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Agriculture is the major sector in the world that plays a vital role in
developing the economy of a nation. Agro technology is the process of
implementing the recent technologies to develop the crops that are being produced.
The use of agro technology not only helps in improving the efficiency of the crop
that are being produced but also helps in developing devices that are suitable for
doing mechanical works in the fields. This results in minimization of the total cost
of production, saving of time and reduction in the effort involved in the process.
The new technology should also be economically feasible and hence the behavior
of the technology and its role in the society is an important consideration before
developing a new product or process.

The main significance of this semiautomated seed feeding vehicle is to

inculcate the seed as per the needed depth with certain space and covering the seed
with the soil with the help of closing jaw or crinkle closer. And this machine is also
used for the crinkle in order to feeding the seed as per the depth. Thissemi-
automated seed feeding vehicle won't affect the soil, it'll increase the overall crop
product. This machine reduces the trouble and total cost of feeding the seed. In this
work a seed sowing machine has been developed that help the farmers in
harvesting the best crop with least efforts. A mechanical device that helps in
sowing operation and controlled using IoT (Internet of Things) has been

The present invention relates to a device for sowing grainy accoutrements,

particularly diseases substantially for the solid toxin and the seed. The major
occupation of the Indian pastoral peoples husbandry and both men and women are
inversely involved in the process. It has to support nearly 17 of world population
from2.3 of world geographical area and4.2 of world’s water coffers. The present
cropping intensity of 137 has registered an increase of only 26 since 1950-51. The
net sown area is 142 Mh.

The introductory ideal of sowing operation is to put the seed and toxin in
rows at asked depth and distance, cover the seeds with soil and give proper
contraction over the seed. A traditional system of seed sowing has numerous
disadvantages. The agrarian has always been the backbone of India’s sustained
growth. As the population of India continues to grow, the demand for yield grows
as well. Hence, there's a lesser need for multiple cropping in the granges and this in
turn requires effective and time saving machines.. In homemade sowing, it isn't
possible to achieve uniformity in distribution of seeds. In this current generation
utmost of the countries don’t have professed man power in the agrarian sector. Due
to that reason we're introduced the semi-automatic seed feeding vehicle it involves
all the agrarian conditions like plough, seed feeding as per the distance operated by
simple chain medium, furrow closer. This vehicle is analogous to the tractor but
the cost wise, capacity wise different this vehicle available all the growers with
low cost. So, this design helps to minimize the mortal trouble involved in colony
and save the time. This machine will give the perfect colony with lower trouble. In
India there are 70 people dependent on husbandry. Seed has been an important
agrarian commodity since the first crop factory was domesticated by pre-historic

In current world, every process is getting automated and people are getting
used to adopt smart techniques to get their work done. It can be seen that with flow
of time, how seed sowing techniques and equipment’s have kept on progressing.
Proper seed sowing is very important part of agricultural process and for the same
purpose hand operated seed sowing machine have been designed and developed.
Despite agriculture being one of the most important fields for determining
the growth of a country, it is lagging in terms of smart working. One of the biggest
irony is agriculture being the main occupation in many countries still it lags in
using the smart techniques in this field. If technology is introduced in farming
techniques there are chances that ever growing populating in the coming future
might be fed adequately..

To suffice such a large amount, agricultural yield must also be increased

rapidly. Due to poor seed quality & inefficient farming practices, and lack of cold
storage and harvest spoilage, nearly 30% of the farmer’s produce is wasted. Not in
just theory practically we can see how automation helps in increasing output of
farming, in US, where automation techniques in agricultural farming has already
been implemented the cereal yield is nearly 6600 Kg/Hectare which is three times
more than in India whose cereal yield is just 2600 Kg/Hectare approximately.
These figures clearly shows that there is great need of introducing automation
techniques in every small and big agricultural farming because, if appropriate
measures are not taken at the right time, even though currently many countries has
adequate stock of food to suffice its population, a time may come when same will
not be able to feed its entire population. As a result of it the development of such
countries will severely be affected and they may not be able to become a
developed nation.

Automation in seed sowing will help in proper use of available resources. To

implement automation in the process of sowing seeds in agricultural farming, the
machines that are already being used can be improved in design or new machines
or attachments can be developed to do the necessary operations. But these
machines or attachments should be cost effective and be affordable to the farmers.

Hence a less expensive, distinct machine or attachment has to be designed and

developed so that it can be used for different crops and in different seasons. It will
help to increase output with same amount of input by sowing the seed at proper
distance so that each seed gives best output as it is known that sowing of seed with
proper gap is an important parameter in farming. For an agriculture sector to be
successful one needs to add the booming technologies as input and take care of the
processes and at the same time knowing the behavior of the technology and the
major role that it is going to play in the sector of one’s interest.
In the present growing aspect the need to utilize the available technologies
has become necessity in order to gain the best result et al discussed about sowing
the seeds and composting them in a line at a desired depth, so that appropriate
cover of soil is provided to the seeds.

It's also possible to cultivate different kinds of seeds with different distance.
Therefore we need to make proper design of the husbandry machine and also
selection of the factors is also needed on the machine to suit the requirements of
crops. Hence there's need of developing such a machine which will help the planter
to reduce his sweats while planting.

This process of using machines is called as robotization. Along with

robotization robotization also helps to increase the efficacity of the process. Then's
the block illustration of the machine and working of it. It also tells the tackle
perpetration, selection of factors and regulators. This system is nothing but 4wheel
robot system on which seed tank, sowing medium and metering device is installed
to turn it into automatic operated vehicle. This composition represents the
advanced system for perfecting the agrarian processes similar as civilization on
ploughed land, grounded on robotic backing. The machine will cultivate the ranch
by considering particular column at fixed distance depending on crop.


Sowing is a process of planting seeds into the soil. During this agricultural
process, proper precautions should be taken, including the appropriate
depth, proper distance maintained, and soil should be clean, healthy and free from
disease and other pathogens including fungus. All these precautions are
essential for seed germination – the process of seeds developing into new plants.

Sowing plays an important role in farming. Once, after the soil is loosened
and ploughed, the good, disease-free and pure quality of seeds are selected and
sown into the soil.  After selecting seeds of good quality, they are sown on the
prepared land. The seeds, which give high yields are usually selected and are sown
by the following methods.


There are various methods used for sowing the seeds.

Traditional Method:
A funnel-shaped tool is used to sow the seeds traditionally. The funnel is
filled with seeds and the seeds pass through two or three pipes with sharp ends.
These ends enter into the soil and the seeds are placed there.

In this process, the seeds are scattered on the seed beds either mechanically
or manually. In the broadcasting method of sowing, the seeds are spread uniformly
and are then covered with planking. When there are a large number of seeds, the
work is done using mechanical broadcasters. The seed rate is very high in this

Holes are made in the seedbeds and the seeds are placed in it. The seedbeds
are then covered. The holes are made at definite depths. A dibbler is used for
dibbling. It is a conical instrument that makes proper holes in the seedbed. This
method is usually used to sow vegetables.
The seeds are dropped into furrow lines in a continuous flow and are then
covered with soil. This is done either mechanically or manually. The proper
amount of seeds are sown at proper depths and proper spaces. Drilling can be done
in the following ways:

 Sowing behind the plough

 Bullock-drawn seed drills
 Tractor-drawn seeds drills

Seed Dropping behind the Plough:

This method is commonly used in villages to sow a variety of food
crops such as maize, peas, wheat, barley, and gram. Seeds are dropped in furrows
behind the plough by a device known as malobansa. It comprises of a bamboo tube
with a funnel-shaped mouth. It needs two men to drop the seeds. One handles the
bullocks and the plough and the other drops the seeds. However, this method
consumes a lot of time and is labour-intensive.

In this process, the seedlings are first planted in nurseries and then planted in
the prepared fields. It is usually done to grow vegetables and flowers. A
transplanter is used for the purpose. But, this process is time-consuming.

Hill Dropping:
In this method of sowing, the selected seeds are dropped at regular spaces
but not in a continuous manner.

Check Row Planting:

The seeds are planted along straight parallel furrows. A check row planter is
used for the method. The row-to-row and plant-to-plant distance is uniform.

Precautions while Sowing the Seeds:

There are a few necessary precautions, which need to be followed while
sowing the seeds.
Listed below are a few of them.

 The seeds should be disease-free.

 Seeds must be planted at correct distances from each other.
 Seeds should be sown such that all the crops should get an equal amount of
light, nutrients, and water.
 Seeds should be sown at correct depths. They should neither be placed at the
top of the soil so that it is blown away by wind and animals, nor should it be
sown too deep into the soil such that it does not germinate.


A seed drill is a device or an agricultural tool that helps in sowing the seeds
for a crop by metering or measuring the seeds and placing them in the soil at the
appropriate depth and distance It covers them with soil to a particular average
depth, preventing birds from eating the seeds by covering them with mud. Sowing
with agricultural seed drills can increase crop productivity while also saving time
and effort. 
The use of a seed drill greatly boosts the average crop output.
No-till planters are drill devices that are used to meter out seeds for planting. A
system that takes up seeds from a seedbox and plants them down a tube is
developed in the concept. Disc seed drills are a type of agricultural technology that
can also be used to disperse fertilizer on the ground.

Components of drill :

A seed drill with a mechanical seed

metering system is made up of the following components: (I) the frame; (ii) the
seedbox; (iii) the seed metering mechanism; (iv) the furrow openers; (v) the
covering device; and (vi) the transport wheels.

A. Frame – the frame of the

seed drill is usually made of angle iron along with a suitable cover. The frame is
made so strong enough to handle all the types of loads which come with the
working condition

B. seed box - It can be composed of mild steel sheet or galvanized iron with the
appropriate cover. To keep seeds from clogging, a tiny agitator is occasionally
C. Covering device - It's a tool for filling a furrow after the seed has been planted.
Patti, chains, drag, packers, rollers, or press wheels are commonly used to cover
the seeds. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes.
D. Transport wheel - The main axle is equipped with two wheels. Pneumatic
wheels are also available on some seed drills. The wheels are equipped with the
necessary attachments to convey power to the seed-dropping mechanism.

Functions of a seed drill:

The following are the functions of a seed drill: 

(I) To transport the seeds 

ii) To meter the seeds

iii) To open the furrow to a regular depth 

iv) Cover the seeds and compact the earth around them.

v) Place the seed in furrows in an acceptable arrangemt.

Advantages of Using Seed Drill:

1. The seeding rate decreases. 

2. Drilling allows for easier thinning and roughing of sick and weak plants. Wheel
hoe, Japanese rice weeder, and other weeding tools can be used profitably in a
short amount of time. 

3. Earthing up, manuring, irrigation, spraying, and other intercultural operations

can be done successfully in drilled crops. 

4. The drilled crops are spaced at consistent distances, they receive equal amounts
of light, air, and nutrients. 

5. Crop harvesting is simpler and more advantageous. As a result, the cost of

harvesting decreases. 
6. Both solitary cropping and intercropping scenarios can benefit from drilling. The
expense of cultivating a drilled crop decrease, while the output of the drilled crop

Disadvantages of the seed drill:

1. Drilling necessitates the use of a tool such as a seed drill, which raises the
expense of cultivation. Drilling takes additional time, energy, and money. 

2. The operation of a seed drill necessitates the assistance of a technical


3. In comparison to broadcasting, drilling takes more time. In clay and stony soils,
drilling is not possible.

2.4 planter

A planter is a farm implement that is usually towed behind a tractor. It is

found on farms that grow grain and forage-type crops. Its function is to sow seeds
of proper row width into soil for creating evenly spaced crop rows and metered
seed gaps. The seeds are stored in a seed-bin on the planter and conveyed to the
meter and the seed drill in a precise sequence. The seed drill then takes the seed
and places it beneath the soil to a desired preset depth. Planters can range in size
from a two-row unit up to the largest, which plants 48 rows in one pass. The most
common row spacing for U.S. farms is 30 inches; however, planter widths are
usually adjustable to fit the needs of the specific fields.

Agriculture need for each field crop different planting implements. Those
are: broadcast seeder, planter (farm implement), plastic mulch layer, potato planter,
seed drills, air seeders, precision drills, transplanter (e.g. rice trarnsplanter).farmer.

Components of the planter:

1. Lower Hopper

2. Wheel

3. Metering unit

4.Chain and sprocket drive

5. Seed and fertilizer gates on the hopper wall

6. Hose

7.Furrow openers

8. Seed covering device

9. Handle

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