MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service: IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service: IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service: IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
Programme Faculty
Handbook of Education
2022-23 and Society
MA Applied Linguistics
MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Contents 2
Covid-19: Possible Changes to Information 6
1 Welcome from Programme Leader 7
2 Your Department 8
3 Key Programme Staff 10
3.1 Key Programme Role Definitions 12
4 Key Dates 13
4.1 Induction 13
4.2 Term Dates 2022-23 13
4.3 Reading Weeks 14
4.4 Closure Dates 14
4.5 Key programme dates 14
5 Your Programme 15
5.1 Programme Aims 15
5.2 Programme Structure 16
5.2.1 Credits 19
5.2.2 Modules 19
5.2.3 Summary Module Descriptions 21
5.3 Choosing Modules 31
5.3.1 UCL Module Catalogue 32
5.3.2 Process for Choosing Modules for 2023/24 (continuing students) 33
5.3.3 Change of Module Selection 33
5.3.4 Contact details for staff who can give advice about module selection 34
5.4 Examples of former student achievements 34
5.5 Employability 34
5.6 Progression, Award and Classification 35
5.6.1 Progression 35
5.6.2 Classification 36
5.6.3 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 37
5.7 Consequences of Failure and Condonement 37
5.7.1 The Consequences of Failure 37
5.7.2 Condonement 37
5.7.3 Programme Specific Condonement Information 38
5.7.4 Student Guides to Condonement 39
5.8 Programme specific resources and support 39
6 Assessment 40
6.1 How students are assessed on the programme 40
6.2 Coursework submissions 42
6.3 Marking criteria and learning outcomes 43
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
• Students’ webpages
Your department can also help with any queries, particularly questions
about your programme or modules, so please check with them where
you should enquire.
MA TESOL In-Service
mediated assessment and regularly serve in an advisory capacity for
major educational assessment organisations worldwide.
IOE - Culture,
Communication & Media This year you will explore the latest developments in the theory, policy
2 Your Department
I am delighted to welcome you to the department of Culture,
Communication and Media (CCM). We are proud of our department
which encompasses a broad variety of programmes, producing an
interesting cross-fertilisation of ideas and cutting edge research.
Thank you for choosing one of our programmes; I am sure you will
enjoy your time at the IOE. On behalf of everyone in the department, I
would like to wish you every success in your academic journey.
Module Leaders
[email protected]
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
[email protected]
[email protected]
Postgraduate Tutors
Sunyol I Garcia-
Dr Andrea [email protected]
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
4 Key Dates
4.1 Induction
The Induction for the MA Applied Linguistics and MA TESOL In-Service
progammes will be held online on Wednesday 28th September 2022.
Further information on session times will be communicated to you
closer to the start of term 1.
For student and Tier 4 visa holders, this means that you will continue to
be restricted to term-time levels of permissible hours of work, paid or
Term Dates
5 Your Programme
Core Modules
Optional Modules
• Multimodal Communication
Dissertation/research project
Core modules
Optional Modules
• Multimodal Communication
Dissertation/research project
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
5.2.1 Credits
The aim of the programme is that students successfully complete 180
credits and are eligible for an MA (Master’s) award from UCL. Students
who fail to reach 180 credits can sometimes choose to exit their
programme with a PG Cert (60 credits) or PG Dip (120 credits). For
further information on qualifications please refer to the academic
5.2.2 Modules
Please note that modules are reviewed regularly and may be subject to
change from year to year. Continuing (i.e. part time/modular flexible)
students should therefore refer to the updated module information for
forthcoming years, available from the programme team, especially in
relation to optional and elective modules.
education/Applied Linguistics/Discourse
analysis/Multimodal/Professional communication
This module offers students who are interested in second and foreign
language education the opportunity to develop a critical awareness and
thorough understanding of key issues related to sociolinguistics and
sociocultural theory as they impact on the classroom. After considering
fundamental issues such as the 'social turn' in applied linguistics and
TESOL, the module will focus on a range of topics, including
multilingualism and multilingual learners, the notion of the native and
the non-native speaker, speech communities and communities of
practice, scaffolding and collaborative dialogue, language variation, and
language and culture that are core to M-level study in the Applied
Linguistics and TESOL (ALT) group. Connections will be made to
personal experience and professional practice in second language
education and second language policy.
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
of the key principles addressed during the module, and experience the
process of materials development themselves. These understandings
and experiences should provide the foundations for materials
evaluation, design and development in the participants' future
professional lives.
The aim of this module is to move beyond language as the primary lens
on the social world and explore ways of documenting and analysing
how people use a range of distinctly different semiotic resources for
representation and communication. Students will engage with relevant
theoretical and methodological frameworks, and explore multimodal
communication across different settings, including classrooms,
workplaces, museums and online spaces, using video and other visual
data. This will make it possible to reflect on the potentialities and
limitations of different modes, such as image, writing, gesture, speech,
and gaze; the implications of changes in the semiotic landscape (e.g.
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
the increase in the use of image) and, in doing so, consider the
implications of multimodality for applied linguistics, TESOL, and
education research.
This module deals with the interrelations between language, politics and
education. What is the place of language in education, and how and
why is it a political question? It will examine how politics, power and
different forms of social and linguistic inequality play out in various
contexts of education, including home and non-formal learning
environments. More specifically, the module looks into the different
ways people around the world – teachers, pupils, parents, curators, etc.
– deal with and respond to linguistic differences in the classroom, at
home and in other contexts of teaching and learning. A key feature is to
provide, explore and examine concrete ways of addressing
mechanisms of power and inequalities through informed and critical
pedagogical practices. It goes beyond implications of the study of
language and politics by engaging in informed practices of teaching and
learning, thus it will be of interest to students who would like to see the
interconnections between language, politics and education as
theoretically, critically and pedagogically informed.
Full time and part time students will automatically be registered on their
core modules:
• Dissertation module
• Discourse, Society and Culture module for MA Applied
Linguistics students
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Full time students must then select 3 optional modules. For part time
and modular/flexible students, the 3 optional modules will be spread
across the duration of their course. Modular/flexible students will also
be able to choose when to enrol to their core modules.
All optional modules are subject to availability, and you may not get
your first choice. We appreciate that some students will be disappointed
with the allocations, but all our modules are equally weighted at 30
credits and will provide an interesting and balanced learning
Further Information:
You will receive an email through the Student Records system, Portico,
with details of module registration deadlines. Later on, you will also be
asked to check in Portico and confirm that your module registrations are
correct. It is important that you check that you are registered for the
correct modules so that you are entered for the right assessments.
Further information:
- Module Registration
Further information:
Portico Login
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
5.3.4 Contact details for staff who can give advice about module selection
If students have any concerns or issues with selecting their modules,
they should contact their Programme Administrator in the first instance.
Students should select their modules as soon as they have pre-enrolled
to avoid the busy period at the start of term. Please do note that
programme administrators will be dealing with high volumes of requests
and it may take longer than usual to reply.
5.5 Employability
Further information:
- Portico Login
5.6.2 Classification
Students who have successfully completed the Progression and Award
Requirements will be awarded a Classification. The UCL Academic
Manual, Chapter 4, Section 7: Classification defines the Classification
Schemes for each qualification.
students should click on the 'My Programme' box on the 'My Studies'
page in Portico. The 'Progression and Award Rules' link is below the
programme information.
Further information:
• Portico Login
Further information:
Further information is available in the UCL and IOE Core Information
section of this handbook.
5.7.2 Condonement
Condonement allows a student to progress from one year to the next
and/ or to be awarded a qualification where they are carrying a small
amount of failure, as long as their overall performance is of a good
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Condonement can only be granted when module marks fall within the
Condonable fail range. Where marks fall below this range,
Condonement cannot be applied.
Further information:
The MA Dissertation and the core modules are not eligible for
condonement and are defined as “non-condonable”.
Condonement can only be applied once you have completed all of your
taught modules. This means that you will automatically be required to
resubmit any work you may have failed. In cases where students have
failed a module, they will be given further guidance on resubmissions
and condonement as it relates to their case.
The Academic Writing Centre can offer further support and guidance
regarding good academic practice and academic literacy development.
6 Assessment
6.1 How students are assessed on the programme
Exact details of how each module is assessed can be found in the
relevant module handbook.
Work submitted for one module must not overlap significantly with work
you intend to submit or have submitted for other modules, including
Dissertations. Tutors will look out for repetition across modules.
A. Subject-Specific Knowledge
A. Subject-Specific Knowledge
Further information:
Please consult each module handbook for guidelines as not all modules
are managed the same way. You may also receive formative feedback
through input from tutors and peers.
Further information:
It is essential that all quotes in the text are referenced properly, using
an established style of referencing and applying the citation conventions
consistently (e.g. Harvard style, APA style). Different tutors may prefer
you to use different systems for citing your sources; ask your module
tutor or dissertation supervisor for advice.
If students are thought to have not sought the correct ethical approval,
this will be investigated by the Department in line with the UCL Student
Academic Misconduct Procedure.
important that students are aware of what items they are permitted to
bring into the Examination Halls, so they can ensure they do not
unintentionally breach the examination rules.
UCL has a zero tolerance approach to the use of essay mills and
contract cheating, as they go against every principle that UCL stands
for. These types of service disadvantage honest students and devalue
standards in our universities. Essay mills are now banned in England
and using an essay mill means engaging with a criminal entity.
Further information:
o Academic Integrity
Further information can be found in the UCL and IOE Core Information
section at the back of this handbook.
Further Information:
Further information:
• IOE Student Helpdesk Extenuating Circumstances
• UCL's Student Support Framework
• UCL Moodle
• myUCL
• UCL Instagram
The ALT Programme Team will communicate with you either by email
to your UCL address, or by posting in the news forums on the
Programme Moodle page or on the modules' Moodle pages. If you are
not getting email notifications from the news forums, please check your
junk email box.
8 Expectations of students
UCL enjoys a reputation as a world-class university. It was founded on
the basis of equal opportunity, being the first English university to admit
students irrespective of their faith and cultural background and the first
to admit women. UCL expects its members to refrain from interfering
with the proper functioning or activities of UCL, or of those who work or
study at UCL. Students should ensure they read and familiarise
themselves with UCL’s Student Code of Conduct and other related
policies and should be aware that any inappropriate behaviour may lead
to actions under UCL’s Student Disciplinary Procedures.
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Further information:
The days you attend class, whether virtually or in person, will depend
upon the modules you have chosen.
It is essential that you plan your time as M-level study requires a high
degree of self-direction.
• Students’ webpages
Student Engagement
Students at IOE are expected to participate in and engage fully with all
teaching sessions. Engagement will be captured in a number of ways
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
• Upgrade meetings
8.3.1 Student Visa students: Absence from teaching and learning activities
In line with UCL’s obligations under UK immigration laws, UCL is
required to report to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) when a student
has not been engaging with their studies. RegisterUCL is used by
departments and the central Student Immigration Compliance team to
report on student attendance. This is not only to meet the UKVI
requirements, but also to identify any problems as early as possible to
ensure action is taken to advise or assist the student.
Further information:
Students should be aware that, while there are many services on offer,
it is their responsibility to seek out support and they need to be
proactive in engaging with the available services.
At the start of the year, students will be provided with the name of their
personal tutor, and information about how meetings will work. Students
are encouraged to be proactive in engaging with their Personal Tutor:
make sure you reply to emails from your personal tutor in a timely
manner and always let them know if you can’t attend a meeting. It’s
important to build a relationship with your tutor so that you feel
comfortable approaching them, should problems arise. Your personal
tutor can also provide academic references for you, which is an
important reason to build a professional relationship with them.
Further information:
Personal Tutors
At the IOE, in the first instance, students will be invited to meet with the
department to discuss their Learning Agreement. This will be monitored
at regular periods as appropriate, but at least once a term as a
minimum. In cases where students do not meet the conditions set out in
the Learning Agreement or those that fail to respond to the offer of
support, these will be referred to the Phase Lead, who will discuss the
next steps.
10 Student Voice
Our goal is to put students’ feedback, insights and contributions at the
heart of decision-making. We value students’ feedback and work with
students as partners in the process of shaping education at UCL. In
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
10.2 Other ways students can give feedback to the programme &
Information about Academic Representation, Student Staff Consultative
Committees, Departmental Teaching Committees and other
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
During the first two weeks of the course, students will choose a student
representative. This student representative will request termly feedback
from fellow students and this is passed directly to the programme team.
UCL Security, who cover everything from ID cards and access to our
buildings to lost property and keeping people safe who work out of
UCL Estates who ensure the buildings and sites are safe, including
managing contractors, building works and access to equipment such as
In an emergency:
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Please call 020 7679 2222 or UCL extension 222 from any UCL
phone, before ringing 999. This allows the safety team to direct the
emergency services to the correct location.
If you are off the Bloomsbury campus call 999 and request the
appropriate service (police, ambulance or fire brigade).
Further information:
Emergency Contacts
Staying Safe
Safety Services
Security at UCL
12.2 Assessment
Below are links and information relating to assessment, which you may
find useful in addition to the information already included in this
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Part 1: How to Use this Framework helps you find your way around the
different support options open to you. It includes:
Use this if: What this covers:
Use this if: What this covers:
such as a serious illness or
the death of a close
relative. You can submit an
Circumstances claim to
access ‘mitigation’ such as
an extension or deferring
an assessment to a later
Use this if: What this covers:
Use this if: What this covers:
pregnant, or have a broken
The Student Support Framework is just one of the ways in which UCL
helps you to get the most out of your time with us:
Further information:
12.2.3 Reassessment
Further information:
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Further information:
• Extenuating Circumstances
• Academic Manual Chapter 4, Section 8: Deferred
Further information:
12.5 Resources
12.5.1 IOE Student Helpdesk
The IOE Student Helpdesk is situated on the 5th floor in Core A of the main
IOE building at 20 Bedford Way. The Helpdesk team are available to help
with any information or advice that you might need once fully enrolled onto
your programme at the IOE.
Further Information:
Further information:
Further information:
• CLIE website
• CLIE Self-Access Centre
• Academic Communication Centre (ACC)
12.7 IT Support
12.7.1 IT for IOE / helpdesk
IT for IOE support staff and students using central technical services,
such as networks, email, storage, and more. This includes specialist
services required by the IOE such as a mac managed service and
support for platforms used in Initial Teacher Education.
The Media services team provide a wide range of services, from filming
& streaming events and lectures, editing and production to a loan
system of media equipment.
The IT Service Desk in the UCL Institute of Education Library is the first
point of contact for any IT related issues with support available through
the day including an out of hours service.
Further Information:
• LinkedIn Learning
Learning on Screen (“bob”) provides students with access to a vast
archive of 65 free-to-air channel programming for educational usage –
you can view TV programmes and films, and listen to radio
programmes. In addition, Kanopy (“thoughtful entertainment”) is
available to UCL students, and offers a wide range of movies:
Visit the IT Essential for new students page for details of all IT
services available:
• UCL Go
Further information:
• Moodle
• Moodle Frequently Asked Questions
• Moodle Quick Start Guide
12.7.4 Portico
Portico is the main UCL student information system which is used by all
students for:
• Portico Login
• What is Portico
• Portico Support
Further information:
• Visit our UCL Library Services Updates page for the latest
updates on our services.
• We can also try to obtain any item required for research, which is
not already held in any of the UCL libraries via the Interlending
and Document Supply Service.
• Prior to your visit, you can reserve a place in one of our bookable
group study rooms or study pods
Further information:
• UCL Careers
• myUCLCareers
• UCL Careers Information on internships
Further information:
Further Information:
• Volunteering Services
Further information:
Further information:
Students should be aware that, while there are many services on offer,
it is their responsibility to seek out support and they need to be
proactive in engaging with the available services.
Appointment service
Select FAQs on the left side bar, then click on All FAQs
Telephone Service
Log an enquiry via askUCL, our online student enquiries system, to ask
a question or directions to a particular service. We are currently
responding to enquiries between the hours of 9am - 6pm (Monday –
Friday) and will aim to provide you with a response within 5 working
Self-service remains the quickest and most efficient way for students to
complete certain processes and obtain key documentation. We
recommend that students use the following self-service opportunities:
The letter self-service options on Portico where students can print off a
statement of student status (current students) or statement of award
Further information:
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
• askUCL
• Student Enquiries Centre
Further information:
Further information:
• Crisis Support
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Further information:
Further information:
Further information:
Further information:
• Student of Concern
Depending on the concerns raised, Student Support and Wellbeing may
respond by offering support or advice to the student or the person who
submitted the form, liaise with support services or, if necessary, work
with the relevant authorities to ensure the student is safe.
Further information:
Further information:
• Inclusion Leads
• Support for Pregnant Students
• Support for Student Parents
• Religion and Faith
• LGBTQ+ Students
To help with this, UCL has Report and Support, an on-line reporting
tool where students can report any issues anonymously or with contact
details request to speak to an advisor in order to make an informed
decision about their options.
▪ Dignity Advisor
▪ Crime Prevention and Personal Safety Advisor
▪ Human Resources Business Manager (if it’s about a
member of staff)
▪ Student Mediator
▪ Student Support and Wellbeing
Further information:
12.14.2 Support for students who have been affected by sexual violence
and/or domestic abuse
UCL will do its utmost to support anyone who has been, or is being,
affected by sexual violence and/or domestic abuse. If a student would
like to talk to somebody at UCL, the Student Support and Wellbeing
Team can offer advice on the support available both internally and
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Further information:
The Union is the representative body of all UCL students. It’s run by
students for students and is a registered charity, independent of UCL.
All UCL students at every level are automatically members of the Union
(but can opt out), and student leaders are elected annually by and from
all current students. The elected student leaders who work full time for
you are called Sabbatical Officers and they represent students on
various UCL committees and influence decisions that matter to
students. Alongside the Sabbatical Officers there are more than 2000
other student representatives, who cover every part of UCL life, from
your programme, research studies, department, faculty or the UCL
accommodation you live in.
Further information:
Further information:
Further information:
Further information:
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
• UCL ChangeMakers
Further information:
Further information:
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
understand what you most value, and take action to deal with things
you’d like to see improve. They’ll also work with your Lead Department
Representative as well as your Faculty Representatives and the
Students’ Union to make things better across the whole of UCL.
Even if you don’t fancy taking up a role yourself, keep an eye out for
your chance to vote for which students you feel will do the best job.
Further information:
• Academic Representatives
• Find your representative
Further information:
MA Applied Linguistics MA TESOL In-Service
Programme Handbook 2022-23
Further information:
Further information:
Further information:
Further Information:
ensuring health and safety. Further information about how UCL uses
student information can be found in the UCL General Student Privacy
Further information:
Further information:
• Degree Certificates
12.20.2 Transcripts
Five copies of your official transcript, detailing examinations taken and
results achieved, is issued automatically to all graduating students and
sent to their home addresses as held on Portico within 3 months from
the date the award is conferred by UCL authorities.
Further information:
• Transcripts
Further information:
• Graduation Ceremonies
Further information:
• UCL Alumni