Texture-Governed Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of AA 6082 Alloy
Texture-Governed Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of AA 6082 Alloy
Texture-Governed Electrochemical Corrosion Behaviour of AA 6082 Alloy
Institute of Engineering Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, People’s Republic of China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, People’s Republic of China
J Mater Sci
body-centred-cubic (BCC) b Ti alloy (TNTZO), the using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
medium close-packed planes {100} and {111} planes and potentiodynamic polarization. By using scanning
exhibited greater resistance against dissolution than electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD)
the random high-index planes [13]. As to face-cen- and 3D measuring laser microscope (3D-MLM), the
tred-cubic (FCC) Al and its alloys, the corrosion corrosion products and morphologies were recorded
behaviour displays an aeolotropism along various and analysed. Such a revelation of the nexus between
crystal orientations [14, 15]. Furthermore, Beck and the intensified b-fibre orientations and electrochemi-
Funk [16] found that the roughness r of Al grains cal properties can offer new possibilities to under-
etched in 1 mol/L NaOH increased in the order of stand the corrosion behaviour.
(111) \ (100) \ (110)/high-index planes in AlMg1
sheet. They considered that it lies in the increasing
surface energy c for Al, i.e. (111) \ (100) \ (110)/ Experiment procedures
high-index planes. The similar theoretically calcu-
lated results of Al surface energy were obtained Materials preparation
elsewhere [17, 18]. Besides, the varied corrosion
phenomena stemmed from the specific orientations The as-received material (100-mm cube) used in our
have been also observed in the binary Fe–26Al alloy rolling process was cut from the centre of a cylin-
[19], stainless steel [20–22], Ni and Ni alloy [23, 24] drical as-cast AA 6082 alloy ingot
and Cu [25, 26]. Thus, it is worthwhile to further (* U 500 9 500 mm in size). Such a sample location
investigate to understand the corrosion behaviour avoided the macro-segregation in the as-received
dominated by crystal orientations. material. The chemical composition of this alloy is
The b-fibre textures are usually presented in the listed in Table 1. The hot rolling process was carried
rolled FCC metals, in which the conventional typical out by using a laboratory scale rolling mill with two
rolling textures are mainly comprised of copper (Cu) 270-mm-diameter rolls that were kept at room tem-
{112} h111i, S {123} h634i and brass (B) {011} h211i. The perature (RT) * 23 °C. The constant rolling speed
orientation density of b-fibre textures will be varied was 1 m min-1. The whole preparation technology is
dramatically with the increasing rolling reduction schematically illustrated in Fig. 1a. The as-received
ratios [27–32] and along through-thickness direction alloy was heated to 570 °C and maintained this
form surface to centre [33–38] for the rolled Al and Al temperature for 8 h, and then cooled down to RT in a
alloy sheets. Conversely, due to the relatively high resistance furnace to achieve the homogenization
friction, the shear textures will generate at the rolling (process I in Fig. 1a). After the alloy was reheated up
surface, which contain the Rotated Cube (Rt-C) {001} to 470 °C reaching the entrance temperature (process
h110i texture and minor h111ikND fibre (c-fibre) II in Fig. 1a), the multi-pass hot rolling was per-
[34, 36–38]. On the other hand, the corrosion beha- formed until its final thickness reduced to 20 mm (i.e.
viour of Al alloys has been investigated widely. In an 80% final reduction). In order to keep the constant
general, the previous studies aimed at the corrosion entrance temperature, the alloy sheet was preheated
properties of Al alloys mainly focused on the differ- to 470 °C and held for 15 min during the intervals of
ent phase structures, e.g. grain size, precipitates, each pass (process III in Fig. 1a). During rolling, the
grain boundary [39–46] and corrosion conditions anti-wear hydraulic oil (L-HM #46) was used as a
[47–50]. Besides, a few reports merely pointed out the lubricant to reduce the sliding friction resistance at
effect of single crystal plane or certain texture on the the contact surface between the rolls and the alloy
corrosion behaviour [14–16, 51]. They hardly took the sheet. Ultimately, the final-rolling alloy sheet was
combined influence of multiple textures into consid- cooled to RT in air.
eration, such as b-fibre and shear textures.
Table 1 Chemical composition (wt%) of the AA 6082 alloy in
In this work, the through-thickness b-fibre and
this work
shear textures were achieved in the hot-rolled AA
6082 alloy sheet and characterized by orientation Alloy Mg Mn Cr Si Fe Cu Ti Al
distribution function (ODF). Furthermore, the elec-
AA 6082 0.73 0.44 0.15 0.99 0.36 0.083 0.052 Bal.
trochemical corrosion properties varied with the
intensified b-fibre textures were investigated in detail
J Mater Sci
at RT. All the Nyquist plots displayed the similar and the relaxation reaction, as well as the surface
shape, which consisted of two depressed capacitive activation adsorption of corrosion products [52, 53]. It
arcs in the first quadrant and a depressed inductive can be seen that the radius of the impedance loop of
arc in the fourth quadrant. The capacitive arcs at high SL was much larger than those of QL and ML, which
frequencies indicate that the oxide film (air-formed) manifests that the SL exposed surface reveals a better
existed on the alloy surface. Next, the capacitive arcs protection function against the corrosion, conversely
in the medium-frequency region might be stemmed poorer at ML. In EIS Bode plots (Fig. 3b), there was
from the metastable/stable pitting corrosion beha- the capacitive behaviour in the high-frequency region
viour. Moreover, the inductive arcs at low frequen- (100 kHz * 1000 Hz); furthermore, the crest value of
cies were related to the surface activity of electrode phase angle (h) was below 40° and the impedance
magnitude (|Z|) was tiny and less than 0.1 kX cm2.
This signifies that the air-formed oxide film was even
(a) thin and incomplete on the alloy surface. In the
medium frequencies between 1000 and 1 Hz, the hmax
was merely about 65°, which was far smaller than
90°. In addition, the crest width of h was even nar-
rower, implying that the oxide film formed during
the 1-h immersion also was not dense and intact. For
the alloy surface covered with the insufficient oxide
film, the corrosion resistance could be mainly deter-
mined on the charge transfer process. At the fre-
quency of * 0.1 Hz, |Z| reached a maximum value
for all layers. Thereafter, when f \ f|Z| ? max, |Z|
turned to decrease and h shifted to the positive val-
ues. This accounts for the presence of inductive
(b) behaviour at low frequency.
To analyse the electrochemical behaviour on the
exposed surface of AA 6082 alloy, a suitable equiva-
lent circuit, R(Q(R(Q(R(LR))))), in Fig. 3c was ascer-
tained to fit the EIS plots. Rs is the solution resistance;
Rf and Cf represent resistance and capacitance of the
oxide film (air-formed); Rct and Cdl are the charge
transfer resistance and double-layer capacitance; L
and RL stand for the inductance and the adsorption
resistance of corrosion product, respectively. Q rep-
resents the constant phase angle element (CPE) used
to replace the pure capacitor to depict the non-ideal
capacitance behaviour. CPE can be defined by the
admittance Y as follows [51, 54, 55]:
YCPE ¼ Y0 ðjxÞn ð2Þ
CPE parameters via the following formula Further, the changes in surface energy with the var-
[54, 56–58]: ious textures on SL, QL and ML exposed surface have
1=ni been discussed in ‘‘Effects of texture evolution on
Ci ¼ Y0 R1n
ð3Þ corrosion behaviour’’ section below.
To ascertain the pitting sites and corrosion products
more precisely, the ML corroded surface undergone a
strengthening anodic reactions (after potentiody-
-1000 namic polarization) was observed by SEM. Based on
-1100 QL the gradually deteriorative corrosion resistance from
-1200 SL to ML, severe-corroded ML was selected to
highlight the corrosion processes of the exposed
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 surface. Figure 5 exhibits a ubiquitous polarized
log i A/cm corrosion surface morphology (Fig. 5a) and its cor-
responding EDS elementary maps (Fig. 5b–i) for an
Figure 4 Typical potentiodynamic polarization curves of varied
AA 6082 alloy immersed in NaCl solution. The grain
layers in hot-rolled AA 6082 alloy after 1-h immersion in 3.5 wt%
boundary (GB) that segmented three grains (#1, #2
NaCl solution at the OCP.
and #3 in Fig. 5a) was observed under the adsorption
exposed surface of hot-rolled AA 6082 alloy can resist layer of corrosion products in EDS maps (Fig. 5b, c, h,
corrosion better than other two in NaCl solution. i), where the obvious boundary segregation of Si, Fe
From the aforementioned EIS results, the decrease in and Mn elements was presented. As shown in
icorr might be relative to the greater Rct on SL and icorr Fig. 5a, the serious pitting corrosion did not occur at
will normally determine the corrosion rate, i.e. the GB site (marked by yellow dashed lines) but inside
smaller icorr is, the slower anodic reactions take place the grain #3. Therefore, the OH- (from the cathodic
on the exposed surface. On the other hand, the reaction of Eq. 5) and Cl– ions will not attack the GB
increase in anodic Tafel slopes ba means that ML will site selectively (or first). In addition, Mg, Cr, etc.
undergo a faster process to reach the passivation alloying elements distributed inside a-Al matrix or
state, implying that the thinner and incomplete pas- formed intermetallic compounds in hot-rolled AA
sive film will form on ML during an immersion in the 6082 alloy, rather than producing the boundary
NaCl solution, compared to the others. For AA 6082 segregation.
alloy, the anodic reactions and polarization products
will be investigated and discussed in detail below. Corrosion products of AA 6082 alloy immersed in NaCl
In brief, as seen from the results of OCP, EIS and solution
potentiodynamic polarization measurements, it has
As shown in Fig. 6, the immersed surface and pitting
been obviously testified that SL exposed surface of
area topographies were observed using SEM and the
hot-rolled AA 6082 alloy has a superior corrosion
chemical composition of corrosion products was
resistance, but ML is worse.
indicated by EDS spectra. It can be found that cor-
rosion product covered on the exposed surface was
mainly Al2O3, and a small amount of the oxides
contained Mg and Ti, etc. alloying elements. The
Grain #1
Grain #3
50 μm
Fe Mn Cr
major corrosion reactions took place during the dis- Al3þ þ 2Cl þ 2OH ! Al(OH)2 Cl ð8Þ
solution of the bare a-Al matrix (see the EDS spectra
of Fig. 6a1, d1) are involved as the following chemi- Besides, the extra reactions as the formation pro-
cal equations [51, 55, 59, 60]: cesses of the traces of corrosion products could occur
Alðs:Þ ! Al3þ on AA 6082 alloy surface in NaCl solution.
ðsol:Þ þ 3e ½Anodic reaction ð4Þ
Mgðs:Þ þ 2H2 O ! MgðOHÞ2 ðads:Þ þ 4Hþ
2H2 O þ O2 þ 4e ! 4OH ½Cathodic reaction ð5Þ
þ 4e ½6; 62 ð9Þ
Al3þ þ 3OH ! AlðOHÞ3 ðads:Þ
Tiðs:Þ þ H2 O ! TiO2 ðads:Þ þ 4Hþ
ðsol:Þ þ 4e ½63; 64
! Al2 O3 H2 O Formation of corrosion product
Apart from Mg(OH)2 and TiO2, the residual NaCl
Therein, due to the immersion in the NaCl solution will adsorb on the surface of some corrosion products
containing naturally dissolved O2, the oxygen existed due to the detected peaks of Na elements in EDS
in the electrolyte, so that Eq. (5) took place during the spectra.
cathodic reaction. In NaCl solution, the Cl– ions will In Fig. 6b, the edge and interior of a pitting domain
attack a-Al matrix lacked surface oxide film to form both presented the similar corrosion products (as
the aluminium chloride and oxychloride compound, indicated by EDS spectra of Fig. 6b1, b2). It demon-
dissolving the alloy via the chemical reactions below strates that the same dissolution reactions will take
[55, 59, 61]: place during the nucleation and development of pits
Al3þ þ 4Cl ! AlCl
4 ð7Þ on the exposed surface of AA 6082 alloy. As seen
from the EDS spectra of Fig. 6c1, c2, the composition
of corrosion products around the emerging pit hole
J Mater Sci
(a) (b)
EDS Spot b2
EDS Spot a2
EDS Spot b1
EDS Spot a3
EDS Spot a1
20 μm 20 μm
(c) (d)
EDS Spot c1
EDS Spot d1
EDS Spot d2
EDS Spot c2
EDS Spot d3
5 μm 1 μm
Figure 6 Typical SEM images and EDS spectra of each morphology, c emerging pit hole and d the enlarged image in
corresponding spot on the ML corrosion surface: a the exposed the blue rectangle of c, after the potentiodynamic polarization
surface and the adsorbed corrosion products, b pitting measurement in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.
(Fig. 6c) was approximately similar to the developed where a lot of micro-sized corrosion phase particles
corrosion pits. Figure 6d reveals the enlarged area (such as EDS spot d2 of Fig. 6) that were possibly
(blue rectangle in Fig. 6c) in an emerging pit hole, composed of Al2O3, Mg(OH)2 and SiO2 [65, 66]
J Mater Sci
(d) (e)
Figure 8 Typical OM micrographs of a SL, b QL and c ML in the to the thickness parameter S. e Typical XRD patterns of varied
hot-rolled AA 6082 alloy sheet. d Comparison plots of Vickers layers in the hot-rolled AA 6082 alloy sheet.
microhardness, mean grain size and residual stress corresponding
precipitates can be determined in the through-thick- and ML (u1 and U were less than * ± 15° from idea
ness hot-rolled AA 6082 alloy sheet. position of b-fibre in the subset of Euler space
In a word, it is judged that the variation of corro- [34, 35]). The b-fibre can more conveniently display
sion resistance did not stem from changes in the grain the evolution of texture components (i.e. a series
size, hardness and residual stress, as well as was orientation from Cu {211} h111i via S {123} h643i
almost independent of the existence of precipitates on towards B {011} h211i mainly) occurred in the ODFs
the exposed surface in this work. (Fig. 10). As shown in Fig. 9a, it is clear that the ori-
entation densities of the whole b-fibre increased
Changes in corrosion behaviour with evolution of b-fibre remarkably from SL via QL to ML. For the SL spec-
and shear orientation imen, the orientation densities were all lower than 1.6
and within a smaller difference * ± 0.35 for each
As mentioned previously, the rolling texture will texture component along the b-fibre. At QL, near Cu
always form in the rolled FCC aluminium alloy sheet, and B orientation had the relatively low orientation
which is embodied in a dramatically increasing ori- density of * 2.47 and * 2.90, respectively, whereas
entation density of b-fibre textures. An enhanced b- near {103} h231i orientation attained the maximum
fibre texture from surface to centre in a hot-rolled orientation density of * 4.0. Noticeably, in the case
6xxx series Al alloy (Al–Mg–Si system) has been of ML specimen, there was an obvious increase near
already found in the study of Wang et al. [33]. In our {101} h232i orientation with the density of * 6.76,
work, a similar case was presented in the hot-rolled implying that ratio of near {101} h232i orientation
AA 6082 alloy sheet. Figure 9 illustrates the maxi- content will be greater at ML in the hot-rolled AA
mum orientation densities (Fig. 9a) and Euler angle 6082 alloy sheet. Viewed vertically, the typical Cu, S
(u1 and U) positions (Fig. 9b) versus the corre- and B orientations of ML were about 3.15, 3.78 and
sponding Euler angle u2 along the b-fibre at SL, QL 4.08 times than those of SL, respectively. The overall
J Mater Sci
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