Himalya International LTD
Himalya International LTD
Himalya International LTD
Himalya International Ltd. (Himalya) was incorporated in the year 1992. It is a rapidly growing, food processing company in India. It owns a world class, FDA approvedandGMPcompliantfacilityspreadover15acresof primelandlocatedinPaontaSahib,HimachalPradesh. At present Himalya is involved in the activities of mushroom growing and processing, potato and vegetable processing,cheeseproduction,appetizers,bread,andyogurt production, as well as contract farming. The company is known to be the first ever frozen food manufacturing company in India as well as an ecofriendly firm which recyclesallofitseffluents.Thecompanywentpublicin1995 andcurrentlyhasover500employees. InvestmentRational o The Himalaya International Limited has entered into the rapidly expanding nutraceuticals and dietary supplements market with the launch of its product underthebrandname1Daily.Companyhastiedup with the US Global Reliance Inc. for technical collaborations and has launched four products under the brand name 1 Daily in accordance with internationalstandards. o Netprofit of HimalyaInternational rose39.01%toRs 5.63 crore in the quarter ended Dec09 as against Rs 4.05 crore during the previous quarter ended Dec08. Sales rose 36.88% to Rs 22.38 crore in the quarter ended Dec09 as against Rs 16.35 crore during the previousquarterendedDec08. o Himalya International will be setting up a export orientedMegaFoodProcessingPlant with initialcost ofrupees130croreinMehsanadistrictofGujratwhich will start commercial production by the September 2010.TheCompanyhasalreadytiedupitsfinancesby wayofwarrantsissuedlastyear,internalcashaccruals and term loans of Rs 90 Crores from Its existing Bankers..
BSECode:526899 NSESymbol: ParValue:Rs.10 SharePriceData PaidupEquity(Rs.Cr) MarketCap(Rs.Cr.) 52weekHigh(Rs.) 52weeklow(Rs.) BookValue(Rs.) EPS P/E ShareholdingPattern(%) Promoters FIIs Institutions Public&Others NonPromotersCorp. 19.97 30.1 3.47 40.55 5.92 37.43 159.08 47.05 13.05 24.41 4.69 9.06
Sweets& Appetizers
CompanyFundamentals: o Net sales for Himalya International has increased from 16.71 CroreinFY2005to58.71CroresinFY2009.Duringthesame periodtheoperatingmargin,grossprofitmarginandnetprofit marginhaveshownsignificantimprovement.ForFY2009,the EPSstoodatRs.4.68. o Himalya International has been generating good operating cash flow during the last few years. At the same time the company has made significant capital expenditure. This is expected to translate into higher revenue growth for the Companyinthefuture. o On the balance sheet front, the Company has expended its equitybasein the last fewyears.Thishaslead toanearterm decline in efficiency ratios such as the ROA and ROE. However, as this expanded capital base gets employed in operations, one can expect significant improvement in the efficiency ratios. Himalya International also has a very low leverage.TheFY2009debtequityratiofortheCompanystood at 0.44. This gives room for the Company to significantly leverageitselfinfutureincaseoffundingneeds.
N etSales
2 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 2 0 0 4 0 5
5 0 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0
2 0 0 5 0 6
2 0 0 8 0 9
27.24 17.75
23.01 14.23
200506 PAT
25 20 15 10 4.3 5 0 4.92 200405 4.1 200506 200607 200708 RONW(%) 200809 4.6 11.65 14.32 17.24 18.29 17.79 20.79
CashFlowSummary CashandCashEquivalentsatBeginningoftheyear CashFlowFromOperatingActivities NetProfitbeforeTax&ExtraordinaryItems Adjustments(PBT&ExtraordinaryItems) Trade&0therreceivables Inventories Loans&Advances TradePayables InterestPaid(Net) NetCashfromOperatingActivities CashFlowfromInvestingActivities PurchasedofFixedAssets CapitalWIP NetCashUsedinInvestingActivities CashFlowFromFinancingActivities ProceedsfromIssueofshares(inclsharepremium) ProceedfromIssueofDebentures Proceedfrom0therLongTermBorrowings ProceedfromShortTemBorrowings ShareApplicationMoney Cash/CapitalInvestmentSubsidy PaymentsOftheLongTemBorrowings PaymentsOftheshorttermBorrowings InterestPaid NetCashUsedinFinancingActivities NetInc/(Dec)inCashandCashEquivalent CashandCashEquivalentsatEndoftheyear
200706 0.06 5.99 1.82 1.53 0.09 0 0.49 0.78 3.38 9.67 1.92 11.59 6.81 0 0 4.4 0 0 2.24 0 0.78 8.19 0.02 0.04
200806 0.07 8.3 2.17 1.97 0.18 0.64 1.11 2.19 9.12 4.57 14.95 19.52 7.29 0 4.18 0.77 2.34 0.63 2.32 0 2.19 10.7 0.3 0.37
200903 0.37 13.51 2.69 9.02 8.21 1.54 1.1 2.82 1.35 33.47 7.85 25.62 4.33 9.4 4.82 8.17 1.92 0.75 0 2.45 2.81 24.13 0.14 0.23
Conclusion: Himalyahasbeeninthebusinessforthepast20yearsandinrecent times have seen exponential growth. The management has growth plans for Himalya, including production facilities at Gujarat and Rajasthan. Himalya has strong reserves, is building up new plants in Gujarat and Rajasthanandissettingupamarketingnetwork,whichislikelytoprovide filliptoitstoplineaswellasbottomlineincomingyears. At the current price, Himalya is trading at 9.15x 200910 and 5.11x 201011earnings.Basedonearnings,wevalueHimalyaatRs77/share(9x of201011EPS).HencewerecommendaBUYcallforHimalyaformedium tolongtermperspective.
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Capitaline HimalyaInternational