Didactics III Resit

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Didactics III examination paper Re-sit

Name: Berta Cesar Navingo, Laboral, Minor in English

Lesson 2 grammar focus 1, page 62: ‘top five secrets of success’

1. Main focus: system- grammar

2. Aims

Main aim: by the end of this lesson students should be able to use the present perfect and the
past simple with for, and know when we use each one in the past to express different actions.

Subsidiary aim: get students devising sentences in the present perfect and in the past, with for.

3. Personal aims

In this lesson I would like to see how I well-manage the rate of the lesson, how clear my
instructions are and what should I improve in the succeeding lessons.

4. Learners’ overview and class profile

This is a grade 10 class at Josina Machel secondary school in Maputo. It is made of 25 male and
15 female students. A great part of them is aged between 25 to 30 years olds and the
remainders are between 35 to 40 years old. A fair number of students is well motivated and
others not that much. All of them are learning English for job purposes and to enable
themselves to communicate with others. The men are more participative in the lessons, they
always answer the questions and arrive on time, while a great part of women don’t participate
actively in the lessons.

5. Timetable fit.

This lesson will take place on Thursday from 5:30 to 6:15 pm and last 45 minutes.

6. Assumptions

I think that this lesson will be effective, as the pre-planning encompasses a clear explanation
about what the students will deal with. Then after the lesson they will be able to use the present
perfect with for correctly as well as the past simple.

7. Anticipated problems and solutions

Possible problems: some students may have problems distinguishing the two tenses and
knowing which time we using to describe actions that has finished and actions that have not

Possible solutions: bring more examples and explanations about how we use each one
highlighting the usage in each context.

8. Material

Cutting edge New Edition Pre-intermediate students’ Book. Black/whiteboard.

stages time Aim procedure interaction comment

1. Warm up 3’ To get students Teacher asks the students to T-Ss
engaged with the lesson say what they know about
and awake students’ ‘success’
2. 12’ To get students familiar
presentation with the new language
3. -To help students - Teacher asks students to open T-Ss
introducing 5’ understand how the page 62, exercise 1 grammar of
the new new language behaves their books and asks them to
language in a sentence underline the past simple and
- get students to circle the present perfect verbs.
identify the past simple - Students work individually to
in sentences as well as underline the past and perfect S
the present perfect. tense in each sentence then S-Ss
compare their answers in pairs.
- Teacher elicits answers from
students and asks the class to T-Ss
say whether they are correct or
- Teacher asks students to work
in pair and say which action is T-Ss
finished and which continues S-Ss
up to the present. Students
compare their answers in
groups of four.
- Teacher elicits answers from
students and checks with whole T-Ss
class if they are correct or not.
4. showing 5’ To help students The teacher writes two T-Ss
the form and understand how the sentences from page 62 on the
use new language sounds, board, one in the past simple
how it is formed and the and the other in present
different context in perfect tense and highlights the
which it is used. features of those verb forms.
E.g. - he worked there for 3
months when he was 18.
He’s directed films for nearly
40 years.
- Teacher explains how to use T-Ss
the present perfect and the
past simple.
- The present perfect is used
with for when the actions have
not finished yet.
- The past simple is used with
for when the actions have
already finished.
Explanation: in the first
sentence, it means that he
doesn’t work there anymore. In
the second sentence, it means
that he still directs films.

5. eliciting 2’ To check whether -Teacher asks the students to T-Ss

examples students can give make sentences based on the
from examples of their own text “top five secrets of
students success” USING the learned
tenses with for. Ss-T
-Teacher elicits answers from
-teacher checks with the class
whether the sentences are
correct or not.
6. CCQs 2’ To check whether Teacher asks students: T-Ss
students understand - how do we use the present Ss-T
how to form and use perfect?
the new language - how do we use the past
learned simple?
- what a past simple
- what a present perfect

7. practice 15’ Get students to put in

practice the new
7.1. choosing 4’ Get students to practice Teacher asks students to open T-Ss
the correct what they have learnt page 62 exercise 1 practice and
form and check whether they complete the sentence with the
understand when to use present perfect or past simple
the present perfect and form of the verbs in brackets.
the past simple in right Students work in pairs for Ss-Ss
context. nearly 5 minutes
Students compare in small
Teacher asks for volunteers to
Teacher asks the class if the T-Ss
answers are correct or nor.
8. production 10’ Make students use the Teacher asks the students to T-Ss
language they have work individually and write a
practiced in a creative top 3 secrets of success.
structure. Students do the asked task and Ss-Ss
share with partners
Volunteers share what they
have wrote with the class.

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