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Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

Presentation Boards - Aurélie Tack

Self-initiated - Independent

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

Social Media Development 3 Last term, I co-founded together with my sister Laurie our charity Emerg-
Social Media - March 2021 4 ing Creatives For Good.

Social Media - April 2021 5 We are on a mission to empower emerging creatives to connect and col-
Social Media - May 2021 6 laborate with charities, small businesses and other emerging creatives on
Finalizing Good Challenges 7 mutually beneficial projects.

Research Community Platform 8 Last term, I worked on Emerging Creatives For Good’s branding and web-
Mighty Networks 9 site while also setting up social media accounts, creating a pitch presenta-
Mighty Networks Landing Page 10 tion and looking at potential platforms to host our online community.

Mighty Networks Welcome Article 11 This term’s focus has been on getting the word out about Emerging Cre-
Mighty Networks 12 atives For Good and the good we want to do. Most things I tackled were
Big Purpose Article self-generated opportunities and initiatives while others crossed my path,
Networking: Creative 13 and I decided to engage with those opportunities.
Changemakers Conference
Networking: Creative Conscious 14
Networking: 15
Creative Impact Workshop
Networking: Doorstep 16
Networking: 17
Cornwall Design Festival
Networking: 18
D&AD Future Impact Awards
Networking: LinkedIn 21
Redesign Branding Guidelines 22
The Good News 24
Final Notes 25

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


Each month I built a social media
calendar to ensure consistent post-
ing on Facebook and Instagram.
The calendar is not set in stone and
is, therefore, flexible when it needs
to be.

Through our social media channels

(Facebook and Instagram), I want
to share a variety of curated and
created content. The purpose of
the current social media strategy is
to get people to follow us on social
media and to encourage emerging
creatives, charities and small busi-
nesses to join our online communi-
ty. At a later time, our strategy will
continue to drive people to join our
online community and celebrate
the good our community is doing.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


In March, I actively started to post
on Emerging Creatives For Good
social media, starting with intro-
ducing myself as co-founder of
the charity and why I co-founded
the charity. We also announced
the upcoming launch of our online
community (launched April 1st) and
shared the good we want to do.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


In April, we launched our online
community on Mighty Networks,
which we heavily shared on social
media. We also announced The
Good Challenges, which launches
on 1st May. In April, we started to
see an increase in traction on our
social media. We also shared some
creativity for good I have come
across to really communicate that
we want to bring emerging cre-
atives from all creative disciplines

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


On the 1st May we are launching the
good challenges. They will run for
10 weeks in total, and we will share
one good challenge a week.

In the meantime, we will continue

to share creativity for good and
work on spreading the word about
Emerging Creatives For Good and
growing our online community.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


I came up with the idea for the
good challenges last term and
submitted the drafts of The Good
Challenges for assessment. I have
now finalized these, so the look is

The Good Challenges have a dual

The Good Challenges serve as an
icebreaker for emerging creatives to
share their creativity and the good
they want to do. It also provides a
networking opportunity.

Growing our community

As people respond to The Good
Challenges, it will help get the
word out about emerging creatives
and help grow our community. As
Emerging Creatives For Good will
be tagged in more posts which will
help us trend on social media.

Emerging creatives can share their

responses to the creative challeng-
es by posting them on social media
and tagging us, or they can share
their response within our online

I have also written the copy for the

Good Challenges posts.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


Last term, I researched platforms that fit all our com-
munity’s needs. However, the platforms I found all had
user fees and no free plan. This was problematic be-
cause it is currently nearly impossible to find funding
due to the corona pandemic. Pots of money organiza-
tions set aside for charitable giving have in most cases
been frozen or reallocated to keep the organization

I, therefore, took a step back and look at what the min-

imum viable product could be. What did I need to get
the community going and start to do good, and what
solutions are out in the world for free? I realized I need-
ed to create a space where emerging creatives, chari-
ties and small businesses can share ideas and creative
projects. I started my research again but kept running
into platforms that may start free, but there are fees to
be paid starting from a certain number of users.

I initially decided that for now, I would set up a Face-

book Group. The downside of this was that it would
force people to make a Facebook account. Not every-
one is comfortable with this as Facebook is famous for
gathering enormous amounts personal data which is
then sold to advertisers.

Around this time, I had a conversation with Em from

Doorstep, and she said that one of the online com-
munities she joined was hosted on Might Networks,
so I decided to check them out. Mighty Networks is a
platform for ‘Creators with a Purpose’, and their basic
plan is free forever, no matter how many users are part
of your community. It proved to be the perfect solution
for us as a minimum viable product.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

Mighty Networks is an online
community platform for ‘Creators
with a Purpose’. On the platform,
I built the Emerging Creatives For
Good Community. The platform
allows me to apply our branding,
post articles, run polls and share
posts. It also has a direct messaging
module and enables us to have a
personalized landing page for the

What’s great is that they have a

mobile app that works both on
iOS and Android, which means
our community is only a tap away
from our members, making it more

Members can request to join

through our community landing
page, or a community member can
invite them in.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


For the Might Networks landing
page, I was limited in what I could
do with the layout. However, I was
able to apply our brand colours and
add About us, Why You Should
Join Us and Question sections.

You can find the landing page here.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


The welcome article is designed
to welcome new members to our
community. I initially drafted the
text in my notebook before typing
it up, and I added the video for a
personal and welcoming touch.

You can watch the video here.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

I wrote the big purpose article upon
the suggestion of Mighty Networks.
It is part of the Getting Started
checklist. In this article, I share the
purpose of Emerging Creatives For
Good and our community. I also
talk about what this means and
how our community works.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

At the end of February, I joined the online Creative
Changemakers Conference organized by Creative Con-
scious. I decided to join the conference because I felt
that it would be a good way to network through the
break-out sessions. It was also a great learning oppor-
tunity for me as co-founder of Emerging Creatives For
Good as they had a whole host of speakers over the
three days, all using creativity to do good. Some of the
speakers were:

Jonathon Porritt - Author Hope in Hell

Chrissy Levett - Founder of Creative Conscious
Nicky Kaur - Co-founder Trylife tv
Mark Aink - Founder of Native Circles
Solitaire Townsend - Co-founder of Futerra
Christopher Raeburn - Fashion Designer
Vineeta Greenewood - Co-founder of Wholegrain
Craeme Robertson - Photographer for the Guardian
Jamie Hall - Co-founder & CMA Pentatonic
Sian Sutherland - Founder Plastic Planet
BE Alinck - Founder of The Alinker

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

At the beginning of February, I
reached out directly to Chrissy Le-
vett, Founder of Creative Conscious,
through LinkedIn. After connecting
with her, I scheduled a call with her
after the Creative Changemakers
Conference. During the call (which
was about an hour long), we spoke
about Emerging Creatives for Good,
our ambitions, and our challenges.
We also talked about some other
issues in the world and how those
can and need to be resolved. Chris-
sy suggested that I submit my work
for Emerging Creatives For Good
to the Creative Conscious Awards
since she loves what we are trying
to do. Creative Conscious uses its
awards to funnel creatives into their
network and to support them. At
the beginning of May, I will submit
a video presentation and three key
images for the open brief award.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

Chrissy Levett reached out to me to
join a Creative Impact Workshop on
20th April. The workshop was being
held for free and had content in it
from Creative Conscious's Creative
Impact course.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

Em and Charlotte, Founders of
Doorstep, joined one of our Mon-
day GDE330 Destinations online
meetings and shared their work
while announcing the Cornwall De-
sign Festival. On the last day of the
festival, they scheduled a Future
Designers Session and were looking
for students and recent graduates
working on projects that help solve
future problems. I decided to email
them immediately after the lecture
to introduce them to Emerging
Creatives For Good and schedule a
call with them.

During the call with Em, I asked

questions on how they founded
Doorstep, their network, some of
the hurdles they faced and continue
to face, including finding funding
and some of the platforms they
use. We also spoke about Emerging
Creatives For Good and our ambi-
tions and about me giving a Pecha
Kucha presentation at the Future
Designers talk during the Cornwall
Design Festival.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

The first step I took in building
my Pecha Kucha presentation for
the Cornwall Design Festival was
writing a script. I timed the script to
ensure the presentation would sit
comfortably under the six minutes
time limit. I didn't want to sound
rushed when going through the
presentation. I then sketched my
slides and started to build them in
PowerPoint. I decided to built in
PowerPoint because I have lots of
experience animating components
in PowerPoint from when I was
working in Communications and

The Pecha Kucha talk was a great

opportunity to share what we want
to achieve through Emerging Cre-
atives For Good and the problems
we tackle. I had a migraine the
night before the presentation but
decided to push through and grab
the opportunity despit my brain
feeling extremely sluggish.

You can see the Pecha Kucha pre-

sentation here (start at 08:36)

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

By choosing to do the Pecha Kucha importing them in Adobe After-
presentation at the Cornwall Design Effects. Using my headphones
Festival, Ben Akers, a member of and QuickTime on my computer,
the D&AD Global Impact Council, I recorded my audio in sections
heard about Emerging Creatives because recording the whole script
For Good as he was one of the in one go wasn’t manageable as I
panellists for the Future Designers started to sound out of breath.
session. As part of the council, Ben
provided me with a free entry code After completing the audio and
to submit my work for Emerging Illustrator files, I brought them
Creatives For Good to the D&AD together in AfterEffects. I animated
Impact Awards. I was thrilled to the boards, eliminate any breathing
submit my work, but there was a noises (because it otherwise sounds
catch as I had just over a week to like someone creepy is breathing
pull everything together and create in your ear) and created a fast pace
a two-minute presentation video but not rushed, coherent presenta-
from scratch. The deadline was tion video. I sent and showed the
immensely tight but did not stop video to several people, including
me from jumping at the opportu- Digorry Gordon, to ensure that
nity. After shuffling my calendar, I the video was clear and communi-
carefully scripted the two minutes cated well.
video. This took several drafts as
there was a lot to cover, and I found
it important that the video didn’t
sound rushed.

I took the script and split it into

boards which I sketched and then
build in Adobe Illustrator before

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack



Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

Next to the presentation film, I also
submitted the Something Good
Is Coming video, our website and
ten images of our social media and
website. I shot the pictures in my
office because I didn’t want to use
regular mock-ups like everyone
else. I managed to submit every-
thing with one day to spare despite
some technical issues on the
D&AD side.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

Part of my strategy to get the word
about Emerging Creatives For
Good is to grow from my network
and reach out to creative lecturers,
emerging creatives, small business-
es, charities and creatives doing
good. I want to grow the Emerging
Creatives For Good community
through this network, and I intend
to continue to do this after submis-
sion. One of my recent successes
has been connecting with Nicky
Kaur from Trylife Tv; she has an im-
mense network and is sharing the
good we want to do. She is current-
ly finishing up some projects but
intends to really get the word out
about Emerging Creatives For Good
once she has completed them.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


After having used the Emerging
Creatives For Good brand for sev-
eral months, I decided to revisit the
branding guidelines and to adjust
them according to my experience
using the branding assets and hav-
ing created new brand assets.

Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack


The Good News is a monthly newsletter we will send
out to our community. It is built in MailChimp and
contains the good news of the month.
The April issue includes:
• The launch of our online community
• The Future Designers Talk at the Cornwall Design
• The announcement of the Good Challenges


Presentation Boards - Emerging Creatives For Good Aurélie Tack

I have no regrets about founding
Emerging Creatives For Good in the
middle of a pandemic. I sincerely
believe that bringing emerging cre-
atives from all creative disciplines
across the globe together can bring
a force of good in the world that
we haven’t seen before. Setting up
this charity has been a lot of work,
and we still have a long way to go.
However, I am committed to it, and
I love that I am using my creativity
for good. This is something new. It
needs to be nurtured, but I believe
in our mission, and I can’t wait to
see what comes next.

Setting up Emerging Creatives For

Good is also giving me a platform
to grow my own network and to
get my name out in the creative

The time to change the world is

now, not tomorrow. That’s why I
am not letting the pandemic stop
me from reaching out and building
something new. Something good.


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