Wings & Wheels 058 MGM 52 LANCE in Detail

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~ MiGWE 32 LAN €E MGM 02, M752 Launcher and M688 Loader WP PHOTO MANDAL FOR MODELERS * < wr WINGS & WHEELS PUBLICATIONS ‘Acknowledgement This publication would never hove bean complate without he help of [Mr os testers, cst and tof he Guntre Museum Brorechoot, Front cover. aL romp nthe Guntre Musoum © Franck Kotén, 2018 Fist page: Launcher vice inthe Guntie Museum © Frantisek Karn, 2018, Rear cover: |Louncher vehicle of he Nethovands Aly Muscum at Oldebroek © ddan Wilem de Boer/ WAP 2018 Reference and source materia ‘TM491450485 101975, 49-143048012, M9480 48612 Copyright © 2018 by RAK [Aight reserved Apr from an fac dean for he purpone of private sy esearch {rium or enn perme ander he Copyright Ben putts weston ry be ‘produced saved ins retrieval sytam oon in yar by sy means ope, ‘Secrna chroot or mechan! by piaecopyg, rearing cherie, ‘Sith pono ha opr oer RN nies hd rene WINGS & WHEELS PUBLICATIONS, Photo manual fer modelers anct in detail is aregistered Trade Mark. MGM 52 Lance in detail* BRAK, 15t edition, Prague, September 2018 Published by Frantiéek Konan RAK Contact address: RAK, Hradkevé 2169 190 16, Prague 21, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ISBN 978-50-87509-64-7 ‘Seagratons marsoned tren ne pope the wasean hast Photos unless otherwise stated © Frantisek Korn 2018 Text © Frantigek Korn and Jan Horak 2018 Engieh txt corrections © John Prigent Graphic design and prepress © RAK, Frantéak Koran 2018 Press by Tiskarma GLOS Semily sro, Czech Repub (ww.glosc2) stey/ienterpoicom/Website/, ‘PUBLICATIONS mimosa waesls PHOTO GAGIOAL FOR 28 eed M688 Loader Tactic! Missile System MGM 52 Lance The s0-colled Cold War fook place inthe 1960s as both the Worsaw Pact developed and manufactured rocket weapons capable of delivering sfotes and NATO increased fhe quant and quaityof heir weapons and small nuclear warheads at longer ranges than conventional artery. developed new ones. Af this ime the use of nuclear weapons in open Their use was Intended for strikes on the opponents rear lies and com ‘munications up to 60450 km away - warehouses, froop concentrations Cconfict was aso seriously considered, not only as strategic weapons but also for tactical use if the NATO states were invaded. Both sides or barracks, alports, traffic junctions, probable directions of atack, ef 002 History The US Department range of 49 10140 km and a speed of fhuctear warheads up to 100 kllotannes wore fo replace the MGM.29 Sergeant and MGR- Ho ready By the end of the 1950s specifications had been crown Mm Vhy4 Riis me ied pages 7-33 oe fed f0 lead the development and production of History 003 MGM-52 Missile pages 36-94 ‘given the codename LANCE in November 1962, and designated MGM-52 in June 1963. It was not a ‘guided! missile controled by on-board or {ground based computers, but used inertia! uidance systems fo keep it (on course forthe target. Three missile varionts were tested from 1965 fo 1971, taking < long te because of rocket motor problems. After these, evelopment was completed in May 1972 and the fist MGM-S2 C LANCE missiles were deployed in Europe in Soptember 1973. {A set consisting of an M752 launch vehicle and MS88A1 transport and fueling vehicle was used trom 1972 until June 1992. As wel as the US they 004 History wore used by Bolgium, West Germany Great Britain, the Netherlands, ond Italy. Tey were also delivered fo Israel and Iran. Rockets were sil used as training targets. The selfpropelled M752 launcher and M688At transport and reloading vehicles (Originally the missle was only fo be transported on the M35 towed Louncher Zero Length IZL At the beginning of the 608 this wos re- fevalvated, and the XM667 tracked chassis bosed on the M113 crmored Crier wos selected for transport. The launcher on this chassis was RT Te designated M752 and the supply and charging vehicle on the same eswehr Var = ‘chassis was the M688. The chassis of the fronsporter was modified fo Vehicle dat: Ccarry an open body with o folding rear ramp. The cliver sat atthe lett tront, with at his right of it the écylinder Detrot Diesel SVS 215 Ks motor (On the bock of the M752 vehicle was the LZL louncher. There were 4 {9pe7a0r seats on each side (2x2) On he MS88 were a crane with a load ‘copacty of 18 1, and 2 LANCE missiles without their fal fins. These were ‘carried in M596 or M597 containers on the back ofthe erane. There wos ‘iso room for another 2 crew members, Vehicle engin wet Height - al vahictes: es Pua $e a. 274 cm (with drivers cab erectoc) (with divers cab lowered) History 005 Belgian M688 Loader Vehicle 006 M688 Loader eT See ‘One museum vehicle in a very complete condition is this M688 one Inthe collection of the Gunfire Museum, Braaschaat. Like as Dutch Vehicles it was not camouflaged. Belgian vehicles retained theit original US markings and warning placards. M688 Loader G07 Dutch M688 Loader Vehicle : en tg ne 008 M688 Loader: Several NATO counties - Belglum, The Netherlands, Germany and the US - used the NAMI base a Chania on Crete fr lvering mises like Patriot, Hawk, Nike and Lance because ofthe range ofthese missles. Every yeor both batteries of the 12%e Adeling Veldartilere went there for training. Each battery (Alpha and Bravo) went separately. ‘A competition was held between all 3 launch platoons, score by a: NATO fest team, and the platoon with the highest score won it and could Ive fire a Lance Missile, The ABT (Assembly and Transport) platoons were also being trained in preparing, assembling and transporting Ive rounds a the same time. M688 Loader 009 oe 010 M688 Loader Note the rubberized antiskid surface on the inside of the rear ramp/door. Similar surfaces were applied to other areas. M688 Loader 011 Perens 012 M688 Loader - Missile Holders A lefts the tront rack for the left missile, and at tight are details of the right rack Note that they are handed, M688 Loader - Missile Holders o13 eee Derrek ere Loader Hall 2 7a awe Behind the crew cab Is the hydraulic power unit for the loading crane. Above right is c look at the second (tight) front comer with fir extinguisher holder and emergency/service ight. 014 M688 Loader - Hull Details ‘Above are views of the body center with the crane base pylons. Below are looks at both ower body sides. On the left photo is, @ transport sling beam, used for missile loading or for placing a. separate ramp on the launcher vehicle's body. es ees M688 Loader-Hull Details 015 016 M688 Loader -Rear Missile Holders Details of the rear missile supports. On the previous page are looks at them from above. The diagram above shows how they were mounted in place. Here: below are views from outside the vehicle. M688 Loader - Rear Missile Holders 017 eee eer ees 018 M688 Loader - Rear Container Holder (On the tear of the crane base are holders for two containers with stored missle control surfaces (tins). The shorter container is for M30 standard control surfaces, the longer one for the longer M29 fins for use with nuclear warheads. On the next page nole the empty rack for these containers M688 Loader -Rear Container Holder 019 OUT ees ‘On the crane bods lf side ists speed controller. The diagram shows ‘an older one of the Braden model. In the photos are dotalls of the Benton model which replaced il. On the next page are views of the 020 M688 Loader -Crane Details M688 Loader-Crane Details 021 Oren The crane end and hook were painted |, white. The crane operator had a idable seat, seen h his “crane Controls on the next gf page. 022 M688 Loader-Crane Details M688 Loader-Crane Control Details O23 Launcher ond loader vehicles had the same standard headlamps and other lights as oll US Vehicles of that era More of these can be seen, for ‘example, on MISI MUTIs. Above the lamp cluster are holders for pioneer tools. 024 M667 Basic Vehicle Hull a a 3 ba a rf a a iS ry o FS (On both sides of the body are brackets for the foot frame arms (Center) when the root Is stowed but prepared for use. A spare track tink is carried on the right M667 Basic Vehicle Hull-Front O25 M667 Basic Vhicles The cab of this vehicle fi can be collapsed to ‘transport position when no crew are on board. In Its root Is @ space for the side window glasses and the fabric covers for the ‘engine and radiator intakes. On the nex! page ‘re details of the opened BF 00. 026 M667 Basic Vehicle Hull-Cab cede nn Acid 028 M667 Engine Details The engine hatch has the locking handle seen at center below. The haich isnot strong, so has a NO STEP warning. is support rod is stowed in he bottom of the hull front, Details of it in the opened position are ‘tight above and bottom. On the next page isa look into the engine ‘compartment of a Bundeswehr vehicie. Engine Details M667 Engine Details 029 M667 Engine Details 031 i ri E ba a i cy is cf cy 2 TL INFREBBERE™ ty lalentantantentontocleot eel | ly BOLO Uwe 932 M667 Basic Vehicle Hull- Exhaust Fy a cy 3 ba cy a i o is o o Ps ‘Above are details of the battery bay behind the exhaust and. Air intake rile. Below isthe engine bay rear hatch in the front wall of the cargo body. M667 Basic Vehicle Hull- Battery Bay O33 034 M667 Basic Vehicle Hull -Left Side Reo Seen nen The external fire extinguisher handle had a folding cover, painted in the standard red of these parts. At right are looks at the fuo! filler. Note the mesh inside Its neck. Its cap Is the US ‘standard also used on other vehicles produced in that era, M667 Basic Vehicle Hull-Left Side O35 036 M667 Basic Vehicle Hull- Rear and Roof With the canvas roof installed the vehicle looks exactly ike a normal cargo camtier. Compare the detais of the body below with the ‘Bundeswehr modifications shown on pages 81 - 83. \) le Hull-Rearand Roof O37 Aah dad 0938 M667 Basic Vehicle Hull-Rear Ramp The vehicle body was constructed as a universal type. Thanks to prepared joints was possible to Install either the transport ‘crane or missile launcher. Below tight note those prepared areas fi} with screws Note on the diagram the positions of the ‘exhaust (fron!) ‘and air intake (ear giles M667 Basic Vehicle Hull-RearRamp O39 Cab Interior Details 940 M667 Cab Details - Dashboard Like many other US vehicles of the period the dashboard included ‘a common set of instruments. Below left is the light switch, at ‘centers the sidolight switch also used on M151 MUTTs. At ight note the windscreen's folding mechanism. Below right is throtle pedal M667 Cab Details-Dashboard 041 042 M667 Cab Details - Side Walls detrosting system. In working configuration it was attached tube to the heater box on the floor (etal below left). Its flat outlet (visible above Tight) was fixed to the windscreen’s bottom fight comer. At right note the empty left cab wall without its bags. M667 Cab Details - Side Walls 043 ry cy Q a ba a a Hy o iS iy @ 2 ‘Alef note again the detosting tube. Above and below lef are looks atthe rear seat. ‘Center and right below are the back of the folded ciiver's sect Under itis the cab 044 M667 Cab Details - Seats ry 3 3 $ Po a A A a iN o ry PS M667 Cab Details-Roof O45 M752 Launcher Walk Ground 046 M752 Walk Around Hore are details of « launcher of the Gunfire Museum, Brasschaot, collection. Ths is one of the most completo vehicles in musoums. it is equipped with a missile with the standard warhead in training configuration. On the previous page note the set of pioneer tools stowed on the hull front, M752 Walk Around O47 M752 Launcher Launcher Vehicle 048 M752 Walk Around The Netherlands Artillery Musoum at Oldebrosk iso has this launcher vohicle in ts collection, (On the next page above is an ex\DF launcher with a standard missle {at Beit Totchan -the Artillery museum at Zkron Yaakov. ‘ 5 Fs a i A AI a rd 8 fe M752 Walk Around 050 M752-Hull Front Above is a look atthe front missle rack. tis similar fo that in the loader, but the holder Is only at the central postion Aloft note the empty rack for the prograr- mer's container. At fight note the fe ‘oxlinguisher ond light, in the some Postion in the loader vehicle. M752-Hull Sides 051 Cael ees 052 M752-Hull Right Side Here Is « good view of the LZL launchers ‘mount to the original M687 body, which is same in both final configurations. Note thot only the fixed parts of the LL frame mount were Used: all moving parts were removed, M752-HullLeft Side O53 054 M752-L2ZL Ramp Details 056 M752-LZL Ramp Details ‘Above are deals ofthe front missile holder. This Is the early ‘3 be Variant. Below note the front end of the ramp with its front towing section removed. On the next page are details of the LZL ramp's rear end, M752-LZLRampDetails O57 eed The MGR52 missilo. The missile consisted of 3 parts - the MMA engine, the warhead, ond 4 ‘steering ins. The MMA engine section held the AN/DSW48 contol system, iquid fuel fon, and motor bell (MS sharp, Mé di). It was stored {and transported na container under the designation M599, The warhead was manufactured in 4 variants: Nuclear / Neutron (enhanced radiation} the M234 - W70 100KT or W703 neutron bomb; ts M240 cil missle, 246 om in longth ond 56 cm in ‘lameter, weighing 210 kg; conventional (M251 or M252 wih 830 BLUL63e submuniions); and their drill missle M201). They were fransported in MS44 ‘and M511 containers. The contro! surfaces wore transported in M9 and MS97 containers and ‘mounted before fring, The M2? control surfaces used with o nuclear 058 LZL Towed Launcher warhead hod @ length of 155 em and wich of 475 em. For conventional ‘explosives the M30 surfaces had alferent dimensions and markings, length 122 cm, wicth 375 cm, and for dlstinguishing and fester orientation by the operator were marked by fwo parallel striped bands. Altogether 2100 missiles were produced. The miesilo had the following dimensions: Length ~ 619.21 om Diameter 56420 Weight - 1850.00 kg with conventional head 1,316.00 kg with a nuclear warhead {8 f0 65 km with conventional head {8 120 (also 140) km with « nuclear warhead Range - ‘Speed - Mach 3 earn! 059 LZL Towed Launcher 3 7 = \ ! \- 74 Programmer Contain LZL Towed Launcher 061 062 LZL Towed Launcher eae two pages the conventional and nuclear variants of the missile can be compared. Outside the Gunfire museum is the nuclear version with longer fins, and inside the hall is the Conventional type. Below is the drum of the 100/200m cable for launching the missie 064 LZL Towed Launcher - Left Side LZL Towed Launcher - Left Side oss Peeters Pe eect The diagram shows how all the supporis wore folded uring crane transport. On this page are details of the front left support leg, and diagram shows both of them, Below right on the next page note the container of the Gunner Sight Unit (aiming device), O66 LZL Towed Launcher - Left Side LZL Towed Launcher-Left Side O67 068 LZL Towed Launcher -Front ‘On the right side of the removable towing front section was a small box for LZL ramp user manuals. All boxes on this ramp had a very ‘smart and cifferent system of locks. LZL Towed Launcher - Front os9 Pe rs Front O70 LZL Towed Launcher - For moving the romp the some — sling beam was used os for missile loading. Belore removing ts support legs the ramp had to be lifed, After removing the logs it could be LZL Towed Launcher - Front o71 ees ‘A missile wih a conventional warhead is exhibited Inside the Netherlands Arillory Museum at Oldebrook. Note its small fins. On the ther photos ore details of the conventional wathead and the front Joint of 12. romp. 972 Missile Details Details of the conventional warheads connection to the main missle body. Missile Details O73 074 Missile Details -Rear (On both these pages are details of the conventional variant with its smaller contro ins. As mentioned in the history text, the smaller M30 fins were marked with two white stipes. Above are dummy ‘raining’ ‘motor ends, and the diagram below shows the bell end of the motor. At right is the rubber motor cover on a live but deactivated missile. Herein the IDF museum is a missle without any markings, but you can find oll markings on historic photos on this book’s back cover Missile Details - Rear o75 Gunners Sight Gnit Details — “a O76 Missile Details - Sights ‘On the previous age at loft and here at lett above are details of ech fing. Missile Details - Sights O77 rh ateataled At left are detalls of the larger M29 surfaces used for the nuclear wathead. At right Is @ warhead in its transport container in the Gunfire Museum collection, 078 Missile Details - Nuclear Warhead Missile Details -Nuclear Warhead 079 eaEs Bundeswehr —= Modifications 080 M667 Bundeswehr Modifications Bundeswehr Lance system vehicles have some minor changes. The first Visible ones are the standardized German head- lamps. The shields round them have rolled edges as protection against wounds by sharp edges. Sidelights are mounted separately on the hull sides. The German hom is placed above the right headlamp. os1 a c a 3 a 8 = 3 Oo 2 . £ o 3 oO a vu c 5 o N o o 2 its tear are the same standard German c Vehicles. The rear brake and side lights ‘round them same ‘rolled edge’ protective covers. 082 M667 Bundeswehr Modifications M667 Bundeswehr Modifications O83

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