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Q1: BAYOPTICS What is dispersion? Which colour zets mor + When a composite beam of light passes through a prism it splits up into its constituent colours: This phenomenon is called “dispersion of light. 2) Violet is more dispersed in VIBGYOR. What is myopia 7 How can it be corrected ? 1) Myopia: The ‘optical defect’ of human eye, in which the light from a distant object is converged to @ point, front ofthe retina’ is called myopia. 2) Correction :Concave lens of suitable power is used. 12 How ean it be corrected ? re dispersetl As Disp What is hypermetr + 1) Hypermetropia: The optical defect of human eye in which the light rom a distant objects converged 02 point behind the retina’ is called hypermetropia- 2) Correction : Conver leas of suitable poser is used. Define ‘poner’ ofa conse fens. What iy its unit ? + 1)Pomer(Fyofa Convex Lens: Reciprocal of foal length) ‘ofa convex lens is called its power.Thes, P=I/f 2) gf Units: gioptre(D) Oe Q2: MOVING CHARGES + Distinguish between ammeter and voltmeter. ) Tris used to measure current, 2)Itis connected in series to a circuit. 3)Itis prepared by connecting a'very small shent resistance’ in parallel o galvanometer. Voltmeter: 1) Itis used to measure voltage, 2)It is connected in parallel to a circuit. 3) t is prepared by connecting a‘high resistance’ in series togalvanometer How do you convert a moving evil galvanometer into A: Ammet an ammeter? At A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by ‘connecting avery small shuntresisance’ in parallelzo jt + How do you convert a moving coil galvanometer into a voltmeter? |A: A galvanometer can be converted into 2 volimeter by! connecting ‘high resistance’ in series to it + What is the prineiple of a moving coll za ‘A 1) Principle of MCG: When a curent carrying coll is placed ina uniform magnetic Bel texperencesatorgus, [_nemermorcatecctengmoet || _ SrA eetrtereeyuntc caret wanometer? | pation : ata given place, the exgle field and it's ‘horizontal lie i Define m3 Magnetic Incli ‘yotal Earth's berwoen "WM an icalled Magnetic inclination, Define mare aznetie Declna bereen ‘pores! et ween Oe led Magri delinon. a pass neds nthe Ear’ pol? at Ean’ pole, a'compass needle wil not how sry tion + at a given place, the ‘meridian’ and the ‘magnetic particular direction. aybura ip needle sands vertically down at north pole and up at south pole. inuous closed loops. Why? tie Hines form conti + Ma; netic poles N and S always exist together i The pars, So the magnetie lines of magnet form continuoss closed loops. What happens to compass nsedles atthe 1)At Earth’ pole, 2 compass needle will not show ay particular direction in horizontal plane. 2)But a dip needle stands vertically down at north pole and up et south pole. ia Q5: ACCIRCUITS + What is the phenomenon involved in the working Earth's pole? ofa transformer ? At Munzl induction’. ‘+ What type of transformer is used in a 6 V bed lamp? ‘Az Step down transformer is used in 2 6Vbed lamp. ‘What is transformer ratio ? ‘Az 1) Transformer Ratio : Ratio between number of hams in the secondary coil and the number of tums in the primary coil of a transformer is called ansformerretio. 2)Trensformer ratio= ee N,_ Np rite the expression for the reactance of an inductor (i) a capacitor Ar )Reactance ofan inductor: Xj =a. Here wis angular frequency and L= Inductance 2) Reactance ofa capacitor: Xe = es e.. Here @is angular frequency and C = Capacitance yr * BABY BULLET. ~rhased {asps, va 1 [x SR.PHYSICS-BULLET MODEL PAPER & Q9: Sem} CONDUCTORS Which gates are called universal gates? ‘“* DNAND and NOR gate are called universal gates. {At logic gate can he constructed by using them ‘What are intrinsic and extrinsle remi-conductors? + Wiatrinsic Semiconductor: py icon is called intrinsic sem 2) Extrinsic Semticondueto ‘ith teivatent or pent semiconductor, F What rave ovens. 10 raise the temperature of food, po 2) radar systems. for, air-erat navi 2) the treatment of ski ind + Microwaves ary penetrate into the 2) So they are use communication, ‘ure semiconductor like A: Microwaves are ts 1) microw alent impurity is called extrinsic *! p-type, n-type semiconductors, ® p-type semiconductor > Wh: semiconductor, Photoelectric effect 2 2)In p-type semiconductor, At UPhotoclecttie Effect: wy. majority charge ca Woieand minority charge cariers ae electony, ae ‘When the surface of a meta ig || « What i pon junction diode?perae depletion layer, illuminated by electro i 1)p-n junetion The device having a p-n junction frequency, electrons are ‘emitted from 1 is ee F'n junction diode, , . 2) Depletion Layer:tna pn juncton diode the electrons tal. This phenomenoy é see ani * Se6) This Phenomen See a holes of pgs cine gee ets 2) The electrons emitted are calleg Ph and form a. narrow | - * What is work function 2 At) Work Function: The mi electron to ‘escape from the surface ‘of a metal is calleg || Q10: COMMUNICATION SySTE} work funtion (9) ofthe m etal, pee 2) Formula; ) Modulation: The process of ‘equeney audio signal with high Frequency signal is 5 called modulation, AUALION: Kmag = HV — Wy ‘max 1S maximum kinet Photoclectron, h is Planck's constant: ‘oF incident light and wis the work fune ‘combining low where K, 2) Necessity of Modulation: ‘energy of the (To transmit audio fir is the frequency ()To.avoid mixing of tion ofthe meta ‘auency signal to long distances, various signal (idToredce te size otanene * Write down deBroplie's relation and explain the|| * Mention the basic methods of modulation, eae A Basie Methods of Medulanen 1 de Broglcy halon =the Amplitude Modulation (any At de Broglie's Relation: a=t > ul] Breen ct Shere 2.is the wavelengthot the particle, his Planck's 3)Phase Moston (oui Save eeeaeameTtim misma vis sein, ||. Mean eo, is employea inno * State Heisenberg's Uncertainty Pri Phones At Helsenbeig !ace wave communication’ Mention the freque ion and momentum of an electron MEY FANEE OF SPEECH signals, Az Frequency Range of Audio Signate at the same time exactly. 300 Hz to 3100 Hz, What important fact did Mitlikan's experiment] , What ie sky wave propagation 2 establish 2 At Sky Homication between 2 "sexperiment established he fectthatlectis| two long distance points on he achieved by the putas opine esha te tefleton of radi waves (3 MIL 1030 Nit from the ' ra ionosphere scaled ky wave propagation, Rag Work Mi in found the value of charge of electron is ee ets scree ©= 1.602 x 10-19 ¢, fe Q11: RAY OPTICS + Define evitiead a fon ising a neat lagen As 1) Critical Anle(C): Whew a tight Alenser matin to rarer mein the ‘sor mest fe whi the angle of ‘00° in taner medi is called ettical an 2) Retigetive ines atdonser medion is 8 6 2) Total Internat Refleetion( TAR): When a ight ay ts passing: fio alenser medium fo rarer medion, ifthe angle of ncilence is greater than its ule (i SC) iigetsteilctod into the sume denser medium without any fotrastion 4) Optical fibre works on the + Vyplain a mw of Az 1) Mirage: Micage is an opti light rays ave bent to produce disp objects 2)Mirages ane formed due to total i 3)On hot summer days the density of air i ground due to h A)Motter a i than cooler al 5) When theair is sta eases With I prineiple of TUR formal enn in whieh sed image of distant al reflection ol ul smaller retract nary, the optical density at cig 1 from a tall body suet ‘conservation of energy Ii phenomena?” ¥ good! for both tems of bright and dark. another region producing bright 46) Thus there is no gain or loss of energy’ repulsion between two electric charges is direetly 110 product of their changes’ and is inversely 110 the square of distance between them and tet along the fine joining the e 2) Let two charges 4.42 4 1)Ftom Coulomb Law, = = KM oy hm ot UE Fore, 4 is called permit WY of free space and ay BABY BULLET. | In cleetrovtatics and exyp. : lan wa? Laws ‘The total electric flux (6) thy ace bs equal to tn het chan ‘enclosed by the closed s 2) Importance of i)Ciaws! kaw is true for any closed surface lation between the elect ite rapidly movi Ww is based on Coulomb's law, Q14: ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL + Derivean expression for the capacitance of pate plate capacitor ‘A: Capscitanee of a parallel plate capacitors 1) Consider a parallel plate capacitor consisting oft parallel plates of are A, separated bya smal distance A Let" be the potential difference between we pines “The charges of the plates are Q and -Q. 2) The plate | has uniform surface charge density 6=Q and the plate 2 has uniform charge density ©. 3) The electric field due to = ieee +h plate 1 is 35 - in The electri eld due to a 1) [s==]P plae2s = 4) Electric field between two charged plates is ing ive face 29 29 By 8) We know o= 2 v Yi GyWeknow EY | PT ae 7) We know Q= CV stance + Derive the formula for equivalent eapaci@es® the eapacitors are connected in paraleh lent Capacitance of capacitors in Parallel 1) Suppose that two capacitors of ‘capacitances C, Cane connected i parallel’ to.a potential difference V- 2)In parallel combination, potential difference V is on all the ntwo aps P 2 Lu | paBY BULLET pinparallel combination, the total change gum of charzes stored in capacitors, fe know Q= CVV and Q, = €. swe know Q=C,V and Q.= Cy Q-CV toy git Cisthe equivalent capacitance then @~ CV 1) eV = CV #C at INC) + CQWVH9.Cm Cy +Cy ; MOVING CHARGES 1 state & explain Biot-Savart law, 4 1) Biot - Savart Law: The magnitude of magnetic field induetion(AB) duc to small element of current carrying conductor is, (iy length of the element of the angle between position vector and the element; and (iv) inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the point from the element. 2) From Biot-Savart law , @ aBei Gi) Beal Gi 3) Thus, do 2280 F Bo Here jq = 10-7 Hm! Q16: ELECTRO MAGNETIC INDUCTION ~ [Describe the waysin which Eddy currents are used to avanti, Az 1) Eddy Currents: When large pieces of conductors are subjected to changing magnetic fluxes, then ‘induced currents’ are produced in them. Such induced currents are called eddy currents 2) Advantages of Eddy Currents i) Magnetic Brakes to Trains: When strong clectromagnets are activated, the eddy currents induced inthe rails oppose the motion of the tran’. Asa result, smooth braking effect takes place. ii)Etectromagnetic Damping: In galvanometers, ‘electromagnetic damping’ brings the coll to rest, quickly. ‘This is duc to eddy currents produced in the core, ii)Induction Furnace > A high frequency Se currents passed through a coil which surrounds the eh to be melted, Then the eddy currents: generated in the metals produce ‘high temperature ; iv)Electric power meters: The shiny metal oe the ‘electric power meter rotates due 10 eddy curen * What ere in of Bohr theory of hydrogen ato? Limitations of Bohr's theory of Hydrogen 210%) 1)it could not explain the fine structure ‘of spectral fines in hydrogen atom. 2)It could not explain the ellipti Bohr assumed the circular orbits ofelectron. Syiteoukd not explain the wave peopertis Ore (01) dB = jeal orhits because inde 4)It could not explain the splitting of sPeste® Ms \ SR.PHYSICS-BULLET MODEL PAPER ® Explain the different types of spectral series of hydrogen stom # Hydrogen stom consists of five spectral series. They are 1) Lyman series; When an electron jumps from an out is observed in the UV region Mere nyt and ny°2.3.4,5. 2)Balmer Series: When an electron jumps from ony get Balmer series. 1 Orbits to the first orbit, we getlyman ‘outer orbits to the second orbit, we is observed in the Visible region. Here ny-2 and ny “3,45 3)Paxehen Series :When an electron jumps from ‘outer orbits to the third orbit, we get Is observed in the near infrared region. Here ny=3 and ny-4,5,6.. 4)Brackett Series :When an electron jumps from any ‘outer orbits to the fourth orbit, we get Brackett series. It is observed in the infrared regi Here ny=4 and n-5,6,7, 5)Pfund Series : When an electron jumps from any outer orbits to the fifth orbit, we get Pfund series. is observed in the far infrared region. Here ny$ and n= aschen serie 18: SEMICONDUCT: a What is rectification ? Explain the working of a full wave rectifier. 1) Rectification: It is the process of converting alternating current (a.c) into directed current (d.c). 2) Full Wave Rectifier: The circuit which rectifies both halfeyeles of ana.e wave is called Full Wave Rectifier. 3) Working: Two diodes D,, D, are connected to Ry j)Asthe current is AC, the direction of the current in the secondary winding of the transformer changes after every halfeycle. ii) During the first halfeyele, the voltage on D, is positive. Its acts as forward bias to D,. Hence current passes to R,, through D,. During this cycle, D, is reverse biased. Hence no current passes through D> ) During second halfeycle, the Dis forward biased and D, cre biased. Hence, curent asses to Ry through Ds. | ) Thus the fall wave is rectified using two diodes Ry Apktisiency of full wave reetifir is n= Desrie how a semiconductor diode is used aa half watdectifr. 1) Rectification: isthe process of converting altemating nc) into dirctel current (dc). al Wave Rectifier: circuit which rectfies half wave is called Half wave rectifier, — 3) Working: A single diode is connected in series to R, 3) As the curenis AC, the direction of the current inthe secondary winding changes after every half cycle. ii During the positive half cycle, the diode is forward biased and the current flows through the diode. {ii)During the negative half eycle, the diode is reverse biased. ‘and the current does not flow through the diode. jv)Thus, half wave is rectified using a single diode. 4) Efficiency of halfwave rec 9.406% Ry TR, fier is WAVES in the formation of st : colnman enclosed in open pipe. Derive O07 for he frequencies ofthe harmonies PPO ated As 1)Open pipes A pipe open at both theo “open pipe. aeration of Stationary wave Wena so ie sent to an open pie, the wave relics BEEK ‘other end of the pipe. The incident wave cand rel ‘wave ‘travelling in opposite directions! cach other to produce Stationary Waves 43) Antinodes (A) are formed atthe open en. 4) Notation length of ar column, ir, Ay arethe wave ents of aves harmonics. De §) First Harmonie: Here, I node and 2antinodes are formed. Length ofthe air colunn = Half ofthe wavelength ars: oA ait oh=2 vy 6)Second Harmonic: Here, 2 nodes and 3 antinodes are formed. Length of the air column I=: Frequency ofthe second harmonic a} 17) Third Harmonic: Here, 3 nodes and 4 antinodes are formed: gs: ‘The length ofthe air column! =: _: Frequency of the third harmonic ey) oan} 8) From (i) (i) & (li) Wehave My My 213 2... = ph 2p: How are stationary waves formed in closed pipes 2 Explain the various modes of vibration and ob- tain relations for their frequencies, 1)Closed pipe: Aipe closed atone ends aed closed pipe. 2)Formation of Stationary waves : "When a sound ‘wave is sent toa closed pipe, the wave reflects back at the closed end ofthe pipe. These incident wave and reflected wave travelling in opposite directions super pose eachother to produce Stationary waves, A 43) Anode (N) is Formedat the closed rand an antnade (A) is formed at open end nga column. V= Vel apna ete wave nes OF aS ina, My? ies. armor monic: Here, J node and | antinodejs First Haron al Length of the at column ! 4 1 Frequency: ‘of first harmonic nj = 7 4 Third Harmonie Here, 2 nodes and2antnedse rd formed. Lenath ‘ tata bs = ‘ofaircolumn /=p+ 3% 7° 4l apekes Ss .. Frequency: ‘of third harmonic v \=3{ ~ }=3n Ge Here, 3 nodes and 3 antinodes re Ie 44 «Frequency of fifth harmonic chee 8) From (), (i) & (i) we have 123 Ns run = Ny 23M) 25M) Eo Bag Ms En = £3 £5 Ee 1238S 20; CURRENT ELECTRICITY + State Kirchoff’s law for an electrical network, Usi these laws deduce the condition for balance in ® Wheatstone bridge, A2) Kirchoff's First Law : At any junction in an elect circuit, the sum of eurents entering te junction i ea! ‘o the sum of curents leaving the junction. 2)Kirchoffs Second Law : The algebraic sum ofcha* in potential around any closed loop involving rs oe in the loop is zero. heatstone's Bridge : As The shown in As the figure is called ‘Wheatstone's bridge, It has four resistors Ry, Ro, Ry and Ry. AC is battery arm, BD is salvanometerarm, The galvanometer G detects the current, If the resis resistors are adjusted such thatthe gavanor™™ fe =. J fontimer PUA dhosed fron SR.PHYSICS-BULLET MODEL PAPER * ing Kirchoff's juncti yin junction rule at B, we get ‘Then cell ey gets connected to Galvanometer (G).N 2 1) Te) ( the balancin, ba a alancing length Jy ofthe wire is found q ying Kirchoff's junction al is found by adjusting, pot m rule at D, we get | the position of its jockey for ‘null deflection’ of the | | | yey ee ® ealvanometerG. applying Kirchoft's loop rule to closed loop ABDA, ‘Then emf of the first cell €, wwegetly Ry +0-1p Ry =0 Inthe second position ofthe key, 2.3 Rp [Now the celle gets connected to Galvanometer (Gi). Now “wo ints are connected aly R122 7, | " : o 27 R G) ||. tsbatancng eng is noted Applying Kirchoffs loop rule to closed loop CBDC, ‘Then emfof the second cell eg = 9/2 «-(2) weget 14 Rg +0413 R3 = 05813 R3=1y Ry nes eee (1) by equation (2), eed 2 weg, = = rom (1) & (2) 1g =1y and 1g=1p 1) Be a Ry i | By using this equation the ‘emfs of the given cells ean be cM R3=1 Rg = 7 = Re |e iR3=R4 =P" R, (4) | met Equating the RHS of equ (3) and equ (4), we get Q21; NUCLEI Hl | «ssn te prince a workings mcar aor || ith the help of a labelled digram- ‘A: 1) Principle: Nuclear ‘This is the balance condition of Wheatstone's bridge | reactor works on the tomake y= 0. |) principle ofcontratied «+ State the working principle of potentiometer: Explain | chain reaction. os the help of eect diagram how the emf af (9 || 2)Main parts of a primary elisa compared by using the poteniong | Nuclear reactor: Az IPatentiometer : Potentiometer is'¢ ‘evice used t0 || 3)FuelsThe material measure emfofa cell undergo fission is called fuel.Ex: _ 2) Construction: ‘pater: Te mata whist down the fs Potentiometer roving neutrons i called moderator. Fx: D20, Graphite a Te rental rds Te ods wich abn nto ae pe alled control rods Ex: C4, B rmanganin wire of pprotectve Shicking: The conston with cement Tengind mis fixed tad arund th reactor to potet fom harmful in parallel rows f eration icalled protestiv shielding. ere re binding screws Aand CY Ne side ote | icanant: The aid which removes the heat generated aaeeee eA jockey i provide tomake oO ye rentor scaled irulating coolant any point ofthe wie. eianj2||____ ts Wteraltighresur matin sodium, iple: The jal difference (E) bet 3)Prineipte: The potent peer ae Prins of ew meee Ew oils carangedin ie Ayn eee length of the wie JiyThe graphite moderator is placed in between the fuel cyimie siy\iien US undergo fission, fas neutrons are released. Aa traps tothe niroinding Pie sey || moder ale i i ‘v)The heat, _generated here is used to produce steam, Here, 6 is potential drop per 4)Comparison of emfs of 0 CON ig Letey & ep be the emf's of 2 cells anon The primary cirouit consis 0 , racell of

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