Mephentermine Abuse For Stamina, Resulting in Mania - A Case Report

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Case Report
Pranav V Nair1*, Bindhya Babu1, Zoheb Raj2, Sushil Kakkan3
1JuniorResident, Department of Psychiatry, KMCT Medical College, Kozhikode
2Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, KMCT Medical College, Kozhikode
3Professor and HOD, Department of Psychiatry, KMCT Medical College, Kozhikode

*Corresponding address: Department of Psychiatry, KMCT Medical College, Mukkam, Kozhikode, PIN –
673602. Email: [email protected]

Mephentermine is an amphetamine-like drug used to treat hypotension. There have been case
reports of mephentermine abuse in India, some associated with psychosis. This is the first to be
associated with mania and the first reported from Kerala. We report the case of an adult male with
a three-month history of irritable mood, increased energy and various other manic symptoms.
Interview revealed three years history of intravenous mephentermine use for athletic
enhancement that evolved to a dependence pattern. Higher mental function evaluation revealed
deficits in concentration and recent memory. He was started on a combination of antipsychotic
and mood stabilizer; psychoeducation was also initiated. Mania went into remission over three
weeks but dependence continued, and the patient was then lost to follow-up. We expect this case
report to increase awareness among both clinicians and the public and to start an investigation
into the prevalence of this problem in at-risk populations.
Keywords: mephentermine, mania, athletics, stimulant, dependence

INTRODUCTION amphetamines.1 Published reports talking

Mephentermine is a cardiac stimulant related to about this, including in India, recognize that at
the class of amphetamines. It appears to work as least in some of these cases, mephentermine
a sympathomimetic agent, causing increased abuse results in psychiatric morbidity beyond
norepinephrine release and acting as an agonist dependence alone. While cases have been
at the alpha-adrenergic receptor. It is primarily reported across India, this is the first case
used in clinical medicine as a vasoconstrictor, to report, to our knowledge, that documents an
combat hypotension in spinal anesthesia, as an episode of mood disorder, most probably
interim drug in hypotensive shock, and as a induced by mephentermine abuse. To our
nasal decongestant. However, there are many understanding, this is also the first case report
case reports that it is being misused for its of mephentermine abuse of any kind from
stimulant-like properties despite theoretically Kerala. With this case, we wish to bring to
not having quite the same effect on CNS as attention a growing problem in some
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QR code: Please cite this article as: Nair PV, Babu B, Raj Z,
DOI: Kakkan S. Mephentermine abuse for stamina,
Received: 07/09/2022. Accepted: 04/12/2022. resulting in mania - a case report. Kerala Journal
Web publication: 03/01/2023.
of Psychiatry 2022;35(2):148-151.

Kerala Journal of Psychiatry //35(2) Jul-Dec 2022


populations that may be going under-reported course of three years to a usage pattern of
and unnoticed. around 20 ml per day of the same solution, as he
could no longer achieve the same effect with the
smaller dose. He had an intense craving for the
Mr. Z is a 38-year-old married Muslim male, substance and would self-medicate with it
formerly a manual labourer, currently not when stressed, claiming it helped relieve his
gainfully unemployed and educated till 10th stress. He occasionally thought about cutting
standard. He presented to the Outpatient down on the substance but was ultimately
Department, brought by a close friend. He was unsuccessful in doing so and never seriously
actively involved in bodybuilding and athletics, attempted abstinence. He complained of feeling
primarily the sport of tug-of-war. He weak, restless, and anxious whenever the dose
complained of racing thoughts, distractibility, was reduced. Past history was not significant
being increasingly irritable all the time, and family history was positive for substance
forgetfulness and “getting carried away with use disorders.
whatever he was doing” for the past three
Clinical findings
months. The friend confirmed this and reported
that he was excessively talkative, always Mental status examination revealed a restless
irritable, getting angry, and picking fights at the individual with increased psychomotor activity,
slightest provocation. He was overfamiliar with pressured speech and prolixity of thought with
individuals, starting arguments with persons elevated and irritable mood with no perceptual
with whom he was not personally acquainted, disturbances. Assessment of higher mental
even those in positions of authority. As a result function showed a conscious and oriented
of these behaviors, he was dismissed from his individual with impaired attention and
job a month back. concentration on digit span test and serial
subtraction, as well as some deficits in recent
The patient denied that the problems had been
memory. The patient had Grade 3 insight into
that severe, although he admitted that his
his manic symptoms but was in the
behavior now was different and that he would
contemplation phase regarding his usage of
not have done this before. He also reported a
mephentermine and ambivalent about the
decreased need for sleep, with a constant need
possibility of it contributing to his current
to be engaged in activities, and significantly
problems. General physical examination
increased libido and sexual activity with his
showed multiple puncture marks over the left
wife, which he acknowledged was causing
arm with an elevated blood pressure of 160/90
difficulties for his wife and impairment in their
mm Hg. Systems were within normal limits.
marital relationship. Further, on a detailed
assessment of history, the patient revealed that Diagnostic assessment
he had been regularly using intravenous A provisional diagnosis was made as per DSM-5
mephentermine for the past three years. He was of F15.24 Severe Mephentermine [Stimulant]
initially introduced to the substance by his Use Disorder with Mephentermine-induced
sports teammate, who claimed that it would Bipolar and Related disorder. Baseline Young
boost his performance. He reported that he had Mania Rating Scale [YMRS] scoring showed a
increased strength and vigor after using it, felt score of 26, indicating moderate mania. All
less exhausted than before from doing the same relevant baseline investigations were done,
activities and performed better in sports. He which were within normal limits. He was
quickly began using it for the perceived benefits counseled about the need for neuroimaging,
on a daily basis, starting at 5ml per day of considering his cognitive deficits and potential
30mg/ml solution. This progressed over the unknown hazards and risks of using the


substance. However, he deferred due to performance, stamina and endurance.5,6,7,8,9,10.

financial constraints. Our patient falls into this patient profile. Cases
of psychosis resulting from mephentermine
Therapeutic intervention
abuse are not uncommon among these; often,
The patient was advised inpatient management psychotic symptoms may be the only reason the
for de-addiction but refused, and hence, patient is brought to medical attention.5,6,7 It is
managed on an outpatient basis. He was started to be noted that the usage of mephentermine is
on a combination of Risperidone 2 mg and a prohibited by the World Doping Agency
divided dose of Sodium Valproate 1000 mg. He because of its performance-enhancing abilities.
was psychoeducated on the nature of the illness To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
and the further consequences and health report of a case of mephentermine dependence
hazards of continued substance use and with an induced mania and the first case report
dependence and advised to follow up after one of mephentermine from Kerala.
week and three weeks.
Follow-up and outcomes
It appears that mephentermine abuse is
His target manic symptoms had subsided in becoming more widespread across India. It is
three weeks, with a YMRS score of 9, and the worrying that this seems to have spread to
bystander corroborated that his social Kerala as well. News media have also picked up
functioning had improved in that period. He on this trend and started reporting on it.
was tolerating medications well. However, he However, general awareness appears to be
admitted that he was continuing relatively low among the public and medical
mephentermine use and was rationalizing that practitioners. It seems not only quite capable of
he needed it to function effectively in athletics inducing mood and psychotic disorders, which
and his daily life. He subsequently became lost cause much morbidity but also poses major
to follow-up. physical health hazards, including
DISCUSSION hypertension, hepatic failure and even
cognitive issues, among others. Much further
A thorough screening for substances beyond research is needed in this area. A community
those routinely seen in practice enabled us to survey with assured anonymity regarding the
pick up on a newer and rarer kind of substance prevalence and practices of use of
abuse, and one which explained the current mephentermine and other similar substances,
clinical presentation, which would otherwise performance enhancers and anabolic steroids
have been missed, and probably misdiagnosed among at-risk populations such as
as a primary mood disorder. On examining the sportspersons, athletes, bodybuilders, fitness
available literature, it is striking that most case enthusiasts, gymnasium workers, physical
reports regarding mephentermine misuse have trainers may be warranted to understand the
been reported in India, particularly concerning scale of the problem.
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