Force On Jumping Ring
Force On Jumping Ring
Force On Jumping Ring
Jonatban Hall
Division of Science, Penn State Erie-The Behrend College, Station Road,
Erie, PA 16563-0203;jchté
80 THE PHYSICS TEACHER VOL. 35, FEB. 1997 "Forces 011: the Jumping Ring"
Force vs Current at 60 Hz Force vs Distance from Solenoid
3 0.8
2.5 0.7 •
2 0.6 •
~ ~ •
~ 1.5 0.5
~ {t
0.4 •
• •
0.5 0.3
O 0.2
O 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 O 20 40 60 80 100
Current (A) Distance (mm)
Flg. 2. Force on the rlng measured for varlous values of the Flg. 4. Force on the rlng measured at dlfferent dlstances between
current in the solenold. Curve Is the function y = 0.156 Jil. Error the ring and the end of the solenold. The core extended 0.12 m
bars are the slze of the tlcs. out from the solenold. Error bars are the slze of the tlcs.
repulsion. This approach is shown in detail in a TPT note by the ring and the tube supporting it with no current. Then vary
A.R. Quinton? the current in the solenoid and measure the force pushing
down on the ringoWhen the scale is balanced, it will retum
Experiments the ring to its initial position. The data shown in Fig. 2
For the following experiments, the solenoid is supported indicate that the force is proportional to the square of the
"upside down," with the ring below it (see Fig. 1). The ring current in the solenoid.
is supported by a plastic pipe or cardboard tube resting on a B. Force as afunction ofthefrequency ofthe alternating
balance on the floor. The tube must be long enough (about a current' ,
meter) so that the balance is not affected by the magnetic The jumping-ring apparatus is nearly always used with
fields. line current at a fixed frequency of 60 Hz (or 50 Hz overseas).
Aword of caution-do not operate the apparatus continu- To vary the frequency ofthe ac, an audio frequency amplifier
ously with large currents. In essence, it is a step-down trans- with an output of several hundred watts is required. While it
former, and with large currents the ring can easily become is not standard physics equipment, anyone involved in am-
hot enough to bum what it touches. Also, the resistance of the plified particular very loud music, has to have a
ring will not be the same if the temperature varies. powerful amplifier. From my experience, students involved
A. Force on the ring as afunction of current in bands or car audio are usually enthusiastic in loaning an
Connect the solenoid in series with an ac ammeter and a amplifier for class. Just be sure the output circuit is properly
variable transformer such as a Variac.Measure the weight of fused to avoid any damage. Your school may already have an
amplifier for a public address system. A shop that deals in
Force vs Frequency at 2.5 A
sales and repair of audio equipment may be a good place to
find used amplifiers and technical assistance.
Connect a sine-wave generator to the input of the ampli-
fieroTo the output (usually used for the speakers), connect the
solenoid in series with an ac ammeter. You will also need to
be able to measure the frequency if your function generator
~ 0.6
does not indicate it. Some digital multimeters can measure
~ frequency, as can various computer interfacing programs.
~ 0.4 Vary the frequency of the ac, and adjust the amplitude so
the current in the solenoid remains the same (the impedance
0.2 of the circuit will vary with the frequency). Measure the force
on the ringoResults are shown in Fig. 3.
20 60
40 80 100 120 140 C. Force on the ring as afunction ofits distancefrom
Frequency (Hz) the solenoid
Flg. 3. Force on the rlng measured at dlfferent frequencles of the Place the scale on a lab jack, or find another way to vary
alternatlng current In the solenoid, with 'rms = 2.50 A. Curve Is
the functlon y Jil/(160 + Jil). Error bars are about the slza 01the its heíght. Keepingthe current in the solenoid fixed move the
tics. ring along the core and measure the force.9 (See Fig. 4.)
"Forces 00 the Jumping Ring" VOL. 35, FEB. 1997 THE PHYSICS TEACHER 81
FIg. 6. Maps of (a-above) axial component and (b-below) radial
Flg. 5a. In the oscllloscope trace, the large amplltude slgnal Is component of the magnetic fleld about the end of the solenold
the current In the solenold. The other slgnal Is the alternatlng whlle the rlng Is belng levltated. The dlfference In the magnltude
component of the output from the force transducer that Is belng of the magnetlc fleld from one contour Une to the next Is 0.2 T.
pushed by the rlng.
Force and Current vs lime
2 Current -
Force -----
e />; /
~ / \.
(5 0.5
\! \ /' \,\
-gal o \
··..r.. ..'1'/ \ ········· 7..· \ ··
~ -{l.5
'. / \, / \
u. \, <:»//
,. \
-, .,,.lí \ \,_// í
o 2 5 3 6 74 8 9
Flg. 5b. Plot of two sine functlons, one at twlce the frequency of
the other, wlth a phase dlfference of 45° •
82 THE PHYSICS TEACHER VOL. 35, FEB. 1997 "Forces on the Jumping Ring"
application of electromagnetic forces in induction mo- References
tors.2,12 1. See CENCO and Sargent-Welch catalogs, for instance.
2. E.R. Laithwaite, Propulsion without Wheels (Hart, New York,
This is a wonderful time to be a teacher, and a student, of
1968), pp. 125-131.
physics. With new instruments and computers, there are 3. W.M. Saslow,Am. J. Phys. 55 (11), 986-993 (1987).
many phenomena to be explored in ways that would have 4. N. Thompson, Thinking Like a Physicist (Adam Hilger, New
been nearly inaccessible a few years ago. I hope that you and York, 1990), pp. 106-107.
your students will try some of these experiments, and better 5. L. Page and N.I. Adams, Principies 01 Electricity (Van Nos-
yet, come up with some of your own! trand, New York, 1958).
6. S.Y.Mak and K. Young,Am. J. Phys. 54 (9), 808-811 (1986).
7. A.R. Quinton, Phys. Teach. 17,40-42 (1979).
Acknowledgments 8. "Discussion on Electromagnetic Levitation," Proc. lEE 113(8),
I would like to thank Chuck Yeungfor discussions of the 1395-1397 (1966).
9. r.c. WestandB.V. Jayawat, lEE Proceedings 33 (44), 292-300
theory and the students in the honors section ofPhysics 151:
Greg Davis, Clint Irons, Broce Lawton, Matt Lerch, and 10. D.J. Sumner and A.K. Thakkrar, Phys. Educ. 7, 238-242
Malinda Muschwek for their efforts in lab. The support of (1972).
Penn State at Erie in providing a Behrend Research Incentive 11. P.A. Bender, Am J. Phys. 54 (1), 89-90 (1986).
Grant is gratefulIy acknowledged. 12. J.A. Fleming, The Royal lnstitution Library 01Science, Physi-
cal Sciences, Vol. 4 (EIsevier, Barking, England, 1970), pp.
"Forces on the JumpingRing" VOL. 35, FEB. 1997 THE PHYSICS TEACHER 83