3-YRu2P2 Superconductor
3-YRu2P2 Superconductor
3-YRu2P2 Superconductor
The structural, electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of the YRu2P2 superconductor are investigated theoretically
using the CASTEP (Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package) code, which utilizes an ultra-soft pseudopotential USP plane
wave and a Perdew Burke Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange–correlation functional of the Generalized Gradient Approximation
(GGA). The evaluated value of the lattice parameters is found to be 4.84 Å. The band structure of the compound indicates
that this compound does not possess the band gap. The absence of the band gap suggests that the compound has a metallic
nature. The density of states (partial and total) verifies the findings obtained from band structure. The existence of strong
ionic contact between Ru–Ru atoms is shown by the negative value of the Mulliken population. The research has also been
done on the optical properties of the material to find out how it responds optically. The results of the elastic constant calcula-
tion show that the material is mechanically stable and brittle in its natural state. The positive value of AU indicates that the
compound is anisotropic. It is also revealed from the AG and AB values that the compound has anisotropic characteristics.
Vickers hardness value obtained for the compound demonstrates that it is relatively hard in nature. Along with the initial
elastic modulus calculation, the bulk, shear, and Young’s modulus are also determined. The existence of covalent character
in the compound is shown by the Poisson’s ratio. The thermal conductivity, melting point, and Dulong-Petit limit of the
material have all been determined to perform a more in-depth analysis of the material. The overlapping of the Fermi bands
shows that the material is a superconductor, and the material’s metallic nature suggests that it will be an excellent reflector
of incoming light.
Keywords Structural properties · Electronics properties · Optical properties · Mechanical properties · Thermodynamic
properties · YRu2P2 compound · Superconducting application
properties are also observed in these materials. As these in Ba P d 2 As 2 compound. The study revealed that the
compounds contain the rare earth elements which make superconductivity temperature was increased to 3.85 K.
them to have complex interactions within the compound. This temperature is higher than the other Pd-based iso-
The presence of the 4f electrons in the valence bands structure superconductors [17].
has the significant effects on these complex interactions. We conducted first-principles calculations on the
However, the 4f electrons do not have a major impact Y Ru 2P 2 compound to get a better understanding of its
on the chemical bonding present in the compounds. structural, electronic, optical, mechanical, and ther-
Therefore, the atomic volumes, crystal structures of the modynamic properties. There has not been any other
compounds, and the strength properties are determined known study of Y Ru 2 P 2 , as far as we know. There-
by s, p, and d-electrons [4]. These fascinating behaviors fore, this study will be very helpful for future investi-
are caused by the 4f electrons confined in the valence gations and our results will also be verified by future
bands of some atoms. These behaviors are altered if we measurements.
change the compounds or add an alloy to the compounds.
The behavior is also affected even if we change the pres- 2 Computational Methodology
sure or temperature [2, 5]. The superconductivity also
has been observed in iron arsenide with the chemical The atomic configuration for the elements is as follows:
formula A Fe 2 As 2 where A represents potassium, cal- Y: 1 s 2, 2 s 2, 2 p 6, 3 s 2, 3 p 6, 3 d 10, 4 s 2, 4 p 6, 4 d 1, and 5 s 2;
cium, or strontium atoms [6, 7]. After the discovery of Ru: 1 s 2, 2 s 2, 2 p 6, 3 s 2, 3 p 6, 3 d 10, 4 s 2, 4 p 6, 4 d 7, and 5 s 1;
the superconductivity in iron arsenide, the ThCr2Si2 type and P: 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, and 3p3. For geometry optimi-
compounds have gained more attention of the research- zation and computation of the relative characteristics,
ers. As the group of Ru and Fe is the same in the periodic the Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package (CASTEP)
table of elements, it is reasonable to expect supercon- algorithm [18] was utilized. The planewave pseudo-
ductivity in Ru-based compounds as well. Therefore, a potential method, which was created in density functional
lot of research has also been done on the compounds theory (DFT), is used to solve the set of Kohn–Sham
involving Ru and the investigations show that these com- equations [19]. When implementing a periodic boundary
pounds also possess superconductivity [8–12]. Supercon- condition, Bloch’s theorem has been used to create an
ductivity has also been confirmed in other compounds extended plane wave basis set [20, 21]. In Vanderbilt-
like C eCu 2Si 2 which have a crystal structure similar to type ultrasoft formulations, the electron–ion potential is
ThCr2Si2 type compounds. A study confirmed the pres- treated using first-principles pseudopotentials [22]. For
ence of the superconductivity in C eCu 2Si 2 at a critical crystalline materials, the BFGS energy minimization
temperature of 0.5 K under the effect of the Pauli para- method has been shown to be the most effective [23]. The
magnetism [13]. Another experimental study was done electronic wave function and the resultant charge density
to investigate the critical temperature under the varia- have been calculated by using this technique. Further-
tion of the effective mass (m ∗) at the fermi level. The more, this study has been carried out by employing the
study found that Tc is highly dependent on the pressure. density mixing scheme [24, 25]. The Monkhorst–Pack
The value was found in the range of 0.768–2.41 K [14, method is used to acquire the unique k-points sample
15]. In another study, Ru-based ThCr2Si2 type compound integration over the first Brillouin zone [26]. A total of
LaRu2As2 was studied to investigate the presence of the 400 eV is chosen as the value of the energy cutoff. The
superconductivity. The resistivity and magnetization k-points mesh was set to medium as 5 × 5 × 7. An overall
were also measured in this study in order to check out the energy difference of 2 × 10−5 eV is maintained per atom.
critical temperature. The study found that the supercon- Ionic Hellmann–Feynman force is set to a maximum limit
ductivity exists in LaRu 2As 2 compound and the critical of 0.05 eV/Å. Throughout the calculations, the maxi-
temperature was found at 7.8 K. In another study, Ru was mum stress was maintained under 0.1 GPa. The maxi-
replaced with Pd and the compound was investigated for mum ionic displacement was kept within the range of
superconductivity. The structural characteristics of the 2 × 10–3 Å. The energy tolerance per atom was also taken
materials were investigated using synchrotron X-ray dif- into account, and the SCF tolerance was set to medium.
fraction in this research. To get the value of Tc, a number An Ultra-soft USP plane-wave Perdew Burke Ernzerhof
of other characteristics, including specific heat capacity, (PBE) exchange correlation functional of Generalized
resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility, were also cal- Gradient Approximation (GGA) has been utilized to
culated. This study found the bulk superconductivity in evaluate the structural, electronic, optical, mechanical,
LaPd2As2 can be meet at a Tc of 1 K [16]. In L aPd2As2, and thermodynamic properties of Y Ru2P2 superconduct-
La was replaced with Ba, and then, the compound was ing compound. The number of steps used to calculate
studied to check the presence of the superconductivity elastic constants was set to four for each strain. In the
Fig. 1 Unit cell of Y
present study, 0.003 was chosen as the value of maximum Moreover, the compound is hard, brittle, and has an ani-
strain amplitude. The maximum ionic displacement dur- sotropic behavior in nature whose details are given in
ing calculation of elastic constants was taken 4 × 10−4 Å. Sect. 3.4. We did not find in literature any theoretical
For the computation of elastic constants, the difference or experimental data of this compound for comparison.
in total energy per atom was kept within 4 × 1 0 −6 eV The results of this study will be valuable to the future
and the maximum ionic Hellmann–Feynman force was research, whether that is theoretical or experimental, and
kept within 0.01 eV/Å. the results of our computations will also be confirmed
by the subsequent study.
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Structural Analysis
3.2 Band Structure and Density of States The main peak of TDOS of YRu2P2 appears at − 0.84 eV,
while some other peaks also appear at − 5.22, − 3.923, 2.89,
The band structure and the density of states are computed and 6.72 eV. The PDOS of YRu2P2 is shown in Fig. 4. In
to investigate the electronic properties of the compound. PDOS, the p-state of YRu2P2 plays a dominant role. The
The Mulliken population also has been analyzed. To better main peak for s-state appears at − 12.53 eV and for p-state
comprehend the band structure, we may use the density of appears at − 6.25 eV, while the d-state appears at − 1.39 eV.
states (total and partial). Figure 2 shows the band structure, Moreover, the Mulliken population analysis has also been
whereas Figs. 3 and 4 illustrate TDOS and PDOS, respec- done for our compound and its values are shown in Table 1.
tively. A band gap is a space in a material’s band structure For further investigation of the Y Ru2P2 superconduc-
where electrons cannot exist. In order to distinguish the vari- tor, the Mulliken atomic population has been determined.
ous characteristics of a material, the presence or absence of a The chemical bonding in materials may be investigated
band gap is important. The insulating, conducting, or semi- with the help of Mulliken atomic population [28]. When
conducting behavior of a material can be decided by investi- the bond population value is small, the material is ionic.
gating the size of the band gap of that material [27]. Further, If the bond population has a value of 0, it indicates that
the band gap may be split into two types: direct and indi- the material is entirely ionic. The value of bond popula-
rect bands. We may determine the band gap nature through tion greater than zero indicates that the covalent charac-
the analysis of the valence band maximum (VBM) and the ter is increasing in the compound [29]. Table 1 presents
conduction band minimum (CBM). Nature of the band gap the results obtained from the analysis of Mulliken atomic
will be direct if the VBM and CBM are exactly on the same population for YRu2P2. It is clear from the table that there
point, while it is indirect when they are not precisely on the is a positive charge on P and Y atoms, while a negative
same point. As indicated by the red line in Fig. 1, the Fermi charge is present on Ru atoms. The presence of the charge
level is adjusted to 0 eV. The difference between VBM in this manner indicates the charge transfer from P and
and CBM is known as the band gap. However, in our case, Y towards Ru atoms. The value of the charge transferred
VBM and CBM overlap with each other and there exists no is equal to 0.54e in case of YRu2P2 superconductor. This
band gap, i.e., the value of band gap is zero which shows value indicates that there is an effective valence state of
that our compound has a metallic nature. The absence of P0.04Y0.92Ru−0.54 for YRu2P2 superconductor. According to
the band gap also suggests that the material will serve as a Table 1, the bond population for Ru–Ru bonds is negative,
superconductor. The TDOS of YRu2P2 is shown in Fig. 3. indicating a significant ionic contact between Ru–Ru atoms
in the YRu2P2 superconductor.
Table 1 Analysis of Mulliken Species d p s Total Bond Charge (e) Population Length (Å)
atomic populations of YRu2P2
P 0.00 3.28 1.68 4.96 P-P 0.04 0.15 2.34
Ru 7.36 6.69 2.49 16.54 Ru–Ru − 0.54 − 3.67 2.79
Y 1.89 6.04 2.15 10.08 P-Y 0.92 0.13 2.70
3.3 Optical Properties electromagnetic wave or light interacts with the matter; i.e.,
the optical characteristics are a consequence of the interac-
The absorption coefficient, reflectivity, refractive index n tion between wave and matter. Moreover, all of these prop-
and refractive index k, energy loss function real and imagi- erties depend upon frequency. All the determined optical
nary portions of the dielectric function, and conductiv- properties for YRu2P2 are shown in Fig. 5. Because these
ity were computed to investigate the optical behavior of properties are interconnected with one another, the complex
YRu2P2. These characteristics come into being when an dielectric function ε(ω) is employed here.
ε1(ω) gives the real value of dielectric function, which is The material’s mechanical characteristics are well under-
known as the real component, while the complex counter- stood by the elastic constants of the material. Here, we
part is given by ε2(ω), which is known as the imaginary have determined six elastic constants for the tetragonal
part. The polarization in the material is represented by ε1(ω), structure of Y Ru2P2 to investigate its mechanical behav-
whereas the energy dissipation related to the material is rep- ior. The elastic constants are useful in determining the
resented by ε2(ω). The refractive index n(ω), energy loss mechanical stability, isotropy/anisotropy, ductility/brit-
L(ω), absorption coefficient I(ω), and reflectivity R(ω) were tleness, etc. The evaluated six elastic constants for the
determined using the following formulae [30]: tetragonal structure of YRu2P2 are given in the Table 2.
The following criteria may be used to assess the
n(𝜔) = [𝜀1 (𝜔)∕2 + {𝜀12 (𝜔) + 𝜀12 (𝜔)}1∕2 ∕2] (2) mechanical stability of the tetragonal structure [31]:
C11 > 0, C44 > 0, C33 > 0, C66 > 0
L(𝜔) = −Im 𝜀(𝜔)−1 = 𝜀2 (𝜔)∕𝜀1 (𝜔)2 + 𝜀2 (𝜔)2
( )
(3) C11 + C33—2C13 > 0, C11—C12 > 0
2(C11 + C12) + C33 + 4C13 > 0
The superconducting compound Y Ru2P2 meets the sta-
I(𝜔) = 21∕2 𝜔[{𝜀12 (𝜔) + 𝜀12 (𝜔)1∕2 − 𝜀1 (𝜔)}] (4) bility requirements which shows that it is mechanically
stable in its natural state. The various mechanical proper-
R(𝜔) = [(n + ik − 1)∕(n + ik + 1)] (5) ties, such as the Young’s modulus E, the bulk modulus B,
the shear modulus G, and the Poisson’s ratio, have been
Figure 5a illustrates the graph of absorption coefficient calculated using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) averaging
graph. The maximum absorption peak occurs at 10.18 eV. technique [32]:
The compound also shows some peaks of absorption at
27.18 and 43.45 eV. It is also observed that the absorp- By = (2C11 + 2C12 + C33 + 4C13 )∕9 (6)
tion coefficient possesses zero value at 0 eV. Figure 5b And
shows the graph of reflectivity of Y Ru2P2 where the maxi-
mum peak appears at 19.19 eV. Another peak of reflectiv- BR = C2 ∕M (7)
ity also appears at 28.02 eV. The static value of reflectiv-
ity is observed as 0.79. The static value of absorption was The above given terms are used in determining the bulk
observed zero, while reflectivity has a maximum static value modulus B. Similarly, Gv and GR are required to calculate
which shows that reflectivity has maximum value where the the shear modulus G which can be determined as
value of absorption is minimum. Figure 5c shows that the Gv = [(M + 3C11 − 3C12 + 12C44 + 6C66 )∕30] (8)
maximum peak in refractive index (n) occurs at 2.01 eV and
in refractive index (k) at 4.39 eV. The static value of refrac- and
tive index is 13.98 and 2.48 for (n) and (k) respectively. The
plot of the dielectric function in Fig. 5d shows the high- GR = (15)∕[(18Bv ∕C2 ) + {6 + (C11 − C12 )} + (6∕C44 ) + (6∕C66 )]
est peak of dielectric function at 3.52 and 0.41 eV for real
and imaginary parts, respectively. The conductivity plot for M and C given in Eqs. (8) and (9), respectively, can be
both real and imaginary portions is shown in Fig. 5e. For calculated as
the real and imaginary components of the conductivity, the M = [C11 + C12 + 2C33 − 4C13 ]
maximum peak occurs at 0.92 and 6.41 eV, respectively. The
static value of conductivity is 0.084 for the real part of con-
C2 = C11 + C12 C33 − 2(C13 )2
( )
ductivity. Figure 5f illustrates the function of energy loss.
The maximum peak of the loss function appears at 20.25 eV,
The arithmetic mean of B and G gives the bulk and shear
and the static value is zero for energy loss function.
modulus. This mean can be calculated as
Table 3 Calculated bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, Young’s modulus E, B/G ratio, Poisson’s ratio v, elastic anisotropy AU, and Vickers hard-
ness Hv of YRu2P2 superconductor
Compound B (GPa) G (GPa) E (GPa) B/G v AU Hv (GPa)
where K = G/B.
LaRu2Sb2 7.406 3.62 6.18 0.928 110 YRu2P2 0.21 1612.5 124.66
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