Aci SP-183-1999 PDF
Aci SP-183-1999 PDF
Aci SP-183-1999 PDF
The Design of
Two-way Slabs
Editor international
T. C. Schaeffer SP-183
0bb2949 0543957 öbb W
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T. C. Schaeffer
Obb2949 0543959 639
0bb2949 05439b0 350
SP 183-1
by S. Simmonds
Synopsis: The justification for using elastic frame analogies to determine design
moments in two-way slab systems is discussed. A brief history of two-way
reinforced concrete slab design leading to the current code procedures is
presented. This history includes a description of the various elastic frame analogies
that have existed in past codes, the reasons for changes and the research leading to
improved frame analogies. This is followed by a critical review of the Equivalent
Frame Method in the current code with suggestions for improving and simplifying
provisions for elastic frame analogies in future codes.
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2 Simmonds
The concept behind the use of elastic frame analogies is that satisfactory
values for the design moments and shears in two-way slab systems can be obtained
by considering a portion of the slab-column structure to form a design frame that
can be analyzed as a plane frame.
The process consists of three parts:
a) define the analogous plane frame including assigning member stiffness
= 0543qb2 Design of Two-way Slabs 3
b) analyze frame with appropriate loading to obtain maximum frame moments, and
c) distribute frame moments laterally across the corresponding critical sections of
the slab.
Frame analogies can be used for both gravity and lateral loading on slab-
column structures.
The basic approach for defining the geometry of the analogous elastic plane
frames has remained essentially unchanged through various codes. The structure is
considered to be made up of analogous or equivalent frames centered on the
column lines taken longitudinally and transversely through the building, see Fig. 1.
Each frame consists of a row of columns or supports and slab-beam strips bounded
laterally by the centerline of the panel on each side of the centerline of the columns
or supports. Frames adjacent and parallel to an edge are bounded by that edge and
the centerline of the adjacent panel. Each frame may be analyzed in its entirety, or
for vertical loading each floor or roof with attached columns may be analyzed
Success in applying this analogy depends on the appropriate apportioning
of stiffness to the members of the frame so that the elastic analysis of the two-
dimensional frame will approximate that of the non-linear three-dimensional slab-
beam-column system. This problem is made more complex by a fundamental
assumption in the analysis of plane frames that does not apply to slab-column
systems. In a typical plane frame analysis it is assumed that at a beam-column
connection all members framing into that joint undergo the same rotation as shown
in Fig. 2(a). For slabs supported by columns this assumption is valid only locally at
the column. Portions of the slab laterally removed from the column will rotate
lesser or greater amounts depending on the geometry and loading patterns as
shown in Fig. 2(b). Furthermore, actual slab systems crack even under service
loading, especially near the face of the column resulting in locally reduced stiffness.
To account for the differences in behavior of the actual slab-column system and the
idealized plane frame, it is necessary to modi@ the stiffness of the frame elements.
Unfortunately, the modifications required to the member stiffness for lateral
loading differ fiom those for gravity loading.
The definition of the analogous frame, the apportioning of stiffness and the
rules for the lateral distribution of design moments across the slab have evolved
through successive codes. To follow this evolution, it is helpful to review the
history of the development of two-way slab construction.
Since the 1971 AC1 Code, the term 'two-way slab' refers to all slab systems
reinforced for flexure in more than one direction with or without beams between
supports. The term 'flat slab' is not used. Prior to 1971, the term 'two-way slab'
referred only to those slabs with beams between supports along all sides of each
panel and the term 'flat slab' referred to slabs without beams between supports but
could have column capitals andlor drop panels. The need for the distinction in
earlier codes was because of the different genesis of the two slab types and the
resulting differences in design rules. The elastic frame method was initially
9 Obb2949 05439b3 ObT W
4 Sirnrnonds
developed for two-way slabs without beams (flat slabs). In the remainder of this
paper the term flat slab is used as defined above when discussing design rules prior
to 1971.
Reinforced concrete flat slabs were invented in the sense that they were not
a logical extension of elastic theory or construction practice. Credit for this
invention is generally given to C. A. P. Turner who constructed his first
'mushroom slab' (a reinforced concrete slab supported on columns with flared
column capitals) for the five-story C. A. Bovey Building in Minneapolis in 1906.
Lacking a rational analysis, the validity of his design was verified with a load test.
So successful was this slab that almost immediately competitors were constructing
slabs using various proprietary methods. Since there was no generally accepted
procedure for analyzing such slabs, it is not surprising that the amount of
reinforcement required varied considerably fiom design to design. A comparison
of the amounts of reinforcement required in an interior panel by six different design
procedures made by McMillan (2) in 1910 showed that some designs required
four times as quch steel as others.
In an attempt to reconcile these difference in designs, many of the slabs that
were load tested had measurements of the strains in the reinforcement. Moments in
the slab were computed from these steel strains using a straight line expression.
These tests did not resolve the differences in design procedures.
In 1914, Nichols (3) examined the statics of a uniformly loaded interior
panel of a slab without beams with square panels extending infinitely in both
directions. In his original paper, he considered only a quarter of the panel but in the
closure to his paper he considered as a free body the half panel designated as A, B,
C, and D in Fig. 3. From symmetry no shears or twisting moments exist on faces
B, C, and D but bending moments exist on all faces. He assumed that the shear
forces on face A are uniformly distributed. Denoting the sum of the moments of all
vertical forces about x-x as M ,, yields the simplified expression
Mo = -(1--)2
where W is the total load on the panel. (1)
8 3L
The difference between this expression and the exact expression is less than 1% for
values of CLsmaller than 0.3.
Nichols concluded that for equilibrium this must be the sum of the bending
moments on faces C and B plus the components about x-x on face A. While this
analysis does not give the actual moment at any point or even across any section, it
does provide a criterion against which proposed design moments could be
evaluated. Since many of the designs that successfully passed load tests used
moments that were significantly lower than this sum, his paper evoked a spirited
discussion that was over five times the length of the original paper. While some of
the discussions applauded his analysis others, including Turner, questioned even
the validity of applying statics to two-way slabs.
O662949 05439h4 TTb
Design of Two-way Slabs 5
Those who were opposed to Nichols' analysis referred to the results of slab
tests. Values of the total moment obtained from steel strain readings for six slabs
representative of the many slab tests reported in terms of the total panel static
moment, Mo, were
Purdue test slab J 0.59 Mo
Purdue test slab S 0.74 Mo
Bell Street Warehouse 0.40 M,,
Western Newspaper Union 0.72 Mo
Sanitary Can Building 0.30 Mo
Shonk Building 0.38 M,,
This apparent disagreement between the requirements of equilibrium and the
results of tests was a dilemma that was perplexing to engineers and code writers.'
In 1917, the Joint Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
included principles of design for flat slabs in their Final Report ( 5 ) . Influenced by
Nichols' logic but unable to ignore the results of the load tests, they compromised
by adopting the form of Nichols' expression but arbitrarily reduced the coefficient
and hence the magnitude of the total panel moment by recommending the
Mo = 0.107WL (1 - -)2
However, the approved 1920 AC1 Building Code (6) defied statics even more by
firther reducing the coefficient to yield
M o = 0.09WL(1--)2
Although this expression gives total panel moments that are only 72% of the total
panel moment' required to satis@ equilibrium, it remained in the AC1 Building
Codes essentially unchanged until 1971. The only modification was in the 1956
Code (7) where the total moment was multiplied by a factor F (where F = 1.15-cL
but not less than 1 .O) to increase slightly the moments for slabs supported by small
Initially, lhe only procedure specified for the design of flat slabs was known
as the Empirical Method. In this method each panel was divided into column and
middle strips and the total moment given by Eqn. 3 was proportioned to the
different critical sections using specified percentages. It is interesting to note that
the 1920 code specified the distribution for only 80% of Mo leaving it up to the
* Later Westergaard and Slater (4) would show that the straight line method to compute moments
from the measured steel strains greatly underestimated these moments as the effects of concrete
tensile stiffening were not taken into account. Using statically determinate laboratory samples
with similar reinforcement, they demonstrated that the sum of the actual moments corresponding
to the measured steel strains were in close agreement with those predicted by Nichols' analysis.
Unfortunately this information was not available to early code writers and, for many years, was
ignored by others.
0662749 0543765 932
6 Simmonds
designer to distribute the remaining 20% "as required by the physical details and
dimensions of the particular design employed". In the 1928 code and all following
codes until 1971, designer discretion was removed and M, from Eqn. 3 was
distributed as follows:
Negative Moment Positive Moment
Column Strip 46 22
Middle strip 16 16
simplified to the length A. With these changes the design moments remained
essentially the same as before.
When the live load did not exceed three-quarters of the dead load, the
design moments were assumed to occur with full live load on all spans. Otherwise,
design moments were obtained with full live load on appropriate spans to give
maximum values.
The situation in the early 50's was that flat slabs, even when using an elastic
analysis with full span geometry and design loads, resulted in design moments that
were substantially less than those required by considerations of equilibrium. On the
other hand, two-way slabs (slabs with beams) were designed using coefficients that
were in part developed from elastic plate theory and so satisfied equilibrium. As it
was generally recognized that there is no essential difference in the behavior
between slabs with or without beams, the differences in design procedures and
differences in factors of safety needed to be addressed.
To resolve this situation, the Reinforced Concrete Research Council
initiated a comprehensive study of slab systems at the University of Illinois,
Urbana. This study, begun in September, 1956, involved both laboratory testing
and analytical studies. A paper by Sozen and Siess (9) outlines the scope of this
study and why it was commissioned.
Five tests of nine panel 1/4 scale slabs with and without beams were tested
to failure. These tests confirmed that there was no fundamental difference in their
behavior and the existing design rules led to smaller factors of safety for flat slabs.
Using the Newmark plate analog to generate difference equations for beams and
columns, elastic solutions were obtained for similar slabs for purposes of
comparing with the test slabs and for extending the parameters.
The results of this study led to a unified approach to the design of two-way
slabs with and without beams in the 1971 AC1 Code.
Two procedures, the Direct Design Method (DDM) and the Equivalent
Frame Method (EFM) were introduced to replace the five methods for slab design
in the 1963 code. Both methods are essentially frame methods.
The DDM originally considered a design strip similar to the elastic frame
but without the interior columns. The total factored panel moment was computed
for each span as:
Mo=0.125wl,lf, (4)
where w is the factored design load per unit area, l2 is the span length
perpendicular to the design strip and 1, is the clear span length. For interior panels
65% of M, was assigned to the negative moment and 35% to the positive
moment. For exterior spans, a modified frame analysis was performed by
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8 Simmonds
computing a factor, ae, and distributing the moments in the exterior spans as
functions of this factor as illustrated in Fig. 4. a, was defined as the ratio at a
joint of the stiffness of the equivalent edge column (defined later for the EFM) to
the stiffness of a slab-beam element based on gross concrete dimensions.
Computing as was extremely tedious and in the 1983 AC1 Code this exterior
column computation was replaced with a set of coefficients depending on the edge
support. It now resembles the old Empirical Method except that the coefficient for
M, is such that it gives a value of total panel moment that is much closer to a
Nichols' type analysis.
The EFM replaced the former elastic frame analysis. As part of the Illinois
study Corley, Sozen and Siess (10) compared the moments calculated from the
elastic frame analogy defined in the 1956 AC1 Code with known elastic solutions.
They concluded that, in general, the elastic frame analysis gave values of the
positive moment that were to low and values of the negative moment at the
column centerline that were to high. Generally the design negative moments after
reducing to the critical section were either too high or too low for interior columns
depending of the dimensions of the panel and column and too high for exterior
columns. To overcome these difficulties required proposing new stiffnesses for the
members of the elastic frame. These new stiffnesses incorporated in the EFM were
presented by Corley and Jirsa (1 1).
The concept is to introduce torsional members between the columns and
slab-beam elements. The reduction in column stiffness is achieved by defining an
equivalent column formed by the actual column and attached torsional members as
shown in Fig. 5 . Torsional members are assumed to have a constant cross sections
throughout their lengths consisting of a portion of slab having a width equal to
that of the column or capital plus that portion of the transverse beam above or
below the slab, if any. A stiffness K, is computed fiom the expression
where the section parameter C is evaluated for the cross section by dividing it into
separate rectangular parts and summing as follows
Obb2949 05439b8 b4L
Design of Two-way Slabs 9
1 --1
- +- 1 (7)
Kec CKc K I
In computing the stiffness of the columns, K c , the moment of inertia at any cross
section outside the joint is based on the gross area of concrete taking into account
any variation in section along the axis and at a joint is considered infinite from the
top to the bottom of slab-beam. This is shown in Fig. 6.
Similarly, Fig. 7 shows the geometry for a typical slab-beam element where
the moment of inertia is based on the concrete section outside the joint but from
the center of the column to the face of the column or capital is assumed equal to
the moment of inertia at the face of the column or capital divided by the quantity
( l-c2/12)2.
Since the frame is defined using the centerline dimensions of the members,
the negative moments at the column centerlines must be reduced to obtain the
design moments at the critical section, defined generally at the face of the supports.
As with previous elastic frame analyses, when the specified live load was
less than three-quarters of the specified dead load, design moments were obtained
with full factored load on all spans. However, when the specified live load exceeds
three-quarters of the specified dead load, the design moments are obtained with
full factored dead load on all spans but only three-quarters of factored live load on
appropriate spans to give maximum effects.
At the time the EFM was formulated, the only practical solution for elastic
frame analysis was the moment distribution procedure, hence the need to
determine fixed end moments, distribution factors and carry-over factors for the
non-prismatic members resulting from the stiffness definitions. Although
approximate values for these parameters for different geometric conditions have
been tabulated to assist designers, for example Misic and Simmonds (12), the
method is impractical for manual computation. However the concept has been
incorporated successfully in computer programs written expressly for these
definitions of stiffness and using a slope-deflection formulation.
In both the DDM and the EFM the last step is to distribute the design
moments at the critical section across the width of the panel. In the 1971 Code,
rules for this distribution to column and middle strips were given as part of the
DDM. The definition of the column strip was defined with a width equal to half the
10 Simmonds
- Obb2949 0543969 588
smaller of li or Iz centered on the column line instead of half the frame width as
was used in previous codes. The middle strip was the remainder of the slab width.
The distributiori rules were specified for exterior negative, interior negative and
positive moment critical sections and were functions of the panel aspect ratios.
Until the 1971 Code, the elastic fiame method and all design specifications
for flat slabs were explicitly limited to slabs with square or rectangular panels. Ail
of the rules for assigning member stiffness and distributing design moments
laterally across the slab both before and for the 1971 Code were developed by
considering only square or nearly square panels.
Six limitations are listed before the DDM can be used. Three of them,
namely, a minimum of three spans, limiting successive span lengths to one-third of
the longer span and limiting the ratio of live to dead load are required for the DDM
in order for the coefficients used to analyze the design strip to be valid. The
remaining three limitations, namely, ratio of longer to shorter spans not greater
than 2, column offset to maximum of 10% of span and limits to the effective beam
stiffness ratio are required to ensure two-way behavior and the validity of the
lateral distribution rules. As such these limitations must also apply for use of the
EFM or any other elastic fiame analogy.
While it may be argued that a fiame can be defined for any irregular slab
system and this fiame analyzed for any arbitrary gravity loading including point
loads, the use of elastic frame analyses as defined by the codes for other than
rectangular panels should be viewed with caution. Certainly the lateral distribution
of moments in irregular slabs may differ significantly from the rules given in the
AC1 code.
While there are many areas in which elastic fiame analogies may be
improved, only two, simplifjing member stifhess for gravity loading and
specifling member stiffness for lateral loading are mentioned here.
It is acknowledged that the attached torsional member concept developed
for the EFM generally gives solutions that are closer to elastic solutions than
previous fiame analyses. However, the method is unnecessarily complex and the
W Ob62949 0543970 2 T T E
Design of Two-way Slabs 11
amount of computation involved for even simple design strips requires specially
written computer programs. This might be justified if there were no alternatives or
if slab moments had to be determined with great accuracy. Since the EFM is an
elastic analysis, many designers interpret the code to permit varying the design
moments by up to 20% providing the total static moment is satisfied thereby taking
advantage of the moment redistribution in the slab. A s o there are cases when the
EFM does not work so well. For example, the attached torsional member concept
breaks down when the span in the lateral direction is much greater than the span of
the panel. This was recognized by Corley and Vanderbilt (13) who recommended
that l2 in Eqn. 5 be the smaller of I , or 12. A better designation for the EFM,
since there are many ways of defining equivalent members, would be 'Elastic
Frame with Attached Torsional Member Method'.
The primary purpose of the equivalent column for gravity load analysis is
to reduce the effective stiffness of the column. The same result can be obtained by
merely using the gross concrete section for the slab-beam and column to obtain the
member stiffness but then multiplying the column stiffness by a column reduction
factor, y, less than 1. The resulting frame consisting of prismatic members can then
be analyzed by any plane frame program based on the direct stiffness method or
even by hand calculations. Values of y presented in Table 1 derived by Mulenga
and Simmonds (14) result in design moments that are in closer agreement with
moments obtained using non-linear analyses at service loads than those given by
the EFM. Such a method could be designated as 'Elastic Frame with Column
Reduction Factor Method'. Other formulations for assigning stiffness to improve
the agreement between the actual and equivalent frames and simpli9 the
calculations may yet be proposed.
An elastic frame analogy can also be used to determine moments in slabs
forming part of the lateral load resisting structure. The AC1 code allows the results
of a lateral load analysis to be algebraically combined with those from gravity load
analysis but is silent on how member stiffness should be assigned. In this case it is
the slab-beam element stiffness that must be reduced.
Traditionally, for lateral loading, the 'equivalent beam width' concept has
been used wherein only a portion of the slab width is considered when determining
the slab-beam moment of inertia. An excellent review of this method is given by
Vanderbilt and Corley (13). Their paper also describes an 'equivalent beam
method' which is similar to the equivalent column in the EFM except that the
torsional members are in series with the slab-beam element instead of the column
12 Simmonds
= Obb2949 0543971 b3b
element. Unfortunately, this procedure retains the complexities of the EFM and
requires a specially written computer program to use. They also discuss the use of
a reduction factor, ß, to account for the effects of cracking where ß is the ratio of
effective moment of inertia to the gross moment of inertia and recommend a value
of ß = 1/3 for lateral load analysis. It is hoped that future AC1 codes will include
provisions to assist the engineer in assigning member stiffness for lateral loading of
slab-column structures and that these provisions will not require specially written
Elastic frame analogies provide the only practical means for obtaining
elastic analyses of column supported two-way slab systems with rectangular
Future AC1 Building Codes should simpli@ the current provisions for
modifjhg stiffness for gravity loading. These simplifications should make stiffness
a property of the member rather than the joint so that any plane frame analysis
program based on the direct stiffness formulation can be used. Provisions for
assigning member stiffness for lateral loading of slab-column structures so that
they may analyzed as elastic plane frames should also be included.
8. Dewell, H. T. and Hammil, H. B., "Flat Slabs and Supporting Columns and
Walls Designed as Indeterminate Structural Frames," AC1 Journal, Proceedings, V
34,No. 3, Jan.-Feb. 1938, pp. 321-343.
10. Corley, W.G., Sozen, M. A. and Siess, C. P., "The Equivalent Frame
Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Slabs," University of Illinois, Civil Engineering
Studies, Structural Research Series No. 218, June, 1961.
1 1 . Corley, W. G. and Jirsa, J. O., "Equivalent Frame Analysis for Slab Design,"
AC1 Journal, Proceedings, 67, No. 1 1 , Nov. 1970, pp. 875-884.
12. Simmonds, S. H. and Misic, J., "Design Factors for the Equivalent Frame
Method, AC1 Journal, Proceedings, V 68, No. 11, Nov. 1971, pp. 825-831.
a- 2 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00
Note: Linear interpolation between values is suggested
a) Slab-column structure
- --
.-. . .
SP 183-2
0bb2949 0543977 b54
18 Woodson and Krautharnmer
Dr. Stanley Woodson has more than eighteen years experience as a research
structural engineer at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station; serves as an adjunct professor at the WES Graduate Institute;
chairman of AC1 370 on Short Duration Dynamics and Vibratory Load
Effects; and a member AC1 42 1 on Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs.
Design Issues
both one-way and two-way slabs, with values up to 17 times the yield-line
(pure flexure) resistance as shown by Roberts (1969) (19). An ultimate
capacity of 1.5 to 2 times the yield-line value is more common. Actually,
past design manuals have not fully utilized compressive-membrane theory in
defining resistance functions, but criteria currently under development will
closely follow the theory presented by Park and Gamble (1980) (18).
Designers should be cautious in relying on compressive membrane behavior
in buildings, but may find confidence in applying the theory to slab systems
that include stiff beams. In any case, knowledge that compressive-
membrane forces exist will provide a “silent” safety factor.
Employing these models for both the compression and tension membranes
enables one to describe a complete load-deflection relationship for structural
concrete slabs subjected to uniformly distributed loads, and for several
typical support conditions.
in which F, K, and x were defined above (here, however, the force is time
dependent). M is the mass and C is the damping coefficient, respectively;
and and i are the acceleration and velocity, respectively.
The differences between the static and dynamic cases arise from the
effects of inertia ( M i ) and damping ( C i ) that do not participate in the
static response. Although the effect of structural damping is small, the
inertia effect could be significant. Inertia may dominate the response
whenever loading durations are much shorter than structural response
times. Furthermore, unlike the static case where the magnitudes of force
and stiffness determine directly the corresponding deflection, in the
dynamic domain the response (ie., deflection, velocity, and acceleration) is
obtained by solving the differential equation (2 or 3). Such solutions are
usually obtained by employing a numerical approach, as discussed in Biggs
(1964) and Clough and Penzien (1993) (4, 5). The system response will
depend not only on the magnitude of the force, but also on the relationship
between the dynamic characteristics of the force and the frequency
characteristics of the structure. These are defined by the ratio IUM and the
effect of damping. A detailed discussion of these issues is presented in
Biggs (1964) (4), Clough and Penzien (1993) (5), and in Chapter 7 of
Manual 42 (ASCE 1985) (2). The various design manuals (such as TM 5-
855-1, TM 5-1300, and Manual 42) contain dynamic response charts and
tables that are based on SDOF considerations, and these can be used for
range between 0.004 and 0.016, which may be quite acceptable according
to AC1 deflection control limits (AC1 1995) (i).
Department of the Army (1 990), ?Response Limits and Shear Design for
Conventional Weapons Resistant Slabs,? ETL 1110-9-7, Washington, DC.
Department of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force (1 990), ?Structures to
Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions,? Army TM 5-1300, Navy
NAVFAC P-397, Air Force AFR 88-22, Washington, DC.
Krauthammer, T., Bazos, N., and Holmquist, T.J. (April 1986), ?Modified
SDOF Analysis of RC Box-type Structures,?? Journal of Structural
Engineering, ASCE, Vol 112, No. 4, pp 726-744.
Wood, R.H. (1971), “How Slab Design has Developed in the Past, and
What the Indications are for Future Development,” AC1 Publication SP-30.
hSimpR'' t
Compressive Tensile
Membrane TransRion Membrane
Region Region Region
SP 183-3
0662949 0543796 50b
38 Megally and Ghali
AC1 member Sami MegaUy is a post doctoral fellow in the Department of Civil
Engineering at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He received a PhD
degree from the University of Calgary in 1998 and a BSc degree from Ain-
Shams University, Egypt, in 1988. His research interests are related to structurai
analysis, the fuite element method and seismic design of reinforced concrete
One of the most common floor systems is the flat plate. It provides architectural
flexibility, more clear space, less building height, easier formwork and
consequently shorter construction time. A serious problem that can arise in flat
plates is brittle punching failure due to transfer of shearing forces and unbalanced
moments between slabs and columns. Cracking due to shear occurs on inclined
surfaces within the slab thickness. Thus up to or close to failure, the cracks are
not visible on the slab surfaces. Occasionally, drop panels are used; this is an
increase in the slab thickness over a small rectangular area above the supporting
columns. Often more economical and more architecturally acceptable solution is
to increase the strength and the ductility by use of shear reinforcement.
reinforcing bars in the form of closed stirrups or shear studs (2) (Figs.1 and 2).
Vertical reinforcing bars crossing the surfaces of the crack (Fig. 3 ) will prevent
their widening, provided that no slip occurs. A small amount of slip commonly
occurs in the bends at the top and bottom of the vertical branch of a s t i p . The
tensile force in the vertical branches of stimps can reach yield oniy in non-
shallow members. In slabs, the vertical branch of a stirrup is relatively short; thus
small slip causes large strain reduction, which does not allow the fiil1 yield
strength of the stimp to be developed. For this reason the Canadian Standard
(3) allows use of stimps oniy when the slab thickness is 2 12 in. (300 mm). The
ACI318R (1) code commentary requires that stirrups be closed and be provided
with heavy horizontal bars lodged in the stimp comers to assist in anchorage
(Fig. la).
The shear studs detailed in Fig. 4 have anchor heads sufficiently large to develop
the yield strength of the stud stem. Crushing of the concrete below the heads
does not take place and no measurable slip occurs. This has been confirmed
Figure 6 represents load-deflection graphs for three slabs of thickness 5.9 in.
The slabs differ only in the absence (5) or presence of conventional stirrups (6)
or studs (5) as shear reinforcement. It can be seen that the beneficial effect of
conventional stimps in such a thin slab is negligible. This represents partial
justification of the Canadian Standard ( 3 ) provision that stirrups shall not be used
in thin slabs.
Nonmestressed slabs
AC13 18-95 (1) requires that at a critical section at d/2 from column face (Fig. 7):
m 0hh2949 0543998 389 m
40 Megally and Ghali
v u s 0 Vn (1)
where vnis the nominal shear stress (Eqs. 4-6); is the strength reduction factor
(4 = 0.85); vu is maximum shear stress caused by the transfer of a factored
shearing force Vuand moments &I and & between the slab and column and
acting at critical section centroid,
v u Y,Mu YY&
u bod J, JY
where bo is length of perimeter of shear critical section; d is the distance fiom
extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement; the
subscripts x and y refer to centroidal axes in directions of both spans; (x, y) are
coordinates of the point at which vu is maximum and J is a property of critical
section “analogous to polar moment of inertia”. Figure 7 indicates the positive
directions of x and y axes and the force Vu and moments M, and &; in this
figure and others in this paper the arrows represent the directions of force and
maments exerted by the column on the slab. Tw and TT are fiactions of the
moments transferred by eccentricity of shear about the x and y axes, respectively:
y,=l- 1
AC13 18-95 (1) defines bi and bz, respectively, as widths of shear critical section
measured in direction of the span for which moment is determined and
perpendicular to it.
In absence of shear reinforcement, the code requires that the nominal shear stress
of nonprestressed slabs be the smallest of (using Ib and in. units):
v,=v,= 2+-
ß c
& (4)
vn = v, = e + 2
v, = v, = 4 6
where vc is the nominal shear stress provided by concrete; ßcis ratio of long side
to short side of column; fé is specified concrete compressive strength ; 4 = 40
for interior columns; 4 = 30 for edge columns and 4 = 20 for corner columns.
v, = 2 6 (8)
Prestressed Slabs
For prestressed slabs with no shear reinforcement, AC13 18-95 (i) replaces Eqs.
4 to 6 by:
where V, is the vertical component of ail effective prestress forces crossing the
critical section; fF is average value of fF in two vertical slab sections in
perpendicular directions, with fF being the compressive stress at section centroid
after allowance for ail prestress losses; ß, is the smaller of 3.5 and [(% dh,)+
1.51. Eq. 10 can replace Eqs. 4 to 6 only if the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) no portion of the cross section of the column shall be closer than 4 times the
slab thickness to a discontinuous edge; (b) fcshall not be taken greater than
5000 psi and (c) fF in each direction shall not be less than 125 psi nor be taken
greater than 500 psi.
Ob62949 0544000 635 M
42 Megally and Ghali
In thin slabs, it is difficult to control the slope of tendon profile at the point it
crosses a critical section. Thus for practical consideration, the last term in Eq. 10
may be neglected, or V, reduced to account for the inaccuracy that can occur in
the execution of the tendon profile.
Within the shear-reinforced zone, vnis to be calculated using the same equations
as for nonprestressed slabs. Section of ACI318-95 allows, for
prestressed members, spacing of shear reinforcement, s to reach 3h/4 but not to
exceed 24 in., where h is overall thickness of member. It is considered here that
this limit is excessive in slabs and it is recommended that the spacing should not
exceed 3d4. This is because the difference between d and h is more important in
slabs than in beams and cracks could bypass the shear reinforcement as discussed
earlier in conjunction with Fig. 3.
AC13 18-95 (1) requires that effect of openings on punching shear resistance of a
slab-column connection must be considered when openings are located at a
distance less than 10 times the slab thickness from the column, or when openings
are located within the column strip. The effect of openings is taken into account
by considering part of shear critical section to be ineffective. The ineffective part
is that part of the critical section perimeter that is enclosed by straight lines
projecting from the column centroid and tangent to the boundaries of the
openings (see Example 4).
Section, introduced for the first time in ACI318-95 (i), allows, in
design of slab-column connections without shear reinforcements, the use of
values of h smaller than what is given by Eq. 3. This option is allowed oniy
when the value of Vuis relatively small and when other conditions are satisfied.
Discussions (7)of the new section, when it was proposed, indicated that this can
lead to unsafe design. The present authors are of the same opinion; thus this
option is not recommended here.
Although this paper focuses on two-way (punching) shear design of slabs, one-
Obb2949 0544003 5 7 1
Design of Two-way Slabs 43
way shear resistance should also be checked. Figure 9a shows the one-way
shear critical sections for interior and edge slab-column connections, according
to the AC1 3 18-95 building code (1). The critical section extends in a plane
across the entire slab width and is located at a distance d from the column face.
Figure 9b shows the one-way shear critical section, according to the Canadian
Standard (3), for comer slab-column connections in which case the critical
section is a straight line of minimum length located not farther than d/2 fiom the
column comer. If slab cantilevers extend beyond the face of the comer column,
the length of the critical section may be extended into the cantilevered slab
portion by a length not exceeding d.
For the comer column in Fig. 9b, the angle 9 corresponding to the minimum b,
should satis@
i (c2+0.5dcosyr)
(c, +0.5dsin y)
This equation can be used to solve for by trial. In the first trial @ = 4 9 , one
additional trial will commoniy be sufficient.
It should be mentioned that the one-way shear critical section shown in Fig. 9b is
not specified by the AC1 318-95 code (1). However, it is suggested here to use
the section shown in Fig. 9b for one-way shear design of comer slab-column
For the same reasons the Canadian standard CSA-A23.3-94 (3) allows, in
presence of shear studs; a value of vc one-and-half times the allowable value
when stirrups are employed. The same approach is adopted in the remainder of
the paper; thus Eq. 8 is replaced by vc = 3 6 .
The value of vc, the nominal shear stress provided by concrete in presence of
shear reinforcement, represents the resistance of concrete after occurrence of
shear cracks. Experiments indicate that studs are more efficient than
conventional stirrups in controlling the width of inclined cracks. Thus, a higher
value of vc should be expected. The value v, =3& is verified to be safe by
experiments (10).
(Fig. 1). In direction parallel to the column faces, the distance g between stirrup
legs (Fig. la) should satis@the requirement g 5 2d; or because stirrups are less
effective than shear studs, a more restrictive limit should apply.
The vertical shear stress vucalculated by Eq. 2 has vertical resultant component
= Vu;but has resultant moment components slightly smaller than Ya M, and
Y, &. Replacing J, and J, by the moments of inertia I, and I,, respectively
gives linearly varying stress distribution, whose resultants are exactly equal to V,
Yw M, and Y, Mu,. Thus Eq. 2 becomes:
Elgabry and Ghali (14) showed by numerous finite element analyses that Eq. 3
does not apply for all cases and for all critical sections. AC1 3 18-95 code Eq. 3
proved to be satisfactory for interior columns only, but for other cases the finite
eiemttnt resuits stisweu mat the same quation Gannat be applied. Elgabiry and
At interior columns:
At edge columns:
y, = same as Eq. 15
1 e
when 2 4 . 2 , y, = O
1 + A J m e,
At comer columns:
y, = 0.4
y, = same as Eq. 18
where e, and fly are projections of the critical section on principal axes x and y
The safes of design using the above equations has been verified using published
experimental results (14).
The data required for design of slab-column connections are: d, CI,CZ, V,,, b
and and fi (Fig. 7). It is required to determine whether d is sufficient for
safety against punching without the use of shear reinforcement and if not, design
the necessary shear relliforcement. The steps of design are:
Step 1: Replace V, & and at column centroid, O by the statical
equivalents V, M, and & at the centroid of the critical section at d/2 fiom
column face (Fig. 7):
M,=M-+VUyo M,=M-+VUXO (21)
where xo and yo are coordinates of the column centroid. Appropriate signs for
the force and moments must be used; the positive sign convention is indicated in
Fig. 7.
Step 2: Calculate vuby Eq. 14 which is repeated here:
m Ob62949 0544005 L L 7 m
Design of Two-way Slabs 47
VU=- Vu +" Y Mu y I
bo d 1, YI
x and y are coordinates of the point at which the shear stress is maximum, I,and
I, are second moment of area of the critical section about centroidal principal
axes x and y. When x and y are centroidal nonprincipal axes replace Eq. 14 by
Eq. A. 1. (see Appendix A).
Properties of the critical section maybe determined with the help of Appendix B;
Yw and TT are to be determined as functions of the ratio (PJQy);
see Eqs. 15-20.
Step 3: If vu 2 (Pvn(given by Eqs. 4-6), no shear reinforcement is required. If
(vu/@)> vn limit, d must be increased; where vnlimit = 6 6or 8 &-when stirrups
or studs are used as shear reinforcement, respectively. When vn < vu/@s vn lit,
go to step 4.
Step 4: Select Av and s such that Eq. 1 is satisfied. When conventional stirrups
are used, Vn is determined using Eqs. 7 to 9. If stud shear reinforcement is used,
the nominal shear stress becomes:
V" - vc + vs - (22)
vc=3A (23)
and vs is given by Eq. 9.
Step 5: Extend the shear-reinforced zone to chosen distances from column.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for a critical section at dí2 outside the outermost peripheral
line of shear reinforcement (Fig. 8). If vu s 2 @ 6 , extension of shear
reinforcement is sufficient; if not, extend the shear reinforcement farther away
from column and repeat steps 1 and 2 until the requirement is satisfied.
The design procedure presented in this paper can be performed using the
available computer program STDESIGN (1 S), for use with microcomputers.
Shear reinforcement can be used and designed using the above equations to
resist punching in raíl foundations, footings and in wails subjected to
concentrated horizontal forces (e.g. offshore structures). Figure 13a represents
the arrangement of shear studs in the vicinity of a column in a raíl foundation;
0bb2949 054400b 053
48 Megally and Ghali
the studs are mechanically anchored by heads at the top and by a steel strip at the
bottom S i a r to Fig. 2a. Aiternatively, the steel strip can be at the top and the
anchor heads at the bottom.
This section of the paper demonstrates the design procedure mentioned earlier
by means of numerical examples of connection of a flat plate with interior, edge
and comer columns. The following data is valid for all the columns considered
here: CI = 12 in.; cz = 20 in.; slab thickness = 7 in.; concrete cover = 0.75 in.;
fi = 4000 psi; fY= 50 ksi; stud shear reinforcement is used with diameter 3/8 in.;
flexural reinforcement bar diameter = 1/2 in.; d = 7 - 0.75 - 0.5 = 5.75 in.
bo = 208.9 in. ; I, = 575.1 x lo3 in.4 ; Yq = 0.386 (Fig. 12 or Eq. 16). The
maximum shear stress is at
x = 31.1 in. (Eq. 14):
- 110 x IO3 +0.386 (600 x io3) (31.1)
vu -
208.9 (5.75) 575.1 x 10'
The coordinates of column centroid, O are (-15.1, 0.0) in. Statical equivalent
forces at critical section centroid are: Vu = 60 kip; M, = O ; Muy= -87 kip-in.
Themaximumshear stressisat (-21.1, 31.1)in. (Eq. 14):
m Obb2949 0544008 92b m
50 Megally and Ghali
60 x io’
+ 0.278 (-87 x l d ) (-21.1)
v‘=105.1 (5.75) (64.83 x lo3)
The maximum shear stress is at the point (2.9 ,6.9 in.) (Eq. A. 1):
30 x lo3 60.2 (4.444) - 44.1 (- 4.409)
V” = (6.91
37.8 (5.75) 12.52 (4.444) - (- 4.409)’
Vn = 190 + 183 = 373 psi < 8 .IfF (= 506 psi) (Eq. 22).
vu< Q Vn (= 3 17 psi) ; shear reinforcement is adequate.
Step 5: Properties of the critical section at d/2 fi-om the outermost peripheral
line of shear studs:
bo = 51.3 in. ;k = 33.52 x lo3 in.* ;Iy = 18.39x lo3 in.4;S = -20.08 x lo3in.4.
The projections of critical section on principal axes and are 13.9 in. and
41.5 in., respectively. Equations 19 and 20 give: y=;, 0.400 ; y, = 0.196.
The coordinates of column centroid are (-12.4, -11.8) in. Statical equivalent
forces at critical section centroid are: Vu= 30 kip ;M, = 4.6 kip-in. ;Muy =
-1 1.8 kip-in.
Following the same procedure as for the critical section at d/2 from column face,
the maximum shear stress vu= 106 psi < 2 Q K(= 108 psi). This indicates that
the extension of the shear-reinforced zone is adequate (Fig. 16b)
Check for one-way shear: In first trial, with = 450 (Fig. 9b), Eq. 12 gives
tan $ = 1.16; $I = 49.3". A refined value = 49.1° is obtained in the second
triai, corresponding to bo= 50.6 in. Apply Eq. 11:
v, = = 103psi <2$ (=lo8 psi)
5 O. 6(5.75)
Thus, the one-way shear does not govern.
Brittle punching shear failure must be avoided in slabs, rafts or wails. The
punching can be caused by large concentrated forces or the transfer of vertical
shear and moments between slab and columns. A complete design procedure
which satisfies the requirements of AC13 18-95 is applied. Where necessary, in
situations not covered by the code, equations based on research are used.
Numencal design examples covering most of the practical cases are presented.
This study was funded by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada which is gratefully acknowledged.
5. Mokhtar, A.S., Ghali, A., and Dilger, W.H., "Stud Shear Reinforcement
for Flat Concrete Plates", ACI Slructural Journal, Proceedings, V. 82,
No. 5, September-October 1985, pp. 676-683.
8. Dilger, W.H., and Ghali, A., "Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Slabs",
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 107, ST12, December 1981, pp. 2403-2420.
9. Andrä, H.P., "Strength of Flat Slabs Reinforced with Stud Rails in the
Vicinity of the Supports (Zum Tragverhalten von Flachdecken mit
Dubelliesten - Bewchruing im Auflogerbereich)", Beton-und
Stahlbetonbau, Berlin, V. 76, No. 3, March 1981, pp. 53-57, and No. 4,
April 1981, pp. 100-104.
11. Mortin, J., and Ghali, A., "Connection of Flat Plates to Edge Columns",
ACIStructural Jmmal, V. 88, No. 2, March-April 1991, pp. 191-198.
12. Dilger, W.H., and Shatila, M., "Shear Strength of Prestressed Concrete
Edge Slab-Column Connections With and Without Stud Shear
Reinforcement", Candian Journal of Civil Engineering, V. 16, No. 6,
1989, pp. 807-819.
13. Elgabry, A.A., and Ghali, A., "Transfer of Moments Between Columns
and Slabs: Proposed Code Revisions", ACI Strzrctural Journal, V. 93,
No. 1, January-February 1996, pp. 56-61.
14. Elgabry, A.A., and Ghali, A., "Moment Transfer by Shear in Slab-
Column Connections", ACI Strircttrral Journal, V. 93, No. 2, March -
54 Megally and Ghali
= 0662949 0544032 357
1 in. = 25.4 mm
1 fi = 0.3048m
1 kip = 4.448kN
1 fi-kip = 1.356 kN-m
1 psi = 6.89 x 105MPa
K,psi = 0.083&,MPa
The following equation applies when x and y are any two orthogonal centroidai
~~ ~ ~
I, Iy- -E1;v I v ] y + [ ~ v l x
I, I, - -M.I,]
1; X
When x and y are principal axes Iy =O and Eq. A. 1 reduces to Eq. 14.
where d is effective depth ; (XA, YA) and (xb YB) are the coordinates of the
segment ends A and B.
The angle 8 between the principal i axis and the x axis is given by (Fig. 16 ;the
positive sign convention for 8 is indicated):
tan28=- 2 L/(I, - I,) 03.6)
0662949 0544015 Obb
Design of Two-way Slabs 57
Fig. l-Stirrup shear reinforcement; (a) slab stirrups; and (b) arrangement of
j p-ruos
f. ......
rl:. .........
...... .I
@) A m S e m a < of *ur INdl
Fig. 2-Stud shear reinforcement; (a) studs welded to steel strip; and (b)
arrangement of shear studs.
Obb2949 054401b T T 2 9
58 Megally and Ghali
Fig. 3-Interception of cracks by vertical shear reinforcement.
Fig. 5-Section in slab perpendicular to stud strip.
W Obb2949 0544017 939 W
Design of Two-way Slabs 59
140 -
120 -
- cmvsitmMlstimips
Fig. 66-Load-deflection
i-Load-deflection curves of slab-column connections with different types of
shear reinforcement.
b) Edge Column c) Corner Column
Fig. 7-Critical sections for two-way shear in slabs at d/2 from column face; (a)
interior column; (b) edge column; and (cl corner column.
Obb2949 0544018 875 W
60 Megally and Ghali
8 - - ! - - 8
of shear
Y reinforcement
a) Interior Column
ilne of shear
Y l$Y
b) Edge Column c) Corner Column
Fig. 8-Critical sections for two-way shear in slabs at d/2 from outermost
peripheral line of shear reinforcement; (a) interior column; (b) edge column; and IC)
corner column.
m Obb2949 0544019 7 0 1 m
Design of Two-way Slabs 61
2 I-
e !
Critical section
Ø length =bo
Slab free edge
b) Comer column
Fig. 9-Critical sections for one-way shear; (a) interior and edge columns; and (b)
corner columns.
9 %"L
Fig. 11-Stud shear reinforcement arrangement at circular columns.
*', .
I -
1 . ; g
I"". -Iorir
- ; .1
Fig. 12-Equations for yvapplicable for critical section at ú/2from column face and
outside shear-reinforced zone.
25.1 in.
yu 14.4 in.
33.1 in.
21.1 in.
a) Eiie&e criticai section at cü2 from column face
70.25 In.
,’ centroid
Fig. 17-Interior column with opening in its vicinity in Example 4; (a) effective
critical section at dl2 from column face; and (b) arrangement of shear studs and
effective critical section outside shear reinforced zone.
Obb29Y9 0544024 O79 m
66 Megally and Ghali
centroid I -
% Typical segment
of criticai section
Fig. B.l-I th segment of shear critical section.
Obb2949 0544025 TO5 =
SP 183-4
by W. Gamble
Synopsis: The yield line theory for the determination of the ultimate load for slab
structures is a well documented method of analysis. The basics of the method, which
can be implemented using either equations of equilibrium or virtual work equations,
are briefly reviewed, using a rectangular panel with all edges supported. A more
complex single panel is then considered, followed by a brief review of multi-panel
failure mechanisms. The potential importance of in-plane forces, both compression
and tension, is noted. These forces, which can be thought of in arch or dome terms
for compression and catenaries for tension, have led to slab failure loads much
greater than can be explained on the basis of flexure alone in many tests. This phase
of behavior is seldom usable for normal design of civil structures, but may be very
useful and helpful in trying to understand the behavior of and design structures to
resist blast loadings.
Keywords: collapse load analysis; in-plane forces; slabs; yield line analysis; yield
Obb2949 O544026 941 D
68 Gamble
AC1 Fellow William L. Gamble, Professor of Civil Engineering, has been a member
of the faculty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1963. He is
engaged in teaching and research in the areas of reinforced and prestressed concrete.
He is coauthor, with Robert Park, of a book on reinforced concrete slabs, and has
published extensively.
Fig. 1 shows the plan view of a rectangular slab panel which is supported at
all edges and which has some edges fixed and some simply supported, but with no
vertical deflection. This might be viewed as the classical case in which the yield line
method has been applied to find the collapse load, wu. With either all edges fixed or
all edges simply supported, it is not too hard to find tabulated solutions of the elastic
moments, but when the support conditions become mixed, the available published
elastic solutions diminish greatly and the yield line analysis becomes useful. This
particular problem can be approached using either of two methods of analysis, with
the choice depending on your preferences in mathematics.
In each case the slab is imagined to be divided into the four areas shown,
separated in the interior of the panel by positive moment yield lines which represent
the locations of maximum positive moment equal to the yield capacities
(approximately the nominal ultimate moments) and also represent regions of
concentrated flexural deformations. The panel boundaries are either negative
moment yield lines, or if the edge is simply supported, lines of unrestrained rotation.
While the statement is simple enough, this was a formidable task in the fairly
recent past. However, modern equation solving programs, including those included
in current spreadsheets, can be used to find the minimum wu almost automatically
once the equation has been written. Without this sort of tool, the variation of A, B,
and C to find the minimum load can be a fairly blind trial-and-error process, without
much guidance from Trial No. 1 to help select Trial No. 2. The equation can be
solved by taking partial derivativesof the equation with respect to each variable, and
then solving the resulting equations simultaneously, but this is seldom done.
In this method, equilibrium equations are written for each of the four different
segments, making the assumptionthat there are no shear forces acting at the positive
moment yield lines. The equations will ordinarily be written summing moments of
the applied loads and of the resisting positive and negative moments about the
supports. Again, there is a simple solution strategy statement:
In this case, the solution process is not so blind. The four equations of
equilibrium can be solved simultaneously, but ordinarily they will be done by trial
and error, starting with some estimate (guess) about A, B, and C . However, in this
case the results of Trial No. 1 will give considerable guidance about the changes
needed for Trial No. 2. If the load on a particular segment is considerably larger than
on the others, the segment should be enlarged. If the load is considerably smaller, the
segment should be made smaller. This process converges quickly, given even a little
judgement about the sizes of changes in the dimensions. A spreadsheet or other
equation solver will be of great help, as it makes additional trials almost painless.
The two solutions, virtual work and equilibrium, can also be combined in
some cases. Two students, working slightly before the personal computer era, were
being frustrated at getting a converged solution. They found that a very quick
convergence could be done by first solving the virtual work equations for wu,using
any reasonable (or unreasonable) values of A, B, and C. They then back-calculated
the values of A, B, and C from their equilibrium equations with their initial value of
wu,and resolved for wuusing the virtual work expressions with the new A, B, and
C. Two iterations produced convergence in nearly every case.
Obb2949 0544028 714 W
70 Gamble
Warning Label
The caution which has to be applied to the yield line analysis is that it is an
upper-bound solution. That is, the load found will be either correct or larger than the
real collapse load. If one picks the wrong basic mechanism, the load fiom the
converged solution could be very much too high relative to the mechanism the slab
would pick if it were loaded to failure.
The mechanism show in Fig. 1 has been shown by numerous tests to be the
correct basic mechanism for a slab with all edges supported, but once the panel edges
are permitted to deflect, the number of possible mechanisms to be investigated may
become large and not always obvious.
Fig. 2 shows the plan of a slab which is fixed against deflection and rotation
along one edge and which has the other two comers supported by columns. There
are two failure mechanisms, as shown, and there is no easy way to decide which one
leads to the lower load. So both have to be analyzed. Mode 1 is simply a wide beam,
while Mode 2 is fairly complex. There will be few ways of solving this problem
other than yield line theory or doing a finite-element solution. The Mode 2 case will
probably be most easily approached using the virtual work solution, varying two
variables to obtain the minimum load. The equilibrium solution introduces some
problems where the positive moment yield lines cross fiee edges at other than right
angles. (See Wood (i), Wood and Jones (2) or Park and Gamble (3) for more
information on this last problem.)
Fig. 3 suggests another use for the yield line theory solutions, once one has
discovered, for a particular slab, that the Mode 1 load capacity is considerably higher
than the Mode 2 capacity, for example. An edge beam can be added, and the
analyses fairly easily altered to show its effect. As the beam is made stronger and
stronger, the mechanism transitions smoothly to Mode 1. The required beam strength
at this transition may be considerably less than one would expect on the basis of
taking a free-body of the upper segment fkom the Mode 1 case, and assuming that the
reaction acts as a uniformly distributed load on the edge beam.
The previous cases are all single-panel slabs, while structures are of course
usually more complex. Fig. 4 shows the end span of a “two-way” slab with beams
on all column lines. If the beams are strong enough and stiff enough, the individual
yield line patterns shown for the separate panels might be assumed to develop, and
the capacities of each panel can be determined, independently of the neighboring
panels. Such patterns have been observed in tests.
m 0662747 0544029 6 5 0 D
Design of Two-way Slabs 71
However, there are other possibilities. Fig. 5 shows the same end span, but
with the assumptionthatboth beams and slabs yield. The virtual workor equilibrium
solution will quickly lead to an expected load at failure, wu. This load is then
compared with those for the individual panels, and the smallest load governs. Again,
this mechanism has been observed in test structures.
At this point conflicts between test results and analytical results have often
arisen. In the earliest reported case, slabs in a relatively new building were being
load tested to failure in Johannesburg (Ockleston (4)), and the computed single-panel
failure modes were determined before the tests. The building was a traditional “two-
way” slab with very strong beams on all column lines. To the surprise of the
investigator, when the theoretical failure loads were reached, almost nothing had
happened to the slabs, and significantly greater loads were eventually applied before
much damage was caused.
The key to understanding this behavior mode was a suggestion that the slab
was acting as a flat arch or dome. Fig. 6 is a cross-section at midspan of a panel,
showing fairly large deflections, and also showing in-plane compression forces which
are often referred to as “compression membrane” forces. In those cases where the
panel boundaries are restricted from both vertical and horizontal deflection, this
mechanism may develop. Indeed, Wood (1) shows a photo of slab panel supporting
10.9 times its computed collapse load.
The “structural” and “panel” modes can also be used to illustrate the extreme
importance of selecting the correct basic mechanism. The “panel” collapse mode can
be hypothesized for beamless slabs, and the load capacities computed. However, the
load capacity will be much higher than the “structurai” mode will lead to, with the
difference being a factor of about three for an interior span. And without the beams
to restrict deflections at the panel boundaries, there will be little opportunity for the
compression membrane forces to develop.
There is also a tension membrane phase of behavior which has been observed
in slabs supported on stiff beams, and in which horizontal movements of the borders
Obb2949 0544030 372
72 Gamble
toward the panel center are prevented. Large deflections, the slab thickness or
greater, are required to mobilize this resistance. This mode of resistance will remain
of only scientific interest for civil construction, but research work has continued in
connection with blast-resistant structures, where the large deflections are indicative
of very large energy absorption capabilities. Early tests which demonstrated the
existence of tensile membrane behavior were reported by Wood (1) and by Gamble,
Sozen and Siess (6). Tests by Woodson (7) may be cited as examples of more recent
The section through the failure mechanism which is also shown in Fig. 7
provides a second reason, in the development of the inclined compression struts.
These struts, not exactly the same as the struts assumed in a strut-and-tie model, are
able to develop large compression forces because the slab surrounding the circular
mechanism is very stiff in in-plane tension, and the struts are in equilibrium with not
only forces in the reinforcing steel in the immediate vicinity of the mechanism, but
also with forces in a much larger area of the slab. The consequence of these
compression struts, or in-plane forces, is that the mechanism strength is enhanced to
the point that some other mechanism, such as that in Fig. 5, will govern.
While the finite element method of analysis has reduced the number of cases
where the yield line theory is the only reasonable alternative for purposes of design,
the method remains a powerful tool for both design and for aiding in the
understanding of the behavior of slabs. Work continues in trying to gain a more
complete understanding of the role of in-plane forces, whether compression or
tension, in determining strength and behavior. The greatest interests and urgencies
are in blast-resistant structures. In the more traditional areas of yield line analysis,
the advances in recent years have been mainly in the area of computational
convenience and computational power.
1. Wood, R. H., “Plastic and Elastic Design of Slabs and Plates,” Thames and
Hudson, London, 1961,344 p.
2. Wood, R. H. and L. L. Jones, “Yield-Line Analysis of Slabs,” Thames and
Hudson and Chatto and Windus, Ltd., 1967,405 p.
3. Park, R. and W.L. Gamble, “Reinforced Concrete Slabs,” Wiley-Interscience,
New York, 1980, 630 p.
4. Ockleston, A. J., “Load Tests on a Three-Story Reinforced Concrete Building
in Johannesburg,” The Structural Engineer (London), Vol. 33, No. 10, Oct.,
1955, p. 304.
5. Hopkins, D.C., and R. Park, “Test on a Reinforced Concrete Slab and Beam
Floor Designed with Allowance for Membrane Action,” Crackin%
Deflection, and Ultimate Load of Concrete Slab Systems, AC1 Special
Publication SP-30, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1971, pp. 223-250.
6. Gamble, W. L., M. A. Sozen, and C. P. Siess, “Tests of a Two-way
Reinforced Concrete Floor Slab,” Jour. Struct. Div., Proc. ASCE, Vol. 95,
No. ST6, June 1969, pp. 1073-1096.
7. Woodson, S. C., “Effects of Shear Reinforcement on the Large-Deflection
Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs,” Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 1993, 319 p. (Also US Army Corps of Engineers,
Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report SL-94-18, Sept. 1994)
8. Gesund, H., and O.P. Dikshit, “Yield Line Analysis of the Punching Problem
at SlabKolumn Intersections,” Cracking. Deflection, and Ultimate Load of
Concrete Slab Systems, AC1 Special Publication SP-30, American Concrete
Institute, Detroit, 1971, pp. 177-201.
9. Gesund, H., and H. B. Goli, “Limit Analysis of Flat-Slab Buildings for
Lateral Loads,” Jour. Struct. Div., Proc. ASCE, Vol. 105, No. ST 11, Nov.
1979, pp. 2187-2202.
10 Morrison, D. G., and M. A. Sozen, “Response of Reinforced Concrete Plate-
Column Connections to Dynamic and Static Horizontal Loads,” Civil
Engineering Studies, Structural Research SeriesNo. 490, Univ. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 1981,249 p. plus Appendicies.
-m Yield tine
1- %?
+m Yield Line
Fixed Edge
Fig. 1 -Yield mechanism for edge-supported rectangular slab.
Mode 1 Mode 2
to Force Mode l?
Fig. 3-Slab supported on wall, columns, and edge beam.
= abb29ir9 "' Design of Two-way Slabs 75
Yield Fan
Compression Strut
SP 183-5
by S. Simmonds
Synopsis: This paper reviews the requirements of the upper- and lower-bound
theorems of plasticity as they apply to continuous reinforced concrete slabs. The
background and assumptions leading to Johansen's yield line theory (upper-bound)
and Hillerborg's strip methods (lower-bound) are presented and the advantages and
disadvantages of these two methods are discussed. The segment equilibrium
method proposed by Wiesinger is described and presented as an alternative
procedure. It is concluded that the theory of plasticity provides a practical solution
for the design of continuous reinforced concrete slabs, particularly for slab
systems with irregular support geometry.
m 0662949 O544036 890 m
78 Simmonds
Whereas elastic theory gives one exact value of the load carrying capacity
of the slab, the theory of plasticity gives two values, one upper-bound and one
lower-bound. This is because there are two fundamentally different approaches to
applying the concepts of plasticity. It is usual to define these two approaches by
the two theorems of plasticity.
D Ob62949 0544037 727 = Design of Two-way Slabs 79
While the above are precise formal statements of the theorems, the essence
of the concepts can be expressed more simply. An upper bound solution involves
determining a load that is sufficient to cause flexural failure of the slab. As such it
gives solutions that must be on the unsafe side and the object is to find the smallest
such failure load for purposes of design. A lower bound solution provides a load
path that satisfies equilibrium and the support conditions and where the moment at
no point exceeds the yield moment. Such solutions must be on the safe side and the
object is to find the solution that results in the most economic design. Obviously, if
a solution can be found to satis@ both the upper and lower bounds, then it must be
the exact solution in the sense that it is both safe and economical.
Ail methods of plastic analysis are based on the application of either the
upper- or lower-bound theorem. The two most common applications, "yield line"
based on the upper-bound theorem and "strip method" based on the lower-bound
theorem are the topics of two papers later in this session. Hence, this paper is
limited to outlining the development of the basic concepts of these methods and a
comparison of their advantages and disadvantages rather than a presentation of
details of their application. Ais0 presented is a segment equilibrium method by
Wiesinger that is especially attractive for column supported slabs with irregular
column layouts.
It is interesting to note that the yield line and strip methods were
developed essentially by single individuals, yield line by Johansen in Denmark and
the strip method by Hillerborg in Sweden. This meant that their original work had
to be translated into English which may be part of the reason that their use in
North America is. not as extensive as in other parts of the world.
Obb2949 05ir4038 bb3
80 Simmonds
moment and the yield moment do not coincide meaning that shear forces and /or
twisting moments must also exist along the yield line.
This dilemma was not solved until 1943 when Johansen (3) presented his
doctoral thesis on yield line theory to the Danmarks Tekniske Hojskole and was
published in book form in Danish in 1952. His work marks the true beginning of
modem yield line theory. The first paper published in English summarizing his
work was by Hognestad (4) in 1953 but the full translation of his thesis ( 5 ) did not
appear until 1962.
Johansen introduced the concept of nodal or knot forces. These are forces
perpendicular to the plane of the slab that account for the effects of shear forces
and twisting moments acting along the yield lines. Johansen had a rather simple
means of computing nodal forces for orthogonally reinforced slabs. Jones and
Wood ( 6 ) extended this work to cover more general cases of three intersecting
yield lines with different intensities of reinforcement across each yield line.
Johansen also introduced what is referred to as the "stepped" or "square"
yield criteria in which the yield moment across a yield line is determined from
considering the yield line to consist of small steps at right angles to the
reinforcement and simply summing the components of the yield moment of each
bar. Although there has been much research to develop more sophisticated yield
criteria6 his square yield criteria is still widely used.
There was also a problem of what to do with the yield line in the vicinity of
a corner formed by the intersection of two non-deflecting edges. Tests show that
the yield line fans into multiple yield lines near the corner. Possible treatments for
this condition for a simply supported square panel having span L, with uniform
load w/unit area and uniform isotropic reinforcement with yield moment capacity
m are given in Fig. 4. Simply running the yield lines into the corner results in a
solution of m=wL2/24. Considering the yield line pattern at the corner to be
approximated by the triangular shape results in a value of m=wL2/22. If the corner
fan is assumed circular, the value of m increases to of m=wL2/21.7. This ever
increasing value of m was disturbing to many designers. However in 1957,
Mansfield (7) proved that using hyperbolic corner fans the maximum value of
m=wL2/21.4 or 12% greater than the solution neglecting comer effects. The
comer effect increases as the angle becomes more acute. Johansen recognized that
there were corner effects but rather than evaluate them he suggested that in
practice it was satisfactory to neglect comer effects and to increase the computed
required moment by 10%.
The only practical lower-bound approach is due almost entirely to the work
of Hillerborg (1,8,9,1 O, 11). Although Hillerborg originally referred to his method
as 'equilibrium theory', it is almost universally known in English as the 'simple strip'
and 'advanced strip' methods.
Hillerborg (8) satisfied the governing equations of equilibrium from plate
theory assuming no contribution from torsion. If no external load is required to be
carried by torsion, the slab can be considered as composed of strips, generally in
82 Simmonds
m Obb2949 0544040 211
two directions at right angles, which enables the slab design moments to be
calculated by simple statics involving only the equilibrium of the strips. It is for this
reason that the method became known as the 'simple strip method'. Later
Hillerborg (9) introduced triangular and rectangular elements for use with slabs
that are supported on columns, or have reentrant comers and openings. Crawford
(12) called this the 'advanced strip method'.
The simple strip method is applicable to slabs that do not have point
supports (columns), supports with reentrant corners, two adjacent free edges or
large point loads. Such slabs are treated with the advanced strip method
With the simple strip method, the slab surface is divided into strips that
span between supports and the load is assigned to these strips to provide the best
serviceability and economy based on designer judgment. The lines defining the
strips and hence the regions of different load dispersion are called discontinuity
lines. Within a strip, strict continuity of moment and shear is required. No attempt
at continuity of moment and shear is attempted 'across discontinuity lines. For
reasons of serviceability, each strip is generally analyzed using elastic theory
although this is not a requirement. Since a complete moment field is obtained for
each strip, reinforcement can be provided so that the yield moment is everywhere
greater than the factored moment, a requirement of the lower-bound theorem.
The procedure is illustrated in Fig. 5 for a rectangular slab having two
adjacent hinged and two adjacent fixed edges. Strips are selected to conform to the
boundary conditions and how the load is expected to be carried to the supports. In
this example, regions with a single arrow indicate that the entire load is to be
carried in that direction whereas in regions with perpendicular arrows, the load is
assumed to be carried equally in each direction. The term a is a fraction used to
designate the strip widths and has a value less than 0.5. Smaller values of a will
result in larger negative to positive moment ratios. For most slabs, good design is
achieved with values of a between 0.37 and 0.40. It is seen that the relative
location of the discontinuity lines can be selected so that the moment diagrams for
some of the strips will be 'flat top' thereby ensuring economy in that the
reinforcement provided will be utilized at maximum efficiency over much of its
The simple strip method also permits strips to be supported by other strips.
An example would be strips along a free edge that can act as a support for other
strips at right angles. Such strips have been designated as 'strong bands' by Wood
and Armer (13).
The main feature of the advanced strip method is the introduction of the
comer supported rectangular section for use with column supported slabs and
slabs with reentrant comers. The dimensions of comer supported elements are
selected to coincide with expected lines of zero shear. As shown in Fig. 6,
equilibrium requires that the full load be carried in each direction. The sum of the
average negative and positive moments along each edge is also computed from
considerations of equilibrium. In each direction, this sum is proportioned between
the negative and positive moment edges based on designer judgment of the overall
slab geometry. Generally for column supported continuous slabs, the average
negative moment is selected to be 1.5-2.0 times the average positive moment.
0662949 0544041 158
Design of Two-way Slabs 83
These moments are then distributed laterally along the element edges. While the
positive moments may be distributed uniformly, it is usual to concentrate the
negative moment reinforcement closer to the support resulting in 'column' and
'middle' strips. Examples of common distributions are given in Fig. 7 although
other distributions can be justified. Hillerborg provides limits for the distribution
of moments along the edges of the corner supported edges to ensure that the
lower-bound requirements are satisfied for such elements.
The obvious advantage of the strip methods over the yield line method,
from a designer's point of view, is that the strip methods always lead to safe
designs whereas the yield line method may lead to unsafe designs unless the critical
mechanism and the optimum position of the yield lines for that mechanism have
been determined. When using the yield line method it is essential that the correct
yield line pattern leading to the critical mechanism be considered otherwise the
strength of the slab may be dangerously overestimated. Since there is no way of
determining whether a particular mechanism is critical without comparing it with
other mechanisms, all possible mechanisms must be investigated. This is time
consuming and requires a certain degree of experience to determine less obvious
patterns that may be critical, However, when the pattern for the correct failure
mechanism has been established with certainty, the failure load is generally rather
insensitive to the precise position of the yield lines in that pattern.
From a practical point of view, the chief advantage of the strip methods is
that they are design tools. For most slab designs, the support system and the
required factored loading have already been established by the overall occupancy
of the structure. The flexural portion of the design is to determine the design
moments from which the reinforcement is selected. This is the procedure followed
with the strip methods and corresponds with the familiar elastic analysis approach.
Placing reinforcement so that it can act most efficiently and locations where
reinforcement 'may be terminated are natural outcomes from using the strip
met hods.
To apply the yield line method, it is generally assumed that the yield
moment capacity at any given point in the slab is known, that is, the slab
reinforcement has already been selected. The method is then used to determine the
failure load that corresponds to this reinforcement. Thus the yield line procedure,
as it is usually defined, is an excellent tool for evaluating an existing slab design but
is not so suitable for proportioning a slab for a given loading.
Attempts have been made to formulate the yield line method as a design
tool. For example, in applying the virtual-work or equilibrium method, the load is
treated as the known parameter and the corresponding required yield moment
computed. However, unless it is assumed that the reinforcement intensity will
everywhere be the same or will be placed in pre-established bands of known
relative intensities, it is not possible to determine the Corresponding yield moments.
Obb2949 0544042 094
84 Simmonds
the same proportions between positive and negative moments as specified in the
Direct Design Method. Similar calculations can be made for the other four column
strips framing into column A. The negative moments from all column strips
framing into a column can be resolved into two perpendicular directions from
which the top mat reinforcement is computed. The results of such calculations for
column A are also shown in Fig. 11.
Wiesinger suggested that a uniform bottom mat be used over the entire slab
sufficient to carry the middle strip positive moments and satis@ minimum
reinforcement requirements. If required, additional bottom reinforcement is added
to carry the column strip positive moment capacity. The width of the column strip
is assumed to be half the distance between panel centers or, in the case for the
column strip between columns A and D, half the distance between C and E as
shown in Fig. 12.
The dimensions of actual columns are considered by assuming that the
actual column is replaced with an equivalent column that has the same area but
with a polygonal shape similar to the column tributary area. This permits defining
the width of the one-way strips between columns which are then considered part of
the column strip. In his paper, Wiesinger also discusses the incorporation of wails,
beams and end panels.
Wiesinger claims that his method is an equilibrium method and therefore a
lower-bound solution. However, he does not demonstrate that his assumptions for
the locations of lines of zero shear are always valid, particularly with highly
irregular column layouts and edge panels so that there may be regions where the
method may not always result in a lower-bound solution. Notwithstanding this, the
method has much merit and can be used by experienced designers exercising
proper judgment.
4. Hognestad, E., "Yield Line Theory for the Ultimate Flexural Strength of
Reinforced Concrete Slabs," AC1 Journal, Proceedings, V. 49, No. 3, Mar. 1953,
pp. 637-656.
10. Hillerborg, A., "The Advanced Strip Method - A Simple Design Tool"
Magazine ofconcrete Research, V. 34, No. 121, Dec. 1982, pp. 175-181.
13. Wood,.R. H. and Armer, G. S. T., "The Theory of the Strip Method for
Design of Slabs," Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers V. 41, Oct., 1968, pp.
285-3 1 1 .
14. Wiesinger, F. P., "Design of Flat Plates with Irregular Column Layout,"
AC1 Journal V. 70, No. 2, Feb. 1973, pp. 1 17-123.
0bb2q4q 0544045 B T 3 Design of Two-way Slabs 87
p wp
X- Fa ¡lure
Small p
Unit curvature (b
Fig. 1-Moment-curvature relationship for reinforced concrete members.
A-A, simply
\ supported
free h e
#I. a
vflF-i-q-T\_Tz W L 2 M i?
m, h o g a t d p ~
1-1 and 3-3
for strip 2-2, mulliply v i l u a by 2
_i 'Ii
Fig. 6-Corner supported element for advanced strip method.
D Obb2949 0544047 b7b
Design of Two-way Slabs 89
uniformly distributed
1.2m+t1 - S.ûm+
60% col. str., 40% mid. str.
by S. Alexander
The strip method is usually divided into two parts. The simple strip method is
used to design edge supported slabs. Many designers will recognize this as an
application of the strong-band concept. The advanced strip method is used to
design slabs with column supports or reentrant edge supports.
Obb2349 0544051 O T ï m
94 Alexander
Hillerborg's strip method of design (1,2) is one of the most powerful and
versatile techniques for designing two-way reinforced concrete slabs and plates.
Like yield-line analysis, the strip method is based on the theory of plasticity.
Unlike yield-line analysis, the strip method satisfies, for the most part, the lower
bound theorem of plasticity. This means that, so far as flexural strength is
concerned, the designer is always on the safe side using the strip method.
With the strip method of designing a two-way slab, one first assumes a
pattern of load distribution and then determines average design moments that are
consistent with that assumed load distribution. The load distribution scheme is
made up of two types of load distribution elements: edge supported elements and
comer supported elements.
The purpose of this paper is to review, with design examples, the simple
and advanced strip methods. The material contained here is available from a
number of other sources and interested readers are urged to consult these. The
most complete presentations of the strip method are in Hillerborg's books (i, 2).
The first of these provides detailed theoretical development of both the simple and
the advanced strip methods. The second focuses on the application of these
methods in design. A journal article by Hillerborg (3) provides a concise
presentation of the advanced strip method. Many textbooks on reinforced concrete
design present the simple strip method and a few include material on the advanced
strip method. Notable among these is Nilson (4), which devotes several chapters
to slab design and one entire chapter to the strip method.
0662949 0544052 T33
Design of Two-way Slabs 95
The simple strip method refers to one class of load distributions that is
convenient for orthogonally reinforced, edge supported slabs. Choosing the x and
y axes to be parailel to the reinforcement, the torsional moment relative to these
axes is set to zero throughout the slab. As a result, the magnitude of qxuis also
zero and the total load, q, is divided between the two bending components.
Equation [ 11 is replaced with
The designer divides the total load at every point on the slab into two
parts; that which spans in the x direction and that which spans in the y direction.
Any strip of slab in either the x or y direction is treated as a one-way beam and
designed to carry the load assigned to it.
There are two problems with this design. First, an average design moment
of qa2/16 is too large for a square slab and requires too much reinforcement.
Second, reinforcing for a uniform design moment across the full width of the slab
places too much steel at the edge of the slab parallel to the support where
œ 0662949 OCir4053 97T œ
96 Alexander
curvatures are small, and too little in the middle of the slab where curvatures are
The average value of the design moment across the width of the slab is
qa2/24= 12.5 k N d m , which is exactly the same result as one would obtain using
a simple yield-line analysis with yield-lines following the load dispersion lines in
Figure 2. The coincidence of upper and lower bound indicates that the solution is,
in fact, exact. The solution is, however, impractical since it requires continual
variations in the spacing of the reinforcement. Note that with a uniform
distribution of reinforcement, the governing yield-line pattern differs from the
simple load dispersion lines shown in Figure 2 in the vicinity of the simply
supported corners. Accounting for this comer effect increases the average required
reinforcement by approximately 1O per cent.
example, the ratio of dimension a to the short span should range between 0.35 and
0.39. This corresponds to ratios of support to span moment between 1.45 and
2.45. The same proportions can be used for the end regions, making dimensions c
and d one-half of dimensions a and b respectively. Following these rules, the
design moments for the end elements spanning in the long direction will always
be one-quarter the design moments for the central elements spanning in the short
direction. The design moments for the comer elements will be one-eighth the
design moments for the central elements. In this example, a is chosen to be 1.7m
making b equal to 2.9m. Dimensions c and dare 0.85m and 1.45m, respectively.
The resulting moment diagrams for strips A-A, B-B, C-C, and D-D are shown.
As was the case for the square slab of Figure 1,consideration of minimum
reinforcement requirements leads to a somewhat different load distribution
scheme. Figure 6 illustrates a simple load distribution that makes more efficient
use of minimum reinforcement. As before, there is a central region that spans
entirely in the short direction. The remaining design moments are set to
12.3 kN-m/m, that provided by minimum reinforcement. All that left to do is to
calculate the width of the various design strips.
In the end regions, a fraction of the total load, qI,spans in the short
direction while the remainder spans in the long direction. The load qI that can be
supported by minimum top and bottom reinforcement is:
e=,/==2.17rn and
f=-/, = 3.07 m
simplicity, it fails to make any use of reinforcement that will be provided in the
short direction. A more economical design involves the use of a strong band along
the free edge of the slab.
Figure 7 shows a load distribution using a l m wide strong band along the
free edge. Outside of the strong band, the slab will have minimum reinforcement
in the long direction. The maximum load that can carried in the long direction by
minimum reinforcement is:
12.3 kN.mim x 8
= 3.94 kN/m2
( 5 m)’
Carrying 3.94 kN/m2in the long direction leaves 8.06 kN/m2to be carried
in the short direction. From the loading diagram shown for section C-C, in
Figure 7(b), the internal support load q, is calculated by summing moments about
the simple support.
The strong band itself spans in the long direction and must be designed to
carry a load of 12 + 6.45 = 18.45 kN/m2.The design moment for the simply
supported strong band is 57.66 kN.m and the average design moment for the long
span is 27.4 k N d m .
Using the comer supported element is a two step procedure. First, average
design moments on the element boundaries are determined to satis@the gross
equilibrium of the element. Next, these average design moments are distributed
laterally according to a simple rule. This rule is required to ensure that the
boundary design moments are the design moments for the entire element. In other
words, if the distribution rule is satisfied, then at no point within the element will
the bending moments exceed the magnitude of the boundary moments.
In [3] and [4] the subscript m indicates a mean bending moment intensity
across the width of the entire element. The moments qa2/2and qbV2 are called
cantilever moments. Note that a corner supported element must carry the entire
distributed load w in both the x and y directions.
The rule for the lateral distribution of design moment is expressed in terms
of the "middle" strip moments. Typically, where the width of the column support
strip (subscripts 1 and s) is one-half the width of the element, the middle strip
moments should satisfy the following.
m Ob62949 054Lt058 451 I
Design of Two-way Slabs 101
While the above distribution criteria works for most cases, there are a few,
such as at edge or corner column supports, where it is desirable to consider a more
narrow "column" strip support moment. In these cases, the limits on a must be
revised. For the theoretical extreme case of zero width, the acceptable range of a
1. Select a load distribution pattern. This involves dividing the slab into a set
of edge and comer supported elements. As was the case for single panel,
edge supported slabs, this pattern is based on the approximate areas of slab
tributaxy to each support. At this stage, the load distribution pattern is
mainly conceptual. Exact dimensions of the various elements must be
consistent with design moments.
W 0662949 0544059 398
102 Alexander
Using the values given in Table 1, mean design moments for the supports
are estimated as follows:
The element boundaries at mid span are positions of zero shear. Their
position is determined using the support moments, span length, and loading. Mid
span design moments are then calculated by considering the equilibrium of
individual elements. For example, for a strip spanning in the x direction between
the column and the fixed edge, the average distance from the edge to the location
of zero shear is:
20.3 kN.m/m-17.9 k N d m
4.5 m x 1 2 kN/mZ
+ y = 2.29
12 kN/m2 x ( 2 . 2 9 d 2
2 - 20.3 k N d m = 11.2 k N d m
The moment diagrams resulting from these calculations are shown in
Figure 12(a). Applying the lateral distribution pattern illustrated in Figure 7
results in the distribution of design moments shown in Figures 12(b) and (c).
Support design moments are double the average support moment and are spread
over half the element width. All a values are within allowable limits as follows:
18.2 k N d m
18.2 kNm/m+17.9 k N d n = 0.504
11.2 k N d m
11.2 k N . d m + l 7 . 9k N d m =
12.6 k N . d m
12.6 kN.m/m+lS.Sk N d m =
13.5 k N d m
13.5 kN.m/m+15.5 k N d m =
Slab with edpe column -Figure 13 shows a two-way slab similar to the
preceding example except that one of the simple edge supports is replaced by a
column. The average moments for spanning in the y direction are unchanged from
the previous example.
Obb2947 0544QbL T4b
104 Alexander
Except at the edge column support, bending moments for spanning in the x
direction are calculated using the coefficients of Table 1. The appropriate value of
design moment at the edge column is somewhat debatable. The Direct Design
Method would suggest 26% of the simple span moment. In the opinion of the
author, this value is a littie high, particularly if the reinforcement is placed well
outside the column. A more modest value of 20% of the simple span moment is
chosen for this example. This gives an average support moment and total support
moment, respectively, of:
All other mean design moments are as shown in Figure 13(a). The support
moment at the edge column will be carried by steel within the column width plus
three times the slab thickness, for a total width of 750 mm. This produces a design
moment intensity at the edge column of 32.9 kN.m/m.
The lateral distribution of design moments is shown in Fig 13(b) and (c).
Of particular interest is the distribution of bottom steel perpendicular to the free
edge. Because the support moment at the edge column is placed in a band that is
narrower than half the design strip, the limits on ct must be adjusted for the two
corner supported elements labeled A. The mid span moment must also satisfy the
limits on a for the two elements labeled B but in this example, the constraint from
the A elements is more severe. This leads to the following constraint on the
"middle strip" positive moment, mjxz,
For element A:
0.42 5 ,z5,3
0.63 I
8.82 k N d m 5 r n ~5
2 13.23 kNm/m
elements, labeled B. This leads to the following constraints on the "middle strip"
support moment, mm2at the outermost column.
For element A:
0.25 I I0.70
For element B:
0.25 < -< 0.70
It should be noted that equilibrium for the shaded comer regions of the
three preceding examples is not strictly satisfied. While it is possible to develop
load distributions that rigorously satisfy the equilibrium of these sections, the
difference in final design moments will be negligible. Because the design
moments are well below that provided by minimum reinforcement, a more refined
analysis will not change the final reinforcement layout.
The corner supported element is assumed to extend slightly more than half
way across the slab, say 2.4 m. This leads to the distribution of average moments
at section A-A shown in the figure.
0.375 5 a 2 0.65
Second, the support moment for the corner supported element is not
accounted for in the equilibrium of the adjacent simple strips. With a complicated
array of edge and corner supported elements, Hillerborg was able to develop a
consistent load distribution scheme for a similar problem. The resulting design
moments were not appreciably different from those obtained with the simplified
approach used above. Hillerborg concluded that the simplified approach is
satisfactory as long as the top reinforcement is properly developed into the
adjoining strip.
As a starting point, one might use the elastic solution as a guide. This is
the basis of the lateral distribution rules given in the AC1 code, which place 75%
of the design moment within the column strip and 25% within the middle strip. As
a result of this rule, the area of reinforcement within the column strip is roughly
three times that within the middle strip.
By contrast, the sûip method is always on the safe side. A poorly chosen
load distribution pattern will result in more reinforcement being provided rather
than less, but will never compromise safety. The strip method also provides the
necessary information to determine bar cutoffs, something that is extremely
tedious to do by yield-line analysis.
The strip method is a powerful tool well suited to the design of two-way
reinforced concrete slabs and plates. The method is general, allowing the designer
to decide how the structure should carry load and then providing the means to
ensure that the structure is capable of doing it.
Y 5000
O n 10.75 kN*m/rn 0
12 kNlrn' 12 kNimz a
Fig. 2-Simply supported square slab with load dispersion lines along diagonals.
I simple I
6 kN/mZ 6 kN/m2
B-B 4.7 kN*m/m
O1 0
30.75 kNvn/m 1
6 kN/m2 6 kN/m2
t t i t t t t
I 12 kN*m/m I
Fig. 4-Banded load distribution for simply supported square slab considering
minimum reinforcement.
0bb2949 05440b9 237
112 Alexander
8000 -I
T/ O
6-6 414kNmh
O (b)
2.17kN-mlm 4
(Strang Band)
Fig. 7-Rectangular slab with free edge and three simple supports.
114 Alexander
0662949 05440’71 995 m
Y a
If Comer Support
Fig. 1O-Design moments for corner supported element: typical case.
(b) uid (c) Mlatsdedm mansnl
2000 , 2400
1200 4500
29 kN*mmi
I ,
3.6 k N d m
7.3 kN.mlm
Fig. 15-Design moments for 1-shaped slab.
m Ob62949 0544075 530 m
SP 183-7
by W. Gamble
Svnopsis: The Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) of the AC1 Code was developed
when the predominate method of structural analysis was the Moment Distribution
method. It was furthermore developed primarily for vertical loadings. While there
exist special-purposeprograms intended for slab analysis using the EFM, the purpose
of this paper is to present a method of using the EFM approach with an ordinary
plane-frame program. This can be accomplished for the vertical loading case by the
use of a substitute moment of inertia, I,,, for the columns. For the lateral loading
case, the beam which replaces the slab in the analysis has to have a reduced moment
of inertia, with the reduction having two parts. One part is to reflect the state of
cracking, with the second part being an “effective width” factor which depends on
the panel shape.
120 Gamble
Obb2949 0544076 477 =
AC1 Fellow William L. Gamble, Professor of Civil Engineering, has been a member
of the faculty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1963. He is
engaged in teaching and research in the areas of reinforced and prestressed concrete.
He is coauthor, with Robert Park, of a book on reinforced concrete slabs, and has
published extensively.
The Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) as included in the AC1 Code was
formulated primarily for vertical load situations. The assumptions made about
variations in member stiffnesses were thoroughly checked by Corley and Jirsa (1)
against all data available at the time, and are believed to lead to reasonably accurate
assessments of the moment distributions. The prevailing method of structural
analysis at the time was the moment distribution method, and the EFM was made to
fit into the moment distribution method. The horizontal members -slab-beams -
and the vertical members -columns -are treated rather differently in any analysis.
obb2q4q 0544037 303
Design of Two-way Slabs 121
One caution is required at this point. The difference in stiffhess between the
central member and the two short end members making up a span may be very great.
In some cases this can introduce numerical instabilities which lead to erroneous
results. In one classroom example, the same program gave correct results when all
dimensions were in meters, and incorrect results when the dimensionswere in mm.
The incorrect solution resulted in beam end moments which were approximately the
fixed end moments at all ends of all spans, regardless of the actual restraint
The column stiffness is complex, on two bases. First, the end sections are
assumed to be rigid for some distance. Second, a torsional member is interposed
between the column and slab (for purposes of the analysis) (Fig. 2), and this member
is thought of as being part of the column. The stiffness of this assembly is then taken
as K,,, the stiffness of an equivalent column, defined as follows:
The derivation of Kecis of course well documented, but this stiffness value
is of no help if you wish to use a plane-frame program, as opposed to a special
purpose slab analysis program or moment distribution. K,, also has the problem of
lumping together the combined stiffhesses of the columns above and below the slab,
and these columns are of course often dissimilar.
The value of K,, can be subdivided between the two columns in the following
Kc (Col. Above)
For column above slab: Ke, = Ke,
K, (Col. Below)
For column below slab: ICe: = K,,
This change, which was noted by Park and Gamble (2), is helpful if you are
doing the analysis by moment distribution, but not necessarily so for our plane-fi'ame
Ob62949 054ri078 2 4 T
122 Gamble
objective, since the plane frame programs will want to use I values rather than K
values. However, the K',,values are helpful way-points on the path to a solution.
For Column Below Slab: I,, = I, - where all values are for the column
below. KC
This can be simplified to the following Eq., where the I values are for the
specific column being considered:
We now have three, conflicting, values of I,, for the upper exterior column.
Plane-frame analyses of the frame in Fig. 5 were completed using each of these
values, as was a moment distribution solution. The end moments, at the centers of
the columns, for the upper right slab-beam, for the four analysis cases were as
The differences are of course rather trivial in spite of the largest I being 45%
larger than the smallest, but the results support the use of the Average Zec. Fig. 6 is
the moment diagram for the Average I,, case, from which negative moments at the
faces of the columns and the maximum positive moment can be obtained.
It is useful to start with a quote from Vanderbilt (3), who was writing about
an unbraced flat-plate structure: “Its analysis presents a number of interesting
problems, most of which center on the proper way to consider the behavior of the
planar slabs.” It also useful to note that the problems in analysis being considered
are those in beamless slabs. The “two-way slab” with substantial beams on all
column lines will respond as a beam-and-column frame, with little participation from
Obb2îriî 05ri4080 î T 8 D
124 Gamble
the slabs since most of the stiffness will be concentrated in the beams. Questions
about states of cracking will remain important if drift is to be properly predicted, but
the problems are less crucial than those in beamless slabs.
For the slab structure shown in Fig. 5, with square panels and the column
0bb2q4q 834 Design of Two-way Slabs 125
sizes noted, Allen and Darval (6)give effective width coefficients, a, of slightly over
0.5 for both the upper and lower slabs. Values interpolated from their tables are
about 0.51 and 0.53 for the two slabs, respectively, with the difference being
completely meaningless to the structure.
An even more important factor is the state of cracking in the members of the
structure. The slabs would usually be cracked more extensively than the columns,
and lightly reinforced slabs would be expected to lose a significant amount of
stiffness upon cracking. The reductions in stiffness which have to be accounted for
will be found to be much more severe in seismic (reversed loading) cases than in
wind or other more or less static lateral load cases. This question has been studied
by Morrison and Sozen (7), and is outside of the scope of the present discussion.
Beams 0.35 I,
Columns 0.70 I,
Slabs 0.25 I,
While these relative stiffness values were not necessarily intended for use with the
frame analysis of an unbraced slab and column structure, this has apparently been
done, perhaps widely. The 0.25 Z, value may be thought of as a 50% reduction in Z
which reflects the effective width concept, and another 50% reduction which reflects
the expected state of cracking. This probably is not far off for square panels, but
needs a modification to account for the differing equivalent widths of different panel
shapes and column sizes. Rather than taking the blanket 0.25 Z, value, this should be
replaced by something involving the o: noted earlier, so that the Z to be used in the
frame analysis, to one significant figure on the cracking reduction, becomes:
The 0.5 reduction may be very optimistic about the loss in stiffness at
cracking, except that the greatest concentration of cracking in the lateral loading case
will be near the columns, where the reinforcement ratios are also highest, at least for
negative moment. Thus, the frame to be considered for lateral load may have the
member stiffnesses shown in Fig. 8. The columns should be assumed to be rigid
through the thicknesses of the floor slabs.
floor system forms a rigid diaphragm. The lateral loads are then shared in proportion
to lateral load stiffness, in a reasonable manner which is not too demanding of
computational effort.
Fig. 1 -Stiffness of slab-beam elements.
= +
K e K,
Fig. 2-Isometric view of equivalent frame showing torsional members.
200 mm
A -I
6.0 m 6.0 m
O 1 2 3 4 5 6
Meters from Lefl Support
O 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2
h, m
Fig. 7-Effective width alpversus 12.
r Rigid Li*s
SP 183-8
by O. Rogowsky
Svnousis: This paper deals with the selection c, slab reinforcement and
details from the perspective of serviceability. The focus is on extending
traditional detailing rules to slabs with higher strength concrete, and to
slab designs based on finite element analysis. Traditional detailing rules
when used with the direct design method and equivalent frame method
produce satisfactory slabs for "ordinary" applications. Slabs that fall
outside the limits of applicability of the equivalent frame method are
becoming more common due to the relatively ease with which one can
obtain a finite element solution for elastic bending moments and forces.
Detailing rules need to be generalized to deal with higher strength
concrete and the results of a finite element analysis, so that one can
select reinforcement that provides adequate strength and serviceability.
The issues addressed in this paper include: minimum reinforcement
requirements; bar size, spacing and layout; bars oriented in non-principal
moment directions; skew reinforcement; in-plane forces; and edge
reinforcement. While there are other detailing issues, those discussed
tend to have the most impact on slab performance and cost.
Obb2949 0544087 252
132 Rogowsky
This paper deals with the selection of slab reinforcement and details from
the perspective of serviceability. The focus is on extending traditional
detailing rules to slabs with higher strength concrete, and to slab designs
based on finite element analysis. Traditional detailing rules when used
with the direct design method and equivalent frame method produce
satisfactory slabs for "ordinary" applications. Slabs that fall outside the
limits of applicability of the equivalent frame method are becoming more
common due to the relatively ease with which one can obtain a finite
element solution for elastic bending moments and forces. Detailing rules
need to be generalized to deal with higher strength concrete and the
results of a finite element analysis, so that one can select reinforcement
that provides adequate strength and serviceability.
&,,,,"= 0.0018bh
This is empirically based and has given satisfactory performance for
concrete strengths of approximately 3000 psi, and slabs without
"significant restraint". Clause, introduced in the 1995 edition of
AC1 318, warns that additional reinforcement may be required when
movements due to shrinkage and temperature changes are restrained by
0bb2q4q 054408* Iqq Design of Two-way Slabs 133
The author has used Fig. 1 as the design basis for ice hockey rink slabs.
These are approximately 220 feet by 85 feet, and are cast in one
placement without joints. Crack control requirements are more severe
than an ordinary ofice building because of the damage that can be
caused by water freezing in the cracks. Experience with six slabs
indicates that a steel ratio of 0.005 sometimes gives a visible crack near
mid-length that has a crack width of approximately 0.012". A steel ratio of
0.006 limits cracks to hairline width. Figure 2 shows a common example of
a highly restrained slab. When slabs are cast against, and dowelled to,
previously placed concrete walls, one gets shrinkage cracks perpendicular
to the wall as shown. These cracks can be controlled by using a steel
ratio of approximately 0.005 parallel to the walls in the half panels
adjacent to the walls. This level of crack control is particularly important
for slabs that are used for underground parking in areas where cars bring
in chloride laden snow (road de-icing salts) on their undercarriage.
The starting premise is that we wish to prevent large cracks and, if the
steel does not yield, the cracks do not become large. Prior to cracking,
the concrete resists most of the force in a reinforced concrete slab. This
can be confirmed by analysis with an elastic transformed section. After
cracking, most of the tension force is resisted by the steel. This can be
134 Rogowsky
Obb2949 0544089 025 m
confirmed by analysis with a cracked transformed section. From this, it
can be concluded that large cracks can be prevented if the area of steel
provided is sufficient to take over the tensile force from the concrete
without yielding.
f, = 7.5K
The values from Eq. 3 are significantly lower than the value from Eq. 2,
and are believed to be more appropriate for real structures.
crack control, a larger area of steel is required when bars are widely
spaced. This may be accounted for with a bar spacing factor a, as shown
in Table 1.
Setting the tensile force in the concrete at cracking equal to the yield force
in the reinforcement one obtains:
,, = aß&fdfy = 1.4x0.5x(6x12/2)x290/60,000= 0.122 in2/ftwidth
,, = aß&fJfy = I.2x0.85x(6x12)x360/60,000= 0.44 in% width
Bars used in top mats should be large enough to walk on. Top mats with
#3 bars are easily damaged by foot traffic unless very well supported.
When a worker steps on a #3 bar in the top mat, it usually becomes bent
and positioned lower than intended. This can result in a significant
reduction in negative moment capacity. The minimum bar size for top
mats should be at least #4, and preferably #5. Bottom mat reinforcing is
typically less susceptible to damage. When a worker steps on a #3 bar in
the bottom mat, it usually deflects elastically until it comes into contact
with the form. When the worker steps off of the bar, it springs back to its
original position, and no harm is done. Adequate bar supports for both
the top and bottom mats are of course required.
Small diameter closely spaced bars are desirable for crack control, but
they have a higher installed cost per ton than fewer large diameter bars at
a wider spacing. The historic spacing limits for shrinkage and temperature
reinforcement of five times the slab thickness but not more than 18 inches
have proven to be satisfactory of ordinary applications. For special
applications where Eq. 5 is used to determine minimum reinforcement, the
bar spacing factor a will lead to minimum cost solutions with closer bar
spacing than current maximum limits.
The layout of the bars should be as simple as possible. The bar layout
should of course provide adequate positive and negative moment
capacity. Since flexural failure of a slab occurs with yield lines crossing
column and middle strips, the layout of reinforcement can be somewhat
simpler than suggested by AC1 318, Chapter 13. The bottom mat can be
essentially uniform, while the top mat can consist of top mats over the
columns only. Cardenas and Kaar [4] describe load tests on a structure
that show little difference in performance between a slab detailed as
suggested above and a slab detailed in accordance with AC1 318 Chapter
13. Figure 4 compares the reinforcement layouts. The AC1 distribution of
reinforcement locates bars in amounts proportional to the moments from
an elastic analysis. Since elastic moments are proportional to the elastic
curvature, locating top bars in the middle strip where curvatures are small
produces little stress in the reinforcement. Large deformations are
required to get enough curvature in the middle strip to yield the top
reinforcement. The relocation of the top bars from the middle strip into the
column strip is beneficial because it shifts these bars into a region of
greater slab curvature. The strength of these bars can therefore be
mobilized without large inelastic deformations. When special crack control
is required, top steel should also be provided in the middle strip. This
steel is proportionedfor crack control rather than moment resistance.
= Obb2949 O544092 b l T Design of Two-way Slabs 137
For ordinary structures that fall within the limitations of applicability of the
equivalent frame method, the critical sections for positive and negative
moments are in principal moment directions. That is, twisting moments
are essentially zero at the critical sections. For general slabs that do not
behave as orthogonal frames, orthogonal reinforcement will not
necessarily be in the principal moment directions. Nielsen [5] used
plasticity to determine the equivalent design moments for the design of
reinforcement when normal moments are accompanied by twisting
moments. The solution is given in Fig. 6. The coefficients k, and k, can
theoretically be any positive number. Usually, they are taken as 1.O. The
algorithm shown in Fig. 6 can be used to convert the results of an elastic
analysis into equivalent moments for bars placed parallel to the x and y
axes. Figure 7 shows a example of a circular slab, where the principal
moments are in the radial and tangential directions but the reinforcement
is placed in x and y directions.
For skew slabs, such as the one shown in Fig. 8, it is sometimes desirable
to place skew rather than orthogonal reinforcement. Hillerborg [6]
extended the work of Nielson as shown in Fig. 9. Note that in his solution,
x and y are skew coordinate directions.
In addition to the two normal moments m, and myand the twisting moment
mv, there can be in-plane normal stress resultants n, and nyand an in-
plane shear stress resultant of nv, as well as ordinary out of plane shears
of v, and v,. These eight stress resultants are shown in Fig. lO(a). Marti
[7] used plasticity and the sandwich model shown in Fig. 1O(b) to develop
D Obb2949 0544093 55b
138 Rogowsky
expressions for the required reinforcement in x and y directions for the top
and bottom mats. The reader is referred to the original work by Marti for
the detailed expressions. They permit one to dimension reinforcement for
the eight stress resultants that one might obtains from a general three
dimensional finite element analysis.
AC1 318 is sufficient for ordinary slabs, but provides little guidance for
slabs that fall outside the scope of the direct design and equivalent frame
methods. This paper has attempted to collect and present the design
tools required for general slab design.
4. Cardenas A.E., and Kaar, P.H., "Field Test of a Flat Plate Structure,"
AC1 Journal, Proceedings, V. 68, No. 1, January, 1971, pp. 50-59.
0.003. /
3 0.002..
w 60'
Joint Spacing
(a) Flexure
h [in.]
(b) Direct Tension
Fig. 3-Influence of shape and size of concrete tensile stress block [3].
I Reinfoi-t
D25L O W L 025L
a) AGI Reinforcement Disinbdion
I 1 Reinfncemot
b l Medifiad Reinfwcemcd Distribution
Moment Demand
Moment Capacity
. * . . . . a .
. .i
. Sl 1
Bar Spacing
M, = w(3+v)(a2$)/16
iu, = w[at(S+v)~(1+3v)]l16
Skew Slab
Fig. 8-Example of slab with skew reinforcement.
SP 183-9
by A. Scanlon
Synopsis: Deflection control for two-way slab systems requires attention to both
design and construction requirements. This paper discusses both aspects and
provides a design example to illustrate how construction loads, cracking and time-
dependent effects can be accounted for in slab deflection calculations.
Obb2949 0544bOL 452
146 Scanlon
Two-way slab systems have been successfully designed and built in North
America for more than 80 years. In most cases, deflection control has been
achieved by selecting a slab thickness not less than the code specified minimum
thickness given as a fraction of the slab span. Engineers have for the most part
used this simple approach and thereby avoided the need to calculate deflections.
The code does give the engineer the latitude to select a smaller thickness if
deflections are computed and compared with permissible values. Difficulties
associated with slab deflection calculations have made this option less than
attractive in the past. Even when code minimum thickness is satisfied,
serviceabiiity requirements for individual projects may require that deflection
calculations be made. Examples include slabs designed to support heavy
superimposed dead load and/or live loads such as library stacks or heavy
The objective of this paper is to provide practical guidance to engineers for the
realization of serviceable two-way slab systems. Both design and construction are
Minimum Thickness
(c) as a fraction of the clear span in the long direction. As noted in the code
Commentary these vaiues have evolved through the years based on satisfactory
performance. However the Commentary contains a cautionary note implying that
these minimum thickness are applicable oniy in situations consistent with
“previous experience in loads, environment, materials, boundary conditions, and
spans”. Given the complexities of two-way slab behavior it is perhaps surprising
that these simple provisions have served designers so well for so long,
particularly since no consideration is given to design live load or other factors
such as uneven adjacent span lengths and the subjectivity of serviceability
Calculation Methods
The crossing beam approach is based on the idea that deflections can be
calculated for column strips and middle strips based on simple beam deflection
equations which are familiar to design engineers (See Fig. 1). Mid-panel
deflections can be obtained by adding column strip and middle strip deflections.
The bending moments required as input to the deflection equation are obtained
as a by-product of the analysis for flexural reinforcement design by the Direct
Design Method or Equivalent Frame Method. Since the design moments for
flexural design represent approximate elastic solutions, a simple scaling of the
moments to the load level of interest is adequate. The method has been shown
to produce satisfactory agreement with finite element solutions and also with
field-measured deflections.
AC1 318 does not specify the loads that are to be considered for
deflection calculations other than s p e c M g limits for immediate deflection due
to live load and incremental deflection due to sustained load and live load. Long-
time deflections of slabs are affected by the level of sustahed load and by the
load history during construction. The sustained load depends on the slab dead
weight, superimposed dead load, and some fraction of the designlive load. These
load components can be calculated with a reasonable degree of confidence.
Constructionloads however are more difficult to predict at the design stage since
the construction procedures are generally not known until after the construction
contract has been awarded. Grundy and Kabaila (1963) provided a procedure for
estimating constructionloadsdue to shoring and reshoring when the construction
sequence is known. Calculations indicate that such loads may approach or even
exceed the design dead plus live load within 28 days of placing the concrete. This
early age loading affects long-time deflections by causing cracking that reduces
the slab stiffness for future loading and by causing early age creep deformation
that may not be completely recoverable on removal of the construction loads.
AC1 435 (1991) suggests that if the construction procedure is unknown, a load
of 2 x dead load be used to estimate the short-time deflection due to construction
load. This may exceed the design dead plus live load but will provide an
allowance for unanticipated overload conditions that would affect the cracking
and deflection of the slab. A more accurate estimate of peak construction load
may be made if the construction shoring and re-shoring procedure is known.
Another source of potentially high loading on slabs during constructionis storage
of materials on the slab due to lack of storage space at the construction site.
Middle S t r i p Deflection
Studies have shown that slab deflections are sensitive to the extent of
cracking because slab sections are generally lightly reinforced, sometimes
requiring only minimurn reinforcement for flexural strength. The cracked
transformed moment of inertia is considerably smaller than the gross moment of
inertia leading to a signjfícant loss of stiffness if cracking occurs. It is essential
therefore to take proper account of cracking in slab deflection calculations.
4 m
1o m
O O.oWO5 O.oW! 0.00015 O.OW2 0.00025 0.0003
Moment (in. Ib) Curvature (ilin)
35oooo ,
O o.ooaos ow01 o00015 0.0002 0.00025
Curvature (Vin.)
Moment (&,lb)
180000 ,
Ultimate Marnent
160000 .
Rho = 0.001 9
O 0.00001 0.00002 O00003 0.00004 0.00005 0.000060.00007
Curvature (llin.)
are applied. These effects are difficult to q u a n w but can be accounted for in an
approximate fashion by calculating the cracking moment on the basis of a
reduced modulus of rupture as suggested by Scanlon and Murray (1982).
Other arguments can be made for reducing the modulus of rupture used
in deflection calculations Laboratory data on modulus of rupture are based on
small carefully made specimens tested in a manner to minimize boundary
restraints. Slab systems are constructed over large plan areas often under less
than perfect conditions of workmanship and weather. Much higher variability
can therefore be expected for in-situ tensile strength than for tensile strength of
laboratory specimens. Also, if construction loads are controlled to minimize
cracking under construction loading, stresses in the slab may be close to the
tensile strength under sustained loads. Although there is little data on tensile
strength under sustained load, it would be reasonable to expect a reduction as is
the case for compressive strength under sustained load.
Creep and shrinkage in slabs may be somewhat higher than in beams due
to higher surface to volume ratio leading to more rapid loss of moisture. For
uncracked slabs, shrinkage warping may be a higher percentage of total
deflection than is the case for cracked slabs, but experience has shown that slab
deflections are not usually a problem if the slab remains uncracked. Slabs loaded
at early age due to shoring and reshoring can experience irrecoverable creep
during the construction stage. Graham and Scanlon (1986) suggested that with
a reduced effective modulus of rupture to account for cracking an increase in the
multiplier from 2 to 2.5 would account for shrinkage warping effects and non-
Obb2949 0544308 807 9
Design of Two-way Slabs 153
Maximum permissible computed deflections are given in AC1 3 18 Table 9.5 (b).
Different limits are specified depending on whether or not the slab supports
nonstructural elements likely to be damaged by large deflections. The code does
not spec@ anexplicit limit on total deflection, however the limits on incremental
deflection indirectly Illnit total deflection. Since the code provides minimum
requirements for design, more stringent limits may need to be considered for
specific applications.
It is worth emphasizing that limits are placed on computed deflections rather than
field-measured deflections. The calculation criteria provided in the code are
intended to provide an estimate of the average deflection that would be expected
under prescribed loading conditions. However because of uncertainties
associated with material properties and structural modeling as well as loading it
is to be expected that in some cases deflections measured in the field wiü exceed
the calculated values, Since the limits given in the AC1 Code appear to have
resulted in satisfactory performance over the years, these limits must have a
reasonable amount of conservativism built into them, in terms of providing
serviceable structures.
removal of shores and installation of reshores. Information from such a plan can
be used to evaluate potential problems due to construction loads before
construction starts. A team approach between the engineer and contractor is
needed to avoid deflection problems associated with construction procedures.
Given the uncertainties associated with loading and materiai properties at the
design stage the level of refinement demonstrated in this example is considered
to be adequate for design. A more elaborate analysis may be warranted for the
analysis of an existing slab if more detailed information is available on loading
historv and material properties.
f 18.00 -25.00 ++ 18.00 +
1 I
i T
Design Example
Data: f: =3,OOOpsi
E, = 57000 = 3,122,000 psi
f, =7.5 =411 psi
= - = 8.7in.
exterior panel with edge beams, kin
Try h = 8 in. throughout d = 6.75 in.
Deflection check required
156 Scanlon
Column strip
(Considerunit width = 12 in.)
3 C
I, (average) (180)
-- (24x12)2 (7.93-0.1(11.71+11.71))~12
48 (3122)(180)
= 1.03 in.
0544LL2 238 Design of Two-way Slabs 157
a, == x 1.03 h. ~ 0 . 2 6h.
Incremental deflection
-- 480
64 83 63
IC (average) (41 8)
0662949 0544333 174
158 Scanlon
-- 5
(5.29 - 0.1(3.93 +3.93))x12
48 (3 122)(4 18)
= 0.36 in.
Incremental deflections for column strip and mid-panel do not meet AC1
318 requirements. Note that thickness is less than minimum thickness and
assumed construction loads are higher than total service load. Restraint cracking
has not been considered.
In this example, the maximum load has been assumed to occur during
construction early in the life of the slab. It is therefore appropriate to base I, on
this load level for the life of the structure since the slab does not becorne
uncracked after cracking occurs.
This paper has outlined factors that have a signiIicant effect on slab serviceability
related to deflection control. Both minimum thickness and deflection calculation
have been discussed as means to achieve control of deflections in design.
Appropriate construction procedures are also necessary for serviceable slabs.
Although relatively straightforward approaches to the calculation of deflections
have been provided this should not be construed as encouragement to use slab
thicknesses less than the code-specified minimum values. Experience has shown
that slabs that develop deflection problems are usualiy those that have less than
minimum thickness often combined with problems during construction. Problems
have also developed in slabs constructed with concretes having high creep and
shrinkage characteristics. Slabs with special serviceability requirements may
require larger than minimum thickness.
Obb2949 0544315 T 4 7
160 Scanlon
Ramsay, R.J., Mirza, S.A., and MacGregor, J.G. (1979). Monte Carlo Study of
Short Time Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Beams. AC1 Journal, V.76, No.
8, pp. 897-918.
SP 183-10
by S. Alexander
162 Alexander
Alexander and Simmonds (1) present a model, called the bond model, for
the transfer of shear between columns and slabs with bonded orthogonal
reinforcement. According to the bond model, an interior column-slab connection
may be modeled with four slab strips, called radial strips, extending from the
- Obb2949 0544338 75b M
Design of Two-way Slabs 163
Figure 2 shows a free body diagram of one-half of a radial strip. The strip
is loaded on its side face by a combination of plate bending moments, m,,,
torsional moments, m,,and shears, Y. The strip is supported by a vertical reaction,
P,at the column supported end and bending moments, Mmsand MF, at the
column and remote ends of the strip, respectively.
The net internal vertical shear at any point along the side face of a radial
strip depends upon the interaction of bending and torsional moment gradient at
that point. A number of assumptions are made about the nature of this internal
shear. First, the mechanisms generating the net shear are assumed to be consistent
with those of a slender flexural member. Second, it is assumed that there is an
upper limit on the net internal shear. Finally, the mechanisms generating this
shear are assumed to be ductile enough to allow for the optimal redistribution of
the net internal shear. This results in the simplified free body diagram of a radial
strip at ultimate load, shown in Figure 3. The loading term, w,is the limiting net
internal shear that can be carried by the slab. Because the radial strip is loaded on
two faces, the total distributed line load on the strip is 2w.
The flexural strength of the radial strip, M,, is the sum of the negative and
positive flexural capacities, M& and M,,, at the ends of the strip. The loaded
length of the strip is 1 and total load carried by one strip is P,.Equilibrium of the
radial strip requires that:
The loaded length of each radial strip behaves like a deep beam under a
uniform load -a D-region in which shear is carried to the column by means of
arching action. In contrast, the quadrants of two-way slab are B-regions, each
delivering an internal shear to the side faces of the supporting radial strip.
The shear capacity of a strip is limited by the intensity of the internal shear
that can be carried on the boundary between the strip and its adjacent quadrants of
slab and the flexural capacity of the strip itself. Since the slab behaves as a slender
flexural member in the direction perpendicular to a radial strip, an appropriate
limiting value for the internal shear between the strips and the quadrants of slab is
the design value for one-way shear strength, w,of the slab. Based on AC1 3 18-95
(2), w is given by:
Pw fu
[4a1 Mneg = 4 xpnegxh x ~8x (1 - 3) xpmg x x 0 . 9 ~ 8
[4b] Mpos= 4 x pposxfy x c 8 x (1 - %) = 4 x pposxfu x 0 . 9 ~ 8
where 4 is the reduction factor for flexure,& is the yield stress of the
reinforcement, c is the column dimension perpendicular to the strip, and pneg
and ppsare the ratios of top and bottom reinforcement respectively.
Alternatively, the values of M& and MPaF may be determined directly from the
design moments. The latter approach is more useful in design and will be
examined in greater detail later.
Setting all factors equal to 1.O, failure loads for all 145 tests were
predicted using Equations 2,3, and 4. On average, the strip model is conservative,
with an average ratio of test to predicted load of 1.3 and a coefficient of variation
of 12.2%. For comparison, similar predictions were made using the procedure in
AC1 3 18-89. In this case, the average ratio of test to predicted load is 1.56 with a
coefficient of variation of 26.2%.
Figures 4 and 5 graph the results obtained with both the strip model and
the AC1 code method against slab reinforcing ratio and concrete strength. As
shown in Figures 4a and 5a, the strip model produces uniformly accurate results
over a wide range of reinforcing ratios and concrete strengths. In contrast, Figure
4b shows that predictions using the AC1 method become more conservative and
more scattered with increasing reinforcing ratio. Figure 5b suggests that the AC1
procedure may be less conservative with increasing concrete strength.
Figures 4 and 5 show clearly that the strip model is a more reliable and
accurate predictor of punching failure than the code model. One might suspect
0544120 304
Design of Two-way Slabs 165
that the AC1 method leads to similarly scattered results when employed in design.
Surprisingly, this is not the case.
With the above constraints from the flexural design of the slab and setting
all I$ factors equal to unity, expressions for the flexural strength, PJex,the punching
strength according to the strip model, PFlriP, and the punching strength according to
the code model, Pcode,can be developed as follows.
FI PJex= q x 12
= q x (a24
The punching strength according to the strip model is calculated as
[bal M, = c x m s
= c x 2(0.65 x 0.75 0.35 x 0.6)$
2 qd’
=1.395xa,(a2-ai) x s
pfir - qx(ad2
[91 pd 8x~l+al~xo.l7fi
Figures 6a to 6d show the load ratios % 2 and as functions of design
load q for different concrete strengths and for different geometry. The code
defined punching strength is represented by a horizontal line at a load ratio of 1.O.
The flexural strength of the slab is represented by a straight line and the punching
strength predicted by the strip model is represented by a curved line, both
increasing with design load q.
What is most striking about the curves for 2 & and shown in each of
Figures 6a to 6d is that they intersect at values reasonably close to 1.O. In fact, if
one were to modi@ the lateral distribution rule for the flexural reinforcement,
placing 100% of the negative moment reinforcement in the column strip rather
than only 75%, then the curves intersect within %5% of one.
The rationale behind developing a better analysis and design model for
punching shear is to remove the limitations of the code. In particular, less
restrictive rules for the lateral distribution of flexural reinforcement would allow
design of nonstandard structures and would permit better assessment of the
strength of existing structures. What follows is a description of how the strip
model can be used in design of new structures.
- 0662749 0544322 LB7
Design of Two-way Slabs 167
A similar approach can be taken using the strip method for shear. For a
given connection geometry and distribution of flexural reinforcement, the strip
method can be used to calculate a punching capacity. However, while valuable for
the assessment of existing structures, this is not the best approach for design.
The strip method for shear highlights the link between shear and flexural
design. It is, in fact, the lateral distribution of the flexural reinforcement that is
instrumental in determining the shear strength of a slab-column connection. By
making use of this link at the flexural design stage, the designer ensures the shear
adequacy of the connection.
Using Hillerborg's notation, rnF,,,and mj,, are the average negative (support)
and positive (field or span) moments, respectively. The average positive design
moment, m,, ,is distributed over the width of the design strip with mp going to the
middle strip and mfl going to the column strip. Similarly, the average negative
design moment, msn,,is distributed with m,,2going to the middle strip and m,,
going to the column strip.
Knowing the tributary area to each column, the required capacity of each
radial strip can be determined. This can be incorporated in Equation 2.
Rearranging produces a criteria for the lower limit on k necessary to provide
adequate shear strength.
9 Obb2949 0544323 013
168 Alexander
[ 1i]
k = (.ywxc - msz - mfl) t (m, + rnb - ms2 - m n ) 2 2
These equations appear to be a good deal more complicated than they
redly are. In most cases, the negative design moment will be assigned entirely to
the column strip while positive design moment will be uniformly distributed over
the full width of the design strip. This results in ms2= O and m,,= mfl= m, and
Equation 11 simplifies to:
Figure 8 shows a free body diagram of a strip that is not equally loaded on
its two side faces (faces 1and 2). This results in the unequal loaded lengths, II and
1, ,shown in the figure. Let:
i131 x='i;==
where PSIis the total load to be carried on side face 1and Pshis the total load to
be carried on side face 2.
For equilibrium of the strip:
~4a1 P , = Psi + Ps2 = (1 + x) x which can be rearranged
PJ X(l+XZ)
[14b1 M , = - 2w (i+#
Combining Equations 1O and 14 results in:
= (P? X(l+XZ)
ri51 2cw (i+x)2 m a - mp> + (msm+ mr, - msz - mfl) 2 2
Equation 15 is a more general form of Equation 11. For values of x greater
than about 0.75, the difference between Equation 11 and Equation 15 is
m Obb2949 0544124 T 5 T
Design of Two-way Slabs 169
Figures 9 shows a plan view of a flat slab with two column supports,
labeled A and B. The slab is flexurally designed for a uniformly distributed total
factored load of 12 kNím2.Also shown is the distribution of average design
bending moments. The dimensions of the areas tributary to each column are
determined using the average design moments and the equations of static
Because the loading of this column is relatively symmetric and there are
no perforations in the slab near the column, the value of y, can be taken as unity.
Applying Equation 12 to each radial strip results in:
Consider the design of strips A and C. These are more heavily loaded from
interior side than from the cantilever side. The factor x is estimated by
considering the ratio of the tributary areas on each side.
x = (2.076+0.3)/2 =
The same value of applies to both strips A and C. For Equation 12, the
capacity of these strips is:
The width of the column strip parallel to radial strips B and D is controlled
by shear considerations for radial strip B. The width of the column strip is
(2.16+0.3+2.2)/2.49 = 1.871 m. The negative design moment in the middle strip,
m,r2,is 4.0 k N d m . The negative design moment in the column strip, mSI,is
(13.5 - 4.0) x 2.49 + 4.0 = 27.7 m.m/m.
As an analytical procedure, the strip model shows that the shear capacity
of a column-slab connection is a function of both the one-way shear strength and
the flexuraì strength of the slab in the vicinity of the column. When used to
predict the failure strength of 145 punching tests reported in the literature, the
strip model produced an average value for the ratio of test to predicted load of 1.3
with a coefficient of variation of 12.2%. On the same data, the AC1 code
procedure produced an average value of 1.56 with a coefficient of variation of
In comparing the strip model with the AC1 code procedure, it is found that,
as long as standard lateral distribution of reinforcement specified by the AC1 code
is followed, the AC1 procedure should correctly predict if the punching strength is
more or less than the flexural strength. This explains why the AC1 procedure is
adequate as a design procedure even though it is a poor predictor of actual
punching capacity.
When used as a design procedure, the strip model shows that adjusting the
lateral distribution of flexural reinforcement is the most effective way to ensure
adequate shear strength. The strip model therefore offers the designer a new
strategy for dealing with the shear design of slab-column connections.
W Obb2949 0544327 7b9
172 Alexander
1 Alexander, S.D.B. and Simmonds, S.H. 1992. Bond model for concentric
punching shear. ACI Structural Journal, V. 89, No. 3, pp. 325-334.
2 AC1 Committee 3 18, 1995, Building code requirements for reinforced
concrete. American Concrete Institute, Detroit.
3 Elstner, R.C., and Hognestad, E., "Shearing Strength of Reinforced Concrete
Slabs," AC1 Journal, Proceedings, Vo1.53, No.1, July 1956, pp. 29-58.
4 Kinnunen, S., and Nylander, H., "Punching of Concrete Slabs Without Shear
Reinforcement," Transactions of the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden),
No. 158, Stockholm, 1960, 112 pp.
5 Moe, J., "Shearing Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs and Footings
Under Concentrated Loads," Development Department Bulletin No. D47,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, 1961, 130 pp.
6 Regan, P.E.; Walker, P.R.; Zakaria, K.A.A., "Tests of Reinforced Concrete
Flat Slabs," CIRIA Project No. RP 220, Polytechnic of Central London,
1979,217 pp.
7 Rankin, G.I.B., and Long, A.E., "Predicting the Punching Strength of
Conventional Slab-Column Specimens," Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, Part 1, Vo1.82, April 1987, pp. 327-346.
8 Gardner, N.J., "Relationship of the Punching Shear Capacity of Reinforced
Concrete Slabs with Concrete Strength. AC1 Structural Journal, Vo1.87,
No. 1 ,Jan.-Feb. 1990, pp. 66-71.
9 Shilling, R.C., and Vanderbilt, M.D., "Behavior of Shear Test Structure,"
Structural Research Report No. 4, Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
1970,66 pp.
10 Lunt, B.G., "Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slabs at Column
Supports," PhD thesis, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1988,292
11 Kuang, J.S. and Morley, C.T., 1992. Punching shear behavior of restrained
reinforced concrete slabs. ACI Structural Journal, V. 89, No. 1, pp. 13 - 19.
12 Marzo&, H.M. and Hussein, A.,1991, Experimental investigation on the
behavior of high-strength concrete slabs. ACI Structural Journal, V. 88,
NO.6, pp. 701-713.
13 Regan, P.E. 1983. Behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs. CIRIA Report 89,
Construction Industry Research and Information Association, London, United
0544328 b T 5
Design of Two-way Slabs 173
Fig. 3-Simplified loading diagram for radial strip.
174 Alexander
u 2.0
O I 2 3 4 5 0
Reinforcing Ratio (%)
(a) Results using strip model
8 m
i- 0.5
I 1 I I I
0bb2q4q 0544130
Design of Two-way Slabs 175
L- I
i- 0.5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Concrete CompressiveStrength (MPa)
2.5 - -~ -
.? -__ ~
i- 0.5 ___
0.0 I . I , . , ! , I ,
Fig. 5-Relation between concrete strength and analysis results using strip model
and AC1 code.
9 Obb294î 0544131 1 î T
176 Alexander
O 10 20 M O 10 20 34 40
Dabn L o d q Wml) D..lpn-qpiwhn.)
(a) cid = 3, IM = 40,fc' = 25 MPs (b) cid =3, Ild -40,fc' = 50 MPa
O 10 20 30 40 O 10 M 30 40
b i o r Lo*l q (LNhn.) W n L o d o tuum7
(e) cid =6. üd =4ü,W =25 MPa (d) cid = 3, IM = 30. fc' = 25 MPa
A ~ ~ m o m e n t ~ l - 1
I- 43ooI- 2146
-I 2
' g o
12.4 12.8
(b) Lateral disinbuam of dedgn momenb
I- l5O0 -I300
-' ?
s N
Y r
(b) Lateral distributionof design moments
inch millimeter (mm) 25.4Et
foot meter (m) 0.3048E
Yard meter (m) 0.91448
mile (statute) kilometer (km) 1.609
square inch square centimeter (cm2> 6.451
square foot square meter (m2) 0.0929
square yard square meter (m2) 0.8361
Volume (capacity)
ounce cubic centimeter (cm3) 29.51
gallon cubic meter (m3)$ 0.003785
cubic inch cubic centimeter (cm3) i 6.4
cubic foot cubic meter (m’) 0.02832
cubic yard cubic meter (m3)$ 0.7646
kilogram-force newton (N) 9.807
kip-force newton (N) 4448
pound-force newton (N) 4.448
Pressureor stm
(forceper area)
kilogram-forceisquare meter pascal (Pa) 9.807
kip-fordsquare inch (ksi) megapascal (MF’a) 6.895
newtorúsquare meter W/m2) pascal (Pa) 1 .OOOE
pound-fodsquare foot P a d (Pa) 41.88
pound-forceisquare inch (psi) kilopascal (kPa) 6.895
deg Fahrenheit (F) deg Celsius (C) k = (tF - 32)/1.8
deg Celsius (C) deg Fahrenheit (F) t F = 1.8k + 32
* This selected list gives practical conversion factors of units found in concrete technology. The reference
source for information on SI units and more exact conversion factors is “Standard for Metric Practice”
ASTM E 380. Symbols of metric units are given in parentheses.
t E indicates that the factor given is exact.
$ One liter (cubic decimeter) equals 0.001 m3 or loo0 cm3.
5 These equations convert one temperature reading to another and include the necessary scale corrections.
To convert a difference in temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees, divide by 1.8 only, ¡.e.. a change
from 70 to 88 F represents a change of i 8 For 18/1.8 = IO C.
W Ob62949 0544337 bOô 9
Index 183
Alexander, S., 93, 161 Gamble, W., 67,119 reinforced concrete, 17,37,77, 161
analysis, 1,77 Chali, A., 37 reinforced concrete design, 131
C H reinforced concrete slabs, 1,93
Rogowsky, D.,131
collapse load analysis, 67 history. 1
columns (supports), 37,93,119,161 S-T-U-V
connections, 37
cracking, 145
I-J Scanlon. A., 145
in-plane forces, 67 segment. 77
D K seismic design. 37
shear strength, 37
deflection control, 145
Krauthammer. T.. 17 Simmonds, S., 1,7?
design, 1,17,77,93,145 slabs, 37,67,77,119,131,145,161
detailing, 131
ductility, 37
L strip method. 77
StNChld design, 37
dynamic analysis, 17 lateral loads, 119 StNChld Steel. 17
E M-N-O w-x
elastic frames, 1 Megally. S., 37 Woodson, S.,17
equilibrium. 77
F P-Q Y-z
plates, 93
finite element analysis, 131 plasticity, 77 yield line, 77
footings, 37 prestressed concrete. 37 yield line analysis. 67
frame method, 119 punching shear, 37,161 yield mechanisms, 67