Karma Rinzin LSD Situation Prevention Control OIE SRRSEA
Karma Rinzin LSD Situation Prevention Control OIE SRRSEA
Karma Rinzin LSD Situation Prevention Control OIE SRRSEA
Karma Rinzin
Regional Animal Health Coordinator
OIE Sub-Regional-Representation for
South East Asia
Email: [email protected]
Presentation Roadmap
▪ Introduction
• Etiology, transmission and spread,
clinical signs, diagnosis & impact
▪ LSD Epidemiology
▪ LSD situation
• Global/ Regional
▪ Risk Assessment
▪ LSD Prevention and Control
▪ Activities implemented by OIE in response
to LSD
▪ OIE Tools and resources
▪ LSD is vector borne pox disease of domestic cattle and Asian
water buffalo
• Etiology: Capripoxvirus (CaPV) within the family Poxviridae.
• Stable virus, survives well in the environment such as
winter and drought
▪ Transmission
– Mechanical by blood-feeding and biting vectors
– Direct and indirect contact
– Intrauterine transmission and via contaminated semen
– Iatrogenic
▪ Spread: mainly by blood-feeding arthropod vectors
(mosquitoes, biting flies and ticks), Long distance spread is
mainly by movement of animals
▪ Incubation period - 4 to 14 days in the experimental
settings and up to 5 weeks in field condition.
▪ Clinical signs
• Nasal and ocular discharge, pyrexia, drop in milk
production and characteristic skin lesions.
• Number of nodules varies from few in mild cases
to many covering the entire body in severe cases.
• Silent or subclinical infection can occur
▪ Diagnosis
• Severely affected cases are easy to recognize
• Early stages of infection and mild cases may be
difficult to distinguish
• Samples should be collected from all suspected
cases to rule out or confirm LSD by lab diagnosis
LSD Epidemiology
▪ Morbidity rate varies between 5 to 45% and mortality rate
usually remains below 10%
▪ Morbidity and severity of the clinical disease are much lower
in buffalos than in cattle.
▪ Local cattle breeds less susceptible than European dairy
breeds and cows in high production are usually more
severely affected
▪ The first (index) case is usually associated with cattle
▪ Seasonal - more common (but not limited to) warm and wet
seasons with abundance of blood-feeding arthropods
• Immunity - both humoral and cell-mediated - all
vaccinated animals may not show detectable antibody
levels although they would be fully protected
• No carriers but some animals can be infected without
showing clinical signs
Impact of LSD
Russia 2015
Kazakhstan 2016
Israel in Aug1989 2013
Aug 2019
2000’s July 2020 Sep 2020
Egypt in May1988 July 2019
Aug 2019
Oct 2020
Nov 2020
April 2021
June 2021
Animals culled
- 1177 in Vietnam
- 20 in Thailand
TADs Outbreak Process
Control disease
endemic freedom
Elimination preparedness
Response introduction
& containment
Establish &
Risk assessment
• Trade, grazing, nomadic and transhumance farming
• Legal and unauthorised transboundary animal movements
• Lack of testing regimen for imported animals
movements • Contacts with neighbouring
• Lack of veterinarians, from affected
to disease- herds
paraveterinarians, means of free regions • Purchace of new animals
transport, awareness
from untrusted sources
• Labs: Diagnostic tests, Insufficient Farming
veterinary • Use of a local breeding bull
competent staff, funding, kits, capacities practices
• Cattle are not monitored on
reagents, materials, equipment
regular basis
• Under-reporting and no
• Shared veterinary or other
compensation system for Hightened equipments
farmers risk
Season immunity • Fully susceptible cattle
against LSDV
• Temperature and humidity favorable • Cattle are vaccinated but not
for vectors yet protected
• High cattle movement activities Environment • Vaccination has ceased
• Poor vaccination coverage
• No vaccination records kept
Calves from
Only live attenuated Adults - annual unvaccinated dams -
can be vaccinated at
vaccines are currently vaccination
any age
available for LSD
Calves from Cattle to be
vaccinated or moved - Vaccinate
naturally infected
Both homologous and mothers - at the
28 days before the
heterologous vaccines are used transport
age of 3 to 4 months
against LSD
Newly purchased
Domestic buffaloes animals – Vaccinate
No ‘Differentiating Infected - same dosage and 28 days before
from Vaccinated Animals’ protocol as for introduction to the
(DIVA) vaccine bovines herd
Activities implemented by OIE in response to LSD in the region
LSD Coordination
Meeting for SEA
Emergency Response Updates on LSD
situation and
Laboratory Diagnostics Preparedness
Practical Prevention
General Consultation and Control of LSD
Training on LSD Preparedness for Asia
and Pacific by the VLC for Asia and Updates and FAO/
Regional Situation Update Pacific and EuFMD under the regional OIE Tools and
FAO/ OIE GF-TADs umbrella resources
Advice through emails on Do’s and Don’ts to LSD infected and neighboring countries
Facilitate other support – lab, expert and resources
LSD Communication Materials
Horizontal chapters =
General concepts
Vertical chapters =
OIE standards and LSD
▪ General Standards (non-disease specific)
Chapter 1.1. Notification of diseases, infections and infestations,
and provision of epidemiological information
Chapter 1.4. Animal health surveillance
Chapter 1.5. Surveillance for arthropod vectors of animal diseases
Chapter 2.1. Import risk analysis
Chapter 4.1. Introduction to recommendations for the prevention
and control of transmissible animal diseases
Chapter 4.4. Zoning and compartmentalisation
▪ As per Chapter 1.1. OIE Members shall make available, through the OIE, whatever
information is necessary to minimise the spread of important animal diseases, and
their pathogenic agents, and to assist in achieving better worldwide control of these
Immediate Notifications
Follow-up Notification
Six Monthly Report
Annual Report
OIE Reference Laboratories for LSD
Dr David Wallace
Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute
Agricultural Research Council
Private Bag X05
Onderstepoort 0110
Tel: +27-12 529 94.42
Fax: +27-12 529 92.49
Email: [email protected]
Dr Pip Beard
The Pirbright Institute
Ash Road, Pirbright
Woking, Surrey GU24 0NF
Tel: +44-1483 23.24.41
Fax: +44-1483 23.24.48
Email: [email protected]
Main Roles of OIE Reference Laboratories for ASF
Dr Karma Rinzin
Regional Animal Health Coordinator
[email protected]