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Single Person Cash Management Policy


Section 1: Introduction

1.1 What you need to know………………………………………………………………………………………………2

1.2 CCTV…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………2

Step-by-Step Shift Guide

Section 2: Managing Your Tills

2.1 AM Process……………………………………..….………..…………………………………………………………….3
2.2 Till audits……………………………………….…….……..……………………………………………………………..3
2.3 Cash Controller Key Handover……………………………………………..….……………………………………..4
2.4 Register Skims…………………………………………………………..………………………………………………..4
2.5 Completing a register skim…………………………………………………….……….……………………………..5
Basic Skim, Luncheon Vouchers……………………………………………………………………………………5
Till Audit Skim, Balance Skim………………………………………………………………………………………6
2.6 Receipts…………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………….7
2.7 Floating the Tills………………………………………………………………….………………………………..……..7
2.8 Cashing Up After Close………………………………………………………….………………………………………7
2.9 PM Till Float Check………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
2.10 Daily Outer Safe Count………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Section 3: Banking

3.1 Preparing for Banking……………………………………………………………………………………………………9

3.2 Completing the Banking………………………………………………………………………………………………10
Till Audits and Luncheon Vouchers………………………………………………………………………………..12
3.3 Store Manager Deposit Verification………………………………………………………………….…….………13
Luncheon Voucher Reconciliation………………………………………………………………………………….13

Section 4: G4S & Change Deposit Preparation

4.1 Full Safe Audit……………………………………………………………………………………………………………14

4.2 Preparing the Change Deposit………………………………………………………………………………………14
4.3 Preparing for the G4S Service……………………………………………………………………………………….15
4.4 When G4S Arrive….……………………………………………………………………………………….……………15

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Single Person Cash Management Policy


1.1 What you need to know


To support this:

• Ensure partners have had their breaks before the cash office is needed.
• Ensure FOH is fully re-stocked before cash control duties start.

Mobile phones must not be used during cash control duties – ensure a calculator is available.

Cash must always be either in the safe, on the correct banking mat or in the safe carry bag (for FOH
safe stores). Spare/replacement banking mats can be ordered using the relevant code in the IGMA
Catalogue (on the Partner Hub) and replacement carry bags can be ordered through Mitie from

1.2 CCTV

The CCTV is your witness to the count – this is your proof that everything counted and
documented was correct at the time. Nothing should block the view of the money being counted so

• The desk is kept clear

• The Cash Controller (CC) sits paying attention to CCTV blind spots,
• The CCTV screen shows the cash counting area
• The money is counted by hand when required (Basic Skims and Banking)

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2.1 AM Process

When the cash controller comes into the store in the morning they should:

• Login to the BOPC Cash Management functions and open a deposit for that day (for further
details of the Cloud POS AM process refer to EMEA Cloud POS UK Equity Cash
Management Guide Steps 2-4)
• Set the outer safe and take out the till floats.
• The tills should already be prepared so do not take any other money out of the safe at this
• Take the tills front of house (when relevant) and place each till in the correct register.
• Quick start each till following the Cloud POS guide (make sure to choose the correct till for
the register eg Till 1 for Register 1)
• Assign the partners to each till
• Partners must not use another partner’s till under any circumstances
• Whilst on the till advise the partner that they should drop all excess £10, £20, £50 notes and
luncheon vouchers into the first drop box. All receipts and other vouchers must be dropped
into the second drop box. This will ensure money is easier to sort into the bag when it
comes to skimming.

Key Point: Till sharing is not acceptable – you are not permitted to process items through the
till when another partner is signed in. This includes processing non-cash payment transactions.
If the first partner is not available for any reason, a second partner will need to sign in to use the
till. Cash controllers are responsible for ensuring partners Sign Out when leaving the till.

2.2 Till Audits

• It is the cash controller’s responsibility to ensure till audits have been completed. A
minimum of 3 till audits must be scheduled in the week following till variances.
• The cash controller should check to see if a till audit is required, who this is required for and
take the time to plan when this is going to be and on which register.
• To ensure they are effective till audits should be at random times throughout the day and on
various shifts, including PM shifts. This will need to be planned and decided by the cash
• For a valid Till Audit the partner cannot use the same register once the audit is complete.
• Please see section 2.5 for instructions on how to complete a Till Audit skim, and section 3.2
Completing the Deposit Preparation for instructions on how to complete the Till Audit
process during the banking.

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2.3 Cash Controller Key Handover

The keys must be handed over and documented in the ‘cash controller key & shift handover’ section
in the Daily Records Book.

This must be done in full view of your CCTV.

When handing over, both cash controllers should review the Daily Records Book and discuss any
outstanding issues including skims and till audits.

2.4 Register Skims

The idea of a skim is to remove the bulk of the money from the tills and put it in the safe.

At least one type of skim should have been performed by 2pm on all registers.

There are 3 different types of skim that can be performed:

• Basic Skim (BS) - this is a quick and easy skim. The idea of this skim is to remove the bulk of
the cash from the drop box.
• Balancing Skim (BL) - this is used to ‘balance’ the till drawer and reset it back to £300. This
skim is used to get a ‘clean’ till for till audits, or at the end of the day.
• Till Audit (TA) – this is when a partner starts with a ‘clean’ till (£300). They must be the only
partner to use that till so the variance is assigned to this partner alone. Till audit skims can be
created at any time of day.

Key Points:

• All skims must be counted and sealed on the blue safe verification mat, and dropped
into the safe, in full view of CCTV.
• It is not necessary for till drawers to be placed on the mats, but all cash must stay on the
mat (or in the safe carry bags) and in continual view of the CCTV.
• When performing a TA or BL the cash controller must always verify the float is £300
before the excess cash has been counted to help identify and correct any variances.
• If you are completing a BS be careful not to overskim (remove too many notes). Do a
visual check of the till drawer so, if necessary, notes can be moved back from the drop
box to the till.
• A TA can be scheduled as the last skim of the day (replacing the BL).

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2.5 Completing a Register Skim


• Prepare a 137 bag writing the store number, store name, day and date on the front
• Clearly mark the till drop bag(s) as ‘BS’ and circle the relevant register
• Write the date and time of the skim with the CC initials
• Place the cash from each drop box into the relevant skim bag. Do not seal the bags.
• Place the skim bags into the 137 bag before taking them to the cash counting area
• Count each skim one at a time, on the blue safe verification mat, with the count in full view
of the CCTV
• Count each denomination, by hand, in order from £5 notes upwards.
• Document the details for each skim, including the amount, in the relevant till section of the
Daily Records Book before moving on to the next skim
• Double-check the amount is correct before sealing the skim
• Once all skims are counted put them into the 137 bag and place the open 137 bag in the
bottom of the outer safe.
• If a TA skim has already been completed this must be added from the outer safe into the
open 137 bag with the BS skims.

Luncheon Vouchers

Luncheon vouchers (LV) are considered as cash (with no change given for over-payment) and must
be counted and declared when part of a skim.

When a Luncheon Voucher is part of a skim:

• Count the total amount of LV’s (in £’s) in the skim

• Document the details and amount of the LV’s in the relevant till section of the DRB (refer to
the example completion page at the front of the DRB)
• Enter the amounts on the BOPC as part of the relevant skim count (refer to EMEA Cloud
POS Cash Management Guide Step 6)
• Document the variance in the relevant till section of the DRB – there may be a positive
variance (as no change is given out) but there should not be a negative variance.
• Any negative variance must be investigated.
• Include the LV’s with the cash before sealing the skim.

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• Go to the correct register and remove the relevant till (as per the EMEA Cloud POS Cash
Management Guide step 5)
• Empty the drop box and put all the notes into the till drawer.
• Take the till drawer back of house and use the cash scales to reset the till to £300.
• Put the remaining excess cash on one side of the blue safe verification mat.
• Check the till float to ensure that it has been correctly reset to £300 and put the till drawer to
one side
• Count the excess cash and document the details, including amount, of the TA in the relevant
till section of the Daily Records Book
• Document the time and partner’s name in the Till Audit section of the DRB
• Mark the till drop bag ‘TA’ and write the partner name. Circle the register number and
complete the date & time of the skim with the CC initials.
• Seal the bag and put into today’s 137 bag in the bottom of the safe. If this is the first skim of
the day it must be placed into the bottom of the safe until the 137 bag is created during
Basic Skims.
• Go to the BOPC and count & close the relevant till (as per the EMEA Cloud POS Cash
Management Guide step 6) remembering to include any LV’s.
• Document the variance from POS in the DRB next to the relevant skim in the till section


• Go to each register and remove the relevant till (as per the EMEA Cloud POS Cash
Management Guide step 5)
• Empty the drop box and put all the notes into the till drawer.
• Take the till drawers to the cash counting area (BOH)
• Counting one till at a time, use the cash scales to reset the till to £300
• Put the remaining excess cash on one side of the blue verification mat
• Check the till float to ensure that it has been correctly reset to £300 and put the till drawer to
one side
• Count the excess cash and document the details, including the amount, of the BL in the
relevant till section of the Daily Records Book
• Mark the till drop bags ‘BL’, circle the register number and complete the date & time of the
skim with the CC initials.
• The bags must then be sealed and put into today’s 137 bag in the bottom of the safe
(following section 2.8 below ‘Cashing up after close’).
• If this is the first skim of the day it must be placed into the bottom of the safe until the 137
bag is created during Basic Skims
• Go to the BOPC and count & close each relevant till (as per EMEA Cloud POS Cash
Management Guide Step 6) remembering LV’s. Include any amounts from BS (only)
already completed when entering the BL counted amounts on BOPC.
• Document the variance from POS in the DRB next to the relevant skim in the till section

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2.6 Receipts

All receipts must be taken out of the 2nd drop boxes at the end of the day.
The receipts/redeemed vouchers must be put into the receipts folder or the dedicated envelopes in
the Daily Records Book (depending where they should be stored) in the office.

2.7 Floating the Tills

The tills must be floated (restocked with change) in the afternoon or evening so they are ready for
the morning shift, as the AM cash controller should not touch the safe float first thing in the morning.

If the tills are floated as part of the end of day process these need to be done after the BL are
completed, but before the Daily Outer Safe Count (see below section 2.8). Once the tills have been
floated they need to be verified as £300 before storing them in the Outer Safe (PM Till Float Check).
This will ensure any errors can be identified and corrected.

2.8 Cashing Up After Close

After the store is closed and the Cash Controller is ready to cash up: -

• Go to each register and remove the relevant till (as per the EMEA Cloud POS Cash
Management Guide step 5)
• Check all partners have been unassigned from both registers (Partner Unassign All)
• The Cash Controller must remember to empty the receipt drop box and take those to the
office. Double check there is no cash/LV’s mixed in with the receipts.
• The Cash Controller must then complete two BL’s (see section 2.5) and ensure that the till
floats are set back to £300.
• Ensure the final counted skim amounts are entered onto the BOPC (as per the EMEA Cloud
POS Cash Management Guide step 6)
• Set the outer safe.
• Once both BL’s are prepared, open the safe outer door and remove today’s 137 bag (this
should already have been prepared with all of the day’s previous skims inside).
• Using the blue mats, remove all of today’s skims and count them out so the CCTV can
witness the number. Document this in the ‘PM closing skim/cash drop into safe’ section in
the DRB.
• Showing each skim to camera, place them inside the 137 bag, one at a time. If there is an
issue with a missing skim the CCTV will be your witness to the count.
• DO NOT seal the 137 bag – this will be done during the banking.
• After showing the 137 bag to the camera drop it into the inner safe.
• If your safe is front of house, drop your 137 bag into the inner safe following the completion
of cash control duties.

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Remember: Always check in the DRB how many skim bags there should be on that day. Do not
assume how many should be in the 137 bag. Any issues should be reported to the SM/DM

If the tills need floating with change this should be done now.
Restock them one register at a time, in denomination order from 1p’s upwards, with the CCTV able
to validate the amount of change given.

If you are a 24 hour store, please ensure that you conduct end of day cash control duties before
23:59 as the cash sales run from 00:00 to 23:59 in Cloud POS.

2.9 PM Till Float Check

The cash controller should recount the till floats to ensure they are £300 when stored in the safe.
This should include any SRV’s kept overnight in the tills.

Document the till float check in the PM Till Float Count section in the DRB.

2.10 Daily Outer Safe Count

This must be done in full view of the camera and counted on the BLUE SAFE VERIFICATION CASH
Remember – cash must always be in one of these places: in the safe, on the relevant cash mat or in
the safe carry bag. Please ensure cash is not placed anywhere else.

The daily outer count should be the last cash controller duty of the day. All skims must be completed
with the tills restocked and verified before the final safe count to ensure the money is in the correct
place. Any variances must be clearly documented in the DRB for the AM cash controller, where

• Put the two till floats to one side.

• Organise the safe float bags on one side of the mat.
• Count each denomination in order from 1p’s upwards.
• Count the denominations from one mat onto the other so the CCTV can witness the count.
• Document the amount of each denomination in the DRB before moving onto the next one.
• Ensure nothing is obstructing the view of the CCTV – check where you are sitting/standing to
ensure you do not block the camera view
• When documenting the total number of SRV’s in the Safe Verification section in the DRB this
should include both the outer safe and the till drawer amounts.

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3.1 Preparing for Banking

The banking is prepared twice a week on Mondays and either a Thursday or Friday.

On G4S collection days the banking must be completed before 11am.

On non-collection days the banking can be completed anytime between 9am and 3pm.

Banking days must be fixed with non-coverage time appropriately allocated in the LST to allow for
the banking to be completed.

Where possible there should be another supervisor on shift to deal with any issues, as the Cash
Controller must not be disturbed whilst completing the Banking.

Each deposit should take no more than 15 minutes to prepare.

On Mondays another 15 minutes should be scheduled to allow for the full safe count and change
deposit preparation.

The full safe count must be completed before the change deposit & banking are prepared.

If it is the second banking day, with no change prep, you will still need to document the contents of
the Inner Safe (137 bags, full packets of SRV’s etc) in the DRB (see section 4.1) but will not need to
complete the full safe count.

Before you go into the office to begin the banking ensure the FOH is fully re-stocked and partners
are aware you will not be available.

For full instructions on how to enter counted amounts on the BOPC refer to the EMEA Cloud POS
Cash Management Guide.

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3.2 Completing the Banking

Step 1 – Preparation
Before you start your deposit preparation, you will need the following:

• RED/YELLOW BANKING MAT (located on the reverse side of the blue mat)
• BANKING FLOAT BAG (to change the excess coins from each days deposit into notes)

When you are ready to start your banking:

• Remove any clutter from the desk so there is a clear view of your banking on CCTV.
• Place your 2 blue mats on the desk with the 137 bags on top.

Step 2 – Pre-banking checks

• Check each 137 bag number against those recorded in the DRB in the daily deposit section.
• Document the 137 bag numbers under the full safe count/change preparation section.
• Next to each bag number document the number of skims in an open bag, or record it as
• Only on a Change Preparation Day complete a full safe count on the blue mats,
documenting the amounts in the ‘Change Prep’ column of the daily outer safe count.

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Step 3 – Completing the banking

• Place the red/yellow, grey skim bag mat and grey banking cash mat on the desk in clear
view of CCTV.
• The spare blue mat can be used to store your 137 bags during the banking.
• On a Monday follow the steps as instructed in the EMEA Cloud POS Cash Management
Guide to enter your operating fund amounts (safe and till floats) once counted.
• In the DRB on the relevant day, enter the date, time, CC name, 137 bag number and slip
number in the ‘Today’s deposit preparation’ section. Record the witness, which will be
• Place the skim bags for the first day’s banking onto the relevant part of the red/yellow
banking mat.
• Count each skim bag individually onto the grey drop bag cash mat starting from till 1.
• Notes must be counted by hand, one-by-one, so the CCTV can witness the amount.
• Notes should be placed onto the relevant part of the grey drop bag cash mat so the CCTV
can clearly see which denomination of notes is being counted.
• Check the amount documented next to the relevant skim bag in the till section of the DRB
o If there is no variance write Y in the ‘Banking Correct’ column
o If there is a variance write N in the ‘Banking Correct’ column and document the
Recounted amount
• After counting each skim, move the cash from the grey drop bag counting mat onto the
grey banking mat.
• Repeat the above for all skims for all tills.
• Swap the change with notes from your banking float bag to send a maximum of £4.99 in the
fewest amount of coins possible.
• Recount the cash on the grey banking mat by hand and record each denomination in the
space provided in ‘Today’s Deposit Preparation’ section of the DRB.
• Record the total amount of cash under ‘Banking Total’ – Actual amount written on slip
• Fully complete the banking slip: include the breakdown of denominations, date, CC name,
CCTV witness and 137 bag number. Ensure the banking slip stub includes the 137 bag
• On the 137 bag record the total amount, name and signature of the CC. Ensure all other
sections are completed.
• Place the banking slip inside the 137 bag (with the information facing outwards so it can be
read) along with the cash.
• Seal the bag and drop into the safe in full view of CCTV (If you have a FOH safe, this will be
done once the banking is completed and you have returned FOH).
• Record the time that the 137 bag(s) was dropped in the DRB.
• Any variances identified during the banking must be adjusted on the BOPC (as per the
EMEA Cloud POS Cash Management Guide pg. 16 ‘Adjust Cash Deposit’) ensuring the
correct skim is identified and adjusted
• All adjustments must be documented in the ‘POS Adjustments’ section of ‘Today’s Deposit
Preparation’ of the DRB

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• Once all necessary adjustments have been made the relevant deposit must be reconciled on
the BOPC (as per EMEA Cloud POS Cash Management Guide pg. 18)
• Repeat the above steps for all remaining days bankings.
• Once all deposits have been reconciled the names of the partners who used the tills and the
total variances of the adjustments can be determined from Reporting & Analytics (R&A)
• Go to R&A > Starbucks Suite > Tills Report to show the partners assigned to the till. Drill
into each till session number to see the partners who processed cash transactions on the till.
Document the names of those partners that used each till, for each day, in the relevant
section of the DRB.
• Go to R&A > Starbucks Suite > Bank Deposit Adjustment Report. Document the total cash
adjustment amount for each day.
• Any skims which have been adjusted must be investigated fully by the SM

Luncheon Vouchers

When Luncheon vouchers are part of the banking:

• Count the amount of LV’s in the skim
• Check the counted amounts against the documented amounts in the DRB
o If there is no variance write ‘Y’ in the ‘Banking Correct’ column next to the relevant
o If there is a variance write ‘N’ and document the updated amount in the ‘Recounted
Amount’ column
• Count the total amount of LV’s for that day’s deposit and document it in ‘Today’s Deposit
Preparation’ section of the DRB
• Place the LV’s in a red envelope in the safe to be counted and reconciled on Monday

Till Audits

When a TA is part of the banking checking the total amount against the amount documented in the
DRB for that skim.

• Count the skim as you would any other skim

• Check the total amount against the amount documented in the DRB for that skim
o If there is no variance write ‘Y’ in the ‘Banking Correct’ column next to the relevant
o If there is a variance write ‘N’ and document the updated amount in the ‘Recounted
Amount’ column
• Document the actual amount of the skim in the Till Audit section of the DRB
• Record the actual variance for the TA (after any adjustments) in the Till Audit section of the
• Any variances of +/- £3 must be followed up with a documented coaching conversation
which is kept in the relevant partners’ file.


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Step 4 – Post banking

• Change the excess coins in the banking float bag back into notes ready for the next time.
• This must be completed using a till FOH with a partner as witness.
• The prepared banking float bag should be put back into the safe float.

3.3 Store Manager Deposit Verification

• The store manager must verify each days deposit preparation has been completed as per
process and sign the Deposit Verification section.
• The following points, on the banking slip stub and DRB, must match:
o skim amounts add up to the banking total
o banking totals
o banking slip number
o till variances
o adjusted variances
o overall variance
• Any variances between skim counted amounts on the day, and skim counted amounts
during the banking, must be followed-up with the relevant cash controller.
• Any till variances +/- £3 per partner must be followed-up with all relevant partners.
• Any variances between system deposit amounts and actual deposit amounts must be
reported to [email protected] providing trading date, system amount,
actual amount and slip number for any affected deposits.
• If the store manager is out of the business the nominated number two must complete
this section, which must be checked by the SM on their return.

Monday Luncheon Voucher Reconciliation Process:

• Once the banking is completed the luncheon vouchers for the previous week must be
reconciled and prepared for G4S collection
• LV’s must be cancelled with a Cancelled Stamp or by writing Cancelled on the front (but not
over the barcode)
• Any staples/ receipts must be removed, and any LV’s with damage to the barcode must be
removed, as they will not be processed
• LV’s must be placed in the red envelope, in denomination order, with all detail completed
correctly on the front of the envelope
• The red envelope must be placed inside a G4S 116 bag with all relevant details completed
correctly on the front of the bag
• Complete the Luncheon Voucher Reconciliation section of the G4S page in the DRB
• On the BOPC count the Luncheon Voucher Bank back to £0 (as per EMEA Cloud POS Cash
Management Guide pg. 10 & 19)

Failure to send Luncheon Vouchers back in the correct way may result in a loss to your P&L.

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4.1 Full Safe Audit

• A full safe audit must be completed on the G4S collection day before the change deposit
• If the SM is not the Monday cash controller, they must complete a separate full safe audit on
any other day of the week.
• The cash controller should complete a full safe count, as per the daily safe count process
detailed in section 2.10.
• Document the contents of the inner safe in the full safe audit section in the DRB.
• All banking bags must be recorded as either ‘sealed’ or with the number of skims in an open
• As part of the SM’s full safe audit Till Float and Safe Float totals must be counted and
declared through the BOPC Cash Management System (see EMEA Cloud POS Cash
Management Guide for further detail).

On a non-collection banking day it is not necessary to count the safe float, but the contents of the
inner safe must be counted and documented.
Use the ‘Full Safe Audit’ section to document the time, name & CCTV witness, total number of SRVs
and all the 137 bags.

4.2 Preparing the Change Deposit

If a change order was placed (following the Managing Change Document) and a Change
Delivery Confirmation email was received, once you have completed the full safe audit, prepare
the change deposit:

• Count the required amount of cash onto the blue counting mat in full view of CCTV.
• You must send the exact amount as shown in your individual order confirmation.
• All notes must be counted separately by hand so the CCTV can witness exactly how much
money has been placed into the 137 bag.
• Complete a yellow banking slip and place it, with the information facing outwards, in the
137 bag with the cash.
• Document the details on the relevant weeks ‘Change Deposit Preparation’ section in the
• Once completed, seal the 137 bag and drop it into the inner safe (when appropriate) in full
view of CCTV.
• Coins must not be sent as part of the change preparation
• A change order can be placed by emailing the Change Order Template to UKCIT (refer to
the Managing Change document on the Partner Hub for full details) before 11am on
Wednesday for delivery the following Monday

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4.3 Preparing for the G4S Service

• The Cash Controller should document the date, 137 bag numbers and amounts in the ‘G4S
collection’ section of the DRB before G4S arrive.
• The grey bag number (102 bag) can also be documented in the G4S collection beforehand.
• The CC completing the G4S collection must verify any pre-entered information is correct on
the G4S page in the DRB.
• Luncheon vouchers and confidential paperwork can be sent with any G4S collection.
• Ensure the correct bags are used and are sealed before being scanned by the driver.

4.4 When G4S Arrive

The change deposit, and banking, must be completed on a G4S collection day before 11am.

unprepared deposits are not sent with the G4S driver.

CHANGE DELIVERIES MUST NEVER BE REFUSED! If G4S bring change to your store, and the
white delivery slip has the correct store details on, it should always be accepted and verified as
per process, even if you are not expecting it.

A CHANGE DEPOSIT MUST BE SENT IF AN ORDER IS PLACED! If you receive confirmation for
a change delivery then the deposit must be sent on the Monday, whether G4S have the
change with them or not (as you have already been charged). Failed deliveries must be

• The driver’s ID must be checked, even if you know them.

• Place the blue mats on the desk in the office.
• The G4S driver will give you the Dallas Key which should be used to override the inner time
• Remove all deposits to be collected, including a change deposit if relevant (and return to
the office if FOH).
• The G4S driver should not handle the 137 bags at any time.
• Hold these one by one for the driver to scan and place them inside the grey bag.
• You will be given two copies of a white receipt which detail the grey bag (102) and 137 bag
numbers – one copy must be placed inside the grey bag before it is sealed by the CC.
• You will then be given another receipt which has the grey bag number and any LV (116) or
confidential paperwork (100) bag numbers detailed on it.

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• If you ordered change the G4S driver will provide you with a ‘change delivery’ receipt
which details the change bag seal number(s), store address, and confirms the delivery of
those bags.
• The Cash Controller must check all details are correct and initial the white delivery receipt
as confirmation.
• These initials confirm that the correct bags have been delivered to your store.
• The Cash Controller must open the delivered bags IN THE PRESENCE OF G4S and check
the amounts against the breakdown sheet (also known as the CP9):
o If correct, the Cash Controller must document date, time and their signature on
the CP9.
o If incorrect, the Cash Controller must neatly amend the amounts and totals on the
CP9, and sign, date and time both copies giving the yellow copy to the G4S driver.
• The ‘Change Delivery Section’ in the DRB must be completed in full.
• G4S receipts must be checked and carefully stapled on to the G4S page in the cash log.
• All CP9 sheets must be stored in the envelope at the back of this week’s cash log.
• If the wrong change is received, your safe float will be affected. This must remain
unbalanced until G4S have resolved the issue so contact UKCIT if you do not get a response
(include the reference number from the automated email).

Any discrepancies with the deliveries must be reported within 24 hours to G4S by email to
[email protected] (this email address must have a capital ‘S’ at the start) copying in
[email protected]. Include your store number/name, the unique Order ID from your order
confirmation, the total amount ordered/received and denominations/amounts missing.

G4S services are considered Missed if they fail to show on Monday and fail to recover the
service on Tuesday by 3pm. Any Missed Services (collections and/or deliveries) must be
reported to [email protected] cc [email protected] between Tuesday 3pm and
Wednesday 3pm. Include your store number/name and whether it is a Missed Collection,
Missed Change Delivery or both. For Missed Change Deliveries also include the unique order
ID from your order confirmation.

NB: G4S may attend after 3pm due to late-running. If they arrive before 4pm please still allow
the collection/delivery to take place.

You will receive two automated responses as confirmation. The one from G4S contains a
reference number. If you do not receive this please check you have emailed the correct

Failure to adhere to basic cash handling procedures may result in disciplinary actions
being taken.

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