LPC Week 5 Prosocial 2023 PDF

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Future Leadership:

Moral leadership & AI

Assignment :
Personal Reflections on Leadership.
1. Overview feedback
2. Return of individual assignments
3. Class debrief
4. Opportunity for individual or group

Overview Feedback

• 20% YET predicts future success.

• Nothing more important than your own development.
• Put EFFORT in to enhance your development (and work).
• Great gains can be made.

Develop a growth mind-set

• This is the start of the program
much space for development &
• To develop put in effort.
• Skills apply to your life far beyond
course completion.

Overview Feedback
20% of your mark. A good marker of what to expect and consider
ways of enhancing your work. Use to further advance or improve
on your work.

Ensure you answer the questions

 A common theme was more focus and words were placed on
different questions. Flow of writing could be improved in many
essays. Each paragraph should cover a particular idea and
should ideally build on previous ones.
 Stick to word limits

Recommendation: Read the detailed summary of the

assignment and marking rubric (as uploaded on Wattle and end
of this email). Edit your assignments several times.
Question 1: Leadership Definition
 Most essays synthesized, applied and constructed a
decision about what is important to you in leadership.
 Please offer a clear definition as this is the guide for what
you see as important in leadership.
 Common to simply quote different definitions then come up
with their own without a clear statement of how this came
about. Be succinct and make a case why you could X about
Recommendation: Stick to word length and ensure you are
clear offering a definition making a case why this definition is

Question 2: Reflection on Own Leadership Style

 If you haven’t been a leader don’t worry talk about your experiences and what you
learnt from other leaders.
 Some little reflection or talked about theories little link to own experience (weakest
response ie. a pass for this).
 Some talked in general terms (not being specific) or referring to a theory and
making some link (minimal) (acceptable but not ideal response i.e. a credit)
 Others described experiences whether as a leader at work or in their studies or as
a team member/follower. These responses linked learning about leader theories
with life experiences (i.e. application of knowledge as described in Blooms
taxonomy). This was a distinction level response.
 Others offered more specific observations into their strengths and weaknesses
linking this to life experiences (high distinction).
 Very few applied frameworks to analyse and learn about their leadership.(v. high

Recommendation: Consider specific events in life where things may have gone well
or you might have done things differently (what you can learn from this). And then look
for articles and theories to understand this more.

Question 2: Reflection on Own Leadership Style

More in-depth reflection talking about particular and specific

events. Why? This is the best way to truly develop your self-
awareness and in turn leadership.
• Get to specific experiences. So what are your strengths and
• Describe a particular event or series of them. When I had X
happen I realised I was Y leader. For example when faced with a
challenging interaction I realized I was quite avoidant but when
the conflict escalated I became competitive. From this I learnt …
• Refer to a theory and making some link i.e. link learning about
leader theories with life experiences.

Question 3: Personal Learning Outcomes
• Please offer a clearer statement about what you want to learn.
• Be specific focus on your particular goals and developmental needs.

For example what is the best formula to be an excellent leader-tell me specifically

what do you want to learn.

An example might be if you have trouble motivating people.

• What might be the cause?
• The nature of the work?
• Might it be about the other person –maybe their involvement? Maybe their
personality? Be curious.
• The type of relationship you have? And how might you build this relationship? Say
by active listening, reciprocity, setting clear mutually agreed expectations.

Learning Objectives

• Understand core elements of prosocial leadership

frameworks and how these approaches enhance
employee outcomes

• Conceptual distinctiveness and overlaps

• Examine core elements of leading in the future

Prosocial Leadership

• Ethical
• Servant
• Authentic

Ethical leadership
Principled and fair
• Measures success not just by results but also the way that they are obtained
• Makes fair and balanced decisions
• Has the best interests of employees in mind
• Can be trusted

Open two way communication

• Listens to what employees have to say
• When making decisions, asks “what is the right thing to do?”
• Discusses business ethics or values with employees

Ethical Role Model and Disciplining Unethical Behavior

• Conducts his/her personal life in an ethical manner
• Sets an example of how to do things the right way in terms of ethics
• Disciplines employees who violate ethical standards

Brown et al. / Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 97 (2005)

Ethical Leadership

Deanne N. Den Hartog (2015). Ethical Leadership. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2015 2:1, 409-434
Servant Leadership
1. My manager can tell if something work-related is going wrong.
2. My manager makes my career development a priority.
3. I would seek help from my manager if I had a personal problem.
4. My manager emphasizes the importance of giving back to the
5. My manager puts my best interests ahead of his/her own.
6. My manager gives me the freedom to handle difficult situations in
the way that I feel is best.
7. My manager would NOT compromise ethical principles in order to
achieve success.

Liden et al., (2013). Servant leadership and serving culture. Academy of

Management Journal.
Servant Leadership

Eva, et al. (2019). Servant Leadership: A systematic review and call for future research, The Leadership Quarterly.

Authentic Leaders
(Alavi & Gill 2016)
Knows himself or herself in terms of thoughts and emotions, and
develops transparent relationships with followers

Has a considerable awareness of his or her personal judgments and

biases that enable the leader to have control of his or her thoughts and

Acts based on their internal values

Authentic leaders have not been proposed as a leadership style, but as

a characteristic that underlies many leadership styles.

Common dimensions of authentic leadership
• Self-awareness refers to a deep
understanding of one’s internal
values, thoughts, emotions, and
• Internalized moral perspective
demonstrates a leader’s integrity in
guiding his or her behaviors and
actions based on his or her values
and true beliefs.
• Balanced processing refers to
preventing personal bias and
considering diverse perspectives in
decision making.
• Relational transparency is
demonstrated in open conversation
along with integrity in interactions.

Moral Leadership: Antecedents, Consequences & Outcomes

Leading and Driving Change
In the Future: AI

Professor Giles Hirst

Learning Objectives

• Understand Artificial Intelligence (AI) and explore

its use
• Learn reflective post-hoc change techniques
• Evaluate and critique AIs utility & application
• Learn about change implementation & apply
It’s Only the Stuff of Movies – Right?

What Some Smart People are Saying About AI

“The future is scary

and very bad for
people.” [1]

AI is a “demon” that is
“potentially more
dangerous than
nuclear weapons” [2] Elon Musk
Steve Wozniak Tesla chief executive
Apple co-founder

“I don’t understand why

some people are not
concerned” [3]

“ … full artificial
intelligence could
spell the end of the
human race” [4]

Bill Gates Stephen Hawking

Microsoft co-founder British theoretical physicist

Some highly visible recent AI
successes in games

Watson defeats Jeopardy DeepMind achieves AlphaGo defeats Go CMU’s Libratus defeats top
champions (2011) human-level champion (2016) human poker players (2017)
performance on
many Atari games
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

• Interrelated technologies used to solve problems that would otherwise require human

• Computers, and related computational ability, serve people by offering data assisting
problem resolution.

• Sense-making, predictions and decision making capacity to solve problems

collaboratively with humans; learn / change over time (Brynjolfsson & Mitchell, 2017).

• Agentic as are human counterparts (Larson & DeChurch, 2020) as teammates rather
than tools (Grimm, Demir, Gorman, & Cooke, 2018; Lyons, Mahoney, Wynne, & Roebke,

Humans & AI

Human AI

-Intuition, common -Ability to simulate

sense, creativity, human behavior &
-Demonstrate cognitive processes
intelligence by -Model & optimize
Pros communication associations (learning)
-Plausible reasoning & -Fast response:
critical thinking comprehend large
-Associative creativity amounts of data rapidly

-Human bias
-Limited knowledge
bases -No “common sense”
-Slow information -Cannot readily deal
Cons processing with “mixed” knowledge
-Unable to retain large -Legal & ethical issues
amounts of data in

Lets have you a go!!!

After Event Review
After Event Review

1. What were the benefits of pairing? What worked well?

What didn’t?
2. What were challenges problem solving?
3. How would you enhance co-creativity?
Pitfalls of AI
• Algorithmic practices reduce control
(Richleaux & Parker, 2021). What can
managers do?

• What worked best in the final pairing? Did

you use AI or did you use it sparingly?

• Does AI respond like people do? Did you

feel supported?

Driving Change: Implementing AI

• If implementing AI:
• What was helpful?
• How might you help companies to use it?
• What techniques might you use to get


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