Test Empiler Assignment

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Test Case ID Module Name Test Scenario Test Case

TC001 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that payments options

ts Page Checkout,Payments Page applicable for the order should
be displayed at checkout.

TC002 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that delivery details of

ts Page Checkout,Payments Page items should be displayed at

TC003 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that user should get order
ts Page Checkout,Payments Page details by message or email.

TC004 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that user should be

ts Page Checkout,Payments Page directed to home page after
ts Page Checkout,Payments Page directed to home page after

TC005 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that user should be

ts Page Checkout,Payments Page displayed payment options such
as Credit Card, Debit Card, Net
Banking etc.

TC006 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that if user is not

ts Page Checkout,Payments Page registered then payment should
be done as Guest user.

TC007 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that user should be

ts Page Checkout,Payments Page provided with an option to save
the payment method.
TC008 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that session should be
ts Page Checkout,Payments Page timed out if payment is not done
for a certain time.

TC009 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that user details should be
ts Page Checkout,Payments Page displayed on payment page for
registered customers.

TC0010 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that on successful

ts Page Checkout,Payments Page payment email or text message
should be delivered to customer
along with unique order number.
TC0010 Checkout,Paymen Verify the details on Verify that on successful
ts Page Checkout,Payments Page payment email or text message
should be delivered to customer
along with unique order number.
Pre-requisites Test Data Step No. Test Step
Browser should be Username- Username 1 Open browser
installed Password- password 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on x,y,z products displayed
on home page
6 Click on add to cart for the
7 Click on Checkout button.

Browser should be 1 Open browser

installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on any product displayed on

home page
6 Click on add to cart for the
7 Click on Checkout button.

Browser should be 1 Open browser

installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on any product displayed on

home page
6 Click on add to cart for the
7 Click on Checkout button.

8 Make payment for the order.

Browser should be 1 Open browser

installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in

4 Click on login button

5 Click on any product displayed on

home page
6 Click on add to cart for the
7 Click on Checkout button.

8 Make payment for the order.

Browser should be 1 Open browser

installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on any product displayed on

home page
6 Click on add to cart for the
7 Click on Checkout button.

Browser should be 1 Open browser

installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Click on any product displayed on
home page
4 Click on add to cart for the
5 Click on Checkout button.

6 Make payment for the order.

Browser should be 1 Open browser
installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on any product displayed on
home page
6 Click on any product displayed on
home page
7 Click on add to cart for the
8 Click on Checkout button.

9 Make payment for the order.

Browser should be 1 Open browser

installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on any product displayed on

home page
6 Click on any product displayed on
home page
7 Click on add to cart for the
8 Click on Checkout button.

9 Select payment method and click

on pay.
10 Stay on payment page for long
time wtihout any activity.
Browser should be 1 Open browser
installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on user name displayed on

home page.
6 Click on any product displayed on
home page
7 Click on add to cart for the
8 Click on Checkout button.

Browser should be 1 Open browser

Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in
Browser should be
installed 2 Open url
Internet connection should
be present
User should be logged in 3 Enter username and password

4 Click on login button

5 Click on any product displayed on

home page
6 Click on add to cart for the
7 Click on Checkout button.

8 Make payment.
Expected Result Actual Result Status Comments
Browser should be opened
amazon website should be opened
user should be able to input username and
Home page should be displayed after login
The product page should be displayed.

5 products should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options.
Browser should be opened
amazon website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

Home page should be displayed after login
and user name should be displayed on home
The product page should be displayed.

5 products should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

delivery details.
Browser should be opened
amazon website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

Home page should be displayed after login
and user name should be displayed on home
The product page should be displayed.

5 products should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options.
User should get order details by message or
Browser should be opened
amazon website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

User should be logged in and Search
functionality is present on home page.

The product page should be displayed.

The product should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options.
Ther order should be confirmed and user
should be directed to home page.

Browser should be opened

amazon website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

User should be logged in and home page
should be same on different browsers.

The product page should be displayed.

5 products should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options such as debit card, credit
card, netbanking etc.
Browser should be opened
amazon website should be opened

The product page should be displayed.

5 products should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options.
The payment should be done as guest user.

Browser should be opened

amazon website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

Home page should be displayed after login
and user name should be displayed on home
User should be redirected to product
specification page.
The product page should be displayed.

The product should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options.
the user should be able to save payment
method for future orders.
Browser should be opened
amazon website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

Home page should be displayed after login
and user name should be displayed on home
User should be redirected to product
specification page.
The product page should be displayed.

The product should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options.
Payment page should be displayed.

The payment session should be timedout.

Browser should be opened

amazon website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

Home page should be displayed after login
and user name should be displayed on home
User profile should be displayed.

The product page should be displayed.

The checkout page should be displayed with

user details.
Browser should be opened
Ecommerce website should be opened

user should be able to input username and

Used should be logged in and home page
should be displayed, products should be
The product page should be displayed.

The product should be added to cart.

The checkout page should be displayed with

payments options.
Order should be confirmed and email or text
message should be delivered to customer.
Defacts in google image -
1 There is Colour variation of I am feeling unlucky.
2 There is spelling mistake in google search .
3 I am feeling unlucky text mistake, it should be lucky in place of unlucky.
4 Done is repetitive, its two times.
5 Scroll bar down button is two times
6 Default selected page should be Google search.
7 Map spelling mistake, it should be Maps.
8 News bar is not in alignment.
9 Hopping should be Shopping.
10 Line is missing under iGoogle.
11 White color line under History button.
12 Address bar is missing.
13 Prefrence bar is missing.
14 in more bar the scroll should be downwards.
Some improvement areas in sign in page for batter user experience -
Instead of using What is your e-mail address? we can use E-mail Address
We can use Enter Password instead of having different options.
Instead of having Forgotten your password? it can be Forgot Password.
The interface of this page could be a little more attractive like we can use different colours.
My e-mail address is could be removed. Just a label Email address and a text box (for entering the email) would be enough.
The labels Email Address & Password should be properly aligned to the left.
The text fields, the check box field, and the Sign In button should be aligned in a straight line.
No aerrow buttons on Sign-In page.
we can use a example of email in grey colour so it can help to the customer.

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