Hepa B
Hepa B
Hepa B
Name & Formulation (10%) of Action (10%) Side Effects (20%) (20%) (20%)
Classification Interaction
(10%) (15%)
Generic: Hepatitis B Indication: Body as a Monitor Elevated temperature is Learn
Prophylaxsis: A desire for Whole: Mild temperature. a sign of infection and potential
Adult: IM protection from local Some patients should be addressed adverse
HEPATITIS B Recombivax 1mL hepatitis B in tenderness develop a immediately at the reaction.
VACCINE (10 mcg) at 0, 1, at injection temperature emergency department.
people who have Do not
(Recombinant) and 6 months; site, local elevation of
not been breast
Engerix-B 1mL (20 previously inflammatory 38.3° C (101° F)
mcg) at 0, 1, and 6 reaction following
Brand: vaccinated while
months or 0, 1 ,2, (swelling, vaccination that
A sexually active taking
and 12 months. heat, may last 1 or 2
lifestyle in redness, days this drug
RECOMBIVAX, people who are without
Child: IM induration,
ENGERIX-B not in a long- consulting
Recombivax 0.5 mL pain); fever,
(5mcg) at 0.1, and term, mutually To make patient more
malaise, physician
6 months; Engerix- monogamous Communicate or comfortable
Classification: fatigue,
B 0.5 mL (10 mcg) relationship (eg, headache, assure patient
at 0, 1, and 6 > 1 sex partner dizziness, that the pain
months or 0, 1, 2, faintness, due to injection
VACCINE during the
and 12 months. leg cramps, is mild and
previous 6
myalgia, generally
Dialysis and arthralgia. tolerable.
Immunodeficient Need for
Patients: evaluation or GI: Nausea,
Adult: IM treatment of a vomiting, For family to
Recombivax 2mL sexually diarrhea. Immunization understand dosing
(20 mcg) at 0, 1, transmitted schedule to schedule and the health
and 6 months infection Skin: Rash, client worker to be assured
Engerix-B 2mL (40 Current or recent urticaria, (Vaccination completion of the
mcg) at 0, 1, and 6 use of illicit pruritus. requires three vaccination.
months or 0,1, 2, injection drugs IM injections at
and 12 months. Sex between prescribed
men intervals.)
Employment in
which workers
may be exposed
to blood or other
infectious body
fluids (eg, health
care, custodial, (Vaccine must To prevent side effects
or public safety be administered like pain and fever as
workers) intramuscularly. well as
Diabetes in ) underdosing/overdosing
people < 60
years (as soon
as feasible after
diagnosis) and
sometimes in
those ≥ 60 years
(based on
shared clinical
between clinician
and patient
regarding the
risk of becoming
infected, having
consequences if
infected, and
having an
response to
End-stage renal
disease (eg,
being treated
HIV infection
A chronic liver
disorder (eg,
people with
hepatitis C,
cirrhosis, fatty
liver disease,
liver disease,
hepatitis, or
[ALT] or
[AST] level
greater than
twice the upper
limit of normal)
Pregnant women
if at risk of
infection or
severe outcome
resulting from
infection during
not currently
due to lack of
safety data in
Mechanism of
Suspension of
inactivated and purified
hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg)
derived from human
plasma of screened
asymptomatic HBsAg-
positive carriers of
hepatitis B virus.
Hepatitis B vaccine
recombinant is the first
vaccine produced by
gene splicing. No
human plasma is used
in its production.
________________________________________ ___________________________________
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