0.21–1.0 Bayley III
months PMA more likely to die
n = 215
<32 weeks, evolving SpO2 in the first 10 min after birth was assessedor[62].
to haveOf
NDInote, only
Abbreviations: RCT: Randomized controlled trial; SpO2: Oxygen saturation; GA: Gestational age;
25% of newborns reached the targetage;
PMA: Postmenstrual SpO (≥80–85%) at impairment.
NDI:2 Neurodevelopmental 5 min. Moreover, not reaching 80%
SpO2 at 5 min was associated with a higher rate of severe IVH, and the longer the time
3.4. SpO2 Targets and Oxygen Titration
needed to reach SpO2 >80%, the higher risk of death. Newborns with lower GA and lower
The initial FiO2 should be titrated to achieve targeted SpO2s at specific time points
initial FiO2 were more likely
using to fail to
an air–oxygen achieve
blender a 3).
(Figure SpO of 80%
The2most widely[62]. In an
employed individual
references patient
in the lit-
meta-analysis from three
eraturerandomized trials comparing
are the recommendations higher Heart
of the 2010 American (>0.6) vs. lower
Association (<0.3) initial
algorithm aiming at SpO2 70–75% at 3 min and 80–85% at 5 min [34] and of the European
FiO2 in preterm infants <32 weeks GA, Oei JL et al. [63] found that initial FiO2 was not
Resuscitation Council’s (ERC) newborn life support algorithm that recommends reach-
associated with differences
ing 70% atin3 death
min andand/or
85% at 5 mindisability
[36]. Theseor cognitive
targeted values scores
are close <85
to theat 2 years of
values ofatnewborn
age. However, SpO2 >80% infants not
five minutes needing
was resuscitation.
associated withHowever, evidence-based
decreased infor-
mation regarding the pulse oximetry response to increasing or decreasing FiO2 in pre-
and cognitive scoresterm
>85. It may
infants be Aconcluded
is lacking. group of expertsthat, more sobased
recommended thanon the initial FiO
their experience that2 , it is
achieving oxygen saturation
if SpO2 wasabove 80%
below the 10thfive minutes
percentile, after
then FiO birth
2 should be that reduces
increased mortality and
in 10% increments
every 30 sec aiming to reach the 25–50th percentile avoiding SpO2 higher than 90% be-
brain damage in verycause
preterm infants.
this may be associated with PaO2 clearly reaching a toxic value [58].
Figure 3. Oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) according to AHA guidelines should be targeted at 70–75% at
3 min and 80–85 at 5 min. Heart rate (HR) should be targeted at >100 bpm in the first 2–3 min after
birth. Red and blue rectangles define the normality ranges for SPO2 and HR, respectively, at different
postnatal timings after birth (Graph modified from reference [28]). Red and blue rectangles define the
upper and lower of normality ranges for SPO2 and HR, respectively, minute-by-minute in the first
10 min of life.
4. Respiratory Support
Despite the immaturity of the lung, thoracic cage and muscles, and respiratory drive,
approximately 80% of very preterm infants (<32 weeks GA) and even extremely preterm
<26 weeks GA initiate spontaneous breathing or crying at birth. [66,67]. The ILCOR 2020
guidelines recommend nasally administered continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP)
to provide ventilatory support and establish/maintain lung FRC [7]. The use of tracheal
intubation has declined over the last decade in very preterm infants in the first golden
minutes and may confer advantages toward survival without major morbidity [68].
In recent years, proactive resuscitation has substantially increased the rate of survival
of micro-preemies in the limit of viability (22–24 weeks GA). The ventilatory support
strategies employed to enhance morbidity-free survival rates vary considerably among
institutions reflecting the lack of evidence-based studies, which hampers the establishment
of consensus guidelines as has been acknowledged by different international resuscitation
guidelines [7,30,59,69,70].
We approach different aspects of stabilization and resuscitation during the golden
minutes and focus especially on the subgroup of premature infants born <25 weeks gestation.
Table 3. Adverse events that reduce the effectiveness of face mask ventilation.
SpO2 [9,74,75].
Figure Suggestedsteps
room are (i) maintaining an adequate body temperature and avoiding hypothermia;
room are (i) maintaining an adequate body temperature and avoiding hypothermia; (ii) improving (ii) improving
hemodynamics stability,delaying
includingan anobstetrician
midwifeininthe thefirst
seconds of neonatal stimulation; (iii) in spontaneously breathing babies, providing non-invasive
seconds of neonatal stimulation; (iii) in spontaneously breathing babies, providing non-invasive
ventilation with mask or nasal prongs CPAP, trying to avoid intubation. If the respiratory efforts
ventilation with mask or nasal prongs CPAP, trying to avoid intubation. If the respiratory efforts
are insufficient to achieve an adequate FRC, IPPV with PEEP should be provided. (iv) In apneic
are insufficient
babies, to achieve anventilation
initial non-invasive adequate with
IPPVand with PEEP
PEEP should
should bebe provided.
provided. (iv) In
If IPPV andapneic
are notinitial non-invasive
efficient, intubation ventilation with
is required. (v)IPPV and
Initial PEEP
FiO2 of should
0.21 to be
should beIf titrated
using an
are not efficient,
air/oxygen blenderintubation
according is required.
to HR and(v)SpO2Initial FiO2 ofModified
response. 0.21 to 0.3 should
from Ventobeettitrated using
al. Pediatr an
Rev. (2015)blender
air/oxygen [8]. Abbreviations:
according to HR GA:and
Gestational age; w:Modified
SPO2 response. Week; sec:fromSecond;
Vento et DCC: Delayed
al. Pediatr cord
clamping; min: Minute; CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure; IPPV:
Rev. (2015) [8]. Abbreviations: GA: Gestational age; w: Week; sec: Second; DCC: Delayed cord Intermittent positive
pressure ventilation;
clamping; min: Minute; PEEP: Positive-end
CPAP: Continuousexpiratory
positivepressure; iFiO2: Initial
airway pressure; IPPV:fraction of inspired
Intermittent oxy-
gen; AHA: American Heart Association; SpO 2: Oxygen saturation.
pressure ventilation; PEEP: Positive-end expiratory pressure; iFiO2 : Initial fraction of inspired oxygen;
AHA: American Heart Association; SpO2 : Oxygen saturation.
For infants requiring higher supplemental oxygen, the CPAP level may be titrated
higherForup to 7–8requiring
infants cm [76]. It has been
higher shown thatoxygen,
supplemental stepwise theincrements
CPAP level of may
PEEPbeafter birth
higher up to 7–8 cm [76]. It has been shown that stepwise increments of PEEP after birthet
improved the rates of survival and reduced morbidity in preterm infants [77]. Petrillo
al. showed
improved thethat sustained
rates of survivalinflation (SI) followed
and reduced morbidityby nCPAP
in pretermin the range[77].
infants of 6Petrillo
to 8 cmH O,
et 2al.
showed with the RAM
that sustained nasal
inflation (SI)cannula
followed(RAM Nasal Cannula,
by nCPAP in the rangeNeotech
of 6 Products,
to 8 cmH2Va- O,
lencia, CA, USA)
administered with vs.
RAM mask
nasal CPAP
cannulaof 5(RAM
cmH2O, resulted
Nasal Cannula,in a significant reduction
Neotech Products, Va- of
the intubation
lencia, CA, USA) rate
the DR
CPAP Increasing
of 5 cmH the2 O,
resulted in in
theainitial minutes
significant after birth
reduction of
the be carefully
intubation rate in considered.
the DR [78].Hence,
Increasing75%the of neonates
pressure in born
the at <29 minutes
initial weeks’ GA resusci-
after birth
tated with
should a T-piece
be carefully resuscitator
considered. (TPR),
Hence, 75%setof with a peak
neonates born inspiratory
at <29 weeks’ pressure (PIP) of 24
GA resuscitated
and aPEEP
with of 6resuscitator
T-piece cmH2O, received VT with
(TPR), set > 6 mL/kg,
a peak which can injure
inspiratory pressure the (PIP)
lungsofand contribute
24 and PEEP
2 O, received VT > 6 mL/kg, which can injure the lungs and contribute to IVH [79].
optimal CPAP pressure has hasbeenbeenestablished.
However, preclinical
preclinical studies
studies in
in pre-
term lambslambs [80,81]
[80,81] andandrabbits
titrated pressures
pressures in aa range
rangeof of0–12
cmH22O O
and concluded that CPAP levels >10 cmH O improved oxygenation
and concluded that CPAP levels >10 cmH2 2O improved oxygenation [71], suggesting that [71], suggesting that
uniformlung lungaeration
achievedby bystarting
levels. However,
However, higher higher PEEP
PEEP levels
levels should
should be becautiously
overexpandthe the lungs
lungs and decrease pulmonary
and decrease pulmonaryblood bloodflow
flowand andthe thebreathing
breathing rate
rate [71].
[71]. In
an RCT, the use of CPAP 8 cmH2O during resuscitation significantly increased the rate
In an RCT, the use of CPAP ≥ 8 cmH 2 O during resuscitation significantly increased the
rate of pneumothoraces
of pneumothoraces [83],[83],
infants infants on CPAP
on CPAP levelslevels
of 5 toof7 cmH
5 to 72OcmH O did
did 2not not this
exhibit ex-
[84]. In addition, inadvertent PEEP above the set value should be taken into consideration
Children 2023, 10, 351 12 of 21
hibit this [84]. In addition, inadvertent PEEP above the set value should be taken into
consideration [73,76].
4.3. Type of Devices: T-Piece Resuscitator (TPR), Self-Inflating Bag (SIB), Mechanical Ventilators
It is mandatory that the ventilation devices employed in the DR provide PIP, PEEP,
and/or CPAP [8]. The self-inflating bag (SIB) and the T-piece resuscitator (TPR) are the two
most common manual ventilation devices employed for respiratory support in DR. How-
ever, CPAP is not applicable with SIB. Moreover, the SIB expiratory valves are unreliable
for providing PEEP with very low VT [85]. However, the use of SIB is essential for neonatal
resuscitation in regions where pressurized gases are not readily available [7].
Experimental studies suggest the benefit of using devices providing controlled levels
of PEEP and PIP to assist in the establishment of pulmonary FRC during the transition and
reduce lung damage secondary to barotrauma [86,87]. In manikin studies, TPR delivered
more consistent PPV and more homogeneous VT than SIB [88–90]. In preterm neonates,
TPR resulted in better control of PaCO2 levels compared to SIB during surfactant admin-
istration [74]. In addition, Roehr et al. [91], in a recent systematic review, identified new
evidence that pointed towards improved survival, decreased BPD, and fewer intubations
at birth in preterm infants stabilized with TPR [92,93].
It is currently unclear which TPR is most effective for applying CPAP at birth. The
effect of pressure stability and expiratory resistance was compared with seven CPAP
systems in simulated breath profiles. Neopuff (Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Auckland,
New Zealand) and Medijet (Medin CNO Medical Innovations, Puchheim, Germany) had
the highest pressure instability and imposed work of breathing. Benveniste (gas-jet valve
Dameca, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Prongs Firma H. Mortensen, Randers, Denmark),
Hamilton Universal Arabella (Hamilton Medical AG, Bonaduz, Switzerland), and Bubble
CPAP (Fisher and Paykel Healthcare, Auckland, New Zealand) showed intermediate
results. AirLife (Cardinal Health, Waukegan, IL, USA) and Infant Flow (Viasys Healthcare
Respiratory Care, Palm Springs, CA, USA) showed the lowest pressure instability and
imposed work of breathing and the lowest decrease in delivered pressure when challenged
with a constant leak [94]. A new TPR device (rPAP) that uses a dual-flow ratio valve
(fluidic flip) to produce PEEP/CPAP, designed to be used with nasal prongs, showed low
imposed work of breathing and kept PEEP at the set value due to inherent TPR device
design characteristics, decreasing the rate of intubation or death in the DR [73,95].
Ventilators are commonly used for CPAP delivery and PPV during transport and
in the NICU rather than in the DR [9]. However, in the Uppsala University Children’s
Hospital (Sweden) and Kitasato University, Kanagawa (Japan), babies in the limit of
viability (22–23 weeks GA) are intubated immediately after birth and placed on ventilators
with targeted VT avoiding bag and mask ventilation or CPAP [70].
premature babies, providers’ limited experience, limited knowledge of its functionality, and
likely due to a lack of evidence. A high-flow nasal cannula (6–8 L/min) or non-invasive
high-frequency oscillation in the DR is not yet recommended until reliable evidence is
available [9].
The trigeminal-cardiac reflex and laryngeal closure may reduce the effectiveness
of non-invasive respiratory support in premature infants immediately after birth [103].
Experimental studies in rabbits have shown that postnatal hypoxia may lead to the closure
of the glottis, rendering PPV ineffective [103]. Moreover, inadequate patency of the glottis
reduces the effectiveness of SI [71]. The facial compression caused by the application of
a face mask may cause intense bradycardia by inducing a trigeminal-cardiac reflex [104].
Kuypers et al. showed that apnea and/or bradycardia occurred after applying either
bi-nasal prongs or a face mask on the face for respiratory support in preterm infants at
birth [105]. Cutaneous stimulation and supporting spontaneous breathing could enhance
the success of non-invasive ventilation by ensuring that the larynx remains open [106].
become a standard of care in centers with a proactive attitude towards the treatment of
these patients in the limits of viability [95,115,116].
There are minimal data on micro-preemies in relation to the necessary ventilation
pressures. On the one hand, some studies show that a peak inflation pressure of 20 cmH2 O
might be too low to effectively recruit the lungs in extremely premature infants [117–119].
In contrast, Bhat et al. performed a prospective study in preterm infants <34 weeks GA
to assess combinations of inflation pressures and times and the resulting expiratory VT
levels using an RFM. Inflation pressure was the key factor producing significantly higher
expiratory VT , and a longer inflation time was not necessary to increase expiratory VT [118].
Murthy et al. found that only 27% of infants had expiratory VT greater than 4.4 mL/kg,
but these VT were measured only for the first five inflations via ETT when adequate VT
rarely occurs [117]. On the other hand, RCT in the DR with a fixed initial PIP and settings
according to VT [75] show different pressure levels to achieve adequate lung recruitment
depending on GA, with PIP less than 20 cmH2 O. This strategy is also used regularly in
Japanese groups with an active attitude toward micropremies [115]. We suggest a set of
maneuvers and strategies for the management of premature infants at the limit of viability
(22–23 weeks GA) described in Table 4.
Table 4. Strategies for the management of preterm infants in the limit of viability (22–23 weeks
GA) in the golden hour following the suggestions of neonatal centers with greater experience in
the treatment of micro-preemies [13,66,70,75,115,116]. Modified from Norman et al. Semin Fetal
Neonatal Med. 2022 [27].
5. Conclusions
At present, the optimal initial FiO2 and how to titrate oxygen during the stabilization
of very preterm infants in the delivery room are yet unknown.
Optimizing ventilation to establish a good lung capacity and cutaneous stimulation to
trigger spontaneous breathing both contribute to the establishment of effective respiration
in the initial minutes after birth.
Despite the initial FiO2 , titrating oxygen to achieve SpO2 targets of 80–85% five minutes
after birth seems appropriate to reduce the damage caused by hypoxia or hyperoxia during
resuscitation in the DR.
Reference ranges in newborns with deferred, as compared to immediate, cord clamp-
ing show differences in SpO2 and HR in the initial minutes after birth.
The initiation of ventilation with an intact cord (physiologic-based cord clamping)
seems to be a promising strategy to enhance oxygenation and achieve hemodynamic
stabilization in the initial minutes after birth; however, until more evidence is available,
caution is advised.
The application of optimal strategies to use NIV modalities immediately after birth
is important to establish an FRC to reduce the need for intubation, invasive mechanical
ventilation, mortality, and BPD.
Implementing a resuscitation bundle involves determining the appropriate size and
sealed mask, head repositioning, the opening of the mouth, increasing the pressure when
indicated and regulating it depending on the patient’s response and changes in lung
compliance, and debriefing after each intubation.
TPR allows accurate PPV with PEEP. There is no current evidence to suggest one
interface is better than another. Evidence was insufficient to recommend the use of heated,
humidified gases for assisted ventilation.
Feedback devices such as RFM can help detect adverse events.
To reduce unwarranted variability in the care of most extremely preterm infants
between 22 and 23 weeks of GA, we propose respiratory support including immediate oral
intubation, applying TPR immediately, and avoiding bag ventilation either by mask or
ETT, ECG leads, or an ETT secured lip level. This approach could be considered for use in
preterm infants of 24 weeks GA.
Children 2023, 10, 351 16 of 21
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