Welding Theory Paper-1-1

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MARCH 2023



Registration No.:
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DATE 23 March 2023


1. This paper contains 3 sections A, B and C
2. Answer all questions in the paper
3. write all your answers on the question paper
NKABI JOSEPH CHAIRPERSON 0776-540-250 0752-540- [email protected]
PEACE SHERIFA BARRY SECRETARY 0702-646-343 0782-646- [email protected]
343 m
DDUNGU ABDUL-AZIZI MEMBER 0772-641-767 0703-641- [email protected]
KAGANDA PAUL MEMBER 0701-480-741 [email protected]
SENYONGA ISAAC MEMBER 0759-368-491 [email protected]
SECTION A (20 Marks)
Multiple choice answers
1. Circle the odd man out
a. Overall
b. Welding Gloves
c. Trousers
d. Safety Shoes

2. The following are the most commonly used tools in a welding workshop except.
a. Hammer
b. Welding machine
c. Hack saw
d. Square

3. What is GTAW in full?

a. General Tack And welding.
b. Gas Tungsten Arc welding.
c. Global Tungsten Arc welding.
d. Good Tungsten Arrow Welding.

4. What causes under cutting in welding?

a. Too little current
b. Too rapid cooling
c. Too high current
d. Improper cleaning of the base metal

5. Which among the following are PPE items

a. Overall, Tape Measures , Vice
b. Overall, safety boots, welding goggles
c. Surface plate, jigs , clear goggles
d. Welding Machine, hollow section, tri square

6. Hazardous fumes from welding can lead to irritation of the

a. Eyes
b. Nose
c. Throat
d. Face

7. Identify the hazard produced in a Welding processes

a. Intense light
b. Flying spark
c. Toxic fumes
d. Electric shock

8. Which of the following should not be worn when welding/cutting?

a. Long sleeve shirt
b. Pants
c. Flip flops
d. Welding gloves

9. Welding is a __________________________________
a. Casting process
b. Machinery process
c. Joining process
d. Cutting and joining process

10. Which process would you go through before cutting a material?

a. Weld and grind
b. Measure and mark out.
c. Interpret the drawing and measure.
d. Interpret the drawing and cutting.

11. The following are equipment used in welding except_____________________.

a. Welding torch
b. Welding rods
c. Pressure regulator
d. Cables

12. What is DCEN in full ____________________________.

a. Direct current Electrode positive.
b. Direct current Electrode Negative.
c. Direct current Electrode Noted.
d. Direct current Emitted Notes.

13. Which of the following device is used for clamping electrodes?

a. Hand screen
b. Electrode holder
c. Gloves
d. Clipping hammer

14. What device is used to remove slag on a work piece_____________________________

a. Grinder
b. Wire brush
c. Chipping hammer
d. Hand screen

15. Welding rectifiers are used to ____________________________

a. Convert DC into AC
b. Convert low voltage AC into high voltage AC
c. Convert AC into DC
d. Convert high voltage AC into low voltage AC

16. These Materials are used to make a metallic door except___________________

a. Mild Steel Plate
b. Angle Line
c. Fasteners
d. Hinges

17.Which of the following is not a general safety practice to follow when using welding/ cutting
a. Keep your tools in good working order
b. Inspect the equipment before use
c. Know how to properly operate equipment before using
d. Strike the electro rod to the work piece to see if the machine is on

18. Which gas is used in TIG welding as a shielding gas__________________________

a. Argon
b. Helium.
c. Neon.
d. Carbon dioxide.

19. During Arc Welding heat is generated due to resistance between____________

a. Electro Rod to job
b. Electro Rod to Electro Rod
c. Job to Job
d. Electro Rod to Job piece

20. The following are types of filing tools used by a welder except_____________________
a. Flat File
b. Triangular File
c. Spring File
d. Round File
SECTION B (40 Marks)

Short Answer Test

21.Write down main steps of assembling oxyacetylene gas welding? (8 Marks)









22.Mention any two Equipment used in a welding workshop? (4 Marks)

i. ___________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________

23. List any two types of filing tools used in a welding workshop? (2 Marks)



24.Convert the following;

i. 2100mm to Mtrs (2 Marks)

ii. 12Mtrs to cms (2 Marks)

25. List at least Three (3) Hand Cutting tools used in a welding workshop? (6 Marks)
i. ___________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________
iii. ____________________________________________________

26.What is the importance of a fluxing agent in soldering (2 Marks)


27. Mention any two(2) types of hammers used in a welding workshop. (4 Marks)
i. ___________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________

28.Describe three safety precautions observed during arc welding process? (6 Marks)
i. ___________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________
iii. ____________________________________________________

29. Mention any two (2) factors to consider for a successful arc welding. (2 Marks)



30. List any two materials used in making a full plate metallic door? (2 Marks)
i. ___________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________
SECTION C (30 Marks)

Matching and sequencing test item

31. Rearrange the process of grinding a metallic door in chronological order (Marks 8)

Chronology Steps in wrong Order KEY

1st A Switch off the grinder 1st
2 B Switch on the grinder 2nd
3rd C Clean the workplace 3rd
4 D Grind the frame 4th
5th E Return tools to store 5th
6 F Wear PPE 6th
7th G Remove the grinding disc 7th
8th H Fix the grinding disc 8th

32. Identify the symbols of the following welding positions (6marks)

Column A (Welding Positions) Answe Column B (Welding Symbols)

A Vertical Up welding square butt Joint 1 1F
B Welded Lap Joint in flat position 2 8G
C Welded square butt Joint in flat position 3 2G
D Welded Lap Joint in Horizontal position 4 3F
E Welded Horizontal square butt Joint 5 1G
F Tee Joint in 6 2F
7 3G
8 9F
9 1F

33. Arrange the following in relation to the fabrication process (Marks 10)

Chronology Steps in wrong order Answer

1st A Measure and mark out
2nd B Spot Welding
3rd C Cutting
4th D Obtain the diagonals
5th E Paint
6th F Full weld
7th G Switch on Welding machine
8th H Switch off Welding machine
9th I Grinding
10th J Interpret the provided drawing
34. Match the following welding defects to their causes (Marks 6)

Column A (welding defects)

A Deformation
B Slug inclusion
C Spotter
D Inadequate penetration
Key (Answer)
Column B( Causes) A
1 Long arc length B
2 Over welding joint C
3 Damp electrodes D
4 Bad weather
5 Small root gap
6 Loose connection

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