The unit symbol represents the physical quantity being measured, such as m for meters or s for seconds. The SI base unit defines the units that are used to describe the measurement, such as meters for length or seconds for time. The document notes the distinction between the unit symbol, which indicates what is being measured, and the SI base unit, which specifies the actual unit of measurement used.
The unit symbol represents the physical quantity being measured, such as m for meters or s for seconds. The SI base unit defines the units that are used to describe the measurement, such as meters for length or seconds for time. The document notes the distinction between the unit symbol, which indicates what is being measured, and the SI base unit, which specifies the actual unit of measurement used.
The unit symbol represents the physical quantity being measured, such as m for meters or s for seconds. The SI base unit defines the units that are used to describe the measurement, such as meters for length or seconds for time. The document notes the distinction between the unit symbol, which indicates what is being measured, and the SI base unit, which specifies the actual unit of measurement used.
The unit symbol represents the physical quantity being measured, such as m for meters or s for seconds. The SI base unit defines the units that are used to describe the measurement, such as meters for length or seconds for time. The document notes the distinction between the unit symbol, which indicates what is being measured, and the SI base unit, which specifies the actual unit of measurement used.