J U D G M E N T.
Akhtar, the petitioner filed this petition to assail the validity of the
Muhammad Imjad alias Amjad Ali, respondent No.3 herein for the
2. The facts necessary for the disposal of this writ petition are
maintaining that she is his mother. It was averred in the plaint that
his son and that he is the son of the brother of Mst. Shahnaz
Akhtar, who had adopted him as his adopted son/Leay Paalik. This
The State” (PLD 2009 S.C. 542) and “Naseer Ahmad v. Mst.
Azrah and another” (PLD 2010 Karachi 61) to urge that DNA
minor child for the DNA test shows that there is a meat in the
6. I have heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused
ordered by the learned Judge Family Court, the learned counsel for
the petitioner evaded and ducked the question. It was simply urged
by him that the learned Judge Family Court is not vested with any
authority to pass any such order and that the disputed as to the
W.P.No.3707 of 2012 4
DNA test in this day and age, it is wholly unnecessary in the case
8. It cannot be lost sight of that the petitioner has not filed this
she is not a plaintiff before the learned Judge Family Court, rather
repeatedly held by this Court that when the law does not provide