Radiology:: Cross - Sectional Imaging

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Cross-­‐sectional  Imaging


An  e-­‐learning  resource
for  medical  students
junior  doctors

Melisa  Sia        Vikas  Shah

An  e-­‐learning  resource  for  medical  students  and  junior  doctors

Radiology  Basics:  Cross-­‐Sec9onal  Imaging

Foreword Disclaimer
Radiology is often a neglected component of the undergraduate This book is intended for educational purposes only. All efforts have
curriculum. Plain films are given much more importance than cross- been made to minimise mistakes - if you do find any, please contact us
sectional imaging, and rightly so. However, it is important for junior and let us know! Please do not use this book to interpret images
doctors to be able to identify certain important pathology on cross- independently - seek the advice of your friendly consultant radiologist!
sectional imaging, particularly in the ED where the interpretation of a
radiologist may not be immediately available.

The aim of this book is to provide an easily accessible resource on Contact Us

cross-sectional imaging, aimed at the appropriate level for medical Any feedback and comments are much welcomed and appreciated!
students on clinical attachments and junior doctors. An interactive e- Please send any correspondence to: [email protected]
book format has been chosen as this is a very visual subject, and also
for ease of distribution. This book includes the underlying physics, You can find updates and news about new books on our website:
important presentations and common pathologies, with a focus on
acute conditions. Important cross-sectional anatomy is also presented,
this may be useful for more junior students and for revision purposes for Find us on...
senior students. Twitter @BasicRadiology, @Melisa_Sia, @DrVikasShah
Dr Melisa Sia
Foundation Year 1 doctor; MBChB (Hons) University of Leicester

Dr Vikas Shah
Consultant Radiologist, University Hospitals Leicester
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This book is divided into five chapters.
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tapping on the thumbnails. Chapter 2, 3, 4 - each chapter covers one of the main body areas,
starting with annotated normal studies to show anatomy, followed by
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Chapter 5 - requesting imaging and relevant guidelines.
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The contents of this book have been mapped to the RCR undergraduate curriculum and foundation programme competencies.
Royal College of Radiologists’ Undergraduate Learning Outcomes
System Clinical Presentation Example Conditions (in this book)

Chest pain Pneumonia Pneumothorax

Thoracic trauma Pleural effusion Pulmonary embolism
Cardiorespiratory Breathlessness Lung cancer Aortic dissection
Cough Metastases to lung Rupture of AAA
Haemoptysis Chronic lung disease

Abdominal pain
Metastases to liver Inflammatory bowel disease
Abdominal masses
Liver abscess Appendicitis
Abdominal trauma
Cholecystitis Diverticulitis
Swallowing disorders
Gastrointestinal Gallstones Perforation
Bowel obstruction
Pancreatitis Air in bladder
Bowel perforation
Pancreatic cancer Bowel ischaemia
Change in bowel habit
Bowel obstruction Traumatic lacerations

Urinary colic Renal cell carcinoma

Haematuria Simple renal cysts
Renal Acute kidney injury Renal stones
Urinary obstruction Hydronephrosis
Acute presentation of testicular disease

Head injury Haemorrhage

Stroke Infarct
Severe headache Mass lesions
Seizures Degenerative changes
Altered consciousness Venous sinus thrombosis
Spinal cord compression Skull fracture

Bone pain
Joint pain Vertebral fracture
Bone and soft tissue trauma Metastases to spine
Bone and soft tissue infection
Spinal injury
Neck and back pain

Suspected or abnormal pregnancy Normal pregnancy

Abnormal vaginal bleeding; pelvic pain Uterine fibroids
Pelvic mass
Ultrasound in normal pregnancy

Principles of oncological disease staging by imaging

Multisystem disease Anaemia Lymphoma
Pyrexia of unknown origin
Royal College of Radiologists’ Foundation Programme Competencies

• Requests/arranges appropriate basic imaging (radiology), laboratory tests and other investigations in a timely fashion
• Provides concise, accurate information when requesting investigation
• Discusses the indications for and expectations of the test to radiology/laboratory staff
• Interprets the results correctly within the context of the particular patient/presentation
• Recognises that requesting investigations and seeking out then interpreting and acting upon their results is a crucial element of modern medical practice
• Requests investigations appropriate for patients’ needs and the clinical context
• Discusses requests appropriately and provides relevant information on the request form
• Avoids unnecessary investigations and recognises that investigations are only needed if the result will impact on patient management
• Interprets basic radiographs in the context of the patients’ history and presentation
• Reviews reports when circumstances change

Chapter  1

Introduc9on  and  Overview

Overview of Imaging Modalities
Modality Terminology Contrast medium Radiation Prep Contraindications/Problems
X-ray Opacity vs Lucency Iodine (e.g. IV pyelogram) Yes - Pregnancy (relative)
CT Attenuation/Density Iodine Yes Hydration (low eGFR) Renal impairment, Pregnancy (relative)
MRI Signal intensity Gadolinium No Remove piercings Metals, Electronics, Claustrophobia
Ultrasound Echogenicity Air (‘microbubbles’) No Full bladder (gynae scans) Body habitus, Operator skill
Nuclear Uptake Radioactive labelled ‘tracer’ Yes - Pregnancy, Breastfeeding
Fluoroscopy Filling defect Barium/Air/Gastrografin Yes NBM/Bowel prep Poor mobility

X-rays, or plain films, are used as a first-line imaging investigation in most situations due to their low radiation dose and easy availability.

Nuclear imaging measures the uptake of various labelled radioactive isotopes. Bone scans use an IV tracer that concentrates in areas of high
bone activity, including inflammation and infection. They are mainly used to show bone metastases (multiple myeloma is an exception which may
not show). Arthritis will also show as hot spots. The renal collecting system (kidneys and bladder) show high uptake as they excrete tracer.
Anterior and posterior images are taken. Other applications include V/Q scans and PET scans. (PET-CT = PET overlaid over CT)

Fluoroscopy is the use of X-rays to obtain live moving images. Common uses include barium studies, angiography, and interventional procedures.
Barium studies: Swallow = Oesophagus; Meal = Stomach; Follow-through = Small bowel; Enema (double-contrast if air is also used) = Large bowel

Interventional radiology performs procedures under imaging guidance. Examples include the insertion of PICC and Hickman lines.
Foams and coils are used to embolise blood vessels that are bleeding or supplying a tumour. Biopsies are done under CT and ultrasound guidance.
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) which involves angiography and stenting is an intervention that is now being carried out by cardiologists.

CT, MRI and Ultrasound - the cross-sectional imaging modalities - will be discussed further in the following pages.

CT Phases of a scan refer to when the images are taken, relative to time
of contrast administration.
Physics non or pre-contrast > arterial > venous > delayed
CT (computed tomography) uses X-rays to obtain images. The arterial phase comes before the venous phase, because even
A heated cathode releases high-energy electrons, which in turn though contrast is given into a vein, within approximately 30 seconds,
release their energy as X-ray radiation. the contrast has passed through the heart and into the arterial system.
X-rays pass through tissues and hit a detector on the other side.
• The chest is usually imaged in the arterial phase.
The more dense a tissue, the more X-rays it absorbs. • The abdomen is usually imaged in the (portal) venous phase.
• Bone: X-rays absorbed = Few X-rays reaching detector: White • Liver lesions are usually imaged with a multiple phase scan.
• Air: X-rays not absorbed = Lots of X-rays reaching detector: Black
Compared to plain film, CT is able to distinguish more subtle density In a CT chest/abdo/pelvis, the lung bases/liver may be imaged twice:
differences and there is no overlap of structures. (overlap between chest - arterial phase, and abdomen - venous phase)

Current CT machines use ‘Spiral CT’. An array consisting of a single Artefacts can complicate interpretation. Examples:
radiation source with multiple detectors rotates around the patient, • metal (usually seen as radiating bright streaks): sternotomy wires,
obtaining a block of data as the patient is moved through. aneurysm clips, dental fillings
• high concentration of IV contrast: arm veins, heart
• motion: minimised by asking patient to hold their breath

Axial slices: “as if looking at patient from the foot end of the bed”

The information obtained can be reconstructed by a computer to form

a 3D “volume”, which can then be “re-sliced” digitally to obtain thinner
slices as well as slices in different planes. dental artefact contrast artefact

Windowing Examples of commonly used windows are soft tissue, lung, and bone.

Tissue density is measured in Hounsfield units (HU).

Soft tissue window is used to view most organs.
This is defined as Air = −1000 HU; Water = 0 HU.
Level: +50 HU; Width: 350 HU (Range: −125 to +225)
The HU value of a certain pixel can be ascertained by moving the
A soft tissue window cannot be used for lung parenchyma, as lung
cursor over it in PACS. This is useful when determining the
density (−500 HU) is outside range and will appear completely black.
composition of a mass, or determining whether fluid is blood.

Density of tissues on CT:

Air < Fat < Fluid < Soft tissue < Bone < Metal
(A way to remember this: Fat floats on water, so is less dense than fluid;
Soft tissue is mostly intracellular fluid with some connective tissue)

Air = −1000 HU A lung window is used to view lung parenchyma.

Lung ≈ −500 HU (partially air, partially soft tissue) Level: −200 HU; Width: 2000 HU (Range: −1200 to +800)
Fat ≈ −50 HU (slightly less dense than simple fluid) Lung parenchyma (−500 HU) would be within range, appearing grey.
Water = 0 HU Air pockets (−1000 HU) around the lung, such as pneumothorax or
Soft tissue (& blood) ≈ +50 HU (slightly more dense than simple fluid) bullae, would appear black, thus allowing clear differentiation.
Bone ≈ +1000 HU (much more dense)

A ‘window’ can be set to look at certain tissues of interest.

A ‘level’ and a ‘width’ is defined.
For example, a window with a level of 0 HU and a width of 400 HU will have a
range of −200 HU to +200 HU. Any tissue with a density of −200 HU or less will be
black, and any tissue with a density of +200 HU or more will be white.

Soft tissue window Lung window

A small range of tissue density is represented by a full greyscale
This is the same axial slice, displayed in both soft tissue and lung windows.
spectrum from black to white, thus making subtle density differences
The pneumothorax is only clearly visible in the lung window.
within the specified range easier to see.

Radiation Contrast
In the UK, radiation exposure for medical purposes (diagnostic/ Iodine-based IV contrast medium is used for most CTs.
treatment) is regulated under Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure)
Regulations 2000 (IRMER 2000). It provides guidance for three roles: Exceptions where contrast is usually not used:
• Referrer (clinician) – provide adequate clinical details • CT KUBs (looking for renal stones)
• Practitioner (radiologist) – ensure scan is justified • CT heads (unless a mass lesion is suspected)
• Operator (radiographer) – minimise amount of radiation • Poor renal function (eGFR <30) - non-contrast CT or alternative
modalities used
The ‘millisievert’ (mSv) is a unit used to measure radiation dose.
The annual background radiation in the UK is 2.7 mSv. Risks of contrast administration:
Modality Dose Equivalent background radiation • Contrast-induced nephropathy - Creatinine increasing 25% within 3
days, with no other apparent reason. Usually self-limiting but can
0.001 mSv Negligible
Extremity X-ray cause complications of kidney disease.
Chest X-ray 0.02 mSv 3 days Incidence of ~2% in patients without risk factors (e.g. diabetes)
• Anaphylaxis (immediate, within 1 hour)
Abdo X-ray 0.7 mSv 3 months
• Allergy (delayed, up to 7 days)
Head CT 2 mSv 9 months

Chest CT 7 mSv 2.5 years

Abdo CT 8 mSv 3 years
No absolute contraindications to CT, main concern is over contrast
Barium studies 5 mSv 2 years
and radiation dose.
Interventional • Patients with eGFR <60 but >30 can have contrast if they are given
15 - 70 mSv 5 - 25 years
prehydration (oral and IV fluids).
Ref: Fred A. Mettler, Jr., et al., "Effective Doses in Radiology and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine: A Catalog,"
Radiology Vol. 248, No. 1, pp. 254-263, July 2008.
• Pregnant women and children can have a CT if indicated (although
alternatives would be considered first).
Risks of radiation exposure:
• Acute, high level exposure: radiotherapy treatment Other uses of CT include high-resolution CT (HRCT) protocol for
- affects fast dividing cells (GI tract and bone marrow) imaging interstitial lung disease, virtual 3D CT colonogram as an
• Chronic, low level exposure: diagnostic tests alternative to invasive colonoscopy, and CT-guided biopsies.
- causes changes in DNA (teratogenic)

MRI MRA (magnetic resonance angiography): Vessels are bright
• useful for AVMs, aneurysms (can be done with or without contrast!)
The MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine generates an
extremely strong magnetic field and pulses of radiofrequency energy,
which align hydrogen nuclei in tissues and body water. The Gadolinium is a metal-based contrast given IV.
subsequent loss of alignment with time produces the MRI signal. It can rarely cause nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (similar to
scleroderma) in patients with renal failure.
There are two main MRI sequences: Avoid in patients with eGFR <30.
T1: Water is dark - better for anatomy (soft tissue structures)
T2: Water is bright - better for pathology (inflammation, oedema) Contraindications
Always go through the MRI checklist!

Metallic foreign bodies, especially from previous eye trauma, can

cause serious damage if they move during the scan.
If unsure of their presence, exclude with an X-ray.

Most modern implants (pacemakers, stents, joint replacements) are

MRI safe, but they must always be checked to ensure compatibility.
(They may, however, cause a black void artefact on the MRI image)

T1 - CSF is dark T2 - CSF is bright
The MRI machine is very noisy and cramped. Some patients may not
be able to tolerate it if they are claustrophobic or unable to lie still.
Other commonly used types are:
DWI (diffusion weighted imaging): Diffusion restriction is bright
Monitoring leads can heat up excessively during the scan, causing
• useful for ischaemic strokes, abscesses, most tumours
burns to the patient.
FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery): Like T2, but Water is dark
• useful for multiple sclerosis (periventricular lesions)
Loose ferromagnetic objects can turn into projectiles if inadvertently
STIR (soft tissue inversion recovery): Like T2, but fat is dark brought into the room.
• useful for oedema in tissues, perianal abscesses (The machine is not turned off in between scans!)

Ultrasound The blood within vessels is mobile, therefore will show up as colour on
Doppler. This can be used to find the presence of vessels within an
Physics organ or tumour, or confirm lack of flow in a DVT. Doppler can also be
The ultrasound probe generates inaudible high-frequency sound used to measure the patent diameter of a vessel lumen. This is useful
waves. The waves are reflected off the body structures and are in carotid atherosclerosis. ‘Duplex’ ultrasound simply refers to the
detected by the probe. overlay of Doppler colours over the basic grey ultrasound image.

Ultrasound waves are: Orientation

• Reflected by Solid and Gas: Bright The long axis of the probe “slices” through the body.
• Absorbed by Fluid: Dark There are two main planes in ultrasound - the transverse section (TS),
and the longitudinal section (LS).
This reflection or absorption causes an In transverse section,
additional effect distal to it: the left side of the image is the right side of the patient.
• Distal to a bright object: dark In longitudinal section (also known as sagittal section),
acoustic shadowing the left side of the image is in the direction of the patient’s head.
• Distal to a dark object: bright
acoustic enhancement The most common method of ultrasound is transthoracic (for heart i.e.
echocardiogram) or transabdominal (for abdominal and pelvic organs)
as it is less invasive, quicker and more acceptable.
Doppler: detects movement relative to probe, by whether reflected
sound waves are compressed. In certain cases, a more invasive method may be indicated, such as
• Red = moving towards probe transoesophageal, transrectal or transvaginal ultrasound. This is used
• Blue = moving away from particularly when the area of interest is within or adjacent to the wall of
probe the lumen, for example intramural cancers and adjacent lymph nodes.
Patient habitus may also necessitate the usage of these methods.

Ultrasound-guided biopsy can be performed on superficial lesions.

Duplex ultrasonography helps with the insertion of central lines and
the measurement of ABPI.


What is the correct order of tissue densities? What is the contrast medium used in MRI?
(from least dense to most dense)

A. None
A. Air < Fat < Fluid < Soft tissue < Bone
B. Iodine
B. Air < Fat < Soft tissue < Fluid < Bone
C. Gastrografin
C. Air < Fluid < Soft tissue < Fat < Bone
D. Gadolinium
D. Air < Fluid < Fat < Soft tissue < Bone

Check Answer Check Answer

How many times more radiation do you get from Is air bright or dark on ultrasound?
an abdominal X-ray, compared to a chest X-ray?

A. 0.3
A. Bright
B. 3
B. Dark
C. 30

D. 300

Check Answer Check Answer 11

Chapter  2

Head  and  Spine

Axial CT Head

Sagittal T1 MRI Brain

Coronal T1 MRI Brain

Sagittal CT Spine

Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Lumbar Spine

Count from C2 Count from T12 Count from L5
(elongated vertebral body and spine) (follow the lowest rib) (right above sacrum)

The most common reasons for performing CT head is after head injury Monro-Kellie law:
or a suspected stroke. There are NICE guidelines on the indications The total volume of brain matter + CSF + intracranial blood must be a
and urgency for imaging in these cases. (see page 66) constant. If any one component increases, the others must decrease.
i.e. If there is a large haematoma or brain tumour within the skull, the
Trauma is one of the most common presentations in A&E. CSF must be pushed out to compensate, causing effacement
The main worry with head injuries is a bleed in one of several areas: (compression) of ventricles. However, sometimes the pressure on the
• extradural, subdural, subarachnoid, intracerebral. brainstem may cause blockage to CSF flow and a hydrocephalus.
Fractures, particularly involving the skull base, are also a concern. CT
head (without contrast) is the preferred modality. Acute bleeds should Suspected spinal cord compression is investigated with MRI spine.
be discussed with neurosurgery. Cauda equina syndrome is particularly concerning, as there is a risk of
There may also be an associated neck injury, in particular a cervical permanent disability if not treated urgently.
spine fracture, which may be imaged by either plain films or CT.
For paraspinal pathology, MRI delineates soft tissues well, which is
The purpose of urgent CT imaging in suspected stroke is mainly to particularly helpful in looking at collections and abscesses.
check whether there is an intracranial bleed or an alternative cause for
the symptoms such as a tumour. CT of the spine is used mainly to look at the bones - for example,
• If there is a bleed, the patient can be discussed with neurosurgery vertebral collapse, crush fractures, or lytic lesions. MRI can also
for possible urgent operative management. detect bony injuries well, but CT is the preferred modality in this
• If there is no bleed, the patient can be thrombolysed (if indicated). setting.
Plain CT heads may look normal very early in an ischaemic stroke, as
areas of ischaemia do not appear hypodense area until hours later.
MRI brain, particularly the diffusion-weighted (DWI) sequence, can
detect an ischaemic stroke earlier and shows it more clearly than CT.

The other major reason to perform neuroimaging is to look for a mass

lesion, particularly tumours. Brain tumours are exceedingly rare, and
when they occur, are much more likely to be secondary metastases
than a primary lesion.

Intracranial Haemorrhage - General Principles
Intracranial haemorrhage is a bleed inside the skull, i.e:
• intra-axial, bleed within the brain itself (intraparenchymal, intraventricular); or
• extra-axial, bleed between the brain and the skull (extradural, subdural, subarachnoid).
As opposed to extracranial haemorrhage (outside the skull), i.e. soft tissue bruising/haematoma.

A lucid interval refers to an initial decrease in conscious level (GCS) due to the initial concussion from a head injury, which then improves for a period of
time (usually a few hours) before deteriorating again, this time due to a gradually enlarging haematoma causing compression on brain structures.

Intracranial haemorrhages can exert mass effect on the brain. Signs include midline shift, effaced (slit-like) ventricles, and herniation of brain structures.
Acute bleeds generally require urgent discussion with neurosurgery.

Appearance on CT:
Acute (hours to days) - New blood is White
Subacute (days to weeks) - Grey
Chronic (weeks to months) - Old blood is Dark

Acute on Chronic - Layering effect

Epidural Haemorrhage Subdural Haemorrhage
Epidural (also known as extradural) haemorrhage is usually due to head Subdural haemorrhage is more common in the elderly and alcoholics, who
trauma, particularly to the region of the pterion, which tears the middle have cerebral atrophy. There is more strain on the bridging veins, which tear
meningeal artery. This is therefore an arterial bleed. easily with minor trauma, and cause a venous bleed.

It lies between the skull and the dura mater. It lies between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater.

Appearance: Lens-shaped (lenticular). Appearance: Crescent-shaped.

(as the dura is usually tightly adherent to the skull)

Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Intraparenchymal Haemorrhage
Can occur after trauma, or in individuals with arteriovenous malformations Intracerebral haemorrhages occur within the substance of the brain itself.
(AVMs), or berry aneurysms (particularly of the Circle of Willis). Patients Common causes are hypertension, trauma and haemorrhagic stroke.
describe a sudden onset of extremely severe pain (“thunderclap
headache”). Blood in the subarachnoid space can cause meningeal Appearance: Area of high density within the substance of the brain.
irritation and result in symptoms similar to meningitis.
Intraventricular Haemorrhage
Appearance: High density blood in the sulci, basal cisterns and fissures:
Intraventricular haemorrhage can be either primary, or secondary to
• suprasellar cistern (large pentagon/star shape), extension from subarachnoid or intracerebral haemorrhage.
• quadrigeminal cistern (smaller W/smile shape below suprasellar)
Blood may also extend into the ventricles.
Appearance: Small amount of bright blood in the dependent part of the
lateral ventricles. There is usually a CSF-blood level, as the denser blood
sinks to the bottom.

Ischaemic Strokes / Infarcts
Symptoms of ischaemic strokes vary depending on the blood vessel (and thus area of brain) affected. The Oxford Stroke Classification defines 4 types:
• Total Anterior Circulation Stroke (TACS) - Anterior / Middle Cerebral Artery - all 3 of: higher dysfunction, hemiparesis, hemianopia
• Partial Anterior Circulation Stroke (PACS) - Anterior / Middle Cerebral Artery - any 2 of: higher dysfunction, hemiparesis, hemianopia
• Posterior Circulation Stroke (POCS) - Posterior Cerebral Artery - any 1 of: cerebellar symptoms, loss of consciousness, hemianopia
• Lacunar Stroke (LACS) - Small Vessel Disease - any 1 of: hemiparesis, hemiparaesthesia

CT - Low density area, that takes a few hours to develop. The ‘stroke window’ helps to see subtle difference in density. Other signs of acute infarct: Loss
of differentiation of grey/white matter; Sulcal effacement (oedema); Bright MCA sign. Old infarcts have a lower density than acute infarcts.
MRI - DWI is the best MRI sequence to detect stroke. On this sequence, infarct is a bright area, which can develop in just a few minutes.

Ischaemic stroke on MRI - T1

Ischaemic stroke on CT

Brain Tumours
Primary brain tumours are extremely rare. The brain is a relatively rare site for metastases compared to the liver or the lungs, but they are far more
common than primary brain tumours. Cancers that most commonly metastasise to the brain include melanoma, lung, breast, renal and colon cancers.
They can be asymptomatic, discovered incidentally; or they may cause symptoms due to their mass effect, such as cranial nerve palsy, seizures, or
various other neurological signs.

The appearances on CT and MRI vary but they are usually heterogenous (not a uniform texture) solid lesions. Sometimes the lesions themselves aren’t
seen but the secondary vasogenic oedema or other sign of mass effect such as midline shift is seen. Tumours generally enhance with IV contrast as they
are vascular. On MRI diffusion weighted imaging, they are bright due to high cellularity.
The main differential for this appearance is an infective lesion such as a brain abscess.

Pre- and post-contrast CT images of a brain tumour (metastasis)

Small Vessel Disease Alzheimer’s disease
As we age, the small arterioles in the brain become more affected by Alzheimer's disease is the commonest type of dementia, causing memory
arteriosclerosis. These small arterioles supply the subcortical, impairment, loss of language skills and disorientation. This is due to the
periventricular, and lacunar areas. These areas thus become ischaemic accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. There is
and low density on CT. This can lead to vascular dementia. disproportionate atrophy of the brain, typically involving the hippocampus
and the temporo-parietal cortex.
Generalised low attenuation of ischaemic white matter. Appearance:
Frequently associated with age-related general cerebral atrophy, Disproportionate hippocampal atrophy on CT or MRI.
signs of which are enlarged ventricles and widened sulci.

Comparison of an Alzheimer’s patient (CT on left) vs normal (MRI on right)

Note the difference in hippocampal size.

Venous Sinus Thrombosis Cerebral Aneurysm
Venous sinus thrombosis is very important but can be easily missed. It It is important to identify and treat these as a subarachnoid haemorrhage and
usually presents with headaches and neurological signs. Most occur in cerebral haematoma from a ruptured aneurysm can cause sudden death.
patients with prothrombotic risk factors, particularly young women. It can There are most commonly found involving the vessels of the Circle of Willis.
progress to a cerebral infarct and secondary haemorrhage.
Appearance: Localised dilatation along one of the cerebral vessels.
Appearance: Possible associated findings: Aneurysm clips (metallic artefact), Old bleeds,
CT venogram - A filling defect within the contrast-filled venous sinuses Burr holes (defect in skull)
(‘empty delta sign’). A high index of suspicion for this pathology is
needed, as it is difficult to see on plain CT without contrast. MRA showing an aneurysm at the bifurcation of the right middle cerebral artery.

Patient 1: Non-contrast CT - thrombus seen as hyperdense area

Skull Fractures
Types of skull fracture: Linear (uncomplicated), Depressed (pushed in), Diastatic (suture widening), Basilar (base of skull)
Basal skull fractures must not be missed in head trauma. Signs are bruising around the eyes (raccoon eyes) and over the mastoid process (Battle's sign),
as well as CSF (i.e. clear fluid) leakage from the nose (rhinorrhoea) and ears (otorrhoea).

It is easiest to see fractures on the bone window setting. Skull fractures may be particularly hard to spot if undisplaced, and may be mistaken for a suture,
so it is important to 'follow' the line to see if it runs in a suture line. Facial fractures may bleed into the maxillary sinus, causing opacification or a fluid level.

Facial fractures
Skull fracture - Occipital fracture on plain CT, and reconstruction in 3D

Cervical Spine Fractures
A cervical spine X-ray is often performed to clear the cervical spine before removal of head blocks. The junction of C7 and T1 must be seen.
If inadequate, cervical spine CT will be required. If a head CT is being done, the C-spine should be scanned at the same time (instead of doing X-rays).

Cervical spine fractures are important to stabilise as they may cause paralysis.
The classical ‘hangman’s fracture’ is a fracture of C2 that involves both pedicles.

Vertebral Compression Fracture Spinal Cord Compression
Vertebral collapse can be due to trauma in healthy bone (e.g. road traffic Spinal cord compression can be due to vertebral fractures, disc prolapse,
accidents), or secondary 'pathological fracture' in weakened bone (e.g. or a mass lesion such as metastases growing into the spinal canal.
osteoporosis, lytic metastases). Severity is based on percentage of Conus medullaris - level of L1 / L2 vertebrae
vertebral height loss, involvement of both the anterior and posterior parts Cauda equina - below conus medullaris
of the bone, and impingement into the spinal canal. Treatment depends Compression of either the conus medullaris or the cauda equina can
on whether the fracture is acute or chronic. cause bladder/bowel dysfunction and saddle paraesthesia.

Appearance: (in acute fractures) Appearance:

On X-ray or CT, there is a cortical break and loss of height. Spinal cord compression may result in a bright oedematous area within
On MRI, there is oedema of the bone. (bright on T2) the dark cord on T2 MRI. The bright CSF signal in front and behind the
On bone scan, there is high radiotracer uptake. (dark) compressed section of cord is lost (as it has been displaced away).
Look at the affected section on both sagittal and axial views to confirm.

Secondary Metastases to Spine
The cancers that most commonly metastasise to bone: Above diaphragm - lung, breast, thyroid; Below diaphragm - renal, prostate.
Most bony metastases are lytic lesions. The exception is metastases from prostate which are sclerotic. Metastases from renal cancer are typically
expansile, as well as lytic.
A Technetium bone scan can be performed to determine extent of skeletal metastases. Anterior and posterior views are taken.

CT will show lytic metastases as a hypoattenuating irregular region, which may extend into the spinal canal.
Bone scan will show metastases (sclerotic) as areas of increased tracer uptake, known as 'hot spots' and are black on the scan. Lytic metastases and
multiple myeloma are not well detected on bone scans. The tracer is excreted by kidneys, and so the kidneys and bladder will also show up as black
areas. If the metastases are so extensive and the tracer uptake so high that there is little left to be excreted by the kidneys and the kidneys are not dark,
this is called a 'super scan'.
Inflammation such as that due to arthritis may also show up as hot spots. Paget’s disease will also cause increased uptake in affected bones.

Bone scan showing extensive skeletal metastases

Multiple Sclerosis
This is a chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) which usually affects young females. There is no definitive
diagnostic test for MS. The diagnosis may be made when two distinct neurological episodes with no other cause occur. MRI and CSF analysis are the
most useful tests.

Appearance: Bright plaques on MRI (T2 or FLAIR sequences). FLAIR is a modified T2 where fluid (CSF) signal is suppressed, so bright plaques are more
obvious next to the ventricles (which are now dark).
Classically periventricular with a finger-like appearance in sagittal section. Plaques can also be found in the cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord.
If IV contrast is used and the plaques enhance, this indicates current disease activity.


Type of haemorrhage? What is the main pathology?

A. Epidural (acute) A. Normal scan

B. Epidural (chronic) B. Infarct (new)

C. Subdural (acute) C. Infarct (old)

D. Subdural (chronic) D. Subdural haemorrhage (chronic)

E. Subarachnoid E. Intraventricular haemorrhage

Check Answer Check Answer 28

What is the main pathology? What is the main pathology?

A. Lytic metastasis

A. Intraventricular haemorrhage B. Sclerotic metastasis

B. Small vessel disease C. Spinal cord compression

C. Hydrocephalus D. Crush fracture

E. Osteomyelitis

Check Answer Check Answer 29

Drag the labels to the corresponding anatomical structures in the brain.

Parietal Lobe


Occipital Lobe



Medulla Pons Occipital Lobe

Midbrain Thalamus Parietal Lobe

Check Answer
Chapter  3

Coronal & Axial CT Thorax

Presentation Cough and breathlessness can have a respiratory or cardiac cause.
For chest pain, we must first determine the likely source of the pain Dry cough, fine crackles - pulmonary fibrosis
from history and examination. Possible sources of pain: Productive cough, coarse crackles - pneumonia or heart failure
Cardiovascular (heart, vessels), Respiratory (lungs), Gastrointestinal
(oesophagus, stomach), Musculoskeletal (ribs, muscles). Heart failure is not a radiological diagnosis, i.e. we do not do CXRs to
diagnose heart failure. However, the signs of heart failure can be seen
Gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal chest pain (including on CXR.
suspected rib fractures) generally do not require imaging.
Pneumonias can be seen on CXR as inflammatory changes or frank
Chest pain from a respiratory source (e.g. pulmonary embolism, consolidation, there is seldom any need to do CT for this unless an
pneumonia) is usually pleuritic in nature (sharp, worse on inspiration). atypical pneumonia is suspected.
Chest X-rays are the first line investigation for diagnosis in most cases.
Exceptions are a suspected tension pneumothorax (which must be HRCT (high resolution CT) thorax is used to investigate interstitial lung
treated immediately before doing any investigations), and suspected disease and pulmonary fibrosis.
pulmonary embolism (investigated with CTPA or VQ scan as first line).
Haemoptysis, especially in a smoker, is concerning for lung cancer
Chest pain from a vascular source (e,g. aortic dissection) is rare, but and is investigated initially with a CXR. If the CXR is clear but the
extremely important not to miss. It may be described as tearing pain. symptoms persist, a CT thorax may be indicated.
Thoracic trauma and connective tissue disorders predispose to this. Infections (e.g. TB) and chronic coughing may also cause haemoptysis.
If the patient is stable enough, they may be investigated with CT.
A widened mediastinum on CXR is a less reliable sign.

Pneumonia Pleural Effusion
Typical: Streptococcus pneumoniae; Haemophilus influenzae Transudate: Imbalance of hydrostatic and oncotic forces. Low protein.
Atypical: Mycoplasma; Legionella; Pneumocystis (‘PCP’); Viral; Fungal Commonly caused by organ failures (heart, liver, renal, thyroid failures).
Exudate: Local pathology (infective, inflammatory, malignant). High protein.
CXR at 6 weeks post-treatment to ensure full resolution.
(and exclude possible underlying lung mass) A pleural tap (thoracocentesis) to obtain a sample of fluid for laboratory
Figure Radiology Basics: Cross-sectional Imaging.1 Lorem
testing can be performed easily under ultrasound guidance.
Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur
Typical: Airspace opacity with air bronchograms (usually one lobe) Appearance: Fluid density at the dependent part of the hemithorax.
Atypical: Variable; ground glass opacity, nodules with ground glass “halo” i.e. at the bases in erect CXR; posteriorly in supine CT.
Causes collapse of adjacent lung which appears denser (white).

Primary Lung Cancer
Small cell (10%): Located centrally. Poorer prognosis. Associated paraneoplastic syndromes: ACTH; ADH; Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS).
Non-small cell (90%): Adenocarcinoma is located peripherally. Most common type of lung cancer.
Squamous cell carcinoma is located centrally. Associated paraneoplastic syndromes: PTH-like peptide (Hypercalcaemia - bones, stones, groans, moans);
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA) - expansion of long bones, DIP inflammation, finger clubbing.

Routes of spread:
Direct - Bronchus, Chest wall, Aorta, Oesophagus
Lymphatic - Hilar, Mediastinal lymph nodes
Haematogenous - Bone, Brain, Liver, Adrenal
Transcoelomic - Malignant pleural effusion

Appearance: Discrete mass of soft tissue density. Possibly associated with small lung nodules, mediastinal & hilar lymphadenopathy, or pleural effusions.
Lymphadenopathy is enlargement of lymph node due to pathology. Definition of enlargement: >1 cm in the short axis (i.e. width, not length)

Secondary Metastases to Lung
The lungs are a common site for metastases, in particular from breast, bowel and renal primaries.

Appearance: Soft tissue nodules, usually multiple, located anywhere within the lung fields, but classically more in lower zones. Can measure anywhere
from a few mm to >1 cm in diameter. Large “cannonball” metastases classically originate from a renal cell carcinoma primary. Metastatic nodules can
occasionally be cavitating, particularly with squamous cell lesions, although if cavitation is seen, infective causes must be considered.

To differentiate small nodules from pulmonary vessels and lung parenchyma, ‘follow’ it by scrolling up and down a few slices. Nodules should appear and
disappear within one or several slices, while vessels should continue for some distance and branch out.

The same method is used to differentiate lymph nodes from vessels, e.g. in the axillary region.

Malignancy of B or T lymphocytes, with solid lymphoid tumours. It can involve nodal and extranodal sites. Subtypes include Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin.

Staging is performed with a CT scan or a PET scan, using the Ann-Arbor classification.
I: single node group; II: >1 node groups, same side of diaphragm; III: >1 node groups, both sides of diaphragm; IV: extranodal disease (liver, marrow).
The letter 'B' is added to the stage (e.g. Stage IVB) if there are 'B symptoms' (fever, weight loss, night sweats). The absence of ‘B’ symptoms = ‘A’.

Causes of hilar lymphadenopathy on CXR: Lymphoma, TB, Sarcoidosis. (Note: Both Lymphoma and TB can cause the ‘B symptoms’!)

Appearance: Widespread lymphadenopathy (soft tissue density), involving one or more groups of lymph nodes,

In the video below, you can see a massive number of enlarged lymph nodes in the cervical and axillary areas.
Can you spot any mediastinal lymph nodes?

Bronchiectasis Pulmonary Fibrosis
Bronchiectasis is fixed dilation of part of the bronchial tree. Causes: Pulmonary fibrosis is caused predominantly by interstitial lung disease.
• Congenital (cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia i.e. Kartagener syn)
• Acquired (pneumonia, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis). Extrinsic (occupational) and Intrinsic (autoimmune) causes result in different
typical patterns of fibrosis, where the lung apex or base is more affected.
Appearance: There is dilatation of bronchi, with or without thickening of Apex > Base: Occupational causes (Exception: Asbestosis)
bronchial walls and mucus plugging. Base > Apex: Autoimmune causes (Exception: Ankylosing spondylitis)
‘Tram-track sign’ can be seen on CT and CXR.
The ‘Tree-in-bud sign’ and the ‘Signet ring sign’ can be seen on CT. Appearance: Reticular shadowing; Honeycombing; Traction bronchiectasis.
These are seen best on high-resolution CT but may also be seen on CXR.

Emphysema Pneumothorax
Emphysema is one of the two main entities of chronic obstructive Pneumothorax can be primary or secondary to underlying lung pathology.
pulmonary disease (COPD), the other being chronic bronchitis. Primary: tall, thin, young males who smoke
• Smoking causes a centriacinar (peribronchiolar) pattern Secondary: asthma, emphysema, fibrosis, Marfan’s, Ehlers-Danlos, cancer
• Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency causes a panacinar (diffuse) pattern Other: penetrating injury, blunt injury, rib fractures, biopsies, line insertions

There is destruction of alveolar walls, resulting in enlargement of It is usually diagnosed on CXR, but may also be diagnosed on CT if
airspaces. These become confluent and eventually form bullae. unsuspected previously and a CT was performed to exclude other causes of
Bullae can rupture, leading to pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum. chest pain.

CXR findings include hyperinflation, flat diaphragms, and bullae. Appearance: A pocket or rim of air located outside the lung and adjacent to
the chest wall, most commonly in the apices. Associated lung collapse.
Appearance: Changes of confluent alveoli (hypodense areas of lung Only visible on lung window.
parenchyma) and bullae (small pockets of air) are typical.

Tap image to view NICE guidelines on
Pulmonary Embolism investigation of pulmonary embolism
based on Wells’ score
Clear guidelines exist regarding the use of imaging in the investigation of suspected pulmonary embolism. Algorithm 2 Diagnosis of PE

Patient with signs or symptoms of PE

Other causes excluded by assessment of general medical history, physical examination and chest X-ray

PE suspected

Two-level PE Wells score

PE likely (> 4 points) PE unlikely (≤ 4 points)

In pregnant women, D-dimers are unreliable and Wells’ score is not validated. Consider performing duplex ultrasound for DVT,
D-dimer test
Is CTPA* suitable** and available immediately?

Was the D-dimer test positive?

Yes No
Immediate interim parenteral No
Offer CTPA
(or V/Q anticoagulant therapy
Is CTPA* suitable** and available immediately?

and CXR to exclude other causes. V/Q scan (or perfusion-only scan) is generally favoured to minimise radiation exposure.
scan) CTPA (or V/Q SPECT or
planar scan)
Was the CTPA (or V/Q SPECT or planar scan) positive?
Immediate interim
parenteral anticoagulant
No Offer CTPA therapy
(or V/Q
Yes SPECT or
Is deep vein thrombosis suspected? planar
scan) CTPA (or V/Q SPECT or

The main concern with CTPA in pregnancy is the radiation to the mother’s breasts (as the fetus can be shielded), and the iodine
Yes No planar scan)

Advise the patient it

Consider a is not likely they have
proximal leg PE. Discuss with Was the CTPA (or V/Q SPECT or
vein ultrasound them the signs and planar scan) positive?
scan. See symptoms of PE, and
Diagnosis of when and where to
deep vein seek further medical
Yes No
thrombosis help. Take into
alternative diagnoses.

dose to the foetus (needs thyroid screen when born).

Advise the patient it is not likely they have
PE. Discuss with them the signs and
symptoms of PE, and when and where to
seek further medical help. Take into
Diagnose PE and treat consideration alternative diagnoses.

*Computed tomography pulmonary angiogram

**For patients who have an allergy to contrast media, or who have renal impairment, or whose risk from irradiation is high,
assess  the  suitability  of  V/Q  SPECT†  or,  if  not  available,  V/Q  planar  scan,  as  an  alternative to CTPA.

†Ventilation/perfusion single photon emission computed tomography

Appearance: Clots are seen as ‘filling defects’. Contrast cannot fill areas occupied by clots, therefore the contrast (bright) surrounds the clots (darker).
On V/Q scan, ventilation (inhaled tracer) is normal but perfusion (IV tracer) is abnormal, indicating a problem with the blood supply to a particular area.

The images below show the emboli highlighted in red. The first two images show multiple bilateral emboli, while the third image shows a saddle embolus.
‘Saddle’ embolus sits in the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk where it divides into the left and right main pulmonary arteries.

Aortic Dissection
Aortic dissection occurs when blood enters the aortic wall through a tear in the tunica intima, ‘dissecting’ a path (false lumen) between intima and media.
If the dissection extends into smaller arteries (e.g. coronary, carotid, subclavian, mesenteric), it can cause ischaemia of the supplied area (i.e. MI, stroke,
limb ischaemia, bowel ischaemia). Pericardial tamponade can also occur. The main risk factor is hypertension.

Classification systems are Stanford and DeBakey, both based on involvement of the ascending aorta (poorer prognosis).
CXR may show widened mediastinum. CT chest (pre and post contrast, arterial phase) is the ideal investigation, to determine presence of aortic
intramural haematoma, true lumen and extent of dissection.

Appearance: There is a true lumen and a false lumen, separated by an intimal flap (tunica intima which has been detached from tunica media).
The false lumen is usually larger (higher pressure) and hypodense (darker as contrast delayed) compared to the true lumen, although this is not reliable.
To differentiate them with more certainty, a normal part of the aorta should be found and followed as this will join into the true lumen.

The video below shows a dissection involving the ascending aorta (anterior), the aortic arch, and the descending aorta (posterior).
Here the false lumen is brighter than the true lumen, which is not typical.

aortic arch


Diagnosis? Diagnosis?

A. Normal A. Normal

B. Pleural effusion B. Pleural effusion

C. Pneumonia C. Pneumonia

D. Lung collapse D. Lung collapse

E. Bronchiectasis E. Bronchiectasis

Check Answer Check Answer 41

Diagnosis? Diagnosis?

A. Normal A. Normal


C. Pulmonary fibrosis C. Pulmonary fibrosis

D. Bronchiectasis D. Bronchiectasis

E. Pneumonia E. Pneumonia

Check Answer Check Answer 42

Diagnosis? Diagnosis?

A. Normal A. Normal

B. Pneumonia B. Pneumonia

C. Pulmonary embolism C. Pulmonary embolism

D. Metastases to lung D. Metastases to lung

E. Aortic dissection E. Aortic dissection

Check Answer Check Answer 43

Chapter  4

Coronal & Axial CT Abdomen

Transabdominal Ultrasound Views

Coronal (Right Flank) Coronal (Left Flank) Transverse (Suprapubic)

Presentation The best modality to detect renal stones, particularly in first
presentation of renal colic, is CT KUB (kidneys ureters bladder).
CT is the most useful imaging modality in acute abdomen. X-ray KUB may not detect small stones. Also, phleboliths (calcification
The vast majority of intra-abdominal pathologies can be seen on CT. within veins) are frequently found in the pelvis and are difficult to
However, this involves a radiation dose, so care should be taken in differentiate from renal stones on X-ray. CT KUB can show whether or
young patients. not these are located within the renal tract.

Abdominal X-rays are useful in diagnosing bowel obstruction, and Painful jaundice is investigated with USS to look for obstructing
erect chest x-rays can indicate perforation of viscus. stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts. If bile duct dilatation is seen,
but stones are not seen, the next step is MRCP (magnetic resonance
Ultrasound is most useful to detect gallstones, cholecystitis, and cholangiopancreatography) which is better at detecting ductal stones.
hydronephrosis. It can also detect pathology of the pancreas and Painless jaundice is more concerning and would warrant an urgent CT
appendicitis, although these areas are frequently poorly visualised due with contrast for pancreatic cancer.
to overlying bowel gas. As it does not involve radiation, it is frequently
used first line in children and young adults. Gynaecological disorders are usually imaged with ultrasound as first
line. This avoids radiation exposure, and the structures are viewed
Suspected GI cancers are most commonly investigated with better than on CT. Transvaginal ultrasound is generally better than
endoscopy. If a patient is unfit for colonoscopy, a CT ‘virtual’ transabdominal ultrasound. Although it is more invasive, it provides
colonoscopy can be done, with a 3D reconstruction of the intraluminal better image quality, and is not affected by patient habitus.
view. The disadvantage is that biopsies cannot be done.
Testicular disorders are also generally imaged with ultrasound, which
Contrast studies (swallow/meal/follow-through/enema) are also can easily differentiate between a cystic lesion and a solid lesion.
frequently performed with suspected obstructing lesions. Barium is Pain from retroperitoneal structures (pancreas, kidneys, duodenum)
usually used, but if there is possible perforation, Gastrografin (water tend to radiate to the back.
soluble) is used instead. Barium is highly irritant and will cause
inflammation and fibrosis if it leaks out. A tumour in the wall will cause CT as well as ultrasound can be used by interventional radiologists to
a ‘filling defect’ where it displaces the contrast. A circumferential wall perform guided biopsies. The choice between CT and ultrasound is
lesion is seen as an ‘apple core lesion’. generally made by considering the proximity of the lesion of interest to
the body surface, and whether there are any structures in the way.
Once cancer is confirmed, a staging CT (i.e chest/abdo/pelvis with Preferred spots to take biopsies are immobile, peripheral structures
contrast) is performed to inform treatment options and prognosis. such as lymph nodes, peritoneal lesions, and omental ‘cake’.

Secondary Metastases to Liver Liver Abscess
GI cancers commonly metastasize to the liver, as venous blood returning Bacterial: Polymicrobial. e.g E. coli, Klebsiella, Streptococci, Enterococci
from the bowel filters through the hepatic portal system first before Fungal: Candida sp. Other: Amoebic (Entamoeba histolytica), Hydatid cysts
rejoining the general circulation. Depending on the number and location,
it may be possible to resect the affected segment(s) of liver. Appearance: Bacterial and fungal abscesses usually appear as multiple
clustered lesions. Causative features such as biliary obstruction or
Main differentials are simple liver cysts, benign lesions such as diverticulitis or appendicitis may also be seen. Amoebic abscess usually
haemangioma and liver abscesses. To differentiate between them, the appears as a solitary large lesion.
HU value may be helpful. Clinical features (such as fever) are also very
useful to know.

Appearance: Irregular heterogenous areas of low attenuation.

Gallstones Cholecystitis
Ultrasound is the gold standard investigation. CT may miss some stones. Commonly due to gallstone disease.
Plain X-ray only shows 10% of stones. MRCP is useful for ductal stones. Biliary colic: Right upper quadrant pain
Locations: Gallbladder, Bile ducts, Small bowel (rare). Cholecystitis: Right upper quadrant pain + Fever
Ascending cholangitis: Right upper quadrant pain + Fever + Jaundice
Appearance: On ultrasound, single or multiple hyperechoic objects in the (Charcot’s triad)
gallbladder, with acoustic shadowing. On CT, stones may be
hyperattenuating (calcified stones), isoattenuating (mixed), or Appearance:
hypoattenuating (cholesterol stones) with regards to bile. Isoattenuating • Distended fluid-filled gallbladder
stones can be missed. On MRI, stones are an area of low signal (dark). • Thick enhancing (bright) gallbladder wall
• Fluid surrounding gallbladder
• ‘Fat stranding’ surrounding gallbladder (fluid density due to oedema in fat)

Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatitis
Most commonly arises from the head of pancreas. Very poor prognosis Release of pancreatic enzymes causes autodigestion of pancreatic tissue,
due to late diagnosis. pancreatic ducts, and the surrounding tissues (fat and blood vessels).
Complications include peripancreatic fluid collections (if encapsulated, these
Appearance: Soft tissue mass which may cause obstruction and are called pseudocysts); abscesses; necrosis of pancreatic tissue;
dilatation of the bile and pancreatic duct systems (“double-duct sign”). thrombosis of splenic/portal veins; and pseudoaneurysms +/- haemorrhage.
Mass may invade into surrounding structures (duodenum, vessels).
• Enlarged, oedematous pancreas
• Fuzzy pancreas borders
• Fluid around pancreas
• ‘Fat stranding’ in retroperitoneum (fluid density due to oedema in fat)
• Areas of non-enhancement indicate necrosis

Simple Renal Cysts Renal Cell Carcinoma
Extremely common finding, increasing with age. Up to 50% in age >50. Small RCCs often diagnosed incidentally on CT for other reasons, or during
Essentially normal. Not premalignant. investigations for haematuria.
Originates from renal tubular epithelium (not transitional cell!).
Cysts are ‘complex’ (i.e. not simple) if they have septa or contain high Risk factors are smoking and obesity. Not associated with simple cysts.
attenuation areas (soft tissue/blood/protein). Complex cysts can be
associated with malignancy. CT is the best first-line investigation. MRI may help with staging.

Appearance: Well-defined, round, fluid-containing lesions around the Appearance: Poorly-defined enhancing mass, extension into renal vein/IVC.
periphery of the kidney (“cortical”) or centrally (“parapelvic”). May be Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes.
solitary or multiple. Cyst size ranges from a few mm to a few cm. Metastases to bone are classically lytic and expansile.
Metastases to lung are classically ‘cannonball’ (large and round).

Renal Stones Hydronephrosis
99% of stones are visible on CT KUB (done without contrast). CT shows Caused by a distal obstruction, e.g. stones, cancers, prostatic hypertrophy,
the exact location of calcifications to see whether or not they are located pregnancy, congenital, large blood clot, retroperitoneal fibrosis; or backflow
within the renal tract. Any associated obstructing effect causing e.g. vesicoureteric reflux. The affected kidney frequently has impaired
hydroureter or hydronephrosis can be seen. Inflammation around the function. Further radiological tests to assess function include delayed phase
ureter may also be seen which could indicate a recently passed stone. contrast CT, intravenous pyelogram, or nuclear medicine tests.

‘Follow’ the ureter from where it leaves the renal pelvis, down along the Appearance: Enlarged renal calyces and renal pelvis. Look for visible cause
psoas muscle, anterior to the sacroiliac joint, along the pelvic sidewall, of obstruction.
until the ischial spine where it turns medially to reach the bladder.

Appearance: Very small (2-10mm) hyperdense object within the renal

calyces, renal pelvis, or within the course of the ureters. Possible
associated hydronephrosis and hydroureter.

In the video below, the path of the left ureter is outlined with a yellow arrow.
The two renal stones are indicated with red arrows.

CT with contrast - hydronephrosis and hydroureter of left kidney

Small Bowel Obstruction Large Bowel Obstruction
Causes of small bowel obstruction include adhesions, herniae and Common causes of large bowel obstruction are cancers, diverticulosis and
gallstone ileus. The ‘transition point’ is the point at which proximal bowel volvulus. An obstruction of the large bowel causes dilatation of proximal large
is dilated, and distal bowel is collapsed. This usually indicates site of bowel. However, the small bowel may or may not be dilated as well,
obstruction. depending on whether the ileocaecal valve is competent. It is competent in
~70% of people. A competent valve traps contents in the large bowel, so the
Small bowel ileus occurs due to metabolic derangements or post- small bowel is not dilated. However, this causes the large bowel to dilate
operatively, with dilatation but no transition point. much more and much quicker, putting it at a higher risk of perforation.

Appearance: Dilated small bowel loops proximal to a transition point; Appearance: Dilated large bowel loops proximal to a transition point;
Multiple air-fluid levels; Possible ischaemic bowel (a complication) Multiple air-fluid levels; Dilated small bowel loops (if valve incompetent)

The 3-6-9 rule

Dilated Small bowel: > 3 cm
Dilated Large bowel: > 6 cm
Dilated Caecum: > 9 cm

Small Bowel Inflammation Large Bowel Inflammation
Most common cause is Crohn's disease, which affects patchy areas along Ulcerative colitis affects a continuous section of large bowel, most commonly
the entire gut, most commonly the terminal ileum. Common complications the rectum. Infective causes, such as Clostridium difficile infection, are also
are perforation (free air outside the bowel), abscesses, fistulae to other common. If the entire large bowel is affected, it is called a pancolitis.
structures and obstructing strictures causing bowel dilatation. Both may cause toxic megacolon (seen as marked colonic dilatation).

Appearance: “Target sign” involving the small bowel (on CT) Appearance: “Target sign” involving the large bowel (on CT)
• Enhancement (bright) of serosa and mucosa due to more blood flow. • Enhancement (bright) of serosa and mucosa due to more blood flow.
• Low attenuation (dark) wall: oedema. • Low attenuation (dark), thickened wall due to wall oedema.
• Ascites also seen with C Difficile colitis

CT with contrast

Appendicitis Diverticular Disease
Appendicitis can present at any age. In children, mesenteric adenitis is a Diverticulitis typically occurs in those over 40, on a background of
common and harmless differential that should be considered. In older diverticulosis. It may be referred to as 'right-sided appendicitis' as it can
people, an underlying caecal carcinoma needs to be considered. The present very similarly (classically periumbilical pain initially, later localising to
diagnosis can be made on US although the appendix is frequently not the left iliac fossa).
visible due to being obscured by overlying bowel gas. ’Diverticular disease' can refer to either diverticulosis or its complications.

Appearance: Appearance: Multiple small outpouchings, particularly affecting the sigmoid

• Dilated, fluid-filled appendix colon. If these are inflamed (diverticulitis), there will be fat stranding, with
• ‘Fat stranding’ around appendix possible localised perforation or collections.
• Possible associated soft tissue mass (lymphoid tissue, cancer);
or hyperdense faecolith at base of appendix.

Ischaemic Bowel Infarcted Bowel
Bowel ischaemia may be caused by arterial insufficiency (thrombosis or Infarcted and gangrenous tissues will start to produce gas. Therefore,
embolism), venous obstruction, or as a result of bowel obstruction. severely infarcted or necrotic bowel may have gas within its walls.
The portal venous system drains the bowel walls. As a result, the portal
Appearance: Variety of appearances including hypo- or hyper-density of vein fills with gas that drains into the liver. The liver shows a widespread
the bowel wall, bowel distension and congestion of the mesentery. branching pattern of portal venous gas, which is a premorbid sign.
Arterial filling defect. (This is different from pneumobilia, which looks similar but the air is
actually within the intrahepatic biliary ducts, seen when there is a fistula
between bowel and gallbladder)

Appearance: Air within bowel walls; Air in hepatic portal venous system

Traumatic Injury
Trauma can be either blunt force or sharp penetrating trauma. Common mechanisms include high speed road traffic accidents, falls from height and
assault. Both blunt and penetrating trauma types can cause solid organ, bowel and mesenteric injuries. In high energy trauma, a whole body (head/neck/
chest/abdo/pelvis) trauma series CT with two phases of contrast enhancement is usually done.  Injuries to the liver, kidneys and spleen are associated
with rib injuries. There may be a laceration with associated haematoma, with extension to involve the vessels at the hilum of the organ. There may also be
active bleeding which would require emergent surgery or interventional radiology input to embolise the bleeding vessel.

Appearance: Disruption in continuity of the organ cortex, associated soft tissue injury, haematoma, contrast extravasation indicating active bleeding.

Air in Peritoneum Air in Bladder
Causes of air within intra- or retroperitoneal spaces: Causes of air within bladder:
• Perforation - of hollow viscus (usually duodenum or sigmoid) • Catheterisation - recent or current
• Recent laparoscopic surgery - from CO2 insufflation • Fistula - between bladder and bowel

Appearance: Free air within the peritoneum. Location of the air depends A fistula would allow infecting organisms to easily colonise the
on the segment of perforated bowel i.e. intra- or retro-peritoneal. Air can bladder leading to frequent UTIs and pyelonephritis.
extend into other spaces e.g. pneumomediastinum. Perforation of the
rectum - air in mesorectum (mesentery surrounding rectum). Appearance: Air within the bladder, forming an air-fluid level with
the urine inside the bladder.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Focal dilatation of the abdominal aorta. Two-thirds of patients with ruptured AAAs die before reaching hospital. Of those who make it to emergency
surgery, half die. Ultrasound used for diagnosis and screening. CT used for suspected leak, but this must not delay emergency surgery.

Screening for AAA is offered to all men when they turn 65. It is a quick ultrasound scan to measure the abdominal aorta, done in the community.
If the test is negative (< 3 cm), there will be no further recall scans, unlike other screening programmes.
If the test is positive (> 3 cm), further action depends on the diameter of the aneurysm.
3.0 - 4.4 cm = repeat in 1 year; 4.5 - 5.4 cm = repeat in 3 months; > 5.5 cm = immediate referral to vascular surgeons to consider elective repair.

Appearance: Aneurysm wall usually calcified. If ruptured, free blood (higher density than fluid e.g. in stomach/GB) with possible contrast leak.
Mural thrombus common, seen as circumferential low density area.

Gynaecology Peritoneal and Omental Disease
The preferred modality for initial diagnosis of a suspected gynaecological Soft tissue nodularity and thickening of the omentum and peritoneum can
pathology is ultrasound (transabdominal or transvaginal). be seen in either metastatic disease (usually from gastric, pancreatic,
colonic or ovarian carcinomas) or from infections such as tuberculosis.
Uterine fibroids can be very large and cause pain if they degenerate. There may also be nodularity on the serosal surface of the bowel, and in
Endometriosis may present as ovarian masses, partially cystic, or as metastatic disease in particular, the bowel may become encased in
deposits anywhere within the abdominal cavity. widespread malignant tissue. Ultrasound or CT guidance can be used to
biopsy the omentum to identify the primary source.
Gynaecologic malignancies are staged with MRI & CT. Ovarian cancer
tends to present late, frequently with spread to the peritoneum and Appearance: Nodular thickening of omentum deep to abdominal wall
omentum by diagnosis. (“cake”) and peritoneal nodularity. Necrotic lymph nodes are a feature of TB.
A ‘Krukenberg tumour’ refers to a metastatic deposit in the ovary which
originated from a primary elsewhere within the peritoneal cavity.

Appearance: Uterine fibroids can calcify and are seen as rounded

masses with calcific rims. MRI can show the blood within endometriotic
deposits on ovaries and the rectovaginal space.

Ascites is seen in chronic liver disease, heart failure and abdominopelvic malignancies. It presents as abdominal distension.

It can be seen easily on ultrasound and CT.

Ultrasound guided paracentesis/drainage can be carried out.
A sample of ascitic fluid can be obtained for laboratory testing.

Appearance: Depending on the quantity, it is usually seen as fluid around the liver and spleen, surrounding the bowel, and in the pelvic cavity.
It travels to dependent locations, i.e. the left and right paracolic gutters (folds of peritoneum) posteriorly.


Diagnosis? Diagnosis?

A. Hydronephrosis A. Normal

B. Hydroureter B. Ascites

C. Renal abscess C. Small bowel ischaemia

D. Renal cell carcinoma D. Small bowel obstruction

E. Renal cyst E. Small bowel inflammation

Check Answer Check Answer 61

Where is the main abnormality? What is the main abnormality?

A. Liver A. Pulmonary embolism

B. Spleen B. Liver metastases

C. Kidney C. Ascites

D. Small bowel D. Ruptured AAA

E. Large bowel E. Non-ruptured AAA

Check Answer Check Answer 62

Where is the bright object located? Where is the bright object located?

A. Gallbladder A. Gallbladder

B. Stomach B. Stomach

C. Pancreas C. Pancreas

D. Small bowel D. Small bowel

E. Large bowel E. Large bowel

Check Answer Check Answer 63

Is this a normal scan?

A. Normal scan

How many abnormalities do you see? B. Abnormal scan

(Check below for answer)

Check Answer 64
Chapter  5

Reques9ng  Imaging
One of the responsibilities of a junior doctor on the wards is requesting appropriate imaging for patients, for diagnostic or monitoring purposes.
It is an important skill to properly request imaging, to optimise efficiency and avoid undue delay.

Components of a request form

• Patient details
• Clinical details - signs and symptoms? previous imaging results? blood tests?
• Clinical questions to be answered - specific finding to look for? provisional and differential diagnosis?
• Investigation requested - modality?
• Mode of transport - are there mobility problems?
• Background medical information - Medical (renal disease, cardiac disease, diabetes, metformin, allergies), Contraindications (pregnancy, metal)
• Referrer (requesting clinician) details

Generic Request Form Female of Childbearing Age Consent MRI Checklist

Tap images to enlarge
Providing clinical details Tips
Know your patient
• clinical condition?
Written requests (include only relevant headings)
• urgency?
• Scenario (PMH) e.g. Laparotomy 3/7 ago for bowel cancer.
• previous imaging?
• Presenting Complaint e.g. Increasing SOB and cough.
• On Examination e.g. RR 20, HR 100, Sats 90%,
Know why you are requesting the investigation
• Tests Done e.g. ABG normal.
• might it change management?
• Indication e.g. Wells Score 6.
• Query e,g. ?PE ?Pneumonia Give a structured, concise history focusing on
• Request e.g. CTPA please • relevant background (chronic conditions, known diagnoses)
• current admission
• main signs and symptoms
Verbal requests • investigations already performed
• Introduce your name, role and team • provisional diagnosis
e.g. Hi, I’m X, one of the junior doctors from obstetrics.
• Patient details Have information readily available
e.g. I would like to discuss a 30-year-old lady who is 32 weeks pregnant. • patient’s NHS/hospital number
• Query (for the radiologist to look at previous imaging)
e.g. We suspect that she might have a PE. • relevant investigation results such as eGFR
• History (ensure renal function adequate if contrast needed)
e.g. She was admitted yesterday with preeclampsia. Today she complained
of shortness of breath and pleuritic chest pain. There are no signs of leg Discuss
swelling but she has a previous history of unprovoked VTE. • Ask for advice if unsure about appropriateness of imaging, or
• Request unsure about which modality to use
e.g. We think that she probably needs a leg Doppler. Do you think this is the
way to go? or We are not sure what the most suitable imaging in her case is. DO NOT
What would you recommend? • ‘order’ an investigation - it is a ‘request’
• Hospital number • give the reason as ‘my consultant requested it’
• ‘shop around’ for different radiologists

iRefer guidelines from the Royal College of Radiologists
iRefer is one of the best evidence-based resources available on imaging guidelines. (a ‘NICE’ for radiology)
It has been around for over 20 years and is targeted at GPs and other non-specialist medical practitioners.

Clear and concise recommendations are provided for most clinical presentations and conditions.

It can be accessed directly from any NHS computer at

To access the site from non-NHS computers, junior doctors can register for a free e-LfH account at
A ‘Launch iRefer’ button should then be available below the left hand menu.

Guidelines for Common Clinical Situations
(Tap images to enlarge)

CT head for head injuries CT cervical spine for head injuries Wells score for DVT Imaging in acute stroke
Ref: NICE guidance CG176 Ref: NICE guidance CG176 Ref: NICE guidance CG144 Ref: ISWP National Clinical Guidance 4th ed

CT head within 1 hour (urgent) in adults:

Wells score for PE Imaging in TIA
• GCS <13 initially, or GCS <15 two hours after injury
Ref: NICE guidance CG144 Ref: ISWP National Clinical Guidance 4th ed
• Suspected skull fracture
• Post-traumatic seizure
• 2+ episodes of vomiting
• Focal neurological deficit
• Amnesia/Loss of consciousness + Coagulopathy

CT head within 8 hours in adults:

• Retrograde amnesia >30 minutes (forgetting events before injury)
• Amnesia/Loss of consciousness + Age ≥65 ABCD2 score Points
• Amnesia/Loss of consciousness + Dangerous mechanism of injury Age
• >60 - 1 point 1
CT vs X-ray CTPA vs V/Q scan Imaging in Imaging in Blood pressure
of C-spine in unconscious in suspected suspected renal stones suspected renal stones • >140 sys or >90 dia 1
patient with head injury pulmonary embolism without colic with colic Clinical features
Ref: RCR iRefer guidelines Ref: RCR iRefer guidelines Ref: RCR iRefer guidelines Ref: RCR iRefer guidelines • Unilateral weakness 2
• Speech disturbance, 1
no weakness
Duration of symptoms
• >60 mins 2
• 10-59 mins 1
• Yes 1

Frail 70-year-old lady, fallen on floor with head injury. Intoxicated 30-year-old man, assault with head injury.
LOC 2 mins. Not on warfarin. GCS 15. Neuro intact. Poor history. GCS 12. Non compliant with neuro exam.
No sign of skull fracture. No N+V. No sign of skull fracture. Vomit x2.

A. CT head within 1 hr A. CT head within 1 hr

B. CT head within 8 hrs B. CT head within 8 hrs

C. CT head within 24 hrs C. CT head within 24 hrs

D. CT head not required D. CT head not required

Check Answer Check Answer

62-year-old man, had 5 minutes of left arm weakness 77-year-old lady, had 3 hours of left arm weakness and
and slurred speech, now resolved. PMH: Diabetes. slurred speech, still ongoing. PMH: AF on warfarin.
BP 135/71. How soon should he have brain imaging? GCS 14. How soon should she have brain imaging?

A. ABCD2 score = 3, image within 1 week A. Within 1 hour

B. ABCD2 score = 4, image within 1 week B. Within 12 hours

C. ABCD2 score = 4, image urgently C. Within 24 hours

D. ABCD2 score = 5, image urgently D. Within 1 week

Check Answer Check Answer


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