2. AND WHEREAS the Government accorded approval to the said detention order under
sub-section (3) of Section-3 of the Act, vide G.O. second read above;
3. AND WHEREAS the Advisory Board constituted under Section-9 of the said Act,
consisting of Hon'ble Justice Sri V.Bhaskara Rao, (Retired), Chairman and two other Members,
reviewed the case on 16.08.7022, through Video Conference at Greentands Guest House,
Begumpet, Hyderabad, heard the detenu besides his mother smt. Karam Lakshmi, the
Investigating Officers and after perused the grounds of detention, connected records and
opined vide reference third read above that "there is sufficient cause for the detention of
the detenu Karam Ramu S/o. Late Babu Rao, Age: 27 Years, Caste: Koya, Occ: Coolie, R/o.
H.No.13-5-50, Ashoknagar Cotony, Bhadrachatam, Bhadradri Kothagudem District (Detenu
No. 181 7).
4. Government after carefut examination of the entire record, observe that, the
detenu Karam Ramu 5/o. Late Babu Rao was caught red-handed with huge quantity of ganja
white he atong with his associate was carrying the ganja packets and on seeing the police, his
associate managed to escape. The detaining authority has retied on (01 ) case, as grounds of
detention which was registered against the detenu in Crime No.133 of 7022, u/s. 8 (c) r/w 20
(B) (ii) (C) & Sec.29 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 of Narsampet
Potice Station. As such the activities of the individuat fatt under and within the meaning of
"Drug Offender" as defined under sec. 2 (f) of Act 1 of 1986. The incident mentioned in the
grounds of detention ctearly substantiate as to how the acts of the detenu are prejudiciat to
the maintenance of pubtic order and pubtic health. As per the TSFSL report, anatyzed the
samptes of the contraband and op'ined that, the samples are found to be 'Ganja' a narcotic
drug. The Detaining Authority having satisfied that, the activities of the Detenu have been
endangering the tives of youth and innocent peopte, causing irreparable damage to their body
organs, 'inctuding the centrat nervous system, thereby crippting the mentat and physical
heatth of the peopte who addicted to drugs. Thus his activities are prejudicia[ to the
maintenance of pubtic order & public heatth at [arge and having fett that launching of
prosecution against the detenu, woutd not have the desired effect in preventing the detenu
from acting in any manner prejudiciat to the maintenance of pubtic order and pubtic heatth,
has passed the order of detention by invoking the provisions under the said act. The Advisory
Board has also reviewed the case and opined that, there is sufficient cause for detention of
the detenu. As such the individua[ deserves the maximum period of detention, as provided
under sec.1 3 of the Act.
5. NOW, THEREFORE, after due consideration of the report of the Advisory Board and the
material available on record, the Government, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-
section (1)of section-12 read with section-13 of the said Act, hereby confirm the Order of
Detention first read above, made by the Commissioner of Potice, Warangat, as approved in
the G.O. 2nd read above and direct that, the detention of Karam Ramu S/o. Late tiabu Rao,
Age:. 27 Years, Caste: Koya, Occ: Cootie, R/o. H.No.13-5-50, Ashoknagar Cotony,
Bhadrachalam, Bhadradri Kothagudem District, be continued for a period of 12 (Twetve)
months from the date of detenu's detention i.e., 16.O7.2022.
Karam Ramu S/o. Late Babu Rao, Age: 27 Years, Caste: Koya, Occ: Coo[ie, R/o. H.No.13-5-
50, Ashoknagar Colony, Bhadrachatam, Bhadradri Kothagudem District (Detenu No.1817)
(through the Superintendent of Prisons, CentraI Prison, Cheralapatty, Medchat-Matkajgiri
CoDv to:
The Director General of Police, Tetangana State, Hyderabad.
The Director Genera[ of Prisons and Correctional Services, Tetangana State, Hyderabad
The Additionat Director Generat of Police (lntettigence), Tetangana State, Hyderabad.
The Superintendent, District Jait, Khammam.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police, East Zone, Warangat.
The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Narsampet Division, Warangat.
The lnspector of Potice, Narsampet Potice Station Warangat.
d'@ ICER