Art. 10667
Art. 10667
Art. 10667
(g) Upon order of the court, undertake (m) Conduct, publish, and disseminate
inspections of business premises and other studies and reports on anti-competitive
offices, land and vehicles, as used by the conduct and agreements to inform and
entity, where it reasonably suspects that guide the industry and consumers;
relevant books, tax records, or other
documents which relate to any matter (n) Intervene or participate in administrative
relevant to the investigation are kept, in and regulatory proceedings requiring
order to prevent the removal, concealment, consideration of the provisions of this Act
tampering with, or destruction of the books, that are initiated by government agencies
records, or other documents; such as the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Energy Regulatory
(h) Issue adjustment or divestiture orders Commission and the National
including orders for corporate reorganization Telecommunications Commission;
or divestment in the manner and under such
terms and conditions as may be prescribed (o) Assist the National Economic and
in the rules and regulations implementing Development Authority, in consultation with
this Act. Adjustment or divestiture orders, relevant agencies and sectors, in the
which are structural remedies, should only preparation and formulation of a national
be imposed: competition policy;
(1) Where there is no equally (p) Act as the official representative of the
effective behavioral remedy; or Philippine government in international
competition matters;
(2) Where any equally effective
behavioral remedy would be more (q) Promote capacity building and the
burdensome for the enterprise sharing of best practices with other
concerned than the structural competition-related bodies;
remedy. Changes to the structure of
an enterprise as it existed before the
(r) Advocate pro-competitive policies of the
infringement was committed would
government by:
only be proportionate to the
substantial risk of a lasting or
repeated infringement that derives (1) Reviewing economic and
from the very structure of the administrative regulations, motu
enterprise; proprio or upon request, as to
whether or not they adversely affect
relevant market competition, and
(i) Deputize any and all enforcement
advising the concerned agencies
agencies of the government or enlist the aid
against such regulations; and
and support of any private institution,
corporation, entity or association, in the
implementation of its powers and functions; (2) Advising the Executive Branch
on the competitive implications of
government actions, policies and
(j) Monitor compliance by the person or
programs; and
entities concerned with the cease and desist
order or consent judgment;
(s) Charging reasonable fees to defray the
administrative cost of the services rendered.
(k) Issue advisory opinions and guidelines
on competition matters for the effective
enforcement of this Act and submit annual Section 13. Office for Competition (OFC), Powers
and special reports to Congress, including and Functions. — The OFC under the Department
of Justice (DOJ-OFC) shall only conduct preliminary
investigation and undertake prosecution of all able to decide or act independently of each other,
criminal offenses arising under this Act and other shall not be considered competitors for purposes of
competition-related laws in accordance with Section this section.
31 of Chapter VI of this Act. The OFC shall be
reorganized and allocated resources as may be Section 15. Abuse of Dominant Position. – It shall
required therefor to effectively pursue such be prohibited for one or more entities to abuse their
mandate. dominant position by engaging in conduct that
would substantially prevent, restrict or lessen
(c) The existence and power of its A public hearing shall be held to assist the
competitors; Commission in making this determination.
(d) The possibility of access by its The Commission’s order exempting the relevant
competitors or other entities to its sources of entity or group of entities under this section shall be
inputs; made public. Conditions may be attached to the
forbearance if the Commission deems it appropriate
(e) The power of its customers to switch to to ensure the long-term interest of consumers.
other goods or services;
In the event that the basis for the issuance of the
(f) Its recent conducts; and exemption order ceases to be valid, the order may
be withdrawn by the Commission.
(g) Other criteria established by the
regulations of this Act. CHAPTER VI
There shall be a rebuttable presumption of market
dominant position if the market share of an entity in Section 29. Administrative Penalties. –
the relevant market is at least fifty percent (50%),
unless a new market share threshold is determined (a) Administrative Fines. – In any
by the Commission for that particular sector. investigation under Chapter III, Sections 14
and 15, and Chapter IV, Sections 17 and 20
The Commission shall from time to time determine of this Act, after due notice and hearing, the
and publish the threshold for dominant position or Commission may impose the following
minimum level of share in the relevant market that schedule of administrative fines on any
could give rise to a presumption of dominant entity found to have violated the said
position. In such determination, the Commission sections:
would consider the structure of the relevant market,
degree of integration, access to end-users,
technology and financial resources, and other
First offense: Fine of up to one fifty million pesos (P250,000,000.00). The penalty of
hundred million pesos imprisonment shall be imposed upon the
(P100,000,000.00); responsible officers, and directors of the entity.
Second offense: Fine of not less When the entities involved are juridical persons, the
than one hundred million pesos penalty of. imprisonment shall be imposed on its
(P100,000,000.00) but not more officers, directors, or employees holding managerial
than two hundred fifty million pesos positions, who are knowingly and willfully
(P250,000,000.00). responsible for such violation.
In the event of an adverse binding ruling on Provided, That a consent order shall not bar
an act, course or conduct, agreement, or any inquiry for the same or similar acts if
decision, the applicant shall be provided with continued or repeated;
a reasonable period, which in no case shall
be more than ninety (90) days, to abide by
(d) Monitoring of Compliance. – The
the ruling of the Commission and shall not
Commission shall monitor the compliance by
the entity or entities concerned, their Section 41. Basic Necessities and Prime
officers, and employees, with the final and Commodities. – If the violation involves the trade or
executory binding ruling, cease and desist movement of basic necessities and prime
order, or approval of a consent judgment. commodities as defined by Republic Act No. 7581,
Upon motion of an interested party/parties, as amended, the fine imposed by the Commission
the Commission shall issue a certification or or the courts, as the case may be, shall be tripled.
resolution to the effect that the entity or
entities concerned have, or have not, as the Section 42. Immunity from Suit. – The
case may be, complied with a final and Chairperson,the Commissioners, officers,
executory ruling, order, or approval. employees and agents of the Commission shall not
be subject to any action, claim or demand in
(e) Inadmissibility of Evidence in Criminal connection with any act done or omitted by them in
Proceedings. – The request for a binding the performance of their duties and exercise of their
ruling, the show cause order, or the proposal powers except for those actions and omissions
for consent order; the facts, data, and done in evident bad faith or gross negligence.
information therein contained or
subsequently supplied by the entity or Section 43. Indemnity. – Unless the actions of the
entities concerned; admissions, oral or Commission or its Chairperson, any of its
written, made by them against their interest; Commissioners, officers, employees and agents are
all other documents filed by them, including found to be in willful violation of this Act, performed
their evidence presented in the proceedings with evident bad faith or gross negligence, the
before the Commission; and the judgment or Commission, its Chairperson, Commissioners,
order rendered thereon; shall not be officers, employees and agents are held free and
admissible as evidence in any criminal harmless to the fullest extent permitted by law from
proceedings arising from the same act any liability, and they shall be indemnified for any
subject of the binding ruling, show cause and all liabilities, losses, claims, demands,
order or consent order against such entity or damages, deficiencies, costs and expenses of
entities, their officers, employees, and whatsoever kind and nature that may arise in
agents. connection with the exercise of their powers and
performance of their duties and functions.
Section 38. Contempt. — The Commission may
summarily punish for contempt by imprisonment not The Commission shall underwrite or advance
exceeding thirty (30) days or by a fine not exceeding litigation costs and expenses, including legal fees
one hundred thousand pesos (P 100,000.00), or and other expenses of external counsel, or provide
both, any entity guilty of such misconduct in the legal assistance to its Chairperson, Commissioners,
presence of the Commission in its vicinity as to officers, employees, or agents in connection with
seriously interrupt any hearing, session or any any civil, criminal, administrative or any other action
proceeding before it, including cases in which an or proceeding, to which they are made a party by
entity willfully fails or refuses, without just cause, to reason of, or in connection with, the exercise of
comply with a summons, subpoena or authority or performance of duties and functions
subpoena duces tecum legally issued by the under this Act: Provided, That such legal protection
Commission being present at a hearing, proceeding, shall not apply to any civil, criminal, administrative,
session or investigation, refused to be sworn as a or any action or proceeding that may be initiated by
witness or to answer questions or to furnish the Commission, against such Chairperson,
information when lawfully required to do so. Commissioners, officers, employees, or
agents: Provided, further, That the Chairperson,
Section 39. Appeals of the Decisions of the Commissioners, officers, employees, or agents, who
Commission. – Decisions of the Commission shall shall resign, retire, transfer to another agency or be
be appealable to the Court of Appeals in separated from the service, shall continue to be
accordance with the Rules of Court. The appeal provided with such legal protection in connection
shall not stay the order, ruling or decision sought to with any act done or omitted to be done by them in
be reviewed, unless the Court of Appeals shall good faith during their tenure or employment with
direct otherwise upon such terms and conditions it the Commission: Provided, finally, That in the event
may deem just. In the appeal, the Commission shall of a settlement or compromise, indemnification shall
be included as a party respondent to the case. be provided only in connection with such matters
covered by the settlement as to which the
Section 40. ‘Writ of Execution. – Upon the finality of Commission is advised by counsel that the persons
its binding ruling, order, resolution, decision, to be indemnified did not commit any negligence or
judgment, or rule or regulation, collectively, the misconduct.
Commission may issue a writ of execution to
enforce its decision and the payment of the The costs and expenses incurred in defending the
administrative fines provided in the preceding aforementioned action, suit or proceeding may be
sections. paid by the Commission in advance of the final
disposition of such action, suit or proceeding upon prohibition shall not apply when the matter is of
receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the extreme urgency involving a constitutional issue,
Chairperson, Commissioner, officer, employee, or such that the non-issuance of a temporary
agent to repay the amount advanced should it restraining order will result in grave injustice and
ultimately be determined by the Commission that irreparable injury to the public: Provided,
one is not entitled to be indemnified as provided in further, That, the applicant shall file a bond, in an
this section. amount to be fixed by the Court, but in no case shall
it exceed twenty percent (20%) of the imposable
Section 44. Jurisdiction of the Regional Trial fines provided for under Chapter VI, Section 29 of
Court. – The Regional Trial Court of the city or this Act: Provided, finally, That in the event that the
province where the entity or any of the entities court finally decides that the applicant was not
whose business act or conduct Constitutes the entitled to the relief applied for, the bond shall
subject matter of a case, conducts its principal place accrue in favor of the Commission.
of business, shall have original and exclusive
jurisdiction, regardless of the penalties and fines Any temporary restraining order, preliminary
herein imposed, of all criminal and civil cases injunction or preliminary mandatory injunction
involving violations of this Act and other issued in violation of this section is void and of no
competition-related laws. If the defendant or anyone force and effect. Any judge who violates this section
is charged in the capacity of a director, officer, shall be penalized by suspension of at least one (1)
shareholder, employee, or agent of a corporation or year without pay in addition to other criminal, civil or
other juridical entity who knowingly and willfully administrative penalties.
authorized the commission of the offense charged,
the Regional Trial Court of the city or province Section 48. Trade Associations. – Nothing
where such corporation or juridical entity conducts contained in this Act shall be construed to prohibit
its principal place of business, shall have the existence and operation of trade associations
jurisdiction. organized to promote quality standards and safety
issues: Pi’ovided, That, these associations shall not
Section 45. Private Action. – Any person who in any way be used to justify any violation of this
suffers direct injury by reason of any violation of this Act: Provided, however, That it shall not be illegal to
Act may institute a separate and independent civil use the association as a forum to discuss or
action after the Commission has completed the promote quality standards, efficiency, safety,
preliminary inquiry provided under Section 31. security, productivity, competitiveness and other
matters of common interest involving the
industry: Provided, further, That such is done
without any anti-competitive intent or effect.
OTHER PROVISIONS Section 49. Congressional Oversight Committee. –
To oversee the implementation of this Act, there
Section 46. Statute of Limitations. — Any action shall be created a Congressional Oversight
arising from a violation of any provision of this Act Committee on Competition (COCC) to be composed
shall be forever barred unless commenced within of the Chairpersons of the Senate Committees on
five (5) years from: Trade and Commerce, Economic Affairs, and
Finance, the Chairpersons of the House of
Representatives Committees on Economic Affairs,
For criminal actions, the time the violation is
Trade and Industry, and Appropriations and two (2)
discovered by the offended party, the
members each from the Senate and the House of
authorities, or their agents; and
Representatives who shall be designated by the
For administrative and civil actions, the time
Senate President and the Speaker of the House of
the cause of action accrues.
Representatives: Provided, That one (1) of the two
(2) Senators and one (1) of the two (2) House
Section 47. Prohibition on the Issuance of Members shall be nominated by the respective
Temporary Restraining Orders, Preliminary Minority Leaders of the Senate and the House of
Injunctions and Preliminary Mandatory Injunctions. Representatives. The Congressional Oversight
— Except for the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Committee shall be jointly chaired by the
Court, no other court shall issue any temporary Chairpersons of the Senate Committee on Trade
restraining order, preliminary injunction or and Commerce and the House of Representatives
preliminary mandatory injunction against the Committee on Economic Affairs. The Vice
Commission in the exercise of its duties or Chairperson of the Congressional Oversight
functions: Provided, That, this prohibition shall apply Committee shall be jointly held by the Chairpersons
in all cases, disputes or controversies instituted by a of the Senate Committee on Economic Affairs and
private party, including, but not limited to, cases filed the House of Representatives Committee on Trade
by entities or those claiming to have rights through and Industry.
such entities: Provided, however, That, this
The Secretariat of the COCC shall be drawn from the said two (2)-year period, the government shall
the existing personnel of the Senate and House of undertake an advocac program to inform the
Representatives committees comprising the general public of the provisions of this Act.
Congressional Oversight Committee.
Section 54. Separability Clause. – If any clause,
CHAPTER IX sentence, section or part of this Act shall be
FINAL PROVISIONS adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or
Section 50. Implementing Rules and Regulations. invalidate the remainder of this Act, but shall be
— Within one hundred eighty (180) days from the confined in its operation to the clause, sentence,
effectivity of this Act, the Commission, in paragraph, section, or part thereof directly involved
consultation with the DOJ-OFC and concerned in the controversy.
sector regulators shall promulgate the necessary
implementing rules and regulations for the Section 55. Repealing Clause. – The following
implementation of this Act: Provided, That, the laws, and all other laws, decrees, executive orders
Commission may revise such implementing rules and regulations, or part or parts thereof inconsistent
and regulations as it deems necessary: Provided, with any provision of this Act, are hereby repealed,
however, That such revised implementing rules and amended or otherwise modified accordingly:
regulations shall only take effect fifteen (15) days
following its publication in two (2) newspapers of (a) Article 186 of Act No. 3815, otherwise
general circulation. known as the Revised Penal
Code: Provided, That violations of Article
Section 51. Appropriations and Use of Fees, 186 of the Revised Penal Code committed
Charges and Penalties. – The initial budgetary before the effectivity of this Act may
requirements of the Commission of three hundred continue to be prosecuted unless the same
million pesos (P300,000,000.00) is hereby have been barred by prescription, and
appropriated. subject to the procedure under Section 31 of
this Act;
All fees, fines, penalties collected by the
Commission shall not be retained by the (b) Section 4 of Commonwealth Act No. 138;
Commission, but will be remitted to the National
Treasury and shall accrue to the general funds. (c) Section 43(u) on Functions of the ERC of
Republic Act No. 9136, entitled "An Act
Ordaining Reforms in the Electric Power
Such funds necessary for the continuous and
Industry, Amending for the Purpose Certain
effective operation of the Commission shall be
Laws and for Other Purposes", otherwise
included in the annual General Appropriations Act.
known as the "Electric Power Industry
Reform Act of2001", insofar as the provision
Section 52. Transparency Clause. — Final thereof is inconsistent with this Act;
decisions, orders and rulings of the Commission
shall be published on the official website subject to
(d) Section 24 on Illegal Acts of Price
Section 34 of this Act.
Manipulation and Section 25 on Penalty for
Illegal Acts of Price Manipulation of Republic
Records of public proceedings shall be made Act No. 9502, entitled "An Act Providing for
available to the public subject to Section 34 of this Cheaper and Quality Medicines,