Specification For Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection: An ACI Standard

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The key takeaways are that the document provides specifications for crack repair using epoxy injection and outlines requirements for materials, equipment, testing, and quality control.

The document provides specifications for crack repair using epoxy injection materials and outlines requirements for materials, equipment, testing procedures, and quality control acceptance of the work.

The document specifies that all materials must be stored in a clean and dry area at temperatures between 40 and 90°F, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer.

IN-LB Inch-Pound Units

An ACI Standard

Specification for Crack

Repair by Epoxy Injection
Reported by ACI Committee 548
ACI 548.15-20

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First Printing
November 2020
ISBN: 978-1-64195-126-5

Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection

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ACI 548.15-20

Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection

An ACI Standard

Reported by ACI Committee 548

Mahmoud M. Reda Taha, Chair

Ashraf I. Ahmed David W. Fowler Joseph A. Nuciforo Jr. Donald P. Tragianese

Mohammad A. Alhassan Quentin L. Hibben John R. Robinson Wafeek S. Wahby
Jacques A. Bertrand Albert O. Kaeding Michael L. Schmidt David White
Constantin Bodea Jay Lee Joseph R. Solomon
Chris Davis John R. Milliron Michael M. Sprinkel
Don Edwards Bradley Nemunaitis Michael S. Stenko

Milton D. Anderson Lech Czarnecki William Lee Hamid Saadatmanesh
Lu Anqi Harold (Dan) R. Edwards Troy D. Madeley Donald A. Schmidt
Craig A. Ballinger Larry J. Farrell Henry N. Marsh Jr. Meyer Steinberg
John J. Bartholomew George Horeczko Peter Mendis Harold H. Weber Jr.
Shashi P. Bhatnagar David P. Hu Peter J. Moss
Jerry D. Byrne Bert Paul Kriekemans Yoshihiko Ohama
Zhi-Yuan Chen Deon Kruger Kelly M. Page

This Specification gives requirements for repairing cracks in CONTENTS

concrete by injection of two-component epoxy-resin adhesive.

Keywords: adhesive; crack; epoxy; repair injection; sealer.
1.1—Scope, p. 2
1.2—Interpretation, p. 2
1.3—Definitions, p. 2
1.4—Reference standards, p. 3
1.5—Submittals, p. 3
1.6—Delivery, storage, and handling, p. 3
1.7—Quality assurance and quality control acceptance of
work, p. 3

ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are
2.1—Surface seal, p. 5
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use 2.2—Injection adhesives, p. 5
of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance
and limitations of its content and recommendations and who PART 3—EXECUTION, p. 5
will accept responsibility for the application of the material it 3.1—Evaluation and preparation, p. 5
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. ACI 548.15-20 supercedes ACI 503.7-07, was adopted on June 19, 2020, and was
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract published November 2020.
Copyright © 2020, American Concrete Institute.
documents. If items found in this document are desired by
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or me-
they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation chanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction
by the Architect/Engineer. or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing
is obtained from the copyright proprietors.

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3.2—Test injection, p. 5 The phrase “as indicated in Contract Documents”

3.3—Injection, p. 5 means the specifier included the provision requirements in
3.4—Cleanup, p. 6 the Contract Documents.
3.5—Safety, p. 6 The phrase “unless otherwise specified” means
the specifier may have included an alternative to the default
NOTES TO SPECIFIER (NONMANDATORY), p. 6 requirement in the Contract Documents.
General notes, p. 6 The phrase “if specified” means the specifier may
Foreword to Checklists, p. 6 have included a requirement in the Contract Documents for
which there is no default requirement in this Specification.
1.1—Scope accepted—determined by the Architect/Engineer to be in
1.1.1 This Specification covers the repair of cracks in compliance with Contract Documents.
concrete by pressure-injecting epoxy into cracks that inter- Architect/Engineer—the architect, engineer, architec-
sect at least one accessible surface of the concrete member. It tural firm, or engineering firm issuing Contract Documents
does not cover the repair of delaminations where the intersec- or administering the Work under Contract Documents,
tion of the cracked concrete with the surface of the concrete or both.
member is not accessible nor can be made accessible. bond interface—the plane formed by an adhesive
1.1.2 This Specification is incorporated by Contract Docu- between two adjacent materials.
ments and provides requirements for the Contractor. continuous metering and mixing—the process in which
1.1.3 This Specification governs for construction within its two adhesive components are continuously metered into and
scope, except project-specific Contract Documents govern if discharged from a mixing chamber.
there is a conflict. Contract Documents—set of documents that form the
1.1.4 This Specification governs if there is a conflict with basis of a contractual relationship between an Owner and
reference material and testing standards. constructor or design-builder. These documents are defined
1.1.5 Ignore provisions of this Specification that are not by the contractual agreement, and can contain contract forms,
applicable to the Work. contract conditions, specifications, drawings, addenda, and
1.1.6 Values in this Specification are stated in inch-pound contract changes.
units. A companion specification in SI units is also available. Contractor—the person, firm, or entity under contract for
1.1.7 The Notes to Specifier are not part of this construction of Work.
Specification. crack face—the exposed intersection of a crack and the
surface of the concrete member.
1.2—Interpretation crack repair—the work performed to permit the transfer
1.2.1 Unless otherwise explicitly stated, this Specification of stress across the crack and provide a barrier to prevent the
shall be interpreted using the following principles. infiltration of aggressive solutions. Interpret this Specification consistent with the injection adhesive—the material that is injected into a
plain meaning of the words and terms used. crack for the purpose of repair. Definitions provided in this Specification govern injection port—a device or passageway in the surface
over the definitions of the same or similar words or terms seal through which the injection adhesive is introduced into
found elsewhere. a crack. Whenever possible, interpret this Specification so permitted—accepted by or acceptable to Architect/Engi-
that its provisions are in harmony and do not conflict. neer, usually pertaining to a request by Contractor, or when Headings are part of this Specification and are specified in Contract Documents.
intended to identify the scope of the provisions or sections specification—the written document that details require-
that follow. If there is a difference in meaning or implication ments for the Work.
between the text of a provision and a heading, the meaning specifier—person or entity preparing specifications for a
in the text governs. material, product, system, or service. Where a provision of this Specification involves submit—provide to Architect/Engineer for review.
two or more items, conditions, requirements, or events submittal—document or material provided to Architect/
connected by the conjunctions “and” or “or,” interpret the Engineer for review and acceptance.
conjunction as follows: surface seal—the material that is applied to the crack
“and” indicates that all the connected items, conditions, face to contain the injection adhesive during the injection
requirements, or events apply. process.
“or” indicates that the connected items, conditions, Work—the entire construction or separately identifi-
requirements, or events apply singularly. able parts thereof required to be furnished under Contract The use of the verbs “may” or “will” indicates Documents.
that the Specification provision is for information to the
Contractor. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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1.4—Reference standards If the manufacturer of the injection adhesive does not specify
1.4.1 ASTM International a tolerance for the mixture ratio, maintain a mixture ratio
ASTM C42/C42M-16—Standard Test Method for within ±5 percent of the nominal mixture ratio specified by
Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of the manufacturer of the adhesive.
Concrete 1.7.2 Qualification test for metering accuracy
ASTM C496/C496M-17—Standard Test Method for Split- When a continuous metering and mixing pump is
ting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens required, test the metering accuracy of equipment before the
ASTM C881/C881M-15—Standard Specification for start of the Work to demonstrate that the pump is capable of
Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete maintaining the ratio within the tolerances required in 1.7.1. The device used to measure metering accuracy
1.5—Submittals shall be capable of controlling the discharge pressure of each
1.5.1 Injection adhesives—For each injection adhesive of the components separately as they are simultaneously
used, provide the following: discharged into separate containers. Qualification testing—Unless otherwise specified, Conduct one test by discharging both adhesive
submit an independent laboratory test report, including all components simultaneously into separate containers while
test results, certifying that the injection adhesive meets all maintaining a discharge pressure on both components equal
the requirements specified in 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 as appropriate. to the lowest operating discharge pressure. Conduct a second Manufacturer’s certification—Submit the manu- test at the highest operating discharge pressure.
facturer’s certification verifying conformance to the require- Measure injection pressure with a gauge mounted
ments of of each lot of injection adhesive to be used upstream of and within 12 in. of the mixing chamber.
in the Work. Discharge each component into separate gradu- Manufacturer’s safety data sheet—Submit the ated containers or into containers that can be weighed.
manufacturer’s safety data sheet. A minimum of 7 fl oz. of the larger volume component is Additional testing—Submit additional test results required for an adequate ratio determination. If the ratio
if specified. determination is made by mass, the volumetric ratio may
1.5.2 Accessories—Provide the following as appropriate: be determined by calculation using the specific gravity of Injection ports—Submit description of ports to be each component. The volumetric ratio is determined by
used. multiplying the mass ratio by the inverse of the ratio of the Surface seal—Submit description of surface seal specific gravities of the components.
to be used. If a chemical product, submit manufacturer’s Demonstrate that the injection equipment does not
safety data sheet and technical data sheet. have more than a 5 psi drop in pressure in either of the two
components over 3 minutes, while the injection adhesive
1.6—Delivery, storage, and handling flow is turned off and the pump is set to 80 percent or more
1.6.1 Delivery of materials—Deliver all materials in of the typical operating pressure.
sealed containers with labels legible and intact. 1.7.3 Qualification tests for mixing effectiveness of equip-
1.6.2 Labeling––Only use materials that are marked with ment—Before the start of the test injection specified in 1.7.4,
the following information: conduct the following tests on the specified injection adhe-
a) Name of manufacturer sive processed with the equipment and tools to be used to
b) Manufacturer’s product identification meter, and mix the injection adhesive in the Work.
c) Manufacturer’s instructions for mixing Bond strength for bonding hardened concrete to
d) Warning for handling and toxicity hardened concrete, 2-day cure, as specified in ASTM C881/
e) Expiration date and lot number C881M.
1.6.3 Storage of materials—Store all materials in a clean Compressive yield and compressive modulus tests
and dry area at temperatures between 40 and 90°F, unless as specified in ASTM C881/C881M.
otherwise recommended by manufacturer. If the test results do not meet the requirements of
1.6.4 Handling of materials—Handle all materials to ASTM C881/C881M, modify or replace the equipment.
avoid breaking container seals and in accordance with 1.7.4 Qualification of injection procedures
the manufacturer’s safety data sheet and manufacturer’s Test injection—As the first item of Work, repair a
recommendations. test crack selected by the Architect/Engineer not less than
10 ft in total length. If there are no cracks at least 10 ft in

1.7—Quality assurance and quality control length, the Architect/Engineer will select a number of
acceptance of work shorter cracks whose total length will approximately equal
1.7.1 Metering accuracy—Use equipment or tools for 10 ft. Inject the test crack(s) using the specified injection
continuous (metering) or batch proportioning for the two adhesive. Use the same surface seal, equipment, and appli-
components of the injection adhesive that are able to estab- cation methods that are to be used in executing the Work.
lish and maintain a ratio of the components within the toler- Meet the requirements of 1.7.7. Do not begin the remaining
ance specified by the manufacturer of the injection adhesive injection work until the equipment and application methods
over the full range of operating pressures and temperatures. are accepted by Architect/Engineer or specifier.
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