The Role of Managerial Finance: Professional

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The Role of Managerial Finance


LG 1 Define finance and the

In your professional life
LG 2 Describe the goal of the
firm, and explain why ACCOUNTING You need to understand the relationships between the accounting
maximizing the value of the and finance functions within the firm, how decision makers rely on the financial
firm is an appropriate goal statements you prepare, why maximizing a firm’s value is not the same as
for a business. maximizing its profits, and the ethical duty you have when reporting financial
results to investors and other stakeholders.
LG 3 Identify the primary INFORMATION SYSTEMS You need to understand why financial information is
activities of the financial
important to managers in all functional areas, the documentation that firms must
produce to comply with various regulations, and how manipulating information for
personal gain can get managers into serious trouble.
LG 4 Explain the key principles
that financial managers use MANAGEMENT You need to understand the various legal forms of a business
when making business organization, how to communicate the goal of the firm to employees and other
decisions. stakeholders, the advantages and disadvantages of the agency relationship
between a firm’s managers and its owners, and how compensation systems can
LG 5 Describe the legal forms of align or misalign the interests of managers and investors.
business organization.
MARKETING You need to understand why increasing a firm’s revenues or market
LG 6 Describe the nature of the share is not always a good thing, how financial managers evaluate aspects of
principal–agent relationship customer relations such as cash and credit management policies, and why a firm’s
between the owners and brands are an important part of its value to investors.
managers of a corporation,
OPERATIONS You need to understand the financial benefits of increasing a firm’s
and explain how various production efficiency, why maximizing profit by cutting costs may not increase the
corporate governance firm’s value, and how managers have a duty to act on behalf of investors when
mechanisms attempt to operating a corporation.
manage agency problems.

In your personal life

Many principles of managerial finance also apply to your personal life. Learning a
few simple principles can help you manage your own money more effectively.


Is Brookdale’s Management about

to Be Retired?

F or the owner and operator of Brookdale Senior

Living Inc., which runs senior living facilities
throughout the United States, 2016 proved difficult.
Kristoffer Tripplaar/Alamy Stock Photo
The company’s stock price started the year at $19.30 per
share, but by year’s end it had fallen 36% to $12.35. That drop took place in a year in which the
broad stock market was up roughly 10%, so Brookdale’s poor performance was especially
irritating to its investors. Expressing frustration at Brookdale’s lackluster performance, one of its
largest shareholders, an investment management firm called Land and Buildings, issued a public
letter to management and other shareholders demanding change. Specifically, the Land and
Buildings letter called for Brookdale’s management team to sell the physical real estate the
company owned, distribute the proceeds from those sales directly to Brookdale shareholders,
and sign contracts with the new property owners to manage the senior living facilities. Land and
Buildings estimated that Brookdale could sell its real estate assets for as much as $21 per share,
well above the company’s then-current stock price. In other words, they were arguing that
Brookdale’s assets would be more valuable under someone else’s control. Their letter concluded
by saying, “It is time for Brookdale’s Board of Directors to take affirmative action to maximize
Less than 3 weeks later, investors learned that another firm was in talks to acquire part or all of
Brookdale’s assets, and the stock price moved up 20% in just 2 days. By mid-February, however,
negotiations between Brookdale and its potential suitor had broken off, news that sent Brookdale’s
stock down more than 6% in a few hours.
The recent saga of Brookdale Senior Living illustrates several key ideas in finance. First,
Brookdale’s shareholders believe that management has a responsibility to operate the firm in a
manner that maximizes the value of the company’s stock. Second, the actions of Brookdale’s
management team seem to be at odds with what is desired by at least some of the firm’s
shareholders. Third, when a firm’s financial performance remains subpar for an extended period,
investors and other outside entities may try to reverse that trend by intervening, even if that calls
for buying the company to wrest control from the existing management team.

Sources: “Land and Buildings issues letter to Brookdale Senior Living shareholders highlighting path to real estate monetization
and maximizing shareholder value,”, December 20, 2016; “Activist shareholder pushes Brookdale to deliver
on rumored deal,”, January 16, 2017; “Brookdale Senior Living shares fall after report Blackstone is
no longer interested,”, February 17, 2017.

CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 51

earnings back to investors. The keys to good financial decisions are much the same
for businesses and individuals, which is why most students will benefit from an
understanding of finance regardless of their profession. Learning the techniques of
good financial analysis will not only help you make better financial decisions as a
consumer but will also assist you in understanding the financial consequences of
important business decisions, no matter what career path you follow.

What is a firm? Put simply, a firm is a business organization that sells goods or
services. However, a more complete answer attempts to explain why firms exist.
They exist because investors want access to risky investment opportunities. In
other words, firms are risky business organizations that, if not for investors’ will-
ingness to bear risk, would have difficulty generating the necessary investment
capital to operate. For example, most investors do not have the expertise or
wealth required to start a personal computer company, so instead they invest in a
company like Apple. Even when a few individuals, such as Steve Jobs, Steve Woz-
niak, and Ronald Wayne, had the requisite expertise and wealth to start Apple
Computer in a garage in 1976, vast amounts of additional money (i.e., invest-
ment capital) from investors were necessary for the firm to grow into what Apple
is today. So, ultimately, firms are intermediaries that bring together investors and
risky investment opportunities. Firms pool investment capital, make risky invest-
ment decisions, and manage risky investments all on behalf of investors who
would otherwise not be able to do so effectively or efficiently on their own.


What goal should managers pursue? This question has no shortage of possible
answers. Some might argue that managers should focus entirely on satisfying
customers. Firms pursuing this goal could measure their products’ market shares
to gauge progress. Others suggest that managers must first inspire and motivate
employees; in that case, employee turnover might be the key success metric to
watch. Clearly, the goal or goals that managers select will affect many of the
decisions they make, so choosing an objective is a critical determinant of how
businesses operate.

Maximize Shareholder Wealth

Finance teaches that the primary goal of managers should be to maximize the
wealth of the firm’s owners—the stockholders or shareholders. Through the years,
that recommendation has generated a lot of controversy. The Economist magazine
once referred to shareholder value maximization as “the most powerful idea in
business,” but Jack Welch, the long-time Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of General
Electric and a man Fortune magazine named “Manager of the Century,” once
called maximizing shareholder value “the dumbest idea in the world.” Welch’s
assessment is particularly ironic because during his leadership, almost no company
generated more wealth for its shareholders than General Electric. A $1,000 invest-
ment in GE stock made in 1981 when Welch took the reigns as CEO would have
grown to roughly $67,000 by the time he retired in 2001. The simplest and best
measure of stockholder wealth is the share price, so most finance textbooks (includ-
ing ours) instruct managers to take actions that increase the firm’s share price.
52 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

A common misconception is that when firms strive to make their sharehold-

ers happy, they do so at the expense of other constituencies such as customers,
employees, or suppliers. This line of thinking ignores that in most cases, enrich-
ing shareholders requires managers to first satisfy the demands of these other
interest groups, at least to some degree. Dividends ultimately received by stock-
holders come from the firm’s profits. It is unlikely, then, that a firm whose cus-
tomers are unhappy with its products, whose employees are looking for jobs at
other firms, or whose suppliers are reluctant to ship raw materials will make
shareholders rich because such a firm will likely be less profitable in the long run
than one that better manages its relations with these stakeholder groups.
Therefore, we argue that the goal of the firm, as well as of managers, should
be to maximize the wealth of the owners for whom it is being operated, which in
most instances is equivalent to maximizing the stock price. This goal translates
into a straightforward decision rule for managers: Managers should take only

FOCUS ON ETHICS in practice

Do Corporate Executives Have a Social Responsibility?
In a modern corporation, shareholders specific social goals to pursue and Increasing carbon emissions in the
rely on management to oversee day- how much to spend on each––man- atmosphere are having a warming
to-day operations. In this relationship, agement should focus exclusively on effect. There is a broad scientific
stockholders are principals and man- maximizing shareholder wealth and and policy consensus that action
agement their agents. Accordingly, let shareholders use the proceeds to must be taken to further quantify
the first duty of a corporation’s man- address social concerns on their own. and assess the risks.
agement team is to maximize share- Friedman would acknowledge an
ExxonMobil is taking action by
holder wealth. What role should social exception to this doctrine. If use of
reducing greenhouse gas emis-
responsibility––that is, consideration corporate resources to pursue a social
sions in its operations, helping
of broader societal goals like slowing goal actually does more for stockhold-
consumers reduce their emissions,
climate change––play in corporate ers financially than any alternative
supporting research that leads to
decision making? project (such as investment in a mar-
technology breakthroughs and
In a famous New York Times keting campaign or new factories),
participating in constructive dia-
essay, Milton Friedman (winner of the then social responsibility is consistent
logue on policy options.
1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Eco- with maximizing shareholder wealth.
nomic Sciences) argued corporate This may have been a consideration Addressing climate change, pro-
executives have no social responsibil- when Exxon Mobil––the world’s larg- viding economic opportunity and
ity. Their sole aim should be serving est publicly traded international oil lifting billions out of poverty are
the pecuniary interests of their and gas company––published its complex and interrelated issues
employers, the shareholders (subject, position on climate change: requiring complex solutions. There
of course, to the constraints of the is a consensus that comprehensive
We have the same concerns as
law). When executives use corporate strategies are needed to respond
people everywhere––and that is
resources to pursue other ends, they to these risks.
how to provide the world with the
are spending someone else’s money.
energy it needs while reducing
Because it is practically impossible to How would Friedman view a sole
greenhouse gas emissions.
guess exactly how individual share- proprietor’s use of firm resources to
holders would like to see their money The risk of climate change is pursue social goals?
spent to better the world––which clear and the risk warrants action.

Friedman, Milton, “A Friedman Doctrine––The Social Responsibility Of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” New York Times Magazine, September
13, 1970, pp. 33, 122–26; Leube, Kurt R., Essence of Friedman. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1987; Exxon Mobil’s Perspective on Climate
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 53

actions that they expect will increase the shareholders’ wealth. Although that
objective sounds simple, its implementation is not always easy. To determine
whether a particular course of action will increase or decrease shareholders’
wealth, managers have to assess what return (i.e., cash inflows net of cash out-
flows) and risk (i.e., the uncertainty of the net cash flows) the action will bring.
How managers do that is the focus of this book.


Firms Accelerate Dividends So That Shareholders Save on Taxes

One way that firms can maximize the wealth of shareholders is by thinking carefully
about the taxes their shareholders must pay on dividends. Tax cuts enacted by Congress
in 2003 lowered the tax rate on most dividends received by shareholders to a modest
15%. However, the legislation contained a provision by which the tax cuts would expire
in 2013 unless Congress specifically acted to renew them. With a political compromise
to renew the tax cuts looking unlikely in the 2012 election year, many firms announced
plans to accelerate dividend payments they had planned to make in early 2013 to late
2012. The Washington Post Company, for example, announced that on December 27,
2012, it would pay out the entire $9.80 per share dividend that it had planned to distrib-
ute in 2013. What was the stock market’s reaction to that announcement? Washington
Post shares rose $5. By accelerating their dividend payments, companies such as
Washington Post, Expedia, Inc., and luxury goods producer Coach, Inc., were increasing
the wealth of their shareholders by helping them save taxes.

earnings per share (EPS)

The amount earned during the Maximize Profit?
period on behalf of each out- It might seem intuitive that maximizing a firm’s share price is equivalent to max-
standing share of stock, calcu-
imizing its profits. That thought is not always correct, however.
lated by dividing the period’s
total earnings available for the
Corporations commonly measure profits in terms of earnings per share (EPS),
firm’s stockholders by the num- which represent the amount earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding
ber of shares of stock out- share of stock. Accountants calculate EPS by dividing the period’s total earnings
standing. available for the firm’s stockholders by the number of shares of stock outstanding.

E XA MPL E 1 .1 Nick Dukakis, the financial manager of Neptune Manufacturing, a producer of

marine engine components, is choosing between two investments, Rotor and
0\/DE�)LQDQFH�6ROXWLRQ� Valve. The following table shows the EPS Dukakis expects each investment to
9LGHR earn over its 3-year life.

Earnings per share (EPS)

Investment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total for years 1, 2, and 3

Rotor $1.40 $1.00 $0.40 $2.80

Valve 0.60 1.00 1.40 3.00

If Dukakis thought he should make decisions to maximize profits, he would rec-

ommend that Neptune invest in Valve rather than Rotor because it results in
higher total earnings per share over the 3-year period ($3.00 EPS compared with
$2.80 EPS).
54 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

Does profit maximization lead to the highest possible share price? For at
least three reasons, the answer is often no. First, timing is important. An invest-
ment that provides a small profit quickly may be preferable to one that produces
a larger profit if that profit comes in the distant future. Second, profits and cash
flows are not identical. The profit reported by a firm is simply an estimate of
how it is doing, an estimate influenced by many different accounting choices
made by firms when assembling their financial reports. Cash flow is a more
straightforward measure of the money flowing into and out of the company than
is profit. Companies must pay their bills with cash, not profits, so cash flow mat-
ters most to financial managers and investors. Third, risk is a major consider-
ation. A firm that earns a low but reliable profit might be more valuable than
another firm with profits that fluctuate a great deal (and therefore can be very
high or very low at different times).

Timing Because a firm can earn a return on funds it receives, the receipt of
funds sooner rather than later is preferred. In our example, even though the total
earnings from Rotor are smaller than those from Valve, Rotor provides much
greater earnings per share in the first year. It’s possible that by investing in Rotor,
Neptune Manufacturing can reinvest the earnings that it receives in year 1 to
generate higher profits overall than if it had invested in project Valve. If the rate
of return Neptune can earn on reinvested earnings is high enough, managers may
do better to invest in project Rotor even though project Valve generates higher
profits over the 3 years.

Cash Flows Profits do not necessarily result in cash flows available to

stockholders. The accounting assumptions and techniques that a firm adopts can
sometimes allow it to show a positive profit even when its cash outflows exceed
cash inflows. For instance, suppose a retail electronics store buys a laptop from a
supplier in December for $1,000 and sells it a few days later for $1,500. The
profit on this transaction for the month of December is $500, but what is the
cash flow? If the retailer pays its supplier $1,000 in December but allows its cus-
tomer to pay for the laptop a month later in January, then the retailer actually
has a net cash outflow in December.
For these and other reasons, higher earnings do not necessarily translate into
a higher stock price. Earnings increases accompanied by increases in future cash
flows are what produce higher stock prices. For example, a firm could increase
its earnings by significantly reducing its equipment maintenance expenditures. If
the reduced spending on maintenance results in lower product quality, however,
the firm may impair its competitive position, and its stock price could drop as
investors anticipate lower future cash flows and sell the stock. In this case, the
earnings increase was accompanied by lower future cash flows and therefore a
lower stock price.
The chance that actual out- Risk Profit maximization also fails to account for risk, the chance that
comes may differ from those actual outcomes may differ from those expected. A basic premise in finance is
expected. that a tradeoff exists between return (cash flow) and risk. In general, stock-
risk averse holders are risk averse, which means they are willing to bear risk only if they
Requiring compensation to expect compensation for doing so. In other words, investors demand higher
bear risk. returns on riskier investments, and they will accept lower returns on relatively
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 55

safe investments. What this signifies in terms of the goal of the firm is that
maximizing profits may not maximize the stock price. Suppose one firm is
slightly more profitable than another, but investing in the firm with margin-
ally higher profits also entails greater risk. Investors may well be willing to pay
a higher price for the stock of the firm that produces lower but more predict-
able profits.
As another way to express this idea, we can say that cash flow and risk affect
share price differently. Holding risk fixed, investors will pay more for the stock
of a firm that generates higher cash flows and profits. In contrast, holding cash
flow fixed, investors will pay more for shares that are less risky because they do
not like risk. The key point, explored in more depth later, is that differences in
risk can significantly affect the value of different investments. Return and risk
are, in fact, the key determinants of share price, which represents the wealth of
the firm’s owners.

Maximize Stakeholders’ Welfare?

Critics of the view that managers should maximize the wealth of shareholders
have advanced an alternative goal advocating a balanced consideration of the
stakeholders welfare of shareholders and other firm stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals
Groups such as employees, who are not owners of the firm but who nevertheless have some economic inter-
customers, suppliers, creditors, est in it. Stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, and even mem-
and others who have a direct bers of the local community where a firm is located. Those who argue that firms
economic link to the firm but
should focus on stakeholders’ interests maintain that shareholder value maximi-
are not owners.
zation as a business objective is far too narrow. This stakeholder view is widely
held and indeed is reflected in the corporate law of countries such as Germany,
France, and Japan, whereas the shareholder value maximization perspective is
more common in the United States and the United Kingdom.
We see a number of flaws in recommending that firms neglect shareholder
wealth maximization in favor of a broader stakeholder perspective. First, as we
have already pointed out, maximizing shareholder wealth does not in any way
imply that managers should ignore the interests of everyone connected to a firm
who is not a shareholder. Managers cannot maximize the value of a firm if their
employees, customers, and suppliers are constantly dissatisfied—all those stake-
holders are free to do business with other firms. A recent study found that when
firms were added to Fortune magazine’s list of the best companies to work for
(presumably a sign of labor-friendly practices), their stock prices jumped.1 This
evidence led the study’s authors to conclude that the benefits of labor-friendly
practices outweigh the costs. Apparently, what is good for employees is also
good for shareholders.
Second, proponents of the stakeholder perspective often argue that in pur-
suit of maximizing shareholder value, managers take actions that push up the
stock price in the short run to the detriment of the firm’s long-run performance.
In  fact, to maximize shareholder value, managers must necessarily assess the
long-term consequences of their actions because investors will certainly do so.

1. Olubunmi Faleye and Emery Trahan, “Labor-friendly corporate practices: Is what is good for employees good for
shareholders?” Journal of Investing, June 2011.
56 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

To  illustrate, consider that in March 2017, the online retailing giant Amazon
reported that it earned a profit of $4.90 per share over the previous 12 months.
Another company, Clorox, reported almost identical earnings per share of $4.92.
Yet the stock prices of these two companies could not have been more different.
Amazon was trading for $850 per share, whereas Clorox stock was selling for
just $137. In other words, investors were willing to pay 6 times more for shares
of Amazon even though it reported virtually the same EPS as Clorox. Why? Sev-
eral factors may contribute, but the most plausible answer is that investors envi-
sion rosier long-term prospects for Amazon. If the only matter of concern to
investors was short-term profits, then the prices of Amazon and Clorox should
have been much closer because their profits, at least in the short term, were
nearly identical.
Third, the stakeholder perspective is intrinsically difficult to implement,
and advocates of the idea that managers should consider all stakeholders’
interests along with those of shareholders do not typically indicate how man-
agers should carry it out. For example, how much emphasis should managers
place on the interests of different stakeholder groups? Are the interests of
employees more or less important than the desires of customers? Should mem-
bers of the local community who do no business with the firm have an equal
say with the firm’s suppliers? When different stakeholder groups disagree on
the action a firm should take, how should managers make important decisions?
In contrast, the goal of shareholder maximization clarifies what actions man-
agers should take.
Fourth, many people misinterpret the statement that managers should maxi-
mize shareholder wealth as implying that managers should take any action,
including illegal or unethical actions, that increases the stock price. Even the
most ardent supporters of shareholder value maximization as the firm’s primary
goal acknowledge that managers must act within ethical and legal boundaries.


business ethics Business ethics are the standards of conduct or moral judgment that apply to
Standards of conduct or moral persons engaged in commerce. Violations of these standards involve a variety of
judgment that apply to persons actions: “creative accounting,” earnings management, misleading financial fore-
engaged in commerce. casts, insider trading, fraud, excessive executive compensation, options backdat-
ing, bribery, and kickbacks. The financial press has reported many such
violations in recent years, involving such well-known companies as Wells Fargo,
where employees opened new accounts without authorization from customers,
and Volkswagen, where engineers set up elaborate deceptions to get around pol-
lution controls. In these and similar cases, the offending companies suffered
various penalties, including fines levied by government agencies, damages paid
to plaintiffs in lawsuits, or lost revenues from customers who abandoned the
firms because of their errant behavior. Most companies have adopted formal
ethical standards, although clearly adherence to and enforcement of those stan-
dards vary. The goal of such standards is to motivate business and market par-
ticipants to adhere to both the letter and the spirit of laws and regulations
concerned with business and professional practice. Most business leaders believe
that businesses actually strengthen their competitive positions by maintaining
high ethical standards.
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 57

Ethical Guidelines
Robert A. Cooke, a noted ethicist, suggests that the following questions be used
to assess the ethical viability of a proposed action.2
1. Is the action arbitrary or capricious? Does it unfairly single out an individual
or group?
2. Does the action violate the moral or legal rights of any individual or group?
3. Does the action conform to accepted moral standards?
4. Are there alternative courses of action that are less likely to cause actual or
potential harm?
Clearly, considering such questions before taking an action can help ensure
its ethical viability.
Today, many firms are addressing the issue of ethics by establishing corpo-
rate ethics policies that outline a set of fundamental principles guiding what their
employees must or must not do. Some firms go further and make their ethical
standards the centerpiece of their corporate image. For example, Google
famously adopted the motto “Don’t be evil.” Even for Google, however, ethical
dilemmas are unavoidable in business. The Focus on Practice box provides an
example of ethical concerns confronting Google in the wake of the 2016 U.S.
presidential election.
A major impetus toward the development of ethics policies has been the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The act requires firms to disclose whether they
have a code of ethics in place, and firms must report any waivers of those codes
for senior management. Companies that do not have a code of ethics must
explain why they have not adopted one. Many firms require their employees to
sign a formal pledge to uphold the firm’s ethics policies. Such policies typically
apply to employee actions in dealing with all corporate stakeholders, including
the public.

Ethics and Share Price

An effective ethics program can enhance corporate value by producing positive
benefits. It can reduce potential litigation and judgment costs; maintain a posi-
tive corporate image; build shareholder confidence; and gain the loyalty, com-
mitment, and respect of the firm’s stakeholders. By maintaining and enhancing
cash flow and reducing perceived risk, such actions can positively affect the
firm’s share price. Ethical behavior is therefore necessary for achieving the firm’s
goal of owner wealth maximization.


1–1 What is the goal of the firm and, therefore, of managers and employ-
ees? Discuss how one measures achievement of this goal.
1–2 For what three main reasons is profit maximization potentially incon-
sistent with wealth maximization?

2. Robert A. Cooke, “Business Ethics: A Perspective,” in Arthur Andersen Cases on Business Ethics (Chicago: Arthur
Andersen, September 1991), pp. 2 and 5.
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 59

The point is that nearly every employee, regardless of how his or her work
helps enhance the firm’s value, will interact with financial managers and will
benefit from a basic working knowledge of financial principles. Every firm has
limited resources, and employees in each part of a firm need some of those
resources to function. Inside a firm, resource allocation is partly a matter of
negotiation. Those who can make a better case that their work adds value will be
more successful in acquiring the needed resources. Often the key to negotiating
successfully in that environment is understanding the language of finance. To be
a successful marketer or supply chain analyst or human resources professional,
you must be able to explain how your work adds value in financial terms. This
book will help you do just that.
Naturally our primary focus here is on what financial managers do. There-
fore, we now turn to an overview of the managerial finance function.


Financial managers touch every part of a firm because everything that a firm does
has some kind of financial impact. Employees in a firm’s finance department help
control costs on the factory floor. They analyze the market potential of new
products and services. They quantify the costs and benefits of hiring additional
workers. They assist in mitigating risks associated with unexpected movements
in interest rates, commodity prices, and exchange rates. How do they accomplish
all these things? The answer is that they rely on an essential set of principles and
tools that are transferable to many different business applications. The manage-
rial finance function is therefore not just about what financial managers do but
also (and more importantly) about the methods they rely on daily.

Financial Managers’ Key Decisions

Broadly speaking, most decisions that financial managers make, or help their col-
leagues in other functions make, fall into three broad categories: investment deci-
sions, financing decisions, and working capital decisions. Some specialized areas
of managerial finance do not fit neatly into any of these three categories, but the
vast majority of decisions by financial managers relate to these broad areas.
investment decisions Investment decisions focus on how a company will spend its financial
Decisions that focus on how a resources on long-term projects that ultimately determine whether the firm suc-
company will spend its financial cessfully creates value for its owners. For a semiconductor company like Intel,
resources on long-term projects investment decisions revolve around how much money the firm should spend on
that ultimately determine
new factories (each of which cost $5 billion to build), how much it should
whether the firm successfully
creates value for its owners. devote to research and development (Intel spends more than $12 billion annu-
ally), and how much the company should invest in its traditional microproces-
sors versus chips for newer wearable devices and products related to the Internet
of Things. These are the most important decisions made by firms because they
largely dictate whether a company succeeds or fails in the long run. Financial
managers contribute to these decisions by performing a type of financial analysis
known as capital budgeting, which we will discuss at length in subsequent chap-
capital budgeting ters. Briefly, capital budgeting is a technique that helps managers decide which
A technique that helps manag- projects create the most value for shareholders. Essentially, capital budgeting
ers decide which projects create identifies investment opportunities for which benefits exceed costs. Because value
the most value for shareholders. maximization requires managers to take actions only when benefits exceed costs,
capital budgeting gives managers a tool for guiding investment decisions in a way
that is directly linked to the goal of the firm.
60 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

Once firms know how they want to invest resources, the next critical deci-
financing decisions sion is where to obtain funding for those investments. Financing decisions deter-
Decisions that determine how mine how companies raise the money needed for investment opportunities. When
companies raise the money firms are just getting started and as they continue to grow, they require capital
they need to pursue investment from investors. Capital is the money raised by firms to finance their activities.
For this reason, the financing decision may also be called the capital structure
capital decision. Firms may raise capital by borrowing money from banks or other inves-
The money that firms raise to tors, or they may receive money from investors who want an ownership stake.
finance their activities. Firms that are profitable can reinvest their earnings and thereby gain access to
another form of capital. Although a firm’s financing (or capital structure) deci-
sions are almost certainly less important than its investment decisions, the mix of
funding sources that a company uses has a number of important implications.
For example, if a company chooses to borrow money, it is obligated to repay
that money even if business conditions deteriorate. That’s what happened to
General Motors (GM) when it did not have enough cash to pay its debt and went
bankrupt in June 2009. GM ultimately survived with the help of $51 billion in
government assistance (of which about $39 billion was eventually repaid), but
not every company that borrows money and later goes bankrupt is so fortunate.
In contrast, borrowing money can benefit shareholders, in part because in the
United States and many other countries, the tax code provides an incentive to
borrow. Specifically, the U.S. corporate tax code allows firms to treat interest
payments to lenders as a deductible business expense (which lowers the after-tax
cost of borrowing for the firm), whereas tax laws do not give firms a deduction
for cash dividend payments made to shareholders.
To visualize the difference between a firm’s investment and financing deci-
sions, refer to the balance sheet shown in Figure 1.1. Investment decisions gener-
ally refer to the items that appear on the left-hand side of the balance sheet, and
financing decisions relate to the items on the right-hand side. Keep in mind, though,
that financial managers make these decisions based on how they affect the firm’s
value, not on the accounting principles used to construct a balance sheet.
Whereas the investment and financing decisions of firms often involve major
strategic initiatives, on a day-to-day basis, financial managers spend more time mak-
working capital decisions ing various types of short-term financial decisions. Working capital decisions refer
Decisions that refer to the man- to the management of a firm’s short-term resources. These decisions involve track-
agement of a firm’s short-term ing and forecasting the firm’s cash position, making sure that the firm pays its bills
resources. on time and receives timely payments from customers, and calculating the optimal
amount of inventory the firm should keep on hand. Collectively, the resources that
a firm invests in items such as cash, inventory, accounts receivable, and accounts

FIG U RE 1 .1
Financial Activities Balance Sheet
Primary activities of the
financial manager Current Current
Making Assets Liabilities Making
Investment Financing
Decisions Fixed Long-Term Decisions
Assets Funds
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 61

payable are known as the firm’s working capital. For many firms, the funds invested
in working capital are considerable. For example, in July 2017, Apple reported that
it held roughly $77 billion in cash in various short-term investments.

Principles That Guide Managers’ Decisions

A financial manager performs many different roles in a large company, but no mat-
ter the job title, a common set of financial principles guide that manager’s decisions
and the advice he or she gives to colleagues working in different functions. Specifi-
cally, we highlight five key principles of great importance in managerial finance.

The Time Value of Money As we discussed earlier, timing matters in finance.

Having money today is better than having it later because firms and individuals can
invest the money on hand and earn a return on that money. Stating this idea another
way, a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. Investing a dollar
today means that the dollar will grow to more than a dollar over time. The implica-
tion of this principle for managers is that, all else being equal, investments that pro-
vide faster payoffs are preferred over investments with distant payoffs. This does
not suggest that firms must necessarily have an excessive focus on short-term results.
Rather, the time value of money simply means that when an investment’s payoffs
come in the distant future, those payoffs must be larger to justify waiting for them.

The Tradeoff between Return and Risk “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”
is a famous quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin. The equivalent financial princi-
ple is that a tradeoff exists between return and risk. Investors who want to earn
higher returns must be willing to accept greater risk. Or, from the perspective of a
business, a firm that puts investors’ funds in riskier projects must offer those inves-
tors higher returns. For financial managers tasked with advising firms on investment
decisions, this tradeoff means that any analysis of alternative investment projects
quantify both the returns that investments may provide and the risks that they entail.

Cash Is King In discussing the differences between maximizing shareholder

value and profits, we noted that cash flow and profit are not identical concepts.
In finance, cash flow matters more than profit because firms can pay investors
only with cash, not with profits. Ultimately, the cash flows that investors receive
or expect to receive over time determine the value of the firm. If a firm is not
generating positive cash flow, it cannot pay investors, even if its financial state-
ments show that it is earning a profit. The same is true regarding a firm’s deal-
ings with its suppliers, employees, and anyone else to whom the firm owes
money—those bills must be paid with cash.

Competitive Financial Markets When we think of the term competition in a

business context, what usually comes to mind is the competition that occurs
between firms in the markets for goods and services—Coke versus Pepsi, Samsung
versus Apple, and so on. But firms also compete in another sense. They compete
in the financial markets for access to capital controlled by investors. From time to
time, most companies must raise money to fund new investments, and to succeed
in raising money, firms have to convince participants in the financial markets that
their ideas are as good or better than those of other firms seeking funding. Inves-
tors diligently search for the opportunities that provide the highest returns for a
given risk level, so companies that cannot convince investors that their investment
ideas will generate competitive rates of return may have difficulty raising capital.
62 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

Furthermore, at least for companies that have stock actively traded on stock
exchanges, the financial markets constantly send signals to managers about how
they are performing. Investors trade rapidly as they learn new information
about companies, so stock prices also respond rapidly to news as it emerges.
When investors hear positive news about a company (e.g., when a company
announces better-than-expected financial results), the company’s stock price
moves up. On February 28, 2017, the stock price of the biotechnology firm Kite
Pharma shot up almost 25% when the company released favorable results from
clinical trials of one of the company’s cancer-fighting drugs. On the other hand,
stock prices fall when unfavorable news becomes known. In January 2017,
shares of the toy manufacturer Mattel dropped 14% in a single day after the
company announced disappointing financial results from the previous holiday
shopping season.
How should managers respond to signals sent by the stock market? Although
the opinions of investors as revealed by movements in a company’s stock price
are not always correct, managers should pay close attention to what the market
is telling them. Investors have very strong incentives to evaluate the information
they receive about companies in an unbiased way. If a company announces plans
for a major new investment (e.g., the acquisition of another company) and its
stock price falls, managers should recognize that the market is skeptical about
the new investment, and they should carefully reconsider their plan to invest.

Incentives Are Important We have made a case for managers to operate

firms with the aim of benefiting shareholders, but do managers behave this way?
In many instances and for a variety of reasons, the answer is no. In part, this
results from managers’ incentives not being properly aligned with the interests of
shareholders. For example, suppose one company makes an offer to purchase
another company. The buyer’s offer is quite attractive in the sense that the price
offered is well above the current market price of the target company’s stock.
Accepting the offer seems like the best option for shareholders. However, the
CEO of the target may decline the offer, knowing that if the acquisition takes
place, he is likely to lose his job and the large salary that goes with it. Similarly,
senior managers of the buyer in this example may not have their shareholders’
best interests in mind. CEOs and other senior executives tend to earn higher pay
when they run larger organizations, so perhaps the motivation to buy another
company is about increasing management’s compensation. In fact, CEO bonuses
sometimes depend more on completing an acquisition deal than on whether that
deal creates value for shareholders.
The example above illustrates a classic problem in finance known as the
principal–agent problem principal–agent problem. The principal–agent problem arises when the owners
A problem that arises because of a firm and its managers are not the same people. In this instance, what is best
the owners of a firm and its for shareholders and what managers believe to be in their own best interests may
managers are not the same peo- not be aligned. The principal–agent problem is particularly important in large
ple and the agent does not act
corporations, in which a great degree of separation exists between the owners of
in the interest of the principal.
a firm and its managers. We will explore the principal–agent problem, with
potential solutions, as we study alternative ways of organizing businesses later in
this chapter.

Organization of the Finance Function

The scope of the managerial finance function depends on the size of the firm. In
very small firms, this function focuses largely on accounting and control issues.
As a firm grows, the finance function typically separates from the accounting
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 63

treasurer department and becomes a unique organization linked directly to the company
A key financial manager, who president or CEO through the chief financial officer (CFO). The lower portion of
manages the firm’s cash, over- the organizational chart in Figure 1.2 shows the structure of the finance function
sees its pension plans, and
in a typical medium to large firm.
manages key risks.
Reporting to the CFO are the treasurer, the controller, the director of
director of risk management
investor relations, and the director of internal audit. The treasurer manages the
Works with the treasurer to
manage risks that the firm faces
firm’s cash, investing surplus funds when available and securing outside financ-
related to movements in ing when needed. The treasurer also oversees a firm’s pension plans and,
exchange rates, commodity together with the director of risk management, manages critical risks related
prices, and interest rates. to movements in foreign currency values, interest rates, and commodity prices.

FIG U R E 1 .2
Corporate Organization
The general organization of a corporation and the finance function (which is shown in yellow)



Board of Directors Owners




Chief Human Chief Financial Chief

Chief Operating Chief Marketing
Resources Officer Officer Technology
Officer (COO) Officer (CMO)
(CHRO) (CFO) Officer (CTO)

Treasurer Investor Controller
Internal Audit

Sr. Manager
Director Foreign of Financial Cost
of Tax Exchange Planning and Accounting
Manager Analysis Manager

Director of Financial
Assistant Assistant
Risk Accounting
Treasurer Controller
Management Manager
64 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

controller The controller has a role more centered on accounting, budgeting, and tracking

The firm’s chief accountant, who the performance of a business unit. The director of investor relations is the conduit
is responsible for the firm’s of information between the firm and the investment community. The director of
accounting activities, such as internal audit leads a team that is charged with making sure that all units within
corporate accounting, tax man-
the firm are following internal policies and complying with government regula-
agement, financial accounting,
and cost accounting. tions. Some of these jobs have a very external focus, such as the treasurer, who
must keep a close eye on a wide range of financial markets, and the director of
director of investor investor relations, who communicates regularly with the outside investment com-
relations munity. Other jobs have a more internal focus, such as the controller position.
The conduit of information If international sales or purchases are important to a firm, it may well employ
between the firm and the
one or more finance professionals whose job is to monitor and manage the firm’s
investment community.
exposure to loss from currency fluctuations. A trained financial manager can
director of internal audit “hedge,” or protect against such a loss, at a reasonable cost by using a variety of
Leads a team charged with mak- financial instruments. These foreign exchange managers typically report to the
ing sure that all business units firm’s treasurer.
follow internal policies and com-
ply with government regulations.
Relationship to Economics
foreign exchange manager The field of finance is closely related to economics. Financial managers must
The manager responsible for understand the economic environment their firms operate in and must be alert to
managing and monitoring the
the consequences of varying levels of economic activity and changes in economic
firm’s exposure to loss from cur-
rency fluctuations. policy. They must also be able to use economic theories as guidelines for efficient
business operation. Examples include supply-and-demand analysis, profit-maxi-
marginal cost–benefit mizing strategies, and price theory. The primary economic principle used in man-
agerial finance is marginal cost–benefit analysis, the tenet that managers should
Economic principle that states
that financial decisions should
base financial decisions on the marginal benefits and costs associated with some
be made and actions taken only action. That is, managers should take actions that generate higher marginal ben-
when the marginal benefits efits than marginal costs. Nearly all financial decisions ultimately come down to
exceed the marginal costs. an assessment of their marginal benefits and marginal costs.

E XA MPL E 1 .2 Jamie Teng is a financial manager for Nord Department Stores, a large chain of
upscale stores operating primarily in the western United States. She is currently
trying to decide whether to replace one of the firm’s computer servers with a new,
more sophisticated one that would both speed processing and handle a larger
volume of transactions. The new computer server would require a cash outlay of
$8,000, and the old one could be sold to net $2,000. The future benefits from
faster processing would be $10,000 in today’s dollars. The benefits over a similar
period from the old computer (measured in today’s dollars) would be $3,000.
Applying marginal cost–benefit analysis, Jamie organizes the data as follows:

Benefits with new computer $10,000

Less: Benefits with old computer 3,000
(1) Marginal benefits $ 7,000

Cost of new computer $ 8,000

Less: Proceeds from sale of old computer 2,000
(2) Marginal costs $ 6,000

Net benefit [(1) – (2)] $ 1,000

CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 65

Because the marginal benefits of $7,000 exceed the marginal costs of $6,000,
Jamie recommends purchasing the new computer to replace the old one. The
firm will experience a net benefit of $1,000 as a result of this action.

Relationship to Accounting
The firm’s finance and accounting activities are closely related and generally
overlap. In small firms, accountants often carry out the finance function; in large
firms, financial analysts often help compile accounting information. We can,
however, note two differences between finance and accounting; one is related to
the emphasis on cash flows, and the other to decision making.

Emphasis on Cash Flows The accountant’s primary function is to develop

and report data for measuring the performance of the firm, assess its financial
position, comply with and file reports required by securities regulators, and file
and pay taxes. Using generally accepted accounting principles, the accountant
accrual basis
prepares financial statements that recognize revenue at the time of sale (whether
In preparation of financial state-
ments, recognizes revenue at
payment has been received or not) and recognize expenses when incurred. This
the time of sale and recognizes approach is referred to as the accrual basis.
expenses when they are The financial manager, in contrast, places primary emphasis on cash flows,
incurred. the intake and outgo of cash. He or she maintains solvency of the firm by plan-
ning the cash flows necessary to satisfy its obligations and to acquire assets
cash basis
needed to achieve its goals. The financial manager uses this cash basis to recog-
Recognizes revenues and
expenses only with respect to
nize the revenues and expenses only with respect to actual inflows and outflows
actual inflows and outflows of of cash. Whether a firm earns a profit or experiences a loss, it must have a suffi-
cash. cient flow of cash to meet its obligations as they come due.

E XA MPL E 1 .3 Nassau Corporation, a small yacht dealer, sold one yacht for $1,000,000 in the
calendar year just ended. Nassau originally purchased the yacht for $800,000.
0\/DE�)LQDQFH�6ROXWLRQ� Although the firm paid in full for the yacht during the year, at year’s end it has
9LGHR yet to collect the $1,000,000 from the customer. The accounting view and the
financial view of the firm’s performance during the year are given by the follow-
ing income and cash flow statements, respectively.

Accounting view Financial view

(accrual basis) (cash basis)
Nassau Corporation Nassau Corporation
income statement cash flow statement
for the year ended 12/31 for the year ended 12/31
Sales revenue $1,000,000 Cash inflow $ 0
Less: Costs 800,000 Less: Cash outflow 800,000
Net profit $ 200,000 Net cash flow -$800,000

In an accounting sense, Nassau Corporation is profitable, but in terms of actual

cash flow, it has a problem. Its lack of cash flow resulted from the uncollected
accounts receivable of $1,000,000. Without adequate cash inflows to meet its
obligations, the firm will not survive, regardless of its level of profits.
66 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

As the example shows, accrual accounting data do not fully represent the
circumstances of a firm. Thus, the financial manager must look beyond financial
statements to gain insight into existing or developing problems. Of course,
accountants are well aware of the importance of cash flows, and financial man-
agers use and understand accrual-based financial statements. Nevertheless, the
financial manager, by concentrating on cash flows, should be able to avoid insol-
vency and achieve the firm’s financial goals.

P E RSO NA L FI NA NCE E XA M PL E 1 . 4 Individuals rarely use accrual concepts. Rather, they rely
mainly on cash flows to measure their financial outcomes.
Generally, individuals plan, monitor, and assess their financial activities using
cash flows over a given period, typically a month or a year. Ann Bach projects
her cash flows during October 2018 as follows:

Item Inflow Outflow
Net pay received $4,400
Rent -$1,200
Car payment -450
Utilities -300
Groceries -800
Clothes -750
Dining out -650
Gasoline -260
Interest income 220
Misc. expense -425
Totals $4,620 -$4,835

Ann subtracts her total outflows of $4,835 from her total inflows of $4,620
and finds that her net cash flow for October will be –$215. To cover the $215
shortfall, Ann will have to either borrow $215 (putting it on a credit card is a
form of borrowing) or withdraw $215 from her savings. Alternatively, she may
decide to reduce her outflows in areas of discretionary spending such as cloth-
ing purchases, dining out, or those items that make up the $425 of miscella-
neous expense.

Decision Making The second major difference between finance and ac-
counting involves decision making. Accountants devote most of their attention to
the collection and presentation of financial data. Financial managers evaluate the
accounting statements, develop additional data, and make decisions based on
their assessment of the associated returns and risks. Of course, this does not
mean that accountants never make decisions or that financial managers never
gather data but rather that the primary emphases of accounting and finance are
68 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

TA B LE 1 .1 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Common Legal Forms of Business Organization

Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation
Strengths • Owner receives all profits (and • Can raise more funds than • Owners have limited liability, which
sustains all losses) sole proprietorships guarantees that they cannot lose more
• Low organizational costs • Borrowing power than they invested
• Income included and taxed on enhanced by more owners • Can achieve large size via sale of
proprietor’s personal tax return • More available brain ownership (stock)
• Independence power and managerial skill • Ownership (stock) is readily
• Income included and taxed transferable
• Secrecy
on partner’s personal tax • Long life of firm
• Ease of dissolution
return • Can hire professional managers
• Has better access to financing

Weaknesses • Owner has unlimited liability in • Owners have unlimited • Taxes are generally higher because
that total wealth can be taken liability and may have to corporate income is taxed, and
to satisfy debts cover debts of other dividends paid to owners are also taxed
• Limited fund-raising power partners at a maximum 15% rate
tends to inhibit growth • Partnership is dissolved • More expensive to organize than other
• Proprietor must be when a partner dies business forms
jack-of-all-trades • Difficult to liquidate or • Subject to greater government
• Difficult to give employees transfer partnership regulation
long-run career opportunities • Lacks secrecy because regulations
• Lacks continuity when require firms to disclose financial results
proprietor dies

partnership A partnership consists of two or more owners doing business together for
A business owned by two or profit. Partnerships account for about 10% of all businesses, and they are
more people and operated for typically larger than sole proprietorships. Partnerships are common in the
accounting, law, finance, insurance, and real estate industries.
Most partnerships are established by a written contract known as articles
articles of partnership of partnership. In a general (or regular) partnership, all partners have unlim-
The written contract used to ited liability, and each partner is legally liable for all debts of the partnership.
formally establish a business Like a sole proprietorship, a partnership is a pass-through business, meaning
partnership. that partnerships do not pay income tax directly. Instead, income from the
partnership flows through to the partners and is taxed at the individual level.
Table 1.1 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of proprietorships and

A corporation is a business entity owned by individuals, but the corporation
itself is a legal entity distinct from its owners. A corporation has the legal
A legal business entity with
powers of an individual. It can sue and be sued, make and be party to con-
rights and duties similar to those tracts, and acquire property in its own name. Although fewer than 20% of
of individuals but with a legal all U.S. businesses are incorporated, the largest businesses nearly always are;
identity distinct from its owners. corporations account for roughly two-thirds of total business income.
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 69


Number of Businesses and Income Earned by Type of U.S. Firm

Although sole proprietorships greatly outnumber partnerships and corporations
combined, they generate the lowest level of income. In total, sole proprietorships
accounted for almost three-quarters of the number of business establishments in
operation, but they earned just 10% of all business income. Corporations, on the
other hand, accounted for just 17% of the number of businesses, but they earned
almost two-thirds of all business income.

Sole proprietorships Partnerships Corporations

Number of firms (millions) 25.3 3.4 5.8
Percentage of all firms 73% 10% 17%
Percentage of all business
income 10% 26% 64%

Source: Overview of Approaches to Corporate Integration, Joint Committee on Taxation, United States
Congress, May 17, 2016.

One advantage of the corporate form is that corporations can raise

stockholders money to expand by selling new stock to investors. Another advantage is
The owners of a corporation, that the owners of a corporation, its stockholders (whose ownership, or
whose ownership, or equity, takes equity, takes the form of common or preferred stock), enjoy limited liability,
the form of common stock or, less meaning they are not personally liable for the firm’s debts as are sole propri-
frequently, preferred stock.
etors and partners. Their losses are limited to the amount they invested in
limited liability the firm when they purchased shares of stock. In Chapter 7 you will learn
A legal provision that limits more about stock, but for now we will simply say that stock is a security
stockholders’ liability for a cor- that represents an ownership interest in a corporation. Stockholders expect
poration’s debt to the amount
to earn a return by receiving dividends—periodic distributions of cash—or
they initially invested in the firm
by purchasing stock.
by realizing gains through increases in share price. Because the money to pay
dividends generally comes from the profits that a firm earns, we refer to
stock stockholders as residual claimants. They are paid last, after the corporation
A security that represents
pays employees, suppliers, tax authorities, and lenders and anyone else
an ownership interest in a
to whom it owes money. Over time, if the firm does not generate enough
cash to pay everyone else, there is no residual cash flow and nothing is avail-
dividends able for stockholders. Table 1.1 lists the key strengths and weaknesses of
Periodic distributions of cash to
the stockholders of a firm.
As noted in the upper portion of Figure 1.2, control of the corporation
functions a little like a democracy. The stockholders vote periodically to elect
board of directors members of the board of directors, which is typically responsible for approving
Group elected by the firm’s strategic goals and plans, setting general policy, guiding corporate affairs, and
stockholders and typically approving major expenditures. Most importantly, the board decides when to
responsible for approving stra- hire or fire top managers and establishes compensation packages for the most
tegic goals and plans, setting senior executives. The board consists of “inside” directors, such as key corpo-
general policy, guiding corpo- rate executives, and “outside” or “independent” directors, such as executives
rate affairs, and approving
from other companies, major shareholders, and national or community leaders.
major expenditures.
Outside directors for major corporations receive compensation in the form of
cash, stock, and stock options. This compensation often totals $250,000 per
year or more.
70 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

TA B LE 1 .2 2018 Tax Rate Schedule for Single Taxpayer

Tax calculation
(Marginal rate * amount over bracket
Base tax 1
Taxable income brackets lower limit)
$ 0 to $ 9,525 $ 0 + (10% * amount over $ 0)
9,525 to 38,700 $ 953 + (12% * amount over $ 9,525)
38,700 to 82,500 $ 4,454 + (22% * amount over $ 38,700)
82,500 to 157,500 $ 14,090 + (24% * amount over $ 82,500)
157,500 to 200,000 $ 32,090 + (32% * amount over $157,500)
200,000 to 500,000 $ 45,690 + (35% * amount over $200,000)
Over 500,000 $150,690 + (37% * amount over $500,000)

president or chief executive The president or chief executive officer (CEO) is responsible for managing
officer (CEO) day-to-day operations and carrying out the policies established by the board of
Corporate official responsible directors. The CEO reports periodically to the firm’s directors.
for managing the firm’s day-to- It is important to note the division between owners and managers in a large
day operations and carrying out
corporation, as shown by the dashed horizontal line in Figure 1.2. This separa-
the policies established by the
board of directors. tion is the source of the principal–agent problem mentioned earlier.

Business Organizational Forms and Taxation

Owners of pass-through businesses such as proprietorships and partnerships
pay tax at the individual level, not at the business level. For individuals,
income tax rates are progressive, meaning that the tax rate rises with income.
Taxes also depend on the individual’s filing status (e.g., whether they are sin-
gle or married). Table 1.2 shows the tax rates applicable in 2018 for a single

E XA MPL E 1 .5 Dan Webster is the sole proprietor of Webster Manufacturing. This year Webster
earned $80,000 before taxes from his business. Assuming that Dan has no other
income, the taxes he will owe on his business income are as follows:
9LGHR Total taxes due = (0.10 * $9,525) + [0.12 * ($38,700 - $9,525)]
+ [0.22 * ($80,000 - $38,700)]
= $953 + $3,501 + $9,086
= $13,540
Notice that Webster’s tax liability has two components. The first $4,454 in tax,
denoted in Table 1.2 as the base tax, is calculated by multiplying 10% times
Webster’s first $9,525 in income and then multiplying 12% times Webster’s next
$29,175 in income. The sum of those two calculations is the $4,454 base tax
from line 3 in Table 1.2. On top of that, Webster must pay an additional 22% in
taxes on income above $38,700.
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 71

marginal tax rate In a progressive tax rate structure like that shown in Table 1.2, there is a
The tax rate that applies to the difference between the marginal tax rate and the average tax rate. The mar-
next dollar of income earned. ginal tax rate represents the rate at which the next dollar of income is taxed.
In Table 1.2, the marginal tax rate is 10% if the taxpayer earns less than
$9,525. If income is more than $9,525 but less than $38,700, the marginal
tax rate is 12%. As income rises, the marginal tax rate rises. In the example
above, if Webster Manufacturing’s earnings increase to $82,501, the last $1
in income would be taxed at the marginal rate of 24%.
The average tax rate equals taxes paid divided by taxable income. For
average tax rate many taxpayers, the average tax rate does not equal the marginal tax
Calculated by dividing taxes rate because tax rates change with income levels. In the example above, Web-
paid by taxable income. ster Manufacturing’s marginal tax rate is 22%, but its average tax rate is
16.9% ($13,540 , $80,000). In most business decisions that managers make,
it’s the marginal tax rate that really matters. Remember that managers create
value for shareholders by taking actions for which the marginal benefits
exceed the marginal costs. Thus, managers should focus on the marginal tax
rate because that determines the marginal taxes they will pay or avoid as a
consequence of taking some action.
Figure 1.3 shows how marginal and average tax rates vary as an individu-
al’s taxable income rises. The blue line shows how the marginal tax rate
increases in “steps” as income moves into each higher tax bracket (note: the
graph omits the final 37% bracket for incomes above $500,000). The red line
shows that the average tax increases with income too, but the average rate is
generally less than the marginal rate. For example, a business owner with
income of $300,000 faces a 35% marginal tax rate but pays an average tax rate
of roughly 27% as illustrated in the following example.

FIG U RE 1 .3
Marginal and Average
Tax Rates at Different Marginal Tax Rate
Income Levels for a
Average Tax Rate (%)

Single Taxpayer 30
Average Tax Rate
Marginal and





0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Taxable Income ($ thousands)
72 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

E XA MPL E 1 .6 Peter Strong is a partner in Argaiv Software, and from that business he earned
taxable income of $300,000. Assuming that this is Peter’s only source of
income, from Table 1.2 we can see that based on Peter’s tax bracket, he faces a
marginal tax rate of 35%. How much in tax does Peter owe, and what is his
average tax rate? Table 1.2 shows a base tax of $45,690 for individuals with
income above $200,000 but below $500,000. Here’s where that base tax comes
Base tax = (0.10 * $9,525) + (0.12 * $29,175) + (0.22 * $43,800)
+ (0.24 * $75,000) + 1 0.32 * +42,500 2
= $953 + $3,501 + $9,636 + $18,000 + +13,600
= $45,690
In other words, based on his first $200,000 in partnership earnings, Peter
owes $45,690 in taxes. In addition to that base tax, Peter must pay 35% tax on
the last $100,000 that he earns, so his total tax bill is
Total taxes due = $45,690 + (0.35 * $100,000) = $80,690
Given Peter’s total tax bill, we can calculate the average tax rate by dividing
taxes due by taxable income, as follows:
Average tax rate = $80,690 , $300,000 = 0.269 = 26.9%
Again we stress that in many cases the marginal tax rate and the average tax
rate are not equal, and in such cases, managers should focus on the marginal tax
rate when they make decisions about how to invest the firm’s money.

Taxation of corporations is quite different. A major disadvantage of the

corporate form of organization is that a corporation itself pays taxes, and then
when income from the corporation is distributed to shareholders, they pay tax
again on their individual tax returns. Thus, corporations suffer from the prob-
Double taxation lem of double taxation—corporate income is taxed twice, first at the company
A situation facing corporations
level and then at the shareholder level. In tax years before 2017, corporations
in which income from the busi-
ness is taxed twice—once at the
faced a progressive structure similar to the one that determined individuals’
business level and once at the taxes, and the top marginal rate in that structure was 35%. That marginal rate
individual level when cash is applied to any business with taxable income over $18.3 million, so large corpo-
distributed to shareholders. rations generally fell under the 35% marginal tax rate. The Tax Cuts and Jobs
Act of 2017 replaced the old, progressive corporate tax with a flat tax of 21%.
By replacing the top marginal rate of 35% with a flat 21% tax rate, Congress
reduced, but did not eliminate the double-taxation burden associated with the
corporate organization form and created an incentive for corporations to invest
(we’ll say more about that in subsequent chapters).

E XA MPL E 1 .7 Suppose that Argaiv Software (from Example 1.6) is organized as a corporation
rather than as a partnership, and suppose also that Argaiv paid $300,000 in
dividends to shareholders. For individuals, the tax code applies a different mar-
ginal rate to dividends than to ordinary income, with the top marginal tax rate
on dividends equal to 23.8%. On the $300,000 in corporate taxable income,
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 73

Argaiv will pay taxes of $63,000 (0.21 * $300,000), and its shareholders could
pay as much as $71,400 (0.238 * $300,000) in taxes on the dividends that they
receive. Therefore, the total tax burden faced by Argaiv and its shareholders is
as high as $134,400, compared to the total tax bill of $80,690 that would be
owed if Argaiv were organized as a partnership as in the previous example. The
taxes paid on Argaiv dividends by its shareholders could be less than shown
here if shareholders are not in the highest individual tax bracket.

Regardless of their legal form, all businesses can earn ordinary income and
ordinary income capital gains. A corporation earns ordinary income through the sale of goods or
Income earned by a business services. A capital gain occurs if a firm sells an asset for more than its cost. Cur-
through the sale of goods or rent law treats these two types of income differently in the taxation of individu-
services. als, but not for corporations. The law requires corporations to simply add capital
capital gain gains to ordinary income when calculating taxes.
Income earned by selling an The law treats interest received by corporations as ordinary income (just
asset for more than it cost. like capital gains), but dividends received get a special tax break that moderates
the effect of double taxation. Dividends the firm receives on common and pre-
ferred stock held in other corporations are usually subject to a 50% exclusion
for tax purposes. The dividend exclusion in effect eliminates half of the poten-
tial tax liability from dividends received by the second and any subsequent
In calculating their taxes, corporations can deduct operating expenses, as well
as interest expenses they pay to lenders. The tax deductibility of these expenses
reduces their after-tax cost. The following example illustrates the benefit of tax

E XA MPL E 1 .8 Two corporations, Debt Co. and No-Debt Co., earned $200,000 before interest
and taxes this year. During the year, Debt Co. paid $30,000 in interest. No-Debt
0\/DE�)LQDQFH�6ROXWLRQ� Co. had no debt and no interest expense. How do the after-tax earnings of these
9LGHR firms compare?

Debt Co. No-Debt Co.

Earnings before interest and taxes $200,000 $200,000
Less: Interest expense 30,000           0
Earnings before taxes $170,000 $200,000
Less: Taxes (21%) 35,700    42,000
Earnings after taxes $134,300 $158,000
Difference in earnings after taxes $23,700

Both firms face a 21% flat tax rate. Debt Co. had $30,000 more interest expense
than No-Debt Co., but Debt Co.’s earnings after taxes are only $23,700 less than
those of No-Debt Co. This difference is attributable to Debt Co.’s $30,000 inter-
est expense deduction, which provides a tax savings of $6,300 (the tax bill is
$35,700 for Debt Co. versus $42,000 for No-Debt Co.). The tax savings can be
74 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

calculated directly by multiplying the 21% tax rate by the interest expense
(0.21 * $30,000 = $6,300). Similarly, the $23,700 after-tax interest expense
can be calculated directly by multiplying 1 minus the tax rate by the interest
expense 3(1 - 0.21) * $30,000 = $23,7004.

The tax deductibility of expenses reduces their actual (after-tax) cost to the
firm as long as the firm is profitable. If a firm experiences a net loss in a given
year, its tax liability is already zero. Even in this case, firms can deduct losses in
one year from income earned in subsequent years (prior losses cannot offset more
than 80% of taxable income in any subsequent year). Note that for both account-
ing and tax purposes interest is a tax-deductible expense, whereas dividends are
not. Because dividends are not tax deductible, their after-tax cost is equal to the
amount of the dividend.

Other Limited Liability Organizations

A number of other organizational forms provide owners with limited liability.
The most popular are limited partnership (LP), S corporation (S corp), limited
liability company (LLC), and limited liability partnership (LLP). Each repre-
sents a specialized form or blending of the characteristics of the organizational
forms described previously. What they have in common is that their owners
enjoy limited liability, and they typically have fewer than 100 owners.


Large corporations have tens of thousands of different shareholders, and the
vast majority of them have no direct managerial responsibility. The profes-
sional managers who run corporations are the agents of the shareholders,
and they are entrusted to take actions or make decisions that are in the
shareholders’ best interests. As we have already noted, in many situations,
managers may act in accordance with their own interests rather than on
behalf of the shareholders. In most cases, if managers fail to do what share-
holders want them to do, they will also fail to achieve the goal of maximiz-
ing shareholder wealth. The unavoidable conflict between a firm’s principals
(shareholders) and their agents (managers) gives rise to a variety of costs
agency costs that owners must shoulder. Agency costs represent those costs that share-
The costs that shareholders holders bear (or, equivalently, the loss in value that they endure) because
bear due to managers’ pursuit managers pursue their own interests. Agency costs may include such things
of their own interests. as an expensive private jet used by the CEO or the cost of hiring outside
auditors to verify the accuracy of the financial reports produced by manag-
ers. Another type of agency cost arises when managers make suboptimal
investment decisions, that is, making investments that decrease shareholder
value or failing to make investments that would increase the firm’s stock
price. Of course, shareholders are generally sophisticated people, and they
are aware of the consequences of delegating managerial responsibility to
agents. So, to help ensure that managers act in ways consistent with the
interests of shareholders, and therefore to mitigate agency costs, sharehold-
ers aim to establish a range of corporate governance practices. Society at
large also influences corporate governance through the laws and regulations
that governments establish and with which firms must comply.
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 75

corporate governance Corporate governance refers to the rules, processes, and laws by which companies
The rules, processes, and laws are operated, controlled, and regulated. It defines the rights and responsibilities of
by which companies are oper- the corporate participants, such as the shareholders, board of directors, officers
ated, controlled, and regulated. and managers, and other stakeholders, as well as the rules and procedures for
making corporate decisions. A well-defined corporate governance structure is
intended to benefit all corporate stakeholders by ensuring that the firm is run in a
lawful and ethical fashion, in full compliance with all corporate regulations.
Both internal and external forces influence firms’ corporate governance
practices. In terms of internal influences, clearly shareholders, through the board
of directors, exert influence on how a firm is governed. But when internal cor-
porate governance mechanisms fail, external forces may step in. Many of the
most important laws and regulations affecting U.S. corporations were passed in
the wake of some kind of scandal, brought about in part because of corporate
governance failures on a wide scale.

Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms

Primary responsibility for establishing a firm’s corporate governance policies rests
with the board of directors. The board is responsible for hiring and firing the firm’s
CEO and for setting the terms of compensation for senior managers. One of the pri-
mary ways in which boards try to align the interests of managers and shareholders is
through the structure of management compensation. Specifically, at most large com-
panies, the pay of senior employees consists of a fixed base salary combined with a
variable component that is tied to the firm’s performance in some manner. For exam-
ple, senior managers might receive an extra cash bonus if the firm meets particular
revenue or earnings targets. A more direct way to create incentives for managers to act
in shareholders’ interests is through awards of stock options, restricted stock, and
stock options other forms of equity compensation. Stock options allow managers to buy shares of
Securities that allow managers the company’s stock at a fixed price. For example, suppose that a company’s stock is
to buy shares of stock at a fixed worth $45 per share at the beginning of the year. The board might include 100,000
price. stock options in the CEO’s compensation package. Suppose that each of those options
allows the CEO to buy one share of stock for $45 at any time over the next few years.
That gives the CEO a tremendous incentive to take actions that increase the stock
price. If the stock price rises to $55, then the CEO can buy 100,000 shares for $45
each and then immediately resell them at the $55 market price, pocketing a profit of
$1 million. The higher the stock price goes, the more the CEO benefits (and the more
shareholders benefit, too). However, if the CEO takes actions that reduce the stock
price below $45, then those stock options have little value.
Companies may link the pay of senior managers to the performance of the
company’s stock price in other ways. Firms often reward senior managers by giv-
restricted stock ing them restricted stock, which are shares of stock that do not fully transfer from
Shares of stock paid out as part the company to the employee until certain conditions are met. These conditions
of a compensation package that might relate to the length of an employee’s service or to meeting performance tar-
do not fully transfer from the gets. When restricted stock is fully vested, ownership of the shares formally trans-
company to the employee until
fers to the employee. Obviously, the value of restricted shares is directly tied to
certain conditions are met.
the company’s stock price. Often employees must wait several years (known as
the vesting period) before their restricted stock is fully vested, and even then, com-
panies may impose minimum holding requirements, meaning that an employee
cannot immediately sell all their restricted shares, even if they are fully vested, as
76 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance


CEO Pay Around the World

Both the amount that CEOs receive in compensation and the form their compensation
takes vary greatly around the world. A 2016 report noted that median pay for CEOs in
the United States was $14.9 million, nearly 3 times more than the median pay for CEOs
from non-U.S. companies. British CEOs earned the second highest median pay at $10.5
million. On the European continent, German and French CEOs earned roughly half of
what their British counterparts make, at $5.4 million and $4.0 million, respectively. Japa-
nese CEOs received even less, with median pay at $1.5 million.
Given these large differences in total compensation, the base salaries of CEOs were
surprisingly similar. For instance, the median base salary for a U.S. CEO was $5.1 million,
compared with $4.1 million for a German CEO. What, then, caused the variations in total
CEO pay? These were driven mostly by differences in the use of equity-based compen-
sation. As an example, the portion of CEO pay coming in the form of stock or stock
options was 60% for U.S. and U.K. firms, but in Germany and France, the fraction paid in
equity totaled less than 24%. Japan was an even more dramatic outlier, with equity-
based compensation accounting for just 10% of total CEO pay. Recall that the U.S. and
U.K. legal systems emphasize the duty of managers to shareholders, whereas legal sys-
tems elsewhere place more emphasis on stakeholders. Those differences are reflected in
equity-based CEO compensation around the world.

Source: “How CEO pay differs around the globe,” press release, August 17, 2016.

long as the employee remains at the firm. Vesting requirements and minimum
holding requirements ensure that the compensation of a firm’s senior manager is
always at least partially tied to the performance of the company’s stock.
Corporate compensation plans have been closely scrutinized by stockhold-
ers, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and other government
entities. The total compensation in 2016 for the chief executive officers of the
500 largest U.S. companies is considerable. For example, in 2016 Expedia’s
CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, earned $94.6 million.

External Corporate Governance Mechanisms

If the board of directors does not effectively monitor senior management and
establish sound governance practices, several external influences may emerge to
fill the void. First, the firms’ own investors may exert an effect on senior manag-
ers. Second, if investors cannot bring about change in an underperforming firm,
an outside company may offer to take over the firm, in which case the senior
management team would most likely be removed. Third, government regula-
tions impose at least some minimal level of corporate governance standards
with which firms must comply even if other internal and external governance
mechanisms prove ineffective.

Individual versus Institutional Investors To better understand the role of

shareholders in shaping a firm’s corporate governance, it is helpful to differen-
individual investors
Investors who own relatively
tiate between the two broad classes of owners: individuals and institutions.
small quantities of shares to Generally, individual investors own relatively few shares and as a result do
meet personal investment not typically have sufficient means to influence a firm’s corporate governance.
goals. To pressure a firm, individual investors would have to vote collectively on
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 77

matters such as electing directors. Coordinating the votes of thousands of

individuals is difficult, so individual investors rarely exert much influence on
Institutional investors have advantages over individual investors when it
institutional investors comes to influencing the corporate governance of a firm. Institutional inves-
Investment professionals such tors are investment professionals paid to manage and hold large quantities of
as banks, insurance companies, securities on behalf of individuals, businesses, and governments. Such inves-
mutual funds, and pension
tors include banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and pension funds.
funds that are paid to manage
and hold large quantities of
Unlike individual investors, institutional investors often monitor and directly
securities on behalf of others. influence a firm’s corporate governance by exerting pressure on management
to perform, communicating their concerns to the firm’s board, or even press-
ing for the election of their own slate of directors to the board. These large
investors can also threaten to exercise their voting rights or liquidate their
holdings if the board does not respond positively to their concerns. Because
individual and institutional investors share the same goal, individual investors
benefit from the monitoring activities of institutional investors.
activist investors Activist investors, who may be wealthy individuals or institutional inves-
Investors who specialize in influ- tors controlling a large pool of capital, specialize in influencing management.
encing management. Activist shareholders may quickly assemble a significant ownership position in
a firm to persuade senior managers to take specific actions, such as replacing
existing board members with new ones favored by the activist. Activist inves-
tors typically emerge when a company has been underperforming, and their
objective is to force managers to make changes to improve the firm’s perfor-
mance. To illustrate, in January 2017, the activist investing firm, Jana Partners,
revealed that it had acquired a stake in the pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers
Squibb. At the time, Bristol-Myers stock was trading for 20% less than it had
just 1 year earlier, due in part to disappointing results from a clinical trial of a
key drug. Just 1 month later, Bristol-Myers agreed to add three new directors
to its board and to distribute $2 billion in cash to shareholders. No sooner had
the company announced these changes than another activist, Carl Icahn,
announced that he, too, had acquired a large block of Bristol-Myers stock. This
fueled speculation that the company could become a takeover target because
Icahn had previously pushed for the acquisition of underperforming companies
by larger companies.

The Threat of Takeover When a firm’s internal corporate governance

structure is unable to keep agency problems in check, it is likely that rival
managers will try to gain control of the firm. Because agency problems repre-
sent a misuse of the firm’s resources and impose agency costs on the firm’s
shareholders, the firm’s stock is generally depressed, making the firm an
attractive takeover target. The threat of takeover by another firm that believes
it can enhance the troubled firm’s value by restructuring its management,
operations, and financing can provide a strong source of external corporate
governance. The constant threat of a takeover tends to motivate management
to act in the best interests of the firm’s owners.

Government Regulation
Government regulation shapes the corporate governance of all firms. During the
past decade, corporate governance has received increased attention because of
several high-profile corporate scandals involving abuse of corporate power and,
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 79

For many people working in a business, it is not obvious how the business creates
value for its owners. In this text, we emphasize that value creation balances risk and
return, so a critical evaluation of any proposed course of action requires an analysis
of the risks of that action as well as its potential rewards. Virtually every chapter in
this text provides guidance about how to make critical judgments regarding either
the risks or the rewards (or both) tied to corporate decisions. By mastering those
chapters will you learn how to apply criteria that lead to value-creating business
decisions. You will learn the assumptions behind and the key relationships driving
financial models, so even if your job does not involve building those models, you can
help shape them by providing the data and analysis that the financial analysts at your
firm use to provide financial justifications for key decisions. Your understanding of
financial principles will also help you to identify weaknesses in financial analysis
which, left uncorrected, might lead to suboptimal decisions.


In most large businesses today, employees work in cross-functional teams. If
your aim is to work in marketing or supply chain or even general management,
rest assured that working with a colleague from the finance department will be
part of your regular routine. Thus, you need to understand how financial peo-
ple think and the vocabulary they use to communicate with them effectively
and persuasively. Developing a basic financial proficiency will help you gather
and organize the information that the financial analyst on your team needs to
demonstrate the value of your team’s work to the larger organization.


Though an in-depth discussion of using Excel or other computer programs to build
complex financial models is beyond the scope of this text, we do provide an intro-
duction to some of the Excel tools that see widespread practice in financial model-
ing. Even if your job does not involve building models in Excel, financial analysts in
your firm will routinely present their analysis in that form, and your ability to
respond and contribute to that analysis hinges upon your understanding of at least
the basics of those models. Remember that finance is often the gatekeeper of corpo-
rate funds, so gaining support from the finance department may be an important
step in marshaling the resources you need to do your job effectively. It’s easier to
gain that support if you are conversant in the basics of financial modeling in Excel.


This chapter established the primary goal of the firm: to maximize the wealth
of the owners for whom the firm is being operated. For public companies, this
objective means that managers should act only on those opportunities that
they expect will create value for owners by increasing the stock price. Doing
so requires management to consider the returns and the risks of each proposed
action and their combined effect on the value of the firm’s stock.
80 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance


LG 1
Define finance and the managerial finance function. Finance is the science
and art of how individuals and firms raise, allocate, and invest money. It affects
virtually all aspects of business. Managerial finance is concerned with the duties of
the financial manager working in a business. Financial managers administer the
financial affairs of all types of businesses: private and public, large and small,
profit seeking and not for profit. They perform such varied tasks as developing a
financial plan or budget, extending credit to customers, evaluating proposed large
expenditures, and raising money to fund the firm’s operations.
LG 2
Describe the goal of the firm, and explain why maximizing the value of the
firm is an appropriate goal for a business. The goal of the firm is to maximize its
value and therefore the wealth of its shareholders. Maximizing the value of the
firm means running the business in the interest of those who own it, the sharehold-
ers. Because shareholders are paid after other stakeholders, it is also generally nec-
essary to satisfy the interests of other stakeholders to enrich shareholders.
LG 3
Identify the primary activities of the financial manager. Financial managers
are primarily involved in three types of decisions. Investment decisions relate to how
a company invests its capital to generate wealth for shareholders. Financing deci-
sions relate to how a company raises the capital it needs to invest. Working capital
decisions refer to the day-to-day management of a firm’s short-term resources such
as cash, receivables, inventory, and payables.
LG 4
Explain the key principles that financial managers use when making business
decisions. The time value of money means that money is more valuable today than
in the future because of the opportunity to earn a return on money that is on hand
now. Because a tradeoff exists between risk and return, managers have to consider
both factors for any investment they make. Managers should also focus more on
cash flow than on accounting profit. Furthermore, managers need to recognize that
market prices reflect information gathered by many different investors, so the price
of a company’s stock is an important signal of how the company is doing. Finally,
although managers should act in shareholders’ interest, they do not always do so,
which requires various kinds of incentives to be in place so that the interests of man-
agers and shareholders align to the greatest extent possible.
LG 5
Describe the legal forms of business organization. These are the sole propri-
etorship, the partnership, and the corporation. The corporation is dominant in the
sense that most large companies are corporations, and a corporation’s owners are its
stockholders. Stockholders expect to earn a return by receiving dividends or by real-
izing gains through increases in share price.
LG 6
Describe the nature of the principal–agent relationship between the owners
and managers of a corporation, and explain how various corporate governance
mechanisms attempt to manage agency problems. The separation of owners and
managers in a corporation gives rise to the classic principal–agent relationship,
in which shareholders are the principals and managers are the agents. This arrange-
ment works well when the agent makes decisions in the principal’s best interest, but it
can lead to agency problems when the interests of the principal and agent differ. A
firm’s corporate governance structure is intended to help ensure that managers act in
the best interests of the firm’s shareholders and other stakeholders, and it is usually
influenced by both internal and external factors.
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 81


In the chapter opener, you learned that with Brookdale Senior Living’s stock
price trading around $12.35 per share, one of the firm’s investors proposed an
idea that might net the firm’s shareholders $21 per share in cash. Suppose that
Brookdale acted upon the suggestion of Land and Buildings and that as a result
Brookdale was able to distribute $21 per share in cash to its investors. Suppose
that after selling its real estate assets and paying out cash to shareholders,
Brookdale’s shares were worth $5 per share. Are Brookdale’s investors better or
worse off? Specifically, calculate the percentage change in the wealth of share-
holders (including the cash they received and the change in the value of their
stock) that would hypothetically occur if Brookdale acted according to this plan.
Now suppose that Brookdale had 185.45 million shares outstanding. What is
the total dollar value of wealth created (or destroyed) by the restructuring pro-
posed by Land and Buildings?

SELF-TEST PROBLEM (Solution in Appendix)

LG 4
ST1–1 Emphasis on Cash Flows  Worldwide Rugs is a rug importer located in the
United States that resells its import products to local retailers. Last year, World-
wide Rugs imported $2.5 million worth of rugs from around the world, all of
which were paid for prior to shipping. On receipt of the rugs, the importer
immediately resold them to local retailers for $3 million. To allow its retail cli-
ents time to resell the rugs, Worldwide Rugs sells to retailers on credit. Prior to
the end of its business year, Worldwide Rugs collected 85% of its outstanding
accounts receivable.
a. What is the accounting profit that Worldwide Rugs generated for the year?
b. Did Worldwide Rugs have a successful year from an accounting perspective?
c. What is the financial cash flow that Worldwide Rugs generated for the year?
d. Did Worldwide Rugs have a successful year from a financial perspective?
e. If the current pattern persists, what is your expectation for the future success of
Worldwide Rugs?

WARM-UP EXERCISES Select problems are available in 0\/DE�)LQDQFH

LG 5 E1–1 Ann and Jack have been partners for several years. Their firm, A & J Tax Prepara-
tion, has been very successful, as the pair agree on most business-related questions.
One disagreement, however, concerns the legal form of their business. For the past
2 years, Ann has tried to convince Jack to incorporate. She believes there is no
downside to incorporating and sees only benefits. Jack strongly disagrees; he thinks
the business should remain a partnership forever.
First, take Ann’s side, and explain the positive side to incorporating the busi-
ness. Next, take Jack’s side, and state the advantages to remaining a partnership.
Last, what information would you want if you were asked to make the decision for
Ann and Jack?
82 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

LG 4 E1–2 You are the chief financial officer (CFO) of Morb lights, a manufacturer of lighting
components for cars. The board of directors have decided that there is a need to
divert investments toward LED-based lighting solutions instead of traditional light
bulbs. You are currently evaluating two alternative projects. The first is to inte-
grate new technology in an existing factory, where the cash flows for the first 4
years will be below average as the production will be affected due to refitting of
facilities. However, from year 5 it will increase to above-average levels once full
capacity is achieved. The second project is to take over an existing small business
with the required production facility. This is expected to increase cash flows to
above-average levels immediately for the next 4 years, but decrease to lower-than-
average cash flows from year 5, when the factory’s technology becomes outdated.
How do you choose from the two available options? Given the strategy of the firm,
what other factors need to be taken into consideration before making this decision?

LG 4 E1–3 The Quickclick Media Ltd., announced that the profit for the previous year is twice
the amount earned in the previous year, an improvement from the projected num-
bers. The chief human resources officer (CHRO) suggested that the employees need
to be rewarded for their efforts. To keep them motivated, she insisted on giving
them a significant cash bonus in the following month. The chief financial officer
(CFO), however, contended that there was insufficient cash and that they should
wait till the next quarter before paying each employee a cash bonus.
How can the company, which is a profitable one, have insufficient cash flows?
Explain your answer.

LG 5 E1–4 The chief financial officer (CFO) of New Age Fashion Ltd. has just received a
request from a project manager to authorize an expenditure in the amount of
£45,000. The manager states that this expenditure is necessary for the last stage
development of a space navigation system, which is based on a programming lan-
guage called Xtor. As a space engineer and financial manager, you know that Xtor is
almost obsolete and is being replaced by alternatives that provide better cross-plat-
form compatibility. However, the project manager insists that they should continue
with the last tranche of payment because over £1.5 million has already been spent
on developing this navigation system. It would be a shame to waste all the time and
resources that have been invested.
Advise the CFO regarding whether she should authorize the £45,000 proposed
expenditure. Use marginal cost–benefit analysis to explain your reasoning.

LG 6 E1–5 Premier Baking Ltd. has recently appointed a new CEO to run its bakery business,
which supplies to supermarkets and restaurants. The new CEO has instituted a new
compensation policy and dropped the earlier incentive scheme, which was based on
overall production achieved within the targeted time limits and quality standards.
The quality control manager has now reported that there is a significant increase in
production delays and delivery mix-up leading to an increasing number of customer
Explain how the delays and delivery errors could represent a case of agency
costs. How could Premier Bakery counter these agency costs??

LG 5 E1–6 Eastern Trading Company has a pretax trading profit of €250,000. Britain has a flat
corporation tax rate of 19% on trading profits, while Ireland has a flat rate of 12.5%
on trading profits. As Britain is still in Eurozone, the company can register its business
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 83

in either country and follow their respective tax laws. What will be the tax liability for
Eastern Trading if they are registered in Britain and what will it be if they are regis-
tered in Ireland?

PROBLEMS Select problems are available in 0\/DE�)LQDQFH �The MyLab icon
indicates problems in Excel format available in 0\/DE�)LQDQFH.

LG 5 P1–1 Liability comparisons  John Bailey invested $50,000 in The Entertainment Com-

pany 7 years ago. He is concerned about the future of the firm, as the profits have
plummeted over the last 4 years. The firm has $120,000 in outstanding debt and is
considering declaring bankruptcy.
a. If John is the sole proprietor, describe the financial implication of the firm going
b. If John and his brother, Peter, are partners with an equal partnership distribu-
tion, describe the financial implication of the firm going bankrupt.
c. If the firm is a corporation, describe the financial implication of the firm going

LG 4 P1–2 Accrual income versus cash flow for a period  The Motor Corporation sold vehicles
for $500,000 to one specific dealer during the year. At the end of the financial year,
the dealer still owed The Motor Corporation $350,000. The cost of the vehicles sold
was $400,000, and this cost was incurred and paid by The Motor Corporation.
a. Determine the firm’s net profit for the past year using the accrual basis of accounting.
b. Determine the firm’s net cash flow for the past year using the cash basis of
c. The accountant and financial manager need to present the results to the CEO of
The Motor Corporation. What will be their message regarding the performance
of the corporation?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 4 P1–3 Cash flows  Sheldon Smith spends many hours monitoring his personal cash flows
every month. Sheldon earns 5% on his short-term investments while paying prime
plus 2% (prime is 9%) on the mortgage. The cash inflows and outflows for the
month of March are as follows:

Item Cash inflow Cash outflow

Interest received $ 500

Mortgage $1,550
Salary 5,500
Groceries bill 850
Gas bill 200
Utility bills 310
84 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

a. Determine Sheldon’s total cash inflows and cash outflows for the month of
b. What is Sheldon’s net cash flow for the month of March? Explain the meaning of
the term “net cash flow.”
c. What advice would you give Sheldon if there is a surplus of funds?
d. What advice would you give Sheldon if there is a shortage of funds?

LG 2 LG 4 P1–4 Marginal cost–benefit analysis and the goal of the firm  Wendy Winter needs to
determine whether the current warehouse system should be upgraded to a new sys-
tem. The new system would require an initial cash outlay of $250,000. The current
system could be sold for $55,000. The monetary benefit of the new system over the
next 5 years is $325,000, while the monetary benefit of the current system over the
same period is $125,000. Furthermore, it is expected that the firm’s stock price will
increase if the new system is implemented because it will make the firm more cost
efficient and cost effective in the long run.
a. Identify and describe the analysis Wendy should use to make the decision.
b. Calculate the marginal benefit of the proposed new warehouse system.
c. Calculate the marginal cost of the proposed new warehouse system.
d. What should Wendy’s recommendation be to the firm regarding the new ware-
house system? Explain your answer.
e. If the new system is implemented, will the firm achieve the primary financial goal
of managers?

LG 6 P1–5 Identifying agency problems, costs, and resolutions  You are the CEO of Nelson
Corporation, and the current stock price is $27.80. Pollack Enterprises announced
today that it intends to buy Nelson Corporation. To obtain all the stock of Nelson
Corporation, Pollack Enterprises is willing to pay $38.60 per share. At a meeting
with your management, you realize that the management is not happy with the
offer, and is against the takeover. Therefore, with the full support of your manage-
ment team, you are fighting to prevent the takeover from Pollack Enterprises.
Is the management of Nelson Corporation acting in the best interest of the Nel-
son Corporation stockholders? Explain your reasoning.

LG 5 P1–6 Corporate taxes  Southern Textile Ltd., is a manufacturer of sportswear that sup-

plies to a number of European retail stores. Its registered office is in Singapore. Dur-
ing 2017, the firm earned SGD 112,000 before taxes. Singapore’s corporate tax rate
is 20%. Firms are eligible for a tax rebate of 50% of the tax amount, capped to a
maximum amount of SGD 10,000 every year on their tax liability.
a. Calculate the firm’s tax liability using Singapore’s corporate tax rates.
b. How much are Southern Textile’s 2017 after-tax earnings?
c. Calculate the firm’s average tax rate.

LG 6 P1–7 Average corporate tax rates  Ordinary income in 2017 was taxed subject to the rates
shown in the accompanying table. Using the data in the table, perform the following:
a. Calculate a firm’s tax liability, after-tax earnings, and average tax rate for the
following levels of corporate earnings before taxes: $20,000; $70,000; $300,000;
$700,000; $1.2 million; $16 million; and $22 million.
b. Plot the average tax rate (measured on the y-axis) and the pretax income levels
(measured on the x-axis). Explain the relationship between average tax rate and
pretax income level.
CHAPTER 1    The Role of Managerial Finance 85

Corporate Tax Rate Schedule

Tax calculation

Taxable income brackets Base tax 1 (Marginal rate 3 amount over bracket lower limit)

$ 0 to $ 50,000 $ 0 + (15% * amount over $ 0)

50,000 to 75,000 7,500 + (25 * amount over 50,000)
75,000 to 100,000 13,750 + (34 * amount over 75,000)
100,000 to 335,000 22,250 + (39 * amount over 100,000)
335,000 to 10,000,000 113,900 + (34 * amount over 335,000)
10,000,000 to 15,000,000 3,400,000 + (35 * amount over 10,000,000)
15,000,000 to 18,333,333 5,150,000 + (38 * amount over 15,000,000)
Over 18,333,333 6,416,667 + (35 * amount over 18,333,333)

LG 6 P1–8 Marginal corporate tax rates  Using the corporate tax rate schedule given in the pre-
vious problem, perform the following:
a. Find the marginal tax rate for the following levels of corporate earnings before
taxes: $12,000; $40,000; $70,000; $90,000; $300,000; $550,000; $1.3 million;
and $22 million.
b. Plot the marginal tax rate (measured on the y-axis) against the pretax income
levels (measured on the x-axis). Explain the relationship between the marginal
tax rate and pretax income levels.

LG 6 P1–9 Interest versus dividend income  Depot Logistics Inc. has declared pretax income
from its operations of $560,000. In addition, it also received interest payment of
$40,000 on bond stock held in Warehouse PLC. During the year they also received
$40,000 in income from dividends on its 20% common stock holding in Zephir
PLC. Depot Logistics is in the 30% tax bracket and is eligible for a 70% dividend
exclusion on its Zephir PLC stock.
a. Calculate the tax liability for Depot Logistics on its operating income.
b. Calculate the tax and after-tax income attributable to the interest income
received on account of bond stock, from Warehouse PLC.
c. Find the tax and after-tax income owing to the dividend income received on
account of common stock, from Zephir PLC.
d. Compare and comment on the after-tax amounts resulting from the interest
income and dividend income calculated in parts b and c.
e. What is the firm’s total tax liability for the year?

LG 6 P1–10 Interest versus dividend expense  Derwent Ltd., has announced that the earnings
before income and taxes is going to be £300,000 for the current year. Assuming cor-
porate tax rate for Derwent Ltd., is a flat 30%, compute the firm’s profit after taxes
and earnings available for common stockholders (earnings after taxes and preferred
stock dividends, if any) under following conditions:
a. The firm pays £70,000 in interest.
b. The Firm pays £70,000 in preferred stock dividends.
86 PART ONE   Introduction to Managerial Finance

LG 5 P1–11 Hemingway Corporation is considering expanding its operations to boost its

income, but before making a final decision, it has asked you to calculate the corpo-
rate tax consequences of such a decision. Currently, Hemingway generates before-
tax yearly income of $200,000 and has no debt outstanding. Expanding operations
would allow Hemingway to increase before-tax yearly income to $350,000.
Hemingway can use either cash reserves or debt to finance its expansion. If Heming-
way uses debt, it will have a yearly interest expense of $70,000.
Create a spreadsheet to conduct a tax analysis (assume a 21% flat tax rate) for
Hemingway Corporation and determine the following:
a. What is Hemingway’s current annual corporate tax liability?
b. What is Hemingway’s current average tax rate?
c. If Hemingway finances its expansion using cash reserves, what will be its new
corporate tax liability and average tax rate?
d. If Hemingway finances its expansion using debt, what will be its new corporate
tax liability and average tax rate?
e. What would you recommend the firm do? Why?

LG 2 P1–12 ETHICS PROBLEM  One of the key risk areas that corporates need to manage is
“ethical risks.” Do you think that management of ethical risks is as important for
businesses as management of financial risks? Explain how ethical problems may
affect a firm’s profits and stock price.


Assume that Monsanto Corporation is considering the replacement of some of its

older and outdated carpet-manufacturing equipment. Its objective is to improve
the efficiency of operations in terms of both speed and reduction in the number of
defects. The company’s finance department has compiled pertinent data to con-
duct a marginal cost–benefit analysis for the proposed equipment replacement.
The cash outlay for new equipment would be approximately $600,000. The
net book value of the old equipment and its potential net selling price add up to
$250,000. The total benefits over the life of the new equipment (measured in
today’s dollars) would be $900,000. The sum of benefits from the remaining life
of the old equipment (measured in today’s dollars) would be $300,000.

Create a spreadsheet to conduct a marginal cost–benefit analysis for Monsanto Cor-
poration, and determine the following:
a. The marginal benefits of the proposed new equipment.
b. The marginal costs of the proposed new equipment.
c. The net benefit of the proposed new equipment.
d. What would you recommend the firm do? Why?

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