Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe: An Illustrated History
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe: An Illustrated History
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe: An Illustrated History
Fortified Cities of
Medieval Europe
An Illustrated History
Witnesses to centuries past, castles are still to be seen the modern one. When the Middle Ages came to an end,
everywhere in Europe today. Whether standing in ruins, tribal and local organizations had vanished, and most
forgotten in dark forests, or well preserved and trans European nations had their own identity, their own lan
formed into hotels, museums, concert halls or offices, guage, their own particularities. Nature had been brought
they are places of mystery and greatness, the legacy of a under man's dominion. The repartition of towns, villages,
civilization that lasted for a thousand years. They are communication axes, administrative limits and land
treasures handed down to us from the Middle Ages, the scapes established by the end of the medieval period
period conventionally dated from 476, when the Ancient would, on the whole, remained the same until the In
Roman empire collapsed, to 1453, when the capital of the dustrial Revolution in the second half of the 19th cen
Eastern Latin Empire, Constantinople, was taken by the tury.
Turks. Roughly speaking, then, the Middle Ages cover the During the medieval millennium, the castle was a
period between 500 and 1500. common feature of the European landscape. The word
In the popular imagination, the medieval era has castle (coming from the Latin word castellum) conjures
long been considered a bleak and barbarian period. In up a whole range of images, from the sugary Walt Dis
fact, however, the European Middle Ages were not a mil ney picture of a pinnacled fairytale palace to the dark and
lennium of unceasing violence and permanent disorder. sinister lair of Count Dracula. Legends abound of treach
It is true that in the early Middle Ages, between the 5th ery, hidden treasures, loyal heroes defeating evil dragons
and the 9th century, civilization, knowledge and art were and wicked barons, gallant knights rescuing damsels in
in relative decay because of invasions and disorder. But distress, and besieging forces doused with cascades of
after the 10th century, three major influences (Ancient boiling oil. Although some legends are based on histori
Roman culture, Germanic customs and Christianity) were cal events, in most such stories the portrayal of castles is
working in combination to effect significant change on largely fiction. The historical reality of castles is some
medieval society. That combination reached its apogee in what more prosaic.
the 13th century. Originally a castle was an independent, fortified
The brilliant and original medieval civilization was dwelling place, probably exhaling a strong smell of farm.
marked in the 14th century by a series of catastrophes: Its original purpose was to shelter a lord, his family and
wars, epidemics, social and moral crises. In the 15th cen his men as well as to defend a territory. In time of war,
tury, the European world recovered and underwent tech the peasants of the neighborhood could find refuge be
nical, social and cultural transformations. The following hind its walls. The construction of a castle depended on
period, called the Renaissance, was in many ways a con private initiative directly connected to feudalism; the
tinuation of the Middle Ages but also an important fortified buildings illustrate the decaying political and
breakthrough that opened the planet Earth to exploration military authority and reflect a social order based on lust
and discovery. for power. In this sense a private "castle," designed for
Those ten medieval centuries mark a long and daily life and occupied by both civilians and warriors, is
difficult transition between the ancient Roman era and quite different from a "fort" (a stronghold built by the
state to defend a strategic point and manned only by a guage of its own. Instead of an inconvenient glossary
military garrison) and from a "citadel" (an urban fort). placed at the end of the book, I have chosen—for the
Some castles played a major role in medieval his reader's comfort—to explain the large number of spe
tory. They were besieged, burnt, retaken, rebuilt, en cialized terms within the main text by means of drawings,
larged, and sometimes abandoned. Many others were cross-sections, reconstructions and impressions. These il
insignificant, never mentioned, left alone for ages. As lustrations are based on my own photographs, sketches
methods of warfare improved, castles grew in size, drawn on the spot, and other sources. Attention is fo
height and strength to meet the increased threats from cused on the essential points, and I have eliminated an
assault, but as the times became more peaceful and cen noying present-day elements such as late additions, wan
tral authority was restored, many of them were trans dering tourists, road signs, parked cars, vegetation and
formed into beautiful and airy palaces. Many castles other things disrupting the general view. City drawings
have disappeared, but thousands are still standing are based on ancient ground-plans. Unfortunately, town
today, having withstood the violence of war and the at representations before the 1 6 century are few, and those
trition of time. Adapted, reconstructed, modernized, or that exist are often unreliable, so reconstruction of me
in ruins, they constitute today an important heritage dieval and Roman walls is a process of deduction from
and a rich historical legacy. vestiges visible on old maps. In this process, imagination,
It was not only castles that required solid defenses guesswork and experience are needed to spot walls,
to keep enemies at bay. The prosperity of some ecclesi ditches, foundations of towers, and other traces of
astical properties made them tempting targets for in fortifications.
vaders, and as a result, they built fortifications to protect Dimensions in this book are given in metric form as
their inhabitants and property. Towns were collective this is now the standard measurement of archaeology.
dwelling places and economic centers that played an im The reader is reminded that 2.54 centimeters = one inch;
portant role after the 12th century; they too were fortified 3 0 centimeters = one foot; 0.91 meters = one yard; and
by methods borrowed from castle architecture. 1.609 meters = one mile.
Today's surviving castles, vestiges of religious The complete history of castles and towns in me
fortifications and urban remains represent a permanent dieval Europe will never be written. The subject is so
record of our past. They attract many visitors, affording complicated and enormous that it would take a lifetime
them a direct and dramatic rendezvous with history. Me of dedicated work, and much of it would be details of in
dieval architecture deserves our admiration, especially terest only to a minority of knowledgeable readers. This
when we consider the size and sturdiness of the works in book reflects my own opinions and predilections. I have
light of the lack of means of construction, the weakness selected, neglected and omitted items of equal impor
of technological methods, the shortage of manpower and tance. While acknowledging the infinite diversity of the
the low budgets. Castles and towns were living struc castles and towns I have illustrated, I have attempted to
tures that evolved over time, according to political cir point out some of the general features medieval
cumstances, economic conditions and military situations. fortifications have in common. Another writer would
That is part of the charm of medieval castles and towns: doubtless have produced a completely different story
All are different, depending on the natural site, the pe within the same framework. This book's aim is clear, sim
riod, the material used, and the intentions, rank and for ple and humble: to show the general reader—the reader
tune of those who built them. All castles, however, have with an interest but little specific knowledge in this sub
certain features in common: living accommodations, sup ject—the importance of castles and towns in the Middle
ply stores, a place of worship, observation and commu Ages, the way of life that developed in and around them,
nication means, and passive and active artificial defense and the historical and technical evolution of European
works reinforcing a carefully chosen natural site. medieval military architecture.
The castles, fortresses, palaces and towns described I would like to close this preface with a reminder
in this book are intentionally not always the best known. about military architecture as a whole. Fortifications have
Other books have discussed the well-known works, and an undeniable beauty; through the ingeniousness and bal
the subjective choice that I have made represents a het ance of their conception, the quality of their execution,
erogeneous grouping, showing the development and di the solidity of their mass, the sobriety of their shape and
versity of western European military medieval architec the majesty of their proportions, they arouse real aes
ture, including fortifications in France, Britain, Germany, thetic emotion. They radiate an impression of quiet
Austria, the Netherlands and Belgium, Spain, Portugal strength by the strictness of their geometry and by their
and Italy as well as Palestine (connected to western Eu functionality, yet their rigorous efficiency is tempered by
rope by the Crusades). high shapes that harmonize with decorations and orna
Over the centuries, fortification has evolved a lan ments. Let us not be blinded, however, by romanticism.
Ruined walls overgrown in vegetation, majestic citadels, these places of prestige and feudal glory have also been,
peaceful towers reflected in the calm waters of moats or in their time, places of suffering, fear, violence, war and
isolated castles standing watch over jagged mountains death.
have cost fortunes at a time when most of the population
suffered misery and poverty. Let us not forget that Jean-Denis Gilbert Georges Lepage
fortifications were built by the hard work of generations Groningen
of humble and exploited people. Let us keep in mind that January 2002
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
Castrum arenarum
The Merovingian army was fully ruled by Germanic economic and political importance. The most significant
custom and was not so much an army as a gang of ill-or cities were the sieges of the local Catholic bishops (in
ganized warriors, certainly not numerous, with no disci France for example Soissons, Paris, Tours, Orleans, Cler
pline and rather poor efficiency. Though the army was mont, Poitiers, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lyon, Vienne, Aries).
officially under command of the king himself, in the sec In the 8th century, however, some cities in southern
ond half of the 7th century command was often entrusted France, Italy and Spain increased their defensives capa
to high officers called graven (counts) and herzogen bilities because of a new threat coming from northern
(dukes). The army was not permanent, but mobilized ac Africa: the Arabs, called Saracens, who began to expand
cording to the need of a campaign. in the West. The toponym "La Guerche" (derived from
As for fortification, very little is known. Wars were Werki, meaning fortification in the old Frankish lan
small-scaled and fought by armed groups who practiced guage), which is common in western France, indicates
offensive tactics in short campaigns; political division, possible strongholds built by the Franks to face aggres
strategic situations and financial predicaments probably sion and repulse raids launched by the Britons established
did not justify the maintenance or creation of new strong in Armorica (French Brittany).
holds. Written documents and archeological evidence are
unfortunately lacking. Some ancient Roman villas (large
rural farming estates) may have been fortified with earth
walls and stockades in the ancient Celtic and Germanic
As we have just seen, towns were considerably re While the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons (coming
duced in population and area; most of them had lost all from northern Germany and Denmark) invaded the
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground plan of Autun ( France). Situated in Saone-et-Loire (Burgundy) on the river Ar
row, Autun was created in 10 BC by the Roman emperor Augustus (whence its name
Augusturum). The prosperous Gallo-Roman town, though playing no significant military
role, was fitted with fortifications which enhanced its prestige and wealth. Enclosing a
surface of 200 hectares, these fortifications were composed of a crenellated wall 6 km in
perimeter, 2.5 m thick and 11 m high including 52 high half-circular towers, four main
gates and six secondary posterns. Autun was ravaged by the Vandals, by the Franks in
674, by the Moors in 731, and by the Norsemen in 895. During the invasions, the town
was in full decay, abandoned and reduced to a small fortified castrum on the southern
hill. In the 12th century it became again a prosperous city which was enlarged and fortified
with an enceinte and a circular donjon called the Tour (tower) Saint-Leger (or Tour des
Ursulines). The ground plan shows the Roman fortifications (AA) in the 1st century with
the Arroux gate (1), the Saint-Andrea gate (2), the theater (3), the Rome gate (4). (B) is
the 6th century castrum with the Saint-Lazare cathedral and the episcopal residence.
(CC) is the medieval enceinte from the 12th century with the Ursulines dungeon (5) and
the Saint-Andoche gate (6). Note that the medieval city, though prosperous and pro
tected by the dukes of Burgundy, was much smaller than the ancient Roman town.
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
third wall, 12 m high and 4
m thick, was flanked by 96
towers, all 2 0 m high and
arranged to shelter artillery
Beja (Portugal). Situated in the province Baixo Alentejo in Portugal, the city Beja was
founded by the Romans and called Pax Julia. Beja became a Visigothic town, both a bish
opric and a stronghold. The Arabs occupied the city for four centuries, until King Afonso
III (1248-1279) reconquered it. The castle was rebuilt about 1310 by King Dinis on
Roman, Visigothic and Arab vestiges.
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
Known as the Reconquista, the Christian campaign of re- the rebirth of commercial activities), tried to oppose vi
conquest lasted until 1492, when the last Arabian bul olence, helped the poor and sick, and participated in po
wark, Grenada in Andalusia, was retaken by the king of litical life by giving their support to the Germanic kings
Spain. Yet the refined and brilliant Islamic civilization and warlords who became Christians (e.g. Clovis, later
had a tremendous influence on Spanish society, an Pepin the Short, Charlemagne and Hugh Capet). The bar
influence still perceptible even today. barian Germanic kings rapidly understood that nothing
Arabian fortification greatly influenced military ar on an economic, political, social, or spiritual level could
chitecture in the Iberian Peninsula even after the Recon be done without the Church's support, and most of them
quista and in all of Europe during the Crusades. Like converted to Christianity.
many other conquerors, the Arabs made use of existing In the troubled post-Roman time, amid the chaos re
fortifications as bases for controlling and exploiting the sulting from the invasions, many Christians recoiled from
territories they occupied. Where suitable strongholds did the world and sought the isolation of religious commu
not exist, they built their own. Being originally nomadic nities, living as monks in monasteries under the author
men of the desert with little experience in masonry, they ity of abbots. As early as 5 2 9 , Benedict of Nurcia founded
erected shuttering to take a primitive form of ready- an abbey on Monte Cassino in Italy and created rules for
mixed concrete-mortar dried in the sun (called tapia) and observing vows of chastity, poverty and obedience with
reinforced with stones. The resulting structures were rec prayer and work. Monasteries multiplied and became
tangular in plan, with square towers at each corner and spiritual and cultural nuclei in a world of disorder and
protecting the gate. Within the walls were constructed liv violence.
ing quarters and a mosque. During the long Moorish Irish monks were particularly active in European
domination in the Iberian peninsula, the main Arabian evangelization in the 7th and 8th centuries, and after
elements designed by the alarif (architect) were the al- 6 6 3 , Benedictine monks played an important role by giv
qasba (alcazaba or fortress), the alcazar (luxurious de ing Europe a united religion. However, theological dis
fended palace for the military governor) and the rhibat putes and political quarrels between the two great Chris
(fortified monastery). Important features created by the tian poles, Rome and Constantinople, led to a schism in
Moorish architects were the barbican (external work de 1054. Christianity was then divided into two parts: the
fending the gatehouse), the torre del homenaje (massive Roman Catholic Church under the authority of the pope
square masonry keep) and the atalaya (isolated watch- in Rome, and the Greek Oriental Orthodox Church
tower); other characteristics were the frayed echauguette headed by the patriarch of Constantinople.
(sentry-box), the tower with fringed roof, the typical In spite of its severe faults, the Church prevented the
crenellation outline cut in point, staircase or pyramid- disappearance of the Latin civilization and greatly par
shaped, and very refined and numerous decorations in ticipated in the creation of the medieval world and the
spired by the art of the Mudejars (Muslims allowed to rebirth of Europe.
remain in Spain following the Reconquista, many of
whom were highly skilled craftsmen).
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground plan of the old city in Segovia (Spain). Segovia was situated in Castilla on a steep
ridge 66 m high at the confluence of rivers Eresma and Clamores. The Ciudad Vieja (old
city) was created by the Romans and became a Moorish alcazar (stronghold). After the
Reconquista, the Moorish fortress was turned into a residence for the kings of Castilla.
It was profoundly reshaped in the 15th century by King Juan II in the Mudejar style com
bining luxurious living accommodations with military elements, a circular dungeon, high
walls and towers. Segovia was an important economical, administrative and political
center playing a major role in the history of Spain. The ground plan shows the old city
with the Moorish alcazar (1), the cathedral (2) and the Roman aqueduct (3).
Exploiting his fame and prestige, Charles Martel pope and formed the nucleus of the pontifical state. Pepin
brought the rich Aquitaine and the other Frankish king continued the struggle against the Saracens, liberated the
doms under his power. His son Pepin the Short (741-768) province of Septimania (today Languedoc in southern
overthrew the last Merovingian king, Childeric III the France) in 7 5 9 , and repressed a revolt in Aquitaine from
Idle, in 751. Cleverly, the cunning Pepin arranged to be 761 to 7 6 8 .
crowned king by the pope Zacharias. Thus from an ille When Pepin died in 7 6 8 , according to unwritten but
gal coup he created a legitimate new dynasty, today called customary Germanic laws, the reunited Frankish king
Carolingian after his father's name (Charles is in Latin dom was divided again between his two sons: Carloman
Carolus). and Charles. Carloman died prematurely, however, and
Pepin conquered a part of northern Italy from the in 771 only Charles remained as king.
Lombards in 7 5 6 . Those territories were yielded to the A king of enormous prestige, Charles (742-814) is
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
In 7 8 7 , he launched a successful war against the pagan ten centuries afterwards; they do not reflect reality but
Avars in the Danube region, but his efforts to drive the are intended to impress the reader through rhetorical, al
Saracens off of Spain were in vain. He conquered Bavaria, legorical and epic style.
Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg in 7 8 8 . Northern Because of its huge dimensions, its varied pastiche of
Germany and Saxony up to the river Elbe were conquered Germanic laws, its patchwork of populations, and its
and Christianized after numerous ruthless wars and atro poor fiscal and administrative structure, the Carolingian
cious campaigns lasting more than thirty years. empire was a vulnerable construction. Partly, the empire
By the end of the 8th century, the period of conquest rested on the fighting high nobility and low gentry orig
was complete, and Charlemagne had reconstituted the inating from the Merovingian organization. To this group
Ancient western Roman Empire, along with a wide part of aristocrats (who of course were the same privileged
of northern and central Germany, but without the British cast called up for military service), Charlemagne dele
Isles and French Brittany. gated a part of his power, dividing the empire into coun
Champion of the Christian faith, ally of the papacy ties, provinces, regions and marches commanded by
and the landowning nobility, victor against the Arabs, graven (counts or earls), herzogen (dukes) and mark-
Charlemagne was henceforth the most powerful sover graven (margraves). These powerful officers represented
eign of all western Europe. At Christmas of the year 8 0 0 , the emperor; they were appointed and dismissed by him
he was crowned emperor by the pope Leon III in Rome. and had large juridical, fiscal, administrative, and of
The new emperor's task was now to defend his pos course military and police power in their territories. At
sessions from external aggressions. Charlemagne orga the regional level they in turn delegated a part of their
nized the border provinces militarily into so-called power to local gentry, barons, viscounts and lords.
marches; this term, originating from the old Frankish Recall, however, that the emperor had a poor fiscal
word Marka, means frontier. The march of Brittany, cre administration and consequently no money; hence he
ated as early as 7 9 0 , was intended to repulse the bois could not regularly pay his officials. On the other hand,
terous Bretons. In 8 0 5 , the Avars of the Danube, who land and agriculture were the only wealth in a rural
could have been a threat to Bavaria, were contained by world. The emperor therefore had no choice but to allow
the eastern march, the Ostmark, which later became Os- nobility and gentry to live on the lands they adminis
terreich (Austria). The march of Spain, called marka his- trated, drawing their livelihood from them.
panica (which would become the kingdom of Catalonia), The system was complicated by the fact that Charle
was created in 811 in the south of the Pyrenees; with its magne also appointed the bishops, who became not only
capital Barcelona and the fortresses of Vich, Cardona, spiritual leaders but territorial administrators too. All
Girona and Lerida, it was intended to contain the Sara imperial servants were regularly inspected and controlled
cens. At the head of each march Charlemagne delegated by officers called missi dominici (literally meaning sent by
a Markgraf (a term that gave us the words margrave and the master).
marquis). This system, based on loyalty and a personal oath of
The marches formed a strong defensive organiza allegiance between important individuals and the em
tion, but unlike the Romans who defended their empire peror, functioned more or less successfully as long as
by continuous lines of fortifications and entrenchments Charlemagne was alive, and as long as the counts, earls,
with permanent and fixed garrisons, Charlemagne's de dukes, margraves, barons, viscounts and other local lords
fenses relied on mobile warriors, mounted on horse, op were loyal and willing to accept the fact that they were
erating an offensive warfare from strategic strong points. removable. Actually, however, the system was the great
Indeed, the emperor had no permanent army; according weakness of Charlemagne's empire. The main imperial
to the traditional Germanic law, armed forces were raised cohesion was the Church, and naturally the strong and
for every campaign in spring and summer. Charlemagne, charismatic personality of the emperor, who had the
as a Frankish warlord, had the right to call up all free power to impose his will and to control personal rela
men for an expedition. Only the richest of them could be tionships between individuals.
warriors because they were required to pay for their own Though himself a brutal warrior, Charlemagne
weapons, military equipment and servants, and they re sought to bring spirituality, morality and education to his
ceived no pay but were rewarded by booty, land and es warriors, clergy and populations. His reign was marked
tates taken from the defeated enemies. Accordingly the by an artistic and intellectual revival, the empire was not
Carolingian army could not have been numerous; prob invaded, and a semblance of internal peace was main
ably it consisted of a few thousand combatants. As for tained, allowing a rebirth of commercial activities, no
the huge figures given by the medieval chronicles de tably in northern Europe. At all levels, however the effects
scribing thousands of valiant knights vanquishing hun of the Carolingian Renaissance were only moderate.
dreds of thousands of wicked enemies, these were writ Wars were fought on the borders of the empire by
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
horsemen. The tradition, recruitment and structure of the
Carolingian army was unsuitable for fixed garrisons in THE SCANDINAVIAN INVASIONS
permanent fortifications. Towns, even those few that were
relatively prosperous, were not politically and economi The Vikings or Norsemen, Germanic inhabitants of
cally significant, and their conquest and possession was Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden and Norway), were re
not a decisive trump. Therefore military architecture fell markable ship builders and audacious seamen. During
into full decay. Existing works and urban fortifications the 7th century, for quite unknown reasons (over-popu
dating from the Roman time were maintained little or not lation, lack of land, banishment of nobles, simple lust for
at all. Charlemagne allowed the dismantling of defense pillage?), they began expansion and conquest. Hardy ad
works so that stones from fortifications could be used to venturers, they undertook long and perilous sea travels
build churches, notably in Langres, Verdun, Reims, in the Baltic sea, opening commercial routes in the Russ
Melun, Frankfurt or Ratisbon, for example. Even Charle ian rivers up to the Black sea and even to the Near East.
magne's palace in the imperial capital city, Aix-la-Chapelle In a western direction they explored and settled in Ice
(today Achen in Germany), was unfortified. Only a few land and Greenland. They probably discovered America
border fortresses and frontier strongholds were erected or five hundred years before Christopher Columbus by ex
maintained in the marches to serve as offensive bases. It ploring the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland.
is rather difficult to know what they looked like, since In the 9th century they sailed south and conquered
documents are lacking and works were later demolished the northern part of the British Isles. They came with the
or rebuilt. We may suppose, however, that they were in intention of trading, but having been badly received, they
the Roman-Germanic tradition with stone walls, earth turned to pillaging and launched bloody raids on the At
entrenchments, stockades and ditches. lantic coasts. Their long, swift, high-prowed ships could
If the land frontiers of Charlemagne's empire were penetrate deep in the hinterland to ascend rivers, from
rather well held owing to the marches, the maritime which they launched mobile surprise raids. Before long
facade (North Sea, Channel and Atlantic Ocean) was they seized horses and rode inland, ravaging the coun
poorly defended and vulnerable. As early as 7 9 9 , Scan tryside.
dinavian pirates began to launch quick and bloody raids. As early as 8 0 9 , the prosperous port of Dorestad in
Against them the emperor was powerless because he had the Netherlands was attacked. Chronicles mention Viking
no naval force. Charlemagne ordered the installation of aggressions in Rouen in 841 and Nantes in 8 4 4 . Spain
fortified surveillance posts on the coasts, near the harbors was raided in 8 4 4 , Bordeaux was besieged in 8 4 8 , Paris
and by the river-mouths. Those posts, however, were was a target in 8 4 5 , 8 5 6 and 861. The Norsemen passed
probably not numerous and were not likely strong the Strait of Gibraltar in 8 5 9 and spread murder and dev
enough to secure the coast. astation on the Mediterranean coasts in Spain, southern
Charlemagne's empire did not survive long. Unity France and Italy. They sailed the Rhine in 885 and looted
was maintained with difficulty by his son Louis the Pious Nimegue, Cologne and Bonn. In 8 8 6 , a huge fleet of
from 814 to 8 4 0 , but after Louis's death, his three sons Viking ships ransomed Paris and looted the rich provinces
and successors quarreled and fought among themselves. of Champagne and Burgundy.
The result of these fratricidal struggles was the partition According to chronicles, everywhere they came, the
of the huge empire by the treaty of Verdun in 8 4 3 . Vikings murdered people and ransomed, looted and
Charles the Bald became king of the western part, which burned villages, cities and even churches, monasteries
would become France; Ludwig the German became king and abbeys—all because they were unscrupulous and dev
of the eastern part (east of the river Rhine), which would ilish pagans who had never known the edifying influences
give birth to Germany. Between these two kingdoms, the of Roman civilization. But were they really that bad?
third brother, Lothar, was yielded a large corridor stretch Were they exclusively responsible for all crimes, thefts,
ing from the Netherlands up to northern Italy. This ab murders and pillages of the time?
surd and incoherent realm proved impossible to rule, and Actually, whenever and wherever they were given
Charles and Ludwig annexed large parts of it. By 8 7 0 the opportunity, the Vikings appear to have been rather
Lothar's territories had ceased to exist, but his name can peaceful merchants, peasants and good administrators.
be still found today in the French province Lotharingia Progressively the Norsemen converted from vagabond
or Lorraine. looters to sedentary settlers. By the treaty of Saint-Clair-
The division of the Carolingian Empire marked the sur-Epte in 911, the Carolingian king of France, Charles
end of an era, the end of united Europe. The antagonism the Simple ( 8 9 3 - 9 2 2 ) , yielded the Viking chief, Rollo, a
among the subsequent Carolingian kings, worsened and vast territory in the region of Rouen. With astonishing
quickened by new invasions, precipitated the decompo rapidity, the Norsemen (called henceforth Norman) be
sition of Europe into the feudal time. came Christian, learned the French language, mixed with
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Carolingian horseman. The Carolingian time saw the beginning of the supremacy of the
cavalry on the battlefield. The warrior on horseback benefited from several important tech
nical improvements invented by the franks. The horseshoe increased the animal's capacity,
and speed and mastery over the horse were increased with the use of spurs attached to
the rider's feet. A well-designed saddle and stirrups introduced in the 8th century pro
vided more stability, enabling the horseman to use his spear both as a throwing and a
shock weapon. Armament consisted of a lance, a long right sword and a battle-ax. De
fensive equipment was composed of a long wooden pointed shield reinforced with iron
bars, and—for the richest—-a metal helmet with nose piece and a coat of mail made of
metal rings called a hauberk.
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
the local populations and assimilated manners and cus tle (see chapter 2 ) , played an important role in early feu
toms. dal times.
From the region of Caen, the Normans conquered During the 8th and 9th century, the Vikings were
the valley of the Orne River about 9 3 3 , the Cotentin not the only invaders to ravage Europe, and other loot
Peninsula and the British Channel Islands in 1051. The ers contributed to the general insecurity. In the Mediter
Norman territories became the rich duchy of Normandy. ranean sea, the French and Italian coasts were exposed
In the 11th century, the Normans settled down in Britain, to Spanish corsairs, Berber pirates, and Muslim raiders
Sicily and southern Italy. whose razzias were, in many respects, similar to those of
Norman fortification was characterized by the use of the Norsemen: sea robbers turning into mounted ma
earth entrenchments and wooden palisades. Villages were rauders on land. In eastern Europe, the Magyards, com
often circular, in a form called ringfort, but there was also ing from central Asia, brought troubles and insecurity in
a vast entrenched camp called Hague-Dike, a four kilo Germany and even pushed deadly incursions up into Bur
meter-long earth rampart erected in the 10th century to gundy, Provence, and northern Italy. For a century, the
defend the Hague peninsula in the Cotentin (Normandy). savagery of their raids once again brought Asiatic dan
Norman fortifications, notably the motte-and-bailey cas ger to the European lands. In 9 5 5 , however, the Mag-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Viking boat. The Norman ship, called drakkar, langskip, karve or knarr according to its
size, could sail with its unique mast or be moved by oars.
yards were defeated in Lechfeld by the German emperor events previously discussed. The system had many forms,
Otto I the Great. They established themselves in the plain which evolved over time and varied according to region.
of the river Danube, converted to Christianity, and cre Roughly speaking, the multiform feudal system was in
ated the kingdom of Hungary. effect from the decay of the Carolingian era in the 9th
century until the end of the 12th century, though some
aspects were still alive in the centuries that followed, no
tably in France until the Revolution of 1789 and in Great
FEUDAL SOCIETY Britain even to the present day.
The last Carolingian kings, as weak and as in
Over the course of the 10th century, the Carolingian significant as the last Merovingian sovereigns, could not
empire was ultimately dismembered. The German part stop the disintegration of the empire, as they could no
became the Holy Roman empire created by Otto the longer guarantee public order, peace, traditional rights or
Great, who was crowned emperor in 9 6 2 . The French individual security. The end of the first millennium was
part was divided into seven independent kingdoms char one of the most tragic times in western European his
acterized by a new social organization that today is called tory; insecurity and danger were widespread and estab
the feudal system or feudalism (from the Latin feodum, lished values disappeared along with the last vestiges of
which means fief, a rural domain or an estate including the Carolingian Renaissance. From all corners of the con
population and produced goods). tinent, invasions by Vikings, Arabs and Hungarians had
The feudal system—or, more accurately, absence of wrought havoc and destroyed what remained of tradi
system—was actually an improvisation resulting from the tional Frankish civilization. In a climate of state dissolu-
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
Norse warrior
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
View of a Scandinavian fortified round village. When Scandinavia emerged from its pre
historic period at the end of the 8th century, there were only a few towns—market cen
ters such as Ribe, Birka, Hedeby or Fyrkat. Norse fortifications often followed a stan
dard circular design with ditches, earth walls and palisades. Living accommodations,
stores, stables, workshops and other buildings were placed inside the round enclosure.
tion, authority and power were transferred from the royal ter of self-defense became the fortified manors and cas
level to a local scale. The populace, confused and des tles ruled by the local lords, which became strongholds
perate, turned for protection to strong and energetic local where the individual could find relative refuge. Titles
lords who could organize measures for self-defense and and domains became private property, which were trans
survival. Authority and power were thus available to mitted by heritage (in France the right of inheritance be
whoever could seize and keep them. This being the case, came official as early as 8 7 7 ) . The new class of power
local wars and small conflicts were numerous even after ful landowners had not only territorial holdings but also
the Scandinavian invasions had ceased. powers that today belong to the state such as police,
Feudalism spread from its birthplace in France to finance, justice, public offices, affairs of state and the
other European countries and in particular to Germany, minting of money.
Italy, England and northern Spain. Gradually, Europe Feudalism had its origin in the fusion of two institu
was divided in autonomous territories headed by the tions: the right of land and vassalage. The right of land rep
Carolingian nobility as well as other usurpers who be resented an individual's lifetime right to use a fief (an es
came independent from all centralized power. The cen tate) granted to him. Vassalage meant the swearing of an
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
allegiance and rendering of service by one man to an Oratores: Those Who Pray
other in exchange for such an estate as well as for pro
tection. The fief was granted by a mighty lord, called a The first social feudal class was the Catholic Church.
suzerain, to a subordinate, called a vassal. The bond be By virtue of his position as successor to Saint Peter, and
tween the two represented dependence and submission, through the prestige of the eternal city, the bishop of
and it was directly related to the strength of the castle and Rome became the head of the ecclesiastical structure with
its lord. Both parties owed one another council and help, the title of pope (also called Holy Father or Pontiff Sov
which was principally in the form of armed service, called ereign), and the Catholic Church was divided into two
ost. main branches. The first branch was the regular clergy,
Out of the semi-anarchy arose social structures and composed of abbots and monks living in secluded com
laws based on verbal contract. A pyramidal organization munities and following a regula (rule). The medieval reg
developed, with the king at the top as suzerain to all ular clergy had a remarkable capacity for adaptation,
suzerains; note that the function of king or emperor was constantly transforming and renewing itself according to
never abolished, even though royal power was limited or the evolution of the feudal society. Monasticism, origi
insignificant. Officially, the chain of authority extended nating from the Near East, spread into Europe in the 3rd
from the king to his vassals (the high noblemen loyal to century. Though prayer and Godly service were funda
him), who were suzerains to their vassals (dukes, counts, mental to the monastic life, faith was not the only rea
earls), who in their turn were suzerains to their vassals son to enter a religious house. As the European popula
(marquis and barons), and so on down to the local lords tion grew, more and more people found they could not
and castellans. Each level of the hierarchy was tied by the feed their whole families. Placing a son or a daughter in
bond of homage; each vassal personally swore to be loyal a monastery or a nunnery meant fewer mouths to feed.
to his suzerain, declaring himself that suzerain's man Certainly, life was better as a monk within the safe walls
(homme in French, whence homage). The system was of a convent than as a poor farmer outside.
perpetuated by titles and ceremonies that were observed Though the monastic orders were all different and
with utmost rigor. observed rules, they also had many common features.
In practice, however—human nature being what it From the 7th century onwards, monasticism was directly
is—rebellion of suzerain, revolt of vassal, instinct for in placed under the pope's authority and thus escaped the
dependence, and greed all led to conflicts, insurrections subordination of the laic king and the secular bishop.
and local wars, which the king or the high suzerains sim Well-disciplined, committed and sometimes fanatical,
ply could not stop because they had neither the police present and active throughout Christendom, monks were
power nor the moral authority to do so. The hierarchic the best agents of pontifical power. The orders were com
chain of loyalty was complicated by the fact that one posed of more or less educated monks who could read,
vassal might swear homage to more than one suzerain. study, translate ancient Hebrew, Greek and Arabic texts,
In many cases, low vassals and local lords were almighty write manuscripts, and pray. This tiny elite was assisted
within their own fiefs. Any concept of public authority by lay-brothers who were workers, craftsmen, peasants,
was undermined by the immunity of the dukes, counts, servants and domestics.
marquis, barons, castellans and lords within their own No one can deny that monasticism played a funda
domains. mental role as spiritual nucleus in a harsh and illiterate
The throne at last began to regain power by estab world. As missionaries, monks contributed greatly to the
lishing centralized administration, extending its land evangelization of Europe. On the intellectual and cultural
holdings by usurpation and by armed force. With the level, what they brought to civilization was essential. They
growth of central power, notably in France and Eng saved the literary and scientific heritage of the ancient world;
land, feudalism began to decline and the power of the they stimulated the progress of science, medicine, literature,
lords was checked. These changes, however, developed technology, art and philosophy; they transmitted knowl
over three or four centuries. In the mean time, feudal edge through schools, universities, and handwritten books.
ism was officialized by the church: The feudal society Most medieval scientists, thinkers, doctors, historians, the
was declared the expression of the will of God, who puts ologians, philosophers and other intellectuals were monks.
each man in his place. At the end of the 10th century, the The second part of the Church was the secular
archbishop of Rheims defined and consecrated three dis clergy—the spiritual administrator of the profane world.
tinct and unequal social classes: oratores, bellatores, and Its structure and hierarchy dated back to the late Roman
laboratores. Empire. The parish, headed by a priest, was the basic
unit, usually embracing a village or a district in a town.
A number (which varied) of parishes formed a diocese
headed by a bishop (the term comes from the Greek
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
episkopos, meaning supervisor or guardian). The bishop a peculiar vision of the world, a special mentality, with
played a central role in the medieval organization. When its own values and a common way of life. Whatever their
the Carolingian empire collapsed, there was no more cen position, power and wealth, noblemen distinguished
tral authority nor public services; gradually and accord themselves from the common folk by their privileges.
ing to circumstances, the bishop took over and, besides They did not pay taxes because, in theory at least, they
his spiritual mission, fulfilled a social and economical shed their blood for the community's defense. In a world
role. It was he who directed the organization of daily life dominated by scarcity, precariousness and poverty, their
by helping the poor, by opening markets and hospitals, way of life was marked by an abundance of food, cloth
and by building bridges, dikes, roads, fortifications, ing, and possessions, and they lived in more or less com
churches and, later, cathedrals. fortable fortified residences (castles, strong-houses, don
Both branches of the Church were feudal landown jons and so on).
ers, and as such disposed of the same rights as the laic
ruling hierarchy. However, ecclesiastical wealth was not Laboratores: Those Who Work
personal but collective; church property could not be
transmitted by inheritance because monks, abbots, The third feudal social class was that of the common
priests, bishops and all other clergymen were supposed people, composed of all those who were not noble and
to observe chastity and thus, officially at least, did not who did not belong to the Church. The laboratores were
have children. the most numerous—about 90 percent of the population—
The Church was also a good business. Neither branch and it was they who fed the two privileged classes. All
paid taxes. Clerical resources came from the dime, a tax were country-dwellers, living from and in direct contact
corresponding to one tenth of the goods produced by the with nature; their existence directly depended on condi
population. Wealth also flowed in from members of the tions of ground, climate and geography.
nobility who, hoping to gain salvation, gave the Church The manorial system was not the same all over Eu
money, land or feudal rights over estates. Another source rope, nor did it stay the same in any one region through
of income for the Church was the sacraments, benedic the whole of the Middle Ages. There were always differ
tions and offices that had to be paid. The Church also ences in the way the system worked between one estate
reaped big profits from shrines, sanctuaries and pilgrim and another, one region and another and one period and
ages: Saint-Martin in Tours, Mont-Saint-Michel and Ro- another. Local customs and both local and national eco
camadour in France, Saint Peter's sepulture in Rome, San nomic pressures affected the way things worked. Accord
tiago de Compostella in Spain and, the most prestigious ingly it is impossible to give an accurate description of this
of them all, the holy city of Jerusalem in Palestine. class that would cover all the various European regions
over a period of about a thousand years. Nevertheless, it
can be said that the most characteristic features of the
Bellatores: Those Who Fight
laboratores were a modest life, strong family and com
The second privileged social class of the feudal sys munity ties strictly dominated by the lord and controlled
tem was the nobility, composed of warriors organized in by the Church, hard labor in meadows and fields, and
a pyramidal vasselage. Originally the task of this class poor or miserable resources due to economic dependence
was the physical defense and protection of their subjects, on the local ruling lord. The peasantry was composed of
but gradually the bellatores' power became paramount. people with various juridical status. Many were serfs (a
The lord was a fief-holder and manifested his au term from the Latin word for slave), i.e., peasants at
thority from a stronghold. His drew his resources from tached to a domain; others were villeins (in ancient times,
the work and production of the population attached to workers attached to a Roman villa), who owned a small
his domain. He collected various taxes, and banalities piece of land; and a few were free laborers.
(obligations) were imposed on the subjects, such as re Life is the countryside was hard. People worked from
quired use of the lord's mill, market, bakehouse, bridge, dawn to dusk every day of the year until they were un
press-house and brewery. The community was also sub able to work any longer. The basis of the manorial sys
jected to various labors such as maintenance of the tem was the exchange of land for labor. The local land
fortress and roads. lord was expected to protect his subjects, and he in turn
The noble class of feudal society was a complex expected the villagers to work a fixed number of days on
body, at first made up of men from a great variety of con his own estate; the rest of the time they worked on their
ditions. It was not a closed group, at least originally; any own land. The villagers were also obliged to use the lord's
one smart, cunning, strong and powerful enough could mill, bridge and facilities and to help build and maintain
join and declare himself a ruler. But gradually, it became castles, roads and bridges.
a hereditary and hermetically closed aristocracy, sharing Most of the population lived in simple houses. The
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
mills as early as the 10th century. Leather, wool, hemp and and abbeys mere isolated outposts. The forest was eco
flax provided materials for the textile craftsmen. nomically very important for medieval society, providing
Until the 10th century, the medieval landscape was villagers with wild plants, herbs, honey, mushrooms and
dominated by huge forests, with domains, cities, villages wood for construction and fuel. In the 11th and 12th cen-
1—Fortifications from the 5th to the 9th Centuries
turies, however, vast pieces of forest were cleared, new allowing new settlements, population growth and relative
lands were brought under cultivation on a large scale, prosperity. Rural communities were installed near abbeys
marshlands were drained, and rivers were dammed up, and castles. Some villages grew and became cities.
EARLY MEDIEVAL FORTIFICATIONS lands, ferte, plessis and bourg in France. Those terms sur
vive today in the names of numerous villages and towns.
The collapse of the Roman Empire, the establish Rural fortifications were characterized by the use of
ment of Germanic realms and dreadful invasions marked wood and earth. A common feature was the stockade or
the beginning of a new era. The decline of institutions, palisade, widely used since ancient times. It was a bar
the lack of military means and the complete decrease of rier, fence, breastwork or a defensive wall made of
central power brought far-reaching changes, while inse pointed tree-trunks, set vertically in the ground. The co
curity gave rise to the first medieval castles. During the hesion and solidity of the poles were reinforced by ropes,
9th and 10th centuries, which were dominated by vio transverse beams and stones forming foundations in the
lence and troubles, there was a general revival of ground. The stockade was very often placed on an earth
fortification. Fortifications reflected the local power of wall, created by digging a ditch and heaping up the soil
the numerous lords; they reassured the frightened com on the inner side of the excavation. This was the easiest
mon folk and allowed the protection of people and prop and earliest permanent method of marking a boundary
erty. Organized defenses, even rudimentary ones, offered or creating a fortified perimeter. Sharp sticks, dead bushes
the possibility for a small garrison to resist mounted at or thorny hedges were sometimes placed in the ditch to
tackers. Two types of fortification gradually appeared: provide further protection (prefiguring barbed wire). The
urban and rural. top of the earth wall behind the stockade was flattened
Urban fortification was often due to the initiative of to create a wall-walk (also called allure), permitting cir
the local bishop, who sometimes organized the people for culation and defense.
survival and self-defense. Not before the 12th century, The combination of ditch and earth wall formed a
however, would cities regain the importance they had had passive obstacle, while the stockaded parapet sheltered
in the Roman empire, as we shall see in chapter 5. Much the inhabitants within from enemy missiles and provided
more significant was rural fortification, which evolved fol for the active emplacement of combat. This primitive
lowing the Celtic, Roman and Germanic tradition. Farms, form of fortification constituted a considerable defense,
villages and hamlets were isolated, more or less at the but it needed constant maintenance. Another drawback
mercy of nature and vulnerable to outlaws, raiders and in was that if the palisade was relatively cheap and rapidly
vaders. Fortified, they constituted a type of primitive raised, it was vulnerable to battering ram and fire.
refuge, which went by various names: for example, bor The inhabitants could also find protection in the
ough in Britain, Burg in Germany, burcht in the Nether church, which was very often the only stone building in
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Cross-section of wooden and earth defense. The cross-section shows the ditch (which was
sometimes double) and the earth wall crowned by a palisade and a wall-walk. The gate
house was possibly a wooden tower with a primitive drawbridge.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Hunneschans. The small fortified village of Hunneschans was situated near JJddel in the
Netherlands. Probably built in the 7th century by the earl of Veluwe Diderik, the village
was oval-shaped and leaned on a lake. It was fortified by a ditch, which could be filled
with water from the lake, and an earth wall crowned by a stockade. Hunneschans was
in some ways similar to the Scandinavian and British ringforts. It was used as a refuge
for the local peasantry until the 13th century.
motte could be completely man-made—an important or beaten down layers of earth. Finally the whole mound
even enormous undertaking—but if there was a suitable was revetted with a thick coat of clay to keep out water.
hill in the area it would be adapted by scarping, that is, With this technique the builders could create a dry place
cutting vertically down the sides and digging away the in a possible swampy area, or keep the castle out of reach
lower slopes. In certain cases, to avoid the shifting of of the river in low lands. The base of the motte was sur
materials and to provide greater stability to the motte, al rounded by a ditch, which may have been filled with
ternating layers of stone, peat, clay, chalk, rubble, gravel, water. Some of the material for the motte was derived
brushwood or sand were inserted between rammed or from the ditch, but in some cases additional materials
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Cathedral of Lisbon (Portugal). The cathedral of Lisbon was built in the 12th century,
probably by the Trench master masons Bernard and Robert, by order of king Afonso Hen-
riques. Like the cathedrals of Porto, Coimbra and Evora, it was also a fortress.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
one side of the bailey. Certain motte-and-bailey castles purpose, however, was to be a center from which the
were built by an association of families, resulting in two lord's rule and order were maintained, a stronghold to
or more mounds with residential towers and several bai deter or repulse aggression from external foes as well as
leys. a solid military base for mobile warfare when the lord
Simple to conceive without the science of an archi launched raids and attacks on his enemies.
tect, rapidly and rather inexpensively erected by non Made of perishable materials, motte-and-bailey cas
qualified villeins and serfs, and easily rebuilt after a siege, tles were direct ancestors to medieval stone donjons and
the motte-and-bailey castle had many advantages. It was, castles. They were characteristic of the chaotic early Mid
however, vulnerable to battering ram and fire. In addi dle Ages, the troubled 9th and 10th centuries when local
tion, the site had to be regularly maintained and refur wars were numerous because of the weakness of the royal
bished because time, rain and wind fill in ditches and authority. Thousands must have been built, some per
erode mounds and earth entrenchments, while wooden manent, others erected as temporary expedients only to
parts become rotten. be abandoned and destroyed when royal and ducal order
The motte-and-bailey castle was a residence in peace was reestablished. Though particularly common in north
time and a refuge for tenants of the neighborhood with ern France, motte-and-bailey castles were built through
their cattle and goods in time of war. It was a safe where out Europe, from Italy to Denmark and from Brittany to
taxes were collected and tolls levied; it was a small eco Poland. After the invasion of England by William the
nomical, juridical and administrative center; it was the Conqueror in 1 0 6 6 , motte-and-bailey castles were con
siege of a small-scale political authority dominating a structed on a large scale by the French Normans to sub
territory (fief) including villages and inhabitants. Its main jugate the Anglo-Saxons. Norman motte-and-bailey cas-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Various forms of Spanish merlons: (1) castle of Maqueda, (2) castle of Manzaneque, (3)
castle Belmonte, (4) castle Guadamur.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Cross-section of a medieval wall showing the blind spot. Blind spots (see page 49) or dead
angles were areas around a fortress where the defenders could not see and their weapons
could not reach their enemies.
from external, hostile action in time of war. Subsequently, not impossible to dig a ditch or to plant a stockade, and
from the 11th century on, the wooden residential tower— the only solution was masonry buildings, constructed
the central element of the motte-and-bailey castle—was with stones coming from the vicinity. Simultaneously,
gradually replaced by a more durable tower of stone. The Romanesque religious architecture was making tremen
transition took place gradually, in a loose fashion. The dous progress, significantly stimulating the development
choice between a timber castle and one of stone depended of craftsmanship in the building trades. Architects, quar-
on the particular time and conditions, including natural rymen, master-builders, masons, and stone-hewers were
elements. In mountainous rocky sites, it was difficult if some of the increasingly available craftsmen whose
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
knowledge and experience were valuable to military ar a strategy of establishing wooden motte-and-bailey cas
chitecture. tles to exploit each newly won patch of Angevin territory,
Stone keeps varied considerably in size from very and to serve as springboards for further conquest. Real
large examples to very small ones. It goes without say izing the advantages of a masonry building combining
ing that building a great-tower of masonry takes time military purposes and his own proud strength, he
and costs a lot of money to pay the designing architect, founded the castle of Langeais, situated west of Tours in
the planning master-builder and the working skilled spe the Indre-et-Loire (France), in about 9 9 4 .
cialists. Only the richest and most powerful lords could Langeais marks an important evolution in medieval
afford such a luxury. fortification, being the oldest stone keep in France and a
The first significant masonry great-tower was that of model for masonry great-towers of the early Romanesque
Langeais, credited to the count of Anjou, Foulque Nerra period. Built on a motte, it was a simple rectangular
(Fulk the Black), who ruled over the lush and fertile val tower 7 m x 16 m in plan. The donjon, demolished in
ley of the Loire, southwest of Paris. Fulk had developed 1841, probably had smallish, roughly hewn walls about
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Atienza (Spain). The village of Atienza was situated about thirty kilometers northwest of
Sigiienza in Castilla La Mancha. The castle was built by the Moors and reconquered by
the king Alfonso VI in 1085. Today only the square donjon is preserved.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
12 m high, 1.5 m thick at the base and 0.70 m thick at of military power, some kings, counts, earls and dukes
the top. The walls were reinforced by buttresses and the were able to subjugate many vassals, barons and mar
tower had wooden floors. Entrance was by means of a quis, who in turn dominated poor noblemen and
small projected tower placed some 3 m above ground landowners as well as impecunious knights and squires.
level. The Langeais donjon does not seem to have in Heavy masonry fortification was a significant step in
cluded active defense organs such as crenels and loop the evolution of the power that permitted kings and
holes; probably it was merely a passive carapace. Be dukes to impose their will on their vassals. The time
tween 1465 and 1467, a new fortress was constructed in was coming when only the wealthiest would be able to
the vicinity of the old keep by Jean Bourre (minister to build, confiscate or dismantle castles according to their
the French king Louis X I ) . own interest and strategy.
Over the long term, stone towers helped to create, Motte-and-bailey castles did not disappear overnight.
reinforce and maintain a hierarchy within the nobility. Just because something new was invented does not mean
Because of their wealth and its usual accompaniment that everything of earlier design was immediately aban-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Gisors ground-plan. Gisors, situated near Les Andelys in the department of Eure in Nor
mandy (France), displays an imposing Norman fortified site. The chateau was built be
tween 1097 and 1106 by the master-builder Robert de Belleme, on order of the English
king William II to defend the valley of the river Epte forming a border with France. The
castle was composed of an artificial motte (20 m high, 70 m in diameter at the base, and
24 m at the top level) on the summit of which an octagonal stone keep was built; this
was enclosed by a chemise (shirt) with crenellated walls 10 m high reinforced by buttresses.
The motte, donjon and chemise were enclosed by a wide bailey wall erected about 1123
by Henry I. The external wall included towers, two main gates and a secondary postern.
In 1193, Gisors was yielded to the king of France, Philippe II Auguste, who ordered the
construction of the powerful Prisoner's Tower (28 m high) and the Governor's Tower in
the northeast corner. Gisors castle was further refurbished during the Hundred Years' War
between 1375 and 1379. The chateau was abandoned in the time of Henry IV at the end
of the 16th century, and today its majestic ruins stand above the river Epte.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
White Tower in London. London, originating from a Celt oppidum (pre-Roman fortress)
contructed on a ford at Westminster, was colonized in 43 AD and fortified by the Ro
mans. Londinium, as it was then named, became the capital of Great-Brittany in the 2nd
century AD. After the victory of Hastings in 1066, the duke of Normandy, William the
Conqueror, became king of England and ordered the construction of the White Tower
near the Thames. Erected between 1078 and 1097 by the bishop of Rochester Gandulf
and master-builder Guillaume Le Roux, the White Tower was a rectangle 35.9 m long
by 32.6 m wide with four corner turrets. The walls were 31 m high, 4.6 m thick at the
base and 3.3 m at the summit. In the Middle Ages, the fortress was the royal residence,
a citadel enclosing the inhabitants, an arsenal, a prison and the center of administrative
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Rochester (Britain). Rochester, situated east of London in Kent, was founded by the Ro
mans. Called Durobrivae, the fortified city was intended to defend the mouth of the river
Medway and the road from Dover to London. Rochester castle was originally a motte-
and-bailey castle built by the Normans. About 1087 the bishop Gandulf ordered the erec
tion of a stone donjon similar to that of London. Rochester castle was a massive square
21 m by 21 m, 36 m high, divided in four stories with corner turrets. Between 1127 and
1142, the castle was enlarged and reshaped by archbishop of Canterbury Guillaume de
downwards. This way of shooting, called plunging fire or pages 3 9 and 40.) Hoardings were placed on top of the
vertical flanking, left many blind spots (also called dead wall of the donjon at parapet level, later on walls and
angles)—see illustration, page 38) at the foot of the tower. towers. They were composed of planks attached to strong
Indeed, unless the defenders leaned dangerously far out overarching timbers and short poles (called putlogs) fixed
of the crenels, they could not see and their weapons could in corbelled stones in the masonry and in holes. The put
not reach their enemies. Accordingly a special disposi log holes, sometimes in two rows, ran all along the top
tion, called a hoarding, was invented to avoid this dan of walls, towers and donjons. Sometimes hoardings were
gerous drawback. permanent fixtures; in other cases they were erected in an
A hoarding, also called hourd, brattice or propu- emergency in time of war, the timberwork being kept in
gnacula, formed a wooden balcony made of removable store. In the hoarding floor were openings through which
scaffolding, a kind of roofed timber gallery jutting out the defenders could watch their enemies and throw mis
from the external surface of a wall. (See illustrations, siles down on them when they reached the very foot of
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Richmond castle. The castle of Richmond, situated in the valley of the Swaledale river
(North Yorkshire in Great Britain), was an imposing masonry donjon built in 1071 by
the Norman baron Alain le Rouge (Allan the Red). Securely installed on top of a cliff dom
inating the river, Richmond keep was 30 m high and presented many similarities with
Rochester castle and the White Tower of London.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Ground-plan of Dover castle. Strategically situated in the Strait of Dover and considered
key access to England, Dover (called then Dubris) was founded by the Romans in 43 AD.
The castle was constructed by master-builder Maurice ITngenieur between 1181 and 1188
by order of Henry II (1154-1189). Its core was composed of a keep similar to that of the
White Tower in London: It was a square tower 30 m x 30 m and 28 m high with corner
turrets. The walls were extremely thick for a Norman design, reaching 6 m. The keep
was divided in three stories; the ground-plan here shows the second floor with (1) the en
trance, (2) the chapel, (3) the drawbridge, (4) two vast halls, (5) chambers and living quar
ters and (6) latrines. The donjon was surrounded by a bailey and two concentric enceintes
with towers dating from the time of King John (1199-1216) and his successor, Henry III
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Loches castle. Loches was situated near Tours in Indre-et-Loire (France). The donjon,
built by the count of Anjou, Foulque Nerra, in the 11th century, was a massive rectan
gular tower 37 m high, 23.30 m long and 15.40 m wide with walls 2.80 m thick rein
forced by buttresses. The tower included four stories and a side-building housing the en
trance and a chapel. Loches castle, later enlarged, became one of the French kings' favorite
the wall. Consequently, the hoardings offered a very good holes, murder-holes or arrow-splits—were intended to let
vertical flanking. fresh air and light come in, but in the event of a siege,
Yet hoardings had their drawbacks. Made of wood, their main function was as combat emplacements from
they were very vulnerable to incendiary missiles. Besides, which the defenders could shoot down arrows. Loop
they concealed crenellation and made it useless, and ac holes usually widened out to form a small fighting niche
cordingly they had to be fitted with their own loopholes. with side benches. They also had a great deterrent func
Because of these drawbacks they were replaced by the end tion because enemies never knew if they were occupied
of the 13th century by permanent masonry machicolation. by defenders armed with lethal bows and arrows.
The internal rooms of the stone donjon were fur The entrance to the donjon was the weakest spot.
nished with various domestic facilities such as latrines, For this reason there was only one entrance, placed at the
aumbries (wall cupboards), food-stores, a cistern for first level. The door was accessible only by a removable
drinking water, and fireplaces. Floors were made of heavy ladder or a spiral staircase (built in a small masonry tur
planks held by strong beams resting on corbelled stones, ret called a forebuilding) and a narrow drawbridge. The
and access between the various levels was by means of spiral stairs were adapted to defense, turning counter
ladders or narrow staircases. Openings were rather few clockwise so that an aggressor was forced to present his
and placed rather high, if possible out of range of enemy vulnerable right side (the shield was always worn on the
projectiles. Those narrow vertical windows—called loop left arm). The door was usually intended to let only one
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Altpernstein castle (Austria). The castle Altpernstein was situated on a steep dominating
promontory in the province Niederosterreich. The castle was built between 1007 and 1055,
and enlarged in the 12th century by the lord Pilling von Pernstein.
person at a time. Made of strong oak planks reinforced else its base was "emmotted," which means that huge
with heavy nails and metal plates, it was closed and masses of earth were heaped up around its substructures
blocked from inside by means of strong transverse beams. to resist battering rams and to make tunneling impossi
Because large loads could not be transported through the ble or at least very difficult.
narrow entrance, they were hoisted by a crane and a The vicinity of the donjon was defended by a com
winch placed on top of the building. prehensive range of fortification dictated by each partic
The turret containing the spiral stairs sometimes con ular case: thorny hedges, earth entrenchments with pal
tinued up to the top of the donjon to lead to all floors. In isaded walls, and ditches. If the nobleman who ordered
some cases, it rose above the building to become a small the building of the castle had some money left, those
round watchtower. A guard could be placed inside the rudimentary defenses might be replaced by a lower stone
watchtower to sound an alarm with a bell or a horn in case enclosure called a chemise, shirt or mantle. The shirt was
of danger. The watchtower was fitted with a mast to which a simple wall with a variable height and thickness, some
the lord's flag or banner was attached to wave in the wind. times fitted with towers. It protected the base of the keep,
For obvious tactical and strategic reasons, keeps and if fitted with a walkway and a parapet, it provided
were always constructed in places with a difficult access a place for an external line of combat. The shirt also iso
such as a ridge with sloping sides, between the mean lated the building and enhanced its prestige.
dering streams of a river, or on a cliff or hill. If it was built Characterized by its height and its massive thick
in a plain, the keep often included a ditch or a motte, or walls, the keep was intended to create a strength ratio fa-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Chaves (Portugal). Situated on the river Tdmega in the northern province Tras-os-Montes,
Chaves was an ancient Celtic oppidum, then a Roman town called Aquce Flavice founded
about 78 AD. Occupied by the Moors, Chaves was reconquered by the Christians in 1160.
The 12th century square medieval donjon (Torre de Menagem) was reconstructed by
order of King Dinis (1279-1325) and used as a residence for the dukes of Braganga in
the 14th century.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Steen castle, Antwerp (Belgium). Antwerp, situated on the river Scheldt, was the second
important town in Belgium after Brussels. The Steen castle was a part of the first urban
fortifications constructed in order of the German Ottoman emperors about 980. The cas
tle and the Saint-Walburg church were the core of the old city (called Burcht), which was
defended by a wet moat, an earth wall and a palisade. The Steen castle as it appears today
is the result of considerable enlargements in the 14th century.
The greatest adventures in a lord's life were feasts, hard work, care and patience to train a wild bird to attack
tournaments, jousts, and travels such as going to war or and catch smaller birds and to bring them back to the fal
off on a pilgrimage, or sailing away to the Holy Land for coner. Hunting was jealously reserved for the nobility,
the Crusade. His main day-to-day pleasures were physi and poaching was strictly forbidden and repressed with
cal and military training, but usually his favorite enter brutality.
tainment was hunting. Hunting gave the lord an oppor In periods of war, when a conflict was expected, or
tunity to show off his strength and skill, but it also when a gang of bandits was known to be in the area, life
provided the community with furs and brought addi in the castle became tense. Brattices were installed, se
tional food. Hunting was also a means of getting rid of curity measures were rigorously increased, the entrance
wild animals regarded as noxious or dangerous (bears, was carefully guarded, and sentries were doubled. At
wolves, foxes, weasels). Game such as deer and wild night security was reinforced by ferocious hounds. The
boars were hunted on horseback with spears and a pack drawbridge was lowered only when all arriving persons
of hounds. Birds and rabbits were hunted with a tamed had been identified and checked out. Secret passwords were
falcon. Falconry was an art and a science demanding used before entering the fortress. Nobody was allowed to
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Castle Penaran (Spain). The castle Penaran was situated in southern Castille. Just like
castles Penafiely Soria, Berlanga and Gormaz, it belonged to a chain of fortresses con
structed along the river Douro in the 11th century to defend the region against the Moors.
Penaran included a massive square tower and a crenellated enceinte reinforced by tow
ers following the outline of the hill.
depart the keep without a strong armed escort. The peas punctuated by petty pleasures, daily worries, harvests
ants of the neighborhood were allowed to find refuge and vintages, religious feasts, births, marriages and
within the keep's shirt with cattle, food and goods. Even mourning. The slightest incident took on the proportions
the harvest and vintage seasons were a time for extra se of an event; when the community was visited by a group
curity, during which the lord and his mounted men pa of pilgrims, a traveling friend or a relative, wandering
trolled around fields and vineyards to protect harvesters merchants, a religious dignitary, a party of begging
against hungry looters and wicked marauders. monks, or the suzerain, it gave residents the opportunity
The lord had married his wife for her dowry, to in to organize a reception or banquet and to obtain news
crease his territorial power, to put an end to a war or a and gossip from the outside world. When a group of tum
family vendetta, or to consolidate an alliance. Wife and blers, jugglers, singers, troubadours, minstrels or trou-
daughters were under the lord's tutelage and directed the veres stopped in the castle it was a time for fun and re
domestic life and the servants. If the lord died or could joicing. Southern France and Italy had, however, a more
not rule anymore because of illness or captivity, the wife refined cultural life because many rich noblemen lived in
led the domain until the rightful heir was old enough to town in luxurious urban palaces where they maintained
rule, according to a legal settlement of regency in her idle and mannered courts with sophisticated and affected
favor. entertainments. Sponsored and encouraged by rich sov
The castle routine followed the rhythm of seasons: ereigns and high noblemen, an abundant literature of
Life, closely related to and dependent on nature, was courtesy was created and developed, in which women,
2-Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
chivalry and idealized love replaced coarse military vain entrance placed on the first level, three or four stories, few
glory. In the course of the 12th century, a new breed of openings, a shirt, and so on. But toward the end of the
nobility appeared, characterized by a strong elitist spirit, 12th century, important changes took place in the castle
exclusive manners and distinctive rites influenced by the plans, giving rise to a process of evolution and develop
ideal of chivalry. ment. These changes were due largely to the experience
gained in the Crusades by western military engineers,
who for the first time had made a close acquaintance
with Middle East culture and the mighty fortifications of
THE EVOLUTION OF CASTLES the Byzantine empire. The most significant of these
IN THE 12TH CENTURY changes was the general discarding of the rectangular
masonry keep in favor of a circular outline. The progress
During the 11th and 12th centuries, the number of of Romanesque religious architecture had brought about
imposing masonry keeps apparently did not increase the domination of cylindrical volume and round form in
significantly, probably because of the huge cost. The churches (in the apse, the apsidal chapel, and the chan
model remained very much as previously described: a cel). These technical improvements influenced military
rectangular donjon of a height between 2 0 and 3 0 m, the construction, and many works built in this period present
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
The donjon ofProvins. Situated on the river Durteint, Provins in Seine-et-Marne (France)
evolved from a benedictine priory and became in the 12th century the second important
town of Champagne (after Troyes). The donjon called Caesar's Tower was built by count
Henri I from 1152 to 1183 on an artificial motte; the square donjon was 17 m x 17m, 25
m high (45 m including the motte), with walls 4 m thick. The general construction was
similar to that of a Romanesque church bell-tower.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Conisborough. The donjon of Conisborough was situated between Sheaeld and Doncaster
in southern Yorkshire (Great Britain). It was built between 1166 and 1172 by Hamelin
Plantagenet, half brother of Henry II. The tower was cylindrical with five stories. The
walls were 4.5 m thick, their base strengthened by a sloping apron and reinforced by six
huge buttresses. The donjon and its walled bailey were placed on a motte surrounded by
a ditch.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Bruck in Tyrol (Austria). The castle Bruck was situated in the Isel valley near Lienz in
the province Carinthia. It was built by Graf von Gorz in the end of the 13 th century. The
castle includes a high square donjon (Berchfrit), a residential house (Tolas), a crenellated
enceinte, a shield-wall (Schildmauer) and an outer enclosure. Today the castle Bruck
houses a Tyrolian museum.
round, oval or polygonal forms. The donjon of Provins There were also disadvantages to the cylindrical
(France) had many similarities with a church bell-tower. plan. Circular rooms were less practical for daily life than
Even more sophisticated ground-plans were used. The rectangular ones. What's more, a round building was
plan of the Tour Blanche in Issoudun (France) was al much less stable over time than a rectangular one. Con
mond-shaped. The quatrefoil plan, consisting of four in sequently, today, many cylindrical donjons lie in ruins,
terpenetrating round towers, was used for the King's while square and rectangular great-towers are on the
Tower in York (Britain) and the Etampes donjon (France). whole better preserved.
The cylindrical ground-plan became more and more Cylindrical towers were far from the rule, however.
common because of its several advantages. Space for Many castles—in Portugal, Spain and Italy, just for ex
space, it allowed significant economy in the materials ample—remained massive rectangular buildings. German
used. Blind spots around the tower were reduced because and Austrian castles in the 12th and 13th centuries were
the view and the field of fire were better from the top of characterized by a special type of great-tower called a
a circular building. Round walls were more resistant than bergfried in Germany and a berchfrit in Austria. This
sharp corners to tunneling and to thrusts of the batter was a large tower generally not used as dwelling place but
ing ram because stones in curved walls shoulder each as a military building. Varying in shape, often square but
other by pushing thrust laterally. A round tower lends it also rectangular, pentagonal or (infrequently) circular,
self readily to dome-vaulting on all or at least on the some bergfrieden were reinforced on their most vulner
principal floors, and thus can be made virtually fireproof. able face by a Schildmauer, a high and thick wall screen-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
tLchauguette on buttress
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
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2-Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
ing the inhabited parts. Examples can be seen in the cas Throughout the 12th century, the donjon remained
tles Wassenburg, Bruck, Kinzheim and Andlau. the most important defensive work, but its vicinity be
In the 12th century, active defense of castles and came more and more fortified by various elements
keeps was increased by new architectural elements. One influenced by the Middle East. At the same time that the
such element was the echauguette (sentry-box), which castle builders were experimenting with round, multian-
served as both an observation post and a combat em gular and four-lobed donjons, they were devoting more
placement. Intended for one guard, it was a small round and more attention to the walls around the fortress. The
or polygonal masonry tower fixed on corbels, a buttress previously discussed shirt and the bailey enclosure be
or a cul-de-lampe, and overhanging the angle formed by came in certain cases an external wall. The purpose of the
two walls on top of a tower, a donjon or a belfry. It was external wall was to protect hall, chapel, and ancillary
fitted with loopholes, and its summit was either covered huts and stores, and to provide a first line of defense.
by a roof or open and fitted with crenellation. The echau The external enclosure was composed of a masonry wall
guette also offered a nice decoration with its detached sil (called a curtain) fitted with a wall-walk, a crenellated
houette and its elegant curves. breastwork, echauguettes and projecting towers, allow
Protection of the entrance was increased by the in ing the rebirth of the principle of flanking.
stallation of a brattice. This element was a small project Flanking was one o f the essential principles of
ing balcony of either masonry or timber, resting on cor fortification. It was the disposition of two parts of a de
bels. Its floor was fitted with an opening permitting fense work in such a way that enemies attacking one
defenders to throw missiles down upon assailants. Its sum part were exposed to fire coming from the second.
mit was either roofed or open and furnished with one or There were two main forms of flanking: vertical (as
two crenels. The brattice originates from the Middle East. previously discussed, i.e., from an upper position
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Niort Castle (France). The castle of Niort (Deux-Sevres in France) was constructed by
the duke of Aquitaine and the king of England, Henry II, about 1170. It was composed
of a huge donjon enclosed by an enceinte with sixteen towers. Niort became French in
1436 by the end of the Hundred Years War. The castle was dismantled in the beginning
of the 17th century by order of cardinal Richelieu, minister of King Louis XIII. Only the
keep has been preserved, one of the best examples of the 12th century Romanesque great-
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
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View of donjon ofFalaise (France). Falaise, in the Calvados (Normandy), was one of the
medieval residences of the dukes of Normandy. The donjon, built in 1123, was situated
on a rocky spur dominating the river Ante. It was a massive rectangular building 23 m
wide, 26.60 m long with walls 3.50 m thick. The donjon housed a hall, a cistern, supply
rooms and the chapel Saint-Prix. About 1207, the king of France, Philippe Auguste, re
took Normandy and had a cylindrical tower built. Called Tour Talbot, it was 35 m high
with six stories and walls 4 m thick. The donjon was surrounded by a bailey 600 m in
perimeter, flanked by 14 towers, housing a residence, a guard-house, stables, various ser
vice buildings, a garden and a well. At the foot of the keep and its bailey, the old town
ofFalaise was enclosed by walls, towers and gatehouses. In 1418, the chateau was taken
by the English, who occupied it until 1450. By the end of the 15th century the castle was
adapted to firearms with embrasures and bulwarks. In 1590, Falaise was besieged and
taken by Henry IV. After this time the castle was abandoned. Until 1864 it served as a
stone quarry.
downwards) and horizontal. Horizontal flanking was crossbows, placed in a projecting tower, to defend a
an enfilade fire nearly parallel to the wall and ditch whole length of wall.
coming from a projecting element perpendicularly The distance between two towers was extremely
placed in relation to the target. This method was very variable, but as a general rule it was equal to the effective
convenient and allowed economical use of personnel: range of bows and crossbows, about 5 0 m or 100 m.
Indeed, it took only a few soldiers armed with bows or Towers were square, semi-circular or round, fitted with
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan of the castle of Falaise. The square building is the donjon, constructed in
1123; the round tower is the Tour Talbot, erected in 1207. Both towers are linked by a
forebuilding containing the entrance with a drawbridge.
loopholes and crenellation, their summit either covered Jerusalem stayed open to the Western pilgrims, but the
with a roof or arranged as an open platform. situation changed in 1073. In that year, Palestine was
The 11th and 12th century keeps and enclosures bore conquered by the Turkish Seljuks, and from that time
witness to the efforts, research, and experience of castle Christians were no longer welcome in Jerusalem.
builders; they marked a certain improvement, but most In 1095 Pope Urban II called for a crusade to free the
keeps were still blind and passive carapaces on their Holy Sepulcher. Thus began two centuries (from the
mottes. Not until the Crusades does one see real changes seizure of Antioch in 1098 to the fall of Acre in 1291) of
influenced by Arabian architecture. western European involvement in a dramatic adventure
called the Crusades. Though initially motivated by reli
gious passions, the Crusades came to be characterized by
THE CRUSADES greed; by a passion for conquest, combat and prowess;
As long as the Arabs held the Holy Land, access to and by racial hatred and racism. They also proved a con-
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
venient outlet to divert the energy, greed and aggressive created including the kingdom of Jerusalem, the princi
ness of adventurers, feudal lords and boisterous knights— pality of Antioch, and the counties of Edesse, Jaffa,
a channel into which violence could be diverted and sanc Tripoli and Outer-Jordan.
tioned. After about a century of relative peace interrupted
Effectively the Crusades represented the backlash of by periods of war, the Christian rulers were defeated in
Christendom against Islamic conquest. The Byzantine 1187 by Sultan Saladin. Jerusalem was lost, and the Cru
emperor was also politically motivated, since he wanted saders from then on dominated only a limited coastal
Western assistance in expanding his territory and stabi stripe in Lebanon. Other expeditions were organized to
lizing his frontier. Meanwhile the pope and the German reclaim the territory for Christians. Some of these were
emperor saw the expeditions as bringing some measure led by great feudal lords, and even kings of France and
of unity to Christendom. England as well as emperors of Germany participated.
As early as 1096 the first Crusade departed for the Finally, however, all attempts failed because of political
East. This spontaneously assembled crowd of ill-pre quarrels and economic rivalry within the Christian camp.
pared pilgrims was slaughtered and decimated on the In 1 2 7 0 , the death of the French Crusader king,
way to Jerusalem. A year later a second expedition, mil Louis I X the Saint, marked the last crusade. The dream
itarily organized and well structured by feudal barons, of a permanently Catholic Palestine came to an end when
departed, and in 1099 they managed, after a long jour the last Christian bulwark, Acre, was taken by the Mus
ney and much suffering, to retake the holy city. Under lims in 1291.
the authority of Godfrey of Bouillon and his brother The Crusades mark an important moment of Euro
Baldwin, the Crusaders organized the conquered terri pean history. Manifesting the rebirth of European vital
tory according to the European feudal system. The ity, a spiritual and material renaissance, they had
Frankish kingdoms of Outremer (Beyond the Sea) were significant influence on the evolution of medieval society.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Count Castle in Ghent (Belgium). The chateau des Comtes (in Flemish Gravensteen) was
erected about 1180 by the count of Flanders, Philippe of Alsace, on the emplacement of
an 11th century stronghold. The Gravensteen includes a massive rectangular donjon, an
elegant residence and various buildings for the commons enclosed in an oval curtain
flanked with echauguettes resting on buttresses. The castle was defended by a strong
gatehouse and a wet ditch with water supplied by the river Lys. The castle was the count's
residence but also intended as a citadel to control the rich and boisterous citizens. From
the 14th to the 18th century, the castle was used as municipal tribunal and prison. The
Gravensteen, restored between 1889 and 1913, today is one of the charms of the medieval
city Ghent.
They gave rise to renewed commercial activity, the profits Christians, backed by good armies, had the initiative, but
of which flowed mainly to the Italian ports of Venice, their strategy was poor and the frontier of their long
Genoa and Pisa. Luxuries from the orient, including kingdom was weak; eight hundred kilometers of sandy
many plants and fruits as well as various goods previ desert formed a springboard for Muslim raids and
ously unknown in Europe, were imported. Socially, the counter-offensives. After the initial western enthusiasm
Crusades helped to weaken the position of the feudal there was a continuous shortage of armed forces, and
lords, hastening the reestablishment of the royal author fortifications were the only way to defend the vulnerable
ity (particularly in France) and the development of free realm of Outremer.
cities. The castles erected by the crusaders in Palestine were
In matters of fortification, the Crusades were also profoundly original buildings. In the 11th century, castles
very important, for they introduced to the Western world were still influenced by western tradition. For almost half
efficient methods of siege warfare and sophisticated de a century the crusaders lived a life of comparative peace
fensive techniques. In the early years of the Crusades, the in increasing comfort, either in captured fortresses of an-
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
cient foundation or in newly built castles similar to those gigantic fortresses, killing-grounds with weapons systems
of their homelands. They were indeed strongholds for designed to enable a few defenders to hold out as long as
the governance of conquered lands, controlling farming possible, or in the worst event, to sell their lives as dearly
areas, oasis and desert crossroads. But from 1144 on as possible. Usually located on some inaccessible moun
wards, a succession of new Muslim leaders restored Ara tain-top, intended for both active and passive defense,
bian pride and rekindled the missionary zeal of Islam by castles usually included a huge square keep forming a
organizing djihad (holy war) against the infidel foe. highly protected core and concentric rings of walls
Though marked by long truces, periods of relative peace flanked by towers providing efficient external defensive
ful coexistence and mutual understanding, the Crusade positions. Walls were thick and fitted with solid parapets
wars were cruel, radical and fanatically led because both and arrow-splits.
sides were equally assured of eternal life if they fall in bat In peacetime, fortresses were economic centers ad
tle. ministering farms and estates. In wartime, they formed col
Progressively, the crusader fortifications evolved into lective chains of interdependent strongholds controlling
Ucles (Spain). The castle Ucles stands between Cuenca and Aranjuez in Castilla La Man-
cha. An ancient Roman fort, the castle was built in the beginning of the 11th century as
a residence to caliph Mohamed HI Al Mostacfi. After the fall of Toledo in 1085, Ucles
remained a border place held by the Moors until 1157, when King Alfonso VII retook it.
Occupied by the military order of Santiago from 1174 to 1499, the castle became a cas
tle-monastery, combining military demands and the spiritual life of a monastery, justify
ing the nickname it later assumed, "El Escorial de la Mancha" (an allusion to El Escor-
ial, the huge palace and monastery near Madrid, which was built by King Felipe II
between 1563 and 1584). After 1528 the castle-monastery was occupied by the nobleman
Francisco de Mora y Gaspar de la Vega and transformed into a residence. The ground-
plan shows the situation today: the church (1), the cloister (2), the first enceinte (3) and,
down on the steep hill, the external wall (4).
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Tarasp (Switzerland). The castle Tarasp is situated near the village Vulpera in the canton
of Grisons in Switzerland, close to the border with Austria. The castle was built by the
lord of Tarasp in the 11th century as a high square bergfried on a steep hill dominating
the river Inn. Owned by various noblemen, it became the property of Duke Sigismond
of Austria. Enlarged, transformed and restored over the centuries, the castle today is the
residence of Herzog of Hesse-Darmstadt.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
The Krak des Chevaliers. The most famous of all Hospitaler castles, the impressive Krak
des Chevaliers was situated on a 650 m high naturally defensible sloping spur overlook
ing Horns Gap northeast of Tripoli in Lebanon. Founded in 1031 by the emir of Horns,
the castle was taken by crusaders in 1110. From 1142 to 1271, the krak (meaning castle
in Arabian) was occupied by the Knights of Saint John, who, after the earthquake of1202,
redesigned and transformed it to the most powerful castle ever built in the Middle Ages.
The concentric Krak des Chevaliers includes a massive central core with a huge donjon
whose walls were 9 m thick, a water reservoir, a deep ditch dug in the rock, and a 600
m external wall with thick flanking towers.
communication, roads, cities, and vital coastal anchorages. ical crusade atmosphere, warriors became Christ's
The crusader castles were well munitioned with plenty of fighters; brutal knighthood and pious monasticism be
stones, arrows and combustible missiles, as well as artillery came compatible.
for projecting them. Careful attention was paid to reserves The Brotherhood of the Hospital of Saint John-of-
of water and food; many castles had their own mills. Jerusalem (called knights of Saint John, Hospitalers or Jo-
To take care of pilgrims, special monastic orders hannites) was created in 1070 to assist poor pilgrims in
were created. Confronted, however, with violence, those the Holy Land. About 1120, the order was militarized by
charitable organizations rapidly became armed militia Raymond du Puy. It became a rich organization and an
charged with escorting pilgrims, protecting Christian armed force with international power. The Knights of
property and defending the Church. Owing to the fanat Saint John played a major role during the difficult Chris-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Belvoir Castle. Situated north of Jerusalem, Belvoir Castle was constructed by the Hos
pitalers about 1170. The castle had a regular ground-plan organized around a strong core
with towers and gatehouse. This central keep was defended by a thick external wall re
inforced by square towers and a deep moat. After the defeat of Hattin in 1187 and the
seizure of Jerusalem by Saladin, Belvoir was besieged and taken in 1189. The fortress was
demolished by Muslims in the 13th century.
tian domination in Palestine. Beside daily care for pil became an independent military order called the Broth
grims, they participated in all major battles and were re erhood of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Teutons,
markable fortress builders. conveniently called Teutonics. Approved by Pope In
Driven off the Holy Land after the fall of Acre in nocent III in 1199, the Teutonics were organized in a
1291, the Knights of Saint John established themselves on structure similar to that of the Hospitalers from whom
the Isle of Rhodes, where they stayed until 1522. In 1530 they had originated. Together with the newly created
they were once more attacked by the Turks and driven German Knights of the Sword (founded in 1 2 0 4 , this
off Rhodes. They settled next on the island of Malta, order merged with the Teutonics in 1237), they favored
where they become known from then on as the Order of German interests, which gave rise to rivalry with the
Malta. Both on Rhodes and Malta, the order built for other military monk orders. After the fall of Acre in
midable fortifications. 1291 and the abandonment of the Holy Land, the Teu
A group of Hospitalers originating from Germanic tonic knights were transferred in 1309 to Marienburg
lands specialized in taking care of German pilgrims, near Danzig (today Gdansk) in Poland. The German
probably for linguistic and political reasons. Estab knights maintained the spirit of the Crusades by "evan
lished in the Saint Mary church in Jerusalem, the Ger gelizing" pagan Slav populations by means of arms,
man Hospitalers were greatly encouraged by the Ho- and by conquering vast territories in Poland and in the
henstaufen emperor during the third Crusade Baltic region. The Teutonic power reached its apogee
(1189-1192). The Germanic branch of the Hospitalers in the 14th century, but after the defeat of Tannenberg
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Ground-plan, castle Margat. The fortress of Margat (Marqab) lies on a vast promontory
overlooking the port ofBaniyas on the coast of Syria. Constructed by Arabs in 1062, the
castle was a point of bitter dispute between Muslims and crusaders between 1116 and 1140.
In 1186, the fortress was occupied and rebuilt by the Hospitalers. It was besieged and
taken in 1285 by sultan Qala'un. Margat was composed of a double-walled castle lying
on the south point and a triangular village or bailey of considerable size defended by walls,
towers and moats.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ruins of castle Margat. The view shows the southeast part of the castle with the main
corner Tower of Eperon and the outer wall.
in 1410, the weakened knights were forced to abandon The Templars were involved in Spain and Portugal
their conquests in Poland and retreat to Prussia. during the Reconquista against the Moors. In Palestine
The Order of Saint Lazare (also called Lazarists or they fulfilled the same role as the order of Saint John.
Order of the Saint-Sepulchre) was another branch of the They built, maintained and garrisoned eighteen huge cas
Hospitalers. Founded in 1120, the Lazarists were espe tles and many fortified domains. In Paris they had an
cially charged with caring for Templars and Hospitalers enormous fortress. Their prodigious wealth and their
infected with leprosy, a sickness widely spreading in the banking activities attracted the greed of the French king
Middle Ages in both the West and the East. Until 1187, Philippe IV (1285-1314). The unscrupulous king, short of
the Lazarists were also charged with the military defense money, accused them of evil crimes in 1307. Through
of part of the walls of Jerusalem. lies, manipulation, torture and intimidation, Philippe in
The Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (commonly collusion with the pope achieved the dissolution of the
called Templar) was founded in 1118 by a French knight order of the Temple in 1312. The main dignitaries were
named Hugues de Payens. The order took its name from burnt alive, the members returned to "civilian" life or
its installation in Solomon's temple (today the El-Aqsa were transferred to the Order of Saint John, and the
mosque). The Templars too were transformed into a mil order's wealth was confiscated by the French crown. The
itary force. Their wealth grew considerably, and their Templars survived, however, in Spain in the Order of
power became of international importance. In the 12th Montesa (created in 1317) and in Portugal in the Order
century, the order headed an empire embracing some 9,000 of Christ (1319).
commanderies, priories, farms, domains and estates The Order of the Tres Sainte Trinite (Very Holy
throughout Europe, which produced enormous riches. Trinity or Trinitarians) was founded by Jean de Matha
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
2-Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Knight of the Sword and Teutonic knight. The members of the short-lived Order of the
Sword wore a white coat with a black sword crowned by a black German cross. The order
of the Sword merged with the Teutonics in 1237. The Teutonics wore a white overcoat
decorated with a German black cross.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Almourol (Portugal). Situated south ofTomar (district ofSantarem), the castle Almourol
was built about 1160 on an island in the middle of the river Tage by the sovereign-mas
ter of the order of the Temple. Almourol was composed of a massive rectangular keep
enclosed by walls flanked by ten half-cylindrical towers.
and approved by the pope in 1098. As the name indicates, fighting function and to the severe climate of the Mid
the Trinitarian order was founded to worship the Trin dle East.
ity and assist the poor and sick. They were not fighting The orders were organized following the three feu
units; rather it was their job to exchange prisoners and dal social classes in a pyramidal hierarchy. Each order
negotiate the liberation of Christians captured by the was headed by a grand master, both an abbot and a gen
Muslims during the Crusades. Their important role and eral, who ruled with a chapter of officers; it was the chap
their popularity brought them wealth and international ter who secretly elected the master for his lifetime.
reputation with domains and monasteries in Spain, All knights, squires and sergeant-brothers came from
France, England, Germany and Palestine. the nobility. All had to complete an extremely rigorous
Hospitalers, Teutonics and Templars were officially and physically challenging training program to fight on
placed under direct papal authority, but in practice they horse and on foot. They wore a sort of uniform composed
were almost independent. Combining force and faith, of a hauberk (armored coat of mail) and a linen cloth dec
the military orders were very popular. They attracted orated with a distinctive cross. They were issued wooden
many noblemen, and because of their reputation they shields and metal helmets and armed with the typical
accrued much wealth in the form of gifts, donations weapons of the Middle Ages: long right swords, battle
and domains. Though having different purposes, vari axes, war-hammers, morning-stars, spears and lances to
ous ceremonies and different rites, all orders had a sim which banners were fixed. Horses, weapons and equip
ilar hierarchy, the same feudal organization and a com ment were lent to each knight but remained the order's
mon structure. All three of them were given the strict property because monks were not allowed to own any
Cistercian monk regula (established in 1098 by edict of thing.
the abbot of Citeaux, Robert de Molesme), though the Knights were divided in squadrons, generally com
rule was somewhat adapted to each order's particular posed of twelve mounted combatants headed by a prior.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
View of the citadel of Jerusalem. The ancient city of Jerusalem (in Arabian Al-Quds and
in Hebrew Yerushalaim, meaning city of peace) was built on two hills separated by the
river Cedron. The city was founded in the 3rd millennium BC and entered history with
the Jewish people by the time of King David (1004-965 BC) and King Solomon, the lat
ter of whom built the temple and the royal palace. The Jewish kingdom was divided in
928 BC and Jerusalem became the capital of the realm ofjudah, with fortifications built
by Hezekias in 701 BC. Jerusalem was devastated by the Babylonians in 586 BC, and the
temple of Solomon was destroyed. After captivity in Babylon, the Jews returned to
Jerusalem and rebuilt the temple and fortifications (520-445 BC). After the Greek dom
ination (332-37 BC) and the reign of King Herod, the city was taken by the Romans in
63 BC. Already a holy place in the Jewish faith, Jerusalem as the site of Christ's death
attracted Christian pilgrims as early as the 2nd century AD. The Roman occupation
lasted until 324 AD. Jerusalem was then occupied by the Arabs in 638 and became an
Islamic holy place; the mosque El-Aqsa was erected there in 691. After the first Crusade,
Jerusalem became the capital of the Frankish realm Beyond the Sea in 1099, and re
mained so until 1187 when the city was retaken by sultan Saladin. The fall of Saint-Jean-
d'Acre in 1291 marked the end of the Crusades in Palestine.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Both warriors and monks—fighting, but also praying and All members, exclusively masculine, voluntarily enlisted
taking care of pilgrims—they represented the paradoxi in the military orders for life. They were carefully se
cal fusion of religious devotion and destructive violence. lected, and once proven physically fit, morally suitable
The knights were assisted by non-combatant friars, vic and spiritually strong, they were initiated and introduced
ars, clerks and chaplains coming from the gentry who by means of a ceremony. Like normal Cistercian monks,
provided spiritual and administrative backup. they were required to take a vow to abandon the world,
The lowest members of the orders were non-com to stay in the order until their death, to be chaste and
batant commoners, subaltern lay-brothers charged with poor, and to swear an oath of total obedience to the
hard labor, craft, service, and logistic and domestic tasks. order's rule.
J •
Castello dellTmperator in Prato (Italy). The town ofPrato is situated on the river Bisen-
zio northwest of Florence in Tuscany. For a long time Prato was a rival of Florence, but
it passed under Florentine tutelage after 1351. The Castello dellTmperator was built by
the German emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa von Hohenstaufen (1152-1190), whence its
name (Castle of the Emperor). The castello displays many influences of the crusaders mil
itary architecture: regular rectangular plan, square tower, thick and high walls. The
crenellation, however, was typically Italian with so-called Gibeline merlons which were
dovetail-shaped. The Hohenstaufen dynasty occupied the throne of the Holy Roman Ger
manic Empire from 1138 to 1254. The German emperors possessed Sicily and built many
castles such as Barletta, Catane, Bari, and the most remarkable of them all, the Castle
del Monte.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
times, siege warfare was a military science called po- Besiegers might use several means to achieve the
liorcetics by the Ancient Greeks. It has been widely used seizure of a fortified place. They could impose capitula
throughout history because victory frequently depends on tion by displaying their force and threatening terrible re
the seizure of strongholds, fortresses and towns. This was taliation (pillage, fire, rape and general massacre). They
particularly clear in the Middle Ages when rural castles could launch a surprise attack or a discreet assault at
were the basic political, administrative and economical night. They could also infiltrate parties disguised as
structure of life. merchants, pilgrims, traders or travelers in need of as
The purpose of a siege was not necessarily the de sistance. Once inside, the posing party could open the
struction of the besieged target. The aim might be to door to armed comrades waiting hidden outside. For this
bring a rebellious vassal back to submission, or to obtain reason all strangers were regarded with suspicion.
political and economic compromise. Entrenched behind Besiegers might also profit from internal quarrels
high walls, defenders were in theory in an advantageous among the defenders and negotiate various advantages
position. History shows, however, that reputedly inex with one or the other. What would wars be without trai
pugnable fortresses, defended by regiments, sometimes tors? If wars proceeded by mathematical formulae, the
fell at the blast of a single trumpet. On the other hand, side with the best strategists, the bravest soldiers and the
some modest fortified place, garrisoned by a handful of most powerful weapons would invariably win. But this
half-starving men, might for months resist a whole army. is never the case, and treachery is the evil genius of war.
High walls were not always sufficient to stop enemies; the Treachery throws a spanner in the works and sweeps
outcome of a siege depended a great deal on many fac plans of genius off the campaigning table. It turns hero
tors such as physical courage, individual bravery, logis ism and the art of warfare, the supremacy of weapons
tical preparation, morale, determination and pugnacity. and the courage of soldiers in the face of death into a
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
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Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
camps by field fortifications (obstacles, moats, earth en nevrobalistic weapon that drew its propulsive power
trenchments and palisades) in order to repulse sallies, or from the elasticity of sinews and twisted rope. It was
counter-attacks, launched by the besieged. A sally was a composed of a solid timber framework holding a pivoted
brisk operation that took advantage of the besiegers' off- arm tightly strained on a rotating roller fitted with
guard moments. The besieged would rush out from their twisted rope. The arm was winched down and the mis
fortification, strike, and withdraw within the castle walls sile was loaded in a kind of spoon or a sling. The mobile
before the besiegers could react. Surprise counter-attacks arm was then unlocked, and, freed from the great tension
were psychologically quite important for morale, and tac of the rope, it sprang upward with great strength. The ro
tically they might turn the tide of the siege by breaking the tating movement of the arm was violently stopped by a
blockade, disorganizing and driving the besiegers back. transverse beam fitted with a padded cushion, resulting
Pressure on the defenders was increased by archers in the projectile being propelled in a high curving trajec
and crossbowmen deployed behind mantelets and pavis tory. (See illustration, page 91.)
(wooden protective screens) shooting arrows and bolts, The trebuchet, probably introduced during the Cru
some incendiary. More devastating were the bombard sades, was a hurling machine whose propulsive energy
ments effected by siege machines. These primitive forms was provided by a solid, heavy weight of several tons (a
of artillery, already employed in ancient times and revived wooden container filled with earth and stones). This
during the Crusades, were called engines. They were de counterweight was fixed to the short arm of a huge piv
signed, built and serviced by specialists called ingenia- oted beam resting on a solid framework. The missile was
tores (whence the word engineer). loaded in a sling placed on the end of the long arm, which
One such engine, the catapult, was an ancient was winched down to the ground and then released.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Crossbow man, 14th century. The earliest crossbows were loaded or spanned by hand.
Then as their power was increased, the legs were used to assist the arms in their task, the
feet being placed on either side of the bow or in an iron stirrup on the end of the stock.
A hooked strap attached to the girdle was often employed, the bow being spanned by
straightening the body. When the strong steel crossbow was introduced, various me
chanical spanning devices made their appearance. One was the windlass, connected to a
metal grapple by a system of cords and pulleys. The grapple was hooked over a cord of
the crossbow and was wound up by a large handle until the cord caught behind the nut.
Another winder was the rack or cranequin. This was a rack and pinion mechanism with
gear wheels contained in a flat round box. The gears were set in motion by the winding
handle. The heavy cord loop at one end was passed over the butt of the crossbow, and
the grapple at the other end hooked over the string. The toothed bar was then wound
back, bringing the string with it. A simpler and quicker device was the gade or bender,
now usually called the goafs foot lever, which was a lever ending in two curved prongs
pivoted with a double hook. The crossbow was a powerful weapon, but it took longer
to reload than a normal bow. It was therefore better used in the defense of a castle than
on the open battlefield.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Early medieval men-of-arms. The period ca. 600-ca. 1250 was the age of mail. The war
rior, fighting on foot or on horse, wore a jaque or hauberk, a knee-length armored shirt
of mail, made of riveted or butted-together metal rings. The hauberk had sleeves nor
mally extending to the elbow, but in some cases, the sleeves reached to the wrist and cov
ered the hand forming mittens (muffers or gauntlets). Mail leggings (hosen) and shorter
shirts of mail (haubergeon) were also worn as well as leather jackets (gambison). The head
was protected by a close-fitting mail hood (coif) attached to the hauberk and a conical-
shaped metal helmet often fitted with a bar-like extention (nasal) protecting face and nose.
A defensive item was the long almond-shaped Norman shield or a round shield called a
Hurling machines existed in numerous variants of machines indicate a range up to 4 5 0 meters. Loading the
differing shape, strength and size, with many appella devices took some time, so the rate of fire was low, and
tions such as baliste, mangonel, bricole, couillard or per- the aim could be rather haphazard, though some tre
rier, for example. The high curve trajectory of these buchets were precise owing to the counterweight being
weapons, hurling over walls, made their use just as effec slid up and down the short arm to vary the range. Nev
tive for defenders as for attackers. When both sides were ertheless, inaccuracy could itself be an advantage, for it
armed with such weapons, the result was an artillery could increase fright among the defenders—and if the
duel. point of impact was unknown, damage was a certainty
The range of these siege engines varied widely, de in any event. Catapults and trebuchets were deterrent
pending on solidity, structure, weight of projectile, length weapons, too; their menacing deployment was sometimes
of mobile arm, tension given to twisted rope and so on. enough to persuade the besieged to surrender.
Experiments made in the 19th century with reconstructed Catapults and trebuchets had to be very strongly
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Armor, 15th century. At the beginning of the 14th century the increasing effectiveness of
bow and crossbow meant that arrows could drive through a mail shirt, making some form
of plate armor imperative. The result by the 15th century was full armor, turning knights
and horses into complete heavy-armored units.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
built because they were submitted to heavy mechanical however, be discounted as untrue: These materials were
forces. To move them it was necessary to disassemble too expensive and too difficult to maneuver in combat
them, transport them piecemeal and reassemble them on conditions from a narrow wall-walk.) If the ladder was
the spot. Hurling machines were gradually superseded not repulsed, the attacker was very vulnerable while as
and then replaced by heavy firearms (siege guns and mor cending and when he reached the top of the parapet.
tars) during the second half of the 15th century. A much safer method of assaulting the top of the
Blockade and bombardment were preparatory ac wall was by means of a beffroy or belfry. Used in ancient
tions. They preceded the most important and most dan times, the belfry (called a helepole by the ancient Greeks)
gerous phase of the siege: the assault. The main offen was a rolling wooden assault tower as high as the wall
sive was always directed towards a weak point of the to be conquered. Fitted with wheels or large rolls, the
defense: a low wall, a rampart deprived of ditch, a tower tower was designed to be rolled close to the wall and
of small dimensions or a hard-to-defend suburb in a moved by means of capstans, pulleys and ropes maneu
town, for example. Once the assailant had disposed of vered and winched by a party of men. It was also fitted
numerous defending troops, the main attack could be with ladders, and its summit included a platform where
completed by diversions on other points that obliged the a group of archers could shoot at the defenders. The plat
defenders to scatter their remaining force. form also included a sort of drawbridge that allowed at
The decisive assault could be done by one of two tackers to set foot on the parapet for hand-to-hand com
main ways: either by assaulting the top of the wall or by bat with the defenders. The belfry was made of timber
making a breach. An assault on the top of the wall could and consequently vulnerable to fire; it was therefore cov
be achieved by throwing grab-dredgers fitted with rope ered with rawhide or wet turf to resist incendiary pro
or by using scale-ladders. Anyone can imagine the risks jectiles thrown by the besieged. (See illustration, page
this involved—climbing a rope or an unsteady ladder to 93.)
a height of 10 meters, holding a sword and a shield under The utilization of this machine was very slow. A bel
a hail of arrows, stones and spears. (Tales of cascades of fry had to be built on the spot, along with a steady track
melted metal or boiling oil cast down by defenders must, for rolling the cumbersome and clumsy machine into po-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Top: Various medieval offensive weapons. Besides the heavy sword with a double-edged
flat blade, offensive weapons included the spear, the lance, the battle-axe, the war-ham
mer, the combat-mace and the morning star, a baton with a short chain at the top at
tached to a metal ball covered in spikes. Bottom: Infantry armed with various medieval
spike-weapons. Spike-weapons, also called staff-weapons, were composed of a long
wooden haft and a metal end with spikes, blades or hooks. Generally developed from
agricultural implements, they allowed men on foot to engage mounted combatants. Along
with their varied shapes came a variety of names, including holy-water sprinkler, boar-
spear, guisarme, oxen-tong, sponton, pole-axe, two-bills and halberd.
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
Mounted knight in the 14th century. All of medieval weaponry was marked by a tactical
arms race. The chief problem was the struggle between missile power and mobility, and
protection from missiles combined with shock effect. This was exemplified by the in
creasingly heavily armored knight on his armored warhorse, armed with thrusting spear
and sword.
struct a cat. A cat (also called rat, chasteil or tortoise) was Obviously, assaulting by ladder or belfry or through
a strong movable timber gallery covered with a solid roof. undermining, sapping or ramming was very difficult, even
Like a belfry, a wooden cat was vulnerable to fire and impossible, if the fortress was surrounded by a broad
revetted with rawhide and wet turf. ditch filled with water. In that case the attackers had' the
Another ancient method of making a breach was choice of ferrying assaulting troops by boats or con
using a battering ram. The ram was a strong beam with structing an improvised bridge, a kind of dike across, the
a metal point at one end. It was maneuvered by a party wet moat, with fascine, earth, brushwood, tree-trunks
of men moving it backwards and forwards against a gate and whatever materials they could find. Another method
or a masonry wall. The violent shocks worked by direct was to get rid of the water by digging a derivation! carnal,
percussion but also by vibrations, which loosened the leaving the defenders high and dry.
stones. The defenders might react by interposing between As soon as the breach was practicable, the frontal as
the wall and the metal head to absorb the force of the sault was effected. In the meantime, however, the besieged
blows. They could also try to deviate the ram by catch might have hastily built another improvised defensive
ing its end with a rope fitted with a slip-knot, and of wall behind the breach to prolong the resistance. If the
course they could riddle the attackers with various mis attackers succeeded in penetrating the castle or the town,
siles. Therefore rammers were also protected by a cat in combat might continue if the defenders had withdrawn
which the battering ram was hung from the roof by means behind a second line of defense, in the castle keep or in
of solid ropes or chains. (See illustration, page 95.) the urban citadel.
German Landsknechte, 15th century
2—Military Architecture from the 10th to the 12th Centuries
The assault was a confused and bloody hand-to- among the citizens.
hand battle. It was a crucial confrontation for both par As previously pointed out, the ost was the base of
ties and the turning point of the siege. Individual factors, military organization. When a suzerain went to war, he
such as physical fitness and bravery, played a central role, levied his vassals for a period of forty days; most troops
but pugnacity was not enough against overwhelming raised by ost were consequently temporary and disorga
numbers. A repulsed assault generally cost a lot in casu nized. The ost service had other aspects, though; a vas
alties and could sometimes turn to harrowing defeat by sal might be asked to remain neutral or to allow troops
loosening all the bonds of discipline, generating fear and to cross his estate, or to furnish various supplies.
a spirit of sauve qui peut, resulting in mass retreat. A Medieval conflicts, at least until the Hundred Years'
successful assault might result in pillage, rape, destruc War, never lasted for long. Battles were fought within
tion, fire and massacre. To avoid this terrible predica hours; most campaigns and sieges lasted for days or
ment, the defenders might choose to pay a ransom or ne weeks, the longest for a matter of months. Only kings,
gotiate an honorable capitulation before things got high princes, dukes and rich free cities could afford to
worse. maintain a permanent militia or a small armed force.
To conclude, it is important not to overestimate the Again, medieval armies were never numerous. Be
spectacular and dramatic aspects of siege warfare just tween the years 6 0 0 and 1500, the greatest battles rarely
described. It must be kept in mind that medieval armies involved more than ten thousand men in each camp. This
were heterogeneous, temporarily raised, not very mobile figure was considerable in the Middle Ages, but today it
and never numerous. The attackers did not generally have corresponds to two military divisions. A state capable of
enough time to lead an attrition operation; they had only raising such strength mobilizes, in doing so, all its po
a few hurling machines or none at all; and they had tential and finance. Even the Crusades and the great me
insufficient numbers of troops. Only the large wars in dieval coalitions rarely include more than thousands of
volving realms, large duchies or coalitions, such as the soldiers. During the Third Crusade in 1198, the French king
wars between the French Capetian kings and the English Philippe Auguste had 6 5 0 knights and 1,300 infantrymen.
Plantagenet sovereigns, the crusade against the Albi- The king of England, Richard Lion-Heart, had an equal
genses, the Reconquista in Spain, the Crusades in Pales number of troops. The Seventh Crusade, headed by the
tine, and the conflicts during the Hundred Years' War, French king Louis I X in 1248, counted 12,000 footmen
saw the deployment of huge armies and exceptional op and 2 , 5 0 0 horsemen, an imposing force for the time. In
erations. Large-scale siege warfare was actually rare, for 1467 for the siege of Dinant, the powerful duke of Bur
practical reasons: lack of time, combatants and military gundy had 3 0 , 0 0 0 men. By that time a lance was com
means. posed of a fully equipped and armored knight, three
mounted archers, a page on horse, a crossbow man and
three pikemen on foot.
As a general rule, medieval troops lacked coherence.
GARRISON AND FIGHTING FORCE They were merely irregular groups of vassals raised by
feudal ost—rounded-up peasants with little warlike spirit
The exact number or total strength engaged in a siege and heteroclite armament. They formed low-value and ill-
or a battle was difficult to estimate as medieval sources disciplined contingents that retained their individuality,
were always inaccurate or gave figures that were obvi independence and even rivalries right into the thick of the
ously exaggerated. As a general rule, the garrison of a cas battle. Therefore, in the 14th century, kings, dukes,
tle was never numerous; it included the lord, his sons, a princes, and rich free cities encouraged their vassals to
few mounted men of arms, a provost, and a few squires pay a special tax instead of submitting to the inconve
and pages. The Truce of God, an edict of the Church, nient ost. With the funds raised, they paid mercenaries
clearly defined the non-combatant (women, children, and maintained permanent armed forces. Professional
peasants, traders and clergymen), but the institution was soldiers cost a lost, however, and their loyalty and de
never fully respected; some lords encouraged their peas termination in combat depended on the amount and reg
ants to train with bows and arrows, giving them an op ularity of their pay.
portunity for leisure and a game of skill, but with the in Mercenaries were recruited in the low gentry, among
tention of having additional troops in case of war. All the homeless, social outcasts and adventurers. They were
men living in the castle were obliged to serve as guards. grouped in loose companies headed by a gang-leader pro
In case of a siege, all inhabitants were involved—some ac claiming himself captain. During the Crusades, the Chris
tively, with arms in hand, and others indirectly by sup tians employed Turcopoles, who were autochthonous
plying ammunitions. The defense of a free town was se mercenaries forming units of light cavalry. Mercenaries
cured by a municipal militia, an armed force raised were on the whole not reliable; they did not hesitate to
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
pass into the opposite camp if conditions were better lation because the concept of indemnifying civilian vic
there. tims was totally unknown.
In peacetime, mercenaries were dismissed and un This being said, it is important to underline a few
employed. They then formed gangs of bandits surviving points regarding medieval violence. It must be kept in
by marauding the countryside, pillaging villages, robbing mind that the period under consideration lasted a thou
merchants and ransoming travelers—even in some cases sand years, and accordingly, times of peace and relative
by attacking castles. These unchecked gangs were par quiet were numerous. The frequency and intensity of me
ticularly active in the 14th century. By that time, the dieval war are difficult to measure as they vary consid
Genoan crossbowmen were reputed for their skill. In the erably in time and space. We who have witnessed and ex
following centuries Swiss mercenaries were especially ap perienced industrial conflict, general mobilization, total
preciated for their bravery. Certain Italian mercenaries war, mass extermination and nuclear fire can easily imag
(condotierri) were celebrated; some of them achieved high ine how rudimentary and small-scale medieval warfare
position, such as the famous Francesco Sforza, who be must have been.
came duke of Milan in 1450. The German Landsknechte Medieval Europe suffered many dark and disastrous
were formidable mercenaries in the beginning of the 16th periods, notably in the 9th, 10th and 14th centuries. How
century. ever, it is very questionable to assert that the Middle Ages
The logistics of the marching army were completely on the whole were more violent than any other period of
improvised. Soldiers shifted for themselves, procuring history. Proportionally, how barbarous were the Middle
food and supplies on the lands they crossed. Plunder and Ages compared to the massacres during the wars of reli
pillage were often the only means of survival, sacking a gion in the 16th century, the killings in the time of Louis
castle or a town the most convenient way to reward XIV, the Napoleonic butchery and the two World Wars
troops and pay mercenaries. The passage of an army, in the first half of the 20th century?
friend or foe, was always a calamity for the local popu
THE EVOLUTION OF CASTLES but passive donjons had been the main defense works in
IN THE 13TH CENTURY the previous centuries, castles of the 13th and 14th cen
turies were more often homogeneous and comprehensive
sophisticated fortresses composed of right walls flanked
The 10th and 11th centuries by and large were a pe by cylindrical towers. Though irregular ground-plans
riod of uncertainty, impetuousness and reorganization were in some cases imposed by natural sites, the ten
after the chaos of the early Middle Ages. In the 12th cen dency was to build castles following a regular, symmet
tury, the boisterous feudal society seemed to expand and rical, geometrical and rigorous layout; the castles of
mature. The 13th century marks a period of balance and Vitre and Poitiers (France) and Caerlaverok (Great-
prosperity considered the apogee of medieval civilization Britain) were triangular. But the most commonly used
and the golden age of castles. In France, for example, outline was a regular rectangle as seen in the Tower of
royal authority was greatly restored, the feudal indepen London and in the castles Harlech, Bodiam and Beau
dent local lords were on the decline, and the political and maris (Great Britain), Muiden (Netherlands), and Vil-
financial situation was more or less stabilized, allowing landraut, Dourdan and Vincennes (France) just to men
the Capetian sovereigns to integrate fortifications in a tion a few. This kind of regular rectangle fortress was
wide state strategy. sometimes called a yard-castle. Defense was improved
The Crusades enabled the West to learn much of with passive obstacles, easy communications, efficient
eastern military engineering. Intercourse between Euro flanking, and active combat emplacements spread out in
pean and Arab civilizations was constant, and new ideas better positions that gave them more autonomy, in
developed there were used at home. Both siege warfare creasing the defensive capability of the castle.
and European fortifications underwent a significant evo These great improvements, reviving the essential
lution in the 13th and 14th centuries. principles of fortification, permitted the building of cas
Royal creations in the 13th and 14th centuries were tles in sites totally deprived of natural defenses. The rec
astonishing in their scale and sophistication. The intro tangular disposition of the regular fortress created an
duction of coherent systems marks a radical transfor open ground, a bailey or bascourt, allowing rapid move
mation. The most significant evolution was the devel ment for the garrison and the placing of war machines
opment of the external wall, called the enceinte, for hurling projectiles over the walls. Ancillary build
increasing space within the castle for a larger garrison ings—residence or palace, chapel, huts for servants, quar
and providing more combat emplacements. While bulky ters for soldiers, stables for domestic animals, storehouses
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
and other elements related to the castle community's l i f e - ways higher than walls, allowing observation and com
were placed against the walls, leaving space for a central mand of the curtains. With this construction, if enemies
courtyard and even a garden. conquered the wall-walk, they remained under fire com
As previously discussed, the curtain was the por ing down from the tower. On some occasions the com
tion of wall between two towers. Curtains were mostly munication between the tower and the wall-walk could
straight, rather than curved or zigzagged, in order to re be interrupted by a small drawbridge. The height of a
duce blind spots. To oppose assaulting by scaling-ladder tower was sometimes calculated in order to send and re
and belfry, castle builders made walls higher; to thwart ceive optical signals: For example, in the enclosure of the
undermining, sapping and ramming, they made them abbey of Cluny (France), the high Tour Ronde allowed
thicker. The thickness was particularly large at the base communication with the castle of Lourdon via the church
of the wall. Strength was provided by giving the lower bell-tower of the hamlet of Cotte and a tower built near
portion of the wall a sloping apron or plinth. This com the village of Lournand.
pact mass of large stones, called a batter or talus, was The summit of the tower was either covered with a
not only too wide to be tunneled under and weakened, roof or arranged as an open crenellated terrace where
but it also increased the stability of the construction. hurling machines could be placed. The top might also be
Another advantage of the talus was that when the de fitted with an echauguette or a watchtower.
fenders dropped stones upon it, the stones splintered The inside of the tower was divided into a various
and ricocheted with a shrapnel effect on enemies at the number of stories arranged as living accommodations,
wall. supply-stores, arsenal, prison and so on. In some cases a
The main active combat emplacement on top of the half-cylindrical tower accommodated the projecting apse
wall, the crenellated parapet, was improved. Merlons of a chapel—in Colchester Castle (Britain) or Avila
were often fitted with observation slits which also served (Spain), for example. Access to the rooms was by means
as arrow-splits. Crenels were furnished with wooden pan of ladder or masonry spiral staircases; it is worth noting
els (huchet) hanging upon swivels in the merlon on either that most medieval staircases and passageways in castles
side; when required, these shutters could be pushed open were deliberately narrow, so that one man could hold a
far enough to allow the archer to command his target passage against many. Small and narrow grated windows
below, while the sloping shelter afforded him overhead were pierced to let light come in and also to be used as
protection from a falling arrow. Not infrequently the observation points and arrow-splits. With all these fea
wall-walk had a rear- as well as a fore-parapet with tures, each and every castle tower formed an isolated
crenels and merlons, so that the curtain wall could be stronghold that could be independently defended, even
held even if an enemy obtained access to the courtyard. when other parts of the castle had fallen.
The inside of the thick curtain might also be fitted with As previously mentioned, the distances between cor
a corridor, occasionally called a gaine. This was a kind ner- and wall-towers were calculated according to the
of vaulted gallery allowing troops to move rapidly and range of bow and crossbow. In some cases towers were
undercover from one place to another. The gallery was replaced by overhanging watch-turrets called pepper-pot
not only an easy communication but a combat emplace towers. A pepper-pot was a kind of big echauguette rest
ment if furnished with arrow-splits. ing on corbels or buttresses. Pepper-pots had the same
Curtains were reinforced by towers, of which there flanking combat function as normal towers, but they were
were two sorts: wall-towers and corner-towers. These much cheaper to build.
often carried individual names and were strongholds The main walls and towers, the enceinte forming the
arranged for active defense with crenellated parapets, core of the castle, might be defended by one or more ex
hoardings and arrow-splits; they projected from the walls ternal enclosures or concentric walls. These walls were
in order to flank the curtains and ditch. In plan they were part of the so-called concentric castle, an eastern inven
square, rectangular, almond-shaped or more frequently tion. An external wall, called a lice or list, created an ad
cylindrical or semi-cylindrical. As with the curtains, the ditional obstacle, a delaying line of defense. Depending
tower base was often strengthened by a sloping apron on the natural features of a site, the list either embraced
and a buttress. These features provided stability, offered the whole castle or protected only a particularly exposed
protection against scaling, undermining and ramming, or weak facade. In some mountainous sites, lists often
and had something of a deterrent effect simply through formed a succession of fortified points spreading out on
their appearance of strength. The batter might have the steep access road. In other cases the walled area was
different forms: triangular, angular, almond-shaped, or further enlarged so that it came to enclose two or more
similar to a bridge-fender, the prow of a ship or a bird's yards, each defended by a wall.
beak. The list was frequently a stone wall with flanking
In height towers varied considerably. They were al towers similar to the main enclosure. However, the list
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Curtain. Staircases provided access to the wall-walk. The wall-walk might also be cov
ered with a tile roof to shelter sentries from rain and to protect combatants from enemy
was always lower than the main enceinte, according to was usually fairly broad. If wide enough, this belt of land
the principle of command. This basic principle of was used in time of war as an emplacement for hurling
fortification allowed superposed and simultaneous shoot machines and as a campground where peasants of the
ing from both the external and the main walls. Owing to vicinity could find refuge. In peacetime it was used as
the disposition, height and profile of the works, archers pasture, as a training ground for soldiers, as a place
on the main enceinte could shoot out over the heads of where tournaments and jousts were held, and as a fair
their comrades on the outer. Thus both enceintes were in ground or market for traders and merchants.
action for both combined and successive defense. Con Keeps, towers and walls were fitted with shooting
sequently a tower's elevation (called the gorge) was some niches narrowing into vertical arrow-splits through which
times a straight wall or more frequently omitted, leaving archers could shoot. Though used in earlier castles, from
the work open on the inside. That way, if the external the 13th century onwards these active combat emplace
tower was seized, the attackers were vulnerable to pro ments were more numerous, better designed and more
jectiles hurled by the defenders deployed on the main en conveniently placed in order to turn the land surround
ceinte. ing a castle into a dangerous killing ground by reducing
Communication between the main and the external or preferably eliminating all blind spots (angles below
walls was by means of posterns. Posterns, also called and beyond which the ground cannot be seen and de
sally-ports, were fortified gateways having two functions. fended). Arrow-splits had many designs combining pro
In peacetime they were doorways permitting people to tection of the archer and angle of fire. Many forms were
enter and leave the castle without opening the main gate. experimented with to find the broadest view and the
In wartime, from posterns the defenders could undertake widest field of shooting.
a sally. Especially intended for this military purpose, some The shooting niche or chamber could accommodate
sally-ports were hidden or at least well concealed. one or more combatants, generally one shooting archer
The space between the main enceinte and the lists or crossbowman and a varlet or gar^on loading a spare
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
bow. In its simplest form the arrow-split or loophole was called a bolt with good accuracy and great power of
a long narrow vertical slit, perhaps 2 m long. In some penetration, enabling an archer to pierce armor and giv
exceptional cases, arrow-splits were very long (6.80 m in ing him a range up to 150 m. To use the crossbow with
Najac castle and 8 m in Aigues-Mortes): in such cases, its small horizontal bow, vertical loopholes became cru
the niches were fitted with two levels for two archers. In ciform, meaning that they were fitted with one or more
other castles one chamber or niche might be fitted with transverse horizontal slits allowing the archer to ob
more than one arrow-split or loophole, allowing one serve, aim and shoot with efficiency. These loopholes
archer to shoot in various directions. As a general rule, were called crosslets.
however, large and numerous openings were to be In the so-called yard-castle and concentric castle,
avoided as they weakened the building and form targets the keep lost a part of its significance, being no longer
for the besiegers. the lord's dwelling place. It seems, however, that the me
A loophole might terminate in a fish-tailed base, and dieval castle-builders could not renounce this symbol of
this was often plunged, or sloped downwards, the better power, and in many cases the donjon already existed
to enable the archer to command the ground below. In before the concentric enceinte was constructed around
other cases, the loophole ended at the bottom in a round it. Generally the keep played only a military role as a re
hole called an oilette, like an inverted keyhole. Or there treat where resistance could go on even when the rest of
might be two oilettes, at top and bottom, in which case the castle had fallen. The weakness of such a scheme lay
the loophole assumed a dumbbell shape. in the purely passive concept of defense that it repre
Originally designed for use with bows, loopholes sented. In the last analysis, such castles proclaimed the
were eventually adapted to accommodate the crossbow. gospel of defeatism, the lurking conviction that in the
This ancient weapon was revived in the 12th century long run the attack was always superior to the defense,
and, though forbidden by the Church in the council of that the gateway would eventually be forced or the cur
Latran in 1139, was widely used in the 13th, 14th and tain walls mined, breached or scaled, and that if then the
15th centuries. The crossbow shot a short metal arrow garrison were lucky enough to withdraw into the don-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
jon, they would have naught to expect therein save the other castles, Carcassonne (France) and Muiden (Nether
slow agony of starvation. lands) for example, the keep was simply omitted and the
So we see that in some castles (Coucy in France, for castle consisted of a powerful enceinte.
example, or Harlech in Britain), the donjon was super When natural conditions were suitable, notably in
seded by what might be called a keep-gatehouse. The flat sites, fortresses were surrounded by moats. Here
lord of the castle came forwards from the retired posi again, dimensions were extremely variable, but a width
tion and jealous isolation of the older donjons. Instead, of 12 to 2 0 m and a depth of about 10 m were rather com
he assumed the defense in the fore, combining his resi mon. The inner edge of the ditch (at the foot of the wall)
dence and combat quarters in the gatehouse. This radi was called the scarp, and the outer side was called the
cal change, transforming the entire castle theme, was counter-scarp. The counter-scarp was often masonry, too,
however the exception rather than the rule, and keeps in order to hold the ground and to prevent the ditch being
were also placed in the middle of the yard-castle as can filled in either by natural erosion or by hostile enemy ac
be seen in the royal palace of the Louvre in Paris (France). tion. The middle of the bottom of a dry ditch was usu
In other designs, Dourdan (France) for example, the keep ally furnished with a narrow draining canal called a
was incorporated within the enceinte and became a part cunette. In some rare cases the bottom of the ditch was
of the defense as a remote corner-tower; it had, however, tiled.
its own ditch and drawbridge, and its monumental di A great majority of medieval moats were dry, but de
mensions made it noticeable. In many other designs, the pending on the natural situation, some were filled with
integration of the keep in the defensive system was such water. A wet moat, called a douve or wet ditch, formed a
that it no longer constituted a noticeable element. In very efficient obstacle against the assaulting party. However,
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Forms of loopholes and crosslets. Shapes of loopholes, both for bow and crossbow, were
extremely varied in length and width.
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Crossbowmen. The man on the left uses a weapon with an iron stirrup; he loads it with
a hooked strap attached to the girdle by spanning and straightening his body. The man
on the right is aiming through the arrow-split.
wet moats could be something of a mixed blessing; they In all fortification, in all periods, the gate was the
were inconvenient in peacetime, which meant that unofficial weakest point. As a general rule, a castle included only
bridges were often erected—with subsequent argument and one main entrance and possibly one postern or a few
indecision about the right moment to chop them down in side-gates. The main entrance was heavily defended by a
an emergency. Besides, water might dangerously erode the gatehouse. Throughout the 13th century the gatehouse
base of the wall, and stagnant water might be a year 'round was gaining in importance over the donjon. The gate
health hazard for the inhabitants of the castle. house was usually an imposing structure, and as the 13th
The water for a douve could simply be collected from century drew to a close it became the dominant feature
rain, but because this source was unreliable, the wet ditch of the castle.
was very often supplied with fast-flowing water coming The portal of the gatehouse was a Gothic arch either
from a river or sea by means of dikes, sluices, watergates pierced in a tower or deeply recessed between two strong
and derivation canals. In certain cases, wet ditches took flanking towers. Dimensions of the portal were variable
on the proportions of a lake, a marsh or even an inten but always large enough to let a cart or a group of horse
tional flood. men through. The portal included a stout wooden fold-
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
ing door composed of two heavy leaves reinforced with neuver. Consequently, to close the access instantaneously,
nails and iron parts. In closed position it was locked by a portcullis was installed. The portcullis was a vertical
heavy transverse mobile beams that fitted into oblong metal grating or a heavy wooden grill framed and shod
slots or bar-holes in the side walls. One of the leaves was with iron. It moved up and down in slots or chases in the
often fitted with a wicket, a small door allowing the pas side walls of the entrance passage. The portcullis was
sage of a pedestrian without having to open the main hoisted by a windlass for open position and quickly slid
door. down by its own weight for rapid closed position. There
As previously mentioned, many castles were enclosed might be a second portcullis and a pair of folding gates
by moats. If the moat was wide, it was spanned by a at the inner end of the passage. The windlasses for both
fixed timber bridge resting on piers of wood or stone. the drawbridge and the portcullis were placed in a cham
This bridge did not, however, extend across the moat, but ber situated above the causeway on the first floor of the
stopped short of the portal, from which it was reached gate-building.
by a drawbridge. In its simplest form this would be a The passage through the gate was not necessarily
wooden roadway, pushed backwards and forwards hor straight, but sometimes angled or even zigzag to create
izontally upon rollers or just manhandled into position. obstacles. These obstacles were reinforced by active com
More elaborately, the drawbridge was raised by chains, bat emplacements. The gatehouse was always heavily
taken into the gatehouse through sloping holes and guarded and included a guard-room and shooting-cham
wound upon a windlass for closed position. bers fitted with arrow-splits and crosslets placed on both
The weight of the drawbridge and chains and the sides in the towers. Overhead, the portal was defended
friction of the winching mechanism made the closing op by an overlooking brattice or hoarding, or in late exam
eration a complicated, rather slow and laborious ma ples by a stone corbelled balcony with machicolations
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, castle Vitre (France). Situated in Ille-et-Vilaine in Brittany, Vitre castle was
created in the 11th century and enlarged with a triangular plan in the 14th century.
3—Castles in the 13th and 14th Centuries
allowing plunging fire. The vaulted
ceiling of the passage was often
fitted with meurtrieres (also called
assommoirs or murder-holes),
apertures or voids through which
projectiles and offensive materials
might be cast down upon assailants
who had penetrated thus far. Some
sophisticated castle gatehouses
were furnished with deceiving ele
ments and cunning traps concealed
in unexpected places such as hid
den pits in floors, dead-end stair
cases, fake posterns, genuine secret
passages from which the defenders
might sally forth upon intruders,
labyrinthine corridors, and rear-
yard or chicanes where confused at
tackers were ambushed and de
layed. All the main doors of the
castle—not only those of the gate
way and posterns, but also those
admitting passage from the court
yard to the wall-towers and the do
mestic buildings—were secured by
The sophisticated masonry
yard-castles were so expensive
that they were within the reach of
only kings, princes, dukes and rich
earls. The arrangements just de
scribed apply to merely a few
fortresses. Besides, each castle had
its own development depending on
natural site, strategic situation,
and owner's wealth. Regular rec
tangular yard-castles were difficult
to build in a mountainous site
where natural conditions imposed
an irregular outline and where
Louvre castle in Paris. The Louvre castle was built by King Philippe Auguste. Completed
about 1202, the Louvre included a central cylindrical keep 31 m high and 18.5 m in di
ameter, with walls about 4 m thick. The donjon was hemmed with a wet ditch and a broad
square enceinte 100 m x 100 m with buildings, wall and corner-towers, two defended gate
houses and an external wet ditch 13 m wide. The Louvre was at one and the same time
a military stronghold, a citadel, a safe for the royal treasure, one of the king's residences,
an arsenal, a place for receptions and feasts, a law-court, and a prison. The grand don
jon was demolished in 1529, and the Louvre was reshaped and enlarged by Frangois I,
Henri II, Catherine of Medici, Henri IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Napoleon and Louis
XVIII as a royal palace. Today it is used as a museum.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
steep slopes prevented flanking. Furthermore, individ same time, many noblemen refused the system of ost
ualism, particularity and tradition were very strong in and preferred to pay the suzerain in money rather than
certain regions, and many 13th century works were in military service. In the 13th century vassals were
erected following traditional designs. Moreover, many gradually beginning to change into tenants. Feudalism,
castles were modest because of financial restraint; many the use of land in return for armed service, was begin
local lords simply could no longer afford the burden of ning to weaken; but it would take hundreds of years to
building and maintaining huge fortifications. At the disappear completely.
Ground-plan, castle Coucy (France). The castle Coucy is situated near Laon (department
of Aisne) on a spur dominating the river Ailette. The circular donjon (1) was the highest
and biggest in Europe. Built between 1225 and 1242 by the baron of Coucy, Enguerrand
III, it measured 31 m in diameter and 54 m in height with walls 7 m thick. The donjon
was placed at the front, so Coucy might be called a keep-gatehouse castle. The donjon
was surrounded by an enceinte (2) flanked by four corner-towers (30 m high and 20 m
diameter) including the residential house, a large hall (58 m x 14 m) and a chapel. South
of the castle there was a wide ditch and a large bailey (3) enclosed by walls, eleven wall-
towers and one gatehouse. The castle Coucy became in 1396 the property of Louis of Or
leans, brother to King Charles VI, and was turned into a fortified palace. Coucy donjon
was destroyed by the Germans in 1917, but many ruins are preserved today.
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland). Eilean Donan is situated east of Kyle of Lochalsh in the
Highlands. A modest fortress, it was constructed on a small island about 1220 in order
to protect the Loch Duich from pirates. Abandoned in 1719, the castle was fully restored
in the 20th century and linked to the mainland by a stone bridge.
The center of private daily life was the camera or The higher a person's place in the hierarchy, the more
solar (sleeping-chamber) and the bower (also called suite, spacious and luxurious his living quarters, being in some
the lady's apartment). In these rooms lords and ladies re cases palaces with large individual apartments. Double or
ceived their intimates, took meals and slept. The private triple rows of narrow grated windows, fitted with painted
room was pleasantly furnished with precious tapestries glasses and wooden shutters decorated in Gothic style, re
and various luxury and ornamental items such as mirrors, placed the inconvenient loopholes. At night lighting was
chests and coffers inlaid with enamel or precious metals. provided by candles and torches fixed on ornamental
The private chamber included a bed with elaborate struc chandeliers. Heating was provided by large fireplaces and
tures, sometimes with testers and hangings. The bed was additional charcoal-stoves in winter; thick hangings pre
furnished with quilts and pillows (both stuffed with feath vented draughts around the doors. Halls and living quar
ers), linen sheets, and coverlets or fur rugs. Night lights ters often had brightly painted wooden coffered ceilings.
were used to dispel evil spirits. Servants and lesser folk Walls were plastered and painted, decorated with drapes,
slept in straw or huddled in bunks in the outbuildings. tapestries, paneling, trophies, statues and heraldic de
Frequently the camera had more specialized items vices that added interest to the scene. Tales of great apart
such as a wardrobe for clothes, a closet with privies, san ments and halls ankle-deep in soiled straw can be dis
itary and washing facilities, a meeting-room for private counted as untypical; straw being a dangerous fire
audience and intimate council, a study with a library hazard, it was more likely that floors (sometimes fash
counting a few books and precious family archives. These ioned of wooden boards, tiles or even marble) were left
rooms were divided by stone or wooden walls in rich bare or covered with rugs and skins. The facade of the
houses or by curtains in modest manors. lord's house might be furnished with galleries resting on
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
timbers, masonry arcades and columns allowing hori Horses demanded specialized manpower such as
zontal circulation with other buildings. The gallery was hostlers, lads and stablemen to see to their daily feeding,
a kind of patio, too, a pleasant lobby or promenade for watering, cleaning and exercising. There had to be a con
conversation and rest. stant back-up for health checks and veterinary care. The
The private lord's warriors made use of a special harness and equipment had to be manufactured and
guard-room, a so-called knights' chamber or a tower maintained. To serve all these needs there were various
where they lived and trained. Next to it there was fre workshops for blacksmiths and harness and saddle mak
quently an arsenal arranged in a tower to store weapons ers.
and ammunitions. The arsenal was completed by a Hurling machines (catapults, trebuchets and others)
smith-workshop to fabricate, maintain and repair as well as hoardings were made by carpenters, stored
weapons and armor. piecemeal in sheds and reassembled in time of war. Arrows
Ground-plan, Roquetaillade
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Obidos (Portugal). Situated north of Lisbon in Estramadura, the city Obidos was on the
seashore in the Middle Ages, but due to filling in of the gulf, it is now 10 km inland. Obidos
was originally a Celtic oppidum, then a Roman fort, then a harbor fortified by the Moors.
The city was reconquered in 1147 by King Afonso Henriques, who undertook a wide pro
gram of fortifications around the town. The castle, placed on a 75 m high hill dominat
ing the town, had a rectangular plan with four corner-towers. In 1282, King Dinis offered
the town and castle to his wife, Isabella. From then until 1833, Obidos was traditionally
the residence of the Portuguese queens and greatly decorated and enlarged.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
rooms were fitted out with shelves and racks and kept as was also a prison intended for high-ranking prisoners
clean, cool and dry as possible. waiting to be liberated against ransom. It was unlikely
Careful attention was paid to reserves of water, well that such a prison was used to hold rebellious peasants;
and cistern. Wine and beer were kept in casks or in bot even feeding them on bread and water was considered a
tles. Obviously, there were always problems with storage waste o f resources. As for the famous oubliette (from the
of food, particularly meat. Animals such as chickens, French verb oublier, to forget), which supposedly was a
geese, doves, ducks, and pigs were reared, and slaugh dark cell arranged in the deepest cellar of the castle in
tered when required. Stored food was usually in the form which prisoners should be intentionally forever forgot
of grain, which could be expected to keep longer than ten, it is in most cases merely a creepy legend to frighten
flour. Naturally the corn had to be ground into flour be tourists. The same applies to dreadful torture-rooms,
fore baking and therefore many castles were equipped which were far from standard castle equipment.
with a mill. Again, not every baron in the 13th century lived
From the 13th century onwards, cooking was done within such a castle as described above. Many of the
in a special kitchen distinct from the eating-room so that smaller landowners continue to inhabit moated home
lords and guests were not troubled by smells and smoke. steads, timbered earthworks and modest manors.
The influence of the Crusades was present in sophisti
cated dishes with spices, aromatic herbs, sauces, sweet
meats, oils, dried fruits and others exotic products. The THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
kitchen was usually large because it was used to prepare
food for the whole community. It included one or more OF FORTIFICATIONS
fireplaces, ovens, sinks, a bakery, and pantries as well as
storeplaces for food and fuel. A palace also possessed The building business was the only large scale me
kitchen-gardens, orchards, cattle-sheds, poultry-houses, dieval industry. From the 11th century onwards, the use
and rabbit-hutches as well as a butchery and a buttery. of masonry was stimulated by religious architecture, and
The latter has nothing to do with butter; the word comes building techniques were greatly improved. The building
from the French bouteillerie, the place to keep bottles. In business developed many new specialized crafts and
other words, it was the room from which wine and ale trades. However, projects were often thwarted by lack of
were issued. manpower and financial restraints. Whatever the locale,
Manners and customs had evolved since the early it was always extremely costly to conceive, construct and
Middle Ages, and castle dwellers were particularly refined maintain fortifications. Waste, therefore, was to be
in their habits. As a matter of fact, rich people and rulers avoided. Materials of any demolished building were sys
were cleaner in the late Middle Ages than in the 18th cen tematically reused for the construction of a new one. Fi
tury. It was difficult to imagine a mighty lord accepting nances were secured by various taxes, tolls and fines. Fur
filthy living conditions, and jobs had to be found for the ther funds might be provided by a marriage with an
servants to do, if for no other reason than to keep them advantageous dowry, a lucky ransom, a fruitful booty
busy. Sanitary and washing facilities were primitive, but after a victorious war, financial support from the suzerain
they did exist. Before and after meals, the guests washed or a loan contracted to a Jewish or a Lombard financier.
their hands (the table-fork was not introduced until the For want of something better, the lord had to moderate
Renaissance; until then, one ate with the fingers). The his ambition and try to reduce expenses by exploiting his
great master and his intimates were massaged, perfumed own stone-quarry, providing timber from his own forest,
and given depilatory care by chambermaids and barbers. and fabricating bricks on his own estate.
They bathed in tubs that were carried into the bedroom, In the 13th century, construction techniques were still
and as there was of course no running warm water, the based on experience, passed down orally or by means of
water for the bath had to be heated and carried in by ser primitive manuals to the next generation. Gradually, new
vants. Castles were fitted out with latrines and apart ideas began to appear, and although these were not based
ments with night-commodes and chamber pots which on established principles—many principles of engineering
were emptied by servants. and methods of construction had yet to be discovered—
The lord had the right of justice over his subjects, they proved rational and were improved upon. Master-
and penalties and punishments were various according to builders and ingeniatores were all-round specialists who
the offense: lashing, fine, pillory, branding, mutilation, not only designed churches, siege-machines and fortresses,
temporary or permanent exile, death by hanging. There but also directed and organized working sites. Most of
fore, castles often had a pillory—a wooden carcan fixed them were anonymous, but some were known, even fa
on a pole where the shameful condemned was exposed mous: James of Saint George under the reign of the Eng
to all in the middle of the bailey. Without a doubt there lish king Edward I (1272-1307); Sicard de Lordat, serv-
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
ing the count of Foix Gaston III Phebus (1331-1391); Ray As a general rule, activities were possible only dur
mond du Temple under the reign of Charles V of France ing good weather, which usually meant from the begin
(1364-1380); and Antoine de Chabannes under Charles ning of spring until the end of autumn. The number of
VII (1422-1461) were competent engineers developing working personnel involved and the time for completion
their own styles. Master-builders gradually acquired a varied considerably according to many factors, such as
high social status and were well paid. the volume of the work, sudden difficulties, bad weather,
Schools of engineering and architecture did not later modifications, unexpected financial problems or
exist, so master-builders learned their skills through the lack of manpower. The formidable Chateau-Gaillard was
transmission of techniques and knowledge from one gen completed in only two years, from 1196 to 1198; most cas
eration to another. Some of them experimented with new tles, however, took many years to build. Too, once
techniques and searched for new solutions to construc finished they needed maintenance and even moderniza
tion problems. Nevertheless, the lack of means of con tion in order to adjust to improved assaulting methods.
struction, the unreliability of calculation, the weakness Today it is hard to establish an accurate date of comple
of methods and the improvised technology sometimes re tion for most castles because of the number of later
sulted in the disastrous collapse of towers, walls, church modifications.
bell-towers and cathedrals. In the popular imagination, The work site required an important infrastructure.
medieval constructions have a reputation for sturdiness, Stones were extracted in a quarry usually created in the
but this reputation is somewhat ill-founded; many works vicinity; the diversity of the construction material was
preserved today have survived only because of later re thus as large as the geological grounds and contributed
pairs and reinforcements. to each castle's individuality. Stones had to be transported
In the Middle Ages, a lord planning to build or en to the work site by road or by boat, which in some cases
large his own castle or even to crenellate a wall had first required the creation of a track or a canal. A brick fac
to obtain the right to do so from his suzerain or from the tory, a chalk-oven, stores and other facilities had to be
king. It need hardly be said that such regulation, in times built; tools, materials, wood and timber had to be gath
when the central government was weak, was apt to be ered; workers had to be accommodated in camps and
more honored in the breach than in the observance. Hun huts.
dreds of castles were erected without obtaining royal or The ground-plan of the castle was prepared by mark
ducal permission. Called "adulterine castles," these ing off points and distances with stakes and chains, until
works were sometimes dismantled when central author gradually the whole outline of moats, towers and walls
ity was restored. was pegged out. Crowds of workers then dug ditches or
Whether a brand new creation or a renovation or en heaped up the motte, removing huge volumes of soil with
largement of an older place, every castle was a unique un means which today look ridiculous: shovels, picks, bas
dertaking with its own problems, which were solved by kets, hampers, wheelbarrows and tip-carts.
various adaptations depending on many factors, includ When a portion of ditch was dug, masons built
ing the natural site, the local traditions, the architect's strong wall foundations (remember that castles were ver
skills and the owner's resources. The architect and the tical buildings demanding stability). In good ground con
lord or trustee would decide together the best place to ditions large flat stones were tilted inwards to take the
build the castle. Their choice was influenced by various thrust of the wall above. When the ground was less sta
strategic, technical and financial considerations, and ble, masons start with a framed-up timber raft; on
nearly always involved a site favoring defense such as a marshy ground they had to install timber piles driven
high ground, a spur, a hill, an island or a marsh. deep.
The master-builder, often assisted by a team of mas Once the foundations were made, the masons began
ter-masons, would then make a design and present to the to build towers and walls. Timber scaffolds were gradu
lord a specification of work to be done (explained by ally raised as work proceeded, and stones, bricks and
means of a drawing, a map or a model), along with an other materials were carried up by men or by hoisting de
estimate of the cost and time required for completion. vices. Roofs of towers and buildings were made by car
After discussion, negotiation, and bargaining, an agree penters, tilers and slaters.
ment was reached and both parties signed a contract. Constantly, the master-builder had to supervise all of
The master-builder himself recruited all specialized work the construction, control alignments, check material qual
ers. Carpenters and tool-makers as well as quarrymen, ity and so on. To all these tasks were added the con
masons, and stone-hewers were organized in hierarchi struction of echauguettes, gatehouse, houses, chapel,
cal associations of free-masons. The common workers lord's residence, dungeon, and more. And the conception
were furnished by the lord and raised among his estate's and construction of the castle were even more compli
peasantry according to various feudal rights and fatigues. cated in mountainous sites where transport was difficult
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
and weather unpredictable. Spectacular difficulties were where pressures and thrusts were the greatest; they were
met in wet or marshy sites. also used to support echauguettes and pepper-pot tur
Religious and military medieval constructions had rets. The standard medieval staircase was the ordinary
some techniques in common, but the main concerns in spiral sort with a vertical central shaft. Each step was
building a castle were durability and the ability to with built into the wall at one end, leaving a round lump at
stand a siege. Foundations and aprons at the base of walls the other which became the shaft. This sort of staircase
and towers were made of huge stones from 6 0 cm up to was universal and in general use for hundreds of years.
3 m high. Walls were made of stones usually between 2 0 Drainage of rainwater in open spaces such as wall-walks,
and 6 0 cm high. Building stones varied greatly. Millstone terraces and platforms was managed with gutters, weep
grit and granite were very strong but not easily worked; ers (holes) and gargoyles (spouts, often fancifully or
sandstone was rather friable; chalk was burnt for lime to grotesquely carved).
make plaster; but the best material between these ex The main purpose of a fortress was to be sturdy,
tremes was limestone. It was one of the finest building strong and resistant, but attention was always paid to
stones, and masons took advantage of its good weather aesthetic considerations, since fortifications were also
ing qualities, its ease of working, and its consistent tex prestige objects reflecting the authority and the wealth of
ture. their owner. Bossage, clampings, bricks and stones of
The walls of the castles in southern European coun different colors formed more or less elaborate patterns
tries, especially Spain, Italy and Sicily, were built of adobe decorating walls, towers and buildings. The rhythm and
(unfired brick dried in the sun), or of a cement made of style of corbels accentuated the light-and-shadow effects.
pressed soil mixed with stone, which formed a hard, re On top of the walls, the slender silhouettes of echau
sistant material. Bricks about 2 0 cm high made of baked guettes, chimneys and pinnacles—contrasting with the
clay were another common material especially employed regular outline of merlons—contributed to the embell
in northern Europe where stone was scanty. ishments. The elevation of donjon, gatehouse, towers and
Walls were generally made by blocage or blocking- walls conferred strength, originality and majestic
up in the Roman tradition: They were composed of two grandeur. Protective religious items (such as statues of
skins of masonry, one external wall, and one internal saints and the Holy Virgin) as well as coats of arms and
revetment, and the space between both was filled with other heraldic ornaments were placed above portals,
rubble, earth, mortar, pieces of stones, gravel and so on. gates and doors.
This technique did not produce as strong a wall as larger
and properly fitted stones, but it allowed relatively cheap
construction of massive and resilient walls. The stones THE EVOLUTION OF CASTLES
of the external wall were frequently masonry of squared
and carefully dressed blocks called ashlar; they might
be also made of bossage, which meant that their exter THE 14TH CENTURY
nal surface was rather rough or hewed with projecting
patterns. The bossage may have been intended to make By the end of the 13th century, Europe was affected
projectiles ricochet or to break the point of a battering by economic disorganization and the beginning of a cri
ram, but probably its main function was decorative—or sis. The conquest of cultivated grounds ceased; the con
possibly deterrent, since it gave an impression of struction of cathedrals stopped; economic and demo
strength. graphic growth were on the decline. The general situation
To increase wall resistance various techniques were went from bad to worse in the 14th century because of
used. Tyings and clampings were placements of larger plague, disorder and war. Famines, provoked by bad har
stones within a masonry wall. Clamping might be verti vests, and epidemics—notably the terrible plague called
cal to form stable columns, or it might consist of hori the Black Death, which began in 1348 and lasted for
zontal rings or layers in order to strengthen a wall or in years—killed probably one-third of the European popu
crease the stability of a tower. The coherence of the wall lation. Whole villages disappeared, fields returned to fal
was reinforced by iron clamps firmly fastening stones to low lands, and many towns were almost deserted. De
gether. population, economic disorganization, social collapse,
A blind arch was a semicircular bow of stones em and moral and religious crises resulted in troubles, revolts
bodied in and supporting a wall. It was also used as re of the poor and repression.
lieving vault above any openings that typically weaken a These calamities were worsened by an unprece
wall such as posterns, gates, windows, loopholes, em dented large-scale conflict called the Hundred Years' War,
brasures and so on. Buttresses were deep pilasters or ver fought from 1337 to 1453 between Europe's two most
tical strengthening masonry applied to places in the wall powerful realms, France and England. More than by
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
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decisive large pitched battles, the Hundred Years' War The Hundred Years' War resulted in enormous
was characterized by siege warfare, regional expeditions, growth of fortifications. Although few new fortresses
local operations and ambushes. In France, villages were were built, many older works were rearmed, many cas
raided, looted or burned by passing armies who prac tles were modernized, and many existing structures were
ticed scorched-earth destruction. embellished. In addition, many points of importance were
The Hundred Years' War was actually a tangling up fortified—not only military strategic strongholds hut
of Franco-English wars, civil conflicts between Frenchmen, places important to the economy, such as towns, villages*
large-scale banditry and popular insurrections. Hostilities hamlets, farms, mills and bridges, as well as religious
were actually interrupted by truces and long periods of buildings such as isolated monasteries, churches and
relative peace, because neither the English nor the French chapels. Simultaneously, the vicissitudes of the Franco-
could sustain the war effort. Permanent armies, fortifica English war resulted in the destruction of many places
tions and ransoms being very expensive, both belligerents both by military operations and by intentional disman
rapidly became financially exhausted and neither was ever tling: A castle might be destroyed if strategically vulner
able to gather enough means, money and men to allow a able, hard to defend, or too advanced in territory held by
decisive strike that would bring the war to a victorious end. the enemy, for example.
The official time of real war was about 3 0 years, but the The technical evolution of military architecture oc
habit of violence created a new class of armed men, and curring during this period of war, plague and disorder
unchecked gangs, wandering private armies and unem was mainly characterized by continuation of traditional
ployed mercenaries brought additional insecurity, murder methods, minor improvements and a few innovations.
and pillage to the devastated countryside. Everything previously described was still employed, and
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Blind arch
fortifications evolved at the mercy of circumstances, with Other changes reflecting the military situation were
out rule or guideline. castles with deeper moats and walls and taluses, en
The militarization during the Hundred Years' War ceintes, towers with aprons and donjons of greater height
resulted in the growing practice of retaining soldiers in and thickness. One of the main innovations was the dou
service. Rapid movement of the garrison around the walls ble wall-walk crowning the summit of certain cylindrical
in time of siege was hindered by the multiple defensive towers, allowing more firepower.
obstacles that castle planners had hitherto favored. Hence Another innovation was the use of so-called machico
there was a strong tendency to reduce the size of castles lation. Towards the end of the 13th century, the inconve
and to simplify their ground-plans. Accordingly, the 12th nient timber hoarding, vulnerable to fire, began to be re
century concept of the rural great-tower was revived. placed by projecting masonry parapets on great stone
This was generally composed of a single rectangular en brackets known as corbels. The space between each pair
closure of moderate size or a high rectangular dwelling of corbels was open to the wall-walk, forming a machico
tower with thick walls flanked by four cylindrical corner- lation, an opening through which materials could be cast
towers and a simplified gatehouse. Examples of such down upon the besiegers. Machicolation, which origi
tower-houses can be seen in castles Alleuze, Anjony and nated in the Middle East, was constructed on top of walls,
Sarzay in France. towers and dungeons, and often added to older works
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
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3—Castles in the 13th and 14th Centuries
for more space and greater comfort was quite evident in the period's attitudes with regard to domestic comfort in
the plan of new castles and the additions to existing ones. fortified premises. Such new castles were, however,
In the new structures the appearance was still very much greatly outnumbered by existing ones where, for simple
that of a fortress, but internally they were houses. New economic reasons, it was not possible to build entirely
foundations in the 14th and 15th centuries fully reflected afresh. In such cases the demand for greater domestic
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space and comfort was met by additions to the existing courts. The increased height of the walls was accompa
structure, and this practice goes a long way toward ex nied by the construction of houses with several stories
plaining the great variety in the appearance of European and elaborate suites of stone rooms leaning on the en
castles as we see them now. Most frequently the additions ceinte. The residential house became more profuse in dec
took the form of a new wing with walls, towers and new oration, better lit and more lavish in its proportions; the
houses with many floor levels adding greatly to the accent was on gaiety, refinement and elaboration. Usu
amount of accommodations available. By this time the ally occupying a whole wing in the castle, the house was
keep was largely abandoned as the principal living-place divided in spacious, comfortable and decorated apart
of the owner and was relegated to the comparatively less ments. The facades, pierced with elegant windows as
important role of prison, storehouse, and arsenal. glass had become far more common, opened on a yard
Throughout Europe, fortresses built by emperors, or a garden. Highly decorative coats-of-arms, crests and
kings, dukes, earls, barons, noblemen or prelates in blazons adorned walls, gate, galleries and staircases. As
cluded—within their towered enceintes, large baileys and brilliantly displayed in the illustrations of the book Les
courtyards—huge vaulted halls, beautiful chapels and lux Tres Riches Hemes du Due de Berry, towers, echau-
urious gothic palaces intended for the pleasure of brilliant guettes, pignons, gables, pinnacles, chimneys, dormers
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
and mullioned windows, staircase-turrets and high tion and utilization of firearms. Guns and permanent
pitched roofs enhanced the majestic verticality of the 14th armies announced the end of the Middle Ages; they re
century castle. inforced the centralized power of the state, they quick
The splendid fortresses of the 14th and early 15th ened the definitive disappearance of private castes, and
centuries were the last realizations of medieval fortifica they dictated for the following centuries a totally new
tion. Having reached its apogee, military architecture kind of fortification.
gradually entered a period of crisis caused by the inven
Vitre (France): the gatehouse. Vitre was situated on the border of the duchy of Brittany
and the realm of France. The entrance to the castle shows a good example of 14th cen
tury gatehouse.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Caen castle (France). Caen developed as the capital of Normandy when the duke Guil-
laume (the future king of England, William the Conqueror) decided to install his resi
dence in 1060. Caen castle was composed of the Norman donjon, constructed about 1120
by England's Henry I. It was a massive square building 25 m x 25 m with walls 4.30 m
thick reinforced with buttresses. After the fall of Chateau Gaillard in 1204, the French
king Philippe Auguste seized the province Normandy and Caen. Large works were un
dertaken: The donjon was enclosed by a square chemise with four corner-towers and a
ditch. A stone enclosure with towers was built to protect the large oval bailey (266 m x
233 m) in which today the Saint-Georges church and the Salle de VEchiquier (justice hall)
are preserved. The subject of dispute between the French and the English from 1350 to
1450 during the Hundred Years War, Caen was many times besieged, taken and retaken,
and both occupiers reshaped the defenses, notably the two main gates (the southern porte
de Ville and the porte des Champs in the east). Both were fitted with gatehouses and bar
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, castle Vincennes (Paris). The creation of the royal castle Vincennes was di
rectly connected to the Hundred Years' War. The safety of the king of France being no
longer guaranteed in Paris, the sovereigns decided to establish a fortress outside the city
walls in the forest of Vincennes east of the capital. The construction began during the
reign of King Philippe VI de Valois in 1337, the donjon was built in 1361 by King Jean
II le Bon, and the fortress was completed during the reign of King Charles V in 1373.
Vincennes was a large regular rectangle 175 mx 334 m enclosed by a dry ditch 24 m broad
and 12 m deep. The walls were 15 m high, flanked by nine square towers 42 m high with
wall 3 m thick. The enceinte included three gatehouses. The inner surface measured more
than 6 hectares with various service buildings, accommodations, and a chapel. In the mid
dle of the western curtain there was the formidable keep, forming a castle within the
fortress. The donjon had its own ditch 22 m wide and 14 m deep; the keep was hemmed
with a shirt with machicolation, crenellation and a strong talus, four corner pepper-pot
turrets, and a barbican and a gatehouse both fitted with drawbridges. The donjon was a
massive square 16 x 16 m, 52 m high with walls 3 m thick; it was reinforced with four
half cylindrical corner-turrets. At the beginning of the 17th century, the castle lost a large
part of its military value, and cardinal minister Mazarin had two royal houses built: one
for the king (Pavilion du Roi) and one for the queen (Pavilion de la Reine). In the mean
time the southern curtain was demolished and replaced by a decorated portico with
columns. The donjon was then used as a state prison. During Napoleon's reign, the cas
tle was used as barracks, the towers were lowered and flanking artillery casemates were
established. Today Vincennes castle is a museum and houses the archives of the French
ground forces.
3—Castles in the 13th and 14th Centuries
Cross-section, donjon of Vincennes. The donjon was divided in six vaulted levels. The
ground floor was the kitchen, the first floor was the royal hall, the second was the royal
chamber, the third was the royal children's apartment, the fourth was the royal officers'
chamber, the fifth was the arsenal and the sixth was a combat platform with crenellation
and machicolation. All rooms were decorated, heated by fireplaces, lit by windows and
accessible via a spiral staircase. The keep included a well 19 m deep and latrines installed
in the northwest turret.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castle Saint-Antoine, Paris. The castle Saint-Antoine, better known as Bastille, was built
between 1370 and 1382 to protect the main gate east of Paris. The Bastille, ordered by
Charles V, was also intended as a refuge for the king. It included curtains as high as the
eight powerful towers (20 m high and 2 m thick). The citadel was later used as a prison.
A hated symbol of the monarchy, the Bastille was taken and destroyed during the French
revolution in 1789.
Castle Alleuze (France). The castle Alleuze was situated near Saint-Flour (province Au-
vergne, department of Cantal). The chateau, standing on a steep hill dominating the
river Ternes, was built in the 13 th century by the constable of Auvergne and belonged
later to the bishops of Clermont. During the Hundred Years' War, it was occupied by a
gang of brigands headed by the chief Bernard de Galan, who ravaged the region from
1383 until 1395, when the fed-up inhabitants of Saint-Flour assaulted and burned the
place. Alleuze, rather similar to the castle Anjony, was a rectangular two-story donjon
with four small corner-towers.
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castle Billy (France). The domain of Billy, situated near Vichy in the department Allier,
was given by King Louis VIII (1223-1226) to the lord of Bourbon, Archambaud VIII.
He and his son Archambaud IX built the castle on a high ridge dominating river Allien
The castle, probably completed by 1247, was composed of two parts: the high castle and
the bailey, which became a small village. The Bourbonnais—corresponding today to the
department Allier—was established as a duchy in 1328. Between 1356 and 1410, the cas
tle was reshaped by Duke Louis II de Bourbon. After the treason of the duke constable
Charles III of Bourbon, the duchy, which had passed over to the king of Spain and Ger
many, Charles V, in 1523, was reattached to the crown of France by King Frangois I in
1531. The Chateau Billy is today partly preserved.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Castle Foix (France). The castle Foix in the Ariege is situated on a 60 m high rocky spur
dominating the town at the junction of rivers Arget and Ariege. Founded probably in 1002
by the count Bernard de Carcassonne, the castle played a significant role during the cru
sade against the Albigenes (1208-1229) but was finally forced to surrender to the king of
France, Philippe III, in 1272. The county of Foix passed into the domain of Albret, then
submitted to Antoine de Bourbon and united with the realm of France under Henri IV's
reign in 1589. The castle, built between the 11th and 15th centuries, is composed of three
main towers enclosed by two walled enceintes.
Opposite: Chillon (Switzerland). Chillon castle is situated on a small rocky island on Lake
Geneva, near Montreux canton of Vaud. Originating from a square donjon built by the
bishop ofSion in the 11th century, the castle was rebuilt about 1150 by the counts of Savoy.
Further enlargements happened in 1255 with walls, towers, a covered bridge, a palace
called Furstenberg, various service buildings and courtyards. Until the 16th century
Chillon was one of the residences to the dukes of Savoy, then a prison. Today it is a his
torical monument.
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Top right: Riegersburg (Austria). The fortress Riegersburg was situated on a steep hill in
the valley of the river Grazbach in the province Styria. Occupying a strategic position at
the border with Hungary, the site has been fortified since the Celtic and Roman times.
The actual fortress, one of the most powerful of Austria, was composed of the reunion
of two 13 th century castles, Liechtenegg and Kronegg. Often attacked by the Hungari
ans and the Turks, the Festung was adapted to firearms and enlarged in the 16th century.
The fortress was turned into a residence in 1648; since 1822 Riegersburg castle has been
the prince of Liechtenstein's property. Bottom right: Gutenfels castle (Germany). Guten-
fels castle is situated near the village of Kaub in the Rhine valley, 35 km south of Cob-
lence. Gutenfels castle was built in the first half of the 14th century by the lord ofFalken-
stein. It was a typical German mountain castle with a high bergfried dominating a
crenellated dwelling house and a walled bailey.
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castle Beersel (Belgium). The castle Beersel is situated south of Brussel in Brabant. It
was erected between 1300 and 1310 as an oval work defended by a large lake. It was
adapted to firearms in 1491 by the construction of three massive horseshoe-shaped ar
tillery towers. The castle Beersel was profoundly transformed at the end of the 17th cen
tury and turned into a residence.
Opposite: Castel del Monte (Italy). The Castel del Monte is situated south east of Bar-
letta in Apulia. The fortress was built on a hill between 1240 and 1250 by the German
emperor Friedrich II Hohenstaufen. Probably designed by the emperor himself, the cas
tle is very original; deprived of donjon, it is a regular octagon with eight towers as high
as the curtains (24 m) enclosing a small inner yard. Behind its imposing military ap
pearance, Castel del Monte was a luxurious residence inspired by Arabian architecture,
with a richly decorated hall, rooms and apartments, a portal in ancient style, and a cun
ning water supply.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Helmond castle (Netherlands). The castle Helmond is situated east of Eindhoven in the
province Northern-Brabant. Originating from an ancient work built in the beginning of
the 13th century, the actual castle was constructed about 1400. It is a typical yard-castle
with four curtains, four corner-towers and one gatehouse. From the 16th century onwards,
the castle lost its military function and was turned into a residence. Note that because of
the low ground level in the Netherlands, most Dutch and Flemish fortresses were fitted
with a wide wet ditch—what the Dutch call a waterburcht.
Castle Ewssum (Netherlands). The waterburcht Ewssum was situated near the village
Middelstum in the north of the province Groningen. The castle, built about 1278 by the
local lord Ewe in den Oert, was the center of a small domain. Note the typical bulb roof
and the special drawbridge, which were characteristic in northern Europe. In 1472, a low
artillery tower was added by the lord Onno van Ewssum to provide shelter to firearms.
Today the castle has disappeared and only the artillery tower remains in the middle of
the wide wet ditch.
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Windsor Castle (Britain). Windsor, situated west of London in the county of Berkshire,
has been the royal residence since its creation in 1070 by William the Conqueror. In the
Middle Ages many English monarchs contributed to its embellishment and enlargement:
Henry II between 1165 and 1179, Henry III in the 13th century, Edward III in the 14th
century and Henry VIII in 1511.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan and view of the castle Bodiam (Britain). Bodiam, situated north of Hast
ings in Sussex, is a good example of military architecture at the end of the 14th century.
The castle was built under the reign of King Richard II between 1385 and 1388 by Sir
Edward Dalyngrigge. It was intended to defend the river Rother from French pirates. Reg
ular and symmetrical, its conception was influenced by the castles Harlech and Beaumaris.
It was a rectangle with walls 12 m high and 2 m thick, four corner-towers 18 m high and
9 m in diameter, and square wall-towers. Access was via a gatehouse and a barbican with
drawbridges to cross the wide wet moat. Bodiam was a fortress but also a comfortable
n o
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Caernarvon (Britain). Caernarvon, situated on the north coast of Wales, was a bastide
created in 1283 by King Edward I, on an ancient Roman site called Segontium. Caernar
von castle, dominating the town, was completed in 1323 and was a citadel intended to
control the boisterous Welsh. Profoundly modified in the 19th century, since that time
the castle has housed the palace of the prince of Wales.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Guadamur (Spain). Castle Guadamur is situated about fifteen kilometers west of Toledo
in Castilla. Retaken by the Christians in 1085, Guadamur constituted a strategic post over
looking the river Tago. The 30 m high Torre del Homenaje (donjon) forms the core of
the castle to which two concentric quadrangular enceintes were added. In its present ap
pearance, Guadamur is the result of arrangements made in the 15th and 16th century by
the family Lopez de Alaya. The castle was purchased in 1887 by the count of Asalto, Car
los Morenes y Tord. Damaged during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), Guadamur is
today private property.
3—Castles in the 13 th and 14th Centuries
Castle Almansa (Spain). Almansa is situated between Albacete and Alicante in Castilla.
An ancient Roman fortress and Moorish stronghold called Al Manxa, the castle was re
built by the Knights Templars in 1248. In 1310, it became the possession of the king of
Castilla-Aragon, Jaime Alfonso I. The actual castle dates from modifications made at the
end of the 14th century by King Enrique III of Castille-Leon. The fortress was threat
ened with destruction in 1919, but fortunately it was classified as an historical monument
in 1921. Since then, restored and maintained, the castle Almansa proudly displays its
square donjon, its walls and towers on the spur dominating the town.
Opposite: Alar con (Spain). Alarcon is situated in a bend of the river Jucar south ofCuenca
in Castilla. Probably founded by the son of the Visigoth king Alaric, the fortress was taken
in 784 by the Moors and used as a stronghold by the chief Mohammed-el-Fehri. Alarcon
was reconquered by King Alfonso VIII in 1184 and given to the military order of Santi
ago. Alarcon castle, rebuilt between 1194 and 1203 by the Knights Templar, includes a
massive square donjon, external walls and a triangular bailey down the hill.
3—Castles in the 13th and 14th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Estremoz (Portugal). Situated west of Elvas in province Alentejo, the town has kept its
donjon from the 13th century and its bastioned enceinte from the 17th century.
GUNPOWDER AND EARLY GUNS tube is mounted on a carriage for stability, aiming and
transport. The explosion of gunpowder produces a
tremendously strong thrust with loud noise and heavy
Gunpowder or black powder is composed of 10 per smoke composed of hot toxic gas. Powder gives a source
cent charcoal, 15 percent sulfur and 75 percent saltpeter. of energy thousands times stronger than that of human
The origin of this substance is totally unknown, but it muscular force.
seems that the Chinese were the first to use it—for fire With the coming of gunpowder and artillery, a new
works and perhaps as a psychological weapon—in the and irreversible kind of warfare was introduced. Firearms
10th century. Gunpowder was brought into Europe by the begin to appear in Europe in the 14th century. As early
Arabs, who had commercial contact with both the Far as 1304 reports of their use were made in Lombardy; in
East and the West. The formula of gunpowder was men Florence in 1315; in Rouen in 1338. In 1343, the Moors
tioned for the first time in Europe in a book entitled De employed guns at the siege of Algesiras, and tradition
Mirabili Potestate Artis et Naturae (On the Marvelous holds that the first battle featuring artillery was Crecy on
Power of Art and Nature), written in 1242 by the Eng 2 6 August 1346.
lish Franciscan monk Roger Bacon (1214-1294). The main advantage of those primitive weapons was
Who first used the substance to propel a missile, and the dramatic and terrifying effect caused by noise, flames
when and where, is completely unknown. The first illus and smoke. In fact, they were often more dangerous for
tration depicting a weapon that looks unquestionably the gunner himself than for the intended target. Techni
like a primitive gun is to be seen in a book entitled De cal difficulties were worsened by the fact that firearms
Officiis Regnum, written in 1325 by Walter de Milimete, were regarded as devilish weapons in complete opposi
chaplain to the English king Edward III. However curi tion with the chivalric ideal of gallantry. Captive early
ous and primitive this pictured gun may appear, it nev gunners were sometimes put to death as criminals break
ertheless presents the main basic features of all guns until ing the traditional laws of war. Another reason firearms
the second half of the 19th century. were frowned upon was lack of profit: Firearms were
A gun is composed of a metal tube or barrel (the in more lethal than conventional weapons of the time, and
side of the tube is called the bore), closed at one end a dead enemy was worth only the price of his armor and
(called the breech), in which the explosion of the pro possessions, while a live prisoner was a potential source
pelling charge happens. The charge is ignited through a of ransom money.
small hole, the vent. The other end of the bore is open The technical troubles with early cannons were nu
and called the muzzle. Until the last half of the 19th cen merous. They were subject to incidental explosion be
tury, guns were loaded through the muzzle, and of course cause they were built by assembling longitudinal bars of
it is from the muzzle that the projectile is expelled. The metal and binding them with hoops, a technique based
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
on the system used in cooperage. The projectile had to was poor, especially in the case of a moving target. Igni
be round as possible so as to fit the bore as perfectly as tion of the propelling charge was accomplished with a lin
existing technology would permit: Too large and the shot stock brought close to the ignition vent pierced in the
either refused to enter the muzzle or jammed on firing and upper side of the gun. Flashing through the vent, fire ig
exploded the piece; too small and it lost range and ac nited the gunpowder charge, which exploded, expelling
curacy. Gun bores were not standardized, so each gun the shot with flames, an awful noise and such violence
needed its own adapted ammunitions. Range was poor— that the gun brusquely moved backwards. This sudden
not superior to that of traditional hurling machines—and movement, called recoil, made reaiming necessary. Firing
gunners were exposed to enemy arrows and bolts, there also produced toxic, bad-smelling clouds of smoke which
fore they had to be sheltered behind mantlets. The con soon hung thickly over batteries and obscured gunners'
temporary gunpowder was weak stuff, with a low grade view on windless days. Right after every shot the barrel
of purity and much uncertainty of action. The substance, had to be scraped with a spiral (a sort of large corkscrew
if ground and mixed before use, gradually sifted all the fixed on a staff) to remove fouling, and swabbed out with
grains back into three layers of saltpeter, charcoal and a wet sponge attached on a wooden staff in order to ex
sulfur. Early artillerymen preferred to transport the three tinguish all burning residues of wad.
dry ingredients separately and mix them on arrival in the Because of the slowness of loading, aiming and
siege or in the battlefield—not an easy task on a wet day, cleaning, the rate of fire was rather low: ten to twenty
and positively hazardous and highly dangerous in com shots per hour depending upon the caliber of both gun
bat conditions. Early cannons big enough to do damage and crew. Moreover, after a while the gun began to get
to castle walls at a safe distance were heavy, cumbersome overheated, and it was necessary to cool down the bar
and not fitted with wheels; they had to be transported on rel with water or with wet sheep-skins or stop firing.
wagons and erected in position on timber-framed beds, Otherwise, the gun could get damaged with cracks and
resulting in poor maneuverability. The rate of fire was even explode, with disastrous consequences for the crew.
low because of the dangerous, complicated and time-con The range (distance between the gun and its target)
suming loading procedure. Some unknown early gunners depended on the quantity of propelling charge, the weight
experimented with breech-loading by using a removable of the cannonball and the type of the gun. To make a
loaded breech-piece, but due to loss of propelling gas, this breach in a fortification wall, close range fire of 5 0 m (or
method was not very successful and thus not widely used even less if possible) was required. Cannons shot direct
until the second half of the 19th century. Before then, the fire in a flat trajectory with a grazing angle of 5 to 15°.
majority of European guns were smoothbore brass muz
Anyone can imagine the chances taken in transport THE DEVELOPMENT AND
ing and manipulating dangerous substances like gun
powder as well as putting into action primitive and not
always reliable guns. Tragic accidents were common; the
weapons were already dangerous in exercises, and the After countless unsuccessful experiments, lethal ac
problems were even worse in the middle of the stress of cidents and ineffective trials, firearms research and tech
a battle. Obviously, artillery crews had to be courageous, niques gradually improved, and chroniclers report many
cool and collected, well drilled and disciplined. types of guns—mainly used in siege warfare—with nu
The successive steps of loading the gun were care merous names such as veuglaire, pot-de-fer, bombard,
fully carried out on a gun-commander's order. The pro vasii, petara and so on. In the second half of the 14th cen
pelling gunpowder (carried in kegs) was poured into the tury, firearms became more efficient, and it seemed obvi
barrel with a long-hafted spoon and pushed down with ous that cannons were the weapons of the future. Venice
a ramrod. Next, a gunner drove the cannonball into the successfully utilized cannons against Genoa in 1378. Dur
bore with a wooden rammer. The projectile was wrapped ing the Hussite war from 1415 to 1436, the Czech Hus
in a wad (old cloths, paper, mud, grass or hay) to avoid site rebels employed firearms in combination with a mo
gas dispersion and to keep the round shot from rolling bile tactic of armored carts (wagenburg) enabling them
out. to defeat German knights. Firearms contributed to the
Once the piece was loaded, it had to be aimed. This end of the Hundred Years' War and allowed the French
happened horizontally by manually moving the gun to king Charles VII to defeat the English in Auray in 1385,
the right or to the left with heavy handspikes and verti Rouen in 1418 and Orleans in 1429. Normandy was re
cally by adjusting one or more wooden wedges (called conquered in 1449 and Guyenne in 1451. Finally, the bat
coins) under the breech. Aiming was done by direct sight tle of Chatillon in 1453 was won by the French artillery.
or with the help of primitive instruments, but accuracy This marked the end of the Hundred Years' War; the
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Cross-section of a loaded gun ready to fire: (1) breech (2) vent (3) powder, propelling
charge (4) shot (5) wad (6) smooth bore (7) muzzle (8) cleaning sponge (9) rammer
English, divided by the Wars of the Roses, were driven In that siege and seizure of the capital of the East
out of France, keeping only Calais. The same year saw ern Roman empire, cannon and gunpowder achieved
the Turks taking Constantinople, which provoked con spectacular success. To breach the city walls, the Turks
sternation, agitation and excitement in the whole Chris utilized heavy cannons which, if we believe the chroni
tian world. cler Critobulos of Imbros, shot projectiles weighing about
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
500 kg. Even if this is exaggerated, big cannons certainly Individual guns, essentially scaled down artillery
did exist by that time and were more common in the East pieces fitted with handles for the firer, appeared after the
than in the West, doubtless because the mighty potentates middle of the 14th century. Various models of portable
of the East could better afford them. Such monsters in small arms were developed, such as the clopi or scopette,
cluded the Ghent bombard, called "Dulle Griet"; the bombardelle, baton-de-feu, handgun, and firestick, to
large cannon "Mons Berg" which is today in Edinburgh; mention just a few.
and the Great Gun of Mohammed II, exhibited today in In purely military terms, these early handguns were
London. The latter, cast in 1464 by Sultan Munir Ali, more of a hindrance than an asset on the battlefield, for
weighed 18 tons and could shoot a 3 0 0 kg stone ball to they were expensive to produce, inaccurate, heavy, and
a range of one kilometer. time-consuming to load; during loading the firer was vir
A certain number of technical improvements took tually defenseless. However, even as rudimentary
place in the 15th century. One major step was the amelio weapons with poor range, they were effective in their
ration of powder quality. Invented about 1425, corned pow way, as much for attackers as for soldiers defending a
der involved mixing saltpeter, charcoal and sulphur into a fortress.
soggy paste, then sieving and drying it, so that each indi The harquebus was a portable gun fitted with a hook
vidual grain or corn contained the same and correct pro that absorbed the recoil force when firing from a battle
portion of ingredients. The process obviated the need for ment. It was generally operated by two men, one aiming
mixing in the field. It also resulted in more efficient com and the other igniting the propelling charge. This weapon
bustion, thus improving safety, power, range and accuracy. evolved in the Renaissance to become the matchlock-
Another important step was the development of musket in which the fire mechanism consisted of a piv
foundries, allowing cannons to be cast in one piece in iron oting S-shaped arm. The upper part of the arm gripped
and bronze (copper alloyed with tin). In spite of its ex a length of rope impregnated with a combustible sub
pense, casting was the best method to produce practical stance and kept alight at one end, called the match. The
and resilient weapons with lighter weight and higher lower end of the arm served as a trigger: When pressed
muzzle velocity. In about 1 4 6 0 , guns were fitted with it brought the glowing tip of the match into contact with
trunnions. These were cast on both sides of the barrel and a small quantity of gunpowder, which lay in a horizon
made sufficiently strong to carry the weight and bear the tal pan fixed beneath a small vent in the side of the bar
shock of discharge, and permit the piece to rest on a two- rel at its breech. When this priming ignited, its flash
wheeled wooden carriage. Trunnions and wheeled passed through the vent and ignited the main charge in
mounting not only made for easier transportation and the barrel, expelling the spherical lead bullet.
better maneuverability but also allowed the gunners to The wheel lock pistol was a small harquebus taking
raise and lower the barrels of their pieces. its name from the city Pistoia in Tuscany where the
One major improvement was the introduction in weapon was first built in the 15th century. The wheel
about 1418 of a very efficient projectile: the solid iron lock system, working on the principle of a modern ciga
shot. Coming into use gradually, the solid iron cannon- rette lighter, was reliable and easy to handle, especially
ball could destroy medieval crenellation, ram castle-gates, for a combatant on horseback. But its mechanism was
and collapse towers and masonry walls. It broke through complicated and therefore expensive, and so its use was
roofs, made its way through several stories and crushed reserved for wealthy civilian hunters, rich soldiers and
to pieces all it fell upon. One single well-aimed projec certain mounted troops.
tile could mow down a whole row of soldiers or cut down Portable cannons, handguns, harquebuses and pis
a splendid armored knight. tols were muzzle-loading and shot projectiles that could
About 1460, mortars were invented. A mortar is a easily penetrate any armor. Because of the power of
specific kind of gun whose projectile is shot with a high, firearms, traditional Middle Age weaponry become ob
curved trajectory, between 4 5 ° and 7 5 ° , called plunging solete; gradually, lances, shields and armor for both men
fire. Allowing gunners to lob projectiles over high walls and horses were abandoned.
and reach concealed objectives or targets protected be The destructive power of gunpowder allowed the
hind fortifications, mortars were particularly useful in use of mines in siege warfare. The role of artillery and
sieges. In the Middle Ages they were characterized by a small firearms become progressively larger; the new
short and fat bore and two big trunnions. They rested on weapons changed the nature of naval and siege warfare
massive timber-framed carriages without wheels, which and transformed the physiognomy of the battlefield. This
helped them withstand the shock of firing; the recoil force change was not a sudden revolution, however, but a slow
was passed directly to the ground by means of the car process. Many years elapsed before firearms became
riage. Owing to such ameliorations, artillery progres widespread, and many traditional medieval weapons
sively gained dominance, particularly in siege warfare. were still used in the 16th century.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
View of a gun. A piece of artillery is composed of two main parts. The gun (1) is fitted
with trunnions (2) allowing it to be fixed firmly on a strong timber carriage composed of
two cheeks (3) linked by cross-bars (4), fitted with a cross (5) and a hook, and two heavy
wheels with axle-tree for transport. This kind of field gun did not undergo major change
until the second half of the 19th century.
Italian culverin. Dating from the latter half of the 15th century, this gun displayed an in
teresting mounting, complete with a system of regulating elevation.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Aiming the gun. The illustration shows German Landsknechten aiming their heavy gun
with a handspike in the end of the 15th century.
Evolution of small arms. Top: handgun, about 1400. Middle: harquebus from the 15th
century. Bottom: match-lock harquebus, about 1500.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Handgun. While aiming, the shooter ignites the propelling charge with a glowing match.
The weapon would rest on a pavis or on a parapet.
each other at close range within the rules of a certain firearms lay with the defenders. The attacker up on a
code, were progressively replaced by professional in scaling ladder was in no positio 1 to reload his weapon
fantrymen who were anonymous targets for one another, once he had discharged it, while one marksman behind
while local rebellious castles collapsed under royal ar the battlements could keep firing away as fast as com
tillery's fire. Expensive artillery helped to hasten the rades could reload and hand fresh weapons to him. In the
process by which central authority was restored. meantime, cannons placed in the castle towers could
smash belfries, battering rams and tortoises. If the be
siegers did gain a footfhold on the wall-walk, they could
be swept from it by a single charge of grapeshot or lan-
SIEGE WARFARE WITH FIREARMS grage (small balls, nails and miscellaneous hardware
forming a sort of shrapnel).
At the end of the Middle Ages, guns and portable Firearms, then, obliged the assailing party to develop
firearms progressively played a more and more important methods of shielding their attacking forces and conceal
role. Though primitive and unreliable, these new ing them from view. They improvised by using earth
weapons were far more effective and less cumbersome works as temporary fortifications, concealing themselves
than ancient medieval hurling machines. Siege warfare behind masses of earth working as shields or breast
was now dominated by the deadly clash of artillery, un works, or placing their artillery in trenches. The useful
less a small and stealthy commando party could infiltrate range of siege-cannons being about fifty meters, attack
and open the portal to the rest of their comrades. (Every ing methods consisted of bringing artillery as close as
thing previously said about treason, blockade and psy possible to the defensive walls by digging a network of
chological siege-warfare is of course still applicable.) trenches to which zigzag patterns were given in order to
In the actual storming of a place, the advantages of avoid enfilade fire. These earthworks were made by
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Rampart harquebus
civilians and peasants of the neighborhood, who were ar cats), artificial earth embankments raised above ground
bitrarily rounded up because men-of-arms (until the 17th level, in order to have a dominating firing position. They
century) would feel dishonored to handle shovels, picks could also be sunken by being placed in a trench. If nec
and wheelbarrows. essary, siege guns were installed on wooden platforms
Siege warfare was commonly led in an unskillful and made of thick planks resting on beams to avoid sinking
clumsy way. Because of careless and foolhardy leaders, in loose ground. Guns were sheltered behind earth em
ill-disciplined soldiers and lack of systematic methods, bankments, palisades, fascines and gabions. Fascines
siege operations cost many lives; engineering officers and were large cylindrical bundles of brushwood used to hold
workers were particularly exposed. Success was generally back the earth of a parapet, to strengthen a trench or to
achieved more through the defenders' weakness than fill up a moat. Fascines could also be laid together on a
through the besiegers' merit. wooden frame (called a chandelier) to make a sort of
The first phase of the siege was an artillery duel. Be wall that protected the besiegers during sapping opera
siegers arranged their guns in batteries. They bombarded tions. A gabion, also called a corbeil, was an open-ended
the defenders deployed on towers and on walls. Mortars cylindrical basket made of poles and woven brushwood.
launched bombs (explosive devices), carcasses (incendi Gabions were widely used in fieldworks until the end of
ary projectiles) and shrapnel. Mortar-gunners tried to the 19th century. They were put in rows and filled with
smash food and water storage and powder-magazines earth to form a protective screen, to revet or reinforce the
whose destruction would hasten the defenders' decline. sides of excavations.
They also fired at random to create panic and terror by The defenders riposted with counter-fire aiming at
blind destruction. workers and batteries. They could also launch a surprise
Batteries were installed on "cavaliers" (also called counter-attack to disorganize the besiegers and drive
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Siege battery. A battery is several guns of the same kind firing in the same direction, to
wards a common target.
Active Gun Emplacements or in the middle of the arrow-slit, which became known
as a cross-and-orb. This rudimentary adaptation allowed
for the use of both firearms and bows—necessary because
To utilize firearms defensively, master-builders both sorts of weapon remained in the late-medieval ar
brought adaptations and improvements to existing cas senal. Over time, however, shooting openings developed
tles, citadels and urban enceintes. They made a distinc for the exclusive use of firearms, and vertical splits were
tion between small arms and heavy cannons. reduced in size or even omitted. In ground-plans, shoot
Traditional arrow loopholes and crossbow crosslets ing openings widened out or were given an X-shaped
were numerous in previously built castles, but they were plan to increase traverse. For larger artillery the firing
narrow and thus unsuitable for small arms, portable chambers were opened out into full-scale embrasures.
guns, pistols, harquebuses and other long-barreled mus Blocked with wooden shutters when not in use, the in
ket-type weapons. To allow the discharge of those ward part had to be made splayed very wide, to enable
firearms, loopholes and crosslets were adapted. The adap gunners to move their weapons laterally.
tation usually took the form of a round hole at the base Active elements for heavy cannons posed complex
Castle Ham (France). Castle Ham, situated near Peronne in the Somme, was completed
by 1480. Adapted to firearms, it was a regular rectangle characterized by a deep ditch,
low and thick walls, massive casemated artillery towers and a huge donjon called the Tour
du Connetable with walls 11 m thick. The fortress was still in military use in the 17th cen
tury and became a state prison in the 19th century. The most famous prisoner was prince
Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (the future emperor Napoleon III), who managed to escape
in 1846. The fort of Ham was destroyed by the Germans in 1917.
problems and demanded structural arrangements. A large accommodations, or those made necessary by high
gun was heavy and cumbersome and required a rather ground in the vicinity), and transforming a wall into a
large emplacement that not only provided enough room rampart was sometimes impossible because of lack of
for ammunition and accessories, but also allowed free space inside the stronghold. In many cases such prob
dom of movement for muzzle loading and accommodated lems resulted in the creation of artillery emplacements
the recoil force of the gun. Release of toxic smoke was outside the place in gun platforms called bulwarks.
also a problem, and gun emplacements had to be easily The term bulwark is a corruption of the Dutch word
accessible for supply purposes. Obviously not all citadel, bolwerk, which originally meant an earth entrenchment.
town or castle combat emplacements were suitable for Called boulevard in French, bollwerk in German and
mounting cannon. The curtain wall-walk might be too balovardo in Italian, the bulwark might be either an earth
narrow to permit safe recoil, or tower floors might be too rampart or a masoned wall around the whole ancient
weak to bear the considerable weight, or the stoutest medieval enceinte, or a simple entrenchment reinforcing
roofed and easily strengthened part of the building might a vulnerable point. In whatever material, shape, size and
not command a good field of fire. For these reasons and dimension, it presented many advantages. Its dimensions
more, new and suitable artillery emplacements had to be were calculated for the placement, supply and firing of
created. artillery. Situated outside the enceinte, the bulwark cre
The question was, where to do so? Not all towers ated an additional line of defense and increased the range
could be cut down (those for example serving as living of the guns. Its profile was generally low in order to
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
maximize grazing fire. It
offered space where the be
sieged might regroup for
withdrawal or a sally. It
worked as a shield protect
ing the escarp of the main
enceinte, and it put the in
side of the castle—or the
suburb of a city—out of
range of enemy artillery.
The bulwark was relatively
cheap to build if constituted
of rampart (thin masonry
retaining thick earth).
When urban fortifica
tions were dismantled in a
later period, the bulwark
got its modern meaning: It
was turned into a boulevard
or an avenue, a wide lane
with trees alongside.
The bulwark might also
be an ancient tower that had
been lowered, or a totally
new work constructed to re
inforce a weak part of the
wall. In that case the bul
wark was a low, strongly
masoned artillery tower.
This work was occasionally
circular but more often U-
shaped, and projecting in
order to flank curtain and
ditch. It was called a
roundel, rondelle, Bastei or
basteja in northern Europe,
bastillon in France and tor-
rionne in Italy. Its summit
was arranged as a platform
with gun embrasures and
sometimes fitted with
crenellation and machicola
tion (reflecting the strength
of earlier medieval tradi
The artillery tower in
cluded one or more stories
fitted with flanking case
mates. A casemate was a
vaulted, closed gun-cham
ber pierced with a firing em
brasure. It gave an excellent
protection to guns, gunners
Ground-plan, castle Ham (France) and ammunition, but the
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Cross-section of a rampart
thickness of its wall might allow only limited observation It projected from the foot of a wall or a tower and was
and a reduced field of fire—a problem compounded by the usually concealed by the counter-scarp. The caponier usu
fact that the roundish shape of the 15th century artillery ally included only one story, with closed, vaulted case
tower left blind spots at its foot. The major drawback of mates fitted with small firing-holes through which mus
the casemate, however, was ventilation. In spite of aera ketry fire could be directed against any enemy crawling
tion via drafts, chimneys, vents and shafts, after a few about at the very bottom of the wall. The work might be
shots the chamber was full of choking smoke. In peace continued across the moat up to the counter-scarp to
time, the casemate was generally an obscure, humid, form a covered passage. Widely used in the second half
musty, drafty and unhealthy place. of the 15th century (Bonaguil, Blaye, Toulon, Bayonne
For a better flanking of the ditch, master-builders of and Rhodes, for example), the caponier was still used in
the transition time designed two special works: the the bastioned system and became the main flanking ele
fausse-braie and the caponier. The fausse-braie was a ment in the 19th century polygonal fortification.
kind of low bulwark, an under-wall constructed outside The entrance to a town or a castle was also
and alongside of the main enceinte, generally between influenced by the new weaponry. Gatehouses were fitted
two towers. It was often open and fitted with embra with embrasures, arrow-splits were modified, bastilles
sures. and barbicans were adapted to firearms. The 15th century
The caponier, also called moineau, was a small, low- barbican tended to be a powerful bulwark, a formidable
profiled work running at right angles across a dry moat. artillery tower with strong masonry, ramparted walls,
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
paw l
^aiiM«t.((!u li[^((i (
ac((U(i U( L
ill l U l U H I I | ( I I n i i h i i i ii < ( (
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, castle Sassocorvato (Italy). The roundish castle Sassocorvato, situated near
Urbino, was completed about 1474.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Castle Rambures (France). Castle Rambures in the Somme, completed about 1470, is com-
posed of four circular towers and round curtains.
More than by his realizations, which are rather classical of art. To make a living, Michelangelo was engaged as
and traditional, Giorgio Martini is important for the military advisor in Florence in 1 5 2 9 . Some of his pre
influence of his theoretical work. served designs and drawings show curious fortified de
Painter, sculptor and architect Michelango fenses evoking the shapes of monstrous lobsters. In 1547,
Buonarotti (1475-1564) is a major figure in the history Michelango worked on new fortifications around the
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Bellver (Palma de Majorca, Spain). Situated west of Palma on the Balearic Island Ma-
jorca, Castle Bellver was built in the 15th century to serve as a summer residence for the
kings of Spain. Bellver is a curious fortress adapted to firearms with round ramparts, three
flanking towers, a circular donjon and a low artillery bulwark. The castle was used as a
prison until 1915.
Rocca de Senigallia (Italy). The castle Senigallia displays a low profile typical of the
fortresses built in the end of the 15th century. Note however the presence of the old-fash
ioned medieval machicolation.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Fort Salses (France): west front with donjon. Salses, situated near Perpignan in the de
partment Pyrenees-Orientales, was built by the Spanish between 1497 and 1504, by the
order of Fernando of Aragon. It was designed by the artillery grand-master Francisco
Ramirez. Salses is an excellent example of late 15th century heavy masoned fortification
with a very low profile.
Vatican. In 1557 he completed the castle of Civitavecchia century does one see fortifications efficiently designed for
which bears his name. and against artillery.
Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) is one of the most A new concept of military defense appeared as pri
significant artists of the Renaissance. In Nuremberg in vate castles were replaced by forts. Forts were not royal,
1527, he published a book about fortification titled ducal or baronial residences in which the high-born cas
"Etliche Unterricht zu Befestigung der Stett, Schlofi und tle owner shared the rigors of siege with his own personal
Flecken" ("Several Instructions for Fortifying Towns, body-guards, civilian servants and family; rather, they
Castles and Small Cities") in which he proposed the use were strongholds garrisoning only professional soldiers.
of huge artillery towers called bastei or basteja. Durer, Forts included living accommodations (barracks) of
who was also an urbanist, designed an ideal city defended greater or lesser comfort for soldiers and officers. In
by wet moats, earth bulwarks and corner caponiers. peacetime, they housed a few professional soldiers
With the restoration of royal authority in the (headed by a governor) who were full-time experts in ar
fifteenth century came a new system of fortification in tillery, engineering and logistics, a select cadre who could
which urban walls and the private fortifications of local be relied on to discipline and train common soldiers in
lords were progressively integrated into a national mili time of war. Meanwhile kings, dukes, emperors and
tary defense, financed and controlled by the central state. princes resided at their capital, directing the grand strat
However, most of the designs of the early transition pe egy of the whole war, as hard-riding messengers ensured
riod were temporary, improvised and makeshift solutions that their armies would be in the right place at the right
to the problems of the time. Many proposed designs rep time.
resented an evolution without a future. Not until the 16th The royal forts marked out the board upon which
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Castle Angers (France). The castle of Angers in Maine-et-Loire was built between 1228
and 1238 by the regent Blanche of Castille during the minority of King Louis IX as a
stronghold against the boisterous dukes of Brittany. Placed on a cliff overlooking the river
Maine, it was composed of a vast enceinte 660 m in perimeter including seventeen tow
ers and two gatehouses. The castle was embellished by the duke of Anjou, Louis II, in
1384, and reshaped by the duke Rene of Anjou between 1450 and 1465. At the end of
the 15th century, the castle was radically changed, turned into a fortress adapted to ar
tillery by the royal governor Donadieu de Puycharic. All towers were cut down to the
level of the curtains (the average height remained 18 m), and walls and towers were fitted
with casemates. The part of the fortress between the Porte de Ville (1) up to the Postern
des Champs (2) was thickened by a wide rampart (3); the dry moat (4) was made much
deeper; and two artillery outworks were created: the tower Guillon (5) and the huge bar
bican des Champs (6). Completed about 1592, Angers castle eventually became a prison,
and remained such until 1817, after which it was an army administrative center. Today
the castle is an imposing historical monument housing the Saint-Laud chapel and the re
markable tapestry of the Apocalypse from 1373.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
F ' T 1 F Y "T—
V<zno«s types of firearms openings. Top: arrow-splits adapted to small firearms. Middle
and below: embrasures for small and medium guns.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Cross-section of a firing chamber. The gun placed in the firing chamber is an early breech
the great game of war was played. Concentrated essen symbolic decorations, and wall-walks became terraces
tially on land and sea borders, military architecture be for pleasure. The residence was considerably embellished,
came a state monopoly in the 16th century. The kings of with large windows replacing arrow-splits and embra
France fortified their borders, and the German emperors sures, monumental staircases leading to brilliant halls
and the regional princes did the same to contain the and sunny apartments, and ditches and glacis turned to
Turks. In Britain, King Henry VIII broke with the pope yards, flowery gardens, esplanades and parks.
and, as a result, was faced in 1 5 3 8 - 1 5 3 9 with the possi
bility of an invasion by both France and Spain. His an
swer was a string of coastal forts in the southeast of Eng
In this increasingly centralized context, private me
dieval castles were militarily out of date and politically The crisis of fortification and all problems generated
suspect, being the seat of potential rebellion. Some were by firearms were finally solved by Italian inventions, the
abandoned, others were handed over to demolishers and bastion and the bastioned system.
became stone quarries; some underwent voluntary am In 1495 the French king Charles VIII led an absurd
putations and were reshaped into residences. In such case, expedition in Italy, claiming Naples and the south of the
defensive elements were transformed: crenellation, peninsula to be annexed to the French crown. Armed
machicolation, echauguettes, and towers became mere with a powerful and modern wheeled artillery, Charles
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Castle La Motta (Spain). Castle La Motta, situated near Medina Del Campo in province
Valladolid, was founded by the Moors. The castle was reconquered in 1077 and rebuilt
by King Alfonso VI. It was built in red bricks and composed of a corner donjon called
La Monta, a large walled enclosure with towers and outwork. Castle La Motta was
adapted to firearms in the 15th century.
obtained significant success, which opened a series of A bastille is an outwork; a bastillon is a small
conflicts known as the Italian Wars in the first half of the bastille; and the word bastillon was bastardized to bas
16th century. tion, meaning a protruding terraced platform generally
By now the Renaissance had made scholars and mil as high as the main wall. It is distinguishable from any
itary engineers well aware of the mathematics and geom previous artillery tower by two essential characteristics:
etry necessary for their trade. Significant military engi a low ramparted profile (recall that a rampart consists of
neers and architects such the family San Gallo or Michele two masonry walls, called revetments, retaining between
San Micheli further developed the early theorists' works, them a thick mass of earth to absorb the impact of can-
devoting themselves to military study and experimenting nonballs) and a pentagonal arrow-headed ground-plan.
with new fortification methods. The result was the in The bastion was rather low above the ground in
troduction of the bastion. Who invented the effective bas order not to be an easy target. The depth of the moat pre
tion is not clearly known, but it is without doubt an Ital vented scaling. Bastions and curtains included a thick
ian invention that appeared in the beginning of the 16th breastwork with embrasures protecting gun emplace
century. ments, a banquette for infantry soldiers fitted with small
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Ground-plan, castle Ranrouet (Brittany, France). The chateau Ranrouet is situated near
Herbignac between Guerande and La Roche-Bernard in the department Loire-Atlan-
tique. The origin of the castle was a Roman coastal watchtower. The castle was con
structed by the lords of Asserac about 1125, rebuilt in the second half of the 13th cen
tury, then taken and destroyed by the king of France, Charles VIII, in 1488. About 1500
the castle (1) was reconstructed and profoundly reshaped by the lord Jean IV de Rieux,
with a wide wet moat (2) and a D-shaped barbican (3). In 1585 during the wars of reli
gion, Ranrouet was occupied by the Spaniards, and the duke ofMercceur had a large earth
bulwark (4) built all around the castle to house artillery. The chateau was disarmed in
1619 on Louis XIII and Richelieu's order, and severely damaged in 1793 during the French
Revolution. Since then the castle has stood abandoned, but the vestiges are particularly
interesting and imposing.
Castle Wedde (Netherlands). The castle Wedde, situated west of Groningen near the bor
der with Germany, was originally a rural stronghold built in 1370 by the local lord Van
Addinga. About 1460, the small castle was considerably enlarged with a ramparted bul
wark flanked with four square corner artillery towers, a wet moat, a glacis and a second
external wet ditch. The border castle played a significant military role in 1478, in 1593,
in 1665 and in 1672. Occupied by the French in 1795 and partly demolished in 1814, the
castle was abandoned until 1955, when it was restored.
arms and a wall-walk suitable for supplying and firing ar ing point of face and flank is called the shoulder. The
tillery. gorge is the back-space turned to the inside of the city or
The bastion's pentagonal outline included two faces fort. The surface enclosed by those five lines is called
turned outward to the enemy. Both faces joined at the terre-plein.
outward-thrusting salient. They were connected to the To increase the defenders' safety, Italian bastions were
curtain by two portions of wall called flanks; the meet often fitted with an orillon (ear), composed of a recess and
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Schematic view of an artillery tower. Also called bulwark, boulevard, rondelle, bastillon,
basteja, bastei or torrionne, the artillery tower was protruding and fitted with a top plat
form with embrasures in a round parapet and one or more casemated stories.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Cross-section of a casemate
2L protruding screen built on the shoulder, protecting the or fort. On the other hand, because of its height, the cav
defenders in the flank from oblique enemy bombardments alier could be an easy target.
but allowing them to enfilade the ditch. This protective el To increase flanking possibility, the cavalier might
ement was either round or square. These shapes gave bas also be placed in the middle of the curtain to form an ad
tions their characteristic arrowhead or "ace of spades" ditional flat bastion, called piatta-forma. This variant is
form. called Venetian bastioned fortification.
The so-called old Italian bastioned system was char The new Italian bastioned system, largely resulting
acterized by a curtain flanked by two bastions with ears from experiments led by military engineers Jacomo Cas-
replacing medieval corner- and wall-towers. No assault triotto, Girolame Maggi and Francesco de Marchi, was
party could approach the curtain without being fired at a great improvement. Its practical base was the so-called
from the side. A development was the so-called cavalier bastioned front; composed of one curtain and two pro
(also called cat), a raised structure higher than the ram jecting larger half-bastions, the bastioned front allowed
part whose outline was similar to that of the bastion. the housing of more guns. But the main improvement
The purpose of this inner work was to gain observation was in the flanking. Each bastion flank protected not only
points and to give additional firepower and increased the curtain but also each face of the neighboring bastion.
height to the bastion so as to command the surroundings. The new bastioned system all but eliminated blind spots,
The cavalier also acted as a kind of huge shield, pre every part of the fortress being always covered by fire
venting enfilade-fire and protecting buildings in the town coming from neighboring parts. The new Italian bastion
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
View from the inside of a casemate within an artillery tower. Note the thickness of the
wall, the limited view and arc of fire.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
outline restored the balance of arms in favor of the be elements related by rules and geometric ratios. The unit
sieged, permitting maximum defense with relatively few could be repeated at will to form a fort or an urban en
defenders. closure. The outline of the front could vary endlessly in
The new Italian system was further improved by the length and be connected according to various angles. En
creation of an outer work called a ravelin (also named gineers dreamed up infinite variations, partly according
demi-lune or half-moon), which was placed in front of to local circumstances (the need to adapt fortifications to
the curtain as a triangular independent island. Another the site) but also according to a sort of fashion created
important feature was the creation of the covered way, a by currents, schools or movements. The latter phenom
continuous broad lane placed on top of the counter-scarp enon, particularly in 16th century Italy, gave birth to un
all around the fortress. It formed a first line of combat countable theoretical bastioned fronts and endless ster
because the alley was "covered" by an uninterrupted ile disputes between engineers of opposing cliques.
breastwork. The crest of the parapet was aligned on the The bastioned system was very costly and demanded
slope of the glacis to give grazing fire; defenders posted a specialized corps of engineers with knowledge in ar
on the covered way gained a fire-range equal to the tillery, geometry and mathematics. The art of fortification
breadth of the ditch. The idea of protecting this outer lane had become a science, resulting in the definitive disap
beyond the ditch is attributed to the Italian military en pearance of medieval private fortification and signalling
gineer Nicolo Tartaglia. the standardization of military architecture.
The Italian bastioned front was thus an ensemble of Once owners of their walls and towers, medieval
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
View of a fausse-braie
towns now found that with the arrival of expensive guns dominated by Italian engineers. Francois I and Henri II
and bastions, they could no longer afford their own in France, the Holy Roman emperor Charles V in Spain,
fortifications. For funds, they turned to the central au Germany, Italy and the Low-Countries, and Henry VIII
thority. In return the rulers demanded control, tutelage in Britain relied upon Italian architects to build citadels,
and then exclusive rights over defenses; they allowed forts and urban enceintes. Example of Italian influence
fortification only of places with a strategic value for the in Europe are numerous, but the bastioned system spread
security of the state. worldwide with European colonization. The development
In the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, the bastioned of the Italian monopoly was accelerated by printing;
system had a large impact on urbanism. The great de many treatises and books about fortifications were writ
velopments in the spaces of bastions, moats, outworks ten and spread all over Europe.
and glacis were of such massive, impenetrable scale and By the end of the 16th century, however, the Italian
required such a wide open field of fire around them that monopoly was in decline. Too obsessed by theory and
the formation of suburbs farther out was discouraged. geometry, selling their experience as mercenaries, Italian
During the 16th century, European fortification was engineers were replaced by national military architects.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
During the war of liberation in the Netherlands from Note: The museum of the French Army in Paris, in
1568 to 1648, a new generation of Dutch engineers cre the Hotel des Invalides, contains in its attic (Musee des
ated a new bastioned style, and the apogee of the bas Plans-Reliefs) fantastic models of 17th century bastioned
tioned fortification was reached in the second half of the towns and forts. Anyone with an interest in fortifications
17th century with the French engineer Sebastien Le Preste should consider a visit.
de Vauban. This bastioned system was universally
adopted and proved its worth until the first half of the
19th century.
Top: Barbican in Krakow (Poland). Bottom: Civitavecchia (Italy). Artillery tower in the
castle Michelangelo. The castle Michelangelo was designed about 1508 by Bramante. It
was completed by Michelangelo, whence its name. The castle is square with four heavy
circular artillery torrionne.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Minceta Tower (Dubrovnik, Croatia). Dubrovnik—in the Middle Ages called Ragusa—is
a port on the Adriatic coast. The town was founded by the Greeks and became in the 1st
century BC a Roman harbor called Epidaurum. Ragusa, devastated by the Ostrogoths
and the Avares, belonged successively to Byzantium (867), to Venice (1205), and to Hun
gary (1358). In the 15th century Ragusa became a free city, and its previous defenses were
enlarged to face the Turkish menace. The imposing Minceta artillery tower was built in
1461 by the Florentine engineer Michelozzo.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
4-Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Belem tower (Portugal). The Belem tower, situated near the river Tago in Lisbon, was
planned by King Joao II and designed by his friend Garcia de Resende. The death of the
king in 1495 resulted in the cancellation of the project, but the tower was built between
1515 and 1519 by King Manuel I and engineer Francisco d'Arruda. The tower was 35 m
high with five stories, richly decorated with shield-shaped merlons, statues, heraldic or
naments, balconies, galleries, windows, columns and echauguettes. But the tower was also
a powerful stronghold, with casemates defending the entrance of the Portuguese harbor.
The Belem tower was demolished by the French during the Napoleonic wars and rebuilt
in its original form in 1845.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Project of a Bastei designed by Albrecht Durer. Durer's Bastei is a huge masonry artillery
tower 40 m high and 130 m in diameter. The tower is fitted with a top platform (1) and
casemated stories housing numerous pieces of artillery, giving it tremendous firepower.
It has a scarp wet ditch (2) and a large dry moat (3) 40 m broad with a masonry counter
scarp. Attention is paid to active close-range defense in the form of two rounded caponiers
(4) housing musketry and probably accessible by underground galleries. Such towers
would have been very expensive and therefore never built in Durer's time. However,
Durer's theory was not without significance. Some works created later seem to bear his
influence, such as the fortress Munot in Schaffhausen in Switzerland, built in 1585 by Hein-
rich Schwarz; the barbican of Warsaw, completed in 1656; or the barbican Florianska in
Krakow, as well as urban artillery towers in Augsburg, Gotha, Kassel or Magdeburg. Huge
masonry artillery towers were later revived by Marc Rene de Montalembert (1714-1800),
whose theories dominated European fortification in the 19th century.
Khevenhiiller. The Hochosterwitz defensive system was remarkable: The castle lay on a
170 m high hill with steep slopes and included walls, towers and no less than fourteen
gatehouses defending the 620 m long access road spiraling around the hill. At the end of
the 15th century the pressure on Austria by the Turks was particularly strong, and the
governor of Carinthia, Christoph Khevenhiiller, and his cousin Georg made modifications,
between 1570 and 1586, allowing the fortress to bear firearms.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Castle Nantes (Loire-Atlantique, France). The castle of Nantes, overlooking river Loire,
was originally a Roman tower, enlarged to a castle in 1205 by Guy de Thouars and com
pleted in 1466 by the duke of Brittany, Franqois II. Between 1582 and 1590, the castle
was adapted to firearms by the duke of Mercceur, who added artillery towers. Nantes cas
tle was also a luxurious royal residence with houses, palace and hall where many kings
of France dwelled from Charles VIII to Louis XIV. The fortress was a prison and an ar
senal during the French Revolution. Since 1915, the chateau has been municipal prop
erty; today it houses a museum.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Evoramonte (Portugal). The fort Evoramonte is situated in the plain of Alentejo. Together
with the fortified cities Estremoz and Evora, it was intended to defend the road to the
Portuguese capital, Lisbon, from a Spanish invasion. Constructed on Roman and Moor
ish vestiges, the fort was reshaped in the 15th century to house artillery. The fort includes
a square enceinte with four artillery corner-towers. Note the Manuelian-styled stone
knots decorating the fagade above the door.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Venetian fort in Heraklion (Crete). The island of Crete is situated southeast of the Pelo-
ponnese. Called Candia during the Middle Ages, the island was a possession of Venice
from 1204 to 1669. The main city, Heraklion, was fortified by a bastioned enceinte and
an artillery fort designed by the Venetian engineer Michel San Michele in 1538. Crete was
taken by the Turks in 1669 after a very long siege.
Civita Castellana (Italy). Situated in the province Latium, the castle was ordered by the
duke Caesar Borgia (1475-1507) and built between 1494 and 1497 by Antonio da San
Gallo the Elder. The castle was a ducal residence but also a fortress fully adapted to
firearms displaying a polygonal donjon, an enceinte flanked by five artillery towers, and
a deep moat.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Rocca Ostia (Italy). The harbor Ostia, situated at the mouth of the river Tiber about
twenty-four km from Rome, was founded in the 4th century BC when the Romans began
to expand in the Mediterranean Sea. The port, called Ostia Antica, was defended by
fortifications built in the time of Lucius Cornelius Sylla (138-78 BC). The rocca of Ostia
was ordered by the pope and built between 1483 and 1486 by Guiliano da San Gallo and
Baccio Pontelli. Probably influenced by the theoretical work of Francesco di Giorgio Mar
tini, the rocca was a massive triangle with two circular corner-towers, a round donjon
defended by a square artillery tower and a small forebuilding acting as a gatehouse in
the deep moat.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Fort Sarzanello (Italy). Fort Sarzanello dominates the city ofSarzana 16 km north of Car-
rare in Tuscany. The fort, built between 1493 and 1502 by engineer Francesco Giamberti,
presented some similarities with Giorgio Martini's theoretical design: It was composed
of two massive triangles, one with circular corner-towers, and the other in the shape of
a ravelin, directly prefiguring the bastioned fortification.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Fort Salses (France). The Spanish fort Salses is situated sixteen kilometers north of Per-
pignan in Pyrenees-Orientales. Ordered by King Fernando of Atagon to protect his ter
ritory in Roussillon against the French, the fort was designed by Francisco Ramirez and
built between 1497 and 1504. Salses and the province Roussillon became French in 1642.
Having thus lost its military border function, Salses was used as a prison and a powder
supply place until 1889. Salses is a remarkable fort, especially designed both to support
and to withstand artillery fire. It is an imposing rectangular fortress 110 m x 84 m, in
cluding four low cylindrical corner-towers, outworks placed in the moat 20 m wide and
7 m deep, a double barbican ahead of the main gatehouse, a reduit with a 20 m high don
jon, a large central place of arms and various service buildings (supply-stores, barracks,
stables, a chapel and others). Parapets are round to deflect enemy projectiles and fitted
with embrasures. Walls and towers are casemated and particularly thick: 10 m to begin
with, and after the siege of 1503, their base was enlarged to 14 m.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Deal Castle (Great Britain). Situated on the coast of Kent, Deal is a fort constructed on
Henry VIH's order in 1540. Partly designed by the Italian engineer Girolamo Pennacchi,
Fort Deal is composed of a round keep overlooking six half-circular towers, an internal
moat, an outer enceinte with six semi-circular artillery towers, a single entrance with
drawbridge in the west side and a wide external dry ditch. The fort housed numerous ar
tillery placed on platforms and lighter hand-held guns concealed inside casemates. Deal
was one of Henry VIITs coastal forts, intended to defend the south English shores.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Fort Walmer (Britain). Walmer was another of King Henry VIITs coastal forts. Its de
sign is similar to that of Fort Deal, though on a smaller scale. Instead of six main tow
ers, it has only four. The fort has a quatrefoil plan and only two armed stages.
Fort Saint Mawes (Britain). Fort Saint Mawes, built in the period 1539-1543 by King
Henry VIII, was intended to defend the mouth of the river Fal. The fort has a central cir
cular tower and three half-circular artillery towers forming a generally triangular plan.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
The main parts of a bastion: (l)The flank, which allowed the defenders to enfilade the
moat. (2)The shoulder, the point of junction of the flank and the face. (3)The two faces
met at the salient. (4) The sharp edge turned towards the enemy and therefore was rein
forced with heavy clamping stones; note the echauguette or sentry-box for observation
on top of it. (5) The ear or orillon, which protected the recessed flank (1A); the ear was
either round or square. (6) The curtain was the wall between two bastions; this formed
the scarp. (7) The gently sloping ramps allowed defenders to bring cannons and supply-
carts on the wide wall-walk (9), which was both a communication and a place to install
the artillery. (8) The open gorge, with a cross-section of the curtain showing the breast
work or parapet (10) fitted with a banquette (11), allowing infantry to fire en barbette
over the breastwork. (12) The internal slope of the curtain, fitted with staircases for in
fantry. This bastion is "hollow" as its terre-plein is not filled with earth.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Italian bastion with orillon. Note the recessed flanks with two rows of guns. Access to
the low story was via a postern and a gallery passing under the curtain. This bastion is
full " which means that its terre-plein is filled with earth, forming a vast terrace with
an access ramp in the gorge. The moat could be either dry or filled with water.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Front view of a bastion. Note the overhanging sentry-box allowing observation on both
faces and over the ditch. Note too that the flank casemates are perfectly concealed be
hind the orillons.
Flank of a bastion. On the left you see the protruding orillon protecting the recessed flank
in the middle; this includes an upper open gun emplacement at wall-walk level and a lower
casemated story with embrasures. On the right is the curtain.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Bastioned fronts. Five fronts constituted a pentagonal citadel. The same front with a vary
ing salient angle could be used to form an urban enceinte adapted to natural conditions.
O p p o s i t e : Schematic views of the old Italian bastioned system. The sketch on top shows
the basic style of flanking: the curtain length must not exceed the range of weapons
placed in the flanks. The illustration in the middle shows the Venetian bastioned
fortification with a flat bastion or piatta-forma in the middle of the curtain, increasing
the flanking possibility, as well as the cavaliers, either placed on the bastion or on the
curtain, increasing general firepower. The sketch at bottom shows the disposition of the
access including a masonry bridge and a drawbridge in a gatehouse: This was generally
placed in the flank of the bastion or in a recessed flank built in the middle of the curtain.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Cross-section, bastioned system. The cross-section shows the glacis (1), the covered way
(2), and the place of arms (3), fitted with a breastwork and a banquette; the ravelin ditch
(4), the ravelin (5), the main moat (6), the curtain (7) and the bastion (8).
O p p o s i t e : Schematic views of the new Italian bastioned system. The sketch above shows
the perfect flanking crossfire offered by the new Italian bastioned system, reducing or elim
inating blind spots. The sketch below shows the main characteristics of the new system:
the large bastion with orillons (1), often fitted with a cavalier (2), the gatehouse with a
drawbridge (3) placed in the middle of the curtain, efficiently protected by a ravelin or
demi-lune (4) in the wide moat, fitted with its own ditch and another drawbridge. On
the counter-scarp, the covered way (5); the places of arms (6), which are fortlets placed
in the reentering angles of the covered way; and the bare and flat glacis (7).
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Fortaleza dos Reis Magos Natal (Brazil). Natal in Brazil was created in 1599 by the king
of Spain and Portugal, Felipe II. To protect the mouth of river Potengy, a coastal fort
called Fortaleza dos Reis Magos (fortress of the Wise Men) was built between 1599 and
1628. The fort was taken by the Dutch in 1633 and rechristened Fort Mathieu van Ceulen.
The Dutch were driven out of Brazil in 1654, and the Portuguese used the Fortaleza as
a prison until 1822, when Brazil became independent. Today the fort is a museum.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Fort Mont-Alban (France). The bastioned coastal fort Mont-Alban is situated on the
steep promontory Boron dominating Nice in the French Riviera. It was ordered by the
duke of Savoy to protect the entrance to the harbor Villefranche-sur-Mer, and designed
by engineer Domenico Ponsello in 1557.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Castle Aquila (Italy). Aquila is situated on the mountain Gran Sasso in the Abruzzes. The
town was founded in the 13th century by the German emperor Friedrich II von Hohen
staufen. After 1529, the town was under Spanish tutelage, and a citadel—called Castello
Spagnolo—was built between 1535 and 1549 by the commandant Pedro Luis Escriva di
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Fort Filippo Porto Ercole (Italy). Situated on the promontory dominating Porto Ercole
in Tuscany, the fort was constructed by the Spaniards in 1557.
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Fort Jesus (Mombasa, Kenya). Fort Jesus was built in 1593 by the Portuguese engineer
Joao Batista Cairato. The fort, intended to protect a Portuguese anchorage on the mar
itime route to India, was a square enceinte with four half-bastions with orillons.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
New Amsterdam (USA). The island of Manhattan is hemmed in by the Hudson, East and
Harlem rivers. In 1524, the Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazano, in French ser
vice, discovered the site and called it Angouleme after King Frangois I of Angouleme.
Dutch merchants, headed by Peter Minuit, purchased the island in 1526 for sixty florins
($25).The Dutch colony was developed and fortified by a palisade and later (in 1653) a
bastioned earth wall; today that wall is remembered in the name of the street that runs
through the location, i.e., Wall Street. By the time the wall was constructed, a bastioned
square fort had been built at the place of the present Battery Park. In 1664, the Dutch
governor Pieter Stuyvesant was forced to yield the establishment to the English, and the
town of New Amsterdam was rechristened New York after the duke of York, who would
become King James II. New York's Dutch past is still reflected by some of the names of
today, including Nassau County, Harlem (named after the Dutch town Haarlem west of
Amsterdam), and Brooklyn (coming from the Dutch place Breukelen). In addition, the
term "yankee" originates from the Dutch Christian name Jan-Kees.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Castel SanfAngelo (Rome, Italy). The Castel SanfAngelo is the Vatican stronghold on
the right bank of river Tiber. Its core is formed by Hadrian's mausoleum, constructed be
tween 135 and 138 AD. The mausoleum, formed of two cylindrical parts resting on a
square base 60 mx 60 m, was used as sepulcher for the Roman emperors until Caracalla
in 217. In the 6th century, Pope Gregory the Great built a chapel. In the 13th century,
the mausoleum became a fortress where the popes might find refuge; that fortress was
dubbed the Castel SanfAngelo. During the pontificate of Nicolas V (1447-1455), the
height of the tower's core was increased with a brick story, and round corner-towers were
built. Between 1484 and 1493, during the pontificate of Alexander VI, the castle was em-
4—Fortifications in the 15th and 16th Centuries
bodied in the Vatican fortifications and enclosed by five bastions designed by Antonio da
San Gallo the Older. Later popes, notably Clement VII and Paul III, embellished the
fortress between 1492 and 1569. Today the Castel SanfAngelo, linked to the left Tiber
bank by a beautiful bridge, is one of the great glories of Rome.
THE REBIRTH AND the protection of a feudal lord and his castle. Some towns
GROWTH OF CITIES grew around monasteries or places of pilgrimage. Certain
cities owed their growth to the installation of a royal, im
perial, princely or episcopal court and became national,
From the 5th to the 10th centuries, towns were re regional or provincial capitals. Many others were rebuilt
duced in size, limited in importance and greatly depop or created because of a favorable geographical situation
ulated. Some vanished altogether. Most of those remain (for example, a passage in a marsh or between moun
ing were merely big villages, though others were modest tains, a ford on a river, a junction of important cross
commercial or episcopal centers. roads, or a protected anchorage) because accessibility fa
After the year 1000, the decrease in invasions and the vored the installation of trading-places and markets. In
reestablishment of relative security favored demographic the 12th and 13th centuries, many new hamlets, villages
growth, trade and commercial activities. The instauration and towns were founded in vast areas conquered on
of money exchange and the installation of markets and wastelands all over Europe, and their names acknowl
fairs made possible the rebirth of towns. Consequently, edged them as brand new creations (Villeneuve,
urban population increased, while transport means were Bourgneuf, Neustadt, Newtown, and Villanova, for ex
more rapid and less expensive owing to significant in ample). In southern France, some newly created cities
ventions and technical improvements such as collars for were gaven famous or exotic names such as Cologne,
horses and stern-rudders for boats. Grenade or Valence. Others were named after their cre
During the Crusades, large parts of the Mediter ators: the bastide of Libournes was founded in 1270 by
ranean Sea were purged of Arabian pirates, permitting Sir Roger Leyburn, seneschal to English king Edward I.
Italian ports to control commercial sea routes with the Many new cities were created as military strong points
East. In this favorable context, many towns grew and or as supply bases on the borders of disputed lands. Oth
got rich. In the 13th century, feudalism was slowly dying ers were colonies and economical centers in new lands.
out, but the social changes made some of the nobility Their inhabitants came from ancient overpopulated vil
richer and many peasants poorer. Many among the lower lages and towns; to attract them, kings and lords granted
classes found themselves unable to pay their rent. As a privileges, rights, freedom and various fiscal advantages,
result, some lost or sold their lands and moved to the sometimes reflected in the names of those cities (Ville-
towns, which often offered a better hope for the future. franche, Freistadt, Freiburg, Villafranca, Freetown).
The origins of European cities are extremely various. Bastides were fortified villages founded mainly in the
Many cities were ancient settlements founded by the R o 13th century. In southern France there were about 3 5 0 .
mans (villa, castra and castella) that were developed Created by the kings of France and England, who were
owing to the effort of a bishop or because they were near fighting over the rich province of Aquitaine, bastides had
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
a square or rectangular plan inspired by ancient Roman medieval society saw many travelers. Juxtaposed with
urbanism. Inside, the city space was divided into regular the immobility of the peasant societies coiled in upon
living parcels with a church and a market square. Bastides themselves were the continuous travels of merchants,
were fortified with a masonry enceinte composed of cur royal officers, militaries, clergymen, Crusaders and pil
tains, flanking towers, moats and gatehouses. In south grims. Cities offered accommodations and safe resting
ern France, the best preserved are Libournes, Cadillac, places on their journeys, as well as local markets where
Sauveterre-de-Guyenne, Monpazier and Saint-Macaire. country folk came to sell their products.
Bastides were also created in Britain, notably during the On the whole, peasants were rather poor, isolated in
conquest of Wales by King Edward I (Caernarvon, Beau their villages, and more or less resigned to their fate; to
maris, Flint, Conwy and Winchelsea, for example). use a modern word, they tended to be somewhat "con
Bastides were also founded by the Teutonic knights servative." On the other hand, citizens—called burghers,
to conquer and evangelize eastern Europe. In Pomerania, later bourgeois—were generally more "progressive,"
the knights created about forty new settlements, includ being active, dynamic, enterprising, open to novelties and
ing the town of Rostock, which was built between 1190 accustomed to bargaining with strangers and coexisting
and 1252. Many other colonies and towns were founded with foreigners. Making common cause with each other
in Bohemia to fight the Turks, and the same thing hap within their towns, citizens, craftsmen and merchants
pened in Spain and Portugal during the Reconquista were realistic people who transformed raw materials into
against the Moors. goods, sold those goods, and got acquainted with bar
Colonial bastides were also created in the Nether gaining and negotiation. They believed in experience,
lands in lands and polders conquered on marshes and progress, reason, and above all, profit.
low seashores. Elburg was founded in 1230, Naarden and Traders were initially ill thought of because by in
Arnemuiden in 1288, and Brouwershaven in 1285 by the troducing import and export, they disturbed a rural
count of Holland, Floris V. The Dutch cities of Culem- world living more or less in autarky. The Crusades gave
borg, Montfoort, Heusden, Bredevoort and Helmond de a strong impulse to travel and trade, however, and from
veloped around existing castles, which related them to the 12th century onwards, burghers and merchants
castelnaux. formed the driving force of economic development. Now
Castelnaux (also called new-castle, chateauneuf or wealthy and aware of themselves and their position, they
castet) were newly created fortified villages in the vicin determined to abolish or at least limit the local lords'
ity of previous castles. The development of the castelnau despotism. Just like peasants, the citizens were obliged to
was either spontaneous or encouraged by the local lord, pay taxes and dependent on the justice of the lord, earl
who granted economic and juridical advantages to set or bishop. In an essentially rural society, the citizens
tlers coming to work and live on his domain. Created be began to claim a certain autonomy, to demand adminis
tween 1000 and 1300, they were particularly numerous trative and juridical institutions adapted to their way of
in southern France. life. No longer would they tolerate the slowness and the
Sauvetes (also called salvetat or sauveterre) were new archaic nature of medieval justice. They suffered under
villages created by the Church. Their development was uncontrolled authority, excessive tolls, abuse from bois
generally connected to pilgrimages and Crusades. terous warriors, and the mistrust of the Church, which
Sauvetes were stopping-places along the routes leading to condemned profit and lucrative activities. They wanted
sanctuaries and places of pilgrimages such as Santiago- to free themselves from feudal ties and interference.
de-Compostella in Spain, and along the roads going to In spite of the authorities' resistance, the burghers
the main Mediterranean ports of embarkation to Pales were gradually admitted into society and obtained their
tine. freedom. As early as 1032 the burghers of Venice pro
In the 14th century the creation of towns and the claimed their freedom and bound themselves by oath to
conquest of new lands was slowed down by epidemics, defend it. The same happened in Milan in 1067 and Lucca
disorder and war. in 1068. In 1070, the city of Le Mans in France was in
rebellion, followed by Cambrai in 1077 and then by the
northern Italian cities of Lombardy and Genoa. In the
12th century large-scale city emancipation began in all the
URBAN EMANCIPATION areas between the Seine and Meuse rivers, as well as in
Thuringia, Saxony and Bavaria.
Peasants, whose lives were strictly framed by the sys The process of urban liberation was extremely com
tem of feudal domains, did not move about a lot. But in plex, long and multiform. Many tactics were used to
spite of danger, in spite of the ill-controlled forces of na achieve the goal. Urban merchants needed peace because
ture, and in spite of rudimentary means of transportation, business could flourish only in order and calm. Citizens
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, Loches (France). Situated near Tours in the Indre-et-Loire, Loches was en
closed by a 2 km long wall erected by the king of England, Henry II, about 1154. Loches
was retaken by the French king Philippe Auguste in 1204. In the centuries that followed,
Loches was a royal residence. Fortifications were improved and enlarged with many
buildings, notably the Logis du Roi (king's house) for Charles VII and his mistress Agnes
Sorel. In the 15th century the dungeon of Loches became a state prison where, accord
ing to legend, King Louis XI (1461-1483) imprisoned his enemies in iron cages. The
ground-plan shows the Royal Gate (1), the Royal House (2), the Agnes Sorel Tower (3),
the Saint-Ours church (4), the medieval village (5) and the donjon (6) built by Fulk the
Black in the 11th century.
S—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Bastide Mirande (France). Situated on the left bank of river Grande Baise in the Gers,
Mirande was a bastide created in 1281 by the seneschal Eustache de Beaumarchais by order
of the French king Philippe III. The bastide counted one large market square, two main
streets with four gatehouses, walls, towers and moat.
ternal rivalry between the Gibelins (partisans of the Ger dal rights and duties to redeem debts. Freedom thus had
man emperor) and the Guelf party (partisans of the to be paid for—sometimes a high price, but it was worth
pope). the money.
As for Spain and Portugal, their cities were still on Another way, much more dangerous, was violence.
the fringe of medieval Europe. Until the 14th century Some urban communities entered into armed rebellion
both countries were engaged against the Moors and di against the lord and attempted to impose freedom by
vided by internal struggles, dynastic squabbles and force.
conflicts between sovereigns and nobles. The end of the Emancipation, whether obtained by royal grant, ne
15th century, however, marks the starting point for the gotiation or violence, was noted, authenticated and
great maritime adventures of these two countries, deci sealed in an official document called a charter. The con
sive for the history of the world. tent of the charter was extremely variable according to
In England, the cooperation of the nobles and the many factors such as local customs, circumstances, and
urban merchants forced King John, in 1215, to accept the the strength and position of the concerned parties. Gen
Magna Carta, reducing the authority of the sovereign. erally, however, the charter officially recognized the free
Another way for an urban community to obtain free dom of the city (i.e., recognized the city as an au
dom was to bargain. When the lord departed for the Cru tonomous political body) and stipulated immunities,
sades, he needed funds, and when he came back from concessions, exemptions, the annual tax paid to the king,
Palestine he might be ruined. The urban citizens might and the rights and duties of each side as well as the priv
lend money and negotiate with him to buy back some feu ileges, fundamental freedoms and institutions of the city.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
*TOVR ve ?O&TE ve
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5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
bankers were always wel
comed in the main cities, es
pecially those from Venice,
Florence and northern Ger
many; they helped to orga
nize international exchange
and developed fairs held in
the big market towns. The
rich bourgeois dominated
the urban people, the lower
classes composed of crafts
men, workers, companions
and apprentices; this subor
dinate population formed a
lumpen proletariat, ill-paid,
living in miserable condi
tions with uncertain re
sources and exposed to eco
nomic crises, famines and
epidemics. Social struggles
and political conflicts be
tween the common man and
the patrician sometimes re
sulted in riots and armed re
Though they had lim
ited juridical rights, urban
craftsmen and workers were
strictly controlled by a guild,
similar in some ways to our
modern trade unions. The
guild was a brotherhood, a
hierarchical organization of
skilled workers, a society of
men who practiced the same
trade. The term guild comes
from the Saxon word gildan,
to pay, because members
paid towards the costs of the
association. Guilds con
trolled the standards of
products, prices, wages and
training of craftsmen. They
gave board and lodging to
young apprentices and made
rules requiring sick pay and
forbidding night work. Their leaders formed the borough strong in northern Italy (in Tuscany and principally in
council headed by a guild-master or chairman. Lombardy between the Alps and the Mediterranean mar
Some cities obtained only privileges but remained itime ways), in Flanders and northern Germany (trading
under the direct tutelage of the local lord, prelate, bishop with England, Scandinavia and Baltic regions) and in
or archbishop. Other cities were submitted to the au northeast France (on rivers Seine, Meuse, Scheldt and
thority of a prince, king or emperor. Still other urban Rhine, at the junction of north German and Italian com
communities became totally independent. Called com mercial roads).
munes in northern Europe and municipalities in the
South, free-towns became collective powers, autonomous
laic republics or independent principalities. According to
the charter, free cities had the right to maintain a per URBAN FORTIFICATIONS
manent army, build fortifications, make war, and con
clude alliances and peace treaties. Many towns had their Unlike our modern, wide-open cities, medieval
own justice system, their own minted money, their own towns were completely closed. The first concern of a free
weights and measures and their own collective heraldic city was to build a wall protecting the city's inhabitants
emblems such as seals, flags, banners, devices, and coats- and wealth. The role of the enceinte was to define the
of-arms. urban surface and to indicate the space to be populated.
Certain free cities established strong economic con The wall was an object of pride and prestige, a sign of
nections with one another. Created in the 12th century, independence and of union, a source of confidence and
the Hansa—officially called Stete van der Dudeschen self-awareness. It was the expression of physical and
Hense—was a group of about 150 merchant cities in moral solidarity, the reflection of the citizens' spirit. The
northern Germany and the Baltic Sea. The main Hansa city wall was the legitimate conclusion of the process of
towns were Lubeck, Hamburg, Minden, Cologne, Dort emancipation that made the inhabitants no longer villeins
mund, Bremen, Rostock, Brunswick, Stralsund, Danzig, but a recognized social group.
Vwasby and Riga. The Hansa worked closely with the The urban wall also constituted a juridical border.
Teutonic knights in eastern Europe and included com The town had tutelage over the surrounding country
mercial establishments in western Europe, in England side, which furnished raw materials, food and man
(London), in Belgium (Bruges), in Netherlands (Amster power. The town's authority (ban) generally spread
dam, Groningen, Kampen), in Scandinavia (Bergen in about one lieue (about 4 km), whence the French term
Norway) and in Russia (Novgorod). banlieue, meaning suburb. A very important city might
Others cities and towns made military unions, such dominate a whole region, even a whole province. In such
as the Cinque Ports, a group including Dover, Sandwich, cases the defensive system was composed of a network
Romney, Hythe and Hastings that secured the defense of of strongholds and might even include allied or submit
the southern English coasts. Some concluded temporary ted cities. Venice, for example, dominated a wide empire
political and military alliances, such as the league of Lom- including a part of northern Italy, towns and ports on
bardian towns grouped together to resist the German em the shores of the Adriatic sea, trading posts in Corfu, and
peror's pretensions in northern Italy. But towns did not parts of Greece up to the islands Cyclades, Crete and
always work together; in fact, rivalry between them Cyprus.
sometimes resulted in conflict and even war. Urban defenses, when they existed, were in many
Hence in addition to their economic significance, cases vestiges of ancient Roman enceintes or improvised
towns played a more and more important political role fortifications dating from the time of Viking invasions.
from the 13th century onwards. A slow displacement of Fortifications were built or reconstructed according to
forces took place, with the coastal areas taking on pri the richness and importance of the city. Because a city
mary importance as the revival of commerce, the rise of wall was a heavy financial burden, the strength of such
the towns, and the creation of wider areas of agriculture walls varied greatly. Certain towns could not afford
(which could feed a larger population) came at the ex strong defenses and had to be satisfied with rudimentary
pense of the older, inland regions. and symbolic fortifications consisting of moats, earth en
The amount of urban rebirth was not, however, the trenchments, wooden towers, palisades and simple gate
same in all areas, nor did it take place with the same ways. Many cities retained earthwork defenses until quite
speed everywhere. The implantation of a network of late in the medieval period; at both Coventry and Sand
cities varied a great deal. The most significant urban de wich (Great Britain) such fortifications were replaced by
velopment happened principally along the major Euro stone walls only in the 15th century. Though stone walls
pean communication roads, coasts and rivers. Urban de were by no means universal, some towns with regional
velopment and commercial activities were particularly and even international influence had huge budgets and
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
were able to build defenses as strong as those of the most towns. Cities were enclosed by curtains of various thick
impressive castles. ness (usually about 2 m) and height (usually 7 to 10 m,
The construction of the urban enceinte was a long but in some cases up to 2 0 m). Walls were insurmount
process, lasting for years. The periphery was generally able obstacles to normal transit and furnished with wall-
marked out by a moat, an earth wall and a palisade. Then walks and crenellated breastworks. Within range of bow
the high-priority works such as towers and gatehouses and crossbow, curtains were flanked by brattices, echau-
were built in stone. The masonry walls were constructed guettes, pepper-pot turrets and towers of varied height,
last, when funds permitted. The construction depended strength and shape. These elements were fitted with com
on budget but also on the population growth, the threat bat emplacements such as crenels and merlons, loopholes
of danger, and the probability of war. Certain enceintes and crosslets, hoarding, and later machicolation. Walls
were never completed. and towers were sometimes surrounded by a ditch or a
Construction and maintenance were financed by the wet moat.
municipality and the citizens themselves. While the build While one tends to think of the city walls in terms
ing of a castle was due to a lord's private initiative, con of siege, with defenders behind the crenellation casting
struction of a city wall was a collective undertaking. The down projectiles on ascending invaders, the everyday and
urban wall, therefore, was possible only with the re even more important purpose of walls was control and
sumption of the ancient concept of public interest, a con entry in peacetime. The defining characteristic of urban
cept that had disappeared with the collapse of the Roman fortification was, therefore, the importance given to the
empire. To finance the design, construction and mainte access, by definition the most vulnerable place in a
nance of a wall, the municipality set up a fiscal system fortified unit.
managed by civil servants. A town under the authority The main streets of the city were always anterior to
of a king, emperor, prince, lord or religious prelate usu the construction of the wall; at the junction of the new
ally asked the ruler for subventions, fiscal exonerations, wall and older roads, gatehouses were built. Urban gate
privileges or the right to levy taxes and tolls. Because houses had the same structure as those of castles. They
maintenance was so costly, urban fortifications were usu included a wide, arched portal deeply recessed between
ally neglected during peacetime or when the immediate two strong flanking towers, heavy doors, a drawbridge,
danger had passed. In wartime they were hastily refur and a portcullis with a chamber for windlass on the first
bished and put in a state of readiness, but restorations, floor. Active combat emplacements on the gatehouse in
adaptations and consolidations were generally impro cluded shooting chambers, a guard-house, loopholes,
vised and rather poorly done. In all circumstances, urban crosslets, murder-holes and a brattice. Beside military de
medieval walls were subject to an immutable law re fensive elements, the city gatehouse also included a cus
garding their dimensions: they invariably followed the tom-office where taxes and tolls were levied on all per
smallest perimeter. Every extension of the town diame sons and goods coming in or out the city. The gate taxes
ter, every foot of masonry, implied greater building costs, were the major form of income for medieval cities. Ob
greater maintenance expenses, and a larger garrison for viously a heavily guarded point, the gatehouse might also
adequate defense. include an arsenal for weapons and ammunition, apart
While a private castle housed a tiny group of com ments for civil servants or a prison. The city gatehouse
batants in a small space, a town embraced a rather large also played a prestigious and symbolic role: Its imposing
number of non-combatant inhabitants whose lives and defenses displayed the city's strength, and its many or
work were spread over a relatively large surface. The naments made an ostentatious show to visitors and trav
urban enceinte was an ensemble of comprehensive mili elers, bespeaking the city's wealth and importance.
tary constructions established around a place of life and For security reasons, access to the town was as lim
work and intended to provide security. Its configuration ited as possible, and the result was often annoying traffic
was the result of difficult compromises between the re jams, particularly on market days. To alleviate the prob
quirements of defense, which demanded inaccessibility lem, secondary accesses, called posterns, were arranged
(possibly equal to that of a castle), and living and trad and opened in peacetime. But from dusk to dawn, all
ing conditions, which tended on the contrary to establish drawbridges, gates and posterns were closed.
the city near a commercial road, to develop the surface, Road transport was dangerous, difficult and slow in
and to provide multiple access points. Obviously, efficient the Middle Ages, especially for heavy loads. River trans
fortification of a large city was a difficult and expensive portation was the favored alternative. Despite the dan
task. gers and problems rivers sometimes presented—including
The evolution of urban military architecture was di sandbars, currents, eddies, floods, tolls, bridges and
rectly connected to castle fortification, and most elements water-mills—they were used to convey communications,
used to protect castles were applied in the protection of cargo and passengers. Rivers were also valuable as
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
sources of energy for mills and water to supply defensive were also sometimes seen as undesirable; municipalities
wet moats. Cities situated on waterways were generally tried to regulate and sometimes to forbid the illegal and
prosperous, with much commercial activity, and inland spontaneous occupations. After a while, however, the
navigation guilds were very powerful. temporary settlement became a part of the town. The
Cities situated on waterways were generally walled faubourg might even turn into a major satellite of eco
off against the riverbanks, with special gates leading to nomic life in competition with the older and usually
landings and bridges. But if the waterway bisected the smaller markets within the walls.
town it formed a very dangerous breach in the defensive In a typical situation, a town was constructed on
system. In this case the river access was defended by one bank of a river, and the opposite bank was occupied
strong towers and chains if the waterway was broad. If by a suburb called a bridge-head. The bridge connecting
the river was rather narrow, it was fortified by a water- both parts of the city was fortified like a gatehouse. This
gate. Water-gates were usually similar to gatehouses, but very common disposition can be seen in Besalu (Spain),
the portal was replaced by one or more arches allowing Frankfurt (Germany), Scaliger bridge in Verona (Italy),
navigation. Like gatehouses, water-gates were fitted with and Valentre bridge in Cahors (France), just to mention
defensive elements (towers with shooting chambers, a few.
loopholes and so on) and with the customary check In most cases, there came a point at which the eco
points for cash tolls, dues and taxes. The arches were nomic pressure of the suburbs and of the growing popu
closed at night and in case of danger by a portcullis and lation could not be denied and the risks and fiscal bur
heavy chains. den of a new wall could not be resisted. At that point, a
faubourg was integrated within the town and fortified
with new walls, towers, a moat and a gatehouse. If
growth continued, a second, third or even fourth enceinte
SUBURBS had to be built. Previous walls were swallowed up in the
urban landscape, or they were demolished and their ma
terials used to make the new one. In some cases the poor
Towns were growing bodies, attracting more and est inhabitants would squat in the ruins; in others, rich
more people. The story of medieval cities is the story of bourgeois would buy towers and turn them into habita
people trying to get into town, not out of it. Only towns, tions. Old wet moats might be filled in, or they might be
with their special legal status, offered freedom, as well as converted to an internal network of concentric canals, as
the conditions and facilities for an existence based on the can be seen in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
production and exchange of goods and services as op By the end of the Middle Ages, many European
posed to the rural life on the land outside. That is pri towns had developed the physiognomy they would gen
marily what medieval cities were for, as is illustrated by erally keep until the Industrial Revolution in the second
a common German saying: "Stadtluft macht frei" (city air half of the 19th century. The oldest part of a settlement
makes free). was the administrative and religious city (cite in French,
Outside the town, in front of the gatehouse, there Altstadt in German, castrum in Italian, ciudad vieja in
was generally an inn or two for travelers who arrived Spanish), while the economic suburbs formed the town
after the gates were closed at night. A few artisans and (ville, Neustadt or civitas).
shopkeepers might move alongside, and after a while, Most town fortifications have been swept away since
economic activities just outside of the main gates would the Middle Ages. Most of them were either torn down
begin to mushroom. A new settlement was created, called during the Industrial Revolution, when more space was
a faubourg or suburb. The suburb might also be built by needed, or lost in the large scale destruction of World War
new settlers and growing populations who found no II. Even today, however, there are a great number of
place left inside the town and built houses outside, where places where a tower, a section of wall or an original
the ground was available and cheaper. A faubourg might gateway can still be seen. These surviving structures rep
also come to existence because of the installation of a resent only a fraction of the thousands of towns in Eu
convent outside the walls; this sometimes happened as rope that are known to have had enclosing walls.
Franciscan, Dominican and other mendicant orders At any rate, despite later construction, the ravages
sought to fulfill their twofold mission of helping the poor of fire or war, and modern renovations and enlargements,
and purging the heretics. In other cases suburbs grew be many European cities have preserved charming and de
tween two inhabited centers which developed and fused. lightful sights from the Middle Ages such as cathedrals,
Suburbs of course were a bit risky; lying outside the churches, narrow streets, old houses, squares, canals,
protection of the walls, they were exposed to theft in bridges and many other historical, architectural and cul
peacetime and destruction and looting in wartime. They tural places of interest.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
floor with a defensive staircase. The top of the house neighborhood often had an urban establishment (called
might include military elements such as a wall-walk with a refugium) which they occupied in troubled time. Rich
crenellation, a watch-tower, a brattice, or a turret in order abbots generally made use of an urban pied-a-terre, ei
to deter or repulse a rebellious, rioting mob. The richest ther living there permanently or occupying it only dur
and the highest placed in the hierarchy dwelled in luxu ing their visits in town; an example was the Hotel de
rious residences, some of them so large and so Cluny in Paris.
magnificent that they could be called palaces, composed In the regions exposed to pirates and raiders, and in
of several buildings, fitted with many facilities, opening Spain and Portugal during the Reconquista against the
up to a yard or a garden enclosed by walls. Moors, cathedrals and churches were frequently fortified.
Palaces, residences and stone houses were numerous The same was true for abbeys and convents. When Bene
in all European cities. A good preserved example of urban dictine and Cistercian abbeys were isolated in the coun
patrician strongholds is San Gimignano in Tuscany tryside, Dominican and Franciscan convents were estab
(Italy). lished in towns or in the suburbs. Nevertheless urban
Urban private fortified houses were not the monop convents and rural abbeys had many architectural simi
oly of the rich laic oligarchy. Bishops and archbishops larities combining material and spiritual life. They in
dwelled in a tower, a residence or a palace generally built cluded an abbatial church, chapels, cloisters, a chapter-
near the cathedral. Prelates' houses were on the whole hall, and various conventual buildings such as a
similar to those of the richest men in town; they were scriptorium, a library, and sleeping and eating accom
both prestige buildings and military strongholds pro modations for the brothers; service facilities such as store-
tecting clergymen and their property. The monks of the places, a kitchen, an infirmary, and washing facilities; a
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
The Grand Chdtelet gatehouse in Paris (Prance). The Grand Chdtelet, built in 1130, was
intended to defend the access to the island of the Cite. Used as a prison in the Middle
Ages, it was demolished in 1800.
garden, a cemetery and a guest-house. Rural or urban, The municipal militia's main purpose was to defend
monasteries were always enclosed by a wall, which iso the town. The city walls were divided into sectors
lated the community and marked the border between a manned by neighboring militiamen who were grouped
sacred sanctuary and the profane world outside. Some in companies under command of a captain. In time of
monasteries were genuine fortresses; others were just en trouble, the militia was on a war footing; gatehouse con
closed behind a poor wall. trol was reinforced, and persons, boats and vehicles were
searched. The municipality might also raise the entire
male population in case of siege or for an expedition into
URBAN MILITIA enemy territory. In wartime, the militia might be rein
forced by a royal contingent or allied units, but the mu
Among the urban privileges stipulated by the char nicipality was often reluctant to introduce foreign troops
ter of freedom was the right for a free city to raise troops. within its walls, partly for financial reasons and partly for
The urban militia was an armed force composed of phys fear of losing a part of its independence.
ically able volunteers recruited from among the inhabi In peacetime, the militia served as a police force for
tants. Militiamen were not paid, and therefore they were keeping public order. Its members arrested criminals and
recruited from the richest men of the town—the only ones thieves, guarded the accesses and walked night-watch.
who had spare time to train and enough money to pay The militia also played a significant political role by se
for weapons and military equipment. Militiamen were curing the established order and, possibly, repressing re
usually well motivated, for they defended their family bellion against the ruling class.
and property. They fought for a simple cause and con Medieval municipal armed forces obtained several
crete interests: customs, privileges and liberty. resounding military victories. In 1176, Italian militias de-
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
La Rochelle (France). Tour Saint-Nicolas. Together with the Tour de la Chaine and the
Tour de la Lanterne, the huge Saint-Nicolas tower was intended to defend the harbor of
La Rochelle.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
fortifications, which allowed its access to be independent The citadel was therefore strongly fortified with power
from the city gates. The citadel was accessible by a main ful towers, high walls, and a fortified gatehouse with
gate turned toward the city and a secondary access lead drawbridge and deep ditches. This display of strength
ing directly to the countryside. was also intended to deter enemies from laying siege.
In certain cases, the citadel was an ancient preexist The third and most important role was political. The
ing castle or an enlarged and fortified residence around fortress on its rocky height dominated the city and its ap
which the city developed. It might also be a newly cre proach; the town nestled below in its shadow, perpetu
ated fortress fulfilling three distinctive roles. ally reminded of its dependence.
The first role was logistical: The citadel contained Citadels were often built in the most important cities
everything needed in order to resist a long siege, such as of realms, duchies, counties or ecclesiastical principali
living accommodations; stores of food, water and forage; ties as residences for kings, dukes, earls or high prelates.
and arsenals and workshops. It was also a supply point These powerful rulers—living on the resources of the na
and winter quarters for armies in a campaign, as well as tion as a whole—dwelled within splendid palaces with
a military, fiscal and administrative center. gardens and dependencies. In less important cities where
Secondly, the citadel was a powerful military bul the rulers did not live permanently, the citadel was oc
wark. Just like the keep in the medieval castle, it acted cupied by royal, ducal or episcopal representatives and
as a final fall-back position, a retreat from which to con governors. In some cases the citadel was intended to sub
tinue the defense even when the town was conquered. jugate, control and overawe conquered populations of
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
questionable loyalty or municipalities
with rebellious propensity.
The citadel had its own garrison,
loyal to the ruler and ready to repress in
surrections, as well as its own civil ser
vants collecting taxes. The garrison
might also discourage the inhabitants
from surrendering at a premature stage
in a siege. Very often the construction
and maintenance of the expensive citadel
as well as the occupying garrison's pay
were financed by citizens' money.
For all these reasons, the citadel rep
resented a threat. It was an unpopular,
even hated place, an object of terror and
dictatorship as well as a financial bur
den. Consequently, as soon as relation
ships between the occupiers and the con
quered population improved, urban
authorities usually asked for the dis
mantling of the citadel, or at least mili
tary takeover of its expenditures.
In Britain the castles built by King
Edward I in Wales in the second half of
the 13th century were citadels intended
to secure his communication lines, to
house English garrisons and to submit
-i!t4r r
the rebellious Welsh. In France the
citadels were directly linked with the
consolidation of the royal power and the
territorial expansion which principally
begin under Louis XI's reign (Beaune,
Dijon and Auxonne citadels, for exam
ple, were built after the annexation of
Burgundy in 1577). In the Netherlands,
Germany, Spain and Italy, the citadel, re
spectively called dwangburcht, Festung,
alcazaba and rocca, was often both a
dwelling place and a fortress occupied
by the local ruler.
Citadels played an important role in
the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 18th
century, however, citadels lost their po
litical role because of the population's
loyalty, and in the 19th century they lost
their military function because of the cre
ation of outer rings of detached forts.
Today many citadels remain military or
civil administrative centers, and some are
still palaces occupied by nobility, while
others have been turned into prisons or
Top: Verona (Italy). Ponte Scaligero and Castel Vecchio, 1354. Bottom: Schematic view
of a bridge-head: (1) city enceinte; (2) city gatehouse; (3) fortified bridge; (4) fortified
bridge-head with walls and gatehouse
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
San Gimignano (Italy). San Gimignano, situated near Sienna in Tuscany, in the 12th cen
tury was a prosperous free city. However, like many other Italian towns, San Gimignano
was divided by internal rivalry, the Gibelins (partisans of the German emperor) oppos
ing the Guelf party (faithful to the pope). During those troubled times, rich families built
square fortified living towers called torri gentilizie. The highest tower (Torre della Rog-
nosa) was 51 m high. The city had seventy-two towers in the Middle Ages; today, thir
teen are left.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Hotel de Clisson, Paris. The Hotel de Clisson, located at 58 rue des Archives (3rd ar-
rondissement), was built in 1371 by constable Olivier de Clisson. Today only two pep
per-pot turrets are preserved. The rest of the hotel is incorporated in the Hotel de Rohan
and the National French Archives buildings.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Hotel de Sens, Paris. The arch episcopal residence, located in the rue de VH6tel-de-Ville,
was constructed from 1475 to 1507 by the archbishop of Sens. The bishopric of Paris de
pended on the archdiocese of Sens until 1622.
more or less regularly planned and carefully organized, overcrowding, absence of urban services, congested cir
medieval towns were labyrinths of streets, lanes, alleys culation, traffic-jams in narrow streets, noise and
and back-streets. Such irregular layouts developed as a swarming citizens. Beyond their aspect of confusion,
result of landowners (including noblemen, the rich bour however, towns usually did have a measure of organi
geois, and religious communities) jealously preserving zation, being made up of small cells of sorts with their
their possessions. Insistence on private property rights own particularities. Artisans of the same craft were
defeated any attempts at regulation or the application of grouped in special streets or neighborhoods. Clergy
measures aimed at improving municipal facilities for the men clustered around the cathedral; convents, canons-
common good. chapters, the bishop's house, chapels and other reli
Today we tend to picture medieval towns as gious buildings formed a distinct ecclesiastical
squalid and chaotic, with their accumulated houses, establishment within the city. Intellectuals, teachers and
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Palais des Papes in Avignon (Vaucluse, France). Situated at the junction of rivers Rhone
and Durance, the site of Avignon was occupied from the neolithic period onward. The
place was successively dominated by the Celts, the Greeks from Marseille, the Romans,
the Visigoths, the Moors, the Franks, the realm of Aquitaine, the duchy of Provence and
the German empire. In 1129, Avignon became a free city, then passed under the tutelage
of the duke of Anjou in 1290.
At the beginning of the 14th century, Christiandom entered a serious crisis, result
ing in two rival papal powers, one in Rome and the second established by the French king
in Avignon. From 1309 to 1377, seven popes (Clement V, John XXII, Benedict XII,
Clement VI, Innocent VI, Urban V and Gregory XI) ruled the Church from Avignon. This
division came to an end after the council of Constance in 1418, when the pope was re
stored and reestablished in Rome.
The papal palace of Avignon, the fortified residence of the popes, was created by
Benedict XII between 1334 and 1342, enlarged by Clement VI between 1342 and 1352,
modified by Innocent VI from 1352 to 1362 and completed by Urban V from 1362 to
1370. Officially Avignon and its region, the Comtat-Venaissin, belonged to the papacy
until May 1791. During the French Revolution, the Palais des Papes was used as a prison,
and after that as barracks until 1906. Since that time the palace has been a historical mon
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
students (later printers, publishers and booksellers) houses, huts and barns stood here and there amid fields,
were gathered in a part of the city called the university meadows, vegetable gardens and waste-grounds.
(the Latin Quarter in Paris, for example). Merchants Public squares were not numerous, and those that
and traders established their offices, shops and ware existed were rather limited in area. They were formed by
houses near the market, along the main roads and near the junction of two or more alleys, and in the center there
the harbor. Foreign bankers, traders, money-changers, was a pillory, a cross, a statue or a fountain. Towns did
and financiers had their own street or ward. often have a main central square where the largest streets
In some cases, urban space was so limited and the converged. The central square, whose dimensions varied
parcels of ground so expensive that houses were even from town to town, played an essential role in daily eco
built on both sides of the bridges (Ponte Vecchio in Flo nomic and social life. Similar to the Greek agora and the
rence or Pont au Change in Paris, for example). In other Roman forum, it was the heart of the town, on the sides
cases, densely populated areas were concentrated around of which were built the houses of the rich citizens and the
the main square and main streets, leaving a kind of coun main public buildings.
tryside near the walls within the city where scattered Streets are the basic units of public space in a city.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Saint-Germain-des-Pres abbey, Paris. Completed in 558, the site was created as a sanc
tuary for the relic of Saint Vincent's tunic. A place of pilgrimage made famous by mira
cles and wonders, the sanctuary became a benedictine abbey in the 8th century and was
renamed Saint-Germain-des-Pres. The abbey was demolished during the French Revolu
tion in 1794, and today only the Romanesque church is preserved on the boulevard Saint-
In the Middle Ages they were tortuous, dark, narrow, and sale. The combined workshop and storefront en
muddy, filthy and bad-smelling because of the absence of croached upon the street. Consequently, the street was
public services. Some cities did at least order garbage to not only a public circulation way but also a private work
be carted to dumps outside the walls. Street dirt and ma ing and trading space as well as a collective social place
nure were generally washed away by rain, and the rivers of daily life where people met each other, hung around,
were even more important as open sewers than they were shopped, were entertained, played, ate, quarreled, and so
as traffic arteries. Streets were in most cases unpaved with on. In spite of regulations issued by some municipalities
a central draining gutter. They were bumpy and broken regarding the width of streets, the frontage lines that
by the coming and going of carts; encumbered with do could not be exceeded, and the minimum height at which
mestic animals; and spoiled by garbage, dirty water, and a building projection was permissible, encroachment
filth. Most of them were so narrow that they were actu sometimes went to such extremes that a house might ex
ally mere footways and lanes exclusively suitable for tend all the way across a street, leaving only an under
pedestrians. In southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, south pass of minimum viable height.
ern France and Italy) the width of the streets was Stone was an expensive material reserved for the rich
influenced by considerations of climate: a narrow street and used mainly for public buildings. Houses for the
enjoyed maximum shade. common urban people were generally covered with tiles
Streets had names, but no signs on which the names or thatched roofs, and walls were made of bricks or tim
were indicated, and houses did not carry numbers. The ber frameworks filled with cob and dried mud. Walls
houses were packed together and were usually three to might also be made of wattle-and-daub: wattle was a
four stories high, sometimes even higher. Cellars and at frame of wooden stakes with long twigs woven between
tics were generally storing-places, and the upper stories them, and daub was a kind of plaster that was smeared
were arranged as apartments; ground-floors were the do on top of the wattle to make a smooth, thick cement.
main of professional activity, housing both manufacture Houses' internal arrangements and creature comforts
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
varied according to region, period and the wealth of the important personality or a military victory—all were cel
dwellers, but on the whole, living conditions were rather ebrated with church bells ringing, decorated facades, col
primitive and home facilities were poor. Citizens had to orful parades, receptions, tournaments, jousts, popular
fetch water from the nearest public fountain and attend feasts, and banquets with music and dance. The church
public baths. organized imposing free shows before the cathedral; these
Life in town was hard, but the population was reg so-called mystery plays are ancestors of secular theater.
ularly entertained. Local feasts, numerous religious cer Inns and taverns, too, were places of meeting, discussion,
emonies (notably the days of saints), harvests, the com music, dance and fun. Public baths and taverns might
ing of the king, the birth of a prince, the marriage of an also be places of prostitution.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, Metz (France). As early as 561 Metz was the capital of the Merovingian
realm of Austrasia and an important bishopric. In the 12th century it became a free city
within the German empire, and in the following centuries the municipality constructed
a wall 6 km in perimeter with 38 towers, wet ditches and 18 gatehouses. In 1552, the
king of France, Henri II, took Toul, Verdun and Metz from Charles V, emperor of Ger
many and king of Spain. The duke Francois de Guise reshaped the fortifications in 1552
and erected a bastioned citadel in 1560. The ground-plan shows the fortifications, the
ducal citadel (1) and the main gates: the Mazelle gate (2), the Allemands gate (3) and the
Sainte-Barbe gate (4).
At twilight, the town lost all animation; curfew time likely rob or even kill anyone so imprudent as to walk in
had come. City gatehouses, posterns and drawbridges the darkness without armed escort.
were closed. Chains were stretched out across the main With their closely packed houses, in a time when
streets to forbid circulation, and each and every home light required flame, medieval towns were particularly
was barricaded. During the night, streets and squares were vulnerable to fire. Fire brigades, if they existed, were
dark and deserted. In the darkness, insecurity reigned, poorly organized, the streets were narrow, and most
thanks to the misery of large parts of the population, the houses were made of flammable material. For all these
absence of public lighting, the shortage and inadequacy reasons, a fire could spread rapidly from one house to a
of the police force (the night-watch recruited from among whole ward and even destroy the entire city. Between
the municipal militia). From dusk till dawn, streets were 1200 and 1225, Rouen (Normandy) was devastated six
the exclusive domain of thieves and brigands who would times by fire.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Ground-plan, Angers (France). Angers, situated on the river Maine in the department of
Maine-et-Loire, was the oppidum and the ancient capital of the Andicave Celtic tribe and
then a Roman town called Juliomagnus. In the 10th century Angers was the capital of
the county of Anjou, cradle of the Plantagenet family that would rule England. Angers
was reattached to the realm of France in the beginning of the 13th century. The
fortifications were then extended and a huge castle-citadel was built between 1228 and
1238. The ground-plan shows the suburb Doutre on the right bank of river Maine with
the Lionnoise gate (1), the old city on the left bank with the Saint-Michel gate (2), the
Saint-Aubin gate (3) and the castle (4). The urban fortifications were demolished in the
19th century, but the castle is perfectly preserved today.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Florence (Italy). Florence (Firenze in Italian) is the capital of Tuscany. The town was
founded about 59 BC by the Romans on the right bank of river Arno. In the 12th cen
tury Florence was a prosperous city with fortifications erected from 1173 to 1175. In the
13 th century, the city grew significantly, resulting in another wall 8.5 km in perimeter with
73 towers and 15 gates. Florence, ruled by the banker family Medici, played a major role
in the Renaissance. After the siege of October 1529, the emperor of Germany and king
of Spain, Charles V, ordered the construction in 1532 of a bastioned citadel (Fortezza Da
Basso) designed by the military engineer Antonio da San Gallo the Younger. In 1569, Flo
rence became the capital of the great duchy of Tuscany. Between 1590 and 1595, the great
duke Ferdinand I ordered the construction of a bastioned wall and another fortress
(Fortezza Di Belvedere) in the southern part of the town. The capital of Italy from 1865
to 1870, Florence is a cultural and architectural wonder.
The ground-plan shows the principal buildings, the city-gates, the ancient Roman
castrum (1), the first enceinte from 1173 (2), the second wall from 1284 (3), the Fortezza
Da Basso from 1532 (4), the southern wall (5) and the Fortezza Di Belvedere (6) from
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Ground-plan, Antwerp (Belgium) in 1610. Antwerp was the second main Belgian city after
Brussels. The town appeared in the 3rd century near a Benedictine abbey. The
fortifications developed in several phases. The first core (1), called Burcht, dating from
about 980, included the Steen castle and the Saint-Walburg church. In the 11th century
the town was enlarged with a suburb called Ruienstad (2). The city was then a member
of the German Hansa, and because of growth and wealth a third wall (3) was built be
tween 1240 and 1291. In the following centuries Antwerp was such a rich port and pros
perous city that a fourth wall (4) was erected in 1415. This fourth wall was 5.50 km in
perimeter and included masonry walls, 52 towers, wet ditches and seven gates. In the 16th
century, the city and the harbor continued to be enlarged. Emperor Charles V ordered
the modernization of the fortifications by adding new curtains with Italian-style bastions
(5) designed in 1540 by the engineer Donato Boni di Pellezuolo. A bastioned citadel (6)
was built in 1567 by the engineers Francesco Pacciotto and Bartholomeo Scampi. Com
pleted in 1569, the citadel made manifest the ideal of the pentagonal bastioned citadel.
The defenses also included two bastioned strongholds on the opposite bank of river
Schelde: fort Flander Headbridge (7) and fort Isabella (8). Enceinte and citadel were de
molished in the 19th century when the fortifications of Antwerp were completly renewed
to form the Belgian National Reduit.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Citadel of Dijon, Burgundy (France). After the death of the duke of Burgundy, Charles
le Temeraire, in 1477, the province of Burgundy was annexed to the French realm, and
King Louis XI decided to build a strong citadel to control the inhabitants. Continued by
King Charles VIII, the construction of the castle was completed in 1512 during King
Louis XIFs reign. The Dijon citadel was a huge square with four high circular corner-
towers with traditional crenels and machicolation. The citadel was adapted to firearms
with casemates, embrasures and two huge artillery towers defending both gatehouses, the
Boulevard de la Ville towards the town and the Boulevard Louis XII turned towards the
countryside. Dijon citadel was dismantled in 1890.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Another danger for the urban population was epi tional representations of their ideals. Meanwhile, engi
demics. The spread of disease was facilitated by domes neering skills greatly increased, stone cutting improved
tic animals, promiscuity and lack of hygiene. beyond all recognition, and builders came to a proper
Does this mean that medieval cities, badly lit, de understanding of thrusts.
prived of trees and parks, overcrowed and unsanitary, Gothic or ogival architecture, created about 1140 in
were not good places to live? Perhaps not; for in spite of Ile-de-France (the very heart of the French kingdom
social inequality, hardship, insecurity, fire and sickness, around Paris), fully deserves the name opus modernum
towns grew, became more populated, increased the range or francigenum (modern or French work) given by con
of their activities, and reached prosperity at least until the temporary commentators. Spreading on beyond northern
end of 13th century. The fact that cities were crowded France, the Gothic style became the art of the entire West
only proves that they were successful. There is only one until the Renaissance. The elegant, weightless and lumi
criterion of failures for cities: depopulation. In the 14th nous Gothic art is closely linked with the primacy of
century, however, epidemics, disorder and war resulted French civilization and the authority of the French sov
in urban regression, depopulation, paralysis of transport, ereigns, but its tremendous development is also explained
decline of economic productivity, business breakdown, by its intrinsic value: Its three basic features—ogave ribs,
social troubles and moral crisis. the broken arch, and the flying buttress—concentrate
thrusts at a few critical points and thus eliminate the
solid Romanesque walls. Gothic cathedrals reach out for
universality; they reflect a harmonious balance and ex
press the cultural upsurge of the golden age of the 13th
If the cathedral was the pride of the city, churches
Seen from the countryside, the medieval city dis were a daily necessity everywhere. Each district of a
played a severe barrier of moats, walls, towers and gate town, called a parish, had its own place of worship, and
houses marking a strict frontier between the urban area even in towns, the parish church was often hemmed by
and the rural space. Behind this facade, one saw the roofs a cemetery.
with chimneys, turrets, pinnacles, gables, echauguettes, City growth, overpopulation and emancipation ne
pignons, church bell-towers and convent chapels as well cessitated new public buildings, which were witnesses of
as several huge religious and public buildings. Because the the prosperous, proud and dynamic medieval urban civ
growing urban populations required larger churches, gen ilization. The town hall was frequently built on the main
erally the most impressive of the buildings was an enor square. This official functional building was intended as
mous and vertiginous cathedral. meeting place for the municipal council. It included a
Romanesque religious art dominated the period from vast hall for deliberations, meetings, feasts and recep
1050 to 1150. Its main characteristics were a Latin tions; offices for civil servants; and a room for the city
cross-shaped plan, a rectangular nave (preceded by a archives. The town hall was also the expression of the
narthex and a portal), a transept, aisles continuing city's wealth, authority and freedom, and for this reason
around the apse forming a choir with ambulatory, an un it was richly decorated with high-pitched roofs, pinna
derground crypt, a chevet with radiating apsidioles and cles, statues, sumptuous staircases, high windows, and
chapels, thick walls, small windows and a round vaulted carvings. The town hall was frequently crowned by a
ceiling. The interior decoration included sculptures and high tower used as an observatory to watch over the
polychrome frescos. vicinity of the town. The tower was fitted with a bell to
In the 12th and 13th centuries, the ideology of the use as an alarm for fire. The town-hall tower was both a
Church was fully developed, and the intense desire for donjon with crenellation, machicolation, watch-tower
salvation in the next world, coupled with an awful fear and echauguettes and a cathedral bell-tower with rich
of damnation, gave rise to a preoccupation with life after Gothic architectural decorations.
death—probably the most intense preoccupation since Some towns had a semi-fortified building for the ad
the days of Ancient Egypt. All actions were colored by ministration of justice, such as the Bargello in Florence,
their imagined effects on chances of salvation, and built about 1250. The guilds formed political and eco
Heaven and Hell were no longer figures of speech but nomic organizations with their own houses or halls. A
very real places for which mankind was inevitably bound. guild hall was generally composed of a large room for
Outside the body of the Church there were few intellec meetings and feasts, administrative offices and a room
tuals, and practically no one could read, so medieval for archives.
builders symbolized their religious beliefs in stone, mak Cities were economic centers, places of production
ing churches and cathedrals into dramatized and educa and consumption. The increasing importance of trade
Sainte-Chapelle, Paris (France). The Sainte-Chapelle was completed in 1248. It was built
inside the royal palace in the He de la Cite by the king of France, Louis IX, to house the
relic of Christ's thorn-crown. The chapel is a jewel of Gothic art with a few buttresses,
wide windows and a 75 m high clock-tower.
Town hall and tower in Brussels (Belgium). The town hall of Brussels was built between
1402 and 1454. The tower is 96 m high.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
necessitated the creation of adapted commercial public (drapery market) in Ghent, Belgium. The existence of
spaces open to all. In great towns, markets were special these specialized spaces of trade should not, however,
ized according to the goods exchanged (fish market, hay blind us to a basic fact: The entire medieval city was a
market, flower market, horse market, herb market and market, and most streets were places of production and
so on). Spots of colorful activity, of shouting, hawking business.
and movement, markets were installed in open squares, Each kingdom, duchy, and region—and many a town
in covered spaces fitted with timber roofs (such as in as well—had its own measure system and its own money.
Dives-sur-Mer in Normandy, for example), or in splen Changers, traders, bankers, financiers and merchants met
did Gothic-decorated houses such as the Lakenhalle in a special place that became a public house, called a
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Modena (Italy). Modena, in Emilia-Romagna, was founded by the Etruscans and became
the Roman town Mutina in 183 BC. From 1336 until 1796, Modena belonged to the fam
ily Este from Ferrare. After 1598, the family Este was driven offFerrare by the pope, and
the Estes established their capital in Modena. The ground-plan shows the bastioned cas
tle-citadel (1), the Venetian-style fortifications and the main gates: the Castle gate (2), the
Bologne gate (3), the Saint-Francis gate (4) and the Saint-Augustine gate (5).
stock exchange or money market, for commercial trans pitals. Financed by the municipality, the king or a char
actions and banking operations. itable rich citizen, a hospital generally included latrines,
Cities had sanitary problems: Growing populations, a chapel, various service buildings, separate dormitories
poor sanitation, impure water and vermin led to recur for men and women and several specialized wards for
rent epidemics. Fleas, lice, mice and rats were an unwel the sick, the newly delivered mothers, the dying and the
come but common sight. In the 14th century the problem recovering. Volunteer nurses organized in semi-religious
of vermin-spread disease reached disastrous proportions, orders took care of the sick and dying. Service was free,
culminating in the Black Death in the years 1 3 4 8 - 5 0 . the costs covered by the income from gifts and legacies.
Traditionally it was the Church who provided accom Because private commerce and public administra
modations for the sick, as well as for pilgrims and beg tion required a much greater supply of trained jurists,
gars. Beginning in the 13th century, municipal authorities scholars, notaries and scribes, cities began to develop
took over part of this task, and many towns had their universities. At first students lived in public inns, where
own orphanages, old people's homes, hospices and hos their lives were ruled more by drink, women, and songs
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, Parma (Italy). Parma is situated on the river Parma in the province of
Emilia-Romagna. An important crossroads between Piacenzia, Modena, Mantova and La
Spezzia, the town was created by the Etruscans about 525 BC and became a Roman
colony called Julia Augusta in 183 BC. The real development of Parma began with the
Ostrogoth king Theodorik (489-526) and was continued during the Byzantine domina
tion from 553 to 568. Conquered by the Lombards in 579, Parma became a free city in
the 11th century. From 1341 until 1513, Parma was ruled by the family Visconti from Milan.
It then became a part of the pope's territory. In 1445, Pope Paul III Farnese made Parma
a duchy for his son Pietro-Ludovico. The dukes of the Farnese family ruled until 1731.
The ground-plan shows the situation in the 16th century, when Parma was defended by
bastioned fortifications.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
than by study. Gradually, however, the college system lowed the pattern of the mendicant convents and the
produced order and discipline, which resulted in a high urban Gothic hospitals. The most highly reputed me
standard of learning. Usually situated on donated lands dieval university was the Sorbonne in Paris, attracting
and financed by gifts, colleges offered education in Latin, students and teachers from all parts of Europe.
along with board and lodging. Their architecture fol
Ground-plan, Lucca (Italy). Lucca is situated north of Pisa in Tuscany. It was founded
by the Etruscans and became a Roman camp and a colony in the 2nd century BC. In the
12th century, Lucca was a free city, and during the Renaissance it was ruled by the con-
dottiere Castruccio Castracani. Between 1554 and 1568, the engineer Francesco Paciotto
built new fortifications in the Italian style, composed of 12 m high curtains, arrow-headed
bastions and four gates. Reshaped and completed in 1645, the fortifications of Lucca are
4 km in perimeter, and are today perfectly preserved.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, fortifications of Rome (Italy). Fortifications around Rome date from the
creation of the town: According to legend, the first wall (1) was built in April 753 BC by
Remus and Romulus. After the disastrous Gallic raid in 387 BC, the Roman republic un
dertook the construction of a larger enceinte (2) enclosing the seven hills of the Urbs.
Those fortifications, called Servius Tullius's wall, were built about 390 BC. The walls were
10 m high and 4 m thick with a 9 m wide moat. Between 270 and 275 AD the emperor
Aurelian had new enlarged fortifications built. The resulting wall, called Aurelian's wall
(3), was 19 km in perimeter, 6 to 8 m high and 3 to 4 m thick; it included 380 towers
and 12 gatehouses. The emperor Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD) built a castle-barracks for the
imperial guard, the Praetorian camp (4). In the 5th century, because of the Barbarian in
vasions, the height of Aurelian's wall was increased to 10 to 16 m.
The state of Vatican was the ancient papal territory in Rome. The first fortifications
were constructed by Pope Leon IV from 847 to 855 after a devastating raid launched by
Moorish pirates in 846. In 1527, Rome was looted by mercenaries in service of the Ger
man emperor Charles V, and Alexander Farnese, who became Pope Paul III, undertook
new fortifications (5). These included bastions and moats built between 1537 and 1548,
designed by engineers Antonio da San Gallo the Younger and Castriotto.
Hadrian's mausoleum was built between 135 and 138 AD and used as an imperial
cemetery. In the 13th century the mausoleum became a fortress for the popes. Between
1484 and 1493, it became the castle SanfAngelo (6), defended by bastions designed by
Antonio da San Gallo the Elder. The popes that followed continued the defensive works
until 1569, enclosing the Saint-Peter church, completed in 1614. The last Vatican
fortifications were bastions and walls (7) built on Mount Gianicolo during Urban VIITs
pontificate between 1623 and 1644.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, Palma Nova (Italy). In the Renaissance, Italian urbanists and military en
gineers designed what they thought to be the ideal city. Combining urban life and de
fense, it was composed of streets regularly radiating out from a central square to circu
lar bastioned fortifications. The ideal radio-concentric city was, however, a mixed blessing
in practice. The living districts were too narrow at the center of the circle and too wide
on its periphery, and the fortifications transformed the city into a militarized zone in which
all public facilities were submitted to defensive purposes. The fortifications imprisoned
the inhabitants in a strict frame, excluding any possibility of further urban development.
Palma Nova, situated near Udine in the valley of the river Po, was an "ideal" city cre
ated ex nihilo by Venice. Intended to be a part of the Venetian defense network, Palma
Nova was designed in 1593 by Vicenzo Scamozzi and Guilio Savorgnano. Perfectly pre
served today, Palma Nova is one of the few realizations of the Italian theoretical ideal
city. Divided in a radial organization, it includes nine bastions, a moat, a covered way
and three gates.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Opposite: Chester (Britain). Situated in Cheshire south of Liverpool, Chester was a cas-
trum created by the Romans in a bend of the river Dee. For about 200 years, Chester
was garrisoned by Roman legion XX (Valeria Victrix). The Roman fortifications were re
shaped in the beginning of the 10th century by Aethelflaed, King Alfred's daughter. The
ground-plan shows the fortifications—which today are well preserved—with (1) North-
gate, (2) King Charles tower, (3) Kalevards gate, (4) Eastgate, (5) the castle and (6) Wa
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Opposite: Ground-plan, Avila (Spain). Avila is situated on the 1,131 m high plateau of
Meseta, dominating the Rio Adaja northwest of Madrid in Castilla. An ancient Celtic op-
pidum, Roman castrum and Moorish stronghold, Avila has preserved all of its
fortifications (las Murallas), built in 1090 by Raymond de Bourgogne during the Recon
quista. Designed by master-builders Cassendro and Florian de Ponthieu, the defenses of
Avila form a rectangle 900 m x 450 m. The enceinte includes crenellated walls 12 m high
and 3 m thick, flanked by 86 high half-cylindrical towers and eight main gatehouses.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
OM 200
Ground-plan, Lugo (Spain). Lugo is situated on the river Mino in Galicia. The ancient
capital of the Roman province Gallcecia in the 1st century AD, Lugo has preserved its
entire medieval-era wall, which is 2 km in perimeter.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Ground-plan, Badajoz (Spain). Badajoz lies on the river Guadiana in Estremadura, near
the border with Portugal. Created by the Romans, the town was the capital of the small
Moorish realm in the 11th century, which was fortified with walls and an alcazaba. The
king of Leon reconquered Badajoz in 1228, and from then on, the city was an important
fortress facing Portugal. The medieval fortifications were adapted to firearms, and in the
16th century Badajoz was enclosed by a bastioned enceinte, which today is well pre
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, Liibeck (Germany). Liibeck is situated at the junction of rivers Trave and
Wackenitz near the Baltic Sea in the northern province of Schlewig-Holstein. The town
was created in 1143 by the count ofHolstein, Adolf II von Schauenburg. Beginning about
1159, through the influence of the duke of Saxony, Heinrich the Lion, Liibeck became an
important town trading with Baltic and Slav merchants. The fortifications, including
walls, towers, gatehouses and wet moats formed by both the Trave and the Wackenitz,
were built about 1230. Populated, active and prosperous, Liibeck was one of the most
important cities associated with the German Hansa. Between 1595 and 1604, the town
was fortified with Italian-style bastions designed by the military engineer Giovanni
Pasqualini. The fortifications were demolished between 1783 and 1803.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Ground-plan, Fritzlar (Germany). Situated on the river Eder, south of Kassel in the
province of Hesse, Fritzlar has retained all of its 13th century fortifications. The ground-
plan shows the main towers: (1) Frauenturm, (2) Grauerturm, (3) Grebenturm, (4) Rosen-
turm, (5) Jordansturm, (6) Rundturm, (7) Regilturm, (8) Steingossenturm, (9) Turm am
Bad, (10) Bleichenturm and (11) Winterturm.
Ground-plan, Nordlingen (Germany). Nordlingen is situated south of Rothenburg in
Bavaria. The medieval fortifications (Stadmauer) are perfectly preserved. The ground-plan
shows the towers and the gates: (1) Baldingertor, (2) Spizturm, (3) Unter Wasser Turm,
(4) Lupsingertor, (5) Deinigertor, (6) Reisturm, (7) Reimlingertor, (8) Alte Bastei, (9)
Feilturm, (10) Bergertor and (11) Lowenturm.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Ground-plan, Laon (France). Laon is the ancient Gallic-Roman town of Laudanum, sit
uated on a 181 m high chalky hill northwest of Reims in the department of Aisne. In the
5th century Laon was an important bishopric, and during the Carolingian time (8th to
10th century), Laon was one of the capitals of the Frankish kings. The town lost its po
litical importance when the Capetian kings transferred the capital to Paris, but Laon re
mained a significant religious and intellectual center. The ground-plan shows both parts
of the town: The western part is the Bourg with the Soissons gate (1); the eastern part is
the Cite with the Chenizelles gate (2), the Notre-Dame cathedral, the Ardon gate (3) and
the bastioned citadel (4) built by engineer Jean Errard during the reign of the french king
Henri IV at the end of the 16th century.
Opposite: Ground-plan of the enceinte of Philippe Auguste in Paris (France). The site of
the actual capital of France was occupied as early as 300 BC by the Celtic tribe Parisii,
who established an oppidum on the small island in the middle of river Seine. In 52 BC
the oppidum was conquered by Julius Caesar and became a Gallo-Roman town called
Lutecia. During the Barbarian invasions about 253 AD, the town was reduced in size
and fortified. Paris became the capital of the Frankish realm, but it was in full decline
during the Carolingian era when the emperors established the capital in Achen in Ger
many. Paris was attacked by Norsemen in 845, 856 and 861. In the 10th century Paris
was the capital of the Capetian dynasty and grew to be one of the largest European me
dieval cities. King Philippe Auguste, who reigned from 1180 to 1223, undertook the con
struction of stone fortifications in 1190. Philippe Auguste's enceinte was composed of cur
tains flanked by 39 towers, a ditch and 18 gatehouses. In 1204 began the construction of
the Louvre fortress. The French king Charles V, who reigned from 1364 to 1380, had a
second wall built in 1370 to protect new suburbs developing on the right bank of the Seine.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Guerande (France). Guerande in Loire-Atlantique was a border town between the realm
of France and the duchy of Brittany. The 14th century fortifications, including walls,
towers and four gatehouses, are perfectly preserved.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
Toulouse (France). Toulouse (Tolosa in the Occitan language), situated on the banks of
river Garonne, was the ancient capital of the Celtic tribe Volsque. A bishopric and an
important trading center, Tolosa became the capital of the Visigoth realm in 419. Con
quered by the Franks in 507, it then became the capital of the rich province of Aquitaine,
then that of the county of Toulouse. In the 12th century Tolosa was an independent free
city, and the ancient Roman enceinte was reshaped and enlarged in the period 1140-1152.
In the beginning of the 13th century the suburb Saint-Cyprien on the opposite side of the
Garonne was incorporated and linked to the town by three bridges. Toulouse was severely
damaged during the Albigenese Crusade. It was besieged and taken and its fortifications
demolished by order of Crusade leader Simon de Montfort. The town and the county of
Toulouse were then annexed to the French crown in 1271.
5—Towns from the 12th to the 16th Centuries
Nice (France). Nice in the Alpes-Maritime is the queen of the French Riviera. The city
was founded by the Greeks of Marseille in 350 BC as a modest trading post. The Ro
mans concentrated their colonization efforts on nearby Cimiez, whose splendor over
shadowed that of Nice. Barbarian and Saracen invasions, however, reduced Cimiez to
nothing, so it was Nice that began to develop under the counts of Provence in the 10th
century. At the beginning of the 14th century Nice was ruled by the dynasty of Anjou and
was annexed by the dukes of Savoy in 1388. Except for a few short interruptions, Nice
belonged to Savoy until 1860. But before Nice was reattached to France, it was a strate
gic border town and therefore had many fortifications, including medieval walls and a
castle built on the dominating hill. In the 16th century, the defenses of Nice also included
bastioned citadels and coastal forts built by the dukes of Savoy around the city in Ville-
franche-sur-Mer (a harbor created in 1295 by Charles II of Anjou): Citadel Saint-Elmo,
Fort Mont-Alban and Fort Saint Hospice.
Ground-plan, La Rochelle (France). La Rochelle in the Charente-Maritime was the cap
ital of the medieval province Aunis. Founded in 1130 by the duke of Aquitaine, Guillaume
II, La Rochelle belonged to the Plantagenet English empire and became French in 1372.
Fortifications were built in the 14th and 15th centuries to defend the city and the harbor
(remains are the Saint-Nicolas tower, la Chaine tower and la Lanterne tower). About 1500,
the fortifications were enlarged and modernized, and the gatehouses were fitted with ar
tillery bulwarks. La Rochelle became a Protestant place and was fortified during the wars
of religion between 1558 and 1568 under the direction ofFranqois "Iron-arm" de La Noue
and engineer Scipione Vergano. The fortifications of La Rochelle were again modernized
between 1596 and 1602. A port open to the English, nicknamed "synagogue of Satan"
by the Catholics of the area, La Rochelle and its rebellious Protestant population were
finally brought into submission by Cardinal Richelieu and King Louis XIII after a long
and tragic siege that began in September 1627. In spite of help provided by the duke of
Buckingham, the city was forced to surrender in October 1628. The ground-plan shows
the situation in the period 1558-1568.
Castles and Fortified Cities of Medieval Europe
The monuments of yesterday are documents worthy its past will find its regrets much more profound and
of study. In a rapidly changing world, with different val long-lasting. In Europe, although much has been lost,
ues, this is more true than ever. And if such documents much of this priceless heritage is still preserved—and it is
are worthy of study, then they are surely worthy of priceless, for no amount of money can ever replace it.
preservation for what they are and what they represent. There is still time to ensure that it continues to be pre
Any civilization that neglects its future will certainly served for the pleasure and instruction of generations to
come to regret it someday. But a civilization that neglects come.
Castle Pierrefonds (France). Situated near Compiegne department Oise north of Paris,
Pierrefonds was originally an 11th century motte-and-bailey castle built by Lord Nivelon.
Enlarged in the 12th century, then abandoned and ruined, the site was rebuilt between
1390 and 1407 by the royal architect Jean le Noir to serve as residence to Louis d*Or
leans, king Charles VI's brother. Dismantled in 1617 by Cardinal Richelieu, Pierrefonds
lay in ruins until 1857, when the architect Eugene Viollet-le-Duc rebuilt it to serve as a
residence to the French emperor Napoleon III. Viollet-le-Duc's reconstruction was his
torically rather reliable but also showed the architect's enthusiasm for neo-Gothic ar
chitecture. Pierrefonds is less a medieval castle than an expression of the 19th century ro
mantic attitude regarding the Middle Ages, and teaches us to be careful about architectural
Books about the Middle Ages, medieval castles and towns are numer
ous. Even more numerous are the books, brochures, leaflets and arti
cles concerning local fortifications. Because it is impossible to enu
merate all publications, I shall list below only a subjective selection of
a few works particularly relevant, useful and interesting, in the hope
that they may provide sources of further reading.
Benevolo, L. La Citta Europea. Rome, 1993. Marchand, P., and Jusserand, N. La France Medievale. Paris,
Boussart, J . Atlas Historique et Culturel de la France. Paris, 1997.
1957. Martin, P. Armes et Armures. Fribourg, 1967.
Braun, G., and Hogenberg, F. Civitates Or bis Terr arum. Merian, M. Theatrum Europaeum. 1635.
Cologne, 1572. Mesqui, J . Chateaux-forts et Fortifications en France. Paris,
Brice, M.H. Stronghold. London, 1984. 1997.
Brochart, P. Chevaliers et Chateaux-forts. Paris, 1985. Moerman, I. W. Kastelen. Bussum, 1970.
Chatelain, A. Chateaux-forts. Paris, 1987. Monnier, G. Histoire de VArchitecture. Paris, 1994.
Douglas-Simpson, W. Castles in Britain. London, 1966. Neumann, H. Festungsbaukunst. Bonn, 1988.
Duchet-Suchaux, G. Les Chateaux-forts. Paris, 1994. Paluzie de Lescazes, C. Castles of Europe. Barcelona, 1981.
Forde-Johnson, J . Castles and Fortifications in Britain and Ire Reyen, P. Middeleeuwse Kastelen. Bussum, 1965.
land. London, 1977. Rocolle, P. 2000 Ans de Fortification Francaise. Paris, 1989.
Gistel, G. Bur gen und Schldsser in Osterreich. Vienna. Saalman, H. Medieval Cities. London.
Harouel, J-L. Histoire de VUrbanisme. Paris, 1995. Sailhan, P. La Fortification. Paris, 1991.
Haucourt, G. La Vie au Moyen Age. Paris, 1987. Salch, C. L. Dictionnaire des Chateaux et des Fortifications du
Herrera-Casado, A. Castillos y Fortalezas. Madrid, 1989. Moyen-Age en France. Strasbourg, 1979.
Huizinga, S. Vestingsteden. Amsterdam, 1990. Salch, C. L. Les Plus Beaux Chateaux-forts en France. Stras
Hugues, Q. Military Architecture. Hants, 1974. bourg, 1987.
Janneau, G. Cites et Places Fortes. Paris, 1979. Schellart, A. Burchten en Kastelen. The Hague.
Janse, H. Stadswallen en Stadspoorten. Zaltbommel, 1974. Treu, H., and Sneep, J . Vesting. The Hague, 1982.
Le Halle, G. Precis de Fortification. Paris, 1983. Vercauteren, F. UEurope Histoire et Culture. Brussels, 1972.
Lepage, J-D. Vestingbouw. Zutphen, 1995. Viollet-le-Duc, E. Histoire d'une Forteresse. Paris, 1874.
Libal, D. Chateaux-forts et Fortifications en Europe. Paris,
de Vauban, Sebastien Le Preste Guadamur, Spain 1 7 2 , 1 7 3 La Motta, Spain 201 Mont-Alban, France 2 4 2
210, 2 4 8 Guelf 2 5 3 , 2 7 5 Landsknecht 104, 106, 183 Monte Cassino, Italy 13
Dijon, France 2 9 0 Guerande, France 2 6 5 , 319 Langeais, France 4 2 , 4 5 Montfoort, Netherlands 5 5
Djihad 73 Guild 2 5 5 , 2 9 1 Laon, France 316 Mont-Saint-Michel, France 2 5 ,
Dominian 5 Guimaraes, Portugal 5 9 Largoet-en-Elven, France 150, 2 6 , 216
Douve 116, 117 Gun (fabrication of) 178, 179, 151 Motte-and-bailey castle 2 9 , 3 4 ,
Dover, Great Britain 51 181 La Rochelle, France 2 7 0 , 3 2 3 35, 45
Dowry 5 8 Gun (muzzle loading of) 179, Lassay, France 210 Mudejar 13
Drainage 134 180 Latrine 51, 5 2 Muiden, Netherlands 118, 119
Drawbridge 119, 138 Gunpowder 178, 179, 181 Lay-brother 9 0 Municipality 2 5 6
Dubrovnik, Croatia 213 Gutenberg, Liechenstein 162 Leon III 16 Murder-hole 121
Duke 9 , 1 6 , 2 3 Gutenfels, Germany 163 Leonardo da Vinci 193, 194,
Dulle Griet 181 217 Nancy, France 261
du Puy, Raymond 7 7 Hadrian 5 Le Rouge, Alain 5 0 Nantes, France 2 2 4 , 2 8 5
Durer, Albrecht 197, 2 2 1 , 2 2 2 Hague-Dike, France 19 Light 5 7 , 1 2 7 Natal, Brasil 2 4 0
Hainburg, Austria 2 6 7 Limes 5 Nice, France 3 2 2
fichauguette 6 4 , 6 5 , 6 7 , 1 0 8 , Hall 123 Lisbon, Portugal 3 3 , 215 Niche 41, 4 2 , 1 0 9
113 Ham, France 190, 191 List 1 0 8 , 1 0 9 Niort, France 68
Edward I 1 3 2 , 2 5 1 Hansa 2 5 6 , 2 9 7 Loches, France 5 2 , 2 5 2 Nogent-le-Rotrou, France 4 5
Eilean Donan, Great Britain Harvest 5 8 Logistics 106 Nordlingen, Germany 314
127 Hattin, Israel 7 8 London, Great-Britain 4 9 , 5 0 , Norman 17, 19, 2 0 , 2 2 , 2 3 ,
Embrasure 1 8 8 , 1 9 9 Hauberk 18, 8 7 , 9 9 51 122, 2 5 0
Escorial, Spain 7 4 Helmond, Netherlands 167 Loophole 2 9 , 5 2 , 5 4 , 6 7 , 7 0 , Nuremberg, Germany 2 8 3 ,
Estremoz, Spain 177 Henry VIII 2 0 0 , 2 0 9 111, 116, 2 5 7 , 2 5 8 284
Evoramonte, Portugal 2 2 3 Heraklion, Crete 2 2 6 Lothar 17
Ewssum, Netherlands 168 Heruli 8 Louis I X 7 1 , 1 0 5 Obidos, Portugal 131
Hoarding 3 9 , 4 0 , 4 9 , 5 2 Louis X I 4 5 Odoaker 8
Falaise, France 6 9 , 7 0 , 71 Hochosterwitz, Austria 2 2 3 Louis the Pious 17 Oilette 111
Falconry 5 7 Holy Father 2 3 Louver 5 5 Oostvoorne, Netherlands 5 4
Fascine 1 8 5 , 187 Holy Roman Empire 2 0 Louvre castle, France 121 Oratores 2 3
Faubourg 2 5 8 Homage 2 3 Lubeck, Germany 311 Order of Christ 86
Fausse-braie 1 9 2 , 2 0 9 Horizontal flanking 6 7 , 6 9 Lucca, Italy 2 9 7 Order of Montesa 8 0
Feldkirch, Austria 161 Hospital 2 9 5 Ludwig the German 17 Order of Saint-Lazare 8 0 , 84
Ferrare, Italy 2 9 4 Hospitaler 7 7 , 7 8 , 7 9 , 87; see Lugo, Spain 3 0 8 Origin of city 2 5 0
Ferte 2 8 also Knights of Saint-John Luneburg, Netherlands 4 4 Orillon 2 0 4 , 2 3 4 , 2 3 5
Feudalism 2 0 , 2 2 , 2 3 , 1 2 2 , 2 5 0 Huchet 108 Ost 105
Fire 2 8 6 Hundred Years' War 134, 1 3 5 , Maastricht, Netherlands 271 Ostia, Italy 2 2 7
Firearms, portable 181, 1 8 3 , 1 3 7 , 1 4 0 , 179 Machicolation 137, 138, 142, Ostmark 16
185; see also Gun, Gunpow Hunneschans, Netherlands 3 0 143,144 Ostrogoths 10
der Huns 8 Maggi, Girolame 2 0 6 Otto I the Great 2 0
Flag 5 3 Hunting 2 5 , 5 7 Magna Carta 2 5 3 Oubliette 132
Flanking 6 7 Magyards 19 Outremer 71
Florence, Italy 2 8 8 Ideal city 2 2 1 , 3 0 0 Majordomus 8
Foix, France 158 Ingeniatores 9 6 Malta 7 8 Palace 142
Food 5 5 , 1 3 2 Ingenieur, Maurice 1' 51 Manzanares-el-Real, Spain 2 2 5 Palais 123
Forest 2 6 , 2 7 Innocent III 7 8 Maqueda, Spain 112 Palast 123
Fort 1, 197 Islam 11, 13 Margat, Israel 7 9 , 8 0 Palma Nova, Italy 3 0 0
Forum 281 Issoudun, France 6 0 Mariastein, Austria 160 Paris, France 1 2 1 , 1 4 8 , 2 6 2 ,
Fougeres, France 216 Istanbul, Turkey 10 Marka 16 2 7 8 , 2 7 9 , 2 8 2 , 2 9 2 , 317
Foulque Nerra 4 2 , 5 2 Market 2 9 4 Parish 2 3
Francois I 1 5 7 , 1 9 4 Jerusalem, Israel 2 4 , 7 0 , 8 0 , 88 Martini, Georgio 1 9 5 , 2 1 8 , Parma, Italy 2 9 6
Fritzlar, Germany 312 Joust 5 7 219, 2 2 7 , 228 Patrician house 2 5 9 , 2 6 0 , 2 7 5 ,
Furniture 5 5 , 127 Justice 132 Marvejols, France 2 6 9 276, 277
Justinian 10 Master-builder 133 Pavis 9 6
Gabion 1 8 5 , 187 Mendicant orders 2 5 8 Payens, Hugues de 80
Gaine 108 Kampen, Netherlands 301 Mercenaries 1 0 5 , 1 0 6 , 2 0 9 Penaran, Spain 5 8
Gandulf 4 9 Keep-gatehouse 113 Merlon 3 6 , 3 7 , 108, 143 Pepin the Short 14
Gatehouse 7, 2 9 , 1 1 7 , 1 2 1 , Knights of Saint-John 7 7 , 7 8 , Merowe 8 Pepper-pot tower 1 0 8 , 1 1 3
138,145,148,192, 257 81, 8 2 , 91 Metz, France 2 8 6 Perpignan, France 2 4 8
Ghent, Belgium 7 2 Knights of the Sword 7 8 , 83 Michelangelo 1 9 5 , 2 1 2 , 2 2 0 , Pfalz 123
Gibelin 2 5 3 , 2 7 5 Knights Templar 8 0 , 8 5 , 91 299 Philippe Auguste 4 6 , 6 9 , 8 9 ,
Gisors, France 4 6 , 4 7 Knights Teutonic 7 8 , 8 3 , 91, Mine 9 4 , 1 0 2 , 1 8 6 121, 317
Glacis 187 251 Mirande, France 2 5 2 Pierrefonds, France 3 2 5
Golden Spurs (battle of) 2 6 4 Krak des Chevaliers, Syria 7 7 Missi dominici 16 Pinnae 5
Gorge 109 Krakow, Poland 2 1 2 , 2 2 2 Moat 113, 114 Plessis 2 8
Gothic art 291 Modena, Italy 2 9 5 Poliorcetics 9 4
Grand-Pressigny, France 7 6 Laboratores 2 4 Moineau 192 Portalegre, Portugal 310
Gravensteen, Belgium 7 2 La Brede, France 147 Moissac, France 3 2 Portcullis 5 , 119
Greek fire 98 La Couvertoirade, France 318 Mombasa, Kenya 2 4 5 Porto Ercole, Italy 2 4 4
Groningen, Netherlands 217, La Guerche, France 9 Monastery 13, 2 3 , 2 6 0 , 2 6 2 Postern 1 0 9 , 2 5 7
266 La Haie-Jaulain, France 3 7 Mons Berg 181 Prato, Italy 9 0