Pound Per Foot LB FT To Kilo
Pound Per Foot LB FT To Kilo
Pound Per Foot LB FT To Kilo
Conversion from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per meter (kg / m)
You can use the following unit converter factor to convert a unit from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per meter (kg / m).
Also, the tables below list a quick unit convertion results from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per meter (kg / m) and from
kilogram per meter (kg / m) to pound per foot (lb / ft), respectively. You can use the calculator below to get any unit
conversion values from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per meter (kg / m) or from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to pound per
foot (lb / ft)
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convert a unit from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per meter (kg / m)
1 Calculate Answer 1.488164
To convert a unit from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to pound per foot (lb / ft), multiply by 0.67196894965877
convert a unit from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to pound per foot (lb / ft)
1 Calculate Answer 0.6719689496587742
Your Ad Here pound per foot (lb / ft) kilogram per meter (kg / m)
1 1.488164
2 2.976328
3 4.464492
4 5.952656
5 7.44082
6 8.928984
7 10.417148
8 11.905312
9 13.393476
10 14.88164
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If you want a reverse conversion or more detail about the unit conversion go to the unit webpage
Convert a unit from pound per yard (lb / yd) to kilogram per meter (kg / m)
If you want to convert a unit from pound per yard (lb / yd) to kilogram per meter (kg / m), multiply by 0.4960546
If you want to convert a unit from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to pound per yard (lb / yd), multiply by 2.0159071199017
Page 2 of 2
If you want a reverse conversion or more information about converting a unit from pound per yard (lb / yd) to kilogram
per meter (kg / m)
If you want to convert a unit from denier to kilogram per meter (kg / m), multiply by 1.111111e-07
If you want to convert a unit from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to denier, multiply by 9000000.9000001
If you want a reverse conversion or more information about converting a unit from denier to kilogram per meter (kg / m)
Convert a unit from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per meter (kg / m)
If you want to convert a unit from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per meter (kg / m), multiply by 1.488164
If you want to convert a unit from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to pound per foot (lb / ft), multiply by 0.67196894965877
If you want a reverse conversion or more information about converting a unit from pound per foot (lb / ft) to kilogram per
meter (kg / m)
If you want to convert a unit from denier to gram per meter (g / m), multiply by 0.0001111111
If you want to convert a unit from gram per meter (g / m) to denier, multiply by 9000.0009000001
If you want a reverse conversion or more information about converting a unit from denier to gram per meter (g / m)
Convert a unit from pound per inch (lb / in) to kilogram per meter (kg / m)
If you want to convert a unit from pound per inch (lb / in) to kilogram per meter (kg / m), multiply by 17.85797
If you want to convert a unit from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to pound per inch (lb / in), multiply by 0.055997406200145
If you want a reverse conversion or more information about converting a unit from pound per inch (lb / in) to kilogram per
meter (kg / m)
If you want to convert a unit from tex to kilogram per meter (kg / m), multiply by 1e-06
If you want to convert a unit from kilogram per meter (kg / m) to tex, multiply by 1000000
If you want a reverse conversion or more information about converting a unit from tex to kilogram per meter (kg / m)
The Units Converter is developed with the highest regard for accuracy. If you find any conversions that are not satisfactory,
please contact us.
Source Data
This service uses conversion factors referenced from source material from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) in all possible cases. The main source document is provided for your reference.
Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI) NIST Special Publication 811
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